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Divided but Unified

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Culminating Task - The Writer's Portfolio
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Divided but Unified A short story written by Hannah Fuaco Cover Art by Jenny Do How do you find yourself in a city full of hidden truth?
Page 1: Divided but Unified

Divided but Unified A short story written by Hannah Fuaco

Cover Art by Jenny Do

How do you find yourself in a city full of hidden truth?

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Our teacher Cedar stands at the front of the room smiling at us all serenely as the class slowly

settles down.

“Students, I stand before you today for the last time as teacher, mentor and counsellor. In just

one lunar cycle you will all take your aptitude test. Although many of you already have a career in mind,

you would be wise to take into account the advice your Administer gives you. Remember students, our

destiny has been given to us but you choose to follow your path,” he pauses frowning, lost for words

and then smiles brightly, “Congratulations everyone, you have finished your Secondary Education.”

Cheers and laughter fill the room from the Air and Fire sectors as the Earth and Water students

hug and pass quiet congratulations along to their peers with caring smiles. I smile and look across the

room to Wren. She is hugging a fellow Virgo. We catch each other’s eyes and air high five. Cedar

motions politely for us to quiet down and we all take our seats.

“To finish your education and lead you into thought about your impending choice, I will now

show you a short video made by a Gemini decades ago. Remember why we are here,” he commands as

the large screen behind him lights up. Videos of our city play as a narrative voice begins speaking.

Divided and separated, we live our lives. Together, we work as one. Our city was formed by our

ancestors hundreds of years ago into a perfect circle, representing the circle of life. This circle was then

roughly sectioned into four parts, one for each of the elements of our world; Earth to the north, Air to the

east, Water to the west and Fire to the south. The fifth element, Spirit, is our central government.

Each sector provides us with their element’s best resources. Our clean water, fish, health care

and water power comes from Water. Solar power, government, man-made products, faith centres and

social services come from Fire. Air provides us with wind powered energy, our shuttle system, the arts

and shopping centres. Finally, Earth gives us our fruits, vegetables, livestock, workhorses and markets.

Every year on the summer solstice, the current pool of 16 year olds make the biggest choice of

their lives. Each student’s Guide pair will be there to provide advice, guidance and support throughout

the month of personal exploration before the summer solstice. They have completed ten years of

schooling and their test. Their choices are laid out, their optimal career is in mind; all they must do is

accept their fate.

The lights rise and everyone files out of the room, each talking shortly with Cedar. A Cancer girl

named Spring embraces him with tears in her eye just before I pass with a respectful and cool nod. I roll

my vivid green eyes and head to the park where Wren planned to meet me before heading home. The

parks in Air are so beautiful it takes my breath away every time I see them. I cover my awe quickly and

scan the crowd for Wren. She sits on the edge of the fountain. I don’t know how she stays so still and

calm all the time. Even when talking about harvest season she is composed and practical about it. She

catches sight of me and smooths down her skirt as she gets up. I push two Capricorns apart, vaguely

remembering them from city history class. I think their names are Zola and Yael.

“Cordelia, can you believe it? We are ready! One more month and we will be on our true path…”

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“Contributing to society and searching for our destiny. Wren, I’ve heard it a million times since

primary,” I say, cutting her off. I put an arm around her waist and squeeze, knowing she’s ticklish.

“Cut that out!” She squeals with laughter as she tries to push me off, “that is inappropriate

conduct for a public space, you know that.” Yael and Zola look at us with disdain and we quiet down.

She pushes me off but her smile doesn’t leave even after we’ve parted ways to head home.

I really don’t know what I would do without her. She makes me feel grounded when my

determined and competitive edge gets out of control. We have been friends since the first year of

secondary, even though River said our friendship would never work. As I walk home, I take Wren’s

advice and begin thinking about my choice. I was born just 17 years ago, on November 9th to a Libra

woman named Venus, marking me instantly as Scorpio. I was then sent immediately to the Water sector

to be placed with my true sector. My female guide River works as a detective with the government and

my male guide Gale works as a scientist in one of the labs in our sector. I live in a house with my 30

other Water brothers and sisters. We live along the great sea that enters our city from the west.

I board the shuttle with the other Waters heading home. The shuttle was invented by an

Aquarius woman named Aria. Powered by the wind turbines on Air, it runs throughout all four sectors. I

arrive home about 15 minutes later, just before Rain, one of the little boys in my house, wakes up from

his nap. He came here just four years ago, born only a day after my birthday. He is spunky and

passionate about everything, a true Scorpio already. He saunters out, trying to hide his sleepiness.

“Delia, we have to go! River and Gale want to start their announcements early so we have time

to set up the dinner hall!” He grabs my hand and pulls, his little shoes digging into the ground.

“You know my name is Cordelia, so start using it,” I tease as I lift him and turn him upside-down.

I run inside as he giggles and tries to kick out of my hold.

Two weeks later, I wake early for work duty. A hazy bad dream full of immaculate white

hallways and metal surfaces plagues my mind as I get ready. The distant sound of crashing water finally

calms me down enough to leave my house. I walk slowly to the labs by the hospital to meet up with

Neva, my partner for the day. She was born thirteen days after me, so she is in a different house, but we

have always been close. I catch up to her just as the hospital comes into view.

“Neva, wait up, I don’t want to look like I’m lazy,” I yell ahead, knowing she’ll take the bait.

“Then stop being so grumpy in the morning. It’s beautiful out today and you’ve got a grimace

on,” she argues back raising her eyebrows as a challenge.

“Says the one you can’t stay up past ten or else she throws a hissy fit,” I counter.

“Proper sleep is important. How else am I supposed to put up with your intense gaze all day

without eight hours of sleep?” She shoves me and runs ahead.

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We keep bantering as we enter the lab and put on our lab coats and gloves. She goes quiet for a

while and wrinkles appear in her forehead.

