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Distracted Podcast Episode 1 - How We Get Here

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Join hosts Mark Patey and Jeremiah Johnson on the first DISTRACTED Podcast where they defy the norm and encourage you to leverage the gifts of ADHD. If you are ADHD or you know someone who is then you'll certainly enjoy this program. Mark is both entertaining and insightful.
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How We got Here

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Distracted with Mark Patey

In a world where distraction's where long thought the enemy 1 man be friends that foe and finds freedom and a shiny object on Iraq since then he has embrace the distractions and searches to help others in the epic battle against the norm.

And now Distracted with Mark Patey. 

Mark: Hello I'm Mark Patey and welcome to the first distracted podcast I've got my co-host Jeremiah Johnson here with me and that is his real name.

Jeremiah: Yeah it's, I'm not the guy with the beard but I'm pretty close because I have really short hair and no beard other than that I'm exactly like the mountain man and I'm still alive and I dont look like Robert Redfords.

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Understanding ADHD

Mark: I think to start of the show this been our first show we're excited about it we have a format were gonna try to stick to our shows but I think the topic today should be why were here or more importantly how we got here and so people have an understanding what were here, why were doing this distracted podcast and then we gonna have a hero tribute later on the show where we focus on someone that's doing positive things with people with adhd.

Jeremiah: which is really weird beacause you know you would think a hero tribute with folks some people are heard doing negative things with adhd but were actually try to break them all with that.

Mark: Well that’s true that’s all we really spoke us on as a society is the negative things of adhd and that’s kind of the point, Let say Ok look lets enough with beating people to death with their adhd and reminding them that their likely to go to jail or be on drugs or let’s focus on the positive and there’s a lot of positive to be discussed it’s going to take a lot more than one podcast or two it’s going to take a lot of time and that's the focus. Well Our topic today is how we got here, Hear our tribute well talk about a bit later and then well finished off the show with what I think will be one of my favourite segments is uneducated and I'm sure somewhere in there will have a distracted segment that came up all on its own or not well have a distracted segment but uneducated will be a lot of fun please stick around for that. Miah why the heck you are here at the PSO hanging out with me what brought you here?

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Concept of the ADHD

Jeremiah: A suburban mostly put on bomb but you know I've always knew that I thought about things a little bit differently in my life growing up some people say hard to focus I acted out a lot I was a kind of a class not kind of I was voted the class clown in high school when I got out on the real world and started looking at either business or life or approaching things in a way that was different and some describers either distracted or you know head on the clouds, it was interesting, you know Mark we got together a few years ago in some business dealings became quick friends and I met a guy who you who I just thought was out of his mind ADD which you were and still are.

But I'm here because over the course that relationship and business dealings we've had together and getting our families together I began to understand and this kind of you know you've started developing the concept of the ADD as could be a great blessing if understood from different perspective and it really resonated with me because it's the way that I'd kinda, I didn’t see myself at some you know great different guy that different way of thinking and approaching things that unconventional the concept you're talking about years ago started resonating with me and so I just came a long for the ride honestly probably getting into this I've seen it in one of my sons those traits and thank goodness I been able to not approach is him as being broken or approach him as having a deficiency but just as different and different is good.

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Adhd a hereditary trait

Mark: And Miah I appreciate you bringing up your son and I think for me and for lot of our listeners we going to see that the same thing it's a parent concern about their love one and doesn’t like the beliefs that youth today are buying into about themselves about their capabilities you know the soon as they buy into the idea that their broken they actually live up to that expectations in amount to nothing. you know my son I've got two of my four boys are adhd and adhd is a hereditary trait and you know when I saw the schools and how hard they push to put my son on medication in fact he was put on medication for a while and I wasn’t aware of it and this is what really got me down this road I've always seen my adhd brain as a gift but I was in the closet about it in fact when people said man you were the most ADD person I've ever met.

