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DNA of a CFO

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  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO




    Its more than just numbers; its about people.

  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO


    Introduction message from Rowan OGrady

    1. Summary of findings

    The DNA of a CFO

    1. Qualifications that really matter

    2. Personal career planning3. Getting the right people on the team

    4. Investing in the future of your team

    Beyond the numbers

    Hays recommendations

    About the respondents

    View from the top













    What does it take to become a Chief Financial Officer

    in Canada?

    This report is designed to give you insight into what it takes to

    achieve a leading role in finance in Canada. Which qualifications

    really matter? How important is international experience,

    bilingualism, experience in multiple industries and sectors?Which personal characteristics are common among our finance

    leaders? Based on the results of 150 CFO survey respondents,

    a look at 100 CFO resumes and interviews with leading CFOs

    today we have put together this report to help you map out

    your career path.



    150 finance leaders who hold the title of CFO in March 2014

    were surveyed. They were asked questions about theireducation, background, qualifications, international experience,

    responsibilities, challenges and personal aspirations.

    Resume review

    100 CFO resumes were analyzed, looking at commonalities and

    trends of education and qualifications, industry experience,

    international experience, professional associations, personal

    interests and skills.

    Based on the above methodology, we came to the conclusion

    that you have to have a strong foundation in terms of

    accounting and finance qualifications to progress in finance,

    however to achieve the CFO title requires personal career

    planning, hiring the right people and investing in your teams.

    This report is organized based on the insight of these key


    While every care is taken in the collection and compilation of data, this

    report is interpretive and indicative, not conclusive. This information

    should be used as a guide only.


  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO


    On behalf of Hays I am pleased to launch the first results from

    our DNA series DNA of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Hayshas deep expertise in the finance sector. Weve specialized inthis industry for 30 years providing finance recruitment servicesin more than 25 markets worldwide.

    In Canada, the finance and accounting service is a corner stone of our

    business. Weve placed thousands of finance professionals across a

    variety of sectors from construction and Information Technology, to legal,

    retail and energy. This gives Hays a unique perspective on the definitive

    path to a successful career in this vocation.

    Our goal is to create a report that removes the mystery from how to become

    a CFO in Canada by illuminating the common traits, skills and challenges

    associated with this career path. This is more than a summary of typicalqualifications amassed through years on the job (although we have that too).

    We wanted to delve deeper, to get a sense of what separates candidates from

    the pack.

    To do that, Hays gathered information from more than 100 CFO resumes,

    then surveyed 150 CFOs with probing questions about their development,

    and finally we interviewed a select few of leading CFOs to build a profile of

    a finance professional that has reached the top. By doing this we unveiled

    a few key conclusions that make up the DNA of a CFO, which are personal

    career planning, getting the right people on the team and investing in your

    team. Above a strong finance foundation, based on the findings, these are the

    necessary elements to becoming a CFO in Canada.

    I personally want to thank all those that participated and shared their

    stories as part of this initiative. Your contribution and input will help the

    next generation of CFOs achieve their goals, and help current employers

    cultivate star performers.

    Rowan OGrady

    President, Hays Canada

    INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF FINDINGSOur research and interviewstell us that this role has evolved

    considerably, moving way beyond

    the traditional number crunching.

    The foundation for success today

    is built on leadership. Morespecifically it grows from the

    CFOs capacity to manage human

    capital and demonstrate the softer

    skills associated with motivating

    individuals and teams, and

    building consensus with varying

    department leads. The CFOs role

    is to support and work alongside

    the CEO, providing a strong

    commercial value. The need for

    these broader skills has introduced

    personality fit as a key driver to

    success. And while this driveris more subjective than other

    skills, it should nonetheless act

    as a guiding light for employers

    hiring CFOs, and current finance

    professionals hoping to transition

    into this role.

    For employers qualifications

    and technical expertise can be

    learned on the job. Whats much

    harder to do is teach someone to

    live and breathe the companys

    core values. Finance professionals

    that mesh with your managerial

    style, and have clear leadership

    capabilities are more likely to

    drive business growth. This is

    also imperative for succession

    planning, and according to

    our survey almost a quarter of

    respondents hope to one day

    become the CEO or president.

