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DIVERGENT - Ms. Hauck's 7th Grade Class

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DIVERGENT WEEK 3 November 2-6, 2015 Name: Faction Name:


November 2-6, 2015


Faction Name:

Do Nows

November 2-6 Monday





November 2, 2015 Discussion Questions

Answer in complete sentences, and use evidence from the text to receive full credit. Chapter Thirteen: 1. The initiates are taking a break from fighting to do what? 2. When will fighting resume? What will this mark the end of? Why is this significant? 3. Why is Eric particularly on edge today? 4. During training, Tris develops a strategy—what is it and how does this make her different than the others? 5. What does Eric want Al to do to prove himself and why does Al refuse? 6. How does Four feel about Tris’ decision? How do you know? 7. In the argument between Tris and Four, why does Four say, “I’m getting a little tired of waiting for you to catch on” (pg. 165)? What does he mean by this?

Chapter Fourteen: 1. What are Tris’ feelings about Visiting Day? 2. As the fights continue, who does Tris want to fight? Why? 3. What is the result of fight between Al and Christina? 4. How does Tris use Four’s advice to help her in her fight? 5. What happens during Tris’ fight? Who ends Tris’ fight? Why? 6. How does Tris feel about the result of the fight? Why is this surprising? !



Vocabulary!Word! Definition!! Sentence! Role!Play:!How!did!the!faction!presenting!use!the!word!in!their!skit?!


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November 3, 2015 Discussion Questions

Answer in complete sentences, and use evidence from the text to receive full credit. Chapter 15

1. Why would attachment to your family be considered shameful?

2. Who comes to see Tris on visiting day? What advice does Tris’s visitor give her?

3. What do we learn about Four through Tris’s observations in chapter 15? 4. What new revelation does Tris have about her mother? (Re-read chapter 15. List

three clues (with page #s) that indicate this revelation)

5. PREDICT: Why do you think the simulation serum should be “researched”? Why would Tris’s mother request this?


November 4, 2015 CHARACTER TYPES

1. Looking at the different types of characters (see definitions on right), which would you consider for the following roles? Explain why:

• Protagonist: • Antagonist: • Mentor: • Foil: • Confidante: 2. Which events in the novel so far have been catalysts for change in Tris? 3. Which characters would you consider catalysts for Tris? Why?

Types of Characters Protagonist: the central person in the story who is faced with conflict that must be resolved (the main character).

Antagonist: a character (or situation) that opposes or contends with the protagonist.

Mentor: serves as the protagonist’s conscience; this character voices the lesson(s) to be learned.

Foil: a character whose personality traits conflict with the protagonist’s, giving the reader a contrast that helps you get to know the protagonist better.

Confidante: a character in which the protagonist confides, allowing the reader to learn more about the protagonist.

Catalyst: a character or event that instigates a change in other characters or in the plot of the story.

LOOKING AHEAD: Other minor character roles include symbolic characters, those who represent one of the themes from the novel. As you continue reading, make note of any characters who may be symbolic of one of the themes.

CHARACTER PORTRAYALS Characters are not only classified in certain roles, but they are portrayed in different ways. One area authors concentrate on are whether the character changes his or her personality, beliefs, looks, and behavior over the course of the story. If so, these are called dynamic characters. If not, they are more static characters. The other area is the complexity of the character’s personality: do they show a range of emotions? Are they conflicted on decisions? Do they sometimes contradict themselves? If so, they are more rounded characters. If they seem to only have one or two personality traits, they are considered flat characters.

1. Which characters are more dynamic in the story thus far? Why? 2. Which characters are portrayed more rounded so far? Why?


Types of Character Portrayals CHANGE or STAY THE SAME?

Dynamic characters: are characters who change over time, usually as a result of facing a major crisis or resolving a conflict.

Static characters: are those whose personalities, attitudes, and looks do not evolve over time.

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Round characters: are characters who have a complex personality; they are usually conflicted and/or contradictory.

Flat characters: are those who only have one personality trait or characteristic; they are relatively uncomplicated.

November 5/6, 2015 Propaganda

Propaganda is a form of _______________________that is

aimed at influencing the _______________________of a community toward some cause or position by

presenting only ________________side of an argument. !!!

• Propaganda is usually repeated and spread over a wide variety of ____________________(television, radio, internet) in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.

• As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda, in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to __________________ an audience.

• Propaganda often presents facts ______________________(thus possibly lying by not telling the whole truth), or uses “loaded” messages to produce an _____________________ rather than rational (reasonable) response to the information presented.

Why do you think people use propaganda to appeal to emotions rather than reason? !The desired result is a ______________________of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a _________________or religious agenda. !!!

Propaganda Posters ! Propaganda posters use _________________________, _______________________, ____________________, and __________________________________to persuade people towards a specific _____________________ or _________________________. !


The images and words used in propaganda posters appeal to human ___________________ and __________________________________ including pride, patriotism, guilt, shame, honor, and loyalty. !!!

Propaganda Poster Analysis !Directions: With your faction, look at the three propaganda posters below. Discuss which emotion(s) you think they are appealing. Explain your answer citing specific details from the poster.




Name: _____________________ Faction:______________________

Faction Propaganda Power Paragraph Prompt: Which feeling did your propaganda poster appeal to? P1- Stand P2 – way that your poster appealed to the feeling P3 - explain how it appealed to the feeling P2 – way that your poster appealed to the feeling P3 – explain how it appealed to the feeling P2 – way that your poster appealed to the feeling P3 - explain how it appealed to the feeling P4 - Conclusion Example: The feeling that our propaganda poster appealed to was fear. First of all, we used a picture of a zombie. We made the zombie look very scary looking so people who see our poster would be afraid. Secondly, we used the slogan, “LOOSE LIPS Taste Like Chicken.” When people read that slogan, they will be afraid because they don’t want to get eaten. Lastly, we used really dark colors and a beat up looking background. We felt that the dark colors looked scary, and the beat up background along with the colors would increase the level of fear of anyone who saw the poster. In conclusion, those were the ways that our poster appealed to fear.
