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. DISCOVER – DEFINE – DESIGN - DELIVER By Kenny Alexander Cox – www.kennyalexandercox.com MARCH 1, 2018


DISCOVER – DEFINE – DESIGN - DELIVER By Kenny Alexander Cox – www.kennyalexandercox.com

MARCH 1, 2018


Contents Note ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Outline .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Approach ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Research Method .................................................................................................................................... 5

Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Duration of the Project ....................................................................................................................... 5

Goals ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Limitations .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Initial Research .................................................................................................................................... 6

1. Internal Stakeholder Contextual Interviews ........................................................................... 6

2. Customer interviews ............................................................................................................... 6

3. Affinity Diagrams ..................................................................................................................... 6

4. Card Sorting............................................................................................................................. 6

Deeper Research ................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Customer profile ..................................................................................................................... 6

2. Customer Journey Map ........................................................................................................... 6

3. Market research ...................................................................................................................... 6

4. Heuristic Analysis .................................................................................................................... 6

5. Usability Testing ...................................................................................................................... 6

Discover .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Stakeholder interview questions and answers ................................................................................... 7

Three Previous Customer Profile Descriptions ....................................................................................... 8

Customer profile 1 .............................................................................................................................. 8

Customer profile 2 .............................................................................................................................. 9

Customer profile 3 ............................................................................................................................ 10

Customer Interview insights ............................................................................................................. 11

Affinity Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 12

Customer Psychographics ..................................................................................................................... 15

Card Sorting .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Branding ................................................................................................................................................ 17

The importance of colour in branding .............................................................................................. 18

Colour usage on the web .................................................................................................................. 18

Colour and personalities ................................................................................................................... 18

The Colour Affects System .................................................................................................................... 19

Group 1: Type 1 personality .............................................................................................................. 19


Group 2: Type 2 personality .............................................................................................................. 19

Group 3: Type 3 personality .............................................................................................................. 19

Group 4: Type 4 personality .............................................................................................................. 20

Market research for wewantyourcar.com ............................................................................................ 21

Successful attempt to enter registration for a quote ........................................................................... 21

Failed attempt to enter registration for a quote .............................................................................. 24

Secondary market research .................................................................................................................. 26

Scrappage Schemes 2017 ................................................................................................................. 26

Define.................................................................................................................................................... 28

Usability testing details ......................................................................................................................... 28

Objective: .......................................................................................................................................... 28

Area to concentrate on ..................................................................................................................... 28

Equipment required .......................................................................................................................... 28

Recruiting Usability Test Participants ............................................................................................... 28

Tasks and solutions for test participants .............................................................................................. 29

TASKS ................................................................................................................................................ 29

SOLUTION .......................................................................................................................................... 29

Instructions for 3 users ......................................................................................................................... 30

Scenario for 3 users............................................................................................................................... 31

User Satisfaction Survey ................................................................................................................... 33

Post-Test Questionnaire 1 for user 1 ................................................................................................ 33

Follow Up Questions ......................................................................................................................... 33

Post-Test Questionnaire 2 for user 2 ................................................................................................ 34

Follow Up Questions ......................................................................................................................... 34

Post-Test Questionnaire 3 for user 3 ................................................................................................ 35

Follow Up Questions ......................................................................................................................... 35

Expert Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 36

Current site architecture ................................................................................................................... 36

HOME (How it works) ....................................................................................................................... 36

About Us ........................................................................................................................................... 39

FAQ .................................................................................................................................................... 40

Get a quote ....................................................................................................................................... 41

Footer ................................................................................................................................................ 44

Results for Heuristic Analysis ................................................................................................................ 45

Jackob Nielsen 10 Golden Rules ....................................................................................................... 45

Severity Rating Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 45


Heuristic Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 46

Design ................................................................................................................................................... 48

Persona Profile .................................................................................................................................. 48

Customer Segment attributes ........................................................................................................... 49

Demographics ............................................................................................................................... 49

Psychographics .............................................................................................................................. 49

Buying habits ................................................................................................................................. 49

Contact messaging ........................................................................................................................ 49

S.W.O.T. analysis ................................................................................................................................... 50

Sketching ............................................................................................................................................... 51

Prioritizing features ............................................................................................................................... 52

Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 53

Home ................................................................................................................................................. 54

Registration ....................................................................................................................................... 55

About Us ........................................................................................................................................... 55

Testimonials ...................................................................................................................................... 56

FAQ .................................................................................................................................................... 56

Contact .............................................................................................................................................. 57

Flowchart mapping ............................................................................................................................... 58

Wireframing Home page with Axure .................................................................................................... 59

DELIVER ................................................................................................................................................. 60

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 60


Note This project is about improving user experience through analysing the current processes, understanding user needs, identifying pitfalls, and conceptualising solutions that solve real world problems.

