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Chairman’s Message December 2010 D’News D’News A Quarterly Newsletter for Dynaforce Group Associates Jimmie Lee Chairman Dear Dynamites, 2010 is ending soon and I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your valued contribution to another successful year for our company. The year started out on a high note with the award of the prestigious Marina Bay Sands contract for gym equipment but the project which takes the cake this year must be the miraculous Phuket International Sports Academy contract. It was a contract which the market thought was already awarded to a competitor, but through a series of events ended up being awarded to us instead. God moves in mysterious ways. Our involvement at the Youth Olympic Games was another high light for us and gave us tremendous exposure to the regional market. We were also a main sponsor of the National Active Ageing “50plus Expo” as well as the President’s Challenge charity event in Singapore. Technogym equipment was also used to launch the Singapore 2010 National Healthy Lifestyle campaign by our Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. Dynaforce continues to grow our outreach activities through our WOW 50+ and Famili First wellness programs for the heartlanders in Singapore. Our company was also featured as a case study in the Singapore Management University’s UOB-SMU Entrepreneur- ship Alliance Centre’s “Learning and Discovery” book. We also sponsored a team of students from the National University of Singapore Business School for another study on our business. This is part of our effort to help develop young talents in the community. While Singapore continued to be the biggest contributor to our turnover, both Malaysia and Thailand have shown strong growth. Indonesia has also turned the corner, contributing significantly to the bottom line of the group, with a new team in place. More importantly we continue to have fun doing what we are doing, making new friends and touching more lives. The goal for 2011 will be to continue growing our company through more market penetration and developing new niche markets. Let’s work hard and play hard…and not forget to spend more time doing His work. Blessings

Chairman’s Message

December 2010

D’NewsD’News A Quarterly Newsletter for Dynaforce Group Associates

Jimmie Lee


Dear Dynamites,

2010 is ending soon and I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your valued contribution to another

successful year for our company. The year started out on a high note with the award of the prestigious Marina Bay

Sands contract for gym equipment but the project which takes the cake this year must be the miraculous Phuket

International Sports Academy contract. It was a contract which the market thought was already awarded to a

competitor, but through a series of events ended up being awarded to us instead. God moves in mysterious ways.

Our involvement at the Youth Olympic Games was another high light for us and gave us tremendous exposure to the

regional market. We were also a main sponsor of the National Active Ageing “50plus Expo” as well as the

President’s Challenge charity event in Singapore. Technogym equipment was also used to launch the Singapore

2010 National Healthy Lifestyle campaign by our Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. Dynaforce continues to grow our

outreach activities through our WOW 50+ and Famili First wellness programs for the heartlanders in Singapore.

Our company was also featured as a case study in the Singapore Management University’s UOB-SMU Entrepreneur-

ship Alliance Centre’s “Learning and Discovery” book. We also sponsored a team of students from the National

University of Singapore Business School for another study on our business. This is part of our effort to help develop

young talents in the community.

While Singapore continued to be the biggest contributor to our turnover, both Malaysia and Thailand have shown

strong growth. Indonesia has also turned the corner, contributing significantly to the bottom line of the group, with

a new team in place.

More importantly we continue to have fun doing what we are doing, making new friends and touching more lives.

The goal for 2011 will be to continue growing our company through more market penetration and developing new

niche markets. Let’s work hard and play hard…and not forget to spend more time doing His work.


CEO’s Message

Before we know it, the end of the year is upon us – and what a year it has been! This has been another year that proved com-

petition makes us stronger despite many different challenges we have been facing. THANK YOU Dynamites!

This is the last issue of 2010 Dynaforce newsletter. I would like to take this opportunity to THANK the Lord for his blessings.

Christmas is coming soon! During this time, we’d love for you to take time to really reflect on 2010 journey and prepare well for

the new 2011. There are many miracles happened within Dynaforce group. It seems that more are from Dynaforce Thailand. It

doesn’t surprise me since our Country Manager Phillip (Sirb) has so much love and adoration for our God. Praise the Lord for

what he has brought us through and to even seek Him.

Bible is a book of life. We can learn so much from it till the very end day whether you are believer or non believer. This year, we

have started sharing the word of God daily within our group. Thanks to our team contributors – Phillip (Thailand), Samuel

(Malaysia), Armando (Indonesia), Hui Pei (Singapore), Leroy (Singapore) and Leslie (Singapore).

In this final issue, I would like to share the below with you. Hope it can enlighten and empower you:


In Isaiah, my mighty counselor, the Prince of Peace, the everlasting Father, and more - He's everything I need.



