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DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis

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  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    1. Which of the following are connected by hydrogen bonds?

    A. Hydrogen to oxygen within a molecule of water

    B. Phosphate to sugar in a DNA molecule

    . Base to sugar in a DNA molecule

    D. Hydrogen to oxygen between two different molecules of water

    (Total 1 mark)

    2. !he percentage of thymine in the DNA of an organism is approximately "#$. What is the

    percentage of guanine?

    A. %#$

    B. "#$

    . $

    D. '#$

    (Total 1 mark)

    3. What does a nucleosome consist of ?

    A. DNA and histones

    B. DNA and chromatin

    . hromatin and nucleotides

    D. (ature )NA and histones

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 1

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis



    ,c- !he two nucleotides would be permanently separated during DNA replication. tate one

    process during which they would be temporarily separated.



    ,d- 0utline the method that can be used to amplify small 3uantities of DNA to obtain large

    enough 3uantities for DNA profiling.






    (Total 5 marks)

    7. !he diagram below shows two nucleotides lin4ed together to form a dinucleotide.

    ,a- ,i- /dentify the chemical group labelled /.



    ,ii- tate the type of bond labelled //.

    IB Questionbank Biology 3

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis




    ,b- Distinguish between the sense and antisense strands of DNA during transcription.





    ,c- ompare the DNA found in pro4aryotic cells and eu4aryotic cells.







    (Total 5 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 4

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    8. !he following diagram shows a short stretch of DNA. What bases are indicated by labels 5 and


    Y ZA. thymine adenine

    B. thymine guanine

    . uracil guanine

    D. uracil adenine

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 5

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    9. Which molecules form the nucleotide mar4ed in the diagram?

    A. phosphate2 deoxyribose and nitrogenous base

    B. phosphorus2 ribose and nitrogenous base

    . phosphorus2 deoxyribose and guanosine

    D. phosphate2 ribose and guanine

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 6

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    10. !he graph below shows the effect of temperature on the separation of the strands in DNA to

    form single strands. !he temperature at which 7#$ of the DNA is single8stranded is called the

    melting temperature ,!(-.

    What do the results show?

    A. When the temperature reaches 97: there are no more double8stranded DNA molecules.

    B. When the temperature reaches 97: the DNA strands start separating rapidly.

    . A !(of 97: means that DNA is not stable at room temperature ,'7:-.

    D. !he separation of the DNA strands is directly proportional to the increase in temperature.

    (Total 1 mark)

    11. Which of the following forms the nucleosome?

    A. DNA and histone molecules

    B. DNA only

    . )NA and histone molecules

    D. Histone molecules only

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 7

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    12. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- (ost of the DNA of a human cell is contained in the nucleus. Distinguish between uni3ue

    and highly repetiti1e se3uences in nuclear DNA.


    ,b- Draw a labelled diagram to show four DNA nucleotides2 each with a different base2

    lin4ed together in two strands.


    ,c- ;xplain the methods and aims of DNA profiling.


    (Total 20 marks)

    13. ,a- 0utline the bonding between DNA nucleotides.






    ,b- ;xplain how chemical bonding between water molecules ma4es water a 1aluable coolant

    in li1ing organisms.






    IB Questionbank Biology 8

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,c- tate a word e3uation for anaerobic cell respiration in humans.



    (Total 5 marks)

    14. !he base ratios in the DNA and )NA for an onion ,Allium cepa- are gi1en below.

    Bases ! " # ! " $ ! " T ! "

    %& "

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    IB Questionbank Biology 10

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    16. /n the model of the DNA molecule shown below2 which arrows point to co1alent bonds?

    A. /2 // and /// only

    B. //2 /// and /@ only

    . /2 /// and /@ only

    D. /2 // and /@ only

    (Total 1 mark)

    17. What is the distinction between highly repetiti1e DNA se3uences and single8copy genes?

    A. !he highly repetiti1e se3uences ha1e greater amounts of guanine.

    B. !he highly repetiti1e se3uences ha1e greater amounts of cytosine.

    . !he highly repetiti1e se3uences are not transcribed.

