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© 2017 Sevgi Coskan

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To my mom, dad and sister

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My journey at Department of Plant Pathology in the University of Florida was a

significant contribution to both my personal life and professional career. I feel honor to

be a part of it. I consider myself as extremely fortunate, since I had the privilege

knowing so many amazing professionals who guided me during my master’s degree.

I would like to express my thanks and sincerest gratitude to my Academic

Advisor Distinguished Professor Jeffrey B. Jones for exemplary guidance, valuable

support, and generous help that kept me focused, and enabled me to pursue my

degree. I would also like to convey my appreciation to Professor Rosemary Loria, my

committee member and the chair of the Department of Plant Pathology, who

wholeheartedly and sincerely supported the completion of my thesis as well as the

challenges I encountered during this process. I express my deepest appreciation to

them, because the successful completion of my thesis could not have been possible

without their constant encouragement and belief in my success. I would like to extend

my gratitude to my committee member Dr. Svetlana Yuryevna Folimonova, for the

suggestions, support, and feedback through this process.

I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to my amazing parents and my

sister, whom always wish the best for me with an unconditional love, patience, and

support, and never let me to give up. I would also like to thank Ricardo Alcala-Briseno

for being such a great teacher, mentor, and friend who sacrificed his precious time for

showing and explaining the experiments in the laboratory for numbers of times. I need

to further thank Norsazilawati Saad for sharing her knowledge, giving me words of

encouragements and helping me under any circumstances with the best intentions. I

feel indebted to Debra Jones, Dr. Juliana Pereira-Martin, Dr. Sujan Timilsina, and

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Gerald V. Minsavage for their willingness to help and valuable contributions to my


Very special thanks to Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and

Livestock for providing me the opportunity to have my master’s degree in the USA and

funding me as my sponsor. I started to study there as an inexperienced student,

therefore, I would also like to thank Polston Lab for the knowledge and skills that I have

gained through my research period and for truly challenging experiences which made

me stronger and determined person. Wishing to express my gratefulness to the all

department staff and officials, mainly Jessica Ulloa and Lauretta Rahmes for their

unfailing help and assistance. I am grateful to Patricia Soria, Kamaldeep Kaur, Warda

Boukari, and Salma Arous for being an excellent friend. Last but not the least, I am

thankful to my dearest friends Nesime Can, Meltem Mete, Pervin Ari Akin, and Gulen

Soyaslan, for their thoughts, good wishes, advices, and prayers. They listened to me

and made their presence left. Bulus Duman Ozkan desires the special

acknowledgement because without her, I might never have started this journey.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. 4

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ 8

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 9

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... 10

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 13


1 LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 15

Introduction to Tomato ............................................................................................ 15 Tomato Production ........................................................................................... 15 Origin of Tomato ............................................................................................... 15

Introduction to Plant Viruses ................................................................................... 16 Seed Transmissible Viruses ................................................................................... 16

Economic Importance of Seed Transmitted Plant Viruses................................ 18 Seed Transmission of Tomato Viruses ............................................................. 20

Pollen Transmission ......................................................................................... 20 Mechanisms of Seed Transmission .................................................................. 21

Virus Genetic Variability .......................................................................................... 22 Plant Cryptic Viruses............................................................................................... 23 Amalgaviruses ........................................................................................................ 26

2 DISTRIBUTION OF STV ......................................................................................... 33

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 33 Materials and Methods............................................................................................ 36

Plant Sources ................................................................................................... 36 Nucleic Acid Extraction ..................................................................................... 37

Virus Detection ................................................................................................. 38 Cloning, Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analysis ............................................. 39

Results and Discussion........................................................................................... 39 Presence of STV among Cultivars ................................................................... 39 Distribution of STV at Different Leaf Ages in ‘Sweet Hearts’ Tomato Plants .... 40

Diversity of STV ................................................................................................ 41

3 VERTICAL TRANSMISSION OF STV .................................................................... 49

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 49

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Materials and Methods............................................................................................ 52

Cross Pollination .............................................................................................. 52

Seed Harvesting and Disinfection Treatments ................................................. 53 Seed Transmission ........................................................................................... 54 Total RNA extraction ........................................................................................ 54 Detection of STV .............................................................................................. 54

Results .................................................................................................................... 55

Discussion .............................................................................................................. 56

4 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 67


LIST OF REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 72

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ............................................................................................ 80

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Table page 1-1 Seed transmitted viruses reported in tomato around the world .......................... 32

2-1 List of tomato cultivars tested for the presence of STV by RT-PCR ................... 45

2-2 Detection of STV in hypocotyl/cotyledon tissue and in developing leaves at different leaf ages of ‘Sweet Hearts’ tomato plants ............................................. 46

2-3 Detection of STV in leaves of five STV-infected plants when sampled simultaneously once the plants reached the 16th leaf stage (An STV-negative plant was used as a control for all leaves) .......................................................... 46

2-4 List of STV isolates used in this study ................................................................ 47

2-5 Pairwise comparison of percent identity nucleotide sequences of STV .............. 48

3-1 Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-infected mother plants with pollen collected from STV-negative tomato plants ............................ 59

3-2 Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-negative mother plants with pollen collected from STV-infected tomato plants ............................. 60

3-3 Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-infected mother plants with pollen collected from STV-infected tomato plants ............................. 61

3-4 Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-negative mother plants with pollen collected from STV-negative tomato plants ............................ 62

3-5 Virus infection in the progeny seedlings of crosses between STV-infected and STV-negative ‘Sweet Hearts’ parent plants ................................................. 62

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Figure page 1-1 Full genome of STV ............................................................................................ 31

2-1 Hypocotyl plus cotyledon (1 to 2 weeks post germination) tested for the presence of STV ................................................................................................. 43

2-2 Leaf collected for testing for STV from a tomato plant with 12 leaves (7 weeks post planting) ........................................................................................... 43

2-3 Leaves collected from one plant for testing for STV. Age of leaf is shown from oldest (top left to youngest bottom right). ................................................... 44

3-1 Selected female flower ....................................................................................... 63

3-2 Female flower’s pistil from flower that had been emasculated (before cross-pollination) .......................................................................................................... 63

3-3 Selected male flowers as a source of pollen ...................................................... 64

3-4 Female flower following transfer of pollen to pistil .............................................. 64

3-5 Developing fruit, two-weeks post pollination ....................................................... 65

3-6 Cross-pollinated fruit ready for harvesting .......................................................... 65

3-7 Germination of seeds in plastic bag on moist paper towel .................................. 66

3-8 Germinated seedlings1 to 2 weeks after incubation in plastic bag on moist paper towel ......................................................................................................... 66

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ArMV Arabis mosaic virus

BBLV Blueberry latent virus

BBSV Broad bean stain virus

bp base pairs

BSMV Barley stripe mosaic virus

cDNA complementary DNA

CP coat protein

cm centimeter

CMV Cucumber mosaic virus

CSSV Cocoa swollen shoot virus

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

dsRNA double-stranded RNA

FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database

HCI Hydrochloric acid

H hybrid

kb kilobase

NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information

OP open-pollinated

ORFs open reading frames

PCR polymerase chain reaction

PEMV Pea enation mosaic virus

PepMV Pepino mosaic virus

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PMV Peanut mottle virus

PZSV Pelargonium zonate spot virus

RCV Ryegrass cryptic virus

RdRp RNA-dependent-RNA-Polymerase

RhVA Rhododendron virus A

RMV Ryegrass mosaic virus

RNA ribonucleic acid

RT Reverse transcription

RT-PCR Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

RYMV Rice yellow mottle virus

SBMV Southern bean mosaic virus

ssDNA single-stranded DNA

ssRNA single-stranded RNA

STV Southern tomato virus

TAE Tris-acetate-EDTA

taq Thermus aquaticus

TBRV Tomato black ring virus

TBSV Tomato bushy stunt virus

TMV Tobacco mosaic virus

ToCV Tomato chlorosis virus

ToMV Tomato mosaic virus

TSP Tri-sodium phosphate

TSWV Tomato spotted wilt virus

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TSV Tobacco streak virus

TYLCV Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

TYMV Turnip yellow mosaic virus

USDA United States Department of Agriculture

VCVM Vicia cryptic virus M

VLPs virus-like particles

WHO World Health Organization

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Abstract of Thesis Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science



Sevgi Coskan

August 2017

Chair: Jeffrey B. Jones Major: Plant Pathology

Southern tomato virus (STV) is a recently identified virus that is present in tomato

cultivars worldwide. STV is a monopartite virus with a double-stranded RNA genome

(3.5 kb) containing two overlapping open reading frames (ORFs) and is the type species

of the genus Amalgavirus (family Amalgaviridae). A reverse-transcription polymerase

chain reaction (RT-PCR) using virus-specific primers was used to detect STV in 24

tomato cultivars, which included hybrid and open pollinated cultivars. STV was detected

in plants produced by a number of seed companies, indicating that the virus is widely

distributed in the vegetable seed industry. STV was detected for the first time in the

following cultivars: ‘Agriset 761’, ‘Bonita’, ‘Florida Lanai’, ‘Mexico Midget’, and ‘Roma’.

Partial isolates of STV from this study and full genome sequences of STV from

GenBank were compared and found to have an average percentage diversity of less

than 1%. In order to look at the presence of STV in different developmental stages of

tomato plants, STV-infected and STV-negative ‘Sweet Hearts’ tomato plants were

grown and sampled for the presence of STV using RT-PCR at different developmental

stages. STV was detected in 75% of 1 to 2 week-old germinated seedlings. When

plants were grown and sampled at various leaf stages up to final sampling at 15th leaf

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stage, all positive plants were positive for STV and the negative plants remained

negative. The presence or absence of STV was consistent across all four

developmental stages. Seed transmission studies of progeny produced from crosses of

different combinations of parents that were STV-infected or -negative, revealed that

both ovule and pollen transmission of STV occurred at high rates.