All concepts will derive from the research undertaken and the insights gained, the design deliverables will be limited to persona profile(s), usability testing analysis, heuristic analysis, sketches, flowcharts, wireframes.

Outline The current business has been online for over 3 months and has made zero conversions. The design obviously has major navigation issues and other design issues.

• The research goals are to understand the customer and what they want/don’t want, like/don’t like.

• The development goals are to redesign the platform that satisfies the business and customers’ needs alike.

Approach Service Design; User centred Design; Design Thinking;

1. Interviews, Field Research, Surveys: Understand the customer, identify the customer and

their values, needs, beliefs, emotions, and their journey. Provide guidence on a brand

identity that enstills reliability and trust. Deliver insight on the competition through a

S.W.O.T. analysis

2. Usability Testing, Heuristic Analysis: Testing to uncover pitfalls in the system and how to

improve the system

3. Information Arhcitecture: Organizing, structuring content efficiently and effectively,

Durable, and Robust

4. Ideation: Sketches, lo-fi (paper), tests

5. Prototyping: Digital wireframe, testing and interactive prototype


Research Method The double diamond framework is a tool to set up, frame, organise, structure, run or manage design

challenges, and projects. This process is not linear, it is agile, so revisiting phases of the double

diamond framework will occur, the double diamond framework is broken down into 4 phases,

Discover, Define, Design, and Deliver. During a diverging phase, the goal is to try to open myself up

as much as possible without limiting myself, whereas the converging phase focuses on condensing

and narrowing my insights or ideas.

Figure 1 Example of a Feasibility Matrix

Scope Duration of the Project

• Start date: January 15th, 2018 - End date: March 1st, 2018

Goals 1. Increase conversion rate – Current metric = 0% sales over 90 day period

2. Decrease bounce rate – Current metric = 100% bounce rate over a 90 day period

A great User Experience Designer needs to answer these questions to build a successful product:

1. What do people need? (Users) 2. What will sustain a business? (Business)


3. What can we build? (Technology)

Limitations 1. Limited budget of £0 set aside for this project, this is a start-up company and the initial

website cost the owner £80

2. Limited Timeframe

3. No online data provided: no web traffic; no social media presence;

4. Very limited customer information;

Initial Research

1. Internal Stakeholder Contextual Interviews (Owner), it’s key to communicate with people

(owner’s/users) to gain insights, understand issues from the owner’s perspective, business

processes and goals.

2. Customer interviews – The purpose of the customer interviews was to understand the

customers values and feelings.

3. Affinity Diagrams – An affinity diagram is the organized output from a brainstorming

session. The affinity diagram organizes a large number of ideas into their natural

relationships, the purpose is to increase creativity and intuition.

4. Card Sorting - used to help design and evaluate the information architecture of the site.

Deeper Research 1. Customer profile - A consumer profile is a way of describing a consumer to help you make

design decisions concerning the service.

2. Customer Journey Map - Customer journey mapping helps us to gain a better

understanding of the customer's experience from the customer's perspective by tying a

customer's pain points and actions to specific needs. Doing so has a multitude of benefits

such as: Visualizing the buying experience through the eyes of your customers.

3. Market research - The goal is to understand the competitions opportunitties and threats in

the market through means of designing a S.W.O.T. Analysis.

4. Heuristic Analysis - A heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method for computer

software that helps to identify usability problems in the user interface (UI) design, judging

its compliance with recognized usability principles (the "heuristics").

5. Usability Testing – Key Benefits of Usability Testing. Usability studies are proven to

decrease support costs, increase user satisfaction, and save on development and redesign

efforts. Usability testing measures behavior, not preference, it’s a great way to launch a

better, faster, app with the least amount of wasted resources.


Discover Stakeholder interview questions and answers

1. What seems to be the problem? Answer: “I have a website and it sucks, it doesn’t get any

sales. I paid £80 for someone to put up my site. www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk. I would like to

improve my website, I know that the site needs fixing, but I don’t really know what to do


2. Company description: Answer: The business began in October 2017, only one

owner/employee, Owner hires a truck to pick up the vehicles.

3. What were your previous business goals? Answer: “I really wanted to get a website up and

running but I feel that I rushed things and made my online business look bad.”