    D. !he highly repetiti1e se3uences are not replicated.

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 11

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    18. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- Distinguish between )NA and DNA.


    ,b- ;xplain the process of DNA replication.


    ,c- 0utline how enymes catalyse reactions.


    (Total 20 marks)

    19. ,a- Draw a labelled diagram showing two different complementary pairs of nucleotides in a

    molecule of DNA.


    ,b- 0utline the structure of nucleosomes.





    IB Questionbank Biology 12

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis




    ,c- ;xplain primary structures and tertiary structures of an enyme.










    (Total 9 marks)

    20. What are 04aa4i fragments?

    A. hort lengths of )NA primase attached to the DNA during replication

    B. hort sections of DNA formed during DNA replication

    . Nucleotides added by DNA polymerase / in the same direction as the replication for4

    D. ections of )NA remo1ed by DNA polymerase /// and replaced with DNA

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 13

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    21. Which enyme catalyes the elongation of the leading strand?

    ourceC image from W Pur1es2 et al.2 ,'##"-Life: The Science of Biology2 42 inauer Associates,www.sinauer.com- and W H Ereeman ,www.whfreeman.com-F

    A. )NA polymerase

    B. Helicase

    . DNA polymerase

    D. Gigase

    (Total 1 mark)

    22. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- ;xplain why DNA must be replicated before mitosis and the role of helicase in DNA



    ,b- ;xplain how the base se3uence of DNA is conser1ed during replication.


    ,c- Describe the e1ents that occur during mitosis.


    (Total 20 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 14

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    23. What is the reason for 04aa4i fragments being formed during DNA replication?

    A. !o enable replication of the " I 7 ,lagging- strand

    B. !o form the template for the )NA primers

    . !o initiate replication on the 7 I " ,leading- strand

    D. !o help the DNA helicase unwinding the DNA helix

    (Total 1 mark)

    24. What happens during the formation of 04aa4i fragments?

    A. DNA polymerase /// adds nucleotides in the "J I 7J direction.

    B. DNA polymerase /// adds nucleotides in the 7J I "J direction.

    . DNA polymerase / adds nucleotides in the 7J I "J direction.

    D. )NA polymerase adds nucleotides in the "J I 7J direction.

    (Total 1 mark)

    25. What is replicated by a semi8conser1ati1e process?

    A. (essenger )NA ,m)NA- only

    B. (essenger )NA ,m)NA- and transfer )NA ,t)NA- only

    . (essenger )NA ,m)NA-2 transfer )NA ,t)NA- and DNA only

    D. DNA only

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 15

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    26. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- Draw a labelled diagram showing the ultra8structure of a li1er cell.


    ,b- Distinguish between pro4aryotic cells and eu4aryotic cells.


    ,c- ;xplain pro4aryotic DNA replication.


    (Total 20 marks)

    27. What principle is necessary to preser1e the se3uence of DNA during replication?

    A. Base pairing is complementary.

    B. 0ne gene codes for one polypeptide.

    . ubstrates are specific to enymes.

    D. !he genetic code is uni1ersal.

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 16

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    28. !he diagram below shows part of a DNA molecule that is being replicated.

    Where would DNA polymerase lin4 the next nucleotide during replication?

    A. /

    B. //

    . ///

    D. /@

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 17

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    29. !he diagram shows part of a molecule produced by replication of DNA. What is the

    significance of the shaded and the unshaded regions?

    A. !he shaded parts are DNA and the unshaded parts are m)NA.

    B. !he shaded parts contain adenine and thymine and the unshaded parts contain guanineand cytosine.

    . !he shaded part is a codon and unshaded part is an anticodon.

    D. 0ne of the parts has been newly synthesied and the other was part of a pre8existing DNA


    (Total 1 mark)

    30. Which enyme remo1es the )NA primer during replication?

    A. )NA primase

    B. DNA polymerase /

    . DNA ligase

    D. Helicase

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 18

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    31. ,a- tate the type of bonds that

    ,i- connect base pairs in a DNA molecule.



    ,ii- lin4 DNA nucleotides into a single strand.



