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  • 8/8/2019 Dip Noguero


    Decision Making Systemfor the

    Game Oware

    By: Carlos Noguero GalileaHome University: Facultad de Informtica de Madrid

    Date: 23/03/2004

    Institut fr Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme (IAKS)Fakultt fr Informatik - Universitt Karlsruhe

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    Index:.................................................................................................................. 1

    1 - Introduction: ................................................................................................... 32 - The Game of Oware:......................................................................................... 8

    2.1 - Rules:........................................................................................................ 8

    2.2 - Strategies: ................................................................................................15

    2.2.1 - Defensive:...........................................................................................15

    2.2.2 - Attack:................................................................................................16

    2.2.3 - Kroo Building:......................................................................................17

    2.2.4 - Overloading:........................................................................................17

    2.2.5 - Pressure: ............................................................................................182.2.6 - Counter attack:....................................................................................19

    2.3 Game Phases:...........................................................................................20

    2.3.1 - Openings: ...........................................................................................20

    2.3.2 - Middle Game: ......................................................................................22

    2.3.3 - End Game: ..........................................................................................23

    3 Modelling a utility function: ..............................................................................25

    3.1 - Searching trees for Oware: .........................................................................25

    3.2 - Players Evolution: .....................................................................................29

    3.3 - Decision Making and Utility Functions: ..........................................................31

    3.4 - Logic Representation:.................................................................................33

    3.4.1 - Unification:..........................................................................................33

    3.4.2 - Inference: ...........................................................................................34

    3.5 - Production Systems: ..................................................................................35

    3.5.1 - Backward Chaining:..............................................................................36

    3.5.2 - Production System for Oware: ...............................................................37

    4 The Program: .................................................................................................41

    4.1 Prolog:.....................................................................................................41

    5 Conclusions:...................................................................................................44

    6 - References: ....................................................................................................47

    Appendix 1: .........................................................................................................49

    Appendix 2: .........................................................................................................57

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    1 - Introduction:

    This work comes from the study of a paper about multi-agent systems and utility

    functions [13]. After researching on these topics and other theories of AI a specific

    domain was selected. A game was chosen to apply these techniques and theories. Games

    and AI have a strong relationship, from a simple program that can play the game, to a

    complex system that tries to play as a human. Beneath all this there are multiple

    techniques and combinations that can be applied in game domains. Games provide some

    advantages over other problems for applying different techniques and measuring the


    One of the most important things is that games have a clearly defined set of rules.

    These rules limit the possibilities and outcomes of a game and therefore of the problem

    we are trying to study; as opposed to real world problems, where uncertainty is always

    present. Games have a clearly defined goal or objective, so that the result calculated by

    the system can be rated. They also have several degrees of complexity and they present

    different problems for which some techniques work better than others.

    All of these features make games an excellent domain in which to test and

    develop new or old AI theories. This is the domain we have chosen and in it we take a

    look at certain techniques, some of them used scarcely in games. Before any attempt to

    solve a game we must choose a representation for it. There are many representations

    used in AI, one widely used and studied is logic representation. With logic we can

    describe nearly any system, it is best used in systems that have little information so that

    the representation does not become complicated. With logic we can also use several

    methods of reasoning. Using rules is the simplest way to express this reasoning. We call

    one of these methods of reasoning a 'decision making system'.

    Decision making systems use logical representations of rules and facts to obtain

    new results using inference . This systems can work with a simple set of rules and, by

    means of a complex process, produce the desired conclusions. This is something that is

    common in games where the information is limited, mainly by the rules. In these cases

    we have a complex inference mechanism that uses this information to get an answer

    from the system. Another way to produce a decision making system is with the use of a

    utility function. In the following chapters we will explain how this can be done. There are

    many techniques and studies for all kind of games, probably the classic ones are the

    ones that attract most attention; chess, checkers, go, etc. We will use a classic but less

    well known, or at least less popular, game.

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    The game used for the study is ancient and has its origins in Africa. Nowadays it is

    played all around the world, mostly in Africa and Asia. Several names have been given to

    this game, the most common ones are: Oware, Wari and Mancala. We will refer to the

    game from now on as Oware. Also, the game is played with different rules all over the

    world, we will use a standard set of rules used in some tournaments. These rules will be

    explained in more detail in the following chapter.

    The selection of Oware as an example for decision making systems and other

    theory topics covered in the study came from playing the game [10]. It is a game with

    mathematical fundamentals, in which numeric calculations are constantly made. But

    these calculations on their own are not enough to master the game. Underneath the rules

    and the "limitation" of possible moves lies a very complicated strategy. Moreover thisstrategy cannot be easily described in easy terms like mathematic calculation. There are,

    what in other games has been called, patterns which master players can detect and use

    to their advantage.

    Altogether these features make Oware a good specific problem in which to test

    playing techniques with computers and AI, computer analysis of this game is not

    something new. Other studies have been done and different techniques for playing have

    been used. The reason behind the interest that the AI community has in this gamecomes mainly from its distinguishable features. Some examples are that it is a two player

    game, it has and uses perfect information, there are a limited number of moves and

    these rules are simple. A few other features need to be explained in more detail.

    So we have a game with certain characteristics that are good for AI solving

    techniques. Furthermore we have a game of medium complexity. It is more complex

    than previously solved and studied games like Tic-Tac-Toe or Connect-4, but also less

    complex than Chess, one of the most studied games.

    In this study of the game we focus on the playing strategy. By doing a thorough

    analysis of how the game is played we define some strategies that give a better chance

    of winning. Looking at several sources there are several aspects of the game to take into

    account; mainly from expert writings about the game, sample games, other studies and

    from self experience. Oware is a simple game to play but very difficult to master. Even

    the best players and people who studied the game cannot define the best strategy to

    play. There are guides, advices, game situations...

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    After having read and learned what achievements have been reached with the use

    of Oware in the AI community we have to ask ourselves new questions. Is a game with

    perfect information too limited? Can we innovate in a game that has been studied so

    much? Is it possible to extrapolate the results obtained with this game to other games or

    even to other problems?

    All of these questions and more arose after accumulating knowledge in various

    topics like: agent systems, decision making systems, neural networks, genetic

    algorithms, etc... Having also played the game and read about it, other questions came

    into consideration. There are no easy answers, most techniques applied to play Oware

    have been used before with good results. In nearly all of them a search tree is used to

    evaluate possible moves. The use of Search trees is an easy procedure and, in a sense, a

    way in which the use of computers can be advantageous. We could divide games in twobig groups, the ones than can be solved by brute force (explore every move) and those

    that cannot be solved that way. Here we must raise a point: as computers become more

    powerful, an increasing number of games can be solved by this technique. Still, there are

    some in which no good results using this technique can be expected in the near future.

    Therefore we have tried to explore possibilities that eradicate the use of a search

    tree, even if this is only a partial tree. Our aim is to study the strategy behind the game

    and try to get the computer to make use of it. Our system does not rely on a computer'sprocessing power and would probably play poorly against more advanced computerised

    players. It only takes the static information of the board in a given position and has to

    decide which is the best move in that position. There are techniques that the system

    does not use and some of them that could improve its performance greatly. Due to the

    interest of focusing on the strategy of the game we left behind some good AI techniques

    such as: Learning, consideration of similar moves, similar positions, long term strategy,

    etc. If we bear all of these AI techniques in mind we can give an outline of our goal.

    First of all we want to extract all the information about the the game. Not only the

    general strategy but also all the information that the board has in a given

    position. This takes into account a lot of variables that will be developed in the

    following chapters.

    Secondly we want to develop a system that infers the best move with the static

    information of the board. Without the use of search trees and without looking at

    past moves. At this point we are defining the utility function for our game. This

    function takes the strategy within the game into account, but the strategies are

    not explicitly defined.

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    Lastly, we want our system to reason the choice for each move. As the selection

    of moves comes from the given strategy the explanation can be achieved by

    reversing the process after a move has been selected.

    With all the previous studies of the game, AI theory and keeping our goals in mind

    we start to study the game. Oware is an amazingly simple concept; although ancient, it

    contains a lot possibilities. The best example of the finesse of the game is the fact that

    with perfect play from both players the result is a draw. This is, that there is no

    advantage from been the first or the second player. We take advantage of this fact and

    study moves for only one of the players (south player). This has been done to simplify

    the system, although a very simple change is needed to consider both player's moves.

