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Page 1: DIREKTORAT JENDERAL CIPTA KARYA - PAMSIMASnew.pamsimas.org/data/kontrak/amendment/Contract Amendment No. 8... · direktorat jenderal cipta karya satuan kerja pengembangan kinerja




No: 663.10/030/SSP-PAMSIMAS/SK.AKM-KS/2009 Dated : August 27, 2009







PROVINSI KALIMANTAN SELATAN Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum



No: 663.10/230/SSP-Pamsimas/Sk.AM-KS/2012 Dated : October 15, 2012

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Summary of Contract Amendment No. 8

Provincial Management Advisory Consultant (PMAC) to Page S - 1 The Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) Package C-13 South Kalimantan


1. Loan No. : IDA Credit No. 4204 - IND (Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities/PAMSIMAS)

2. Name of Consultants : PT. AMURWA INTERNATIONAL

3. Contract No and Date . : No : 663.10/030/SSP-PAMSIMAS/SK.AM-KS/2009 Dated : August 27, 2009

Amendment No. 1 : No : 663.10/077-Am/SK-AM.KS/2009 Dated : October 15, 2009

Amendment No. 2 : No : 663.10/087/SK-AM.KS/2009 Dated : November 26, 2009

Amendment No. 3 : No : 663.01/033/AMD-Pamsimas.KS/2011 [Addendum No 1] Dated : April 8 , 2011

Amendment No. 4 : No : 663.01/163/AMD-PAMSIMAS.KS/2011 Dated : October 3 , 2011

Amendment No. 5 : No : 663.01/003/AMD-PAMSIMAS/2012 Dated : January 10, 2012

Amendment No. 6 : No : 663.01/031/AMD-PAMSIMAS/2012 Dated : March 5, 2012

Amendment No. 7 : No : 663.10/193/SSP-Pamsimas/Sk.AM-KS/2012 Dated : August 24, 2012

Amendment No. 8 : No : 663.10/230/SSP-Pamsimas/Sk.AM-KS/2012 Dated : October 15, 2012

4. Domicile / Address : Jalan Kesehatan II No. 6, Bintaro of Consultant Jakarta 12330 Tel./Fax. : (021) 735 1632 (Hunting) / (021) 735 1633

5. Value of Contract :

i) Original Contract : IDR 13,346,598,000 and USD 105,462

ii) Amendment No.1 : IDR 14,337,940,800

iii) Amendment No. 2 : IDR 14,337,940,800

iv) Amendment No. 3 : IDR 21,423,894,339 (Incl. VAT 10%)

[Addendum No. 1]

v) Amendment No. 4 : IDR 21,423,894,339 (Incl. VAT 10%)

vi) Amendment No. 5 : IDR 21,089,363,860 (Inc. VAT 10%)

vii) Amendment No. 6 : IDR 21,089,363,860 (Inc. VAT 10%)

viii)Amendment No. 7 : IDR 21,089,363,860 (Inc. VAT 10%)

ix) Amendment No. 8 : IDR 24,234,191,394 (Inc. VAT 10%)

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Summary of Contract Amendment No. 8

Provincial Management Advisory Consultant (PMAC) to Page S - 2 The Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) Package C-13 South Kalimantan

6. Brief Description of Services : Provision of advisory services for the Provincial Project Management Unit and District Project Management Unit in the daily operation, management and implementation of the Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities (PAMSIMAS) at the Province of South Kalimantan.

7. Percentage Eligible for IDA Financing :

Amendment No. 1 – 100% net of Tax

Amendment No. 2 – 100 % Net of Tax

Amendment No. 3 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010 and 15% thereafter

[Addendum No. 1]

Amendment No. 4 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010 and 15% thereafter

Amendment No. 5 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010, 15% in FY 2011 and 50% thereafter

Amendment No. 6 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010, 15% in FY 2011 and 50% thereafter

Amendment No. 7 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010, 15% in FY 2011 and 50% thereafter

Amendment No. 8 – 100% up tot and including FY 2010, 15% in FY 2011 and 50% thereafter

8. a. Amount Eligible for IDA Financing :

Amendment No. 1 - IDR 14,337,940,800

Amendment No. 2 - IDR 14,337,940,800

Amendment No. 3 - IDR 8,015,913,609 (net of VAT)

[Addendum No. 1]

Amendment No. 4 - IDR 8,015,913,609 (net of VAT)

Amendment No. 5 - IDR 11,433,834,677 (net of VAT)

Amendment No. 6 - IDR 11,433,834,677 (net of VAT)

Amendment No. 7 - IDR 11,433,834,677 (net of VAT)

Amendment No. 8 - IDR 12,463,876,360 (net of VAT)

b. Amount Eligible for TF Financing :

Original Contract - Nil

Amendment No. 1 - Nil

Amendment No. 2 - Nil

Amendment No. 3 - Nil

[Addendum No. 1]

Amendment No. 4 - Nil

Amendment No. 5 - Nil

Amendment No. 6 - Nil

Amendment No. 7 - NIL

Amendment No. 8 - IDR 981,740,000 (net of VAT), to funded to Workshop and Operational Cost SPAM Perdesaan.

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Summary of ContractAmendment No. I

c. Amount Elieible for APBN-RM Financing:Amendment No. 1- Nil

AmendmentNo.2- Nil

AmendmentNo.3- IDR

[Addendum No.1]Amendment No.4 - IDR

Amendment No.5 - IDR

AmendmentNo.6- IDR

AmendmentNo.T- IDR

AmendmentNo.S- IDR

L3,4O7,980,730 (lnc. VAT 10%)

L3,407,980,730 (lnc. VAT 10%)

9,655,529,183 {lnc. VAT 10%)

9,555,529,183 (lnc. VAT 10%)

9,655,529,183 (lnc. VAT 10%)

tO,788,575,034 (lnc. VAT 10%)

9. Payment Terms : Advance Payment 10 %

Monthly Payment

10. Completion Date of Contract: March 3t,2OI3

Banjarmasin, October 15, 2Ot2Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Air Minum

Kalimantan Selatan



Provincial Management Advinry Consultant (PltAC) toThe ProvincialProject Managenent Unit (PPMU) Package C-13 South Kalimantan


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Appendix A Amendment No 8

A - 1


Package C- - 13 (South Kalimantan Province) Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (WSLIC-3)



1 PAMSIMAS1 is a significant contribution to the Indonesian government’s efforts to improve local development. It could raise the economic and health status of poor income communities and speed up the progress of achievement for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The project aim is to strengthen the local governments’ capacity to fulfill their responsibilities for improving access to water and sanitation for rural villages as well as to improve community hygiene behavior. The differences between this project and the earlier projects are commitment of resources for nationwide advocacy and coalition-building efforts. It is also align for institutional incentives to support the mainstreaming and scaling up of the community-driven development (CDD) approach to water supply and sanitation (WSS) at provincial, district and village levels, involving government, civil society and the private sector. PAMSIMAS is underpinned by a national policy for WSS which has strong and broad support from various stakeholders in the Government and the donor community. The Government will use PAMSIMAS as one of the implementation mechanisms for developing a framework to support this policy and there are already indications of a very high demand from communities and districts to join the program.

1 No Change

1 PAMSIMAS abbreviated from “Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi berbasis Masyarakat” or Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities (in English)

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 2

2 The objective of PAMSIMAS is to increase the number of low-income rural and peri-urban populations accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and practicing improved hygiene behaviors as part of the Recipient’s efforts to achieve WSS-MDGs, through programmatic mainstreaming and scaling-up of a nationwide community-driven approach.

2 No Change

3 The World Bank agrees to provide a credit through IDA fund to finance the implementation of PAMSIMAS project for the period of 4.5 years starting year 2008.

3 No Change

4 It was agreed by Central Government and the World Bank that the lead executing agency (EA) for PAMSIMAS will be the DG-HS (Human Settlements), Ministry of Public Works. While DG DCEH (Diseases Control and Environmental Health), MoH (Ministry of Health) and DG-RD (Regional Development), DG-VCE (Village and Community Empowerment), MoHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) will be the implementing agencies of the project.

4 No Change

5 Experienced consultant teams (CMAC/Central Management Advisory Consultant in Central Government level and PMACs/Provincial Management Advisory Consultant in Provincial Government level) will be recruited for assisting in the central, provincial and district project implementation units. The CMAC will be engaged to support CPMU and CPIU/Central Project Implementing Unit. PMACs will be engaged separately to provide support to PPMUs and DPMUs, as well as the CFTs’ will be recruited and trained separately. The CFTs will work closely with communities to implement a community-driven approach for water, sanitation, and hygiene. CMAC, PMACs, and CFTs as the key of technical assistance / facilitation services shall work in collaboration related to the TORs and cooperatively to achieve the output/ outcomes of the PAMSIMAS program through the five components as described in Appendix A.

5 No Change

6 The progress of the project implementation shall be monitored and evaluated by using the key performance indicator.

6 The progress of the project implementation shall be monitored and evaluated by using the key performance indicator.

The number of additional people with

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 3

Performance Indicators

Number of additional people with sustainable access to improved water facilities, differentiated by socioeconomic status

6 - 7 million

Number of additional people with sustainable access to improved sanitation facilities, differentiated by socioeconomic status.

6 - 10 million

% of communities free of open defecation 80%

% of communities adopting hand washing programs.


Capacity building plan in place, to support the adoption and mainstreaming of the PAMSIMAS approach, and progress towards achieving its objectives.


District budgets as a percentage of that required to maintain existing WSS systems and scale up towards achievement of MDGs.

to be determined

Performance Indicators

Number of additional people with sustainable access to improved water facilities, differentiated by socioeconomic status

6 - 7 million

Number of additional people with sustainable access to improved sanitation facilities, differentiated by socioeconomic status.

3,1 million

% of communities free of open defecation 80%

% of communities adopting hand washing programs.


Capacity building plan in place, to support the adoption and mainstreaming of the PAMSIMAS approach, and progress towards achieving its objectives.


District budgets as a percentage of that required to maintain existing WSS systems and scale up towards achievement of MDGs.

to be determined

sustainable access to improved sanitation facilities, reduced to 3,1 million

2 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 2 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 7 The management of the project will be facilitated through

structural and operational units at each level. The structural units consist of the central, provincial, district and sub-district units representing the responsibilities by sector, i.e., the ministries of Public Works, the Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Home Affairs and are represented by Coordination Teams at each level of government as shown in Appendix B. The operational units consist of central (CPMU), provincial (PPMUs) and District Project Management Units (DPMUs) established for project implementation, which are responsible for overall project coordination, day-to-day management, budgeting, financial administration, monitoring, reporting. These units will have

7 No Change

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 4

representation from the central, provincial and district units responsible for the functions of the implementing agencies.

8 The CPMU will oversee the project implementation in all provinces. They will be supported by a Central Steering Committee (CSC) providing strategic policy advice, and a Central Technical Team (CTT) and Working Group (WG) providing operation policy, guidance, coordination and supervision. The CSC, CTT and WG shall consist of echelon representatives from the MoH, MoHA, Ministry of Finance (MoF), and Ministry of Public Works (MoPW). The CPMU, under the direct supervision of the DG-HS, MoPW, will be responsible for overall project management, coordination and financial management. In this capacity, the CPMU will engage individual consultants as required to provide advice on strategic matters including program development, implementation and risk management.

8 No Change

9 The CPMU will oversee the project implementation in all provinces. They will be supported by a Central Steering Committee (CSC) providing strategic policy advice, and a Central Technical Team (CTT) and Working Group (WG) providing operation policy, guidance, coordination and supervision. The CSC, CTT and WG shall consist of echelon representatives from the MoH, MoHA, Ministry of Finance (MoF), and Ministry of Public Works (MoPW). The CPMU, under the direct supervision of the DG-HS, MoPW, will be responsible for overall project management, coordination and financial management. In this capacity, the CPMU will engage individual consultants as required to provide advice on strategic matters including program development, implementation and risk management.

9 No Change

10 The CMAC consultant will be the advisory consultant for CPMU, based in the central level with some resources are located at provincial and district levels. It is primarily responsible for providing quality technical assistance in the areas of water and sanitation engineering, participatory community development, community and school health, gender mainstreaming, capacity

10 The CMAC consultant will be the advisory consultant for CPMU, based in the central level with some resources are located at provincial and district levels. It is primarily responsible for providing quality technical assistance in the areas of water and sanitation engineering, participatory community development, community and school health, gender mainstreaming, capacity


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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 5

building and sustainability monitoring, project monitoring and evaluation, management information system, financial planning and management audit, procurement, and media and communications. Their main counterpart will be the CPMU, CSC, CTT and the implementing agencies at the central; PPMU and DPMUs as well as Coordination and Technical teams in the respected provinces and districts. At the central level, the CMAC will work closely with the individual advisory consultants engaged by the CPMU and with the PMACs engaged, to directly support the below level implementation units including the Community Facilitation Teams (CFTs) which work directly with the community as specified in Annex C and other community facilitators as required.

building and sustainability monitoring, project monitoring and evaluation, management information system, financial planning and management audit, procurement, and media and communications. Their main counterpart will be the CPMU, CSC, CTT and the implementing agencies at the central; PPMU and DPMUs as well as Coordination and Technical teams in the respected provinces and districts. At the central level, the CMAC will work closely with the individual advisory consultants engaged by the CPMU and with the PMACs engaged, to directly support the all Pamsimas facilitators including Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs), Sustainability Facilitators, VIG Facilitators, and Kabupaten incentive grant facilitators, which work directly with the community as specified in Annex C and other community facilitators as required.

11 The Satker/Satuan Non Vertikal Tertentu (SNVT) Air Minum Propinsi is responsible for contract management of the PMAC (Provincial and District Management Advisory Consultants) and for community facilitation teams (CFTs) respectively. The PMAC will conduct a Training Program for newly engaged CFTs and a refresher training for existing CFTs as well as other special facilitators training as and when required by the SNVT.

11 No Change

12 The PMAC will be based in provincial and district level, forms a team building capacity and assuring quality in program implementation in the villages as well as in districts. CFTs under guidance and supervision of PMAC support the development of a gender/poverty sensitive empowering partnership between villagers and service providing agencies during all stages of planning, implementation, and monitoring of water supply and sanitation for the rural and peri-urban poor. Specifically, PMAC will liaise and work closely with the provincial and district health offices during the implementation of the health program.

12 The PMAC will be based in provincial and district level, forms a team building capacity and assuring quality in program implementation in the villages as well as in districts. All Pamsimas facilitators under guidance and supervision of PMAC support the development of a gender/poverty sensitive empowering partnership between villagers and service providing agencies during all stages of planning, implementation, and monitoring of water supply and sanitation for the rural and peri-urban poor. Specifically, PMAC will liaise and work closely with the provincial and district health offices during the implementation of the health program.


13 The community facilitators work in teams of three, together with the PMAC district technical consultants (known as

13 No Change

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 6

DMAC), under the guidance and supervision of PMAC, taking responsibilities for the technical, hygiene and sanitation and community development/social inclusion aspects of project planning and implementation. They also undertake capacity building among the representative of the village implementation teams and the community in general.

14 These CFTs are supported by three DMAC team members who have experience in the area of water supply and sanitation engineering, hygiene and sanitation promotion and community development /social inclusion. These consultants will assist the CF’s in developing high quality plans for improving access to water and sanitation services and facilities.

14 All Pamsimas facilitators are supported by three DMAC team members who have experience in the area of water supply and sanitation engineering, hygiene and sanitation promotion and community development /social inclusion. These consultants will assist the CF’s in developing high quality plans for improving access to water and sanitation services and facilities.


15 Each CFT is expected to plan and implement initially 3 villages (sub projects) at community levels each year. They will follow-up the villages in the second and later years to sustain the operation and management of the already improved services as well as to improve community hygiene and sanitation practices. According to the increasing number of villages should be covered, they should add some facilitators in the second and the third year.

15 All Pamsimas facilitators are expected to plan and implement initially 3 villages (sub projects) at community levels each year. They will follow-up the villages in the second and later years to sustain the operation and management of the already improved services as well as to improve community hygiene and sanitation practices. According to the increasing number of villages should be covered, they should add some facilitators in the second and the third year.


16 At the village level, there will be a representation of Village Implementation Teams (VITs) who are responsible for managing sub-project implementation and receiving and managing village grants authorized by responsible unit (Satker) PAMSIMAS in each district.

16 No Change

17 The project has established guidelines which detail the implementation arrangement at all levels. The key guidelines includes: (i) Project Operations Manual(Pedoman Umum Pelaksanaan PAMSIMAS), and (ii)Village Implementation Management (Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Proyek di Tingkat Masyarakat).

17 No Change

These terms of reference cover the scope of work of the PMAC.

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

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3 PROJECT LOCATION 3 PROJECT LOCATION 18 This contract package C- 13 PMAC for South Kalimantan

Province will cover eight (8) participating districts in South Kalimantan Province those are (1) Kab. Barito Kuala, (2) Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan, (3) Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara, (4) Kab. Balangan, (5) Kab. Tanah Laut, (6) Kab. Tanah Bumbu, (7) Kab. Kota Baru and (8) Kab. Banjar

18 No Change

4 SCOPE OF SERVICES 4 SCOPE OF SERVICES Objective of the Services Objective of the Services

19 The key objectives of the PMAC assignment are as follows: 19 No Change To provide support for the benefit of PPMU/DPMU by providing:

i) the technical assistance, in terms of day-to-day Project management, budgeting, financial administration; ii) technical support: to manage, supervise, monitor and provide feedback to Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs), implementation of community-driven processes, to facilitate community empowerment and institution building at the Village-level; iii) institutional capacity building for local government, including assure social inclusion and environmental safeguards, monitoring of implementation and sustainability of outcomes; and iv) technical, financial and project M&E reporting at the Province and District level.

Detailed Scope of Works for Provincial Management Advisory Consultant (PMAC)

Detailed Scope of Works for Provincial Management Advisory Consultant (PMAC)

20 The PMAC will be responsible for providing technical assistance and support to the Project Management Units (PPMU and DPMUs) and technical teams for implementing the project components in the respected areas, in carrying out the overall project management and monitoringat province, district and village levels including the use of MPA/PHAST as a key approach/ methodology for project implementation, and piloting and promotion of the CLTS approach. This shall include a range of activities of: i) supporting and supervising the community

20 No Change

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

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facilitator teams ii) community and institutional capacity building, training, coaching and conduct workshops as necessary, iii) providing the technical support to the facilitator in preparing the detail design as agreed in the draft RKM and implementing the RKM, iv) project monitoring and evaluation/MIS2, according to the procedure established in the project operation and management manual and the system developed by the CMAC for project monitoring, evaluation and reporting and v) financial and technical management supports to DPMUs and PPMU.

PMAC teams will be based in each province including in participating districts where it is represented by the DMAC team.

21 The PMAC has the primary responsibility for the optimal achievement of the project goals, objectives and outputs. These include performance evaluation of project activities at the village and district levels by using the KPI in paragraph 6 at the national level and its optimal achievement at the provincial and district levels The PMAC will coordinate with and receive technical support and be monitored by the CMAC.

21 No Change

22 The PMAC is responsible for ensuring quality of recruited facilitators. The PMAC will coorsdinate with the Satker/Satuan Non Vertikal Tertentu (SNVT) Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelola Air Minum Propinsi to verify the long list and provides recommendation and clerance to the short list of prequlified facilitators.

The addition tasks

22 The PMAC will assess the training material, support the team in planning and delivery of training and capacity building for CFTs and other stakeholders at the district and provincial level as required for effective implementation of the overall project.

23 No Change

23 Periodic site visits will be required to participating villages within the project area for several purposes such as; dissemination of the guidelines, capacity building through direct coaching of the CFTs in their respective fields, site observation, spot checking (uji

24 Periodic site visits will be required to participating villages within the project area for several purposes such as; dissemination of the guidelines, capacity building through direct coaching of the CFTs in their respective fields, site observation, spot checking (uji


2 CMAC shall produce the consolidation report of project Monitoring & Evaluation/MIS at provincial level

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

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petik) independently by the PMAC and DMAC team as specified in paragraph 83, direct technical assistance, facilitation, and project implementation review.

petik) independently by the PMAC and DMAC team as specified in paragraph 84, direct technical assistance, facilitation, and project implementation review.

24 The DMAC and community facilitator teams3 will be based in the participating districts/villages. The DMAC will work in close coordination with their counterparts (DPMUs) / other related expertise and/or sector.

25 No Change

25 While its primary responsibility is to ensure the successful implementation of the main PAMSIMAS target villages, the PMAC will also supervise the implementation of other target villages under support program including the sustainability and village incentive grants and to a lesser extent the local government replication program. The implementation of these programs at the community level will be supported by specially–engaged community facilitation team.

26 While its primary responsibility is to ensure the successful implementation of the main PAMSIMAS target villages, the PMAC will also supervise the implementation of other target villages under support program including the sustainability and village incentive grants and to a lesser extent the local government replication program. The implementation of these programs at the community level will be supported by specially–engaged community facilitation team.

The target villages per districts per Fiscal Year in South Kalimantan Province as mentioned in the table:

The target villages per districts per Fiscal Year South Kalimantan Province as mentioned in the table:



1 Kab. Barito Kuala 8 - 15 - 12 - 12 3

2 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 9 - 15 - 12 1 13 1

3 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 9 - 15 - 12 - 13 3

4 Kab. Balangan 9 - 15 - 12 3 13 3

5 Kab. Tanah Laut 9 - 14 - 12 3 12 3

6 Kab. Kota Baru 9 - 15 - 12 3 11 3

7 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 9 - 15 3 12 3 9 3

8 Kab. Banjar 9 - 15 - 12 3 12 3

All districts 71 - 119 3 96 16 95 22

No Districts

Target villages*

2008 20092010 2011 2012

* Target village funded by APBN is the original project target, however it might be changed depending

on the village implementation progress in each respective district, and target villages funded by APBD is district program replication to be done using the same project approaches with a minimum proportion of 1:10 to the original project target for districts with poor fiscal capacity, 2:10 for district with medium fiscal capacity, and 3:10 for districts with high fiscal capacity. The tentative plan for replication in 2008 might be implemented in 2009 depending on the district



1 Kab. Barito Kuala 8 - 15 - 12 - 12 3 12 3

2 Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara 9 - 15 - 12 1 13 1 14 7

3 Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan 9 - 15 - 12 - 13 3 14 3

4 Kab. Balangan 9 - 15 - 12 3 13 3 13 4

5 Kab. Tanah Laut 9 - 14 - 12 3 12 3 12 3

6 Kab. Kota Baru 9 - 15 - 12 3 11 3 12 -

7 Kab. Tanah Bumbu 9 - 15 3 12 3 9 3 6 -

8 Kab. Banjar 9 - 15 - 12 3 12 3 13 2

All districts 71 - 119 3 96 16 95 22 96 22

No Districts

Target villages*

2008 20092010 2011 2012

* Target village funded by APBN is the original project target, however it might be changed depending

on the village implementation progress in each respective district, and target villages funded by APBD is district program replication to be done using the same project approaches with a minimum proportion of 1:10 to the original project target for districts with poor fiscal capacity,

Target villages per districts per Fiscal Year 2012 are changed

3 Although the assignment of Community Facilitators (CFs) will be split from the Consultants’ contracts (PMACs), however the ro les and tasks of PMAC for managing, supervising, guiding (on the technical issues) and

providing feedback to the CFs as elaborated in the TOR

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The target for Village Incentives Grants is approximately 5% of the 2008 and 2009 villages to be implemented in 2010 and 2011 respectively.

2:10 for district with medium fiscal capacity, and 3:10 for districts with high fiscal capacity. The tentative plan for replication in 2008 might be implemented in 2009 depending on the district readiness.

The target for Village Incentives Grants is approximately 5% of the 2008 and 2009 villages to be implemented in 2010 and 2011 respectively.

26 PMAC, DMAC and CFTs shall provide facilitation services in

preparing CAP-1 and CAP-2 as showed in the component 1-1, selection & establishment village implementation team, site survey & investigation, Detailed Engineering Design (DED), Cost estimates for agreed facilities in line with the PMM and VIM.

27 No Change

27 PMAC, DMAC and CFTs shall provide facilitation services and technical assurance through to the community in conducting the construction works, operation and maintenance based on the respective CAPs and village agreements (SPPBs) and community change behavior through CLTS training.

28 No Change

29 PMAC, DMAC and sustainability facilitators shall provide facilitation to the sustainability phase of pamsimas including establ i shmen t of A ss oci a t i on SPA M S Perd esaan at Kabupaten/Kota levels and related workshops and trainings at Kabupaten/Kota and Provincial levels.

The addition tasks

30 PMAC and DMAC shall ensure the timely printing and distribution of the socialization media including posters, leaflets and banners to the community and other stake holders. It is the responsible of the DMAC and the CFTs to ensure that these poster, leaflets and banners are dipleayed in prominent places and positions in full view of the general community.

Accountability PMAC and DMAC to printing and distribution of socialization media

28 PMAC shall provide project implementation reports4periodically and timely as stated in para 88; as well to update the information of the progress and achievement of the program within the respective project areas in the PAMSIMAS website, including any complaints and resolution reached related to the project

31 No Change

4 District Facilitator Coordinators (DFCs) and Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs) shall provide project implementation reports periodically as stated in their TORs/Contract Agreements.

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implementation. The arrangement for updating PAMSIMAS website will be provided by CPMU and CMAC.

4.3 Consultant Input 4.3 Consultant Input 29 The Provincial Management Advisory Consultant will provide a

broad range of skills to cover the various fields of expertise required for the main components of the PAMSIMAS project, namely: Provincial Team Leader (Project Management Specialist), Provincial Technical Specialist/Trainers (previously known as the Provincial Trainers) inWater Supply Engineering and Communal Sanitation Construction, Health and Hygiene and Community Development, Financial Management Specialist, Database Management Assistant, Local Government Specialist and in each district a team of Water Supply and Sanitation, Health and Hygiene and Community Development Specialists.All key personnel shall be engaged for the duration of the PMAC assignment specified in para 30. Total number of person month for professional staff is estimated 940 person months.

32 The Provincial Management Advisory Consultant will provide a broad range of skills to cover the various fields of expertise required for the main components of the PAMSIMAS project, namely: Provincial Team Leader (Project Management Specialist), Provincial Technical Specialist/Trainers (previously known as the Provincial Trainers) inWater Supply Engineering and Communal Sanitation Construction, Health and Hygiene and Community Development, Provincial and District Financial Management Specialist, Database Management Assistant, Local Government Specialist and in each district a team of Water Supply and Sanitation, Health and Hygiene and Community Development Specialists. All key personnel of PMAC should provide support to all facillitators activities including regular and sustainability activities related to their skills and competencies All key personnel shall be engaged for the duration of the PMAC assignment specified in para 33. Total number of person month for professional staff is estimated 940 person months.


30 The consultant inputs to the contract are detailed in the following table.

33 The consultant inputs to the contract are detailed in the following table.


Table 3: Consultant Inputs (persons)* Table 3: Consultant Inputs (persons)*

Consultants No. of persons

Provincial Team 1 Provincial Team Leader (Project Management) 1

2 Provincial Technical Specialists/Trainers

Water Supply and Sanitation 1

3 Health & Hygiene 1

Community Development 1

3 Financial Management Specialist 1

4 Local Government Specialist 1

5 Data Management Assistant 1

Sub Total for Provincial based consultants 7

Consultants No. of persons

Provincial Team 1 Provincial Team Leader (Project Management) 1

2 Provincial Technical Specialists/Trainers

Water Supply and Sanitation 1

3 Health & Hygiene 1

Community Development 1

3 Provincial Financial Management Specialist 1

4 Local Government Specialist 1

5 Data Management Assistant 1

Sub Total for Provincial based consultants 7

New Requirement of the District Financial Management Specialist

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District Team (DMAC) 6 Water Supply Engineering and Communal Sanitation

Construction Specialist/WSE-CSS 8

7 Health and Hygiene Specialist/HHS 8

8 Community Development Specialist (previously known as District Facilitator Coordinator or DCF) – recruited and contracted by the Client


Sub Total for District based consultants 24

* All expertise’s in provincial and district level more preferable if they have experiences in community development projects. Excluding the consultant input, there are District Community Development Specialist and some facilitators recruited and paid separately by Satker/SNVT. The consultant shall work together with, and provide feedback to facilitators as elaborated in this TOR.

District Team (DMAC) 6 Water Supply Engineering and Communal Sanitation

Construction Specialist/WSE-CSS 8

7 Health and Hygiene Specialist/HHS 8

8 Community Development Specialist (previously known as District Facilitator Coordinator or DCF) – recruited and contracted by the Client


9 District Financial Management Specialist 8

Sub Total for District based consultants 32

* All expertise’s in provincial and district level more preferable if they have experiences in community development projects. Excluding the consultant input, there are District Community Development Specialist and some facilitators recruited and paid separately by Satker/SNVT. The consultant shall work together with, and provide feedback to facilitators as elaborated in this TOR.

* LGS will be responsible to assist and facilitate two designated districts in one year, and will support the TL PMAC to oversee progress of other districts (beyond designated districts of LGS) progress concerning RAD and increased AMPL expenditures. LGS will be stationed in DMAC of a district or in PMAC based on cost and time efficiency consideration. CPMU and MOHA BANGDA will provide annual list of designated districts to be assisted and facilitated by LGS.

4.4 Assignment Period 4.4 Assignment Period

31 Orginal: The assignment period of PMAC is for a maximum of three years and they shall provide the financial proposal for 3 years. However, the consultant performance will be evaluated in every year. The contract could be extended maximum period of 12 months related to the project needs and the performance of the consultant. Change: The assignment period of PMAC will be up to end of October 27, 2012.

34 The assignment period of PMAC will be up to end of March 2013 and they shall provide the additional financial proposal for 1 year. The consultant performance will be evaluated in every year.


32 The PMAC office shall be supported by adequate level of administrative staff including an office manager, secretary, computer operators, and draftsmen as required

The Consultant will ensure that each DMAC office has adequate access to the following equipment as and when required:

35 The PMAC office shall be supported by adequate level of administrative staff including an office manager, secretary, computer operators, and draftsmen as required

The Consultant will ensure that each DMAC office has adequate access to the following equipment as and when required:

Clarify the Technical Specifications of Water Testing Kit

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a. Altimeter

b. Theodolite

c. GPS

d. Digital Camera e. Water test kit, one (1) test kit for every 3 district or a

minimum of one (1) test kit per province

a. Altimeter

b. Theodolite

c. GPS

d. Digital Camera e. Water test kit, one (1) test kit for every 3 district or a

minimum of one (1) test kit per province,

With minimum chemical parameters;

No. Types of Parameters Unit Maksimumm levels of allowable

1 Iron test mg/l 0,3

2 Hardness test mg/l 500

3 Cloride test mg/l 250

4 pH test 6,5-8,5

5. EXPERTISE REQUIRED 5. EXPERTISE REQUIRED 33 The individual scope of works of the members of the PMAC team

is described in detail as follows. The key performance indicators of each of the PMAC team members are described in the Accountability Matrix in Annex D. The matrix shows the internal and external working relationship and task linkages with those of CMAC, DPMU, CFT and the community that would have direct and or indirect influence over the consultants’ performance.

36 No Change

5.1 Provincial Team Leader 5.1 Provincial Team Leader Scope of Services Scope of Services

34 A Provincial Team Leader will be responsible for the overall management of the PMAC team operating from a base in Province Capital. The Provincial Team Leader will have the primary responsibility to lead the district based consultant (DMAC) teams and managing/supervising the CFTs for assisting/strengthening the PPMU/DPMU to assist the PPMU, particularly in relation to implementation planning and management at the district level for assuring the village

37 No Change

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implementation program and improving the capacity of project staff.

35 Together with the DMAC, s/he will help to coordinate all aspects of project implementation and will undertake the following tasks.

38 Together with the DMAC, s/he will help to coordinate all aspects of project implementation and will undertake the following tasks.

Support PPMU/DPMUs in the dissemination of Project Management Manual (PMM) and Village Implementation Manual (VIM) to each districts and related agency, and work in collaboration with Training Team.

No Change

Support PPMU and DPMUs in project administration, management, planning and scheduling the project; in technical assistance and Hygiene Behavior and sanitation promotion; in monitoring and ensure the project implementation, including continuous monitoring by working together with the CMAC Regional Monitoring and Evaluation team (RME); in reporting including Project Management Report and send it to CPMU.

Support PPMU and DPMUs in project administration, management, planning and scheduling the project; in technical assistance and Hygiene Behavior and sanitation promotion; in facilitator and advocacy for the local government component (RAD AMPL and monitoring increased district AMPL expenditures); in monitoring and ensure the project implementation, including continuous monitoring by working together with the CMAC Regional Monitoring and Evaluation team (RME); in reporting including Project Management Report and send it to CPMU.


Manage, supervise, monitor and provide feedback to Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs), based on the village implementation progress, the DMAC reports and periodical field visits.

Manage, supervise, monitor and provide feedback to all facilitators, based on the village implementation progress, the DMAC reports and periodical field visits.


To provide recommendation for provincial satker to approve annual workplan of sustainability facilitators

The addition tasks

Coordinate with other related institutions in enlargement and implementation of community empowerment in the water supply and sanitation development.

No Change

Monitor and supervise the implementation progress of LG component in all districts/municipalities, specifically establish intensive coordination with DMAC for district which are not facilitated by LGF.

The addition tasks

Control the program implementation, including the arrangement of project monitoring and evaluation based on the CMAC feedback.

No Change

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36 Support the related parties to conduct post review of VIT documentation for: (a) disbursement of block grant funds; (b) expenses for procurement, materials and equipments; (c) valuation of community labor and local materials contributions; and (d) financial and procurement processes and procedures.

39 No Change

37 For Institutional Capacity Building tasks, the PMAC training team will be responsible for coordinating the planning and delivery of capacity building activities at the provincial and district levels to enhance quality of program implementation. The team will:

40 No Change

Coordinate capacity building activities for the inception phase of PAMSIMAS, including project start up for program administration and financial management, safeguards strategies, community driven approaches and other priority implementation activities.

Coordinate capacity building activities for the inception phase of PAMSIMAS, including project start up for program administration and financial management, safeguards strategies, community driven approaches, training for preparing RAD AMPL and other priority implementation activities.

The addition tasks

Coordinate implementation of an annual training needs assessment for provincial and district capacity building using PAMSIMAS guidelines for capacity building, and provide recommendations for provincial training plans and budget proposals and provide feedback on annual PPMU and DPMU budget proposals related to training.

No Change

38 For Project Implementation Support, the team will work closely with provincial and district agencies to build institutional and facilitator capacity for effective hygiene and sanitation promotion and oversight the implementation of the community participatory processes, Gender Action Plan and Social Safeguards mechanisms. The team will:

41 No Change

Provide support as required to district hygiene and sanitation experts in coordinating and facilitating PAMSIMAS inputs for schools and communities for implementation of CAPS 1 and 2 related to hygiene and sanitation.

No Change

Transfer knowledge to district for conducting participatory processes and improving participation of women and poor and other marginalized groups in community based decision-

No Change

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making and management for WSE-CSS.

Work with DPMU and district technical consultants to address and resolve any technical issues arising from the field visits.

No Change

Assess quality of work performed by the provincial and district technical personnel and recommend specific technical training to improve their service delivery.

No Change

Ensure the district consultants and CF/WSE-CSS understand and comply with standards and evaluation criteria for environmental assessment and conduct spot checks of environmental impact assessments

No Change

Monitoring and evaluation performance of CAPS (by sample) to identify areas for improvement and make recommendations to CPMU, PPMU and DPMU accordingly.

No Change

Provide support to LGF in facilitating and advocating local government and various stakeholders for mainstreaming community-based WSS program through preparation and implementation of RAD AMPL, and establishment monitoring mechanism of district expenditure of AMPL.

The addition tasks

39 Project Monitoring and Evaluation tasks, the provincial team leader will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation activities of all project components at the provincial, district, and community levels by working together with RME. The Consultant will use as a reference the approved PMM and Village Implementation Manual (VIM) as the basis for activities to be implemented under the project as well as indicators for evaluation of implementation performance. The Consultant shall:

42 Project Monitoring and Evaluation tasks, the provincial team leader will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation activities of all project components at the provincial, district, and community levels by working together with RME. The Consultant will use as a reference the approved PMM, technical guidelines and Village Implementation Manual (VIM) as the basis for activities to be implemented under the project as well as indicators for evaluation of implementation performance. The Consultant shall:

Develop detailed program monitoring and evaluation procedures at provincial and district levels, including all indicators to be monitored, and disseminate this procedure effectively to the PPMU and DPMUs.

No Change

Implement and operate a computer based MIS/M&E system in provincial and district.

No Change

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Ensure that all data collection, processing and report production at provincial district and village levels meets procedural and quality requirements and reporting schedules, including collection and analysis of gender and socio-economic data.

No Change

Make periodic visits to communities to carry out quality control of construction

No Change

Assess the community’s perception of the quality of services provided by the project, including assessment of training and project staff for community mobilization, preparation and training for CAP development, WSE-CSS facility planning, operation, repair and maintenance, management of WSE-CSS and health and sanitation services.

No Change

Coordinate six monthly quality review of sample CAPS and make recommendations for improvement to CPMU and PPMU.

No Change

Support LGF to monitor six-monthly achievement of district expenditure of WSS and ensure that those data available on MIS

The addition tasks

Support the PPMU and the DPMUs with the establishment of an acceptable complaints received and resolution process

No Change

Monitor and report on the complaints received and resolved and action taken on un-resolved complaints.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements 40 The Provincial Team Leader should fulfill the following criteria: 43 No Change

A bachelor degree/S1 educational background in health, or environmental engineering.

No Change

At least 12 years of experience in planning and implementing of health/water supply and sanitation, or small scale infrastructure projects, preferably in rural areas.

No Change

Shall have relevant knowledge in monitoring and management, project (preferable) finance (financial management), procurement and community development.

No Change

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Good interpersonal skills, communication and coordination as team leadership are essential.

No Change

The PTL should conduct intensive travel to the districts. No Change 5.2 Provincial Technical Specialists/Trainers 5.2 Provincial Technical Specialists/Trainers 41 The Provincial technical team will consist of three (3) technical

specialists come trainers in the field of a) Water and Sanitation, b) Health and Hygiene Promotion, c) Community Development, to support PMAC Team Leader to supervise, monitor and evaluate the process implementation and the achievement and quality assurance of delivered training program and training materials and manage overall Training Program and other related capacity building services.

44 No Change

Scope of Services Scope of Services 42 The General Task of the Provincial Technical Specialist/Trainer is

to support the Provincial Team Leader in their respective area of specialization on the following tasks;

45 No Change

a. Assist Team Leader in the preparation of Provincial Training Implementation Strategy including action plan and budget planning.

No Change

b. Support PPMU and DPMU to institutionalize the PAMSIMAS participatory development within the local government systems and agencies.

No Change

c. Ensure the effective implementation of all delivered materials including MPA/PHAST planning processes

No Change

d. Support the project sustainability at community level through use of strategies to increase community demand, ownership and capacity building at all stages.

No Change

e. Promote substantive participation of the community in all stages of the project including project planning, design, implementation, operation & maintenance and community monitoring and providing advice, support, training and advocacy on poverty sensitive participatory approaches to community participation.

No Change

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f. Assist Team Leader to monitor and evaluate through the implementation of random sampling of; a) community driven process, b) establishment of community institution, c) community procurement, d) village financial management, e) village construction and f) program sustainability.

No Change

g. Assist Team Leader to conduct the program evaluation and regular review of the Pamsimas key performance indicators;

No Change

h. Enable CFs and DMAC to successfully, efficiently and effectively carry out their TORs with respect to the community planning process, implementation of community action plans and operation and maintenance;

No Change

i. Support PMAC Team Leader for institutional liaisons regarding; a) regional and district action plan and budgeting of PAMSIMAS, b) Short and medium planning of program related to Water and Sanitation, c) Capacity Building, d) Sector coordination

No Change

j. Support PPMU in handling the overall capacity building preparation, implementation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation.

No Change

k. Collaborate with DMAC to support the DPMU in the implementation of CAP quality assurance and responsible to the management of evaluated documents through the DMAC works of services.

No Change

l. Assist Team Leader for the preparation of regular reports; a) Monthly, b) Quarterly, c) Annually and Program Completion Report.

No Change

m. Collaborate with DMAC to support the DPMU in the implementation of CAP quality assurance and responsible to the management of evaluated documents through the DMAC works of services.

No Change

n. Conduct a bi-weekly coordination meeting with the relevant staff of the Provincial Health Office to ensure that they are fully informed and pro-acticvely involved in monitoring the

No Change

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progress or otherwise of the health promotion and ODF targets in the Pamsimas districts.

o. Provide special report related to their specialized areas as required by the client.

No Change

43 In their capacity as trainers, the provincial technical team will be responsible to manage the overall training program especially the facilitators training that will be implemented seasonally. They will also be responsible for the capacity building activities at the community and local government.

46 No Change

44 The general objectives of the Training Program are: CLTS 47 No Change To enable CFs and DMAC to successfully, efficiently and

effectively carry out their TORs with respect to the community planning process, implementation of community action plans and operation and maintenance;

No Change

To familiarize the participants with the PAMSIMAS Project approach and methodology, such as: MPA/PHAST, CLTS well as technical assessment methods;

No Change

To strengthen participant’s management, communication, planning, community participation and monitoring and evaluation skills to work at the community level; and

No Change

To strengthen technical skills (community health, WSE-CSS engineering, and community development) of participants.

No Change

Training Approach Each participant is expected to develop a good understanding

of all three technical areas of water and sanitation engineering, health and community development, in addition to strengthening their own disciplinary area.

No Change

The primary mode of training will be participatory based on adult learning and each training session must ensure that all participants have the best opportunity to benefit from the program. It will comprise formal training approach using adult education methods, including lectures, group discussions, teamwork, video or other forms of individual or group

No Change

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teaching/ learning methods appropriate to the subject matter. There should be a mix of information giving, group work, problem solving, and ‘hand on’ activities which will be complemented by hands – on training through field-work after each stage of training.

All training materials must be reviewed by the Trainer Coordinator to ensure that they are culturally appropriate and gender inclusive.

All training materials must be reviewed by the Trainer Coordinator and approved by Training Development Consultans to ensure that they are culturally appropriate and gender inclusive.

The addition tasks

Special Training Tasks Special Training Tasks 45 In collaboration with CPMU and CMAC training team, the

provincial technical team will support the development, preparation and implementation of the Provincial and District Training Program, as follows:

48 No Change

a. Collaborate with team to review the Provincial and District Training Curriculum and compare to the experience from previous implemented training including field experience,

No Change

b. Collaborate with other training team to review training materials and choose suitable and adaptable materials as guidance and manuals for the new scheduled training program.

No Change

c. Prepare the training report with appropriate recommendations, and submit to PPMU and CPMU and DPMU or as required by the client.

No Change

d. Prepare detailed implementation plan including the allocation of a training budget for training implementation

No Change

e. Support the CMAC Community Development Specialist to provide or review the CFTs training need assessment.

No Change

f. Prepare and implement the training for CFTs and effective upgrading or refresh training for CFs training and other facilitator trainings as required, including those related to the sustainability and village incentives grants support programs.

No Change

g. Monitor the implementation of capacity building/training data No Change

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system with M&E personnel of DPMUs and assist Team Leader to review M&E indicators for capacity building/training activities at community and institutional levels and make recommendations to PPMU for improvement.

h. Familiarize the participants with the PAMSIMAS project approach and methodology, such as: MPA/PHAST, CLTS, construction and supervision, operation and maintenance, budget planning as well as other technical assessment methods;

No Change

i. Support the CFTs to strengthen management, communication, planning, community participation and monitoring and evaluation skills to work at the community level, as well as technical skills of the DMAC team.

No Change

Training Outputs 46 In its capacity as trainers, the provincial technical team is

expected to deliver the training report, regularly output, and some of special report as required by PPMU and CPMU. The technical team training output will at least be comprises of;

49 No Change

a. Input for PMAC Inception Report (and its review) including; status of facilitator training, status of facilitators and coordinators-facilitators, summary of training evaluation and overall information captured related to PAMSIMAS as part of trainer support for PMAC Inception.

No Change

b. Input for PMAC Monthly Reports including; monthly status of facilitators works, community driven development activities, training need assessment including their specialized task for the trainer is to provide their capability in managing the training of community facilitators, coordinator facilitator, community water user group and targeted local government staff.

No Change

c. Training Need Assessment for facilitator training, local government capacity building, Badan Pengelola Sistim Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (BP-SPAMS) and other needs for community empowerment program;

No Change

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d. Training Reports; No Change e. Planning, budgeting and Reporting for Monitoring and

Evaluation Random Sampling; No Change

f. Proposal of Village Incentive Grant Program; No Change g. Planning and Implementation Reports of Village Replication. No Change

Consultant Responsibilities Consultant Responsibilities 47 The Consultant is required to; 50 No Change

Coordinate recruitment of training team with adequate qualifications in; a) water supply & sanitation, b) health and community development (which must comprise both men and woman), c) community development and d) financial management

No Change

Identify appropriate available resource persons (existing as previous trainer) to contribute to the training team.

No Change

Provide the schedules and work plan for the trainer as well as their role of PMAC team.

No Change

Arranging a suitable training venue which assures sufficient space for group work and participatory activities and adequate lighting, ventilation and other necessary facilities to provide a satisfactory learning environment.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements 48 The Provincial Trainers will have experiences in training

community facilitators in the fields of: i) Construction of water and sanitation facilities; ii) community development and community project management using the MPA-PHAST methodology; iii) health and hygiene promotion with focused to CLTS methodologies.

51 No Change

49 The CPMU collaborated with PMAC will review and determine the suitability of the nominated training team members. This review will include ensuring that the training team consists of both men and woman. Minimum qualifications of the Trainer are as follows:

52 No Change

a. At least five years experience in training for community based No Change

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projects, preferably in rural water, sanitation and related health services;

b. Have experience in training program management, planning, development and implementation including financial management aspects.

No Change

c. Have passed Training or Training of Trainers (TOT) of awareness/basic training for community development program and proven by certificate.

The addition requirement

d. Have understanding of government policies and practices relevant to the implementation of community based development programs the new decentralized environment.

No Change

e. Have experience in Participatory method (MPA/PHAST) and CLTS is desirable.

No Change

f. Have wide experience in developing, implementing and monitoring the training courses for community facilitators and relevant sector training experience of at least two years. Specific sector capability and experience in the areas of community water supply & sanitation; health & hygiene; and community empowerment.

No Change

g. Have capability and experience in community participation methodologies including MPA/PHAST, and in the application of poor and gender inclusive approaches to community development.

No Change

50 All trainers must meet the following criteria: 53 No Change Experience in the development of Community Mobilization

Strategies targeting different groups within communities. No Change

Experience in the application of social, pro-poor and gender equity principles in the provision of community services.

No Change

Have an understanding of the social, economic and local cultural environment where the training will be held.

No Change

Experience of interaction with diverse groups within communities – various social strata, race/ethnicity, men and women, rich and poor.

No Change

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Experience in implementation of community development program using participatory methods, including MPA/PHAST approaches and CLTS approaches.

No Change

Understanding of the interpretation of MPA/PHAST and CLTS result in developing Community Action Plans (RKM).

No Change

Each trainer will have minimum 2 years experience of specific experience in the following areas/sectors: a) community water supply and sanitation, b) community sanitation and health promotion, c) community empowerment, community development and gender equity.

No Change

Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation 51 For the implementation of training program, the Consultants are

required to submit a final report which is including three sets of the evaluation program to the CPMU after the training. This should be provided no later than three weeks after the respective training and provide specific with detailed analysis of the training outcomes and recommendations for improvement the future training programs. Those three sets of program the evaluation program are as follows:

54 No Change

Participants will complete three type of instruments to assess their learning; pre–training, ongoing training and post training assessments;

No Change

Participants will complete a Course Evaluation to assess the program and the Provincial Trainers.

No Change

At the end of the total training program, the Provincial Trainers will complete a Training Course Evaluation (provided by CPMU) to evaluate their own performance as well as the performance of the PPMU and DPMU in supporting the Training Program.

No Change

The report must also include the following attachments: No Change a. All training materials b. All overhead used c. Reading material distributed

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Supervision Supervision 52 The PMAC Team Leader shall appoint one of the three provincial

technical team members to be the Trainer Coordinator (TC). The development and delivery of the training programs will be supervised primarily by the TC who will provide feed back to the training team and ensure quality assurance.

55 No Change

CPMU and PPMU may undertake additional monitoring during training implementation with support from the TC as required.

CPMU through TDS will undertake regular monitoring of the training.


5.3. Local Government Specialist [LGS] 5.3. Local Government Specialist [LGS] Scope of Services Scope of Services

53 The service required from Consultant is to provide facilitation, advocacy and assistance of WSS-based local participatory planning and budgeting preparation and implementation. The Consultant will be based in province and be responsible for the process in the district/municipality level. The Consultant should take into account all key stakeholders related to local planning and budgeting process, including local parliament (legislative branch).

56 The service required from Consultant is to provide facilitation, advocacy and assistance of WSS-based local participatory planning and budgeting preparation and implementation. The Consultant will be based in district and be responsible for the process in the district/municipality level within province, particularly in the assisted district/municipalities. The Consultant should take into account all key stakeholders related to local planning and budgeting process, including local parliament (legislative branch).

Develop and refine master schedule for technical assistance and advocacy of district and municipalities (local government and legislative) for replication, preparing Rencana Aksi-AMPL and budgeting which focused to community-based WSS.

No Change

Provide capacity development and technical support to TKK and Pokja AMPL to develop and/or strengthen awareness and commitment of decision-makers (Kepala Daerah, Sekda, Kepala Bappeda and related Kepala Dinas) and legislative branch for prioritizing the WSS achievement-to-MDGs, including promotion of community-based WSS in districts/municipalities and provinces.

No Change

Provide capacity development and technical support to TKK and Pokja AMPL in preparation of improved WSS-based participatory planning and budgeting process, starting from

No Change

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identification key stakeholders, mapping of WSS programs and related local development programs in districts/municipalities, institutional set up (including budget), developing program/activities, targets and indicators, documentations (plans, budget documents), legalization, and synchronization with the local development plans (RPJMD or Renstra)

Provide technical support to TKP and Provincial Pokja AMPL in coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of TKK and District Pokja AMPL program and activities.

The addition tasks

Assist and facilitate the TKK, Pokja AMPL, and Team (Task Force) of Rencana Aksi-AMPL in coordinating workshops, focused group discussion, group-meeting, and similar activities to support the implementation of Rencana Aksi-AMPL preparation and synchronization.

No Change

In coordination with PMAC’s Asmandat, ensure regular recording system on local government’s performance in PAMSIMAS scalling up, mainstreaming, and sustainability on the web PAMSIMAS (Module 6: Local Government)

The addition tasks

In coordination with CD DMAC, ensure the performance data from non assisted local government in PAMSIMAS scalling up, mainstreaming, and sustainability recorded on the web PAMSIMAS (Module 6: Local Government)

The addition tasks

Provide capacity development and technical support to Team (Task Force) of Rencana Aksi-AMPL in preparing WSS-based RKPD and synchronizing Rencana Aksi-AMPL into the local development plans (RPJMD or Renstra).

