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Discover 2012 Tutorials

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  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Encom DiscoverTM



  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Table of Contents

    0Table of Contents

    1 Map Making Tutorial ................................................................................ Professional Quality Map Production ....................................................

    2 Register Raster Image Tutorial ............................................................ 1Geo-register Image ................................................................................ 1

    3 Drillhole Display Tutorial ...................................................................... 2Display and Output Drillhole Sections ................................................ 2

    Data Sources .......................................................................................... 2

    Preparing Data Prior to Viewing Drillholes ......................................... 2

    Creating Sections .................................................................................. 2

    4 Create Gridded Surface Tutorial .......................................................... 5An Exercise in Surface Modelling and Analysis ................................ 5

  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Conventions in this manual

    Conventions Used in this Guide

    Certain conventions are used throughout this manual:

    Keys on the keyboard appear in small capital letters. For example, the C

    key appears as CTRL in the text.

    Menu options, buttons, and dialog labels are in boldface. For example, the Discovermenu, click Exit.

    The shorthand form menu>submenu>item indicates the menu path to aoption. For example, Select Discover>Configuration... Is equivalent tinstruction On the Discovermenu, click Configuration

    References to other sections in the documentation are italicised. Forexample, see Data Utilities.

    File and folder names and paths are shown enlarged and monospaced.

    example, disk:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop.

    Options that you select from a list are shown enclosed by < > symbols. Fexample, Click the Projection button and select .

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  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Map Making Tutorial

    11 Map Making Tutorial

    The objective of this tutorial is to create a professional quality map for presentapurposes.

    This tutorial takes you through the steps required to produce a geological mapcomplete with a location map, legend and titleblock ready for printing.

    Note: The tutorial dataset is installed in either of the following locations:

    ..\\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows XPoperating system) or

    ..\\ProgramData\Encom\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows Vista or 7 operatingsystems)

    All references to the dataset locations in the tutorial exercises ignore the pathin

    up to \Discover Tutorial.

    5BProfessional Quality Map Production

    12BStep 1 - Open Map Layers

    1. Navigate to Discover>Configuration... and ensure the CommandSearset to automatically start by placing a check in the box. The CommandSearch is a search tool which opens in the top right corner of the MapInfProfessional session window. This enables the quick keyword navigationtools within MapInfo Professional and Discover. Alternatively, tools can b

    opened through the traditional menu interface.

    Note Throughout the following exercise note all tools can be access by theCommand Search by typing keywords or the tool name.

    Navigate to the Command Search and type in ; select from the item list.

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    2 Discover Tutorials

    Open the following tables in a single Mapper Window from the folder

    \Discover_Tutorial\Map Making:


    2. With the Layer Control open, check the order of each table. Make sure tables are organised as followed (top to bottom in terms of visibility):MINERALS, STRUCTURES, TENEMENTS and GEOLOGY.

    If the order is incorrect, move the layers with the arrow buttons at the top

    the layer control frames.

    3. Complete the map window set-up by selecting the Zoom to all layers

    button from the ELC or by choosing Map>View Entire Layer>All Layers

    Double left mouse click on the ELC title bar to roll the window up to allow

    more workspace when it is not required.

    13BStep 2 Annotate Linework

    The STRUCTURES layer contains syncline (green lines), anticline (brown linesand fault (black lines) structures. Using Discover, these lines can be modifiedeasily to include their respective fold axis annotations.

    4. Make the STRUCTURES layer editable and select an anticline line objectSelect all the other anticline lines from the STRUCTURES layer using theDiscover>Map Window>Select by Graphical Styles. Click the Get

    Selected Object Style button.

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    Map Making Tutorial

    Select object based on style

    5. To modify the selection to include anticline annotations, navigate to

    Discover>Map Making>Line Annotation, and fill in the following option

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    4 Discover Tutorials

    Annotating the selected lines with Anticline symbols

    The annotation is written to the STRUCTURES layer. Repeat the above procesthe syncline lines, annotating them with a syncline symbol.

    Note If you are applying a directional symbol, such as normal fault, it is important tha

    the annotation appears on the correct side of the selected line. A symbol is plac

    to the left of a line or facing up if the Facing left/up box is ticked. If the box is n

    ticked, the annotation appears on the right or down side of the selected line.

    You may wish to experiment with this feature using some of the other lines in th

    STRUCTURES layer e.g. Faults. To manually place a symbol on a line, select tline, open Discover>Map Making>Line Annotation, and select the AnnotatioPlacement option Place with cursor. After pressing OK a tool button will appe

    to use.

    6. Save changes made to the STRUCTURES table, navigate to File>SaveTable.

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    Map Making Tutorial

    14BStep 3 Add Text Labels

    Adding labels to a map for printing requires a methodical approach to get therequired result. If you place labels on the map window and print, the labels oftehave an inappropriate size and require additional manipulation. Discover solvethis problem by allowing you to label a map layer at a set point size at the scale

    which the map is plotted.

    7. Click on the Text Labels button or navigate to Discover>Map

    Making>Label Creatorto open the Label Creatordialog.

    Adding Text Labels dialog

    8. From the Label Creatordialog box, select the layer from tTable pull-down list and fieldfrom the Column pull-down liLeave the style as the default Arial; specify label size pts select theMap Scale radio button and make Map Scale 1 to . Select theTable radio button in output, and accept the default table name and locaDiscover_Tutorial\Map making\Tenements_Labels.tab. Click Generate

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    6 Discover Tutorials

    15BStep 4 - Creating a Map Legend

    A custom legend can be created using Discover with the layers, columns and oof individual legend fully customisable.

    9. Click on the Legend button or navigate to Discover>Map Making>Crea

    Map Legend to open the Create Legend 1 dialog.

    10. Select the MINERALS, STRUCTURES and GEOLOGY tables by holding tCRTL key while left clicking on the relevant tables. Click OK.

    11. The Create Legend 2 dialog allows you to specify which columns ofattribute data should be displayed in the legend. Fill in the Create Legendialog box as follows:

    Generating a legend for the geology map

    12. Click in the Specify Orderboxes for the MINERALS and GEOLOGY tablset the order of legend items for these layers. If your map window does ndisplay the full extents of a table, and you want a legend created for all itin the table, do not place a tick in the box forLegend from objects in mwindow only.