“What’s the matter Neva? Something happen?” I nudge her softly and look into her eyes.

“No, it’s nothing, just Nova’s been on my mind lately,” she looks away quickly and scrubs the

test tube she’s holding with much more attention than needed.

“This again, Neva? You don’t even talk that much anymore,” I say with a frown.

“She’s my twin Cordelia, what should I to do, feel nothing for her?” She challenges, eyes fierce.

“No, you can form friendships with other sectors, but she isn’t your twin. You were born

November 22nd, she was born November 23rd. She’s Sagittarius and you’re Scorpio.” I explain carefully.

“That is ridiculous; we were born 3 minutes apart. We have the same DNA and I can feel when

she’s upset. Besides, after my mother was taken, she’s the only family I have left.” She says heatedly.

“What are you talking about? Your birth mother died last year, she wasn’t taken. Even if you do

have the same birth mother, you have been given different destinies. She is seeking meaning and faith;

you are seeking your passion and love.” I start to get angry but we always fight this way. She just doesn’t

understand. I storm out and finish my day in another part of the lab.

On my way out that evening, I see horses pulling large pipes down the road, so I turn down an

unfamiliar street to miss the traffic. A block later, I see a fight going on ahead of me. I keep walking

forward, curious of the cause. A boy with black hair and bright blue eyes is facing the other three with a

determined gaze. They grab hold of him and just as I get close just as one of them pulls out a knife.

“Give us what we want and we won’t have to use this,” he threatens.

His eyes widen and he tries escape subtly, “c’mon guys, we were just chatting. Do you have to

make it awkward? Besides, a knife won’t get me to talk. Unlike you three, I’m not a coward.”

I kick a can to the side and they all look over to me. The guy with the gun smirks and whispers to

the bigger guy on his left. He rushes over to me and grabs hold of my arm.

“Who do we have here? Pretty lady, dark street, either you are very stupid or very brave. Add

the cool but intense gaze and you must be a Scorpio,” the man with the knife says as he appraises me

with his watery eyes, “is she your friend, Z?” He says to the younger boy at knifepoint.

“Never seen her. Water’s across town from me Azar,” he explains tightly, suspicion in his eyes.

The man with the knife walks over to me slowly, leaving the black haired boy with the third guy.

I struggle against the massive man behind me as Azar presses the knife against my throat and I still.

“If you won’t cough up the disruptor, perhaps we could give your friend here a pretty scar to

match her pretty face,” he says menacingly as he looks me up and down. I catch the boy’s eye over

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Azar’s shoulder and know what we both want; freedom. As Azar looks behind him to the boy, I fling my

head back into the man’s nose. He stumbles back and Azar’s knife scrapes across my shoulder. I cry out

in pain as I bring my knee up between Azar’s legs. He falls and my vision starts to go hazy.

A hand links with mine, warm and rough, “Run!”

The jet of black hair and blue eyes swims in my vision but I follow the best I can. The loud

footfalls of the three men follow us shortly. We turn a corner a block later and he ducks down an alley,

pulling me along. He unlocks the door at the end. It’s dark inside but I follow, hearing steps behind.

A while later, the boy clicks on a few lights and the silence we held breaks. We are in an

abandoned building made into a neat bedroom area. My breathing is short and I’m slumped against the

wall. I refuse to look at my shoulder, but the pain is strong and I can feel the warm blood all over my

arm. He approaches me slowly and holds out his hands palms up like I’m a scared animal, “I’m so sorry I

got you into that. Can I help you? I won’t hurt you, I swear,” he stares into my eyes, something not many

people can do. I nod and he pulls a beat up first aid kit out of a cupboard and kneels next to me.

“Not afraid of blood, are you? A ruthless Scorpio like you?” He seems to be teasing, trying to get

me to focus on something other than the pain, but I don’t appreciate the comment.

“Ruthlessness has nothing to do with disliking blood loss, thank you. What did they want from

you back there anyways? A disruptor?” I wince as he starts to clean the cut with an alcohol solution.

“Aren’t you cute, trying to hide behind that mask. Don’t worry though, it’s just a useful tool for

escaping,” he smiles and rubs a cream over the cut and presses gauze over it.

“Oh. Hey! What mask?” I demand getting annoyed.

“The I’m so elusive and cool but I follow all the rules Scorpio mask,” he shakes his head and puts

a bandage over the area.

“That isn’t a mask, that’s me,” I argue.

“And that is? I never did get your name. Although Orion said I never was good with first

impressions,” he laughs at his own joke and looks up at me.

“My name is Cordelia. Is yours really just Z?”

“Ah, Cordelia, the mystic sea jewel,” he winks, “my name is Azazel and my three lovely friends

back there were Azar, Ember and Aspen.”

“Azazel? What sector has that kind of name?” I ask.

“Azazel was a very misunderstood angel, but Air allows it because angels are residents of

Heaven and all,” he rolls his eyes and closes the lid of the first aid kit.

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“I like it, but it might be a bit too much of a mouthful. Thank you for saving me and bandaging

me up… Zazel,” I smile charmingly and hold his gaze. He stares back and his mouth opens slightly.

Suddenly he shakes his head and stares at me. “Don’t use your tricks on me Lia or I will be

forced to use mine on you,” he threatens with a smile in his eyes.

“I’d like to see you try,” I dare him. He laughs and holds out a hand. I take it with my left arm,

keeping my hurt right against my stomach. He pulls me up faster than expected and I lean into him to

regain my balance. Our noses touch as I look up. He smirks and I glower at him and step back.

“I have to go home now, River and Gale will be worried,” I say and he raises his eyebrows

smirking, “What I mean is, I want to get home because I have a test to prepare for in less than two

weeks. That is my choice, not me following rules.”