No Change

Provide capacity development and technical support to DPMU and TKK in implementation of replication program in accordance to the PAMSIMAS approach.

No Change

Provide input to National Consultant (specialist who is assigned to manage component 1 of LG) for improving the content or materials of the technical guidelines concerning the WSS-based RKPD preparation and replication for local government.

No Change

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Provide input to National Consultant (specialist who is assigned to manage component 1 of LG) in improving the concept or strategy of programmatic (technical) assistance for supporting local government to accommodate WSS priority in district/municipality and provincial levels through local participatory planning and budgeting (WSS-based RKPD).

No Change

In coordination with MIS Specialist of PMAC, maintain regular recording system on achievement of component 1 (local government) on the web of PAMSIMAS.

No Change

Other tasks related to the component 1 of PAMSIMAS stipulated by PPMU, DPMU and TKK.

No Change

Duration of Services Duration of Services 54 The duration of the Consultant services is same with PMAC

assignment period, scheduled to start from January 2011 to the end of contract of PMAC’s. The Consultant’s performance will be evaluated annually and prior the issuance of recommendation for the forthcoming year of assignment. Further, the performance evaluation of the Consultant will be included in the overall performance evaluation of PMAC.

57 The duration of the Consultant services is same with PMAC assignment period, scheduled to start from August 27, 2009 to March 31, 2013 (the end of contract of PMAC’s). The Consultant’s performance will be evaluated annually and prior the issuance of recommendation for the forthcoming year of assignment. Further, the performance evaluation of the Consultant will be included in the overall performance evaluation of PMAC.

55 The continuation contract will be based on the yearly performance evaluation of the consultant; therefore PPMU can precede the continuation of contract for good performance or terminate it in case of weak performance. The PMAC will develop a system (forms and procedures) for overall performance assessment which will be made available to the Consultant.

58 No Change

The Table below shows the number of districts and LG Specialists involved in the above local government facilitation program. A total 70 districts will receive the facilitation support to the end of the project. Four (4) districts in provinces of South Kalimantan Province , will be facilitated in 2011 and 2012. The Table below shows the number of districts and LG Specialists to be allocated by province.

The Table below shows the number of districts and LG Specialists involved in the above local government facilitation program. A total 70 districts will receive the facilitation support to the end of the project. Four (4) districts in provinces of of South Kalimantan Province, will be facilitated in 2011 and 2012. The Table below shows the number of districts and LG Specialists to be allocated by province.

Expected Outputs and Deliverable Expected Outputs and Deliverables

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No Package Number of Pamsimas Districts*

Number of Facilitation


Number of LG Specialist

1 PMAC C-5 Sumbar1 7 4 1

2 PMAC C-6 Sumbar2 8 4 1

3 PMAC C-7 Riau 6 4 1

4 PMAC C-8 Sumsel 8 4 1

5 PMAC C-9 Jabar - Banten 7 4 1

6 PMAC C-10 Jateng 1 9 8 2

7 PMAC C-11 Jateng 2 10 8 2

8 PMAC C-12 Jateng 3 11 8 2

9 PMAC C-13 Kalsel 8 4 1

10 PMAC C-14 NTT 11 8 2

11 PMAC C-15 Sulteng 7 4 1

12 PMAC C-16 Sulsel-Sulbar 10 6 2

13 PMAC C-17 Gorontalo, Maluku, Malut, Papua Barat

6 4 2

Total 108 70 19

No Package

Number of Pamsimas Districts*

Number of Facilitation


Number of LG Specialist

2011 2012 2011 2012

1 PMAC C-5 Sumbar1 7 2 2 1 1

2 PMAC C-6 Sumbar2 8 2 2 1 1

3 PMAC C-7 Riau 6 2 2 1 1

4 PMAC C-8 Sumsel 8 2 2 1 1

5 PMAC C-9 Jabar - Banten 7 2 2 1 1

6 PMAC C-10 Jateng 1 9 4 4 2 2

7 PMAC C-11 Jateng 2 10 4 4 2 2

8 PMAC C-12 Jateng 3 11 4 4 2 2

9 PMAC C-13 Kalsel 8 2 2 1 1

10 PMAC C-14 NTT 11 4 3 2 2

11 PMAC C-15 Sulteng 7 2 2 1 1

12 PMAC C-16 Sulsel-Sulbar 10 4 2 2 1

13 PMAC C-17 Gorontalo, Maluku, Malut, Papua Barat

6 3 2 2 2

Total 108 37 33 19 18


56 The expected outputs and deliverables of Local Government Specialist are:

59 No Change

a. Master schedule for implementation of LG assistance and advocacy at provincial and district/municipality levels

No Change

b. Work Plan (including indicative budget) for raising awareness and commitment of local decision-makers (Kepala Daerah, Sekda, Kepala Bappeda and related Kepala Dinas), legislative branch and related key stakeholders

No Change

c. WSS-based ad-hoc institution (POKJA AMPL) is established and functioning

No Change

d. Team (Task Force) of Rencana Aksi-AMPL is established and No Change

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e. Work-Plan and budget arrangement issued by TKK for

preparing the Rencana Aksi-AMPL and replication No Change

f. WSS, especially community-based WSS, included as priority in RKPD or in other local planning/budget documents

No Change

g. Increased annual expenditure of Local Government on WSS No Change h. Local Government implement replication according to the

PAMSIMAS approach No Change

i. MIS Logbook Module 6 from all districts/municipalities to be recorded in website PAMSIMAS

The addition tasks

j. Inputs for National Consultant (specialist who is assigned to manage component 1 of LG) in developing advocacy tools or instrument for raising awareness and triggering action of local governments and legislatives to politically support the effort

No Change

k. Records and documentation of participatory planning process No Change Work Components Work Components

57 The basic work components to be undertaken by consultants comprise:

60 No Change

a) Facilitation of WSS-based Local Planning Document

(Rencana Aksi-AMPL) preparation No Change

b) Facilitation of implementation the community-based WSS adopting PAMSIMAS approach

No Change

c) Facilitation of inclusion the community-based WSS program into local annual development planning and annual budget documents

No Change

d) Handouts and presentation preparation No Change e) Training Module, instruments or Tools development No Change f) Focus Group Discussions, and group meetings. The total the

number of meeting to be anticipated for this particular purpose are 9 meetings for each facilitated kabupaten/kota annually. Number of participant of each FGD or meetings to be suited with the agenda and topic of the meetings.

No Change

g) Workshops, the number of workshop to be conduct by the No Change

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consultant is 2 (two) of one day workshop for each facilitated kabupaten / kota annually. The number of participant of each workshop to be suited with the agenda of the workshop, however the attendance of Bupati/Walikota, Sekretaris Daerah, Kepala Bappeda and Kepala Dinas related to AMPL are essential for the success implementation of the AMPL program.

h) If required, facilitation of Local Planning regulations which accommodate community-based WSS as priority

No Change

Work Process Required Work Process Required 58 It is principal to note that the process of planning and budgeting

of WSS-based program (which focused to community-based WSS) will follow national regulations concerning planning and budgeting process.

61 No Change

The basic process applies to WSS-based planning (RKPD) process and annual budget documents comprise of the following (detail can be seen in the PAMSIMAS technical guidelines on Rencana Aksi-AMPL and Replication). However scale and magnitude of the process can be adjusted according to the needs of individual WSS-based planning and budgeting document:

Raising Awareness and Commitment of WSS and Community-based WSS

Raising Awareness and Commitment of WSS and Community-based WSS

a. Mapping of WSS policy and programs at provincial and district/municipality levels

No Change

b. Compilation of secondary data No Change c. Workshop preparation at district/municipality for raising

awareness of local decision-makers (Bupati/Walikota, Sekretaris Daerah, Kepala Bappeda, and Kepala Dinas-related to AMPL)

No Change

Preparation of Rencana Aksi-AMPL development No Change a. Identification of key focal points of executive and legislative

branches as champion for ensuring commitment of community-based WSS

No Change

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b. Identification of stakeholders to be invited to participate in

Rencana Aksi-AMPL development process No Change

c. Establishment committee (Task Force, if POKJA AMPL is not

yet available) to be assigned for preparing Rencana Aksi-AMPL

No Change

Rencana Aksi-AMPL preparation Rencana Aksi-AMPL preparation 59 The process should follow the MOHA guidelines on RKPD

preparation and the PAMSIMAS technical guidelines on related subject including:

62 No Change

a. Orientation of Planning Preparation b. Evaluation of the district/municipality performance on WSS * c. Identification of key and strategic issues No Change d. Mapping of potential resources and financial capacity No Change e. Preparing the draft of policy and financial framework of WSS No Change f. Determining the priority and target of WSS provision No Change g. Preparing program plan and priority of WSS No Change h. Establishment timeframe for program accomplishment No Change i. Development performance indicators to measure

achievement (benchmark) No Change

j. Writing and communication of the planning document

(Rencana Aksi-AMPL) No Change

k. Legalization of planning document (Rencana Aksi-AMPL) No Change Integration of Rencana Aksi-AMPL into RKPD No Change a. Facilitation for adopting Rencana Aksi-AMPL into regular

RKPD and related SKPD programs No Change

b. It is important to note, that all of the above process should encourage quality participation of key stakeholders.

No Change

Qualification and Experience Qualification and Experience 60 The Local Government Specialist will be a University Graduate

with minimum of seven (7) years working experience and specializing in Local Development Planning and Budgeting. The Consultant should also fulfill the following specific criteria:

63 No Change

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Having experience in community-based water and sanitation program is an advantage

No Change

Having a minimum three (5) years of working experience as district/municipalities or provincial consultant or equivalent

No Change

Having a minimum three (3) years of working experience in assisting the districts/municipalities to improve participatory planning and budgeting process

No Change

Having adequate facilitation and advocacy skills No Change Having advance communication skills with the local

government and/or legislative No Change

Training for Local Government Specialist Training for Local Government Specialist 61 CPMU will arrange for special training for the Local Government

Specialist to be conducted at national level. The training module shall comprise of: cycle of the activity, facilitation and advocacy method and approach. The training will be conduct in Jakarta 2 (two) times annually, scheduled for 3 (three) effective days per training.

64 No Change

Reporting Arrangement Reporting Arrangement 62 As the Consultant is part of the PMAC team, therefore the

Consultant will be eligible to use facilities provided for and by PMAC. Reporting requirement of the Consultant follows PMAC arrangement. The Consultant will be required to provide inputs to each reports prepared by PMAC.

65 No Change

63 Substances or materials related to provision of assistance to district/municipalities will follow guidance provided by the National Consultant. The Consultant will be accountable to the Team Leader of PMAC (substances and administrative) and National Consultant (substance). In addition to PMAC, the National Consultant will also evaluate the KPP performance based on specific indicators provided by National Consultant and agreed by CPMU-MPW and CPIU-MOHA.

66 No Change

The Local Government Specialist will provide 5 (five) copies of

Rencana Aksi – AMPL document from each facilitated

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kabupaten / kota in their respective working area.

Understanding of Current Laws and Regulations Understanding of Current Laws and Regulations 64 The consultants must demonstrate good understanding and

familiarization with regard current situation and issues in planning and budgeting; legislations and regulations in planning and budgeting; basic principles for strategic planning preparation; basic tools and instruments for planning analysis; and development status and trends of local regulations on participatory planning and budgeting; national regulations on water supply and sanitation issued by various ministries; trends on local regulation concerning institutionalizing the community-based WSS programs.

67 No Change

5.4 Financial Management Specialist [FMS] 5.4 Financial Management Specialist [FMS] Scope of Services Scope of Services

65 The FMS will be responsible for carrying out all PAMSIMAS program financial management task, strengthening of the capacity of the facilitator financial management at community/LKM level and generally carrying out the monitoring evaluation of the quality of the LKM Community level book keeping through field visits and field spot check. The FMS shall ensure the proper and timely distribution of technical manuals, implementation guidelines and SOP for financial management to all staff and stakeholders. In carrying out the above tasks, the

FMS will be assisted by district-based financial assistants.

68 The provincial FMS will be responsible for carrying out all PAMSIMAS program financial management task, strengthening of the capacity of the facilitator financial management at community/LKM level and generally carrying out the monitoring evaluation of the quality of the LKM Community level book keeping through field visits and field spot check. The provincial FMS shall ensure the proper and timely distribution of technical manuals, implementation guidelines and SOP for financial management to all staff and stakeholders. In carrying out the above tasks, the FMS will be assisted by district-based financial



More specific tasks include: More specific tasks include: Ensure the proper distribution handbooks for standard

bookkeeping for LKM or PAMSIMAS unit under LKM Ensure the proper distribution technical guidelines of activity

and technical guidelines of financial management on the community lavel for standard bookkeeping for LKM or PAMSIMAS unit under LKM


Provide support and technical assistance to the Coordinator Facilitators on the community book keeping management

Provide support and technical assistance to the district-based financial management specialist on the community book keeping management


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Control the implementation of financial management related to activities and ensure that the coordinator facilitator and community facilitators are providing an optimal support to the LKM Community level book keeping and water tariff (BPS revenue) management as required

No Change

Take measures, give warning, sanction and others necessary steps ensure transparency and accountability in the use of the village grant funds, especially in the area f book keeping administration

No Change

Full responsibility for meeting the book keeping performance indicators as stipulated in the PAMSIMAS project management manual

Full responsibility for meeting the book keeping performance indicators LKM financial as stipulated in the PAMSIMAS project management manual


Full responsibility for errors, deviations and misuse of financial management

No Change

Actively monitor and follow up misuse of fund cases and the works mechanism should be coordinated with DMAC CD regularly report to CMAC eq FMS.

The addition tasks

Actively ensuring the overall management of the PAMSIMAS project distribution of village/community grant/BLM and expediting the compilation of SP2D documents for financial reconciliation in coordination with the CMAC’s Financial Management Specialist

No Change

Actively assist the local Stakeholders in providing the required data and information for the annual project budgeting – the DIPA and DIPA Revision as required

No Change

Qualification and Experiences Qualification and Experiences 66 Minimum Bachelor Degree in Economic/ Management/

Accounting with at least 8 years relevant experience in financial budgeting and project accounting and 5 years experience in the project management and with community based development project/program, preferred.

69 No Change

67 The Specialist must possess the following knowledge and experience:

70 No Change

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General knowledge in government structure and budgetary procedures particularly those related to PAMSIMAS

No Change

Capacity in preparing feasibility study for rural infrastructure investment

No Change

Project financial management related to planning, design, execution, and O & M

No Change

Computer application skill No Change Demonstrated teamwork ability to work productively with

other consultants and project stakeholders No Change

Assignment Period Assignment Period 68 The Financial Management Specialist assignment period is in

accordance to the duration of the Team Leader of PMAC, i.e up to the end of the PMAC services. Should the current assignment period of this position in the current contract is less than the required duration, the Consultant should propose for the required additional input.

71 The provincial Financial Management Specialist assignment period is in accordance to the duration of the Team Leader of PMAC, i.e up to the end of the PMAC services. Should the current assignment period of this position in the current contract is less than the required duration, the Consultant should propose for the required additional input.


5.5 Data Management Assistant (DMA) 5.5 Data Management Assistant (DMA) Scope of services Scope of services

69 The DMA main responsibility is ensure that the PAMSIMAS MIS program is well understood at both the district and village levels and all relevant guidelines, SOP, log book and forms of MIS data input are promptly distributed to all CFTs and DMAC as well as to ensure a smooth, timely completion and submission of the district MIS data entry.

72 No Change

Other general tasks include: Other general tasks include: a. Working on technical facilitation, support and strengthening

the CFTs and DMAC capacity in their working area to ensure they are able to carry out their tasks related with the data management required to support the PAMSIMAS program Management Information System (MIS) application.

No Change

b. Carry out coordination, synergy and harmonize the implementation of the task and responsibility of CFTs and the DMAC on data management to ensure the timely of complete

No Change

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required MIS data upload to the PAMSIMAS web according to the agreed schedule or period.

c. Conduct training/capacity improvement for operators/MIS data entry person in district level as required, either within the frame of provincial training program or as particular MIS training program.

No Change

d. Prepare working plan, implementation back up and responsible for success of MIS transferring activity to local government in their working area

No Change

e. Responsible to coordinate the data updating MIS data entry and data management of the PAMSIMAS program MIS concerning the progress of Pamsimas in their respective area

No Change

Specific Tasks Specific Tasks a. Report and MIS Data entry in their working area is submitted

in time and accurately No Change

b. Coaching MIS for facilitator in particular to efficiently socialize SOP and technical guidance of QS and MIS forms

No Change

c. Verification of all MIS data entry form from facilitator in line with SOP

No Change

d. MIS data entry to the application based on form already signed by facilitator and facilitator coordinator

No Change

e. QS data entry in line with information from facilitator verified by coordinator facilitator

No Change

f. QS data verification from facilitator in line with SOP No Change g. File all entry forms and their supporting evidence for each

village No Change

Qualification and Experiences Qualification and Experiences 70 The DMA will be a university graduate with a minimum working

experience of 3 years. Generally the DMA should fulfill the following criteria:

73 No Change

a. D3/graduate in computer science / information and communication / statistics / data management

No Change

b. TA or previously TA Assistance with the same education No Change

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qualification will be considered as long as possess “very good” tract record with capacity in data management field

c. Good knowledge on data management No Change d. Mastering on computer programming in particular excel and

database No Change

Assignment Period Assignment Period 71 The Data Management Assistant assignment period is in

accordance to the duration of the Team Leader of PMAC, i.e up to the end of the PMAC services. Should the current assignment period of this position in the current contract is less than the required duration, the Consultant should propose for the required additional input.

74 No Change

5.6 District Technical Specialists 5.6 District Technical Specialists 72 The district technical team known as the DMAC will consist of

three technical specialists for providing technical support and backstopping as well as build CFs required capacity. This team will need to have supporting team for administration purposes.

75 No Change

73 The DMAC as a team will cover 3 main tasks of: (i) program

management implementation support at district level; (ii) village implementation plan agreed by CFTs and DPMUs including work plan of facilitators at district and village levels, (iii) management and monitoring report of project implementation at districts level.

76 No Change

DMAC have to monitor and facilitate completion of 2008 - 2011 villages

The addition tasks

The district and village implementation plan for each fiscal year should be approved by the PPMU prior the implementation. The annual work plan of provincial / district level will be consolidated at the national level.

5.6.1. District Water Supply Engineering & Communal Sanitation Construction Specialist (WSE-CSS)

5.6.1. District Water Supply Engineering & Communal Sanitation Construction Specialist (WSE-CSS)

Scope of Services Scope of Services

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74 The District WSE-CS Specialist will work closely with the District HH and CD Specialists and Community Facilitation Team in undertaking this assignment. Scope of services is as follows:

77 No Change

Carry out strategic planning, coordinating and facilitating of project activities particularly for water supply and sanitation infrastructure and services with the DinasPU (Public Works), Dinkes (District Health Office), Dinas PMD, and other relevant local government agencies.

No Change

Provide high level technical inputs and work together with CF/WSE-CSS to carry out the Rapid Technical Assessment for water supply, develop a set of technology options (where possible), estimate the cost of each option, and assist the VIT to choose the best option of their circumstances (e.g. water demand, level of service, and ability to pay for construction and subsequent O&M).

No Change

Undertake quality assurance reviews to ensure compliance with project guidelines for the preliminary design for water supply and sanitation facilities, initial environmental evaluation, cost estimates, economic and financial analysis, the initial tariff estimates, financial management and procurement process.

No Change

Provide high level technical inputs and work together with CF/WSE-CSS in the presentation of RTA results and Detailed Engineering Designs (DEDs) to communities;

No Change

Undertake quality assurance review of CAPs, including the DEDs, before their submission to the DPMU head, and facilitate the community to modify or revise (if needed)

No Change

Provide technical assistance to CF/WSE-CSS in supervising construction, and verify the appropriate quantity and quality of work is performed;

No Change

Review and approve any proposed design changes which may have performance implications;

No Change

Support the CF/WSE-CSS in working with local skilled labors No Change

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and demonstrate how to build family latrines,

Support the CFT in establishing effective operation and maintenance of water and sanitation systems and undertake quality assurance reviews through periodic visits to completed systems.

No Change

Monitor and follow-up of Community Complaints Handling (PPM)-related the technical aspects and the works mechanism should be coordinated with DMAC CD

No Change

Review and evaluate the CFT reports and consolidated it at the district levels; s/he shall work in collaboration with District Health and Community Development Specialist.

No Change

Monitor implementation of Sustainability Monitoring and ensure accuracy of data in the field book as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements 75 The WSE-CS specialist will be a university graduate in engineering

with minimum experience 5 years in designing and supervising water supply and sanitation facilities through community based approaches in rural areas. The consultant should fulfill the following criteria.

78 No Change

Bachelor/S1 in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering or closely related field is essential.

No Change

Previous experience working in water supply at the community level is essential.

No Change

Previous experience in technical training is highly desirable. No Change Solid knowledge of basic WSS engineering is essential. No Change Understanding in local culture and bahasa is preferred. No Change Ability to work independently and a self-starter are essential

and must be capable of understanding extensive field work in project communities.

No Change

5.6.2. District Health & Hygiene Specialist (HHS) No Change Scope of Services

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76 The District HH Specialist will work closely with the District WSE-CS and CD Specialists and Community Facilitation Team in undertaking this assignment. The HHS has a lead role in advocating of health promotion and sanitation, facilitate and monitor the implementation of the school health component of the project particular at the district level. The specific activities of the HHS as follows:

79 No Change

Carry out strategic planning, coordinating and facilitating the project activities for schools and communities with District Health Office (Dinkes), District Public Works (Dinas PU), District Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan), District Community Empowerment (Dinas PMD), other related local government agencies, and NGOs.

No Change

Provide appropriate support and guidance to the CFTs and VITs in implementing CLTS in districts, including the district orientation for local stakeholders, and activities related to the progress monitoring.

No Change

Provide appropriate support and guidance to the CF Health and Sub District Health Stakeholder (Puskesmas) in implementing CLTS, taking the lead role in conducting the “ignition process” to trigger community efforts to achieve 100% no open defecation, assisting the community to monitor their progress and take remedial action where required.

No Change

Use participatory techniques to enhance the awareness, knowledge and perception of health promotion, disease prevention, hygiene and sanitation of district and community leaders.

No Change

Ensure that activities proposed and implemented as part of the CAP to support health and sanitation meet the project criteria and are aimed at reducing the incidence of water borne disease, through regular review of all CAP activities relating to health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation.

No Change

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Liaise and work with District Education Office in carry out the school based health promotion to generate the quality of school health activities

No Change

Liaise and work with District Health Office in carry out community based health promotion activities to generate the quality of the community health activities

No Change

Support CF/Health to facilitate communities in making informed choice on hygiene behavior change activities.

No Change

Conduct a bi-weekly coordination meeting with the relevant staff of the District Health Office and Kecamatan/Sanitarian to ensure that they are fully informed and pro-acticvely involved in monitoring the progress or otherwise of the health promotion and ODF targets in the Pamsimas villages.

No Change

Monitor implementation of Sustainability Monitoring and ensure accuracy of data in the field book as mentioned in the MIS Guidelines.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements 77 The HHS should fulfill the following specific criteria. 80 No Change

The Health & Hygiene Specialist (HHS) should be fulfill the following specific criteria;

No Change

Bachelor/S1 level degree in health; No Change S/he should have minimum 5 years experience in community

health and development; in training and/or teaching in health is highly desirable;

No Change

Understanding in local culture and bahasa is preferred; No Change Ability to work independently and a self starter is essential; No Change Must be capable of undertaking extensive field work in health

& hygiene community’s project. No Change

5.6.3. District Community Development Specialist (CDS) 5.6.3. District Community Development Specialist (CDS) 78 Notwithstanding that the District Community Development

Specialist (CDS) previously know as the District Facilitator Coordinator (DFC), is engaged by Satker / SNVT Air Minum

81 Notwithstanding that the District Community Development Specialist (CDS) previously know as the District Facilitator Coordinator (DFC), is engaged by Satker / SNVT Pengembangan


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Propinsi, in the day to day operation, the CDS is a member of the DMAC team and hence responsible and report to the PMAC Team Leader. The CDS shall also coordinate and support the CFTs assigned to their respective district, assist in the preparation of the CFT work plan(s) and working schedule for facilitating the participating communities for clearance by the respective PMAC and approval by DPMU.

Kinerja Pengelolan Air Minum Propinsi , in the day to day operation, the CDS is a member of the DMAC team and hence responsible and report to the PMAC Team Leader. The CDS shall also coordinate and support the CFTs assigned to their respective district, assist in the preparation of the CFT work plan(s) and working schedule for facilitating the participating communities for clearance by the respective PMAC and approval by DPMU.

79 CDShas a lead role in advocating of community development at the district level. The specific activities of the DFC as follows:

82 No Change

Ensure that concerns of all stakeholders, including those of disenfranchised or fringe groups, are represented in the development, public review and finalization of the CAP. Provide appropriate support and guidance to the CFTs and VITs in the preparation of the CAPs.

No Change

In coordination with LGF Specialist, assist the performance data from non assisted local government in PAMSIMAS scalling up, mainstreaming, and sustainability recorded on the web PAMSIMAS (Module 6: Local Government)

The addition tasks

Provide high-level technical input and work together with CF/CD to establish VIT and to strengthen other local institutions to support project activities.

No Change

Develop implementation strategy Village Implementation Plan and the schedule through an agreement with the TFM and DPMU.

The addition tasks

Work together with CF/CD and provide strategic support to CF/CD to: mobilize resources during entire project process (including planning, construction and maintenance and operation); i) in training for non–technical aspects of O & M and financial management and ii) in maintaining gender balance and equity in decision making and management of WSE-CSS and health services.

Work together with CF/CD and provide strategic support to CF/CD to: mobilize resources during entire project process (including planning, procurement, construction and maintenance and operation); i) in training for non–technical aspects of O & M, documents process of procurement and ii) in maintaining gender balance and equity in decision making and management of WSE-CSS and health services.

The addition tasks

Monitor the effectiveness of project through routine monitoring systems, conducting of rapid surveys for water

No Change

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borne disease activities and conducting focus group discussions with members of the community as well as teachers, sanitation workers, village midwives and other cadres.

Assess the performance of the project activities and recommend for improvements to the Central and District Management Units.

No Change

To coordinate the TFM to provide support and guidance to facilitate the planning and implementation of CAPs (RKM)

The addition tasks

Provide appropriate support and guidance to the CFTs and VITs in implementing CLTS in districts, including the district orientation for local stakeholders, and activities related to the progress monitoring.

No Change

Provides support in preparation of operation and maintenance system of the SAM and Sanitation, according to review the implementation of quality assurance through regular visits to each site.

Review and evaluate the CFT reports and will be consolidated in district levels; s/he shall work in collaboration with District WSE-CS specialist.

No Change

Monitor implementation of Sustainability Monitoring and ensure accuracy of data in the field book as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

No Change

To verify the data logbook and field book to the SIM Pamsimas of all phases of the process up to Sustainaibility Monitoring with accurate and timely

The addition tasks

Conduct a spot chaking (uji petik)of empowerment pace in 50% of the target villages of the current year.

The addition tasks

In coordination with other DMAC, implement Community Complaints Handling (Penanganan Pengaduan Masyarakat) in a proactive and follow-up mechanism to ensure proper handling, effective, accurate and give back to the PMAC CD.

The addition tasks

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Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements 80 The District Community Development Specialist (CDS) should

fulfill the following specific criteria: 83 No Change

Bachelor/S1 level degree in technique or social science; No Change S/he should have minimum 5 years experience in community

development; in training and/or teaching in community development is highly desirable;

No Change

Proven ability in community development or knowledge/experience in participatory methods and processes is essential;

No Change

Understanding in local culture and bahasa is preferred; No Change Ability to work independently and a self starter is essential; No Change Must be capable of undertaking extensive field work in

community’s project. No Change

5.6.4 District Financial Management Assistant (FMA) Deleted 81 The Financial Management Assistant will work closely with the CF

Community Development and under direct supervision of the provincial Financial Management Specialist. The FMA has a role in assisting the CF/CD in strengthening the LKM and BPSPAMS financial management capacity, monitoring proper, transparent and accountable bookkeeping and mounthly financial performance indicator report. The specific activities of the FMA as follows:


Formally and informally develop and strengthen the financial management capacity of the LKM, Satlak and BPSPAMS;


Facilitate the LKM, Satlak and BPSPAMS in increasing the community participation in their financial management especially in reviewing the LPD report, rules and regulations of the community (water) contribution;


Strengthen the LKM, Satlak Pamsimas and BPSPAMS in their bookkeeping and financial reporting capacity;


Strengthen the capacity of the village administration and LKM in monitoring the financial management of Satlak Pamsimas


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Facilitate the LKM, Satlak Pamsimas and BPSPAMS in improving their management system and working mechanism for carrying out their financial management task and responsibility;


Together with DMAC and TFM, measure the LKM bookkeeping performance and update MIS data entry;


Together with DMAC and TFM, monitor the community financial management under the Pamsimas monitoring and evaluation system;


Submit a monthly report to FMS after verification by DMAC, as well as specific report including LKM bookkeeping evaluation performance report and MIS lok book.


Qualification Requirements 82 The Financial Management Assistant (FMA) should fulfill the

following specific criteria: Deleted

Bachelor/S1 level degree in Economy, preferably in Accountancy;


No experience required Deleted Understanding in local culture and bahasa is preferred; Deleted Ability to work independenly and a self stater is essential; Deleted 5.6.4 District Financial Management Specialist (FMS) New

requirement as the replacement of FMA

84 The district Financial Management Specialist will work closely with the CF Community Development and under direct supervision of the provincial Financial Management Specialist. The District FMS has a role in assisting the CF/CD in strengthening the LKM and BPSPAMS financial management capacity, monitoring proper, transparent and accountable bookkeeping and mounthly financial performance indicator report. The specific activities of the district FMS as follows:

Increase the capacity of LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, formally or informally in the financial management program

Facilitate LKM, Satlak PAMSIMAS, to increase community

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participation in financial management, particularly in reviewing the results of LPD, complince with administration regulation, financial administration, and others.

Increase the capacity of LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, in the preparation of reports and accounting records.

Increase the capacity of Village Government and LKMs in monitoring the financial system Satlak PAMSIMAS.

Facilitate LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, to improve governance facilitate and institutions working mechanism in implementing the tasks and responsibilities in the field of finance.

Together with TFM perform bookkeeping LKM performance measurement, for subsequent inclusion in the SIM application.

Together with TFM monitoring the financial management community in monitoring and evaluation system PAMSIMAS.

Submit monthly reports to Provincial FMS - PMAC at the end of each month.

Responsible for the implementation of the manuals, technical manuals and SOPs PAMSIMAS financial management systems at the community level and on financial management data and reports published in the SIM and website,

Other general tasks include:

Monitoring the implementation of financial management reports at the community level in accordance with the manuals, guidelines, and SOPs

To ensure the accuracy, quality and effectiveness of public accounting bookkeeping

Together with DMAC CD implement of spot checking (uji petik) and reprents actual condition.

Ensure that all supporting documents exist, valid, and accurate.

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Ensure the availability of documents and reports in the LKM (BAPD, RKM, RAB, RPD, LPD, and other related documents to financial management)

Ensure to distribution of bookkeeping, financial management manuals, and SOPs up to the level of facilitators and the LKMs; including to the understanding of facilitators and the LKMs of the distributed items.

To collect of monthly SP2D from district / city level to be submitted to the PMAC

Monitor and follow-up of PPM-related misuse of funds and the works mechanism should be coordinated with DMAC CD. Mounthly report is to be submitted to PMAC FM.

Assist the facilitator if there are problems related to financial management

For current year location, assist the facilitators for BP SPAMS financial related training.

Other Specific Tasks included:

Providing the technical assistance, support and capacity building at district and village level for community/LKM bookkeeping

Providing recommendations to FMS at the provincial level for the mapping problem and advice for improvements

Monitoring bookkeeping coaching by facilitators to the community.

Qualification Requirements 85 The district Financial Management Specialist (FMS) should fulfill

the following specific criteria:

Bachelor/S1 level degreee in Accounting/Financial Management;

Three (3) years experience or at least one year experience working in Pamsimas in accounting and or financial

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management; Ability to provides training and financial management


Powerful computing capability and competence in the use of MS Office and MS Excel;

Understanding in local culture and bahasa is preferred; Ability to work both independently and within team A self

stater is essential;

6 SPOT CHECKING 6 SPOT CHECKING 83 For quality assurance and control purposes, the PMAC and DMAC

team will independently conduct a periodic spot-checking (Uji-Petik) in accordance with the agreed SOP5, to ensure that the quality and due processes of each of the following key community-based activities have been complied with.

86 No Change

a. Socialization process No Change

b. Problem identification and analysis (IMAS) and CLTS No Change

c. Establishment of LKM No Change

d. Preparation of PJM ProAksi, Options and CAP No Change

e. Utilization of each of the three village grant payments No Change

f. Operations and maintenance No Change

g. Program sustainability No Change

The province-based PMAC team (of Team Leader and Provincial Technical Specialists/Trainers) shall conduct spot-check on 10% of all the treatment villages in the province while the DMAC team to spot-check on 50% of all the treatment villages in the respective district.

No Change

Additionally, FM and district WSS specialists will conduct a spot check each month after grant disbursement.

Financial spot-cheking, TFM on 100% of all the treatment villages since the release of funds in-cast every month, while District FMS on 50% of all the treatment villages in the respective district and


5 SOP for Uji-Petik (Spot-Checking) prepared by CMAC

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Provincial FMS on 10% of all the treatment villages in the province will conduct a spot check each month after grant disbursement.

The spot-checking will be conducted in 2 stages - the first when 20% of the villages have completed the project cycle and the second spot-check is at 80% completion. The results of the spot-checking, satisfactory or otherwise shall be used to carry out corrective action and improve the conduct of the ongoing and or future processes. Through early detection of quality problems and the various lessons-learned and best practice principles, the spot-checking activities is a long-term program sustainability.

No Change


84 To allow effective sharing of the lesson-learnt, discussion on best practice of the program implementation, quarterly progress review and realignment strategy, the CPMU will facilitate a periodic expert group meeting at national level. The expert group meeting will be conducted three (3) times annually. The duration of each meeting will be three (3) days with the following main agenda:

87 To allow effective sharing of the lesson-learnt, discussion on best practice of the program implementation, quarterly progress review and realignment strategy, the CPMU will facilitate a periodic expert group meeting at national level. The expert group meeting will be conducted maximum three (3) times annually. The duration of each meeting will be three (3) days with the following main agenda:

Year End - to evaluate the previous year program implementation, preparation of work plan and milestone for the upcoming years.

No Change

Mid Quarter 2 - to review of the current progress and formulation of the realignment strategy.

No Change

Mid Quarter 3 - to review of the current progress and formulation of the realignment strategy.

No Change

The expert group meeting is to be attended by all PMAC

provincial Specialists: Team Leader, Provincial Technical

Specialists/Trainers, Financial Management Specialist, Data

Management Assistant and Local Government Specialist.

No Change

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At provincial level, there will be six (6) bi-mounthly expert group meeting to be held in conjunction will the alternate monthly coordination meeting. The provincial EGM is to be attended by the PMAC and DMAC teams and FMAs but not LG Specialist

At provincial level, there will be six (6) bi-mounthly expert group

meeting to be held in conjunction will the alternate monthly

coordination meeting. The provincial EGM is to be attended by

the PMAC teams including Province FMS but not LG Specialist

and DMAC teams including District FMS


8 Facilitator Training

Pamsimas program has two types of the Community Facilitator

namely Regular and Sustainability, Community Facilitator is a

facilitator tasked to provide assistance on implementation

program in the village of Pamsimas program participants. While

the Sustainability Community Facilitator is facilitator tasked to

provide assistance to the community in the village which has

entered the phase of post-program to ensure sustainability. To

improve the knowledge and skills of the facilitators, each year

Pamsimas program implement of training for community

facilitators. And so as the TFM training for both regular and

sustainability in each province can be run more effectively,

efficiently, and in accordance with the framework of the training

that had been developed at the national level, starting in 2011

the management training of TFM is the PMAC responsibility.

No. Training types Total day in 2011

Total day in 2012

a. Regular Facilitators

1 Training for New facilitator

18 days 22 days (phase

1: 14 days, phase 2: 8 days)

2 Refresher Training for Old Facilitators

5 days 7 days

The addition tasks of PMAC

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b. Sustainability Facilitators

1 Training for New Facilitator

8 days 12 days

2 Refresher Training for Old Facilitators

5 days 12 days

8. Socialization Media 9. Socialization Media

85 The Consultant shall ensure the timely printing and distribution of the following socialization media6 including posters, leaflets and banners to the community and other stakeholders. It is the responsibility of the DMAC and the CFTs to ensure that these posters, leaflets and banners are displayed in prominent places and positions in full view of the general community

88 No Change

No. Title of Media Type Copies/ village

1 Dana Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat (BLM) segera cair

Poster 5

2 Dana Bantuan Langsung Masayarakat segera cair, yuuk…..kita awasi pemanfaatan dan pengelolaannya

Street Banner


3 Pastikan konstruksi sarana air minum dan sanitasi sekolah sesuai standar PU

Poster 5

4 Jangan lupa iuran ya Poster 5

5 Pengelolaan keuangan yang baik dan terbuka cermin Badan Pengelola (BP) terpercaya

Poster 5

6 Sulit air…..? Jangan sampai terjadi lagi Poster 5

7 Kita berbeda di dalam PAMSIMAS Poster 5

No. Title of Media Type Copies

Villages 2011 2012 1 Dana Bantuan Langsung

Masyarakat (BLM) segera cair




Regular, Replication

2 Jangan Lupa Iuran ya ……… !




Regular, Replication, Sustainable

3 Pastikan konstruksi sarana air minum dan sanitasi sesuai standar PU






4 Pengadaan Jangan Mengada-ada

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication

5 Pengelolaan Keuangan yang baik dan terbuka cermin Badan Pengelola (BP) terpercaya




Regular, Replication, Sustainable


6 Socialization media material has been prepared by CMAC

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6 Sulit air…..? Jangan sampai terjadi lagi

Poster 5 5 Regular, Replication

7 Siklus Kegiatan PAMSIMAS

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication

8 Kita Berbeda di dalam PAMSIMAS

Poster 5 5 Regular, Replication

9 Perubahan Perilaku menuju perilaku STBM

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication

10 Pemicuan CTPS/SBS (following design)

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication

11 Keberlanjutan / BP SPAM 1 (following design)

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication, Sustainable

12 Keberlanjutan / BP SPAM 2 (following design)

Poster - 5 Regular, Replication, Sustainable

13 Dana Bantuan Langsung Masayarakat sudah cair, yuuk…..kita awasi pemanfaatan dan pengelolaannya






14 Stop Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (following design)




Regular, Replication, Sustainable

15 Keberlanjutan / BP SPAM (following design)




Regular, Replication, Sustainable

16 Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di Tingkat Masyarakat




Regular, Replication

With the Technical Specifications as follows :

Poster Paper : Artpaper 150 gram

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Size : 49 x 70 cm

Finishing : Laminating glossy Banner Material : Cloth Plexi / Cloth banners

(Kain plexi/Kain spanduk)

Size : 5 x 0,9 m

Leaflet Paper : Artpaper 150 gram

Size : A4 is folded in half (A4 dilipat dua)

Finishing : Laminating glossy

10. Additional Activities related to Sustainability Phase

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program in all Pamsimas


Workshop Attendants: District Level (TKK/Pokja AMPL and DPMU), Sub-District Level (Kasie PMD) and Village Level (Kep. Desa/Kelurahan, BP-SPAM member, Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/KPM,) Workshop Duration : for accommodation related , the project will finance maximum 3 days 2 nights. The implementation time a workshop will be subsequently determined by the CPMU, (for details see Annex E : TOR of Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program)

The addition requirement

Operational Cost for Association is max 15 million rupiah up to end of this contract. The operational cost is used for: - Office Operational - Meetings include quarterly coordination meetings

- Field Visits for facilitation and monitoring of the BP-SPAM The procedure and mechanism of the use of this operational cost will be further in the Standard Operating Procedure/SOP (see Annex F for detail)

The addition requirement

9. Consultant Performance evaluation 11. Consultant Performance evaluation

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86. The Consultant’s overall performance will be routinely evaluated by the PPMU in consultation with CPMU as an annual basis. The CPMU assisted by CMAC will develop a system7 (forms and procedures) for overall performance assessment which will be made available to the PPMU. The Consultant (PMAC) is required to undertake annual review of the individual team members, including CFTs member and report to the PPMU after counseling the individual team member.

89 No Change

Additionally, the performance of provincial and district HH specialists shall be evaluated by the respective dinas kesehatan.


87. The key contract outputs will include the following: 90. The key contract outputs will include the following:

Facilitation services for preparing CAPs, associated school and community health activities, and establishing the water supply and sanitation management unit to ensure post project sustainability, including the preparation of community agreements in the selected villages. These services are implemented by managing, supervising, and guiding the CFTs.

No Change

Assist CFTs/VIT to produce Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of water and peri-urban sanitation facilities for each participating village.

No Change

Together with District Facilitator Coordinator / CFTs and community finalize the construction works of the agreed facilities in the selected villages for providing better services of water supply and sanitation.

Together with DMACs and CFTs and community finalize the construction works of the agreed facilities in the selected villages for providing better services of water supply and sanitation.


Effective implementation of CLTS as assessed by achievement of no open defecation status at village level. This service is provided by working in collaboration with District Facilitator

Effective implementation of CLTS as assessed by achievement of no open defecation status at hamlets level. This service is provided by working in collaboration with DMACs and CFTs.


7 Related to the implementation progress at the District and Village levels: and the Key Performance Indicators stated in para 6.

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Coordinator / CFTs.

Supervise and provide guidance to the VITs and CFTs in preparing the Village Individual Report.

No Change

Certify the performance of CFTs based on the progress of work done by CFTs as a team or individual prior each payment of facilitator.

No Change

Consultant team member performance evaluations. No Change

Timely completion of the Sustainability Monitoring for all

villages assessed by accurate and complete data provided in

the Field Books as mentioned in the MIS Guideline to the


No Change

Establishment of Association of SPAM Perdesaan at kabupaten/kota level

The addition tasks

88. The consultant shall submit reports as follows. 91. The consultant shall submit reports as follows.

The Inception Report (15 ex) No Change

To be submitted within 6 weeks after the mobilization. The Inception Report will subject to be discussed with the PPMU, DPMUs, TKP (Tim Koordinasi Propinsi), and TKK (Tim Koordinasi Kabupaten), establish an agreed overall work program in provincial, district, and village levels.

No Change

The Monthly reports (15 ex / period), No Change

To be submitted at the latest by day 15 of the following month, explaining the progress of main project activities and benchmarks, project profile assessment and work plan for subsequent month, including CFT activity report.

No Change

The Quarterly Reports (15 ex / period), No Change

To be submitted latest by day 15 of the following month after the quarterly period, according to the agreed annual work

No Change

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plan compared with the actual progress (technical and financial), project profile assessment and work plan for subsequence quarter in according with the agreed outline and expected input for Project Management Report.

Performance evaluation reports (15 ex / period). No Change

The Annual Reports (15 ex / period), No Change

To be submitted at the latest by day 15 of the following month after each year of the project, explaining the progress implementation achieved related to the key performance indicator as mentioned in paragraph 5, in accordance with an agreed outline and expected input for Annual Project Progress Reports

No Change

MIS inputs, in formats agreed with the CPMU/PPMU/DPMU, which require a degree of uniformity across project provinces.

No Change

Special reports as requested by the PPMU. No Change

Draft Final Report & Final Report, including the completion, operation and maintenance, and exit strategy report for each district and village.

No Change

5 (five) copies of Rencana Aksi-AMPL from each facilitated kabupaten / kota (annually)

No Change

To be submitted at the latest by day 15, two months before the completion of assignment. The Draft Final Report will review general project implementation, target achievements compared with the key performance indicator in paragraph 5, including project data records of the whole project period (technical and financial) by project activities for each component as an input for Implementation Completion Report lesson learned on critical issues and provide recommendation related to the technical aspects of the project. The final report shall be prepared after the discussion

No Change

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of the draft final report.

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Original Revision Remarks Each Community Facilitation teams (CFT) will comprise three

members, namely: No Change

Health and hygieCF/CD). ne facilitator (CF/HH); No Change

Water and sanitation facilitator (CF/WSS); No Change

Community development facilitator (CF/CD) No Change

The main task of CFTs to facilitate in triggering CLTS, the process of assessment, analysis and action planning by community groups through the MPA/PHAST steps, leading to the preparation of a CAP and assist the local communities, especially the Village Implementation Team in implementing and monitoring the program for improving health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation in the community level.

No Change

A very important focus of the CFT works is helping communities to develop the technical and management skills they will need to successfully carry out their tasks. Each CFT will support 3-5 communities (villages) in their respective district.

No Change

The District Community Development Specialist (CDS) will be assigned in each participating district to coordinate and to support the CFTs in facilitating the communities (VIT). The main task of DFCs is mentioned in Section 5.6.3.

No Change

1. Recruitment for Community Facilitators 1. Recruitment for Community Facilitators

Satker / SNVT Air Minum Propinsi will recruit DFCs and Community Facilitators. DFCs are selected from the three candidates who comply with the qualification requirements stated at paragraph 52.

No Change

At a minimum, the recruitment process for Community Facilitators No Change

8 The TOR of Facilitator attached in PMAC TOR because of they have to understand it to enable in managing, supervising, guiding and certifying CFTs, although the CFTs would not be recruited / assigned within the

PMAC contract

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would include the following steps:

Broad advertisement of positions in local newspapers (province) and Public Works website

No Change

Provide sufficient time to prepare applications against a clear set of selection criteria

No Change

Produce long list of candidates who undertake testing and are scored.

No Change

Interview process for short-listed candidates (using both male and female interviewers)

No Change

Submit a selection report with ranking of candidates to PPMU with names of preferred candidates prior to notifying successful candidates.

No Change

Upon an approval by PPMU, number of CF candidates will be invited to participate in Stage 1 for CFT Training. After this stage, the PMAC training team will provide a report with recommendations on preferred CF candidates to PPMU and Satker/SNVT Air Minum, which will be used as part of the final selection process and after selection, CF will be contracted by Satker/SNVT Air Minum.

No Change

The selection of CFs should be based against the following criteria9:

No Change

Demonstrated ability in individual disciplinary area (health, technical, community development);

No Change

Demonstrated communication skills with community members (listening, reflective communication, negotiation, consensus reaching, conflict resolution, prevention skills);

No Change

Ability to encourage open participatory discussion and respect different viewpoints;

No Change

Demonstrated ability to use the MPA/PHAST tools developed for this project effectively;

No Change

Willingness and ability to promote (and advocate for) the No Change

9 The PMAC training team should observe the capacity of each CF

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participation of women and poor people in all aspects of the community planning process;

Demonstrated ability in problem analysis and problem solving; No Change

Able to generate respect from all levels of community, including leaders, women, men, and school and health workers;

No Change

Willingness to work with and learn from others; and Willingness to live for extended period in rural poor communities with poor sanitation.

No Change

It is PAMSIMAS policy that each CFT must have at least one male and one female facilitator. PPMU will not endorse any CFT that does not have a mix of men and women without substantial reason provided in writing.

No Change

2. Number of DFCs and CFs to be contracted 2. Number of DFCs and CFs to be contracted

Each DFC will be assigned in each participating district. The number of CFs will be contracted are 9 persons / district, (FY 2008) in stage1, and 15 persons/districts, for each FY (FY 2009 and 2010) in stage 2. The final selection of CFs will be made by respective PPMU and Satker/SNVT Air Minum Provinsi after the completion of stage 1 training and then they will sign the contract prior on the job training. See Table B1 for numbers of required CFs. The new selection and training for additional CFs (96 persons) will be conducted in FY 2008, and they will be assigned in FY 2009.

No Change

Table B1: Number of Community Facilitator / District

Recruitment Year

Total CFs Required Type of Selected CF


FY 2008 province-specific 3 3 3

FY 2009 province-specific 5 5 5

No Change

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FY 2010 province-specific 5 5 5

Table B.2 : Estimated person month of CFs / District

Recruitment Year

Total CFs per District

Working Months

Estimated person-months

FY 2008 9 36 324

FY 2009 (additional)

12 24 288

No Change

3. Term of References for Community Facilitation Team (CFT) 3. Term of References for Community Facilitation Team (CFT)

The CF/HHs, CF/WSSs, and CF/CDs are the three persons Community Facilitation Team. S/he will be based in their appropriate “base camp10” but work as a “circuit rider” visiting villages on a regular basis. During periods of peak activity in villages, CFTs may be required to stay in the village for several days at a time.

No Change

Related to the main task of CFTs, the CFTs shall conduct together: No Change

Preparing the overall plan in providing facilitation services for all target villages and the individual village plan. Therefore, the tentative schedule for the team and for individual facilitator should be approved by the team, the District facilitator coordinator, and the PMAC.

No Change

Recording secondary and primary data intensively for monitoring purposes related to the input data of key performance indicators.

No Change

Facilitating and preparing Village Implementation Report (process, construction, and post construction stage)

No Change

Conducting periodic training needs assessment and implement training activities for the community, with the DPMU and PMAC – refer to Community Training

No Change


Base camp shall be located at one of the their coverage villages

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3.1 Community Facilitator for Health and Hygiene (CF/HH) 3.1 Community Facilitator for Health and Hygiene (CF/HH)

Scope of Services Scope of Services

The CF/HH will promote, oversee and support community level health and sanitation activities, including the school health program at the village level. S/he will work in close collaboration with the local health center staff, especially the sanitation worker and village midwife, the local school teachers, and the Village Implementation Team (VIT). The specific activities of the CF/HH will include the following.

No Change

Facilitate and assist the local communities, especially the Village Implementation Team in planning, implementing and monitoring the program to improve health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation in the community.

No Change

Conduct PHAST sessions, with groups of men and women in project communities, in collaboration with local resident school teachers, health workers, sanitation workers, village midwives, and other who are identified as local health resources by the communities.

No Change

Facilitate the process of assessment, analysis and action planning by community groups through the PHAST steps, leading to the preparation of a CAP.

No Change

Ensure that the concerns of all stakeholders, including those of disenfranchised or fringe groups, are represented in the development, public review and finalization of the CAP.

No Change

Provide appropriate support and guidance to the VIT in the development of their CAP.

No Change

Work closely with the local health center and local school programs to promote improvements in health, disease prevention and hygiene/sanitation behavior.

No Change

Ensure that activities proposed and implemented as part of the CAP to support health promotion, disease prevention and

No Change

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sanitation meet the project criteria and are aimed at reducing the incidence of water borne disease through review of all CAP activities relating to health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation.

Provide appropriate support and assistance to the local school teacher with the implementation of the school health program, including water quality monitoring, fecal contamination tests, worm infestation prevention activities and other outreach activities.

