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DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to...

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  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    R O N A L D L M O T L E Y (SC)J O S E P H F. R ICE (SC)

    ANN K. HITTER (SC. TN )J O H N J. M c C o N N E L L , JR .

    (Rl. MA. SC. DC)W I L L I A M H . N A R W O L D (CT)A L L A R D A . A L L STO N II I (sc)

    J O H N E. H E R R I C K (SC. M D )B. C O T T I N C H A M JR . (SC)

    J. M C C O N N E L L ( R I . M A )F R E D E R I C K C. B A K E R (sc. NY)

    F R E D T H O M P S O N . Ill (SC)W E S T B R O O K F L O W E R S (SC)

    P A U L J . D O O L I T T L E (SC)A- M I G L I O R I (Rl. M A . M M )MCGINNESS K ARSE (SC)

    J E F F R E Y S. T H O M P S O N (rx)F. S C H I A V O ( M O . D C . M D )B. C O T H R A N . JR . (SC, N C)

    ( G E N E R A L C O U N S E L )M I L E S L O A D H O L T ( S C )

    J. T E R R Y P O O L E (SC)J. L O V E L A N D (1958-2002)

    J. B. H A R R I S (FL, DC)D O N N I E . Y O U N C (L A )

    R O B E R T T H A E F E L E ( N j . P A )S H E R Y L A . M O O R E (sc. VA )

    V B R I A N B EVO N (SC)J A M E S M . H U G H E S (SC)

    R H E T T D . KJ .O K(SC. D C . L A . T X . N M )F R E D E R I C K ) . J E K E L ( S C )

    H H U G E (SC. VA . D C)J O H N E . G U E R R Y . I l l (sc)

    F l D E L M A L F l T Z P A T R I C K( RI. MA. NY. DC)

    (SC. II, CO )S U Z A N N E L A F L E U R K L O K(SC. D C . L A . TX . N M )

    C I N D I A N N E S O L O M O N (SC)M . M I C H A E L G R U E N L O H (SC)

    D A V I D P. B E V O N (SC)M i c i iA t i E . E L S N E R ( V A . N Y )V I N C E N T L G R E E N E . I V ( R I )

    M A R L O N E. K J M P S O N (SC)STACIE F. T A Y L O R ( A L . MS )

    I N G R I D L M O L L (CT)C A R O L I N E A. B E R N A R D (sc)

    SCOTT M . G A L A N T E ( L A )I M B E R L Y D . B A R O N E (SC. CA )

    E L I Z A B E T H S M I T H (SC)J A M E S W L E D L I E ( S C )

    G . R OUSSE AU ( C A . M A )L Y N N S E I T H E L J E K E L (SC)

    B A D G E H U M P H R I E S (TX)A l L E E N L . S P R A G U E (RI)

    J O H N A , B A D E N . I V (sc)E . C L A I R E X I D I S (SC. N Y . D C )

    E . A P P L E G A T E . I V (sc)JUST IN B. K A P L A N ( T N )

    A D A M L M A R C H U K ( I L )


    N ational Commission o n T errorist A ttacks U pon the U nited States301 7th Street, SWRoom 5125W ashington, DC 20407R e: Freedom o f Information A ct Request

    T o W hom It M ay Concern:This is a request pursuant to 5 U SC 552 and 28 CFR Part 16, to the 9-11Commission. I am an attorney representing Victims of the September 11th terrorist

    attacks who have filed a civil lawsuit against individual network charities and bankswhich provided material support to al Qaeda. T he case is captioned: Burn ett v. AlBaraka Investment an d Dev. Corp., Case Number 1:02CV01616.I am hereby requesting a copy of the "records retention schedule" for theN ational Comm ission on T errorist A ttacks U pon the U nited States.I also request th e D ulles International A irport surveillance tape of the securitycheckpoints for A merican A irlines Flight 77 recorded on September 11, 2001.If yo u deny all or part of this request, please cite the specific exemptions yo ubelieve justify your refusal to release the information an d notify me of your appeal

    procedures available under law. In excising material, please "black out" rather than"white out" or "cut out." P lease respond to this request with in 20 working days asprovided for by law.I agree to pay whatever fees are incurred to complete this request. H owever, Irequest that prior to your incurring an y fees in excess o f $ 1000 that I be advised of thetotal estimate.Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

