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Disease of The Heart II

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Islamic brief discussion on the following- Hasad ~ Envy- Lying -
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Page 1: Disease of The Heart II
Page 2: Disease of The Heart II

Hasad ~ Envy

What is Hasad ?

Hasad is the desire that a blessing, or a cause of happiness, may depart from its possessor ad become transferred to oneself.


Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Number 90 :: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others' faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another, and do not hate one another; and O Allah's worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!")

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Danger :: Hasad ~ Envy

First Sin in the Heavens

Iblis did not prostrate to Adam as per Allah’s commandment out of envy because he was made of fire while Adam was made of clay. There is no place on earth where Iblis did not worship Allah and yet his one act got him disfranchised from Allah’s Mercy.

First Sin on Earth

The story of Habeel & Qabeel where Qabeel killed Habeel out of envy.

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Cause :: Hasad ~ Envy

Enmity & Hatred Nurtures animosity Makes your happy when the other person suffers

Low Self-Esteem Sees oneself as less significant Cannot tolerate peers when fortune favors them

Pride & Arrogance Cannot accept the other person when succeeding Considers the success to be unworthy for that person

Astonishment How can an unworthy person like that be blessed ?

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Cause :: Hasad ~ Envy

Fearing of losing of One’s Own Aims Rivalry within a group Sibling rivalry

Love of Leadership & Status Existing leader cannot favor the notion of the upcoming /

growing leader

Impurity of the Soul When soul rejoices at the calamities of others and regrets

their blessings

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Battling :: Hasad ~ Envy

Certain Knowledge

Know :: It is a crime against oneself & a fellow Muslim

Reflection on the harms of envy in this life

Striving for content in the face of Allah’s decree

Actions defying “natural” envy

Desist from envious thoughts by engaging in good deeds

Dua for the one who you envy


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Lying ~ Kadhib


Lying is a form of deception Lying is a very serious sin in the sight of Allah


Abu Dawud, Book 41, Number 4973 :: Narrated Abdullah ibn Amir: My mother called me one day when the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) was sitting in our house. She said: Come here and I shall give you something. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) asked her: What did you intend to give him? She replied: I intended to give him some dates. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: If you were not to give him anything, a lie would be recorded against you.

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith (Hadith 2235) :: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.

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Lying ~ Kadhib

Hukum ~ Ruling

Surah al-Nahl 16, Verse 116 – 117 :: And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth, "This is lawful and this is unlawful," to invent falsehood about Allah. Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed. [It is but] a brief enjoyment, and they will have a painful punishment.

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Relationship with Hypocrisy :: Lying ~ Kadhib


Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Hadith 33 :: The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.

• Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays. • Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. • Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous. • Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil

and insulting manner."

Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 114 :: 'Uqba b. Mukarram al-'Ami reported that he heard 'Ala' b. 'Abdur-Rahman narrating this hadith with this chain of transmitters and he said: Three are the signs of a hypocrite, even if he observed fast and prayed and asserted that he was a Muslim.

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Types & Causes :: Lying ~ Kadhib

Lying about Allah

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Number 106 :: Narrated Ali: The Prophet said, "Do not tell a lie against me for whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then he will surely enter the Hell-fire." Ali: The Prophet said, "Do not tell a lie against me for whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then he will surely enter the Hell-fire."

Surah al-Nahl 16, Verse 116 – 117 :: And do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth, "This is lawful and this is unlawful," to invent falsehood about Allah. Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed. [It is but] a brief enjoyment, and they will have a painful punishment.

Lying for Profit

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 20 :: “If both the seller and the buyer explain the good and bad points concerning the transaction and hide nothing and give sincere advice (then they are blessed in their bargain).”

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Types & Causes :: Lying ~ Kadhib

Lying for Entertainment

Sunnah Abu Dawud, Hadith 2235 :: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.

Lying in Reporting of Information

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 82 :: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Be mindful when transmitting a Hadith from me. (Transmit) only that which you know (very well) for he who intentionally lies about me will find his abode in Hell-Fire.

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Prevention & Cure :: Lying ~ Kadhib

Increasing Remembrance of Allah

Know Virtues of Truthfulness

Fear the Punishment of Allah

Know the Consequences of Falsehood

Reflect on the Character of the Prophet

Realize that a lie requires further lies to cover it

Ist’adha :: Seek refuge in Allah


Reprimand Oneself

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Obligation :: Lying ~ Kadhib

To save a fellow human (specially Muslim). Best is to try to be vague.

Even if you saw a fellow committing Zina you take Oath by Allah and say you did not see. This is to defend your fellow brother. Exception is the court.

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Riya ~ Ostentation


This is from the third verbal form (meaning ‘to act hypocritically before others, to act in a certain manner in order to be seen by others’) of the Arabic verb ra-a-ā and gives the meaning of “he acted ostentatiously; he did a deed in order that men might see it” Action otherwise for the sake of Allah.


Surah al-Nisa 4, Verse 38 :: And [also] those who spend of their wealth to be seen by the people and believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day. And he to whom Satan is a companion – then evil is he as a companion.

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Consequences :: Riya ~ Ostentation

Riya is hidden Shirk

Surah al-Bayyinah 98, Verse 5 :: And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion.

Imam Ahmad in his Musnad :: Mahmood ibn Labeed reported that the Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) said, "The thing that I fear most for you is the minor Shirk; Riyaa

Sunan Ibn Majah Volume 2, #3389 :: Aboo Sa`eed reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) came to us while we were talking about Dajjaal and said, "Should I not inform you of that which I fear for you even more than the dangers of Dajjaal? It is the hidden Shirk; A person stands to pray, and he beautifies his prayer because he sees the people looking at him.

