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NEWSLETTER DMME Kit Fai Pun, The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee




M E C H A N I C A L & M A N U F A C T U R I N G



From HOD's Desk-Dr. Jacqueline Bridge • P. 1

News and Events of the Department • P. 2

Staff's News and Accomplishment • P. 8

Students' News and Accomplishment• P. 10

DMMEI S S U E 1 , V O L . 6 • J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0  

Forthcoming Important Events 2020• P. 13

Frame of Birthday Stars for August 2019-January 2020• P. 15

The MME's Words• P. 16

Kit Fai Pun, The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee15th February 2020

Editor’s Note:

A great welcome to the latest issue of the MME Newsletter! This January issue servesas a “what’s on” venue for the Department covering a period from August 2019 toJanuary 2020. You will be abreast of some recent news of the Department and people.On behalf of the MME Newsletter Sub-Committee and extending to the Department, wesincerely wish you a productive and successful year of 2020 and every prosperity in theYear of Rat.


Annex-1: A Brief Report for the DMME Seminar on “3D-Printing in the Caribbean Industry” – 19thOctober 2019Annex-2: A Brief Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar, UWI, 14th December 2019Annex-3: The 2020 MME Short Course Roster, February – April 2020

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Kit Fai Pun, The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee15th February 2020

A ) F R O M T H E H O D ' S D E S K

B Y D R . J A C Q U E L I N E B R I D G E


Welcome to the first Department of Mechanicaland Manufacturing Engineering (DMME)Newsletter of the Twenty-twenties. The DMME’srevised vision is to become “A globallycompetitive engineering academic departmentrooted in the Caribbean”.

This is demonstrated in our hopes for ourstudents.Each year, the DMME attracts some ofthe brightest students from the country. For thisdecade, one of our goals is to increase thepercentage of non-local students in theMechanical Engineering programme. We alsowant to ensure that their experiences here arefruitful and memorable. As such, we aredeveloping a weeklong engineering orientationprogramme to assist them in the transition toUniversity life; this was piloted in September2019. The students completed a MathematicsSkills diagnostic test as well as a LearningStyles Inventory Test. They were introduced tovarious engineering concepts while buildingprototypes of a hydraulic arm. These includedeveloping models based on physicalproperties and geometry, the importance ofexperimentation, the need for accurateengineering drawings and the effectiveness ofthe design process.

The week culminated in a competition todetermine which team could manipulate their armto disassemble a “three object tower”, whileplacing each component on a specific point in theleast time. The majority of students respondedthat they enjoyed the activities and learntsomething new about engineering as a result.

To achieve our vision, the DMME strives toremain at the forefront of engineering within theregion. This is demonstrated in our outreachventures. In October, Prof. Boppana Chowdary,Professor of Mechanical Engineering, delivered apublic seminar on the importance and prospectiveadoption of additive manufacturing in Trinidad andTobago. This was followed, in November by apublic lecture on “Why Building Matter” byChristopher Mathis. The lecture highlighted thedifferent aspects of sustainability that needed tobe considered in building construction andmaintenance. The event was sponsored by theASHRAE CARICOM chapter and organised byDr. Krishpersad Manohar, the Thermal SciencesSubject Leader within the DMME.

Our commitment to this vision is also demonstrated in our researchcollaborations. During the August-December, the Departmentcommenced two joint research projects with the University of Torontoin fluid mechanics and industrial engineering, respectively, as well as ajoint project with Aston University in the Circular Economy inManufacturing Entities.

I hope you enjoy reading about some of the developments in ourDepartment in this issue of the Newsletter. Feel free to send us yourfeedback at [email protected].

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

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'remain at the forefront ofengineering within the region'

The DMME Seminar on "3D Printing in the Caribbean Industry" -The DMME Seminar on "3D Printing in the Caribbean Industry" - 11..

19th October, 201919th October, 2019

The Seminar was held at Room 11, the IDCImbert Building (Block 2), the Faculty ofEngineering on Saturday 19th October 2019.This interactive seminar aimed to liaise andexplore the collaborative opportunities withindustries in the Caribbean region in 3D-printing technology. Other objectives were topresent the research work being done by ourstudents before participants, giving anopportunity to participants to see theexcellent lab infrastructure at DMME andpromotion of MSc in ManufacturingEngineering and Management (MEM)Programme.

