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Digital Signal Processing

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DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Pr of . Dr. Ljuba Stankovi ć University of Montenegro, Montenegr o

    Prof. Dr. Ljubia Stankovi

    University of Montenegro, Montenegro

  • Digital signal processingDigital signal processing


    1. Discrete-time signals and systems

    2. Discrete Fourier transform

    3. z-transform

    4. Spectral estimation

    5. Time-frequency analysis

    6. Multidimensional signal processing

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Discrete signals

    Discrete signal x[n] can be represented as a sequence of real or complex numbers, where with

    n is denoted n th number. Some important and very often used discrete

    signals (sequence):

    Unite impulse

    Unite impulse is called also delta function or

    simply impulse, and defined as:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systemsUnite step

    A discrete time unite step function is defined to be:

    Real exponential functions

    A real discrete-time exponential function is given by:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systemsSinusoidal and complex exponential signals


    A signal x[n] is said to be periodic with N if x[n] = x[n+N]. A complex exponential sequence is periodic only if 2/0 is integer number or if it is rational number p/q.

    0jw ne

  • Discrete-Time signals and systemsExamples


    for k = 1 N = 3.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


    for k =7 we have N = 6.


    From above equation we can conclude that sequence is not periodic.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    It is important to note that an arbitrary sequence

    can be written in the form:

    Some important definition for a discrete signals

    1. Magnitude of signal:

    2. Energy of a signal:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Linear shift-invariant discrete systems

    Discrete systems can be described by transform

    which maps output sequence x[n] into output equence y[n]:

    where T is operator which denote transform of a system.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Linear system

    System is linear if:

    Examples:Consider following systems and check their linearity:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


    Thus, the system is not linear.

    Thus, the system is linear.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Shift invariance

    A system is shift invariant if the characteristics of system are not function of time, i.e. if a input signal

    x(n) produce output signal is y(n), than inputsignal x(n- N) will produce output signal y(n N)


    Consider systems:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


    Obviously, the system is shift-invariant.

    The system is not shift-invariant.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systemsDescription of a linear shift-invariant systems through

    a response of a systems on the unite impulse:

    If a systems are shift-invariant than:

  • This is convolution sum and it can be written as:

    It is very easy to show:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Causality and stability

    System is causal if :

    System is stabile if for we have

    for any value n.


    From above equation follows:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Difference equations

    The general form of linear difference equations

    with constant coefficients is presented by:

    For this equation there is exist family of solutions,

    so it is necessary to set initial conditions for

    uniquely solution. If we assume that system is

    causal i.e. if x(n) = 0 for n < N than y(n) = 0 for n 0 than in our example we have:

    This system has finite impulse response-FIR system.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Fourier transform of a discrete signals

    Consider complex exponential signal:

    For this signal we can write:

    With relation:

    is defined Fourier transform of a discrete signal h(n).

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


    In general case:

    Uniform convergence:

    Having in mind:

    We can conclude that Fourier transform of discrete signals is periodic with 2.Since is periodic we can consider it as a Fouriers series.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    A inverse transform can be obtained:

    We have:


    By using definition compute Fourier transform for:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems




    In this case the amplitude characteristic will be:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Properties of the Fourier transform of discrete


    1. Linearity

    2. Shifting in the time

    3. Modulation

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    4. Convolution

    By substitution m = n k we obtain:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    5. Product

    If we interchange order of integration and

    summation, we have:

    Finally we have:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Sampling of continuous-time signals

    According to Shannon theorem continuous signal

    can be recovered from its discrete version if

    discrete signal has been sampled by periodic

    sampling T which satisfy condition:T =1/(2fm)

    where fm is maximal frequency of a signal.Consider an analog signal xa(t) that has the Fourier representation:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    Assume that signal xa(t) has limited bandwidth,i.e.:

    Consider now a periodic form Xp(ja) of the Xa(ja) that has a period 2 0. The Fourier transform Xa(ja) can be recovered from Xp(ja) if 0 a.Since Xp(ja) is periodic, it can be expanded in the Taylor series:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    where is T =/ 0. The Fouriers coefficient can be obtained from:

    If we compare last equation with equations that give xa(t), we can conclude:

  • Finally, we have that samples of signal xa(t) and Xp(ja) form a Fourier pair.