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Introduction to Tomato

Tomato Production

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, formerly Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

production worldwide, which in 2014 accounted for close to 171 million tons (FAOSTAT,

2017), is one of the most important and profitable vegetable crops, particularly in

Florida, and is widely distributed in the U.S.

The U.S. is the second largest country for tomato production and Florida ranked

first in fresh market tomato production in 2015 (USDA, 2017). In 2015, tomato

production in Florida was reported at approximately 33,000 acres and generated $453.1

million in gross sales (Freeman et al., 2016).

Origin of Tomato

Tomato originated in the Andean region, now part of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia,

Ecuador and Peru (Bai and Lindhout, 2007). The early events in domestication of

tomato remain unclear (Peralta and Spooner, 2007). Tomato was introduced to Europe

in the 16th century and reached an advanced level of domestication through Europe in

the 18th and 19th centuries (Sims, 1980; Bai and Lindhout, 2007). It is believed that

tomato was first introduced to Europe most probably from Mexico by Spanish

conquistadors (Blanca et al., 2012). By the 17th century, tomatoes were used just for

ornamental purposes since they were thought to be poisonous, like members of the

Solanaceae, Atropa belladonna and Mandragora sp. (Bergougnoux, 2014).

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Introduction to Plant Viruses

Viruses are obligate parasites that are not capable of replicating without a host

(Hull, 2014). Plant viruses are an important group of tomato pathogens that exist

worldwide (Hanssen et al., 2010). Diseases caused by viruses are a major problem

because of the difficulty in disease management (Jones et al., 2014). Plant damage

caused by viral diseases is difficult to predict due to various factors including plant

cultivar, geographic region, infection time, and virus strain (Jeong et al., 2014; Strange

and Scott, 2005).

In most situations, viral diseases are diagnosed based on the symptoms they

induce, which include leaf chlorosis, necrosis, malformation, mosaic, and stunting (Hull,

2009). However there are some cases in which viruses might not be visually diagnosed

since certain plant viruses do not cause any symptoms following infection (van der Want

and Dijkstra, 2006). In addition to that, sometimes virus-like symptoms are caused by

nutritional deficiencies, pest damage, and weather conditions (Jeong et al. 2014; Jones

et al., 2014). Hence compared to other pathogens, diagnosis of virus infection based on

symptoms is more complicated (Lievens et al., 2005).

Viral diseases usually produce a range of symptoms on plants with a scale of

severity such as mild to severe, or viruses can also cause no symptoms, or even plant

death (Jones et al., 2014; Hull, 2009). Variation in the virus symptoms can be influenced

by multiple factors such as the production systems, locations, and the type and age of

the cultivars.

Seed Transmissible Viruses

Seed transmission is defined as the process in which the virus is transferred from

seed to seedlings is referred to as seed transmission (Sastry, 2013). One of the most

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important and interesting aspects of plant-virus interactions is the plant`s ability during

seed development to protect their progeny against virus invasion coming from their

infected maternal plant tissues (Bennett, 1969). Viruses cannot infect plants directly

because they are not able to penetrate the host cell walls and they cannot get in the

plasma membrane, since there are no receptors in host cells for viruses (Atsumi et al.,

2015). Some viruses, however, are able to overcome those limitations and infect plants

by entering through wounds or via a vector. However, in some cases, viruses are also

capable of being transmitted to the next generation through infected seed originating

from infected parent plants (Bashir and Hampton, 1996; Bennett, 1969).

Quality seed plays a critical role in crop production and has a significant role in

yield (Gumus and Paylan, 2013). Therefore, seed health is one of the most important

factors to consider when attempting to produce quality seed. Worldwide, viruses are

generally transported to new regions on infected seed used for production (Mandahar,

1981). Germplasm exchange is another very common means for moving seed around

the world. As a result of this, viruses have been introduced to different geographical

areas (Bashir and Hampton, 1996).

Although seed may test positive for a particular virus, they do not always produce

infected plants. The frequency of seed infection resulting in seedling infection can vary

drastically. For instance, in one study, 62% of the tomato seed tested positive for

Tobacco streak virus (TSV), but only 11% of the seedlings were infected (Sdoodee and

Teakle, 1988). The location of the virus in seed also affected seed transmission to

seedlings. For instance, the presence of Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) in the seed

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coat of Arabidopsis thaliana did not result in seedling infection, and embryo invasion

was found to be necessary for seedling infection (de Assis Filho and Sherwood, 2000).

Seed transmission is important for dissemination of plant viruses (Mink, 1993;

Johansen et al., 1994; Sastry, 2013). For instance, seed-transmissible viruses

contributes to the ability of a virus to overwinter (Hull, 2014) and serve as a primary

inoculum source for vector transmission which may cause significant effects on crop

production (Akhtar and Kobayashi, 2010; Kil et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2015). Virus

transmission through seed has had a pronounced effect on virus survival from parents

to progeny and from one season to another (Akhtar and Kobayashi, 2010; Johansen et

al., 1994).

Approximately 20% of known plant viruses have been reported to be seed

transmissible (Johansen et al., 1994; Sastry, 2013). All seed-transmitted viruses are

vertically transmitted (i.e. the virus is transmitted from parents through ovule and/or

pollen to the progeny (Sastry, 2013). As reviewed by Sastry (2013) and by Card et al.

(2007) there are more than 231 viruses confirmed as being vertically transmitted, and

these include 17 genera of viruses that are reported as pollen transmitted by either

vertical and/or horizontal transmission.

Economic Importance of Seed Transmitted Plant Viruses

Seed transmission helps to evenly establish a virus in a crop at an early stage,

as a result of the presence of multiple foci (Hull, 2009). Hence, seed transmission might

have considerable economic significance in that the virus is introduced as primary

inoculum to a production field, and then once present in the field other transmission

mechanisms result in efficient secondary spread of the virus. Seed-transmissible

viruses can be devastating to crops (Sastry, 2013). As explained in the reviews by Mink

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(1993) and Johansen et al. (1994), when the host plant becomes infected with virus, the

infection mostly results in yield losses. According to Albrechtsen (2006), economic

losses caused by seed-transmitted viruses have both indirect impact such as chemical

management cost for vectors, and direct impact in terms of quality of crops and yield


A significant example of the impact of a seed-transmitted virus is the high loss in

Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) in Montana barley fields, which caused considerable

yield losses for many years (Carroll, 1980). The estimated total loss in currency was

more than $30 million between 1953-1970 (Carroll, 1983). In this case, to solve the

problem, a seed certification program was implemented which resulted in significantly

reduced yield losses.

Significant yield losses associated with seed infection can occur as a result of a

number of factors including the susceptibility of the host, the virus strain, and the host

stage when virus infection occurs (Albrechtsen, 2006; Hull, 2014; Lenardon et al.,

2001). For instance, Kuhn et al. (1978) reported that Peanut mottle virus (PMV) strain-

M2 had 31% yield loss in ‘Starr’ and 20% loss in both ‘PI-261945’ and PI-261946’;

however, strain-N in infected peanuts reported 47% yield loss in ‘PI-261945’, 68% in

‘Starr’, and no yield losses in ‘PI-261946’.

Viruses as well as their vectors can cause significant yield losses. For instance,

Hinz and Daebeler (1979) reported that when beans were infected with Pea enation

mosaic virus (PEMV) alone, the yield reduction in broad bean seeds was 6%. Yield

reduction was 50% with infestations of aphids in the absence of the virus. However,

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93% yield reduction was reported when the both the virus and the aphid vector were

present (Sastry, 2013).

Yield loss estimates are essential for establishing proper virus management

techniques in the field (Johansen et al., 1994; Mink, 1993). In other words, determining

the means of the virus transmission is important information in order to develop

strategies for controlling viral diseases (Atsumi et al., 2015); furthermore, knowing that a

virus is seed-transmitted is important for plant protection in that strategies are

developed to prevent or limit distribution of the virus (Kil et al., 2016). In summary,

based on the examples above, yield losses are affected by several factors.

Seed Transmission of Tomato Viruses

Seed transmitted viruses, including pollen transmitted viruses, create major

problems in tomato industries around the world (Lapidot et al., 2010). Although hybrid

tomatoes are cultivated and harvested in one region, they are traded all around the

world. Therefore, seed transmission can enable the distribution of viruses into non-

infected and new geographical areas. Currently, tomato is considered a host for 10

species of seed transmitted viruses from 8 known genera (Table 1-1) (Lister and

Murant, 1967; Sastry, 2013; Hanssen et al., 2010; Cicek and Yorganci, 1991; Hanada

and Harrison, 1977; Tomilnson and Faithfull, 1984; Hadas et al., 2004; Kil et al., 2016).

Pollen Transmission

Pollen can also be an important means in seed infection (Bailiss and Offei, 1990;

Card et al., 2007; Johansen, 1994; Sastry, 2013) and can result in long distance spread

in infected seed (Mink, 1993). When the viruses are pollen-transmissible, seed may be

infected which indicates vertical transmission, as the seedlings that develop contain the

virus (Roberts et al., 2003), or the healthy host might be infected via the fertilized flower,

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which represents horizontal transmission. However, it cannot be concluded that if a

virus is transmitted vertically by pollen, horizontal transmission will also occur and vice

versa (Card et al., 2007).

The mechanisms of pollen and seed transmission are closely related (Johansen

et al., 1994). Pollen-transmissible viruses are also commonly seed transmissible but not

necessarily the converse is true (Card et al., 2007). Broad bean stain virus (BBSV) is an

example of a virus that is reported to be seed transmissible but not pollen transmissible

(Brunt et al., 1996). Seventeen genera of plant viruses have been reported as being

transmitted through pollen vertically and/or horizontally (Atsumi et al., 2015).