No Change

Provide appropriate support and assistance to the local health team, including sanitation worker, village midwife and other local health resource with the implementation of other community health and sanitation activities.

No Change

Monitor the effectiveness of school and community health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation activities through routine monitoring systems, conducting of rapid surveys for water borne disease activities, and conducting focus group discussions with members of the community as well as teachers, sanitation workers, village midwives and other cadres.

No Change

Facilitate the VIT to implement CLTS, take the lead role in conducting the “ignition process” to trigger community efforts to achieve 100% no open defecation, assist the community to monitor their progress and take remedial action where required.

No Change

Undertake periodic training needs assessment and provide appropriate hygiene - related capacity building and support required by village implementation teams and other community groups and individuals to manage and monitor hygiene and sanitation improvements effectively during implementation and after PAMSIMAS ends.

No Change

With other CFs, facilitate Sustainability Monitoring and No Change

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prepare results in the Field Book for DPMU to enter into database as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements

The CF/HH should fulfill the following criteria: The CF/HH should fulfill the following criteria:

Bachelor/S1 in Community Health or environmental health and maximum 35 years age

No Change

Solid knowledge of basic health services and/or primary or non formal education.

No Change

Have previous experience in community development program is desirable

No Change

The CF/HH may come from outside the district of their work assignment although they must be familiar with the local language and culture.

No Change

Ability to work independently and a self starter are essential. No Change

Gender balance in the selection of CF/Health team members is required.

No Change

PPMU will not endorse any CFT that does not have a mix of men and women without substantial reason provided in writing.

No Change

3.2 Community Facilitator for Water and Sanitation (CF/WSE-CSS)

3.2 Community Facilitator for Water and Sanitation (CF/WSE-CSS)

Scope of Services Scope of Services

A very important focus of the CF/WSE-CSS’ work is facilitating communities to improve the technical and management skills to carry out their tasks and automatically promote, oversee and support community water supply, health and sanitation activities. The CF/WSS will have close collaboration with the local VIT, especially the Technical Unit staff. The specific activities of the CF/WSS will include the following.

No Change

Work closely with the local communities, especially the VIT, to No Change

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carry out an initial Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA) of locally available water resources that could be used in an improved water system and an assessment of existing WSS facilities in the community.

With the other CFT members, participate in the MPA/PHAST sessions with villagers (particularly those identified as local technical resources by the community) to help the community identify and solve their water and sanitation related problems, using participatory techniques to raise their knowledge and understanding about the critical linkages between improved water supply, and hygiene and sanitation behavior.

No Change

Based on the RTA findings, develop a set of feasible water supply technology options, estimate the cost of each, participate in the presentation of RTA result to communities, and assist them to choose the option the best fits their circumstances (e.g. water demand, desired level of service, and ability to pay for construction and subsequent O & M).

No Change

Develop the preliminary design for community water supply and the minimum required public sanitation facilities in schools, including construction cost estimates and initial tariff estimates, and discuss the result with the community.

No Change

Prepare initial environmental evaluation of proposals. No Change

After incorporating modifications desired by the community, assist the VIT with the preparation of DEDs, together with cost estimates and proposed water tariff rates so they fully understand the financial and other implications of their commitment to participate in the project.

No Change

Ensure that concerns of all stake holders, including disenfranchised and /or fringe groups, are represented in the development, public review and finalization of the Community Action Plan. Provide appropriate support and guidance to VITs in the development of their CAPs.

No Change

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Ensure that activities proposed and implemented as part of the CAP to support health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation meet the project criteria and are aimed at reducing the incidence of water borne disease through review of all CAP activities relating to health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation.

No Change

Assist/facilitate the VIT in submission of the CAP to the DPMU for review and approval, and help the community respond to any DPMU requests for clarification in a timely fashion to expedite the CAP approval process and eventual disbursement of Block Grant funds to the community’s project bank account.

With guidance from the RME, help the community to procure non–local materials and equipment using accepted project procurement procedures to insure that no irregularities occur, so that KPKN will continue to expeditiously disburse Block Grant funds as they are needed to finance on going project activities.

No Change

Provide technical training to community members in reading simple engineering drawings, understanding technical design limitations etc., including specialized technical training to VIT staff and community members at large in the interpretation of engineering drawings, and other technical training as necessary.

No Change

When materials and equipment are in place and ready to begin construction, assist the VIT and the community to implement the project. In particular support and assist the VIT to supervise construction, verify the quantity and quality of work performed.

No Change

With VITs, review any proposed design changes that may have significant performance or cost implications, maintain quality control during all phases of construction through regular inspections, and build VIT capacity and capability to do the

No Change

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same thing throughout implementation of the CAP.

Work with local skilled laborers and provide training for building school (and other public) latrines and drainage facilities as specified in the approved CAP, and monitor all sanitation infrastructure development activities funded under the special block grants, assuring that they are properly implemented.

No Change

Help the VIT to implement CLTS, participate in conducting the “ignition process” to trigger community efforts to achieve 100% no open defecation, assist the community to monitor their progress and take remedial action where needed.

Undertake periodic training needs assessment and provide appropriate technical capacity building and support required by village implementation teams and other community groups and individuals to manage and monitor sustainability of their WSS improvements during implementation and after PAMSIMAS ends.

No Change

With other CFs, facilitate Sustainability Monitoring and prepare results in the Field Book for DPMU to enter into database as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements

The CF/WSS should fulfill the following criteria. The CF/WSS should fulfill the following criteria.

A university graduate (bachelor/S1) in environmental engineering, water supply and sanitation engineering or civil/hydraulic engineering and maximum 35 years age

No Change

Solid knowledge of basic WSS technical matters. No Change

Have previous experience in community development program is desirable

No Change

The CF/WSS Engineer may come from outside the district of No Change

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their work assignment although they must be familiar with the local language and culture.

Ability to work independently and a self-starter are essential. No Change

Gender balance in the selection of CF/WSS team members is required.

No Change

PPMU will not endorse any CFT that does not have a mix of men and women without substantial reason provided in writing.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements

The CF/WSS should fulfill the following criteria. The CF/WSS should fulfill the following criteria.

A university graduate (bachelor/S1) in environmental engineering, water supply and sanitation engineering or civil/hydraulic engineering and maximum 35 years age

No Change

Solid knowledge of basic WSS technical matters. No Change

Have previous experience in community development program is desirable

No Change

The CF/WSS Engineer may come from outside the district of their work assignment although they must be familiar with the local language and culture.

No Change

Ability to work independently and a self-starter are essential. No Change

Gender balance in the selection of CF/WSS team members is required.

No Change

PPMU will not endorse any CFT that does not have a mix of men and women without substantial reason provided in writing.

No Change

3.3 Community Facilitator for Community Development (CF/CD) 3.3 Community Facilitator for Community Development (CF/CD)

Scope of Services Scope of Services

The CF/CD will promote, oversee and support community level water supply, health and sanitation activities. The CF/CD will work in close collaboration with the VIT, and its three sub-units

No Change

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(technical, financial/administrative and health/sanitation). The specific activities of the CF/CD include the following.

Facilitate and assist the local communities to establish the VIT according to project criteria, as the vehicle to plan and implement their CAP.

No Change

Participate in PHAST session groups of men and women in the community, taking special care to ensure full participation of the poorest sectors of the community, and any disadvantaged and less vocal groups.

No Change

Work together with the other two CFT members to help the communities in developing the institutional framework, capacity and capability to successfully prepare and implement the CAP (including WSS system planning and construction, as well as the community and school health programs).

No Change

Ensure that concerns of all stakeholders, including disenfranchised or fringe groups, are represented in the development, public review and finalization of the CAP. Provide appropriate support and guidance to the VITs in the development of their CAP.

No Change

Use participatory techniques to raise the knowledge and understanding about community development, the necessity to co–financing project activities, and the mobilization of community cash and local materials in the community. Regularly remind the communities that funds will not be released and construction can not start until the agreed upon mobilization of community resources is complete, and then only if VITs continue to work with equitable representation of both men and women, and poor and non–poor.

No Change

During the period immediately preceding construction, help the community to organize and mobilize the required labor force needed to carry out construction in a timely and effective manner.

No Change

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Work with the CF/WSS to assist communities to properly organize themselves and their material resources during the entire process of construction, and provide training in non–technical aspects of O&M and financial management (including setting and collecting water tariffs, book keeping, identifying future training needs, participatory methods of decision–making related to future decisions about WSS facility expansion planning, etc, and the need for maintaining gender balance and equity in decision making and management of WSS and health services).

No Change

Closely monitor the bookkeeping of LKMs and prepare monthly performance indicators to be submitted to District FMS.

The addition tasks

Work with the VIT to establish policies and procedures for electing new members, O&M, financial management, expansion planning, resolution of water disputes, and for periodically updating their plans for the use of any remaining Block Grant funds.

No Change

Assist the RME to gather lessons learned related to the community development process, and make recommendations for improving project policies, procedures and regulations related to establishing and empowering community–based institutions that are gender balanced and equity based, so that all community members have a voice and choice in establishing services, and equal opportunity to access WSS/health services co–financed by the project.

No Change

Help the VIT to implementing CLTS, participate in conducting the “ignition process” to trigger community efforts to achieve 100% no open defecation, assist the community to monitor their progress and take remedial action where needed.

No Change

Undertake periodic training needs assessment and provide appropriate social development capacity building and support required by village implementation teams and other community groups and individuals to manage and monitor sustainability of

No Change

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their WSS improvements during implementation and after PAMSIMAS ends.

With other CFs, facilitate Sustainability Monitoring and prepare results in the Field Book for DPMU to enter into database as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

No Change

Qualification Requirements Qualification Requirements

The CF/CD should fulfill the following criteria. The CF/CD should fulfill the following criteria.

Bachelor/S1 in Social Science, Agriculture, Economics, Lawyer, Technique, and Anthropology is essential and maximum 35 years age

Bachelor/S1 in Social Science, Agriculture, Economics, Lawyer, Technique, and Anthropology is essential and maximum 35 years age

Minimal two (2) years experience in the community development

New requirement

Currently residing or previous experience working in the province is preferred.

No Change

The CF/CD may come from outside the district of their work assignment although they must be familiar with the local language and culture.

No Change

Ability to work independently and a self-starter are essential. No Change

Gender balance in the selection of CF/CD team members is required.

No Change

PPMU will not endorse any CFT that does not have a mix of men and women without substantial reason provided in writing.

No Change

Practical experience in training either accounting or finance, and community empowerment is highly desirable.

No Change

4.0 Community Training 4.0 Community Training

1 Introduction 1 Introduction

A key factor in the sustained effective use of services is the participation of the communities in all project activities starting from planning through to implementation, operation & maintenance, and also monitoring & evaluation. Community

No Change

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participation must include broad representation from all groups and levels in society, men and women, rich and poor in order to ensure that needs of all members are addressed and specific actions to improve the capacity of the community to make informed decisions on affordable and appropriate technologies, to manage their improved water and sanitation services and continue to improve environmental health and hygiene behaviors. This has been demonstrated to be an area of weakness in project implementation so far.

The Consultant will have prime responsibility for ensuring the quality of community level training through the CFTs and District facilitator coordinator, with support from the district consultants and Provincial Trainers. The CFs will conduct periodic training needs assessment and implement training activities, with DPMU and PMAC, to increase the capacity of local groups to manage water and sanitation and hygiene activities during implementation, post construction and after PAMSIMAS ends.

No Change

The training could be related to technical, health or community management depending on community identified needs. Previous assessments of community training needs have indicated the following areas:

No Change

1. Providing more capacity building for VIT to make them effective and transparent community management organizations

No Change

2. Providing a broader range of capacity building activities beyond the three usual areas of book keeping, technical and health to include skills such as governance and accountability, environmental management, financial management, social inclusion, conflict management and finding resources for continued improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene behaviors

No Change

3. Increasing the number and quality of participation of women and poor in community capacity building activities

No Change

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4. Building networks and strengthening interactions between community management groups across different villages.

No Change

2. Training Objectives 2. Training Objectives

The general objectives of the community training are to: The general objectives of the community training are to:

1. To increase VIT capability to assist communities in participatory planning using MPA-PHAST methodologies and CLTS approach.

No Change

a. To increase community capability for planning, implementation and operation and maintenance of developing of water supply, sanitation and health facilities and services.

No Change

b. To increase capability of VIT in managing hygiene and sanitation improvement activities, water supply & sanitation engineering/technology, and community empowerment/social inclusion.

No Change

c. To increase the capacity and understanding of VIT to support project monitoring and evaluation.

No Change

d. To increase the capacity and understanding of VIT as an effective community management organization to ensure sustainability of water and sanitation improvements after the project ends.

No Change

3. Participants 3. Participants

Participants will include: VIT members, community leaders, community cadres (kader) and other community groups. Participation of women and poor is a priority.

No Change

4. Place and Time of Training 4. Place and Time of Training

a. Training will be held at the village or Kecamatan level No Change

b. Training will be held for a minimum of two working days and maximum of five working days

No Change

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 79

5. Training Methods 5. Training Methods

a. Use of participatory methods and adult learning principle with demonstrations, semi formal presentations, group discussions, plenary discussions, group work/assignment, case studies, field practice and simulations.

No Change

b. Training aids/equipment including sticky cloth, video, survey and measurement equipment (Theodolite), and computers.

No Change

6. Training Material 6. Training Material

Simple and user-friendly materials will be prepared for the training in the areas of water supply & sanitation technology, health and community empowerment. Handouts should use drawings and diagrams rather than text where possible and local terminology should be used.

No Change

Sufficient copies should be available for all training participants. No Change

7. Training Content 7. Training Content

In line with the PAMSIMAS capacity building strategy, community training will be coordinated and support by PMAC and should include a minimum of 10 days post construction follow up training11for Badan Pengelola and other community group (supplementary to the training identified in the CAP). Indicative training topics include:

No Change

a. Increasing community institutional capacity: Conflict management; Developing and using `media; Organizational leadership; Effective and transparent organizations; Financial management for effective O&M; Expansion of water and sanitation; Participatory monitoring and evaluation; Involving women and poor in decision making; and Income-generating

No Change


This training does not have to be formal or delivered only by the CFs. Other options should be identified by TKMs and Badan Pengelola with assistance from CFTs.

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 80

activities using water.

b. Improving water facilities: Protecting water sources, Constructing water supply systems, Constructing and maintaining house connections, Installing and maintaining water meters and Water quality testing.

No Change

c. Improving sanitation and hygiene behaviors: Community led total sanitation; construction of toilets (different designs); building simple neighborhood drainage systems; improving environmental health; and water and environment related illnesses other than diarrhea.

No Change

8. Training Preparation 8. Training Preparation

The Provincial Training Team12 in collaboration with PMAC is responsible to support the development and preparation for the community training program, as follows:

a. Prepare detailed TORs for each training activity to be approved by the district consultants based on a needs assessment with the relevant community groups and identify expertise required to conduct the training.

No Change

b. Prepare the curriculum based on experience from previous training, in consultation with district consultants and other CFs.

No Change

c. Review materials and choose suitable and adaptable materials as guidance for the training program and manuals.

No Change

9. Monitoring and evaluation 9. Monitoring and evaluation

a. Provincial Training Team will prepare a report on the training with appropriate recommendations, at the end of training, and submit to the DPMUs/PPMU.

No Change

b. PPMU and DPMU, assisted by PMAC, will monitor training activities and provide feedback to the Provincial Training Team on improvements for future training.

No Change


The training team should prepare the training materials for community training when they conduct CFs trainings

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Term Of Reference (TOR) Konsultan Individu Fasilitator Keberlanjutan

Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (WSLIC-3) / Program Nasional Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat




Keberlanjutan sarana dan prasarana terbangun dalam program Pamsimas merupakan

salah satu indikator kinerja capaian program. Dalam konsep pemberdayaan

masyarakat, keberlanjutan ini diwujudkan dalam bentuk kemandirian masyarakat dalam

mengelola dan mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana yang telah dibangun oleh

kelompok masyarakat yang telah ditunjuk dalam proses konstruksi sebelumnya oleh

Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat (LKM) tingkat desa melalui Program Pamsimas.

Salah satu bentuk kemandirian masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana

terbangun melalui program Pamsimas adalah dengan terbentuknya Badan Pengelola

Sarana dan Prasarana Air Minum dan Sanitasi (BP-SPAMS) disetiap desa sasaran

Pamsimas setelah selesainya pelaksanaan konstruksi oleh LKM. BP-SPAMS memiliki

tugas yang cukup berat karena tidak hanya bertanggungjawab terhadap operasi dan

pemeliharaan SPAMS terbangun, namun tetap bertanggungjawab atas pemicuan

program sanitasi hingga tercapainya status bebas ‘Buang Air Besar Sembarangan

(BABS)’ untuk desa tersebut, membina hubungan institusional dengan aparatur

pemerintah daerah terkait seperti Kepala Desa, Camat, Puskesmas, Dinas Kesehatan,

Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, dan instansi lain yang terkait dengan

keberlanjutan SPAMS terbangun dan untuk pengembangan program air minum dan

sanitasi di desa yang bersangkutan.

Dalam rangka pengembangan prasarana SPAMS desa terbangun, pemerintah desa

pelaksana program Pamsimas telah memiliki dokumen perencanaan yang disebut

Program Jangka Menengah Air Minum Kesehatan dan Sanitasi atau disingkat PJM Pro-

Aksi. PJM ini merupakan salah satu dokumen perencanaan yang menjadi acuan untuk

penyusunan program pembangunan desa dibidang air minum dan sanitasi. Perwujudan

PJM ini merupakan tanggungjawab Pemerintah Desa yang harus ditindaklanjuti dalam

Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang) tingkat kecamatan. Sudah

tentu PJM ini akan selalu di evaluasi sesuai dengan perkembangan kondisi lingkungan

di desa.

Dalam hal pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif

ditingkat desa atau kelurahan, Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota berkewajiban menetapkan

Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) sesuai ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Dalam

Negeri no. 7 tahun 2007. Sehingga keberlanjutan PJM Pro-Aksi tingkat desa dapat

didukung oleh keberadaan KPM desa yang bersangkutan dalam rangka menjamin

keberlangsungan tugas BP-SPAMS. Sejalan dengan amanat ketentuan ini, melalui

program Pamsimas akan ditentukan dan dibina Kader Masyarakat bidang Air Minum dan

Penyehatan Lingkungan (KM-AMPL) di setiap desa sasaran Pamsimas yang merupakan

salah satu pengurus yang akan menjadi bagian/anggota BP-SPAMS. KM-AMPL ini akan

bekerjasama dengan KPM dan perangkat Pemerintahan Desa untuk memfasilitasi

terlaksananya PJM Pro-Aksi yang telah disusun.

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Memperhatikan BP-SPAMS desa yang terbentuk melalui program Pamsimas sudah

cukup banyak (30 – 50 desa per Kabupaten), maka dalam rangka membentuk jalur

pembinaan institusi yang efektif oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota kepada BP-SPAMS

desa maka direncanakan akan dibentuk Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat

Kabupaten/Kota pada tahun 2012 ini. Anggota asosiasi ini akan diawali dengan

perwakilan BP-SPAMS yang dibentuk melalui program Pamsimas, namun dimungkinkan

pula beranggotakan kelompok masyarakat pengelola air minum dan atau sanitasi yang

pembangunannya menerapkan pendekatan berbasis masyarakat.

Pelaksanaan pendampingan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa oleh fasilitator masyarakat

dalam proses pelaksanaan program Pamsimas mulai dari tahap perencanaa hingga

penyelesaian fisik pembangunan sarana air minum dan sanitasi belum memberikan

pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS untuk mampu secara mandiri menjamin keberlanjutan

pengelolaan dan pengembangan sarana terbangun serta bekerjasama dengan pihak-

pihak lain dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas BP-SPAMS. Kerangka acuan kerja ini akan

menguraikan lingkup tugas dan sasaran output yang harus dihasilkan oleh tim

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan (FK) dalam program Pamsimas.


Tujuan penugasan tim FK ini adalah untuk melakukan pendampingan maupun fasilitasi

kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam melakukan pembinaan BP-SPAMS

dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai unit yang bertanggungjawab terhadap

pengelolaan SPAMS terbangun dan juga bertanggungjawab terhadap pengembangan

program air minum dan sanitasi di desa.

Sasaran pendampingan Fasilitator Keberlanjutan adalah desa-desa sasaran Pamsimas

yang telah terbentuk BP-SPAMS untuk desa sasaran tahun 2008, 2009, 2010, dan 2011,

untuk mendampingi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan yang dibentuk dengan

pendekatan berbasis masyarakat.


Fasilitator Keberlanjutan merupakan suatu Tim Fasilitator yang terdiri dari 2 sub-tim

yang saling bekerjasama dalam memfasilitasi keberlanjutan program Pamsimas di desa

sasaran pasca terbentuknya BP-SPAMS. Kedua sub-tim ini terdiri dari sub-tim inti yang

disebut FK dan sub-tim pendukung yang disebut Fasilitator Masyarakat Air Minum dan

Sanitasi (FM-AMS). Sub tim FK bertugas dalam satu wilayah admnistrasi

Kabupaten/Kota. Tim FK dan FM-AMS melaksanakan tugasnya dengan pembinaan atau koordinasi program oleh District Management & Advisory Consultant (DMAC) bertugas ditingkat kabupaten/kota yang merupakan unsur pelaksana dari Provincial Management & Advisory Consultant (PMAC).

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Skema hubungan kerja antara DMAC dan tim FK adalah sebagai berikut:

Sub-tim FK merupakan satu kesatuan tim fasilitator yang terdiri dari 3 bidang keahlian,

yaitu FK bidang kelembagaan dan pemberdayaan, FK bidang kesehatan dan FK bidang

teknik. Sub-tim ini bertanggung jawab untuk penanganan tugas Fasilitator Keberlanjutan

mendampingi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan ditingkat Kabupaten/Kota dan BP-

SPAMS di tingkat desa/kelurahan sasaran program keberlanjutan secara keseluruhan

dalam satu kabupaten/kota. Sedangkan sub-tim FM-AMS merupakan tenaga fasilitator

masyarakat bidang teknik yang akan dilatih dalam meningkatkan kapasitas/kemampuan

masyarakat khususnya LKM dalam memutuskan, merencanakan, melaksanakan dan

mengelola kegiatan fisik program hibah insentif desa.


Dalam menjalankan tugasnya Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai berikut ;

1. Fasilitasi BP-SPAMS untuk pembentukan asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan ditingkat Kabupaten/Kota;

2. Pembinaan kepada para anggotanya (BP-SPAMS) dalam operasi dan pemeliharaan SPAMS dalam hal teknis, keuangan, dan kelembagaan;

3. Keberlangsungan kegiatan BP-SPAMS dalam proses pemicuan ‘Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)’ hingga tercapainya status bebas ‘BABS’ untuk desa sasaran tersebut;


(3 person)


(3 person)



(1 person)


(1 person)


(1 person)

District Management

Advisory Consultant


Regular HID



(3 person)


(1 person)

CF- Inst.Dev (1 person)

(Coordinator Tim)


(1 person)


(1 person)

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4. Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS dan Kader AMPL untuk sinkronisasi dan integrasi PJM-Pro Aksi dalam Musrenbangdes dan atau Musrenbang Kecamatan atau Renstra dan RPD Kabupaten;

5. Pemantauan pelaksanaan program Hibah Insentif Desa untuk Kabupaten/Kota yang mendapatkan program ini.

Fokus utama dari ruang lingkup tugas FK adalah sebagai berikut:

Fokus utama tugas sub-tim FK adalah membantu District Project Management Unit (DPMU) dalam melaksanakan tugasnya untuk pembinaan kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan BP-SPAMS dan Kader AMPL dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. FK bekerja sama dengan DMAC. Sub-tim FMK melaporkan pelaksanaan kegiatannya kepada DPMU dan DMAC. Koordinator sub-tim FK adalah FMK bidang kelembagaan pemberdayaan. Secara rinci tugas sub-tim ini mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut: I. Melakukan pemetaan potensi dan permasalahan dari desa sasaran 2011 untuk

menentukan prioritas dan strategi pendampingan. Sedangkan untuk desa sasaran 2008 – 2010 hanya dilakukan pemantauan kinerja BP-SPAMS sesuai format log book modul 7.2 dan 7.3 dalam SIM Pamsimas yang disepakati wilayah pemantauannya diantara sub-tim FK;

II. Melakukan pembinaan kepada pengurus BP-SPAMS desa dan fasilitasi kepada DPMU Kabupaten/Kota dan PMAC untuk penyelenggaraan workshop pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan. SOP mengenai pembentukan asosiasi ini telah diatur dalam SOP Pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan;

III. Pendampingan penyusunan rencana kerja BP-SPAMs dan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan, termasuk dalam hal koordinasi dengan Kader AMPL, DMAC, dan DPMU serta fasilitasi kepada mitra kerja Asosiasi ditingkat Kabupaten/Kota, yaitu PDAM Kabupaten/Kota setempat;

IV. Membuat usulan kepada Asosiasi dan DPMU untuk lokasi-lokasi sasaran yang membutuhkan pengembangan/perbaikan ke pada DPMU melalui PMAC untuk menentukan lokasi yang layak mendapat insentif desa maupun dukungan program lain berdasarkan hasil evaluasi;

V. Memfasilitasi Asosiasi dalam rangka pengembangan cakupan pencapaian akses air minum, kesehatan dan sanitasi kepada BP-SPAMS selaku anggota Asosiasi melalui kerja sama dengan stakeholders (seperti sanitarian puskemas, KPM dan aparatur Pemerintahan Desa);

VI. Melakukan uji petik terhadap data pemantauan kinerja BP-SPAMS yang dikirim/disampaikan oleh BP-SPAMS atau Kader AMPL desa sesuai log book yang ditentukan;

Fokus utama tugas sub-tim FM-AMS adalah memfasilitasi LKM dan BPSPAMS dalam

verifikasi penyusunan Rencana Kerja Masyarakat (RKM) program HID dan

pendampingan LKM dalam pelaksanaan program hibah insentif desa setelah

ditetapkannya desa sasaran HID ditetapkan dengan bekerja sama dengan sub-tim FK,

DMAC maupun PMAC dalam hal pembinaan dan pelaporan kegiatan. FM-AMS

bertugas pada 1 desa sasaran HID. Dalam hal terdapat lebih dari 1 desa sasaran HID

dalam 1 kabupaten/kota maka masing-masing desa akan didampingi secara terus-

menerus oleh masing-masing FM-AMS. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, FM-AMS akan

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melaporkan kegiatannya kepada DMAC dengan berkonsultasi kepada sub-tim FK

bidang teknik.

Secara rinci tugas sub-tim FM-AMS ini mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut:

I. Memfasilitasi LKM dalam melakukan persiapan rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan HID mulai dari verifikasi RKM hingga serah terima prasarana terbangun kepada BP-SPAMS. Jadwal tentative harus dikoordinasikan dan disepakati bersama antara FMK, DMAC dan PPK Pamsimas/Satker PIP Kabupaten/Kota;

II. Memberikan bimbingan kepada LKM maupun BPSPAMS selaku pelaksana kegiatan dalam penyusunan laporan pelaksanaan HID;

III. Mengisi dan mengupdate data MIS secara tepat waktu dan menyerahkan laporan deskriptif kepada FMK Bidang Teknik dan Koordinator Fasilitator.

Rincian tugas fasilitator keberlanjutan per bidang sebagai berikut ;

1. Fasilitator Keberlanjutan (FK) bidang Kelembagaan dan Pemberdayaan (KP)

Tugas utama dari FK-KP adalah melalukan perkuatan kelembagaan kepada Asosiasi

Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan teknis dan

manajemen BP-SPAMS untuk melaksanakan tugasnya melalui pendampingan,

pengawasan dan fasilitasi dukungan kegiatan pengelolaan dan pengembangan

prasarana dan sarana terbangun, pemicuan perilaku masyarakat, dan promosi


Kegiatan spesifik dari FK-PM adalah melakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam hal sebagai berikut:

Memfasilitasi BP-SPAMS desa dalam proses pembentukan Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat Kabupaten/kota;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS dalam pemutakhiran PJM Proaksi kepada Kader AMPL desa;

Melakukan kajian kebutuhan pelatihan yang dibutuhkan oleh BP-SPAMS dan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan untuk peningkatan yang dibutuhkan khususnya dalam bidang pemberdayaan guna mendukung hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tanggung jawabnya;

Pemantauan dan pembinaan kepada Kader AMPL desa dalam pengembangan peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan sarana yang berkaitan pelayanan akses air minum bagi masyarakat termasuk membangun kemitraan dengan pihak lain yang dapat mendukung keberlanjutan BP-SPAMS;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMs dalam manajemen operasi dan pemeliharaan SPAM terbangun dalam hal penyusunan laporan maupun sistim pembukuan keuangan;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMs dalam mereview kebijakan dan penetapan jumlah iuran, manajemen keuangan, rencana perluasan, penyelesaian masalah dalam rangka keberlanjutan program di tingkat masyarakat;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMs dan Kader AMPL desa untuk melaporkan status keberadaan BP-SPAMS ke dalam data base SIM Pamsimas, seperti yang tercantum dalam petunjuk teknis Keberlanjutan Pamsimas.

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Persyaratan Kualifikasi

FK-PKP harus memenuhi kriteria berikut:

Lulusan Universitas minimal Sarjana/S1 segala jurusan serta berusia maksimal 50 tahun;

Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dalam program pemberdayaan sejenis (PNPM Mandiri) dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun dalam program Pamsimas;

Diutamakan berasal dari kabupaten/kota setempat dan harus bersedia tinggal di daerah penugasan.

2. Fasilitator Keberlanjutan (FK) bidang Kesehatan (K)

FK-K ini bertugas melalukan perkuatan kepada Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan dengan

bekerja sama dengan DMAC dan DPMU bidang kesehatan untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan BP-SPAMS untuk bekerjasama dengan staf PUSKESMAS terutama

sanitarian dan bidan desa, guru di sekolah setempat dalam promosi, pengawasan dan

mendukung kegiatan kesehatan dan sanitasi masyarakat, termasuk program

kesehatan sekolah di tingkat desa.

Kegiatan khusus yang dilakukan Fasilitator bidang Kesehatan adalah melakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam hal:

Identifikasi dan evalusi kegiatan BP-SPMAS yang perlu peningkatan khususnya dibidang sanitasi dan promosi kesehatan baik disekolah maupun di masyarakat;

Pembinaan kepada Kader AMPL desa dalam pengembangan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan sanitasi dan promosi kesehatan baik disekolah maupun masyarakat;

Pembinaan kepada Kader AMPL desa dalam membangun kerjasama dengan Sanitarian/PUSKESMAS dan sekolah setempat untuk promosi peningkatan kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit dan perilaku hygiene/sanitasi;

Evaluasi rencana kegiatan BP-SPAMs dalam rangka mendukung promosi kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit dan sanitasi memenuhi kriteria program Pamsimas yang menuju pada pengurangan timbulnya penyakit terkait air;

Pemantauan kinerja BP-SPAMS untuk pelaksanaan promosi kesehatan sekolah dan masyarakat, pencegahan penyakit dan kegiatan sanitasi melalui sistem monitoring rutin;

Pembinaan BP-SPAMs dalam penyusunan rencana kegiatan CLTS (Community-Led Total Sanitation) dalam mengadakan upaya pemicuan (ignition process) kepada masyarakat untuk mencapai 100% bebas BAB di tempat terbuka, serta melakukan review strategi monitoring progress dan mengadakan perbaikan ulang bila diperlukan;

Peningkatan kemampuan BP-SPAMs dan KM-AMPL dalam sistem pelaporan kinerja BP-SPAMS ke dalam data base SIM Pamsimas, seperti yang tercantum dalam petunjuk teknis Keberlanjutan Pamsimas.

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Persyaratan Kualifikasi

FK-K harus memenuhi kriteria di bawah ini :

Lulusan Universitas minimal Sarjana/S1 dibidang Kesehatan Masyarakat dan atau Kesehatan Lingkungan, serta berusia maksimal 50 tahun;

Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dalam program sejenis (PNPM Mandiri) dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun dalam program Pamsimas;

Diutamakan berasal dari kabupaten/kota setempat dan harus bersedia tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah penugasan.

3. Fasilitator Keberlanjutan (FK) bidang Teknis Air Minum & Sanitasi (AMS)

Fokus utama dari FK-AMS ini bertugas melalukan perkuatan kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan teknis dan manajemen BP-SPAMS (anggota asosiasi) untuk melaksanakan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan terhadap sarana dan prasarana sistem air bersih dan /atau sanitasi, serta pengembangannya sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat diwaktu yg akan datang.

Kegiatan spesifik dari F-AMS adalah melakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan kepada Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dalam hal :

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS dalam identifikasi dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja sarana air minum dan sanitasi yang terbangun, operasi dan pemeliharaan SPAMS terbangun serta pengembangannya;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMs dan Kader AMPL desa dalam pengembangan kegiatan maupun pemeliharaan sarana yang berkaitan pelayanan akses air minum bagi masyarakat;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS dan KM-AMPL dalam pemantauan kinerja FM-AMS dalam melaksanakan tugasnya;

Pembinaan kepada BP-SPAMS dalam penyusunan proposal untuk pengembangan sarana air minum dan sanitasi untuk diajukan kepada stakeholders [pemerintah maupun private sector];

Melakukan kajian kebutuhan pelatihan yang dibutuhkan oleh BP-SPAMS untuk peningkatan yang dibutuhkan khususnya dalam teknis guna mendukung peningkatan pelayanan dan penyediaan air minum secara berkelanjutan;

Mengengupdate data SIM secara akurat dan tepat waktu;

Memfasilitasi pemantauan keberlanjutan (Sustainability Monitoring) dan menyajikan hasilnya di ‘Field Book’ untuk DPMU agar dimasukkan ke dalam data base, seperti yang tercantum dalam petunjuk teknis MIS & Monev Pamsimas.

Persyaratan Kualifikasi

FK-AMS harus memenuhi kriteria di bawah ini :

Lulusan Universitas minimal Sarjana/S1 dibidang Teknik Sipil/Lingkungan, serta berusia maksimal 50 tahun;

Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dalam program pemberdayaan sejenis (PNPM Mandiri) dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun dalam program Pamsimas;

Diutamakan berasal dari kabupaten/kota setempat dan harus bersedia tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah penugasan.

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4. Fasilitator Masyarakat Air Minum & Sanitasi (FM-AMS)

Tugas pokok FM- AMS adalah mendampingi LKM dalam pelaksanaan hibah insentif desa oleh LKM hingga serah terima pengelolaan kepada BP-SPMAS desa, yang meliputi:

Memfasilitasi LKM dalam finalisasi dan verifikasi RKM HID;

Memberikan bantuan teknis kepada LKM maupun Satlak selaku pelaksana kegiatan dalam merealisasikan usulan rencana kegiatan dalam RKM HID;

Membantu penyiapan laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan fisik dan keuangan pelaksanaan HID untuk desa dampingannya;

Menyerahkan laporan bulanan – data MIS (modul-5) dengan data yang akurat dan laporan deskriptif kepada DMAC secara tepat waktu;

Persyaratan Kualifikasi

FM-AMS yang dibutuhkan harus memenuhi kriteria di bawah ini :

Lulusan Universitas minimal Sarjana Muda/D-3 dibidang Teknik Sipil/Lingkungan dengan pengalaman minimal 0 tahun atau STM-Bangunan dengan pengalaman 3 tahun, serta berusia maksimal 35 tahun;

Diutamakan berasal dari kabupaten/kota setempat dan harus bersedia tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah penugasan.


Durasi penugasan dari Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

(i) Sub Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan akan bertugas secarah penuh sampai dengan akhir Desember 2012.

(ii) Sub-Tim Fasilitator Masyarakat Air Minum & Sanitasi akan bertugas selama 5 bulan.

Kontrak kerja Fasilitator Keberlanjutan dapat diperbarui setiap tahunnya berdasarkan

hasil penilaian evaluasi kinerja tahunan.


Output/hasil yang diharapkan dari Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan ini adalah sebagai berikut:

(i) Sub Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan:

Terbentuknya Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat Kabupaten/Kota;

Terealisasinya rencana kerja Asosiasi untuk penguatan BP-SPAMS dan Kader AMPL desa untuk peningkatan capaian AMPL pada desa-desa sasaran Pamsimas terbangun;

Adanya hasil review PJM Pro-Aksi oleh masing-masing anggota Asosiasi;

Terselenggaranya kemitraan antara BP-SPAMS dan pihak lainnya (swasta, pemerintah, PDAM, Perguruan Tinggi dan lain lain)

Terealisasinya pemutakhiran SIM Pamsimas modul-7;

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(ii) Sub-Tim Fasilitator Masyarakat Air Minum & Sanitasi :

Adanya pelaporan pelaksanaan kegiatan sesuai dengan buku Petunjuk Umum Pelaksanaan Hibah Insentif Desa;

Adanya laporan bulanan (data MIS modul-5 dan laporan deskriptif) untuk pelaksanaan hibah insentif desa.


Laporan Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan disusun berdasarkan sub-tim. Masing-masing sub-tim harus menyerahkan laporan Laporan Bulanan yang harus diserahkan setiap akhir bulan pada bulan yang bersangkutan kepada Kepala Satker PKPAM Provinsi setelah diverifikasi oleh Koordinator Fasilitator dan DMAC serta DPMU Kabupaten/Kota. Laporan ini berisi penjelasan progress kegiatan utama sesuai output yang telah ditetapkan untuk masing-masing sub-tim sesuai dengan ’field-book’ dan ’log-book’ SIM Pamsimas.

Jenis dan Waktu Pelaporan sebagai berikut:

No Jenis Laporan B u l a n

Keterangan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


A Laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan

X X X X X X X X X X X X Kegiatan Bulanan sesuai kontrak

B laporan bulanan


Data SIM modul- 7 sesuai kontrak


A Laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan

- - - - - - X X X X X - Kegiatan Bulanan

sesuai kontrak

B Laporan bulanan

- - - - - - X X X X X

- Data SIM modul- 5 sesuai kontrak


a. Honorarium FK dan FM-AMS

Besaran honorarium Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan meliputi Gaji Dasar dan biaya umum (operasional untuk bahan/ATK, sewa komputer dan printer, pembuatan laporan, dan transport antar desa ke Kabupaten dan ke provinsi setiap bulannya). Sedangkan untuk perjalananan dinas sub-tim FK ke lokasi desa sasaran yang sulit terjangkau (membutuhkan transport khusus) akan disediakan oleh Satker PKP Air Minum Provinsi.

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Besaran gaji dasar dan biaya umum Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan setiap bulannya adalah

sesuai tabel pada halaman berikut ini:

No. Posisi Gaji Dasar*


Biaya Umum **


Total (Max)


1. FMK Bidang Kelembagaan

& Pemberdayaan

3.500.000 2.000.000 – 2.500.000 6.000.000

2. FMK Bidang Kesehatan 3.500.000 2.000.000 – 2.500.000 6.000.000

3. FMK Bidang Air Minum &


3.500.000 2.000.000 – 2.500.000 6.000.000

4. FM Air Minum & Sanitasi

- Sarjana/S-1 2.500.000 500.000 – 1.000.000 3.500.000

- Sarjana Muda/D-3 2.000.000 500.000 – 1.000.000 3.000.000

- STM Pembangunan 1.500.000 500.000 – 1.000.000 2.500.000

Keterangan ; [*] = berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan [**] = berdasarkan jarak lokasi desa sasaran

b. Evaluasi Kinerja tim FK dan FM-AMS

Kinerja FM Keberlanjutan akan dievaluasi oleh DPMU, dibantu DMAC dengan konsultasi

dengan BP-SPAMs semasa dalam kontrak. CPMU dibantu CMAC (Central Management Advisory Consultants) akan membuat system evaluasi kinerja ini untuk digunakan oleh

PMAC. Laporan evaluasi kinerja akan dilaporkan kepada PPMU dan Satker/SNVT PKP Air

Minum Provinsi sebagai dasar pertimbangan perpanjangan/pemberhentian penugasan


c. Penilaian Fasilitator untuk Pembayaran Gaji

Satker Satker PKPAM Provinsi akan melakukan penilaian fasilitator untuk pembayaran gaji

berdasarkan laporan Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan yang disampaikan melalui DMAC, dan

telah diberikan pernyataan penilaian kinerja oleh PMAC sesuai dengan format yang telah


Jakarta, 7 Mei 2012

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Appendix A Amendment No 8

TOR PMAC_Revised_(10 Juli 2012) A- 82


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A. Latar Belakang

Pamsimas merupakan salah satu program pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkanpenyediaan layanan air minum, sanitasi, dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakatterutama dalam menurunkan angka penyakit diare dan penyakit lain yang ditularkan melaluiair dan lingkungan. Saat ini, pelaksanaan Program Pamsimas telah memasuki tahunkeempat yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2008 sampai dengan 2012 di 15 provinsi, 110kabupaten/kota dan 5000 desa. Di tingkat masyarakat, Pamsimas telah memeloporipembagunan prasarana dan sarana SPAMS.

Pada tingkat desa/kelurahan, PAMSIMAS menghasilkan sarana air minum (SAM), kegiatanpromosi penyehatan lingkungan, Program Jangka Menengah bidang AMPL (PJM ProAKSi),dan dukungan kelembagaan (BPSPAMS) untuk menjamin penyelenggaraan pelayanan airminum dan perubahan perilaku masyarakat. Pada tingkat Kabupaten/kota, PAMSIMASmenghasilkan berbagai kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas bagi pemerintah daerah, baiktingkat provinsi maupun kabupaten untuk menjamin peningkatan pelayanan AMPL berupapenyusunan dan pemantauan pelaksanaan replikasi, Rencana Aksi Daerah (RAD) bidangAMPL dan pengalokasian anggaran kabupaten/kota untuk penyelenggaraan AMPL,terutama AMPL-BM.

PAMSIMAS tidak hanya mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan secara reguler, yaitu sampaidengan terbentuknya BPSPAMS sebagai lembaga pengelola sarana air minum tingkat desa,namun juga menyediakan dukungan paska-reguler berupa pendampingan danpengembangan kapasitas untuk memastikan seluruh hasil PAMSIMAS, terutama SPAMPerdesaan dan perubahan perilaku masyarakat, di tingkat desa/kelurahan dapatberkelanjutan maka Pamsimas memulai inisiatif Program “KEBERLANJUTANPENGELOLAAN SPAMS PERDESAAN”. Upaya pendampingan dan pengembangankapasitas ini dilakukan di tingkat kabupaten/kota serta desa/kelurahan.

B. Maksud dan Tujuan

Maksud dari workshop ini adalah untuk memastikan dukungan dan keterlibatan berbagaipemangku kepentingan dalam keberlanjutan pengelolaan SPAMS Perdesaan tingkatkabupaten/kota maupun di tingkat desa. Oleh karena itu melalui workshop ini, pemangkukepentingan akan diberikan pemahaman tentang:1. Konsep keberlanjutan pengelolaan SPAMS perdesaan2. Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan sebagai salah satu mitra utama pemerintah

daerah dalam pembinaan pengelolaan SPAMS perdesaan yang dapat mendukungkeberlanjutan

3. Peran masyarakat tingkat desa/kelurahan dalam mendukung keberlanjutan SPAMSperdesaan melalui penguatan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bidang AMPL

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Melalui penyelenggaraan workshop ini, Pamsimas memberikan dukungan bagikabupaten/kota dalam penyelenggaraan keberlanjutan pengelolaan SPAMS Perdesaan,termasuk di dalamnya adalah mendukung pemerintah kabupaten/kota mempunyaimekanisme pengelolaan SPAMS perdesaan secara terpadu, terlepas dari berbagai sumberdana penyediaannya, misalnya Pamsimas, DAK, PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan,BPMD/Bapermas Kabupaten/Kota, Pemerintah Provinsi, dan lainnya.

Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pelaksanaan workshop keberlanjutan Pamsimas adalah;1. Sosialisasi dan diskusi mengenai konsep pengelolaan keberlanjutan SPAMS

perdesaan, yang mana Pamsimas menjadi salah satu program penyediaan SPAMSperdesaan yang dapat menjadi pijakan pertama bagi kabupaten/kota dalammelaksanakan mekanisme keberlanjutan.

2. Menumbuhkan kebutuhan bersama untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dancakupan AMPL serta mengembangkan BPSPAMS dan pengelola SPAMS desa yangmandiri.

3. Memanfaatkan berbagai sumberdaya yang tersedia di tingkat desa/kelurahan untukmendukung keberlanjutan pelayanan AMPL yang layak dan berkualitas, termasuk didalamnya adalah penguatan kapasitas Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) BidangAMPL dan LKM.

4. Sosialisasi mengenai berbagai insentif (misalnya HID dan HIK) yang disediakan olehPamsimas sebagai salah satu bentuk penghargaan kepada kabupaten/kota dandesa/kelurahan yang mempunyai potensi keberlanjutan yang baik.

C. Hasil dan Keluaran Workshop

Melalui workshop Keberlanjutan Pamsimas, hasil yang diharapkan adalah sebagai berikut:1. Komitmen dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan dalam mendukung dan berpartisipasi

aktif dalam pengelolaan keberlanjutan SPAMS Perdesaan.2. Komitmen untuk pembentukan dan penguatan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan

sebagai salah satu wadah bagi berbagai pemangku kepentingan dalam meningkatkankualitas dan cakupan layanan AMPL perdesaan.

3. Komitmen untuk pembinaan dan penguatan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat BidangAMPL (atau disebut dengan Kader AMPL).

4. Memilih dan menyepakati SKPD-SKPD dan Unit Kerja Pemerintah Daerah yang terlibatsebagai pengelola utama program Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan SPAMS Perdesaankabupaten/kota sebagai salah satu bentuk pelaksanaan komitmen pemerintah daerahdalam melakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan terhadap Asosiasi SPAMSPerdesaan, BPSPAMS/Pengelola SPAMS desa, LKM dan Kader AMPL.

Keluaran yang diharapkan dari Workshop Keberlanjutan SPAMS Perdesaan adalah:1. Rancangan Surat Keputusan Kepala Daerah tentang Tim Pengelola Keberlanjutan

SPAMS Perdesaan, yang mana SKPD-SKPD dan tupoksinya adalah sesuai denganhasil diskusi dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan selama workshop. Tim pengelolakeberlanjutan SPAMS perdesaan ini dapat memanfaatkan SKPD dengan tupoksi yangsesuai atau tim yang bertanggungjawab dalam pengelolaan AMPL tingkat kabupaten,seperti Pokja AMPL, Pokja Sanitasi, Tim Pembina BPSPAMS dan lainnya denganmenambahkan tupoksi keberlanjutan di dalamnya.

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2. Pernyataan bersama (Berita Acara) dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan (selainpemerintah daerah) untuk mendukung pengelolaan keberlanjutan SPAMSperdesaan, dengan peran dan tanggung-jawabnya masing-masing, misalnya:kesepakatan untuk pembentukan atau penguatan Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan,kesediaan Kepala Desa dan Kasi PMD Kecamatan untuk penguatan KPM BidangAMPL, kesediaan BPSPAMS dan pengelola SPAMS desa untuk peningkatan kualitasdan cakupan pelayanan, dan dukungan lainnya.

3. Rencana tindak lanjut untuk penguatan dan peningkatan pelayanan SPAMS desadan BPSPAMS, berdasarkan status terkini SPAMS desa dan BPSPAMS, termasuk didalamnya adalah dukungan atau peran yang diharapkan untuk dilakukan oleh AsosiasiSPAMS perdesaan dan pemerintah daerah.

D. Metodologi

Metodologi yang akan digunakan dalam pelaksanaan wokshop sosialisasi ini meliputi:1. Paparan/presentasi2. Diskusi Panel3. Diskusi kelompok4. Penyepakatan rencana tindak lanjut

E. Materi

Berikut adalah daftar materi minimum (bersifat lokal atau kabupaten/kota) yang harusdisediakan di tingkat kabupaten/kota terkait dengan keberlanjutan SPAMS Perdesaan:

No. Topik Materi Penyampai/Narasumber Pendukung

1 Pencapaian target MDGs Kabupaten/Kota diBidang AMPL

PerwakilanBupati/Walikota DMAC CD/LGF

2 Rancangan program pengelolaan SPAMSperdesaan menuju Keberlanjutan Ketua TKK FK

3Status keberfungsian SPAMS Desa:Pamsimas dan (jika ada SPAMS desa dariProgram lainnya)

TKK (DinasPU)/Asosiasi SPAMSPerdesaan



Kader AMPL, peran dan fungsinya dalammendukung keberlanjutan SPAMS desa TKK (BPMD) FK

Diskusi dan Penyusunan Rencana TindakLanjut: Peran kecamatan dan kepala desadalam mendukung keberlanjutan melaluipembentukan dan pendampingan KaderAMPL


5 Pengelolaan SPAMS Desa(Good Practice)

BPSPAMS atauPengelola SPAMSdengan kinerja terbaik


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No. Topik Materi Penyampai/Narasumber Pendukung

6 Permasalahan dan tantangan pengelolaanSPAMS desa

BPSPAMS atauPengelola SPAMSdengan kinerja kurangbaik


7 Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan TKK (BPMD) FK


Diskusi dan Penyusunan Rencana TindakLanjut: Dukungan terhadap BPSPAMS atau

pengelola SPAMS Desa melaluiPembentukan/Penguatan AsosiasiSPAMS perdesaan

TKK (Bappeda) FK

Dukungan pemerintah daerah untukkeberlanjutan SPAMS Perdesaan


Diskusi mengenai rencana tindak lanjutuntuk pendampingan/ penguatanAsosiasi SPAMS dan pelaksanaanpendampingan keberlanjutan SPAMSperdesaan



Jika Kabupaten/Kota mendapatkan HIKmaka:Pemaparan mengenai HIK (dalam rangkasosialisasi), termasuk di dalamnya adalah: Pembentukan Panitia Kemitraan Persyaratan pemberian bantuan air

minum dan sanitasi kepada desa melaluiskema HIK

Undangan kepada desa untukpenyampaian usulan bantuanpembangunan air bersih

TKK (Bappeda) DMAC/LGF

Pendukung: membantu narasumber dalam mempersiapkan bahan presentasi dan lembardiskusi serta mencatat dan mendokumentasikan hasil diskusi dan tanya jawab.

Catatan: kisi-kisi minimum untuk setiap materi disediakan oleh Advisory dan CMAC,sebagai panduan bagi FK, DMAC dan LGF dalam membantu TKK untuk penyusunanmateri.

F. Penyelenggara Workshop Keberlanjutan

Penyelenggara dan penanggung-jawab workshop keberlanjutan adalah PemerintahKabupaten/Kota (yang diwakili oleh TKK) dibantu oleh FK, DMAC dan LGF (jika ada).FK, DMAC, dan LGF membantu TKK mulai dari penyediaan data, substansi,pengorganisasian logistik dan administratsi penyelenggaraan workshop, dan lainnya(lihat check-list kesiapan workshop).

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Pendanaan penyelenggaraan workshop keberlanjutan adalah dibebankan kepadakontrak PMAC. TKK/DPMU, dibantu oleh DMAC, wajib memastikan bahwapertanggungjawaban penyelenggaraan workshop, baik secara administrasi dankeuangan, adalah sesuai dengan prinsip pengelolaan keuangan Pamsimas danPemerintah.