    Now, we have:

    Discrete-Time signals and systems

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


    1. If output signal is:

    and impulse response of a system is:

    Compute signal on the output of the system.


    On the output of the system amplitude and phase

    of the input signal will be changed.

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems


  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    2. If:

    find signal h(n).


  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    3. Find the Fourier transform of the signal

    h(t) = etu(t) and draw its amplitude characteristic.Write a discrete form of the signal and draw its

    amplitude characteristics for the cases T = 1 and T =0. 2.Solution:

    Thus, we have

    By discretization we obtain:

    and its Fourier transform:

  • Discrete-Time signals and systems

    4. Compute the sum:

    Consider the sequence with the Fourier transform:

    From above equation follows:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Definition of the discrete Fourier transform

    We have seen that the Fourier transform of a

    discrete signal is continual and periodic function

    with period 2. If we want to use this transform in

    digital signal processing, we need its discrete

    version, i.e. we have to sample it in frequency


    Consider the Fourier transform of a signal x(n). Assume that X(ej) is sampled with rate = 2/N, where N is number of samples along the period.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Since samples of signal and its Fourier transform

    are the transformations pair, we have that

    sampling in the frequency domain cause periodical

    signal in the time domain and vice versa.

    Thus, for the discrete Fourier transform we have

    the periodic signal xp(n) obtained from x(n).

  • For the sampling rate in frequency domain

    ( a = /T)

    we have periodic series in the time domain with the period tp = NpT:

    From the above equation we have:Np = N

    It means the following: If we want that the

    periodic signal contains the original signal x(n), discretization must be done with the same (or

    greater) number of samples as a duration of the signal x(n).

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Definition of the discrete Fourier transform:

    where it is assumed:

    Xp(k) is the discrete Fourier transform.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    If we use notation:

    the discrete Fourier transform can be written in theform:

    Or matrix form:

    We see that the computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform require approximately N2

    multiplications and additions.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Inverse discrete Fourier transform

    Inverse form of the discrete Fourier transform can

    be obtained by multiplication of DFT definition by

    WN km. Thus we have:


  • Discrete Fourier TransformFrom the above equations follows the definition of

    the inverse Fourier transform:

    If the duration of the signal x(n) is smaller than N we have:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform


    where w(n) denotes the window function defined by:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform


    1. Find the discrete Fourier transform of the sequence:

    Solution:From the equation for x(n) we see that the duration of x(n) is Np = 5. Thus we have touse N Np =5. Taking N = 5 we have:

    The function Xp(k) is periodic with N = 5 as well.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    2. If we have the periodic sequence Xp(n) with period Np = N, and Xp(k) is its DTF, find the DFT for the same sequence, taking Np = 2N.


    for Np =2N we have:

    the above equation can be written in the form:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    because x(n) = x(n + N) and W2NkN =(1)k.

    Now we can write relation between Xp(k) and Xp (k):

    Xp (k) = 2Xp(k) for k even, and Xp (k) = 0 for k odd.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Relationship between frequency and k th number in the discrete Fourier transform

    If the signal x(n) is obtained by sampling of the analog signal xa(t ), than the frequency of the discrete signal can be represented through the analog frequency a, by:

    By discretization of the Fourier transform we have:

    From the previous two equations we have:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Note that this equation holds only for k N/2 1.Frequencies between N/2 1 and N are mapped negative frequencies:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Zero padding

    Number of samples of the discrete Fourier

    transform N in frequency domain depends on the number of samples of a signal in the time domain.

    If we want to get more samples within the basic

    period of the Fourier transform (interpolation), by

    using the discrete Fourier transform, then it is necessary to take more samples as a signal period.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    It can be easy obtained by adding zero values at

    end of the signal sequence.