    Aspiring CFOs should also heed

    this advice your soft skillsare just as important as sound

    financial practices and business

    acumen. You will frequently be

    asked to stretch how you define

    your vocation to include less

    traditional qualities. Your ability

    to get along in an office setting,

    motivate staff and communicate

    to both internal and external

    parties will form the basis of

    how you are measured.

    For anyone who has ambitionsof having a successful career

    in finance, our report provides

    clear insight in key areas:

    personal career planning,

    qualifications that really matter,

    common mistakes to avoid,

    and people management.

    We encourage you to watch

    our DNA of a CFO video

    found at hays.ca/dnaCFO

    to hear from leading CFOsat Molson-Coors Canada,

    Walmart Canada, Canadian

    Tire Corporation and Aecon

    Group Inc. about their


    2 DNA of a CFO

  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO



    The following section presents the findings from

    the survey results and resume analysis.

    In this section youll find key insights on:

    Qualications that really matter

    Personal career planning

    Getting the right people on the team

    Investing in the future of your team members

    Seize the opportunity to do differentthings. I was in real estate andconstruction before I went into retailand the versatility of my experience

    and confidence to pick up new projectsis what stood out in my backgroundand professional profile for employers. Dean McCann, CFO, Canadian Tire Corporation

    95% of CFOsare happy withtheir careerchoice

    3 DNA of a CFO

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    55% hold a CA

    16% hold a CGA

    18% hold a CMA

    13% hold a CPA

    6% hold a CSC


    While softer skills and building varied experiences will

    help professionals in finance advance their careers muchfaster, it still wont be possible without some baseline

    qualifications. We reviewed more than 100 CFO resumes

    to determine things such as which designations were

    the most prominent, typical progression path and location

    of experience and then surveyed CFOs to get a sense of

    which ones they valued the most.

    CFO RESUMECredibility is earned through leadershipand demonstrating you can deliver onthe full project. Taking on opportunitiesand projects that start and end with

    you, will help build accountability intoyour resume. David Smales, CFO, Aecon Group Inc.


    58% dont list technical skills. Of those that do, the most common listed include:

    26% GAAP | 20% Microsoft Oce i.e. Advanced Excel | 10% ERP SAP | 8% Greatplains,

    Hyperion, Quickbooks | 4% Oracle, PeopleSoft

    Awards and recognition

    Only 7% list awards. Examples include the ICABA community service award, CMA volunteer of the year

    award and recognition for being keynote speakers at national events such as the National Treasury

    Credit Union annual event.


    25% have a BA in Business Administration

    32% have a Bachelor of Commerce Degree

    20% have a Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

    6% have a BA in Economics

    22% majored in Accounting

    Other common credentials include Health

    Administration and P. Eng.

    10% say the Masters of Business

    Administration (MBA) is the most

    important credential to have.

    Almost half (47%) believe this is imperative to becoming a CFO.

    It is important to note that 15 per cent of survey respondents said that the specificities of ones education

    and training doesnt matter. Its about the total package, including experiences, personality fit and the

    ability to lead by example.

    23% say the CPA designation is the most imperative, and is assumed that

    this may grow in prominence based on the recent developments in Canada.


    Sixty-seven per cent of CFOs said that after

    education and work experience, the number

    one selling point that stood out in their resume

    that helped secure their job was professional

    accomplishments, followed by 17 per cent who

    said reputation of previous employers.

    4 DNA of a CFO

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    CFOs rank strategic planning, commercial

    understanding and people management as

    the top three most important aspects to the

    CFO role. These are leadership qualities that

    are developed and learned through a broad

    range of experiences. Based on the results

    from the survey, 100% of CFOs have experience

    in functional areas outside of finance, which

    according to a CFO survey respondent isessential to understanding the full spectrum of

    the organization. As a CFO you are involved in

    all aspects of the business and it is key that you

    have a deep understanding to add value.

    Industry experience

    70% have experience in

    multiple industries.