Penyelenggara workshop wajib menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan workshop. TKKdibantu oleh FK menyusun laporan penyelenggaraan workshop dan menyimpan seluruhhasil kesepakatan workshop. FK selanjutnya akan mengisi logbook terkait denganpenyelenggaraan workshop.

G. Tempat dan Waktu Pelaksanaan

Pelaksanaan Workshop Keberlanjutan SPAM Perdesaan dilakukan di tingkatkabupaten/kota. Workshop keberlanjutan ini merupakan satu dari tiga workshop terkaitkeberlanjutan yang merupakan inisiatif Pamsimas. Pamsimas mendukungpenyelenggaraan dua workshop kebelanjutan. Pemerintah kabupaten/kota diharapkanmenyediakan dana APBD untuk penyelenggaraan workshop keberlanjutan III tingkatkabupaten/kota.

Tempat penyelenggaraan workshop dianjurkan adalah di Gedung/Kantor milikPemerintah Daerah yang dapat memuat seluruh peserta. Workshop tidak dianjurkanuntuk diselenggarakan di Hotel.

Waktu Pelaksanaan workshop adalah disesuaikan dengan jadwal kabupaten/kotamasing-masing, yang mana Pamsimas mengharapkan pelaksanaan workshopkebelanjutan I ini tidak melebihi tanggal September 2012. Penyelenggaraan workshopadalah maksimum 2 (dua) hari efektif.

H. Narasumber dan Peserta

Narasumber untuk penyelenggaraan workshop adalah Perwakilan Bupati/Walikota dan TKKdari unsur yang terkait atau narasumber lainnya sesuai dengan pertimbangan TKK.

Peserta workshop:Catatan:

Tidak semua peserta akan mengikuti acara workshop selama maksimum 2 hariefektif (termasuk check-in dan check out).

Jumlah hari kehadiran peserta workshop disesuaikan dengan materi yang perludisampaikan kepada peserta workshop tersebut.

Hanya DPMU dan BPSPAMS yang mengikuti acara workshop secara penuh selama2 hari efektif.

Berikut ini adalah rancangan pengaturan kehadiran peserta sebagai berikut:

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Contoh Perhitungan Peserta Workshop:

No. Unsur JumlahTotal


Hari ke Jumlah HariKehadiran

1 Dinas PU, Bappeda, BPMD,Dinas Kesehatan 4 4 1 sd 2 2

2 Camat / Kasi PMD Kecamatan 1 7 1 1.53 BPSPAMS Pamsimas 1 55*) 1 sd 2 2.54 Kepala Desa 1 55*) 1 1.55 Kader AMPL 1 55*) 1 1.5

Jumlah peserta Hari 1 176 orangJumlah peserta Hari 2 66 orang

*) diperkirakan jumlah desa regular dan replikasi sebanyak 55 desa.

I. Laporan

Penyelenggara workshop (TKK) wajib membukukan laporan penyelenggaraan workshoppaling terlambat tiga (3) minggu setelah pelaksanaan. Dalam penyusunan laporan, TKKdibantu oleh DMAC, FK dan LGF

Laporan penyelenggaraan terbagai atas: (i) laporan substansi, dan (ii) laporanadministrasi dan keuangan

TKK menyerahkan laporan kepada Kepala Daerah, dan DMAC menyerahkan laporanyang sama kepada PMAC. Seluruh laporan asli diserahkan kepada PMAC untukdilanjutkan kepada Satker Provinsi.


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Topik Tujuan Metode Narasumber/ Peserta Fasilitator JBL



Pencapaian targetMDGsKabupaten/Kota diBidang AMPL

Peserta memahami bahwaBupati/Walikota mempunyai komitmenBupati/Walikota dalam mendukungpelaksanaan keberlanjutan SPAMSPerdesaan, yang perlu mendapatkandukungan dari berbagai pihak

Pembukaan (Pidato)

Kepala Daerah/PerwakilanKepala Daerah(Sekda)

Peserta: semua


30 menit

BREAK 15 menitMATERI 1:

RancanganprogrampengelolaanSPAMS perdesaanmenujuKeberlanjutan

Peserta dapat memahami kondisikeberlanjutan untuk SPAMSPerdesaan

Peserta memahami permasalah dantantangan dalam pengelolaankeberlanjutan SPAMS perdesaan

PemaparanKetua TKK

Peserta: semuaFK 60 menit


StatuskeberfungsianSPAMS Desa:Pamsimas dan (jikaada SPAMS desalainnya)

Peserta memahami bahwa di dalamkabupaten/kota, ada persoalan-persoalanmengenai SPAMS perdesaan yang manamerupakan masalah bersama, bukanhanya masalah pemerintah daerah.Permasalahan ini dapat mengancamkeberlanjutan SPAMS perdesaan

Pemaparan danDiskusi

TKK (Dinas PU)dan/atauAsosiasiSPAMSPerdesaan

Peserta: semua

DMAC WSS 90 menit

BREAK 75 menit

MATERI 3: Peserta memahami organisasi dalampengelolaan SPAMS perdesaan Pemaparan TKK (BPMD) FK 45 menit

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Topik Tujuan Metode Narasumber/ Peserta Fasilitator JBL

Kader AMPL, perandan fungsinyadalam mendukungkeberlanjutanSPAMS desa

Peserta memahami peran dan fungsikader AMPL dalam mendukungkeberlanjutan

Peserta memahami bahwa sebagaikader AMPL, maka mendapatkanpengembangan kapasitas dalamrangka mendukung peran danfungsinya untuk keberlanjutan

Peserta: semua

Diskusi danPenyusunanRencana TindakLanjut: Perankecamatan dankepala desa dalammendukungkeberlanjutanmelaluipembentukan danpendampinganKader AMPL

Peserta sepakat untuk membentukKader AMPL

Peserta sepakat mengenai peran danfungsi kader AMPL

Kepala Desa sepakat untukmendukung dan memberikanpendampingan kepada Kader AMPL

Kasi PMD sepakat untukmelaksanakan pendampingan kepadaKader AMPL melalui Kepala Desa

Diskusi Kelompok Diskusi mengenai

berbagai pelakudan perannyadalam SPAMSperdesaan

Diskusi dukunganmasing-masingpelaku untukkeberlanjutan

Diskusi mengenaipemecahanmasalahkeberlanjutan

Penyusunanrencana tindaklanjut


Peserta: semua

FK 180 menit


Peserta menyampaikan kesepakatanhasil diskusi dan rencana tindak lanjut

Perwakilan Peserta dari setiap unsur(Kepala Desa, BPSPAMS, KaderAMPL, Kasi PMD), DPMU dan TKKmenandatangani Berita AcaraKesepakatan Workshop, khususnyaterkait dengan pembentukan KaderAMPL dan dukungan berbagai

Pemaparan dandiskusi


Peserta: semua

TKK dan FK 45 menit

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Topik Tujuan Metode Narasumber/ Peserta Fasilitator JBL

pemangku kepentingan dalamKeberlanjutan


Penjelasan ulangmengenai materidan diskusi padahari pertama

Peserta memahami dan mampumengevaluasi hasil pembelajaranpada hari pertama

DMAC 30 menit


PengelolaanSPAMS Desa yangBaik

Peserta dapat mengidentifikasi ciri-ciriatau kriteria dari “pengelolaan yangbaik untuk SPAMS Desa”

Peserta dapat mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor kunci dalam pengelolaan yangbaik untuk SPAMS desa

Peserta dapat mengidentifikasitantangan dan permasalahan dalampengelolaan SPAMS desa secarakeberlanjutan

Peserta dapat menyepakati bahwapermasalahan itu dapat diselesaikanbersama dengan dukungan berbagaipihak

Peserta dapat menyepakati cita-citamengenai pengelolaan SPAMS desayang berkelanjutan

Peserta dapat memahami bahwapengelolaan yang berkelanjutantingkat desa akan mendukung

Pemaparan dandiskusi

BPSPAMS atauPengelolaSPAMS dengankinerja terbaik

Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

TKK dan FK

120 menit


PengelolaanSPAMS Desa yangkurang baik:Permasalahan dantantanganpengelolaanSPAMS desa

BPSPAMS atauPengelolaSPAMS dengankinerja kurangbaik

Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

TKK dan FK

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Topik Tujuan Metode Narasumber/ Peserta Fasilitator JBL

pencapaian AMPL kabupaten


Asosiasi SPAMSPerdesaan

Peserta memahami peran dan fungsiAsosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan

Peserta dapat memahami bagaimanaAsosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan dapatmenjawab permasalahan mengenaipengelolaan SPAMS perdesaan

Pemaparan dandiskusi


Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

TKK dan FK 60 menit

BREAK 75 menit

Diskusi danPenyusunanRencana TindakLanjut:PembentukanAsosiasi SPAMPerdesaan

Peserta menyepakati peran danfungsi Asosiasi

Peserta menyepakati pembentukanAsosiasi Peserta menyepakati misidan visi Asosiasi

Peserta menyepakati bentuk ataustruktur organisasi Asosiasi

Peserta menyepakati pengaturankerja Asosiasi

Peserta menyepakati kriteriakualifikasi pengurus Asosiasi

Jika memungkinkan, peserta dapatmemilih pengurus Asosiasi

Peserta menyusun rencana tindaklanjut terkait dengan pembentukanAsosiasi

Diskusi Kelompok


Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

TKK dan FK 120 menit

BREAK 15 menit

Diskusi danPenyusunanRencana TindakLanjut

Peserta menyepakati untukmelakukan tindak lanjut terhadappembentukan Asosiasi SPAMSPerdesaan (dalam hal ini

Peserta menyepakati peran dandukungan setiap unsur pelaku(pemerintah dan BPSPAMS) dalampembentukan Asosiasi

Diskusi Kelompok


Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

DMAC/LGF danFK 120 menit

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Topik Tujuan Metode Narasumber/ Peserta Fasilitator JBL


Peserta menyampaikan kesepakatanhasil diskusi dan rencana tindak lanjut

Perwakilan Peserta dari setiap11nsure (Kepala Desa, BPSPAMS,Kader AMPL, Kasi PMD), DPMU danTKK menandatangani Berita AcaraKesepakatan Workshop, khususnyamengenai Asosiasi SPAMSPerdesaan dan PendampinganAsosiasi oleh Pemda


TKK danPerwakilanPeserta

Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS

DMAC/LGF 30 menit


PerwakilanPemerintahDaerah atauTKK

Peserta: DPMUdan BPSPAMS


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Asosiasi Pengelola Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi (SPAMS) Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota adalah wadah/forum/perkumpulan dari badan/kelompok pengelola SPAMS di perdesaan (baik yang dibangun melalui program Pamsimas maupun non Pamsimas) yang mempunyai kepentingan yang sama dan berada di dalam satu wilayah administrasi kabupaten/kota dan mewakili organisasi masyarakat tingkat desa atau dusun untuk urusan air minum dan sanitasi yang diakui oleh Pemerintah Daerah setempat.

Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dibentuk oleh pengelola-pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan berbasis masyarakat yang berminat dan mempunyai kepentingan dan kebutuhan yang sama dalam pelayanan AMPL.

Setiap BPSPAMS atau Badan Pengelola SPAMS lainnya yang berada di wilayah kabupaten/kota yang bersangkutan dapat menjadi anggota Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kab/Kota.

Persyaratan menjadi anggota maupun pemberhentian sebagai anggota asosiasi ditetapkan secara musyawarah dalam rapat anggota Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dan di atur lebih lanjut dalam Anggaran Rumah Tangga.

Penyusunan kelengkapan organisasi khususnya Anggaran Dasar (AD) menjadi tanggung jawab bersama para calon anggota Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan difasilitasi oleh panitia pembentukan asosiasi dalam lokakarya persiapan pembentukan asosiasi.

Penyusunan kelengkapan organisasi seperti Anggaran Rumah Tangga (ART) serta Program dan Rencana Kerja Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dilakukan secara partisipatif.

Setiap anggota asosiasi mempunyai hak dan kewajiban yang sama di dalam asosiasi. Pengaturan lebih lanjut mengenai hak dan kewajiban anggota tertuang dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Asosiasi.

Setiap perwakilan pengurus badan/kelompok pengelola SPAMS berhak untuk memilih dan dipilih menjadi anggota Pengurus Asosiasi Pegelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat kabupaten/Kota.

Kepengurusan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan adalah bersifat kerelawanan (voluntary), mengutamakan nilai-nilai (value) luhur dalam kehidupan serta kompetensi individu berdasarkan penilaian bersama dengan memberikan prioritas kepada perempuan yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut untuk menjadi pengurus asosiasi.

1.2. Tujuan dan Manfaat

Tujuan dibentuknya Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/ Kota ini adalah untuk: a. Meningkatkan kinerja badan/kelompok pengelola SPAMS perdesaan dalam

menjamin keberlanjutan operasi dan pemeliharaan sistem penyediaan air minum dan sanitasi untuk peningkatan pelayanan dan akses kepada masyarakat desa.

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b. Meningkatkan kepedulian pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota dan swasta dalam mendukung pembangunan sistem penyediaan air minum dan sanitasi di perdesaan.

Manfaat dibentuknya Asosisasi: a. Kerjasama meningkatkan kinerja dan kapasitas BPSPAMS. b. Kemudahan untuk memperoleh akses informasi (data, inovasi, pembelajaran, dan

lain-lain) melalui asosiasi. c. Menjadi jembatan bagi anggota untuk memperoleh sumber daya dalam bentuk

kemitraan. d. Pemerintah daerah memiliki mitra untuk melakukan monitoring dan pembinaan.

1.3. Prinsip Kerja Asosiasi

Kegiatan operasional Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan merupakan tanggungjawab seluruh anggotanya dan tidak terbatas hanya menjadi tanggungjawab pengurusnya, sedangkan prinsip pengelolaan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan adalah: a. Mandiri

Pengelolaan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS ini mengandalkan inisiatif dan kerja keras para

pengurus sehingga keberadaan dan kegiatannya tidak harus semata-mata bergantung

pada pihak-pihak tertentu.

b. Partisipatif Setiap anggota dapat terlibat secara aktif dalam seluruh kegiatan asosiasi.

c. Transparan Pengelolaan asosiasi harus dapat diakses oleh seluruh anggota.

d. Akunatabel Pengelolaan Asosiasi harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

1.4. Pembinaan Asosiasi

Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) dapat menjadi mitra Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kab/Kota.

Kemitra Asosiasi dengan PDAM dapat berupa pembinaan maupun pelaksanaan kegiatan..

Dalam hal pembinaan, pemerintah daerah dapat melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut ini: a. Pemerintah Daerah melalui Asisten II Sekretaris Daerah menjadi Ketua Tim Pembina

Asosiasi. Tim Pembina terdiri dari Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yang terkait yaitu Dinas PU, Dinas Kesehatan, Bappeda dan BPMD/Bapermas.

b. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembinaan, salah satu SKPD terkait ditunjuk sebagai mitra utama/koordinator untuk pembinaan asosiasi. Penunjukan SKPD mitra utama dilakukan dalam lokakarya dukungan keberlanjutan program Pamsimas.

c. Penetapan Tim Pembina Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat Kabupaten/Kota adalah dengan Surat Keputusan Kepala Daerah.

d. Pada tahun pertama terbentuknya Asosiasi, SKPD mitra utama dapat menyediakan tempat sebagai Sekretariat bagi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota.

1.5. Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Asosiasi

Tugas Pokok Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan, adalah: 1) Memetakan kondisi kinerja BP-SPAMS anggotanya. 2) Memberikan masukan bagi pembinaan dan peningkatan kinerja BPSPAMS anggotanya 3) Menetapkan standard kualitas pelayanan SPAMS anggotanya 4) Memantau peningkatan kinerja SPAMS dan kualitas pelayanan BPSPAMS anggotanya 5) Memfasilitasi kemitraan bagi peningkatan kinerja BPSPAMS anggotanya

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6) Mengkoordinasikan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan Asosiasi dengan anggotanya dan Pemerintah Daerah setempat.

7) Fasilitasi pembelajaran bersama antar BPSPAMS. Fungsi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan, adalah: 1) Mitra pemerintah daerah dan lembaga penyedia AMPL-BM lainnya dalam integrasi

program dan kegiatan penyelenggaraan pelayanan air minum berbasis masyarakat. 2) Lembaga yang dapat memberikan atau mengkoordinasikan program dan kegiatan

pendampingan (fasilitasi) dan peningkatan kapasitas (bantuan teknis dan konsultasi) untuk BP-SPAMS dan organisasi/lembaga masyarakat desa/kelurahan pengelola SPAMS lainnya.

3) Wadah komunikasi serta pembelajaran bersama antar pelaku AMPL berbasis masyarakat, terutama BP-SPAMS.

1.6. Struktur Organisasi

Pada dasarnya kepengurusan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan berbentuk dewan terdiri dari 5 s/d 9 orang dan dipimpin oleh seorang Ketua yang dipilih secara bergilir diantara anggota pengurus dengan masa bakti sesuai dengan kesepakatan anggota yang dituangkan dalam Anggaran Dasar.

Untuk menjalankan kegiatan sehari-hari dewan pengurus dapat mengangkat seorang manajer sebagai pengelola harian. Manajer adalah orang yang professional dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan organisasi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi

Manajer ini dilengkapi dengan sekretaris dan bendahara, dan juga dapat dilengkapi dengan Seksi/Gugus Tugas sesuai kebutuhan, misalnya Seksi Teknik, Seksi Kelembagaan, Seksi Sanitasi dan Lingkungan, dan Seksi Hubungan Masyarakat dan Sosial.

Contoh struktur organisasi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dapat dilihat dalam lampiran3.

1.7. Kelengkapan Organisasi

Yang dimaksud dengan kelengkapan Organisasi adalah Anggaran Dasar/Rumah Tangga (AD/ART) serta Program dan Rencana Kerja Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan

Penyusunan kelengkapan organisasi khususnya AD merupakan tanggungjawab calon anggota asosiasi diorganisasi oleh panitia pembentukan asosiasi, sebelum pengurus dibentuk, sedangkan kelengkapan lainnya seperti ART, dan rencana kerja asosiasi menjadi tanggung jawab pengurus terpilih.

Penyusunan ART dilakukan dalam forum rapat anggota.

Penyusunan Program/Rencana Kerja dilaksanakan dalam forum rapat kerja pengurus, dan hasilnya disampaikan kepada semua anggota asosiasi.

1.8. Status Hukum

Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan sebaiknya mempunyai status tercatat dengan akta notaris, sehingga mampu menjalankan peran dan fungsinya sesuai dengan amanat seluruh anggota dan berbagai pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat pada pembentukannya.

Sebagai suatu organisasi yang legal maka Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan juga harus didaftarkan pada instansi/lembaga pemerintah daerah setempat. Mekanisme pendaftaran ini mengacu kepada peraturan daerah setempat.

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1.9. Pendanaan Asosiasi

a) Sumber pendanaan Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan adalah dari : Utamanya iuran anggota. Format penerimaan dan pengeluaran untuk iuran anggota

mengacu pada format pada lampiran 6.

Sumber lain yang syah dan tidak mengikat, seperti bantuan operasional atau

kegiatan dari donator, pemerintah atau Pemerintah Daerah, dan badan usaha, serta

lembaga/institusi lainnya.

b) Pengelolaan Keuangan Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan:

Asosiasi akan membuka rekening tabungan atas nama asosiasi. Sebelum BOP

ditransfer, rekening sudah harus dibuka. Rekening ini akan digunakan untuk

menyimpan iuran anggota dan biaya operasional (BOP) dari Asosiasi Pengelola

SPAMS Pedesaan tingkat Kab/Kota.

Pembukuan dibuat oleh bendahara secara rutin setiap akhir bulan untuk pembukuan

terkait penerimaan dan pengeluarn dana iuran anggota. Akuntabilitas penggunaan

dana menjadi tanggung jawab Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Pedesaan tingkat Kab/Kota.

c) Bantuan Pamsimas

Pada tahun pertama Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kab/Kota, Pamsimas memberikan biaya operasional (BOP) Asosiasi untuk membantu pelaksanaan kegiatan Asosiasi sampai dengan bulan Februari 2013.

Dukungaan BOP tahun pertama Asosiasi tercantum dalam kontrak PMAC sehingga pertanggungjawaban penggunaan dana BOP dilakukan melalui verifikasi oleh FMS Kabupaten/Kota dan disetujui olehFMS Propinsi. Daftar cek list untuk memverifikasi pengeluaran telah valid dan sah ada di lampiran 7.

Ruang lingkup penggunaan dana BOP Asosiasi adalah: 1). Kegiatan operasional kantor 2). Rapat-rapat termasuk rapat koordinasi 3 bulanan 3). Kunjungan lapangan dalam rangka pendampingan maupun pemantauan

terhadap BP-SPAMS. Laporan pertanggungjawaban penggunaan dana BOP Asosiasi harus dilengkapi

dengan dokumen pendukung antara lain:

1). Kwitansi/bukti pembayaran setiap transaksi yang valid dan sah untuk setiap

transaksi yang dilakukan Asosiasi. Setiap kwitansi/bukti yang

dipertanggungjawabkan ada alamat jelas dan nomor telepon yang dapat


2). Berita Acara atau Notulen dan daftar hadir untuk kegiatan pertemuan atau rapat

3). Laporan kunjungan lapangan dan bukti pengeluaran perjalanan

Mekanisme penarikan dana BOP:

1) Penarikan awal dilakukan dengan menyampaikan RAB kegiatan, yang diketahui

oleh Fasilitator Keberlanjutan, DMAC-CD dan DMAC-WSS

2) Penarikan berikutnya dengan mengajukan RAB untuk kegiatan akan dikerjakan

berikutnya dan dokumen pendukung bukti penggunaan keuangan sebelumnya.

3) Besarnya dana yang dapat ditarik/dimintakan pencairannya adalah maksimal Rp.

5.000.000,- (lima juta rupiah).

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2.1. Prinsip Pembentukan Asosiasi

a. Kepentingangan Bersama: bahwa asosiasi ini dibentuk karena adanya kepentingan dan keinginan bersama antar pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kualitas layanan serta pengembangan sarana dan prasarana air minum dan sanitasi.

b. Demokratis: bahwa pembentukan asosiasi ini adalah berdasarkan keputusan / kesepakatan bersama antar pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan, artinya keputusan tertinggi ada di dalam rapat anggota.

c. Terbuka: bahwa asosiasi ini terbuka bagi semua Badan/Kelompok Pengelola SPAMS yang ada di wilayah kerja asosiasi.

2.2. Tahapan Pembentukan Asosiasi

Pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan ini merupakan serangkaian proses yang dilakukan oleh pengelola-pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan mulai dari persiapan sampai terbentuknya asosiasi yang difasilitasi oleh pengelola program Pamsimas di tingkat Kabupaten/Kota dan Provinsi.

a) Tahap Pra Lokakrya

Kegiatan pra lokakarya ini dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan para peserta lokarya yaitu pengurus BP-SPAMS dan perangkat pemerintah daerah (DPMU dan TKK).

Adapun kegiatan pra lokakarya ini adalah:

Sosialisasi tentang pentingnya asosiasi pengelola SPAMS perdesaan kepada pengurus Badan Pengelola SPAMS (BP-SPAMS) Desa. Sosialisasi ini dilakukan oleh FK dan DMAC.

Advokasi dan Sosialisasi tentang apa dan mengapa asosiasi pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat Kabupaten/Kota kepada perangkat pemerintah daerah pengelola Pamsimas (DPMU dan TKK). Kegiatan advokasi dalam rangka sosialisasi ini dilakukan oleh FK dan DMAC, dibantu oleh LGF (bila ada).

Bersama dengan SKPD BPMD kabupaten/kota mempersiapkan pelaksanaan “Lokakarya Penguatan Keberlanjutan Pamsimas” yang akan dilaksanakan di tingkat kabupaten/kota.

b) Tahap Lokakarya

Pamsimas memfasilitasi pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat kabupaten/kota melalui kegiatan “Lokakarya Penguatan Keberlanjutan Pamsimas” yang diadakan di masing-masing kabupaten. Kegiatan Lokakarya ini dilaksanakan oleh Tim Koordinasi Kabupaten/Kota pengelola Pamsimas (TKK) dan DPMU didukung oleh FK, Provincial/District Management & Advisory Consultant (PMAC dan DMAC) dan LGF (bila ada).

Peserta Lokakarya terdiri dari: Perangkat pemerintah daerah yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan Program

Pamsimas yaitu: TKK dan DPMU. Perwakilan dari pemerintah kecamatan yaitu Kasi PMD. Perwakilan dari pemerintah desa penerima Pamsimas.

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Perwakilan dari pengurus BP-SPAMS (atau dengan sebutan lain yang bukan dibentuk oleh Pamsimas (bila ada).

KPM Bidang AMPL Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Konsultan Kabupaten (DMAC CD) LGF Specialist (bila ada)

Metode Lokakarya dilakukan dengan menerapkan pendekatan Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa (POD). Lokakarya akan berlangsung dalam 3 hari dengan kegiatan sebagai berikut:

Jadwal Peserta Kegiatan

a) Hari Pertama Semua Paparan dan Diskusi b) Hari Kedua Semua Paparan dan Diskusi

c) Hari Ketiga Perangkat Pemda dan Pengurus BP-SPAMS

Diskusi Pembulatan Hasil Lokakarya Penyusunan RKTL Penyusunan Berita Acara

Kegiatan Lokakarya akan menghasilkan, antara lain:

Kesepakatan peserta tentang pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota.

Draf/konsep Anggaran Dasar Asosiasi Panitia Pemilihan Pengurus Asosiasi Draft Kriteria Pengurus Asosiasi Rencana Kerja Tindak Lanjut (RKTL) Kesepakatan dari perangkat pemerintah daerah (TKK dan DPMU) tentang mitra

pendamping dan pembina asosiasi pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan. Hasil ini akan dituangkan dalam Berita Acara hasil kesepakatan Lokakarya.

c) Tahap Pasca Lokakarya

Pembentukan Asosiasi dilaksanakan pada pertemuan lanjutan setelah Lokakarya

(pasca Lokakarya, sesuai RKTL) yang dipimpin oleh Panitia Pemilihan dan difasilitasi oleh Pembina, Mitra Pendamping Asosiasi, serta fasilitator keberlanjutan. Pertemuan lanjutan ini dihadiri oleh seluruh perwakilan badan/kelompok pengelola SPAMS perdesaan yang bersepakat membentuk Asosiasi.

Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh Panitia Pemilihan dalam pertemuan pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota ini adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Menyusun dan menyepakati:

Finalisasi konsep Anggaran Dasar

Struktur Organisasi Asosiasi

Finalisasi Kriteria Pengurus,

Tatacara Pemilihan,

b. Pemilihan Pengurus: Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dipilih berdasarkan rapat

anggota dengan kualifikasi yang disesuaikan dengan hasil musyawarah seluruh anggotanya. Setiap BPSPAMS berhak mengajukan usulan calon pengurus. Mekanisme/tata cara pemilihan pengurus adalah berdasarkan hasil musyawarah seluruh anggota Asosiasi pada saat pembentukannya.

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Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan dipilih oleh seluruh anggotanya secara rahasia dengan menggunakan kertas suara.

Mekanisme/tata cara dan masa bakti pengurus diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar Asosiasi dan diterjemahkan secara rinci dalam Ta Tertib Pemilihan Pengurus Asosiasi.

Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan terdiri dari pengurus BPSPAMS atau pengelola SPAMS desa yang memenuhi kualifikasi atau kriteria yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Dasar.

Beberapa kriteria yang dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk memilih pengurus asosiasi antara lain:

Berperilaku baik

Bersifat adil

Rela berkorban


Diutamakan dari BPSPAMS yang sudah baik pengelolaannya agar terjadi

alih pengetahuan

Berdasarkan kriteria, tatacara, dan struktur organisasi tersebut dengan difasilitasi oleh Fasilitator Keberlanjutan (FK) dan Mitra Utama Pendamping, Panitia Pemilih memimpin proses pemilihan Pengurus Asosiasi.

Jika sebaran desa/BP-SPAMS sangat luas dan ada kendala dari aspek geografis maka dimungkinkan untuk membentuk beberapa Koordinator Wilayah. Koordinator Wilayah akan berfungsi sebagai perwakilan BP-SPAMS di wilayahnya dalam pertemuan di tingkat kabupaten/kota.

Hasil kegiatan ini dituangkan dalam Berita Acara Pembentukan Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS.

c. Tindak Lanjut

Setelah Pengurus terpilih maka proses/langkah selanjutnya yang dilakukan oleh Pengurus Terpilih adalah: a) Menyusun Kelengkapan Organisasi:

Pengurus terpilih akan memimpin seluruh anggota Asosiasi dalam rapat anggota untuk menyusun AD/ART yang final dan Program/Rencana Kerja.

Program Pamsimas akan memberikan pelatihan dan dukungan dana operasional bagi Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan yang sudah terbentuk.

b) Pengesahan Asosiasi:

Pengesahan pendirian Asosiasi dilakukan dengan mendaftarkan Asosiasi ke Notaris, biaya Notaris menjadi tanggungjawab seluruh anggota. Dengan pengesahan di Notaris maka Asosiasi mempunyai kekuatan hukum untuk melakukan kegiatan perdata dan lebih jauh lagi bisa mempunyai asset.

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Selain mendaftarkan ke Notaris, Asosiasi juga perlu di daftarkan ke Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik setempat atau instansi yang ditunjuk.

Proses pengesahan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota mengacu kepada peraturan terkait yang menjadi kebijakan pemerintah daerah masing-masing.


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Lampiran 1:

Gambar 1. Langkah-Langkah Pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota


















Kesepakatan membentuk


Konsep Anggaran Dasar

Konsep Kriteria Pengurus

Panitia Pemilihan

Rencana Tindak Lanjut

pembentukan Asosiasi



Pengelola SPAMS

Perdesaan di Tingkat



Finalisasi AD

Struktur Organisasi

Finalisasi Kriteria Pengurus

Tatacara/Tata tertib Pemilihan



Pendaftaran Asosiasi ke

Notaris dan Kesbangpol


3 4




Penyusunan ART,

Program/Rencana Kerja




A -







(Advokasi kepada



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Lampiran 2:

Tabel 1. Prosedur Pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota



1). Advokasi kepada Pemda Untuk mendapatkan dukungan dari Pemda (TKK dan DPMU) terhadap pembentukan Asosiasi

Adanya dukungan dari SKPD terkait FK dan DMAC


1). Diskusi tentang Keberlanjutan Pamsimas dan Program AMPL lain

Peserta paham kondisi & persoalan yg terjadi dalam mencapai keberlanjutan SPAMS di daerahnya

Kesamaan pemahaman tentang kondisi dan persoalan dalam mencapai keberlanjutan SPAMS

Pelaksana: TKK Fasilitator: FK dan DMAC Peserta: Pengurus SPAMS

2) Diskusi tentang Fungsi Pelaku dalam Keberlanjutan Program

Peserta sepakat peran masing-masing dalam upaya mendukung keberlanjutan program

Kesepakatan tentang peran masing-masing dalam upaya mendukung keberlanjutan program

3). Peningkatan Kapasitas Kader AMPL Peserta memperoleh informasi tentang dukungan program yang akan diperoleh

Kesamaan pemahaman tentang tugas dan fungsi Kader, dan dukungan program.

4). Penjelasan Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan

Peserta memperoleh gambaran umum mengenai Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan

Kesamaan pemahaman tentang tugas dan fungsi Asosiasi, dan dukungan program.

5). Diskusi: tentang manfaat Berasosiasi

Peserta dapat menemukan manfaat berasosiasi Kesamaan pemahaman tentang manfaat adanya Asosiasi

6). Testimoni Manfaat Berasosiasi Peserta yakin bahwa berasosiasi akan membawa manfaat dalam mendukung keberlanjutan

Kesepakatan peserta untuk membentuk Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tk. Kab/kota

7). Penyepakatan Komitmen untuk Pembentukan Asosiasi

Kesepakatan dari peserta untuk membentuk Asosiasi di kab/kotanya

Kesepakatan peserta untuk membentuk Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tk. Kab/kota


1). A. Menyusun dan menyepakati:

Anggaran Dasar

Kriteria pengurus Tatacara Pemilihan

Struktur organisasi

Menyusun acuan bagi Panitia dan Peserta dalam memilih Pengurus Asosiasi

Tersusun dan disepakatinya:

Anggaran Dasar Asosiasi

Kriteria pengurus Tatacara pemilihan

Struktur organisasi

Pelaksana Panitia Pemilihan Fasilitator: BPMD dan FK Peserta:

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Pengurus SPAMS

2). B. Pemilihan Dewan Pengurus:

Berdasarkan kriteria, tatacara, dan struktur organisasi tersebut maka Panitia Pemilihan memimpin proses pemilihan Pengurus Asosiasi, difasilitasi oleh Fasilitator Masyarakat Keberlanjutan (FK) dan Mitra Utama Pendamping

Susunan Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kab/Kota

BA Pembentukan Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Tingkat Kab/Kota.

3). Penyusunan Kelengkapan Organisasi (ART, Program/ Rencana Kerja)

Menyusun ART, Program/Rencana Kerja Tersusunnya: ART

Program/Rencana Kerja

Fasilitator: FK Pelaksana: Pengurus Asosiasi

4). Pengesahan Asosiasi : Pendaftaran Ke Notaris dan Badan Kesbangpol setempat

Mempersiapkan Persyaratan Pengajuan Asosiasi (AD/ART).

Akte Notaris Pengesahan Asosiasi dan Pendaftaran ke Badan Kesbangpol setempat.

Pelaksana: Pengurus Asosiasi

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Lampiran 3:

Gambar 2. Contoh Struktur Organisasi Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan tingkat Kab/Kota













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Appendix A Amendment No 8

A - 96

Lampiran 4:


1. Tim Pembina:

Asiten II Sekda Bidang Ekonomi dan Pembangunan

Kepala Bappeda Kab/Kota

Kepala BPMD Kab/Kota

Kepala Dinas PU Kab/Kota

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kab/Kota

2. Susunan Pengurus Asosiasi:

1) Dewan Pengurus

Ketua Dewan Pengurus

Anggota Dewan Pengurus

2) Sekretariat





Koordinator Wilayah (bila dibutuhkan)


1. Tim Pembina:

Memberikan pembinaan kepada pengurus asosiasi dalam rangka menjalankan tugas dan fungsi asosiasi.

Memberikan arahan dan pertimbangan dalam penyusunan rencana kerja asosiasi.

Memantau dan mengevaluasi kinerja asosiasi dalam rangka pembinaan.

Memberi pendampingan kepada pengurus asosiasi dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja anggota asosiasi.

2. Ketua

Mengorganisasi anggtota Dewan Pengurus untuk:

Menyusun dan menetapkan garis besar kebijakan pengembangan SPAM anggotanya dengan berpedoman

pada RAD AMPL kabupaten/kota

Menyusun dan menetapkan standar pelayanan SPAM untuk seluruh anggotanya

Membangun komitmen dan menjamin pencapaian tujuan asosiasi yang telah digariskan, baik untuk jangka

pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Menyusun laporan untuk masukan kepada pemerintah daerah (SKPD terkait) dalam rangka peningkatan

kinerja bidang AMPL tingkat kab/kota.

Bersama dengan pengurus lainnya menyusun laporan pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan kegiatan asosiasi.

Membangun jejaring kemitraan.

Menjamin terlaksananya rapat anggota tahunan.

3. Manajer

Sebagai kepala secretariat asosiasi dan pelaksana harian kegiatan asosiasi

Bertanggung jawab dalam perencanaan dan penyusunan program kerja asosiasi.

Memantau dan memastikan terlaksananya program/kegiatan asosiasi di masing-masing bidang/seksi.

Bersama dengan seksi-seksi , menyusun laporan pertanggungjawaban asosiasi

Mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan rapat anggota tahunan

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4. Sekretaris

Memegang tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan kegiatan administrasi asosiasi, seperti dokumentasi data

anggota, dokumentasi kegiatan, dokumentasi kebijakan asosiasi, dan dokumentasi laporan.

Bertanggung jawab dalam mempersiapkan kegiatan pertemuan atau rapat anggota.

Bersama dengan masing-masing bidang/seksi menyiapkan administrasi kegiatan-kegiatan baik yang

bersifat internal maupun eksternal.

5. Bendahara

Memegang tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan keuangan termasuk pembukuan keuangan asosiasi.

Membantu Sekretaris Eksekutif menyusun laporan keuangan asosiasi.

6. Seksi

Bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan program kerja asosiasi di bidang masing-masing

Memetakan/menyusun dan mengupdate database BP-SPAMS anggota asosiasi.

Memberikan pendampingan kepada anggota asosiasi dalam rangka persiapan dan pelaksanaan kemitraan.

Memberikan pendampingan dalam rangka penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan BP-SPAMS anggotanya.

Memantau kemajuan kegiatan di bidang masing-masing

Membuat laporan pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan kegiatan.bidang kerjanya.

7. Koordinator Wilayah

Bertanggung jawab dalam mewakili anggota asosiasi di wilayah kerjanya dalam kegiatan/pertemuan di

tingkat kabupaten/kota.

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Lampiran 5 (A)




Menindaklanjuti hasil Workshop Program Keberlanjutan Pamsimas yang dilaksanakan di…..pada tanggal……..maka

pada Hari ini…….tanggal……..telah dilaksanakan Rapat Pembentukan Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan

Kabupaten/Kota……….. Rapat ini dihadiri oleh ………orang anggota dari …….(jumlah seluruh anggota yang


Berdasarkan hasil pemilihan maka telah terpilih Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan

Kabupaten/Kota……..sebagai berikut:

1. Ketua Dewan Pengurus …………………………………

2. Sekretaris …………………………………

3. Bendahara …………………………………

4. Seksi Teknik …………………………………

5. Seksi Sanitasi dan Lingkungan …………………………………

6. Seksi HUMAS dan Sosial …………………………………

7. Seksi Kelembagaan …………………………………

8. Koordinator Wilayah 1 …………………………………

9. Koordinator Wilayah 2 …………………………………

Demikian Berita Acara ini dibuat untuk menjadi perhatian bagi seluruh anggota dan dilaksanakan oleh pengurus


Panitia Pemilihan:

1. Ketua ……………………

2. Wakil Ketua …………………..

3. Sekretaris …………………...


4. TKK …………………

5. SKPD Mitra ………………...

6. Fasilitator Keberlanjutan ………………….

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Lampiran 5 (B)


JUDUL RAPAT : Pembentukan dan Pemilihan Pengurus Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan


Hari/Tanggal : ……….

Waktu : ……….

Tempat : ……….

Pimpinan Rapat : Ketua Panitia

Jumlah Peserta : ………

Rekam Porses Rapat:

1. Pembukaan oleh………………………………………………………………

2. Penjelasan (bila ada) oleh…………………………………………………….

3. Tanya Jawab………………………………………………………………….

a. Pertanyaan

b. Jawab

c. Pertanyaan

d. Jawab

4. Keputusan / Kesepakatan :……………………………………………………





Dicatat oleh:



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Lampiran 5 (C)




(Tempat, Hari/tanggal)



Ketua Panitia Pemilihan


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Lampiran 6




TAHUN 20…..


1 2 3 ……. …… 11 12







Diketahui oleh Manajer (paraf)


Pengumpulan iuran dilakukan mulai tanggal 1 s/d 10 tiap bulannya

Total Iuran yang terkumpul tiap bulannya dipindahbukukan ke dalam buku Kas Asosiasi pada tanggal 11

setiap bulannya, setelah diketahui (paraf) oleh manajer atau ketua asosiasi.

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Lampiran 7



Nama Asosiasi :........................................

Kabupaten/Kota :........................................

Provinsi :........................................

A. Verifikasi Kelengkapan & Kebenaran Dokumen

No. Jenis Dokumen


Pengisian dan Data







1 Ringkasan Rencana Kerja

disertai RAB √ √ √ (benar/salah)

2 Kwitansi (untuk kegiatan ini) √ √ √ (benar/salah)

3 LPPD (untuk penarikan

sebelumnya) √ √ √ (benar/salah)

4 SPT (untuk monev atau

kunjungan lapangan) √ (benar/salah)

B. Rekomendasi Verifikator

No. Level Nama, Tanda Tangan & Cap Lembaga/Instansi

Tanggal Keterangan/Catatan

1. FMS Kab/Kota

2.. FMS Provinsi

Catatan: 1) Verifikasi kelengkapan dan kebenaran dokumen dibuat pada saat akan melakukan pencairan dana BOP. 2) Yang melakukan verifikasi adalah FMS Kabupaten/kota. Waktu yang dibutuhkan adalah 1 (satu) hari dari proses

verifikasi sampai pengiriman ke FMS Provinsi (dengan catatan : dokumen lengkap dan tidak ada kesalahan). 3) Hasil Verifikasi FMS Kab/Kota disampaikan kepada FMS Provinsi untuk mendapat persetujuan. 4). Waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pencairan dana BOP Asosiasi oleh PMAC adalah 1 (satu) hari terhitung sejak

persetujuan FMS Provinsi.

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Lampiran 8.

Format dan contoh :


Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan….. Kab/Kota…………………….

Penarikan ke- :

Total Dana BOP : Rp.

Total Dana yang sudah ditarik : Rp.

Jumlah Penarikan ini : Rp.

Sisa Dana BOP saat ini : Rp.

No. Kegiatan Kebutuhan Harga




(Rp) Jenis Jumlah Unit

1. Rapat Koord 3 bulanan 1. Fotocopy 100 lbr 200 20.000

2. ATK 1 Paket 150.000 150.000

3. Konsumsi 30 Paket 10.000 30.000

4. Penggandaan Lap. 5 Buku 10.000 50.000

2. Monitoring/Kunjungan


1. Transport (2 org) 2 PP 120.000 240.000

2. Uang makan (2 org ) 2 Kali 50.000 100.000

3. Penggandaan Lap. 5 Buku 10.000 50.000

Jumlah Pengajuan:……………………………

Disetujui :

Dibuat :

Ketua Asosiasi

Manajer Asosiasi



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Lampiran 9.



(..disebutkan tanggal penarikan/pencairannya)

Penarikan ke- :

Total Dana BOP : Rp.

Total Jumlah Dana yang sudah ditarik : Rp.

Jumlah Dana yang ditarik saat ini : Rp.

Jumlah Dana yang dipertanggungjawabkan saat ini : Rp.

Sisa Dana BOP saat ini : Rp.

No. Jenis Kegiatan/Peruntukan Dana Kebutuhan Jumlah

Dana (Rp)




1. Biaya Operasional Kantor ATK 150.000 Kwitansi

2. Rapat Koordinasi 3 Bulanan 1. Fotocopy 20.000 Kwitansi

(Laporan berisi: Materi Rapat, Daftar

hadir, Notulensi, RTL) 2. Konsumsi 30.000 Kwitansi

3. Penggandaan Lap. 50.000

Kwitansi, Daftar penerima


3. Monitoring / Kunjungan Lapangan 390.000 Laporan/Dokumentasi

Disetujui oleh: Disusun oleh:

Manajer/Ketua Asosiasi Bendahara

Nama………… Nama……….

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Lampiran 10




Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : ………………

Jabatan : Ketua Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Kab/Kota……….

Memerintahkan kepada:

1. Nama……..

Jabatan di Asosiasi……..

2. Nama……..

Jabatan di Asosiasi…..

Untuk melakukan Monitoring / Kunjungan Lapangan selama …..hari, ke :

1. BP-SPAMS…….Desa……

2. BP-SPAMS…….Desa……

Dalam rangka (sebutkan tujuaan dan sasarannya)….

dan menyusun dan menyampaikan laporan ……kepada Ketua Asosiasi selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu)

minggu setelah pelaksanaan tugas ini.

Demikian Surat Perintah Tugas ini dibuat untuk dilaksanakan.

Ibukota Kab/Kota,…………20xx

Ketua Asosiasi Pengelola SPAMS Perdesaan Kab/Kota….



LOKASI: Tiba Pulang Diketahui:

Desa A … ……………….. ……………… (Kades/Ketua BP-SPAMS)……..

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Matriks Akuntabilitas Advisory Consultants Services


IDA Credit 4204-IND

Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat

March 2012

Prepared by


Central Project Management Unit

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Daftar Isi

1.0 Matriks Akuntabil itas

2.0 Struktur Organisas i

3.0 Ringkasan Posisi Personnel

4.0 Rincian Matrik Akuntabilitas

Bagian A Konsultan Advisor i Individual Pusat

Bagian B Konsultan Advisor i Pusat

[CMAC] Central Management Advisory Consultant

Bagian C Konsultan Advisor i Provinsi

[PMAC] Provinsi Management Advisory Consultant

Bagian D Konsultan Advisori Kabupaten

[DMAC] Central Management Advisory Consultant

Bagian E Tim Fasil itator Masyarakat

[CFT] Community Facilitator Team

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1.0 Matriks Akuntabil itas

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2.0 Struktur Organisasi

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3.0 Ringkasan Posis i Personnel

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4.0 Rincian Matrik Akuntabilitas

Bagian A – Konsultan Adv isori Individu

Bagian B – Konsultan Advisori Pusat [CMAC]

Bagian C – Konsultan Advisori Propinsi [PMAC]

Bagian D – Konsultan Advisori Kabupaten [DMAC]

Bagian E - T im Fasi litator Masyarakat [CFT]

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4.0 Bagian A - Konsultan Advisori Individu


IP-1 Advisor Pelaksanaan Program [IPM] Melapor ke Ketua CPMU Keterkaitan utama L ia ison Off icer CPMU [PU, Bangda, PMD, Depkes] Indiv i dual Konsu ltan CPMU Team Leader CMAC Team Leader PMAC


Pengalaman min. 16 tahun di bidang manajemen pelaksanaan and keuangan proyek, terutama proyek AMPL-BM atau infrastruktur pedesaan

Keterampilan dalam organisasi, advokasi isu-isu pembangunan, pemerataan sosial, pendekatan partisipatif masyarakat dan pengarusutamaan gender

Pengetahuan dalam MPA/PHAST dan CLTS dan pengalaman pelatihan fasilitasi masyarakat

Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Lingkup Kerja

Memberi bantuan teknis, merumuskan konsep dan strategi pengelolaan program dan proyek terutama yang berkaitan dengan program yang di danai oleh TF 094792, serta menkoordinasi seluruh kegiatan dari komponen-komponen PAMSIMAS – dengan LOI CPMU dan PIU dari PMD, Bangda, PU dan Depkes dan stakeholders lainnya.

Tugas Umum

Mendukung CPMU dalam pengelolaan proyek:

a. Pengawasan pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan teknis untuk pencapaian pengembangan WSS berbasis masyarakat yang berkelanjutan;

b. Pengawasan laporan keuangan;

c. Pemberdayaan masyarakat serta promosi kesehatan di tingkat masyarakat;

d. Peningkatan kapasitas dan penguatan kelembagaan serta pengamanan social dan lingkungan

Memfasilitasi jalur komunikasi dan koordinasi antar anggota CPMU dan EA, Tim Pengarah, PIU, World Bank, Tim Teknis dan Pemda

Memantau kinerja pengelolaan pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan Pamsimas

Memantau pemenuhan KPI Pamsimas dan melakukan perbaikan jika diperlukan

Tugas Spesifik

Bersama dengan Program Development Advisor, menyiapkan konsep dan strategi pengembangan, perluasan program termasuk proyek percontohan dan perencanaan.

Melakukan perbaikan program berdasarkan hasil dan pengecekan lapangan, temuan misi, audit BPKP, CHU dan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Adanya pemantauan secara sistimatis pencapaian seluruh Indikator Kerja Utama (KPI) di tingkat nasional

Tersedianya strategi besar pelaksanaan Pamsimas dalam bidang M&E, WSS, FM, procurement dan O&M.


1. Laporan progress bulanan, triwulan, dan tahunan

2. Strategi besar dalam bidang M&E, WSS, FM, procurement dll.

3. Kompilasi pembelajaran dari proyek (best and bad practices)

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kunjungan lapangan

Membantu CPMU dalam persiapan dan revisi DIPA agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan PAMSIMAS

Menyiapkan konsep dan strategi pelaksanaan program M& E apabila diperlukan

Memberikan masukan teknis kepada CPMU dan konsultan dalam pengelolaan proyek secra keseluruhan terutama dalam mutu konstruksi, petunjuk teknis dan pengembangan kapasitas;

Menyiapkan strategi pemantauan kinerja konsultan CMAC, PMAC/DMAC termasuk strategi SDM

Menyiapkan sistem pelaporan proyek secara keseluruhan

IP-2 Advisor Pengembangan Program [IPD]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU

[PU, Bangda, PMD, Depkes]

Team Leader CMAC

Team Leader PMAC


Lulusan perguruan tinggi dengan pengalaman minimal 10 tahun

Pengalaman min. 7 tahun di bidang program pengembangan masyarakat, terutama bidang AMPL pedesaan atau infrastruktur pedesaan

Pemahaman baik mengenai MPA PHAST dan CLTS

Pengalaman dalam penerapan pendekatan partisipatif masyarakat dan pengarusuta-maan gender

Keterampilan organisasi dan menunjukkan kemampuan untuk melakukan advokasi pada isu-isu pembangunan sosial dan pemerataan.

Mampu berbicara dan menulis

Lingkup Kerja

Mengkaji dan merekomendasikan kelayakan, ke-efektifan dan kemajuan strategi pelaksanaan dalam memberi kontribusi terhadap pencapaian tujuan proyek yang dituangkan dalam dokumen PAD, PIP,

Master Schedule dan Costab dan Pedoman Pengelolaan Proyek (PMM).

Tugas Utama

Menyiapkan pengembangan konsep, strategi, dan perencanaan untuk pembangunan proyek, perluasan, atau modifikasi termasuk proyek percontohan

Tugas Spesifik

Merevisi dan meningkatkan program yang sedang berjalan dengan memasukkan hasil dari cek spot, temuan misi, audit BPKP, CHU dan kunjungan lapangan.