    We commence by explaining the strategy of the game in detail. From beginner's

    techniques to advanced tactical moves. This information comes from several sources, but

    mainly from expert players and their writings [5] [6]. Next, we examine the three phases

    that take place during a game. These are: Openings, middle game and end game

    positions. For each of them we give examples of situations, the best strategies and

    specific best moves in some cases. As in any other game, openings and end game

    positions have been studied in depth, in part because the limit in the number of moves

    makes it easier. In the case of Oware this was true until recently [3], now as everypossible move is known, middle game positions are no longer a mystery.

    In order to represent the system, several methods have been used. A production

    system has been defined to express the rules of the game and all the valid or legal

    moves that can be made during a game. This system allows both players to make moves

    in turns until a certain end condition is met, ending the game with a result. This result

    can be a draw or a declaration of a win for one of the players.

    After representing the set of rules we define a system with all the knowledge of

    the strategy obtained from the study of the game. This system also uses a logical

    representation and has been implemented in Prolog. The program is able to infer the best

    move given a static position of the board. The information given by a specific position is

    the following: the number of stones in each pit and the number of stones captured by

    each player. With this information the program is able to obtain more details needed to

    perform the inference, such as the distribution of the stones around the board, the

    number of stones on each side of the board, the difference in the number of captured

    stones by each player, the number of pits with a specific amount of stones, etc...

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    Due to a certain limitation of the Prolog language in itself, and also a lack of

    expertise in using it, the system does not perform at an optimal level. What is more,

    there are certain things that could not be done in the way they where intended to be

    done. This is left for a future implementation probably using a different language and

    also for a fully interactive version of the game.

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    2 - The Game of Oware:

    In this chapter we study the game, from the basic rules to the complex strategies

    and game positions.

    2.1 - Rules:

    The game consists of a board with two rows of six pits each (also called homes,

    squares, holes...). At the start of the game there are four stones (also called seeds,

    beans, counters...) in each pit. The game finishes when one player cannot move or when

    one player has captured more than half of the 48 stones. In the case in which a player

    cannot move (no counters in his pits) the other player captures the rest of the stones

    that are in the board. Another rule for movement is that a player has to make a move, if

    he cans, that leaves at least one stone in the opponent's side. This is the same as

    making a move that will allow the opponent to move. The game is played by turns, in

    each turn the player chooses one of the six pits on his side. He picks up all the stones in

    that pit and then he starts dropping them one by one from the next pit in anticlockwise

    direction putting one stone in each pit. If he reaches the pit where he started from he

    skips it and resumes the operation in the following pits.

    Capturing of stones is made when the last stone is dropped on the opponent's

    side. We then count the number of stone in it. If it is 2 or 3 then those stones are

    captured by the player who did the move. We do the same with the previous pit

    (clockwise direction) until the number of stones is not 2 or 3 or we finish with the pits on

    the opponent's side.

    The rules here described are used in some parts of Ghana, surely they are used in

    other places and they are very similar to other variants of the game.

    We can give the step by step instructions for playing the game:

    1) On your turn, select a non-empty pit on your side of the board. "Sow" the stones in

    that pit around the board, dropping one at a time stone-clockwise into each pit.

    2) If you choose a pit with enough stones to go completely around the board (12 or

    more), the original pit is skipped and left empty.

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    3) If the last stone is dropped into a pit on your opponent's side, leaving that pit with 2

    or 3 stones, you capture all the stones in that pit. The capture continues with consecutive

    previous pits on that side which also contain 2 or 3 stones.

    4) If all the opponent's stones are captured, it is called a "Grand Slam", and ends the

    game (see Rule 5).

    * Variation 4a: Grand Slam captures are not legal moves.

    * Variation 4b: Such a move is legal, but no capture results.

    * Variation 4c: Such a move is legal, but the last pit is not captured.

    * Variation 4d: Such a move is legal, but only the first pit is captured.

    * Variation 4e: Grand Slam captures are allowed, however all remaining stones on the

    board are awarded to the opponent.

    5) If all your opponent's pits are empty, you must make a move that will give him a

    move. If no such move can be made, you capture all the remaining stones on the board,

    ending the game.

    6) The game is over when one player has captured 25 or more stones, or both players

    have taken 24 stones each (draw), or a position is repeated, in which case each player

    captures the stones on their side of the board.

    For the rest of the analysis of the game we use the variation 4e for Grand Slam captures.

    Here are some basic situations to explain better the rules of the game and the

    results of each move:

    The notation used is the following:

    The board consists of two sides which we call North and South. In each side the

    pits are give letters. For South from left to right (a,b,c,d,e,f). For North from right to left

    (A,B,C,D,E,F). This may seem strange at first glance but it gives some advantages when

    trying to see where a move will end.

    The moves are written as a number followed by a letter. The number represents

    the number of stones in the pit and the letter the pit selected. The information is

    redundant and use for confirmation. Captures are noted beside the move inside

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    parenthesis with the number of stones captured. For example: 4c indicates a move of the

    4 stones by South player from pit c (the third from the left on his side).

    Initial board:

    Initially the board has 4 stones in each pit (total of 48 stones). One of the players starts

    to move, in our games it will always be South player.

    F E D C B A N Initial State

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    a B c d e f S

    Basic Moves:

    From the initial state a basic move would be for example 4d. Picking all stones in

    the pit and leaving one in e, f, A and the last one in B. Note that the stones are placed in

    anticlockwise direction going from f in South's side to A in North's side and from F in

    North's side to a in South's side. This move does not capture any stones as there are not

    2 or 3 stones in the last pit B. So it is North's turn to move.

    F E D C B A N Basic Move 4d

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    a B c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4d

    4 4 4 4 5 5 04 4 4 0 5 5 0

    a b c d e f S

    Round Moves:

    In this case the pit has 18 stones. Moving 18d drops one stone in each pit except d and

    another one in e,f,A,B,C,D and E. Notice that the number of pits covered in the second

    round is 7, that is 18-11. As we know there are 12 pits and leaving the first one we need

    11 stones to do a a complete pass back to the first pit.

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    Note: The game is in progress and to show it each player has captured in total some

    stones. North has 4 and South has 3, notice that the sum of captured stones and

    remaining stones in board must be 48.

    F E D C B A N Round Move 18d

    0 3 4 0 8 2 4

    2 3 0 18 0 1 3

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 18d

    1 5 6 2 10 4 4

    3 4 1 0 2 3 3

    a b c d e f S

    Simple Captures:

    In this case one of the movements produces a capture. The move 2e will end in A and it

    will have three stones in it. As it meets the capture condition (2 or 3 stones in opponent's

    side) the three stones are captured by South player. As A is the first pit of North playerwe do not need to check other pits. In case it was not the first one we would check the

    previous to see if it meets the condition stated before. We will see this in the next

    example (Multiple Captures).

    F E D C B A N Simple Capture 2e

    0 3 4 0 8 2 4

    1 3 0 18 2 0 3

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 2e (3)

    0 3 4 0 8 0 4

    1 3 0 18 0 1 6

    a b c d e f S

    Multiple Captures:

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    Multiple captures as explained above happen when the last stone ends up in a pit which

    is not the first one. The move 5e as shown in the diagram ends up in D before capturing.

    We check D for capture condition, after that we check C, then B and A. Until one of them

    does not meet the capture condition. In this case all of them meet it (2 or 3 stones) so

    all the stones are captured by South player, ten stones in total.

    F E D C B A N Multiple Captures 5e

    0 10 1 2 1 2 5

    1 3 0 18 5 0 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N Before capture

    0 10 2 3 2 3 5

    1 3 0 18 0 1 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 5e (10)

    0 10 0 0 0 0 5

    1 3 0 18 0 1 10

    a b c d e f S

    Round Move Captures:

    Round move captures occur when there are enough stones in one pit to go around the

    board and end in the opponent's side. In this case pit d has eighteen stones and will end

    the move in D. After the move and before the capture we can see that some pits have

    two more stones than before and some have only one. This is because of the complete

    cycle achieved by the move. From pit e to E there are two more stones than before.