    13. To specify the font size for the legend text, click on the Styles button anselect the font style button next to Title Line. Choose point size .Repeat the process forSub-Title Line and choose point size . Clic

    Text Line 1 and Text Line 2 font style buttons and choose point size

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    Map Making Tutorial

    15. A second legend order window will be displayed for the GEOLOGY layerThe lithologies need to be organised into chronological order. Notice thalithologies rather than ages are displayed. Discover orders legend itemsbased on the first column chosen in the initial setup dialog box. Thereforedisplay lithology by age in the geological legend, it is necessary to deterthe relevant order prior to starting the legend process.

    Alternatively, the Look-up code from Geology option allows the lithologbe ordered using a numerical attribute.

    To place the lithologies in chronological order, reorganise as shown in thfollowing dialog. Use the Custom setting and the Up and Down buttonsmove items accordingly. Click OK when finished.

    Re-ordering legend entries for the Geology layer

    16. The geological legend will be displayed in a new map window. You may to verify the lithology is in the correct order by displaying the geologybrowser. Minimise the legend window and make the geological map winactive before proceeding to the next step.

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    8 Discover Tutorials

    16BStep 5 - Generating Scaled Hardcopy Output

    The Scaled Output tool can produce a professional looking map output into aMapInfo Professional layout window. Map grids, titleblock, scale bar and legendlayers can be added to the scaled output.

    17. Ensure that the MapInfo Professional Layout Window is set to the size aorientation required. From the MapInfo Professional menu bar, navigate File>Page Setup, select and click the Landscape button. Click Oaccept the Page Setup parameters.

    18. Click on the Scaled Output button or navigate to Discover>Scaled

    Output to open the Scaled Output dialog. UnderMap Scale choose

    (bottom of the scale list) and type into the tex


    Scaled Output Configuration dialog

    19. UnderFrame Setup, choose (bottom of the frame list) from the lframe settings. On the Scaled Output - Configuration dialog box, choo and click the Landscape button. Notice that the map frame positio

    measurements change to reflect the area that the map covers on yourselected sheet of paper.

    For this exercise, you will place a titleblock and legend outside the mapframe. If you choose size paper, decrease the map frame positionwidth to cm. Leave the frame height at cm.

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    Map Making Tutorial

    Click the OK button and enter a name to save the setting indicating A4 landscape paper, legend and titleblock outside map frame.

    Note The non-printing margins may have to be adjusted depending on the prindriver in use. You can determine if adjustment is required by completing scaled output exercise and observing the resulting layout window. If somportions of the map are in the light grey area (non-printing margins) of thelayout, you will need to return to the Configuration menu and adjust thenon-printing settings. If a non-printing margin is changed (say right and leedges from 1 cm to 1.5 cm each), this needs to be compensated for bydecreasing the frame width by 1 cm (0.5 cm added to each edge).

    20. Return to the Scaled Output dialog, ensure that the Draw Grid option isticked, TitleBlock and Scalebar are selected. Clthe Preview button.

    Scaled Output Dialog

    21. The map window will render a transparent polygon, representing the arebe plotted at 1:15,000 scale. If you are not satisfied with the scale choserespecify another scale and select Preview again to view the changes.When you are satisfied click OK.

    22. In the menu bar at the top of the screen you will see Scaled Output Appyou can now left click on the frame in the map window and position it as

    needed. Drag it to cover the TENEMENTSand GEOLOGY layers. Whensatisfied with the frame position, select the Scaled Output>Accept Map

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    10 Discover Tutorials

    Position menu option. The map window resizes to the area of thetransparent map frame. The Overlay Map Grid dialog box appears. ClicOK to accept the default parameters. A grid is drawn into the map windo

    23. The TitleBlock and ScaleBar Options dialog box opens. Enter thefollowing details:

    Title Line 1:

    Title Line 2:

    Title Line 3:


    From the Titleblock Position list, choose . Thedefault ScaleBarposition is Show ScaleBar in Titleblock. You can alsoelect to show the scalebar in a separate map window or not display thescalebar at all. Other options give you the opportunity to list the layers othe map window in the layout. The default display position is . For the purpose of this tutorial, set the display to .

    Click OK to create the titleblock and a layout window containing the scalmap.

    17BStep 6 Adding Scaled Legend Frame to Layout

    24. Make the Geology Legend map window the front window. Click on the A

    Scaled Frame button or navigate to Discover>Map Making>Add ScaleFrame to Layout and fill in the dialog box as below.

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    Map Making Tutorial

    Adding a scaled frame for the legend into the layout

    The legend is added to the layout window. Paper measurements appear along side of the layout window in centimetres. Take a moment to examine the legenposition with reference to the layout measurements and the information that waentered in the above dialog box. This will help you understand how Add ScaleFrame to Layout works.

    ForA size paper, enter a value of cm forOffset from left. You can alw

    adjust the position of the frame once it has been added to the layout.

    18BStep 7 - Creating a Location Map

    The final task is to add a location map to the final layout window.

    25. Within the ELC right click and select the option. In the Op

    dialog select the tableAUSTRALIA from the \Discover_Tutorial\Map Makingfolder and place it into a new map window (select from thPreferred View pull-down list).

    26. Next, create a red rectangle to represent the location of the map within

    Australia. Select the Discover>Object Editing>Key In Shapes menu


    27. In the Key in Shapes dialog select the from the Drawonto pull-down list.

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    12 Discover Tutorials

    Choose the Rectangle object type and click on the Polygon object stylebutton. Select the (No pattern) option and click on the Line object sbutton. Choose a line colour and a width of pixels. XY Unitsin decimal degrees.

    Click the Enter Coordinates button. Enter XY coordinate pairs as follow

    Corner 1 Xm:

    Corner 1 Ym:

    Corner 2 Xm:

    Corner 2 Ym:

    Click OK and Close.

    28. Choose Map>Save Cosmetic Objects to save the newly created rectanto a table called in the folder\Discover_Tutorial\Map MakinView the entire layer forAUSTRALIA using the zoom tool for theAUSTRlayer in the ELC dialog.