4. What are your current business goals? Answer: “I would like to be able to attract more

customers online to make more money. I don’t think people trust my business because of

the sales issue (no online sales in 3 months being online) and because of the way it looks and

works. Ideally I would like to convert sales online. I don’t feel that my brand is strong and I’d

like the customer to be able to trust my company.”

5. Vehicle description: Answer: Average year of cars purchased are about 8-10 years old with

about 160,000 thousand miles. The stakeholder stated that his top three vehicles that are

purchased were: Ford Focus, Vauxhalls Corsas, and the Volkswagens Jettas. I buy vehicles

that are operational/non-operational.

6. Conversation rate: Answer: The business has only made sales through word of mouth and

no marketing has been attempted nor has he set up any social media accounts for the

business. The business conversion Rate is approximately 10 cars a month (for the past three

months) and the maximum amount the business will spend on any vehicle is £2000. The

company will pick up vehicles for FREE (companies expense) if the customers just want to

get rid of their junk car.

7. Who are your customers? Answer: “I think that my customers are mainly middle age

women who don’t know much about vehicles that needs help removing their car quickly and


8. Who is your competition? Answer: “ www.webuyanycar.com and other websites like that,

that’s all I really know”.


9. What is your process? – Owner compares car prices on auto trader and compares quotes on

www.webuyanycar.com because more than likely, the customer has previously been on that


Three Previous Customer Profile Descriptions I was provided with three previous customers who had conducted business through word of mouth,

three of whom were willing to conduct a short interview.

• Each interview lasted 10 to 20 minutes.

• All three interviews were conducted over the phone.

Customer profile 1 Name: Nadia – In person interview

Figure 2 Not a real image of the customer

Role: Previous Customer

Age: 37

Education: Level 5 - diploma of higher education (DipHE)

Career: Administrative Assitant for a private medical office in Burnley

Annual income: 27k Net

Marital status: Has a boyfriend and one 10 year old daughter

Description: Anita wants to sell her car easily, quickly whereby it doesn’t efffect her work schedule

and wants to get the most money for her car.

Goal: “I want to get rid of my old car, it failed the MOT and emitts too much polution. I like

companies that care about nature and about their customers.”

Device: Samsung Galaxy S7 Curve – Asus Desktop – Samsung tablet Tab A

Device Usage: 40% internet usage on mobile device (mainly personal usage) – 40% desktop

(mainly work) – 10% Samsung tablet (with the kids)

Interet Usage: mainly chatting on facebook, and watching youtube music videos

Internet Savvyness: Proficient

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Customer profile 2 Name: Jessica – Phone interview

Figure 3 Not a real image of the customer

Role: Previous Customer

Age: 39

Education: Level 3 - A level

Career: Works at a café part time and cleans houses part time

Annual income: 11k Net

Description: Jessica has wrecked Ford focus that her previous partner crashed 6 months ago, she

wanted to clear up her drive way and use the cash for a holiday.

Goal - “I want to get rid of my car for cash quickly to go on holiday!”

Device – Iphone 5 – Android LG V30

Device Usage - 100% mobile – 0% desktop “I don’t own a computer, what for?” Kids share phone

when they want to play games.

Internet Usage – Loves Instagram, snapchat and facebook… posts everyday. All her family and

friends communicate mainly on facebook and snapchat.

Internet Savvyness: Intermediate

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Customer profile 3 Name: Naomi – Phone interview

Figure 4 Not a real image of the customer

Role: Previous Customer

Age: 42

Education: Level 3 - Advanced apprenticeship

Career: Manufacturing company – life boats for marine use

Annual income: 18k Net

Description: Naomi wants to buy a Volkswagen Polo, and wants to sell her 2009 white Ford Focus

for quick cash.

Goal - “I want to get rid of my car for cash quickly in the local area, big trust issues with online

companies, “I don’t want to get ripped off.”

Device – Iphone 5 – Avid Iphone user

Device Usage - 100% mobile –

Internet Usage – Loves Instagram, snapchat and facebook… posts everyday. All her family and

friends communicate mainly on facebook and snapchat.

Internet Savvyness: Intermediate

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Customer Interview insights To gather deeper insight on the customer, I conducted multiple interviews with previous customers. I was able to conduct three short (30 min or less) interviews with three previous customers, two of the interviews were over the phone and the third interview was conducted in person.

How did you hear about the business?

Customer 1 (C1) “Boyfriend told me about his friend who bought scrapped cars, so he called

him and then the owner called me.”

Customer 2 (C2) “Friend of a friend.”

Customer 3 (C3) “ A co-worker told me.”

What was your feelings throughout the service?