    Number of zero values depends from our will, i.e.,

    on how many samples we want to have in the

    discrete Fourier transform.

    This procedure can be understood as an

    interpolation of the discrete Fourier transform.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Some properties of the discrete Fourier transform -Convolution of periodic signals

    Consider following properties of the discrete

    Fourier transform:

    1. If :


    We have the sequence:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    By substitution n m = l follows:

    It can be shown that:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Convolution of periodic versions of signals

    Consider signals xp1(n) and xp2(n) which are periodic versions of signals x1(n) and x2(n).

    In order to derive period for this convolution consider the following example.

    Illustrative example

    In this example we will consider signals: x1(n) = u(n) u(n 5), and x2(n) = u(n) u(n 5).

  • Discrete Fourier TransformSince signals have period N = 5, then for the

    DFT calculation, we can form periodicals versions

    with N 5. In this example assume N = 7.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    From the Figure it is easy to obtain

    xp3(n) = xp1(n) xp2(n):

    From the Figures we see that results are

    different for the original signals and their periodic


    The reason is in overlapping of fictive periods.

  • Discrete Fourier TransformIf we want to avoid this effect we have to

    introduce enough number of zero values.

    Namely, if either sequence has duration N then the period has to be 2N-1, or in general if duration of the first one is N and duration of the second one is M, then the period has to be M N1.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    When the duration of input signal is

    significantly different from the duration of

    sequence of impulse response (duration of the

    impulse response is significantly shorter), we can

    decompose the input sequence into few

    subsequence, i.e.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Thus output is obtained as:

    Here we must be careful since before every

    convolution we must add L 1 zero values (it is assumed that L duration of a subsequence).

  • Discrete Fourier TransformFast Fourier transform FFT

    Algorithm called the Fast Fourier transform or FFT

    algorithm plays very important role in digital signal


    This algorithm is an interesting research topic.

    That is the reason why exist various forms of this


    By using the FFT time needed for computation

    of the discrete Fourier transform can significantly

    be reduced comparing time for computation of the

    discrete Fourier transform by definition.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    In our consideration we will present an

    approach that belongs to the group of algorithms

    called Decimations-in-Frequency.

    The aim of this decimation is to decompose

    Xp(k) Into subsequences, then further, subsequences into subsequences etc.

    For this algorithm it is necessary that the

    number of samples is of the form:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Now decompose sequence Xp(k) into two sequences:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    From the previous equation we have:

    Having in mind:

    and that summations in both terms are from 0 to

    N/2 1, we can write:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    If we separate the previous equation for k = 2r and k = 2r + 1, we get:



  • Discrete Fourier Transform


    we have:

    We see that the resulting transform is in the form of two transforms with N/2 terms.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Thus, one discrete Fourier transform with N terms is decomposed into two discrete Fourier transform with N/2 terms.

    We have concluded that for the calculation of the DFT with N elements, by definition, we need approximately N2 operations. For two DFTs of N/2 elements we need 2(N/2)2 = N2/2 calculations.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    This procedure can be continued in n steps, we have the elements as a simple multiplication and


    Consider an example with N = 23.


    Finally, we can conclude that:

    N log2N

    is number of necessary multiplications and

    summations, as well.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    It is interesting to find ratio N2/(N log2N) which illustrates efficiency of the FFT algorithm in comparison with calculation of the discrete Fourier transform by definition.

    For example, for N = 512, if we need 1 minute to compute the discrete Fourier transform on a computer, by using the FFT it will be calculated for only 1 second.

  • Discrete Fourier Transform


    1. Find the discrete Fourier transform of the following sequences:

    a) x(0) = 1, x(1) = 1, x(2) = 1b) x(n) = an (u(n) u(n N))


    a) Taking N = 3 we can write:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    b) Taking period N we have:

    Taking for example a =1, follows:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    2. Find relationship between Xp(k) and Xp(N k) in the case of real sequences xp(n).