In Genesis, my Creator

In Exodus, my Redeemer

In Leviticus, my Sanctification

In Numbers, my Guide

In Deuteronomy, my Teacher

In Joshua, my Mighty Conqueror

In Judges, the One who gives me victory over my enemies

In 1 and 2 Kings, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

In 1and 2 Chronicles, my Intercessor and High Priest

In Ezra, my Temple - my house of worship

In Nehemiah, my Mighty wall, protecting me from my enemies

In Esther, the One who stands in the gap to Deliver me from my enemies

In Job, my Arbitrator who not only understands my struggles, but has the power to do something about them

In Psalms, my song and the reason I sing

In Proverbs, my wisdom, helping me make sense of life and live it successfully

In Matthew, the King

In John, the Son of God

In Acts, the Saviour of the world

In Romans, the Righteousness of God

In 1 Corinthians, the Rock

In 2 Corinthians, the Triumphant, victorious one

In Galatians, my liberty ... You have set me free

In Ephesians, the Head of the Church

In Philippians, my Joy

In Colossians, my Completeness

In 1 Thessalonians, my Hope

In 2 Thessalonians, my Patience and discipline

In 1 Timothy, my Faith

In 2 Timothy, my Stability

In Titus, the Truth.

My 10 Champion YES statements for your 2011!

1. Yes…I can believe.

Mark 9:23-24 “If you can? said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

2. Yes… I can change. 2Corinthians 3:18 “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness

with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

3. Yes… I can love and be loved.

John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. AS I have loved you, so you ,must love on another.”

4. Yes… I can forgive and be forgiven.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

5. Yes… I can rule my thought life. Philippians 4:7-8 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in

Christ Jesus. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is

admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

6. Yes…. I can make a difference. Esther 4:14 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but

you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

7. Yes…. I can accomplish great things. John 14:12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things

than these, because I am going to the Father.

8. Yes….I can stand in the midst of adversity. Ephesians 6:13-14 “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand

your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,

with the breast- plate of righteousness in place.”

9. Yes…. I can defeat the enemy.

Romans 8:37 “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

10. Yes…. I can be a finisher.

2 Timothy 4:6-7 “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help

you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Have a very Merry Christmas and here’s to a great 2011!

God Bless All!

Annie Sun

Group CEO

Dynaforce Malaysia

When I was tasked with writing this article for the newsletter in Edgar’s absence, I was quite lost as to where to begin and what

to write about, as I am not a person of many words. Annie was giving tips, “maybe you can talk about this, you can also write

about that, put that in as well…” and she even ended with a “get it done, it’s very easy!” Maybe one of these days I should get

her to play the drums or something.

Anyway, I think it is probably best to start off where the last newsletter ended, so here goes:

Moving to the new office was a master stroke by our Country Manager, Edgar, and we as a team in Malaysia give him credit

and the two thumbs up for this. Being a level above from the playing field is a state of mind and we take pride to say that we

are getting there after much hair pulling and butt kicking from Edgar. We are definitely experiencing a dramatic improvement

in terms of brand recognition by our clients.

The constant traffic congestion on the road in front of our building in the Bangsar area is a blessing in disguise as it forces

many motorists to slow down or stop; allowing time for them to look at our sign board. The result of this is that over the last few

months we have had many high net worth individuals and captains of industries walking into our showroom because they saw

the sign board or had friends who had seen us.

Check out the only yellow coloured sign board on the building…How to miss it?

Now moving on, one of the challenges this year for us was to develop the corporate market here in Malaysia. We did get the

odd one here and there, as and when it comes. This was one of the sticking points that we decided at the beginning of the year

to rectify, and rectify we did; by getting one of the most trusted and prestigious banks in Malaysia to be on our clientele list –

HSBC Bank Malaysia. I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire Malaysian team in the closing of this deal. The design

team for coming out with excellent visuals that the client couldn’t take their eyes off, the accounts and logistics team for organ-

ising the stock and delivery, and last and not least, the techies – you guys are the life blood our team, labouring on without

question, and for that we thank you.

Dynaforce Malaysia

Here’s an update on Team Malaysia:

Edgar : Manager extraordinaire and a genius.

Sam : Yours truly. Has recently lost some of the 8kgs that he gained when he first joined the family.

Pui Fong : Works like a Patek Phillipe watch; with accuracy, quality and class.

Billy : Master craftsman at work. *Hint to all you designers out there: spent some time with this fellow if you can,

he has a wealth of knowledge about the digital arts that you never thought he had.