    Y ours truly,

    M ichael E isnerM E E / j w m

    w w w . m o t l c y r i c e . c o m M T . P L E A S A N T 28 B R I D G E S I D E B L V D . !P.O. B o x 1792 jM T . P L E A S A N T . SC 2 9 4 6 5 '

    843-216-90008 4 3 - 2 1 6 - 9 4 5 0 F A X

    B A R N W E L LSD J . M K S O M S r

    P U l)o\SV M I V J i ' j H l ;X i . | ij4 S X o o

    P R O V I D E N C r^ v u . 1 rn M \s S (

    I' O Box c , o ( , 7D F - . ' I R l ,)jn. |0

    4 < ) ! l --:,,,

    N K W O R L E A N S1 SS S fi n H H A s S T

    S U I I 1 I 7 U UN I u t ) c i i ',\s. l..\:

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    H. Kean


    S. Gorelick

    K e r r e yF. Lehman

    J. RoemerR. Thompson

    D. ZelikowD I R E C T O R

    July 9, 2004Michael Eisner, Esq.Motley Rice LLC28 Bridgeside Blvd.P . O . B o x1792M t. Pleasant, SC 29465Dear M r. Eisner:We h ave received your letter dated June 11, 2004, containing a request underthe Freedom of Information A ct ("FOIA") for a copy of the "records retentionschedule" for the National C omm ission on T errorist A ttacks U pon the U nitedStates (the "C omm ission") and other materials. Purs uant to Section 601 ofPub lic Law 107-306, the C om m ission is an entity "established in thelegislative branch." T herefore, the C omm ission is not an E xecutive Branch"agency" fo r purposes of the Freedom of Information A ct and is not subject toth e provisions of the Act.


    Marcus'General Counsel

    th Street SW, Room 5125D C 20407

    F 202.296.554526 Federal PlazaSuite 13400New York, NY 10278T 212.264.1505 F 212.264.1595

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    H. Kean

    H. H am i l tonC H A I RBen-Veniste

    F. FieldingS. Gorelick

    KerreyF. Lehman

    J. R oe m e rR . Thompson

    ZelikowD I R E C T O R

    M ay 21,2004Mr. Jon ElswickThe A ssociated Press2021 K Street, N.W., Suite 600Washington, D.C. 20006Dear M r. Elswick:We have received your letter dated A pril 30, 2004, containing a request underthe Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") for "any photographs produced orreceived in conjunction with the Commission's meeting on Apri l 29,2004,with President George Bush an d Vice President Dick Cheney at the WhiteHouse." Pursuant to Section 601 of Public Law 107-306, the Commission isan entity "established in the legislative branch." Therefore, the Commission isnot an Executive B ranch "agency" for purposes of the Freedom of InformationA ct and is not subject to the A ct.In any event, the C omm ission did not take any photographs of the meeting; wesuggest yo u contact the White House for any photographs it may have taken ofthe m eeting.Please call our Deputy fo r Communications, A l Felzenberg, at 202-401-1725if you have an y further questions.


