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Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality

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  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    A. Rev Sool 1983 :217-41Cpyright b nul ws Ic ll ghts sd



    Kn S. Cook n Kn A Hg

    Department of Sociology, niversity o Washnton att, Wahngton 815


    hs c vd gn vw t c cndctd v t two decades on individas' onepions of eqiy and dsibive jse and ci t inqit Vaos heoea omaons ae dented and

    mpotant opis o hec dvmnt nd mic nvtig

    ion are disssed. In onson, he ahos gg ha mo-eve oneps dbtv jtc v ctn mttn Cnidtn m maoeve oneps sggests ossibes o egaing qt and disbe

    jse heoes with soiooia heoies o powe, on, ad ctvctin Ti intgtin aheed wold bn noons o juse o heoeron n he anass o soia cng


    Dng a een gh he is aho o his hape was neped by he maepasene on he h wh he predabe ueson "Wha ae ou woknon? Te m wing n c n jt T wc t nmnemphaay esponded, "Thee is no jsie! ha w indd t ct wd n nd t viw ct Bt jtic bn tic ntt c cntt nd dcd ndxdhe amon o maea wen on hs sbje wod moe han key isevea ooms hs we ms m sope

    Hee we os pon he spei esea radon dened n he eay1960 dbv jtc Hmn 1961 qt dm65 Ti gmtc dcn d nt ct n t mt vntmatea pshed in phosoph and othe soa cnc xcdd m








  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    18 OOK & HEGED

    csera er. Wa e eal ca be bae by rea severalrece collecios see Berkoi Walser 197 Mikula 190a Leer Leer 191 reeberg & Coe 12 Messic o 193

    All socal systems evolve mechansms for dstbt valed resorces ando allcag rg, repsbles c a bure Tees ibuve jsce specy e cs er c parcar srbs aore ecely, sbuoal prcedres are perceve t be just or far. Is caper e escrbe varous cocepos of usice cly fou i esocial sciece literate ad evie the resech that has bee condcted idvduals allca prefereces a eir reacis ieuitable allcaos I te cclud seco e ve bey "cr ccep stce t re "acr justce cces


    Disinct ypes of justice priciples can be ideified in the scial scecelerare. We rs ss beee ey ad srbve jusce Tefmr volvs noos of exchae ad he laer coces eeral faiess iallcai siais Te ers ee isc ypes f jusice cncludns sec e se Eckoffs 1974 fve pcples f equaly dcae o

    mst existin cncepios of utice fi thi a mre enera hereticalfraer We se te erms jusce priciples ad disrbi ulestercageably dfferet dsrbuto les e cdfcaons of dfferedelyg piciples jstice

    Equi: Fair xchnge

    s cooplace i scial psycloy to cceive of isibuive usice oreiy as isses a ase eever to r more persos exchane valedresrces be ey gs, servces, ey, love or aeco Th concept has

    s s early excage heoreic formulais prpse by Aas 196as 1961 a Blau 19 cages beee acrs ivlve emually enecal ranser o vale resurces I e sples case vlvto acors (A and B enaed n the exchae of valued resurces x ady e resce A prvies e:g. is bo acr As ip t the echae adacor B's otcme the resorce B provdes eg y is Bs put and A's otcmee Cook & Eerso 1978

    Wii cae fraerk euiy s ypicaly efie as e equvalece f he oce/pu ratos Adams 195 Walster et al 197 f al

    paries ivolve i e excae. We tese ios re ot equa equity issaid to exst This "rati concept is the mos comoly cted efinton ofeuity despte csderable ebae ver te prper euty frula see Haris1976 Moscheti 1979 Alesio 1980 Recet evidece eve suests that a







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    DRBV 9

    lnear model is more appropriate han the rao mod fo eprstig individuals' equit judgmes (Haris 1980 983

    Dstrbtv Jt r AllanWhe many oca ituato ca be coneived in exchage ers, afamewok oe no encomass a situations in which jstice is a coc.Eckhoff 194 maes a useu distinction between the mutuay bficia,wo-way rar o valu eouc . xchag as rcipoaton) and heoeway dbuo of eouce aco a cagoy o "circe of cp{ aocao)2

    Fo ou proe aocao occu whe an aocato distbtes audwa eouc ight obigao ec 3 o a aay of cpie

    Whhe h cpe a oe a d chage ao with thedibuo o dely wh eah oh a oay aayca dticiouhrmore may uao he o pe omb(Eckho 94. 4

    Procedral Jtice Far Procedre

    Papa i echag ad aoao ao auae he fa of heha o pocedu oe. Th ga op ony yeahed ha b cad "pdu ju (ee hbau ake 95Leha a 190

    Depi wha mgh be pced a a fa o u buo of ooe hpou by whch h dibuo w arrid a may b def a uu oa. Coee what paicipants conside a fa a uad peu (eg awg o mgh he eu a ibuo of oucomeha ome woud def a iquabe o unju hu bue ju adpocedua juce pee d yp of jutic judgm

    Eckhoff ditinguhe evera ypes o ecpcy nvovng he ane a w negavevalue esuces ( ; () a posvel vaued esce owed by a negavey vaued one(+ ; (c) a negavey vaued esouce wed by pve vale one ; and wpve vaued esouces , +). The anse psvey vaued esouce ) s denedas exchange.