    Now we check the capture condition as usual, E meets it, as D and C does. B does not

    meet the condition therefore we stop with a capture total of eight stones by South


    F E D C B A N Round Move Captures 18d

    0 1 0 1 8 4 102 3 0 18 0 1 0

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    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N Before capture

    1 3 2 3 10 6 10

    3 4 1 0 2 3 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 18d (8)

    1 0 0 0 10 6 10

    3 4 1 0 2 3 8

    a b c d e f S

    Forced Moves:

    As one of the rules states. 5) If all your opponent's pits are empty, you must make a

    move that will give him a move. If no such move can be made, you capture all the

    remaining stones on the board, ending the game. In this case South cannot play 3b or 1e

    as they do not comply with the rule. Therefore South has to play 5d giving North a

    chance to move in his next turn.

    F E D C B A N Forced Moves 5d

    0 0 0 0 0 0 20 South has to move 5d.

    0 3 0 5 1 0 20 Only move that gives North the chance to move in his turn

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N

    0 0 0 1 1 1 20

    0 3 0 0 2 1 20

    a b c d e f S

    Grand Slams:

    This type of move is subjected to different rules. We will apply the one stated above.

    Grand Slam captures are allowed, however all remaining stones on the board are

    awarded to the opponent. With 5d South captures 6 stones and performs a Grand Slam,North cannot move so remaining stones are captured by him. In this case the result of

    the game is a draw but it depends on the situation of the board.

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    F E D C B A N Grand Slam Move 5d

    0 0 0 1 1 1 18

    0 3 0 5 1 0 18

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 5d (6)

    0 0 0 0 0 0 18

    0 3 0 0 2 1 24

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N Remaining stones are for opponent (6)

    0 0 0 0 0 0 24 In this case the game is a draw

    0 0 0 0 0 0 24

    a b c d e f S

    From the rules and experience we can give more details on counting moves:

    1) If there are 6 stones in one pit the "Sow" will end in the diagonal opposite that has thesame letter assigned to it. For example a move from c6 will end in C.

    2) A pit with 11 stones will end the move in the previous pit after leaving one stone in

    each pit except the first one (empty).

    3) Pits with more than 11 stones have a great advantage in the game, but are only

    useful with a specific amount of stones. For South player (North player would be the

    same), having from 12 to 17 stones in pit f will end the move in the opponent's side.Adding one stone for each previous pit in his side we can get the amount of stones

    needed in each pit. That is, from 13 to 18 in pit e, from 14 to 19 in pit d and so on...

    Until pit a which must have between 17 and 22 stones to end the move in opponent's


    4) Pits with no stones are only protected against direct attacks but not from moves that

    go all around the board (see point 3). This is because in the first pass one stone is put in

    the empty pit so in the next pass another one is dropped and so both stones are

    captured. Notice that pits with two stones are protected against this type of move,

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    because in the first pass the pit will have three stones so that when another bead is

    dropped there is no capture.

    5) Obviously pits that have no stones cannot be chosen for a move, thus limiting the

    number of possible moves for a player. This makes end games simpler as there are fewer

    stones and also fewer moves to choose from.

    2.2 - Strategies:

    There are different strategies and variations of them. We list the most used ones

    with commented examples.

    2.2.1 - Defensive:

    Trying to protect all pits with 3 or more stones. Note that a pit without stones is

    still vulnerable to moves by opponent with 12 or more stones. Also every move leaves at

    least one empty pit so the defensive strategy is limited in this sense.

    F E D C B A N Defensive

    0 0 5 4 5 0 6 South has all pits with less than 3 stones.

    2 2 2 2 1 2 7 He must move a thus protecting a, b and c.

    a b c d e F S 2a

    F E D C B A N After 2a

    0 0 5 4 5 0 6

    0 3 3 2 1 2 7

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4C

    1 1 6 0 5 0 6 Now North can capture a or d

    1 3 3 2 1 2 7

    a b c d e f S South moves 3c protecting d and f

    F E D C B A N After 3c

    1 1 6 0 5 0 6

    1 3 0 3 2 3 7

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    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1F

    0 1 6 0 5 0 8

    0 3 0 3 2 3 7

    a b c d e f S

    2.2.2 - Attack:

    Trying to leave the opponent with pits vulnerable for capturing. That is more than

    one pit with 1 or 2 stones. So that he has to leave at least one pit vulnerable. This can be

    achieved in several ways and it depends greatly on the disposition of the stones.

    F E D C B A N Offensive

    3 0 0 0 0 0 17 South has four moves which leave vulnerable pits

    0 0 8 6 3 1 10 1f leaves 1, 3e leaves 2, 6d leaves4, 8c leaves 5

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 8c

    3 1 1 1 1 1 17 North has to move 1E to avoid 10 stones captured by South

    0 0 0 7 4 2 10

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1E

    4 0 1 1 1 1 17

    0 0 0 7 4 2 10

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4e (6)

    4 0 1 0 0 0 17

    0 0 0 7 0 3 16

    a b c d e f S

    This shows also that the player that has more stones in his side has an advantage.

    We will see this in more detail after.

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    2.2.3 - Kroo Building:

    Kroo building [8] is one of the terms used for having enough stones to go around

    all the board reaching the pit where the move started. This strategy has the advantage

    that the opponent has always to leave a pit empty and therefore vulnerable to a Kroo

    move. Kroo building is more easily done in the end pits of each side. You need less

    stones (12 to 17 in the last one) and you can add stones more easily with your moves.

    F E D C B A N Kroo Building

    1 3 5 3 5 0 5 South wants to accumulate stones in f

    0 3 4 1 3 10 5

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4c, 1A, 2d

    1 3 5 3 6 0 5

    0 3 0 0 5 12 5

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1F, 5e, 3E

    1 0 6 4 7 1 5 North cannot move 7B because it is menaced by Kroo in 13f

    2 4 0 0 0 13 5a b c d e f S

    2.2.4 - Overloading:

    When an opponent has build a kroo one way to neutralize it is to add more stones

    to that pit. Remember that a kroo is only useful if it has an exact number of stones, for

    example for the end pit between 12 and 17 stones.

    F E D C B A N Overloading

    1 3 17 3 5 0 5 North has a kroo in D which is menacing d

    0 1 0 1 3 4 5 South cannot protect d by moving 1d

    a b c d e f S Only way is to supply more stones to D with 4a

    F E D C B A N After 4a

    1 3 18 4 6 1 5

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    0 1 0 1 3 0 5 North has a kroo but move 18D will end in e with 5 stones

    a b c d e f S South has prevented the use of the kroo by overloading it

    2.2.5 - Pressure:

    Force the opponent who has build a kroo to move it. By not supplying the other

    side with stones so that the only valid move is to pick the kroo.

    F E D C B A N Force

    1 1 17 0 0 0 8 South could move 8d thus capturing 4 stones but then...

    0 1 0 8 1 1 8 North could move 17D capturing 9 stones

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1a

    1 1 17 0 0 0 8 South is delaying the move

    0 2 1 8 1 1 8

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1F

    0 1 17 0 0 0 8

    1 2 1 8 1 1 8

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 2b

    0 1 17 0 0 0 8

    1 0 2 9 1 1 8

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1E, 1a, 1F

    0 0 17 0 0 0 8

    1 1 2 9 1 1 8

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1e

    0 0 17 0 0 0 8 South forces North player to move the kroo

    1 1 2 9 0 2 8

    a b c d e f S

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    F E D C B A N After 17D

    2 2 0 1 1 1 8 North has loose the kroo and South can capture some stones

    3 3 4 11 1 3 8

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 3f (6)

    2 2 0 0 0 0 8

    3 3 4 11 1 0 14

    a b c d e f S

    2.2.6 - Counter attack:

    This move is possibly one of the most difficult to prepare. The idea is to let the

    opponent use his kroo to capture some stones but giving the chance to capture other

    (some or even more) stones in the next move.

