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Dissemination plan

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Key Messages of Communication
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GBE FACTORY Communication and Media Work Workshop Verona, 5.12.2011


Communication and Media Work


Verona, 5.12.2011

Communication Approach


• Setting up core communication

objectives, purposes and expected


• General context of communication

• Identifying target audiences/group

• Defining key message

• Selecting communication mix and

communication tool

• Making it happen – timetable

• Monitoring and assessment –

Selecting key performance indicators

Answering the five W’s

and one H

• Who are the target groups

• What are the key messages to deliver

• Where will all activities take place

(implementation area) and when

• Why communicating on GBE

FACTORY business models and RES

activities today (project challenges and

potential risks)

• How communicating on GBE

FACTORY business models and RES

activities (communication mix and

tools of the project)

Elements of the Dissemination

• What will be disseminated? - The message to be sent. It is important to think of

the person on the receiving end. What do they need to know about the project?

How can the objectives be communicated clearly? Focus on clear, simple

messages that are easy to understand/get the right message to the right


• To whom? - The audience to be reached, what it can do for the project.

• Why? - The purpose. The purpose of the activity is to raise awareness by letting

others know what is being done, by informing (educate and train the community),

engaging (get input/feedback from the community) and promoting (sell outputs

and results).

• How? - The method. There is a wide variety of dissemination methods to get the

message to the target audience and achieve the purpose. The different

dissemination tools and methods are described throughout this document.

• When? - The timing - Dissemination activities have different relevance.

Messages will vary during the timeframe of the project. In the beginning,

dissemination is focused on raising awareness of the project, at the end - on

‘selling’ achievements (conferences or local events, workshops, meetings.)

Specific Objectives

• raise awareness among key stakeholders not only in participating

countries on the benefits of dedicating small-medium sized industrial

and commercial warehouses or part of them to combined RES


• motivate their commitment in creating a favourable framework (from

a legal and administrative point of view) for a RES investments in

the involved Countries (Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Germany)

and in widest range of EU countries through networks of involved


• boost the attractiveness of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

investments by promoting strong and effective business models.

Communication Strategic Approach

• focus on the building community of professionals

• rely on open source digital platform www.gbefactory.eu to ensure

future usability and wider professional participation

• be based on digital communication (e-documents – e-newsletters, e-

news and etc. blogging, message walls, digital PR)facilitating the

involvement on international level beyond participating countries

• offline tools - events and printed materials

• create opportunities for the involvement of external actors in the

project’s activities

• be both formal, in order to be apt to reach out stakeholders that are

used to such an approach and informal to reach the existing support

of RES between wider public.

• Informative, in order to avoid any bias (political, economic, etc.) that

could affect the impact of the message itself

Key Messages

• GBE FACTORY allows maximization of efficiency and effectiveness

of the investment in RES, thanks to the possibility of better

combining RES technologies and integrating them in a sole location

• GBE FACTORY helps to build self-sufficient building with almost

zero emissions

• GBE FACTORY allows economies of scale in energy production

and a more participated involvement of local entrepreneurs

• Investors will have a possibility to explore examined and tested most

advanced business models in order to evaluate better the

effectiveness of investment

Communication Infrastructure

• Project website (internal and public) – internal and external


• Rights-access zone for uploading internal documents

• Paper-based dissemination – Including posters, teaser postcards

and brochures

• Electronic and internet-based dissemination – Including a project

movie (You Tube),

• PowerPoint presentations, publications in web portals

• Written dissemination – Print materials, including articles in

magazines and journals, press releases, case studies and best


• Events – Presentations in workshops, conferences

• Networking

How to make others

learn about our project?

Open Web Platform • Regular update with information on


• Contribution to IEE online

information systems

• Intelligent Energy News Review,

videos, images etc.

• New alerts – RSS feeds, Twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn

• Publicizing articles, newsletters,

posters, interviews, visuals, PPT,


• Following Programme and Project


Media work

• Press conference

• Created and updated national media

mailing list.

• Publishing articles in magazines, local

press and other media at European,

national and regional level.

• In occasion of transnational project

meetings and national workshops,

seminars, trainings, the partnership will

commit itself in sending press releases

• Regular communication with media

trying to encourage local journalists’

participation in relevant meetings for a

press conference.

How to make stakeholders

involved in the project activities?


• At least one workshop per partner

• Two-day training seminars

addressing investors and


• Study visits to exemplary GBE


• Final Conference in Budapest to

support transferability of the

project outcomes.

• All events produce video report

and at least 2 interviews with

important guests.

• Aim: 100 participants for each


Social Media

• Twitter

• Facebook

• LinkedIn – professional


Working Groups and Lists

• Steering Committee

o Meeting every six months at the SCM – 7 SCM

o Planning of the upcoming dissemination activities

• Thematic Working Groups

o 3 thematic working groups representing Users – Promoters – Suppliers.

o 120 people will be actively involved

o WG1 will be chaired by WP6; WG2-WP3; WG3- WG3.

