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CLASS GUIDELINE DNV GL AS The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnvgl.com is the officially binding version. The documents are available free of charge in PDF format. DNVGL-CG-0169 Edition July 2015 Quality survey plan for offshore class newbuilding surveys
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DNVGL-CG-0169 Edition July 2015

Quality survey plan for offshore class newbuilding surveys


The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnvgl.com is the officially binding version. The documents are available free of charge in PDF format.

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DNV GL class guidelines contain methods, technical requirements, principles and acceptance criteria relatedto classed objects as referred to from the rules.

© DNV GL AS July 2015

Any comments may be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document. The use of thisdocument by others than DNV GL is at the user's sole risk. DNV GL does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use ofthis document.

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es –




GeneralThis document supersedes DNV-RP-A204, September 2011.

Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes

On 12 September 2013, DNV and GL merged to form DNV GL Group. On 25 November 2013 Det NorskeVeritas AS became the 100% shareholder of Germanischer Lloyd SE, the parent company of the GL Group,and on 27 November 2013 Det Norske Veritas AS, company registration number 945 748 931, changed itsname to DNV GL AS. For further information, see www.dnvgl.com. Any reference in this document to “DetNorske Veritas AS”, “Det Norske Veritas”, “DNV”, “GL”, “Germanischer Lloyd SE”, “GL Group” or any otherlegal entity name or trading name presently owned by the DNV GL Group shall therefore also be considereda reference to “DNV GL AS”.

On 12 September 2013, DNV and GL merged to form DNV GL Group. On 25 November 2013 Det NorskeVeritas AS became the 100% shareholder of Germanischer Lloyd SE, the parent company of the GL Group,and on 27 November 2013 Det Norske Veritas AS, company registration number 945 748 931, changed itsname to DNV GL AS. For further information, see www.dnvgl.com. Any reference in this document to “DetNorske Veritas AS”, “Det Norske Veritas”, “DNV”, “GL”, “Germanischer Lloyd SE”, “GL Group” or any otherlegal entity name or trading name presently owned by the DNV GL Group shall therefore also be considereda reference to “DNV GL AS”.

involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour.

Main changes July 2015• GeneralThe revision of this document is part of the DNV GL merger, updating the previous DNV recommended practice into a DNV GL format including updated nomenclature and document reference numbering, e.g.:

— DNV replaced by DNV GL.— DNV-RP-A204 to DNVGL-CG-0169 etc.

A complete listing with updated reference numbers can be found on DNV GL's homepage on internet.

To complete your understanding, observe that the entire DNV GL update process will be implemented sequentially. Hence, for some of the references, still the legacy DNV documents apply and are explicitly indicated as such, e.g.: Rules for Ships has become DNV Rules for Ships.

In addition to the above stated main changes, editorial corrections may have been made.

Editorial corrections

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CHANGES – CURRENT .................................................................................................. 3

Sec.1 General ......................................................................................................... 51.1 Preamble ...............................................................................................51.2 Objective ...............................................................................................51.3 Scope .....................................................................................................51.4 Definitions..............................................................................................6

1.4.1 General ........................................................................................61.4.2 Survey methods ............................................................................6

Sec.2 Applications .................................................................................................. 82.1 General...................................................................................................82.2 Certification of equipment and materials................................................82.3 Locations of construction ......................................................................8

Sec.3 Review of the construction facility ................................................................ 9Sec.4 New building survey planning ..................................................................... 10

4.1 Kick-off meeting ..................................................................................104.2 Quality standards .................................................................................104.3 Survey extent ......................................................................................10

App. A Categorization of systems for testing and commissioning........................... 31

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1.1 Preamble This is a classification guide only for a typical drillship and should be used no more than as an example to prepare a project specific quality survey plan (QSP) that addresses all the requirements related to a specific project. A project specific quality survey plan with agreed extent of participation from DNV GL shall be submitted by the builder/owner (as applicable) for approval by DNV GL prior to commencement of activities.

This classification guide contains requirements obtained from IACS unified requirements, Z23 Hull Survey for New Constructions. For the convenience of users, various cross references to relevant rules and guidelines are provided in addition to IACS documents.

IACS unified requirements; Z23 Hull Survey for New Constructions is available from www.IACS.co.uk. This guide also incorporates relevant requirements of IACS UI SC234, UI LL76 and UI MPC96 regarding initial statutory surveys at new construction. Updates to IACS Z23 are also incorporated.

1.2 Objective The objectives of this guide are to ascertain various activities that are necessary for the classification of a unit, to identify Customer’s, DNV GL’s and various standards and procedures that are applicable to those activities, and to define the extent of involvement by the customer and DNV GL.

1.3 ScopeThe scope is defined in the contract between the customer and DNV GL but typically covers the requirements of applicable rules related to main class, statutory and additional class notation. The scope of the typical quality survey plan should include all the activities of the new building project as much as possible, but the contents of QSP shall not be considered as covering the detailed scope as specified in the contract.

Description of principles and procedures for DNV GL’s services related to newbuilding projects are described in the applicable DNV GL rules for classification: Offshore units e.g., DNVGL-RU-OU-0101 Offshore drilling and support units, DNVGL-RU-OU-0102 Floating production, storage and loading units, etc.