    F E D C B A N Counter Attack

    13 0 0 1 1 1 10 South cannot avoid North playing his kroo

    0 1 6 0 1 1 13 He plays 1b so that c will counter attack after N plays 13F

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 1b

    13 0 0 1 1 1 10

    0 0 7 0 1 1 13

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 13F (4)

    0 1 1 2 2 2 14

    0 0 8 1 2 2 13

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 8c (13) Grand Slam

    0 0 0 0 0 0 14

    0 0 0 2 3 326 South wins the game

    a b c d e f S

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    All these tactics or strategies can be used throughout the game. Some of them

    are general strategies and others come from response to opponents moves or board


    2.3 Game Phases:

    During the game we can establish three different phases. The first one is in the

    beginning, or taking the term from chess the opening. The second one is when there are

    no or few captured stones and most of them are still on the board. The last one is the

    end game phase, when there are few stones in the board and also when it is possible for

    one player to win the game by capturing a small amount of stones (less than 8).

    2.3.1 - Openings:

    From the work done by [reference] we know that the best opening move is the

    last pit, for South that would be 4f. This was also said by [reference] but deduced in

    other way. One of the indications of the status of the board is what he calls, MiH (Moves

    in Hand) or OMiH (Onside Moves in Hand). [references].

    MiH or OMiH is the number of moves a player can do without giving any stones to

    the opponent's side, not taking into account the moves done by the opponent.

    F E D C B A N MiH

    0 0 5 4 5 0 8

    0 0 4 2 1 2 7 North has 0 MiH

    a b c d e f S South has 3 MiH (1e, 2d, 1e).

    This is a static measure of the board, but it gives an idea of which player has a

    better position. The best way to have more MiH is to move first the end pits, in the case

    of South to move from right to left, or in general from the last pit to the first. This makes

    sense with opening with the last pit f so that MiH are maximized.

    Openings then follow this rule also so beginning with pit f for South player is the

    best choice. From that move most of the moves should be done in response toopponents choices. In the first steps of the game accumulating stones in one pit and

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    having enough moves to choose from are the two most important factors to take into


    Imitating Moves:

    F E D C B A N Opening game

    4 4 5 5 5 5 0

    4 4 4 4 4 0 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4f

    0 4 5 5 5 5 0

    5 5 5 5 4 0 0a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 4F

    0 4 5 6 6 6 0

    5 5 5 0 5 1 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 5d1 5 0 6 6 6 0

    6 6 6 0 5 1 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 5D

    1 5 0 7 7 7 0

    6 6 0 1 6 2 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N After 6c

    2 6 1 0 7 7 0 Note that North is making the same moves as South

    7 7 1 2 6 2 0 Here he has move 7C (The pit has one more stone)

    a b c d e f S The result is that South now has 2 more stones in his side

    In this simple example we see how imitating an opening is not good. The player

    who moves first will get more stones in his side which gives an advantage. There are

    several fixed openings that could give a little advantage to a player, but any of them

    which leaves enough stones in one side is good. Capturing can also be part of the

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    opening phase. Usually very few stones are captured and therefore the advantage it

    gives is also very limited.

    2.3.2 - Middle Game:

    During the middle of the game several things happen (or may happen):

    Note: The numbers only give an approximation to see how the game develops.

    Players have captured a certain amount of stones (from 5 to 15 each, that is a

    total of 10 to 30 or from 25 to 75 in percentage representation)

    In the board there are then fewer stones remaining (from 18 to 38)

    Each player can then have in his side of the board between 9 and 19 stones

    Some pits would be empty, remember that each move leaves an empty pit. So at least

    one empty pit, probably more. There can be Kroos. With the above values probably only

    one for each player with 12 to 17 stones.

    In this situation it is difficult to see a clear winner. The number of captured stones

    is not representative unless there is a very big difference. The remaining stones are also

    more significant when there is few of them (less than 18). The number of stones that

    each player has on his side has more importance, but also when the difference is bigger.

    Empty pits also have a lot of importance because they limit player movements and are

    vulnerable to attacks from opponents kroos. Finally we come to Kroos which could be the

    most important factor during middle game, the ability to build, maintain and use a Kroo

    are fundamental to win the game.

    Therefore we have sorted the important factors for middle game playing by order

    of importance. Listing first the most important:

    Kroo building and use.

    Empty pits.

    Stones in each side.

    Stones captured by each player.

    We can add to this list the number of MiH for each player. Although as we will see

    this is even more important for the last phase of the game. We can give a general rule

    when trying to decide a move, in case of doubt between two or more moves that seem

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    equally good, always move the stones in the last pit. This is done to maximize MiH for

    each player.

    2.3.3 - End Game:

    End game situations have been completely studied as they have less moves and

    positions. Having more MiH than the opponent usually gives an advantage. Even for a

    minimum difference between the MiH for each player. Therefore maximizing MiH or, what

    is the same, moving last pits first is the best choice.

    We also have to take into account moves that capture stones and the number of

    captures of each player. So in this phase the important factors are the following:

    Stones captured by each player.

    Stones in each side.

    Number of MiH of each player.

    With all the information from the given phases we can try to obtain a function that

    gives us the state of the board. There are factors that we can take into account for each


    Number of stones captured by each player (having number of stones remaining in board)

    Number of stones in each side of the board

    Number of stones that can be captured with a move

    Number of stones that can be lost in next move when choosing a particular move

    Number of vulnerable pits (1 or 2 stones) in each side

    Number of 2 pass vulnerable pits (0 or 1 stone) in each side

    Number of MiH (Moves in Hand) for each player

    Number of real MiH including protection of menaced pits or possible captures

    Number of pits with enough stones to go round the board. (12-22)

    We can give more information for some of these factors:

    1) Number of stones captured by each player (having then stones still in the board)

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    This factor has a lot of importance because it determines the winner of the game. Once

    somebody has captured more than 24 stones he is declared the winner. Therefore it is

    even more important near the end of the game. We can choose to divide this factor into


    Number of stones captured by player

    Number of stones captured by opponent

    Difference between number of captures

    The last one is calculated from the first two ones.

    2) Number of stones in each side of the board

    This is the number of stones each player has on his side of the board, the more stones

    the better. This is also more important towards the end of the game and it is directly

    related to the term MiH explained before.

    3) Number of MiH (Moves in Hand) for each player

    This is how many moves a player can make before giving any stones to the opponent.

    What we want to know is which player has more MiH, so we want to calculate the

    difference between the two values.

    4) Number of pits with enough stones to go round the board. (12-22)

    This is the most complex factor, not only the building of a kroo is important, but also its

    use. Its use depends greatly on the situation of the stones in the opponents side. As well

    as picking the right moment to use it before it becomes useless.

    All this information and more is used to build a utility function, in it is contained all

    the knowledge of the strategies of the game. Defining or more specifically modelling a

    utility function is not an easy task, we will discuss more about this and other methods of

    resolution in the next chapter.

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    3 Modelling a utility function:

    3.1 - Searching trees for Oware:

    Building a search tree for all possible Oware moves is a complicated task. In any

    move each player has a maximum of 6 pit choices. As the game progresses this number

    decreases, as empty pits cannot be selected for valid moves. This gives us a tree of a

    width of 6 branches in each move (maximum). The duration of an Oware game can vary

    greatly from 30 to 80 or more moves. Taking for example 50 as a middle value we could

    have a depth of 50 levels for our search tree.

    So the number of total positions and therefore every possible game position thatcould be achieve can be easily calculated.

    Number of positions: N=6*6*6*6..*6 (50 times) = 650 = 8.082812774 +38

    The figure below shows how a tree would be built. Starting from the top position,

    the start game position, selecting in each branch a different move for each player. In

    some levels the number of branches would be less than 6.

    F E D C B A N

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    a b c d e f S

    4b 4c ... 4d 4e

    F E D C B A N

    4 4 4 4 4 4 0

    0 5 5 5 5 4 0

    a b c d e f S

    F E D C B A N

    4 4 5 5 5 5 0

    4 4 4 4 4 0 0

    a b c d e f S


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    This is of course not accurate, but it shows that the number of game positions is

    very high. Actually the exact number of game positions has been calculated and is:

    889.063.398.406 game positions.