    2Aocaon iuaon ae someme conceived a nance "indiec exchage (ee Backnd Wen

    3The distuton of egtvey ved otcomes pnshen bes or nes s dst he aa psve vaued esuces and s dscussed oe u e sen nb bow

    40he nveigao ( Cohen 1979 Levenha a 980) es he dncion eweenexchnge nd aocan Chen 99 o expe dsngushes beween a ndvdua desev-ng, whh cuse n eves o esevng deve o he opason o exges an dstbtve jse w cnss pncpe govg oons nd vlton oexsn dsbo






  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    220 & HEGED

    iui Jui Ju i

    Fnally, n what s oten conceved as a entrely separate set of socal stuatons actors ae sometmes conceed wth the aess o the allocation opunshments (.e. dos the punshent t the cime?) or o the level ocompensaton or vctmzaton (eg. victm compensaton laws, amativeacton polcies, and the lke; see Macaulay & Walster 1971 Blacstone &Hesle 197 Deste oan & mles (98) ecent cla that etbutonnot distibuton s the most undamental prncple o ocal le, nl ecentlyhave equty/justce theoists begun to explore ths class o conces empricallyeg t et al 976 alton Rytna 198) Accordng to ogan Emle (9:130) althouh "ustcalways contans a postv and a negatve side, as reected n the tems distibutive ustce and reibutve ustice,sycholosts have ocused almost eclusvely on the ostve side-n alocatng and ecanging benets on a ust basis.

    Justice: Prncples of Equal

    A eea aoach to ustice that easily ncooates euity an distbutveustice and that provdes ndrecl ed nd ebuve ustce is thet ultple t e dtbt les Whle many socalscentsts (e.g Resche 966 eutsc 975 Leventhal 976a,b) have advo

    cated hs aroach ehas the most sytematC eot s that o cho (974e dentes ve dstnct princples o eualty that ae apled dung allocaton. 5 (change can be dened as a secial class o allocation in which thedstbuton mechasm s the tww te bee Tbe 1esents cho's t jte pncple

    Whn ths mwk m db le can be conceved a eualtyncles The "eualty le tadtonaly eered to n the ustce lteature(e. eual amounts to each reciient co "bv qulty. he"quty rle also labele the "onributons le (e equalty o outome

    nput t or equalty elatve to ndvdual tbt) Ekpncple of elatve equalty he needs ul (Schwaz 97, 977 (i.eualty o outcomes tang nto account need andor deer) s classed byEckho as a ncple o "subective eualty

    he ncple an ode equalty s ond n omans ale wo(98 604 I the t o nvestments o the membes o one grop ae hgherthan t t dstbutve ustce qu w hould bhgher, oo e reers to ths as a condton o eulbrum because t s a

    Phsphcal samns ha jusc s n th am a ulty (g Luc 98 d ncmpt cntact Eckhff's psn Ths phsphca statmns gnra r bjc-tvly ua amuns nl n f th ua prncpls dntfd b ch

    6In sac cmpan bc an at quaty ths tw pncps a tpca abt aty an cnbuns rs rscty s vnha 1976a.b; Shn 1980)







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    TRBUT JUT 221

    Pncples of equalty apped to aloation

    Wha o


    Ea amonto h

    (objee euay)


    3. eaveeqay


    4 an odeeuay





    Reevn haa o repenFe De Sa oo No



    x x

    x x

    codto of fet tce (ee ook Pace 977) Th cocept ao thebai for erger et a 192 1983 atuvaue theor o dtrbutve utcehch foate the pobem i tatcotec te Noave epectatio emerg i au iuaio coceg he pper or ju aocaio ofreard robem o diibuive iuice are i uch ituato he theacta aocao of ead ot e th thee oatve epectatio

    a of opportut the ih prcpe deified b Echoff i acompex cocepto of tce dict to app Thi dffct derive pafom the heret mpty th tm "pptty ad o th hioicaaecedet of ea Ma ie of dributive uce have ae thecotet of afiave aco ad raca iegrao poicie ad hu overapth oto of retrbtve or compeator ice

    ckhoff tpoo eabe to caf tce picpe to to boad

    categore a hoe hat deped po the characterc o recpe (Tabe pcipe 2 3 ad 4) ad thoe that do ot (ppe 1 ad 5 Recetrcma e 9) have a mar dicio icma cae hepcipe ha deped upo recipie characeric a microuice picpe thoe that pecif the atre of the otcome ditibto ithot efeece to recipiet characertic ae cafed a macoutce pcipe9

