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Diploma project

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6months of diploma projects at ishan khosla design studio delhi
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Project Name - Skins Guide - Prof. S. Balaram Student - Mayank Chandra Thakur Institute - D J Academy of Design, Coimbatore.
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Project Name - SkinsGuide - Prof. S. BalaramStudent - Mayank Chandra ThakurInstitute - D J Academy of Design, Coimbatore.

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Page 3: Diploma project


The following document is hereby approved by the designated jury as credible workon the chosen subject, carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactoryfor acceptance as diploma project.

This approval however does not necessarily endorse any statements, comments orconclusions drawn in.

StudentName & Signature

GuideName & Signature

Jury ChairmanName & Signature

Coimbatore - Pollachi High Way, Othakkalmandapam (P.O.), Coimbatore 641 032.Phone: 0422-2610333, 2610428 Fax: 0422-2610348


The following document is hereby approved by the designated jury as credible workon the chosen subject, carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactoryfor acceptance as diploma project.

This approval however does not necessarily endorse any statements, comments orconclusions drawn in.

StudentName & Signature

GuideName & Signature

Jury ChairmanName & Signature

Coimbatore - Pollachi High Way, Othakkalmandapam (P.O.), Coimbatore 641 032.Phone: 0422-2610333, 2610428 Fax: 0422-2610348


The following document is hereby approved by the designated jury as credible workon the chosen subject, carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactoryfor acceptance as diploma project.

This approval however does not necessarily endorse any statements, comments orconclusions drawn in.

StudentName & Signature

GuideName & Signature

Jury ChairmanName & Signature

Coimbatore - Pollachi High Way, Othakkalmandapam (P.O.), Coimbatore 641 032.Phone: 0422-2610333, 2610428 Fax: 0422-2610348

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e m








A delightful adventure story set

in the Indus Valley civilisation

The adventuresof the missing

dancing girl

sunila gupte

The year is 2500 BCE: four high-spirited girls and boys are on their way to the

auspicious Surya Mela. Kartik, Xerxes, Kaveri and Nami — all thirteen except for

ten year old Kaveri — have set off from their home in Gujarat for the auspicious

Surya Mela held in Lothal, a port town in Meluhha (Bharat). But on the way a

daring robbery takes place — sacred treasures have been stolen from Mohenjo-

daro’s temple, including the famous dancing girl statue — and soon, they are

caught up in its coils. Then in the city, they meet thirteen year old Amu, a boy from

faraway Mesopotamia, a world utterly different from theirs. He is in Bharat

in search of his missing father, last seen in this part of the Indus Valley. The five

become fast friends, and band together when they become entangled in forces

much darker than they expected. Will the fearless fivesome succeed in upholding

the honour of Mohenjo-daro?

An amazing tale full of white parrots, elephant rides, river caravans and secret

maps, THE ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING DANCING GIRL is a glorious children’s

story set in the time of the Indus Valley civilsation.


Rs 1


www.randomhouse.co.inDesign and I l lustration: Ishan Khosla Design

Faking ItAmrita Chowdhury

A Journey to the �eme of Manifestation of Supramental

Consciousness in Matter



�is book is primarily a critical examination of the denials that stand in the way of the quest for the highest and the best. Eventually, it is an introduction to the theme of the supramental manifestation in matter. �is theme, which covers the main substance of the works of Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) and the Mother (1878–1973), invites the contemporary pilgrim of to continue his quest. �e high-est and the best are, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, attainable by means of their Integral Yoga, which is new in its objects and its methods, although it incor- porates the lessons of the past yogic efforts of humanity.

It is hoped this book will lead the reader to study the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. �e most important works of Sri Aurobindo are: ‘�e Synthesis of Yoga’, ‘�e Life Divine’, ‘Record of Yoga’, ‘Supramental Manifestation upon the Earth’, ‘�e Secret of the Veda’, ‘Upanishads’, ‘Essays on the Gita’ and ‘Savitri’. �e most important works of the Mother are: ‘Prayers and Medit-ations’, ‘Conversations’, ‘Questions and Answers’, and ‘Mother’s Agenda’ (in 13 volumes).