Mechanisms of Seed Transmission

Seed transmission can be achieved in mainly two ways: 1) infection of the seed

coat or maternally derived seed parts, and 2) infection of the embryo. Tobacco mosaic

virus (TMV) infested tobacco seed is an example of seed-coat infection (de Assis Filho

and Sherwood, 2000), Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) on soybean is an example

of a maternally infected seed (Uyemoto and Grogan, 1977).

As reviewed by Mink (1993), Johansen et al. (1994) and Sastry (2013), during

seed infection, the embryo becomes infected by the virus during direct invasion or by

indirect invasion. Direct invasion is achieved when the virus invades the developing

embryo during embryogenesis. There is no clear explanation for how the virus crosses

the boundary between the female parent and resulting progeny generations in the ovule

(Wang and Maule, 1994).

Indirect invasion occurs when the virus invades the embryo before

embryogenesis by infection of reproductive tissues (e.g. pollen mother cell and

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megaspore mother cell) (Johansen et al., 1994). Interestingly, BSMV has been reported

to infect seed by direct and indirect invasion (Mandahar, 1981).

Virus Genetic Variability

According to Roossinck (2008), genetic variability is crucial for an organism’s

fitness and is common feature among viruses. When a mutation or recombination in the

virus genome results in a biological advantage, those new variants spread throughout

the viral population (Moya et al., 2004; Roossinck, 2008). Those viruses that recently

changed and succeed during the natural selection are described as emerging viruses

(Rojas and Gilbertson, 2008). Emerging viruses represent introduction of a new virus

species, an influx of genetic variability in an existing virus or the introduction of existing

viruses to new locations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), emerging

viruses fall into two categories. They can represent those that have appeared in a

population for the first time, or those that have been present previously but are rapidly

increasing in incidence or geographic range. According to Rojas and Gilbertson (2008)

and Hanssen et al. (2010), emerging viruses can also be viruses that have been

changing or occupy and spread within new niches. Previously unknown viruses could

also be described as emerging viruses (Rojas and Gilbertson, 2008; Hanssen et al.,


Roossinck (2008) has categorized emerging viruses as individual viruses or

entire groups of viruses. Some of the emerging virus groups include criniviruses (family

Closteroviridae) (Tzanetakis et al., 2013) and whitefly-transmissible begomoviruses

(family Geminiviridae) (Leke et al., 2015). With regard to individual viruses, Rice yellow

mottle virus (RYMV) (Fargette et al., 2008) and Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato

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(Gomez et al., 2012) are examples that have emerged in Africa and the Mediterranean

region, respectively.

Plant Cryptic Viruses

Over the past 120 years, numerous viruses have been reported that infect plants

(ICTV, 2015). Cryptic viruses were first described in plants in the late 1960s (Pullen

1968; 1969) and were described as viruses that are present at low titer, and are not

associated with disease symptoms.

Although cryptic viruses have been reported as symptomless (Lisa et al., 1981;

Roossinck, 2010; Sabanadzovic and Valverde, 2011), there are some reports of

symptoms related with those viruses (Antoniw et al., 1990). For instance, Natsuaki et al.

(1979) reported that most Japanese radish cultivars do not have symptoms; however,

some seedlings infected with cryptic viruses produce some symptoms. These

symptoms include leaf edges with mild yellowing and smaller lower leaves (Natsuaki et

al., 1979). Additionally, in the early 1970s, Plumb and colleagues (1973; 1974) found

that there are more severe symptoms when ryegrass is infected with both Ryegrass

mosaic virus (RMV) and Ryegrass cryptic virus (RCV) than RMV alone. Therefore these

findings revealed that between other viruses and cryptic viruses, there might be

synergistic interactions (Antoniw et al., 1990). Furthermore, Kassanis et al. (1978)

suggested that cryptic viruses might have an impact on the growth and development of

the host since they observed larger roots in healthy sugar beet plants compared to

those in beet cryptic virus-infected plants.

In general, most cryptic viruses do not produce visible symptoms in their hosts

and are transmitted only by seed and by pollen to the next generations (Boccardo et al.,

1987; Roossinck, 2010). According to Antoniw et al. (1990), their survival depends to a

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much larger extent than most plant viruses upon the successful growth and

reproduction of the host plant. Hence there are possibly strong selection pressures to

assure that cryptic viruses do not negatively affect the reproductive efficiency of their

host plants, and there might be selection for these viruses having positive effects in their

hosts (Antoniw et al., 1990).

Cryptic viruses also are not transmitted horizontally, which means they are not

transmitted mechanically or by any vector (Kassanis et al., 1977) or by grafting

(Boccardo et al., 1985). Additionally, cryptic viruses have been reported to only be

transmitted by seed and pollen (Roossinck, 2010; Sabanadzovic and Abou Ghanem-

Sabanadzovic, 2008; Sabanadzovic and Valverde, 2011). In other words, transmission

of the virus to the embryo is the only way to maintain the cryptic virus in the embryo

(Boccardo et al., 1987).

The first cryptic viruses were reported to be spherical viruses or virus-like

particles (VLPs) in sugar beet (Boccardo et al., 1987; Kassanis et al., 1977). In addition

to sugar beet, it was reported that cryptic viruses had wide host ranges and were found

in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant species including alfalfa (Medicago

sativa) (Accotto et al., 1990), bean (Vicia faba) (Abou-Elnasr et al., 1985; Liu and Chen,

2009), beet (Beta vulgaris) (Szego et al., 2010), Brassica rapa (Li et al., 2016),

carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) (Lisa et al., 1981), carrot (Daucus carota) (Willenborg

et al., 2009), hop trefoil (Medicago lupulina) (Accotto et al., 1990; Luisoni et al., 1987),

ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) (Plumb, 1973; Plumb and Misari, 1974), meadow fescue

(Festuca pratensis) (Boccardo et al.,1983), pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) (Osaki et al.,1998),

pepper (Capsicum annuum) (Sabanadzovic and Valverde, 2011), pine (Pinus sylvestris)

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(Veliceasa et al., 2006), radish (Raphanus sativus) (Chen et al., 2006), red clover

(Trifolium pratense) (Lesker et al., 2013), rose (Rosa) (James et al., 2015;

Sabanadzovic and Abou Ghanem-Sabanadzovic, 2008) , spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

(Park and Hahn, 2017), and white clover (Trifolium repens) (Boccardo and Candresse,

2005; Guy and Gerard, 2015).

All cryptic viruses found so far consist of small isometric particles with a dsRNA

genome and have been separated into two subunits: a particle about 29-32 nm in

diameter, and another particle about 37-38 nm in diameter (Boccardo et al., 1987;

Sabanadzovic and Valverde, 2011). Those cryptic viruses have two encoded proteins,

which consist of a coat protein and RNA-dependent-RNA-polymerase (RdRp)

(Boccardo and Candresse, 2005).

Plant cryptic viruses presently belong to the family Partitiviridae that currently

consists of five genera that infect plants, protozoa and fungi. Two of the genera,

Alphapartitivirus and Betapartitivirus, infect plants and fungi, while Cryspovirus infect

protozoa, Deltapartitivirus infect plants, and Gammapartitivirus only infect fungi (ICTV

2015). Recently, endornaviruses (Roossinck, 2011; Valverde and Gutierrez, 2007) have

been reported to have similar features as partitiviruses and as such both groups were

categorized as persistent viruses by Roossinck (2010). According to Roossinck (2010),

endornaviruses and partitiviruses have been described as having a persistent lifestyle in

their hosts because of the lack of symptoms in infected tissue, their lack of movement

proteins, their movement in plants only by cell division, and because they are

transmitted vertically but not horizontally. More recently amalgaviruses were

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characterized and determined to be similar to the persistent viruses (Liu and Chen,

2009, Sabanadzovic et al., 2009, Sabanadzovic et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2011).


The Amalgaviridae family consists of the dsRNA plant viruses, and contains only

the genus Amalgavirus that includes four species: Southern tomato virus (STV),

Blueberry latent virus (BBLV), Rhododendron virus A (RhVA), and Vicia cryptic virus M

(VCVM). Amalgaviruses are monopartite and contain approximately a 3.5kb dsRNA

genome with two partially overlapping coding regions (putative coat protein, RdRp)

(Martin et al., 2011). Little is known about Amalgaviridae replication. They are believed

to replicate in the cytoplasm (Liu and Chen, 2009). Only STV has been tested for

mechanical and graft transmission and was shown to be negative (Sabanadzovic et al.,

2009). Both STV (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009) and BBLV (Martin et al., 2011) have been

reported to be transmitted by seed.

The genomic organization of members of these viruses is similar to some of the

genus Totivirus that belong to the Totiviridae. Phylogenetic analysis shows this group of

viruses to be closer to the Partitiviridae family than the Totiviridae family (Martin et al.,

2011; Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). Nibert et al. (2014) proposed the new family,

Amalgaviridae, to indicate the similarities between the Totiviridae and the Partitiviridae.

As a result, this was approved as new virus family by ICTV (Adams et al., 2014).

STV, which is the type species of the Amalgavirus, is a virus with a monopartite

3.437 bp double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome that contains two overlapping coding

regions (putative CP, RdRp) (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). The first ORF is p42 (42-kDa),

codes for a putative coat protein (CP), and the second ORF encodes p121 (121-kDA)

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RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that has a + 1 ribosomal frameshift (Figure 1-1;

Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

Like other amalgaviruses, there have been no observed or purified virus particles

associated with STV (Candresse et al., 2013; Isogai et al., 2011, Martin et al., 2011,

Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). Limited information is known about the replication of STV. It

is believed to replicate in the cytoplasm and to lack the ability to move systemically or

cell to cell (Liu and Chen, 2009; Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). STV, like amalgaviruses, is

not transmitted by mechanical inoculation or by graft transmission. It is known that STV

is transmitted through seed (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009; Martin et al., 2011), although it

is unknown whether seed transmission of STV is through pollen or ovules or both

(Coskan, unpublished data).