    19BStep 8 - Adding the Location Map to the Layout Window

    29. Make the Location Area map window the front window. Select MapMaking>Add Scaled Frame to Layout. Fill in the dialog box with thefollowing parameters:

    Scale 1:

    Frame width (cm):

    Frame height (cm):

    Offset from left (x cm):

    Offset from top(y cm):

    Position in Map Centre



    The location map is added to the layout window.

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    Map Making Tutorial

    20BStep 9 - Exit Scaled Output and Plot Map

    30. Select Scaled Output>Exit Scaled Output

    A dialog box appears allowing you to save the map grid, titleblock, scaleand a workspace. If you want to plot more copies of your map later, you

    should tick all boxes and enter appropriate table names to save thetitleblock, scalebar and map grid. If you do not save the tables andworkspace you will have to go through the scaled output process again iyou wish to re-create the map.

    31. Print the displayed scaled map by choosing File>Print. An example mapwith titleblock, legend and location map is shown below.

    Scaled map with titleblock, scalebar, legend and location inset

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  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Register Raster Image Tutorial

    22 Register Raster Image Tutorial

    The objective of this tutorial is to show you how to register a raster image. If araster image is simply opened into MapInfo Professional using File>Open, theimage is displayed in non-earth coordinates. This means that you cannot overla

    vector data captured in a real world coordinate system such as latitude/longitudUTM coordinates. In order to display a raster image such as an aerial photograor scanned geological map then the image must be registered i.e. assigned aworld coordinate system so it can be displayed in the correct geographical loca

    Raster images can be registered using MapInfo Professional or Discover. TheDiscoverImages>Rectify Image tool is a powerful utility that enables theregistration of raster images in geographic real-world coordinates. Unlike imageregistration using MapInfo Professional, the DiscoverRectify Image tool canregister and modify images that have been stretched, skewed or rotated. Thisprocess, known as Rectification or Rubber-Sheeting enables portions of an ima

    to stretched or warped to fit the entered control points.

    In order to register a raster image we need to identify a number of locations onimage for which we know the real world coordinates. These locations are calledcontrol points. At least 4 control points should be used to rectify a raster imagethe control points should cover the extents of the raster image.

    Note: The tutorial dataset is installed in either of the following locations:

    ..\\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows XPoperating system) or

    ..\\ProgramData\Encom\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows Vista or 7 operatingsystems)

    All references to the dataset locations in the tutorial exercises ignore the pathin

    up to \Discover Tutorial.

    6BGeo-register Image

    21BStep 1 - Open Rectify Image Dialog

    1. Navigate to Discover>Configuration... and ensure the Command Sea

    is set to automatically start by placing a check in the box. The CommandSearch is a search tool which opens in the top right corner of the MapInfProfessional session window. This enables the quick keyword navigationtools within MapInfo Professional and Discover. Alternatively, tools can bopened through the traditional menu interface.

    Note Throughout the following exercise note all tools can be access by theCommand Search by typing keywords or the tool name.

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    16 Discover Tutorials

    Navigate to the Command Search and type in the ; select from the item list.

    Rectify Image dialog with Load Image button selected

    2. Click on the Load an image file button and browse to the\Discover_Tutorial\Register Image folder and select the file.

    3. When the Loading Control Points dialog appears click No.

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    Register Raster Image Tutorial

    The REGIONAL_GEOLOGY file should display in the Current Image winand the image can be viewed in a map window.

    4. Click on the Projection button and change the projection to


    Choose Projection dialog

    We now need to add a number of control points to the image for which real wocoordinates are known. If the scanned image has a map grid (as our image doethen the intersections of this grid can be used as control points and the real wocoordinates entered manually.

    If there is no coordinate information available on the image then coordinateinformation may be extracted from vector data open in a map window such as intersections, drainage convergence points, fence lines or property boundariesIdeally control points should be placed throughout the entire image and the mocontrol points (providing they are accurately placed) the better the final rectifica

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    18 Discover Tutorials

    22BStep 2 - Register the Image

    Make sure that you can see both the image in the map window and the RectifyImage dialog clearly. If you have dual monitors drag the Rectify Image dialog the second monitor to free up screen space.

    Click on the REGIONAL_GEOLOGY map window and zoom to the top left handcorner of the image. We are going to add our first control point using the top lefgrid intersection. The more the image is zoomed when the control point is placethe greater the accuracy in the image registration.

    Image map window zoomed to top left hand corner

    5. To add a control point, press the New Point button. A new line is added

    the Ground Control Points window. Click on the Right Arrow icon to

    select this row.

    6. With the control point row selected, click on the Image button and move

    cursor to the map window containing the image to rectify. The cursor is n

    displayed as a cross-hair (+). Click on the + control point location in the

    left image map window where the 118 Longitude and -22 Latitude mee

    The control point is added to the map window and labelled.

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    Register Raster Image Tutorial

    The location of the X and Y pixel coordinates in the image are automaticupdated in the control point Image_X and Image_Y cells.

    To remove control points use the Delete Point button. The last change

    applied to a control point row can be reversed using the Undo Change


    7. To specify the Map_ X and Map_Y coordinates make sure the control po

    row is selected. An icon will appear to the left of the row to indicate the

    selected row. Enter into the Map_X cell and into the Map_Y

    cell. Note that ve latitudes are required for the southern hemisphere.

    8. Follow the above procedure to add the remaining 3 control points: i.e. th

    top right, bottom right and bottom left of the image.

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    20 Discover Tutorials

    Image map showing control points and completed Rectify Image dialog

    9. If you need to modify the location of the control point on the image make

    the_ImageControlPoints layer editable in the map window, drag the contropoint to the new location using the cursor and then click the Sync

    Map>GCP button. The control point Image_X and Image_Y will be upda

    with the new pixel coordinate.

    10. When all the points have been added, click on the Rectify button, you w

    be prompted to save the control points, selectYes and the default file

    name. A Save As dialog will prompt for an output file name and locationBy default the output rectified table will contain the original image file nam

    with a_rectified suffix. The rectified image table is saved to the same foldas the original image.

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    Register Raster Image Tutorial

    Upon pressing the Save button, a status bar is displayed at the bottom of theRectify Image dialog showing the rectification progress. When the rectifiedprocessing is completed, the rectified image is displayed in a new map window

    This registered image can now be used to digitize various map objects such asgeological units or structural data.