Price Rs___/-




�e Road to Pakistan�e life and Time of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

B. R. Nanda

The Adventures Of The Missing Dancing Girl

Faking It

The Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best


Buddha Smile School

Gandhi Series


Spiritual Series

The Road To Pakistan

Page 7: Diploma project

Street Vendors In The Global Economy

The Death Of Bunny Munro

In The Public Interest

Karl, Aaj Aur Kal

The Betelnut Killers

Business Cards

Diary on Indian gods



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e m








A delightful adventure story set

in the Indus Valley civilisation

The adventuresof the missing

dancing girl

sunila gupte

The year is 2500 BCE: four high-spirited girls and boys are on their way to the

auspicious Surya Mela. Kartik, Xerxes, Kaveri and Nami — all thirteen except for

ten year old Kaveri — have set off from their home in Gujarat for the auspicious

Surya Mela held in Lothal, a port town in Meluhha (Bharat). But on the way a

daring robbery takes place — sacred treasures have been stolen from Mohenjo-

daro’s temple, including the famous dancing girl statue — and soon, they are

caught up in its coils. Then in the city, they meet thirteen year old Amu, a boy from

faraway Mesopotamia, a world utterly different from theirs. He is in Bharat

in search of his missing father, last seen in this part of the Indus Valley. The five

become fast friends, and band together when they become entangled in forces

much darker than they expected. Will the fearless fivesome succeed in upholding

the honour of Mohenjo-daro?

An amazing tale full of white parrots, elephant rides, river caravans and secret

maps, THE ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING DANCING GIRL is a glorious children’s

story set in the time of the Indus Valley civilsation.


Rs 1


www.randomhouse.co.inDesign and I l lustration: Ishan Khosla Design

Page 9: Diploma project

Product - Book CoverClient - Random HouseTitle - The Adventures of the Missing Dancing GirlAuthor - Sunila GupteTime - 2 weeksBrief - During the time of the Harrapan civilization, the famous statue “ the dancing girl” has gone missing from the temple at Mohanjo-daro. Five enthusiastic kids and their loyal pet go in search for it. The story is about the discovery of different cultures of the time based on the facts known to us now. Kids who read it not only get a engrossed in the story but also end up learning about the harrapan Civilization, about the people, clothing, cities, how they connected, travelled and lived. The book cover is also intended have a very pictorial information, of the port city where all the friends meet for first time next to the bridge and includes the missing dancing girl’s silhouette. The text was kept to go along with the whole look of the cover and played upon with colors and placement. This was the final cover selected by the publishing house and the author and is now printed and out in the market.














e m








A delightful adventure story set

in the Indus Valley civilisation

The adventuresof the missing

dancing girl

sunila gupte

The year is 2500 BCE: four high-spirited girls and boys are on their way to the

auspicious Surya Mela. Kartik, Xerxes, Kaveri and Nami — all thirteen except for

ten year old Kaveri — have set off from their home in Gujarat for the auspicious

Surya Mela held in Lothal, a port town in Meluhha (Bharat). But on the way a

daring robbery takes place — sacred treasures have been stolen from Mohenjo-

daro’s temple, including the famous dancing girl statue — and soon, they are

caught up in its coils. Then in the city, they meet thirteen year old Amu, a boy from

faraway Mesopotamia, a world utterly different from theirs. He is in Bharat

in search of his missing father, last seen in this part of the Indus Valley. The five

become fast friends, and band together when they become entangled in forces

much darker than they expected. Will the fearless fivesome succeed in upholding

the honour of Mohenjo-daro?

An amazing tale full of white parrots, elephant rides, river caravans and secret

maps, THE ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING DANCING GIRL is a glorious children’s

story set in the time of the Indus Valley civilsation.