    Personal interests

    28% list personal interests,

    ranging from sports, spirituality,

    reading, and cooking.

    According to the survey,

    the number one thing

    CFOs do in their spare

    time is spend time with

    their families (84%)

    18% of CFOs say the biggest decision

    they made in their career in order

    to achieve the role they are in today

    was moving internationally for a

    career opportunity.

    According to the survey,

    the majority of CFOs (57%)

    international experience is in the

    U.S., the second most dominant

    location is Europe at 36%.

    Domestic vs. international experience

    41% have international experience, 15% have experience within

    Canada, and 44% have worked exclusively in one province.

    Associations/membershipsApproximately 70% list professional associations that they are members of i.e. FEI. 55% sit on a board of directors.

    More than 1/3 (36%) listed working for a Big Four company at some point during

    their career. Those with Big Four became a CFO role in just under 14 years. Those

    that didnt, took on average two years longer to attain the same role.

    The CFO role carries a lot of responsibilitybut it also provides the opportunity tomake a difference. Its the job of leaders toanticipate change and find ways to addressand capitalize on it. The Canadian CPA ismore than an accounting designation; it isalso a business credential. We firmly believethat organizations of all types will valuethe CPA designation for its broad financialexpertise, strategic thinking, business insight,management skills and leadership.

    Kevin Dancey, president and CEO, Chartered Professional

    Accountants of Canada


    The following outlines the typical roles and average time spent in these functions on the path to becoming a CFO:

    37% were a VP of nance 56% 56 years

    27% 7+ years

    33% held this title immediately before becoming a CFO

    27% held a director role 40% 23 years

    33% 47 years

    13% held this title immediately before becoming a CFO

    20% held an analyst/planning role 70% 23 years

    65% were a controller 43% for 23 years

    20% for 45 years

    26% held this title immediately before becoming a CFO

    46% were an accountant 41% for 23 years

    30% for 45 years

    27% were in audit 46% for 23 years

    30% for 45 years

    13% were in tax/treasury 53% 23 years

    First accounting and finance role

    The following outlines the typical roles that CFOs began their careers in accounting and finance.

    39% started as an accountant 13% started as an analyst 12% started in payroll

    10% started as an auditor 8% started as a director/executive 8% started as a controller

    4% started as a CFO 4% started in accounts payable 1% started in accounts receivable

    5 DNA of a CFO

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    My first accounting and finance role was:

    39% accountant| 13% analyst | 18% accounting/

    nance administrator | 10% auditor |

    8% controller | 8% director/executive | 4% CFO

    45% held a VP of finance role directly

    before becoming CFO.

    52% have international experience

    and 94% say this has had a positive

    to very positive impact on their career.

    33% are bilingual, and 62% say beingbilingual has had no impact on their career.

    61% say operations is the most

    important department to partner

    with and gain experience in.

    30% rank strategic planning as the most

    important aspect of the CFO role; 22% rank

    commercial understanding, 14% rank people

    management, superseding financial analysis,

    working capital and investor relations.

    44% achieved their CFO role between 1020

    years from starting finance; 28% within 10 years

    and 29% in 20+ years.

    What does a roadmap to success look like? It may have started out a

    little murky at first. Forty-five per cent of todays CFOs didnt aspire to

    reach this goal when they first started their careers, and approximately

    15 per cent had no idea what they initially wanted to be. And yet once

    they arrive, many are motivated to push for greater responsibility.

    Twenty per cent of CFOs currently aspire to be a president or CEO,

    and 30 per cent are looking for a larger CFO or finance director role

    within an organization. Its also likely that there will be bumps along

    the way. Nearly 40 per cent of finance professionals found the director

    to executive level the most difficult to reach.

    Even those that have clear ideas about what they want to achieve in

    their profession should be open minded. According to Dean McCann,

    CFO from Canadian Tire Corporation, you should be prepared to take on

    the unexpected. He comments, youll be faced with many opportunitiesalong the way that you may not think you are qualified for, require you

    to change industries, or even professions. Taking opportunities that

    force you to learn is exciting, and is what will help launch your career

    and diversify your background.

