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Digital journalism training brochure Robb Montgomery

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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Training that delivers results We offer five workshop programs where editors and reporters gain fluency and confidence in mobile reporting, video journalism, writing for the Web, data journalism, design, graphics, social media, and new product development. Mobile Data Video Design Innovation

A five-day course that introduces the latest mobile reporting techniques and the fundamental building blocks for producing compelling multimedia story packages.

With smartphones students will produce multimedia reports that include photo, video, text, audio and location information. (Android and iPhone supported)

With laptops students will learn how to create charts from data, report in pictures and maps, create timelines from spreadsheets and produce interactive elements that engage online audiences.

Mobile reporting:Smartphone + Laptop


Master mobile multimedia skills Learn how to use your smartphone to produce high quality multimedia

Produce compelling video sequences

Set up the camera and microphones to get the best quality and avoid common mistakes

Write and format scripts for easy-to-record voice overs

Learn how to produce NPR-style audio reports

Use geo-location information in your field reporting

Produce and share 360-degree photo and video panoramas

Build strong visual packages for video, photo collages and social media updates

Master camera and photo techniques to get most out of smartphone apps

Build photo/mapping story packages


Develop visual reporting skills

Quickly produce data-driven timeline stories with text, images, links, and video

Find sources for visuals to add to mapping locations

Move beyond static text and report with rich, interactive elements

◊ Download our completeMobile Reporting brochure

Use advanced editing and collaboration tools for larger projects

Choose the best chart type for the data you have gathered

Build data-driven surveys and polls and visualize the results

Build embeddable interactive images with videos, photos, links, and text

Transform numbers and spreadsheets into visualizations that provide impact

Build a comprehensive multimedia slideshow using your new skills

Use free or low-cost Web services to create multimedia assets


Training plans that grow confidence

Smartphone Smartphone Phone + Laptop Laptop Phone + Laptop

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




•Video reporting•Visual sequences•Natural sound


•Interviewing•Audio stories•Telepromptr•Scripts•Voice overs•Live video streaming


•Photo+GPS story,•Panoramas, collages •and photo stories•Fast images to social media


•Data and visualizations•Maps •Charts


Team Project:Small groups will plan a story package and make reporting assignments

Go into the field to gather original reporting




LAB: Log, edit and assemble a video sequence

FIELD EXERCISES LAB: Build an interview audio package and a new video sequence


LAB: Produce a photo + GPS story, panoramas, photo essay, and a two video sequences


•Surveys/ polls•Interactive Images•Timelines


Students return from their reporting and edit final packages into a comprehensive package.

Presentations and Final review

Progressive lectures and labs guide students to combine new skills

The schedule shown above is a one week intensive training plan we produced for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalists in Moscow, Bishkek and Tbilisi.


A three day course designed to introduce journalists to writing for structure, managing data and spreadsheets, understanding data visualizations, creating online surveys for interviews, and learning new ways to present data-driven information.

Participants also learn advanced social media and collaboration techniques.

Data journalism, social media and writing for the Web


Grow your digital journalism literacyMaster interview and research techniques using the latest online tools

Grasp the fundamentals of structured text, SEO, and metadata

Learn how to verify content on social networks

Master the curation of content and advanced sourcing techniques

Visualize information from databases

Adopt best practices for Twitter and Facebook engagement

Apply advanced search techniques for social media

Develop a Social Media monitoring and response system

Choose the best chart type for the data you have gathered

Learn curation techniques and short-form writing that propels digital stories

Build data-driven surveys and polls and visualize the results

Build embeddable interactive images with videos, photos, links, and text

Learn how to incorporate all this multimedia into your blog


Students will gain experience and confidence with all aspects of producing news video packages.

From story planning, to filming visual sequences, camera and microphone usage, conducting interviews, lighting techniques, gathering sound, and editing footage.

This is an immersive multi-day course for a small group of participants.

Video journalism and documentary filmmaking


Master the art of reporting in videoLearn how to report and build visually-driven narratives

Master the camera and the technology

How to tell a visual story

Learn the critical angles and shots for video sequences

Basic lighting for interviews

Story planning and scene storyboarding

Editing tips for solving common problems

Mastering Pieces to Camera and stand-ups

Video for live events

Understand common edits

Recording voice-over narration

How to prepare and conduct interviews

How to film VOX pops

Advanced interviewing techniques

How to use action cams like the GoPro Hero

Learn to write scripts for Telepromter reads

Capturing and building natural sound assets


A multi-day, practical workshop in visual storytelling, publication design, and best practices in visual editing.

Learn how to tell stories beyond words, how to plan packages and identify goals for a redesign project

Publication design and redesign


Design expertise to guide your teamsHow to innovate on deadline using scalable design strategies

Master the elements and principles of design

Learn to use editor-driven planning techniques

Learn to design stories and news products from a reader-centric perspective

Improve photo usage and graphics planning

How to organize the editorial and ad space to build a publication roadmap

Master the fundamentals of the cover design and double pages

Case studies of innovative redesign projects from around the world

Adopt proven layout techniques to create high impact page designs

Learn magazine approaches to crafting story packages

How to reorganize your newsroom and workflows to achieve great design

Plan visual elements to answer story questions


From brainstorming ideas to scoping, scheduling, and execution you’ll develop the skills to effectively organize and develop almost any new idea for a new product or services into a refined concept suitable to pitch to decision-makers.

Rapid prototyping ideas for new products and services


This workshop is for editors, managers, Web producers or any team that has to develop actionable plans for new products and services.

Develop, design and share great ideasThis seminar can be produced as a one-day or multi-day workshop according to client goals.

Clients usually provide a seed focus and key data around developing a new app, print product or Web site.

Learn how to identify and organize the development phases for any new product or service.

We use the Design Method™ to show how small teams can rapidly develop innovative concepts, refine their ideas and move them forward without delay.

Incorporate market research, develop mission objectives and structure the visual presentations using Maestro techniques.

Gain management insight in how to build and manage creative teams.

Participants learn market-focused techniques and apply a systematic approach to developing market-driven ideas and prototypes to reach new or existing audiences.


The new stuff is not news to usWe’ve been providing multimedia training and consulting for media professionals since 2005.