Rs 1


www.randomhouse.co.inDesign and I l lustration: Ishan Khosla Design

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Product - Book Cover.Client - Hattech PublicationTitle - Faking it Author - Amrita ChowdharyTime - 3 weeksBrief - A newly married couple, shifts to America and the lady of the house being a fine art student thinks of making some additional money by starting to paint, After realizing it not to go the way she hoped, she stared to “Fake it” by coping Amrita Shergill’s works. The book cover tries to capture the idea of “Faking it”. A play between the visuals of Amrita Shergills work and font has been attempted.

Faking ItAmrita Chowdhury

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Faking it

Faking ItAmrita ChowdhuryFaking it

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce posuere lacus in lectus. Cras et magna ac enim hendrerit ornare. Mauris volutpat, est vitae dignissim aliquam, purus ante malesuada nibh, sit amet luctus tortor erat et est. Vestibulum sit amet sem sit amet urna male-suada sagittis. Nunc convallis, lorem non sagittis consecte-tur, felis mauris gravida metus, ut eleifend dui magna sit amet libero. Praesent magna massa, egestas et, dapibus id, faucibus eu, libero. Sed vehicula libero in enim. Sed in ipsum sed odio pretium tempus. Fusce a nisl. Donec purus risus, tempor vitae, viverra sed, eleifend nec, enim. Praesent purus sem, adipiscing non, sagittis nec, porttitor id, risus. Suspendisse iaculis libero. Nunc sapien lectus, venenatis sit amet, rutrum ac, rutrum quis, enim. Mauris non risus non sem tristique sollicitudin.

Vestibulum non nisi et magna suscipit aliquam. Etiam semper pharetra dolor. Aliquam est. Phasellus dignissim tellus id tortor fringilla posuere. Maecenas.

Amrita Chowdhury


rita Chowdhury

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A Journey to the �eme of Manifestation of Supramental

Consciousness in Matter



�is book is primarily a critical examination of the denials that stand in the way of the quest for the highest and the best. Eventually, it is an introduction to the theme of the supramental manifestation in matter. �is theme, which covers the main substance of the works of Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) and the Mother (1878–1973), invites the contemporary pilgrim of to continue his quest. �e high-est and the best are, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, attainable by means of their Integral Yoga, which is new in its objects and its methods, although it incor- porates the lessons of the past yogic efforts of humanity.

It is hoped this book will lead the reader to study the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. �e most important works of Sri Aurobindo are: ‘�e Synthesis of Yoga’, ‘�e Life Divine’, ‘Record of Yoga’, ‘Supramental Manifestation upon the Earth’, ‘�e Secret of the Veda’, ‘Upanishads’, ‘Essays on the Gita’ and ‘Savitri’. �e most important works of the Mother are: ‘Prayers and Medit-ations’, ‘Conversations’, ‘Questions and Answers’, and ‘Mother’s Agenda’ (in 13 volumes).

Price Rs___/-




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Product - Book CoverClient - Kireeth JoshiTitle - The Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best Author - Kireeth JoshiTime - 2 weeksPlot - Kireeth Joshi is a very famous spiritual writer and this book talks about how an ultimate seeker can attain the highest and the best of life. Client wanted the cover to be Bright pink in colour (much brighter than the final color chosen for the cover). No images where to be taken. The cover was required just to be textual, sophisticated and elegant. The colour was lightened down later as it didnt go along with the whole feel. There was lot of research as to which font would go with the feel of the book. After alot of attempts this cover was chosen and is now in the pipe line.

A Journey to the �eme of Manifestation of Supramental

Consciousness in Matter



�is book is primarily a critical examination of the denials that stand in the way of the quest for the highest and the best. Eventually, it is an introduction to the theme of the supramental manifestation in matter. �is theme, which covers the main substance of the works of Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950) and the Mother (1878–1973), invites the contemporary pilgrim of to continue his quest. �e high-est and the best are, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, attainable by means of their Integral Yoga, which is new in its objects and its methods, although it incor- porates the lessons of the past yogic efforts of humanity.