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    22 Discover Tutorials

    Discover contains a number of additional tools for working with images. These all be found on the Images menu and include the following:

    Reproject ImageReproject raster images into a new coordinate system.

    Image PropertiesView image projection, X and Y coordinate extents, number of rows andcolumns, total pixels, size on disk and in memory, image type and metad

    Enhance ImageAdjust image contrast and brightness and modify colour and gamma ReGreen, Blue channels.

    Filter ImageApply smoothing and edge detection filters to image.

    Clip ImageClip a raster image to a region.

    Rotate ImageRotate image by specified angle

    Convert ImageSave an existing image in a new image file format

    Modify Image

    Set image transparency and set a single colour transparent

    The DiscoverImages utility is compatible with BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF and TIFFraster image formats only.

    See Discover Reference ManualorHelp for detailed information on each menuoption.

  • 7/28/2019 Discover 2012 Tutorials


    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    33 Drillhole Display Tutorial

    This aim of this tutorial is to use the Discover Drillhole module to produce a serof cross-sections and a plan for inclusion in an assessment report. It covers thedata formats required, procedures for creating sections and how to produce a

    section layout.

    7BDisplay and Output Drillhole Sections

    9BData Sources

    The example drillhole data (collar, survey, lithology and sample data) used by texercise has been entered in the field into a simple Microsoft Access databaseThe corresponding assay data has been returned from the laboratory in a MicroExcel format. Surface geology has been previously digitized and is in MapInfoProfessional format. The dataset is a diamond drilling program conducted on agold prospect, consisting of 11 holes totalling 1585 m. These files are located i

    the \Discover_Tutorial\Drillholes folder. The files are named DRILLING.MDB,ASSAYS.XLS and SURFACE_GEOLOGY.TAB.

    Note: The tutorial dataset is installed in either of the following locations:

    ..\\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows XPoperating system) or

    ..\\ProgramData\Encom\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows Vista or 7 operatingsystems)

    All references to the dataset locations in the tutorial exercises ignore the pathinup to \Discover Tutorial.

    10BPreparing Data Prior to Viewing Drillholes

    Before drillholes can be viewed, the data has to be prepared as follows:

    Merge the Excel format assay data with the assay intervals in the Accessdatabase

    Register the other Access tables in MapInfo Professional

    Create objects for the collar locations

    Generate a digital elevation model (DEM) from the collar elevations

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    24 Discover Tutorials

    23BStep 1 - Merge Sample Data and Assay Data

    1. Open the Excel spreadsheet of assay data in MapInfo Professional bychoosing File>Open and changing Files of type to Open and changing Files of type to , select and click Open. Select the Maintenance>Table Structure . Add the fi, and , all of type . Also, place a tick in the Indexcolumn for the field . Click OK. Ignore any warning messages

    that appear regarding unsupported fields. Reopen the SAMPLES table bnavigating to Window>New Browser Window and select the TaUtilities>Multiple Column Update. We wish to Update values in and Get values from . Complete the join condwhere in the update table matches in the join tab

    UnderField Mapping, ensure that the , and columnsmatch up accordingly in both tables (This will occur automatically if yourcolumns are setup correctly). Click the OK button. The assay information

    added to the SAMPLES table. To make the changes permanent, save thtable using the File>Save Table menu.

    TheASSAYS spreadsheet table can now be closed.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Update Multiple Columns dialog

    24BStep 2 - Open Remaining Access Tables in MapInfo Professional

    5. Open the COLLARS, SURVEYS and LITHOLOGY tables in MapInfoProfessional by choosing File>Open and change Files of type to . Select and click Open.Highlight the , and tables, ClOK.

    25BStep 3 - Create Collar Objects

    6. From the MapInfo Professional menu bar, choose Table>Create Pointsthe dialog box set the table as the Create points for TabClick on the using Symbol button, and choose a ,

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    26 Discover Tutorials

    7. Click the Projection button to choose the appropriate AMG Zone. Und

    Category, choose . UnderCategory

    Members choose and click OK. Click OK in

    Create Points window. The collars can now be viewed by choosing

    Window>New Map Window.

    Create Points dialog

    Note If you dont click on the Projection button, MapInfo Professional uses the

    default longitude/latitude coordinate system. When viewed in a map window, th

    points would be stacked upon each other at the north pole (360, 90). If this

    happens, go back to Table>Maintenance>Table Structure and remove the tic

    in the box Table is Mappable. Repeat the procedure outlined above.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Imported collar and geology tables

    Once the collars have been created, open the SURFACE_GEOLOGY table intosame map window.

    26BStep 4 - Generate a gridded surface from the collar elevations

    8. A supplementary topographic surface can be used to interpret a cross-section surface topography. If a topographic surface is not used, the surftopography is inferred by joining together adjacent collar elevations.

    If topographic data is not available or as in this exercise collars are closespaced, Discover can generate the digital elevation model and associatecontours.

    9. Choose Discover>Surfaces menu. From the Surfaces menu that is adto the menu bar, choose Surfaces>Create Grid>Interactive.

    Choose as the table to grid and click OK.

    From the Gridding dialog select as the Fields to grid on the InputFrom the Grid Geometry tab ensure the Cell Size value is . From thMethod tab, select Triangulation as the Gridding Method. On the Outtab save the output grid file as as a

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    28 Discover Tutorials

    drawn in the collars window. You may need to turn off the visibility of the

    SURFACE_GEOLOGY layer in order to view the gridded surface.

    Gridded surface and collars

    11BCreating Sections


    Step 5 - Setup Discover Drillhole Project

    10. Select Discover>Drillholemenu. A menu item named Drillholes is addto the MapInfo Professional menu bar, to the right of the Discovermenuitem.

    Choose Drillholes>Project Manager. Click the New button and enname for the drill project e.g. . You can then enter adescription about the drillhole project in the Description text box. Enterdirectory for the drillhole project. Select the folder that contains the data

    \Discover Tutorial\Drillholes. Set Depth/Length Units to . Select the

    Project only contains drillholes option.

