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Digital Literacies for Academia, Employability and Active Citizenship

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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Digital Literacies for Academia, Employability and Active Citizenship Vicky Grant Head of Library Learning Services Pete Mella Learning Technologist Caterina Sciamanna Library Digital Skills Coordinator

Digital Literacies for Academia, Employability and Active CitizenshipVicky GrantHead of Library Learning ServicesPete MellaLearning TechnologistCaterina SciamannaLibrary Digital Skills Coordinator

Vic to introduce us

Image by JISC reproduced under the CC BY-NC-ND licenceJISC (2014) Developing digital literacies [online], available: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-digital-literacies [accessed 08 March 2016].

VicLots of models about. Here is one from JISC which we critiqued at our digital lteracy away day. We also looked at Doug Belshaws work. Doug wrote his EdD thesis on digital literacies. We will look at some of his work later. Whats interesting is that his focus is very conceptual. #







Which digital tools do you use for these information literacies?Information and digital literacy for academia, employability and for active digital citizenship

VicWe have looked at these different models and created our ownWe wanted to keep a focus on the learning (the literacies) These give us some stability - the digital landscape is very fluid but what our students are doing fundamentally (broadly creating critiquing and consuming knowledge) is relatively stable.

This one defines the literacies, why and whatCreating information is emerging as a key activity in our University Libraries. Today we have a number of exercises that requires skills of creating, finding and managing in the context of using images in assessment#

In this sessionWhat does assessment look like?Do students have the literacies to support this?Image taskConclusions* The University of Sheffield


What does assessment look like?On your tables, after a short discussion, draw an image of what assessment looks like to you. You can be as literal or metaphorical as you like!

You have 10 minutes.* The University of Sheffield


Whats the word count of an image?University of Sheffield Student

Dont use third party images, its too complicatedUniversity of Sheffield Lecturer The University of Sheffield

Vic Here are two quotes which communicate the tensions around different forms of assessment and the need to engage and support these information and digital literacies amongst both our staff and our students.

What information, academic and digital literacies are needed to support this?

You are given an assignment to the following, as a group:Produce a creative image that represents the estimated future population of 10bn people, and the challenges this would bring to the world.

In groups of 4 5 people, discuss what literacies do students need to support this task?Add your ideas to Padlet:https://padlet.com/p_mella/literacies

* The University of Sheffield


Subject knowledge blended with information, academic and digital literacy including:

Information skillsGeneral IT skillsImage sourcingKnowledge of specific image softwareArtistic skill

Knowledge of copyright/IPAwareness of plagiarismEthicsTeam-workDelegationDigital footprint* The University of Sheffield


Copyright issuesCopyright is an automatic right granted to protect creators intellectual property.Infringing copyright is a criminal offence.Something being openly available on the Internet does not make it Public Domain!* The University of Sheffield


When you can use materialExpired copyrightFair dealingCriticism & ReviewReporting of factual eventsIncidental usageExaminationsCreative Commons

* The University of Sheffield


Creative Commons (CC)0 Effectively Public DomainAttribution Requires a creditNon Commercial Cant be used for commercial purposesNo Derivative Works Cant be remixed in any wayShare Alike Can be remixed, but whats created must also be released with a CC License.

* The University of Sheffield


PlagiarismEven if something is used correctly via Public Domain or a Creative Commons 0 License, it must still be credited academically.Audiovisual citation guidelines - http://bufvc.ac.uk/projects-research/avcitationDeveloping Library Harvard referencing tutorial

* The University of Sheffield


Now youre the studentAssignment: Produce a creative image that represents the estimated future population of 10bn people, and the challenges this would bring to the world.Task: In your groups find two images for the project, using the sites suggested or others that you are familiar with. You might find this doc usefulPost your images on the Padlet wall:https://padlet.com/p_mella/images

* The University of Sheffield

PeteCaterina to share handout

Information and digital literacy for digital citizenshipEssential elements of digital literacies

Belshaw, D. (2012) The essential elements of digital literacies: Doug Belshaw at TEDxWarwick [online], available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8yQPoTcZ78 [accessed 08 March 2016].Image used with the authors permission

VicDoug talks about the essential elements of digital literacy. And about how these relate to remixing messages.He gives some frivolous examples but then says that these things can be used seriously and for real social good. Student occupation at the University of California Davis. How imagery was used to represent pepper spraying.


Licht, M. 2016. Brexit. [Online] Accessed 27 June 2016. Available from www.flickr.com. CC BY

Heres a more topical example. What does this represent? Two things that have stood out to me about the referendum is that people have said that they were not well informed. But also that the the people who wanted to remain, including many of my colleagues in the University, they didnt expect the Brexit. If, as a society, we had better information and digital literacy and if we could communicate our beliefs more effectively would we be better digital citizens?#

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