The seminar was opened by Dr. AbrahamsMwasha Deputy Dean (Physical Facilities &Administrative, Technical and Service Staff),Faculty of Engineering. He stressed the needfor collaborative efforts by differentdepartments in Faculty to respond to thecurrent industry requirements. Key speakersincluded Professor Boppana V. Chowdary,Deputy Dean (Research & PostgraduateStudent Affairs), and the researchers ofCAD/CAM Research team, comprising Mr.Fahraz Ali, Mr. Nishkal George, and Mr.Schuravi Mallian.

The seminar was coordinated by Mr. JainarineBansee and was attended by participants from bothindustry and academia. Dr. Jacqueline Bridge, theHead of the Department, presented the vote ofthanks with a warm welcome for all personsparticipated in the event. After the presentation,participants were invited to the CNC machine labfor breakfast. There, they were given theopportunity to see the 3D-printingresearch facilities available in the DMME as well asthe work being carried out in the manufacturingfield. A brief report of the Seminar is given inAnnex-1.

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B ) N E W S A N D E V E N T S O F T H E D E P A R T M E N T

A photo taken with Professor Boppana V. Chowdary,leading presenter (standing center) and participants atthe Seminar

When everyone else is bundled

up for winter, you can have

some fun in the sun at these


Supported by Dr. Jacqueline Bridge, theHead of MME Department, with the DivaliFunction team led by Mr. Steve Ramoutar,Mr. Kishore Jhagroo, and others, theDepartment hosted its 2019 Divali luncheonat Room 220 on the second floor of the CivilBuilding on Friday 2nd November 2019.Members of the MME’s family (facultymembers, technician, administrative andsupport staff, teaching and researchassistants) came and enjoyed a deliciousluncheon with variety of Divali food, drinksand funs. Invited guests included ProfessorEdwin I. Ekwue, the Dean of the Faculty,Dr.Trevor A. Townsend, the Head of theDepartment of Civil & EnvironmentalEngineering, and others joined the function(see Photo e-album below:https://photos.app.goo.gl/cvuY6e3eiVFu8JVdA).

Dr. Jacqueline Bridge (standing) gave a warmwelcome to invited guests and participants at theFunction

2. MME Department's Divali Function on Friday 25th October, 20192. MME Department's Divali Function on Friday 25th October, 2019

3. The PM12 Seminar on Saturday 14th3. The PM12 Seminar on Saturday 14th

December 2019December 2019

The DMME-Industrial Engineering Office hostedthe Twelfth Public Seminar on “ProjectManagement Practices in the Caribbean” (PM12Seminar), in collaboration with the Office of MScProject Management Programme and otherprofessional bodies (including ASQ Trinidad andTobago, IEEE T&T, IET TT LN and SCIE). Theseminar was held at Kenneth S. Julien Building(Block 1) on Saturday 14th December 2019.

This Seminar was sought to facilitate thenationwide awareness and the use of bestproject management practices and relatedconcepts, models and tools in both public- andprivate- sector organisations in Trinidad andTobago (T&T).

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Five Invited Guests/Speakers (from left): Eng. AhmadR. Mohammed of IET LN TT, Ms. Joel-Ann Cook-Walcott of Persolve Limited, Mr. Amrall Mohammed ofWASA, Ms. Raysha Maria Purcell of the ParamountTransport and Trading, and Ms. Melissa Ramrose ofTarget Solutions

here were four presentations in two sessions, followed by an open discussion forum. In thefirst presentation session, one speaker talked about how to improve Lighting ProjectExecutions using a Value Engineering Approach. The second presenter shed lights onadopting a Project Management Office Approach in the Transport Industry in T&T. In theSecond Session, the third speaker discussed the management of the challenges of projectsin a statutory organisation with reference to the Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidadand Tobago, and the last speaker shared her views on how and what to do a bout leadingsuccessful project and business transformation initiatives from a human resourcesmanagement perspective (For a brief report of the PM12 Seminar, see Annex-2, and a Photoe-album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HkBcPN1djqoHSs1M9

Project Management


MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

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The Department of Mechanical and ManufacturingEngineering hosted its White Christmas Function atanada Hall on Campus on Wednesday 18thDecember 2019. The theme of the event is “WhiteChristmas!” The Head of Department, Dr. JacquelineBridge, thanked and made special Christmas wishesto all faculty members (teaching, technical andsupporting staff), invited guests and otherparticipants who attended the event.