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1.4 Definitions

1.4.1 General

1.4.2 Survey methodsDefinition of survey methods which the surveyor is directly involved in:

Table 1-1 Definitions

Term Definitionbuilder builder is the party contracted to build a vessel in compliance with the Society's rulescustomer customer is the party who has requested the Society's service and may mean the owner or

the builder of the unit documents reference to documents also includes electronic transmission or storageFlag state state under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensedhull structure the hull structure is defined as follows:

i) Hull envelope including all internal and external structures.ii) Superstructures, deckhouses and casings.iii) Welded foundations (e.g., main engine seating).iv) Hatch coamings, bulwarks.v) All penetrations fitted and welded into bulkheads, decks and shell.vi) The fittings of all connections to decks, bulkheads and shell, such as air pipes and ship

side valves – all ILLC 1966, as amended.

vii) Welded attachments to shell, decks and primary members (e.g., crane pedestals, bitts and bollards), but only as regards their interaction on the hull structure.

IACS The International Association of Classification Societies IACS unified rules, interpretations, guidelines and recommendations may be found on www.iacs.org.uk

owner the registered owner of the vessel or any other organization or person who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the vessel and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities

Society DNV GLsurveyor surveyor to DNV GL, authorized to carry out surveys and to conclude whether or not

compliance has been achieved

Table 1-2 Survey methods - definitions

Term Definitionsurvey signifies a systematic and independent examination of a unit, materials, components or

systems in order to verify compliance with rules and/or statutory requirements Surveys will be carried out at the pre-fabrication sites, onboard the unit, as well as at sub-suppliers and other locations at the discretion of DNV GL, which also decides the extent and method of control.

unscheduled surveys (U) are planned activities undertaken by DNV GL to verify that applicable fabrication, installation, and testing during mechanical completion phase, testing and commissioning activities related to systems are carried out in accordance with applicable procedures in order to comply with the project requirements

review (R) a systematic examination of drawings, design documents and/or records in order to evaluate their ability to meet requirements, to identify any problems and to propose necessary actions

witness (W) attending tests or measurements where the surveyor verifies compliance with agreed test or measurement procedures

verification (V) confirmation through the provision of objective evidence (analysis, observation, measurement, test, records or other evidence) that specified requirements has been met

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MPQA manufacturer product quality assessment (MPQA) is a tool to assess a customer’s ability to control product quality by using rating methodology Where DNV GL has no recent experience with offshore activities at the fabrication facility and/or when significant new infrastructure has been added, DNV GL may initiate an MPQA and conclude the Customer’s QAQC-performance and set the initial survey scope on basis of the rating methodology.

survey category I (structure)

is related to survey of “special areas” as defined and outlined in DNVGL-OS-C101 Design of offshore steel structures General (LRFD method) Section 4 C202 and C300.

survey category II (structure)

is related to survey of “primary areas” as defined in DNVGL-OS-C101 Design of offshore steel structures General (LRFD method) Ch.2, Sec.3 (3.2.2) and (3.3).

survey category III (structure)

is related to survey of “secondary areas” as defined in DNVGL-OS-C101 Design of offshore steel structures General (LRFD method) Ch.2, Sec. 3 (3.2.2) and (3.3).

survey category I (systems)

systems which needs to be in continuous operation for maintaining the unit’s manoeuvrability and position keeping The definition is extended for systems associated with drilling and production plants to cover systems which are needed to be available on demand to prevent development of, or to mitigate the effects of an undesirable event, and to safeguard the personnel, environment and the installation.

survey category II (systems)

generally defined as systems in continuous operation for maintaining the unit’s manoeuvrability and station keeping, but which are necessary to maintain the unit’s main functions The definition is extended for systems associated with drilling and production plants to cover systems, which ensures reliable operation and which maintains plant operation within given operational limitation.

survey category III (systems)

defined as a system, which are neither Category I nor Category II

Table 1-2 Survey methods - definitions (Continued)

Term Definition

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2.1 GeneralUsing this as a model document, a project specific quality survey plan (QSP) that clearly identifies the agreed level of participation by the Society shall be prepared by the Customer and accepted by the Society for use in all new building classification projects.

2.2 Certification of equipment and materialsThis document does not cover the certification of equipment and materials.

Evidence of acceptance for such items shall be provided by the client by way of accompanying documentation from a class surveyor at manufacturer’s or other applicable location and verified at the Customer’s location.

2.3 Locations of construction This document applies to the offshore construction activities at any of the following:

i) customer’s construction facilitiesii) subcontractors at the customer’s construction facilitiesiii) subcontractors at their own facilities or at other remote locations.

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DNV GL is to familiarize itself with the Customer’s production facilities, management processes, and safety procedures for consideration in determining the contents and application of Table 4-1. This familiarization shall take place prior to starting any fabrication or construction. Such familiarization will take place under the following circumstances:

i) where DNV GL has no recent experience at the construction facility (typically after a lapse of one year)or when a significant new infrastructure to the facility has been added

ii) where there has been a significant management or personnel restructuring, having an impact on theship or offshore construction processes or,

iii) where the builder contracts to construct a vessel of a different type or substantially different in design.