    7He also ees to ths as a ondon o "status onguene. Coneng he etonhpwen dve ue and as onuene Homan (1974:26) onde ehap heea no o dve ; pehap away ome xed wh ome a aey

    8Fo eampe, Jenk () onde om h aemen o hoon opporun nAmea ha eaz o of oo ym ney o have mhee on deee o neuay n oe aeas

    Moe peay moue pnpe y he oepondne en ndvdaharae and ouom ndan ve of ndvdua de mau pne eeno o ndvdul t o te e o dbo o oo om aa






  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    222 OOK & VD


    Te rece oe ro erer ostc ortos o sce e.gAds 1965 ces e ss o ore copex eres sses osoc sce sce No o mg ere sbo es coco cocepos o sce) pp der deret coos, bt

    aos es t be ppe cobo Lee 976b o seqe o deere e e js or r dsbo o rer or resorceCoo & Ys 983 Fter eorec deeopet og tese eswil ma ustice theor d researc ppcbe o er re o socpeoe.



    Mc o te esec o eq d sbe jse oer e ps decde s

    teped o scoe c prcpes e pproprte or preered rossoc iuain. Ts reseac eer s eped o: a spec erotess o tcr dstbto res for ce cer os egee 976b; e e 90 et acos aectingd preereces or etan es see Scer 9 M 9bRe ppropreess preereces re tpc zed dobted ro eter ees o nteaons n aboatoy sets

    Gs f Ir h Fucs f Dsrbu us

    e os o tercto e portt deermnans o he selecon o anppope sbo e Lee 96b ese esos eer ocs o tree rues: cobtos or eqt need, and eqt .e.Eco pcpes -3 We e go s to ctte ece prodct e onbuon e peeed (Poe Ler 6 Ler 97

    Leet 976b. Detos ro te ppctoo ts e occ e overewadn ese cotbtors s percee s ecess o stee peoce Lee Whede 97 Greeber Lee 97 e ere s so mc osm d ra o coorers ttoeed te eser onbuos may peven dissasaon and disup-e beor ooe 967 er 97 eer 972

    We se o corbos re presb cttes proc c ssesset o prodct epere stos s e teree 2 ses, Mer & b 963 o e podc

    proo cto o e corbos re s rezed o 4 o esdes pc er e codo o o ts erepeece ress rote re sdes sesed tt se o eq re s coee ger proc.







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    224 OOK & HETEDT

    equaliy. However, acors involved in a conining relaionship seem o preferan equal diuton of otome f hey ae greaer onrors and aneqiale dirion if hey re lesser onriuors Mikla (repoed in

    Shwinger 1980) desies his phenomenon as a "polieness rial; an aorlooks good o his/her prner y seleing a disiion le ha is learly noin hisher sef-ineres 0

    Boh affeve (eg emoonal quality) and qantiave (eg don)dimensions of he relaionship eween aors may inlene hei dsribonrle preferenes Sdies sgges fiends use an eqaliy rle while nonfriendsse an euiy le (Morgan & Sawyer 1967 enon 1971 Asin 1980)usin's ( 1980 findings aso indiae tha among nonfriends he prniple hapomotes selfnterest s systematially prefeed Lamm & Kaysr (9) nonas found ha among fiend an equaliy ule was no preeed if oneaor exeed less effo han he oher and oh effo and ailiy were aken noaon An eqal division however was onsisenly prefeed amongnonfriends

    Mikla & Shwnger (93 demonsraed ha an eqali rle was prefeedmon hih onors who lked heir aners Fuheore when atorsdisussed he alloaion deision dyads haraerized y osive senimensprefeed an equal disuion muh more oen han an eqiale one whereasin dyads haaered y negaive relaions he wo priniples were sed wihequal frequey Similaly, ee (1974 fond a when he ea ape ofarelationship is emphased a preerene for eqaiy oer eqiy emeges

    The ees of he qaniaive dmensions of relaionships on re preferenehave sarely een sdied indings oained y Mikla (repored in Mikula1980 sugges ha persons involved in a long-em relaionship end o preferan equaly rle while hose in shem or emporry relaionships prefer anequy rle

    hough any reserhers poi ha he needs rle is applied i gops ha

    involve lose personal relaionships (Deush 195 Leer 19 Mikla &hwnger 98 there are few empiial ess of his proposion Reenly,L & Shwinger (980) demonsraed in a vignee sdy ha alloaionaordng to need was more prevalent among fends than nofriends whoworked joinly and onied eually on a ask

    10 Sma a at me avab evauates aa w maxmzes t utoms oe goup memes; te mos referred catos ae se w use an equt ue we e wnputs ae low an e quat rule w te own uts ae hih Kahn et al 97; Feathe &O'Dscol 1980.