With committed efforts of the team who had beenpreparing this event over the past months, theFunction was carded as an enjoyable one with full ofjoys and happy faces. Dr. Cilla Pemberton, Lecturer,won the Lady’s Best ‘White Dressing’ Prize. Besides,our guests like, Dr Indra Haraksingh of theDepartment of Physics received a prize among otherwinners at the event (see a Photo e-alblum:https://photos.app.goo.gl/foYbvChGGzdGevp98).

4. MME Department's White Christmas Function on Wednesday4. MME Department's White Christmas Function on Wednesday

18th December, 201918th December, 2019

"An ExperiencedStudy on

Penetration of Ultrafine Particles


Available Masks atConstruction and


Professor Aniruddha Mitra of Georgia Southern Universitypresented his research team’s work at the Lecture

5. Special Lecture by Professor Aniruddha Mitra of Georgia5. Special Lecture by Professor Aniruddha Mitra of Georgia

Southern University - Thursday 2nd January, 2020Southern University - Thursday 2nd January, 2020

The first Special Lecture in the 2020 series was made by Professor Aniruddha Mitra ofGeorgia Southern University. The lecture was held on Thursday 2nd January, 2020 from10:30 am – 11:30 am at the

Faculty Board Room. The Lecture wasconcerned with the effectiveness ofbreathing masks from a nanoparticleperspective. Professor Mitra sharedwith us a 2-Phase NIH-fundedResearch project. His presentation wasentitled, “An Experienced Study onPenetration of Ultrafine Particlesthrough Commercially Available Masksat Construction and ManufacturingCites”.

Some 19 research students and faculty membersincluding Dr. Jacqueline Bridge (Head ofDepartment), Professor Edwin I. Ekwue (Dean ofFaculty), Dr. Abrahams Mwasha (Deputy Dean)among others attended the lecture (see photo e-album:https://photos.app.goo.gl/3rFHo9Xp7ZxQsZi57

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6. Update of the DMME Quality6. Update of the DMME Quality

Assurance and Strategic PlanningAssurance and Strategic Planning


The Department is keen to ensure thatour programmes can withstand theacademic scrutiny of internationalassessors yet remain relevant to theneeds of our local stakeholders.

Consequently, in academic years 2019/2020 and2020/2021, the DMME programmes will be reviewed bya UWI – appointed Quality Review Team (31st March –3rd April, 2020) and an accreditation team from theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers (mid- April, 2021),respectively.

The Department completed the firstmajor component of the QualityAssurance process with its submissionof the self-assessment report inDecember 2010. The documentoutlines the curriculum ofundergraduate, taught masters andresearch programmes in theDepartment, key aspects of thestudent profile and experience withinthe Department and the resourcesavailable for/achievements inteaching, learning and research overthe last five years. It also highlightsthe degree to which our activitiessupport the vision and mission of theDepartment.

The staff is now ensuring that the supportingdocumentation is assembled, as the Quality ReviewTeam will seek to corroborate the claims in theselfassessment report by a mixture of stakeholder/student interviews, and document analysis. Thisexercise has been eye-opening as it has pointed outour strong areas, as well as those areas with room forimprovement, thereby giving us a betterunderstanding of how we can achieve our vision ofbecoming “A globally competitive academicengineering department rooted in the Caribbean”.

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In June 2019, the vision and mission statements of the Department were revised at aretreat of all categories of staff and the research students. Since then the Strategiccommittee collected information from a variety of stakeholders (current students, recentgraduates, industry partners and DMME staff) to inform the development of an action planfor the Department. Some of the major actions proposed include:

Implementation of five/six broad areas of focus for research within the Department.Proposed student projects (both graduate and undergraduate) could align with one of theseselected areas. It would also help to build capacity in the area, increasing the Department’spotential to be successful in bidding for and being awarded external grant funding. Someareas suggested include food security and sustainable transportation.

Rationalisation of the Department’s MSc programmes by July 2020 to allow forimplementation in AY 2021/2022.

Explore alternative scheduling (weekend/holidays) for postgraduate courses as wellas the possibility of using short courses in a modular approach for the MSc qualification.This is in keeping with the University’s desire for increased access of our programmes todifferent students.

There are still some aspects of the strategic plan that are being discussed but a final draftis expected by the end of March 2020.

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1





C ) S T A F F ' S N E W S A N D A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

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Professor Winston G. Lewis, Professor of Industrial SystemsEngineering, has received the Educational Excellence Awardon 5th December 2019, from the Society for Maintenance andReliability Professionals (SMRP) Trinidad Chapter. He hasbeen involved in the education/development of creative,innovative and entrepreneurial skills in young individuals formore than four decades.