    Note You can open new tables directly from the Drillhole Project Setup dialog at a

    time by clicking on the Open Tables button to bottom left of the dialog.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Defining a Drillhole Project in Discover

    11. When the Next button is clicked, the Drillhole Location dialog appears.Ensure that the columns match the entries required. If not, use the dropdown lists to match the appropriate columns. If they are not open, use thOpen Tables button. The sample dataset does not have a negative siin front of collar dips. Therefore, leave the Down Dip is negative optiondeselected.

    Click Next, this will take you to the Downhole Data Tables dialog.

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    30 Discover Tutorials

    Drillhole location dialog

    12. Use the arrows to move the necessary downhole data tables from Available to Selected. Check that the Field Mappingalign to the correct columns in the downhole data tables. Click Next.

    13. The Surfaces dialog will now be open, add the SURFACE GRID you havjust created from the collar rl from the drop down Topographic SurfaceAlso add the from the drop down list underPolygon Drape. Click OK. The Project Managerdialog will appear, note

    Project Information on the left hand side and the geology map in thepreview window, this allows the user to quickly ascertain exactly what prothey are opening. Click Next.

    14. The SectionLine dialog will now open. Make sure Create New Section LTable is selected and click OK.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    28BStep 6 - Validating your Database

    15. A dialog will now be displayed prompting you to validate your collar dataClick all the tick boxes and click next. Repeat this process for the Surveyand Downhole file validations.

    16. If any on the validation rules have been broken a report of the errors wildisplayed with a show button that opens the table and location of where tvalidation error has occurred. The table can be opened by clicking the shbutton. The line of the table that has the error will be displayed and can bchanged.

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    32 Discover Tutorials

    Data Validation dialog


    Step 7 - Produce a Drillhole Plan

    15. Make the collar map window active. Choose Drillholes>Define NewSection or Plan.... Under the Display Type option on the Define tab,choose Plan. Enter a Plan Name such as . Click Generat

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Collar plan drill traces

    Note Alternatively, if you wish to create a level plan within a certain elevation range

    click on Use elevation range. Nominate the central elevation and an envelop

    width. If you choose a Central Elevation of , with an Envelope height o

    , only that portion of the hole from 45 to 25 metres elevation is displayed

    To display the downhole data follow the same procedure as outlined for sectio

    in Step 12.

    30BStep 8 - Select the Collars to include in the Section

    There are 4 methods for selecting the drill collars to use for a cross-section:

    1. Manually enter values for the start easting, start northing, section

    orientation and section length

    2. Select individual collars using the SHIFT key and left mouse button

    3. Draw a line on the collar map window, select the line and specify anenvelope width

    4. Preload a previous section line file to the drillhole project

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    34 Discover Tutorials

    16. For this exercise, use the third method. Make the Cosmetic Layeredita

    in the Enhanced Layer Control window, select the Line tool from the

    MapInfo Professional Drawing toolbar and draw a horizontal line (left to

    right) through the middle 3 collars (Holes DDH1, DDH3 and DDH4).

    Select the line you have just drawn. Choose Drillholes>Define New

    Section or Plan... and choose Section for the Display Type on the Def

    tab, Envelope section from the Define Section option and Manual for t

    Section Envelope. Collars which will participate in the section will be

    displayed in the Select Collars to Display option.

    17. Specify an Envelope width of m and select a View Direction of Section Manager and the window displays the availablesections and their open/close status, ticked (Open), not ticked (Closed).

    32BStep 10 - Extracting Maximum and EOH values

    From the Drillholesmenu it is possible to create a table displaying the Maximand EOH (End-of-Hole) values from holes within a drillhole project.

    18. Select Drillholes>Calculate Maximum and EOH Values. This opens

    Drillholes Queries dialog. Choose SAMPLES for the Downhole Data.From the list of fields available, select , and and click OSave the Maximum and EOH Values table as

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    Maximum and EOH Values dialog

    33BStep 11 - Editing Display Colour Patterns for sections

    Prior to displaying downhole data on a section, you need to create colour patterelevant to the data ranges. For this example, you will create an individual pattefor lithology and a ranged colour pattern for grade-shading Au text values.

    19. Click on Drillholes>Legend Editor and click the New buttonon the

    Legend Editordialog.

    Check the Populate Legend from dataset box and select from the Dataset pull-down list and from the Field pull-down lists.Select a numeric Data Type and Number of rows as . By default aLegend name of< Samples_Au> is assigned which can be changedmanually if desired.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    New Legend dialog

    When the legend is displayed in the Legend Editordialog enter thefollowing range details and save:

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    Legend Editor dialog

    Range 1: From To , Fg colour

    Range 2: From To , Fg colour

    Range 3: From To , Fg colour

    Range 4: From To , Fg colour

    To create the colour pattern for the LITHOLOGY table, repeat the aboveprocedure for a new colour legend and this time select frthe Dataset pull-down list and from the Field pull-down list. SeleText as the Data type and name this legend . Click O

    When the legend is displayed in the Legend Editorclick o

    the Fg (Foreground), Bg (Background) and Patterns cells to select a

    colour/pattern combination for each unique lithological entry. To quickly selec

    unique patterns, select the Patterns column and click on the Step patternsbutton. The border line colour, linestyle and thickness can also be modified.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial


    Step 12 Annotate the drillhole cross-sections

    20. Select Drillholes>Display Downhole Data.... A maximum of 16 downho

    variables can be plotted. The sections need to be annotated with rock

    (trace shade centred on the drill trace), gold (Au) values as text to the rig

    and arsenic (As) values as a line graph to the left of the drill trace.

    To specify the rock display, click the Trace Shade button. Select the Tab and Field .

    Default parameters appear in a Trace Shade window. To select yourlithology colour look up scheme, click on the Legend drop down menu achose . Change the other settings so that the trace shais mm wide at a Map Scale of with an offset of mm so it is centred on the drillhole trace. Click OK.

    Trace Shade dialog

    21. To define Au text labels click the Text button. From the Text LabelsSettings dialog, select Table and Field . Click on theColour byLegend drop down menu and chose colourpattern, and enter a pt font size for a Map Scale . Set thePosition to display mm to the Near Right of the drill trace. Click OK

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    Text Labels dialog

    22. To define an As Linegraph click the Linegraph button. Select Table and Field . Note the As values range between 20 and3900 ppm. Given the wide data range, you need to set an appropriate scSet the Scale to forMap Scale of , this willmake thelinegraph to be no larger than 78 mm. If you use a higher value, a warninmessage suggesting that you choose a smaller value is displayed. Set thline colour to red by clicking on the line style colourbutton and selecting. Position the linegraph on the left side of the drill trace with an offs mm and click OK.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Histogram/Line dialog

    23. Save this current data display setting by clicking the Save button. Save tsetting called . This setting can be used in future to ensure sections are viewed with a consistent data display.