    For example, the majority of CFOs have worked in functions other

    than finance 30 per cent actually left the path they were on to

    pursue another career opportunity, usually for one to three years

    before coming back to the finance world. Forty-three per cent have

    worked in human resources, 46 per cent in information technology, 45

    per cent in operations, 30 per cent in office support, and 22 per cent in

    property and facilities management. Be open to rounding out what you

    know about managing a business, it will help develop your ability to


    During your career you need to make choices aboutthe different experiences and jobs you want to have.This is the greatest challenge to your career path,making the right choices, at the right time. Ensure

    you develop the required skills and competencies in abalanced way. Some jobs might not look sexy but areessential to becoming a successful CFO. Wouter Vosmeer, CFO, Molson Coors Canada

    provide strategic counsel later on and make you a valued member

    of the executive team.

    The key learning is to understand that the path isnt necessarily

    straight forward. With the role of the CFO becoming more diverse

    in terms of commercial responsibilities, stakeholder management

    and strategic planning for the whole business, not just in the

    finance function, branching out and getting the necessaryexperience will pay dividends in the long run.

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    Forty per cent of CFOs say they were hired for their current role

    based on personality fit. You have to have the right qualifications

    and background, but at the end of the day, the people you hire must

    fit with your team and culture of your business. So where do you findthe right people? Over a third of CFOs were recruited by a recruitment

    agency, and another third were referred via a colleague from their

    professional network.

    Building a network of qualified professionals is a key factor in the

    search to finding the right talent. Establishing a quality network must

    extend beyond a large pile of business cards. It can be done via digital

    channels such as mobile and social media. Approximately 70 per cent

    of CFOs rank networking as very to extremely important to becoming

    a CFO, and over 40 per cent engage in networking via social media

    and online channels. As a manager, you should be connecting with as

    many like-minded professionals as possible. This will help you establish

    a readily available pool of talent for future recruitment purposes.

    69% say networking is very to extremely

    important to becoming a CFO.

    20% engage in networking activities

    on a monthly basis; 45% every other

    month to quarterly.

    42% network through social media

    and online channels such as webinars

    and tutorials.

    70% network via industry and

    technical events.

    58% network via social events.

    40% network via professional memberships.

    31% attained their current CFO role

    via a colleague; 33% were recruited

    via a recruitment company.

    11% through a job board; 13% via a friend;

    10% directly via networking.


    The job I got with Walmart, came from social media.Its important to understand how social media impacts

    your business and your career. Bill Tofflemire, CFO, Walmart Canada

    Having the right fit is very important. Every workingculture is different, and hiring people that will fit both

    your office culture and finance team is essential. David Smales, CFO, Aecon Group Inc.

    7 DNA of a CFO

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    65% have had a mentor throughout

    their career.

    26% are unsure if they would have

    achieved their role today without a

    mentor; 17% say they wouldnt have

    become a CFO without their mentor.

    46% say having a mentor is crucial to

    ones career path.

    36% of CFOs mentors were not in nance.

    47% rank having a work-life balance as

    extremely difficult.

    33% say work pressure impedes on establishing

    a work life balance; 27% attribute it to work load,

    and 10% to travel, 8% to being understaed/demand

    by staff.

    74% rank professional development as very toextremely important; 67% engage in professional

    development every month to once quarterly.

    It may come as no surprise, but more than 50 per cent of CFOs

    maintain that direct managers and colleagues have the biggestinfluence on career development. This emphasizes how important

    soft skills have become in this role. There is an expectation that CFOs

    work well with everyone, lead by example and help motivate staff to

    draw out their best qualities. Eighty-seven per cent of CFOs today are

    responsible for managing teams, and people management is ranked as

    one of the most important aspects of the role (15% say it is the single

    most important aspect).