And I would say No I'm not inside I know I lied through my teens because I was diagnosed in elementary school as adhd and in the principal's office and in the special head that can be talked about more later but I was in denial about it and that's when I found about writing the book as well, Lot of the millionaires and addicts and millionaires that we interviewed 50 addicts and 50 millionaires lot of millionaires there is adhd as they come but there quit about it some will talk about it and the others will like yeah I’m absolutely adhd and I love it but I don’t talk about it because its stigma itself is so damning to somebody’s progression.

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Adhd Approach

Jeremiah: Right and I think also it’s because that’s stigma and the way that with society that approach adhd and still does to great extent leads to things like schools by default going down to certain path mostly because alternatives have not been mainstream it’s been a disease here are your medications or whatever and you have a disease or a default or you know whatever, Which seem like pejorative terms right.

Mark: Well and they are very negative term and they are putting people down but you know Miah the thing that interesting for me is I think just like a lot of parents my wife knew that I always felt that my adhd was my gift the ability the fact that my mind went in so many directions so fast and so many levels deep is why I found success in business and I fully believe that and so when the school told my wife my sons case needed to be on medication she was afraid I would say absolutely not and that’s not what I meant I think sometimes medication is needed and sometimes it’s important unfortunately it’s become the first step instead of the last resort and that’s where my problem is it’s not that use of medications there some people need it but for crying out loud first step is get a diagnoses and get meds so she put him on meds without telling me and that’s tough we’ve got a great marriage and we communicate well and I’m the luckiest man in the world and come in 20 years with a wonderful woman.

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Putting on Medications

But she put him on meds without talk to me and I noticed, And it only took about a week or two and I’ve sat down with my wife I said suzy we gotta to do something because something wrong with Cason she’s like what do you mean I said he’s sitting on a couch he’s lethargic he’s not in the garage tearing anything to part anymore he’s not building stuff he isn’t that creative curious little genius hyperactive kid is gone and I said I’m worried did he break up with his girlfriend she’s like no I don’t think so I said did he getting beat up no I haven’t heard that she says his teacher said he’s actually doing really good in school and I said but Suzy I don’t care what his teacher said the lights were out

Miah it’s like someone took the dimmer switch and dimmed the lights and here’s this hyperactive creative little genius that was always building something new out of broken parts and drills and making powered skateboards and powered bicycle’s and all of a sudden that kid’s gone and I have perfectly well behaved kid sitting on the couch watching tv and doing nothing else and that’s where she broke down she started crying and told me she put him on medications we got him back off medications I put him into a private school and I lied to the school

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Adhd in school

I’m gonna admit right now and will go over the rules of this show in a minute one of those rules is well always be completely honest with you where we are and in this case I’m telling you we gonna be completely honest in the show and I’m telling you I lied to the private school cause I went to the school and said I need to take my son in the class I’m looking at your school and several other private schools and I’m looking at private schools because he is a genius and I showed pictures of all the little things that he invented and as soon as I could tell they started to believe that he was in fact a genius I said now here’s the thing you need to know about this genius kid he’s got a brain that moves so fast that if a classroom is going slow he will get bored and distracted and he will entertain himself and whether that’s bugging other kid’s or looking out at the window or not paying attention and I said but he’s getting distracted because he’s bored and I need to know that your school and your teachers are good enough to keep up with a genius brain who doesn’t get bored and disinterested and what’s amazing

Miah is suddenly school became fun for him and per teacher conference wasn’t you kid’s misbehaving and the problem it’s your kid is so smart and he so quick and sometimes we have to make sure we give him enough to do or he gets bored and disconnects from the class and I’m like disconnects from a class that distracted characteristic for him wasn’t a problem with him and I tell you that it was, Miah I know you’ve got something you want to say here and I’m gonna come back to where I was with school systems a little while ago and where I am now because I’ve completely changed for the better.

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Dealing with Adhd

Mark: And there legitimate I mean it’s frustrating for parents I felt I mean if they don’t know how to deal with that adhd hyperactive brain I mean it’s devastating and my heart goes out to the mothers and parents and my heart goes out to the teachers yeah.