Customer 1 (C1) It was ok, I duno, it was easy. Yeah so I liked it…

Customer 2 (C2) prestoncarbuyer.co.uk was the only one to pick the phone up that day, so

we arranged to have my car picked up the next day. picked up the car for

me the next day.

Customer 3 (C3) Good service.

What did you like about the service?

Customer 1 (C1) Fast but not very professional. No uniform.

Customer 2 (C2) They agreed to meet based on my free time.

Customer 3 (C3) Customer service was fast and reliable.

What is the one thing you would about the website change to make your life better?

Customer 1 (C1) Get a quote faster

Customer 2 (C2) I don’t like filling out forms, but I expect the forms to actually work, theirs

didn’t work.

Customer 3 (C3) I don’t think the website is attractive or professional looking, I don’t trust

the site.

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Affinity Diagram Used for the ideation stage, this activity is relational and visual representations of my insight and obersvations. It’s a method used to meaninfully cluster observations and insights from research, in this case, customer interviews for qualititative research and quantitative research (custoemr satisfaction surveys).

Affinity = grouping a common experience

Diagram = Simplified drawing

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Customer Psychographics The interviews from the three previous customers allowed me to design an affinity board based on customer psychographics. This data was used to qualify users for the usability tests.

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Card Sorting Currently being redesigned


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Branding Interviewing the stakeholder/owner and previous customers allowed provided the data to design an affinity board to steer the creation of the company’s brand guidelines.

Page 19: dISCOVER – DEFINE – DESIGN - DELIVER · DISCOVER – DEFINE – DESIGN - DELIVER By Kenny Alexander Cox –  . MARCH 1, 2018

The importance of colour in branding Colour is dependent on personal experiences to be universally translate to specific feelings. 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone, depending on the product. Colour can increase brand recognition by up to 80%.

Brown – warmth, coziness

Black – power, sophistication

Grey – somberness, stability

Blue – trust, confidence

Red – excitement, passion

Pink – youthfulness, romance

Colour usage on the web • Blue is often used in technology sites because it invokes trust and confidence

• White and yellow background combined with light grey is super modern and sophisticated

as well as energizing.

• Green evokes a connection with nature, while the white background gives a sense of

simplicity and purification.

• The orange buttons complement well while giving users focus on the call to action.

• The beige background and the use of pastels give a very creamy and delicious feel to this

site. Very inviting.

Colour and personalities Angela Wright identified links between patterns of colour and patterns of human behaviour, she

found that all colours can be classified into one of four tonal groups, and that mathematical

relationships underpin the shades and tones within each group. She went on to develop the Colour

Affects System, which identifies links between the four colour groups and four basic personality


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The Colour Affects System

Group 1: Type 1 personality Type 1 personalities are externally motivated and eternally youthful.

Group 1 colours are clear, delicate, and warm, and contain yellow, but no black. Examples include soft cream, turquoise and cobalt.

Figure 5 Group 1 colours are often used for fun brands

Group 2: Type 2 personality The type 2 personalities are cool, calm, and collected.

Group 2 colours are cool (they contain blue), mid-range (most contain grey) and delicate, but not necessarily light – for example raspberry, maroon or sage green.

Figure 6 Group 2 colours reflect understated elegance and timelessness, but are seen as recessive

Group 3: Type 3 personality Type 3 personalities are friendly, traditional, and reliable, these tones are popular in branding and work for well-established companies.

Warmer than group 1, group 3 colours are intense and fiery and contain black.

Figure 7 The Group 3 palette features quite flamboyant and unusual colours

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Group 4: Type 4 personality Type 4 personalities are clear, precise, everything is black and white, yes or no.

Group 4 colours contain blue and are cold rather than cool.

Figure 8 Group 4 suggests efficiency, sophistication and excellence, but also expense and unfriendliness

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Market research for wewantyourcar.com


Top three cars listed by the owner

1. Car 1 – Ford Focus 2. Car 2 – Vauxhall Corsa 3. Car 3 – Volkswagen Jetta

Top three cars listed by the desk research (below)

1. Car 1 - Audi 2. Car 2 - Renault 3. Car 3 - VW and Peugeot (both tied for 3rd)

I used the data uncovered from the stakeholder interview and the customer interview to fill in the forms below. The focus of the analysis was to uncover meaningful insight for two scenarios:

1. Scenario 1: Successful attempt to retrieve a quote from www.wewantanycar.com. 2. Scenario 2: Failed attempt to retrieve a quote from www.wewantanycar.com.

