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Digitization connectivity and marketing

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Digitalization, Connectivity and Marketing.
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Digitalization, Connectivity and Marketing.

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Digitalization - is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business.

Connectivity - involves building networks and expresses the fact that much of the world’s business is carried over networks connecting people and companies. These networks are called intranets when they connect people within a company and internets when they connect a company with its suppliers and customers..


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Makes resources broadly available while preserving original. 24/7 worldwide availability. Capitalize on investment in resources and technology.

(Collections, storage curation)

Assimilate disparate resources. Learn something new (It’s Fun!!). Pressure from above (Everyone is doing it!).

Why Digitalize?

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Digitization is not just a process,but decisions, decisions, decisions

related among others to


best practicestechnology

$$$ $$$ $$$management

& more

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Forces Shaping the Digital Age

Digitalization & Connectivity◦ Intranets – connect

people within a company.

◦ Extranets – connect a company with its suppliers, distributors, and outside partners.

◦ Internet – connects users around the world.

• Internet Explosion– Explosive worldwide

growth forms the heart of the New Economy.

– Increasing numbers of users each month.

– Companies must adopt Internet technology or risk being left behind.

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E-Business, E-Commerce, and E-Marketing

E-business: The use of electronic platforms-intranets, extranets, and the internet- to conduct a company’s business.

E-commerce: Buying and selling processes supported by electronic means, primarily the Internet.

E-marketing: The marketing side of e-commerce-company efforts to communicate about, promote, and sell products and services over the Internet.

Benefits to Buyers:Convenience, Easy and private, Greater product access/selection, Access to comparative information, Interactive and immediate.

Benefits to Sellers:Relationship building, Reduced costs, Increased speed and efficiency, Flexibility, Global access and global reach.

Marketing in the Digital Age

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Marketing in the Digital Age

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Digitalization - Pro’s and Con’s

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Digitization Components

Digitization projects are often complex and challenging in nature primarily due to the number of different activities involved in the process.

• People - Scanning operators, Graphic Designers, Subject curators etc.

• Processes - Institution specific best practices/standards• Infrastructure - Scanners, Image Processing software, OCR etc.

There are 3 essential components that form the core of all digitization process:

The biggest challenge, therefore, lies in bringing all these individual components together on a common platform to ensure communication, consistent levels productivity & quality and overall process efficiency.

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Digitalization changes processes..!!

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Obstacles in Digitization.

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Obstacles in Digitization.

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Need help in building a socialstrategy/policy for your business?

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Metadata Search

DL creation & processes


Traditional Libraries

Digital Libraries




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As the digital capabilities multiply, consumer demands will rise in four areas:

1. Now: Consumers will want to interact anywhere at any time.

2. Can I: They will want to do truly new things as disparate kinds of information (from financial accounts to data on physical activity) are deployed more effectively in ways that create value for them.

3. For me: They will expect all data stored about them to be targeted precisely to their needs or used to personalize what they experience.

4. Simply: They will expect all interactions to be easy.

On-Demand Marketing..!!

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Over the next several years, we’re likely to see the consumer experience radically integrated across the physical and virtual environment. Most of the technologies needed to make this scenario happen are available now.

One that’s gaining particular traction is near-field communication (NFC): embedded chips in phones exchange data on contact with objects that have NFC tags.

The price of such tags is already as low as 15 cents, and new research could make them even cheaper, so more companies could build them into almost any device, generating a massive expansion of new interactive experiences.

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Every organization wants to secure their network connectivity to their business data and applications. The need to connect and collaborate with partners, customers, and remote/mobile employees anytime and anywhere has expanded network connectivity requirements beyond traditional wired Local Area Networks (LANs) to include dial-up remote access, virtual private networks (VPNs), and wireless networks.

Enterprises are competing globally to provide access to information, to enhance productivity, and to deliver services quickly—all at the lowest possible cost. The ability to communicate and collaborate with partners, suppliers, customers, and employees anytime and anywhere is now a requirement. Gone are the days when only a selected group of people had network access to business applications and data.

The advent and acceptance of new computing technologies and the Internet have changed the way information is stored, accessed, and shared.


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Companies have implemented a more open and distributed information model resulting in benefits that include:

Increased Employee Productivity: Enables employees to be flexible, make better decisions, and respond quickly to the changing demands of the marketplace by providing secure access to the information they need anywhere at anytime.

Lower Cost: Decreases costs and increases efficiency by safely leveraging the power of collaboration and network connectivity.

Integrated Business Processes: Increases sales by enabling closer relations with customers and partners through secure communications and collaboration.

To take advantage of these benefits, companies need a secure IT infrastructure that can minimize security risks and decrease the costs of security management and operations. 

Connectivity: At a glance..Contd.,

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Businesses and other large organizations require continuous high-speed data connections in order to function effectively in today’s fast-paced environment. This need for high-capacity communication will continue to grow for several reasons.

First, BYOD revolution is gathering momentum and fast. Today employees use two to three devices in their offices, not to mention that employees not just access files or view emails but also access bandwidth intensive applications like YouTube etc. Poor speed connectivity has proved to drop employee efficiency by almost a third.

Second, applications that had been considered high-end or esoteric are finding increased use in businesses to the point that they will soon become “must haves.” Especially, the applications using multimedia (video and/or audio). Presentation software is incorporating sophisticated graphics and multimedia for their impact and ability to quickly communicate complex information.

Third, while most businesses have networked the computers within any given facility there is a clear need for enterprise-wide networks that connect buildings and campuses within a city or region. It makes no sense to have instant access to information within a building but to end that free flow of information at the building walls. High-speed data connections allow all departments and groups, regardless of physical location, to share information in real time.

Fourth, video conferencing is gaining support. “Virtual meetings” allow more team members to interact while minimizing time away from the office. Efficiency is maximized. The connection option that makes this possible and affordable across campuses and metro areas is often a point-to-point broadband wireless link.

Reasons why businesses need high-speed connectivity?

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Fifth, Internet traffic has increased exponentially. Customers routinely use web browsers and web-based communication, creating considerable traffic. Email with large presentations and files clogs small pipe connections. Files of all types are increasing in size to the point that sending and receiving data over a slow connection is simply too time consuming. Business decisions can’t be put on hold while data is being transferred over low capacity lines.

Sixth, emerging IT practices such as network storage and networked backups require large data pipes. Networked storage involves Network Attached Storage (NAS) where storage resides on the network. Network backups provide cost savings by allowing one large tape device located in one building to back up the servers found in multiple buildings.

Finally, providing a redundant connection to protect the network against disasters is another important application that requires high-speed connectivity to function reliably and efficiently.

Reasons why businesses need high-speed connectivity?

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