    We can conclude that in the case of real

    sequence xp(n) we have:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    3. If g(n) and f(n) are real sequences, show that their discrete Fourier transforms (G(k) andF(k)) can be obtained from the discrete Fourier transform Y(k) of the sequence y(n) = g(n)+ jf(n).


    From the signal y(n) = g(n) + jf(n) we can write:

    The discrete Fourier transform of y(n) is:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    Conjugate complex value of the previous

    equation gives:

    From the above equation the discrete Fourier

    transform of the signal y (n) follows:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    4. The relationship between k th number in the discrete Fourier transform and analog value of the

    frequency is given by:

    If we want to avoid shifting of the discrete Fourier

    transform for k = N/2 1 we can multiply input signal x(n) by (1).


    The discrete Fourier transform of the (1)x(n) is:

  • Discrete Fourier Transform

    for k N/2 1 we have:

    Thus we have:

    For the case k > N/2 1 follows:

    Thus we have

    Illustration additionally can show results of this transformation.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    The z-transform can be understood as a generalization of the Fourier transform.

    Applications of this transform are mainly for

    description and realization of systems.

    Definition of the z-transform

    Z-transform of the signal x(n) is defined as:

    where z is complex.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    X(z) is defined for z where previous sum converges.

    The region of convergence of the z-transform isdefined by two annular ring with r1 and r2 which contain the poles of the function X(z).

    The values r1 and r2 depend from the behavior of the signal x(n) in the cases when n tends plus infinity and minus infinity.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Example 1

    Find the z-transform of the signal x(n)=u(n)


    According to definition we have:

    We know that previous sum converge for

    |z1 | 1.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Thus the region of convergence is exterior (to the

    pole location z = 1) of the unit circle |z| = 1. The poles are denoted by x , while the zeros by o .

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Example 2

    Find the z-transform of the signal x(n) = u(n 1).


    According to definition we have:

    where the region of convergence is defined by

    |z| < 1.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    From the previous two examples we can conclude

    that either have the same X(z).

    Thus we can conclude that by using z-transform a signal is not uniquely determined. However if we

    have also the region of convergence uniquely will

    be satisfied.

    Consider now, four important sequence and find

    their z-transform.

    1. Causal series x(n) = 0 for n < 0The z-transform of this signal is:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    We see that z belong to the region of convergence.

    Thus we can conclude that region of convergence

    will be annular ring exterior to the pole location

    with the longest distance R from origin, so we have: R < |z| < .

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    2. Non causal series x(n) = 0 for n > 0.

    We se that sum converge for z = 0. The region of convergence is the disk centered at the origin

    and interior to the pole location R. Where R is the pole the nearest to the origin, 0 |z| < R.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    3. Sum of the causal and anticausal series

    For this case we have:

    From the previous considerations we have

    concluded that first series converge for:

    0 |z| < R1and second one for:

    R2 < |z| <

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    The resultant region of convergence is:

    R2 < |z| < R1

    This is the annular ring. If R2 > R1 than the region of convergence is .

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Example Find the z-transform and the region of convergence for the series:

    X(n) = an u(n) bn u(n 1).


    The first sum converge for |z| >a, while the second one for |z| < b. thus the region ofconvergence is:

    a < |z| < b

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    4. Finite length sequences x(n) = 0 for n n1 and n n2

    We conclude that sum converge for any z except 0 and/or what depends from conditions aren1 and n2 positive or negative numbers.