Successful attempt to enter registration for a quote Vehicle Type Car Manufacturer Audi Model A3 Registration Year 2010/10 Model Variant A3 Hatchback (2008 – 2012) Trim S Line Derivative [40266] 1.6 S Line 3dr Date of 1st Reg 01/01/2013

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After entering the details above, the following page was returned below. (1 of 3 steps before getting paid)

I entered the following information to the form.

Form Fields Data Entered in the form below Mileage 140,000 Previous Owners 1 Service History No service history Colour Black Write off (radio button) Y/N No

The following screen was provided (2 of 3)

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After completing two forms, I was able to get an instant quote (£3,116) from wewantanycar.com.

I clicked Accept Offer Call to Action Button.

Confirmation page is returned.

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Failed attempt to enter registration for a quote Failed attempt to enter a correct vehicle registration leads to a pop up asking the customer if they would prefer to enter their details manually or close the dialog.

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Below is a screenshot of the user entering their details manually, 8 form fields and tool tips provided.

Entered invalid information

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Secondary market research The top 5 selling vehicles for the years 2015 and 2010, I can compare the registered vehicles in 2010 against 2015 to see the number of possible vehicles www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk can purchase in the UK. Further research into districts is recommended for a more defined analysis. This data is used to get an idea of the potential of car purchases countrywide.

Scrappage Schemes 2017 • Over 26 car brands launched schemes in 2017. [Source: The Sun] • Hyundai launched a Scrappage and Emission Reduction Scheme at the end of August.

[Source: The Sun] • Vauxhall introduced a Scrappage Allowance Scheme in May, with the initial intention it

would run until June. However, it was extended until the end of September after a rise in sales. [Source: The Sun]

• Ford scrappage scheme 2017 – Drivers of any car registered before December 2009 can get between £2,000 and £7,000 off a new Ford car. [Source: The Sun]

• Mercedes-Benz created their own Diesel Changeover Bonus, Mercedes announces toxic diesel trade-in scheme with £2,000 off a new, cleaner model. Mercedes is the latest German manufacturer to announce details of its diesel offer to get toxic cars off the road. UK drivers can net £2,000 off a new Euro 6 diesel, pure electric or plug-in hybrid when they trade in their old car. [Source: The Sun]

What cars are accepted?

• Ford - any Euro 1-4 rated diesel or petrol car or commercial vehicle registered before 31st

December 2009

• Hyundai - any Euro 1-4 rated diesel or petrol vehicle registered before 31st December 2009

• Kia - any diesel or petrol car more than seven years old

• Nissan - any Euro 1-4 rated car registered before 2010

• Renault - any Euro 1-4 rated car registered before 2010

• Toyota - any diesel or petrol car more than seven years old

• VW Group (including VW, Audi, SEAT, Skoda) - any euro 1-4 rated diesel car registered

before 2010

• Peugeot - any car registered before December 31, 2010

• Mazda - any petrol or diesel vehicle registered before December 31, 2009

• Mitsubishi - any Euro 1-4 petrol or diesel registered before the end of 2009

• Dacia - any Euro1-4 rated petrol or diesel car registered before 31 December 2009

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Top three scrapped cars that were paid was the Audi, Renault, VW and Peugeot were tied for third.











Average cost paid for scrapped vehicles












Average cost paid for scrapped vehicles


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Define Usability testing details Objective:

The main objective for the usability testing is to test the key functionality within the current system, “Get a quote”.

The secondary objective is to allow the test participant to explore the user interface and to tell me what they think about the

Area to concentrate on Test participants to submit their details (phone number, registration number and postcode) to get a quote on a, desktop/laptop/phone.

Equipment required • Screen capture software • Mobile phone to record video and audio • Adobe audition to edit the audio • Adobe premiere to compile the audio and video files • My Laptop to test

Recruiting Usability Test Participants I found three female friends who fit the end-user description(persona).

User 1 (U1), User 2 (U2) and User 3 (3).

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Tasks and solutions for test participants

TASKS SOLUTION 1- Take a few minutes and

familiarise yourself with WWW.Prestoncarbuyer.co.uk on your the laptop in front of you.

The test participant would navigate all links, explore the different sections. Estimated time on task 1-2 minutes

2- What do you do if you are unhappy with the price offered?

The customer would scroll to FAQ sections (FAQ navigation link is broken) click on the second button on the left-hand menu and view answer on the right “If you are unhappy with the price offered, simply give us a call to discuss your car in more detail.” Estimated time on task 1-2 minutes

3- Get a quote from the company

The customer would click on “Get Your Quote” link from the top navigation and then click on “Send Us A Message” button, the fill in their details and click Submit. Estimated time on task 2-3 minutes

4- what is the companies email The customer would need to scroll to the footer to find out the company’s email address. Estimated time on task 1 minute

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Instructions for 3 users

1- Thank you for helping me.