    IThe conadicoy ndins eadn he efecs o fensh o rule peerences may stem, npat, om he deences n the sudes. Lamm & Kayse 98 used a vnette technque andnoded le nps wheeas the othe sies empoyed a meooog allow actualpacipaton of ujecs n nue ony e ut s eent n an es Lmm &Kases fndins indate that endships utple nputs ae deentay wehed n such awa tht oo fo olao of fedsh







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    DRBE E 225

    GVE MEG FOS Te ogne aspes o jsepoceeae eeed aenon on een Sdes pa aemp o n ab-on eo w e eo o oe eoes of se see Coen 982

    In oeaonazng e agmenaon pnpe n abon eo Kee1973 Leena Maes 1 ond a e nps of an ao woovercoe an exeal conain e moe hgly valued, a reeced n ewdaoaons an e nps of an ao wo faes no onsans and onbese same aon oen 7 and Ua 7 ond a pooe peoeseee moe an e eabe sae wen ee e onsans on epefoane, b on wen e pobab of genea sess s g Wen aask s e dff, on e oe and onsans on pefoane do nodeease e pefeenes of bee perfoe f an e Wg e al98 epo a aos pefe an ea e wen pefoane s abedo eea cauaon u prefe a "ompomse e w podesnea and no rictl equitable oucomes) ttute oeo nea asaon

    MBER RV T We ee as been some dssson of eogne poessng of mpe nps see ndeson Bn 978 Fakas &Andeson 7 on oo & Yamag 83 ae addessed e effe o

    poceng on rle peerence. Te argue a ndvidual weg npuand dsbon ues n dedng ow o dsbe a aed oome Tefndngs sgges a mpe dsbon ues ae sed wen a xed aoun iallocated werea wen e aoun of ewad deeined b membeonbons e e e w dferenal weged nps s peeedand e nps e weged n a elf-inereed faon

    Oer ude exaine e relevance of ec single input n te context ooes Vgnee sdes b Kase am sgges a e eeane of aninpu o diution vrie w e np ee a aompanes Kase

    Lamm 8 o eampe, among ends eo appes o ae aoaonsmoe an ab does weeas eo and ab ae ea weged naoaons among nonfends Lamm Kase 1978

    R TR ew ees o pesona pon oe o a dsbon eae been eamned empal and tee few ave ofen been dependenupon iuanal aos (ee Mka 98b For exple n e cae of greaeonbos aeemen oenaon s ea o pefeene fo e e e

    7 ose w an inene need o soa appoa e e o seee e a dsbes a smae se o e ewd o emses esong adme e panes Ma wnge 173 emoe,Geenbeg 78b sggess apeon wo soe g on a cale o Poean e oenaon pee e e e n saons e peee as







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    226 OOK & HETEDT

    pcedu f en te stutn s peceved s unf pcedull tepf qult sm t dstbut

    Te ndngs n te ffcs of on ul pfnc e ncncusve Sme

    suds suggs slf-nsd allocons dns wt ge n & Cn1972; eventl & ne 70 H & C (7 pvde evdenesupptng te ptess [deved fm gets (965 w t ounclden pt f te less cmputtnll dffcul li n quli lele lde o convl dvncd cldn pf n qu l

    Siill ndns gdng rlionsp wn nd nd disiuion rl pfnc e mxed Cltn expements suggest tt femles eo likl o pf n qul o n qut pncpl n llcng wds ocltn membes le te ppste s tue f mles eg nd & Vnce96 Wb 972 Komo & Me 976 Sme studes ndc mles tend t demnd lge se f te ewd tn d femles eventl &Lane 90 n & Mss Mss & Lc 2 o vdncsows fls lloc o o slvs n mls do (L 974) Aume f studes e Lane & Con 72 Levenhl et l 973; s &McGnn 977) po no nd diffncs n llctn pfernces

    We studes f dstbutn le pefeence genll xn loconsn t nputs nd utcmes posv cn 980) nd Hs Jce 180 v invsid e ipc of nv inpus on llociondcsons Exprn xnn locons on fou o fv cos dscbd n vgnettes suggest tt te negtve nputs f n ct nt fullyeected n e ouco dsbuon; s, te low oucos llocd osuc n ct ae nt s l s dvsn bsed stctly n te cntbutns ulewuld dnd Addonl fndins indc ndnc fo co o pf nqul l wn copuons nvolvd n te pplaton of ltetedstbutn ules ae me cmlex Tis "siplifin funcion of us of spl qul r s pord n suds of pocdual jusc s wll vn

    tl et l 80Mst suds in wc l pfncs nvsd v subects nfmtn n eltve pefmce cntbutn levels weve t tstRwls's ( pdcon unqul dsuons nf h dsdvntged e pefeed unde te vl f nnce" subcs n wo suds wno infor bou i own o os posions in ss. Bickns(977 esult cnfmed te pedctn wees os of Cuts (79 dd nt


    Suds f u pppinss nl povde nly e evdence cncen undrn funcons of vrous dsruon rls s src isiid in svl spcs: Isoops bwn ndvdul nd oupols s pcll ssud ) oDon sn ol s oponlizd







  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    DSBTE SE 27

    a tme; le appopiateness is typialy assessed only fom the alloato'sviewpi ad fm the ecipes pespecve d a suet s ypcalyasked t play he le of allao and hus she has litle a stake i the actual

    decss r he csequeces ad ew vestgats exame he cdns nde whh deen rles a e used sulaneosly o omnaono pmoe mulple gals (e.g. hamony and pducvy). I rde makemoe lsve saemes egdng he aal, ahe han he peevednons of dso ules her research s requred.

