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Diocese of Broken Bay Staff Day 5 November 2010 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners.

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Diocese of Broken Bay Staff Day 5 November 2010 © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Diocese of Broken BayStaff Day

5 November 2010

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Agenda9.30 Prayer & Welcome Julie Kelly, David Penny

9.45 Context Setting Bishop David

10.30 The Past Mary Leahy

- Acknowledge and Celebrate

11.30 Morning Tea

12.00 The Present

- Examine and Engage

1.00 Lunch

2.00 The Future

- Envisage © M. Leahy Integroe Partners


• Gather as one in community– Individuals, Team/Agency, Diocese

• Pre Synod- “Go Make Disciples.”

– “..come together to lay foundations for the future direction of the diocese.”

– “..celebrate the accomplishments that have been achieved and to recognise the giftedness and the diversity of our people.”

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

My role

• “…is to enable you to do your work!”

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

I invite you to…

• be present

• be open

• listen & hear

• question & clarify

• engage your imagination

• think differently!


• MULTI TASK! – Multiple hats

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners


• Booklet

• Resources

• Mixed Table groups – Sessions 1 & 2

• Agency/Team groups– Session 3

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Off or silent!!!!

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Session 1“Acknowledging and Celebrating

the Past”

Diocese of Broken Bay 25 year Story……– Characterised by:

• Need to establish and build an identity• Rapid growth • Significant change

– Leadership– Staffing– Structures– Systems/Processes– Location – etc

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

– Situate yourself on the timeline

– From your knowledge and experience add to the timeline:

• Significant events• Changes

– Record on post-its

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Your contribution..your story!

Reflect on your time working with the Diocese:– What has been your personal contribution?

• skill, expertise, experience• personal attribute, capability

– What has facilitated your contribution? – How has your contribution enhanced the work of your

team, agency, the Diocese?



© M. Leahy Integroe Partners


• Individual reflection 5 mins• In 4’s share your story 20 mins• Identify themes (refer to Mission Statement)

……………………………………………• Combine with the other group on your table• Compare themes

– Share 1 or 2 stories that exemplify the themes

• Refine themes and record on post–its– “Reflecting on the past we celebrate………….”

• Feedback © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Mission StatementWe the Catholic Church of Broken Bay are, through Baptism, a community of disciples of Jesus. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to work together to extend the Kingdom of God.

We will:

Proclaim - Proclaim the Good News of Jesus in our words and actionsRespond personally - Respond personally to God's unique love for each of usLove each other - Live with each other in the love of JesusCelebrate - Celebrate and share our Catholic faith and life experienceEducate - Educate our people in our Catholic story and beliefs and their implications for our livesServe - Serve each other, the community and all creation in justice and loveSeek Unity - Seek unity with our fellow Christians and meaningful dialogue with people of all faiths © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Session 2“Examine and Engage”

One Diocese many parts

• Agency Overview– “elevator grab!”– Listen for the uniqueness

and the similarities

• Clarification?– Table discussion

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Engage with the Present as members of the Diocesan Community

• As we engage with our current reality with a view towards the future, what are the:

– strengths (build) – weakness (address)– opportunities (leverage)– threat (diminish)

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners



Engage with the Present

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

• Refer to the Pastoral Plans– Appendix 1

• In table groups – brainstorm and record on 4 separate pages of

butchers paper• Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• Revisit and check for omissions

• Circle emerging themes© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Diocese of Broken Bay

Mission Statement

Future- Vision

Expression of:- Identity- Purpose-Values-VISION

a statement of how things should be, not how they were in the past, or how they are now- a realistic, credible, attractive future!

challenges are we committed to tackling in the preservation of our identity and mission and in the pursuit of our vision?

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Before lunch

• Reflect on Bishop David’s 8 Issues

• In table groups discuss: – have the issues been captured in the SWOT

activity?– which issues are particularly pertinent to you/

your team?– why?

• After lunch– Move to team/ agency groups © M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Share SWOT emerging themes

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Diocese of Broken Bay

Mission Statement

Future- Vision

Expression of:- Identity- Purpose-Values-VISION

a statement of how things should be, not how they were in the past, or how they are now- a realistic, credible, attractive future!

challenges are we committed to tackling in the preservation of our identity and mission and in the pursuit of our vision?© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

• Reflect on the implications of

Bishop David’s 8 Issues.– What do they mean for you as:

• an individual • a member of a particular team/agency?

Page 6 booklet

• Based on your reflections and what you’ve heard today, are there issues that have not been identified that will be important for the Synod, for your Team?– Discuss – Record

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners

Commit to Action

• What ?

• Why?

• So what?– Identify a personal or team action/ goal

• S.M.A.R.T• Tell someone• ‘check- in’

© M. Leahy Integroe Partners