• Focus Groups

o Communication within wider European regions

o Every partner will involve min 1 representative of other countries external to

the Consortium.

o 2 focus groups per country with 7 participants (overall 70 attendees

participating directly to the meeting or indirectly if coming from another


• Electronic mailing lists

Contacts Lists

• Electronic mailing lists

o Directly involved stakeholders Lists:

o An electronic mailing list including members of the working groups and focus


o The project aim is to achieve a roaster of around 200 contacts (70 focus

group participants and about 120 members of the network).

o External Lists: A specific database with contacts of key target audiences,

experts, stakeholders, attendants to project meetings, will be created and

constantly updated.

o Contacts will feed a mailing list that will be used for spreading the newsletter,

invitation to project events and delivering project results.

o The mailing list will be updated and managed through the website.

o Each partner has a person responsible for dissemination of project contents,

who will also be responsible for managing local mailing list and distribution of

all communications.

Publication Programme

o Initial brochure - to give an overview of the project’s aim and main

activities and it will also list project partners and countries involved. The

brochure will be printed in English and each partner’s language

o targeted informational literature designed to raise awareness about GBE

Factory, and its activities

o methodological guidelines ( renewable business models, renewable

financing applications, …)

o strategic guides to good practices (including organisational and

financial implications for SMEs, associations and institutions)


Wrtting Tips

Practical Advises

Users Tools

Writing Tips

• How to attract journalists:

• First tell the readers what is new – interesting, useful for them, how

does it influence their life, how does it impact the political life, does it

make difference

• Be very specific

• Back-up your news with example from life, business case,

model, use pictures, quotations, video footage, voice records

• Link the topic to local environment, hot issues and some

political/social/economic topics related

Writing Tips

• How to attract journalists:

• Argument well your information - link to some EU and local laws,

link to some funding opportunities

• Quote famous an influential people

• Involve people who are professionally and publically acceptable

• Controversial Persons are also good, they can attract more readers,

however be careful, these could also damage your project activities

• Timing – avoid sending newsletters on Friday (this is the day when

most of mainstream political and economic activities happen, avoid

days of general meetings of the government)

• Use synergies – explore ongoing events in the country with similar


• Try to cooperate with other actors

Practical Advises

• How to communicate with media?

• Following activities offer an opportunity to communicate with media:

• Training

• All partners shall publish an advertisement followed by Press release (PP7 will

issue a draft of press release to be adapted following local objectives and

peculiarities) in local magazines and newspapers from sector.

• Release of publications

• All partners shall organize Press conference (with established local PR agencies)

and present publications to local professionals and journalists from sector.

• Press release draft will be issued and distributed to be adapted following local

objectives and peculiarities.

• Conventions / Seminars / Workshops

• If any of these will be organized, partners shall promote this event by inviting

journalist (recommended to work with established local PR agency).

• Face-to-face meetings

• Lists of journalists specializing in those topics

• Arrange interviews and real stories feeding for journalists

Practical Advises

• How to communicate with media?

• Send information and then concept journalists if you would like to

get a real feedback

• Communicate with journalists what is their editorial planning for

publicizing data/information on topics related

• Offer journalists good stories

• Offer journalists contacts with specialists

• Try to provide them advise when a linked activates (law

amendments, topics related to energy efficiencies, prices of

electricity and heating are ongoing in the public space)

• Avoid any presents and related services


Using Social Media/Networks


• [www.twitter.com/gbefactory]

• Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts,

favorite celebrities, and breaking news.

• Twitter.com - Status update of maximum 140 characters (media is 40 characters).

• Learning by doing: to gather with twitter you need to learn how to use:

• - Follow: add no more than 5 twitter per day, and pay attention to have no less than 1

follower every 2 following. If one following is not twitting interesting contents anymore,

you can unfollow him/her/it.

• - Lists: you can organise your following in list divided by topics (i.e. biomass,

solar energy..)

• - Retweet: every tweet with [RT @user] formula in the text has been shared by your

following. Tip: if it’s an interesting tweet, start to follow original user.

• - # tag: every word starting with # [#word] is tagging (marking) the tweet with a

keyword. Clicking on #word you can view all tweets marked with that tag, and save it

as a research.

• - Mention: every tweet with @user is sending an alert to that user has been mention.

It can work to build a personal discussion.


• [you have to use your personal account]

• Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

• Facebook.com Communication manual: Find, share and comunicate contents in

web2.0. Page: 11/34

• Contents are: status update, link, pictures, question.

• Learning by doing: to gather with facebook you need to learn how to use:

• - Join groups

• - Like pages

• - Make friendship with interesting people (suggested only to expert user on privacy


• - Internal search


• [you have to use your personal account]

• Over 135 million professionals use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas and


• - Stay informed about your contacts and industry

• - Find the people & knowledge you need to achieve your goals

• - Control your professional identity online

• Linkedin.com

• Contents are: status and upgrades of your CV

• Learning by doing: to gather with Linkedin you need to learn how to use:

• - Join groups

• - Add people you worked with, you may meet important energy partners




Action 2: Visual Identity

• Website developed as a communication partnership platform, and a

virtual space for public consultation.