    The number was calculated using a different system to build the tree. Starting

    from every end game position and going back to the start of the game. The technique

    used was retrograde analysis and was the first one to do it with the whole number of

    stones, 48. [3]

    This study has lead to interesting facts. As, for example, that with perfect play

    from both sides the final result of the game is a draw. But analysing the database we can

    extract more useful conclusions.

    The figure on the next page shows how the positions are divided over the scores.

    The length of each bar reflects the number of positions that have a particular score. The

    colours distinguish the numbers of stones in the positions. For example, there are about

    100 billion positions that have score 0, of which about 33 billion have 48 stones.

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    Most of the games end in a draw and also with a score of +2 for the player who

    moves first. Usually the moves that make a capture are the best ones, this is true in 78%

    of the cases in which there was to select between a capturing and a non-capturing move.

    This is even more accused in the beginning of the game when captures are less

    important than having a good position in the board.

    Another important fact is that the best opening move and the only one that is sure

    to give the best outcome is moving the last pit (f). As we said before when we discussed

    the strategies this first move is the strongest move. From this move the alternatives

    depend on each of the players moves, but a strong follow for the (f) pit move is the (d)


    As the database with all possible board positions has been calculated it isimpossible to make a system that can win every game. The best outcome is to get a

    draw in every game, but building a system that can achieve this without relying on the

    database can be a futile task. There are two objectives remaining, a system that can play

    without the use of a search tree and a system that is capable of learning from each game

    it takes part on.

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    3.2 - Players Evolution:

    Another approach to build a strong system that can play Oware and improve in

    each game has been done [4]. In this case this work shows how a player can be evolved

    using a co-evolutionary approach where computer players play against one another, with

    the strongest players surviving and being mutated using an evolutionary strategy (ES).

    The players are represented using a simple evaluation function, representing the current

    state of the game, with each term of the function having a weight which is evolved using

    the ES.

    The function we present to the evolving player is as follows

    f = w1a2 + w2a3 + w32 + w43 + w5as + w6s (1)

    where :

    w1-w6 The weightings for each term of f

    a2 Number of opponents pits vulnerable to a 2 stones capture on the next move

    a3 Number of opponents pits vulnerable to a 3 stones capture on the next move

    2 Number of players pits vulnerable to a 2 stones capture on the next move

    3 Number of players pits vulnerable to a 3 stones capture on the next moveas The current score of the opponent

    s The current score of the evolving player

    The idea is to start with a player that uses a function with random weight, playing

    a very weak game. And by playing games, adjusting the weights, can achieve to play at

    a good level with the new function. This is done with the following choices:

    - A population, P, of 20 players is created. Each member of the population, pn

    (n=1..20), contains six real numbers which correspond to the weights, w1..w6.

    The weights are randomly initialised with values 1..+1.

    - Each pn plays every other pn member twice, but they do not play themselves.

    They play once as north and once as south.

    - For each move by the evolving player, a search tree is constructed. The depth of

    the search tree is determined by the available search time. The search depth

    chosen was 7. The evaluation function (1) assigns a value to each of the

    terminal nodes and these values are propagated up to the root of the search

    tree using the mini-max algorithm.

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    - At the end of all the games the top m (the choice made was m=5) players were

    retained and the rest were discarded.

    - Each retained player produces an equal number of children. If this would exceed

    the population size (as n=20 and m=5, this was not relevant to us) then the

    production is biased towards the fittest individuals. The production of a new

    player is produced by pn(wi) = pn(wi) + N(0,1) (2)

    We note however that this system still relies in a search tree, although hidden

    behind all the process to select the best player. This search tree is in the end the one

    responsible for the improvement of the player. All the children produced by the player,

    the weight adjustment and the selection are minor elements that contribute to the

    evolved player.

    A seven level search tree for the game Oware is good. The number of positions

    given by this tree can be calculated. Considering the maximum of six possible moves for

    each player, mostly in the beginning of games we have the number of positions:

    N=6*6*6*6*6*6*6=67=279.936 positions

    That is nearly three hundred thousand positions per move. It is stated that each

    move take up to one minute for the system to calculate it, building the tree and selectingthe best move. In a typical end game where we have less stones we can have around

    three moves to choose from, as most pits are empty. This gives us N=37=2.187 positions

    with a seven level tree during the final moves of the game.

    The evolved player is able to play at a good level, even considering only capturing

    moves and current player scores for the evaluation function. We can assume that a great

    part of the power of the player comes from the search tree that builds while developing

    the final evaluation function. One of the next objectives for this player is to find its own

    evaluation function and finding at the same time which factors are important for the

    strategy of the game.

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    3.3 - Decision Making and Utility Functions:

    In our decision making system we are going to evaluate moves from the

    information given by the static position of the board. With all the data from the moves

    and the selection of different positions we can define a utility function that represents the

    system we design. The previous method uses an evaluation function to calculate the best

    move. This function is also called a utility function, a term that comes from economics.

    Utility is used to describe how good is a state given, therefore the goal is to maximize the

    values of the utility function. For multiple states we can find the values given by the

    utility function and choose the highest one. This is what the previous method does,

    although relying still in a search tree to find the ultimate utility function.

    It is finding the utility function the most complicated task. Not only it is difficult to

    find one, but sometimes one cannot assure if it is a good function or even if exists for a

    particular given problem. Utility functions are used in systems under uncertainty where

    they introduce the term expected utility. This expected utility is then calculated based on

    probabilities for the outcome of each action. In our game we do not need to take into

    account probabilities because it has no hidden information. A utility function for the game

    considers that status of the board and the possible outcomes of each move. All the

    information is available for the system to evaluate the utility function.

    A decision making system can rely in a large variety of structures to work.

    Decision making systems based on utility functions are common, the way to choose an

    action is to see the value that the function gives. [9]

    In the game Oware finding a suitable utility function can be achieved in several

    ways. In the previous study we have examined the function was defined based on the

    knowledge of the game. The function is limited in two ways: It has been arbitrarily

    defined and the weights for the final function are based on a limited search tree. Even

    with these two restrictions the function does a good job performing at a decent level

    against another computer system use for testing.

    These two factors that limit the effectiveness of the utility function can be

    eliminated by using a different strategy to obtain our decision making system. First of all

    we avoid the use of an explicit utility function. By using a set of rules that take into

    account the important factors that affect the game we can get similar results. These rules

    could be converted to a explicit utility function because they consist of the information

    that is important for the game. Not only do the rules have this information, they also

    have the strategy for playing the game. In this sense we are substituting the second

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    factor that limits the effectiveness of the function. Instead of using tests, in this case

    building a limited search tree, we decide which is the best move based on the strategy


    This way of presenting the decision making system has also disadvantages. One of

    them is that the important information regarding the game and the strategy for playing it

    are mixed up in the set of rules. Another aspect is that the information to define the rules

    come from experience with the game and sometimes this cannot be specified. In this

    sense Oware is a game that has an intricate strategy, there is agreement in which things

    are important for the game but not in a very specific way.

    Before presenting the decision making system we explain in the next chapter the

    basics of logic representation. This would be use to describe the rules and facts thatconceive our strategy.

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    3.4 - Logic Representation:

    One of the ways to represent knowledge is the use of predicate logic. It is based

    on the idea that sentences do really represent relations between objects, as well as

    qualities and attributes of those objects. These relations, qualities or attributes are called

    predicates and the objects are the arguments of the predicates. The predicates have a

    truth value that depends on its arguments, it can be true for some arguments and false

    for others. For example the predicate:

    colour (sky, blue) is true

    but colour (sky, pink) is false

    The truth of these predicates depends on the relation with the system we are

    trying to represent. This is done so that it seems more natural but it is not a strict

    requirement. The only important aspect is that reasoning is done correctly with the use

    of inference rules. Based on true predicates the result of applying the inference rules will

    provide only true consequences.

    The predicates that are establish as been true are called facts. These facts are

    always true in our system without considering information from the real world. For

    example we could establish that the sky is red by writing the fact:

    colour (sky, red)

    This fact is true in our system and would be use during the reasoning with the

    rules. In the predicate knowledge systems we can use connectors and operators to

    represent complex rules. We can also use variables that have no value and get the value

    during the process of evaluation of the rules.