    Much o he emprcal wrk cceg le preeece appeas dsjedad ocumlave add wo geeral mehodologal shocomgsafec hs esearch: () The w ethdolges ypcally employed hesestudies do not povide onsisen esults, pehaps ease espondi o vietes involves "lowe stakes than detemining ones wn oomes and b onlya hndful f sudes hae eamied le pefeence i oups f tee o moeacors eg Has 16 Brca s Jyce 80). Ths secdshtcmgals rees he alue exsg hees address he eecs the goup tex o gup-level acos n emes and seves lepefeees


    usce s ypcally vewed as te vlat a apppae dsu lehe exchage appach equy deal mos explcly wh eas onjste

    Invua Reacn Inusc

    Adas 5) propsed ha ude equale cdos dvduals experee dsess ha movaes hem o resore equy y () alerg her ownipus b aeg her ow ocmes cgvely dsong he wn orthei ptnes inputs o oomes leavin the saio o e hanging he

    oe of ompison Similaly Walte e a 973) denify wo ategies ofreacs hose ta esre psychlgcal euy ad thse hat este acualequy. dduals pesumaly chose he leas csly and mos adeqaemeas esg equy

    INEQUITY DISTRESS Only a ew sudes atemp to est empicaly heassumpi ha iequty ceaes dsress r dssace oe edece sugess at nequaly teaed ndvduals epo moe dsess ha hose eqaly reaed (Schaer & Keh ) especally he nequy uepeced

    Walse & Aus 74) ha uderewarded dvduals are me dsessedta veewaded es ae & Messe 7) ad ha a dvduals eslevel ceaes as te sze equy ceases evehal e al a)oweve he ype o dsess volved has o ee houghly exploed






  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality


    228 OOK & HETEDT

    RESOLUIO O IEQUIY Of he five modes of resotion proposed byAdams, ony t hav bn xamined mpiicay. Th podcivity expi-mntsofAdms and hs coleages (.g Adas & osenbam 1962; Adams &Jacobsn1964) adds the alteation of inpt Rallocation xpimnt in thero of Level oer (e.g evehl e l 969; Level &Bgman 1969; Kahn 19 focs on the alteration of otcom Evidnc of"levig hesuo wasghere iciely i suaons whee resoroo qity by h atation of eith inpt o otcom wa xpcted gVaeni & Arews 1971 Schmitt & Mawel 197

    P x In te poductity expemet of dams othes the sbject is d to beiv that fo a ctain task e wi cive anhouywge orwi be paid piece ate he subjct i then ovepaid equtabypai o ndepaid tr thi manpation of paymen he beent qantity ano qaty of h bject' wok ae aesd

    dams 65 theoy pdict that at holy at ovepaid bjects willpodce moe whi ndeaid bjects wil podc l lthogh oevidnc sots this pdiction or oveaid sujes e Adas Roe-bam 1962 Goo & Fiedman 968 Lawlr 196a Cook 196 Wn1970, ote studes ae no found a sgnifiant efet on qantity

    edman & Goodman 16 an & immon 6 Hin & Blak 69ndeson & Shley 970 ndew & Vaenzi 970 Wik & St 197Vaeni & ndew 97 Hinton 972. he ndepaid condition hao bee s rigoos invetigated bt findins on thi conditionre aso mied ests from Prithard et a (97 spport the pedicnwhi tho of Evan & immon (1969) an Valni & Andws (97o ot

    In piece at expiment dam (196 pdic that ovaid bjct willprouce less wok of high qaity and ndeaid bjects wil poce mo

    wok of infio qality ch ha gneally ppoed hi prediction inhe ovepaid condiion e dams & osenbam 962 dam & Jaobse16 Andrew 167 Lawer et a16 Ean & Mlnar 170 HowveMooe & Bon (1973 and Hinton 197 nd no main ffct o paymntMoe ecnly Vcchio 9 fond that pone in the ovpaid conditiondepndd paiay on th moal matity of the individal the eit pedictionrgding antity wa tr ony fo "moray mate bject 2 Again mchs vidnc ppos aw & a 967) o eft Andews 967 precos f erpe

    120hrs ha m sccay cs rans bn mra mn ancnceptios of juse (Brg Muss 97 Kaml M 98







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  • 8/10/2019 Distributive Justice, Equity and Equality



    4 Also, exchange theor mple a "local comparion (to one otherpeson) whie in most of the actal reserch a reerental compaison (to ageneralzed tandard) wa operatoaled [ee Berger et al 1972 or a dc

    on o these omprson] The derences among jdgment o jtce whenan individa compres hi/her echange ratio with that o another person wthat o a group tandd or wth both mltaneoly have yet to be addreedempiricall. inall, the theoy port to be able to predt the electon o aninequit esoution mode yet no all modes have been eamed nor haveactor aectng preerence or one mode over another been ytematcallysted.