It is hoped this book will lead the reader to study the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. �e most important works of Sri Aurobindo are: ‘�e Synthesis of Yoga’, ‘�e Life Divine’, ‘Record of Yoga’, ‘Supramental Manifestation upon the Earth’, ‘�e Secret of the Veda’, ‘Upanishads’, ‘Essays on the Gita’ and ‘Savitri’. �e most important works of the Mother are: ‘Prayers and Medit-ations’, ‘Conversations’, ‘Questions and Answers’, and ‘Mother’s Agenda’ (in 13 volumes).

Price Rs___/-




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Product - Leaflet Client - Rajan Kaul Saini, Buddha smile school, GayaTime - 3 weeksBrief - Buddha smile school, Gaya is run by Rajan Kaul Saini as a social cause to help and educate children of the area who are void of such privileges. A pile of images was given to us to choose from along with a rough layout of the text, giving the basic cause, belief, vision and principles the school believes and follows. The leaflet was to even in courage people to give donations to the school. The leaflet plays with colors and a black and white feel working as a surprise element on every turn of the leaf. The color maroon is inspired from the school uniform and the leaf let is a piano fold with six leafs. The leaflet was really liked and printed.

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Product - Book coverClient - Random HouseTitle - Four Volumes on Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi Before India, Gandhi verses the Raj, The Past and the Future of the Indian Democracy, The Makers of the Modern India Savaging the Civilized, on the life and works of Verrier Elwin.Time - 5 weeksBrief - These books were already in the market with an earlier cover. The author wanted to change and give a new face to the books, reprint and send them again in to the market. Before starting of with the covers, a major research was done for the images. After getting the appropriate images of Gandhi according to the time the book referred him to be in, the work on the covers stared . These covers were selected and liked by the author and is now waiting to get printed.

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nausherwan nama

syed tasa�uq husain


volume one

Product - Book coverClient - Random House IndiaTitle - Hoshruba, The land and the Tilism, Book 1Translator - Musharraf Ali FarooqiTime - 5 weeksBrief - The story is full of magic, adventure, romance and fantasy, the tilism-e- houshrube is the Indian subcontinent’s greatest Urdu epic. Composed by two rival storytellers in the late 19th century. The book is about the adventures of Amir Hamza in the kingdom of tilism called Houshruba. Client wanted to show the time line and the history of the epic on the cover, wanted to keep it Mature. On the cover the image used is an miniature painting from Akbar court, who took a particular liking to this tale to show the time line of the epic. The cover is kept neat and clean with white and clear font. The cover was liked and book 1 was printed. Book 2 would also be in the market in some time.

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Nausherwan Nama

Syed Tasa�uq Husain


Volume one

Syed Tasadduq Husain���������� ����

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Syed Tasadduq Husain���������� ����

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hoshruba tilism e hoshruba

Syed Tasadduq Husain���������� ����

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Design: Ishan Khosla Designwww.hoshruba.com








A: T









Muhammad Husain Jah

Muhammad Husain JahWith episodes and traditions contributed by

Mir Ahmed Ali, Amba Prasad Rasa, Ghulam Raza Raza,

Muhammad Amir Khan & Shaikh Tasadduq Husain

Long, long ago, a group of sorcerers created a tilism or magical land. It is a

world of spirits and talismans, where mountains change shape, fairies spring

from the earth, dragons heads dart out of �lowers, and things are rarely what

they seem. But it has a limited lifespan for its destruction is preordained.

Hoshruba is its name, and it is ruled by the bold sorcerer Afrasiyab. Prophecies

claim that Hoshruba will someday fall to a hero who possesses the key to the

tilism. But the key has been lost, and Afrasiyab, with his invincible army of

sorcerers, has remained the unchallenged ruler of the land.

Fate will, however, not always be on Afrasiyab’s side. His protection of the

giant Laqa draws him into a colossal battle with the forces of the hardened

warrior Amir Hamza, uncle of the prophet Muhammad and Laqa’s arch enemy.

Heading the offensive against Afrasiyab are a band of tricksters — masters

of disguise and wit — led by the cunning Amar Ayyar, and the young Prince

Asad, Hamza’s grandson and the prophesied conqueror of Hoshruba. When

Prince Asad is kidnapped by Afrayisab’s agents, it is left to Amar and a rebel

sorceress to salvage his mission. Who will triumph in the battle for Hoshruba?