    3.4.1 - Unification:

    The unification process tries to match the components in the predicates with the

    facts that are in the knowledge database. This process gets more complex when there

    are variables involved. The process can be described by the following steps:

    1- All predicates without variables must have a fact that match it for the predicate to be


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    2- If there are variables they have to be associated with a fixed value. The predicate is

    compared to all facts not taking into account the variable. The variable is associated with

    the value in the fact that is in the same position. If there is more than one fact that

    meets the condition all values are taken are treated separately.

    3- The process of identification continues considering that the value of the variable is

    used in the rest of the predicates.

    3.4.2 - Inference:

    Inference is a process in which a conclusion is obtained from a set of facts. There

    are certain rules that form the basic principles of inference.

    Modus ponens is the most important one in knowledge based systems. This rule

    can be explained in the following way:

    If p and p->q are known to be true then q is also true.

    Modus tolens can be also described in a similar way:

    If p->q is true and q is false then p is false.

    Resolution is a technique that uses contradiction to validate sentences. The way to

    do it is to negate the original sentence apply the technique until a contradiction is

    reached therefore validating the original sentence. This is a very powerful technique to

    demonstrate theorems in logic and is the basic inference system that PROLOG uses.

    The resolution rule can be represented by the following rules:

    If A->B is true and B->C is true then A->C is true

    These techniques and a few others that PROLOG uses can be treated as reasoning

    mechanism. This mechanism is based on inference and in a certain way is a step ahead.

    In predicate logic there are three basic methods of reasoning: deduction, abduction and


    Deduction can obtain a logical conclusion from a given premise. By doing logic

    inferences that are correct we can guarantee that the conclusions would also be valid if

    the premises where true.

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    This is the most simple to understand method and also accepted to be valid. It

    can be expressed in predicate logic as follows:

    Given A,B,C and Greater(A,B) and Greater(B,C) we can deduce that Greater(A,C)

    Abduction is used to generate explanations and cannot guarantee that the

    conclusion would be valid. Therefore it is not a fundamental method for inference.

    Beginning with the conclusion the method tries to obtain the conditions that make that

    conclusion true. Trying to find an explanation or a cause for the given conclusion.

    If A->B is true and B is true then A could be true

    Induction develops from individual situations and tries to reach a general

    conclusion. This is the basics of scientific research and investigation. It is also a not a

    solid method for inference.For example given P(A),P(B)....P(N) we can give P(X) for every X as a conclusion.

    Deduction is a monotonic way of reasoning that produces conclusion that are still

    valid. This type of reasoning is not affected by the inclusion of new facts. Another aspect

    of this reasoning is that the order in which the inference is applied, to rules and facts,

    does not limit the inferences that can be made.

    3.5 - Production Systems:

    Production systems [Elaine Rich] can represent a system with the use of predicate

    logic. These systems are defined by three components:

    a) A set of rules: This set of rules can be represented using predicate logic, with

    the form (condition -> action). As in predicate logic in both sides we can have

    different elements and connectors. In Prolog the representation is not the

    same, we will see this in more detail in the next section.

    b) One or more databases: Typically these systems have an initial database and a

    working database. The first one consist of the initial facts that are used for the

    system to start working and does not change. The second one is modified by

    including new elements that come from the application of the rules. This

    database increases as the system applies new rules. Joining the two databases

    we have the full knowledge of the system.

    c) A control strategy: This part of the system decides which rule is going to be

    applied in each step of the process. There are a lot of methods for control

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    strategies but usually each problem requires a personalized control strategy to

    get a good result and also for optimisation. This part of the system also is in

    charge of resolving possible conflicts that can arise from the application of the


    The way this system resolves problems is very simple. Given that the three parts

    are well defined and coherent we can describe the process of solving as a cycle:

    a) Detect all the rules that can be applied with the facts in the knowledge of the

    system. This is the same as trying to match the left hand side elements of the

    rules with the facts that we have.

    b) Select and apply one of the rules. This is done by the defined control strategy.

    c) Update the knowledge database with the new elements infered from the ruleapplied. This is the same as adding the elements on the right hand side of the

    rule that has been applied.

    This process is done until we achieve the objective which should be in the

    knowledge database or when there are no more rules to apply. We can also reach a point

    where we have a contradiction or conflict, the control strategy should be able to detect

    and adapt to these situations.

    There are two basic strategies for resolution, forward and backward chaining. The

    first one starts with an initial state and applies rules to give solutions. Backward

    reasoning starts with an objective or hypothesis and tries to find a solution that matches

    that hypothesis. Prolog uses backward chaining so we would describe it in more detail.

    3.5.1 - Backward Chaining:

    This type of strategy allows rather a more focused style of reasoning. While

    forward reasoning can lead to a lot of information added to the database that is not

    relevant, with backward resolution we concentrate in the objective given. To prove the

    goal we apply two simple steps:

    a) If the goal is in the database it is proven.

    b) If not, we find a rule that has the goal in the right hand side and we try to

    prove each of the conditions of the selected rule.

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    This leads to new problems like for example when we have two rules with the goal

    on the right side. In this case we have to test both rules independently, luckily this is

    done by Prolog.

    3.5.2 - Production System for Oware:

    This production system is a simplified version of our system. It has the necessary

    information to play the game but without any kind of strategy. All the rules are

    represented as well as the results of each move, so that every move that is made is

    valid. The missing part is the control strategy that selects which rule to apply. In this

    case the possible set of rules to apply are the valid moves for a player. So finding a

    control strategy that selects the best move each time is the next goal of this essay.

    Below there is a description of the system, the elements used in the rules are

    described first. Some of them can only have a true or false value. These elements can

    only have one value at a time, take for example the rule A->A. This means that if we

    have A in the knowledge database after applying the rule we will have only A in the

    database, not both elements. This has been done for a clear reading of the set of rules,

    in Prolog the way of doing it is significantly different.

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    COU[SQ]=X Number of stones for pit (SQ = 1..12)

    TURN=PLY Turn of player (PLY = 1/2)

    MOV[INI,ACT,RES] Movement INI initial pit, ACT actual pit, RES remaining stones

    CAP[SQ] Capture of stones in pit (SQ = 1..12)

    TOTAL[PLY]=X Number of total stones each player has captured (PLY = 1/2)

    ENDTURN If the actual turn has ended

    Eliminate element from knowledge

    ++ Increment value by one

    -- Decrement value by one

    += Increment original value by another value

    < Logical Operator (Less Than)

    > Logical Operator (More Than)

    = Logical Operator (Equal)

    Logical Operator (Not Equal)

    & Logical AND

    NOTE: The SQ values go in a round chain, that means that after 12 goes number 1...


    Initial State:

    COU[1..12]=4 Every pit has 4 stones in it

    TURN=1 The first player starts

    TOTAL[1,2]=0 Initial stones captured is 0 for both players

    ENDTURN To begin the game



    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[1..6]0 -> MOV[1..6,1..6,COU[1..6]] & COU[1..6]=0 &


    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[7..12]0 -> MOV[7..12,7..12,COU[7..12]] &

    COU[7..12]=0 & ENDTURN

    Note: His is a reduced representation of 12 rules.

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    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[1]0 -> MOV[1,1,COU[1]] & COU[1]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[2]0 -> MOV[2,2,COU[2]] & COU[2]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[3]0 -> MOV[3,3,COU[3]] & COU[3]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[4]0 -> MOV[4,4,COU[4]] & COU[4]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[5]0 -> MOV[5,5,COU[5]] & COU[5]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=1 & ENDTURN & COU[6]0 -> MOV[6,6,COU[6]] & COU[6]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[7]0 -> MOV[7,7,COU[7]] & COU[7]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[8]0 -> MOV[8,8,COU[8]] & COU[8]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[9]0 -> MOV[9,9,COU[9]] & COU[9]=0 & ENDTURN

    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[10]0 -> MOV[10,10,COU[10]] & COU[10]=0 &

    ENDTURNIf TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[11]0 -> MOV[11,11,COU[11]] & COU[11]=0 &


    If TURN=2 & ENDTURN & COU[12]0 -> MOV[12,12,COU[12]] & COU[12]=0 &



    If MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & stoneS>0 & INIACT ->

    COU[ACT]++ & MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & MOV[INI,ACT++,stoneS--]

    If MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & stoneS>0 & INI=ACT ->

    MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & MOV[INI,ACT++,stoneS]

    If MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & stoneS=0 ->

    MOV[INI,ACT,stoneS] & CAP[ACT]


    If TURN=1 & CAP[SQ] & SQ>6 & 06 & 0=COU[SQ]>3 -> TURN=2 & CAP[SQ] & ENDTURN


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    If TURN=2 & CAP[SQ] & SQ6 -> TURN=1 & CAP[SQ] & ENDTURN


    If TOTAL[1]>24 -> WIN[1]

    If TOTAL[2]>24 -> WIN[2]

    Total 24 RULES

    Control Strategy:


    Always check ending rules (after capturing)

    Basic order is (Selecting, Moving, Capturing, Ending)

    The strategy should be applied for the selecting rules.