“Ha! Small world,” he says with the same smile as before, like he’s hiding a secret, “me too.”

“Oh, I thought you were older than 16,” I shrug and walk to the door.

“Must be my dashing good looks,” he says as he cracks open the door to listen.

“Such an Aquarius,” I laugh.

He turns to face me suddenly with an intense gaze, “how did you know I was Aquarius and what

do you mean by that?”

“Forceful, exactly like an Aquarius. What I mean is that you have the cheeky attitude, the fight

or flight responses, the energy and the impeccable skill of getting in trouble. You also love your own

space and technology, which I see all over the place here,” I explain.

“Just because I share a few traits doesn’t mean I should be judged based on my birth date,” he

grimaces and walks outside. I follow quietly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean offence by that, I thought you’d like that you fit your sign so well, most

people struggle with a trait or two,” I say then stumble over a box and he catches my arm, “thanks.”

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have snapped I guess,” he looks away sadly then looks back with a smile,

“you are just as klutzy as I remember.”

“Huh? Am not! It’s dark and I’ve lost blood,” I counter as we reach my block.

“I don’t mean just tonight. I see you with Wren and you’re constantly tripping over yourself,” he

takes my hand, “don’t worry though, it’s endearing, makes me want to swoop in and catch you.”

“Except I don’t need catching, I can manage perfectly on my own. Wait, you know me and you

watch me? Creepy!” I pull my hand away from his but miss the feeling of warmth mixed with danger.

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“It isn’t creepy. You are fascinating. You’ve totally forgotten everything, haven’t you?” He asks

then stops in front my house, “I remember we used to play together the first few years of secondary.

You were so shy but so curious and expressive. Slowly though, you got more and more layers. You

stopped exploring with us and then you and Wren left me behind. Only Neva has stayed my friend.”

I stare at him, trying to hide the sudden fear settling in my stomach. I remember him now of

course. He was always there, making up stories and walking around with his books and sketchpads. He

was the only 6 year old that could sit for hours to draw a bird he’d seen in the trees above the play area.

Wren, Neva first wondered if he was in Pisces because he was always off in his own world and he

seemed so calm and kind. I don’t remember why we stopped being friends.

“I’ve got to go Zazel, I’m already so late for lights out,” I say then turn to go.

He catches my hand though and pulls me to face him, “see me tomorrow? Please?” His eyes beg

me and I am powerless to refuse.

“Okay, where?”

We set up a time and place then I go inside. River and Gale are waiting by my room, both with

crossed arms and fierce eyes. I explain how the construction got me held up then I got lost in the lab

blocks until an Aries policeman led me back. They accept it and hug me before sending me off to bed.

I’m not sure why I lied, but I didn’t want to have to explain the fight. I especially didn’t want to tell them

about Zazel. He’s an Aquarius. I know from a boy I liked years ago that Scorpio and Aquarius don’t

match, so they would make me stop seeing him.

The next morning, I catch the earliest shuttle to Earth to see Wren. I need to tell someone about

Zazel and I know I can trust her. I reach her house near the orchards and knock on her house. The Virgo

she was hugging the last day of secondary comes to the door.

“Hi Meadow, do you know where Wren is?” She points to the orchards and wanders back inside.

She never was very talkative, but I thought after so many years, she wouldn’t be shy around me. I shrug

and sprint over to Wren’s favorite spot, the floral bushes that surround the peach trees. When I round

the corner, I see her talking with a few younger kids in her house. When she sees me my excited smile,

she shoos them off and motions me over.

“Wren, you will never believe what happened to me last night…” I explain everything. She can’t

sit still after I explain about the knife so we walk. She checks my shoulder as I continue my story. When I

finish we have sat back down beneath an apple tree and she is quiet.

“Say something Wren,” I demand.

“He did really well with your shoulder and he was brave to keep you safe,” she says.


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“He’s an Aquarius Cordelia; you will never be approved, even as a potential match. We read all

about our sure matches and potential matches a couple years ago. You don’t like him… that way, do

you?” she blushes red but keeps her eyes on me.

“I don’t know, but is it so wrong to like him?”

“Of course! Who you’re matched with is important. Your match supports you and keeps you

strong when things get hard or you get sick,” she says quickly and a nervous laugh escapes her tight lips.

“I know all that, but I felt something with him,” I frown.

“It was probably adrenaline, you know what that does to you,” she forces a smile, “He can’t be

for you Cordelia, your fate clearly states that.”

“I know, you are probably right,” I get up feeling angry but I hide it like I’ve learned to, “I’m

going to head home; I have some tasks to finish before dinner.”

We say goodbye near the shuttle. During the ride I think about how sick I am of hiding my true

feelings. What good is a cool exterior if no one ever sees the true you inside? When I get off the shuttle,

Neva appears through the crowd. She smiles when she sees me and links arms with me.

“I’m really sorry about the other day Cordelia, I was acting silly. I should be focusing on my test.

The only people I should be worrying about are my Water brothers and sisters making their choices.

River and Gale had a long talk with me; helped me understand. Wait, are you okay?”

I stay quiet and try to stop the tears. Neva pulls me away to another path towards the sea and

faces me. “Tell me?” she asks. I tell her everything as we walk; everything I just told Wren. The only

difference is Neva never looks excited by the fight and she starts to smile as I explain about Zazel, my

lying to my guides and my fight with Wren.

“Sounds like Azazel grew up to fit right into Aquarius. He always said he would never conform

like Wren. The Aquarius are so interesting though; brooding and thoughtful, but sweet and funny. I

don’t know why we aren’t ever matched with them. We would create balance. Central just doesn’t want

the Unpredictables with the Magnetics,” She says angrily then sits on the dock behind our houses.

“The un-what and the mag-who?” I ask confused, “slow down and explain Neva.”