Menelaah relevansi dan kemajuan implementasi strategi dalam mendukung dan memberikan kontribusi terhadap pencapaian tujuan proyek, tujuan dan sasaran;

Memeriksa Dokumen Penilaian Proyek [PAD] dan Perjanjian Pembiayaan (FA) dan mengidentifikasi kekinian dari proyek saat ini

Indikator Kerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya pencapaian seluruh indikator kinerja kunci (KPI) di tingkat nasional

Tersedianya strategi besar dari pelaksanaan pamsimas dalam bidang pengembangan kapasitas (capacity building)

Tersedianya konsep dan strategi untuk pengembangan dan perluasan program

Keluaran 1. Laporan progress bulanan, triwulan, dan


2. Strategi besar dalam bidang pengembangan kapasitas (capacity building)

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dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Menyiapkan strategi besar untuk kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas bagi para pelaku

Menyiapkan dan memeriksa semua modul pelatihan, materi pelatihan, dan format evaluasi pelatihan, dll

Menyiapkan dan memperbaharui pedoman umum dan pedoman teknis dengan bantuan dari CMAC

Mengkaji dan memastikan strategi sosialisasi program dan bahan sesuai dengan juan proyek, sasaran dan hasil yang diharapkan bersama antara semua pemegang peranan di semua tingkat;

IP-3 Advisor Pendamping Pemerintah Daerah [ILG]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU [Bangda]


LG Spec ia l ist PMAC


Lulusan Universitas pengalaman kerja min. 7 tahun,

Keahlian di bidang Perencana-an dan Penganggaran Daerah

Min. 5 tahun, sebagai konsultan pengelolaan proyek tingkat nasional

Min. 3 tahun dalam program penguatan kapasitas Pemda dan DPRD dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran partisipatif

Kemampuan untuk menyusun atau menyempurnakan manual atau Juknis pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan proyek

Mempunyai kemampuan pengelolaan program secara nasional

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pencapaian tujuan PAMSIMAS Komponen 1 untuk penguatan kelembagaan daerah terutama di bidang pengembangan program dan penganggaran pelaksana-aan program SAMS-BM dalam rangka mendukung pen-capaian MDGs di masing-masing PEMDA

Tugas Umum

Menyusun konsep dan strategi pendampingan (teknis) dan advokasi Pemda untuk menempatkan AMPL sebagai salah satu prioritas kabupaten/kota melalui proses perencanaan dan penganggaran yang partisipasif;

Menyusun atau menyempurnakan master schedule kegiatan pendampingan Pemda untuk replikasi, RKPD-AMPL dan penganggaran yang pro-AMPL-BM

Membantu BangDa dam penguatan kapasitas Pemda untuk mencapai target dalam indikator komponen 1

Menyempurnakan isi Juknis RKPD-AMPL dan Replikasi serta pelengkapnya berdasarkan pembelajaran yang diperoleh melalui pilot dan kemajuan terkini

Bersama dengan CB Expert CMAC, menyusun materi pelatihan untuk perbaikan proses perencanaan dan penganggaran daerah dam memprioritaskan penyertaan AMPL-BM and pelaksanaan progarm replikasi

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indikator kinerja utama komponen 1 di tingkat nasional

Rencana peningkatan kapasitas untuk mendukung pengarusutamaan pendekatan Pamsimas dan kinerja peningkatan pencapaian tujuan program

Pemda menempatkan AMPL-BM sebagai prioritas dalam RKPD

Belanja tahunan Pemda mengenai AMPL-BM meningkat

Realisasi Anggaran APBD sektor AMPL sebagai persentase dari kebutuhan anggaran untuk mencapai target MDGs

Pokja AMPL terbentuk dan berfungsi

Pemda melaksanakan replikasi sesuai target


1. Strategi pendampingan dan advokasi untuk perencanaan dan penganggaran AMPL-BM

2. Master schedule kegiatan

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Menyiapkan program pengembangan kapasitas dan dukungan teknis (backstop) untuk semua KPP dalam persiapan RKPD-AMPL, pelaksanaan program Replikasi dan peraturan nasional tentang perencanaan dan penganggaran daerah

pendampingan Pemda untuk replikasi, RKPD-AMPL dan penganggaran yang pro AMPL-BM

3. Juknis RKPD-AMPL dan Replikasi untuk didistribusikan kepada KPP dan Pemda

4. Modul Pengembangan Kapasitas untuk KPP, Pemda dan lDPRD

5. Indikator Knerja tingkat Kabupaten/kota dan Propinsi

IP-4 Advisor Total Sanitas i [ITS]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU [Depkes]

Konsultan HH Pr ovinsi/Kabupate n


Pengalaman 10 tahun dalam penyediaan air bersih pedesaan dan pengembangan sanitasi.

Pengalaman min. 5 tahun dalam penerapan pendekatan CLTS dan partisipatif lainnya.

Pengalaman bekerja dengan pemerintah dan dalam penerapan Pendekatan Pemasaran Sanitasi termasuk WSLIC-2

Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pencapaian tujuan PAMSIMAS Komponen 2 untuk peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan dan sanitasi masyarakat terutama dalam menkaji strategi pemicuan dan pengembangan lanjut program dan pencapaian target BABS, CTPS dan PHBS.

Tugas Umum

Mengkaji strategi bantuan teknis dan advokasi untuk meningkatkan komitmen Pemda untuk mencapai masyarakat yang bebas dari BABs dan perilaku mencuci tangan dengan sabun.

Didukung oleh Spesialis Pemasaran Sanitatsi dan CLTS untuk:

a. Mengembangkan strategi dan pedoman pencpaian indikator kinerja Komponen 2

b. Membantu Depkes dalam Penguatan Kapasitas Pemda untuk pencapaian indikator kinerja Komponen 2

Mengembangkan program advokasi untuk mendapatkan dukungan politik dan komitmen kabupaten pemangku kepentingan untuk pencapaian target Komponen 2.

Bersama CMAC CB, MIS dan Communication Specialis mengembangkan materi pelatihan CLTS, sistem pencatatan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indikator kinerja kunci pamsimas untuk komponen 2 di tingkat nasional

Jumlah tambahan orang yang mempunyai akses yang berkelanjutan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi yang layak, berdasarkan status sosial dan ekonomi

% target masyarakat BABs/ODF

% target masyarakat yang menerapkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS)

% target sekolah yang mempunyai fasilitas sanitasi yang layak dan menerapkan pola hidup bersih sehat (PHBS)


1. Strategi peningkatkan kinerja Komponen 2 melalui CLTS dan pendekatan Pemasaran Sanitasi.

2. Modul untuk program peningkatan kapasitas Komponen 2 PAMSIMAS.

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pencapaian target kesehatan dan sanitasi di website.

Bersama Spesialis Pemasaran Sanitasi mengembangkan program kampanye Komponen 2

Memberikan dukungan teknis untuk PMAC, DMAC, dan fasilitator pada pelaksanaan CLTS.

Membantu dan mengawasi pelatihan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan penguatan Pemda

3. Pengembangan TOR untuk kegiatan lokakarya

4. Panduan advokasi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan memicu tindakan Komponen 2 PAMSIMAS

5. Detail indikator kinerja CLTS untuk sistem monitoring dan evaluasi

6. Menyajikan laporan pengalaman pembelajaran untuk dibagikan ke agen lain dan lembaga

7. Laporan kemajuan berkala/bulanan

IP-5 Tenaga Ahli Pemasaran Sanitas i [ISM]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU [Depkes]

Advisor Tota l Sanitas i

Tenaga Ahl i CLTS

Konsultan HH Pr ovinsi/Kabupate n


Minimum 7 tahun pengalaman yang relevan dalam pemasaran komersial atau sosial.

Mempunyai pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam penelitian kualitatif dan/atau kuantitatif. Disukai yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam pelatihan dan peningkatan kapasitas.

Mempunyai pengetahuan tentang pendekatan CLTS dan metode partisipatif lainnya.

Memiliki kemampuan untuk bekerja secara independen dengan supervisi minimal dan bias bekerja sama dengan tim

Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di tingkat desa dan kabupaten/kota berjalan sesuai dengan VIM dan PMM dan Master Schedule [MS] dan indikator kinerja program dapat tercapai.

Tugas Umum

Melakukan pengawasan harian pada instansi yang dikontrak untuk pemasaran, komunikasi dan kegiatan riset pasar.

Memeriksa temuan penelitian dan merumuskan strategi dan komunikasi pemasaran yang tepat

Mengembangkan rencana pemasaran dan komunikasi dan mengawasi pelaksanaan program kampanye kebersihan yang dikelola oleh masyarakat melalui Rencana Aksi Masyarakat serta program kampanye dikelola oleh petugas kabupaten.

Memeriksa draft bahan yang dihasilkan oleh lembaga yang dikontrak atau konsultan lain dan merekomendasikan perbaikan

Merumuskan aliansi strategis peran swasta dan universitas lokal dalam pengembangan model bisnis sanitasi pedesaan yang inovatif.

Mengembangkan sistim Service Contract ditargetkan pada pengadaptasian produk baru atau jasa perbaikan di bidang sanitasi di tempat yang dirancang melalui uji coba lapangan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indikator kinerja kunci pamsimas untuk komponen 2 di tingkat nasional

Jumlah tambahan orang yang mempunyai akses yang berkelanjutan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi yang layak, berdasarkan status sosial dan ekonomi

% target masyarakat BABs / ODF

% target masyarakat yang menerapkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS)

% target sekolah yang mempunyai fasilitas sanitasi yang layak dan menerapkan pola hidup bersih sehat (PHBS)


1. Strategi pemasaran sanitasi, termasuk daya saing pemasok dan komunikasi pemasaran

2. Laporan lainya yang terkait dengan pemasaran sanitasi yang dibutuhkan oleh proyek.

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dan perencanaan bisnis layanan swasta.

Menyebarluaskan hasil riset pemasaran di antara pejabat pemerintah dan me-rekomendasikan penggunaan strategi berbasis kebutuhan (demand-driven).

Berkolaborasi dengan PMAC dan DMAC untuk mendukung kabupaten yang dipilih dalam melakukan diagnostik pasar sederhana dan analisis situasi serta memilih menu "tepat" dari kegiatan promosi sanitasi.

Mengembangkan modul pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas dan akreditasi untuk tukang batu dan pengusaha sanitasi dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan efektivitas penyediaan sarana sanitasi dan pemasaran.

Berkolaborasi dengan HH konsultan provinsi, kabupaten dan fasiltator untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penggunaan bahan komunikasi dan memodifikasi seperlunya.

Melakukan pengawasan melaui kunjungan lapangan.

3. Laporan Tugas Akhir

IP-6 Tenaga Ahli CLTS [ICS]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU [Depkes]

Advisor Tota l Sanitas i

Spesia l is Pemasar an Sanitas i


Min. 5 tahun dalam penyediaan air bersih pedesaan dan pengembangan sanitasi

Pengalaman min. 2 tahun dalam melaksanakan dan pemantauan program pendekatan CLTS dan partisipatif lainnya

Mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di tingkat desa dan kabupaten/kota berjalan sesuai dengan VIM dan PMM dan Master Schedule [MS] dan indikator kinerja program dapat tercapai.

Tugas Umum

Membantu Toal Sanitasi Adviser dalam mengembangkan strategi bantuan teknis dan advokasi untuk meningkatkan komitmen dari pemerintah provinsi dan kabupaten/kota untuk mencapai bebas buang air besar terbuka.

Membantu Total Sanitation Adviser dalam mengembangkan bahan untuk pelatihan CLTS.

Membantu pelatihan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan CLTS di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten/kota.Membantu Total Sanitation Adviser untuk melakukan advokasi dalam memperoleh dukungan politik dan komitmen Pemda untuk melaksanakan CLTS.

Memberikan dukungan teknis untuk PMAC, DMAC, dan Fasilitator pada pelaksanaan CLTS.

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indikator kinerja kunci pamsimas untuk komponen 2 di tingkat nasional

Jumlah tambahan orang yang mempunyai akses yang berkelanjutan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi yang layak, berdasarkan status sosial dan ekonomi

% target masyarakat yang bebas dari buang air besar di sembarang tempat (ODF)

% target masyarakat yang menerapkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS)

% target sekolah yang mempunyai fasilitas sanitasi yang layak dan menerapkan pola hidup bersih sehat (PHBS).

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Konsultan HH Pr ovinsi/Kabupate n

Di bawah pengawasan Total Sanitation Adviser bersama dengan Tim Monev dan MIS menjaga pemantauan reguler pada pencapaian Komponen 2 terhadap kesehatan dan sanitasi di website PAMSIMAS

Membantu Total Sanitation Adviser untuk penyusunan laporan bulanan, laporan kemajuan dan laporan tahunan, dan lainnya.


1. % masyarakat sasaran bebas dari BAB di tempat terbuka dan perilaku mencuci tangan dengan sabun.

2. % sekolah sasaran yang telah meningkatkan penyediaan air bersih dan fasilitas sanitasi dan higiene program

3. Masukan strategi (bantuan teknis dan advokasi) untuk CLTS

4. Masukan untuk pengembangan dan perbaikan manual CLTS

5. Masukan ke modul untuk program peningkatan kapasitas CLTS Pengembangan TOR untuk kegiatan lokakarya

6. Masukan untuk panduan advokasi untukmeningkatkan kesadaran dan memicu tindakan peningkatan di Komponen 2 PAMSIMAS

7. Masukan untuk laporan kemajuan berkala/ bulanan

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4.0 Bagian B - Central Management Advisory Consultant [CMAC]


CM-1 Team LeaderCMAC [CTL]

Melapor ke

Ketua CPMU

Keterkaitan utama

L ia ison Off icer CPMU

Team Leader PMAC


S2 Teknik Lingkungan, Kesehatan, atau Pembangunan Sosial

Pengalamaman minimum:

a. 12 tahun di perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kesehatan, air bersih, sanitasi dan infrastruktur pedesaan;

b. Pimpinan Tim/Team Leader

c. Multi-lateral dan/atau bi-lateral proyek

d. Manajemen proyek dan manajemen keuangan,

e. Monitoring dan evaluasi, pengadaan barang/jasa dan pemberdayaan masyarakat;

Kemampuan komunikasi dan koordinasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di tingkat desa dan kabupaten/kota berjalan sesuai dengan VIM dan PMM dan Master Schedule [MS] dan indikator kinerja program dapat tercapai.

Tugas Umum

Bersama dengan Sekber memastikan kegiatan setiap PIU / departemen berjalan sesuai dengan MS dan Costab

Memantau kinerja pengelolaan pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan Pamsimas

Membuat laporan kemajuan bulanan, triwulan dan tahunan

Berpartisipasi aktif dalam pertemuan proyek, seminar, misi supervisi dan tindak lanjutnya

Kegiatan lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan CPMU

Tugas Spesifik

Mensupervisi dan mengevaluasi kualitas pekerjaan dan kinerja tim tenaga ahli CMAC

Mengevaluasi kinerja team leader PMAC sebagai masukan untuk CPMU, PPMU, dan Satker.

Melakukan uji petik di 3 % desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Memastikan pencapaian Nasional Project Output

Pelaksanaan pamsimas sesuai dengan panduan yang berlaku

Master Schedule dan Costab diikuti oleh PIU dan PMAC-PMAC


1. Laporan progress bulanan, triwulan, dan tahunan

2. Laporan KPI dan Pengelolaan Resiko bulanan

3. Pencapaian kinerja dari setiap PMAC tercapai dan dilaporkan

4. Laporan supervisi pelaksaan Uji Petik pada setiap tahapan siklus

CM-2 Monitoring and Evaluat ion Spesia list [CME]

Melapor ke


S2 Manajemen Lingkungan dan Teknik Lingkungan

Pengalaman minimum:

a. 10 tahun di perencanan, pelaksanaan, monitoring/evaluasi proyek

Lingkup Kerja

Mengembangkan dan meningkatan secara terus menerus tata operasional M&E/MIS untuk menghasilakan data analisa yang tepat waktu dan mutu

Tugas Umum

Memberi masukan data laporan bulanan, triwulan, dan tahunan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Memberi masukan data laporan bulanan, triwulan, dan tahunan

MS terdistribusi ke semua PMAC

Strategi, Juknis dan SOP Program Monev terdistribusi ke semua PMAC

Teralisasi program uji-petik di 3% desa Pamsimas

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Team Leader CMAC

Keterkaitan utama

Team Leader PMAC

multi-lateral dan/atau bi-lateral proyek

b. Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan aplikasi pengelolaan data berbasis web

Kemampuan komunikasi, organisasi, presentasi, menulis laporan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Kemampuan menggunakan MS Office software, Database dan Powerpoint (essential) and Internet Explorer

Mengkaji permasalahan dan mengevaluasi perbaikan desain dan pelaksanaan program PAMSIMAS di setiap tingkat

Memastikan kebenaran dan kemutakhiran laporan KMP berdasarkan SIM dan Quick Status

Melakukan analisa data dari monitoring keberlanjutan

Melakukan analisa data SIM berdasarkan kebutuhan

Tugas Spesifik

Mengembangkan instrumen kontrol pelaksanaan program sesuai Master Schedule

Menyiapkan Petunjuk Teknis [Juknis] Monev

Melalui PMAC, mendistribuskan materi Monev sebagai acuan pelaksanaan monev di lapangan

Mengelola, menganalisa data dan informasi proyek termasuk verifikasi, ringkasan, tabulasi dan grafik.

Mengkompilasi pencapaian PMAC.\

Melakukan uji petik di 3 % desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

Peningkatan kinerja sistim Monev dan website


1. Laporan triwulan Monev dan IFR

2. Laporan kompilasi uji petik PMAC

3. Laporan tindak-lanjut kegiatan BPKP, Supervisi, Konsultan Evaluasi, dan Complaint Handling

4. Laporan analisa bulanan Pencapaian Program

CM-3 Komunikasi Kesehatan dan Higyene [CHH]

Melapor ke

Team Leader CMAC

Keterkaitan utama:

Konsultan Kesehatan/Tr a iner Pr opinsi


S2 Kesehatan dan Komunikasi Promosi Kesehatan Masyarakat

Pengalaman minimum:

a. 10 tahun di pemasaran sosial atau komunikasi kesehatan

b. Promosi kesehatan analisis partisipatori

c. Teknik strategi komunikasi

d. Pengembangan materi promosi kesehatan

Lingkup Kerja

Mengembangkan program, strategi implementasi dan monev Promosi Kesehatan, Informasi, Edukasi dan Komunikasi berbasis partisipatori untuk di-implementasikan di wilayah target

Tugas Umum:

Mereview materi dan kegiatan kesehatan dan sanitasi masyarakat dan sekolah

Menilai dan menentukan kebutuhan dan strategi serta jenis dan media komunikasi pelatihan promosi kesehatan di provinsi

Membantu memproduksi dan mendiseminasi perangkat multimedia pendukung kampanye kesehatan, hygiene, dan sanitasi

Mendukung PPMU dan PMAC dalam mendiseminasikan pesan kepekaan gender, kemiskinan dan informasi masalah

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Materi dan kegiatan di review secara reguler

Indicator Kegiatan IEC termonitor


1. Dokumen Monev dan Indicator Kegiatan IEC

2. Dokumen Metode dan Media PromosiKesehatan

3. Dokumen Penilaian kebutuhan Komunikasi dan pelatihan promosi kesehatan tingkat provinsi

4. TOR untuk studi-studi khusus

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Konsultan Kesehatan Kab.

kesehatan, hygiene dan sanitasi

Menyiapkan dokumen menajemen terkait implementasi program masyarakat

Tugas Spesifik

Meng-analisa hasil PHAST

Menyusun dan memberikan pelatihan promosi dan komunikasi kesehatan kepada PPMU, DPMU, PMAC, TFM, Sanitarian, Bidan Desa

Membantu monev dan pengembangan indicator kegiatan IEC

Menyusun TOR studi sesuai kebutuhan

Melakukan uji petik di 3 % desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

CM-4 Regional Monitoring and Evaluat ion [CRM]

Melapor Ke

M&E Spesia l ist

Keterkaitan Utama:

Data Management Ass istant


S2 Ilmu sosial, kesehatan, pendidikan atau bidang yang terkait

Pengalaman Minimum:

a. 6 tahundi bidang pemberdayaan dan pendanaan

b. DED and RAB air minum dan sanitasi atau fasilitas infrastruktur desa

c. Penusunan SPM

Kemampuan menggunakan MS Office software, Database dan Powerpoint and Internet Explorer

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan pelaksanaan pengelolaan bulanan data MIS yang tepat waktu dan mutu dan bertindak sebagai pusat kontak dan distribusi data MIS di masing-masing wilayah

Tugas Umum:

Pemeriksaan random kualitas data SIM

Melakukan coaching dan perbaikan di tempat pada saat uji petik

Masukan tentang temuan lapangan dan perbaikan desain proyek

Memposting di web pembelajaran dari pelaksanaan baik dan buruk

Berpartisipasi mengisi kolom website

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Pencapaian pengumpulan Data SIM yang tepat waktu dan akurat

Pelaksanan Uji Petik tepat waktu


1. Laporan progress dan perkembangan PMAC

2. Laporan analisa hasil uji petik

CM-5 MIS Specialist / MIS Analyst [CMS]

Kualifikasi Lingkup Kerja

Merumuskan master strategi konsep pelaksanaan, menentukan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

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Melapor Ke

Team Leader CMAC

Keterakaitan Utama:

Monev Spesia l is t

Senior Appl icat i on Pr ogr ammer

Compla int Handl ing Spesia l ist

Web Master /Pr ogr ammer


S1 Informatika

Pengalaman Minimum:

a. Kemampuan sebagai System Analyst

b. Pengembangan applikasi data berbasis Windows termasuk MS Access;

c. Pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan

Window-based OS, applikasi software


Infrastruktur IT termasuk LAN, WIFI dan broadband

serta membangun program aplikasi dan sistim pengumpulan data MIS dan memastikan data secara valid, tepat waktu dan mudah di akses melalui website

Tugas Umum

Mengevaluasi berkala sistim dan melakukan pembaruan program aplikasi sesuai kebutuhan termasuk automatic validation

Memonitor PMAC dalam implementasi MIS dan melakukan pemutahiran data kemajuan di lapangan progress

Menyiapkan data MIS yang berintegritas tinggi untuk dapat di akses dengan cepat dan mudah di website

Melakukan monitor and supervisi kinerja tim MIS dan tim website

Melakukan pemutahiran program aplikasi SIM yang kontinyu sesuai kebutuhan

Memonitor dan mensupervisi kerja PMAC dalam melaksanakan:

(i) Pemutakhiran data, kecepatan dan ketepatan input data, verifikasi dan validasi data

(ii) Menjamin ketersediaan database yang valid untuk melihat penilaian dampak yang mudah diakses melalui website Pamsimas

Menyiapkan dan merumuskan konsep implementasi aplikasi pendukung lainnya dengan berkoordinasi dengantim lain di CMAC

Tugas Spesifik

Menyiapkan modul dan melaksanakan pelatihan MIS serta aplikasi dukungan lain

Menyiapkan SOP pelaksanaan MIS serta aplikasi pendukungnya dan memonitor penggunaan MIS oleh staf bersangkutan dalam pengembangan instrumen monev

Melalui PMAC mensosialisasikan dan mengevalusi pelaksanaan SOP MIS di Provinsi, Kabupaten dan Desa

Menyiapkan SOP untuk verifikasi data, instrument spot-check

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program.

Terwujudnya Master Database Pamsimas yang berintegritas tinggi dan dapat diandalkan dari segi kecepatan progress updating, ketepatan dan kemudahan akses data untuk analisa perencanaan dan pelaporan (Tabulasidata SIM)


1. Laporan Grand Strategy MIS

2. Glossary, logbook

3. Aplikasi program MIS dan panduan penggunaannya

4. Juknis MIS dan pedoman aplikasi

5. Laporan penijauan berkala atas glossary, logbook, perencenaan aplikasi progam MIS

6. Laporan kemajuan pemantauan kinerja pelaksanaan Pamsimas [KPI]

7. Training modul MIS

8. Prosedur pengontrolan dan analisa kualitas mutu data MIS

9. Laporan hasil monitoring dan spot- check dan evaluasi dampak

10. Laporan hasil monitoring dan spot-check dan evaluasi pelaksaan Hari SIM

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dan kebutuhan training PMAC

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk review, penelitian dan isu-isu strategis untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

Merumuskan serta memonitoring aktifitas hari SIM secara nasional serta bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaannya termasuk dampaknya terhadap kontrol kualitas data, kelengkapan dan kosistensi data secara tepat waktu dan akurat

CM-6 Senior Applicat ion Programmer [CAP] Melapor Ke MIS Spec ia l ist/Analyst

Keterkaitan Utama: MIS Spec ia l ist/ Analyst

Monev Spec ia l ist


S1/D3 Bidang Teknologi Informatika atau IImu Komputer

Pengalaman Minimum:

a. Pengembangan applikasi data Windows/MS Access;

b. 3tahun dalam pengelolaan pengembangan program.

Lingkup Kerja

Melaksanakan sistim pemrograman sesuai dengan desain konsep yang telah distujui di tingkap pusat termasuk aplikasi pendukungnya yang memungkinkan pengembangan sistim secara berkelanjutan termasuk dukungan aplikasinya dan pemantauan data kemajuan kegiatan pamsimas dilakukan dengan lancar, tepat waktu dan akurat

Tugas Umum

Memastikan akses program aplikasi termasuk kelancaran input data kemajuan program di PMAC/DMAC

Mendokumenkan petunjuk pengoperasian SIM untuk mendukung pengembangan yang berkelanjutan

Melakukan uji lapangan fungsi fungsi pencarian data dan sinkronasi data off dan online.

Tugas Spesifik

Mengatasi permasalahan program aplikasi SIM di lapangan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Pengembangan sistim MIS yang handal dan efektip untuk pengelolaan proyek dan responsive terhadap dinamika lapangan


1. Aplikasi program SIM Pamsimas dan dokumentasi pemrograman aplikasi.

2. Pemutahiran aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan

3. Laporan tiga bulanan evaluasi sistem

CM-7 Junior Applicat ion Programmer [CAJ]

Melapor Ke

Senior Appl icat i on


S1/D3 Bidang Teknologi Informatika atau Ilmu Komputer dengan pengalaman minimum 3 tahun dalam pemeliharaan sistim

Lingkup Kerja

Membantu Programmer Senior melakukan pemrograman sistim dan dukungan aplikasi yang diperlukan

Tugas Umum

Membantu mendokumenkan pedoman pengoperasian SIM dan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan.

Memelihara SIM di website dan melakuan penyesuaian

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

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pr ogr ammer

penyesuaian yang dibutuhkan.

Memastikan kelancaran akses informasi SIM di website

Semua aplikasi dan laporan SIM dapat diakses dengan lancar melalui website.

Aplikasi pencairan BLM, kemajuan pamsimas dan profil pamsimas tersedia di website.


1. Manual aplikasi dan diagram informasi.

CM-8 Database Administrator [CDB] Melapor Ke Senior Appl icat i on Pr ogr ammer


S1/D3 Bidang Teknologi Informatika atau Ilmu Komputer dan Statistik dengan pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai adminitrator data

Lingkup Kerja

Melaporkan hasil manajemen data SIM tingkat nasional, melakukan upload di website serta kontrol kualitas data dan proses updating.

Tugas Umum

Melaporkan hasil kontrol kualitas di tingkat nasional dan meng-upload ke website

Merangkum data nasional dan meng-upload ke website

Mengelola dan melakukan revisi database nasional editing, jika diperlukan.

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Pemutahiran database dan profil Pamsimas dari tingkat kelurahan sampai tingkat nasional secara berkala

Profil data SIM terarsipkan di website


1. Laporan berkala atas kelengkapan, anomalies dan inkonsistensi data SIM

2. Laporan hasil kntrol kualitas data

CM - 9 Web Master/Web Programmer [CWM]

Melapor Ke

MIS Spec ia l ist /Analyst


S1 Bidang Teknologi Informatika, Ilmu Komputer atau Komunikasi dengan minimal pengalaman 3 tahun sebagai web programmer.

Kemapuan dalm pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan website

Lingkup Kerja

Merumuskan konsep serta struktur website proyek, mengoperasikan dan memelihara serta mengembangkan website Pamsimas yang berkelanjutan dengan kemudahan akses dan kemutakhiran isi yang dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan

Tugas Umum

Merumuskan, mendokumenkan dan melakukan sosialisasi SOP pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan website ke seluruh staff

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Konsep, kerangka kerja dan struktur website pamsimas tersedia dan

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Keterkaitan Utama:

Compla int Handl ing Spec ia l ist

Media Commmuicat ion Spec ia l ist

Content E di t or


Mengevaluasi pengoperasian website proyek dan melakukan modifikasi sesuai kebutuhan proyek

Menfasilitasi pengoperasian website Pamsimas dengan berita program pelaksanaan Pamsimas yang kualitatif dan aktual sesuai dengan etika dan aturan jurnalistik dan mengelola semua fitur interaktif dalam website

Memastikan serta memonitor ketersediaan informasi dyang dibutuhkan website Pamsimas dari PMAC secara berkala

Mengelola domain pengendali termasuk memelihara dan memperbaiki hardware dan software server web

Mengelola arsip untuk semua dokumen yang dipublikasi di website

Tugas Spesifik

Mempersiapkan dan merumuskan Modul pelatihan website

Mempublikasikan laporan dari seluruh tim CMAC di website Pamsimas

Melakukan penguatan kapasitas staf lapangan serta pelaksanaan program atas penggunaan website proyek

Melaporkan data statistik pemutahiran laporan serta informasi yang ditayangkan di website secara berkala

berkesinambungan sesuai dengan perkembangan program pamsimas

Website proyek pamsimas berfungsi secara aktif, menarik, dinamis dan mudah diakses serta mudah digunakan dari semua tempat tanpa interupsi

Laporan berkala dari semua unit tersedia dan mudah diakses dari website

Sistem website proyek stabil dan mudah diperbaiki


1. Pemutakhiran informasi dari semua isi web site.

2. Pengarsipan dan dokumentasi dari semua pemutakhiran isi.

3. Laporan berkala atas pemutakhiran isi website proyek.

4. Dokumenasi pengembangan website.

5. Sistim website Pamsimas berjalan stabil dan dipelihara dengan baik

CM-10 Content Editor [CCE]

Melapor Ke

Web Master /Web Pr ogr ammer


S1/D3 dengan kemampuan dalam hal editing redaksional web.

Lingkup Kerja

Merumuskan SOP untuk kontribusi tulisan dalam kategori “Berita”, struktur pemutakhiran isi website dan bertanggung jawab dalam pemutakhiran dan upload berkala isi website dari semua sumber (CMAC, PMAC dan DMAC)

Tugas Umum

Melakukan sosialisasi struktur pemutakhiran kepada CMAC, PMAC dan DMAC.

Melakukan editing dan perbaikan isi web khususnya di kategori “Berita” termasuk pengecekan ulang dan pengiriman umpan balik pada nara-sumber/penulis naskah.

Melakukan pengarsipan isi dan berita

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

SOP untuk metode penulisan untuk kategori berita

Isi kategori “Berita” termutahirkan secara berkala sesuai dengan SOP tentang metoda penulisan kontribusi di

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Melaksanakan cakupan berita dari harian nasional secara rutin untuk memperkaya isi kategori berita

Tugas Spesifik

Memuat pelaporan berkala oleh jurnalis di tingkat nasional untk memperkaya isi di kategori “Berita”

kategori “Berita”

Publikasi partisipatori dari semua PMAC dan DMAC secara berkala sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan


1. Melaporkan pemutakhiran isi setiap bulan

2. Mendokumentasikan pemutakhiran berita dan isi website.

CM-11 Complaint Handling Spec ialist [CHS]

Melapor ke

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

PMAC T im Spec ia l ist



S1 dengan kemampuan dan minimal 3 tahun pengalaman dalam penanganan pengaduan masyarakat

Lingkup Kerja

Merumuskan dan mempersiapkan Manual dan SOP penanganan pengaduan mayarakat (PPM) berkoordinasi dengan TA SIM sebagai dasar pengembangan aplikasi PPM guna pengelolaan penanganan pengaduan melalui website dan memastikan mekanisme penanganan pengaduan berfungsi dengan baik di masyarakat dan mendapat respon yang baik dari pelaksana program.

Tugas Umum

Melakukan sosialisasi manual penanganan pengaduan masyarakat melalui PMAC dan website PAMSIMAS

Melakukan identifikasi, klarifikasi dan pengelompokan pengaduan dan penangangannya dan meneruskannya kepada unit unit yang bertanggung jawab

Memonitor dan mensupervisi PMAC/DMAC Pemberdayaan untuk memastikan tindak lanjut yang tepat dan penanganan pengaduan yang efektif dan akurat

Mengkomunikasikan hasil penanganan pengaduan kepada pihak berkepentingan

Mendokumenkan semua pengaduan yang diterima termasuk proses penanganannya dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan mekanisme penanganan pengaduan secara berkala.

Melaksanakan penyelesaian pengaduan di masyarakat secara proaktif bersama dengan PMAC dan DMAC Pemberdayaan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Petunjuk teknis dan SOP penanganan pengaduan disosialisasikan kesemua pihak terkait.

Mekanisme PPM dilakukan secara berkala melalui website hingga berakhirnya program Pamsimas.


1. Laporan pengaduan dan proses penangannya termasuk laporan khusus untuk pengaduan khusus.

2. Update bulanan atas PPM di website proyek

3. Pendokumentasian pengaduan dan penanganannya.

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Tugas Spesifik

Merumuskan modul pelatihan PPM dengan berkoordinasi dengan unit pelatihan

Melakukan penguatan kapasitas penanganan pengaduan pada instansi pelaksana dan masyarakat melalui PMAC/DMAC Pemberdayaan.

CM-12 Capac ity Bui ldi ng /Inst i tut i onal Str engthening

Spec ia l ist [CCB]

Melapor ke

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

Pember dayaan Masyar akat/Gender Spec ia l ist


S1 Sosial TekniK

Pengalaman minimum

a. 10 tahun dalam pembangunan partisipatif dan isu gender di program berorientasi masyarakat miskin

b. Perancangan dan pengelolaan program, monev dan reporting

c. Pelatihan fasilitator masyarakat dan pengelolaan perubahan

Telah mengikuti dan memahami pelatihan khusus MPA/PHAST

Kemampuan komunikasi dan koordinasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Lingkup Kerja

Mengembangkan strategi dan menyusun rencana dan master schedule training untuk pelatih propinsi, TFM, LKM dan Satlak.

Tugas Umum

Menyusun panduan penyelenggaraan training dan penyusunan kerangka acuan training

Memastikan penyelenggaraan training mengacu pada strategi, master schedule, kurikulum dan modul

Menyusun panduan pengembangan strategi coaching dan penguatan fasilitator

Memastikan substansi media sosialisasi dan promosi dan mengidentifikasi siklus kritis di masyarakat yang memerlukan media sosialisasi [CDG, CHH]

Memberikan masukan dalam evaluasi tenaga fasilitator dan rekrutmen fasilitator

Membuat rekomendasi perbaikan strategi, kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas dan perbaikan pelaksanaan program

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan training need assessment

Menyusun kurikulum dan modul training

Mengembangkan strategi, menyusun instrumen dan melaksanakan monitoring keberlanjutan metode MPA/PHAST [MES]

Mengembangkan instrumen ukur evaluasi kualitas pelaksanaan training

Indikator Utama Kinerja [KPI]

Penyelesaian strategi dan jadwal induk pelatihan termasuk semua pedoman, juknis, field book, promosi HH, dll tersedia sebelum siklus pelaksanaan di masyarakat dmulai

Substansi media sosialisasi dan media promosi sesuai dengan prinsip dan tujuan pencapaian program


1. Strategi dan Jadwal Induk Pelatihan dan penguatan facilitators

2. Laporan TNA

3. TOR Pelaksanaan pelatihan termasuk kurikulum dan modul pelatihan

4. Laporan hasil monitoring pelaksanaan training dan coaching

5. Instrumen pengukuran kualitas training dan coaching

6. Strategi dan instrumen monitoring keberlanjutan pelaksanaan MPA/PHAST

7. Laporan hasil monitoring keberlanjutan

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Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

CM-13 Pember dayaan Masyar akat & Gender

Spec ia l ist [CCD]

Melapor ke

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

PMAC Pember dayaan /Tr a iner


S1 Sosiologi, Pengembangan Masyarakat atau Antropologi

Pengalaman min. 10 tahun dalam program pemberdayaan masyarakat skala besar dan kesetaraan gender

Kemampuan fasilitasi dan pengelolaan program termasuk perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monev dan pelaporan

Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Lingkup Kerja

Mengembangkan dan mereview strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengarusutamaan gender dan pelibatan kelompok perempuan dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Tugas Umum

Mengembangkan konsep, strategi serta rencana pelaksanaan keberlanjutan program dan peningkatan kapasitas ditingkat masyarakat

Memastikan penerapan strategi keberlanjutan program dan pelaksanaan pemberdayaan masyarakat sesuai dengan master schedule dan berfokus kepada masyarakat miskin dan gender

Mengidentifikasi siklus kritis yang memerlukan penguatan fasilitator dan media sosialisasi

Memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan strategi keberlanjutan program,

Tugas Spesifik

Mengembangkan instrumen ukur kualitas pendampingan masyarakat, pelibatan perempuan dan masyarakat miskin [CME]

Melakukan uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat, pelibatan perempuan dan masyarakat miskin

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Forum rembuk masyarakat dihadiri oleh paling sedikit 10% dari anngota masyarakat dan 30% dari peserta adalah kaum wanita dan masyarakat miskin

Keterlibatan masyarakat di dalam pembuatan keputusan perencanaan dan pelaksanan program Pamsimas di Tingkat Masyarakat

Kesiapan LKM, termasuk BP-SPAMS dalam melaksanakan fungsi dan tugasnya pasca Pamsimas

Dukungan masyarakat atas keberlajutan fungsi LKM pasca Pamsimas


1. Strategi dan MS pelaksanaan pemberdayaan masyarakat berdasarkan pengarusutamaan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat

2. Panduan pelaksanaan kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat berfokus pada keberlanjutan program

3. Instrumen pengukuran kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dan keterlibatan perempuan dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

4. Hasil monitoring kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dan keterlibatan perempuan dan

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keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

CM-14 Media Communicat ion Spec ialist [CMC]

Melapor kepada:

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:


Web Master /Web Pr ogr ammer


S1 Bidang komunikasi

Pengalaman minimum

a. 10 tahun dalam Marketing, sosialisasi dan promosi program berbasis masyarakat

b. Merancang media pemasaran, sosialisasi dan promosi

c. Menyusun strategi komunikasi

Mampu menganalisa pasar dan target sasaran serta pengelolaan program - perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring & evaluasi, pelaporan)

Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris

Lingkup Kerja

Mengembangkan strategi komunikasi secara keseluruhan dan membuat rencana kerja dan pedoman pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi, promosi dan marketing dan memastikan semua media sosialisasi terdistribusi tepat pada waktunya Tugas Umum

Memastikan strategi peningkatan kapasitas dan modul training fasilitator memuat komponen komunikasi [CBS]

Mensosialisasikan program Pamsimas secara aktif

Tugas Spesifik

Menyusun panduan pembuatan media komunikasi dengan memperhatikan budaya lokal [CDG]

Menganalisa dan identifikasi kebutuhan media sosialisasi, promosi dan pemasaran program Pamsimas

Membuat POB penggunaan media sosialisasi

Mengembangkan instrumen mengukur efektifitas dan melaksanakan monev media dan kegiatan komunikasi

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Strategi Komunikasi dan Rencana Kerja kegiatan sosialiosasi, promosi dan marketing

Media sosialisasi dan promosi terdistribusi pada saat siklus/ tahapan mulai

Instrumen pengukuran efektifitas media sosialisasi dan keg. Komunikasi


1. Pedoman dan panduan sosialisasi, promosi dan pemasaran

2. Panduan pengembangan media sosialisasi bagi masyrakat

3. Hasil analisa dan kebutuhan media sosialisasi

4. POB penggunaan media sosialisasi

5. Masukan bagi SOP penulisan di website

6. Hasil monitoring dan evaluasi efektifitas media dan kegiatan komunikasi

CM-15. Water Supply and Sanitat ion Engineer [CWS]

Melapor kepada:

CMAC Team Leader


S1/S2 Teknik Lingkungan atau setaraf;

Pengalaman Min. 10 tahun (S1) dan 5 tahun (S2) di bidang WSS berbasis masyarakat

3-5 tahun pengalaman bekerja di tim multi-disiplin dengan ketrampilan presentasi.

Lingkup Kerja

Mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan program Pamsimas di pusat di bidang perencanaan, desain, konstruksi, operasi, perbaikan, pemeliharaan dan keberlanjutan sarana dan prasarana WSS

Tugas Umum

Mereview biaya tahunan sistem WSS sebagai bahan evaluasi perbaikan sistim.

Melakukan penyederhanaan juknis, pedoman teknis dan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Peningkatan kualitas WSS design standard dan standar document lelang pekerjaan WSS

Peningkatan mutu pekerjan dan efisiensi biaya sarana WSS dengan penerapan pedoman QA/QC


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Keterkaitan Utama:

PMAC WSS Spec ia l ist/Tr a iner

Menguasai aplikasi software WSS

Mampu berkomunikasi lisan dan tulisan yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

manual di bidang WSS;

Meningkatkan kualitas TOR pembangunan sistem WSS yang rumit;

Mengembangkan pedoman kendali mutu kualitas WSS di lapangan dan meningkatkan kualitas teknis TFM dalam bidang perencanaan dan pengawasan konstruksi sarana WSS

Melakukan koordinasi dengan Trainer WSS mengenai diseminasi Juknis, manual, kebijakan dan prosedur

Melakukan pengawasan kualitas secara langsung atau melalui teleconference dengan PMAC, DMAC dan masyarakat.

Memantau pelaksanaan program pelatihan PMAC do bidang WSS

Memantau secara acak pelaksanaan program sesuai dengan Juknis, Manual /POB

Melakukan pelatihan penilaian kemajuan fisik, prosedur dan kualitas teknis kegiatan.

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

1. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan RTA

2. Petunjuk teknis pengamanan lingkungan dan sosial

3. Petunjuk teknis O & M dan WSS Keberlanjutan

4. SOP of WSS

5. Laporan bulanan Kemajuan WSS bulanan

CM-16 Procurement Spesia list [CPS]

Melapor kepada:

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:


SATKER Pr ovinsi

PMAC Team Leader


S1/S2 WSS Engineering, Environmental Health, Economics, Finance, Community Health or similar

5tahun pengalaman pengadaan barang dan jasa dalam proyek pembangunan terutama proyek Bank Dunia.

Lancar berkomunikasi dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris

Kemampuan menggunakan MS

Lingkup Kerja

Memastikan semua pengadaan barang, jasa dan servis konsultan sesuai dengan prosedur QCBS/QBS Bank Dunia dan pengadaan barang dan jasa di tingkat masyarakat sesuai Buku Petunjuk PMM and VIM dengan jangka waktu proyek dan rencana pengadaan

Tugas Umum

Mereview biaya tahunan sistem WSS sebagai bahan evaluasi perbaikan sistim.

Memastikan Juknis Pengadaan terdistribusi ke pelaku pamsimas dan masyarakat

Mereview biaya tahunan sistem WSS sebagai bahan evaluasi

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Pengadaan barang dan jasa yang sesuai dengan Prosedur QCBS/QBS Bank Dunia dan Kepres 80


1. Resume kontrak dan invoice di website pamsimas terupdate secara berkala dan tepat waktu

2. Juknis Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa

3. Materi Pelatihan Panitia Lelang

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Office, email, words spreadsheet dan powerpoint

perbaikan sistim

Menindaklanjuti kasus-kasus terkait pengadaan barang dan jasa tingkat proyek maupun masyarakat

Menyiapkan dokumen pengadaan barang dan konsultan dan meng-upload dokumen tsb. ke website

Memonitor pengelolaan kontrak konsultan provinsi dan meng-upload data invoicing ke dalam website

Menyimpan dokumen lelang untuk keperluan misi Bank Dunia dan/atau laporan rutin CPMU

Pengadaan tingkat masyarakat

Melakukan Melakukan pemantauan terhadap pelaksanaan pengadaan barang dan jasa di tingkat masyarakat

Mengkaji petunjuk teknis pengadaan masyarakat

Melakukan evaluasi terhadap pengadaan tingkat masyarakat berdasarkan umpan balik dari uji petik dan data SIM

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

4. TOR konsultan dan matriks akuntabilitas yang diperbaharui

CM-17 Financial Management Report ing Spec ialist [CFR]

Melapor kepada:

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

CMAC FM Spec ia l ist

PMAC FM Spec ia l ist


S1/S2 Akuntansi / Manajemen Keuangan.

Minimal 7 tahun pengalaman di bidang akuntansi dan/atau manajemen keuangan

Minimal 5 tahun pengalaman di manajemen keuangan proyek pembangunan.

Pengalaman kerja di proyek CDD

Kemampuan komputasi yang kuat dan kompetensi dalam penggunaan MS Office.

Lingkup Kerja

Tanggung jawab keseluruhan untuk perencanaan keuangan, penganggaran, dan akuntansi di tingkat pusat, termasuk penyusunan laporan keuangan secara berkala sesuai kebutuhan.

Tugas Umum

Mengawasi FMR pada tingkat propinsi dan tingkat kabupaten.

Konsolidasi pinjaman yang sudah terealisasi. Konsolidasi dilakukan antara RKBI, SP2D, dan World Bank Client Connection, dalam rangka penyajian aplikasi FMR.

Pengelolaan data dan RKBI, SPM dan SP2D dokumentasi untuk aplikasi dan laporan FMR.

Koordinasi dengan bank dan kantor kas / treasuries yang berwenang untuk penarikan dana hibah masyarakat.


Perkiraan cash flow PAMSIMAS sesuai periode dan efektivitas sampai tanggal penutupan tiap periode.


1. Laporan pemanfaatan dan sisa dana PAMSIMAS.

2. Laporan pengelolaan keuangan bulanan.

3. Laporan triwulanan FMR dengan dokumen aplikasi penarikan / withdrawal application documents.

4. Laporan Tahunan pengelolaan

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Menjaga keuangan proyek dan transaksi pengadaan untuk diperiksa oleh Irjen, BPKP dan WB Supervisor dari Bank.

Menindak lanjuti penyelesaian masalah-masalah yang timbul dari Misi Supervisi Bank Dunia

Tugas Spesifik

Membantu CPMU dalam menyiapkan

Manual prosedur untuk penarikan dan pengendalian hibah bantuan masyarakat [BLM].

Mekanisme pengontrolan dan verifikasi dokumen penarikan BLM.

LaporanAnggaran dan proyeksi keuangan termasuk perkiraan jangka pendek

Laporan Keuangan berdasarkan Sistem Pencairan Bulanan WB

Laporan Tahunan Pengelolaan keuangan pinjaman luar negeri (FISSA) untuk BPKP

Laporan Triwulan FMR untuk penarikan/ withdrawal dana Credit IDA dan berkoordinasi dengan Depkeu untuk pengajuan FMR tepat waktu untuk permohonan penarikan.

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

keuangan pinja man luar negeri (FISSA).

5. Pengorganisasian dokumen RKBI, SP2D dan FMR.

6. SOP untuk penarikan dan pengendalian dana hibah masyarakat (BLM).

7. Laporan atas rekomendasi untuk persetujuan BLM dan proses pembayaran.

8. Laporan mengenai tindak lanjut sebagai tanggapan terhadap:

a. WB Misi Supervisi

b. Pengawasan Rutin

c. BPKP, Temuan Audit IRJEN

d. Backlog di periode sebelumnya

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CM-18 Financial Management Special i st [CFM]

Melapor kepada:

CMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

CMAC FM Spec ia l ist

PMAC FM Spec ia l ist


S1/S2 Akuntansi / Manajemen Keuangan.

Minimal 7 tahun pengalaman di bidang akuntansi dan/atau manajemen keuangan

Minimal 5 tahun pengalaman di manajemen keuangan proyek pembangunan.

Pengalaman kerja di proyek CDD

Mampu menyiapkan pelaksanaan manual dan Juknis program teknis

Mampu memberikan pelatihan dan bimbingan manajemen keuangan.

Kemampuan komputasi yang kuat dan kompetensi dalam penggunaan MS Office

Lingkup Kerja

Menyiapkan dan melaksanakan manual dan pedoman teknis pengelolaan keuangan program PAMSIMAS serta meyakinkan penyebarannya sampai ke TFM dan LKM dan bertanggung jawab dalam laporan pengelolaan keuangan (pembukuan) yang diterbitkan pada website PAMSIMAS.

Tugas Umum

Menyiapkan laporan yang diperlukan untuk menunjukkan kualitas pembukuan masyarakat menurut sistem berlaku

Menjamin kualitas pembukuan masyarakat dan efektivitas pelaksanaan dokumen terkait dengan melakukan spot check dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan.

Verifikasi data kinerja SOP bulanan sehingga data yang dihasilkan berkualitas baik dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

Tugas Spesifik

Menyiapkan dan melaksanakan SOP dan berbagai petunjuk operasional yang dibutuhkan untuk staf lapangan, khususnya manajemen keuangan

Melakukan uji petik di 3% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Keberadaan semua manual yang diperlukan, pedoman teknis, dan SOP untuk PAMSIMAS pengelolaan keuangan di tingkat masyarakat terdistribusikan lengkap


1. Laporan pembukuan masyarakat yang berkualitas dan terintegrasi dengan MIS Pamsimas.

2. Laporan data kinerja SOP bulanan ke website dilakukan dengan tepat waktu.

Referensi: CMAC Revisi TOR, Oktober 26, 2009

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4.0 Bagian C - Provincial Management Advisory Consultant [PMAC]


PM-1 Team Lead er PMAC[PDM]

Melapor kepada:

Satker PKP-AM


Keterkaitan Utama:

PMAC Team Leader


S1 Kesehatan atau Teknik Lingkungan

Pengalaman min. 12 tahun di perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kesehatan/WSS atau proyek infrastruktur desa

Pengetahuan tentang monev dan manajemen proyek dan keuangan, pengadaan barang dan jasa dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dan koordinasi sebagai team leader

Lingkup Kerja

Mengelola tim PMAC dan mensupervisi pekerjaan DMAC dalam mengasistensi dan memperkuat PPMU/DPMU untuk memastikan pelaksanaan progam didesa dan meningkatkan kapasitas pelaksana proyek

Tugas Umum

Mendiseminasikan VIM, PMM, Juknis dan POB kepada pelaku terkait

Mengelola, mensupervisi, memantau dan memberikan umpan balik kepada DMAC berdasarkan progress lapangan dan laporan.

Melakukan pemantauan kualitas proses partisipasi masyarakat terutama RKM, gender action plan dan mekanisme pengaman social dan lingkungan;

Mengontrol kualitas pelaksanaan program melalui M&E proyek dan umpan balik CMAC

Menyebarkan program dan prosedur monev kepada PPMU dan DPMU dan memastikan kualitas dan kesesuaian prosedur dan ketepatan pengumpulan data SIM dan laporan

Memberikan dukungan kepada PPMU dan DPMUs dalam fasilitasi dan advokasi untuk komponen pemerintah daerah (RAD AMPL dan monitoring peningkatan penganggaran AMPL Kabupaten).

Memberikan dukungan untuk LGF dalam memfasilitasi dan mengadvokasi pemerintah daerah dan berbagai pihak untuk mengarusutamakan program WSS berbasis masyarakat melalui penyusunan dan pelaksanaan RAD AMPL, dan monitoring pembentukan mekanisme penganggaran AMPL Kabupaten, juga dukungan untuk memantau pencapaian pengeluaran enam bulanan WSS Kabupaten dan memastikan bahwa data tersebut

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Memenuhi target pencapaian dan kemajuan pelaksanaan program sesuai dengan rencana kerja

Pencapaian pelaporan data MIS diatas 90%

Pelaporan manajemen proyek yang tepat waktu termasuk laporan KPI dan resiko

Terjalin hubungan kerja yang baik dengan PPMU dan DPMU setempat


1. Laporan berkala evaluasi kinerja tenaga ahli PMAC

2. Laporan pelaksanaan dan hasil uji petik di 10% desa/kelurahan

3. Tindak lanjut terhadap pengaduan masyarakat

4. Laporan permasalahan dan resolusi complaint handling

5. Laporan bulanan, triwulan dan tahunan

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tersedia di MIS

Monitoring dan supervisi kemajuan pelaksanaan komponen LG di semua kabupaten / kota, khususnya melakukan koordinasi intensif dengan DMAC Kabupaten yang tidak difasilitasi oleh LGF.