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    4 The Program:

    When trying to decide which kind of system was going to be implemented several

    options came up. Representation of the game was the most important issue, how to

    represent the game in a simple and clear way; while keeping in mind all the strategy that

    is supposed to be used for playing the game.

    A full implementation of an interactive game was not carried out due to lack of

    time and mostly because it was not the aim of the study. Therefore the focus came into

    the better way to implement the strategy defined. At the same time we had a good logic

    representation of the game that we did not want to loose.

    The final decision was to use Prolog, not without a discussion, as this was the first

    time it was used in a complex problem by me. Also the game involved a lot of arithmetic

    calculation for which Prolog is not well prepared. After solving these difficulties with the

    language and some workarounds for the representation of the board the system was fully


    4.1 Prolog:

    Prolog deals with knowledge, mainly with what we call rules and facts. With these

    facts and set of rules Prolog can use reasoning to obtain new results. In our case we will

    try to define this set of rules and facts with the game so that our system can inference

    the best move for a given position.

    The facts will be the static information given by the board. We have the initial

    state of the board before the move and the results of each possible move. We present

    this information in several values and two lists. Each fact has the following form:

    board(i0,f0, [4,4,4,4,4,0], [5,5,5,5,4,4], 0,0).

    For each line we have identifier of the initial state and the move, i(n) (initial state,

    number of board). Followed by two lists that represent the pits in each side of the board

    for each player. Finally, the last values, are the stones captured by South and North.

    With this information defined as facts we can obtain all the details explained

    before to inference which is the best move. This reasoning comes from the set of rules

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    that we have defined accordingly to the strategy chosen. The rules follow three mayor

    steps to do the inference:

    a) Check if the move is a winning move. In this case the number of stones

    captured with the move will exceed 24 thus winning the game. Such a move

    has priority over all other moves. This is important because in other systems

    sometimes this move was not chosen in favour of another move that would

    give a mayor benefit after more moves. When using search trees these sort of

    things may happen. The search tree gives the best values for each move, but

    do not take into account other factors of the game.

    b) Find in what phase the game is in. The strategy depends greatly on the phase

    of the game, so we have to see if we are in the opening, the middle game or

    the ending. This is done mostly calculating the number of stones remainingand the number of stones captured by each player. Another way to do it would

    be to keep a counter of the number of moves done, but this introduces a

    temporary element that we wish to avoid; at least in this first version.

    c) We try to match the conditions of the move to the ones that are in the given

    strategy. With this we can tell if a specific move is good, in what degree and

    the reasons why it is a good move. Here Prolog is not very helpful as the

    measure of how good is a move has to be done independently and we come

    closer to the use of a utility function that is or objective. Also the reasoningabout why it is a good move cannot be easily followed using the Prolog

    interpreter (in this case SWI-Prolog). Another way to keep track of this

    reasoning should be use to make the process more clear to the user.

    For example a rule of our system consists of:

    testMove(Ini,Move) :- winMove(Ini,Move) ; valueMove(Ini,Move).

    The left hand side of the rule is the conclusion, while the right hand side are the

    conditions that must be met. In common logic representation the rule would be as


    winMove(Ini,Move) OR valueMove(Ini,Move) -> testMove(Ini,Move)

    Notice the change of symbols and that the elements are reversed. These are the

    mayor notation changes that Prolog uses compared to traditional logic representation.

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    Even though all the strategy and the facts are in the knowledge that Prolog uses,

    there are several ways in which this can be done. Here there is freedom for the

    programmer or designer to decide in which way does he want the system to behave. In

    our case the aim was to make a simple system, that was fast in calculating the best

    move (almost instantaneous) and that could be easily modified to add new knowledge or

    even update the existing one. While doing this some things have been left behind and

    they add to the list of possible next steps to take for studying Oware.

    The full commented code can be found in the appendix. The code was tested only

    in SWI-Prolog for Windows. It can be found on the internet in http://www.swi-prolog.org/

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    5 Conclusions:

    The goal of this study was to obtain a utility function from the system that was

    implemented in Prolog. Due to the limitations of the Prolog program this could not be

    done. The program is too simple and can only infer good moves with static positions one

    by one. It needs a faster and automatic way to introduce positions and also to store the

    best move for each position. Therefore no utility function could be produced with this

    system and this is left for further research and work. During the development of the

    system in Prolog several difficulties were encountered. A great part of the programming

    could had been done more easily in traditional languages like C, although Prolog was

    helpful for other things. The way the strategy of the game was defined and the nature of

    the game in itself were responsible for the need of arithmetic calculations.

    In the case of Oware this calculations are constantly made, for each move that a

    player makes for example. We used two lists to represent the pits of each player, but a

    circular list would have been better. Mainly to simplify some calculations of moves as the

    moves go round the board from one players side to the other. Even with these limitations

    the system is able to infer from the static information of the board the best move. This

    was one of the main goals of the study and it was achieved with a satisfactory level.

    There are a couple of improvements and other paths that could have been

    exploited. Not looking at other AI techniques and concentrating in the way we wanted to

    build our decision making system we still can find lot of variations:

    Using a different structure to represent the board. Something like a circular list so

    that the moves could be simulated easily.

    Developing a program which could backtrack the steps Prolog used to infer theresult. Presenting this steps in a clearly and specific way for the user to read.

    Give the option to change weights for some factors that have an influence in the

    strategy. For example giving more important to some variables than others.

    Implement a full interactive game that uses the decision making system to make

    the moves. This could lead to tests to see the performance of the system against

    human players and other computerised opponents.

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    The backtracking of the steps that Prolog uses to produce the result can be

    obtained but in no easy way. Using one of Prolog commands, trace, we can see step by

    step how it does the reasoning. This is an internal command of Prolog used mainly for

    debugging as it is not user friendly.

    Apart from this goals that had to deal with the developing of the system a detail

    strategy for Oware was developed. This strategy is by no means complete, but

    considering the type of system we wanted to built it takes into account all the variables

    that are important for playing the game. Trying to obtain a set of rules with only the

    static information of the board was not an easy task. There is a lot of information that

    can potentially improve the performance of the system, as other techniques previously

    studied, use of search trees, looking at previous moves

    Given this limitations, the system built uses a simple but clear strategy. A set of

    rules that anyone can understand; represented in a similar way as how a human player

    thinks each move. This was the main goal of the study, making a system that behaves,

    or in this case plays, as a human.

    Even though this is an utopia, we can find certain similarities between the way the

    system behaves and an average human player. Our system can choose a move without

    having to calculate in advance all the possibilities and branches that the move canproduce. It can reason which move is good in certain positions and game phases; been

    able to do several things at the same time, like protecting his pits, capturing stones,

    getting a better position, menacing opponents pits

    At the same time the system lacks some abilities that human possess. Obviously

    all learning related abilities are not in this system. Other features which human players

    use that are not present are the following:

    The possibility to plan ahead. This is not to calculate the next moves and all the

    ramifications but to use a long term strategy.

    Adaptation to the opponents style of playing. The system does not take into

    account the kind of opponent it is playing with and it assumes it is a common


    Change the strategy while playing. This could be done for several reasons, but the

    system is not capable of doing so.

