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Digitalisation - Education's Digital Future Hall... · Digitalisation - Education's Digital Future...

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Digitalisation - Education's Digital Future Gemma Escott Ministry of Education, UAE, English CDAU Education Specialist Lewis Hall MiŶistry of EducatioŶ, UAE, BridgiŶg the Gap Prograŵŵe MaŶager

Digitalisation -

Education's Digital Future

Gemma Escott Ministry of Education, UAE, English CDAU Education Specialist

Lewis Hall Mi istry of Educatio , UAE, Bridgi g the Gap Progra e Ma ager

Provides Curriculum

Provides Learning Scenarios

[Scheme of work]

Provides Assessment


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Ministry Level

School Level

Teacher Level

Initial Phase Phase 2 Phase 3

Provides Training

Provides Content

Selects Devices / Delivers

Student & Teacher Training

Workflow Training


Monitoring and Evaluation

Provides Training

Provides Revised Learning

Scenario Examples

Monitoring and Evaluation

On Going Training

Teachers collaborate to create

own learning scenarios

Teachers collaborate to create

new content


Monitoring and Evaluation

Provides Training

Provides Pilot Content

[Case Studies]

Monitoring and Evaluation

On Going Training

Teachers collaborate to create

own learning scenarios

Teachers collaborate to create

new content

Delivery G

Digital Curriculmn

1 - Assessment

2 - Curriculum

It all starts here…

In order to digitalise, assessment needs to come first.

•AFL embedded through tech

•Formative / Real Time

•Assessment frameworks bound to the updated curriculum

3 - Content

4 - Initial Training

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Classroom of the Future: Student-Centered or


Curriculum should inform your technology choice, not

the technology informing your curriculum


“Description of what why and how students should learn.” UNESCO IBE 2011

What is Curriculum?

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Standards should not be prescriptive about content development

Intended or specified curriculum

Implemented or enacted curriculum

Experience curriculum

Hidden curriculum

Null curriculum

Types of Curriculum


A digital curriculum allows the creation of a society of

creators, innovators, and learners. It is not about making the

textbook into a PDF.

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Context - Each country needs to decide what they want

21st Century Skills /




[Maths / Science]


[Programme for International

Student Assessment]


of Context

Standards must align to the chosen context


The best scientists and technical innovators actually have an

inseparable creative component to their methods of problem-solving. “ ”

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future


Pedagogically Driven

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

State of the Art Emergent / Embedded

• Virtual Reality

• Wearable Technology

• 4D Experiences

• Holograms

• Learning Environments / Buildings

• School to School Collaboration

• Collaboration and Assessment

• Flipped Learning

• Blended Learning

•Content Creation

• Collaborative Learning

• Personalisation

• Independent Learning Skills

• Spaced Practice


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Standards need to be flexible to allow for digital content creation

Provide teachers with sequences of learning that align with curriculum and assessment. [Initial

scheme of work]

Signpost to resources

Gives confidence in the pedagogy

No fear of missing curriculum and assessment outcomes

Ensure timetabling is flexible to accommodate extended learning / learning


Learning Scenarios


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Diffusion of Innovation Model



Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Outcomes: Writing / Problem Solving 21C / Collaboration 21C

Scenario Content Digital Pedagogy / 21st Century Skills

Digital Tools Digital Assessment Realtime

Digital Assessment Formative

Part 1:

Plan a trip

• How do you plan a trip? • Aurasma Destination • Google to plan trip • Establish Blog • FL – Find information / vocabulary about your destination. Video

or text. Log it on blog

Flipped learning

• Aurasma Code wall: • Destinations • Google • Wordpress / Blogger

• Response Tech

Part 2:

Travel to the airport and fly

• Vocabulary / phrases • Aurasma Code travel to the airport and incident on the way

• Vocabulary Games • Aurasma Code wall: -How the student got to

the airport -What happened to the student on the way

• Wordpress / Blogger

• Response Tech: • Matching Meanings

• Educreations / Showbie • Edmondo [Peer]

Part 3:

Check into the hotel / fill out forms / order food

• Vocabulary and phrases • Aurasma Code for local food

• Aurasma Code wall: • Scenario for eating the local food • Wordpress / Blogger


‘correct phrases’

• Educreations / Showbie • Google Forms

Part 4A:

Explore the area

Spend time exploring area

In group 2-4 Aurasma code an ‘incident’ discuss how to solve the incident in groups

Problem Solving

Collaborative Learning

• Aurasma Code wall: • Incident occurs

• Google Earth / Street View • Wordpress / Blogger

• Educreations / Showbie

Part 4B:

Explore the area

Aurasma Code object found • Aurasma Code wall: • What the student found whilst exploring [in

addition to google earth] • Google Earth / Street View • Wordpress / Blogger

Response Tech • Educreations / Showbie

Part 5:

Create Presentation about your trip

This should include

discussion of blog entries

Content Creation • Keynote • Preezi • iMovie • Book Creator

• Peer assessment / Review: • Contribute to a google doc

about the presentations

Students scans the Aurasma wall at the start of the learning scenario so they know the destination of their journey. During each subsequent learning segment the Aurasma code will give an event that relates to the learning segment that the student must use to create the ‘blog’ of their travels. G

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Changes Digital Curriculum Supports

Before Digitalisation After Digitalisation

Learning Location School 9 - 3pm 24 / 7 anywhere time time [online]

Instructional Method Face-to-face Mixed Instructional Methods

Curriculum Fixed Individualized

Assessment Performance-based Competency-based

Timetabling One subject per lesson, for set time Any subject, any time

Delivery Time Synchronous Asynchronous

Parental Engagement Costly [time] perhaps weekly updates, hard to

personalize per child

Real time access to individual child's data and

content child is learning


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Plan: Identify program goals and priorities create

program and build stakeholder buy-in and confidence.

Prepare: Build knowledge and confidence [learning

scenarios] and best practices in teaching with a digital


Develop: Expand skills and expertise

Evaluate: Assess the success of the implementation,

analyse best practices, and strategise ways to further

improve program results.


Provides Curriculum

Provides Learning Scenarios

[Scheme of work]

Provides Assessment


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Ministry Level

School Level

Teacher Level

Initial Phase Phase 2 Phase 3

Provides Training

Provides Content

Selects Devices / Delivers

Student & Teacher Training

Workflow Training


Monitoring and Evaluation

Provides Training

Provides Revised Learning

Scenario Examples

Monitoring and Evaluation

On Going Training

Teachers collaborate to create

own learning scenarios

Teachers collaborate to create

new content


Monitoring and Evaluation

Provides Training

Provides Pilot Content

[Case Studies]

Monitoring and Evaluation

On Going Training

Teachers collaborate to create

own learning scenarios

Teachers collaborate to create

new content

Delivery L

Digital Content - Implementation

Embedded Assessment

eBooks embedded with realtime assessment

Ownership of content on the teachers.

Example: iBooks Author with Bookry Widgets


Adapted Curriculum


Reading including PISA

Innovation Problem

Solving [21st Century Skills]

Creativity [21st Century Skills]

Critical Thinking [21st Century


Communicating /

Collaboration [21st Century


Curriculum / pedagogy





Collaboration and

Assessment Content Creation


Learning Skills School to School

Assessment Adaptive Realtime Rubric for Product

and Process

Self / Peer


Learning Journals

and Logs Product

Self / Peer



Technology Lexia Reading 3D printing Apps for good

Green Screen by

Do Ink

Book Creator




Holographic Video


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Digitisation - Changes after implementation

• Global Learning possibilities [Skype, Hologram, Edmodo]

• Better feedback [ loops ] [Showbie]

• Gamification partial [ Zondle] complete [EI Design]

• Student-Teacher Interaction more often [Edmodo, Email]

• Students with Special Needs [text to speech]

• Better Differentiation Possibilities [QR Codes to resources]

• Parental Engagement Improvements [Seasaw]


What is the objective of the


What’s your why?

What are the key skills and

information students need?

Scope & Sequence

Determine the pedagogical


Create learning scenarios

What devices will meet the needs of the curriculum

outcomes and support your updated assessment framework

Look at devices & Infrastructure

Are your schools physically ready to deliver the

content to the students? At home and at school?

Pedagogy driven meeting the needs of curriculum.

This ust e o goi g. E ploy full ti e geek a d tea h

Training & E-Learning Person

Invite parents in & train students

Provide students

with devices

Enable them to experiment with the new

curriculum before full implementation

Provide teacher devices

& class sets of devices








Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Where to start?


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Considerings when selecting content / software [apps]

1 - Re focus on learning outcomes

2 - Opt for flexible technology.

3 - Feedback. The technology must enable rich feedback, either teach or system generate. “Wrong or right” against a question does not help the student

4 - Bri g i stude t i terests, authe ti ally. Do t rely o the o elty fa tor .

5 - Keep learning challenging, but not impossible.


Digitalisation Education's Digital Future


The feedback to the teacher about what the students can

a d a t do is ore po erful tha tea her to stude t feedback.

Formative Assessment Realtime Assessment

Teacher to Student - inform learning:

Written / Verbal feedback on student work.

Showbie / Educreations

Student to teacher - inform teaching:

Nearpod, Quizlet, Socrative, Kahoot

Student to teacher - inform teaching:

Questioning - response

Student to Student - inform learning:

Peer assessment [self assessment]


When pedagogy from the learning scenarios is embedded…

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

lear i g e o es i o ati ely disrupti e


Educational innovation is not about viewing your text book on your tablet, it s a out ha i g a urri ulu ith assess e t a d o te t that supports teachers and students to facilitate 21st Century learning experiences “

Digitalisation Education's Digital Future

Gemma Escott 2016


Digitalisation -

Education's Digital Future

Gemma Escott Ministry of Education, UAE, English CDAU Education Specialist

Lewis Hall Mi istry of Educatio , UAE, Bridgi g the Gap Progra e Ma ager