Jeremiah: Because as a parent you want you have to do something it’s your child for pete’s sake but the thing that my wife and I did was we took a look at ourselves and with our sons behaviour with Jona’s behaviour we just said look we have to make sure we make decisions on how we’re raising Jona that aren’t decisions to make our life easier as parents but decisions to help bring out his gifts and if that means our life is little more difficult if that means if we have to tolerate certain things quote on quote tolerate right? Certain things that society dims us normal behaviour which twenty years ago was just little boys being freaking little boys give me a break so again why we’re here is without that perspective I just really I don’t know where would be in our relationship with how or the skills and tools that we would have in raising an adhd child.

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Doing the right thing

Mark: Well, And Miah it really was a good point where would they be because it scares me to death because statistically someone with adhd is nearly ten times more likely that end up in prison and there nearly ten times more likely they end up on drugs that’s scary and it shouldn’t be that way and you’re right about things we do as parents to make it easier for ourselves or maybe even teachers because they don’t know what else to do my wife is not a bad person she put him on a med because she don’t know what else to do and again I’m not against meds but in this case it’s the first thing she really tried and as a parent he was so much better behave sitting on the couch staring at the tv I mean that so much easier than tripping over tools on the kitchen floor that he left out again right? And in school I’m sure he was better but what happened in the private school not because it is better than the public school but because the school teachers had bought into my story that he was a genius and here’s the thing that I said earlier I lied about it I didn’t, I truly believed Cason was a genius, I just by omission left out you could say I lied by omission that I didn’t tell them that he was adhd but you don’t lead with that because undergone oh here’s the problem kid here’s the levelness here’s what we gonna do with him and so what meds is he taking or what are you used to really rain him in.

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Adhd kids in schools

And I have leave that out and because I left that out he’s exceled he did well and you know after two years we put him back into a public school where he’s doing great he’s gonna graduate this year awesome! So many of us don’t so here’s where I was when I put him on that private school I had a distained for schools and teachers and what they’re doing for adhd kids because I remember of getting put in special aid I remember crying my eyes out I remember feeling that I was worthless and all that came back that kind of what I feel is psychological abuse came back from my childhood the second I saw my son going through the same thing and it’s taken me while to get over that now tell what changed it for me now I do not have distained with for the schools public schools or private schools.

I have a healthy respect and love appreciation for them because as I have gone out in the last few months every few weeks I’ve speaking in schools and universities on adhd and the gifts and curse that adhd can be and the teachers are giving standing ovations to the message that this kids actually have gifts that we do think different we do process different adhd is real but to take it as just a curse is the most devastating thing you can do of a child you damn their progression the second they believed their broken and my hope in the schools is the reality that this teachers love those kids and they’re not giving this kids odd beliefs about themselves and their broken because they said as a teacher what am I gonna do today to destroy the self-worth the kids of my class they’re not waking up doing that they’re waking up wanting to do the right thing they just don’t have options and Miah that’s why we’re here the message needs to get out in a way that people can accept it and understand it and from people who have been successful with adhdADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Success with adhd

Miah I have to tell our listeners Miah you’ve been widely successful not in spite of your adhd brain but because of it you came to work with one of the companies one of my businesses years ago as a bright energetic enthusiastic kid willing to conquer the world your education background was not one anyone would hire based as of and you’re experienced level you had some success and good jobs but for a high level the kind of position you’re now in that one of other businesses as you moved on from business to business with us the position and pay you’re in now is never justified by your education its justified by your performance and you’ve exceled that I can brag about you where other people can’t you’ve been in the same position with guys with more education that I could ever stand and more glitters behind their name and mba background and you’ve always been paid more than them and advance more than them and it bothered them because you don’t have the degree but what you have and what I see in a lot of people with adhd all the successful adhd is the mind that sees things so differently and that’s a gift in adhd that ability you say the world says were distracted I had said no is Miah distracted?

No, he’s hyper aware of everything around him and why it’s there and why it works because his mind can’t help but think about it and when the mba guys you were working with kept not coming up with solutions to problems you walk into the room and said ha?