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    Some of this features could be included in new development of the system but

    most of them are truly complicated. They are topics or themes that are been studied

    thoroughly by the AI community and represent major goals to the world of computer

    games. The ability to emulate a human in games has always been interesting, as this

    sort of behaviour could be taken to other systems achieving a major breakthrough in AI.

    Oware is a game with lots of possibilities, simpler than chess, and has

    demonstrated that it is very useful to the development and study of different AI

    techniques. As one master Oware player said, even though all the game positions have

    been calculated this does not mean that people are going to stop playing the game. It is

    an opportunity to study the game for a better understanding and to adapt the way of

    playing. All the work done with a game has benefits that could be applied to the study of

    other games or other problems.

    This work was only a feeble attempt to study a game using AI techniques. Most of

    the time was spent studying the game in itself. This also happens when trying to solve

    any kind of problem, before starting to work on the solution we must study the problem

    in detail. Nowadays the AI is becoming more complex and new solutions or techniques

    are been discovered. I hope this trend continues and that games are kept as good

    domains to test all this new discoveries.

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    6 - References:

    [1] H S Nwana, L Lee and N R Jennings: Co-ordination in Software Agent Systems

    BT Technol J Vol 14 No 4 (October 1996).

    [2] Rosenschein J S: Rational Interaction: Cooperation Among Intelligent Agents

    PhD Thesis, Stanford University (1985).

    [3] John W. Romein and Henri E. Bal: Solving the Game of Awari using Parallel

    Retrograde Analysis Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Sciences, Amsterdam, The

    Netherlands (July 2002).

    [4] Davis J. E. and Kendall G.: An Investigation, using Co-Evolution, to Evolve an Awari

    Player Accepted for 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2002),

    Honolulu, Hawaii (May 2002).

    [5] Sapient Software: Oware! (1995)

    [6] David Chamberlin: Playing Warri


    [7] Fogel, David B.: Evolutionary computation : Toward a new philosophy of machine


    [8] Steffan O'Sullivan: Awale (2002)


    [9] Zimmermann, Hans-Jrgen: Fuzzy sets, decision making and expert systems (1991)

    [10] George Leitmann: Multicriteria decision making and differential games (1971)

    [11] Games of No Chance : Combinatorial Games (1994 at MSRI)

    [12] Johan Bos, Kristina Striegnitz, Patrick Blackburn: Learn Prolog Now! (2001)

    [13] Jacques Calmet, Anusch Daemi, Regine Endsuleit and Thilo Mie:

    A Liberal Approach to Openness in Societies of Agents

  • 8/8/2019 Dip Noguero



    [14] Joseph Y. Halpern: A Computer Scientist Looks at Game Theory (2002)

    [15] Kemal Enver: Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems in Games (2003)

    [16] David B. Fogel: Evolutionary Entertainment with Intelligent Agents

    [17] Wynn C. Stirling: Satisfying Games and Decision Making,

    Brigham Young University (2003)

    [18] Jonathan Schaeffer: A Gamut of Games,

    American Association for Artificial Intelligence (2001)

    [19] H. S. Nwana, L. Lee and N. R. Jennings: Co-ordination in software agent systems

    [20] H.H.L.M. Donkers, H.J. van den Herik, J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk:

    Opponent-Model Search In Bao: Conditions for a Successful Application,

    Universiteit Maastricht.

    [21] Conlon, Tom: Start problem-solving with Prolog, Addison-Wesley (1985)

  • 8/8/2019 Dip Noguero



    Appendix 1 Prolog Code:

    Prolog code with comments:









    % FROM 1-10-2003 TO 31-03-2004



    %Initial Knowledge

    %With each board we give the following informacion:

    %The initial state of the board before the move and the results of each possible move.

    %The information in each line is the identifier of the move, in (initial state, number of board).

    %Then the stones in South pits and North pits, the last values are stones captured by South and North.

    % Opening

    board(i0,f0, [4,4,4,4,4,0], [5,5,5,5,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,e0, [4,4,4,4,0,5], [5,5,5,4,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,d0, [4,4,4,0,5,5], [5,5,4,4,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,c0, [4,4,0,5,5,5], [5,4,4,4,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,b0, [4,0,5,5,5,5], [4,4,4,4,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,a0, [0,5,5,5,5,4], [4,4,4,4,4,4], 0,0).

    board(i0,i0, [4,4,4,4,4,4], [4,4,4,4,4,4], 0,0).

    % Middle Gameboard(i1,f1, [4,1,2,3,0,0], [1,15,1,1,3,4], 5,8).

    board(i1,d1, [3,0,2,0,1,9], [1,14,0,0,2,3], 5,8).

    board(i1,c1, [3,0,0,4,1,8], [0,14,0,0,2,3], 5,8).

    board(i1,a1, [0,1,3,4,0,8], [0,14,0,0,2,3], 5,8).

    board(i1,i1, [3,0,2,3,0,8], [0,14,0,0,2,3], 5,8).

    % End Game

    board(i2,f2, [1,0,2,0,0,0], [2,2,2,0,1,1], 22,15).

    board(i2,c2, [1,0,0,1,1,3], [2,2,2,1,0,0], 20,15).

    board(i2,a2, [0,1,2,0,0,3], [2,2,2,1,0,0], 20,15).

    board(i2,i2, [1,0,2,0,0,3], [2,2,2,1,0,0], 20,15).

    % Oppening with Kroo

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    board(i3,f3, [0,17,3,0,0,0], [2,10,2,0,5,1], 4,4).

    board(i3,c3, [0,17,0,1,1,3], [2,10,2,0,4,0], 4,4).

    board(i3,b3, [1,0,5,2,2,4], [3,11,3,1,6,2], 4,4).

    board(i3,i3, [0,17,3,0,0,2], [2,10,2,0,4,0], 4,4).

    % Middle Game with Capture

    board(i4,f4, [3,3,2,4,0,0], [2,8,0,0,0,0], 18,10).

    board(i4,d4, [3,3,2,0,1,5], [2,8,1,1,0,0], 12,10).

    board(i4,c4, [3,3,0,5,1,4], [2,8,1,1,2,1], 7,10).

    board(i4,b4, [3,0,3,5,1,4], [2,8,1,1,2,1], 7,10).

    board(i4,a4, [0,4,3,5,0,4], [2,8,1,1,2,1], 7,10).

    board(i4,i4, [3,3,2,4,0,4], [2,8,1,1,2,1], 7,10).

    % Middle Game

    board(i5,e5, [3,1,1,5,0,2], [3,5,1,2,0,0], 13,12).

    board(i5,d5, [2,0,0,0,15,1], [2,4,0,1,1,2], 8,12).board(i5,a5, [0,1,1,4,14,0], [2,4,0,1,0,1], 8,12).

    board(i5,i5, [2,0,0,4,14,0], [2,4,0,1,0,1], 8,12).

    % NOTE: This are only some examples of game positions.


    %Checks if a Move is good

    %use: goodMove(index of initial state ("i"+number), index of move or VAR (letter+number)


    goodMove(Ini,Move) :- testMove(Ini,Move).



    %Checks first to see if the Move is a winning move (ends)

    %called by: goodMove(Ini,Move)


    testMove(Ini,Move) :- winMove(Ini,Move) ; valueMove(Ini,Move).



    %Checks if it is a winning move, more than 24 stones captured

    %called by: testMove(Ini,Move)


    winMove(Ini,Move) :-

    board(Ini,Move, [],[], CapS,_),




    %Counts the number of stones that remain on the board

    %use: countTotal(initial state ("i"+number), move (letter+number), RESULT)


    countTotal(Ini,Move,Total) :-

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    board(Ini,Move, LS, LN, _,_),




    %Checks move for starting games

    %called by: testMove(Ini,Move)


    valueMove(Ini,Move) :- openMove(Ini,Move), countTotal(Ini,Move,Total), Total>37.



    %Checks move for middle games

    %called by: testMove(Ini,Move)


    valueMove(Ini,Move) :- middleMove(Ini,Move), countTotal(Ini,Move,Total), Total>18, Total

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    endMove(Ini,Move) :-







    %Checks if the move is a good move that leaves few empty pits

    %use: isEmptyPits(initial state ("i"+number), move (letter+number))


    isEmptyPits(Ini,Move) :-