  • Z Z TransformTransformInverse z-transform

    The inverse z-transform is defined by:

    If we multiply right and left side of the previous

    equations by: zk1 and if we perform integrationalong restricted closed path C which resideswithin the region of convergence, we obtain:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Since integral on the right side of the equation is

    different from zero only for k = n, wehave:

    This is the general form for determination of the

    inverse z-transform. The previous integral canbe calculated by using the theorem of residuum:

    The residuum of the function F(z) in the pole z = z0, that is pole of order k, can be calculatedwith:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    The inverse z-transform will be calculated on the base of expansion of X(z) in the series withrespect z1. In that case we write X(z) in the form:

    Than by comparing the previous equation and

    definition of the inverse z-transform we see thatX(n) = Xn.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Example 1. Find the inverse z-transform for:

    Solution:Expanding the previous equations into series for |z| > 1/4 we have:

    Thus we can conclude:

    X(n) = (1/4)nu(n)

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    In the case when the region of convergence is

    |z| < 1/4 coefficients of series must be lessthan 1, so X(z) has to be transformed in the form:


  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Example 2.

    Find x(n) if


    Consider first:

    thus we have:

    x(n) = an u(n)

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    If we find differential of X1(z), we obtain:

    Now we have:

    x(n) = an-1 u(n)

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Table of the z-transform

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Properties of the z-transform

    Derivations of the properties of the z-transform are analogy with the properties of the Fourier


    1. Linearity

    If we have y(n) = ax(n) + bh(n) than Y(z) = aX(z) + bY(z).

    2. Shifting in the time domain

    For the signal x(n n0), we have:

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    Consider the difference equation

    x(n 1) 2x(n 2) = y(n)+ y(n + 1)

    and represent its in z domain.


  • Z Z TransformTransform

    3. Multiplication by complex exponential sequence

    4. Convolution

    If we have y(n) = x(n) h(n) than follows:

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    By using z-transform find convolution of the signals:

    x(n) = u(n) and h(n) = (1/3)n u(n)


    By using property 3, we obtain:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Now, we have:

    The region of convergence is |z| >1. y(n) will be obtain by using inverse z-transform. First wewill write previous equation in the following form:

    where B = 3/2 and C = 1/2.Thus we can write:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Relationship between z-transform, Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform

    If we compare definition of the Fourier transform

    of discrete signals and z-transform definition we see that Fourier transform is equal to the z-transform for |z| = 1. Thus the values of the z-transform on the |z| = 1 in z domain are the values of the Fourier transform of the sequence.

    By expressing the complex variable z in polar form as z = re j , we obtain:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    taking r = 1 follows:

    In general case the z-transform on the circuits defined by r is equal to the Fourier transform of the sequence x(n) multiplied by rn.This is reason why the z-transform exist in the some cases when the Fourier transform does not exist.

  • Z Z TransformTransformOne example that confirm the previous

    statement is x(n) = u(n).

    The Fourier transform of this sequence does not

    converge, but the z-transform converge for r > 1.

    From the previous considerations we know that

    the values of discrete Fourier transform are the

    samples of the Fourier transform of discrete


    This means that the values of

    discrete Fourier transform are equal to the samples

    of the z-transform for |z| = 1.

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    Find the z-transform of the sequence:

    x(n) = u(n) u(n 4)

    and in the case N = 8 find the Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform by using result

    obtained for z-transform.


  • Z Z TransformTransform

    System function

    Consider a system where is:

    y(n) = x(n) h(n)

    Having in mind properties of the z-transformfollows:

    Y(z) = X(z)H(z)

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    The z-transform of the impulse response is referred to as the system function.

    The system function evaluated on the unit circle

    (|z| = 1) is the frequency impulse response of the system.

    From the previous considerations we know that

    stable system must satisfied condition:

  • Z Z TransformTransformConsider now the z-transform of the h(n):

    From the previous equation follows that in the

    case of stabile systems unit circle |z| = 1must belong to the region of convergence of the

    function H(z).

    For causal system the region convergence must be

    exterior of a circle passing through the pole of

    H(z) that is farthest from the origin.

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    Check the causality of the system:


    We see that the region of convergence is |z| > 1/2. Thus the system is causal.

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Consider now the system described by a linear

    Constant coefficient difference equation, i.e.

    the system that satisfy the general N th order difference equation:

    Applying the z-transform to each side of previous equation, we have:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    where the property of the z-transform:

    is used.