    ,b- Distinguish between DNA and )NA nucleotides by gi1ing two differences in the

    chemical structure of the molecules.






    ,c- ;xplain the role of transfer )NA ,t)NA- in the process of translation.







    (Total 6 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 19

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    32. !he diagram below represents part of the DNA molecule.

    What are the parts labelled /2 // and ///?

    A. hydrogen bond base deoxyribose

    B. hydrogen bond deoxyribose phosphate group

    . co1alent bond base deoxyribose

    D. co1alent bond deoxyribose phosphate group

    (Total 1 mark)

    33. !he se3uence of nucleotides in a section of )NA isC


    What is the base se3uence of the DNA sense strand?

    A. ++*A*+*A+

    B. +A!A+A!+

    . ++!A!+!A+

    D. +A*A+A*+

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 20

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    34. Where does the )NA polymerase bind during the process of transcription?

    A. !he polysome

    B. !he operator

    . !he promoter

    D. !he initiator

    (Total 1 mark)

    35. What se3uence of processes is carried out by the structure labelled K during translation?

    A. ombining with an amino acid and then binding to an anticodon

    B. Binding to an anticodon and then combining with an amino acid

    . Binding to a codon and then combining with an amino acid

    D. ombining with an amino acid and then binding to a codon

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 21

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    36. /n some people2 hemoglobin always contains the amino acid 1aline in place of a glutamic acid at

    one position in the protein. What is the cause of this?

    A. An error in transcription of the hemoglobin gene

    B. An error in translation of the m)NA

    . Gac4 of glutamic acid in the diet

    D. A base substitution in the hemoglobin gene

    (Total 1 mark)

    37. What is remo1ed during the formation of mature )NA in eu4aryotes?

    A. ;xons

    B. /ntrons

    . odons

    D. Nucleosomes

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 22

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    38. !he table below shows the codons that determine different amino acids in protein translation.

    *+rst ,ase -eon/ ,ase +n o/on T+r/ ,ase

    +n o/on ' $ # +n o/on

    * Phe er !yr ys *

    Phe er !yr ys

    Geu er L L A

    Geu er L !rp +

    Geu Pro His Arg *

    Geu Pro His Arg

    Geu Pro +ln Arg A

    Geu Pro +ln Arg +

    A /le !hr Asn er *

    /le !hr Asn er

    /le !hr Gys Arg A

    (et !hr Gys Arg +

    + @al Ala Asp +ly *

    @al Ala Asp +ly

    @al Ala +lu +ly A

    @al Ala +lu +ly +

    What is the se3uence of the amino acids that is being translated from the following m)NA


    7J A*+++*+**A**++*AA "J

    A. (et8Pro8Arg8/le8!hr

    B. (et8ys8er8!yr8!rp

    . (et8+ly8Ala8!yr8!rp

    D. (et8+ly8!yr8Ala8!hr

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 23

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    39. What does the uni1ersal nature of the genetic code allow?

    A. hange of genetic code in the same species

    B. !ransfer of genes between species

    . Eormation of clones

    D. /nfection by bacteria

    (Total 1 mark)

    40. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- ;u4aryotic cells ha1e intracellular and extracellular components. tate the functions of

    one name/ extracellular component.


    ,b- 0utline2 with an example2 the process of exocytosis.


    ,c- !ranslation occurs in li1ing cells. ;xplain how translation is carried out2 from the

    initiation stage onwards.


    (Total 20 marks)

    41. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- 0utline the structure of a ribosome.


    ,b- Distinguish between fibrous and globular proteins with reference to one example of each

    protein type.


    IB Questionbank Biology 24

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    IB Questionbank Biology 25

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,c- ;xplain the role of auxin in phototropism.


    (Total 20 marks)

    42. )ice ,ry!a sativa- is usually intolerant to sustained submergence under water2 although it

    grows rapidly in height for a few days before dying. !his is true for one 1ariety2 ry!a sativa

    "aponica. !he 1ariety ry!a sativa indicais much more tolerant to submergence.

    !hree genetically modified forms of . sativa "aponica2 +(EA2 +(EB and +(E2 were made

    using different fragments of DNA ta4en from . sativa indica.