Tugas Spesifik

Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas di tingkat propinsi dan kabupaten

Melaksanakan uji petik untuk penilaian dampak lingkungan;

Memverifikasi dan validasi data SIM di tingkat Propinsi

Memastikan terlaksananya uji petik 10 % desa untuk tingkat propinsi pada setiap siklus program

PM-2 Konsultan Pemberdayaan /Trainer Provinsi [PCD]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

SATKER Pr ovinsi

Keterkaitan Utama:

DMAC Pember dayaan


S1 Bidang sosial

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun terutama dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat program WSS

Memahami pengembangan CDD-WSS, prinsip dan mengikuti pelatihan dan penerapan MPA/PHAST

Kemampuan dalam dalam fasilitasi dan advokasi, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program, monev dan pelaporan

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Lingkup Kerja

Membantu PTL dalam mendukung seluruh pelaksanaan kegiatan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di seluruh wilayah kerja PMAC terutama pelatihan di bidang pemberdayaan

Mengembangkan rencana kerja/master schedule training tingkat propinsi dan TOR training di bidang pembedayaan, menyusun jadwal dan agenda training dan melakukan penyesuaian modul training jika diperlukan dan mengembangkan strategi penguatan fasilitator.

Tugas Umum

Memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi DMAC di bidang pemberdayaan

Berkoordinasi dengan DMAC Pemberdayaan (CD), memastikan bahwa mekanisme penanganan pengaduan masyarakat (PPM) ditindak lanjuti dengan tepat, efektif dan akurat.

Mengkomunikasikan dengan PMAC lain (termasuk Team Leader) hasil penanganan pengaduan dan memberikan unpan balik kepada CMAC Complaint Handling Specialist dan DMAC Pemberdayaan

Melakukan coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang pemberdayaan terlaksana dan seluruh TFM berkapasitas untuk memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan baik

Training terlaksana sesuai dengan master schedule dan kerangka acuan

Instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang pemberdayaan


1. Laporan TNA di bidang pemberdayaan

2. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana induk dan jadwal training tingkat propinsi di bidang pemberdayaan

3. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana pelatihan TFM di bidang pemberdayaan

4. Masukan persiapan strategi dan jadwal coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di

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pemberdayaan dan mengevaluasi kualitas pelaksanaannya

Memantau secara berkala kualitas pendampingan masyarakat di bidang pemberdayaan dan pembangunan sarana

Membantu TKP, PPMU dan Satker PKP-AM dalam proses perekrutan TFM di bidang pemberdayaan

Memberikan rekomendasi bagi TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam penyelenggaraan training dan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas lainnya dibidang pemberdayaan

Bersama TL PMAC, mengadvokasi peningkatan kapasitas TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam pengelolaan dan penyelenggaraan program Pamsimas di bidang pemberdayaan

Tugas Spesifik

Memberi masukan dalam melakukan training need assessment [TNA] di bidang pemberdayaan

Mempersiapkan panduan dan modul training bidang pemberdayaan dan melaksanaan training sesuai dengan master schedule dan TOR

Memberi masukan dalam pengembangkan instrument penilaian kinerja TFM di bidang pemberdayaan

Melakukan uji petik di 10% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan

bidang pemberdayaan oleh DMAC

5. Laporan hasil pengukuran kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang pemberdayaan

6. Laporan hasil uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat di bidang pemberdayaan

7. Laporan hasil uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dibidang WSS

PM-3 Konsultan WSS/ Trainer Provinsi [PWS]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:



S1 Teknik Lingkungan atau Teknik Sipil

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun terutama dalam teknik WSS berbasis masyarakat

Memahami isu pengelolalan SAMS dan pengadaan barang dan jasa berbasis masyarakat

Kemampuan dalam dalam

Lingkup Kerja

Membantu PTL dalam mendukung seluruh pelaksanaan kegiatan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di seluruh wilayah kerja PMAC terutama pelatihan di bidang WSS.

Mengembangkan rencana kerja/master schedule training tingkat propinsi dan TOR training di bidang WSS, menyusun jadwal dan agenda training dan melakukan penyesuaian modul training jika diperlukan dan mengembangkan strategi penguatan fasilitator.

Tugas Umum

Memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi DMAC di bidang WSS

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang WSS terlaksana dan seluruh TFM berkapasitas untuk memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan baik

Training terlaksana sesuai dengan master schedule dan kerangka acuan

Instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang WSS

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fasilitasi dan advokasi, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program, monev dan pelaporan

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Melakukan coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang WSS dan mengevaluasi kualitas pelaksanaannya

Memantau secara berkala kualitas pendampingan masyarakat di bidang WSS dan pembangunan sarana

Membantu TKP, PPMU dan Satker PKP-AM dalam proses perekrutan TFM di bidang WSS

Memberikan rekomendasi bagi TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam penyelenggaraan training dan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas lainnya dibidang WSS

Bersama TL PMAC, mengadvokasi peningkatan kapasitas TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam pengelolaan dan penyelenggaraan program Pamsimas di bidang WSS

Tugas Spesifik

Memberimasukan dalam melakukan training need assessment [TNA] dibidang WSS

Mempersiapkan panduan dan modul training bidang WSS dan melaksanaan training sesuai dengan master schedule dan TOR

Memberi masukan dalam pengembangkan instrument penilaian kinerja TFM di bidang WSS

Melakukan uji petik di 10% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan


1. Laporan TNA di bidang WSS

2. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana induk dan jadwal training tingkat propinsi di bidang WSS

3. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana pelatihan TFM di bidang WSS

4. Masukan persiapan strategi dan jadwal coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang WSS oleh DMAC

5. Laporan hasil pengukuran kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang WSS

6. Laporan hasil uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dibidang WSS

PM-4 Konsultan Kesehatan/ Trainer Provinsi [PHH]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:


S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang kesehatan, sanitasi dan promosi, di program WSS

Memahami prinsip dan penerapan metoda CLTS dan telah mengikuti training CLTS lengkap

Pengalaman dalam program kemitraan bidang kesehatan

Lingkup Kerja

Membantu PTL dalam mendukung seluruh pelaksanaan kegiatan pelaksanaan program Pamsimas di seluruh wilayah kerja PMAC terutama pelatihan di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS.

Mengembangkan rencana kerja/master schedule training tingkat propinsi dan TOR training di kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS, menyusun jadwal dan agenda training dan melakukan penyesuaian modul training jika diperlukan dan mengembangkan strategi penguatan fasilitator.

Tugas Umum

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS terlaksana dan seluruh TFM berkapasitas untuk memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan baik

Training terlaksana sesuai dengan master schedule dan kerangka acuan

Instrumen untuk mengukur kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop

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DMAC HHS terkait sektor WSS (sekolah, puskesmas, dll)

Kemampuan dalam dalam fasilitasi dan advokasi, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program, monev dan pelaporan

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi DMAC di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Melakukan coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS dan mengevaluasi kualitas pelaksanaannya

Memantau secara berkala kualitas pendampingan masyarakat di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS dan pembangunan sarana

Membantu TKP, PPMU dan Satker PKP-AM dalam proses perekrutan TFM di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Memberikan rekomendasi bagi TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam penyelenggaraan training dan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas lainnya dibidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Bersama TL PMAC, mengadvokasi peningkatan kapasitas TKP, PPMU, Satker PKP-AM dan PIU Propinsi dalam pengelolaan dan penyelenggaraan program Pamsimas di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Tugas Spesifik

Memberimasukan dalam melakukan training need assessment [TNA] dibidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Mempersiapkan panduan dan modul training bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS dan melaksanaan training sesuai dengan master schedule dan TOR

Memberi masukan dalam pengembangkan instrument penilaian kinerja TFM di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

Melakukan uji petik di 10% desa di setiap siklus proyek untuk menjamin kualitas pelaksanaan



1. Laporan TNA di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

2. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana induk dan jadwal training tingkat propinsi di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

3. Masukan persiapan TOR dan rencana pelatihan TFM di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

4. Masukan persiapan strategi dan jadwal coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS oleh DMAC

5. Laporan hasil pengukuran kualitas coaching dan penguatan fasilitator di bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

6. Laporan hasil uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dibidang kesehatan dan pemicuan Stop BABS dan CTPS

7. Laporan hasil uji petik kualitas pendampingan masyarakat dibidang WSS


PM-5 Local Government Spec ialis [PLG]


S1/Bidang Sosial dengan pengalaman kerja min. 7 tahun

Lingkup Kerja

Memfasilitasi, mengadvokasi, dan mendukung stakeholder kabupaten dalam merencanakan program AMPL berbasis

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Meningkatnya komitmen pengambil keputusan di daerah untuk mendukung

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Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

CPMU LG Capac ity Bui l ding Spec

CMAC CB/Inst itut i onal Str engthening Spec


Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai konsultan pendamping Pemda di bidang perencanaan dan penganggaran

Pengalaman min. 5 tahun di bidang WSS berbasis masyarakat diutamakan

Kemampuan memfasilitasi dan advokasi

Kemampuan untuk membangun komunikasi dengan Pemda dan/atau DPRD

masyarakat, serta penyusunan alokasi anggaran (APBD) dan pelaksanaannya.

Tugas Umum

Mengembangkan master schedule untuk bantuan teknis dan advokasi bagi Pemda dan DPRD dalam hal replikasi program Pamsimas, penyusunan rencana aksi dan alokasi anggaran untuk program AMPL berbasis masyarakat.

Membangun kapasitas dan menyediakan bantuan teknis kepada TKK dan Pokja AMPL untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan komitmen para pengambil keputusan di tingkat kabupaten/kota dalam rangka memprioritaskan pencapaian target MDG bidang AMPL, terutama yang berbasis masyarakat.

Memfasilitasi TKK, Pokja AMPL dan tim penyusun rencana aksi bidang AMPL dalam lokakarya dan pertemuan untuk menyusun dan mensinkronisasi rencana aksi bidang AMPL.

Memberikan dukungan teknis kepada TKP dan Pokja AMPL Provinsi dalam berkoordinasi, pemantauan dan evaluasi TKK dan program Pokja AMPL Kabupaten dan kegiatannya

Berkoordinasi dengan Asmandat PMAC, memastikan sistem pencatatan secara reguler pada kinerja Pemda dalam Pamsimas scaling up, pengarus utamaan, dan keberlanjutan di catat dalam web Pamsimas (Modul 6: Local Government)

Berkoordinasi dengan DMAC CD, memastikan data kinerja dari Pemda non bantuan Pamsimas scaling up, pengarus utamaan, dan keberlanjutan dicatat dalam web Pamsimas (Modul 6: Local Government)

Meningkatkan kapasitas dan memberikan dukungan teknis kepada DPMU dan TKK dalam pelaksanaan replikasi program Pamsima

Tugas Spesifik

Memastikan partisipasi aktif stakeholder terkait dalam proses penyusunan rencana aksi dan anggaran bidang AMPL BM

Memberikan input kepada CMAC dan CPMU dalam pengembangan strategi pengadopsian dan pengarusutamaan

program AMPL berbasis masyarakat

Tersusunnya Rencana Aksi untuk mendukung pengadopsian dan pengarusutamaan pendekatan program

Adanya peningkatan alokasi anggaran (APBD) untuk sektor AMPL

Terlaksananya replikasi program Pamsimas di luar lokasi target Pamsimas

Berfungsinya POKJA AMPL (jika sudah terbentuk)

Terbentuk dan berfungsinya Tim Penyusun rencana aksi bidang AMPL

Tercantumnya sektor AMPL, terutama yang berbasis masyarakat, dalam dokumen perencanaan daerah.

Meningkatnya alokasi APBD untuk sektor AMPL

Terlaksananya replikasi program Pamsimas.


Master schedule pelaksanaan bantuan teknis dan advokasi untuk Pemda di tingkat Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota.

Rencana kerja untuk peningkatan komitmen pengambil keputusan di daerah, penyusunan rencana aksi AMPL, dan replikasi

Input terhadap pengembangan strategi pengadopsian dan pengarusutamaan program Pamsimas dalam pembangunan AMPL BM di daerah.

Laporan pelaksanaan

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program Pamsimas dalam pembangunan AMPL BM di daerah

Melakukan pemantauan terhadap pencapaian indicator kinerja komponen 1 Pamsimas menggunakan SIM Pamsimas


PM-6 Konsultan Finansial Management Provinsi [PFM]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

CMAC FM Spec ia l ist


S1/S2 Akuntansi atau Manajemen Keuangan

Minimal lima (5) tahun pengalaman di bidang akuntansi dan atau manajemen keuangan

Mampu memberikan pelatihan dan bimbingan manajemen keuangan

Kemampuan komputasi yang kuat dan kompetensi dalam penggunaan MS Office

Lingkup Kerja

Bertanggung jawab atas terlaksananya pelaksanaan manual, pedoman teknis dan SOP sistem manajemen keuangan PAMSIMAS dan atas data manajemen keuangan dan laporan yang diterbitkan dalam SIM dan website

Tugas Umum

Menyiapkan laporan manajemen keuangan sesuai dengan manual, pedoman dan SOP

Menjamin kualitas pembukuan masyarakat dan efektivitas pelaksanaan dokumen terkait dengan melakukan spot check dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan.

Memastikan terdistribusi pembukuan dan manajemen keuangan manual dan SOP sampai ke level fasilitator dan LKM.

Pengumpulan SP2D bulanan dari level propinsi untuk disampaikan ke CMAC.

Berkoordinasi dengan DMAC CD, secara proaktif monitoring dan menindaklanjuti kasus penyalahgunaan dana (termasuk penanganan pengaduan masyarakat /PPM) dan memastikan mekanisme tindak lanjut penanganan yang tepat, efektif , akurat dan secara teratur memberikan unpan balik / melaporkan kepada CMAC

Tugas Spesifik

Memberikan bantuan teknis, dukungan dan penguatan kapasitas di tingkat kabupaten dan fasilitator dalam membantu persiapan pembukuan masyarakat/LKM

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Pedoman dan SOP terdistribusi sampai tujuan

Data dan laporan pengelolaan keuangan yang akurat dan tepat waktu

Penyampaikan IFR setiap 3 bulan ke CMAC secara benar dan tepat waktu


1. Laporan Triwulan IFR

2. Laporan bulanan pelasanaan dan hasil uji petik sebesar 10 % dari target lokasi.

3. Laporan SP2D bulanan kepada CMAC disampaikan tepat waktu.

PM-7 Assisten Manajemen Data [PDM]

Kualifikasi Lingkup Kerja

Memberikan dukungan teknis dan fasilitasi bagi TFM dan DMAC Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

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Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Keterkaitan Utama:

MIS Spec ia l ist /A nalyst

S1/D3 Bidang Teknologi Informatika dengan pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dalam pengelolaan database

Minmal tiga (3) tahun dalam posisi yang sejenis

Kemampuan dalam manajemen dan analisa data

Kemampuan dalam program komputer khususnya MS Excel dan Database Access

dalam kaitannya dengan manajemen data untuk mendukung SIM Pamsimas dan melakukan koordinasi, sinergi dan menyelaraskan dengan pelaksanaan tugas utama dan tanggung jawab TFM dan DMAC untuk memastikan pemutahiran data SIM dapat di upload ke website secara tepat.

Tugas Umum

Memastikan SIM yang telah dirtayangkan di website Pamsimas sesuai dengan SIM yang diserahkan ke CMAC

Mendistribusikan Buku Petunjuk, SOP, Log Book dan form isian data SIM ke semua DMAC untuk memastikan dipahaminya program SIM Pamsimas di tingkat kabupaten

Bertanggung jawab untuk mengkoordinasikan pemutahiran data SIM dan manajemen data program SIM pamsimas, terkait dengan kemajuan Pamsimas di wilayah kerjanya secara berkala, tepat waktu dan akurat

Tugas Spesifik

Melaksanakan input data terhadap komponen data / kegiatan yang terjadi di tingkat Provinsi

Melaksanakan kontrol kualitas data, termasuk verifikasi dan validasi data dan analisis data sebagai laporan berkala kepada TL PMAC termasuk merumuskan stretegi monitoring dan evaluasi untuk kualitas data

Melaksanakan monitoring dan evaluasi dari input data dan manajemen datayang diperlukan oleh SIMPamsimas melaluikunjungan lapangan, temuan laporan, informasi serta uji petik

Memastikan berfungsinya input data oleh pelakudi lapangan termasuk pemanfaatan data SIM untuk monitoring dan evaluasi

Merumuskan modul pelatihan serta melakukan pengembangan kapasitas/pelatihan untuk operator/petugas data entri SIM di kabupaten baik dalam rangka pelatihan di propinsi ataupun pelatihan SIM secara khusus

Merumuskan aktifitas Hari SIM untuk PMAC, DMAC fan facilitator serta bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaannya

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Data SIM di areanya tersedia lengka, tepat waktu dan akurat dan diperbaharuisetiap bulannya

Operator data entry SIM di wilayah kerjanya terlatih dengan baik

Program aplikasi, petunjuk teknis SIM, SOP, manual pengguna SIM, Glossary dan log book Pterdistribusi dangan baik di tingkat DMAC dan Fasilitator

DMAC dan operator mampu menyediakan data SIM yang lengkap, tepat waktu dan akurat


1. Laporan analisis data pengelolaan data SIM di tingkat PMAC

2. Umpan balik terhadap temuan kualitas data dari CMAC

3. Indikator Capaian Kunci (KPIs) di areanya diperbaharui bulanan

4. Laporan bulanan dari proses Hari SIM

5. Aplikasi SMI offline dan online di seluruh DMAC berjalan lancar untuk proses input dan pemutahiran data

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termasukdampaknya terhadap kontrolkualitas data kelengkapan dan konsistensi datasecara tepat waktu dan akurat

Referensi: PMAC Revisi TOR, Juli 2010

4.0 Bagian D - District Management Advisory Consultant [DMAC]


DM-1 Konsultan Pemberdayaan Kabupaten [CDS]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Hubungan Utama

Tim Fasi l i tator Masyar akat


S1 dari bidang Sosial/Teknik

Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun terutama di bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya WSS

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada msayarakat miskin

Memahami prinsip MPA/PHAST dan telah mengikuti training dan menerapkan MPA/PHAST

Mempunyai kemampuan fasiliatsi dan pemantauan program yang baik

Lingkup Kerja Bersama DMAC lain, mengembangkan rencana kerja tingkat

kab/kota dan melakukan coaching dan penguatan bagi fasilitator pemberdayaan secara berkala, terutama di tahapan2 kunci dan memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi fasilitator bidang pemberdayaan

Penanggung jawab penyelenggaraan MIS Day yang efektip untuk pemutahiran data MIS secara lengkap, konsiten dan tepat waktu sebelum di upload di website

Tugas Umum

Memastikan kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana induk dan prinsip pemberdayaan dan pendekatan program dengan memperhatikan kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Memastikan keterlibatan Dinas PMD/BPMD dalam proses pemilihan desa/kel dan pendampingan masyarakat

Menjamin adanya perhatian dari seluruh stakeholder terkait termasuk aspirasi golongan terpinggirkan agar terwakili dalam pembangunan dan memastikan kualitas pendampingan masyarakat melalui pemantauan berkala

Mendukung kegiatan-kegiatan pemberdayaan TKK, DPMU dan PIU terkait

Memberikan advokasi bagi TKK, DPMU dan PIU mengenai penerapan MPA/PHAST

Menyususn Startegi Pelaksanaan Village Implementation Plan

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Pencapaian seluruh indikator kinerja utama proyek melalui kualitas pedampingan yang memadai dan pelibatan peran serta masyarakat dan kelompok rentan

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai master schedule dan mengacu pada prinsip dan pendekatan program

Tim Fasilitator mempunyai kapasitas yang baik dalam bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat

Dinas PMD/BPMD terlibat dalam proses pemilihan desa/kel dan pendampingan masyarakat

Keluaran program Pamsimas yang berkualitas dan sesuai pedoman dari proses di tingkat masyarakat (PJM ProAKSi, RKM, Pembukuan, LPD, dll)


1. Laporan kualitatif bulanan [DMAC] berdasarkan MIS data

2. Laporan bulanan hasil MIS day

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(Rencana Pelaksanaan Kegiatan di Tingkat Desa) dan jadwalnya melalui kesepakatan dengan TFM dan DPMU.

Mengkoordinasikan TFM dengan memberikan dukungan dan bimbingan untuk fasilitasi proses perencanaan dan Implementasi RKM

Bekerjasama dengan TFM dengan memberikan dukungan strategis untuk pengerahan sumber daya selama pelaksanaan kegiatan (termasuk perencanaan, menyusun dokumen proses pengadaan barang/jasa (baik kelengkapan maupun substansi), konstruksi, operasional dan pemeliharaan); dalam pelatihan aspek non teknis seperti; operasi dan pemeliharaan, serta kesetaraan gender dan pengelolaan penyediaan air minum.

Memberikan dukungan dalam penyusunan sistim operasi dan pemeliharaan SAM dan Sanitasi, terkait dengan pelaksanaan review quality assurance melalui kunjungan rutin ke masing-masing lokasi.

Memberikan dukungan teknis dan administrasi kepada TFM dalam pembentukan LKM, Tim Pengadaan, BPSPAM dan memperkuat institusi local lainnya.

Melakukan uji petik bidang pemberdayaan di 50 % desa di setiap siklus proyek sesuai dengan tahapannya pada desa sasaran tahun berjalan dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan

Bekerja sama dengan WSS Kabupaten, mengkaji dan mengevaluasi laporan CFT dan dikonsolidasikan di tingkat Kabupaten.

Tugas Spesifik

Berkoordinasi dengan LGF Spesialis, membantu data kinerja dari organisasi non bantuan Pemerintah Lokal dalam PAMSIMAS scalling up, pengarusutamaan dan keberlanjutan, dan tercatat pada web PAMSIMAS (Modul 6: Local Government)

Melakukan verifikasi terhadap data-data logbook dan field book untuk SIM Pamsimas dari seluruh tahapan proses sampai dengan Sustainaibility Monitoring (Keberlanjutan) dengan

3. Laporan hasil pemanatauan uji petik di bidang pemberdayaan

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akurat dan tepat waktu sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pedoman MIS.

Berkoordinasi dengan DMAC lain, melaksanakan monitoring dan follow up penanganan pengaduan masyarakat (PPM) secara proaktif dan memastikan mekanisme tindak lanjut penanganan yang tepat, efektif , akurat dan memberikan unpan balik kepada PMAC Pemberdayaan.

Rekomendasi bagi PPMU dan PIU untuk perbaikan proses pendampingan amsyarakat dan aplikasi MPA/PHAST

Memastikan Hari MIS menghasilkan dampak terhadap kontrol kualitas data termasuk kelengkapan dan konsistensi data tepat waktu dan akurat

DM-2 Konsultan WSS Kabupaten [DWS]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Hubungan Utama

Tim Fasi l i tator Masyar akat


S1 Teknik Lingkungan atau Teknik Sipil

Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun terutama dalam bidang Teknik WSS berbasis masyarakat

Memahami isu pengelolaan SAMS berbasis masyarakat

Memahami proses pengadaan berbasis masyarakat

Mempunyai kemampuan fasilitasi dan pemantauan program yang baik

Lingkup Kerja

Bersama DMAC lain, mengembangkan rencana kerja tingkat kab/kota dan dan melakukan coaching dan penguatan bagi fasilitator teknis WSS secara berkala terutama di proses2 kunci dan memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi fasilitator bidang teknik WSS

Tugas Utama

Memastikan kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana induk dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan sesuai dengan prinsip keberlanjutan dan kaidah teknik

Melakukan coaching dan penguatan bagi fasilitator teknik WSS secara berkala,

Memastikan kualitas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan melalui pemantauan berkala

Memberikan masukan dan dukungan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan TKK, DPMU dan PIU yang terkait dengan bidang teknik WSS

Memberikan dampingan bagi tim evaluasi RKM

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai master schedule dan mengacu pada prinsip dan pendekatan program dan kaidah teknik

Tim Fasilitator mempunyai kapasitas yang baik dalam bidang teknis WSS

Perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai master schedule, memperhatikan aspek keberlanjutan dan kaidah teknik

Sarana air minum dan sanitasi sekolah terbangun, termanfaatkan, dan berkelanjutan


Laporan hasil pemanatauan dan uji

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Memberikan dukungan dalam penyusunan sistim operasi dan pemeliharaan SAM dan Sanitasi, terkait dengan pelaksanaan review quality assurance melalui kunjungan rutin ke masing-masing lokasi.

Memberikan dukungan teknis dan administrasi kepada TFM dalam pembentukan LKM, Tim Pengadaan, BPSPAM dan memperkuat institusi local lainnya.

Melakukan uji petik bidang teknik di 50 % desa di setiap siklus proyek sesuai dengan tahapannya pada desa sasaran tahun berjalan dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan

Berkoordinasi dengan DMAC CD, melaksanakan monitoring dan follow up penanganan pengaduan masyarakat (PPM) secara proaktif dan memastikan mekanisme tindak lanjut penanganan yang tepat, efektif , akurat dan memberikan unpan balik kepada DMAC CD.

Bekerja sama dengan DMAC CD, mengkaji dan mengevaluasi laporan CFT dan dikonsolidasikan di tingkat Kabupaten.

Tugas Spesifik

Rekomendasi bagi PPMU dan PIU terkait perbaikan proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan di tingkat masyarakat

petik bidang teknik WSS

DM-3 Konsultan Kesehatan Kabupaten [DHH]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Hubungan Utama

Tim Fasi l i tator Masyar akat


S1 bidang Kesehatan

Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun terutama di bidang kesehatan, sanitasi dan promosi di dalam program WSS

Memahami prinsip dan penerapan metoda CLTS, diutamakan yang telah mengikuti training CLTS lengkap

Mempunyai kemampuan

Lingkup Kerja

Bersama DMAC lain, mengembangkan rencana kerja tingkat kab/kota dan dan melakukan coaching dan penguatan bagi fasilitator kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPSsecara berkala terutama di proses2 kunci dan memberikan dukungan (backstopping) bagi fasilitator bidang teknik kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS

Tugas Utama

Memastikan kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana induk dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan sesuai dengan prinsip keberlanjutan dan kaidah

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai master schedule dan mengacu pada prinsip dan pendekatan program dan kaidah teknik

Tim Fasilitator mempunyai kapasitas yang baik dalam bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS

Perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai master schedule,

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fasilitasi dan pemantauan program yang baik


Melakukan coaching dan penguatan bagi fasilitator kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS secara berkala,

Memastikan kualitas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan melalui pemantauan berkala

Memberikan masukan dan dukungan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan TKK, DPMU dan PIU yang terkait dengan bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS

Melakukan uji petik bidang kesehatan di 50 % desa di setiap siklus proyek sesuai dengan tahapannya pada desa sasaran tahun berjalan dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan.

Bekerja sama dengan CD Kabupaten, mengkaji dan mengevaluasi laporan CFT dan dikonsolidasikan di tingkat Kabupaten.

Tugas Spesifik

Rekomendasi bagi PPMU dan PIU terkait perbaikan proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan di tingkat masyarakat

memperhatikan kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS

Sanitarian dan perangkat kesehatan kab/kota dan kecamatan lainnya terlibat dalam pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS


Laporan hasil pemanatauan dan uji petik bidang kesehatan dan pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS

DM-4 Database Operator [DBO]

Melapor kepada:

PMAC Team Leader

Hubungan Utama



S1/D3 Bidang Teknologi Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Statistik atau manajemen data dan memiliki pengetauan di bidang manajemen dan analisis data.

Menguasai program aplikasi computer khususnya excel dan database access.

Lingkup Kerja

Bertanggung jawab penuh atas data manajemen DMAC di wilayah kerjanya termasuk semua desa di bawah DMAC

Melakukan monitoring dan data input dan manajemen data sesuai dengan yang diperlukan oleh SIM Pamsimas melalui kunjungan lapangan, laporan atas temuan temuan, pengumpulan informasi dan uji petik di lapangan.

Tugas Umum

Melakukan pemutakhiran dan manajemen data di SIM Pamsimas, terkait dengan kemajuan kegiatan Pmasimas di wilayah kerjanya dengan validasi dari kordinator fasilitator.

Memastikan kebenaran dan akurasi data yang disampaikan oleh tim fasilitator di log book serta melakukan verifikasi dan validasi data

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Tim fasilitator mampu untuk menyediakan data SIM terbaru secara lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat.

Data SIM di wilayah kerjanya lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat dan dimutakhirkan tiap bulan

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Memastikan kesediaan database pelaksanaan pamsimas secara benar dan akurat di wilayah kerjanya.

Memastikan pengumpulan data oleh fasilitator berlangsung dengan lancar dan teratur.

Glossary, log book, Petunjuk teknis SIM didistrubisikan dan dipehami dengan bik di DMAC serta tim fasilitator

Tim fasilitator mampu untuk menyediakan data SIM terbaru secara lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat

Aplikasi online dan offline di DMAC berfungsi dengan baik untuk update dan input data.


Laporan analisis pengelolaan data DMAC.

Laporan umpan balik temuan kualitas data dari PMAC.

Laporan bulanan KPI yang mutahir

Laporan bulanan hasil pelaksanaan Hari SIM.

DM-5 Konsultan District Financial Management Specialist [FMS- District Financial Management Specialist] Melapor kepada: PMAC Team Leader Keterkaitan Utama: PMAC FM Specialist

Fasilitator Masyarakat


S1 Akuntansi/ Manajemen Keuangan

Minimal tiga (3) tahun pengalaman di bidang akuntansi dan atau manajemen keuangan atau sekurang-kurangnya satu (1) tahun bekerja di bidang yang sama di Pamsimas.

Mampu memberikan pelatihan dan bimbingan manajemen keuangan

Lingkup Kerja Bertanggung jawab atas terlaksananya pelaksanaan manual, pedoman teknis dan SOP sistem manajemen keuangan PAMSIMAS di level masyarakat dan atas data manajemen keuangan dan laporan yang diterbitkan dalam SIM dan website Tugas Umum

1. Memonitor pelaksanaan laporan manajemen keuangan di level masyarakat sesuai dengan manual, pedoman, dan SOP

2. Menjamin kebenaran dan kualitas pembukuan masyarakat dan efektivitas pelaksanaan pembukuan

3. Bersama DMAC CD melakukan uji petik dan merekomendasikan tindakan perbaikan

4. Memastikan semua dokumen pendukung ada, valid, dan benar

5. Memastikan ketersedian dokumen dan laporan di LKM (BAPD, RKM, RAB, RPD, LPD, dan dokumen lainnya terkait

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI] Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dan

disampaikan tepat waktu dan akurat

Masyarakat memahami arti dari pengukuran kinerja

Pedoman dan SOP terdistribusi sampai tujuan

Data dan laporan pengelolaan keuangan yang akurat dan tepat waktu


Laporan bulanan pelaksanaan dan hasil uji petik sebesar 50 % dari target lokasi bersama DMAC

Laporan SP2D bulanan kepada CMAC disampaikan tepat waktu

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Kemampuan komputasi yang kuat dan kompetensi dalam penggunaan MS Office dan MS Excel

manajemen keuangan)

6. Memastikan terdistribusinya pembukuan, manual manajemen keuangan, dan SOP sampai ke level fasilitator dan LKM

7. Pengumpulan SP2D bulanan dari level kabupaten/kota untuk disampaikan ke PMAC

8. Memonitor tindak lanjut PPM terkait penyalahgunaan dana dan dalam mekanisme kerjanya harus berkoordinasi dengan DMAC CD.

9. Membantu fasilitator apabila ada masalah khusus terkait manajemen keuangan

10. Untuk lokasi tahun berjalan,mendampingi Fasilitator dalam pelatihan keuangan terkait BP SPAMS

Tugas Spesifik

Memberikan bantuan teknis, dukungan dan penguatan kapasitas di tingkat kabupaten dan fasilitator dalam membantu persiapan pembukuan masyarakat/LKM

Memberikan rekomendasi kepada FMS di tingkat propinsi untuk pemetaan masalah dan saran-saran untuk perbaikan

Memonitor coaching pembukuan oleh Fasilitator kepada masyarakat bersama DMAC CD

Laporan hasil coaching pembukuan LKM sebelum pencairan dana disampaikan ke Provincial FMS - PMAC

Referensi: PMAC Revisi TOR, Juli 2010

4.0 Bagian E - Community Facilitator Team [CFT]


CF-1 Fasil itator Pemberdayaan [CFD]

Melapor kepada:

DMAC Kabupaten Koor dinator


S1 di bidang Sosial atau Teknik

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun terutama dalam kemampuan fasilitasi di bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat

Memahami isu kesetaraan

Lingkup Kerja Bersama fasilitator lain, menyusun rencana kerja pendampingan

masyarakat dan memfasilitasikan kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat sebagai pelaku utama dan pengambil keputusan dalam seluruh proses pendampingan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan mengacu pada siklus pelaksanaan dan pedoman

Bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengelolaan data desa di wilayah

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Pencapaian seluruh indicator kinerja utama proyek melalui kualitas pendampingan yang memadai dan pelibatan peran serta masyarakat dan kelompok rentan

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci

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Hubungan Utama

Lembaga Keswadayaan Masayarakat

gender dan keberpihakan pada msayarakat miskin


Tugas Umum

Memberikan informasi yang benar dan seluas-luasnya mengenai program Pamsimas

Memastikan kualitas keluaran dari proses di tingkat masyarakat tanpa melanggar prinsip pemberdayaan

Memfasilitasi masyarakat dalam mengumpulkan kontribusi

Mencegah adanya penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat

Memberikan pendampingan kepada LKM dalam menyiapkan pembukuan dan meyakinkan bahwa bukti pendukung keuangan valid dan akurat

Melakukan pengukuran kinerja keuangan setiap bulan dilaporkan kepada District FMS

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan updating dan pengelolaan data Pamsimas, terkait kemajuan pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan validasi dari koordinator fasilitator atas kebenaran dan akurasi data dalam log book.

Melakukan pemutahiran data SIM dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam hari SIM di wilayah DMAC nya.

komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Keterlibatan perempuan dan penerima manfaat adalah warga miskin

Keluaran program yang berkualitas dan sesuai pedoman dari proses

LKM dan Satlak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengelola dan melaksanakan program

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat


Field Book dan Log Book kegiatan tingkat desa setiap bulan

Rencana kerja bulan berikutnya

Daftar hadir

Laporan proses (Quick Status)

CF-2 Fasil itator Teknis WSS [CFW]

Melapor kepada:

DMAC Kabupaten Koor dinator


S1 di bidang Teknik Lingkungan atau Teknik Sipil

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun terutama dalam kemampuan fasilitasi di bidang teknik air minum dan sanitasi yang berbasis masyarakat

Lingkup Kerja Bersama fasilitator lain, menyusun rencana kerja pendampingan

masyarakat dan memfasilitasikan kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat sebagai pelaku utama dan pengambil keputusan dalam proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan sarana air minum dan sanitasi sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan mengacu pada siklus pelaksanaan dan pedoman

Penanggung jawab atas pengelolaan data desa di wilayah kerjanya

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Terjadinya indicator kinerja utama Komponen 3 di tingkat desa

% desa/kelurahan yang mempunyai sarana air minum yang layak dan berfungsi serta memenuhi tingkat kepuasanmayoritas masya% desa rakat sasaran

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Hubungan Utama

Lembaga Keswadayaan Masayarakat

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin

Tugas Umum

Memberikan informasi mengenai pilihan opsi sarana air minum & sanitasi sekolah

Memastikan kualitas keluaran dari proses proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan mengacu pada kaidah teknik dan prinsip keberlanjutan

Memastikan pengadaan barang dilakukan sesuai prosedur dan mencegah adanya penyelewengan dan kecurangan pada proses pengadaan barang

Melakukan pemantauan berkala pelaksanaan kegiatan di masyarakat terutama memastikan kegiatan supervisi kegiatan konstruksi oleh masyarakat

Meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dalam bidang teknik WSS dan pengelolaan sarana

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan updating dan pengelolaan data Pamsimas, terkait kemajuan pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan validasi dari koordinator fasilitator atas kebenaran dan akurasi data dalam log book.

% desa/kelurahan dengan sarana air minum yang layak yang dikelola dan dibiayai secara effektif

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Keluaran program yang berkualitas dan sesuai pedoman dari proses

LKM dan Satlak memiliki kapasitas dalam bidang teknis untuk mengelola dan melaksanakan program dan sarana

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat


Field Book dan Log Book kegiatan tingkat desa setiap bulan

Rencana kerja bulan berikutnya

Daftar hadir

Laporan proses (Quick Status)

CF-3 Fasil itator Kesehatan [CFH]

Melapor kepada:

DMAC Kabupaten Koor dinator


S1 di bidang Kesehatan

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun terutama dalam kemampuan fasilitasi di bidang kesehatan, sanitasi dan promosi di program air minum dan sanitasi

Lingkup Kerja Bersama fasilitator lain, menyusun rencana kerja pendampingan

masyarakat dan memfasilitasikan kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat sebagai pelaku utama dan pengambil keputusan dalam seluruh proses pemicuan stop BABS dan CTPS, serta kegiatan kesehatan lainnya sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan mengacu pada siklus pelaksanaan dan pedoman

Bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengelolaan data desa di wilayah

Indikator Kinerja Utama [KPI]

Terjadinya indicator kinerja utama Komponen 2 di tingkat desa

Jumlah tambahan orang yang mempunyai akses yang berkelanjutan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi yang layak berdasarkan status social dan ekonomi

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Hubungan Utama

Lembaga Keswa dayaan Masayarakat

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada msayarakat miskin


Tugas Umum

Mendorong penggunaan media, budaya dan kegiatan lokal dalam promosi kesehatan

Meningkatkan kapasitas kader masyarakat dalam bidang promosi kesehatan

Melakukan pemantauan berkala pelaksanaan kegiatan di masyarkat yang terkait kegiatan kesehatan

Memfasilitasi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan instrumen untuk memantau pencapaian stop BABS dan CTPS

Mendampingi natural leader/kader CLTS dalam melakukan pemantauan dan pencapaian stop BABS dan CTPS

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan updating dan pengelolaan data Pamsimas, terkait kemajuan pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan validasi dari koordinator fasilitator atas kebenaran dan akurasi data dalam log book

% target masyarakat yang bebas dari buang air besar si sembarang tempat (ODF)

% target masyarakat yang menerapkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun (CPTS)

% target sekolah yang mempunyai fasilitas sanitasi yang layakdan memerapkan pola hidup bersih sehat (PHBS)

Tercapainya indicator kinerja kunci komponen 5 di tingkat nasional yaitu adanya sturuktur dan alat pemantauan program (SIM Terpadu, M&E) yang memberikan informasi berkala mengenai kualitas pelaksanaan program

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Peningkatan kapasitas kader masyarakat dalam bidang promosi kesehatan

Keluaran program yang berkualitas dan sesuai pedoman dari proses

LKM dan Satlak memiliki kapasitas untuk memantau pencapaian stop BABS dan CTPS

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat


Field Book dan Log Book kegiatan tingkat desa setiap bulan

Rencana kerja bulan berikutnya

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Daftar hadir

Laporan proses (Quick Status)

CF-4 Fasil itator Hibah Insent if Desa [CFI]

Melapor kepada:

DMAC Kabupaten Koor dinator

Hubungan Utama

Lembaga Keswadayaan Masayarakat



S1 jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Sipil,

Pengalaman min. 3 tahun di bidang pemberdayaan, kesehatan, sanitasi dan promosi di program air minum dan sanitasi

Mempunyai inisiatif tinggi dan mampu bekerja secara mandiri;

Memahami isu kesetaraan gender dan keberpihakan pada msayarakat miskin

Lingkup Kerja Memfasilitasi kegiatan LKM dan BP-SPAMS dalam pengembangan

pembangunan sarana air minum dan sanitasi yang didanai hibah insentif desa dan mengevaluasi RKM BP-SPAMS serta memberikan bantuan teknis dan sistim pengelolaan organisasi yang dituangkan dalam Rencana kegiatan BP-SPAMS.

Bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengelolaan data desa di wilayah kerjanya

Tugas Umum

Memfasilitasi LKM dan BP-SPAMS dalam melakukan persiapan rencana kegiatan masyarakat dalam penyediaan layanan air minum dan sanitasi,

Melakukan kajian kebutuhan peningkatan kapasitas penguatan LKM dan BP-SPAMS untuk mengelola dan memonitor keberlanjutan peningkatan penyediaan dan pelayanan air minum dan Sanitasi;

Memberikan bantuan teknis kepada LKM dan BP-SPAMs dalam merealisasikan RKM Hibah Insentif Desa;

Melakukan penguatan kepada BP-SPAMs dalam menjalin kemitraan dengan stakeholders;

Membuat laporan bulanan data MIS kepada DMAC secara tepat waktu;

Menerima penguatan/peningkatan kapasitas formal dan informal dari PMAC/DMAC;

Di tahun ke 2, bekerja sama dengan PMAC membantu PPMU melakukan evaluasi seleksi lokasi sasaran desa HID

Menfasilitasi LKM dan BP-SPAMs dalam mengkaji ulang PJM-ProAKSi;

Menfasilitasi BP-SPAMs dalam menyusun RKM untuk HID

Indikator Kerja Utama (KPI)

Pencapaian seluruh indicator kinerja utama progam HID melalui kualitas pendampingan yang memadai dan pelibatan peran serta masyarakat

% jiwa peningkatan akses SAMS setelah adanya Program HID

Peningkatan kapasitas BP-SPAMS dalam penglolaan SAM secara lebih effektif setelah adanya Program HID

% tambahan jiwa bebas BABS

% target jiwa yang menerapkan program CPTS

% target sekolah yang mempunyai fasilitas sanitasi yang layak dan menerapkan PHBS

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Keterlibatan perempuan dan penerima manfaat adalah warga miskin

Keluaran program yang berkualitas dan sesuai pedoman dari proses

Peningkatan kapasitas LKM dan BP-PSAMS untuk mengelola dan melaksanakan program

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat

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sesuai dokumen PJM-ProAKSi

Memonitor pembukuan dana HID di tingkat masyarakat dan meyakinkan bahwa pembukuan didukung dengan dokumentasi yang benar dan akurat

Memonitor pembukuan BPSPAM

Melakukan pengukuran kinerja keuangan dan HID setiap bulan; dilaporkan ke District FMS

Tugas Spesifik

Melakukan updating dan pengelolaan data Pamsimas, terkait kemajuan pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan validasi dari koordinator fasilitator atas kebenaran dan akurasi data dalam log book.


Laporan bulanan

Rencana kerja bulan berikutnya

Pembukuan di tingkat LKM untuk dana HID dan pembukuan BPSPAM

Pengukuran kinerja keuangan

CF-5 Fasil itator Keberlanjutan b idang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat [CKC]

Hubungan Kerja: Wajib untuk berkoordinasi dengan DMAC CD Specialist , tertutama untuk dukungan pelaksanaan penugasan, serta sinkronisasi program dan kegiatan.

Hubungan Utama

T KK/DP MU, SKP D terkai t /mit ra, Asos iasi SP AM P erdesaan, KP M, dan BP- SP AMs


S1 di bidang semua jurusan serta berusia maksimum 35 tahun

Pengalaman kerja min. 5 tahun dalam program pemberdayaan sejenis (PNPM Mandiri) dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun dalam program Pamsimas.

Mempunyai pengalaman dalam pendampingan/pembentukan asosiasi/forum atau advokasi dan fasilitasi pemerintah daerah dan pelaku lainnya dalam pembentukan forum/asosiasi tingkat kabupaten

Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi dan menulis secara baik.

Dapat berasal dari luar kabupaten/kota tempat

Pengaturan dan Dukungan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan

Merupakan Koordinator dari Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan.

FK Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat bertugas untuk

bekerja bersama dengan TKK (Bappeda atau Dinas PU), SKPD

terkait (BPMD dan Kecamatan/Kasi PMD) atau SKPD Mitra

terkait dengan pemberdayaan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan.

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

bertanggungjawab dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan

pencapaian kinerja yang terkait dengan pemberdayaan

Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM dalam bidang

akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan, kelembagaan,

perencanaan dan penganggaran program dan kegiatan, dan

pembelajaran bersama.

Ruang Lingkup Tugas

4. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan.

5. Pengembangan komitmen pemerintah daerah

dalam program keberlanjutan AMPL Berbasis


Indikator Kerja Utama (KPI)

Pencapaian seluruh indicator kinerja utama program Keberlanjutan melalui kualitas pendampingan yang memadai dan pelibatan peran serta masyarakat dan kelompok rentan

Kegiatan di tingkat masyarakat ter-laksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Keterlibatan perempuan dan penerima manfaat adalah warga miskin

Tercapainya akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan, kelembagaan, perencanaan dan penganggaran program dan kegiatan, dan pembelajaran bersama dalam Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM.

Berkembangnya sinergi antara Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM dalam pengembangan SAMS-BM;

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penugasan, namun harus pernah tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah penugasan.

6. Mendokumentasikan proses dan hasil

Lokakarya Tingkat Kabupaten mengenai

Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS

7. Memastikan bahwa peserta Pelatihan Propinsi

untuk Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dapat

mengkomunikasikan hasil pelatihan kepada

peserta lainnya,

8. Memastikan bahwa peserta Lokakarya Propinsi

Pemaparan Rencana kerja Asosiasi SPAM

Perdesaan dan Pengembangan Kemitraan

dapat mengkomunikasikan hasil lokakarya

tersebut kepada anggotanya

9. Memfasilitasi Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

10. Pendampingan dan Pembinaan BPSPAMS 11. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas

Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) Desa 12. MPA Tahap 2 (Monitoring Keberlanjutan) di

seluruh Desa Reguler PAMSIMAS Tahun 2011

Acuan Pelaksanaan Kerja

Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, Fasilitator Keberlanjutan mengacu kepada PMM dan Juknis Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS beserta lampiran dan kelengkapan lainnya.

PAMSIMAS akan menyediakan SOP sebagai panduan administratif bagi Fasilitator Keberlanjutan.

LKM dan BP-SPAMs memiliki kapasitas untuk mengelola SAMS dari iuran masyarakat;

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan ke-curangan di tingkat masyarakat

Rencana Kerja dan Pelaporan

1. Rencana Kerja Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Penyusunan rencana kerja tahunan

Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan yang memuat kegiatan, jadwal, tujuan, indikator kinerja, mitra kerja, serta output (keluaran/hasil).

Mendiskusikan draft rencana kerja tahunan dengan DPMU dan DMAC serta LGF untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan masukan.

Pengesahan rencana kerja tahunan oleh Satker Propinsi, berdasarkan rekomendasi DPMU/PMAC.

2. Laporan Bulanan Tim Fasilitator


Laporan bulanan dibahas bersama dengan DPMU dan DMAC, serta SKPD Mitra.

Laporan berdasarkan data SIM modul 7

Laporan bulanan berisi kemajuan hasil pekerjaan secara tim berdasarkan pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan dan pencapaian target (indikator terukur) dan perubahannya.

Laporan bulanan tim harus disertai dengan lampiran dokumentasi hasil pendampingan (seperti berita acara

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pertemuan konsultasi) dan dokumen lainnya yang relevan.

Laporan final diserahkan dalam bentuk hardcopy dan softcopy kepada DMAC, dengan salinan kepada TL PMAC, untuk diteruskan kepada Satker PKPAM Propinsi sebagai dasar pembayaran gaji.

Laporan final diserahkan paling terlambat pada tanggal 5 setiap bulannya untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan pada bulan sebelumnya.

3. Laporan tertentu dan sewaktu-waktu

Laporan tertentu diluar laporan bulanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengendali program, baik dari Satker PKPAM Propinsi mupun TL PMAC. Keluaran

Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terbentuk dan berfungsi.

Masukan untuk SKPD Mitra dan TKK/DPMU mengenai daftar program dan kegiatan pendampingan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Program Keberlanjutan AMPL-BM serta rencana pembiayaannya tersedia.

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS terlaksana dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) dan LKM terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Lokakarya Propinsi mengenai Paparan Rencana Kerja Asosiasi SPAM

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Perdesaan dan Pengembangan Program Kemitraan terlaksana dan terdokumentasi

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

Peta kinerja BPSPAMS tersedia sebagai bahan evaluasi dan pendampingan.

Peningkatan signifikan terhadap jumlah BPSPAM yang berkinerja baik.

Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) tersedia dan berfungsi.

Hasil Monitoring Keberlanjutan (MPA PHAST Tahap 2) Desa PAMSIMAS 2011 tersedia dan terdokumentasikan.

Hasil Uji Petik tersedia secara tepat waktu.

Logbook Modul 7 terisi lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat dan mutakhir.

SIM PAMSIMAS untuk Modul 7 termuktakhirkan secara tepat waktu.

CF-6 Fasil itator Keberlanjutan b idang Teknik Air Minum dan Sanitas i [CKW]

Hubungan Kerja: Wajib untuk berkoordinasi dengan DMAC WSS Specialist , tertutama untuk dukungan pelaksanaan penugasan, serta sinkronisasi program dan kegiatan.


Lulusan Universitas Sarjana/S1

dibidang Teknik Sipil/Lingkungan,

serta berusia maksimal 35 tahun.

Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun

untuk Sarjana Teknik Sipil dan 3

tahun untuk Sarjana Teknik

Lingkungan dalam program

pemberdayaan sejenis (PNPM

Mandiri) dan sekurang-

kurangnya 2 tahun dalam

program Pamsimas;

Dapat berasal dari luar

kabupaten/kota tempat

Pengaturan dan Dukungan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan

Berkerja sama dengan Fasilitator Keberlanjutan lainnya

untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan pencapaian kinerja Tim

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan

FK Bidang Teknik Air Minum dan Sanitasi harus membangun

kerjasama dengan SKPD terkait (Dinas PU).

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Bidang Air Minum dan sanitasi

bertanggungjawab dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan

pencapaian kinerja yang terkait dengan pemberdayaan

Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM yang dengan

teknis pengelolaan dan pengembangan sarana air minum.