    Working well with people is a two-way street. It isnt always about

    how you can help others. Mentors play a significant role in helping

    financial professionals become CFOs. Sixty-five per cent of CFOs

    had a mentor at some point in their career, and 22 per cent had one

    during their rst management role. Almost a quarter (20%) maintain

    a mentor relationship even once theyre in the CFO role. Clearly they

    see value in having someone help steward their growth. In fact,

    almost 50 per cent of CFOs rank having a mentor as extremely

    important a corresponding number believe they couldnt have

    become a CFO without one.

    Time management, especially as it pertains to ones personal life can

    be a pain point for CFOs. Forty-seven per cent currently have difficulty

    finding a work-life balance. Thirty-three per cent attribute this to work

    pressure, and 27 per cent to work load. Supporting your team requires

    not only the right people but the right number of people to increase

    staff productivity and effectiveness. Managing teams and work loadeffectively is a crucial element to becoming a CFO.


    TEAM MEMBERSToday, even at the lower levels of finance,were screening for future leaders of the company.Who has stronger talent development skills, who cancollaborate better, implement strategy? These are thekey elements were looking for in candidates today. Bill Tofflemire, CFO, Walmart Canada

    8 DNA of a CFO

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    Today, having deep financialexperience is consideredtable stakes. SuccessfulCFOs must also understandall areas of business operations, marketing, IT,legal and new businessdevelopment. The roleextends beyond managingthe bottom line. You mustsee the big picture, and bea true business leader. Howyou interact with peopleto motivate them, includethem in the companyssuccess, and build a teamfirst mentality are truehallmarks of a successfulCFO.

    This wasnt the case five to 10 years

    ago. According to David Lapp, CFO

    of Freedom Concepts Inc., the role

    of a CFO has changed considerably.



    Develop a personal career plan.Take control of your own career

    and personal development. Being open to new opportunities and

    chance is common advice from the four leading CFOs as seen on

    our accompanying video. Simultaneously, it is important to have a

    sense of where you want to be long-term. Think about what you

    could be in five to 10 years time. Although this may well change,

    having a vision of your future self is a valuable guiding light. Are

    you aware of your weaknesses and development needs? Find a

    mentor that you can discuss your goals. It may not be possible to

    plan an exact route to the CFO role but with a future goal in mind

    and a commitment to continuous improvement you will be on the

    right path.

    Get the right people on the team.Having the right people, culture

    and skill sets on your team is essential to your success. Proactive

    and deliberate recruitment of these people may be the only

    way to create a team that can truly move your department ororganization forward in a significant way.

    Think about what would constitute a great team and commit

    to a road map to create one.

    Invest in your team members. Think about the career

    development of each person on your team. Ask each person what

    their own personal career and development goals are. Share your

    succession plan and make sure your team is aware of the career

    path options available to them. Without a successful team behind

    you, your own career aspirations may not materialize as quickly as

    you want them to.

    Today you have to be a multi-faceted

    individual, balance both commercial

    understanding and awareness, and be

    willing to not only deliver results,

    but also communicate to both internal

    and external audiences about the

    project at hand.

    This aspect of the CFO role can causeinternal friction for those that are

    transitioning into a more senior role.

    According to our survey, almost a

    quarter (20 per cent) of CFOs second

    guessed their career path during their

    first taste of management because

    they didnt anticipate taking on these

    responsibilities. Understanding that

    this is a natural extension of your role

    will allow you to quickly pivot when

    the need arises.

    Being the leader

    The survey findings show that there

    are some very clear and definitive

    attributes that finance professionals

    must possess to be a leading CFO.

    For example, more than 25 per cent

    of CFOs rank credibility as the

    single most important attribute.

    Whats implicit in this finding isthe CFO must be an effective

    communicator to clearly demonstrate

    the impact that his or her work is

    having on the team and business.

    To help more finance professionals

    develop the necessary management

    skills needed to become a credible

    leader, employers should review

    internal training and professional

    development opportunities, especially

    at the mid-level management stage.

    Helping finance professionals adopt

    these skills will solidify their role as aleader in the company later on.

    Soft skills; the ability to work with and motivatepeople is the key attribute to becoming a CFO. Canadian CFO survey respondent

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    Almost half (40%) believe they were hired for their current CFO role based

    on personality fit.