    !he plants were then submerged for a period of

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,a- ,i- tate which group of rice plants were the shortest at the beginning of the




    ,ii- alculate the percentage change in height for the . sativa "aponicaunmodified

    1ariety during the submergence period. how your wor4ing.







    ,b- ;xplain how the error bars can be used to compare the results for . sativa indica.







    ,c- Deduce the general relationship between the growth of all the"aponica1arieties and their

    stated tolerance le1el.




    IB Questionbank Biology 27

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,d- 0utline the use of the binomial system of nomenclature in ry!a sativa.






    /n the same experiment2 the researchers hypothesied that the capacity to sur1i1e when

    submerged is related to the presence of three genes 1ery close to each other on rice chromosome

    number =Q these genes were named Sub$A2 Sub$Band Sub$%. !he photograph below of part of

    a gel shows relati1e amounts of messenger )NA produced from these three genes by thesubmergence8intolerant 1ariety2 . sativa "aponica2 and by the submergence8tolerant 1ariety2 .

    sativa indica2 at different times of a submergence period2 followed by a reco1ery period out of


    Adapted by permission from (acmillan Publishers Gtd2 Ku et al. '##>. Mub.


    ,e- ,i- Determine which gene produced the most m)NA on the first day of the

    submergence period for 1ariety . sativa "aponica.



    IB Questionbank Biology 28

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,ii- 0utline the difference in m)NA production for the three genes during the

    submergence period for 1ariety . sativa indica.






    ,iii- ompare the m)NA production for the three genes during the submergence period

    between the two 1arieties.






    ,f- Deduce2 using all the data2 which gene was used to modify +(E.






    IB Questionbank Biology 29

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,g- ;1aluate2 using all the data2 how modified 1arieties of rice could be used to o1ercome

    food shortages in some countries.








    (Total 17 marks)

    43. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- tate fourelements that are needed by li1ing organisms2 other than carbon2 hydrogen and

    oxygen2 gi1ing onerole of each.


    ,b- 0utline how light energy is used and how organic molecules are made in photosynthesis.


    ,c- ;xplain the significance of complementary base pairing for replication2 transcription and



    (Total 20 marks)

    44. What is a polysome?

    A. A ribosome that is synthesiing proteins from se1eral m)NA molecules at the same time

    B. A ribosome that is synthesiing different proteins for secretion

    . e1eral ribosomes using a m)NA molecule to synthesie protein at the same time

    D. e1eral ribosomes that are synthesiing different proteins for use in the cytoplasm

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 30

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    IB Questionbank Biology 31

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    45. +ibberellin promotes both seed germination and plant growth. )esearchers hypothesie that the

    gene &'($ in rice ,ry!a sativa- codes for the production of a cell receptor for gibberellin.

    !he mutant 1arietygid$)$ for that gene leads to rice plants with a se1ere dwarf phenotype and

    infertile flowers when homoygous recessi1e. /t is suspected that homoygous recessi1e gid$)$

    plants fail to degrade the protein G)< which2 when present2 inhibits the action of gibberellin.

    !he graphs show the action of gibberellin on the lea1es and R8amylase acti1ity of wild8type riceplants ,W!- and theirgid$)$ mutants.

    Adapted by permission from (acmillan Gtd2 *eguchi8!ana4a2 ( et al. '##7. M+ibberellin8insensiti1e dwarf=9. opyright ,'##7-.F

    ,a- ,i- tate which 1ariety of rice fails to respond to gibberellin treatment.



    ,ii- !he acti1ity of R8amylase was tested at successi1e concentrations of gibberellin.

    Determine the increment in gibberellin concentration that produces the greatestchange in R8amylase acti1ity in wild8type rice plants ,W!-.





    IB Questionbank Biology 32

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,iii- 0utline the role of R8amylase during the germination of seeds.




    ,b- Discuss the conse3uence of crossinggid$)$ heteroygous rice plants amongst themsel1es

    for food production.










