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Digital storytelling in efl teaching

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Foreign Language Teaching, Education, Learning, Teaching, Technology, Digital, Storytelling, Digital Stirytelling
Examining the What, the Why and the How of Digital Storytelling in EFL Teaching. Slide 1 DIGITAL STORYTELLING IN 10 EASY STEPS George Drivas - Chryssanthe Sotiriou Digital Storytelling is the modern version of the age-old art of storytelling Slide 2 From oral storytelling to CNN and the Internet… Storytelling is also an ancient form of teaching. Storytelling, no matter in what form or media, is a powerful method to communicate knowledge, culture, perspectives and points of view. Before reading and writing, oral storytelling was the only means wisdom and knowledge were communicated. Slide 3 Nowadays, technology provides us with new possibilities to exploit this ancient teaching method We use storytelling in order to teach others about our knowledge, culture and beliefs. Digital storytelling gives us the ability to reach and disseminate our stories further than ever before. We tell stories to organize experience into a meaningful whole that can be shared with others. Digital Storytelling gives students confidence while it develops fundamental intellectual skills.
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Examining the What, the Why and the How of Digital

Storytelling in EFL Teaching.

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George Drivas - Chryssanthe Sotiriou

Digital Storytelling is the modern version of the age-old art of storytelling

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From oral storytelling to

CNN and the Internet…

Storytelling is also an ancient form of teaching.

Storytelling, no matter in what form or media, is a powerful method to communicate knowledge, culture, perspectives and points of view. Before reading and writing, oral storytelling was the only means wisdom and knowledge were communicated.

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Nowadays, technology provides us with new possibilities to exploit this ancient teaching method

We use storytelling in order to teach others about our knowledge, culture and beliefs. Digital storytelling gives us the ability to reach and disseminate our stories further than ever before. We tell stories to organize experience into a meaningful whole that can be shared with others. Digital Storytelling gives students confidence while it develops fundamental intellectual skills.

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What Is Digital Storytelling?

Telling a story by bringing together some

mixture of digital graphics, text, recorded

audio narration, video and music to present

information on a specific topic

Many different definitions of Digital Storytelling exist

Common core: the art of telling stories with a variety of digital media, such as audio, and video. Similarities with traditional storytelling: a chosen theme and a particular viewpoint. Differences from traditional storytelling: just a few minutes long and have a variety of uses and methods of broadcast.

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The Virus

Stories that have been passed down through generations, allow voices from the past to interact with voices from the present.

Rehashing and remaking old stories by adding new twists and perspectives allow for multiple interpretations of storylines.

Digital Storytelling is a tool that can support teaching and learning in any subject area.

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Artifacts #1: Knowledge





Our experiences, our knowledge and our thinking are quite often organized in story form. Knowledge: Write, Revise, Visualize, Create, Locate, Communicate, Extend

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Artifacts #2: Competences

Take Risks




A competency is a set of defined behaviors when tackling a Learning task.

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Artifacts #3: Skills

Communicate in new ways

Use real world tools

Create personal meaning

Digital Stories create a conduit between teaching and integrating technology.

ICT tools allow us to connect, communicate and collaborate easily with others around the world. 1. We connect emotionally with people and events in stories and we relate them to experiences in our own lives. 2. Stories let us communicate our perspective and perception as well as our understanding of the world around us. 3. Stories are usually a collaborative effort tales, characters, their actions and points of view

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The Protection

The Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling (adapted from http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/page.cfm?id=27&cid=27)

Center for Digital Storytelling’s Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling 1. Point of view What is the main point of the story and what is the perspective of the author? 2. A dramatic question A key question that keeps the viewer’s attention and will be answered by the end of the story. 3. Emotional content Serious issues that come alive in a personal and powerful way and connects the story to the audience. 4. The gift of your voice A way to personalize the story to help the audience understand the context. 5. The power of the soundtrack Music or other sounds that support and embellish the storyline. 6. Economy Using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer. 7. Pacing The rhythm of the story and how slowly or quickly it progresses.

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Inside Your Story





The perspective: Identity, Culture, Emotions, Opinions, Facts, Experiences, Meaning

Told in first person

Using own voice to narrate the tale

You share who you are, what you felt, and what the event or situation means to you

The story is shared through the heart NOT the head.

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Lessons Learned






Key words: Expectations, Meaning, Impact, Understanding, Connection

Each story expresses a personal meaning or insight.

Each story has a point to make.

Each story engages and involves the listener

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Developing Craftsmanship

Think communication

not decoration

A good Digital Story incorporates technology in meaningful ways, not for the sake of technology. It demonstrates expertise in sharing and creating meaning with images, sound, voice, color, and special effects

All digital elements are selected to enhance the meaning of the tale rather than provide an interesting package that distracts from what is being presented. Good craftsmanship combines media elements creatively to convey significant meaning rather than decoration of the story.