2- Purpose of evaluation here is to get your feedback on the design. There

are no right or wrong answers.

3- Use the tasks on the next page to find the answers on the site.

4- Think Out Loud so I can follow along, tell me what you are thinking and


5- Go on to next task when ready, please move at your own pace when you

feel you found the answer.

6- Questions afterward when you are done. “If you have questions I won't

be able to answer but will do my best at end to answer them”.

7- You may enter any fictional information when completing any tasks, for

example, you can use 1234 as your registration number, phone number,

email, name, etc.

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Scenario for 3 users

You have an old car taking up too much room in your small

driveway. You just bought yourself a second car and want to

scrap your old vehicle. You search on Google for ‘car removal

service in preston’, and navigate to

www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk’s website.

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Task difficutly rating: Users were asked to rate the tasks. User 1 = A, User 2= B, User 3 = C.

Task 1


Task 2


Task 3


Task 4


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User Satisfaction Survey Overall, how did you feel about the service offered by www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk?

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Attractive XX X Understandable X XX Easy to learn X X X Clear XX X Efficient X XX I feel in control XX X Exciting to use system X X X Innovative X XX

Post-Test Questionnaire 1 for user 1 www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk

User Number: 1

User Class: Intermediate User – works in the government traffic and is familiar with using

high-end technology in her work and daily life.

Follow Up Questions 1. Have you heard about www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk before today?

Answer: No, never but I did use a similar company before when I sold my old car, webuyanycar.com.

2. What would be the main reason you would use PrestonCarBuyer’s website for? Answer: To get a quote to compare against the bigger companies

3. Which is the most valuable service? Least valuable service? Answer: I think that if I could get an instant quote it would be better. I think FAQ’s, the link didn’t even work and when I got there it took me a while to figure it out

4. If there were only one thing about the website you would keep the same, what would it be? Answer: I like the pictures in the background

5. If there were only one thing that you would change on the website, what would it be? Answer: it needs to get fixed because it doesn’t work

6. Would you recommend our business to your friends or family? Answer: No, I would recommend a more established company

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Post-Test Questionnaire 2 for user 2 www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk

User Number: 2

User Class: Intermediate User

Follow Up Questions 1. Have you heard about www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk before today?

Answer: No, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.

2. What would be the main reason you would use PrestonCarBuyer’s website for? Answer: No, it doesn’t work

3. Whish is the most valuable service? Least valuable service? Answer: It would be good to get an instant quote. The quote feature is the least valuable because it doesn’t work. The frequently asked questions doesn’t help, there’s no way to ask a question from there, the navigation is funny.

4. If there were only one thing about the website you would keep the same, what would it be? Answer: nothing.

5. If there were only one thing that you would change on the website, what would it be? Answer: The design of the site.

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Post-Test Questionnaire 3 for user 3 www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk

User Number: 3

User Class: Intermediate User

Follow Up Questions 1. Have you heard about www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk before today?

Answer: yes, through my friend Rachael, she went to school with the owners husband.

2. What would be the main reason you would use PrestonCarBuyer’s website for? Answer: It would be good to use when I need to get rid of my old cars.

3. Whish is the most valuable service? Least valuable service? Answer: Quote and instant cash is the most valuable service. The least is the FAQ, whats that all about?

4. If there were only one thing about the website you would keep the same, what would it be? Answer: The whole thing needs changing.

5. If there were only one thing that you would change on the website, what would it be? Answer: same as before, the whole thing needs changing.

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Expert Evaluation Mobile assessment on the following http://www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk/ -

Current site architecture The following site architecture is what www.prestoncarbuyer.co.uk as of (January 5th, 2018). Single page website with four links.

• How it works • About • FAQ • Quote • And a footer

HOME (How it works)

1. The logo is below the drop-down menu. The logo is hard to see over the hand. It looks off, not aligned with the

hamburger menu. Positioned Logo in the top left corner or in the centre as seen in Motorway example below.

2. “How it Works” content/description about how your site works can be illustrated in a 1,2,3 format, whereby

relieving the customer stress load and enhancing their experience by making it as easy as 1,2,3. Example on next

page. Typos and grammatical errors can affect the way your business is perceived by the reader, the wording is a

run-on sentence. Proper formatting is very important because it shows a company’s professionalism, Search

engines are spelling, and grammar sensitive, Strategic use of SEO is possible through correct use of grammar and

spelling and because User experience matters.