“You’ve never heard the kids singing it? Azazel and I wrote the song 4 years ago, to remember,

Fearless Aries, protector and leader of us all, Needs Prideful Taurus to decide and stay on the ball. Brainy Gemini creates with paper, pen and machine, Though Nurturing Cancer cleans up the sick and green. Energetic Leo set an example with optimism and security, Respectable Virgo guides youth and allows forest fertility, Harmonious Libra negotiates and charms us from the fence, Then broken by Magnetic Scorpio in vow to the intense,

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Spiritual Sagittarius keeps our faith alive and strong, While Traditional Capricorn plans where we belong. But Unpredictable Aquarius alone seeks the hidden truths Leaving Dreamer Pisces stuck in a naïve eternal youth.”

She takes a big breath and smiles up at me, “so Aquarius seeks the hidden truth of our city and

Scorpio helps break the fence caging us in here. It’s about us Lia. We always thought that it would be

one of us. You, me and Wren used to fight over him every day,” she smiles as her eyes drift off.

“What hidden truth Neva? Why would I want to go outside the city? There are wild animals and

disease out there. There’s no civilisation and no way to live,” I back away from her, confused and angry.

“Cordelia, you are so dependent on this city that you have forgotten what you and me heard

from the Aries Corona and Gemini Basil. What we all found out about outside the city, the sectors and

our signs,” she says then stands up quickly, “Fisher is coming, follow me.”

She jumps off the dock into shallow water and wades over to a small patch of trees along the

water’s edge. She pushes aside some reeds into a large, dry space. She sits down on some large leaves

and pats the spot beside here. The space looks well cared for, she must come here often.

“What are you going on about? I don’t remember any of that. We were friends, but those were

just stories and imagination. They weren’t real. We were just kids,” I say, stumbling over my words.

“No, we were brilliant and revolutionary children that got smothered by the city that doesn’t

allow anyone to think for themselves,” she says with a sigh, “Lia, all that stuff, those stories, they were

our way of staying sane.”

“What about Wren, why didn’t she remind me about of all this when I talked to her today?”

“She got scared when we told her about the level of corruption in Central and started to believe

we were lying to her in trouble. She forgot all the truths and conformed to Virgo 100%. She won’t talk

about Aquarius, Central or the sectors now,” she looks down, obviously hurt by Wren’s betrayal.

“Why did you never talk to me about this Neva?”

“I tried all the time Lia but you always avoided the subject. All the times I brought Nova up and

asked you about boys outside of our matches; I was trying to ease you into it. After a while though, I just

got scared. I didn’t want to lose you as a friend too,” she finishes with a tear on her cheek.

“Wait, so what is the big secret? What did you hear from Corona and Basil?” I demand.

“We heard them talking about the Program. They are rooting out the Individuals; students and

adults that do not conform to their sign and threaten the security of the gate. We looked into it when

we were around 10 and found the list of Individuals hidden in Cedar’s computer. All four of us are on it,

marked for constant surveillance and a different sort of test. Most of the others were Scorpios and

Aquarius’. There are cameras everywhere watching us. We have been watched all our lives Lia. Even our

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guides are working with them. Confidentiality, secrecy and privacy means nothing to any of them. They

monitor how we act, what we say and if we do not conform, we disappear. Just like my mother.”

“What did she do?” I ask with fear in my voice. All I can think about is my name on that list.

“She tried to contact me last year because she couldn’t live any longer with her only two

daughters away from her and separated from each other. She couldn’t have any other kids after us and

the government wouldn’t approve a match for her. She was desperate and alone. We met with her and

only an hour later there were Aries policemen surrounding us,” she says, fiddling with a leaf on a bush.

“What did they do to her?” I ask, angry now, imagining revenge.

“They drowned her, said it was an appropriate death for someone so intent on talking to her

water loving daughter,” she says angrily.

“We have to get out of her Neva, we aren’t safe.”

“I know. How though? We have no way of getting past the gate. I was forbidden from contacting

Azazel and Nova. I wouldn’t want to leave without them anyways,” she rips leaves off the bush now.

“Zazel said something about a disruptor, those guys were trying to get it from him,” I remember.

“He finished it? We have to meet with him! He’s ready to leave!” She lets the torn leaves fall.

“I’m meeting him in an hour at the seaside by the gate, he said it was the safest spot,” I explain.

“Brilliant because it’s also the best spot for an escape. He must have known you’d talk to me or

Wren. He was sending a message to me and trying to bring you back to us,” she cries and hugs me

tightly, “we are out of here Lia, we already found a safe house just three miles outside the west gate.”

We rush to the meeting point and Zazel is standing there with Nova and a small device in his

hands. When Neva sees her she sprints over and almost knocks Nova over. They blend into flying blond

hair and shining green eyes as they hug and spin with joy. Only a rock wall hides us from view of the

docks, so they stay silent in their reunion. Zazel explains what the device does then runs it along the

gate next to us. A door shaped section of gate falls away and Neva catches it before it falls; Zazel steps

through it and looks back to take my hand. I hesitate.

“What about Wren. I know she left, but I did too. Doesn’t she deserve a second chance?”

“I went to her Lia, she refused, screamed at me and called her guide Briar over to make me

leave. She’s made her choice,” Azazel says quietly, placing a hand on my arm gently.

“It’s fine; she did the same thing to me. She pretended she didn’t know you Zazel. I can’t trust

her anymore,” I square my shoulders and step through the gate.

I remember wanting to be a detective one day because that is what I was told. I realize now that

I make my own destiny. Neither my birth date nor my sign define me. I define me. I will find out the

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truth of my city and I will do everything in my power to stop the corruption. I know that when it began,

it must have been a safe and spiritual place. I want it to return to that, the basis need for human

interaction and discovering who you truly are.

