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Distributed deep learning_framework_spark_4_may_2015_ver_0.7

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© Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Distributed Deep Learning Framework over Spark Dr. Vijay Srinivas Agneeswaran, Director and Head, Data Sciences, Tally Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India and Sai Sagar , Software Engineer, Impetus Infotech India Pvt. Ltd.

© Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Distributed Deep Learning Framework over Spark

Dr. Vijay Srinivas Agneeswaran,

Director and Head, Data Sciences,

Tally Analytics Pvt. Ltd.

Bangalore, India and

Sai Sagar,

Software Engineer,

Impetus Infotech India Pvt. Ltd.

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Basics of Artificial Neural NetworksIntroduction

DLNs for Face Recognition, Different kinds of deep layered networks

Deep Layered Networks

Success stories and applications of DLNs

DLN Applications

Challenges in Realizing Distributed DLNs, our Spark based Distributed DLN Framework

Distributed DLNs

Audio Sentiment Analysis

Proof of Concept

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Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

(ANNs) Perceptron

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Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

(ANNs) Sigmoid Neuron• Small change in input = small change in behaviour.

• Output of a sigmoid neuron is given below:

• Small change in input = small change in behaviour.

• Output of a sigmoid neuron is given below:

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Introduction to ANNs: Back Propagation


What is this?

NAND Gate!

initialize network weights (often small random values)

do forEach training example ex

prediction = neural-net-output(network, ex) // forward pass

actual = teacher-output(ex)

compute error (prediction - actual) at the output units

compute delta(wh)for all weights from hidden layer to output layer //

backward pass

compute delta(wi) for all weights from input layer to hidden layer

// backward pass continued

update network weights until all examples classified correctly or

another stopping criterion satisfied

return the network

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The network to identify the individual digits

from the input image


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Deep Layered Networks (DLNs) for Face


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DLN for Face Recognition


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Deep Learning Networks: Learning

No general learning

algorithm (No-free-

lunch theorem by


Learning algorithm

for specific tasks


ns of BP

Hinton’s deep belief

networks as stack



Lecun’senergy based

learning for DBNs.

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• This is a deep neural network

composed of multiple layers of

latent variables (hidden units or

feature detectors)

• Can be viewed as a stack of RBMs

• Hinton along with his student

proposed that these networks can

be trained greedily one layer at a


Deep Belief Networks


• Boltzmann Machine is a

specific energy model with

linear energy function.

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• Aim of auto encoders network is to learn a

compressed representation for set of data

• Is an unsupervised learning algorithm that

applies back propagation, setting the target

values equal to inputs (identity function)

• Denoising auto encoder addresses identity

function by randomly corrupting input that

the auto encoder must then reconstruct or


• Best applied when there is structure in the


• Applications : Dimensionality reduction,

feature selection

Other DL Networks: Auto Encoders (Auto-

associators or Diabolo Network)

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Why Deep Learning Networks are Brain-like?

Statistical approach of traditional ML –SVMs or kernel approaches.

• Not applicable in deep learning


Human brain –trophic factors

Traditional ML – lot of data munging, representational issues (feature

abstractor), before classifier can kick


Deep learning – allows the

system to learn representations

as well naturally.

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Copyright @Impetus Technologies, 2014

Success stories of DLNsAndroid voice recognition

system – based on DLNs

Improves accuracy by 25%

compared to state-of-art

Microsoft Skype Translate software

and Digital assistant Cortana

1.2 million images, 1000

classes (ImageNet Data) –

error rate of 15.3%, better

than state of art at 26.1%

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Success stories of DLNs…..

Senna system – PoS tagging, chunking, NER, semantic role

labeling, syntactic parsing

Comparable F1 score with state-of-art with huge speed

advantage (5 days VS few hours).

DLNs VS TF-IDF: 1 million

documents, relevance search. 3.2ms VS


Robot navigation

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Potential Applications of DLNs

Speech recognition/enhancement

Video sequencing

Emotion recognition (video/audio),

Malware detection,

Robotics – navigation.

multi-modal learning (text and image).

Natural Language Processing

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Challenges in Realizing DLNs

Large no. of training examples – high


• Large no. of parameters can also improve accuracy.

Inherently sequential nature – freeze up one

layer for learning.