3. “LET’S START” button is an additional task that the user does not need to do, they can enter their Registration in

step instead of clicking to enter their registration.

Screenshot of Home Screen EXAMPLES

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Example of logo placement in the centre and level with the


Example of 1,2,3 steps making it easier for the customer to

follow along. Removing the text from the “Get a quote” section.

Example of Registration being placed directly at the top of the

site. It’s the first thing the customer wants to do.

Another example of making it easy for users to understand how

easy it is to sell their car.

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About Us

1. Logo toggles out of the header – this happens on all screens

2. Grammatical/punctuation errors

3. The bottom of the content holder is cut off, FAQ begins to overlap the content area

Screenshot of Home Screen EXAMPLES

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1. Error: FAQ cuts off/overlaps About us 2. Add enter registration as seen in the example on

top of each page

3. Add breadcrumbs for ease of use

Enhance the visual appeal to encourage users to use

your service

4. Create a separate page for FAQ

Screenshot of Home Screen EXAMPLES

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Get a quote

1. “Remove the send us a message” button and replace with a form with fields: Phone, Registration, Postcode and

a submit button.

2. Remove the text about guaranteed, the information will be moved into it a more appropriate section, for

example, the “how this works” section.

3. There is a map that does not below to “get a quote” category and it does not have a section for it, it appears to

be drifting on the site, no link to it

4. Move the map and include it in a new page, “Contact us”

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Screenshot of quote section Pop up after clicking on Send Us a Message

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Thank you response, “Your Quote Has Been Sent, We Will Contact You By Phone”.

Google maps of the business location.

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1. Add navigation menu/links

2. Create a better company email: change the

@yahoo.com to prestoncarbuyer, change

prestoncarbuyer email name to something more

friendlier, for example your name@...

3. Fix broken social media links or remove them

(create social media presence to market your



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Results for Heuristic Analysis The purpose of conducting a heuristic analysis is to understand the pitfalls within the system and to use the results as a benchmark to compare against in the future.

Jackob Nielsen 10 Golden Rules

1. Visibility of system status 2. Match between system and the real world 3. User control and freedom 4. Consistency and standards 5. Error prevention 6. Recognition rather than recall 7. Flexibility and efficiency of use 8. Aesthetic and minimalist design 9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors 10. Help and documentation

Severity Rating Guidelines • No skulls mean that I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all • 1 skull mean that minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority • 2 skulls signify medium-impact usability problems. • 3 skulls indicate issues that still cause major problems in current user testing.

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1. Visibility of system status

2. Match between system and the

real world

3. User control and freedom

4. Consistency and standards

5. Error prevention

6. Recognition rather than recall

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

9. Help users recognize, diagnose,

and recover from errors

10. Help and documentation

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

1. Visibility of system status

2. Match between system and the real world

3. User control and freedom

4. Consistency and standards

5. Error prevention

6. Recognition rather than recall

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design

9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from…

10. Help and documentation

Heurisitc Analysis Results


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Heuristi Analaysis Results


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Design Design (potential solutions) – (diverging): Develop/Ideation is where I will explore possible solutions with an open mind.

Persona Profile

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Customer Segment attributes Demographics

• Age: 35-45

• Sex: Women

• Maritial status: Single mother 1+

• Career: Carer for the elderly- low to

mid level

• Salary: 20k-30k annual income

• Education level - High school graduate

A levels completed


• likes to feel safe and secure when

conducting online transactions

• does not like to stress, posts/shares

postive and negative experiences daily

on facebook

• likes things to be easy and fast

• values free time, not much time to

spare, always busy (kids, work, life)

• family orientated,

• Likes things to be easy and


Buying habits

• looks for best deal always

• takes friends advice over what she

reads online

• feels comfortable buying from

reputable websites such as amazon but

not unknown websites

Contact messaging

• facebook is the best place to

communicate with this woman

• speak about savings, best deals, quick

and easy, safe and reliable key words

• voice should be local and friendly, not

corporate and cold (impersonal)

• offer rebates for recomending business

to friends

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S.W.O.T. analysis Strength

• Local, there is no direct local competition.

• New so there is no bad history or customer experience.

• Your company is small enough to

provide a personal and quick response

to the users.

• Preston is a student city, students tend to buy and sell old cars, creating incentives could yield positive results.

Weakness • Lack of budget and experience in

marketing. • No social media presence.

Opportunities • New local customers. • To create a solid platform that meets

the needs of its users.