STV was first reported to be associated with tomato yellow stunt disease which is

characterized by reduction of fruit size, leaf chlorosis, and reduced crop yields in ‘UC

82’ and ‘Celebrity’ cultivars (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009, Candresse et al., 2013). Thus

the association between symptoms and the presence of STV is unclear. Since its

detection in tomato plants for the first time in the U.S. and Mexico (Sabanadzovic et al.,

2009), STV was also detected in France (Candresse et al., 2013), the Canary Islands in

Spain (Verbeek et al., 2015), China (Padmanabhan et al., 2015b), Bangladesh

(Padmanabhan et al., 2015a), and Italy (Iacono et al., 2015). Recently it was reported in

Florida (Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017) and in Korea (GenBank accession number:

LC270272.1.). Comparison of partial and complete sequences of STV isolates from

Italy, Mexico, Bangladesh, China, U.S. and France showed that the sequences had less

than 1% diversity (Iacono et al., 2015).

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STV is often present in the field with other viruses as mixed infections. Verbeek

et al. (2015) detected STV along with PepMV, Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in Spanish tomatoes. In China, Padmanabhan et

al. (2015b) found STV in a mixed infection with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato

chlorosis virus (ToCV), and TYLCV. STV was reported in France in a mixed infection

with Potato virus Y (PVY) and TMV (Candresse et al., 2013). In Bangladesh, STV was

found in a co-infection with PVY and CMV (Padmanabhan et al., 2015a). The recently

identified STV from Italy was in tomato plants also infected with PepMV and PVY

(Iacono et al., 2015).

Other members of Amalgaviridae, including VCVM (Liu and Chen, 2009) and

RhVA (Sabanadzovic et al., 2010), were identified in symptomless Vicia faba in

Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Eastern China, and symptomless rhododendron in Great

Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S. Little is known about these viruses. Like STV and

BBLV, they have an approximately 3.5 kb genome that contains two partially

overlapping putative open reading frames. As experimentally verified for STV

(Sabanadzovic et al., 2009) and BBLV (Martin et al., 2011), it is likely that VCVM and

RhVA are also seed transmissible.

The last identified Amalgavirus in family Amalgaviridae is BBLV. A new disorder

known as blueberry fruit drop disease was observed in the Pacific Northwest of North

America (British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington) in the early 2000s (Martin et al.,

2009; 2011). Even though it was later determined that there was no relationship

between BBLV and blueberry fruit drop disease, the virus was further characterized due

to its prevalence in the preliminary survey (Martin et al., 2011). This led to the isolation

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of approximately a 3.5 kb dsRNA molecule, which was named BBLV (Martin et al.,


The genome organization of BBLV is similar to STV and possesses two partially

overlapping ORFs encoding for a replicase protein and an unknown protein (Martin et

al., 2011; Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). While the genome organization of BBLV is

analogous to the viruses in the family Totiviridae, its RdRp was found to be closely

associated with the members of the Partitiviridae family (Martin et al., 2011; Krupovic et

al., 2015). Thus, Nibert et al. (2014) placed BBLV in Amalgavirus in the family

Amalgaviridae along with STV (Adams et al., 2014).

Geographical distribution of BBLV is broad, as it has been detected in non- and

symptomatic plants in Arkansas, Michigan, New Jersey, and the Pacific Northwest, as

well as in blueberry germplasm from North America (Martin et al., 2011; 2012).

Comparison of partial and complete sequences of BBLV isolates from Japan and the

U.S. showed that BBLV has a very stable population structure, with less than 0.5%

diversity among isolates from the U.S. and Japan (Isogai et al., 2011; Martin et al.,

2011; 2012). BBLV is transmitted by seed in the absence of movement protein,

suggesting that it is replicating in the cytoplasm and moved by cell division (Martin et al.,

2011). Observation on some BBLV-infected high bush cultivars for almost a decade

indicated that, like other Amalgaviridae members, the presence of this virus in blueberry

is not a concern because infected plants remain symptomless (Martin et al., 2011). The

objectives of this research were 1) to determine the presence of STV in open pollinated

and hybrid tomato cultivars, 2) to determine how uniformly STV can be detected in

leaves at different plant growth stages, 3) to compare partial sequences of isolates of

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STV in different tomato cultivars, and 4) to determine if STV is transmitted to the next

generation through ovules and/or through pollen.

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Figure 1-1. Full genome of STV (photo courtesy of Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

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Table 1-1. Seed transmitted viruses reported in tomato around the world

Genome Family Genus Virus Abbreviation References

ssDNA Geminiviridae Begomovirus Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

TYLCV Kil et al., 2016.

ssRNA (+) Alphaflexiviridae Potexvirus Pepino mosaic virus PepMV Hanssen et al., 2010.

ssRNA (+) Bromoviridae Anulavirus Pelargonium zonate spot virus

PZSV Lapidot et al., 2010.

ssRNA (+) Bromoviridae Cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic virus

CMV Sastry, 2013.

ssRNA (+) Secoviridae Nepovirus Arabis mosaic virus ArMV Lister and Murant, 1967.

ssRNA (+) Secoviridae Nepovirus Tomato black ring virus

TBRV Hanada and Harrison, 1977.

ssRNA (+) Tombusviridae Tombusvirus Tomato bushy stunt virus

TBSV Tomlinson and Faithfull, 1984.

ssRNA (+) Virgaviridae Tobamovirus Tobacco mosaic virus

TMV Cicek and Yorganci, 1991.

ssRNA (+) Virgaviridae Tobamovirus Tomato mosaic virus ToMV Hadas et al., 2004.

dsRNA Amalgaviridae Amalgavirus Southern tomato virus

STV Sabanadzovic et al., 2009.

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Many seed companies, farmers, distributors, and home gardeners rely on tomato

production profits every year. They face many challenges, but diseases are a major

impediment. Viral diseases have a critical economic impact on tomato production

(Hanssen et al., 2010). Management strategies for controlling viral diseases include

using cultural and chemical methods, which include avoiding the use of infected

transplants, weed management, chemical control of the vector, and, when available, the

use of resistant cultivars. A major concern is the spread of viruses to previously

unaffected places, which becomes more likely because of the global seed trade.

According to Hanssen et al. (2010), in recent years, many viral diseases have

emerged and are directly impacting fresh market tomato production worldwide. Some of

these viruses were known to affect crops other than tomato and have now been shown

to cause disease in tomato. Some are newly described virus species and others are

known tomato viruses that are becoming more prevalent.

Based on the criteria for emerging viral diseases outlined by Hanssen et al.

(2010), one might consider STV to be an emerging virus, even though it is not

associated with disease symptoms. STV was first detected in Mexico and Mississippi in

2005 (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009) and has been reported in several different locations

(Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017; Iacono et al., 2015; Padmanabhan et al., 2015a; 2015b;

Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). Although it has similarities with other viruses in Totiviridae

and Partitiviridae families, Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) was the first to propose that STV

is a new virus group and suggested it be placed in a new taxon. Hence, STV was

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placed in a new genus, Amalgavirus, in the family Amalgaviridae with STV as the type

species (Adams et al., 2014).

Viruses in the Amalgaviridae, like those in the Endornaviridae and Partitiviridae,

are dsRNA viruses; unlike viruses in the Partitiviridae, members of the Amalgaviridae

and Endornaviridae do not have capsids. Partitiviruses are associated with plants and

fungi, whereas endornaviruses are associated with plants, fungi and oomycetes

(Fukuhara et al., 2006; Okada et al., 2011). Some viruses in all three families, which

infect plants, are efficiently transmitted vertically and infected plants remain

symptomless (Roossinck, 2010, Sabanadzovic et al., 2008, Valverde et al., 2007).

Therefore, these viruses could be considered cryptic viruses, although the term has

been specifically used for members of the Partitiviridae (Boccardo et al., 1987).

Endornaviruses and partitiviruses have been described as having a persistent lifestyle

in their hosts because of their lack of movement proteins, their movement in plants only

by cell division, the lack of symptoms in infected tissue, and their inability to transmit

horizontally (Roossinck, 2010). Amalgaviruses also behave in a persistent lifestyle.

Viruses in the Amalgaviridae (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009), Partitiviridae (Nibert et al.,

2014), and Endornaviridae (Valverde and Gutierrez, 2007) families are dispersed by

pollen and/or seeds. STV, like viruses in the Partitiviridae and Endornaviridae, is

disseminated by seeds and has been reported in hybrid tomato cultivars with 8 of 27

being positive; however, the contribution of pollen in STV transmission is unknown

(Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

Information relating to STV and other amalgaviruses is limited. Because

persistent viruses seem to cause no economic impact, there has not been much

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attention given to them. STV was detected in leaves, roots and fruit or seeds of tomato

plants (Gonzales et al., 2017); however, no systematic analysis of different ages of leaf

tissue was done to determine the overall distribution of STV.

Viruses possess potential for genetic diversity. Genetic variability is required

because viruses need to adapt constantly to a changing environment and shifting

selection pressure (Roossinck, 2008). According to Garcia-arenal et al. (2001), genetic

diversity in virus populations does not occur as a rule, because natural selection and

bottlenecks restrict diversity. Bottlenecks happen at several stages of the virus infection

cycle resulting in a reduction in the number of genomes that are present in a viral

population (Gutierrez et al., 2012). Comparison among isolates of STV from Italy,

Mexico, Bangladesh, China, USA, and France showed that the sequences had 99%

similarity (Iacono et al., 2015), so genetic variability among isolates of STV seems to be


Although genetic diversity of STV appears to be low, the sequences that have

been published are strictly from hybrid tomato varieties and may have been from a

limited number of varieties. It is important to look at open-pollinated cultivars as well as

additional tomato hybrids to determine if greater genetic diversity exists. Breeding of

cultivars where breeding material may contain diverse STV populations may potentially

have an impact on the introduction of increased viral genetic variability. By determining

the presence of STV in diverse hybrid and open-pollinated cultivars followed by

sequence analysis of the isolates, we will gain insight into the potential diversity of the

virus in breeding programs.