Ruang Lingkup Tugas 1. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Asosiasi SPAM


Indikator Kerja Utama (KPI)

Terjadinya indicator kinerja utama Komponen 3 di tingkat desa

% SAMS yang layak dikelola dan dibiayai secara effektif dari iuran masyarakat

Kegiatan pendampingan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program;

Tercapainya kinerja yang baik terkait dengan pemberdayaan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM dengan dilaksanakannya teknis pengelolaan dan pengembangan sarana air minum;

Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan

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Hubungan Utama

T KK/DP MU, SKP D terkai t /mit ra, Asos iasi SP AM P erdesaan, KP M, dan BP- SP AMs

penugasan, namun harus pernah

tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah


2. Pengembangan komitmen pemerintah daerah dalam program

keberlanjutan AMPL Berbasis Masyarakat

3. Mendokumentasikan proses dan hasil Lokakarya Tingkat

Kabupaten mengenai Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS

4. Memastikan bahwa peserta Pelatihan Propinsi untuk Asosiasi

SPAM Perdesaan dapat mengkomunikasikan hasil pelatihan

kepada peserta lainnya,

5. Memastikan bahwa peserta Lokakarya Propinsi Pemaparan

Rencana kerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Pengembangan

Kemitraan dapat mengkomunikasikan hasil lokakarya tersebut

kepada anggotanya

6. Memfasilitasi Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

7. Pendampingan dan Pembinaan BPSPAMS 8. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Kader

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) Desa 9. MPA Tahap 2 (Monitoring Keberlanjutan) di seluruh Desa

Reguler PAMSIMAS Tahun 2011

Acuan Pelaksanaan Kerja

Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, Fasilitator Keberlanjutan mengacu kepada PMM dan Juknis Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS beserta lampiran dan kelengkapan lainnya.

PAMSIMAS akan menyediakan SOP sebagai panduan administratif bagi Fasilitator Keberlanjutan.

BPSPAM memiliki kapasitas dalam bidang teknis untuk mengelola dan melaksana-kan program dan sarana

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat

Rencana Kerja dan Pelaporan

1. Rencana Kerja Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan

Penyusunan rencana kerja tahunan Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan yang memuat kegiatan, jadwal, tujuan, indikator kinerja, mitra kerja, serta output (keluaran/hasil).

Mendiskusikan draft rencana kerja tahunan dengan DPMU dan DMAC serta LGF untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan masukan.

Pengesahan rencana kerja tahunan oleh Satker Propinsi, berdasarkan rekomendasi DPMU/PMAC.

2. Laporan Bulanan Tim Fasilitator


Laporan bulanan dibahas bersama dengan DPMU dan DMAC, serta SKPD Mitra.

Laporan berdasarkan data SIM modul 7

Laporan bulanan berisi kemajuan hasil pekerjaan secara tim berdasarkan pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan dan pencapaian target (indikator terukur) dan perubahannya.

Laporan bulanan tim harus disertai dengan lampiran dokumentasi hasil pendampingan (seperti berita acara pertemuan konsultasi) dan

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dokumen lainnya yang relevan. Laporan final diserahkan dalam

bentuk hardcopy dan softcopy kepada DMAC, dengan salinan kepada TL PMAC, untuk diteruskan kepada Satker PKPAM Propinsi sebagai dasar pembayaran gaji.

Laporan final diserahkan paling terlambat pada tanggal 5 setiap bulannya untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan pada bulan sebelumnya.

3. Laporan tertentu dan sewaktu-waktu

Laporan tertentu diluar laporan bulanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengendali program, baik dari Satker PKPAM Propinsi mupun TL PMAC. Keluaran Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terbentuk

dan berfungsi.

Masukan untuk SKPD Mitra dan TKK/DPMU mengenai daftar program dan kegiatan pendampingan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Program Keberlanjutan AMPL-BM serta rencana pembiayaannya tersedia.

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS terlaksana dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) dan LKM terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Lokakarya Propinsi mengenai Paparan Rencana Kerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Pengembangan

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Program Kemitraan terlaksana dan terdokumentasi

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

Peta kinerja BPSPAMS tersedia sebagai bahan evaluasi dan pendampingan.

Peningkatan signifikan terhadap jumlah BPSPAM yang berkinerja baik.

Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) tersedia dan berfungsi.

Hasil Monitoring Keberlanjutan (MPA PHAST Tahap 2) Desa PAMSIMAS 2011 tersedia dan terdokumentasikan.

Hasil Uji Petik tersedia secara tepat waktu.

Logbook Modul 7 terisi lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat dan mutakhir.

SIM PAMSIMAS untuk Modul 7 termuktakhirkan secara tepat waktu.

CF-7 Fasil itator Keberlanjutan b idang Kesehatan [CKH]

Hubungan Kerja: Wajib untuk berkoordinasi dengan DMAC HH Specialist , tertutama untuk dukungan pelaksanaan penugasan, serta sinkronisasi program dan kegiatan.

Hubungan Utama



S1 di bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat dan atau Kesehatan Lingkungan, serta berusia maksimal 35 tahun

Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dalam program sejenis (PNPM Mandiri) dan sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun dalam program Pamsimas.

Dapat berasal dari luar kabupaten/kota tempat penugasan, namun harus pernah tinggal di kabupaten/kota daerah penugasan.

Pengaturan dan Dukungan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan

Bersama dengan Fasilitator Keberlanjutan lainnya untuk

pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan pencapaian kinerja Tim

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan.

FK Bidang Kesehatan harus membangun kerjasama dengan

SKPD terkait (Dinas Kesehatan).

Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Bidang Kesehatan

bertanggungjawab dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan

pencapaian kinerja yang terkait dengan pemberdayaan

Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM yang dengan

bidang kesehatan dan penyehatan lingkungan.

Ruang Lingkup Tugas 1. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Asosiasi SPAM

Indikator Kerja Utama (KPI)

Terjadinya indicator kinerja utama Komponen 2 di tingkat desa

% tambahan jiwa yang mempunyai akses yang berkelanjutan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi yang layak berdasarkan status social dan ekonomi

% tambahan target jiwa yang bebas BABS (ODF)

% tambahan target jiwat yang menerapkan program cuci tangan pakai sabun (CPTS)

Tercapaian kinerja yang baik terkait

dengan pemberdayaan Asosiasi SPAM

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terkai t /mit ra, Asos iasi SP AM P erdesaan, KP M, dan BP- SP AMs

Perdesaan. 2. Pengembangan komitmen pemerintah daerah dalam program

keberlanjutan AMPL Berbasis Masyarakat

3. Mendokumentasikan proses dan hasil Lokakarya Tingkat

Kabupaten mengenai Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS

4. Memastikan bahwa peserta Pelatihan Propinsi untuk Asosiasi

SPAM Perdesaan dapat mengkomunikasikan hasil pelatihan

kepada peserta lainnya,

5. Memastikan bahwa peserta Lokakarya Propinsi Pemaparan

Rencana kerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Pengembangan

Kemitraan dapat mengkomunikasikan hasil lokakarya tersebut

kepada anggotanya

6. Fasilitasi Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

7. Pendampingan dan Pembinaan BPSPAMS 8. Pendampingan dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Kader

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) Desa 9. MPA Tahap 2 (Monitoring Keberlanjutan) di seluruh Desa

Reguler PAMSIMAS Tahun 2011

Acuan Pelaksanaan Kerja Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, Fasilitator Keberlanjutan

mengacu kepada PMM dan Juknis Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS beserta lampiran dan kelengkapan lainnya.

PAMSIMAS akan menyediakan SOP sebagai panduan administratif bagi Fasilitator Keberlanjutan.

Perdesaan, KPM dan BPSPAM dengan

bidang kesehatan dan penyehatan


Kegiatan pendampingan di tingkat masyarakat terlaksana sesuai dengan rencana kerja dan prinsip pendekatan program

Peningkatan kapasitas kader masyarakat dalam bidang promosi kesehatan

Terbangunnya kemitraan antara Sanitarian dengan LKM dan BP-SPAMs memiliki kapasitas untuk memantau pencapaian stop BABS dan CTPS

Tidak ada penyelewengan dan kecurangan di tingkat masyarakat

Rencana Kerja dan Pelaporan

1. Rencana Kerja Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan Penyusunan rencana kerja tahunan

Tim Fasilitator Keberlanjutan yang memuat kegiatan, jadwal, tujuan, indikator kinerja, mitra kerja, serta output (keluaran/hasil).

Mendiskusikan draft rencana kerja tahunan dengan DPMU dan DMAC serta LGF untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan masukan.

Pengesahan rencana kerja tahunan oleh Satker Propinsi, berdasarkan rekomendasi DPMU/PMAC.

2. Laporan Bulanan Tim Fasilitator


Laporan bulanan dibahas bersama dengan DPMU dan DMAC, serta SKPD Mitra.

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Laporan berdasarkan data SIM modul 7

Laporan bulanan berisi kemajuan hasil pekerjaan secara tim berdasarkan pelaksanaan rencana kerja tahunan dan pencapaian target (indikator terukur) dan perubahannya.

Laporan bulanan tim harus disertai dengan lampiran dokumentasi hasil pendampingan (seperti berita acara pertemuan konsultasi) dan dokumen lainnya yang relevan.

Laporan final diserahkan dalam bentuk hardcopy dan softcopy kepada DMAC, dengan salinan kepada TL PMAC, untuk diteruskan kepada Satker PKPAM Propinsi sebagai dasar pembayaran gaji.

Laporan final diserahkan paling terlambat pada tanggal 5 setiap bulannya untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan pada bulan sebelumnya.

3. Laporan tertentu dan sewaktu-waktu

Laporan tertentu diluar laporan bulanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengendali program, baik dari Satker PKPAM Propinsi mupun TL PMAC. Keluaran Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terbentuk

dan berfungsi.

Masukan untuk SKPD Mitra dan TKK/DPMU mengenai daftar program dan kegiatan pendampingan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Program

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Keberlanjutan AMPL-BM serta rencana pembiayaannya tersedia.

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Program Keberlanjutan PAMSIMAS terlaksana dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Pelatihan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) dan LKM terselenggara dan terdokumentasikan.

Lokakarya Propinsi mengenai Paparan Rencana Kerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan Pengembangan Program Kemitraan terlaksana dan terdokumentasi

Lokakarya Kabupaten mengenai Pemantauan Kinerja Asosiasi SPAM Perdesaan dan BPSPAMS

Peta kinerja BPSPAMS tersedia sebagai bahan evaluasi dan pendampingan.

Peningkatan signifikan terhadap jumlah BPSPAM yang berkinerja baik.

Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KPM) tersedia dan berfungsi.

Hasil Monitoring Keberlanjutan (MPA PHAST Tahap 2) Desa PAMSIMAS 2011 tersedia dan terdokumentasikan.

Hasil Uji Petik tersedia secara tepat waktu.

Logbook Modul 7 terisi lengkap, tepat waktu, akurat dan mutakhir.

SIM PAMSIMAS untuk Modul 7 termuktakhirkan secara tepat waktu.

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Appendix B

Provincial Management Advisory Consultant (PMAC) to Page B - 1 The Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU) Package C-13 South Kalimantan


1. The Inception Report (15 ex / 1 time)

To be submitted within 8 weeks after the mobilization. The Inception Report will subject

to be discussed with the PPMU, DPMUs, TKP (Tim Koordinasi Propinsi), and TKK (Tim

Koordinasi Kabupaten), establish an agreed overall work program in provincial, district,

and village levels.

2. The Monthly reports (15 ex / Month),

To be submitted at the latest by day 15 of the following month, explaining the progress of

main project activities and benchmarks, project profile assessment and work plan for

subsequent month, including DFC/CFTs activity report.

3. The Annual Reports (15 ex/ year),

To be submitted at the latest by day 15 of the following month after each year of the

project, explaining the progress implementation achieved related to the key performance

indicator as mentioned in paragraph 5, in accordance with an agreed outline and expected

input for Annual Project Progress Reports.

4. Special reports as requested by the PPMU (15 ex/time).

5. Performance Reports (15 ex / Year).

6. Local Government Report (Rencana Aksi – AMPL) – 5 ex/Year

7. Training Report (5 exp / time)

8. Draft Final Report & Final Report, including the completion, operation and maintenance,

and exit strategy report for each district (8 districts) and village (408 villages).

To be submitted at the latest by day 15, two months before the completion of assignment.

The Draft Final Report will review general project implementation, target achievements

compared with the key performance indicator in paragraph 5, including project data

records of the whole project period (technical and financial) by project activities for each

component as an input for Implementation Completion Report lesson learned on critical

issues and provide recommendation related to the technical aspects of the project. The final

report shall be prepared after the discussion of the draft final report.

Summary of Report requirements are;

Report Type Quantity

The Inception Report 15 Exp x 1 time

The Monthly reports 15 Exp x 39 Months

The Quarterly Reports 15 Exp x Period

The Annual Reports 15 Exp x 1 time x 3 Years

Special reports 15 Exp x 1 time x 3 Years

Performance reports 15 Exp x 1 time x 3 Years

Local Government – Rencana Aksi - AMPL 5 Exp x 2 Disticts x 2 Years

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Report Type Quantity

Training Report 5 Exp x 1 time

Draft Final Report 15 Exp x 1 time

Final Report 15 Exp x 1 time

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APPENDIX C – Key Personnel and Sub-Consultants, MANNING schedule, and Hours of Work for Key Personnel






Panca Bagus Amaliyanto

S1, Civil Engineer, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, 1998

Province of South Kalimantan

Provincial Team Leader

S1, health or environmental engineering/ 12 years of experience in planning and implementing of health/water supply and sanitation, or small scale infrastructure projects, preferably in rural areas

Responsible for the overall management of the PMAC team operating from a base in Banjarmasin;

Support PPMU/DPMUs in the dissemination of Project Management Manual (PMM) and Village Implementation manual (VIM) to each districts and related agency, and work in collaboration with training team;

Support PPMU and DPMUs in : project administration, management, planning and scheduling the project; in technical assistance and Hygiene Behavior and sanitation promotion; monitoring and ensure the project implementation; continuous monitoring by working together with PMCs in preparing project management report, and send it to CPMU;

Manage, supervise, monitor and provide feedback to DFC/Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs), based on the village implementation progress, the district team/DFC reports and periodical field visits;

Coordinate with the Client, and other related institution/agency in enlargement and implementation of community empowerment in the water supply and sanitation development;

Control the program implementation, including the arrangement of project monitoring and evaluation based on the CMAC feedback;

Support the related parties to conduct post review of VIT documentation for : a).disbursement of block grant funds; b).expenses for procurement, materials and equipments; c).valuation of community labor and materials contribution; and d).financial and procurement processes and procedures;

Responsible in coordinate for institutional capacity building tasks Responsible in coordinate for institutional capacity building tasks;

Responsible in supporting of the project implementation with the PAMSIMAS implementation team;

Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation activities of all project components at the provincial, districts, and community levels by working together with PMCs; and


Wartono Legowo

S1, Teknik Lingkungan, Univ. PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, 2000

Herlina S1, Civil Eng, Unlam, Banjarmasin, 1997

Kabupaten Barito Kuala

District WSE-CS Specialist

Bachelor/S1 in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering/ 5 years in designing and

Carry out strategic planning, coordinating and facilitating of the project activities;

Working together with related agencies, a.o. Public works, District Health office, and Dinas PMD and other relevant local government agencies;

Provide high level technical inputs and work together with CF/WSE-SS to carry out the Rapid Technical assessment for water supply, develop a set of technology options(where possible), estimate the cost of each option, and assist the VIT to choose the best option of their circumstances (e.g. water demand,

Zainor Rakhman S1, Civil Eng, Unlam, Banjarmasin, 1997

Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara

Raden Yusuf S1, Civil Eng, Unlam, Kabupaten

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Banjarmasin, 1998 Hulu Sungai Selatan

supervising water supply and sanitation facilities through community based approaches in rural areas

level of service, and ability to pay for construction and subsequent O&M);

Review the project quality assurance to ensure compliance with project guidelines for preliminary design for water supply and sanitation facilities, initial environmental evaluation, cost estimates, economic and financial analysis, the initial tariff estimates, financial management and procurement process;

Working together with CF/WSE-CSS in the presentation of RTA results and Detailed Engineering Designs (DEDs) to communities, in providing high level technical inputs;

Undertake quality assurance review of CAPs, including the DEDs, before their submission to the DPMU head, and facilitate the community to modify or revise (if needed) Undertake quality assurance review of CAPs, including the DEDs, before their submission to the DPMU head, and facilitate the community to modify or revise (if needed);

Assists the CF/WSE-CSS in providing technically during supervising construction, and verify the appropriate quantity and quality of performance work;

Review and approve any proposed design changes which may have performance implication;

Support the CF/WSE-CSS in working with local skilled labors and demonstrate how to build family latrines;

Support the CFT in establishing effective operation and maintenance of water and sanitation systems and undertake quality assurance review through periodic visits to completed systems;

Working together with District health and Community Development Specialist (CDS) in Reviewing and evaluating the CFT reports and consolidated it at the district levels; and

Using the MIS guideline field book data, carry out monitoring implementation to ensure sustainable monitoring and its accuracy

M. Rusdi Efendi S1, Civil Eng, UVAYA, Banjarmasin, 1998

Kabupaten Balangan

M. Ali Riza S1, Civil Eng. Unlam, Banajrmasin, 1999

Kabupaten Tanah Laut

Zain Rahman S1, Civil Engineer, Univ. Palangkarya, 2003

Kabupaten Kotabaru

Muhammad Abrari

S1, Civil Engineer, Unlam, Banjarmasin, 1992

Dadang S1, Civil Eng, Unlam, Banjarmasin, 1998

Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu

Arif Widiyanto • S2, Envi. Eng, ITS, Surabaya, 2005

•Diploma (D IV), 2001

Fathurrahim S1, Civil Engineer, UNLAM, Banjarmasin, 1989

Kabupaten Banjar

Husnul Khatimah

S1, Public Health Faculty of Universitas Lambung mangkurat, Banjarbaru, 2006

Kabupaten Barito Kuala

District Health and Hygiene Specialist

Bachelor/S1 level degree in health/ minimum 5 years experience in community health and development

Responsibility in advocating of health promotion, facilitating, and monitoring implementation of health and sanitation project, especially of the school health component at the district levels;

Carry out strategic planning, coordinating and facilitating the project activities for schools and communities with District health Office (Dinkes), District of Public Works (Dinas PU), District Education office (Dinas Pendidikan), District Community Empowerment (Dinas PMD) and other related local government agencies, and NGOs;

Support and giving guidance to the CFTs and VITs in implementing CLTS in districts, including district orientation for local stakeholders, carry out progress monitoring activities;

Provide appropriate support and guidance to the CF Health and sub district Health Stakeholder

Kemala Hayatri Bachelor (S1), Public Health Faculty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta,

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2005 (Puskesmas) in implementation CLTS. Conducting as the leading role in “ignition process” to trigger community efforts to 100% achieve no open defecation. Assisting the community to monitor their progress and take remedial action where required;

Carry out promotion and advocating using participatory technique to enhance the awareness, knowledge and perception of health promotion, disease prevention, hygiene and sanitation of district and community leaders;

Do regular review of all CAP activities relating to health promotion, disease prevention and sanitation, to ensure that activities proposed and implemented as part of the CAP to support health sanitation meet the project criteria and are aimed at reducing the incidence of water borne disease;

Liaise and work with District education office (Dinas pendidikan), in carry out the school based health promotion to generate the quality of school health activities;

Liaise and work with District Health office (Dinkes), in carry out community based health promotion activities to generate the quality of the community health activities;

Support CF/Health to facilitate communities in making informed choice on hygiene behavior change activities Support CF/Health to facilitate communities in making informed choice on hygiene behavior change activities; and

Monitor implementation of sustainability monitoring and ensure accuracy of data in the field book as mentioned in the MIS Guideline.

Harteseni S1, Public Health Faculty of Universitas Andalas, Padang, 2002

Arif Ridwan Bachelor (S1), Public Health Faculty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1998

Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara

Eliftina Zulfi Bachelor (S1), Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember, Jember, 2003

Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan

Muhammad Ikhwanullah, SKM

S1, Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIK) Tamalatea Makassar, 2005

Atik Nurkhasanah

S1, Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, Muhammadiyah University, Semarang, 2005

Mulyana S1, Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, UNDIP, Semarang, 2005

Kabupaten Balangan

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Muh. Watasir Bachelor (S1), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Tamalatea, Makassar, 2001

Kabupaten Tanah Laut

Wijaya Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2005

S1, Public Health Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka, Jakarta, 2002

Kabupaten Kotabaru

Muhammad Ikhwanullah, SKM

S1, Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIK) Tamalatea Makassar, 2005

Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu

Edy Purnomo Bachelor (S1), Dentristry Faculty, University of Jember, Jember, 1999

Suparmanto Bachelor (S1), Public Health Faculty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2000

Indah P. Lazuari S1, Public Health, Univ. Lambung


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Mangkurat, 2007 Banjar

Rohayati S1, Agriculture Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, 1997

Basir Daud S1 Degree, Public Administration, STISPOL Veteran Palopo, Ujung Pandang, 1988

Province of South Kalimantan

Financial Management Specialist S1, Economic/ management / accounting / 8 years of experience in financial budgeting and project accounting and 5 years in the project management and community-base development project/program

Ensure the proper and timely distribution of technical manual, implementation guidelines and SOP for financial management to all staff and stakeholder according need and stipulations of PAMSIMAS;

Ensure the proper distribution of handbooks for standard book keeping fo LKM or PAMSIMAS Unit under LKM;

Carry out the strengthening of the capacity of the facilitators and coordinator’s facilitator financial management at community/LKM level;

Carry out all PAMSIMAS program financial management tasks;

Provide support and technical assistance to the Coordinator Facilitator on the community book keeping management;

Control the implementation of financial management related activities and ensure that the coordinator facilitator and community facilitators are providing and optimal support to the LKM/TKM community level book keeping and water tariff (BPS revenue) management as required;

Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the LKM/TKM/Community level book keeping through field visit and field spot checks;

Take measures, give warning, sanctions and other necessary steps ensure transparency and accountability in the use of the village grants funds, especially in the area of book-keeping administration;

Full responsibility for meeting the book-keeping performance indicators as stipulated in the PAMSIMAS project management manual;

Full responsibility for errors, deviations and misuse of financial management;

Actively ensuring the overall management of the PAMSIMAS project disbarment of village/community grant/BLM and expediting the compilation of the SP2D documents for financial reconciliation in coordination with CMAC’s Financial Management Specialist;

Actively assist the local Satkers in providing the required data and information for the annual project budgeting – the DIPA and DIPA revisions as required.

Suparmanto Bachelor (S1), Public Province of Key Trainer Prepare detailed implementation plan for training implementation

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Health Faculty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2000

South Kalimantan

Bachelor/S1 level degree in Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineering/ Economic 5 years experience in developing, implementing and monitoring the training courses for community facilitators and relevant sector training experience of at least two years

Coordinate recruitment of a training team with adequate qualifications in water supply & sanitation, health and community development (which must comprise both men and woman). Training team to be endorsed by CPMU

Monitor and evaluate the training program and provide feedback to the training providers and DPMUs;

Identify appropriate resource persons to contribute to the training;

Prepare a report on the training with appropriate recommendations, at the end of training and submit to CPMU and DPMU;

Support Team Leader in coordination district level.

Zulkifli, ST S1, Civil Engineer, Istitut Teknologi Aphi Tama, Surabaya, 1997

Zulkifli, SE S1, Economic, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, 1993

M. Maulana D3, Informatics Technique Computer Management, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer AKAKOM, Yogyakarta, 2008

Province of South Kalimantan

Database Management Assistant / D3/S1 in Computer Science/ Information and Communication/ Statistics/ Data Management, 3 years in data management.

A. General Tasks:

• Working on technical facilitation, support and strengthening Facilitator Team capacity in their working area to ensure they carry out main task in data management;

• Carry out coordination, synergy and harmonize the implementation of main task and responsibility of facilitator on data management in their working area;

• Distribute efficiently guideline book, SOP, form of MIS data input to all facilitators in their working area;

• Conduct training/capacity improvement for operator/MIS data entry person in their working area;

• Prepare working plan, implementation back up and responsible for success of MIS transferring activity to local government in their working area;

• Up-date and data management for MIS related to the improvement of PAMSIMAS implementation in their area;

• Conduct any necessary effort for ensuring smooth data entry by field person.

B. Specific Tasks:

• Report and MIS data entry in their working area is submitted in time and accurately;

• Coaching MIS for facilitators in particular to efficiently socialize SOP and technical guideline of QS and MIS forms;

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• Verification of all MIS data entry from facilitators in line with SOP;

• MIS data entry to the application base on form already signed by facilitators and facilitators coordinator;

• QS data entry is in line with information from facilitators verified by coordinator facilitator;

• QS data verification from facilitators is in line with SOP;

• File all entry forms and their supporting evidence for each village.

Junur Hadi Degree (S1), Graduated of Agricultural Faculty (Social Economic Department); Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru, 1993

Province of South Kalimantan

Local Government Specialist/ University Graduate / minimum of 7

years experience and specializing in Local Development Planning and Budgeting

• Develop and refine master schedule for technical assistance and advocacy of district and municipalities (local government and legislative) for replication, preparing Rencana Aksi-AMPL and budgeting which focused to community-based WSS

• Provide capacity development and technical support to TKK and Pokja AMPL to develop and/or strengthen awareness and commitment of decision-makers (Kepala Daerah, Sekda, Kepala Bappeda and related Kepala Dinas) and legislative branch for prioritizing the WSS achievement-to-MDGs, including promotion of community-based WSS in districts/municipalities and provinces

• Provide capacity development and technical support to TKK and Pokja AMPL in preparation of improved WSS-based participatory planning and budgeting process, starting from identification key stakeholders, mapping of WSS programs and related local development programs in districts/municipalities, institutional set up (including budget), developing program/activities, targets and indicators, documentations (plans, budget documents), legalization, and synchronization with the local development plans (RPJMD or Renstra)

• Assist and facilitate the TKK, Pokja AMPL, and Team (Task Force) of Rencana Aksi-AMPL in coordinating workshops, focused group discussion, group-meeting, and similar activities to support the implementation of Rencana Aksi-AMPL preparation and synchronization

• Provide capacity development and technical support to Team (Task Force) of Rencana Aksi-AMPL in preparing WSS-based RKPD and synchronizing Rencana Aksi-AMPL into the local development plans (RPJMD or Renstra)

• Provide capacity development and technical support to DPMU and TKK in implementation of replication program in accordance to the PAMSIMAS approach

• Provide input to National Consultant (specialist who is assigned to manage component 1 of LG) for improving the content or materials of the technical guidelines concerning the WSS-based RKPD preparation and replication for local government

• Provide input to National Consultant (specialist who is assigned to manage component 1 of LG) in improving the concept or strategy of programmatic (technical) assistance for supporting local government to accommodate WSS priority in district/municipality and provincial levels through local

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participatory planning and budgeting (WSS-based RKPD)

• In coordination with MIS Specialist of PMAC, maintain regular recording system on achievement of component 1 (local government) on the web of PAMSIMAS

• Other tasks related to the component 1 of PAMSIMAS stipulated by PPMU, DPMU and TKK

Rindawati Bachelor (S1), Program Study of Accounting, STIE PANCASETIA, Banjarmasin, 2001

Kab. Kotabaru

District FMS/ Bachelor/S1 in Accounting/ Financial Management, Minimum of three (3) years experience in accounting and or financial management

The specific activities: • Increase the capacity of LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, formally or informally in the financial management

program; • Facilitate LKM, Satlak PAMSIMAS, to increase community participation in financial management,

particularly in reviewing the results of LPD, complince with administration regulation, financial administration, and others;

• Increase the capacity of LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, in the preparation of reports and accounting records;

• Increase the capacity of Village Government and LKMs in monitoring the financial system Satlak PAMSIMAS;

• Facilitate LKMs, Satlak PAMSIMAS, to improve governance facilitate and institutions working mechanism in implementing the tasks and responsibilities in the field of finance;

• Together with TFM perform bookkeeping LKM performance measurement, for subsequent inclusion in the SIM application;

• Together with TFM monitoring the financial management community in monitoring and evaluation system PAMSIMAS;

• Submit monthly reports to Provincial FMS - PMAC at the end of each month; • Responsible for the implementation of the manuals, technical manuals and SOPs PAMSIMAS financial

management systems at the community level and on financial management data and reports published in the SIM and website;

Other general tasks include: • Monitoring the implementation of financial management reports at the community level in

accordance with the manuals, guidelines, and SOPs; • To ensure the accuracy, quality and effectiveness of public accounting bookkeeping; • Together with DMAC CD implement of spot checking (uji petik) and reprents actual condition; • Ensure that all supporting documents exist, valid, and accurate; • Ensure the availability of documents and reports in the LKM (BAPD, RKM, RAB, RPD, LPD, and other

related documents to financial management); • Ensure to distribution of bookkeeping, financial management manuals, and SOPs up to the level of

facilitators and the LKMs; including to the understanding of facilitators and the LKMs of the

Meida Mayang Sari

Bachelor (S1), Program Study of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Muhammadiyah University Malang, Malang, 2005

Kab. Banjar

Roliansyah Bachelor (S1), Program Study of Accounting, Faculty of Economic, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE – Indonesia), Banjarmasin, 2001

Kab. Barito Kuala

Trisno Kusuma Rini

Bachelor (S1), Program Study of Financial Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIE Indonesia), Banjarmasin, 2000

Kab. Tanah Bumbu

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Dwi Ardi Wicaksana Putra

Bachelor (S1), Economic, University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, 2008

Kab. Hulu Sungai Utara

distributed items: 1. To collect of monthly SP2D from district / city level to be submitted to the PMAC; 2. Monitor and follow-up of PPM-related misuse of funds and the works mechanism should be

coordinated with DMAC CD. Mounthly report is to be submitted to PMAC FM; 3. Assist the facilitator if there are problems related to financial management; 4. For current year location, assist the facilitators for BP SPAMS financial related training

Other Specific Tasks included: • Providing the technical assistance, support and capacity building at district and village level for

community/LKM bookkeeping; • Providing recommendations to FMS at the provincial level for the mapping problem and advice for

improvements; • Monitoring bookkeeping coaching by facilitators to the community.

Tamrin Bachelor (S1), Program Study of Accounting, STIE NASIONAL, Banjarmasin, 2001

Kab. Hulu Sungai Selatan

Sidomo Bachelor (S1), Manajemen, STIE Nasional, Banjarmasin, 2004

Kab. Balangan

Noorhana Sari Bachelor (S1), Manajemen Keuangan, STIE Indonesia, Banjarmasin, 1996

Kab. Tanah Laut

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1. General

In principle, the working hours for the consultant personnel will follow those of the Client, except for some variation to take into account the relatively longer working hours normally required of consultants. Actual working hours will generally be more than the minimum requirement shown below, inasmuch as consultants are expected to work even after the regular working hours and during holidays, whenever deemed necessary to complete some urgent tasks.

Holiday being observed at the National and local level also apply to the consultant personnel. However, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the consultant personnel may be required to work overtime during these holidays, without any additional compensation, whenever deemed necessary.

2. Specific

Working hours:

Monday – Thursday : 08.00 – 12.00 WITA and 13.00 – 17.00 WITA

Friday : 08.00 – 11.30 WITA and 13.00 – 17.00 WITA

Holidays: All regular and special holidays being observed by the Client.

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(Conversion of the Provosional Sum of USD to Local Currency)

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E - 1


FY 2013


0 2 3 4 5 6 = (4 + 5) 7 8 = ( 3 + 6 + 7 ) 9 = ( 8 - 2 )

I . Remuneration 10,535,250,000 6,195,165,000 923,600,000 3,878,400,000 4,802,000,000 793,100,000 11,790,265,000 1,255,015,000

1. Professional Staff 8,234,500,000 4,920,795,000 684,500,000 2,778,000,000 3,462,500,000 476,000,000 8,859,295,000 624,795,000

District Financial Management Specialist 240,000,000 240,000,000 180,000,000 420,000,000 420,000,000

2. Supporting Staff 2,300,750,000 1,274,370,000 239,100,000 860,400,000 1,099,500,000 137,100,000 2,510,970,000 210,220,000

I I . Reimbursable Cost 9,527,387,000 4,179,393,380 948,510,866 5,502,393,100 6,450,903,966 688,729,000 11,319,026,346 1,791,639,346

1. Mobilization & Demobilization 33,300,000 16,249,200 0 1,600,000 1,600,000 18,250,000 36,099,200 2,799,200

2. Transportation 3,440,600,000 1,824,596,900 560,704,100 1,149,000,000 1,709,704,100 241,600,000 3,775,901,000 335,301,000

3. Out of Station Allowance (OSA) 1,373,680,000 469,600,000 86,405,000 678,840,000 765,245,000 203,730,000 1,438,575,000 64,895,000

4. Housing Allowance 208,500,000 110,632,500 16,250,000 74,000,000 90,250,000 21,000,000 221,882,500 13,382,500

5. Communication (phone, fax, e-mail) 196,100,000 124,320,000 15,900,000 71,600,000 87,500,000 21,900,000 233,720,000 37,620,000

6. Office Equipments 594,261,000 362,147,250 52,329,000 229,036,000 281,365,000 67,349,000 710,861,250 116,600,250

7. Consumables 1,004,100,000 550,560,000 76,080,000 389,080,000 465,160,000 70,400,000 1,086,120,000 82,020,000

8. Reporting 87,050,000 29,300,000 7,000,000 32,600,000 39,600,000 11,950,000 80,850,000 (6,200,000)

9. Office Rent 515,314,000 194,677,130 82,885,966 139,560,000 222,445,966 19,050,000 436,173,096 (79,140,904)

10. Trainning and Workshop 1,654,200,000 495,510,400 0 1,020,290,000 1,020,290,000 0 1,515,800,400 (138,399,600)

11. Coordination Technical Meeting 121,500,000 1,800,000 0 40,500,000 40,500,000 13,500,000 55,800,000 (65,700,000)

12. Printing Socialization Media 298,782,000 0 50,956,800 694,547,100 745,503,900 0 745,503,900 446,721,900

13. Workshop of Program Berkelanjutan Pamsimas (at District) 861,740,000 861,740,000 0 861,740,000 861,740,000

14. Operational Cost for BP-SPAMs Association 120,000,000 120,000,000 0 120,000,000 120,000,000

I I I . 142,350,000 74,370,500 14,850,000 49,800,000 64,650,000 5,100,000 144,120,500 1,770,500

20,204,987,000 10,448,928,880 1,886,960,866 9,430,593,100 11,317,553,966 1,486,929,000 23,253,411,846 3,048,424,846

20,204,987,000 10,448,928,880 1,886,960,866 8,448,853,100 10,335,813,966 1,486,929,000 22,271,671,846 2,066,684,846

0 0 0 981,740,000 981,740,000 0 981,740,000 981,740,000

884,376,860 389,642,400 94,348,043 422,442,655 516,790,698 74,346,450 980,779,548 96,402,688

21,089,363,860 10,838,571,280 1,981,308,909 9,853,035,755 11,834,344,664 1,561,275,450 24,234,191,394 3,144,827,534


(Completion Date :

March 31, 2013)






JAN - MARCH 2013


(Completion Date :

October 27, 2012)






FY 2012




(OCT - DEC. 2011)


JAN - DEC 2012

IDA Eligible Financing: 100% up to and including FY 2010, 15% to FY 2011 and 50%

thereafter - CONTRACT AMENDMENT No. 8: IDA Portion IDR 12,463,876,360, APBN

Portion IDR 10,788,575,034 and TF Portion IDR 981,740,000.


Management Fee 10% (for remuneration of Training Specialist, Key Trainer and

Financial Management Assistants)

E. TOTAL COST (Incl. 10% VAT ON apbn Portion = A + D)

D. 10% VAT on APBN Portion

C. TF (II.13 + II.14)

B. IDA + APBN RM [(I+II+III) - (II.13 + II.14)

A. TOTAL COST (Excl. VAT = I + II + III)

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 3


Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp)

1 Mobilization & Demobilization 33,300,000 16,249,200 0 1,600,000 1,600,000 18,250,000 36,099,200 2,799,200

1.1. Team Leader Jakarta to Prov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 0.50 2,600,000 1,300,000 0.5 910,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.50 910,000 0.0 (390,000)

1.2. WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Const. Jakarta to Prov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 1.00 2,600,000 2,600,000 0.5 906,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 0.50 2,600,000 1,300,000 1.00 2,206,000 0.0 (394,000)

1.3. Health and Hygiene Specialist/ HHS Jakarta to Prov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 4.0 10,783,200 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 4.00 2,600,000 10,400,000 8.00 21,183,200 0.0 383,200

1.4. WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Const. Banjarmasin to District round trip 8.00 400,000 3,200,000 4.0 1,600,000 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 4.00 400,000 1,600,000 8.00 3,200,000 0.0 0

1.5. Health and Hygiene Specialist/ HHS Banjarmasin to District round trip 8.00 400,000 3,200,000 4.0 1,600,000 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 4.00 400,000 1,600,000 8.00 3,200,000 0.0 0

1.6. Financial Management Specialist District to Pov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 1.00 500,000 500,000 0.5 250,000 0.00 500,000 0 0.00 500,000 0 0.0 0 0.50 500,000 250,000 1.00 500,000 0.0 0

1.7. Training Specialist Jakarta to Prov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

1.8. Local Government Specialist 1 Banjarmasin to District round trip 1.00 400,000 400,000 0.5 200,000 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.50 400,000 200,000 1.00 400,000 0.0 0

1.9. Key Trainer 1 / HH Jakarta to Prov. (Banjarmasin) round trip 0.50 2,600,000 1,300,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 0.0 0 0.50 2,600,000 1,300,000 0.50 1,300,000 0.0 0

1.10. District Financial Mgt Specialist (DFMS) Banjarmasin to District round trip 4.00 400,000 1,600,000 4.0 1,600,000 4.00 400,000 1,600,000 8.00 3,200,000 8.0 3,200,000

2 Transportation 3,440,600,000 1,824,596,900 560,704,100 1,149,000,000 1,709,704,100 241,600,000 3,775,901,000 335,301,000

2.1. General Activity

2.1.1. Team Leader a. Prov to Jakarta trip 12.00 2,600,000 31,200,000 9.0 11,887,100 0.00 2,600,000 0 4.00 2,600,000 10,400,000 4.0 10,400,000 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 15.00 27,487,100 3.0 (3,712,900)

b. Prov to District trip 32.00 400,000 12,800,000 21.0 7,500,000 0.00 400,000 0 16.00 400,000 6,400,000 16.0 6,400,000 16.00 400,000 6,400,000 53.00 20,300,000 21.0 7,500,000

2.1.2. WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Const. a. District to Jakarta trip 24.00 2,600,000 62,400,000 8.0 11,983,900 0.00 2,600,000 0 16.00 2,600,000 41,600,000 16.0 41,600,000 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 32.00 74,383,900 8.0 11,983,900

b. District to Province trip 272.00 400,000 108,800,000 193.0 74,600,000 16.00 400,000 6,000,000 96.00 400,000 38,400,000 112.0 44,400,000 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 329.00 128,600,000 57.0 19,800,000

2.1.3. Health and Hygiene Specialist/ HHS a. District to Jakarta trip 24.00 2,600,000 62,400,000 7.0 10,489,100 0.00 2,600,000 0 16.00 2,600,000 41,600,000 16.0 41,600,000 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 31.00 72,889,100 7.0 10,489,100

b. District to Province trip 272.00 400,000 108,800,000 193.0 79,400,000 20.00 400,000 7,300,000 96.00 400,000 38,400,000 116.0 45,700,000 8.00 400,000 3,200,000 317.00 128,300,000 45.0 19,500,000

2.1.4. Rent Car for Provincial a. Rental Month.Car 55.00 4,500,000 247,500,000 35.4 159,300,000 10.90 4,500,000 49,050,000 20.00 4,500,000 90,000,000 30.9 139,050,000 0.00 4,500,000 0 66.30 298,350,000 11.3 50,850,000

b. Operational Month 57.00 2,500,000 142,500,000 28.9 72,250,000 6.00 2,500,000 15,000,000 24.00 2,500,000 60,000,000 30.0 75,000,000 6.00 2,500,000 15,000,000 64.90 162,250,000 7.9 19,750,000

2.1.5. Rent Car for Districts a. Rental Month.Car 296.00 4,500,000 1,332,000,000 184.0 828,000,000 87.20 4,500,000 392,400,000 64.00 4,500,000 288,000,000 151.2 680,400,000 0.00 4,500,000 0 335.20 1,508,400,000 39.2 176,400,000

b. Operational Month 296.00 2,500,000 740,000,000 184.0 460,000,000 24.00 2,500,000 60,000,000 96.00 2,500,000 240,000,000 120.0 300,000,000 24.00 2,500,000 60,000,000 328.00 820,000,000 32.0 80,000,000

2.1.6. Financial Management Sp./ Prov. Financial Mgt Sp. a. Prov to Jakarta trip 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 4.0 6,524,700 0.00 2,600,000 0 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 2.0 5,200,000 1.00 2,600,000 2,600,000 7.00 14,324,700 (1.0) (6,475,300)

b. Prov to District trip 52.00 400,000 20,800,000 28.0 11,000,000 4.00 400,000 1,300,000 32.00 400,000 12,800,000 36.0 14,100,000 16.00 400,000 6,400,000 80.00 31,500,000 28.0 10,700,000

2.1.7. Key Trainer a. Prov to Jakarta trip 24.00 2,600,000 62,400,000 17.0 22,099,100 0.00 2,600,000 0 6.00 2,600,000 15,600,000 6.0 15,600,000 3.00 2,600,000 7,800,000 26.00 45,499,100 2.0 (16,900,900)

b. Prov to District trip 156.00 400,000 62,400,000 77.0 23,700,000 7.00 400,000 2,600,000 96.00 400,000 38,400,000 103.0 41,000,000 48.00 400,000 19,200,000 228.00 83,900,000 72.0 21,500,000

2.1.8. Assistant Management Database a. Prov to Jakarta trip 9.00 2,600,000 23,400,000 3.0 3,966,200 0.00 2,600,000 0 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 2.0 5,200,000 1.00 2,600,000 2,600,000 6.00 11,766,200 (3.0) (11,633,800)

b. Prov to District trip 70.00 400,000 28,000,000 2.0 1,300,000 6.00 400,000 2,600,000 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 30.0 12,200,000 16.00 400,000 6,400,000 48.00 19,900,000 (22.0) (8,100,000)

2.1.9. Local Government Specialist a. District to Jakarta trip 10.00 2,600,000 26,000,000 1.0 1,622,800 1.00 2,600,000 3,455,000 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 3.0 8,655,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 4.00 10,277,800 (6.0) (15,722,200)

b. District to Province trip 18.00 400,000 7,200,000 2.0 800,000 4.00 400,000 1,600,000 6.00 400,000 2,400,000 10.0 4,000,000 0.00 400,000 0 12.00 4,800,000 (6.0) (2,400,000)

c. District to District trip 54.00 400,000 21,600,000 19.0 7,600,000 9.00 400,000 3,600,000 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 33.0 13,200,000 0.00 400,000 0 52.00 20,800,000 (2.0) (800,000)

2.1.10. Financial Mgt. Assistant / District Financial Mgt. Specialist a. District to Jakarta trip 16.00 2,600,000 41,600,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 8.0 20,800,000 8.00 2,600,000 20,800,000 16.00 41,600,000 0.0 0

b. District to Province trip 144.00 400,000 57,600,000 40.0 16,000,000 16.00 400,000 6,100,000 48.00 400,000 19,200,000 64.0 25,300,000 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 128.00 50,900,000 (16.0) (6,700,000)

2.2. Spot Checking

PMAC (6 Persons) - 125 Villages @ 2 Villages/Trip Province to District trip 63.00 400,000 25,200,000 11.0 4,400,000 1.00 400,000 1,500,000 55.00 400,000 22,000,000 56.0 23,500,000 0.00 400,000 0 67.00 27,900,000 4.0 2,700,000

2.3. Training Activities


trip 6.00 2,600,000 15,600,000 4.0 6,301,200 0.00 2,600,000 0 3.00 2,600,000 7,800,000 3.0 7,800,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 7.00 14,101,200 1.0 (1,498,800)

trip 6.00 2,600,000 15,600,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 3.00 2,600,000 7,800,000 3.0 7,800,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 3.00 7,800,000 (3.0) (7,800,000)

trip 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 1.00 2,600,000 2,600,000 1.0 2,600,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 1.00 2,600,000 (1.0) (2,600,000)

2.3.2. Training for LG Specialist 0 0

trip 4.00 2,600,000 10,400,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,600,000 0 2.00 2,600,000 5,200,000 2.0 5,200,000 0.00 2,600,000 0 2.00 5,200,000 (2.0) (5,200,000)

trip 2.00 400,000 800,000 1.0 400,000 1.00 400,000 400,000 1.00 400,000 400,000 2.0 800,000 0.00 400,000 0 3.00 1,200,000 1.0 400,000

2.3.3. Expert Group Meeting (EGM)

trip 42.00 2,600,000 109,200,000 2.0 3,472,800 5.00 2,600,000 7,799,100 18.00 2,600,000 46,800,000 23.0 54,599,100 6.00 2,600,000 15,600,000 31.00 73,671,900 (11.0) (35,528,100)

trip 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 144.00 400,000 57,600,000 144.0 57,600,000 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 168.00 67,200,000 168.0 67,200,000

2.3.4. Coordination Technical Meeting at Province trip 96.00 400,000 38,400,000 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 0 (96.0) (38,400,000)

3 Out of Station Allowance (OSA) 1,373,680,000 469,600,000 86,405,000 678,840,000 765,245,000 203,730,000 1,438,575,000 64,895,000

3.1. General Activity

3.1.1. Team Leader a. Prov (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 30.00 200,000 6,000,000 34.0 6,800,000 0.00 200,000 0 16.00 200,000 3,200,000 16.0 3,200,000 8.00 200,000 1,600,000 58.00 11,600,000 28.0 5,600,000

- Accomodation man-night 18.00 350,000 6,300,000 8.0 2,800,000 0.00 350,000 0 12.00 350,000 4,200,000 12.0 4,200,000 6.00 350,000 2,100,000 26.00 9,100,000 8.0 2,800,000

b. Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 96.00 200,000 19,200,000 37.0 7,400,000 7.00 200,000 1,400,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 39.0 7,800,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 108.00 21,600,000 12.0 2,400,000

- Accomodation man-night 48.00 250,000 12,000,000 15.0 3,750,000 4.00 250,000 1,000,000 16.00 250,000 4,000,000 20.0 5,000,000 16.00 250,000 4,000,000 51.00 12,750,000 3.0 750,000

3.1.2. WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Const. a. Districts to Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 40.0 8,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 64.00 200,000 12,800,000 64.0 12,800,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 136.00 27,200,000 88.0 17,600,000

- Accomodation man-night 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 8.0 2,800,000 0.00 350,000 0 48.00 350,000 16,800,000 48.0 16,800,000 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 80.00 28,000,000 56.0 19,600,000

b. Districts to Prov.

- Per-Diem man-days 640.00 200,000 128,000,000 287.0 57,400,000 23.00 200,000 4,600,000 192.00 200,000 38,400,000 215.0 43,000,000 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 550.00 110,000,000 (90.0) (18,000,000)

- Accomodation man-night 368.00 250,000 92,000,000 98.0 24,500,000 6.00 250,000 1,500,000 96.00 250,000 24,000,000 102.0 25,500,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 224.00 56,000,000 (144.0) (36,000,000)

c. Districts to Village man-days 3,920.00 20,000 78,400,000 2,275.0 45,500,000 282.00 20,000 5,640,000 1,344.00 20,000 26,880,000 1,626.0 32,520,000 336.00 20,000 6,720,000 4,237.00 84,740,000 317.0 6,340,000

3.1.3. Health and Hygiene Specialist/ HHS a. Districts to Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 35.0 7,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 64.00 200,000 12,800,000 64.0 12,800,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 131.00 26,200,000 83.0 16,600,000

- Accomodation man-night 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 7.0 2,450,000 0.00 350,000 0 48.00 350,000 16,800,000 48.0 16,800,000 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 79.00 27,650,000 55.0 19,250,000

b. Districts to Prov.