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Creative Tension





Whenever we are told a story we enjoy a surprise turn-of-events as long as the storyline is coherent.

The tension of an unresolved or curious situation engages and holds the viewer until the story reaches a memorable ending. Pacing is an invisible part of sustaining story tension. It uses starts, stops and pauses letting us wonder what will happen next and how will it be resolved.

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Clear goal

Minimum steps

Effective tools

One point to make Length: 3-5 minutes Script: no more than one (1) page No of Words: Maximum five hundred (500) words.

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Showing, Not Telling




Show context,

Create setting,

Provide information,

Create emotions

Both images and sound, not just words, are used to provide vivid details, to reveal feelings, to offer information Both words and media are needed to reveal details rather than simply naming or stating what already exists or the viewer knows about.

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The Cure

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1: What do you want to share?

Memorial stories

Travel stories

Accomplishment stories

Discovery stories.

Think small.


Tell a personal tale.

Reveal a small truth.

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Character stories center on a person who's touched you in a deep way. Memorial stories center o a person who left a lasting impression. Travel stories — stories about a personal journey or passage Accomplishment stories about achieving a goal, The story about a place in your life. The story about what I do. People find value in their work, hobbies, or social commitments Recovery stories. Sharing the experience challenge, or personal obstacle Love stories. Discovery stories. Stories about how we uncovered a truth or learned how to do something.

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2: What do I need?





Use what you have!

Start collecting memories. The most powerful materials are often discovered during a search in forgotten files or boxes.

Start gathering anything that holds emotional value: photos, video, flyers, etc. Don't think you have to create a story from scratch. You can always add to it if needed. Older materials usually carry more of an emotional impact than new custom made materials.

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3: What is your story?

Write your script

Be concise.

Be real.

Be original.

Get feedback.

The story must be told from your point of view.

• Get the main elements of your story down on paper.

• See how much you can convey with a few words and some key images.

• You need to reach an emotional depth.

• All stories have a structure: a beginning, middle and end.

• The rhythm and tempo of a story is what maintains the audience interest.

• All storytellers have their own characteristic style of storytelling. Find yours.

• Read your script to a friend and ask for comments, observe their reactions.

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4: What hardware do I need?

A tablet or laptop.


A scanner

A recorder

A microphone


You may need certain pieces of equipment depending on your goal.

A desktop computer or laptop. Video software. A scanner, if you want to include traditional photos in your story. A recording device: for video, for audio, a portable digital recorder. A handheld microphone for interviews. Headphones.

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5: How do I plan my story

Use a storyboard.

Use index cards

15 images & 2’ of video.

6’’ on each image

Professional movie makers use storyboards to plan out the sequences of events that they would like to tell. This is where you'll place your visual materials and your narrative.

Arrange your visuals in sequence.

Use an index card beneath each visual to write a comment about the picture.

You do not need to write the full narrative yet.

Make certain that the segments (image and narrative) are equally proportioned to each other.

Do not rush through segments. Give them time to make an impact. You may want to look for examples of digital stories at video sharing sites. i.e., YouTube. Look for different styles and approaches. Which one suits your style or your goal best?

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6: How do I use images?

Scan in the same format

Save into a single folder

Crop accordingly

Use actual size

Use proper dimensions.

Prepare your material as best as you can. Time spent now is time saved later.

Prepare your images in a format that is compatible with your software. Pay attention to size and resolution. Practice with cropping images for maximum effect. Avoid distorting the pictures or video because they may look strange in the final product. Save the original files separately to avoid any accidents.

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7: How do I record the narration

Speak slowly

Use a conversational voice

Practice before recording

Present live

Your laptop, tablet or phone is probably good enough for recording your narration. Speak slowly and clearly in a conversational voice. Don't read from a script.

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8: What music do I use?


• rhythm

• pace

• instrumental pieces

• snippets of shows

• copyright

Most of us have our favourite music running in our heads. Choose the one that reflects the mood of the story you want to convey.

Pay special attention to copyright, especially if you want to publish your work on the web. It makes no difference that you are not making money out of your story. Consult your source for copyright restrictions on a particular audio or video file.

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9: When is my story ready?









Make sure you have all the elements of your story in the right place and the right format.

This means images, video, audio, and music file.

Check the format and check that they are copies: the originals are safely away.

Next, import all your material into your software.

This is your first draft. It gives you an overview of your project.

Next, add text (opening and closing titles, comments, descriptions) as planned.

Use a font that's easy to read in a colour that contrasts well with the background.

Add transitions the narrative and music making certain that they are synchronized.