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Excelling in Large company

Mark: Well have you thought about this, this, this and this and why we don’t do this this and this and you thought about the fact that this is what’s happening over in the east coast and up here in the northwest this is going on and that all interacts and connects and everybody in the room gone who’s this high school educated kid that just made everybody drops they’re jaws and say there’s five solutions no educated man could get not to knock education just saying we’re cool that we’re stupid and that’s not the case.

Jeremiah: When I was in corporate America with a very large company in health care I ran into that a couple of times where I felt that it was a very real barrier because of lack of education despite the fact that I was performing pretty well and I think that another thing that happens within those circle of adhd society or you would call it anyway that they turn into entrepreneurs because of those you know you sit into a room with people who when you bring up an idea are looking at you sideways because its maybe a little and you know what some of the ideas are out there sometimes it’s absolutely crap crazy. And you know what were not here to say that adhd it just gifts and were all brilliant and here’s the point there are enough people highlighting and waiting the curse the negatives and enough pinnacle people with degrees and you can go on youtube and watched their videos though adhd is not a blessing those who say it’s a gift here’s the explancy but you know what there’s always two sides to everything there are some benefits of adhd and some gifts and there are small for negatives, Our job is to focus on the positive

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Sending Positive message

Mark: And not only that the purpose of the distracted podcast yeah we can anywhere with politics the purpose of the distracted podcast really is a message on a regular basis that’s needed for those with adhd a positive message on not just how to feel good about yourself coz it’s so more beyond that I want people to change their lives I want them to become the adhd entrepreneurs the adhd millionaire’s and billionaire’s that out there , It is where you come with adhd or if you have a love one with adgd to learn to magnify the gifts this isn’t just an awareness show let’s learn to magnify the gifts and manage the curse.

Jeremiah: Yeah it’s exactly what I gonna say Mark is that there some gifts of adhd you have to work on the quote to quote deficiency you have to work on the negative parts whether that’s with medications or not or counselling or not or whatever that is of course you have to you’ll be a fool not to but at the same time if your rehabbing your right arm that doesn’t mean you stop using your left arm you know the parts that is healthy let’s strength the numb both and if you ignore that which is positive what are you left with only the negative.

Mark: You know Miah and you brought up that’s because it’s in our binocular and we understand it because of the three year study for the book addicts and millionaire’s but you brought up the EO the equal opposite I wish we can spend more time on the show talking about that because the EO perspective the equal opposite concept is so powerful and it will truly change the people lives and I can’t wait to dedicate the show to the equal opposite.

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Formula for success

Jeremiah: And all you have to do is in the check or cash money order to jeremiah funds.

Mark: You know just share it with me share the wealth and as long as possible we just try to keep the show for free and as long as it making a difference so there’s our plug if your having a goodtime or enjoying or want to know more about adhd and what we’ve learn and finding success with it please follow us and like us on facebook share us with your friends, Let’s plug social media this is my commercial just happening all on its own I didn’t even have scribbled down on a piece of paper in front of me with a black ink pen okay Miah let’s go over the rules of our show because where are we halfway into the show or more than and I wanna hit the rules.

Jeremiah: There’s nothing like a show on adhd that has rules, this is a formula for success.

Mark: We’re gonna have rules okay rule number 1: I reserved the right to offend everybody equally I reserved that right free speech practice here on distracted podcast.

Jeremiah: I have a T-shirt that highlights that’s point,okay? I have a T-shirt that says that Golf is gay, that’s so gay, so here’s the thing, so people walk up come in and say what you have against golf and I said what you have against gay people right? It can go both ways it’s a conversation piece I like golf I mean, shame on you for projecting biases on to me, so we can offend anyone, and we probably well and not intentionally, that not our goal.ADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Positive aspects of adhd

Mark: We just know that we can’t, that what we’re saying, that the fact that we’re even having our show about the positive aspects of adhd guaranteed, it’s gonna have a lot of really well educated people just screaming man how could this guys without a PDH have an opinion? How dare they? Opinions are reserved for those with more education. 

Jeremiah: I think to add to that, we have this really interesting genetic phenomenon in country and that is Americans are born with really thin skins.

