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Digital Storytelling at Case Western, part 2

Date post: 19-May-2015
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My Case Western digital storytelling talk, second part.
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Flickr storytelling Tell a story in 5 frames group “Gender Miscommunication” (Nightingai1e, 2006)
  • 1. Flickr storytelling Tell a story in 5frames group Gender Miscommunication(Nightingai1e, 2006)

2. IV. Web 2.0 storytelling 3. IV. Web 2.0 storytelling 4. IV. Web 2.0 storytelling 5. IV. Web 2.0 storytellingGender Miscommunication (Nightingai1e, 2006) 6. RemixingExample: "Food to Farm", Eli the Bearded (2008) 7. Social photo stories 8. Social photo stories 9. Social photo storiesFlickr, Tell A Story in Five Frames group (http://www.flickr.com/groups/visualstory/)Example: "Food to Farm", Eli the Bearded (2008) 10. Social photo storiesExample: "Food to Farm", Eli the Bearded (2008) 11. Storytelling bypodcastThe Yellow Sheet, byLibrivox team (2007) Text then podcast http://librivox.org/the-yellow-sheet-by-librivox-volunteers/ More: Podiobooks,http://www.podiobooks.com/ 12. Web video storytellingConnect with I(http://www.connectwithi.com/) Serial video Fan content Physical content 13. Web video storytellinglonelygirl15(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonelygirl15) YouTube serial video content Local fan content Distributed response Hoax plothttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQGvn82NNQw&feature=relmfu 14. Multiplicity of platformsNew forms combining categories into one?VoicethreadStorybox(http://www.story-box.co.uk/index.php) 15. Gamingworld 16. Gaming as part of mainstream culture Median age of gamers shoots past 30 Industry size comparable to music Impacts on hardware, software,interfaces, other industries Large and growing diversity ofplatforms, topics, genres, niches,players 17. Gaming as part of mainstream cultureAnecdata: number of Facebook CityVille players:44,800,000 (as of Mar. 2012, http://www.appdata.com/?AFB_redir=1 ) 18. Gamesserious,public, andpolitical Oiligarchy, Molle Industries Jetset, Persuasive Games The Great Shakeout, California DimensionM, Tabula Digita 19. How does a game tell a story? 20. Specific to games Immersion: multimedia Cut scenes Fragments Tutorials Interface affordances 21. Old school storytelling Setting, character*, plot** Mystery Social penumbra Stories about play*First, second, third, and third-person**Rails vs sandbox 22. Architectures: ubiquitous computingThe most profoundtechnologies are those thatdisappear. They weaveMark Weiser, 1988ffthemselves into the fabric ofeveryday life until they areindistinguishable from it. 23. Architectures: WorldBoardInformation objects... willbegin to populate real physicalspace on what we callWorldBoard channels. Link digital and physicalobjects and locations aroundthe world 24. What it means, top-levelA device ecology-Petra Wentzel, "Wireless All the Way: Users Feedback on Education through Online PDAs"(presentation at the EDUCAUSE annual conferenceAnaheim, Calif., November 7, 2003). 25. Searchableworld 26. AR: first, the light stuff Museum tours GPS navigators (Garmin) Location services (Yelp) 27. Augmented reality 28. Marking the worldRemember the WorldBoard? 29. Layaring the world 30. AR art 31. http://unmanned.molleindustria.org/ 32. The ultimate links Bryan on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/BryanAlexander The New Digital Storytellinghttp://newdigitalstorytelling.net/ email:[email protected] 33. Practices and principlesHow to start Idea germ - maybe a character, aconcept to explain What audience? Which platform tends to lead tothe kind of results youd prefer? 34. How to start: preparation Lessons from ARGs Preload lots of material before release Art of lack of control Basic PM Build in risk control Timeline (maybe milestones, maybegates) 35. CDS 7 principles1. Point of view 5. Soundtrack2. Dramatic(and other media) question 6. Economy3. Emotional 7. Pacing content CDS Digital4. Voice (style) Storytelling Cookbook 36. The architecture of time Wilkie Big time:Collins: serial"Make emcry, make Littleem laugh, time:make em accretivewait" keep itcoming 37. Non-digital roots Epistolary novels Victorian serials Pulp serials Radio Soaps (Dickens, Bleak House installment,PBS site) 38. Revision targets Sense of crisis Varied timingor problem Enough time Persons and Beginningscharactersand endings Multimediacomplement 39. The ultimate links Bryan on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/BryanAlexander The New Digital Storytellinghttp://newdigitalstorytelling.net/ email:[email protected]