And can Afrayisab’s wizard armies be defeated?

Full of magic, adventure, romance and fantasy, the Tilism-e Hoshruba is the

Indian subcontinent’s greatest Urdu epic. Composed by two rival poets

in late 19th century Lucknow, this classic of world literature has never —

until now — been translated into English.




Rs. 495


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the wisdom sutras

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the wisdom sutras

Product - Book CoverClient - Orient Paperbacks Title - The Spiritual series (5 volumes)Time - 4 weeksBrief - The volume is about different religions but concentrating on the spiritual aspect of each. Vedas( Hinduism), Buddhism, Islamic, Sikh, and Jain are the religions and different books hence forth. The volume is about 5 different religions but what binds them together is the common factor among them - spirituality. Based on that thought i made the cover which would show connectivity between the 5 books when placed together, but yet have a separated identity. The cover was really liked and appreciated by orient paperback publishing house, that it is now going to be the cover of their yearly book cover catalogue of 2010. The first 2 books have been printed and the rest are in the pipeline.

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Product - Book coverClient - Random houseTitle - The Road to PakistanAuthor - B.R NandaTime - 2 weeksBrief - The book gives an insight in to the life of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The author left the image search for the cover to us. After the selection of the photograph these two cover where made for the author to select from. The decision is yet to be made and is in the wait.

�e Road to Pakistan�e life and Time of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

B. R. Nanda

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�e Road to Pakistan�e life and Time of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

B. R. Nanda

�e Road to Pakistan�e life and Time of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

B. R. Nanda

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Product - Book CoverClient - Routiedge Title - Street Vendors in the Global Economy.Author - Sharit BhowmikTime - 4 weeksBrief - Sharit Bhowmik is a professor of labour studies and dean school of management and labour studies, Tata institute of social sciences. This book is relevant for those interested in sociology, urban studies, labour studies, politics, policy and governance studies. Alot of experiments where done for the cover, placements of text and photography. But at the end the client didnt want a photograph, so then the final cover was done without an image and was exchanged with silhouettes of different street vendors, which was liked and accepted.

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9 780415 553728

ISBN 978-0-415-55372-8Rs. XXX

For sale in South Asia only

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9 780415 553728

ISBN 978-0-415-55372-8


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Product - Book Cover Client - Random House Title - The death of Bunny MunroAuthor - Nick Cave Time - 7 weeksBrief - Its written by the famous singer nick cave, and is a raunchy, dark, funny and very sad story about a fucked up, alcoholic salesman who drifts through his life thinking only of sex. The story begins on the day Bunny Munro’s wife, a manic depressive, kills herself because she cant bear his constant infidelities and his taste for hookers. Bunny has a nine year old son and what follows is the days they spend there after, trying to get used to the death. The Death of Bunny Munro recounts the last journey of a salesman in search of a soul. Alot experimentation was done with the style, fonts, Layers and images, backed with a research. After reading the book, I came out with alot of different looking covers. The cover showed, smoke, sexuality, desire, dark etc. At the end a cover was selected by Nick, liked and set out for print.

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In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc


Volume II


In thePublIc


Volume II


“Albert einstein observed that ‘only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.’ M.c. Mehta has dedicated his… life to serving others. selflessly, steadfastedly and assiduously, M.c. Mehta has championed the rights of present and future generations through the courts. his life is exemplary. this is his compelling story.”—the honourable Justice brian J. Preston, chief Judge,land and environment court of new south Wales, Australia

Prakriti PublicationsIsbn 978-81-905621-0-2

Designed by Ishan Khosla Designwww.ishankhosla.com

In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc


Volume II


“Albert einstein observed that ‘only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.’ M.c. Mehta has dedicated his… life to serving others. selflessly, steadfastedly and assiduously, M.c. Mehta has championed the rights of present and future generations through the courts. his life is exemplary. this is his compelling story.”—the honourable Justice brian J. Preston, chief Judge,land and environment court of new south Wales, Australia

