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Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

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Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco
Page 1: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+

Petr Kodl


Page 2: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

Engineering numerical methods used to simulate motion or large number of interacting discrete objects

Comparable to short range force MD simulations in methodology

Established by P.A. Cundall, O.D.L. Strack: A discrete numerical model for granular assemblies. Geotechnique, 29:47–65, 1979

Classical mechanical method

Mesh free

CPU intensive

– Transient

– Explicit schemes

Provides detail resolution other methods can not achieve

Used to describe wider class of methods but in terms of STAR-CCM+ we focus on granular flows

Bulk state results from particle interactions – no constitutive relation is used

Introduction to Discrete Element Methods (DEM)

Page 3: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


– Stress chains

– Large spatio-temporal fluctuations

Persistent contacts

Shear resistance

Jamming and arching

Reynolds’ dilatancy

Granular materials and their specific properties

Page 4: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


Food particles

Metal particles

Capsules and pills




Granular materials

Page 5: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

When does it make sense?

– Highly loaded particulate flows

– Collisions are important

– Particle shape is important

– Details of collisions are important

– Typical granular flow properties are studied – jamming, shearing

What are the limits for practical problems?

– Fine grain particles (<1e-4)

– Achievable but the CPU time can be prohibitively expensive for industrial


– The collision details are typically not critical outcome

– Very large particles (>1m) where the local deformation is important and the

contact law small deformation assumption is not valid

DEM applications

Page 6: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

Implemented within Lagrangian framework

– Reuses known concepts

• Lagrangian phase

• Injectors

• Boundary interactions

• Sub stepping of the solution

Extends concept of Material particle

Additional tracking of

– Orientation

– Angular motion

– Inter-particle collisions

Soft particle model (penalty function based force evaluation)

Not statistical – 1 parcel = 1 particle


Page 7: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

5.06 - 28 Oct, 2010

– Initial DEM release

– Hertz Mindlin contact model

– Spherical and composite particles

– Moving walls via applied velocity


– Stationary mesh and MRF

6.02 - 28 Feb, 2011

– Rigid mesh motion

– Phase specific boundary behavior

– Drag laws suitable for highly

loaded flows

• Ergun equation – Gidaspow

Timeline of DEM in STAR-CCM+

Page 8: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

6.04 - 1 July 2011

– Walton-Braun linear hysteretic

contact model

– Parallel bonds

– Flexible / breakable particle


– Lattice injectors

– Charged particles

6.06 – October 2011

– Cohesive particles

– Improved particle tracking code

– User controlled time steps

– Additional drag coefficients

• Haider Levenspiel

– Two way coupling for charged


Timeline of DEM in STAR-CCM+

Page 9: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


– Randomized position injectors

– Porosity injection limits

– Improved particle-flow interaction

through fast estimate of projected

area and length

– Contact data sources, reports and



– Particle trapping walls

– Improved randomization of initial

particle distribution

– Performance optimizations both in

serial and parallel

Timeline of DEM in STAR-CCM+

Page 10: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

– Comparison of contact force

models for the simulation of

collisions in DEM based granular

flow codes,

Alberto Di Renzo, Francesco Paolo

Di Maio, 2004, Chemical

Engineering Science

– Aluminum oxide spheres shot

against glass plate with varying

impact angle

– Apparent coefficient or tangential

restitution, rotation rate and

rebound angle compared to

laboratory experiment and

reference implementation

Validation –contact mechanics

Page 11: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

– Discrete Particle Simulation of

Solid Flow in Model Blast Furface,

Zongyan Zhou, Haiping Zhu

ISIJ Vol 45, 2005

– Studies solid flow patter in blast


– STAR-CCM+ compared to

experiment and reference results

Validation – granular flow pattern formation

Page 12: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

– STAR-CCM+ solution compared to

Ergun equation

– Tested case – porous bed with

periodic walls

– Analytic solution pressure drop ~


Validation – pressure drop

Page 13: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

DEM Solutions EDEM

– Mature industry focused code

– STAR-CCM+ will be compared to most frequently in terms of DEM


– Founded 2002

– First release of the code in 2005

– First industrial grade release - 1.2 – May 2007

– Second generation solver and internal architecture code released as version

2.0 - 9 May 2008

– Current release EDEM 2.4 - September 16, 2011

Competitive analysis

Page 14: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


– Distributed memory (MPI)

• Domain decomposition

• Cluster friendly

– 2d, 3d

– Volumetric representation

• + Allows to solve coupled problems

• - Extra work required for meshing

– Rich, multi physics framework


– Shared memory (OpenMP)

• Loop parallelism

• Single workstation

– 3d

– Surface representation

• + Almost no surface preparation

• - Makes coupling difficult

– Single purpose solver code

Competitive analysis – basic characteristics

Page 15: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


Spherical particles x x

Rigid composites x x

Breakable flexible clumps x Custom coding

Hertz Mindlin x x

Hysteretic model x x

Parallel bonds x x

Cohesion x x

Linear spring Can use hysteretic model x

JKR Can use cohesion model x

Electrostatics 2 way coupled Limited

Particle/flow interaction 2 way coupled No longer supported

Competitive analysis

Page 16: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


Heat transfer particle-particle, particle-flow,

particle-particle radiation


Interfaces General Parallel planes

Particle shape editor

x x

Moving geometry Rigid body motion Rigid body motion Easy to setup – no meshing

required Transient post processing Track files Full solution replay

Competitive analysis

Page 17: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


– Competitive in terms of implemented features

– Advantage for complex physics

• Reuse of feature implemented for general Lagrangian framework

• Ability to implement more complex physics due to the background FV discretization

– Further improvements

• Simplify the workflow for complex moving geometries

• Transient post processing and solution history

Competitive analysis

Page 18: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

Not easy to quantify – depends on characteristics of particular case

– Packing structure

– Distribution of particles in the computational domain

– Amount of physics

– Coupling

– Overall case size

• Overhead of the STAR-CCM+ framework – mostly affecting small cases

• Large cases become memory bound when running on single machine mostly due to

irregular memory access patterns

Performance and scalability

Page 19: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

CPU time vs number of particles

– Naively O(N^2)

– Ideally O(N)

• Good collision detector should linearize the

detection time

– Example

• CPU time / solver step vs # of particles

• # of particles up to 150000

• Densely packed

• Credit: Phillip Morris Jones, London Office

Performance and scalability

Page 20: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco

Solver time vs # of CP

– 3d Hopper

– 100 000 spherical particles

– Well distributed

– Credit: Lucia Sclafani

Performance and scalability

Page 21: Discrete Element Methods in STAR-CCM+ Petr Kodl CD-adapco


– Liquid bridges, capillary forces, free surface-particle interaction in VOF

– Mass transfer, drying, coating

– Smooth simulation physics decomposition DEM, FEA, EMP

– Surface only DEM

Performance and scalability

– Improved cache coherency for single workstation runs

– Dynamic particle centric load balancing

GUI and usability

– Transient post processing and solution snapshots

– CAD import and interpolation of particle shape by sphere trees

Future development

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Thank you