    The number one reason CFOs have been let go is due to a personality clash

    with a manager.


    23% rank communication and people management as the single most

    important aspect of the role of a CFO.

    48% have second guessed their career path during their rst

    management role.

    45% say the biggest mistake they have ever made in their professional

    career has been a managerial error.

    YOUR BRAND/PROFILE45% are unsure if they would have achieved their CFO role without a mentor.

    70% rate networking as very to extremely important to becoming a CFO.

    Over 30% secured their current role via a recruitment company;

    another 30% were referred via their network.


    Fit, management and personal profile are all key

    aspects integral to the journey of becoming a

    CFO that are reliant on the dynamics of people.

    Become a finance leader by understanding

    how the people you manage and report to

    will impact your career; the secret truth to

    the DNA of a CFO.

    Dedication, hard work andIntegrity are key buildingblocks in becoming a CFO.You must have the fortitudeto be able to deliver boththe good and unpleasantmessages bringing together

    superior people skills. In theend, your people skills willdetermine your degreeof success. Canadian CFO survey respondent

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    Male 79.05%

    Female 20.95%

    2030 0.7%

    3040 11.5%

    4050 43.2%

    5060 33.1%

    60+ 11.5%


    Alberta 10.8%

    British Columbia 20.9%

    Manitoba 0.7%

    New Brunswick 0.7%

    Newfoundland 0.0%

    Northwest Territories 0.0%

    Nova Scotia 2.0%

    Nunavut 0.0%

    Ontario 64.2%

    Prince Edward Island 0.0%

    Quebec 0.7%

    Saskatchewan 0.0%

    Yukon 0.0%

  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO


    Very happy 58.0%

    Happy 37.8%

    Neutral 1.7%

    Unhappy 2.5%

    Very unhappy 0.0%

    Mom 6.7%

    Dad 23.5%

    Direct Manager 27.7%

    Teacher 2.5%Colleague 24.5%

    Friend 15.1%

    Earning potential 13.6%

    Passion/interest 45.8%

    Family tradition/legacy 2.5%

    Talent 13.6%

    By uke/stumbled into it 18.6%

    Peer group 3.4%

    Prestige of role 2.5%







    Mom/female guardian 1.7%

    Dad/male guardian 0.8%

    Partner/spouse 87.4%

    Kids 0.0%

    Friend 3.4%Peer/colleague 3.4%

    Other family member 1.6%

    Your recruiter 1.7%

    Sports 72.3%Travel 65.5%

    Books/lm 63.0%

    Spending time

    with family


    Dining/entertainment 59.7%

    Gaming 5.9%


    home improvements


    When you achieved your current role who was the first person you called?

    Are you happy with your career choice?

    What best describes the reason you chose a career in finance?

    What activities do you do in your spare time?

    Who was the biggest influence in your career?

    The role of a CFO today is out in front of people andchanging with technology and the demands of businessand the economy. Accepting change as part of the roleand being well versed in change management will help

    you become a finance leader.

    David Lapp, CFO, Freedom Concepts.

    12 DNA of a CFO

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    13 DNA of a CFO


    Want to hear from influential leaders in the finance community in Canada?As part of the Hays Canada DNA series, we spoke to top CFOs about theirjourney to achieving their career success.

    Watch this short video and hear directly from the following CFOs, gainingvaluable advice about the path to becoming a finance leader:


    David Smales,CFO, Aecon Group Inc.

    Dean McCann,CFO, Canadian Tire Corporation

    Wouter Vosmeer,CFO, Molson Coors Canada

    Bill Tofflemire,CFO, Walmart Canada

  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO


    To read more profiles

    of CFOs interviewed for

    this project please visit:


    as a tool for advice. I have

    embraced LinkedIn, for example,

    as a method to get advice,

    job hunt, get critiques and

    insight on the ideas and projectsIm working on. One example

    includes, getting advice from

    a discussion on LinkedIn to take

    a LEAN accounting course,

    which helped propel my career

    in the manufacturing industry.

    Without this advice my path

    may have been quite different.

    Have you ever worked abroad?