Bijoy : The unofficial office manager and team consigliere, a.k.a. “BJ”, as Annie would call him.

Azie : One of the most hardworking administrators we have had in awhile. And she is a fast learner too.

Charles : Gentle giant with a heart of gold. Charles has recently been promoted to Supervisor of the technical


Hoe : Hardworking and a fast learner; always comes up with good and innovative ideas.

Michael & Muslim : New technicians that understand quality service delivery. We always will need people like


With all these jewels, Team Malaysia IS the Dream Team. We want to be at least A FEW levels above the playing

field, and with God’s help, we will be. 2010 has been good to us; we want 2011 to be GREAT!

Proverbs 15:33 The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, And before honour is humility.

Thank you all the support and prayers. God bless you all!

Samuel Chin

Senior Wellness Consultant

Dynaforce Thailand

“PHILLIP”SIRB Country Manager 2 Years

God Bless!


2010 was the best ever

year for our Thailand

team in terms of sales.

This was also the first

year where we fielded

an all-Thai team. There

is no doubt that the

chemistry is right for

our team to blossom

and excel, finding their


We will be building up

our sales team in the

coming year to provide

better coverage within


There’s no limit to what

we can accomplish

when we are guided by

the Almighty.

Dynaforce Indonesia

Season’s Greetings from Jakarta to our fellow Dynamites. This year saw us expand our coverage into the government sector

and also penetrate deeper into the Bali arena. Indonesia will host the SEA Games next year and we are seeing increased de-

mand for fitness equipment already from this event. With Technogym featured prominently in the recent YOG in Singapore, it

has helped our sales in Indonesia as well.

Leroy from Singapore has been helping us to develop the Bali market and there are several interesting projects which should

materialize early next year. We closed the year with a recent order from the JW Marriot Courtyard in Bali.

In Jakarta, we are consolidating our position around the central Welcome Monument and Fountain roundabout at the junction

of Jl. M.H. Thamrin and Jl Jenderal Sudirman, in the heart of the city. Of the four major hotels surrounding this landmark foun-

tain, we have installed Technogym equipment in three of them: The Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, the Mandarin Oriental and the

Hotel Nikko. More challenges lies ahead

The Mandarin Oriental and Kempinski gyms have already been in operation for many months, but the new Nikko Hotel Well-

ness Center was just opened this month (December 2010):

This Wellness Center will also become our Dynaforce showcase here in Indonesia for Technogym, as it is in the same complex

as our office building, right in the heart of the City. As a matter of fact from our office it takes but 2 minutes to walk to this


Due to several construction technicalities, this Nikko Wellness Project has been postponed for quite some time, however it was

worth the wait. Not only using all Technogym equipments (added with the 2 KP Visions positioned on 1 wall), the Nikko Well-

ness Center uses all the finest material in their gym area, from BOSE sound system, bamboo flooring, plenty of natural lighting

and also great ambience with the use of aromatherapy. They also have a state of the art, tranquil spa facilities for single and

couples, we are very pleased to have Nikko Wellness Center as our showcase. Hopefully we will have more pictures to submit

after the grand opening.

Armando E Wisnubhrata

Wellness Project Manager

Dynaforce Singapore

Launch of Famili First @ Dakota by MP for Marine Parade , Mr Lim Biow Chuan Media Coverage of Active Ageing program

In Straits Times

Official Opening of NTUC Eldercare Dakota by Minister Lim Boon Heng from Prime Minister’s Office

Minister for Manpower Mr Gan Kim Yong playing Wii

Game with residents at Famili First Hougang during his

Ministerial Community Visit to Punggol South

Minister for Manpower Mr Gan Kim Yong and Mayor Teo Ser Luck

pitching their rowing skills on our Concept 2 Rowers during the

Ministerial Community Visit

Birthday Greetings


Johari Bin Masbah 1 January

Yap Tiong Hui 3 January

Leroy Q Reginald 5 January

Arshad Bin Rohani 10 January

Raymond Ang 11 January

Auntie Aw 11 January

Azmy Bin Abdul Wahid 12 January

Jimmie Lee 22 January

Zhang Yuan Yuan 12 February

Lim Hui Pei 13 February

Alan Chong 14 February

Nur Raihan Bte Rahim 16 February

Emelyn Goh 2 March


Uski 4 January

Yodi 17 February

Tono 23 March

Leslie Lim 5 March

Huang Hong Kun 18 March

Desmond Tan 19 March


Thitimon Onsee (AOH) 27 February

Here’s Wishing Everyone

a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2011!