    IB Questionbank Biology 33

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    (ost rice 1arieties are intolerant to sustained submergence under water and will usually die

    within a wee4. )esearchers ha1e hypothesied that the capacity to sur1i1e when submerged is

    related to the presence of three genes 1ery close to each other on rice chromosome number =Q

    these genes were named Sub$A2 Sub$B and Sub$%.!he photograph below of part of a gel

    shows relati1e amounts of messenger )NA produced from these three genes by the

    submergence8intolerant 1ariety2 . sativa "aponica2 and by the submergence8tolerant 1ariety2 .sativa indica2 at different times of a submergence period2 followed by a reco1ery period out of


    Adapted by permission from (acmillan Publishers Gtd2 Ku et al. '##>. #ature. @ol &&'. Pp %#7O%#9. opyright

    '##>. httpCwww.nature.comF

    ,c- ,i- Determine which gene produced the most m)NA on the first day of the

    submergence period for 1ariety . sativa "aponica.



    ,ii- 0utline the difference in m)NA production for the three genes during the

    submergence period for 1ariety . sativa indica.






    IB Questionbank Biology 34

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,d- *sing only this data2 deduce which gene confers submersion resistance to rice plants.






    !he s&' gene causes long8day flowering and the effect of its o1erexpression has been

    obser1ed in a transgenic 1ariety of rice. ome wild8type rice ,W!- and transgenic plants were

    exposed to long days ,

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,e- ,i- tate the o1erall effect of o1erexpression of the s&' gene in plants treated with

    short8day light.




    ,ii- ompare the results between the plants treated with short8day light and the plants

    treated with long8day light.






    ,iii- tate2 gi1ing one reason ta4en from the data opposite2 if unmodified rice is a short8

    day plant or a long8day plant.




    ,f- Discuss2 using only the data opposite2 if s&'Sand s&'

    Obeha1e as codominant alleles.








    IB Questionbank Biology 36

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,g- ;1aluate2 using all the data2 how modified 1arieties of rice could be used to o1ercome

    food shortages in some countries.








    (Total 19 marks)

    46. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- tate four functions of proteins2 gi1ing a name/ example of each.


    ,b- 0utline the structure of ribosomes.


    ,c- ;xplain the process of transcription leading to the formation of m)NA.


    (Total 20 marks)

    47. What is a codon?

    A. A se3uence of nucleotides on r)NA that corresponds to an amino acid

    B. A se3uence of nucleotides on m)NA that corresponds to an amino acid

    . A se3uence of nucleotides on t)NA that corresponds to an amino acid

    D. A se3uence of nucleotides on DNA that corresponds to an amino acid

    IB Questionbank Biology 37

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    (Total 1 mark)

    48. !he antisense strand on the DNA molecule coding for three codons of a gene is


    What are the anticodons of the three t)NA molecules that correspond to this se3uence?

    A. *A*2 + and A+

    B. A!A2 ++ and !+

    . A*A2 ++ and *+

    D. !A!2 + and A+

    (Total 1 mark)

    49. What is the function of the t)NA acti1ating enyme?

    A. /t lin4s t)NA to ribosomes.

    B. /t lin4s t)NA to m)NA.

    . /t lin4s t)NA to a specific amino acid.

    D. /t lin4s an amino acid on one t)NA to an amino acid on another t)NA.

    (Total 1 mark)

    50. What happens during translation?

    A. opying of DNA to produce DNA

    B. opying of DNA to produce m)NA

    . opying of DNA to produce t)NA

    D. Polypeptide synthesis

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 38

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    51. A certain gene in a bacterium codes for a polypeptide that is

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    54. Which 1ariable has the least effect on enyme acti1ity?

    A. !emperature

    B. Gight intensity

    . pH

    D. ubstrate concentration

    (Total 1 mark)

    55. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- Gi1ing organisms at e1ery trophic le1el are part of the carbon cycle. Draw a labelled

    diagram of the carbon cycle to show the processes in1ol1ed.


    ,b- ;xplain2 using an example of a food chain2 how trophic le1els can be deduced.


    ,c- ;xplain methods that can be used to measure the rate of photosynthesis.