Mark: They are, why is that we need to find out what chromosomes it is that got everybody with thin skins. We have to fix that!

Jeremiah: It’s not just the right to offend, it’s the fact that we are talking, and it will trouble to broadcast to we will be offending.

Mark: So that’s rule #1, Rule number 2, we reserved the right to be totally wrong. That’s important.

Jeremiah: Well, I can go with you on that.

Mark: Now this is the thing. And not only do we deserve to be right and wrong, we’ll be honest about it, right and if we’re wrong, we deserve the right to change my mind and here’s the thing.ADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Learning system

Mark: This is the most important thing, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in all of the business that we were able to build up, and sell or hold on to, and we’ve got a handful of companies that were fortunate enough that we don’t have to be at work right now and we can be doing this and calling at work. Ha! But the thing that I have learned in all these, in building these businesses, the guy that can’t be wrong is the first guy that I’m gonna fire. The guy with an ego, that is so busy defending their opinion that they can’t listen to anyone else is an idiot and Miah, I think this is really the destruction I wanna hit for just a minute today. Have you noticed, and I’ve noticed this, I don’t know if anyone have even thought about this or not, not that I’m super creative and smart but I never heard anyone talking about this, our education system is setup to teach us to stop learning.

We, from the second we go to in the school, we study till the test is done and we drop the subject. We go to school and tell summer time comes and we stop learning completely for 3 months. We get out at high school, we’re done we drop our books in the trash can, we don’t look at them again, and we’re done learning until college. And here’s the problem, now our lifetime of learning to stop learning we go to College, we get a degree and I can’t tell you how many people I have look at that they finished college, they got all the bright education and they have walkout of College now knowing that they know enough and they stopped learning.

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Don’t Stop learning

They got out of college, books went in to the trash can, now they know, and what’s worst is it seems to be I could be totally wrong and deserve that right to be wrong and it seems to me that the higher the education level, the more the ego steps in and prevents the education from continuing. It’s not just its been tough that once you have been out at school you stop learning but they actually have letters behind their name that gives them permission to know better than someone who doesn’t and the progress stopped. You got guys there in their 60s that stopped learning at 30 right!, and it’s disgusting and it’s pride and arrogance and I hope forever, I will be completely open to the fact that I don’t know what I don’t know. I am a total idiot in so many areas but I have never stopped learning.

Jeremiah: You know what when I was flying home from Nashville the other day, I sat next to this kid, I guess from a kid’s perspective term,

Mark: When you look at your weight, your child. hehehe

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The ascent of money

Jeremiah: I weigh 65 pounds and that’s all on top of my head, so the kid that was next to me looks to be in his late 20s and I noticed he was watching, not that I am looking to his shoulder and getting to his business, I noticed as he opens his Macbook and type in his password which was, I’m just kidding, he started watching a video the ascent of money, it grabbed my attention because I’m a closet economy boss. I read books on macro and micro economics mostly Austrian schools which is free market, and he is reading this book by Niall Ferguson who is a professor in Harvard of history about the ascent of money and he is taking notes, okay 28 year old kid as he’s watching the video, not reading a book, watching a video about a book that’s a history of money, what I am thinking with my ADD mind? Okay he is a college student, this is required course form, he is making notes, he watches that video, and hits control tab goes to the next screen, types in a paragraph of notes, did that on the whole flight. Afterwards, here I am, I’m all smog, right?

Mark: Right! Because you have figured this out

Jeremiah: Ahh.. I read the book years ago and I read other and I love and I have figured him out. So I told him like “So you are going to pass your Economics class?” And he look at me puzzled and said “Crop!”ADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Increased knowledge

Mark: And he continued his education without a teacher’s permission

Jeremiah: He had graduated already. He wants to be in a private banking and he said, if I get in private banking, I’d better understand where bonds came from, how insurance was created, how currency was created and he said you know I graduated 6 months ago, I’ve read 15 books and I’ve learned more in the self discovery in the last months than I learned in College. Because he is self-directed, self guided and …

Mark: and self-driven and it interest to him and he personally can gain from that increased knowledge. It makes me so happy, that’s like the greatest thing in the world.