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The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the presence of STV in open

pollinated and hybrid tomato cultivars, 2) to determine how uniformly STV can be

detected in leaves at different plant growth stages and 3) to compare partial sequences

of isolates of STV in different tomato cultivars.

Materials and Methods

Plant Sources

Presence of STV in open pollinated and hybrid tomato cultivars. In a survey

of screening tomato cultivars for the presence of STV in hybrid (H) and open-pollinated

(OP) cultivars, 24 cultivars, including 13 hybrid tomato cultivars (2 cultivars were

obtained from two different sources) and 11 open-pollinated tomato cultivars were

obtained from different sources (Table 2-1). Cultivars were selected for diversity of

genetic background and commercial source. Two or three cultivars were selected from

the following tomato types: beefsteak, cherry, deep oblate, grape, plum, rootstock and

round (Table 2-1). Between 15 and 30 seeds were sowed and the plants were grown

under greenhouse conditions. Depending on the experiment, leaves from one to three

month old plants were sampled.

Presence of STV in leaves at different plant growth stages. To determine the

presence of STV in tomato plants at different stages of development, the hybrid cultivar

‘Sweet Hearts’ was chosen for testing because it was shown in this study to be infected

with STV at high rates (Table 2-1). For seedling testing, seeds were planted to test for

presence of STV at different stages of plant development. Twelve seeds were

germinated in a plastic bag on moist paper towels. The bags were then placed in an

incubator at 25-27°C. One to two weeks later at the post germination stage (hypocotyl

plus cotyledon) (Figure 2-1), the seedlings were separated from the seed coat and were

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assayed for STV as described below. For testing tissue at different leaf stages, seed

were planted in seedling flats and grown in a greenhouse until the first true leaf stage

and then transplanted to 10-cm pots containing Sun Gro Metro Mix 830. The plants

were fertilized weekly with Peters Professional 20-20-20. The plants were grown in a

greenhouse and leaves were sampled for STV at the 1st, 4th, 7th, 12th and 15th leaf

stages. Ten plants were sampled at each time, with the seedling stage and 1st leaf

stage sampling requiring destruction of the entire plant. For samples taken (Figure 2-2)

at the 4th, 7th, 12th and 15th leaf stages, sampling was not destructive and the same

plants were used.

In a separate experiment, to address the second objective, the distribution of

STV within plants was determined when all leaf stages were sampled for STV at the

same time. Five ‘Sweet Hearts’ seeds were planted and grown under greenhouse

conditions until the 16th leaf stage. Once the plants reached the 16th leaf stage, leaves

were collected from the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 15th leaves (Figure 2-3) of each of five

plants and assayed for STV.

Nucleic Acid Extraction

Total RNA was extracted from 60 to 80 mg of all samples except the seedlings

for objective 2, when only 18-30 mg of plant tissue was available for the initial sampling

at the 1-2 week post germination stage (hypocotyl plus cotyledon). Leaves were stored

at -80oC in case of the need to retest in the future.

An OmniBiotek Plant RNA mini kit (OmniBiotek Co. MA) was used according to

the manufacturer’s instructions to extract total RNAs. Extracted total RNAs were

visualized following electrophoresis through 1% agarose gel in 1X TAE (Tris-acetate-

EDTA) to check the RNA quality and then the RNA was quantified by

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spectrophotometry using a Nanodrop (Thermo Scientific, Wilmington, ME). The total

RNA for each sample was adjusted to 100 ng/µl.

Virus Detection

Two primers, STV-F (5’-CGTTATCTTAGGCGTCAGCT-3’) and STV-R (5’-

GGAGTTTGATTGCATCAGCG- 3’), which amplify a 440 bp region that encompasses

the overlapping region between ORF 1 and ORF 2, were used for detection of STV

(Sabanadzovic et al., 2009). The cDNA was synthesized with ImProm-II™ Reverse

Transcriptase (Promega, Madison, Wl) in an RT step followed by DNA amplification in

PCR with Taq DNA Polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA), according to the

manufacturer’s instructions. Reverse transcription (RT) was carried out as follows: a

total volume of 10 µl containing 1 µM of virus-specific primers STV-F and STV-R and

RNA with an initial concentration of 100 ng was denaturated at 95°C for 5 min;

immediately after, 10 µl of mastermix containing a final concentration of 6 mM of MgCl2,

1 mM dNTPs, 20 U Rnasin and 1 U of reverse transcriptase was added and incubated

at 25oC for 5 minutes, 42oC for 1 hour and 70oC for 15 minutes. Subsequently the PCR

was done using 2 µl of cDNA in total of 20 µl of reaction mixture containing 10X

Standard Taq (Mg-free) Reaction Buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.25 mM of dNTPs, 0.5 µM of

STV-F and STV-R primer, 0.25 mM of Spermidine and 0.625 U of Taq DNA

Polymerase. The thermocycler program was similar to Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) with

minor modifications. After the initial denaturation step at 95°C for 2 min, the cDNAs

were amplified for 35 cycles as follows: denaturation for 30s at 95°C, annealing for 30 s

at 61°C (annealing temperature modified based on preliminary results from gradient RT-

PCR), extension for 45 s at 72°C and a final extension for 10 min at 72°C. PCR

products were run by gel electrophoresis using 1X TAE buffer ethidium bromide-stained

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1.5% agarose gel to determine whether the PCR amplicons had the correct size, and

consequently whether the plant was infected with STV. The PCR product using the

STV-specific primers has an expected size of 440 bp.

Cloning, Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analysis

The PCR products amplified by RT-PCR were purified using QIAquick PCR

Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and cloned in pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega

Corp., Madison, WI). Escherichia coli JM109 cells (Promega, Madison, WI) were

transformed with the ligated products.

Plasmids were extracted with NucleoSpin® plasmid extraction kit (Macherey-

Nagel, Bethlehem, PA), and in order to confirm the presence of the amplification

product, plasmids were digested overnight with restriction endonuclease, EcoRI (New

England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA), and results were visualized in 1.5 % agarose gels to

determine if the plasmid contained the proper insert. One clone containing insert from

each cultivar was selected and sent to Eurofins Genomics (Huntsville, AL) for

sequencing using T7/SP6 primer pair to confirm the identity and to measure diversity.

Nucleotide BLAST was used to search for similar sequences in the GenBank

database. STV sequence alignment was conducted using ClustalW and MUSCLE.

Results and Discussion

Presence of STV among Cultivars

The data presented in Table 2-1 indicate that STV is distributed in both hybrid

and open pollinated tomato seeds. Twenty-five cultivars from companies and

distributors were tested for STV (Table 2-1). In total, 98 tomato seeds out of 571 tested

were shown to be virus-infected (17%). STV was found in the following hybrid cultivars:

‘Agriset 761’, ‘Bonita’, ‘Celebrity’ (Parkseed), and ‘Sweet Hearts.’ STV was detected in

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both hybrid and open-pollinated cultivars. STV was detected for the first time in ‘Agriset

761’, ‘Bonita’, ‘Florida Lanai’, ‘Mexico Midget’ and ‘Roma’.

Although STV was reported to be a vertically transmitted virus (Sabanadzovic et

al., 2009) and was detected in the following hybrid cultivars including ‘Better Boy’,

‘Celebrity’, ‘Loica’, ‘Sweet Hearts’, ‘Trust’, and ‘UC-82’, in this study the virus was also

found in two additional hybrids, ‘Agriset 761’ and ‘Bonita’.

STV, which has been previously found in hybrid cultivars (Sabanadzovic et al.,

2009), had not previously been reported in open pollinated cultivars. We tested 11 open

pollinated cultivars and detected STV in three: ‘Florida Lanai’, ‘Mexico Midget’, and

‘Roma.’ Therefore, this is the first report of STV in open-pollinated cultivars.

The incidence of infection varied considerably from less than 6.7 to 90% (Table

2-1). In all hybrid cultivars tested, the highest incidence of seed transmission of STV

was found in cv. ‘Sweet Hearts’ (61.3%). In the open-pollinated cultivars, cv. ‘Florida

Lanai’ had the highest incidence of STV infection at 90%.

There appears to be wide variation in the presence of STV in at least one of the

hybrid varieties. In ‘Celebrity’, it was interesting to note that STV was found in 45% of

the ‘Celebrity’ seed from one distributor, but not detected in the other, while

Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) found it in 100% of the seeds sampled. However, they only

tested 5 seeds in that study and they did not report the exact seed source. On the other

hand, approximately 60% of ‘Sweet Hearts’ seed in this study and in that of

Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) were infected.

Distribution of STV at Different Leaf Ages in ‘Sweet Hearts’ Tomato Plants

In this experiment, leaf tissue was sampled at the various stages of growth from

‘Sweet Hearts’ tomato plants beginning at the hypocotyl/cotyledon stage and continuing

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through leaf number 15. For the hypocotyl/cotyledon samples and leaf 1 samples, the

plants were destructively sampled; however, for leaves 4, 7, 12 and 15, the same plants

were used for each leaf age. STV was initially detected in 75% of the

hypocotyl/cotyledon samples (Table 2-2). STV was also detected in 50-60% of the

samples from leaves 1, 4, 7, 12, and 15. For leaf samples 4, 7, 12 and 15, the same

plants were always positive or always negative. This is the first report showing the

presence of STV in all tomato leaves.