    More recent theoretica deveoments focus on factos that may inuencerations to inequy a well a the electon o a mode or restorng eqtyUtne Kidd 980, fo example, argue that attibutions about the cause of thenequity aet individua reations Similrly Tbom 977a) has deveopeda tyoogy of injustie situations reesenting the setion of an inequityresoution mod as a function o the source and magnitude o inequity whichae dependent upon social and inteal comparisons as well as the componentso each ato's outcomeinput raio) the aailaility o ateati modes oopensation, and whete the esolution technique creates a ne taton oinjstce The theoretical implicaion o this tpolo have et to e eploredempclly

    Reactions to Injustice Invoving Three or More Actors

    As indicated aove most o the reserch on reactions to ineqity ocses onndvdal engaged n dadc reaonhp In ome ntance however tations inoing three or more actor have been eamned

    14Mot empical eeah equity theo volve te tudy f ala, t exaeuao een oug e eXCae ode a ee the dominn eorea perpeve.od to lok & Ke (1982:375)

    by eage de f uan ato o mple a plaatoy yte ta desow wo or moe ao aemp o oa reoe eg o muua ouom oo eoe ut uouately olude tat tee ave ee elatvely fe oeptual atept tope o le of eut of fae euate e foao ad atae f ueao ad ee ave ee eve ewe aemp o eame fae u rea-tp.

    Tpa dvdua ae ve le foato aout te at volved tuato (ee dee eve o e d/ peae) ad e ae ed aoae a ewd uua ey A Sa 98 t t "e tadd eea del a e vetat

    mplcy adopg ongong cutura framework that aeady assumes when juce s or s novolved People' epoe to tee peded tuato ae te tuded







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    ACO ith inrmtin n the utcme mrethn ne ther indiidul the cntext inutice my be exmined inr bt lcl (ie indiidul) nd reerentil (ie reerence rup) cmprin

    e pible Bricmn 9 inetite perceptin ie nd tictin in repne t inmtin cncein the ditributin tcme inurpern rup i reult indicte ht percepin ictin ndie d nt cepnd erceied tictin w hihet in netielykewed ditributin (where ne pern receie n pint nd the therreceie equl pint) deteined by kill hweer eul ditributin wereuded iret rerdle whether they were prduced by ill r chnce . Theincnitency in thee reult my be explined by ctr und t ect theptte peceptin in the me mnner demntrted hee the rup

    cnited iend nd riend ten preer equl ditributin (Mrn &Swyer 967 Bentn 9 nd ie quetin typiclly induce cilcmprin where tictin que ull u tentn n newn utcm nd thu d nt require tkin ther int ccunt utin et l9; Meick & Senti 93

    Ck & Eern 9 exmined the retinhip between utice cncend exercie pwer Aumin tht the diply the ditributin ouom ctivte equity cnce indin n foupon rup indictea pow u an wn knowg dierentil utce ipo.

    TRRELTOL EUT OMPRO Aun & Wal 975 aua nual a g equity they pn in ttlity thei laonp o "qu w wol (E) T t onE wn ct o acin "pon-pf qu i ih Tu fnquabl a a pan n on rlatinhip an ao ma uqunla pan n ano laon nquabl n o o manan

    n of qu ao all laonp g. A i owa by B u an'ompna B fo n A ma ubqul owa C) pmnaln uppo noon wn ctr no l aounal r nqu a n on laonp o o no anpa fuu naon w pon a nquabl Aun & Wal 9 o& Ku 9 T fnng of a ow lm fo alaon T pp aum a nu a ant latnpFuo a t onl wo a laop a amn An fnall lmn of m no on (b wa m mu on a WW?

    u pplicbil of pp o la nwok of aonp iqutabl






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    232 OOK & HEGVED

    OLLEIVE REON ollciv racions o injusic ar no spcical-ly adrssd in quy hory. Howvr rbllon and rvoluon r otnasumd o asd upon som o o prcivd injusic GU 70: Moo

    Gu's (0 account of volutons stms thorcally fom a latvdprvaion framwok Mton 68) ut h fals o dvlop full h lnktwn h indivdual and th goup. IS Moo (7 in contast taks amo dscrpv approach . H amps o lnk h dvlopmnt of moal codsand th lgiimaion o auhoriy o such srcural aurs o sociy as hnatu of th dvson o labo. rgus tha whn h opprssd havcratd hir own sandads of moal condmnaion popl may ac collcivly to dss inustc. Th moa lmnts of Moos appoach mak tdsncv as wll a mor dicul o s caus as h cognz moal s

    lav Boh Gurr and Moor a subcs o rcn cricism by drul 32: . . h pblm s ha socal psychologss n his ra havrad indvidual and collctv actions as uivalnt and hav plandcollcv actons, such as ios and voluton, in tms of th indvidualpschological pocsss of th paticipans."