In recognition of his numerous contributions to theadvancement of teaching and learning, Professor Lewis wasawarded the UWI/Guardian Life of the Caribbean PremiumTeaching Award in 2004.

His research and development work is in the areas ofMetallurgical & Industrial Engineering, Sheet Metal Forming,Manufacture of the Steelpan Musical Instrument, AppliedErgonomics and Workplace Design, Engineering QualityManagement and Nanotechnology



Congratulations go to Dr. Robert Birch who received a transfer ofMembership to ‘Fellow’ grade of The Institution of Agricultural Engineers(FIAgrE), in recognition of his advancement of knowledge andprofessional commitments to Agricultural Engineering. His Fellow Electionhas been ratified by the Executive Committee of the Institution inDecember 2019.


As of the 1st January, 2020, Ms. Christy Walters – Secretary (Ag), ofthe Head’s Office of the Department have been offered and accepted aposition in the Mt. Hope campus. On behalf of the Department, we wishher a new page of career development at the Faculty of MedicalScience.

Two members of staff had re-joined the Department family, commencingfrom 6th January 2020. They are:

Mrs. Ayana Makeba Waldron-Morris – Secretary(Ag) M.Sc. Engineering Asset Management &Manufacturing Engineering and ManagementProgrammes.

Ms. Nalinie Ragoonanan – Secretary, ProductionEngineering and Management.


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D ) S T U D E N T S ' N E W S A N D



1) Marisha Arjoon, BSc (Eng) Industrial Engineering2) Shurland Balliram, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering3) Ryan Anthony Cummings, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering4) Shaye Shiraad Nagir, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering5) Adelle Ria Persad, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering6) Avinash Aphzal Soodhoo, BSc (Eng) Industrial Engineering7) Delon Nigel Thompson, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering hosted its Annual Prizes and Award Ceremony on Tuesday,22nd October 2019. Seven (7) MME graduands were listed in the Dean’s Honour Roll.They are:



IN 2019

Fifteen (15) prizes had been awarded tostudents and graduands from MMEDepartment at the Faculty’s Annual Prizesand Award Ceremony 2019. These recipientsand the respective prizes are:

1) Department of Mechanical & ManufacturingPrize ($1,000) for the student with the bestMechanical with Biosystems Special Project;Recipient: Jared Chung

2)Department of Mechanical &Manufacturing Prize ($1,000) for the beststudent in Level 1 Mechanical Engineering;Recipient: Hemawatee Kiran Sudama

3)Department of Mechanical & ManufacturingPrize ($1,000) for the best student in Level 1Industrial Engineering: Recipient: KatherineElizabeth Lue Attin

4) ASME Trinidad and Tobago Group Prize($1,000) for the best student in Level 2Industrial Engineering; Recipient: DanielleJeneil Nelson

5) ASME Trinidad and Tobago Group Prize($1,000) for the best student producing thebest Industrial Engineering Special Project;Recipient: Marisha Arjoon

6) Association of Professional Engineers ofTrinidad and Tobago Prize (APETT) Prize($2,000) for the student producing the bestMechanical Engineering Special Project;Recipients: Delon Nigel Thompson

7) Damus Limited Prize ($1,000) for thebest academic performance in theMechanical Engineering programme;Recipient: Adelle Ria Persad

8) Damus Limited Prize ($1,000) for the bestacademic performance in the IndustrialEngineering programme; Recipient: MarishaArjoon

9)National Agricultural Marketing &Development Corporation (NAMDEVCO)($1,000) for the best student in Level 1Mechanical Engineering with Biosystems;Recipient: Brad Nicholas Shanklin

10) Schlumberger Prize (US$500) for thebest student in Level 2 MechanicalEngineering; Recipient: Joshua Raghoo

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11) The Power Generation Company of Trinidad andTobago Prize ($2,000) for the student obtaining thehighest mark in the course Power Plant Engineering;Recipient: Brandon Gareth Sidhu Singh

12) The Power Generation Company of Trinidad andTobago Prize ($2,000) for the student obtaining thehighest mark in the course Energy Engineering;Recipient: Ryan Anthony Cummings

13) YARA Trinidad Limited Prize ($6,000) for the beststudent in Level 2 Mechanical Engineering withBiosystems; Recipient: Joshua Davis

14) Nutrien Prize ($2,500) for the most outstandingLevel 2 student in the Faculty; Recipient: JoshuaRaghoo

15) Nutrien Prize ($2,500) for the best student in Level 2who is a national of Trinidad & Tobago; Recipient:Joshua Raghoo