    (Total 20 marks)

    56. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- 0utline condensation and hydrolysis reactions using a different example for each.


    ,b- 0utline the effect of temperature and substrate concentration on the acti1ity of enymes.


    ,c- ;xplain methods by which the rate of photosynthesis can be measured2 includingconditions that affect the rate.

    IB Questionbank Biology 40

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    (Total 20 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 41

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    57. !he rate of photosynthesis in the marine seagrass2*ostera marina2 was in1estigated under a

    range of pH conditions. After a period of dar4ness2 the plants were illuminated at a constant

    light intensity at

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,b- alculate the percentage decrease in the rate of photosynthesis from pH % to pH %.7.




    ,c- 0utline the relationship between pH and the rate of photosynthesis.






    ,d- uggest how*ostera marina can perform photosynthesis e1en at 1ery low carbon dioxide





    ,e- Based on the information and data pro1ided2 discuss the role of one limiting factor2 other

    than carbon dioxide2 and suggest how this would affect the rate of photosynthesis.





    (Total 7 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 43

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    58. !he effect of temperature on photosynthesis was studied in sweet orange ,%itrus sinensis- using

    leaf discs. !he production of oxygen was used to measure the rate of photosynthesis.

    +ross photosynthesis refers to the sum of net photosynthesis and respiration. Net photosynthesis

    was calculated by subtracting the rate of respiration in the dar4 from gross photosynthesis.

    ourceC Adapted from ) )ibeiro et al. '##>. %i+ncia e Agrotecnologia.@ol "#. Pp >%#O>%9.F

    ,a- /dentify the optimum temperature for photosynthesis in this plant.



    ,b- Determine the difference between gross photosynthesis and net photosynthesis at :

    and 7#:.

    :C ..........................................................................................................................

    7#:C ..........................................................................................................................


    ,c- Deduce what happens to the rate of respiration as the temperature increases between :

    and 7#:.



    IB Questionbank Biology 44

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,d- ,i- Describe the general pattern of change in photosynthesis in sweet orange as the

    temperature increases.





    ,ii- ompare the effect of temperature on photosynthesis with the effect of temperature

    on respiration in sweet orange.







    (Total 7 marks)

    59. Where is chlorophyll found in a plant cell?

    A. !hyla4oid membranes

    B. troma

    . (atrix

    D. ristae

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 45

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    60. What is produced by the light8dependent reactions of photosynthesis and used in the al1in


    A. Hydrogen and oxygen

    B. A!P and NADPH

    . NADPH and oxygen

    D. A!P and 0'

    (Total 1 mark)

    61. !he photosynthetic acti1ity of desert plants is often reduced in the middle of the day. What isthe most reasonable explanation for this fact?

    A. ;nymes are denatured by the high temperatures.

    B. !here is not sufficient water for photosystem /.

    . (ost of the light is reflected by the thic4 cuticle.

    D. !he stomata close to preser1e water and gas exchange decreases.

    (Total 1 mark)

    62. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- All organisms in an ecosystem are in1ol1ed in the carbon cycle. 0utline the roles of

    li1ing organisms in the carbon cycle.


    ,b- ;xplain how triose phosphate is produced and used in the chloroplasts of a plant.


    ,c- ;xplain the conditions that are needed to allow a seed to germinate.

    (5)(Total 20 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 46

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    IB Questionbank Biology 47

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    63. A plant is exposed to increasing light intensity from 1ery dim to bright light2 while the carbon

    dioxide concentration and temperature are 4ept at an optimum le1el. What will happen to the

    rate of oxygen production?

    A. /t will increase exponentially.

    B. /t will remain constant.

    . /t will decrease to a minimum le1el.

    D. /t will increase to a maximum le1el.

    (Total 1 mark)

    64. +lobal atmospheric carbon dioxide le1els are rising. A study was carried out to test if the

    temperature dependence of photosynthesis was altered by ele1ated atmospheric 0'.

    (aie plants were grown in natural sunlight in controlled en1ironmental chambers at different

    temperatures using current atmospheric and doubled 0'le1els.

    !he graph below shows daily patterns of 0'exchange at three different temperatures.