Jeremiah: That gave me hope, I wanted to hi-5 him in the airport and then he thought was really weird.

Mark: Well Miah, you should have hi-5 him instead of hugging first. It was the hug, that was awkward. You big hugger.

Jeremiah: Grown men hugging! Hahaha

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Hero Tribute

Mark: Okay I wanna do a hero tribute and I have to point out, and I’m gonna say loud out, Miah you are my hero. Before I do the hero tribute, we’re going right now to say, we’re super sorry all alcohol peers out there, we did not meant to offend you. I’ m sorry to people with PHDs, you’re probably aren’t the ones we were talking about that stopped learning, for sure you do more than just going to the required continuing credit you have to get for your job and a lot of you, are true and I say a lot of people truly do keep on learning, unfortunately there’s a handful of arrogant people that know everything, you can’t teach those old dogs new tricks and anyone else we have offended in the show.

Jeremiah: Probably we have offended gay people so we apologize to them and we apologize to the straight people for not being included in the gay conversation.

Mark: Oh that’s good point. I haven’t thought about that. Okay hero tribute, hero tribute today is Richard Branson. This guy is not shy about his ADHD. You know in the book addicts and millionaires, we have 42 of the 50 millionaires we interviewed over that 3 years, and weren’t lookin for people with ADHD that were millionaires. Let’s find 50 addicts and talk to them how much of them have ADHD and let’s find 50 millionaires and find how much of them has ADHD. And I know it’s only a hundred people sampling. This is not a scientific study; I do not wish to in fend people to do scientific studies for a living. This is just our study from reality from the surface we’re living.

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Millionares with adhd

Jeremiah: So you were saying people didn’t response to our craiglist ad: “if you were a millionaire with ADHD please send me an email”.

Mark: They didn’t. Unfortunately we had to go the people we know personally, hunt them down across the country and globe and interview them. But 42 of those millionaires were ADHD. And most of them are quite about it, not because they hate their ADD, ADHD, in fact all the millionaires thought that their hyperactive brain was their gift and part of the reason they have been successful. But they didn’t talk about it because of the way the other people treat them, that denial. Now that is why Richard Branson is the hero tribute to day is because he is wildly successful and actually comes out and says, I’m successful because of my ADHD brain. I think differently and difference, you know, for him is not a problem. I’ve got a quote I put in my book. Ahmm, and I just love it and its little Mark Patey quote “that difference is not a disorder; and you can soften it so that people can accept that difference is not always a disorder. With comes to ADHD for me things were different in life. And different is not always a disorder or for me my ADHD yeah it’s different, pain in the butt, and butt is the edited version. But a difference is not a disorder. So Richard Brandson, hero tribute to you for being openly ADHD and successful. Thank you coming out from the ADHD closet, telling the world proudly, I’m ADHD and that is why I found success. What a wonderful man!ADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Successful person’s with adhd

Jeremiah: And if you don’t know who Richard Branson is, thank you for coming out of the cave for so many years, there’s something called the internet so go ahead and Google his name. Richard Branson Virgin Airlines and also virgin galactic which is a private enterprise, virgin records, virgin mobile, so don’t Google virgin, just Richard Branson please.

Mark: Virgin Galactic went out of space that was an aircraft design by Burt Rutan, who was a living legend, he design 40, design and built 40 aircraft designs in the last 48 years and I got an opportunity to walk to his home and watch the boat races last weekend. I mean he is my hero, I’m an aviation person, I collect, build, fly and race airplanes, that’s my kind of thing. And to hang-out with him, and to talk to Burt Rutan, about Richard Branson, I said what’s he like? He’s exactly what would you expect. He’s ADHD genius as you will ever find and I hope someday to meet Richard Branson and talk to him but at least I got to met Burt Rutan and I did not asked Burt Rutan if he was ADHD, I should have, after touring his house and spending the day with him, I suspect he has the ADHD gift, I keep diagnosing him after just that, but wow his brain is 10 places at a time, and that’s a text book kind of indicator of no guarantee.

