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Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)

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  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    IML 651

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    Traditional Library

    Definition of Digital Library

    Benefits of Digital Library

    Characteristics of digital Library

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the session, students will be able to;

    Understand the basic concepts of a digital library.

    Explain the characteristics and benefits of a digital


    See the transformation of a traditional library to

    become digital and virtual based.

    See how digital libraries have changed the way we

    retrieve information, the way we learn and the way we


  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Traditional Library

    An entity in which information containers are selected,

    acquired, organized, disseminated, and preserved. (Information

    containers are traditional formats in which information is

    stored, eg. Magazines, journals, monographs, indexes, referencematerials, etc)

    To accomplish these tasks, some administrative infrastructure,

    however complex, must control the working of the entity.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    Dowell (1994);

    A library that heavily draws on electronic sources and hence has

    little or no printed material and support staff.

    A traditional library that has a significant portion of the

    collection transformed into the electronic form.

    Hein (1999), Suggests that an array of expertise is required tocollect, organize and deliver digital information, and the

    primary role of librarians in digital library development will be

    an extension of what has been doing on for decades.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    Williams (2000), A digital library can be defined as a

    distributed information system ensuring reliable storage and

    effective use of heterogeneous collections of electronic

    documents text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) via global data

    transfer networks in a way convenient for the end user.

    Kapitzke (2001), Truly digital / virtual information does notrequire a huge premise or physical layout. Digitization and its

    two main derivatives the Internet and the hypertext, propelled

    information access and exchange into the era of cyberspace and

    the cyber library or CYBRARY


  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    Digital libraries are about new ways of dealing with knowledge

    preserving, collecting, organizing, propagating, and accessing it

    not about deconstructing existing institutions and putting

    them in an electronic box. (Witten, 2003)

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)



    Digital library basically store materials in electronic format and

    manipulate large collections of those material effectively. Research

    into digital libraries is research network information systems,

    concentrating on how to develop the necessary infrastructure toeffectively mass-manipulate the information on the Net. The key

    technological issues are how to search and display desired selections

    from and across large collections.

    The concept of a Digital Library is not merely equivalent to a

    digitized collection with information management tools. It is rather

    an environment to bring together collections, services and people in

    support of the full life cycle of creation, dissemination, use and

    preservation of data, information and knowledge.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    1. The digital library brings the library to the


    A digital library brings the information to theusersdesk, either at work or at home. With adigital library on the desk top, the reader

    never need to visit a library building. There isa library wherever there is a personalcomputer with a network connection.

    2. Computer power is used for searching and


    Computers are particularly useful forreference work that involved repeated leapsfrom one source of information to another.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    3. Information can be shared

    Placing digital information on a networkmakes it available to everybody. Many digitallibraries or electronic publications aremaintained at a single central site. This is avast improvement over expensive physical

    duplication of little used material, or theinconvenience of unique material that isunobtainable without traveling to the locationwhere it is stored.

    4. Information is easier to keep current

    Printed materials are awkward to update.Keeping information current is less laboriouswhen the definitive version is in digital formatand stored on a central computer.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    5. The information is always available

    Universal access 24/7. It means the availabilityof information 24 hours / day, 7 days / week.

    The door of the digital library never close. A

    recent study at a British university found that

    about half the use of a librarys digitalcollection was at hours when the library

    buildings were closed.

    6. Integration of information types become


    Symbols, sound, graphics, 3Ds, photographs,

    models, etc. Ex. Mathematics library can store

    mathematical expressions as computer symbols

    that can be manipulated by mean of a programsuch a Mathematica or Maple.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    7. Cost effective

    Digital libraries may save money. Initially the

    digital libraries are also expensive but the

    components of digital libraries are declining

    rapidly in price.

    8. Preservation Conservation

    Preservation of the original materials because

    once digitized, it reduces the handling of the

    originals especially rare and fragile objects.

    Fragile and precious artifacts has encouraged

    many museums, archives and galleries around

    the world to develop digitized collections for

    user from all over the world to access.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    9. Increases professional collaboration

    10. Convenience of use / safe time / safe cost

    especially in document delivery.

    11. Supports distance education initiatives for

    lifelong learning.

    People are being encouraged to learn

    throughout their lives and not just while

    formally studying within traditional

    educational establishment.

    12. Safe library space.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    13. Digital Libraries allows greater creativity in

    terms of information presentation (images,

    color contrast, layout).

    14. Intensify the application of automatic

    indexing. The creation of digital information

    for use by Digital Libraries has automatically

    increased the possibility of online indexing

    since now information is in digitized form.

    Automatic indexing is possible only with

    information in a digital format.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Benefits of Digital Library

    15. Repositories in DLs

    Researchers in universities around the world

    have become used to online communication

    and are keen to enable the flow of scholarly

    thought via published papers in digital formfrom repositories.

    16. Higher expectation from professional users

    These user have become used to searching theweb for entertainment, travel and other

    information, and so they expected to be

    provided with quality digital information

    sources for their professional work.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Characteristics of Digital Library

    1. DL may contain a variety of digital information

    resources ranging from text to image, audio and video.

    2. DL largely reduce the need for the physical space

    required for building and maintaining traditional


  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Characteristics of Digital Library

    3. DL users may be distributed anywhere in the world, and in

    some cases several different levels of services have to be

    designed to meet the needs of local as well as remote users.

    4. Unlike in TL, DL users may build their own personal

    collection (s) by using the facilities provided by digital

    libraries. User can build their own digital collection in their

    personal workspace for future use.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Characteristics of Digital Library

    5. DL provide access to various types of information resources

    that may reside on different servers around the globe and

    hence infrastructure, interoperability, and so on, are verycritical issues in DL development and management.

    6. Several users can use the same information resource at the

    same time, which is not possible in a TL.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Characteristics of Digital Library

    7. DL have brought a paradigm shift not only in the use of

    information (from print to digital) but also in the

    concept of ownership / digital ownership.

    8. DL libraries break time, space and language barriers.

    Ideally, users from anywhere in the world should be

    able to use a DL at any time and possibly in any


  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Impact of Digital Library


    Incur huge intellectual and financial capital

    In USA, DLI 1- US24 million In USA, DLI 2- US44 million

    In UK, the eLib programthe 3 phases 20

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Impact of Digital Library

    A Digital Library brings information to the user.

    Manipulation of information (positive vs. negative).

    Tremendous increase in information sharing. Timely and immediate access to information.

    Publishing material much easier than traditional publication

    (to print may take 6 months or more).

    Improved use of information.

    Improved collaboration.

    Reduction of the digital divide.

    Increase in distance learning.

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


    Impact of Digital Library

    Change the ways we do our day to day work.


    Research Jobs

    Problem- solving

    Decision- making

    Recreational activities

  • 8/10/2019 Digital Libraries (Chap 1 & 2)