    A f coaton imnts mn h lin wn ndvidual and collciv racion o inusic. Rsuls rom Ovrs and Wbsr mh(7 suggs hat coalions wn h wo wak" mmbs n thpson goups a likl o om hn h a facd wh ha thy pciv tob an unust distbution owv in man coalition situations, t is not clarhth actos spond on th asis of h pcptons of inustic o on that ofan imalanc o pow ook t al 7 Prhaps powr discrpanci siulat colon omaon as a sctural rspons whl smlar prcpons oinjusic among coaliion mmrs pvid h nomaiv bass fo gupsoldry a mportan ingdnt n collctiv sponss

    In pmnal sudy ll & Matin (82) amn collctv actonsn ts of o to ivo a distiution l oth

    han th l mposd a lgtma auhot h fndngs suggs hagroup mms mo likly to ovthow" a distibuion rul sanciond bya gtmat auoit hn t sts anoth rl upon whic th grupags and hich is mo nicial o h goup mms collcivl

    n summy th osvatons a lvant to thor and sach on indivduals acons o inustc: nl wo yps of racons o nquy hav

    15Palure to me the betwee individu (or egosti) ad group (or atea deprivatioweake U' \9 foao. Fheoe, a deCfe ( 191) oe addo o featea dervo coectve aco equre rocee of reorce obzato oraao,ad eaderhp







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    been examined empiricay in any depth, and the findings petainng to one ofthese namey productivty ae nconcusive; the detenants of theelection of an inequity esolution mode ae not clealy specfed teoetically

    and few stuatons n which moe than one type of esoution mechanism s"avaiabe ave been nvestiated empicay and inay c theo andresearch on hs topic do not aways corresond. Recent theoeta deveop-ments attempt to addess these nadeaces n tes of conitve pocesses andsoca compasons howeve empca eseach ags behnd

    of he pespectves on eactons to njstce mpy the estence of aegtmate distbtion le [see Dela Fave 1980) egadng te pocess ofegtimation] yet, as Se & Man 98 demontate, the egitmate e maynot be te re pefered by goup membes As peviousy discssed ind

    vdua pefeences fo dstrbuton res vay dependng on strcta poston,nfomaton avaabe chaacteistcs of he eatons among the actos invoved, etc Consequenty one acto's peception of what s fa in a sitatonmay not be shaed by anothe issma peceptons of nstice woudpesumably thwa te mobzation of colctive esoces to ovecome inustce The pecse natue of the eationsp among nstce mtpe dstibution es and individal and coectve eactions to instce emans to beaddessed both theoetcay and empcay


    In a ecent evew chapte entted Ety and Soca Echange McCntock& Ke 18:8 concde

    Ex e esses ey eee jse dbdy sse dtdg h h hm bh. B h g dc dtdg hm bh w cc wh w bg dtd hw hy h t d d t dt h ct d th gg f hm tddc d chg Sch dtdg w h d mct h d h c c

    n this seton we scuate on ftfu dictons fo fute esearch

    Jc a Sragy: Bynd Nrm

    Ony ecently have stce theosts begn to thnk in tems of the statecmpcatons of the use of patcua dstbution ues see especay the wokof Leventha 1976b Leventha et a 1980 Heavy elance pon nomative

    conceptons of stce has bnded eseachers to moe stategc consdeationsckho 194 As Sampson 1 98 1 1 1 1 pts t when we teat stcemotivation ntapesonay as a fundamenta psychoogical foce at opeates







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    234 COO & TT

    in a imilar manner in all people, we end to overemphaize consenu overconflct and negotaton." When veed instead interpesonaly we intoducethe proce o people nteactng and attemping to negotiate some agree-

    ment or ompromise over ha il be acepted a jut and fa he goe on togue Fe empia sudie have examined the nature o suh negotitionsconceng hat ontitute a fai o just ditibution In thi ontext the notionof tipe duton rules taes on even geater theoretia sgnianene t lel ple the potental o contng oncepton o jtce. 16

    o 1974 gue that concept of ute have oth tateg andnomatve mplcaton tn the contet o alloaton and echange tuation The use of nom o utice to eguate exhange and alocation poeeha impoant ocial stua conequenes Epiial anaysis o these

    coneuence is needed; esearh to date has ocused too nroy upon theimpe appicaton of pncipe o ditbution and e anaysis o reation toneutable diuton (vieed as a nomative violation)

    cho (1974) suggests hat norms oustice and various types ofexchangele nd ageements emege o regulae exchange aciviy he re isspeed n term of some conenul noton of faie o eutabe exhngeate ten t not nece to negotate a etu thus adherence to utenOS in eange taton oth nceae pedctalty and educe the cotof ganng hat & Keey 99 h no typcay emege cof