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    Downhole data display definition dialog showing the current display schem

    24. Select the two vertical sections that have been created in the Sections band click Apply. The selected downhole data is drawn on the two sectio

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    36BStep 13 - Producing a Log Display

    Log displays can be used to display multiple columns of detailed information foindividual drillholes in an easy-to-view display. Up to 24 different columns ofinformation can be displayed for a drillhole in a log. This can be particularly usefor examining in detail multi-element migration across a particular lithological


    25. To produce a log display, return to the drillhole collar location map windo

    Select 1 drillhole e.g. DDH3. Click on the Log Display button or navigate

    the Drillholes>Log Display... menu item.

    26. From the Drillhole Log Display dialog, choose the tablefrom the Select Columns from Data Table list. Chose the colufrom the Available Columns window, and click the >> button on the

    Columns to Display in Log dialog.

    Columns to Display in Log dialog

    27. Click on the Settings button to choose the log display settings for

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    Advanced Column Log Display Settings dialog

    28. Choose the table and , and columns. Clicon the Settings button and choose for the log type and thefrom Trace Shade option to fill the linegraphs with the previously definelithology log, . Leave the other settings and click OK.

    The 4 columns chosen for the log are now listed in the main dialog. You can althe settings individually for these columns by clicking on the Settings button. Ycan save this log display setting so that it can be used again later.

    The Global Settings button allows modification of a number of defaults, includglobal dimensions, display styles and data handling. Many of these settings caalso be changed for individual columns.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    29. Click OK and Discover creates the drillhole log for each of the columns. you selected multiple drillholes, a log for each drillhole will be created in separate table.

    Downhole log display with lithology fill

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    37BStep 14 - On-Screen Interpretation

    Geological interpretations of mineralisation or lithological boundaries can bedigitized on screen from the sections that have been generated.

    30. Open Section Manager, highlight the section(s) you wish to add geologic

    interpretations to. Click Section Manager>Advanced Button>Add SecLayer. Click OK and accept the default B layer in the New Layer Suffixdialog.

    Important: The interpretations must be done on a layer with the B suffixthem to be used in resource calculation tool.

    Select the B layer in the layer control tool and make it editable.

    Any type of object may be digitized. For this exercise, digitize high-gradeore pods or lithological boundaries. From the Region Style button on theMapInfo Professional Drawing toolbar, choose an appropriate colour. Thwith the Polygon button selected, proceed to digitize the interpreted orezones.

    After each ore polygon has been closed, you need to add the attribute din the browser window in the column Feature_Code. Alternatively, use tInformation Tool to attribute the data. Additional fields may be added totable if required.

    Continue the on-screen interpretation for medium and low grademineralisation. Remember to use File>Save Table on a regular basis.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Boundary digitized on sectionOnce boundaries have been digitized, they may be exported as 3D DXFcoordinates for use in another software package. Choose Drillholes>ExternalData Formats>Export Section Layer as 3D DXF.

    38BStep 15 - Generating Sectional Resources

    The resource calculator uses an inverse distance weighting interpolation togenerate a sectional resource for any numerical downhole data.

    31. To create a sectional resource, you need to use 1 of the sections generaabove, into which you have digitized some mineralisation boundaries. Con the Drillholes>Sectional Resource Calculator... menu option.

    Choose one of the available sections and click OK. Select the

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    Discover Drillhole sectional resource calculator dialog

    Select OK from the Gridding Section window to accept the grid defaultThe sectional resource will be processed and displayed.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Discover cross-section with resource calculated grid

    39BStep 16 - Composite Downhole Attribute Data

    The Discover data compositing feature allows the compositing of downholeattribute data by attribute, cut-off grade, elevation or downhole depth. eg.composite assay data based on lithological unit or at specified intervals down h

    32. You can composite by downhole depth by selecting Drillholes>DownhoCompositing.... Select as the Composite using downhotable and navigate to the Elevation tab and the Downhole Depth option

    On the left hand side of the dialog select holes and .Select as the Downhole table to composite. Ensure thecomposite interval is set to m. Click the OK button to start process

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    Downhole compositing tool dialog

    When processing is complete, you can observe the results by opening a new

    browser window for the table SAMPLES_COMP. This composite data can now displayed in section just like any other downhole data table, as it can beautomatically added to the project by checking the Add output to current projoption.

    You may also wish to experiment with other methods of compositing.

    40BStep 17 - Display a Section Grid

    33. To add a map grid to the section, make a section window the front map

    window and select the option Drillholes>Draw Section Grid... orclick o

    the Section Grid button. The grid is drawn to fill the current map window

    view. Alternatively, a section grid can be added automatically using the

    Add Section to Layout menu option.

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    34. Choose Drillholes>Draw Section Grid.... The X and Elevation spacingbe specified independently of each other. Choose an X-value of metres and elevation of metres. Use the default parameters of gridlines and labels at left and top, and ensure a tick is in the Place labels i

    mask polygon outside map frame box. Click OK.

    If you are not satisfied with the grid position relative to the section, you can mothe section and repeat the grid process. The previous section grid is overwritteunless you change the default table name into which the section grid is created

    Cross-section with grid mask

    41BStep 18 Formatting and printing a Drillhole Section

    The following exercise outlines the procedure to print a section to A3 Landscap

    35. Click on the Section Layout button or navigate to Drillholes>Add Sect

    to Layout....

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    Add Section to Layout dialog

    36. In the displayed dialog select the section to be added to the layout windoChoose from the Map Scale pull-down list and

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    Drillhole Display Tutorial

    Add Section to Layout dialog

    37. In the second Add Section to Layout dialog, check the Add Plan ofCollars to Layout box. This will produce a map with collar positions draabove the corresponding section and include the surface geology polygo

    Click on the Preview button to refresh the map window view. Make suresection(s) to add to the layout are selected and choose and from the pull-down lists. Click OK. Within the DrillholeSection Grid dialog choose an X-value of metres and elevation of metres. Use the default parameters of grid lines and labels at the leand top, and ensure a tick is in the Place labels in mask polygon outsmap frame box. Click OK.