My name is Cordelia Pond, my destiny as Scorpio is to stand out as intense, magnetic and

determined in all that I do. Zazel’s destiny is to be revolutionary, inventing and breaking limitations.

Central certainly got a few things right.

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Unit 3, activity 4, assignment 2 (draft)

The blankness of her mind lifted all too soon. Shooting pain in her head and an aching body

dominated her senses, even breathing seemed to hurt. Rory woke up slowly, gaining awareness even

slower. She assumed the wind woke her; like a hurt animal, moaning and keening in pain. Opening her

eyes slowly, her surroundings came into view. The first thing Rory saw was the glow of an almost full

moon. Last time she remembered though, it was barely a sliver. Putting that aside she examined an

almost celestial battle; the stars versus the wispy grey clouds that threatened to extinguish them.

Wondering if she had a concussion, she laughed and instantly cried out in pain. She realized then that

the gum in her mouth had no flavor left and had the too sticky consistency of being chewed for much

too long. She spit it out then became aware of the ghoulish shadows across her chest, cast by a row of

gravestones to her left. Rory began to panic, wondering what could cause such pain and what had

happened for her to end up here. She tried to calm herself down with a “you’re okay” mantra in her

mind. Once her breathing slowed, thanks to the almost familiar scent of pine carried to her by the

breeze, she took inventory of her injuries. After a slow process from head to toe she decided that

although everything ached her only real issues were a massive headache, a possible right arm and a

twisted left ankle. Rory thought her ribs were bruised too, but she tried to ignore that factor. Propelled

by some deep set fear, she tried to get up. She slowly shifted to her left side, careful to keep pressure

off her right arm and left ankle. She lifted herself up and settled on her right leg, balancing by gripping

the nearest gravestone to her left. It was slick with water and had a slimy layer on it, reminding her of

snake skin. She gingerly put pressure on her left ankle and decided she could limp at least, even if it was

very sore. She looked around now that she was at a higher vantage point and saw an angel statue ahead

of her down a stone path. It was aged and cracked in some places but looked serene. Its hands were

cupped in front of it and its eyes were closed. The moon shifted from behind a cloud then and lightly

touching the halo of hair on the angel’s head. Rory could see that behind the tall cloaked angel was the

exit of the cemetery. Its grounds were surrounded by a wrought iron fence. The shadows its pointed

spikes cast looked like sharp nailed fingers reaching towards her. Even though this made her shudder

with unknown fear, she decided it was her only option. Limping towards the angel, she fingered the

crossed sword necklace she had on wondered why she couldn’t remember how she ended up here,

which way was home and even what day it was. While pondering this, she could ignore the pain each

step brought and she forgot to stay alert. Jolted out of her reverie, Rory felt a violent shove between her

shoulder blades. She hit the ground hard, sharp stone digging into her face, arms and bare legs. Her first

thought was relief that her right arm landed on a grassy patch, even if it was damp and cold. Wet and

slick mud filled her mouth and she coughed it out as her left arm was roughly grabbed and she was

turned to face the sky. Her necklace landed in her mouth, metallic and sharp. After shaking mud from

her eyes, she could see a tall black clad figure leaning over her. He laughed, deep and cruel.

“Remember me Rory?”

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Unit 3, activity 4, assignment 2 (revised)

Like a warm fleece blanket on a winter night, her mind was cocooned and caressed by soft dark

fibres. She wasn’t exactly aware but this didn’t seem to enter her sanctuary. The blankness she

embraced lifted all too soon. Shooting pain in her head and an aching body slowly dominated her

senses. Even breathing seemed to hurt. Rory woke up slowly, gaining control of her simplest of functions

even slower. She assumed the wind woke her; like a hurt animal, moaning and keening in pain.

Opening her eyes, her surroundings focused and sharpened through her deep forest eyes. The

first thing Rory saw was the glow of a full moon. Last time she remembered though, it was barely a

sliver. Pushing that aside, she examined the celestial battle above; the stars versus the wispy grey clouds

that threatened to extinguish them. Wondering if she had a concussion, she laughed and instantly cried

out in pain. She clutched her side and realized then that the gum in her mouth had no flavor left, too

sticky and bitter. She spit it out then noticed the ghoulish shadows across her chest, cast by a row of

gravestones to her left. Rory began to panic, wondering what could cause such pain and what had

happened for her to end up in a graveyard. She tried to calm herself down by telling herself she was

okay over and over. She knew she had to get out somewhere safer.

Once her breathing slowed, in part thanks to the familiar scent of pine carried to her by the

breeze, she took inventory of her injuries. After a slow process from head to toe she decided that

although everything ached her only real issues were a massive headache, a possible broken right arm

and a twisted left ankle. Rory thought her ribs were bruised too, but she tried to ignore that factor along

with the others. Propelled by some deep set fear she tried to get up. She slowly shifted to her left side,

careful to keep pressure off her right arm and left ankle. She lifted herself up and settled on her right

leg, balancing by gripping the nearest gravestone to her left. It was slick with water and had a slimy layer

on it, reminding her of the jellyfish she once found on the beach. She gingerly put pressure on her left

ankle and decided she could limp at least. At a higher vantage point now, she looked around.

She saw an angel statue down a stone path. Aged and cracked in places, it managed to look

serene. Its hands cupped and its eyes closed. The moon shifted from behind a cloud and touched the

angel’s halo of hair. Rory could see that behind the tall cloaked angel was the exit of the cemetery. Its

grounds were enclosed by a wrought iron fence. The shadows its pointed spikes cast looked like sharp

nailed fingers reaching towards her. This made her shudder with fear, but it was her only option.