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10: How do I Share my Story?

• SlideShare

• Dropbox

• You Tube

• Facebook

• Pinterest

• E-mail

There are a number of public sites

that you may want to use to share

your story.

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10: What content?

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The Side-effects


Encourages research

Fosters critical thinking skills

Encourages students become better writers.

Gives students a voice.

Tells a personal narrative.

Helps students retain knowledge longer.

Enhances learning by encouraging effective communication.

Encourages creativity.

“Below are brief definition excerpts from Chapter 4 — "Storying Around for 21st Century Skills" — of DigiTales: the Art of Telling Digital Stories. The following skills have been identified and cross-referenced with National Standards, NETS-S, and 21

st Century Skills.


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Educational Implications


real-world digital


1. Cognitive Apprenticeship — practicing real-world work of digital communication

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Educational Implications




for others

2. Creativity and Inventive Thinking — creating multi-sensory experiences for others

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Educational Implications

add personal

meaning and

understanding to


3. Higher Order Thinking Skills— going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding

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Educational Implications

tell a story to

deepen own


4. Enduring Understanding — by telling the story of what you know and understand for others, authors deepen their own self-meaning of the topic

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Educational Implications

use images to show,

the narrative &

enhance implied


5. Visual Literacy — using images to show, not tell, the narrative story

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Educational Implications

master skill of applying

technology to create



6. Technical Literacy — mastering the craftsmanship of applying the technology to create powerful communication

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Educational Implications

think, read, write,

and design effective

media information

7. Information Literacy — thinking, reading, writing, and designing effective media information

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Educational Implications

read and write


beyond words

8. Effective Communication — reading and writing information beyond words

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Educational Implications

address the

opportunity to use

the preferred mode

of learning

9. Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles — addressing not only the opportunity for students to use their preferred mode of learning and thinking, but also enabling them to practice the effective use of all modalities

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Educational Implications

practice skills

through opportunities

to produce

group projects

10. Teaming and Collaboration — growing skills through practiced opportunities to co-produce group projects

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Educational Implications

practice time

management of

complex tasks to

meet deadlines

11. Project Management Mentality —practice time management of complex, involved tasks to successfully meet deadlines modeling real-world tasks

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Educational Implications

create meaningful,

engagement and

discover successful


12. Exploring Affinity —when students create meaningful, engaged work, they discover themselves as successful learners.

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Educational Implications

Research Skills

Writing Skills

Organization Skills

Technology Skills

Presentation Skills

Interview Skills

Problem-Solving Skills

Assessment Skills

When students participate in the multiple steps of designing, creating and presenting their own digital stories, they increase a full complement of literacy skills

• Research Skills: Documenting the story, finding and analyzing pertinent information; • Writing Skills: Formulating a point of view and developing a script; • Organization Skills: Managing the scope of the project, the materials used and the time it takes to complete the task; • Technology Skills: learning to use a variety of tools, such as digital cameras, scanners, microphones and multimedia authoring software; • Presentation Skills: Deciding how to best present the story to an audience; • Interview Skills: Finding sources to interview and determining questions to ask; • Interpersonal Skills: Working within a group and determining individual roles for group members; • Problem-Solving Skills: Learning to make decisions and overcome obstacles at all stages of the project, from inception to completion; and • Assessment Skills: Gaining expertise critiquing their own and others’ work. http://digitalliteracyintheclassroom.pbworks.com/f/Educ-Uses-DS.pdf

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George Drivas - Chryssanthe Sotiriou

For additional information: http://storycenter.org/



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References: • Robin, Bernard R., The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling, Curriculum and Instruction,

University of Houston, USA, from http://digitalliteracyintheclassroom.pbworks.com/f/Educ-Uses-DS.pdf

• Robin, Bernard R., & McNeil, Sara G., What Educators Should Know about Teaching Digital Storytelling, Digital Education Review - Number 22, December 2012- http://greav.ub.edu/der/

• Lasica, J.D., Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps, October 2, 2006, from http://www2.bgsu.edu/departments/english/cconline/winter2013/digital_s/digistory_tutorial.pdf

• Gregori Signes, Carmen, PRACTICAL USES OF DIGITAL STORYTELLING, Universitat de València, València, Spain, from http://www.uv.es/gregoric/DIGITALSTORYTELLING/DS_files/DST_15_ene_08_final.pdf

• Take Six: Elements of a Good Digital Story, Adapted from The Center for Digital Storytelling Cookbook, from http://www.digitales.us/files/Take%20Six.pdf

• Lambert, Joe, DIGITAL STORYTELLING COOKBOOK , 2010, Joe Lambert, Digital Diner Press, ISBN: 978-0-9726440-1-3

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6E8jpFasR0