    Now, we can write:

    In the case where Aj = 0 for j > 0, the system with finite impulse response is obtained (FIR) and

    in that case we have:

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    Find the impulse response of the causal system

    described by:

    and check its stability.


  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Poles of this function are: z1 = 1 and z1 = 1/4.

    Since the system is causal the region of

    convergence is |z| > 4. This means that the system is not stabile (unit circle does not belong to

    the region of convergence).

    In order to determinate h(n), write H(z) in the form:

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    1. Find the z-transform of the sequencex(n) =(n 5).


    2. If X(z) is the z-transform of x(n), find the z-transform of:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    By substitution n + k = m, we have:

    Y(z) = X(z)X(1/z)

    3. Find the impulse response of the system with z-transform:


    Having in mind expansion in the series:

    we can write:

  • Z Z TransformTransform


    4. Find the causal sequence x(n), if its z-transform has the form:


    Write X(z) in the form:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    Thus we have:

    x(n) =[ 1.25 0.25(0.2)n]u(n)

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    5. For the system shown in Figure, find system

    function, check stability, and determine response

    on the signal

    x(n) = (n) 2 (n 1).


    From the Figure we have:

  • Z Z TransformTransform

    The system function is:

    The pole of this system is z = 2, this fact means if the system is causal it is not stabile.

    If x(n) = (n) 2 (n 1) than:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYIntroduction to random signals

    At the beginning, we will give some important


    Mean of the process is defined as:

    The operator of mean value E is linear, i.e.:

    If the random variables are independent or

    uncorrelated then:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYA sufficient condition for independence is:

    In this case the random variables are statistically


    Mean square value of x(n) is:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYCorrelations and covariances

    The autocorrelation is defined as:


    where denotes complex conjugation.

    The cross-correlation of two random processes x(n) and y(n) is defined as:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYThe autocovariance is defined as:

    If n = m the variance is obtained:

    In the case of stationary process, the variance is

    independent of time and denoted as

    In the case of random processes that are

    stationary in the wide sense we have:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYIn this case autocorrelation depends only on the

    time difference m n, thus:

    Also we have:


    The signal that has the autocorrelation in the form:

    is called white noise.

    The name comes from the fact that the Fourier

    transform of this is constant

    It means that power density spectrum of this

    function is constant, what is the property of the

    white light.

    In the case of real noise w we have:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYPower density spectrum

    Consider the z-transform of the autocorrelation rzz(n) (in the case of stationary signals):

    Define now Sxx() as values of the z-transform on the unit circle:

    Note that Sxx() is a real-valued function, since

  • ESTIMATION THEORYFrom the above equation wecan write:

    Having in mind the definition of rxx(n), we have:

    Thus, the expected signal power is equal to the integral of Sxx() . This is the reason why Sxx() is called power spectral density. Later, it will be shown that the signal energy within the frequency region [1, 2] is equal to the integral of Sxx() from 1 to 2.

  • ESTIMATION THEORYLinear systems and random signals

    For a linear system we know that:

    If the signal x(n) is stationary, i.e. E{x(n k)}= MIx, we can write:


    The auto-correlation of the output signal is

    defined as:

    In the case of stationary signal when

    rxx(n i,m k)= rxx(n m k i), we have:

    We can conclude,if the signal x(n) is stationary in the wide sense, then the signal at the output of

    the linear system is stationary in the wide sense,as


  • ESTIMATION THEORYFind, now, the z-transform of the ryy(n,m).

    We have:

    By substitution l=p k + i, we obtain:

    If h(n) is real:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYPower spectral density is:

    Therefore if |H(e j)|2 is an ideal band-pass filter for the interval [1, 2] then the expectedpower of the output signal is:

    since Sxx(1) could be considered as a constant within [1, 2] for small 2 1 . This provesthat Sxx(1) is the spectral power density.