Limping towards the angel, she fingered the crossed sword necklace she had on wondering why

she couldn’t remember anything to distract herself from the pain each step brought. Doing this, she

forgot to stay alert. Jolted back, Rory felt a violent shove between her shoulder blades. She hit the

ground hard, sharp stone digging into her face, arms and bare legs. Her first thought was relief that her

right arm landed on a grassy patch, even if it was damp and cold. Wet and slick mud filled her mouth

and she coughed as her right arm was roughly grabbed and she was turned to face the sky. She cried out

in pain and anger, fighting tears. Her necklace landed in her mouth, metallic and sharp. After shaking

mud from her eyes, she could see a tall black clad figure leaning over her. He laughed, deep and cruel.

“Remember me Rory?”

Page 14: Divided but Unified

Unit 2, activity 7, assignment 3 (draft)

Standing at the open window, breeze dancing, I breathe a sigh,

Letting go, holding on, remembering all their eyes,

In them the joy, the purity of a newborn’s unique song

That leaps from sorrow of loneliness to wonder at the smallest leaf

Floating through the open window, aloft like a murmur

In the wind; I see mom’s smile, watch her racing pulse,

As he drifts off to sleep, tired from a full day, her pulse

Slows with his, beat for beat, breath for breath, sigh for sigh,

They never told me that a mother’s small murmurs

Alone could make you fall in love with this career; that his eyes,

Could make your heart drift so easily on the still water; a leaf

Blown down the stream by a tune, a melody, a song,

I lower the lights just as her lullaby drifts off into the crickets’ song,

Her husband lifts his head, moves his hand to her, seeking her pulse,

Drawing strength from her, he lifts from the chair quiet as a falling leaf

So as not to wake her, to disturb her first shared dreams, but a sigh

Escapes her lips as he moves too far away, his eyes

Widen, finding mine, asking advice, lips tight around a small murmur,

My eyes light up with laughter as his fatherly woes, my murmured

Reply reaches his anxious ears, his shoulders relax, he hums her song

As he collapses on the small love seat below her bed, where their eyes

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Are still within sight, should they open or flicker with life’s pulsing

Rhythmic nuances: the sounds of an infant’s hum, his breath, her sighs

Form a melody of true beauty, one in which I can take my leave

Down the stairs, leaving the heart of the home, as rustling leaves

Outside alert me to the impending fall air, a murmur

Escapes my lips, a self-reminder, a to-do list, a meeting, a sigh;

My internal list circles my mind, silenced at once by the song

On my own phone, a familiar tone, a homey feel, my pulse

Picks up, I cannot answer so I type back; be home soon, close your eyes

Remember that I am there even when you cannot see my eyes,

Feel my touch; her response is quicker than the windblown leaves;

I remember Mommy, I wanted to know about the baby, his pulse

Was bad Daddy said, is he okay? I feel her distress, I murmur

A few profanities, promising to remind my love of her heart’s song,

How her eyes weep at every sorrow, it’s amazing the weight of her sighs

My fingers fly; release your sigh little darling, close your eyes,

Have daddy sing a song, tell him the baby will grow faster than the leaves

On your little plant, murmur in his ears of our love, as you match his calm pulse

Page 16: Divided but Unified

Unit 2, activity 7, assignment 3 (revised)

Standing at the window, breeze caressing my skin, I sigh,

Letting go but holding on, remembering all their eyes,

In them I find the joy; the purity of a newborn’s unique song

That leaps from sorrow and loneliness to wonder at each falling leaf

Floating through the open window, aloft like a murmur

In the wind. I see his mom’s smile, watch her racing pulse,

As he drifts off to sleep, tired from his first day, her pulse

Slows with his, beat for beat, breath for breath, sigh for sigh,

They never taught that a mother’s small murmurs

Alone could make you fall in love with this career; that his eyes,

Could make your heart drift so easily on the still water; a leaf

Blown down the stream by a tune, a melody, a song,

I lower the lights just as her lullaby merges with the crickets’ song,

Her husband lifts his head, moves his hand to her, seeking her pulse,

Drawing strength from her, he lifts from the chair quiet as a falling leaf

So as not to wake her, to disturb her first dreams as a mother, but a sigh

Saddened and scared, escapes her lips as he moves too far, his eyes

Widen, finding mine, asking advice, lips tight around a small murmur,

My eyes light up with laughter at his fatherly woes, my murmured

Reply reaches his anxious ears, his shoulders relax, he hums her song

As he collapses onto the small love near her, where their closed eyes

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Are still within sight, should they open or flicker with life’s pulsing

Rhythmic nuances: the sounds of an infant’s hum, his breath, her sighs

Form a melody of true beauty, one in which I can happily take my leave

Down the stairs, leaving behind the heart of the home, as rustling leaves

Outside alert me to the impending fall air, a hushed murmur

Escapes my lips, a self-reminder, on a to-do list, a meeting, a sigh;

My internal list fills my mind, silenced at once by the song

Of my own phone, a familiar tone, a homey feel, from my side, my pulse

Picks up, I cannot answer so I type back; be home soon, close your eyes

Remember that I am there even when you cannot see my eyes,

Feel my touch; her response is quicker than the windblown leaves;

I remember Mommy, I wanted to know about the baby, his pulse

Was bad Daddy said, is he okay? I feel her distress, I murmur

A few profanities, must remind my husband of her heart’s fragile song,

How her eyes weep at every sorrow, it’s amazing; the weight of her sighs

My fingers fly; release your sigh little darling, close your eyes,

Have daddy sing a song, tell him the baby will grow faster than the leaves

On your little plant, murmur in his ears of our love, as you match his calm pulse

Page 18: Divided but Unified

Unit 4, activity 5, assignment 1 (rough draft)

Fragile Dreams

As the sun rose into the sky, Princess Harmony led her beautiful white horse Persephone past the

rocks towards the beach. She was here to meet an oracle that could tell her future. She dismounted

Persephone and walked over to the nearest tide pool. She first saw her honey brown hair framing sun-

kissed skin. Peering past the surface she could see blue and green lichen surrounding the shallow pool.

