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Discipline Fnl

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  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl



    -Discipline, What is this ?-About misconduct

    -Major & Minor Offences.

    -The Formal Method of Disciplinary Procedure.

    -Current Practice @ NIBM.

    -Ups & Downs of the current practice & the

    formal method.

    -Enforcing Discipline.

    -Making a Better Disciplinary Procedure.

  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl


    Introduction to Discipline.

    Discipline is about- a way one behaves,

    according to a set of norms.

    It is the force that promotes an individual/ group

    to observe rules.

    a fair and just discipline process is based on 3pillars: clear rules & regs, a system of progressive

    penalties, & an appeal process. (Desser, Gary; HumanResource Management, 10th ed, PHI, New Delhi, 2005)

    In UK, Industrial Relations Act of 1971 introduced

    the idea that there is a right & a wrong way to

    deal with disciplinary issues.

  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl


    Major offences and Minor offences

    Some Major offences

    Misappropriation & failure to account for the company funds

    Theft or dishonesty in relation to the property belonging to company

    Insubordination to superior officers of the company

    Sabotage of or willful damage to property of the companyTaking / giving bribes or gratification in cash or kind

    Misuse of property belonging to the company

    Issue of unlawful instructions to subordinates

    Misuse of authority, power or position for personal gain

    Insobriety or drunken behavior

    Habitual late attendance

    Absence without authority beyond entitlement or after warning

    Sexual harassment of fellow employees or unbecoming conduct

  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl


    Some minor offences


    Failure to wear uniforms whilst on duty

    Discourtesy to customers & agents of the company

    Failure to observe safety precautions

    Wearing of untidy/ dirty uniforms

    Failure to report an accident

    Failure to maintain essential records

    Smelling of liquor whilst on duty

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    NIBM- has a very low number disciplinary issues- due to

    strict management.

    If an act of misconduct occurs:

    Investigate- to identify the actual happening.

    Inform the involved parties the nature of complaint.

    Question the parties involved & record responses.

    Investigation officer(s) examine all facts and decide. Ifdecided guilty, punishment.

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    *Rule of Natural Justice*

    Listen to all parties- all receives equal opportunity

    Not to judge your own case:Not to judge your own case:

    Not involved in the case financially

    No connection to the subject matter of the case

    No other connection (emotionally, attitude wise, etc)

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    Less time consuming

    Fair to all parties Provides an example to other employees

    Maintains industrial peace

    Advantages of Discipline Mgt:


    Customer satisfaction due to disciplined staff

    Socially responsible (ethical) organization


  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl



    Informal & quick investigation- all evidence may

    not be identified- unfair to a party.

    Employee may not receive sufficient info oncomplaint- cannot prepare defense.

    [no right of reply = no natural justice]

    Investigation officer must be consistent withpunishments- if not, demotivated staff.

    If employee was accused, then found not guilty-demotivation- quit job.

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    1. Major punishments

    2. Minor punishments

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    Major punishments



    Suspend the promotion


    Suspend the service

    Extend the training period

  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl


    Minor punishments

    Severe warning


    Suspend incentives or increments

  • 8/2/2019 Discipline Fnl


    Suggestions Lack of performance:

    - Can send the employee for counseling

    - Provision of alternative work

    Sickness Absence:

    - Keep records of late arrival at work with duration

    and reason for absence.

    this sends out a clear message to employees that

    absence is regarded as a serious matter.

    - Carry out return to work interview