GPUs to improve training speedup

• Limitations –CPU_to_GPU data transfers.

Distributed DLNs –Jeffrey Dean’s work.

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WiP: Proof of Concept

• Sentiment analysis of continuous speech data

• Stacking RBMs to make a deep belief network.

– First a GRBM (Gaussian RBM) is trained to model a window of frames of

real-valued acoustic coefficients.

– Then the states of the binary hidden units of the GRBM are used as data

for training an RBM.

– This is repeated to create as many hidden layers as desired.

– Then the stack of RBMs is converted to a single generative model, a

DBN, by replacing the undirected connections of the lower level RBMs by

top-down, directed connections.

– Finally, a pre-trained DBN-DNN is created by adding a “softmax” output

layer that contains one unit for each possible state of each HMM. The

DBN-DNN is then discriminatively trained to predict the HMM state

corresponding to the central frame of the input window in a forced


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• ANN to Distributed Deep Learning

• Key ideas in deep learning

• Need for distributed realizations.

• DistBelief, deeplearning4j etc.

• Our work on large scale distributed deep learning

• Deep learning leads us from statistics based machine

learning towards brain inspired AI.


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• Tally

• Accounting/business software – widely used in SME.

• 100 million customers worldwide.

• Tally Analytics is a new startup

• Trying to create value from the business data of Tally.

• Supply chain – use of AI in inventory prediction, creating

value in supply chain data.

• What is sold where, when and at what price. All pervading


• We are hiring. Send CVs to [email protected].

Current Work

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Thank You!

Contact Details:Twitter: a_vijaysrinivas

LinkedIn (Please write an introductory note before connecting): https://in.linkedin.com/in/vijaysrinivasagneeswaran

Email: [email protected]

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Copyright @Impetus Technologies, 2014

• RBM are Energy Based Models (EBM)

• EBM associate an energy with every configuration of a system

• Learning corresponds to modifying the shape of energy

function, so that it has desirable properties

• Like in physics, lower energy = more stability

• So, modify shape of energy function such that the desirable

configurations have lower energy

Energy Based Models


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Other DL networks: Convolutional


Yann LeCun, Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, and Yoshua Bengio. 1999. Object Recognition with Gradient-Based Learning.

In Shape, Contour and Grouping in Computer Vision, David A. Forsyth, Joseph L. Mundy, Vito Di Gesù, and Roberto

Cipolla (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, London, UK, UK, 319-.

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• Recurrent Neural networks

• Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Temporal data

• Sum-product networks

• Deep architectures of sum-product networks

• Hierarchical temporal memory

• online structural and algorithmic model of neocortex.

Other Brain-like Approaches

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• Connections between units form a Directed cycle i.e. a

typical feed back connections

• RNNs can use their internal memory to process

arbitrary sequences of inputs

• RNNs cannot learn to look far back past

• LSTM solve this problem by introducing stem cells

• These stem cells can remember a value for an arbitrary

amount of time

Recurrent Neural Networks

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• SPN is deep network model and is a directed acyclic


• These networks allow to compute the probability of an

event quickly

• SPNs try to convert multi linear functions to ones in

computationally short forms i.e. it must consist of

multiple additions and multiplications

• Leaves correspond to variables and nodes correspond

to sums and products

Sum-Product Networks (SPN)

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• Is a online machine learning model developed by Jeff


• This model learns one instance at a time

• Best explained by online stock model. Today’s situation

of stock helps in prediction of tomorrow’s stock

• A HTM network is tree shaped hierarchy of levels

• Higher hierarchy levels can use patterns learned at lower

levels. This is adopted from learning model adopted by

brain in the form of neo cortex

Hierarchical Temporal Memory

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Mathematical Equations

• The Energy Function is defined as follows:

b’ and c’ are the biases

𝐸 𝑥, ℎ = −𝑏′𝑥 − 𝑐′ℎ − ℎ′𝑊𝑥

where, W represents the weights connecting

visible layer and hidden layer.

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Learning Energy Based Models

• Energy based models can be learnt by performing gradient descent on

negative log-likelihood of training data

• It has the following form:

−𝜕 log 𝑝 𝑥

𝜕θ=𝜕 𝐹 𝑥



𝑝 𝑥 𝜕 𝐹 𝑥


Positive phase Negative phase