The water was filled with small fish waiting to be swept out to the ocean. They hid in barnacles, seaweed

and sponges of rainbow colors. She got lost in the flowing starfish and rippling sea palms.

“Harmony! Harmony! Where are you?” Harmony looks up, shaken out of her daydreaming by her

Daddy’s frantic voice.

“Over here! I’m looking in a tide pool,” she calls cheerfully.

Harmony’s father breaks out from behind a large rock and rushes over.

“She’s over here honey, she wandered off again,” he calls. Harmony’s mom enters with Isaac in her


“Harmony, you mustn’t wander off like that. You could get lost and you worried us.”

“Sorry mommy and daddy. I’ll be more careful. I’m sorry for scaring you,” Harmony apologizes as she

takes her dad’s hand to head back to the car.

The next day after school, Harmony sits on the couch feeding Isaac his bottle. Her forehead

wrinkles in thought as she remembers her rough day at school.

She was reading a fairy tale book in the bright reading corner, recovering from Nathan’s mean

name-calling at recess. Her animated eyes skimmed the pictures and words quickly. Her joy was

interrupted by a small cough in front of her.

“Hi Harmony, what are you reading?” Amy asked timidly.

Harmony stared at her with wide eyes. She tried to say hello but could only mumble something

about sea coral.

“Will you be my walking buddy for the trip to the meadow tomorrow?” Amy asked looking confused.

“Guess what I said Isaac… exactly, I said nothing. I couldn’t even look up because I was blushing. I felt so

silly. Amy walked away and played with mean Lauren. Princess Harmony could have done it. She would

have said yes.” A tear escapes Harmony’s eye, falling onto Isaac’s onesie.

The next day, Harmony trails behind her teaching sullenly. She roams quietly as she listens to

the guide talk about the geography of the meadow. She hums and imagines she is searching for

woodland creatures and fairies.

Page 19: Divided but Unified

“Okay class, we are going to pause here and try to name as many flowers as we can from our nature

unit. Whoever gets the most will lead the way to the snack station,” Miss Anna announces, followed by

the cheers of the class.

Harmony studies a yellow lily for a moment then gets distracted by the scent of pine trees

carried by the breeze. She scans the trees and notices a baby deer along the edge. She edges away from

her classmates, wandering to the trees. She sees a small path just as the deer disappears. She gasps and

runs after it quickly, hoping not to lose sight of it.

She is a dangerous huntress on a quest to find the terrible beast that has been terrorizing the

land. She is dressed in expensive leather boots and a beautifully made hunting costume. She pursues her

target with fierce determination.

Her adventure comes to a close quickly as she loses sight of the deer. She was standing tall and

proud, looking for danger, but she realizes the deer is gone and the sun is much lower in the sky now.

Harmony brings her hands together, seeking comfort. She rushes beyond the trees looking for safety.

She comes out on a beautiful pool of water. It’s crystal clear and full of bright orange and yellow fish.

She can see a small red fox across the water crouching for a drink. The water is stirred by a waterfall

flowing over the rocks high above her head. A raven screeches from the trees above and startles her.

She looks back from where she entered the clearing. Harmony realizes she can’t see the path

anymore. While examining the tree line, a toad jumps over her foot and into the mud. Harmony screams

and falls backwards into the pool of water. The cold shocks her and she crawls back to the water’s edge

shivering and drenched head to toe. She realizes just how lost she has become in her adventures.

Thinking quick, Harmony looks up, recalling that the sun was behind her as she left her

classmates from the meadow. She has to climb over many fallen trees and quickly becomes tired. She

makes progress but as the sun dips behind the trees she begins to get worried.

“Miss Anna, help! Amy! Rory! Lauren! Mommy, Daddy, I’m so scared!” Harmony cries out as she sits

down against a big tree. Tears streak down her face as she weeps.

After a while, Harmony realizes that crying isn’t going to help her. Calming down, she recalls

reading that moss grows on the south side of the trees where they live. The guide also said that the

meadow is to the north of the forest.

“I’ll just walk north, using the trees to keep track. I’ll be able to see the moss as I pass each tree,”

Harmony comforts herself with her own plan and smiles as she begins walking.

The shadows of the forest start to extend and Harmony can’t help but making them into much

scarier beings. A tiger pounces at her from the right as a long snake slithers overhead. Her breathing

quickens as she shuts her eyes tightly, trying to be strong.

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“They’re just shadows. They aren’t real. I am Princess Harmony and I am not afraid.” She keeps walking,

feeling the moss on the trees as she passes. A spider crawls over her hand on the next tree and she

stifles a scream. She braves the path and keeps walking, feeling braver.

Just as the light begins to leave the forest, she hears her classmates and other people calling her

name. She sees flashlight beams. Running towards the closest one, she collides with the legs of her

father. He picks her up, hugging her close.

“I was so scared Harmony. We came as soon as Miss Anna called. I thought we had lost you.” She feels

his tears against her neck and cuddles into him. Her mother joins them soon after and clings to them


“You’re safe now sweetie, we’ve got you.”

Her classmates surround her, sighing in relief and murmuring that they were worried and

scared. Walking back to the car, Amy comes over with a blanket her mom packed in case it got cold and

gives it to Harmony. She accepts it and smiles sleepily.

“Thank you Amy.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re okay Harmony.”

“Me too… Do you want to build a castle tomorrow with me at school?”


Both girls smile as they hug and walk hand in hand, sticking close to Harmony’s parents.

Page 21: Divided but Unified

Unit 4, activity 5, assignment 1 (final draft)

As the sun rose high into the sky, Princess Harmony led her beautiful white horse Persephone

past the rocks towards the beach. She was here to meet an oracle that could tell her future. She

dismounted Persephone and walked over to the nearest tide pool. She first saw her honey brown hair

framing sun-kissed skin. Peering past, she could see blue and green lichen surrounding the shallow pool.