Two Master of Philosophy graduates received their awards at the Presentation of Graduates2019 Ceremony that was held at the St Augustine Campus on Thursday 24th October 2019.These included:

1)Jainarine Bansee, MPhil inManufacturing Engineering; (Supervisor:Professor Boppana V. Chowdary)

2)Dennus Gregory Sumadh, MPhil inMechanical Engineering (Posthumous);(Supervisor: Professor Winston G. Lewis)

Four (4) doctoral graduates also received their awards at the ceremony. They were:

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1)Dr. Marcia Indira Nathai-Balkissoon, PhDin Industrial Engineering; (Supervisor:Professor Kit Fai Pun)

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2) Dr. Legena Albertha Henry, PhD in MechanicalEngineering (Supervisor: Dr. Jacqueline Bridge)

3) Dr. Ricardo Joel Rodriquez, PhD in MechanicalEngineering with high commendation; (Supervisor:Professor Winston G. Lewis)

4) Dr. Robert Anderson Birch, PhD in MechanicalEngineering with high commendation; (Co- Supervisors:Professor Edwin I. Ekwue and Dr. Jacqueline Bridge)

Congratulations to our newly-minted MPhils and PhDs,and kudos to their supervisors.


The MME Department had 39 MSc graduands whosuccessfully completed their studies in respective taughtMaster’s programmes in 2019. On behalf of theDepartment, the Newsletter Sub-committee congratulatesall graduates on their successful completion of studies (* -with distinction). The MSc graduands of respectiveprogrammes are:

(I) MSc Engineering Asset Management

1) Brendon Ansel Ali2) Keelan Hamal Ali3) Philip Lenard Jordan4) Kimberly Jody Kanchan5) Sean Ravi Mahabir6) Vikita Uttra Manna7) Christian McKinkey Phillips8) Mark Vijai Ragbir9) Travis Anrish Ramdath10) Stephen Vesham Ramlogan11) Charles Navanji Roopa12) Prakash Darren Samaroo*13) Darrell Anthony Sealey14) Kurt Anthony Seecharan*

15) Vera Seemungal16) Amit Shastri Siewnarine17) Shawn Sookchan18) Anthony Thomas19) Shea Josiah Thomas20) Samantha Christiana Timal*

(II) MSc Engineering Management

21) Kareem Nicholas Ditzen22) Marc-Adrian Javed Gyan23) Shandelle Leah Hosein24) Vesham Stephan Jodhan25) Candace Karima Mphammed26) Jerome Adriel Owen27)Robin Prakash Ramouta28) Sarah Rooplal29) Kevan Richard St. Brice

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

(III) MSc Manufacturing Engineeringand Management

30) Rennie Babwah31) Dillion Anthony Frederick32) Nishkal George*33) Schuravi Nicholas Mallian34) Ezekiel Dominic Yorke

(IV) MSc Production Engineering andManagement

35) Jevon Keston Adams36) Nicole Alicia Joseph-Melville37) Kevin Mohammed

(V) MSc Production Management

38) Samantha Melissa Jones39) Ronnie Rixon Manorath

E ) F O R T H C O M I N G I M P O R T A N T E V E N T S

2 0 2 0

1. Upcoming DMME-EAM Seminars - 2020

The Department’s MSc Engineering AssetManagement (EAM) group and theEngineering Institute are currently offeringindustry-aligned short courses in the secondsemester of the 2019/2020 academic year.The aim of these short courses is to allowEngineers who are not able at this time toread for the EAM-MSc programme and thenon-Engineers who do not qualify to read forthis MSc course to get an opportunity to

experience and learn about theoptimisation of Maintenance and Reliabilitysystems in the Industry. Besides, ourstudents will be able to interact with theseother participants of the short courses andthus experience some real life industrialCase Studies.

For an information flyer of The 2020 MME-EAM Short Course Roster, see Annex-3.

Among other Departments and units at the Faculty of Engineering, the MMEDepartment has been supporting the forthcoming International Conference onEmerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020) that iscarded on 13th-15th, March 2020. The Conference aims to bring together leadingacademic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and sharetheir experiences and research results about merging trends in engineering and

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

2. The IConETech-2020 Conference – 13th-15th March 2020

interdisciplinary approach to resolve the issues with technological advancement, theaim of the conference is to provide a platform to researchers in varied disciplines.

For information, contact Professor Boppana V. Chowdary, IConETech-2020 Chair:c/o Faculty of Engineering, UWI; Email: [email protected].