  • ESTIMATION THEORYOptimal filtering

    Consider the signal in the form:

    x(n) = s(n) + w(n)

    where s(n) is desired signal and w(n) is the noise.If we assume that the signal and noise are

    uncorrelated we can write:


    For the case when the power spectral density of the signal and noise are not overlapped, wecan easily obtain denoised signal..

    Namely, passing the signal through the bandpass Filter which passes only the frequency components of Sss(), denoised signal is obtained.

    However, if the noise is white (existing in the whole frequency range) by using previous method it is possible to obtain only partial denoised signal.

    In the general case the problem is in determination of d(n) = s(n + m) in the most accurateway.


    If m = 0 we have the case of optimal filtering.In some cases, it is necessary to predict the values

    of the signal in the future, then m > 0.

    However, in some cases we need to determine

    some previous value of the signal. In this case we

    have optimal smoothing, and m < 0.

    Processing by using IIR system

    Consider an IIR system defined by:


    The mean square error is:

    From this we have:

    Define, now, correlation functions:

  • From the above equations we have:

    If the signal and noise are uncorrelated, we have:


    Fourier domain form of the optimal filter, when

    d(n) s(n), is:


    Power spectrum estimation

    The mean value of the n th sample of the sequence x(n) can be estimated by:

    where xi (n) is the n th sample in the i th measurement.

    The special class of the random processes are

    ergodic processes. In this case probability

    averages are equal to time average, i.e.


    The process is ergodic if we can estimate its

    statistically properties on the base of only one

    random signal.

    In previous equation x is random value because we have finite number of samples 2N + 1.

    In the case N the value of x will be sufficiently accurate.

    Estimate, now, autocorrelation function (which

    is the mean value of the product

    x(n + m)x (n)):


    In the case of stationary process we have:

    If we know x(n) only within the interval N n N, then x(n + m) will be known only forn N m for positive number m, andn N |m| for negative number m.

    If we want to avoid calculations for positive and

    negative value of m, we will introduce symmetric product:


    In this sum we have 2N + 1 |m| terms, but we average it with 2N + 1. This is the reason whywe have systematic error that can be avoided by:

    Thus is the biased estimate of the autocorrelation


    Definition and variance of the Periodogram

    Define the Fourier transform of the biased

    autocorrelation function:


    it can be shown that:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYThe spectrum estimate IN () is called the

    periodogram. The expected value of the

    periodogram is:


  • ESTIMATION THEORYThus, the periodogram is a biased estimate of

    the power spectrum Sxx (). The previousequation can be written, using convolution, in the


    where WB is the Fourier transform of the so called Bartlett window ( for

    |m| < 2N 1) given by:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYVariance of the Periodogram

    Express the periodogram in the form:

    The covariance at frequencies 1 and 2 of IN () is:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYIn the case of white Gaussian process we have:


  • ESTIMATION THEORYTherefore, we have:

    The variance is:

  • ESTIMATION THEORYSmoothed spectrum estimators

    If the sequence x(n), 0 n N 1, is divided into K segments of M samples, the periodogramwill be:

    If we assume that periodograms are independent

    of one another, we have


    By assumption that K periodograms are statistically independent, then Bxx() is the mean of the set of K independent observations of the periodogram IM() :

    From previous equation it is clear that as K becomes large, the variance approaches zero, so

    this smoothed estimate is a consistent estimate.


    Signal values in digital signal processing are stored in a binary format, using registers witha finite length. This can cause the error.

    Namely, if we have number with b bits multiplied by another one with b bits, the result will be data with 2b bits. If the length of register is less than2b we will have truncation error. This error is:

    where Q[x] and x are numbers after and before thetruncation.

  • ESTIMATION THEORYIf we consider, now, effects of quantizations of

    analog signal, we know:

    Every samples must be represent by finite length number, so we will have truncation orrounding to the nearest quantization level and it will cause quantization error. This error can beexpressed by noise e(n), than we have:

    where x(n) is exact value and e(n) quantization error.