    )aniel MarcusGeneral Counsel

    h Street SW , R o o m 5125DC 20407

    F 202.296.5545

    26 Federa l PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10278T 212.264.1505 F 212.264.1595

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    /r 30 04 12:32p nP PHOTOS - URSH (202) 776-9572 p.2

    Associated PressJon ElswickAdministrative Photo Editor

    April 30, 2004Philip ZelikowExecutive DirectorNational Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States301 7th Street, SWRoom 5125Washington, DC 20407Dear Mr. Zelikow:

    This is a request under the federal Freedom of Information Act, as amended, 5 USC 552.I am seeking copies of any photographs produced or received in conjunction with theCommission's meeting on April 29, 2004, with President George Bush and Vice President DickCheney at the White House.1 am requesting this inform ation for the purpose of possible public dissemination in a new s articleand therefore request that you waive charges p ursuant to 5 USC 552 (a) (4) (A), Fed. Reg. 7296,Section 1900.25. I am a full-time journalist employed by The Associated Press.If you deny this request for a w aiver, please advise m e in advance of the estimated charges so thatI may decide whether to pay the fees or appeal your denial of my request for a waiver of charges.As I am making this request in the capacity of a journalist and this information is of timely value,1 would appreciate your communicating with me by telephone, rather than by mail, if you have anyquestions regarding this request. My number is 202-776-9515.

    I also ask that you expedite this request as provided under the Clinton administration FO1Aguidelines issued by Attorney General Janet Reno in 1993. A s you know, there is both heightenedinterest and an imminent public need to know about these events.Thank you for you r assistance, and 1 will look forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.


    Jon Elswick

    2021 K Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20006 202 776-9510

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)




    1900 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103-3508 215.665.2000 800.523.2900 215.665.2013 FAX www.cozen.com

    J . Scot t TarbuttonDirect Phone 215.665.7255Direct Fax [email protected]

    October 16,2003

    Nat iona l Commiss ion on Ter ro r i s t At tacksU p o n the United Sta tes301 7th Street , S .W.R oom 5125Washing ton , D .C . 20407

    Re: F reed o m o f I n f o rm a t i o n A ct Req u e s tD e a r F OIA Off i c i a l :

    This is a reques t made pu rsuan t to the Freedom of I n f o rm a t i o n A ct ("FOIA"), 5 U . S . C . 552, et seq . , as am en d ed . I r eq u e s t any and al l documen t s and /o r ma te r i a l s assembled o rrece ived by the N a t i o n a l Co m m i s s i o n o n Terroris t At tacks U p o n th e United Sta tes ( the" C o m m i s s i o n " ) , i n p r ep a r i n g a ful l and com ple t e accoun t o f the c ircumstanc es su r roun d ing theS e p t e m b e r 11 . 2001 terroris t a t tack, in add i t i on to p ro v i d i n g r e co m m en d a t i o n s d e s ig n ed to g u a rdag a i n s t f u t u re a t t acks , exc lud in g any c l a ss i fi ed docum en t s o r ma te r i a l s .

    In the event that th e fi les held by the Commiss ion in this regard a re v o l u m i n o u s , ifpermi t t ed to do so by the C o m m i s s i o n ' s ru les , I wil l a t t emp t to m a k e a r rangemen t s for me, orsomeone else represent ing our law f i rm, to visi t you r off ices fo r rev iew of the pert inent filesbefo re reques t ing m a s s co p y i n g .

    W e ag ree to pay any a pp l i c ab le f ee , t o a l i m i t o f $1,000.00, requ i red fo r th i s i n f o r m a t i o np u r s u a n t to the Freedom o f I n f o r m a t i o n A c t . I f you ex p ec t t h a t th e cos t s a ssoc i a t ed wi thr e s p o n d i n g to t h i s r e q u e s t w i l l exceed tha t l im i t , p l e a s e co n t a c t me so t h a t we c a n d i s cu s sp r i o r i t i z a t i o n of the i n f o r m a t i o n r eq u e s t ed an d p o t en t i a l m ean s t h ro u g h w h i ch t h i s r e q u e s t can ben a r r o w e d .