    1974 ge ound echange tanacton no egulated by the mketNoms emege that pecfy not ony ho ha engage in exhange but asowhen and unde wha condiion exchange hall ocu Pinciple o uice aeony one cass o nom that fo to eguate the transfer of vaued outomeso e temnology illaon 195 ha ecenty populed hen et fa" ytem o echange may be eguated by pnipes o usie andohe noatve contant a muh as y enraied srces o hierarchiesand poe pocees i i moe ey to be the ae in sytem o echange

    invoving acto engaged in ontinuing eation hee mantenance of thendeyng echange elaton o paont value eg. n ale allgoup o onte hacteed y ome degee of intmacy attahento cotent

    cof' 974) analysi of utice povdes a genea fameok thnhich he oe o usie poesses an be investigaed in elaion o such othemechansm a: the formation of conat the emergene of maret and theevouion of ageement eguatng echange and alocation actvity in vaousocial ytem among piipant vyng in degee o intedependene

    Wiin thi fameo utice o ae s not a many psyhoogit view t

    16Conlictefers here specically to deences over dstrbuton rules and no deences whegard to the reevan nps n a stuaton.







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    DSTRTV S 3

    impy on o ong n o on t of prfrnc n hrrchy ofcompetng peferenc); nstead t a fundamenta aspect of oca trctureNiter i justce simpy t esut of ow powrodrs wld pow [ on

    (198) woud v u v] u fo ngoon ofcam (s Rcher 966 vously vwd l o f ooccupng dffn poon n ocl

    Rech by Ro and h cogu (Jao & Ro 9 Av & Ro97) ugget that judgmnt of ae n t dtruton 'o en n te

    Untd Stat ar gudd connul ld duon nd n

    uc e operat mutnoly ud ao ndcat tat crtanccc of ndvdu ( g occupon ducon u nu

    of cldn gnd thc pcved as mor important than otrand indvidua poton n the ocia tuctue inuence wch facto rated a mot mportant n dnng f v of ng. S may Tlmn & Iingr-Taman (99) no owc ndvdul olkl o dvoc n ul u n ar uppca Von nduon pfnc n of cu poon o pod Bl (98) n Bn ad te Und S o wonfit from th ytm dfn ojctv nu u w o who donot enet (Le te "underdogs) den t as unjut.

    Conce for jutc a ong en recognzed anecdotay a staegc pon n olon of cocv ovn on powlg w 5 study of voutonay coaton) hu u ofjuc v no onl n of powful u lo und cn

    ccunc ntrt o to wo dene tmv coctveypower or reatvy dprvd (Martn & Muray 93) Trougout istory,varous doog hav ud cr of nuc o ov uc colcvacton a tk ro nd voluon Fu o nd c on tratgc ro of uc poc n th oon of cocv con wl

    xnd xg o of u nd duv juc p w ovu yond t pycology of utc to an anay of oca chang

    Moue The onexul Anly of ue

    Ony rcent av oc poot un to not that jutc proc arenfcany ffc n cuul c nd conoc condonSvra contutor to th recnt r ( volu p ocfy fo pl ow conoc condon of upp nd dnd cowth jutc judmnt nd duon u pfnc

    Greenrg (9) provd ome evdence that the perceved faes ofpcu duon c funcon of ouc carct Rt o uv gd f of wo c fo locn nu ocuggst that for th dtruton of undn ouc no pfnc w fl






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    beteen need nd n equlty rule le for dtbton of e eoe need ule rongly eeed to n equlty rule

    Frte temt o ey e ltl ol nd eonom detemnn

    of te eeved fe of dtrbton eme ll fltte lnkng equtyteoy nd eoe o dbve e to e nly o ol nge moeenerlly Smon 98. Te olt o rty my el nvolve teeg e o dbon le onlt ove dtbtonl oe nd temoblzon o leve eon Al o ee l be o nee o oolog- d oll en u e oenl e or neron o juteteore more trdonl eore of ont oer n olon omon


    evden n ou reve o te erl ltetue t feld beendomned b yolo; e em uon onve oneon ofjue noron roeng odel dyd relon nd ndvdul re-on o neqy ould no be urrng Yet te yologt re entlylln or more oolo appa o aa o bejue Leventl e l ( 980 6 re, e beleve e ue offe only one et o lge oblem, nmely o eole beve t

    ree o lloon o rer nd reoure n grou orgnon ndlrge ol ytem " eventl e l (980) ve begn to nee oogl nlye nt bout te tte o ol ytem lge oll" oolog ve mu o onrbue o enerre


    We grefuly knolede o om e Nonl ene ondonn o o 8-2788 d om o olloto on reerroet d M Emeron, Mr Gllmore nd oo Yg Welo ee el n e eton o mn om le ondnd Ktleen Anderon

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    0Andn H. Buzin C A 78 n ory ppd o cdn' jdgmnsof y Psyc 4606

    Andw 1. R 967 W ne nd ob







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