The water was filled with small fish waiting to be swept out to the ocean. They hid in barnacles, seaweed

and sponges of rainbow colors. She slowly lost herself in the flowing starfish and rippling sea palms.

“Harmony! Harmony! Where are you?” Harmony looks up, shaken out of her daydreaming by

her Daddy’s frantic voice.

“Over here Daddy! I’m looking in a pretty tide pool,” she calls cheerfully.

Harmony’s father breaks out from behind a large rock and rushes over to her, picking her up.

“I’ve got her here honey, she wandered off again,” he calls. Harmony’s mom enters with Isaac in

her arms.

“Harmony, you mustn’t wander off like that. You could get lost and you worried us.”

“Sorry mommy and daddy. I’ll be more careful. I’m sorry for scaring you,” Harmony apologizes

and her dad sets her down on the ground. She takes his hand and the family heads back to the car.

The next day after school, Harmony sits on the couch feeding Isaac his bottle. Her forehead

wrinkles in thought as she remembers her rough day at school.

She was reading a fairy tale book in the bright reading corner, recovering from Nathan’s mean

name-calling at recess. Her animated eyes skimmed the pictures and words quickly. Her intense focus

was interrupted by a small cough in front of her.

“Hi Harmony, what are you reading?” Amy asked timidly.

Harmony stared at her with wide eyes. She tried to say hello but could only mumble something

about sea coral.

“Will you be my walking buddy for the trip tomorrow?” Amy asked looking confused.

“Guess what I said Isaac… exactly, I said nothing. I couldn’t even look up because I was blushing.

I felt so silly. Amy walked away and played with mean Lauren. Princess Harmony could have done it. She

would have said yes.” A tear escapes Harmony’s eye, falling onto Isaac’s onesie.

The next day, Harmony trails behind her teaching sullenly. She roams quietly as she listens to

the guide talk about the geography of the meadow. She hums and imagines she is searching for

woodland creatures and fairies.

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“Okay class, we are going to pause here and try to name as many flowers as we can from our

nature unit. Whoever gets the most will lead the way to the snack station,” Miss Anna announces,

followed by the cheers of the class.

Harmony studies a yellow orchid for a moment then gets distracted by the scent of pine carried

by the breeze. She scans the trees and notices a baby deer just entering the meadow. She edges away

from her classmates, wandering to the trees. She sees a small path just as the deer disappears back into

the forest. She gasps and runs after it quickly, hoping not to lose sight of it.

She is a dangerous huntress on a quest to find the terrible beast that has been terrorizing the

land. She is dressed in expensive leather boots and a beautifully made hunting costume. She pursues her

target with fierce determination.

Her adventure comes to a close suddenly as she loses sight of the deer. She was standing tall

and proud, looking for danger, but she realizes the deer is gone and the sun is much lower in the sky

now. Harmony brings her hands together, seeking comfort. She rushes beyond the trees looking for

safety. She comes out on a beautiful pool of water. It’s crystal clear and full of bright orange and yellow

fish. She can see a small red fox across the water crouching for a drink. The water is stirred by a waterfall

flowing over the rocks high above her head. A raven screeches from the trees above and startles her.

She looks back from where she entered the clearing. Harmony realizes she can’t see the path

anymore. While examining the tree line, a toad jumps over her foot and into the mud. Harmony screams

and falls backwards into the pool of water. The cold shocks her and she crawls back to the water’s edge

shivering and drenched head to toe. She realizes just how lost she has become in her adventures.

Thinking quick, Harmony looks up, recalling that the sun was behind her as she left her

classmates from the meadow. She has to climb over many fallen trees and quickly becomes tired. She

makes progress but as the sun dips behind the trees she begins to get worried.

“Miss Anna, help! Amy! Rory! Lauren! Mommy, Daddy! I’m so scared!” Harmony cries out as she

sits down against a big tree. Tears streak down her face as she weeps.

After a while, Harmony realizes that crying isn’t going to help her. Calming down, she recalls

reading that moss grows on the south side of the trees where they live. The guide also said that the

meadow is to the north of the forest.

“I’ll just walk north, using the trees to keep track of where I am. I’ll be able to see the moss as I

pass each tree,” Harmony comforts herself with her own plan and smiles as she begins walking.

The shadows of the forest start to extend and Harmony can’t help but making them into much

scarier beings. A tiger pounces at her from the right as a long snake slithers overhead. Her breathing

quickens as she shuts her eyes tightly, trying to be strong.

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“They’re just shadows. They aren’t real. I am Princess Harmony and I am not afraid.” She keeps

walking, feeling the moss on the trees as she passes. A spider crawls over her hand on the next tree and

she stifles a scream. She braves the path and keeps walking, feeling braver.

Just as the light begins to leave the forest, she hears her classmates and other people calling her

name. She sees flashlight beams. Running towards the closest one, she collides with the legs of her

father. He picks her up, hugging her close.

“I was so scared Harmony. We came as soon as Miss Anna called. I thought we had lost you.”

She feels his tears against her neck and cuddles into him. Her mother joins them soon after and clings to

them both.

“You’re safe now sweetie, we’ve got you.”

Her classmates surround her, sighing in relief and murmuring that they were worried and

scared. Walking back to the car, Amy comes over with a blanket her mom packed in case it got cold and

gives it to Harmony. She accepts it and smiles sleepily.

“Thank you Amy.”

“No problem Harmony,” she says softly with a blush, “I’m glad you’re okay Harmony.”

“Me too… Do you want to build a castle tomorrow with me at school?”


Both girls smile as they hug and walk hand in hand, sticking close to Harmony’s parents.