Prakriti PublicationsIsbn 978-81-905621-0-2

Designed by Ishan Khosla Designwww.ishankhosla.com

Product - Book CoverClient - Pralriti PublicationsTitle - In the public interest, Volume 2Author - M.C.MethaTime - 4 weeksBrief - The author M.C. Metha is one of the world’s most well-known and effective environmen tal lawyers. He has fought numerous major cases on the environment and human rights- and won them also, in the process saving some of India’s treasures, including the Taj Mahal and the Ganges river. This volume contains his 2 most famous cases on the environmental issue regarding Taj and Air pollution. The cover where made with them in mind. Several versions where done and most of them where liked for their own reasons. At the end one was selected and printed.

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In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc


Volume II


born in 1946 in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, India, M.c. Mehta is one of the world’s most well-known and effective environmental lawyers. since beginning his career as a law-yer in the supreme court of India in 1983, he has brought numerous major cases on the environment and human rights to the court—and won them all, in the process saving some of India’s treasures, including the taj Mahal and the Ganges river, from the detrimental effects of pol-lution. Mr. Mehta’s cases have also been instrumental in introducing path-breaking advancements into the body of Indian environmental jurisprudence, including the right to a healthy environment, the Public trust Doctrine, the concept of strict and Absolute liability, and the Polluter Pays and Precautionary Principles. Out of this large body of casework, twenty major cases have been given in these volumes.

In recognition of his many accom-plishments, Mr. Mehta has been the recipient of several awards, most notably the Goldman environmen-tal Prize for Asia of 1996 and the ramon Magsaysay Award of 1997. he now divides his time between continuing casework, environmental campaigns, and the initiatives of the M.c. Mehta environmental Founda-tion, a non-profit, nongovernmental organisation working throughout India for the protection of the envi-ronment and human rights.

“Albert einstein observed that ‘only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.’ M.c. Mehta has dedicated his… life to serving others. selflessly, steadfastedly and assiduously, M.c. Mehta has championed the rights of present and future generations through the courts. his life is exemplary. this is his compelling story.”—the honourable Justice brian J. Preston, chief Judge,land and environment court of new south Wales, Australia

Prakriti PublicationsIsbn 978-81-905621-0-2

Designed by Ishan Khosla Designwww.ishankhosla.com

this four-volume set contains judg-ments and orders delivered by the supreme court of India and selected high courts in cases either filed by M.c. Mehta or closely assisted by him. this will finally present jurists, lawyers, researchers, students, activists, and lay people with an easily accessible compilation of the vast body of work accomplished over the twenty-five years of Mr. Mehta’s public interest law career. these cases contain a wide variety of subject matter, from cultural heritage and wildlife preservation, to air and water pollution, to hazard-ous and solid waste,to child labour and environmental education. they also contain the development of many groundbreaking expansions of public interest litigation in India, including the right to a healthy en-vironment, the Public trust Doctrine, exemplary Damages and Pollution Fines, strict and Absolute liability as well as the Polluter Pays and Precau-tionary principles.

the judgments and orders of over twenty major cases on the environ-ment and human rights have been given in Volumes two through Four, while the personal experiences and anecdotes behind these cases are re-lated by Mr. Mehta in Volume One.

It is hoped that the availability of these judgments and orders, and the stories behind them, will serve as a resource and an inspiration to those worldwide interested in environmental and human rights jurisprudence.

In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc


Volume II


“Albert einstein observed that ‘only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.’ M.c. Mehta has dedicated his… life to serving others. selflessly, steadfastedly and assiduously, M.c. Mehta has championed the rights of present and future generations through the courts. his life is exemplary. this is his compelling story.”—the honourable Justice brian J. Preston, chief Judge,land and environment court of new south Wales, Australia

Prakriti PublicationsIsbn 978-81-905621-0-2

Designed by Ishan Khosla Designwww.ishankhosla.com

In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


In thePublIc

InterestVolume II


Page 40: Diploma project

Product - Book CoverClient - Random HouseTitle - Karl, aaj aur kalAuthor - Cyrus BroachaTime - 4 weeksBrief - The book revolves around Karl and Kunal who are just two ordinary Mumbai Boys whose life takes an extraordinary turn. The novel is full of stereo types, it talks about celebrities, bollywood and Indian politics coated in Cyrus words. Cyrus wanted the cover to be illustrated with theses stereo types of a politician, a south Indian, and Indian family on a scooter, etc. which was done , liked and printed.