- Per-Diem man-days 640.00 200,000 128,000,000 333.0 66,600,000 24.00 200,000 4,800,000 192.00 200,000 38,400,000 216.0 43,200,000 16.00 200,000 3,200,000 565.00 113,000,000 (75.0) (15,000,000)

- Accomodation man-night 368.00 250,000 92,000,000 117.0 29,250,000 4.00 250,000 1,000,000 96.00 250,000 24,000,000 100.0 25,000,000 8.00 250,000 2,000,000 225.00 56,250,000 (143.0) (35,750,000)

c. Districts to Village man-days 3,808.00 20,000 76,160,000 2,028.0 40,560,000 300.00 20,000 6,000,000 1,344.00 20,000 26,880,000 1,644.0 32,880,000 112.00 20,000 2,240,000 3,784.00 75,680,000 (24.0) (480,000)

3.1.4. Driver (Distsrict Office) Districts to Village man-days 3,920.00 12,500 49,000,000 2,332.0 29,150,000 306.00 12,500 3,825,000 1,344.00 12,500 16,800,000 1,650.0 20,625,000 336.00 12,500 4,200,000 4,318.00 53,975,000 398.0 4,975,000

3.1.5. Financial Mgt. Sp. / Provincial Financial Mgt. Sp a. Prov (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 22.00 200,000 4,400,000 15.0 3,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 8.00 200,000 1,600,000 8.0 1,600,000 4.00 200,000 800,000 27.00 5,400,000 5.0 1,000,000

- Accomodation man-night 14.00 350,000 4,900,000 3.0 1,050,000 0.00 350,000 0 6.00 350,000 2,100,000 6.0 2,100,000 3.00 350,000 1,050,000 12.00 4,200,000 (2.0) (700,000)

b. Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 112.00 200,000 22,400,000 70.0 14,000,000 18.00 200,000 3,600,000 64.00 200,000 12,800,000 82.0 16,400,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 184.00 36,800,000 72.0 14,400,000

- Accomodation man-night 60.00 250,000 15,000,000 42.0 10,500,000 11.00 250,000 2,750,000 32.00 250,000 8,000,000 43.0 10,750,000 16.00 250,000 4,000,000 101.00 25,250,000 41.0 10,250,000





- Sustainabiltiy Phase

(Completion Date : October 27, 2012)

- Regural Phase

b. Training for District Government (LG) - District to Province

b. Province Level - bi-monthly (District to Province)


a. Central Level (Province to Jakarta)


a. Training for LG specialist (District to Jakarta)


Training of Trainers - TOT (Province to Jakarta)

- Village Incentive Grant




2011 (PERIOD OCT 2011 - DEC. 2011)


DEC. 2012


MARCH 2013


(Completion Date : March

31, 2013)


No. 8

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 4

Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp)3.1.6. Key Trainer a. Prov (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 66.00 200,000 13,200,000 82.0 16,400,000 0.00 200,000 0 24.00 200,000 4,800,000 24.0 4,800,000 12.00 200,000 2,400,000 118.00 23,600,000 52.0 10,400,000

- Accomodation man-night 42.00 350,000 14,700,000 9.0 3,150,000 0.00 350,000 0 18.00 350,000 6,300,000 18.0 6,300,000 9.00 350,000 3,150,000 36.00 12,600,000 (6.0) (2,100,000)

b. Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 336.00 200,000 67,200,000 108.0 21,600,000 43.00 200,000 8,600,000 192.00 200,000 38,400,000 235.0 47,000,000 96.00 200,000 19,200,000 439.00 87,800,000 103.0 20,600,000

- Accomodation man-night 180.00 250,000 45,000,000 37.0 9,250,000 20.00 250,000 5,000,000 96.00 250,000 24,000,000 116.0 29,000,000 48.00 250,000 12,000,000 201.00 50,250,000 21.0 5,250,000

3.1.7. Assistant Management Database a. Prov (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 27.00 200,000 5,400,000 13.0 2,600,000 0.00 200,000 0 8.00 200,000 1,600,000 8.0 1,600,000 4.00 200,000 800,000 25.00 5,000,000 (2.0) (400,000)

- Accomodation man-night 18.00 350,000 6,300,000 0.0 0 0.00 350,000 0 6.00 350,000 2,100,000 6.0 2,100,000 3.00 350,000 1,050,000 9.00 3,150,000 (9.0) (3,150,000)

b. Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 140.00 200,000 28,000,000 7.0 1,400,000 23.00 200,000 4,600,000 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 71.0 14,200,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 110.00 22,000,000 (30.0) (6,000,000)

- Accomodation man-night 70.00 250,000 17,500,000 3.0 750,000 6.00 250,000 1,500,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 30.0 7,500,000 16.00 250,000 4,000,000 49.00 12,250,000 (21.0) (5,250,000)

3.1.8. Local Government Specialist a. District (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 30.00 200,000 6,000,000 4.0 800,000 0.00 200,000 0 8.00 200,000 1,600,000 8.0 1,600,000 0.00 200,000 0 12.00 2,400,000 (18.0) (3,600,000)

- Accomodation man-night 20.00 350,000 7,000,000 3.0 1,050,000 0.00 350,000 0 6.00 350,000 2,100,000 6.0 2,100,000 0.00 350,000 0 9.00 3,150,000 (11.0) (3,850,000)

b. Reg District to Province

- Per-Diem man-days 54.00 200,000 10,800,000 5.0 1,000,000 7.00 200,000 1,400,000 12.00 200,000 2,400,000 19.0 3,800,000 0.00 200,000 0 24.00 4,800,000 (30.0) (6,000,000)

- Accomodation man-night 36.00 250,000 9,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 6.00 250,000 1,500,000 6.0 1,500,000 0.00 250,000 0 6.00 1,500,000 (30.0) (7,500,000)

3.1.9. Financial Mgt. Assistant/District Financial Mgt. Sp a. Prov (reg) ke Jakarta

- Per-Diem man-days 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 32.0 6,400,000 32.00 200,000 6,400,000 64.00 12,800,000 16.0 3,200,000

- Accomodation man-night 32.00 350,000 11,200,000 0.0 0 0.00 350,000 0 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 24.0 8,400,000 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 48.00 16,800,000 16.0 5,600,000

b. Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 288.00 200,000 57,600,000 65.0 13,000,000 28.00 200,000 5,600,000 96.00 200,000 19,200,000 124.0 24,800,000 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 237.00 47,400,000 (51.0) (10,200,000)

- Accomodation man-night 144.00 250,000 36,000,000 25.0 6,250,000 5.00 250,000 1,250,000 48.00 250,000 12,000,000 53.0 13,250,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 102.00 25,500,000 (42.0) (10,500,000)

c. Districts to Village man-days 2,016.00 20,000 40,320,000 637.0 12,740,000 302.00 20,000 6,040,000 1,344.00 20,000 26,880,000 1,646.0 32,920,000 336.00 20,000 6,720,000 2,619.00 52,380,000 603.0 12,060,000

3.1.10. Driver 2 (Province Office) Reg Prov to Districts

- Per-Diem man-days 48.00 150,000 7,200,000 0.0 0 21.00 150,000 3,150,000 12.00 150,000 1,800,000 33.0 4,950,000 6.00 150,000 900,000 39.00 5,850,000 (9.0) (1,350,000)

- Accomodation man-night 32.00 250,000 8,000,000 0.0 0 11.00 250,000 2,750,000 8.00 250,000 2,000,000 19.0 4,750,000 4.00 250,000 1,000,000 23.00 5,750,000 (9.0) (2,250,000)

3.2. Spot Checking

PMAC (6 Persons) - Province to District - Per-Diem man-days 189.00 200,000 37,800,000 25.0 5,000,000 11.00 200,000 2,200,000 165.00 200,000 33,000,000 176.0 35,200,000 0.00 200,000 0 201.00 40,200,000 12.0 2,400,000

- Accomodation man-night 126.00 250,000 31,500,000 18.0 4,500,000 6.00 250,000 1,500,000 110.00 250,000 27,500,000 116.0 29,000,000 0.00 250,000 0 134.00 33,500,000 8.0 2,000,000

3.3. Training Activities


- Regular Phase - Per-Diem man-days 36.00 200,000 7,200,000 20.0 4,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 18.00 200,000 3,600,000 18.0 3,600,000 0.00 200,000 0 38.00 7,600,000 2.0 400,000

- Sustainabiltiy Phase - Per-Diem man-days 18.00 200,000 3,600,000 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 18.00 200,000 3,600,000 18.0 3,600,000 0.00 200,000 0 18.00 3,600,000 0.0 0

- Village Incentive Grant - Per-Diem man-days 20.00 200,000 4,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 10.00 200,000 2,000,000 10.0 2,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 10.00 2,000,000 (10.0) (2,000,000)

3.3.2. Training for LG District Government (LG)

a. Training for LG specialist (District to Jakarta) - Per-Diem man-days 28.00 200,000 5,600,000 5.0 1,000,000 0.00 200,000 0 14.00 200,000 2,800,000 14.0 2,800,000 0.00 200,000 0 19.00 3,800,000 (9.0) (1,800,000)

b. Training for District Government (LG) - Dist to Prov - Per-Diem man-days 10.00 200,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 1.00 200,000 200,000 5.00 200,000 1,000,000 6.0 1,200,000 0.00 200,000 0 6.00 1,200,000 (4.0) (800,000)

3.3.3. Expert Group Meeting EGM

a. Central Level (Province to Jakarta) - Per-Diem man-days 126.00 200,000 25,200,000 6.0 1,200,000 15.00 200,000 3,000,000 54.00 200,000 10,800,000 69.0 13,800,000 18.00 200,000 3,600,000 93.00 18,600,000 (33.0) (6,600,000)

- Accomodation man-night 84.00 350,000 29,400,000 4.0 1,400,000 10.00 350,000 3,500,000 36.00 350,000 12,600,000 46.0 16,100,000 12.00 350,000 4,200,000 62.00 21,700,000 (22.0) (7,700,000)

b. Province Level (District to Province) - Per-Diem man-days 288.00 200,000 57,600,000 288.0 57,600,000 48.00 200,000 9,600,000 336.00 67,200,000 336.0 67,200,000

- Accomodation man-night 144.00 350,000 50,400,000 144.0 50,400,000 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 168.00 58,800,000 168.0 58,800,000

3.3.3. Coordination Technical Meeting at Province - Per-Diem man-days 288.00 200,000 57,600,000 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 0.00 200,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 0.00 0 (288.0) (57,600,000)

4 Housing Allowance 208,500,000 110,632,500 16,250,000 74,000,000 90,250,000 21,000,000 221,882,500 13,382,500

4.1. Team Leader Prov man-months 16.00 500,000 8,000,000 15.4 7,700,000 0.00 500,000 0 0.00 500,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 500,000 0 15.40 7,700,000 (0.6) (300,000)

4.2. Districts man-months 576.00 250,000 144,000,000 356.0 88,532,500 47.00 250,000 11,750,000 47.0 11,750,000 403.00 100,282,500 (173.0) (43,717,500)

WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Cons. Districts man-months 96.00 250,000 24,000,000 96.0 24,000,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 120.00 30,000,000 120.0 30,000,000

Health and Hygiene Specialist/HHS Districts man-months 96.00 250,000 24,000,000 96.0 24,000,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 120.00 30,000,000 120.0 30,000,000

4.3. Financial Mgt Sp/Province Financial Mgt. Sp. Prov man-months 35.00 500,000 17,500,000 21.8 10,900,000 3.00 500,000 1,500,000 12.00 500,000 6,000,000 15.0 7,500,000 3.00 500,000 1,500,000 39.80 19,900,000 4.8 2,400,000

4.4. Training Specialist (Per-Diem Allowance) Prov man-days 90.00 250,000 22,500,000 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 0 (90.0) (22,500,000)

4.5. Assistant Management Database Prov man-months 0.00 500,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 500,000 0 0.00 500,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 500,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

4.6. Local Government Specialist Districts (2 District/Month) man-months 40.00 250,000 10,000,000 14.0 3,500,000 6.00 250,000 1,500,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 30.0 7,500,000 0.00 250,000 0 44.00 11,000,000 4.0 1,000,000

4.7. Key Trainers 1 / HH Prov man-months 13.00 500,000 6,500,000 0.0 0 3.00 500,000 1,500,000 12.00 500,000 6,000,000 15.0 7,500,000 3.00 500,000 1,500,000 18.00 9,000,000 5.0 2,500,000

4.8. District Financial Mgt. Specialist (DFMS) Districts man-months 32.00 250,000 8,000,000 32.0 8,000,000 24.00 250,000 6,000,000 56.00 14,000,000 56.0 14,000,000

5 Communication (phone, fax, e-mail) 196,100,000 124,320,000 15,900,000 71,600,000 87,500,000 21,900,000 233,720,000 37,620,000

5.1. Provincial Office months 37.00 1,300,000 48,100,000 24.0 30,420,000 3.00 1,300,000 3,900,000 12.00 1,300,000 15,600,000 15.0 19,500,000 3.00 1,300,000 3,900,000 42.00 53,820,000 5.0 5,720,000

5.2. District Offices months 296.00 500,000 148,000,000 192.0 93,900,000 24.00 500,000 12,000,000 64.00 500,000 32,000,000 88.0 44,000,000 0.00 500,000 0 280.00 137,900,000 (16.0) (10,100,000)

32.00 750,000 24,000,000 32.0 24,000,000 24.00 750,000 18,000,000 56.00 42,000,000 56.0 42,000,000

6 Office Equipments 594,261,000 362,147,250 52,329,000 229,036,000 281,365,000 67,349,000 710,861,250 116,600,250

6.1. Provincial Office

6.1.1. General (Include Team Leader)

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 37.00 530,000 19,610,000 23.40 12,402,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 12.00 530,000 6,360,000 15.0 7,950,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 41.40 21,942,000 4.4 2,332,000

- Printer Rent (Collor) unit.months 37.00 135,000 4,995,000 23.40 3,159,000 3.00 135,000 405,000 12.00 135,000 1,620,000 15.0 2,025,000 3.00 135,000 405,000 41.40 5,589,000 4.4 594,000

- PC Rent unit.months 74.00 180,000 13,320,000 46.80 8,424,000 6.00 180,000 1,080,000 24.00 180,000 4,320,000 30.0 5,400,000 6.00 180,000 1,080,000 82.80 14,904,000 8.8 1,584,000

- Printer Laser Jet Rent / Injek unit.months 37.00 97,000 3,589,000 23.40 2,269,800 3.00 97,000 291,000 12.00 97,000 1,164,000 15.0 1,455,000 3.00 97,000 291,000 41.40 4,015,800 4.4 426,800

- UPS Rent unit.months 74.00 30,000 2,220,000 23.40 702,000 3.00 30,000 90,000 24.00 30,000 720,000 27.0 810,000 6.00 30,000 180,000 56.40 1,692,000 (17.6) (528,000)

- Whaite board unit 2.00 250,000 500,000 2.00 500,000 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 2.00 500,000 0.0 0

- Excecutive Desk and Chair Rent unit.months 37.00 70,000 2,590,000 23.40 1,638,000 3.00 70,000 210,000 12.00 70,000 840,000 15.0 1,050,000 3.00 70,000 210,000 41.40 2,898,000 4.4 308,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 111.00 55,000 6,105,000 70.20 3,861,000 9.00 55,000 495,000 36.00 55,000 1,980,000 45.0 2,475,000 9.00 55,000 495,000 124.20 6,831,000 13.2 726,000

- Meetting Table and Chair Rent unit.months 37.00 60,000 2,220,000 23.40 1,404,000 3.00 60,000 180,000 12.00 60,000 720,000 15.0 900,000 3.00 60,000 180,000 41.40 2,484,000 4.4 264,000

- Storage Cabinet Rent unit.months 74.00 40,000 2,960,000 46.80 1,872,000 6.00 40,000 240,000 24.00 40,000 960,000 30.0 1,200,000 6.00 40,000 240,000 82.80 3,312,000 8.8 352,000

- Filling Cabinet Rent unit.months 74.00 45,000 3,330,000 46.80 2,106,000 6.00 45,000 270,000 24.00 45,000 1,080,000 30.0 1,350,000 6.00 45,000 270,000 82.80 3,726,000 8.8 396,000

- Books Chase Rent unit.months 37.00 40,000 1,480,000 23.40 936,000 3.00 40,000 120,000 12.00 40,000 480,000 15.0 600,000 3.00 40,000 120,000 41.40 1,656,000 4.4 176,000

6.1.2. Financial Management Sp. / Provincial Financial Mgt. Specialist

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 35.00 530,000 18,550,000 20.00 10,600,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 12.00 530,000 6,360,000 15.0 7,950,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 38.00 20,140,000 3.0 1,590,000

- Printer Rent (Collor) unit.months 35.00 135,000 4,725,000 20.00 2,700,000 3.00 135,000 405,000 12.00 135,000 1,620,000 15.0 2,025,000 3.00 135,000 405,000 38.00 5,130,000 3.0 405,000

- UPS Rent unit.months 35.00 30,000 1,050,000 20.00 600,000 3.00 30,000 90,000 12.00 30,000 360,000 15.0 450,000 3.00 30,000 90,000 38.00 1,140,000 3.0 90,000

- Whaite board unit 1.00 250,000 250,000 1.00 250,000 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 1.00 250,000 0.0 0

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 35.00 55,000 1,925,000 20.00 1,100,000 3.00 55,000 165,000 12.00 55,000 660,000 15.0 825,000 3.00 55,000 165,000 38.00 2,090,000 3.0 165,000


No. 8

(Completion Date : March

31, 2013)


2011 (PERIOD OCT 2011 - DEC. 2011) TOTAL


DEC. 2012



(Completion Date : October 27, 2012)


Training of Trainers - TOT (Province to Jakarta)

WS Eng. and Communal Sanitation Cons. & Health and

Hygiene Specialist/HHS






MARCH 2013

Page 214: DIREKTORAT JENDERAL CIPTA KARYA - PAMSIMASnew.pamsimas.org/data/kontrak/amendment/Contract Amendment No. 8... · direktorat jenderal cipta karya satuan kerja pengembangan kinerja

Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 5

Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp)6.1.3. Trainers

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 111.00 530,000 58,830,000 68.00 36,040,000 9.00 530,000 4,770,000 36.00 530,000 19,080,000 45.0 23,850,000 9.00 530,000 4,770,000 122.00 64,660,000 11.0 5,830,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 111.00 55,000 6,105,000 68.00 3,740,000 9.00 55,000 495,000 36.00 55,000 1,980,000 45.0 2,475,000 9.00 55,000 495,000 122.00 6,710,000 11.0 605,000

- Storage Cabinet Rent unit.months 74.00 40,000 2,960,000 48.00 1,920,000 6.00 40,000 240,000 24.00 40,000 960,000 30.0 1,200,000 6.00 40,000 240,000 84.00 3,360,000 10.0 400,000

- Filling Cabinet Rent unit.months 74.00 45,000 3,330,000 48.00 2,160,000 6.00 45,000 270,000 24.00 45,000 1,080,000 30.0 1,350,000 6.00 45,000 270,000 84.00 3,780,000 10.0 450,000

- Books Chase Rent unit.months 37.00 40,000 1,480,000 24.00 960,000 3.00 40,000 120,000 12.00 40,000 480,000 15.0 600,000 3.00 40,000 120,000 42.00 1,680,000 5.0 200,000

6.1.4. Assistant Management Database

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 37.00 530,000 19,610,000 21.77 11,538,100 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 12.00 530,000 6,360,000 15.0 7,950,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 39.77 21,078,100 2.8 1,468,100

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 37.00 55,000 2,035,000 21.77 1,197,350 3.00 55,000 165,000 12.00 55,000 660,000 15.0 825,000 3.00 55,000 165,000 39.77 2,187,350 2.8 152,350

6.1.5. Office Manager

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 8.00 530,000 4,240,000 0.00 0 6.00 530,000 3,180,000 18.00 530,000 9,540,000 24.0 12,720,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 27.00 14,310,000 19.0 10,070,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 8.00 55,000 440,000 0.00 0 6.00 55,000 330,000 18.00 55,000 990,000 24.0 1,320,000 3.00 55,000 165,000 27.00 1,485,000 19.0 1,045,000

- Filling Cabinet Rent unit.months 8.00 45,000 360,000 0.00 0 6.00 45,000 270,000 18.00 45,000 810,000 24.0 1,080,000 3.00 45,000 135,000 27.00 1,215,000 19.0 855,000

- Storage Cabinet Rent unit.months 7.50 40,000 300,000 0.00 0 5.50 40,000 220,000 18.50 40,000 740,000 24.0 960,000 3.00 40,000 120,000 27.00 1,080,000 19.5 780,000

6.2. District Offices

- Computer Rent unit.months 888.00 180,000 159,840,000 552.00 99,360,000 72.00 180,000 12,960,000 288.00 180,000 51,840,000 360.0 64,800,000 72.00 180,000 12,960,000 984.00 177,120,000 96.0 17,280,000

- Printer Rent unit.months 296.00 135,000 39,960,000 184.00 24,840,000 24.00 135,000 3,240,000 96.00 135,000 12,960,000 120.0 16,200,000 24.00 135,000 3,240,000 328.00 44,280,000 32.0 4,320,000

- Printer Laser Jet Rent unit.months 296.00 97,000 28,712,000 184.00 17,848,000 24.00 97,000 2,328,000 96.00 97,000 9,312,000 120.0 11,640,000 24.00 97,000 2,328,000 328.00 31,816,000 32.0 3,104,000

- UPS Rent unit.months 296.00 30,000 8,880,000 184.00 5,520,000 24.00 30,000 720,000 96.00 30,000 2,880,000 120.0 3,600,000 24.00 30,000 720,000 328.00 9,840,000 32.0 960,000

- Whaite board unit 16.00 250,000 4,000,000 8.00 2,000,000 0.00 250,000 0 8.00 250,000 2,000,000 8.0 2,000,000 8.00 250,000 2,000,000 24.00 6,000,000 8.0 2,000,000

- Excecutive Desk and Chair Rent unit.months 592.00 70,000 41,440,000 368.00 25,760,000 48.00 70,000 3,360,000 192.00 70,000 13,440,000 240.0 16,800,000 48.00 70,000 3,360,000 656.00 45,920,000 64.0 4,480,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent unit.months 296.00 55,000 16,280,000 184.00 10,120,000 24.00 55,000 1,320,000 96.00 55,000 5,280,000 120.0 6,600,000 24.00 55,000 1,320,000 328.00 18,040,000 32.0 1,760,000

- Drafter Desk and Chair Rent unit.months 200.00 65,000 13,000,000 168.00 10,920,000 16.00 65,000 1,040,000 96.00 65,000 6,240,000 112.0 7,280,000 24.00 65,000 1,560,000 304.00 19,760,000 104.0 6,760,000

- Meetting Table dan Chair Rent unit.months 296.00 60,000 17,760,000 184.00 11,040,000 24.00 60,000 1,440,000 96.00 60,000 5,760,000 120.0 7,200,000 24.00 60,000 1,440,000 328.00 19,680,000 32.0 1,920,000

- Storage Cabinet Rent unit.months 592.00 40,000 23,680,000 368.00 14,720,000 48.00 40,000 1,920,000 192.00 40,000 7,680,000 240.0 9,600,000 48.00 40,000 1,920,000 656.00 26,240,000 64.0 2,560,000

- Filling Cabinet Rent unit.months 592.00 45,000 26,640,000 368.00 16,560,000 48.00 45,000 2,160,000 192.00 45,000 8,640,000 240.0 10,800,000 48.00 45,000 2,160,000 656.00 29,520,000 64.0 2,880,000

- Books Chase Rent unit.months 296.00 40,000 11,840,000 184.00 7,360,000 24.00 40,000 960,000 96.00 40,000 3,840,000 120.0 4,800,000 24.00 40,000 960,000 328.00 13,120,000 32.0 1,280,000

Local Government Specialist

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 20.00 530,000 10,600,000 6.00 3,180,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 12.00 530,000 6,360,000 15.0 7,950,000 3.00 530,000 1,590,000 24.00 12,720,000 4.0 2,120,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 36.00 70,000 2,520,000 12.00 840,000 6.00 70,000 420,000 24.00 70,000 1,680,000 30.0 2,100,000 6.00 70,000 420,000 48.00 3,360,000 12.0 840,000

District Financial Management Specialist (DFMS)

- Computer Rent (Laptop) unit.months 32.00 530,000 16,960,000 32.0 16,960,000 24.00 530,000 12,720,000 56.00 29,680,000 56.0 29,680,000

- Standar Desk and Chair Rent Rent unit.months 32.00 70,000 2,240,000 32.0 2,240,000 24.00 70,000 1,680,000 56.00 3,920,000 56.0 3,920,000

7 Consumables 1,004,100,000 550,560,000 76,080,000 389,080,000 465,160,000 70,400,000 1,086,120,000 82,020,000

7.1. Provincial Office months 37.00 2,000,000 74,000,000 24.0 46,800,000 3.00 2,000,000 6,000,000 12.00 2,000,000 24,000,000 15.0 30,000,000 3.00 2,000,000 6,000,000 42.00 82,800,000 5.0 8,800,000

7.2. District Offices

- Office Supply months 296.00 1,900,000 562,400,000 176.0 334,400,000 24.00 1,900,000 45,600,000 64.00 1,900,000 121,600,000 88.0 167,200,000 0.00 1,900,000 0 264.00 501,600,000 (32.0) (60,800,000)

- Office Supply months 32.00 2,250,000 72,000,000 32.0 72,000,000 24.00 2,250,000 54,000,000 56.00 126,000,000 56.0 126,000,000

- Reproduction Pkt 8.00 1,300,000 10,400,000 0.0 0 0.00 1,300,000 0 8.00 1,300,000 10,400,000 8.0 10,400,000 8.00 1,300,000 10,400,000 16.00 20,800,000 8.0 10,400,000

- Survey equipment months 96.00 1,250,000 120,000,000 32.0 40,000,000 0.00 1,250,000 0 48.00 1,250,000 60,000,000 48.0 60,000,000 0.00 1,250,000 0 80.00 100,000,000 (16.0) (20,000,000)

- Documentation Pkt 280.00 670,000 187,600,000 168.0 112,560,000 24.00 670,000 16,080,000 64.00 670,000 42,880,000 88.0 58,960,000 0.00 670,000 0 256.00 171,520,000 (24.0) (16,080,000)

- Camera Digital with GPS Rent unit.months 112.00 350,000 39,200,000 48.0 16,800,000 24.00 350,000 8,400,000 96.00 350,000 33,600,000 120.0 42,000,000 0.00 350,000 0 168.00 58,800,000 56.0 19,600,000

- Water Test Kit (1 Unit/ 3 Districts) unit 3.00 3,500,000 10,500,000 0.0 0 0.00 3,500,000 0 3.00 8,200,000 24,600,000 3.0 24,600,000 0.00 8,200,000 0 3.00 24,600,000 0.0 14,100,000

8 Reporting 87,050,000 29,300,000 7,000,000 32,600,000 39,600,000 11,950,000 80,850,000 (6,200,000)

a Monthly Reports / Quarterly Report exp. 570.00 40,000 22,800,000 270.0 10,800,000 90.00 40,000 3,600,000 180.00 40,000 7,200,000 270.0 10,800,000 45.00 40,000 1,800,000 585.00 23,400,000 15.0 600,000

b Inception Report exp. 15.00 60,000 900,000 15.0 900,000 0.00 60,000 0 0.00 60,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 60,000 0 15.00 900,000 0.0 0

c Special Reports exp. 45.00 100,000 4,500,000 0.0 0 0.00 100,000 0 0.00 100,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 100,000 0 0.00 0 (45.0) (4,500,000)

d Annual Reports exp. 45.00 60,000 2,700,000 0.0 0 0.00 60,000 0 30.00 60,000 1,800,000 30.0 1,800,000 0.00 60,000 0 30.00 1,800,000 (15.0) (900,000)

e Draft Final Report exp. 15.00 150,000 2,250,000 0.0 0 0.00 150,000 0 0.00 150,000 0 0.0 0 15.00 150,000 2,250,000 15.00 2,250,000 0.0 0

f Prov ' Gov ICR / Performance Evaluation Reports exp. 45.00 100,000 4,500,000 0.0 0 0.00 100,000 0 0.00 100,000 0 0.0 0 15.00 100,000 1,500,000 15.00 1,500,000 (30.0) (3,000,000)

g Final Report exp. 15.00 200,000 3,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 200,000 0 0.00 200,000 0 0.0 0 15.00 200,000 3,000,000 15.00 3,000,000 0.0 0

h Monthly Reports (District) exp. 1,520.00 20,000 30,400,000 880.0 17,600,000 120.00 20,000 2,400,000 480.00 20,000 9,600,000 600.0 12,000,000 120.00 20,000 2,400,000 1,600.00 32,000,000 80.0 1,600,000

i Financial Management Report' exp. 80.00 150,000 12,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 150,000 0 80.00 150,000 12,000,000 80.0 12,000,000 0.00 150,000 0 80.00 12,000,000 0.0 0

i Training Report exp. 20.00 100,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 10.00 100,000 1,000,000 10.00 100,000 1,000,000 20.0 2,000,000 0.00 100,000 0 20.00 2,000,000 0.0 0

j Annual Rencana Aksi-AMPL - 4 Districts exp. 20.00 100,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 100,000 0 10.00 100,000 1,000,000 10.0 1,000,000 10.00 100,000 1,000,000 20.00 2,000,000 0.0 0

9 Office Rent 515,314,000 194,677,130 82,885,966 139,560,000 222,445,966 19,050,000 436,173,096 (79,140,904)


- Office Space Rent (64 m2) m2.Month 2,368.00 30,000 71,064,000 1,497.6 44,928,000 654.93 30,000 19,648,000 512.00 30,000 15,360,000 1,166.9 35,008,000 0.00 30,000 0 2,664.53 79,936,000 296.5 8,872,000

- Electrical & water Month 35.00 750,000 26,250,000 10.0 5,617,120 3.00 750,000 626,925 12.00 750,000 9,000,000 15.0 9,626,925 3.00 750,000 2,250,000 28.00 17,494,045 (7.0) (8,755,955)


- Office Space Rent (@ 50 m2) m2.Month 14,800.00 15,000 222,000,000 9,200.0 138,000,000 3,960.00 15,000 59,400,000 3,200.00 15,000 48,000,000 7,160.0 107,400,000 0.00 15,000 0 16,360.00 245,400,000 1,560.0 23,400,000

- Electrical & water Month 280.00 700,000 196,000,000 80.0 6,132,010 24.00 700,000 3,211,041 96.00 700,000 67,200,000 120.0 70,411,041 24.00 700,000 16,800,000 224.00 93,343,051 (56.0) (102,656,949)

10 Trainning and Workshop 1,654,200,000 495,510,400 0 1,020,290,000 1,020,290,000 0 1,515,800,400 (138,399,600)

10.1. Refresher Training for Old fasilitators 372,800,000 136,354,500 0 219,350,000 219,350,000 0 355,704,500 (17,095,500)

Participant : 80% old CF (74 persons), 5 days / 7 Days

man-days 740.00 300,000 222,000,000 164.0 49,200,000 0.00 300,000 0 497.00 300,000 149,100,000 497.0 149,100,000 0.00 300,000 0 661.00 198,300,000 (79.0) (23,700,000)

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 10.00 2,500,000 25,000,000 5.0 14,100,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 6.00 2,500,000 15,000,000 6.0 15,000,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 11.00 29,100,000 1.0 4,100,000

Training Materail set 148.00 450,000 66,600,000 85.0 38,254,500 0.00 450,000 0 65.00 450,000 29,250,000 65.0 29,250,000 0.00 450,000 0 150.01 67,504,500 2.0 904,500

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) trip 148.00 400,000 59,200,000 87.0 34,800,000 0.00 400,000 0 65.00 400,000 26,000,000 65.0 26,000,000 0.00 400,000 0 152.00 60,800,000 4.0 1,600,000


No. 8

(Completion Date : March

31, 2013)



Provincial Office Rent (include electrical & water)

- Fullboard for Participant: Fasilitator (65 persons), PMAC (3 Trainer + TL) and Committee (2






2011 (PERIOD OCT 2011 - DEC. 2011)


DEC. 2012(Completion Date : October 27, 2012)

District Offices Rent (include electrical & water)




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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 6

Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Unit Price Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp) Vol. Amount (Rp)10.2. Regural Training for new and replication fasilitators 884,400,000 223,529,000 0 532,300,000 532,300,000 0 755,829,000 (128,571,000)

10.2.1 Training for new and replication facilitators

- Fullboard for Participant man-days 1,548.00 300,000 464,400,000 300.0 90,000,000 0.00 300,000 0 798.00 300,000 239,400,000 798.0 239,400,000 0.00 300,000 0 1,098.00 329,400,000 (450.0) (135,000,000)

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 36.00 2,500,000 90,000,000 10.0 25,000,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 14.00 2,500,000 35,000,000 14.0 35,000,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 24.00 60,000,000 (12.0) (30,000,000)

Training Materail set 86.00 650,000 55,900,000 20.7 13,455,500 0.00 650,000 0 51.00 650,000 33,150,000 51.0 33,150,000 0.00 650,000 0 71.70 46,605,500 (14.3) (9,294,500)

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) trip 86.00 400,000 34,400,000 30.0 12,000,000 0.00 400,000 0 51.00 400,000 20,400,000 51.0 20,400,000 0.00 400,000 0 81.00 32,400,000 (5.0) (2,000,000)

- Bus rental Unit Days 6.00 2,100,000 12,600,000 1.0 2,100,000 0.00 2,100,000 0 2.00 2,100,000 4,200,000 2.0 4,200,000 0.00 2,100,000 0 3.00 6,300,000 (3.0) (6,300,000)

10.2.2 Second Regular Training for new and replication facilitators

- Fullboard for Participant man-days 430.00 300,000 129,000,000 149.7 44,911,500 0.00 300,000 0 456.00 300,000 136,800,000 456.0 136,800,000 0.00 300,000 0 605.71 181,711,500 175.7 52,711,500

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 10.00 2,500,000 25,000,000 4.9 12,350,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 8.00 2,500,000 20,000,000 8.0 20,000,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 12.94 32,350,000 2.9 7,350,000

Training Materail set 86.00 450,000 38,700,000 26.0 11,712,000 0.00 450,000 0 51.00 450,000 22,950,000 51.0 22,950,000 0.00 450,000 0 77.03 34,662,000 (9.0) (4,038,000)

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) trip 86.00 400,000 34,400,000 30.0 12,000,000 0.00 400,000 0 51.00 400,000 20,400,000 51.0 20,400,000 0.00 400,000 0 81.00 32,400,000 (5.0) (2,000,000)

10.3. Sustainability Phase (Province) 196,000,000 94,179,000 0 255,600,000 255,600,000 0 349,779,000 153,779,000

man-days 384.00 300,000 115,200,000 187.7 56,300,800 0.00 300,000 0 648.00 300,000 194,400,000 648.0 194,400,000 0.00 300,000 0 835.67 250,700,800 451.7 135,500,800

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 16.00 2,500,000 40,000,000 7.0 17,500,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 12.00 2,500,000 30,000,000 12.0 30,000,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 19.00 47,500,000 3.0 7,500,000

Training Materail (Fasiliators + DMAC) set 48.00 450,000 21,600,000 24.0 10,778,200 0.00 450,000 0 48.00 450,000 21,600,000 48.0 21,600,000 0.00 450,000 0 71.95 32,378,200 24.0 10,778,200

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) trip 48.00 400,000 19,200,000 24.0 9,600,000 0.00 400,000 0 24.00 400,000 9,600,000 24.0 9,600,000 0.00 400,000 0 48.00 19,200,000 0.0 0

10.4. Training for District Government (LG) - Province (FY 2011: 2 Dist, FY 2012: 2 Dist) 201,000,000 41,447,900 0 0 0 0 41,447,900 (159,552,100)

- Fullboard for Participant (10 persn/district + PMAC 2 persn + Committee 2 persn) man-days 400.00 300,000 120,000,000 108.5 32,563,900 0.00 300,000 0 0.00 300,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 300,000 0 108.55 32,563,900 (291.5) (87,436,100)

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 10.00 2,500,000 25,000,000 1.9 4,750,000 0.00 2,500,000 0 0.00 2,500,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,500,000 0 1.90 4,750,000 (8.1) (20,250,000)

Training Materail set 80.00 300,000 24,000,000 13.8 4,134,000 0.00 300,000 0 0.00 300,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 300,000 0 13.78 4,134,000 (66.2) (19,866,000)

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) trip 80.00 400,000 32,000,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 0 (80.0) (32,000,000)

10.5. Workshop for Renstra AMPL - District (FY 2011: 2 Districts and FY 2012: 2 District) 0 0 0 13,040,000 13,040,000 0 13,040,000 13,040,000

- Fulldays for Participant (Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner) set 0.00 220,000 0 0 0.00 220,000 0 32.00 220,000 7,040,000 32.0 7,040,000 0.00 220,000 0 32.00 7,040,000 32.0 7,040,000

- Training Kit : 0 0

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 0.00 1,500,000 0 0 0.00 1,500,000 0 2.00 1,500,000 3,000,000 2.0 3,000,000 0.00 1,500,000 0 2.00 3,000,000 2.0 3,000,000

Training Materail set 0.00 150,000 0 0 0.00 150,000 0 20.00 150,000 3,000,000 20.0 3,000,000 0.00 150,000 0 20.00 3,000,000 20.0 3,000,000

11 Coordination Technical Meeting 121,500,000 1,800,000 0 40,500,000 40,500,000 13,500,000 55,800,000 (65,700,000)

11.1. Coordination Meeting (bi-monthly) - Project Management

- Provincial Level : allow 9 Meetings @ 15 participants/meeting man-days 135.00 100,000 13,500,000 18.0 1,800,000 0.00 100,000 0 45.00 100,000 4,500,000 45.0 4,500,000 15.00 100,000 1,500,000 78.00 7,800,000 (57.0) (5,700,000)

- District Level : allow 9 meetings @ 20 participants/district man-days 1,440.00 75,000 108,000,000 0 0.00 75,000 0 480.00 75,000 36,000,000 480.0 36,000,000 160.00 75,000 12,000,000 640.00 48,000,000 (800.0) (60,000,000)

11.2. Coordination Technical Meeting at Province

Participants: allow 2 meetings/year, 3 days, 100 participants

- Fullboard for Participant man-days 0.00 300,000 0 0 0.00 300,000 0 0.00 300,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 300,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

(Accomodation Room/Twin Sahring + Breakfast + 2xC. Break + Lunch + Dinner)

- Training Kit :

Training Equipment (Meeting room + LCD) Unit-days 0.00 2,500,000 0 0 0.00 2,500,000 0 0.00 2,500,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,500,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

Training Materail set 0.00 400,000 0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

- Transportation for participant (District to Province) R.Trip 0.00 400,000 0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 400,000 0 0.00 0 0.0 0

12 Printing Socialization Media 298,782,000 0 50,956,800 694,547,100 745,503,900 0 745,503,900 446,721,900

- Poster copy 7,700.00 12,000 92,400,000 0.0 0 3,960.00 12,000 47,520,000 0.00 12,000 0 3,960.0 47,520,000 0.00 12,000 0 3,960.00 47,520,000 (3,740.0) (44,880,000)

FY 2012: Reguler (96) + Replication (15) @ 12 Title of Media x 5 Copies copy 6,660.00 12,000 79,920,000 6,660.0 79,920,000 0.00 12,000 0 6,660.00 79,920,000 6,660.0 79,920,000

FY 2012: Sustainable (95) @ 4 Title of Media x 5 Copies copy 1,900.00 12,000 22,800,000 1,900.0 22,800,000 0.00 12,000 0 1,900.00 22,800,000 1,900.0 22,800,000

- Banner copy 440.00 250,000 110,000,000 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.0 0 0.00 250,000 0 0.00 0 (440.0) (110,000,000)

FY 2012: Reguler (96) + Replication (15) @ 3 Title of Media x 3 Copies copy 999.00 250,000 249,750,000 999.0 249,750,000 0.00 250,000 0 999.00 249,750,000 999.0 249,750,000

FY 2012: Sustainable (95) @ 2 Title of Media x 3 Copies copy 570.00 250,000 142,500,000 570.0 142,500,000 0.00 250,000 0 570.00 142,500,000 570.0 142,500,000

- Leafet : copy 6,600.00 2,500 16,500,000 0.0 0 0.00 2,500 0 0.00 2,500 0 0.0 0 0.00 2,500 0 0.00 0 (6,600.0) (16,500,000)

FY 2012: Reguler (96) + Replication (15) @ 1 Title of Media x 30 Copies copy 3,330.00 2,500 8,325,000 3,330.0 8,325,000 0.00 2,500 0 3,330.00 8,325,000 3,330.0 8,325,000

- Delivery - allow 15% LS 15.00% 32,835,000 0 3,436,800 15.00% 75,494,250 0.2 78,931,050 15.00% 0 15.0% 78,931,050 0.0 46,096,050

- Provinsional Sum LS 20.00% 47,047,000 0 0 20.00% 115,757,850 0.2 115,757,850 20.00% 0 20.0% 115,757,850 0.0 68,710,850

13 BPSPAMs Association 0 0 0 981,740,000 981,740,000 0 981,740,000 981,740,000

13.1. Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District):

Banjar Time 1.00 90,490,000 90,490,000 1.0 90,490,000 0.00 90,490,000 0 1.00 90,490,000 1.0 90,490,000

Barito Kuala Time 1.00 114,440,000 114,440,000 1.0 114,440,000 0.00 114,440,000 0 1.00 114,440,000 1.0 114,440,000

Tanah Laut Time 1.00 99,785,000 99,785,000 1.0 99,785,000 0.00 99,785,000 0 1.00 99,785,000 1.0 99,785,000

Hulu Sungai Selatan Time 1.00 96,190,000 96,190,000 1.0 96,190,000 0.00 96,190,000 0 1.00 96,190,000 1.0 96,190,000

Hulu Sungai Utara Time 1.00 101,120,000 101,120,000 1.0 101,120,000 0.00 101,120,000 0 1.00 101,120,000 1.0 101,120,000

Balangan Time 1.00 114,655,000 114,655,000 1.0 114,655,000 0.00 114,655,000 0 1.00 114,655,000 1.0 114,655,000

Tanah Bumbu Time 1.00 113,840,000 113,840,000 1.0 113,840,000 0.00 113,840,000 0 1.00 113,840,000 1.0 113,840,000

Kotabaru Time 1.00 131,220,000 131,220,000 1.0 131,220,000 0.00 131,220,000 0 1.00 131,220,000 1.0 131,220,000

13.2. Operational Cost for BP-SPAMs Association Year 8.00 15,000,000 120,000,000 8.0 120,000,000 0.00 15,000,000 0 8.00 120,000,000 8.0 120,000,000

Total Reimbursable Cost 9,527,387,000 4,179,393,380 948,510,866 5,502,393,100 6,450,903,966 688,729,000 11,319,026,346 1,791,639,346

Total Cost (Remuneration + Reimbursable Cost) 20,062,637,000 10,374,558,380 1,872,110,866 9,380,793,100 11,252,903,966 1,481,829,000 23,109,291,346 3,046,654,346





2011 (PERIOD OCT 2011 - DEC. 2011)




MARCH 2013

(Completion Date : March

31, 2013)




(Completion Date : October 27, 2012)

Participant: 10 pers/dist + DMAC 3 pers x PMAC 1 pers x Committee 2 pers., 1 days

Participant: allow 1 time/year, 10 pers/dist, 5 days

- Fullboard for Participant : Fasilitators (24 persons) + PMAC (4 persons) + DMAC (3 persons x 8

Dist) + Committee (2 persons)

Participant : New CF (30 persons) + Replication (21 persons) + PMAC (4 persons) + Committee (2


Participant : New CF (30 persons) + Replication (21 persons) + PMAC (4 persons) + Committee (2


Training for Old and New Sustainable facilitators


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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 8

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E - 9

Rekapitulasi Biaya Workshop Keberlanjutan dan

Biaya Operasional Asosiasi SPAMS Perdesaan

Program Pamsimas Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

No. Kabupaten Biaya Workshop Biaya Operasional Total

Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

1 Banjar 90,490,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 105,490,000Rp

2 Barito Kuala 114,440,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 129,440,000Rp

3 Tanah Laut 99,785,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 114,785,000Rp

4 Hulu Sungai Selatan 96,190,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 111,190,000Rp

5 Hulu Sungai Utara 101,120,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 116,120,000Rp

6 Balangan 114,655,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 129,655,000Rp

7 Tanah Bumbu 113,840,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 128,840,000Rp

8 Kotabaru 131,220,000Rp 15,000,000Rp 146,220,000Rp

TOTAL 861,740,000Rp 120,000,000Rp 981,740,000Rp

South Kalimantan Provinces Year 2008 - 2011

Kecamatan Villages

1 Kalimantan Selatan Banjar 14 51

2 Kalimantan Selatan Barito Kuala 27 50

3 Kalimantan Selatan Tanah Laut 10 53

4 Kalimantan Selatan Hulu Sungai Selatan 10 52

5 Kalimantan Selatan Hulu Sungai Utara 9 51

6 Kalimantan Selatan Balangan 7 54

7 Kalimantan Selatan Tanah Bumbu 9 53

8 Kalimantan Selatan Kotabaru 11 52

Total West Java & Banten 97 416

Rendah Sedang Tinggi Jumlah


1 Banjar 26 20 5 51

2 Barito Kuala 19 16 15 50

3 Tanah Laut 13 36 4 53

4 Hulu Sungai Selatan 38 8 6 52

5 Hulu Sungai Utara 28 20 3 51

6 Balangan 10 29 15 54

7 Tanah Bumbu 1 32 20 53

8 Kotabaru 3 7 42 52

TOTAL 138 168 110 416

No. Province DistrictTotal

No LokasiJumlah Desa Sasaran dengan Tingkat Kesulitan Jangkauan (dari ibukota kab/kota ke desa sasaran)

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 11

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

1. Barito Kuala Kuripan 6 6Tabukan 1 1Wanaraya 4 4Bakumpai 3 3Cerbon 2 2Jejangkit 1 1Mandastana 9 9Barambai 4 4Belawang 3 3Anjir Pasar 3 3Mekar Sari 3 3Tamban 3 3Tabunganen 3 3Anjir Muara 5 5

Jumlah 14 50 19 16 15

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

2. Banjar Sungai Pinang 4 4Mataraman 12 10 2Simpang Empat 8 1 7Karang Intan 8 7 1Aranio 6 2 4Martapura Barat 2 2Beruntung Baru 1 1Astambul 3 3Sungai Tabuk 4 4Pengaron 3 3

Jumlah 10 51 26 20 5

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

3. Tanah Laut Pelaihari 8 8Bajuin 5 5Bati Bati 7 7Kurau 1 1Bumi Makmur 9 9Batu Ampar 7 7Panyipatan 6 6Takisung 4 4Jorong 2 2Kintap 4 4

Jumlah 10 53 13 36 4

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

4. Tanah Bumbu Sungai Loban 11 11Kusan Hilir 8 8Kusan Hulu 6 6Mantewe 6 6Karang Bintang 5 5Kuranji 6 6Satui 2 6Angsana 8 8Batu Licin 1 1

Jumlah 9 53 1 32 24

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

5. Kotabaru Pulau Laut Tengah 3 3Pulau Laut Barat 8 8Pulau Laut Timur 7 7Pulau Laut Selatan 6 6Pulau Laut Kepulauan 8 8Pamukan Selatan 3 3Kelumpang Hulu 2 2Kelumpang Barat 5 5Kelumpang Tengah 3 3Pulau Sebuku 6 6Kelumpang Selatan 1 1

Jumlah 11 52 3 7 42

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

6. Hulu Sungai Selatan Loksado 6 6Kalumpang 6 6Simpur 8 8Daha Selatan 3 3Daha Utara 5 5Padang Batung 1 1Angkinang 8 8Sei Raya 8 8Kandangan 3 3Telaga Langsat 4 4

Jumlah 10 52 38 8 6

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

7. Balangan Paringin Selatan 10 10Batu Mandi 7 7Lampihong 7 7Awayan 5 5Juai 10 10Tebing Tinggi 7 7Halong 8 8

Jumlah 7 54 10 29 15

Kabupaten Kecamatan Jumlah Desa

(2008 s/d 2011) Mudah Sedang Sulit

8. Hulu Sungai Utara Amuntai Tengah 5 5Banjang 2 2Babirik 8 8Amuntai Utara 6 6Amuntai Selatan 6 6Sungai Pandan 6 6Sungai Tabukan 1 1Danau Pangang 3 3Haur Gading 1 1

Jumlah 9 51 28 20 3

Total Propinsi 80 416 138 168 114




Daftar Kategori Transportasi Desa Pamsimas






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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 12



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 75,000 600,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 75,000 600,000

3 Kasi PMD 9

Fullboard Man-day 1 9 230,000 2,070,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 51

Fullboard Man-day 1 51 230,000 11,730,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 26 50,000 1,300,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 200,000 800,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 1 400,000 400,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 51

Fullboard Man-day 1 51 230,000 11,730,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 26 50,000 1,300,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 200,000 800,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 1 400,000 400,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

6 BP - SPAM 51

Fullboard Man-day 2 102 230,000 23,460,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 26 50,000 1,300,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 200,000 800,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 1 400,000 400,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 170 50,000 8,500,000

Total 90,490,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Banjar District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 13



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 75,000 600,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 75,000 600,000

3 Kasi PMD 14

Fullboard Man-day 1 14 285,000 3,990,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 50

Fullboard Man-day 1 50 285,000 14,250,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 19 50,000 950,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 16 100,000 1,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 400,000 6,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 100 50,000 5,000,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 50

Fullboard Man-day 1 50 285,000 14,250,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 19 50,000 950,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 16 100,000 1,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 400,000 6,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 100 50,000 5,000,000

6 BP - SPAM 50

Fullboard Man-day 2 100 285,000 28,500,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 19 50,000 950,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 16 100,000 1,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 400,000 6,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 100 50,000 5,000,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 172 50,000 8,600,000

Total 114,440,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Barito Kuala District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 14



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 11

Fullboard Man-day 1 11 245,000 2,695,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 53

Fullboard Man-day 1 53 245,000 12,985,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 13 50,000 650,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 36 100,000 3,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 250,000 1,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 106 50,000 5,300,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 53

Fullboard Man-day 1 53 245,000 12,985,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 13 50,000 650,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 36 100,000 3,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 250,000 1,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 106 50,000 5,300,000

6 BP - SPAM 53

Fullboard Man-day 2 106 245,000 25,970,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 13 50,000 650,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 36 100,000 3,600,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 4 250,000 1,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 106 50,000 5,300,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 178 50,000 8,900,000

Total 99,785,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 15



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 10

Fullboard Man-day 1 10 255,000 2,550,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 52

Fullboard Man-day 1 52 255,000 13,260,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 38 50,000 1,900,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 8 100,000 800,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 6 200,000 1,200,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 52

Fullboard Man-day 1 52 255,000 13,260,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 38 50,000 1,900,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 8 100,000 800,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 6 200,000 1,200,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

6 BP - SPAM 52

Fullboard Man-day 2 104 255,000 26,520,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 38 50,000 1,900,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 8 100,000 800,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 6 200,000 1,200,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 174 50,000 8,700,000

Total 96,190,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Hulu Sungai Selatan District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 16



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 12

Fullboard Man-day 1 12 270,000 3,240,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 51

Fullboard Man-day 1 51 270,000 13,770,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 28 50,000 1,400,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 3 450,000 1,350,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 51

Fullboard Man-day 1 51 270,000 13,770,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 28 50,000 1,400,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 3 450,000 1,350,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

6 BP - SPAM 51

Fullboard Man-day 2 102 270,000 27,540,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 28 50,000 1,400,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 20 100,000 2,000,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 3 450,000 1,350,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 102 50,000 5,100,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 173 50,000 8,650,000

Total 101,120,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Hulu Sungai Utara District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 17



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 7

Fullboard Man-day 1 7 285,000 1,995,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 54

Fullboard Man-day 1 54 285,000 15,390,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 10 50,000 500,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 29 100,000 2,900,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 250,000 3,750,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 54

Fullboard Man-day 1 54 285,000 15,390,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 10 50,000 500,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 29 100,000 2,900,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 250,000 3,750,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

6 BP - SPAM 54

Fullboard Man-day 2 108 285,000 30,780,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 10 50,000 500,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 29 100,000 2,900,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 15 250,000 3,750,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 177 50,000 8,850,000

Total 114,655,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Balangan District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 18



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 7

Fullboard Man-day 1 7 280,000 1,960,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 54

Fullboard Man-day 1 54 280,000 15,120,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 1 50,000 50,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 32 100,000 3,200,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 20 200,000 4,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 54

Fullboard Man-day 1 54 280,000 15,120,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 1 50,000 50,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 32 100,000 3,200,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 20 200,000 4,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

6 BP - SPAM 54

Fullboard Man-day 2 108 280,000 30,240,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 1 50,000 50,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 32 100,000 3,200,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 20 200,000 4,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 108 50,000 5,400,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 177 50,000 8,850,000

Total 113,840,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan

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Appendix E Amendment No 8

E- 19



Unit Price

(IDR)Amount (IDR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 5 x 6

1 TKK/Pokja AMPL 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

2 DPMU 4

Fullday Man-day 2 8 100,000 800,000

3 Kasi PMD 10

Fullboard Man-day 1 10 265,000 2,650,000

4 Kepala Desa/Lurah 52

Fullboard Man-day 1 52 265,000 13,780,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 3 50,000 150,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 7 100,000 700,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 28 250,000 7,000,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 14 500,000 7,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

5 Kader Pemberdayaan Masy (KPM) 52

Fullboard Man-day 1 52 265,000 13,780,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 3 50,000 150,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 7 100,000 700,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 28 250,000 7,000,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 14 500,000 7,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

6 BP - SPAM 52

Fullboard Man-day 2 104 265,000 27,560,000 Local Transport (dari Desa ke Kabupaten-pp)a. Dekat Trip 1 3 50,000 150,000 b. Sedang Trip 1 7 100,000 700,000 c. Jauh Trip 1 28 250,000 7,000,000 d. Sulit Trip 1 14 500,000 7,000,000 Uang Saku (Perdiem Allowance) Man-day 2 104 50,000 5,200,000

7 Training Kit: Paket 1

- Training Equipment (Meeting Room + LCD) Unit-day 2 2 1,500,000 3,000,000 - Training Material Set 1 174 50,000 8,700,000

Total 131,220,000

Kabupaten / Kota


Desa / Kelurahan

Workshop of Sustainability Pamsimas Program (at District)

No. Description Unit Day

Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan

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(No Change)

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(No Change)

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