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F. Frame ofBirthday



On behalf of the MME Department and the Newsletter Sub-Committee, we wish the members in the following list have aHappy Birthday from August 2019 to January 2020, withnumerous best returns.


1. Barry Maraj – September 2. Hassan Bain– August 3. Jonathan Desaine – September 4. Justin Joseph – August

5. Lionel Hanumansingh - August 6. Marlon Dollaway- August 7. Steven Toolsie - September 8. Christy Walters - September 9. Oswald Lawrence - October 10. Rawle Augustine - October

11. Marlene Fletcher-Cockburn – November 12. Kishore Jhagroo– December13. Krishpersad – December 14. Rodney Harnarine – January

15. Steve Ramoutar- January

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

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The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee:1) Professor Kit Fai Pun (Editor) 5) Mr. Sennen Matabadal (Member)2) Dr. Graham King (Member) 6) Mr. Steve Ramoutar (Member)3) Dr. Renique Murray (Member) 7) Ms. Nikesha James (Member)4) Dr. Robert A. Birch (Member) 8) Ms. Nimba Wahtuse (Member)

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

F) THE MME'S WORDS The Newsletter Sub-Committee compiled some enlightening words forsharing among faculty members and administrative/support staff and otherreaders of MME Newsletter. Words of wisdom are helpful to anyone lookingto get inspired through words that are as powerful as they are meaningful.Please take leisure reading on them. Accept those you think appropriate,and reject those you consider inappropriate.

Adopted from different sources

Good for Thought Today:1. “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” - BillBradley2. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present arecertain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy3. “No one can give you your goals. No one can dig for you. This is your journey.” -Warren Philip Gates4. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed isalways to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison5. “Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein6. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu7. “There's no such thing as lack of time, only lack of focus. We can all do the thingswe really want to do.” - Robyn Pearce8. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – WinstonChurchill

Photo Album Links:Ref. 1: MME Department's Divali Function - Friday 25th October 2019https://photos.app.goo.gl/cvuY6e3eiVFu8JVdA

Ref. 2: The PM12-2019 Seminar) - Saturday 14th December 2019:https://photos.app.goo.gl/HkBcPN1djqoHSs1M9

Ref. 3: MME Department’s White Christmas Function - Wednesday 18th December 2019https://photos.app.goo.gl/foYbvChGGzdGevp98

Ref. 4: Special Lecture by Professor Aniruddha Mitra - Thursday 2nd January, 2020https://photos.app.goo.gl/STUF3Bx95cXNFSG19


The DMME organised a seminar titled “3D Printing in the Caribbean Industry” at IDC ImbertBuilding (Block2), Room 11 Faculty of Engineering on 19th October 2019. The core objectiveof the interactive seminar talk was to find liaison opportunities with industries in theCaribbean region in 3D printing technology. Other objectives were to present the researchwork being done by our students before participants, giving an opportunity to participants tosee the excellent lab infrastructure at DMME and promotion of MSc in ManufacturingEngineering and Management (MEM) Programme. The key speaker in this seminar wasProfessor Boppana V. Chowdary. He is a professor in DMME with a charge of Deputy Dean(Research & Postgraduate Student Affairs). The professorship is a testament to hisdistinguished record of research in manufacturing and hand-on experience in with RapidPrototyping, CNC and 3Ddigitisation equipment.

Annex 1: Report for the DMME Seminar on "3D-Printing in the Caribbean Industry


A Report for the DMME Seminar on "3D-Printing in the CaribbeanIndustry",

Faculty of Engineering, UWI, Saturday 19th October 2019

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

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A photo taken for Professor B.V. Chowdary in his opening presentation

The seminar was opened by Dr.Abrahams Mwasha, Deputy Dean(Physical Facilities & Administrative,Technical and Service Staff) on behalf ofProfessor Edwin I. Ekwue, Professor andDean, Faculty of Engineering. Hestressed the need for collaborativeefforts by different departments inFaculty to respond to the current industryrequirements. In his presentation,Professor Chowdary spoke on 3Dprinting’s relevance and currentchallenges in the local economy and itsrelevance to sustainable manufacturing.