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Product - Book CoverClient - Random HouseAuthor - Manisha LakheTime - 1 week.Brief - The book is a thriller and the story revolves around a person who kills for money (supari), hence the name the betelnut killers. Client wanted an image of a cat and a rifle to be shown on the cover and nothing else, due to its relevance to the story. This was one of the versions I did for them. The font was made to look like a spat of betel nut juice on a wall. The client had like this version and the final one was taken forward from here.

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Business cards made for Ishan Khosla Designs

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Ganesh’s form is Human-like with a round protruding belly. He has a head of an elephant, his mount is the mouse, and he is commonly seen with four hands holding modhak, noose and goad.

Product - Diary on Indian Gods and GoddessTime - 4 weeksNeed - To inform people about why Indian god and goddess look the way they do. Symbolism behind each god.

Ganesh’s form is human-like with a round protruding belly. He has the head of an elephant, his mount is the mouse, and he is commonly seen with four hands holding modhak, noose and goad

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Elephant head and human-like form represents the harmony of spirit and nature, the infinite and the finite integrated in his divine persona.Elephant head and human-like form represents the harmony of spirit and nature, the infinite and the finite integrated in his divine persona.

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The roundness of creation is situated in the expanse of his form (round belly).

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The modhak is the seed of creation, as well as the individual soul.

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The noose and the gaod symbolize hindrance towards unrighteous activity and encouragement towards the path of virtue and upliftment.The noose and the goad symbolize hinderance towards unrighteous activity and encouragement towards the path if virtue and upliftment.

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The mouse represents the crafty intellect, seized by his overriding wisdom.

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Books- Indian gods and goddess by Indra Sharma Yantra by Madhu Khanna Why do we? by Chinmiya Mission Mata in Pachedi Illustration Now ID Contemporary Graphic Design. TASCHEN Publishers Latin-American Graphic Design. TASCHEN HOW design magazine 1,000 Type Treatments: From Script to Serif, Letter forms Used to Perfection

Web- www.Google.com www.wikipedia.com www.getty.com www.corbis.com www.flikr.com www.gandhi-manibhavan.org www.gandhiserve.org www.digitalimagemagazine.com www.ted.com www,stumbleupon.com www.youtube.com


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I would like to thank Prof. Balaram for being a guide and support not only thru the diploma, but throughout the four years of college. For sharing Knowledge, ideas, his vital viewpoint and his perspective to life which lead me to what i am now. S.M Shah, Jogi and Ranjan for teaching me and having discussions on anything and everything important and not so important. Some of those discussions have been there for quite some while with me as i still ponder over them. Not to have Pre assumed assumptions about anything was what i learnt from Jogi in his memorable course of living with people. Miss Aarti Kalra who exposed us to unique and mind opening literature and made me an literate designer. To be a true witness, i learnt from her. Arun Gupta for introducing films which makes one experience experiences thru others.

Ishan Khosla, with whom I spent 6 months, learning about the outside world. Thank you giving me and opportunity to work with known name in literature and industry. And the residents of house no.47, national park who kept me going throughout the time with their uplifting company. At the end, MY batch mates whom i can count on my fingers. Have been more like a close bunch with whom i have learnt and shared my life. And without a doubt has been the best shared part of my life till now and i would surly cherish it for the rest of my life for sure. It was like a pack of understanding that if one submits work rest of us would also have to :P and if one would fall rest would be there with support. My parents for blindly believing in their son in something they have no idea about !

The work compiled has been what i have become and what i have become is due to my 4 years of life at DJAD. I would like to thank everyone who has been part of it. And especially thank you to You !

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