In a separate experiment, to address objective 2, plants were grown to the 16th

leaf stage and then leaf tissue was sampled simultaneously from five known positive

‘Sweet Hearts’ plants at leaf ages 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. STV was detected in all leaves

sampled from each of the 5 plants (Table 2-3). An STV negative plant was used as a

negative control and always tested negative. The virus was shown to be present in all

stages that were sampled. This distribution throughout the plant is similar to what has

previously been reported for other cryptic viruses such as in the Partitiviridae (Boccardo

et al., 1987).

Diversity of STV

Amplicons generated by RT-PCR were readily TA cloned and sequenced

directly. Partial sequences from representative isolates: ‘Agriset 761’, ‘Mexico Midget’,

‘Roma’ and ‘Sweet Hearts’ were submitted to GenBank and the accession numbers as

follows: KX949570 (STV-Agr761-11-17), KX949571 (STV-MM-2-6), KX949572 (STV-R-

11-6), and KX949573.1 (STV-SH-17m).

Amplicons of the 440 bp from four hybrid tomato cultivars, ‘Agriset 761’, ‘Bonita’,

‘Celebrity’, ‘Sweet Hearts’ and three open pollinated tomato cultivars ‘Florida Lanai’,

‘Mexico Midget’, and ‘Roma’, were compared with eight STV complete genome

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sequences in GenBank, from Bangladesh (KT634055.1), Canary Islands and Spain

(KJ174690.1), China (KT438549.1), Florida (KX949574.1), Korea (LC270272.1),

Mississippi (EU413670.1), North Carolina (KT852573.1), and the reference sequence

from Mexico (NC_011591.1), were compared (Table 2-4). Comparison of the

sequences with those in GenBank showed that all the sequences analyzed and

described above displayed similarity greater than 98.75% (Table 2-5), corroborated with

previous studies that described very low genetic variability among STV isolates (Iacono

et al., 2015). A total of nine isolates from three partial sequences: ‘Agriset 761’, ‘Roma’,

‘Florida Lanai’, and six full genome STV sequences from Bangladesh, China, Florida,

Korea, Mexico, and Mississippi were 100% identical. The results revealed a total of four

nucleotide changes for ‘Celebrity’, one in ‘Bonita’, one in ‘Sweet Hearts’ and three in

STV-MM-2-6 (as reported by Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017) and two in China (as also

reported by Padmanabhan et al., 2015b) resulting in an overall similarity greater than

99% so diversity of STV among different isolates seems to be low.

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Figure 2-1. Hypocotyl plus cotyledon (1 to 2 weeks post germination) tested for the presence of STV (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

Figure 2-2. Leaf collected for testing for STV from a tomato plant with 12 leaves (7

weeks post planting) (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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Figure 2-3. Leaves collected from one plant for testing for STV. Age of leaf is shown

from oldest (top left to youngest bottom right) (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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Table 2-1. List of tomato cultivars tested for the presence of STV by RT-PCR

Cultivars Type Shape Company

No. Plants Infection Rate (%)



A Grappoli D'inverno OP grape Baker Creek 0/20 0

Agriset 761 H round Petoseed 11/21 52.4

Better Boy H round Seminis 0/20 0

Better Boy H round ParkSeed 0/20 0

Bonita H round Rogers 10/20 50

Brandywine Red OP beefsteak Burpee 0/20 0

Celebrity H deep oblate Seminis 0/17 0

Celebrity H deep oblate Parkseed 9/20 45

Enpower H rootstock Nunhem 0/30 0

Florida 47 H round Seedway 0/20 0

Florida Lanai OP round UF Agricultural exp station 18/20 90

Heinz OP plum UC Davis germplasm collection

0/20 0

Large Red Cherry OP cherry Seed Savers Exchange 0/20 0

Mexico Midget OP cherry Seed Savers Exchange 1/15 6.7

Multifort H rootstock DeRuiter 0/30 0

Old Italiano OP beefsteak Baker Creek 0/20 0

Principe Borghese OP plum Seed Savers Exchange 0/20 0

Roma OP plum Burpee 10/20 50

Rutgers OP round Burpee 0/27 0

Super Beefsteak OP beefsteak Burpee 0/12 0

Sweet Chelsea H cherry Sakata 0/20 0

Sweet Elite H grape Sakata 0/22 0

Sweet Hearts H grape Sakata 38/62 61.3

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Table 2-2. Detection of STV in hypocotyl/cotyledon tissue and in developing leaves at different leaf ages of ‘Sweet Hearts’ tomato plants

Plant stages

No. Plants STV-Infected*/Total

Tested Detection Rate (%)

Hypocotyl plus cotyledon

9/12 75

Leaf 1 5/10 50

Leaf 4 6/10 60

Leaf 7 6/10 60

Leaf 12 6/10 60

Leaf 15 6/10 60 *Positive for STV based RT-PCR. Table 2-3. Detection of STV in leaves of five STV-infected plants when sampled

simultaneously once the plants reached the 16th leaf stage (An STV-negative plant was used as a control for all leaves)

Leaf No. No. Plants Infected/Total


3 5/5

6 5/5

9 5/5

12 5/5

15 5/5

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Table 2-4. List of STV isolates used in this study

Isolate Cultivar Location Sequence Accession Source

Agr761-11-17 Agriset 761 Florida Partial KX949570.1 In this study; Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017

Bo-239 Bonita Florida Partial N/A In this study

Ce-302 Celebrity Florida Partial N/A In this study

La-164 Florida Lanai Florida Partial N/A In this study

MM-2-6 Mexico Midget Florida Partial KX949571.1 In this study; Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017

R-11-6 Roma Florida Partial KX949572,1 In this study; Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017

SH-17m Sweet Hearts Florida Partial KX949573.1 In this study; Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017

Florida Sweet Hearts Florida Full genome KX949574.1 Alcala-Briseno et al., 2017

CN-12 not specified China Full genome KT438549.1 Padmanabhan et al., 2015b

GCN06 Mariana Canary I., Spain Full genome KJ174690.1 Verbeek et al., 2015

Gimcheon not specified Korea Full genome LC270272.1 NCBI GenBank Database

BD-13 not specified Bangladesh Full genome KT634055.1 Padmanabhan et al., 2015a

MT-1 not specified Mexico Full genome EF442780.1 Sabanadzovic et al., 2009

MS-7 not specified Mississippi Full genome EU413670.1 Sabanadzovic et al., 2009

NC12-03-08 not specified North Carolina Full genome KT852573.1 NCBI GenBank Database

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Table 2-5. Pairwise comparison of percent identity nucleotide sequences of STV

*Sequences submitted to GenBank: Agriset 761 (KX949570), Mexico Midget (KX949571), and Roma (KX949572). **Sequences obtained from GenBank: Bangladesh (KT634055.1), Canary I and Spain (KJ174690.1), China (KT438549.1), Florida (KX949574.1), Korea (LC270272.1), Mississippi (EU413670.1), North Carolina (KT852573.1), and Mexico (EF442780.1). ***Sequences will be submitted to GenBank.

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Plant viruses cause significant problems in vegetable crops, being responsible

for reduction in seed germination when seed transmissible, causing significant crop

yield losses, and causing dramatic changes in shape and color of seeds (Gumus and

Paylan, 2013). Knowing how viruses are disseminated has a significant role in planning

proper disease management strategies. Generally, viruses are transmitted by two

common mechanisms: 1) when the virus is transmitted from parent to offspring (vertical

transmission), or 2) when the virus is transmitted among individuals of the same

generation (horizontal transmission) (Sastry, 2013; Simmons et al., 2011).

Approximately 20% of plant viruses are reported to be transmitted by seed

(Johansen et al., 1994, Sastry 2013). Viruses are obligate parasites that are incapable

of penetrating the cuticle and plant cell wall directly or directly entering the plasma

membrane (Hull, 2009). In the case of seed transmission, it has been reported that

developing embryos are largely, but not completely, protected from infection in

maternal-infected plant tissue (Bennett, 1969). Some viruses have developed strategies

to overcome the latter limitation by infecting embryos and therefore being transmitted to

the next generation through infected seeds (Bashir and Hampton, 1996).

Seed transmission plays a critical role in vertical transmission (Simmons et al.,

2011) and in viral dissemination (Yang et al., 1997). Pollen can also be an important

means of distributing plant viruses over great distances (Bailiss and Offei, 1990). When

the viruses are pollen-transmissible, the flower becomes infected during pollination

(horizontal transmission) and the seed may become infected and the resulting seedlings

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that develop may be infected (vertical transmission). However, the virus when present in

the pollen may not be able to infect the embryo or may cause sterility in the ovule, and

thus not be transmitted vertically (Card et al., 2007). Even though it is known that there

is an intimate relationship between seed and pollen transmission, it cannot be assumed

if the pollen transmits the virus vertically, that there will always be horizontal

transmission or vice versa (Sastry, 2013). It has also been reported that pollen-

transmissible viruses are commonly seed-transmissible (Card et al., 2007).

Movement of seeds worldwide by commercial seed companies is a common

practice. Seeds are potential inoculum sources for plant viruses. For this reason the use

of clean seed is an important strategy to control diseases (Kuan, 1988). Virus-free

seeds are used as a prevention strategy for preventing introduction into areas where

specific diseases do not occur (Kuan, 1988).

Seed-transmitted viruses that are inefficiently transmitted may have significant

consequences when introduced into a new area if a vector is present that efficiently

transmits the virus resulting in devastation of the crop (Amari et al., 2009). Both local

and long distance movement of a seed transmitted virus rely on the rate of

transmission. Some viruses have low rates of seed transmission and without the vector

being present in production sites they are not considered as a concern for long distance


Knowing that a virus is transmitted via seed is crucial for developing plant

protection strategies and predicting virus distribution (Kil et al., 2016). If there is a low

incidence of seed infection, it is important to know what potential vectors are present in

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the production fields where the seed are used such that proper management strategies

are implemented to control the vector and minimize the disease (Atsumi et al., 2015).