    0pen shapes ,T2 U2 V- represent current atmospheric 0'le1els and closed shapes ,2 X2 Y-

    represent ele1ated 0'le1els.

    )eprinted fromC im2 H et al. '##%. M!emperature dependence of growth2 de1elopment2 and photosynthesis inmaie under ele1ated 0'.,nvironmental and ,-perimental Botany. @ol >

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,a- ,i- tate the time at which carbon dioxide exchange rate is maximal.



    ,ii- ;xplain the reasons for maximum carbon dioxide exchange rate at this time.







    ,b- tate the temperature that resulted in the highest rate of photosynthesis under current

    atmospheric conditions.



    ,c- *sing the data in the graph2 discuss whether rising carbon dioxide le1els in the

    atmosphere will increase growth rates in maie.







    (Total 6 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 49

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  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,c- /n the upper m there is a drop in photosynthesis from (arch to Zune. !his is probably

    due to lac4 of nutrients2 reducing the population density.

    uggest2 with a reason other than nutrient le1els2 what might ha1e increased

    photosynthesis at

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    66. Where are the light8dependent and light8independent reactions ta4ing place in the diagram


    +t/een/ent +t+n/een/ent

    A. / /@

    B. // ///

    . /// //

    D. /@ /

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 52

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    67. !he diagram below shows the structure of a chloroplast.

    What is the structure labelled K?

    A. )ibosome

    B. troma

    . /nner membrane

    D. !hyla4oid

    (Total 1 mark)

    68. How can the rate of photosynthesis of a plant be directly measured?

    A. By measuring the rate of oxygen produced

    B. By measuring the rate of carbon dioxide produced

    . By measuring the rate of plant growth

    D. By measuring the rate of light absorbed

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 53

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    69. Which graph best represents the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis of a plant?

    (Total 1 mark)

    70. What happens in the light8independent reactions of photosynthesis?

    A. plitting of water molecules

    B. A!P synthesis

    . )eduction of NADP

    D. )eduction of 0'

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 54

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    71. Which two tissues of a leaf are photosynthetic?

    A. *pper epidermis and palisade mesophyll

    B. Palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll

    . pongy mesophyll and xylem

    D. *pper epidermis and xylem

    (Total 1 mark)

    72. What is light energy used for during photosynthesis?

    A. !o produce carbon dioxide

    B. !o produce water molecules

    . !o produce A!P

    D. !o brea4 down sugar molecules

    (Total 1 mark)

    73. Which of the following colours of light is absorbed the most by chlorophyll?

    A. Blue

    B. +reen

    . 5ellow

    D. 0range

    (Total 1 mark)

    74. ,a- tate the property of stem cells that ma4es them useful in medical treatment.




    IB Questionbank Biology 55

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,b- ;xplain how multicellular organisms de1elop specialied tissues.








    ,c- 0utline some of the outcomes of the se3uencing of the human genome.










    (Total 6 marks)

    75. ,a- tate the location in the chloroplast of the following reactions of photosynthesis.

    Gight8independent reactionsC .......................................................................................

    Gight8dependent reactionsC ..........................................................................................


    IB Questionbank Biology 56

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,b- ;xplain what happens to the electrons in the light8dependent reactions of photosynthesis.







    (Total 5 marks)

    76. Where are complex carbohydrates made in the chloroplast?

    A. /n the intermembrane space

    B. /n the stroma

    . 0n the inner membrane

    D. /n the thyla4oid space

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 57

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    77. Which of the following graphs represents the effect of changing light intensity on the rate of

    oxygen production by a green plant?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 58

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    78. What conclusion can be drawn from examining the action spectrum for a green plant shown


    A. 5ellow light is the most effecti1e at promoting photosynthesis.

    B. ;1ery colour of light is e3ually effecti1e at promoting photosynthesis.

    . Gight of wa1elength 77# nm is least effecti1e at promoting photosynthesis.