• Delivered 3 logo types

• Delivered final logo

• Delivered a design manual

• Corporate design elements for publications delivered

5 Main Tools

Web •Site



Events •Press conference


Training •Courses


distribution •Adress list

Mailing list •Panel

•Each partner list

Action 3: ICT Tools, Website,

Mailing List • Delivered one website

• Delivered regular updates

• Delivered one database of experts

• Delivered one mailing list

• Delivered a number of news update

• Delivered a number of direct mailing activities – using RSS

• Delivered a number of IT dissemination tools via the website such

as twitter, keynotes websites, phacebook and etc.

• Delivered audio, video and written news inputs to the website

• Delivered one blogging system

Action 4: Printed Materials,

Publications • HCIU Market Analysis - 500 copies, PP1, 9th month

• GBE FACTORY Concept/Business Models Guide, 2000 copies, PP2, 11th month

• A vision/business opportunities road map, 100 copies, PP9, 16th month

• 5 road maps, 200 copies per partner, implemented by 21st month

• Printed training packages (financial and business agents), 400 copies in EN, 200

copies in other 5 languages, total 1400 copies, 17th month

• Curricula and program, 200 copies in EN, 22nd month

• GBE FACTORY various printed materials – flyers, documents, papers, leaflets,

and etc., PP7, 12th month

• GBE FACTORY final publication, 1000 copies, PP1, 36th month

Action 4: Printed Materials, Publications

• Electronic documents – various 20 different documents

• Project Management and Administrative tool (WP1), 1st month

• 5 pilot maps of industrial and commercial regional locations (WP2), 10th month

• Rules for Brand Tag award (WP3), 10th month

• GBE FACTORY Framework and Market promoters mailing list (WP3), 18th month

• 3 New GBE FACTORY Agreements developed (WP3), 18th month

• Report on sessions of GBE FACTORY presentations (WP4), 22nd month

• Final report of GBE FACTORY road map results (WP4), 22nd month

• Report on registrations of supply chain actors on the project website (WP4), 22nd

month •

Action 4: Printed Materials

• GBE FACTORY Framework and Market promoters mailing lists (WP3), 18th


• 3 New GBE FACTORY Agreements developed (WP3), 18th month

• Report on sessions of GBE FACTORY presentations (WP4), 22nd month

• Final report of GBE FACTORY road map results (WP4), 22nd month

• Report on registrations of supply chain actors on the project website (WP4),

22nd month

• Report on business Matching event amongst supply chain actors (WP4),

22nd month

• Report on 10 GBE FACTORY exemplary cases (WP5) by 26th month

• 5 market opportunity case studies of the DEMO GBE FACTORY (WP5), by

26th month

• Industrial and commercial agreements for coordination actions, (WP5), by

29th month

Action 4: Printed Materials • Recommendation papers on public supporting measures ate

regional level (WP6), by 36th month

• Project proposal presented (WP6), by 36th month

• Technical report on stabilization and modularity affordable in GBE

FACTORY (WP6), by 36th month

• Rules-shared document for the assignment of GBE FACTORY

PLATE for SMEs (WP6), by 36th month

• GBE FACTORY Assessment System organization

brochure/document (WP6), by 36th month

• Communication Strategy and dissemination plan (WP7), by 6th


• Reports and press releases on local/regional/national/EU network

conferences (WP7), PP7, by 36th month

• Final Conference contributions document (WP7), by 36th month

• Post-project dissemination plan (WP7), PP7, 36th month

Action 5: Events

• 10 restricted meetings presence lists – this is the focus group research

method each - focus group min 7 attendees

• GBE FACTORY Framework and market promoters mailing list

• Information about 5 road maps via 50 letters of intent

• Presence lists from 10 meetings with regional authorities and 10

seminars with local authorities

• 300 representatives of seminars

• Involved 75 suppliers and 75 users that can be a vehicle for investments

in GBE FACTORY – 2 working groups x 15 x 5

• 30 staff members of 10 regional authorities attend seminars – total 300

staff members of 100 local authorities

Action 5: Events

• 15 workshops (5 regions; 3 sessions for each region; 20 participants;

overall number of participants: 300);

• One-to-one meetings between GBE FACTORY interested actors

(face-to-face or online, 5 partner countries: 200 SMEs)

• Business matching event among supply chains to find out further

synergies and collaboration programs (1 event; additional 4 MW E/H/C

in the midterm)

• 5 venture organizations involved

• 5 presentations of the GBE FACTORY in each country, total 20


• Training days for financial and business agents (2 for each partner

country for a total number of 10)

Action 6: Media Publications

• 3 press releases per country

• 10 journalists per country

• 10 publications, news per country

• Press and TV Advertisements to be set

• TV spots if necessary

Thank You




Communication and Media Work Workshop

Verona, 6.12.2011

Giorgio Dovigi

Galya Terzieva [email protected]

[email protected]