Virus transmission can occur in mainly two ways: infection of the embryo, and

infection of the seed coat or maternally derived seed parts (Sastry, 2013). Embryo

becomes infected either directly, when the virus present in the mother plant invades the

developing embryo during embryogenesis, or indirectly, when the virus infects

reproductive tissues before embryogenesis (Wang and Maule, 1997; Maule and Wang,


Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) determined STV is neither graft-transmitted nor

mechanically transmitted but is seed transmitted at high rates. Dissemination of STV

relies on the movement of seed and propagating material. Global seed trades and

propagative material distribution facilitate the spread of the virus. Seed transmission is a

typical characteristic of a persistent virus lifestyle as defined by Roossinck (2010). Plant

viruses that were classified by Roossinck (2010) as having a persistent lifestyle are

characterized by lacking movement proteins and therefore STV would be considered to

have a persistent lifestyle as it lacks a movement protein (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

Also characteristic of the persistent virus lifestyle described by Roossinck (2010) and

demonstrated by STV is vertical but not horizontal transmission (Sabanadzovic et al.,


A large number of viruses, including cryptic viruses (Partitiviridae), are reported

to be seed-transmissible, but information on the seed infection mechanism of these

viruses is limited and mostly inconclusive (Sastry, 2013). Cryptic viruses, currently

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classified as part of the family Partitiviridae, are the most well studied group with shared

characteristics with amalgaviruses.

STV, the type species of the Amalgavirus (family Amalgaviridae), has a double

stranded RNA genome of approximately 3.5 kb and two partially ORFs. Like other

amalgaviruses, STV is not transmitted by mechanical inoculation and by grafting, but it,

like another member, BBLV, are the only members of the Amalgaviridae that have been

reported to be transmitted through seed (Martin et al., 2011; Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

It is not clear how the virus moves from the parent to the embryonic tissues (Wang and

Maule, 1994). Although STV is a seed transmitted virus with a high rate of seed

infection (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009), it is not known what role pollen plays in vertical

transmission of STV from male to female plants.

Until now, like other members of Amalgaviridae, there have been no studies to

determine the role of pollen in seed transmission of STV. For a better understanding on

the seed transmission of STV, this study aimed to determine if both parents contribute

to seed transmission of STV to the next generation. We determined the role of pollen

from infected plants in seed infection when pollinating flowers of healthy and infected

female plants.

Materials and Methods

Cross Pollination

Viral transmission was evaluated using four combinations of STV-infected and

STV-negative female and male parents of the tomato cultivar ‘Sweet Hearts’. Plants

used in this experiment were grown from seed in the greenhouse. Before the pollination

process, plants were tested by RT-PCR to verify if they were infected with the virus or

were virus-free plants. In treatment 1, four female positive plants were pollinated using

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pollen from three male plants negative for the virus. In treatment 2, four healthy female

plants were pollinated using pollen from three male plants infected with STV. In

treatment 3, four STV-infected female plants were pollinated using pollen from three

STV-infected male plants. In treatment 4, four STV-negative female plants were

pollinated using pollen from three STV-negative male plants. For each cross, the

flowers from female parents were emasculated when they were not open but just about

to show yellow (Figure 3-1) Using tweezers, the flower petals were removed (Figure 3-

2) without touching the stigma. Flowers were cross pollinated with fresh pollen by first

selecting flowers that were open as shown in Figure 3-3 then removing the flower from

the plant and gently tapping the flower to release the pollen onto fingertip. The pollen on

the fingertip was gently transferred to the stigma. Each crossed female flower was

labeled to identify them at harvest (Figure 3-4). When pollination was successful, fruit

will began to develop (Figure 3-5).

Seed Harvesting and Disinfection Treatments

When the fruit from cross-pollinated treatments had ripened (Figure 3-6), tissue

was collected as follows: each tomato fruit was cut in half and all the seeds in each fruit

(seeds from each fruit were kept separate) were transferred to a small beaker. To

disinfest, seeds were covered with 1M HCI (hydrochloric acid) and incubated for 30 min.

The HCI of the beaker was decanted and the seed were rinsed in tap water to remove

HCl solution and pulp was removed so that only seed and minimal pulp remained. Then

the seed were placed back into a beaker, immersed in TSP (tri-sodium phosphate, 400g

TSP in 3.78 L water) solution for 30 min and rinsed in tap water. Following the rinsing

step in tap water, the seeds were spread out on a several layers of paper towels and

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allowed to dry at room temperature overnight. The seed from each fruit were then

placed in small envelopes and stored at room temperature.

Seed Transmission

Seeds from the treatments described above were germinated by placing at least

5 seed in a plastic bag on moist paper towels and then the bags (Figure 3-7) were

placed in an incubator at 25-27°C for 1 to 2 weeks until the weight of each seedling was

at least 13 mg (Figure 3-8). Hypocotyl and cotyledon tissue was collected (seed coat

was removed) and 60 seedlings from crosses for each treatment were tested

individually for STV by RT-PCR using STV specific primers (Sabanadzovic et al., 2009).

Total RNA extraction

Five seeds per cross (60 seeds per treatment) were germinated in the incubator

at 25-27°C for 1-2 weeks. Between 18-30 mg weight of germinated seedlings were

removed from the seed coat by tweezers then RNA was extracted using OmniBiotek

Plant RNA mini kit (OmniBiotek Co. MA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Detection of STV

Two primers, STV-F (5’-CGTTATCTTAGGCGTCAGCT-3’) and STV-R (5’-

GGAGTTTGATTGCATCAGCG- 3’), which amplify a 440 bp region that encompasses

the overlapping region between ORF 1 and ORF 2 were used (Sabanadzovic et al.,

2009). RT step was carried out as follows: a total volume of 10 µl containing 1 µM of

virus-specific primers STV-F and STV-R and RNA with initial concentration of 100 ng

were denaturated at 95°C for 5 min, followed by reverse transcription in which 10 µl of

mastermix containing in a final concentration of 6 mM of MgCl2, 1 mM dNTPs, 20 U

Rnasin, and 1 U of reverse transcriptase ImProm-II™ Reverse Transcriptase. Two

microliters of cDNA were tested for the presence of STV by PCR (Sabanadzovic et al.,

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2009). The PCR was done using 10X Standard Taq (Mg-free) Reaction Buffer, 2.5 mM

MgCl2, 0.25 mM of dNTPs, 0.5 µM of STV-F and STV-R primer, 0.25 mM spermidine

and 0.615 U of Taq Polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA). The thermocycler

program was similar to Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) with minor modifications. After an

initial denaturation step at 95°C for 2 min, the cDNAs were amplified as follows: 35

cycles included denaturation for 30 s at 95°C, annealing for 30 s at 61°C (annealing

temperature modified based on preliminary results from gradient RT-PCR), and

extension for 45 s at 72°C followed by a final extension for 10 min at 72°C. PCR

products were run by gel electrophoresis using 1X TAE buffer ethidium bromide-stained

1.5% agarose gel to determine if the PCR product had the correct size, and

consequently if the plant was infected with STV. The PCR product using the STV-

specific primers has an expected size of 440 bp.


In order to determine the role of each parent in seed transmission of STV, a total

of 240 seeds (60 seed per treatment) representing the four treatments (Tables 3-1, 3-2,

3-3, and 3-4) were examined for the presence of STV. When the female parent was

STV-infected and the pollen was from a healthy parent, 70% of the progeny plants were

infected (Table 3-1). When the female parent was healthy and the pollen was from an

infected plant, 61.7% of progeny plants were infected, showing that STV can be

transmitted by pollen (Table 3-2). When both the female parent and male parent were

STV-infected, 100% of the progeny plants were infected (Table 3-3). As a negative

control where female parent and male parent were STV negative, 100% of the offspring

were STV-negative (Table 3-4).

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Table 3-5 is the summary of the Table 3-1 through 3-4. The results clearly show

that STV was transmitted by both ovule and pollen to the progeny. It also appears that

the female parent had a higher contribution to virus transmission than the male parent.


In this study, STV was shown to be transmitted via both the female and the male

parent. Although there are other reports addressing seed transmission in

Amalgaviridae, they have not reported the role of the male and female in transmission

(Sabanadzovic et al., 2009; Martin et al., 2011). Sabanadzovic et al. (2009) reported

high rates (70-90%) of vertical transmission for STV, but they did not report the parents’

contribution for the virus transmission since their source of seeds were tomato hybrid

seed and it was unknown which parent contributed STV. Similarly, Martin et al. (2011)

tested seedlings obtained from crosses in which both parents were infected with BBLV,

and therefore could not determine the parental contribution in seed transmission. In this

study, we demonstrated with infected female and male parents that seed transmission

for STV occurs at high rates, corroborating the previous report by Sabanadzovic et al.

(2009). We also showed that the female parent had a slightly greater contribution for the

STV transmission when compared to the male parent, although this may not be

statistically significant.

Clearly, based on these results, STV could be transmitted at high rates to the

next generation by either the ovule being infected in the female plant or being pollinated

by an infected male plant. In another study, STV was reported to be transmitted by seed

at high rates (70-90%), although they did not state transmission was from the female or

male parent (Sabanadzovic et al. 2009). However, this study for the first time

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demonstrates pollen transmission (not horizontally) by a virus in the Amalgaviridae


STV transmission through pollen was shown to occur at a high rate when the

female plant was free of the virus. Transmission of STV via pollen (61.7%) was more

efficient when compared to previous reports of cryptic virus transmission in two other

plant species (e.g. 50% in Vicia faba (Kenten et al., 1978), 43% in beet (Kassanis et al.,

1978), but less efficient compared to Endornavirus transmission (94%) (Moriyama et al.,

1996). Clearly pollen as well as ovule transmission seems to be a crucial means for

distribution of these persistent viruses.