    D. Gight in the green range is the most effecti1e at promoting photosynthesis.

    (Total 1 mark)

    79. Where in the cell does the al1in cycle ta4e place?

    A. troma of chloroplast

    B. (itochondrial matrix

    . ytoplasm

    D. /nside thyla4oid

    (Total 1 mark)

    80. ,a- Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of a chloroplast as seen with an electron



    IB Questionbank Biology 59

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,b- Describe how water is carried by the transpiration stream.


    ,c- ;xplain how flowering is controlled in long8day and short8day plants.


    (Total 18 marks)

    81. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- Draw a labelled diagram showing the tissues present in a dicotyledonous leaf.


    ,b- 0utline the light8dependent reactions of photosynthesis.


    ,c- ;xplain the effect of light intensity and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.


    (Total 20 marks)

    82. 0xygen is produced during photosynthesis. What is the source of this oxygen inside the plant?

    A. Air spaces in the leaf

    B. arbon dioxide

    . +lucose

    D. Water

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 60

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  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,c- When salt concentration is increased2 some algal cells increase their rates of cyclic

    photophosphorylation. Deduce the reasons for this.







    ,d- *sing the graph2 predict the effect of high salt concentration on the growth of %hlorellavulgaris. +i1e a reason for your answer.







    (Total 6 marks)

    84. What reaction2 in1ol1ing glycerate "8phosphate2 is part of the light8independent reactions of


    A. +lycerate "8phosphate is carboxylated using carbon dioxide.

    B. !wo glycerate "8phosphates are lin4ed together to form one hexose phosphate.

    . +lycerate "8phosphate is reduced to triose phosphate.

    D. Ei1e glycerate "8phosphates are con1erted to three ribulose 78phosphates.

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 62

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    85. What is the ad1antage of ha1ing a small 1olume inside the thyla4oids of the chloroplast?

    A. High proton concentrations are rapidly de1eloped.

    B. High electron concentrations are rapidly de1eloped.

    . Photosynthetic pigments are highly concentrated.

    D. ;nymes of the al1in cycle are highly concentrated.

    (Total 1 mark)

    86. Which two colours of light does chlorophyll absorb most?

    A. )ed and yellow

    B. +reen and blue

    . )ed and green

    D. )ed and blue

    (Total 1 mark)

    87. ,a- ;xplain why carbon dioxide concentration is a limiting factor of photosynthesis.








    IB Questionbank Biology 63

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    ,b- ;xplain the relationship between the structure of the chloroplast and its function.








    ,c- tate twoproducts of the light8dependent reactions.






    (Total 8 marks)

    IB Questionbank Biology 64

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    88. !he diagram below summaries the light8dependent reactions in photosynthesis. What is

    occurring at ?

    ; l e c t r o n s

    P h o t o s y s t e m / /

    G i g h t

    ; l e c t r o n s

    G i g h t

    P h o t o s y s t e m /


    A. ADP S phosphateA!P



    . H'00'O

    S 'HS



    (Total 1 mark)

    89. What is the first identifiable product of carbon dioxide fixation in photosynthesis?

    A. )ibulose bisphosphate ,)uBP-

    B. +lycerate"8phosphate ,+P-

    . !riose phosphate ,!P-

    D. Acetyl oA

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 65

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    90. Up to two additional marks are available for the construction of your answers.


    ,a- Draw a labelled diagram showing the structure of a plasma membrane.


    ,b- 0utline the role of chlorophyll and the effects of temperature2 light intensity and carbon

    dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis.


    ,c- ;xplain the production of energy during aerobic respiration from pyru1ate that has been

    produced by glycolysis.


    (Total 20 marks)

    91. What enyme is used in transcription but notin translation?

    A. DNA polymerase

    B. Helicase

    . Protease

    D. )NA polymerase

    (Total 1 mark)

    92. /f m)NA has a codon A*2 what is the corresponding anticodon on the t)NA molecule?

    A. A!

    B. +*A

    . A*

    D. +!A

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Biology 66

  • 7/25/2019 DNA Structure and Repliation, Transcription and Replication and Photosynthesis


    93. What are pyrimidines in DNA?

    A. !ypes of nucleotides

    B. !ypes of base pairs

    . !ypes of sugars

    D. !ypes of bases

    (Total 1 mark)