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    N a t i o n a l Co m m iss io n on Ter ro ri s t At t acks Upon the Un i t ed S t a t e sOc tober 16 ,2003-Page 2

    S h o u l d you have any q ues t i ons , p l ease do no t hes i t a t e t o con t ac t me d i rec t ly .S ince re ly ,C O Z E N O ' C O N N O R

    B y: J. Scot t Tarbut ton

    JS T

    cc: El l i o t t R. F e ldma n , EsquireSean P . Carter , Esqui re

    P H I L A 1 \ 1 9 4 6 6 1 7 \ 1 1 743 0 . 0 0 0

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    . . u u u o n v r u r v x u - . ,

    K R E I N D L E R & K R E I N D L E R L L , SuaBnA.Frieiy,M.D."Le e S. Kreindler (1949-2003) 10Par*Avenue Daniel O. RoseMarc S. Moller New York, NY 10017-5590 Jacqueline M. JamesSteven R Pounian (212) 687-8181 BrendanS.MaherJames P.Kreindler /-.,,.... Susan D. BainnsonDavid C.Cook Fax:(212)972-9432 Dennis J. NolanDavid Beekman www.kreindler.com Myma OcasioBlanca I. Rodriguez Vincent I. PanettNoah H. Kushleftkjr William O . AngelleyRobert J. Spragg ---rian ) .Alexander California OfficeJustin T. Green 707WilshireBoulevardGretchenM. Nelson* Suite 5070Stuart R. Fiaenkel- Los Angeles, CA 90017-3613- (213) 622-64-69Francis G. Fleming Fax: (21 3 ) 622-6019Paul S. EdelmanMilton G. Sincoff Admitted in CA onlyAndrew J. Maloney, II I "Admitted in MA & D C only

    April 8,2004V IA FEDERAL EXPRESS U.iA REQUESTH o n . Marion Blakley, Administrator AsS

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    'II. 2 0 0 4 b : 0 6 P M F A A * D E P * A D W * O F C * A D A N O , 1 1 7 2 P . 3 / 3

    Hon. MarionBlakley,AdministratorFederal AviationAdministration

    know who the contactpersonwill be at the FAA withwhoia we can follow up on thismatter.

    ,arc S- MollerMSMrfg

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)


    : P M A A D E P A D M O F C A D A N O . 1 1 7 2 P , 1 3


    Federal Aviation AdministrationOffice of the Deputy Administrator

    ADA-1800 Independence Avenue, S.W.Suite 1010Washington, DC 20591Phone; (202)267-8111 Fax: (202)267-5738

    Pages (including cover): 3-


    Phone: Fax:


    Fax Cover Sheet

  • 8/14/2019 DM B4 FOIA Fdr- Entire Contents- FOIA Requests and Commission Response (Incl FOIA Sent Directly to FAA)



    K e a n

    H. Ha mi l t o nC H A I RBen-Ven is te

    ClelandF. Fie ld ing

    S. Gorel i ckGorton

    F. L e h m a nJ . R o e m e r

    R . Thompson

    D . Zel ikowD I R E C T O R

    Novem ber 18, 2003J . Scott Tarbutton, Esq.Cozen O'Connor1900 M arket StreetP hiladelphia, P A 19103-3508Dear M r. Tarbutton:W e have received your letter dated O ctober 16, 2003, containing a requestunder the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") for "any and all documentsand/or materials assembled or received by" the National Commission onTerrorist Attacks U pon th e U nited States (the "Commission"). Pursuant toSection 601 of Public Law 107-306, the Commission is an entity "establishedin the legislative branch." Therefore, the Commission is not an ExecutiveBranch "agency" for purposes of the Free dom of Information Act.Even if the Comm ission were subject to the requirements of the F O I A - and itclearly is not - the documents youhave requested w ould be withheld undernumerous F OIA exem ptions, including exemptions 1, 3, 5 and 7.Yours sincerely,

    T ? < 'Daniel MarcusGeneral Counsel

    1 7 th S t r e e t SW, S u i t e 5 1 2 5DC 20407

    51.4060 H 2 0 2 . 2 9 6 . 5 5 4 51 c o m m i s s i o n . t > o v

    26 Federal PlazaSuite 13400N e w Y o r k , N Y 10278T 2 1 2 . 2 6 4 . 1 5 0 5 F 2 1 2 . 2 6 4 . 1 5 9 5