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Hero of the week nomition

Jeremiah: That’s right. You know, if you want to nominate someone for hero of the week, someone who is in the public eye, whom maybe closet adhd or just hardcore adhd, come on our facebook site and drop some nominations for hero of the week and we will absolutely consider it, could be someone who is just full blown genius like Alex Trebek or whomever.

Mark: Alex Trebek, there’s a random reference. Okay, so on Facebook, ADHD Gift is what you will search for where facebook, I don’t know how the address looks, we’ll put it on at the end of the show. At the end of the show, we will also dubbed in here our twitter and our website another thing that you can find us. Okay! UnEducated Segment, we are wrapping up the show, so stick with us in this part because there are a lot of things that we need to get uneducated on. The UnEducated segment is simply this; it’s when we have been thought, through society, or formally an education, these wonderful things that just flat out aren’t true. People have been educated incorrectly, so an educated segment at the end of every show, we will uneducated you for your good.

Jeremiah: Jupiter is not a planet. Done!

Mark: Done! Jupiter is not a planet!haha.

Jeremiah: Pluto is not a planet, Jupiter is. Done! You are uneducated twice, boom!

ADHD Gift How We Get Here

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Mark: Boom! Alright here’s the uneducated segment, we have been thought, and told, and facebook, and instagram, never go to bed angry, what a crap of craps. Let UnEducate everybody for a second, never go to bed angry, here’s the problem, I tried that, it sounds great, what a wonderful thing, let’s try to work out the fight now while we are over tired, and hungry and stressed and should be sleeping because certainly its gonna work out. But what really happens when we don’t go to bed angry we keep talking and it gets grouchy and it gets angry and by 3 in the morning we dug bones out, we dug up all bones and we throw away and swear we never dig up again, we’ve said things that we even to ourselves, wow that was low, I did not need to go there, somebody is crying, certainly one or the two people now thinking the marriage is over and unfixable.

What if you just go to bed angry what would have likely happened and happens for me is just you say, you know what, were tired, I don’t know if you are not, let’s just go to bed and deal with this in the morning. When you wake up in the morning the fight is gone. There’s not waking up in the morning we are all fighting up. Yeah just go to bed angry so it does not escalate, because in the morning you’re refreshed, you get some breakfast in you, and it might be hey sweetheart, you know what sorry for what went wrong last night I didn’t mean too. That’s only fixable that easy if you did not tried to go to bed not angry.

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Uneducated segments

Jeremiah: Are you suggesting that the best reasoning that you have in any time of the day does not occur at 3am?

Mark: Oh Miah you know, I’ve always learned, that I am super productive, reasonable, rational, when I’m over tired, grouchy, hungry at the end of the long day stressed out, that’s the best time to find solutions.

Jeremiah: We’ll you have just been Un-Educated.

Mark: You have just been Un-educated, un-distracted! I’m excited and if you listener, if you, if you listeners, if you have Un-educated segments, that drives you nuts when somebody said don’t go to bed angry and in your mind that doesn’t work, send us your uneducated suggestions, send us any questions you’ve got if you want us to take a topic on adhd, we’re up to speed and just all about all of them, were gonna talk about brain scan, new studies throughout and whatever it is send us the question and we will take it on. Miah this has been fun and we are finishing right on time. Maybe a little over time.

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Beneficial and educational

Jeremiah: ADHD people pretty much on time.

Mark: We started on time.

Jeremiah: By way of talking records and stuff and then yeah, we can chuck this up as a win.

Mark: We’ve won, this is a win. There we’re destructed again.

Jeremiah: I’m looking for a place in a wall were we can write a win and a loss column and a

Mark: This one is a win. Hey everybody thanks for joining our show, distracted with Mark Patey and Jeremiah Johnson. It has been a lot of fun. We’ll hope you will turn in, please if you found this at all educational, beneficial and fun and ridiculous send it out to your friends, if you thought it was stupid and horrible send it out to your friends they might like it, listen to these idiots, alright, thanks, that’s distracted, we hope to see you again or have you on other time.

ADHD Gift How We Get Here