Mr. Fahraz Ali covered the steps involved in 3D printing. Mr. Ali illustrated the hiddenprocesses that the user needs to do before the manufacture of the part can even begin.Arshad Mohammed presented upon the recycling of plastics to be used in 3D printing whichwould reduce our local dependence on foreign suppliers. In his presentation, Mr. NishkalGeorge went over steps for optimising the design of a product to enhance the capability ofthe 3D printing process. Finally, Mr. Schuravi Mallian walked the audience through theprocess of reverse engineering and showed the reverse engineering of a part using 3Dscanning techniques.

Professor Chowdary also presented the core features of MSc Manufacturing Engineering andManagement (MEM) programme, where practical knowledge of manufacturing is taught. Hestressed the need for diversification of the local economy and entrepreneurial opportunitiesavailable to students of the MEM program using their learnt skills and knowledge. This wasfollowed by case study presentations by the Professor’s CAD/CAM research team members.

The CAD/CAM Research team presenters answering the audience's questions

The presentations illustrated the immense value the widespreadadoption of 3D printing would add to the country. Products which arepresently imported would be able to be made locally, reducing theimport bill. It is also especially useful when time-sensitive replacementparts are needed or parts are needed for a machine that is no longersupported by the manufacturer. The team also emphasised thatrecycling of plastics for the process would even further reduce theimportation bill of the country while simultaneously reducing thenegative impact of plastics on the environment.

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Annex 1: Report for the DMME Seminar on "3D-Printing in the Caribbean Industry

The seminar was coordinated by Mr Jainarine Bansee and was attended by participantsfrom both industry and academia. Many participants commented that the event was well-organised, informative and useful. Dr. Jacqueline Bridge, the Head of the Department,presented the vote of thanks with a warm welcome for all persons participated in the event.After the presentation, participants were invitedto the CNC machine lab for breakfast. There, they were given the opportunity to see the 3Dprinting research facilities available in the DMME, as well as the work being carried out inthe manufacturing field.

Prepared by:

Dr. Kuldeep Ojhafor the DMME Seminar on 3D Printing

Dated: 31st January 2020


A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar on 'Project ManagementPractices in the Caribbean'

The DMME-Industrial Engineering Office and the Office of MSc Project ManagementProgrammes of the Faculty of Engineering, The University of the West Indies (UWI) hostedthe Twelfth Public Seminar on “Project Management Practices in the Caribbean” (PM12Seminar), in collaboration with the Technology & Engineering Management Society (TEMS)Chapter, the Education Society (EdS) Chapter of the IEEE Trinidad & Tobago Section, andthe Local Member Community of The American Society for Quality (ASQ), Trinidad andTobago. The Seminar was also supported by The Institution of Engineering and Technology(IET) Local Network and the Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE). The seminarwas held at Room 1, 1/F., Block 1, Kenneth S. Julien Building, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noonon Saturday 14th December 2019.

Annex 2: A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar

Faculty of Engineering, UWI, Saturday 14th December 2019

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 1: Report for the DMME Seminar on "3D-Printing in the Caribbean Industry

The seminar was facilitated by Dr. Ruel Ellis, the Chairman of EdS Chapter, IEEEtt.Professor Kit Fai Pun, of the Industrial Engineering Office gave a welcoming address toparticipants. Eng. Ahmad R. Mohammed, The Chair of the IET-Local Network also sharedsome introductory remarks to participants. This Seminar was sought to facilitate the nation-wide awareness and the use of best project management practices and related concepts,models and tools in both public- and private- sector organisations in Trinidad and Tobago(T&T).

The Seminar programme was quite packed, but rather diverse. There were four presentationsin two sessions, followed by an open discussion forum. In the first presentation session, onespeaker talked about how to improve Lighting Project Executions using a Value EngineeringApproach. The second presenter shed lights on adopting a Project Management OfficeApproach in the Transport Industry in T&T. In the Second Session, the third speakerdiscussed the management of the challenges of projects in a statutory organisation withreference to the Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, and the last speakershared her views on how and what to do about leading successful project and businesstransformation initiatives from a human resources management perspective.

All invited speakers were asked to sharpen/streamline their respective presentations in 20-25minutes. Individual presentations are highlighted as follows:

“Improving Lighting Project Executions: A Value Engineering Approach” -Ms. Melissa Ramrose, Project Team Lead, Target Solutions Ltd, T&T. Ms.Ramrose explored challenges in developing the best lighting solution for aproject. There is a need for improving lighting project executions by usingthe best project management tools and techniques. One of the main toolsused is the DIALux software which has been impacting the building designand helping the engineers and clients to choose the most feasible solutionfor their lighting projects, while reducing energy consumption. In thispresentation, she shed light on adopting a value engineering approach withproject management practices and the DIALux in improving lighting projectexecutions, so as to reduce cost, produce high quality results and maintaina high value.