    The TitleBlock and ScaleBar Options dialog is displayed. Enter in youname as the Authorand choose a TitleBlockPosition of . UnderOther Options select from the Display List

    Layers in map pull-down list. Click OK to display the layout window.

    A layout window containing the section will appear. The collar plan is

    automatically added above the section. You can add the XSectLeg to thelayout window by drawing a frame object on the layout and specifying thi window as its content.

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    Section with data display legend printed from the layout window

    38. From the MapInfo Professional File>Page Setup menu option select yoprinter and a page size of .

    Save the final layout as a workspace and use the MapInfo ProfessionalFile>Print menu option to send the section layout to your printer.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    44 Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    This tutorial shows how gridded surfaces and contour plans are created and usin Discover. A topographic dataset containing spot heights is used as the data


    8BAn Exercise in Surface Modelling and Analysis

    The objectives of this tutorial are to interpolate a surface grid and generate acontour plan, create a profile, determine grid slope and aspect, perform sun-shading and clip the grid to a region.

    Note: The tutorial dataset is installed in either of the following locations:

    ..\\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows XPoperating system) or

    ..\\ProgramData\Encom\Discover\Discover_Tutorial (on Windows Vista or 7 operatingsystems)

    All references to the dataset locations in the tutorial exercises ignore the pathin

    up to \Discover Tutorial.

    Discover can create surface grids in many industry standard formats. Discoversupplies a number of Grid Handler files which enable to the creation or import g

    in any of these formats.

    43BStep 1 Generate a Surface Grid

    1. Open the table SPOT HEIGHTS from the \Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folder MapInfo Professional. From the Discovermenu, select Surfaces menuSurfaces menu is added to the MapInfo Professional menu bar.

    Choose Surfaces>Create Grid>Interactive. Select the table to be gridded and click OK.

    Note If you select a subset of point to grid, an additional option appears in the dialogcalled *Selection*.

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    Choose the data to be gridded

    The gridding tool consists of a series of tab dialogs for grid parameter set-up thcreate a surface grid. Accompanying each dialog box is a preview window of thgrid as it is created.

    The Gridding Tool dialog with a preview of the computed grid of selected data points

    2. On the Input tab of the Interactive Gridding dialog, select

    from the list of available fields to grid. Located above the grid preview aresix buttons and a pull-down list. These buttons control the displayproperties of the grid in the preview window. Ensure the Histogramequalisation button is selected and from the drop downlist.

    3. Right-mouse click in the preview window to display the pop-up menu:

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    Check the Show Value at Cursorto see the individual grid cell valuesdisplayed.

    Show Input Points displays the input data points in the preview window.

    Pseudo Colourbutton enables you to toggle between a coloured or greyscale


    Sun Shading button turns on automatic sun-shading.

    4. On the Method tab, set the Estimation technique to Triangulation.Triangulation uses the Delaunay triangulation method which createstriangles between all data points. Grid cell values are assigned based oncoplanar values of the triangle, where each grid cell is located. This griddmethod is best suited to datasets which need to honour the original data

    input points as accurately as possible: e.g. elevation data.

    Other types of datasets such as geochemical data can be gridded usingdifferent interpolation methods such as Minimum Curvature orInverseDistance Weighting.

    The Grid Geometry tab specifies the grid cell size which may be alteredmanually if required. The extents of the data to be gridded can also bealtered under the Data Coverage options.

    5. On the Output tab save the grid in a called

    . Click the Save button and Discover will save the gand open it up into a new map window or the map window containing the

    SPOT HEIGHTS data.

    Statistics button displays the input data statistics, as a histogram distribution

    and in graphical format. The Statistics Explorer can display the input grid data

    using univariate, bivariate, spatial and variogram statistical methods.

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    44BStep 2 Contour Elevation Grid

    5. Select Surfaces>Grid Contouring.... On the Grid Contouring dialo

    select as the Grid to contour. Make the minocontour interval 100 and the major 500. Save the output file as the

    default in the Discover Tutorial\Surfacesfolder.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    Specify the contouring, range and output table

    Click Process to initiate. When complete click Close on the progress diaYou can use the Surfaces>Label Contour Lines menu option to addcontour labels to your contours.

    Close the GRID CONTOURS table on completion of this exercise.

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    45BStep 3 - Altering Grid Colours, Sun-Shading and Transparency

    Once a grid is created or imported it is possible to change the colour schemeapplied to the grid. The grid colour will be changed to an elevation colour schemwith real-time sun-shading applied.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    7. To alter the grid colour, choose Surfaces>Modify Grid Display.... On thColourtab, check the Linear Stretch method and select the

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    On the Colourtab check the Transparency box and move the slider to, click Apply. This will enable to view overlying geology data in thnext exercise.

    9. Click on the Sun tab. Check the Sun Shade box. Set the Angle to with an Elevation of . Check the Auto Apply box or click on theApply button to view the changes in the grid window. You can also applysecond light source by checking the Sun Highlight box. This can usefulwhen viewing gridded geophysical data. Alternatively you can click in theSun tab preview window and drag the Sun Shade orSun Highlightsources manually to a new location.

    Select the Surfaces>Make Legend for Grid... menu option to display alegend.


    Step 4 - Create a Profile from a Grid

    10. Open the GEOLOGY table from the \Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folder. Thistable contains coloured polygons representing geological units. In the La

    Control window drag the GEOLOGY layer below the TOPO GRID layer. the grid a transparency of 50%, to do this go Surfaces>Modify GridDisplay on the colour tab, click the Transparency box and drag the slide50% you should be able to view the geology polygons beneath the grid.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    order the layers so that the GEOLOGY layer is on top of the grid when yohave finished.

    11. Make the Cosmetic Layereditable from the Layer Control, and with thLine tool selected from the MapInfo Professional Drawing toolbar, drawline across the centre of the image, from left to right. Select the line in themap window.

    When a surface profile is created, the surface line is displayed in sectionview. It is also possible to colour the profile line by draping based on thepolygons intersected in the GEOLOGY table.