    Yes I have, the longest single

    stretch was for six months.

    Ive worked in Japan, Australia and

    Los Angeles. This international

    experience has been very

    beneficial to my career. It has

    helped me develop stronger

    relationships with stakeholders,

    provided me with better cultural

    business understanding as well

    as a better understanding for

    the differences in accounting

    worldwide. This has helped me

    become a well-crafted individual

    by having had multi-facetedexperiences.


    David Lapp

    Chief Financial Ocer (CFO)/

    Chief Operating Officer (COO)

    Freedom Concepts Inc.

    Have you always aspired tobecoming a CFO?

    I never woke up saying I am going

    to become a CFO, that path just

    evolved over time. My background

    is diverse which I believe has

    helped me achieve the career I

    have today, giving me a broader

    understanding of business and the

    importance of strategic planning.

    My uncle was a CFO, and when

    I was younger the role always

    appeared to be in an ivory

    tower, away from everything.

    David Lapp has over 20 years of experience as a leader in the

    Canadian nance community. He was the Vice President of Marketing

    and Director of Sales with DBI, Financial Investment Representative

    with Investors Group, and Executive Consultant with Push Ltd before

    becoming the CFO and COO with Freedom Concepts. His diverse

    and vast career is what many up-and-coming finance professionals

    would see as their ultimate career goal. David shares some of his

    experiences, insight and advice about the path to achieving a CFO

    role in Canada.

    Today, the role has drasticallychanged; you really are a part

    of the total business.

    What are the biggest changes

    to the role of a CFO compared

    to 510 years ago?

    Today the role is more about

    strategy. You have to understand

    the business, all functional areas

    in addition to finance and use your

    finance knowledge and expertise

    to build a strategy that is going to

    help the business get to the next

    level in terms of ROI and growth.

    For example, today you are seeing

    a lot more of a hybrid executive

    role between operations and

    finance such as the CFOO title.

    What is the biggest surprise

    about the CFO role?

    For me the biggest surprise

    as I was moving up the ranks

    was how much finance is

    becoming about relationships

    with staff, customers and

    vendors. Having the finance

    qualifications and experiences

    is essential, you have to know

    how to implement revenue

    growth strategies, execute proper

    forecasting and projections, that is

    a given. Today however, you have

    to be a multi-skill set individual,

    a bit of a renaissance individual

    who is the total package. I think

    one key piece to the evolution

    of the role from when my uncle

    was a CFO is that, in the 80s and

    early 90s you had to be able to

    build the strategy. Today you not

    only have to build the strategy,

    but explain, educate andimplement the strategy.

    What soft skills do you believe

    are essential to be a CFO today?

    There are four big ones that I

    believe are crucial to the role.

    You have to be a leader for one.

    And to be a leader you have to

    have strong communication skills.

    You have to be a strategic

    thinker and lastly, you have

    to be able to live and breathe

    change management. The role, as

    well as businesses, are constantly

    Davids survey answers...

    changing. Being willing to be open

    and adopt change will help make

    you a better overall CFO.

    The CFO today is out in frontof people, more like a CEO role.

    You have to be able to deliver

    both in and out of the books.

    This makes the role appealing

    and more exciting in my opinion

    then in previous times.

    What technical skills do you

    think are integral to being

    a CFO in Canada?

    The fundamentals I believe

    are strong accounting skills,

    risk experience (cyber financial)

    and working experience with

    ERP systems. This is the base.

    However today, I believe the key

    change is that you have to have

    a strong understanding of big

    data and analytics. This, in my

    opinion, is the make or break of

    the future for a CFO. Youll provide

    better value to the business both

    internally and externally by

    understanding data and how

    to use it for the benefit ofthe company.

    Throughout your journey,

    what one thing helped you

    achieve your role today?

    Mentorship and networking.

    I dont believe I would have been

    as successful in my career without

    the support and help of my peers.

    Working with my peers and using

    my mentors has provided me the

    support and advice needed to

    make the right decisions for my

    career. I use social media often

    14 DNA of a CFO

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  • 7/24/2019 DNA of a CFO


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