“Adopting a Project Management Office Approach in the TransportIndustry in Trinidad and Tobago” - Ms. Raysha Maria Purcell, ContainerOperations Coordinator, The Paramount Transport and Trading, T&T. Ms.Purcell discussed the potentials of establishing a Project ManagementOffice (PMO) and related the findings of such proposed establishment to aleading Transport organistaion in T&T. The results and impacts werequantitatively and qualitatively evaluated, and recommendations were madefor future work that involved a proposed agenda on evaluating theintegrated PMO approach and proposed plan. The key to successfuladoption and longevity of the PMO would be the sustained commitment andinterest of stakeholders for the organisation and by extension, the industry.

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 2: A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar

“Managing Challenges in a StatutoryAuthority” - Mr. Amrall Mohammed,Regional Manager North, AdministrationWASA, T&T. Mr. Mohammed shed light onmanaging the challenges of projects in astatutory organization, with reference toWASA. There is no right way to organise aproject but there are guidelines. Challengesapart from the normal listed ones pose evenmore difficult to resolve. The social-economicaspect, funding, governance and regulationsalong with politics have an impact. He spokeabout importance of and project culture andthe need of effective project communication.The stakeholders should be engaged toensure their needs are met and stakeholderinteractions are executed according to theplan with changes made as necessarythroughout the project.

“Leading Transformation Initiatives Successfully” - Ms. Joel-Ann Cook-Walcott, Consultant, Persolve Limited (HR management services), T&T. Ms.Cook-Walcott contended that many Caribbean organisations are lagging behindin applying leadership and change management techniques in addition toproject management fundamentals to project planning and implementationphases for a successful outcome. She shared experiences and lessons insafeguarding successful project implementation with five (5) principles, namely,1) Lead from the Start, and start with Leadership, 2) Generate StakeholderSupport and create Champions, 3) Sustain Momentum, 4) Build and rewardSuccesses, and 5) Systematise Behaviours.

Over 70 participants including invited guest speakers, Project Management professionals,academics, students, and delegates from industry attended the Seminar (see Photo link:https://photos.app.goo.gl/HkBcPN1djqoHSs1M9). A total of 38 completed evaluation formswere received. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly good. About 93.75% ofreturned evaluations rated the Seminar either ‘Very Good’ (19 responses; 50.0%) or ‘Good’ (16responses; 42.1%), and 5.3% of participants (2 responses) rated ‘satisfactory’. Besides, one(1) returned questionnaire had no indication of overall comment. Many participants commentedthat the presenters were very knowledgeable about their areas of expertise and thepresentations were interactive and informative.

Prepared by:Professor Kit Fai Punfor the Organising Committeeof the PM12 Seminar 2019

Dated: 23rd December 201921 | P a g e

MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 2: A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar

Annex 2: A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar

Photos of the PM12 Seminar 2019

Five Invited Guests/Speakers (from left): Eng. Ahmad R. Mohammed of IET LN TT, Ms. Joel-Ann Cook-Walcott ofPersolve Limited, Mr. Amrall Mohammed of WASA, Ms. Raysha Maria Purcell of the Paramount Transport andTrading, and Ms. Melissa Ramrose of Target Solutions

Photos taken with the participants at the Open Discussion Forum of the PM12 Seminar

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 2: A Report for the PM12-2019 Seminar

Eng. Ahmad R. Mohammed, The Chair of IET LN TT receiving a Commemorative Plaque fromProfessor Kit Fai Pun (Industrial Engineering Office, Faculty of Engineering), at the Seminar

A group Photo taken with Professor Kit Fai Pun (from Left) with invited guests/speakers andthe Master of Ceremony, Dr. Ruel Ellis (Right)

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 3: The 2020 MME Short Course Roster, February – April 2020


Telephone (868) 662-2002: Ext. 82170/82171 ♦ E-mail: [email protected]

Submit all applications to: Engineering Institute UWI- Tel: 662-6267 e-mail: [email protected]

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

Annex 3: The 2020 MME Short Course Roster, February – April 2020


Telephone (868) 662-2002: Ext. 82170/82171 ♦ E-mail: [email protected]

Submit all applications to: Engineering Institute UWI- Tel: 662-6267 e-mail: [email protected]

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MME Newsletter January 2020, Vol.6 Issue 1

“A globally competitiveengineering academic

department rooted in theCaribbean”.