  • ESTIMATION THEORYIn the case of rounding the errors is in the range:

    /2 e(n) /2 while in the case of truncation it is:

    e(n) 0,where is quantization width = 2b.

    If we want to give a model to describe the effects

    of quantization we will assume:

    1. The sequences of error samples {e(n)} is a sample sequence of stationary random process.

    2. The error sequence is uncorrelated with the sequence of exact samples {x(n)} .


    3. The error is a white-noise process.

    4. The probability distribution of the error process

    is uniform over the range of quantization


    Find signal to noise ratio in the case of rounding.

    According assumption 4, we have that probability

    distribution pen(e) = 1/.



    Now we have:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Discrete N-dimensional signal can be defined as:

    where n1, n2,.....,nN are integers.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    By analogy with the one-dimensional case we can


    1. Unite impulse:

    2. Unite step:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    3. Complex exponential series

    Discrete multidimensional system can be defined by:

    with x(n) and y(n) are defined input and output signal, respectively.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    System is linear if:

    If we denote multidimensional unite impulse

    response with:

    Where . The previous equation is

    N-dimensional convolution denoted by:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Causality and stability are defined in full analogy

    with the one-dimensional case.

    Fourier transform of N-dimensional discrete signals

    The Fourier transform of an N-dimensional discrete signal is defined by:

    The inverse Fourier transform is given by:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    In the case of two-dimensional signal we have:


    Find the Fourier transform of the signal:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems


    Also, by analogy with the one dimensional

    sampling theorem, it is easy to show that:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    where it has been assumed:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Multidimensional discrete Fourier transform and FFT algorithms

    Consider two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform: the simplest 2D FFT algorithm arebased on the FFT algorithm for one-dimensional case. Namely:

    We see that for a fixed value n1, the second sum presents one-dimensional discrete Fouriertransform which can be calculated by using some of the FFT algorithms.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems


    This procedure should be repeated for all n1. Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform

    will be obtained as:

    Calculations should be performed for all k2.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Ratio of number of additions and summations

    for discrete Fourier transform by using

    definition and FFT algorithm is given by:

    In the case of M = 128 this ratio is 1170 ( if need one second with the FFT than 19,5 minutes would

    be needed by using calculation based on the


  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Radon transform and computers Tomography

    Integral along line AB is:

    where AB is defined by:

    The previous integral can be written in the form:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    The previous integral can be written in the form:

    Previous integral defines projection of function

    f(x, y) with respect to variable t for an arbitrary angle .

    Is it possible to reconstruct function f(x, y) on the base projections?

    Answer is yes.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems


    Consider the Fourier transform F(u, v) of the function f(x, y):

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    The Fourier transform of a projection is:

    Consider as a special case the value of the F(u, v),along the line v = 0, then we have:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Thus, we have obtained that the Fourier

    transform of the function f(x, y) along axis v = 0is equal to the Fourier transform of projection for

    the angle = 0.

    This result can be generalized. It can be shown

    that the Fourier transform of f(x, y) along anarbitrary line defined by angle with respect to u axis is equal to the Fourier transform of the

    projection defined by angle with respect to x axis.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    The previous claim can be proved. Denote with

    f(s, t) the function f(x, y) rotated in the coordinate system. Relationship between variables

    (x, y) and (s, t) is:


    The Fourier transform of the projection is:

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    In x, y coordinate system we obtain:

    Thus, the previous claim is proved.

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Finally, we can conclude:

    Function f(x, y) can be obtained on the followingway:

    1. Find the projection for 0 .

    2. Determine the Fourier transforms of the

    projections which give the Fourier transform of

    the function f(x, y).

    3. Compute the inverse Fourier transform and it if function f(x, y).

  • Multidimensional discrete signals and systems

    Note that the Fourier transform of function

    f(x,y) will be obtained in polar raster. If wewant to use FFT algorithms it is necessary to have

    the Fourier transform in rectangular raster.

    One possible solution is interpolation of values

    from the polar to the values on the rectangular