    12. Click the Surfaces>Draw Grid Profile... button, the new profiler previewwindow will appear. Clickthe Options buttonthe Profiler Options dialowill now appear.

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    Specifying parameters for profile generation

    13. Check Show Layer Intersections and click the Select Layerbutton. Ch and select as the attribute field. Click O

    Select the Display tab and check the Axis Y, Grid Y, Axis X and Grid Xcheck boxes as below.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    14. Select the DataTable button, the DataTable containing the profile valueswill appear below the Profile as below.

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    Select the Info tab, check Update Position on Mouse Moves. Move yomouse across the profile and see the values for each sections of the proappear in the DataTable.

    To save this profile into MapInfo Professional, click on Export button.Choose a suitable name, it will default to . Click Save, theprofile will open in a map window.

    The profile data can be seen by opening a new browser window.

    Complete the exercise by closing the GEOLOGY and PROFILE tables andeleting the cosmetic objects.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    47BStep 5 - Assign Values from Grid

    It is possible to assign grid cell values to map objects in a vector layer. This utican be used to aggregate geochemical data based on geological regions or aselevation or RL values to drillhole or sample data.

    15. Open the STREAM SAMPLES table from the \Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folView the data in browser format and note the blank RL column. To upda

    the browser with RL values extracted from the TOPO GRID select all thestream samples in the map window and choose the Surfaces>AssignValues from Grid menu option.

    16. Select from the Assign value to column pull-down list and click OThe RL values are automatically extracted from the grid cell in which eacstream sample is located and entered in the browser. Select File>SaveTable to save these updates.

    Note When assigning grid cell values to polygon data the mean, minimum or maximu

    values for all the grid cells that fall within each polygon can be determined.

    48BStep 6 - Grid Queries

    The Surfaces module contains a powerful grid analysis tool that lets you selecportions of the grid that meet specific criteria. Grid cells that meet the specifiedcriteria are saved as polygons in a new layer. The grid cells are selected basedactual grid cell values or by the percentile range of the entire dataset.

    17. Select Surfaces>Grid Query>Select by Multiple Value Ranges. SeValue and enter the following values into the Levels window: ,

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    Grid query parameters for identifying areas by elevation ranges

    Experiment with other query parameters. Elevation grid cells can also beselected based on their elevation, slope and aspect properties.

    Close all tables except forTOPO GRID before proceeding to the nextexercise.

    49BStep 7 - Using the Grid Calculator

    The Grid Calculator enables arithmetic operations to be performed on or betweone or more grids e.g. add, subtract, multiply or divide each grid cell by a constvalue, subtract one grid from another, multiply the values in two grids together create a third grid, etc.

    In this exercise we will create a new grid which will represent regolith thicknesssubtracting a base of regolith grid from an elevation grid.

    18. Open the SPOT HEIGHTS table from the \Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folder the current map window. Repeat the previous steps to create a grid usinthe field. Use the Triangulation method and name the

    output grid .

    With the TOPO GRIDand BASE_REGOLITHgrids both open chooseSurfaces>Grid Calculator. Both grids should be listed in the dialog.

    19. Our expression is going to create a new grid called REGOLITH which is tresult of subtracting the BASE_REGOLITHgrid from the TOPO GRID. Clithe Expression window and type the following:

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    Select the followed by from the grid list aclick the Add selected grid button to transfer the grid into the Expression.

    Ensure the following expression syntax is displayed:

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    Browse to the \Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folder to save the grid file. Click on theCompute button, new map window will appear with the REGOLITH grid display

    20. The grid can be queried using the Grid Info tool. Click on the Grid Info

    button located on the Surfaces toolbar, and click on an area of grid thatyou wish to query. Discover reports the value for the central grid cellselected, as well as the surrounding 8 grid cells. Check the grid cell valuin the new grid with the parent grids.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    21. Grid cell values can also be viewed using the Surfaces>Grid

    Utilities>Edit tool. View the TOPO GRID, BASE_REGOLITHandREGOLITH grid cell values using the scroll bars or clicking in the Afterpreview window with the Select Mode cursor.

    50BStep 8 - Clipping a Grid

    You may often need to clip a portion of a grid to a polygon boundary. For examwe want to have ourTOPO GRID clipped to a tenement boundary.

    22. Open the table TENEMENT BOUNDARY from the \Discover Tutorial \Surfacefolder. Add it to the map window containing the TOPO GRID. Select theTENEMENT BOUNDARY polygon.

    Navigate to Surfaces>Grid Utilities>Clip. Select as thetable to clip against in the Grid Utility dialog. Make sure the

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    Note The grid is clipped to the minimum bounding rectangle of the tenement bounda

    with areas outside with null values.

    23. Click the Save As button, accept the default saved grid name and save

    clipped grid to the\Discover Tutorial \Surfaces folder.

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    Create Gridded Surface Tutorial

    Open a new map window containing the BASE_REGOLITH grid and theTENEMENT BOUNDARY tables. Select the tenement boundary and repthe clipping exercise to clip the BASE_REGOLITH grid.

    51BStep 9 - Volume Calculations

    24. Open the TOPO GRID_CLIPPED and BASE_REGOLITH_CLIPPEDgrids imap window. To calculate the volume of regolith, choose Surfaces>GridUtilities>Volume. Select the grid in the listdisplay this grid as the Main Grid. Select View Entire Layerand select all

    points in the table using the Layer Control or alternatively chooseQuery>Select All from Stream_Samples.

    From the Surfaces menu, choose Surfaces>Create Voronoi PolygonsAccept the default Output Polygon Table name and the default option Cpolygons to convex hull. Click OK.

    A new layer containing the polygons is created. Each polygon has a Cu,and Zn field associated with it. Producing a thematic map allows you tovisualize the results.

    26. Choose Map>Create Thematic Map. Select the Region Ranges Deftemplate. Click Next and ensure that the table and the column are selected. Check Ignore ZeroesoBlanks. Click Next.

    The resulting default ranges are not what is required. To specify the rangyou want, click the Ranges button and choose as theMethod. Choose 5 ranges and click the Recalc button prior to clicking O

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    Creating thematic map ranges for Voronoi Polygons

    Click on the Styles button and choose a distinct colour for each of the 5ranges. Click OK.