Authenticated in Sahih al Targheeb wat-Tarheeb, no. 33 :: Aboo Moosaa al-Ash`aree reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa salam) delivered a sermon to them one day and said, "O People! Fear this Shirk (meaning Riyaa), for it is more inconspicuous than the crawling of an ant.

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Consequences :: Riya ~ Ostentation

Riya renders Good Deeds Void

Surah al-Bawarah 2, Verse 264 :: O you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury as does one who spends his wealth [only] to be seen by the people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. His example is like that of a [large] smooth stone upon which is dust and is hit by a downpour that leaves it bare. They are unable [to keep] anything of what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

Sunnah Abu Dawud, Hadith 2235 :: Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone acquires knowledge of things by which Allah's good pleasure is sought, but acquires it only to get some worldly advantage, he will not experience the arf, i.e. the odour, of Paradise.

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Types :: Riya ~ Ostentation

One’s Intention

Intending only other than Allah The one who prays only when he is with others

Weak intention seeking Allah’s reward, real motivation is mainly from the praise of others

People’s presence motivates one Allah’s reward alone does not inspire the person to pray when he is alone

Desire for praise and reward are equal to each other Intention of reward and intention of showing off are equal. If one of the intention was not present he will not perform the act of worship

Desire for praise, Riya is less than one’s desire for reward Intention of showing off is less than the intention of seeking Allah’s reward If there were no people he would still perform the act of worship Ostentation alone will not produce the act of worship

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Types :: Riya ~ Ostentation

Essence of the Act of Worship or its Qualities

Riya in the essence of the acts of worship

Riya in the essence of Iman

Riya in the Obligatory acts of Worship

Riya in the supererogatory acts of Worship

Riya in the Outward Performance of the Act

Displaying ostentation through a deed, the abandoning of which constitutes a deficiency in the act of worship.

Displaying ostentation through a deed, the leaving of which does not constitute a deficiency

Displaying ostentation through acts which do not belong to the supererogatory category

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Types :: Riya ~ Ostentation

Reason why Someone Showing Off

Riya in order to perform that which is Haram

Person exhibits good deeds to get close to a woman unlawfully

Riya in order to attain some worldly gain

Islamic lectures for the sake of wealth alone or other worldly gain

Riya for the purposes of not being thought badly of

Prays Tarawih in order to avoid possible social criticism

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Curing :: Riya ~ Ostentation

Recognizing the presence of Riya

Concealing Good Deeds

Knowledge of the Dangers of Riya

Questioning One’s Intention

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Bukhl ~ Miserliness


Miserliness is to refuse to give something that one has acquired to someone upon request; it is worse when the one who requests it is entitled to that thing.


Surah al-Nisa 4, Verse 37 :: Who are stingy and enjoin upon [other] people stinginess and conceal what Allah has given them of His bounty – and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1178 :: Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: Be on your guard against committing oppression, for oppression is a darkness on the Day of Resurrection, and be on your guard against petty-mindedness for petty-mindedness destroyed those who were before you, as it incited them to shed blood and make lawful what was unlawful for them.

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Types :: Bukhl ~ Miserliness

Bukhl against the Shariah

Stops paying Zakah Does not support their dependents

Bukhl against Meritorious Character

Does not give charity knowing the person begging has a genuine condition

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Curing :: Bukhl ~ Miserliness

Generosity towards one’s fellow beings invites the generosity of Allah towards oneself

One should remind himself that if he is generous to others, Allah will be generous to him.

Avoid excessive love of this duniya Primary reason is that he loves that thing

Misers are not liked Every dislikes misers. Even the misers dislike another miser.

Reflect on his own possible future need Person should reflect that the blessings that he

experiences are only from Allah, and one day he may also find himself in need.

One should emulate the best of character All muslims should aspire to be like the Prophets

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Exception :: Bukhl ~ Miserliness

Sometime it is praiseworthy to be miserly.

Example, when a wife is miserly with her husband’s wealth when giving it in voluntary charity, as he might be harmed by the excessive charity.

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Bughd ~ Hatred


Surah al-Hujurat 49, Verse 10 :: The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Number 99 :: Allah's Apostle said, "Do not hate one another, nor be jealous of one another; and do not desert one another, but O Allah's worshipers! Be Brothers! And it is unlawful for a Muslim to desert his brother Muslim (and not to talk to him) for more than three nights.“

The Ploy

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1306 :: Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah I heard Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) as saying: Verily , the Satan has lost all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship (him) in the peninsula of Arabia, but he (is hopeful) that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them.

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Prevention :: Bughd ~ Hatred

Avoid expressing Satisfaction @ Other’s Hardship

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 489 & 1255 :: Narrated Wathilah, Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Do not display pleasure at your brother's misfortune and so have Allah showing mercy to him and bringing misfortune to you."

Avoid Suspicion & Doubt

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Number 303 & 305 :: Narrated by Abdullah, the Prophet said, "When you are three persons sitting together, then no two of you should hold secret counsel excluding the third person until you are with some other people too, for that would grieve him."

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Prevevntion :: Bughd ~ Hatred

Mutual Love

Sunnah Abu Dawud, Hadith 2430 :: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: When a man loves his brother, he should tell him that he loves him.

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1170 :: Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: A person visited his brother in another town and Allah deputed an Angel to wait for him on his way and when he came to him he said: Where do you intend to go? He said: I intend to go to my brother in this town. He said: Have you done any favour to him (the repayment of which you intend to get)? He said: No, excepting this that I love him for the sake of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious. Thereupon he said: I am a Messenger to you from Allah (to inform you) that Allah loves you as you love him (for His sake).

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Curing :: Bughd ~ Hatred

Islam encourages mutual love

Dua for the one he hates

Dua for Divine assistance

Actions that defy his hatred