Threats • Large budget. • Offer same day payment. • Easy to use service, clear and fast. • Long term customer awareness. • Great form/database to provide instant

quotes. • Short form with 8 form fields. • Tool tips provided. • Responsive design. • Customer support Provides a number

to call- 0843 645 0000. • The scrappage schemes are being

created by manufacturers to slash

pollution and rake in new customers.

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Sketching People don’t want to scroll through long pages and be troubled with information overload, so the website has

been divided into 6 individual html pages instead of one long html page. The concepts also include the sites

navigation concept and the footer section concept. Conceptualising mobile/desktop layouts using the standard 8

Goden rules of interface design:

1. Strive for consistency.

2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts.

3. Offer informative feedback.

4. Design dialog to yield closure.

5. Offer simple error handling.

6. Permit easy reversal of actions.

7. Provide the sense of control. Support internal locus of control.

8. Reduce short-term memory load.

Menu - Home – How it works – about us – Testimonials – FAQ’s – Contact us – Footer

Please note that these sketches are rough and are currently being redesigned for mobile first.

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Prioritizing features Must have’s –

1. Responsive Website

2. Form to get a quote

3. Frequently asked questions

4. Contact form and address

5. Bespoke images

6. Bespoke Content

Should Have’s

1. Brand Guidelines

2. Logo to reflect the company brand

3. Google analytics to track your website

4. Create social media accounts for online marketing, it is the best method for a small SME to compete

against larger companies with deeper wallets.

Could Have’s

1. Database that calculates quote, database features include:

a. Vehicle Type b. Manufacturer c. Model d. Registration Year e. Model Variant f. Trim g. Derivative h. Date of 1st Reg i. Mileage j. Previous Owners k. Service History l. Colour m. Write off (radio button) Y/N


1. Live Chat

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Menu Menu - The contains large easy to read and

click, web safe fonts that link the users to

every aspect of the system.

Dividing the services, is the contact

information for the company along with

their social media links.

Fitts laws model of human movement

predicts the time required to rapidly move

to a target area, as a function of the

distance to the target and the size of the

target. When the navigation is in the

desktop + state, the navigation menu will be

fixed so that the user can easily access the

navigation bar.

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Home Home easy to enter registration number.

Simple 1,2,3 steps included to help guide

the process, reassures customers that they

know what they are doing and are in


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Registration Registration element concepts

• The goal is to have the user enter

their registration and mileage of the


• The system will then pop up an

estimated (£300-£400) or exact

quote (£350).

• The user will then accept or decline

the quote.

• If the user declines the quote, then

that ends that interaction with the


• If the user accepts the quote then

the system will respond with

another short contact form to

gather further user information:

Name, Phone, Address and

Postcode, Time, and Date to pick


• Once the user submits the data, the

data is saved and sent to the

admin/owner whereby they will

contact the user to reconfirm the


About Us About us gain trust by showing yourself or

your staff or business or equipment.

Context will help with SEO, SMM, GOOGLE

ranking by providing rich content.

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Testimonials Testimonials are to encourage the user that

they are in a safe and trusted environment.

Taking it a step further, video testimonials

enhance that experience. Get to know the

customers also and what they truly think

about the service offered.

Also offers standard message testimonial.

Offer a customer to post onto their social

media for added bonuses to gain credibility,

social media marketing through word of

mouth is a powerful tool that can be


FAQ More content research required to fill in a

suitable FAQ. The FAQ will be divided into

categories and sub categories for ease of

use and affordance purposes.

If the user cannot find what they are looking

for, they can click on “Haven’t found what

you’re looking for button will produce a

quick, and easy contact form that contains

the users email address and

message/question to the admin/owner.

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Contact Contact page contains


Google map

Footer Design

Footer Design contains business

address, postcode, Phone number and


And social media links to Facebook,


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Flowchart mapping Scenario: User fills out form to receive a quote

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Wireframing Home page with Axure This project is a work in progress and more wireframes are currently being developed. This is only a preview of what is being designed.

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DELIVER Conclusion This research project played a heavy role testing usability and heuristics. There are three elements

one must manage in any project, Time, Budget, and Quality. The period was short, the budget was

minimal/none, and the quality of work/insights gained satisfies both business and user needs.

This research addresses three of the projects objectives:

• Understand the customer, their values, needs, beliefs, emotions, and their journey.

• Design a brand identity that enstills reliability and trust.

• Deliver a reliable platform (concept) that meets business needs and user needs.

Design deliverables (in report):

• Persona Profile, Journey Map (being developed), Customer Segment

• Brand Identity, Colours, and definitions

• Usability testing, Heuristic analysis

• Sketches, Flows, Wireframes

• S.W.O.T. analysis