Vertical transmission of persistent viruses when the female plant is infected is

quite common. As stated above, STV was more efficiently transmitted vertically when

the female parent was infected compared to the pollen parent. In the Partitiviridae,

Kassanis et al. (1978) reported a high rate of vertical transmission, 82%, when the

female BCV-infected parent and BCV-negative male parent were crossed, compared to

when the pollen parent was the source of the virus. For the Endornavirus (Moriyama et

al., 1996), 100% of rice seedlings were infected when the female parent was crossed

with pollen from a healthy plant. For persistent viruses, the probability for vertical

transmission is quite high when the female parent is infected.

One of the more interesting findings in this study was that the rate of

transmission of STV was considerably higher when both parents were infected. In that

case 100% of the progeny were infected. A similar situation occurred with BBLV in

which when both parents were infected, all progeny were positive for the virus (Martin et

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al., 2011). Further investigations are necessary to identify the seed infection


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Table 3-1. Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-infected mother plants with pollen collected from STV-negative tomato plants

Treatment 1 Female STV- infected parent ID

Male STV-negative parent ID

No. of seeds Infected/Total

Infection Rate

42a 6-1b 3/5 60%

42 8-4 5/5 100%

42 9-3 2/5 40%

44 6-1 5/5 100%

44 8-4 2/5 40%

44 9-3 4/5 80%

47 6-1 3/5 60%

47 8-4 3/5 60%

47 9-3 4/5 80%

50 6-1 4/5 80%

50 8-4 5/5 100%

50 9-3 2/5 40%

Total - 42/60 -

Average - - 70% aPlants 42, 44, 47 and 50 were STV positive and were used for all crosses as STV positive female parents. bPlants 6-1, 8-4, and 9-3 were STV negative and were used for crosses as STV negative male parents.

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Table 3-2. Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-negative mother plants with pollen collected from STV-infected tomato plants

Treatment 2 Female STV- infected parent ID

Male STV-negative parent ID

No. of seeds Infected/Total

Infection Rate

6-1a 42b 2/5 40%

6-1 44 4/5 80%

6-1 48 5/5 100%

8-4 42 3/5 60%

8-4 44 2/5 40%

8-4 48 3/5 60%

9-1 42 3/5 60%

9-1 44 4/5 80%

9-1 48 5/5 100%

26-1 42 2/5 40%

26-1 44 1/5 20%

26-1 48 3/5 60%

Total - 37/60 -

Average - - 61.7% aPlants 6-1, 8-4, and 9-3 were STV negative and were used for crosses as STV negative female parents. bPlants 42, 44, 47 and 50 were STV positive and were used for all crosses as STV positive male parents.

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Table 3-3. Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-infected mother plants with pollen collected from STV-infected tomato plants

Treatment 3 Female STV-infected parent ID

Male STV-infected parent ID

No. of seeds Infected/Total

Infection Rate

42a 44b 5/5 100%

42 47 5/5 100%

42 50 5/5 100%

44 42 5/5 100%

44 47 5/5 100%

44 50 5/5 100%

47 42 5/5 100%

47 44 5/5 100%

47 50 5/5 100%

50 42 5/5 100%

50 44 5/5 100%

50 47 5/5 100%

Total - 60/60 -

Average - - 100% a bPlants 42, 44, 47 and 50 were STV positive and were used for all crosses as STV positive female parents and STV positive male parents.

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Table 3-4. Seed transmission of STV following cross-pollination of STV-negative mother plants with pollen collected from STV-negative tomato plants

Treatment 4 Female STV- infected parent ID

Male STV-negative parent ID

No. of seeds infected/Total

Infection Rate

6-1a 8-4b 0/5 0%

6-1 9-1 0/5 0%

6-1 26-1 0/5 0%

8-1 6-1 0/5 0%

8-1 9-3 0/5 0%

8-1 26-1 0/5 0%

9-1 6-1 0/5 0%

9-1 8-4 0/5 0%

9-1 26-1 0/5 0%

26-1 6-1 0/5 0%

26-1 8-4 0/5 0%

26-1 9-1 0/5 0%

Total - 0/60 -

Average - - 0% abPlants 42, 44, 47 and 50 were STV-negative and were used for all crosses as STV positive female parents and STV-negative male parents. Table 3-5. Virus infection in the progeny seedlings of crosses between STV-infected

and STV-negative ‘Sweet Hearts’ parent plants

Parent Number of seedlings tested % of infected plants Female Male STV-infected STV-negative

STV-infected STV-negative 42 18 70

STV-negative STV-infected 37 23 61.7

STV-infected STV-infected 60 0 100

STV-negative STV-negative 0 60 0

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Figure 3-1. Selected female flower (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

Figure 3-2. Female flower’s pistil from flower that had been emasculated (before cross-

pollination) (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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Figure 3-3. Selected male flowers as a source of pollen (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

Figure 3-4. Female flower following transfer of pollen to pistil (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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Figure 3-5. Developing fruit, two-weeks post pollination (photo courtesy of Sevgi


Figure 3-6. Cross-pollinated fruit ready for harvesting (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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Figure 3-7. Germination of seeds in plastic bag on moist paper towel (photo courtesy of

Sevgi Coskan).

Figure 3-8. Germinated seedlings1 to 2 weeks after incubation in plastic bag on moist

paper towel (photo courtesy of Sevgi Coskan).

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STV is a recently described virus of tomato that is the type species of

Amalgavirus belonging to Amalgaviridae with a monopartite, small, approximately 3.5 kb

dsRNA genome that has two overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). The first ORF

encodes for putative coat protein (p42), and the second ORF codes for RdRp (p121)

that possesses a + 1 ribosomal frameshift. First described in tomato in U.S. and Mexico

in 2005, STV has more recently been reported in China, Bangladesh, France, Italy, the

Canary Islands and Spain and most recently in Florida and Korea. STV was first

reported to be associated with tomato yellow stunt disease, which is characterized by

leaf chlorosis, reduction of fruit size, and reduced crop yields; however, the virus is

frequently detected in mixed infections with other viruses, and has also been observed

to be asymptomatic in several cultivars. RT-PCR assay was performed for the detection

of STV in total RNA extracts from STV-infected tomato plants by using virus-specific

primers. PCR products were visualized by gel electrophoresis. STV was detected in

different tomato cultivars that were selected for diversity of genetic background and

commercial source. The virus was successfully detected in the following cultivars:

‘Agriset 761’, ‘Bonita’, ‘Celebrity’, ‘Florida Lanai’, ‘Mexico Midget’, ‘Roma’ and ‘Sweet

Hearts’ and similar frequency of virus was observed between open-pollinated and

hybrid cultivars.

In order to examine the diversity of partial STV isolates, RT-PCR amplification

products for each positive cultivar were evaluated following TA cloning. Amplicon

products of 440 bp cloned from four hybrid tomato cultivars, and three open pollinated

tomato cultivars, were compared with eight STV complete genome sequences in

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GenBank using ClustalW and MUSCLE alignments. Isolates from ‘Agriset 761’, ‘Roma’,

‘Florida Lanai’ and six full genome STV sequences from Bangladesh, China, Florida,

Korea, Mexico, and Mississippi from GenBank were 100% identical. Four of the isolates

from this study had the slight variation that give the similarity ranged from 98.75 to

99.8% with the average percent similarity greater than 99%. So diversity of STV among

different isolates is low.

In order to determine distribution of STV in leaves at different plant growth

stages, plants were tested by RT-PCR at different stages of development: at the1‐2

week post germination stage and the youngest leaf from plants with 1st, and at 4th, 7th,

12th and 15th leaves. STV was detected in 75% of 1 to 2 week-old germinated seedlings.

Based on this study, STV can be detected as early as on the hypocotyl/cotyledon stage,

and the virus appears to be present at detectable levels in all leaves of a plant. This is

the first report showing the presence of STV in all tomato leaves on an individual plant.

Seed transmission studies revealed that STV could be transmitted to the next

generation by either ovule or pollen and at relatively high rates and these numbers

suggest that the female parent had a slightly greater effect on the transmission rate than

the male parent. Although suspected, this is the first demonstration of pollen

transmission by a virus in the Amalgaviridae.

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Sevgi Coskan was born in Izmir, in western coast of Turkey. She is the eldest of

two children of her family. She received her bachelor’s degree in subprogram of plant

protection in the Agricultural Engineering Faculty of Agriculture - University of Adnan

Menderes, Aydin, Turkey in 2010. In 2011, she had an opportunity at Aegean Exporters

Associations to work on a pilot program that looked for agricultural practices,

knowledge, and technology. The program was a joint partnership between government,

private business, and Ege University. In 2012, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food,

Agriculture, and Livestock awarded her a full scholarship to study English, and also to

pursue a course of study at an institution leading to a master’s degree in plant pathology

with a minor in plant viruses in the United States of America. In 2013, she attended a

language program at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2015, she was accepted to the

Master of Science program in Plant Pathology Department at University of Florida. She

worked on distribution and vertical transmission of Southern tomato virus in tomato

under the supervision of Dr. Jeffrey B. Jones, Dr. Rosemary Loria, and Dr. Svetlana

Yuryevna Folimonova. Currently she is getting prepared to work in-service for General

Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies of the Turkish Ministry of Food,

Agriculture, and Livestock as a plant virologist. She is also interested in pursuing a

doctoral degree that enables her to continue with her focus on plant virology. She

received her master’s from University of Florida in August 2017.