In order to assess compliance with specified rules, standards and regulations, the Society may require additional documentation and carry out an assessment of yard’s processes, systems, and personnel related to the classification projects. The results of the assessment should be used as a basis to decide on the extent of the involvement of surveyors of the Society. The extent of the classification Society’s involvement for the site survey activities shall be clearly reflected in Table 4-1 in this document.

Where DNV GL has no recent experience with new building activities at the builder’s construction facility or its subcontractors and/or when significant new infrastructure has been added, DNV GL may initiate an MPQA and evaluate the Customer’s QA/QC-performance and set the initial survey scope on basis of the MPQA rating methodology.

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4.1 Kick-off meeting Prior to commencement of any new building project, the Customer and DNV GL are to discuss at a kick-off meeting the survey activity items listed in Table 4-1. The purpose is to agree how the list of specific activities shown in the table is sufficiently comprehensive, to be adjusted, if necessary and to be addressed.

A record of the meeting is to be made, based upon the contents of the Table, (the table can be used as the record with comments made inserted in the appropriate column). The Customer may be asked to agree to undertake ad hoc investigations during construction where areas of concern arise. DNV GL is to be kept informed of the progress of any investigation. Whenever an investigation is undertaken and, if warranted by the severity of the problem, the Customer should suspend relevant construction activities until counteractive measures are satisfactorily implemented, reviewed and accepted by the Society.

4.2 Quality standardsConstruction quality standards for the hull structure, piping, electrical, HVAC and other disciplines during new building project are to be properly listed in this document, reviewed and agreed during the kick-off meeting.

4.3 Survey extent It shall be underscored that the QSP table is not exhaustive, and in cases where the QSP is incomplete and/or not necessarily covering all survey aspects, it shall be the prerogative of DNV GL to require such activities/items added.

The QSP only covers survey activities and does not cover the technical interpretations of the statutory requirements or approval of plans, designs and manuals required by the regulations.

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Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items

cal activities Comments

view of material certificates rify that plates and profiles ording to procedure ation in shop of material inst nesting plan. ability proval status, rage, handling and

n accordance with procedure rers requirements. bles against type approvalce with procedures in permanent storage facilitiesce with handling in shops nditions.er certification recordsualifications according to zed standards approval for weld positionsf certificates and required

WPS approved according to rd are used for the project. gap welding procedures are ps specified by IACS 47rence is given to preheating,

for heating, temperature king and cooling in

h approved procedures.

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

A. Hull structure and hull outfitting

1.1 Material receipt control

DNVGL-OS-C401 Traceability recordsV R

— Review files, reand records, Veare marked acc

1.2 Material traceability during production

DNVGL-OS-C401 Nesting plans, traceability records V R

— Random verifictraceability aga

— Review of trace

2.1 Weldingconsumables

DNVGL-OS-C401 Procedure for handling of consumables


— Review type ap— Review that sto

treatment are iand manufactu

— Verify consuma— Verify complian

temporary and— Verify complian

and outdoor co

2.2 Welder performancequalification

DNVGL-OS-C401 Welders’ records


— Review of weld— Verify welder q

agreed recogni— Verify welders — Verify validity o


2.3 Welding procedure specification (WPS)



— Verify that onlyDNV GL standa

— Verify that widequalified on ga

— Verify that refeincl. repairs

2.4 Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)

DNVGL-OS-C401 Heat treatment records V R

— Review recordsdifferences, soaaccordance wit

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ication facilities are adverse weather, e.g. wind, ughts and kept dry.oor areas applying welding ases and flux arc are

ication facilities are adverse weather, e.g. wind, ughts and kept dry.oor areas applying welding ases and flux arc are

icient number of skilled kept during fabricationing equipment is in good

rated as per procedure

e preparation is kept within dard

edures are in place to wide gaps and alignment that remedial actions have ounteract with reported non-

and get it approved prior to kfabrication has been carried d inspected

Cut outs in hull, frames, girders, columns, braces to approved prior to any work being carried out

nment and fit-up have been t Class requirements for

nment and fit-up conform records

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

3.0 Weldingenvironment

DNVGL-OS-C401 QC report checklist


— Verify that fabrprotected fromrain, snow, dra

— Verify that outdwith shielding gprotected

3.0 WPT welding production test

DNVGL-OS-C401 QC report checklist


— Verify that fabrprotected fromrain, snow, dra

— Verify that outdwith shielding gprotected

3.1 Welding and fabricationsupervision, production



— Verify that suffinspectors are

— Verify that weldorder and calib

4.0 Edge preparation(pre-assembly)(pre-erection)

DNVGL-OS-C401 QC report checklistW U/R

— Verify that edgthe agreed stan

4.1 Fit-up and alignment,general(pre-assembly)(pre-erection)

DNVGL-OS-C401 Fabrication records


— Verify that proccompensate for

— Deviations andbeen taken to cconformances

4.2 Cut outs in structural member s etc

Fabrication records


— Update as builtstart of the wor

— Verify that the out properly an

4.3 Fit-up and alignment,special areas(Survey Category I)

DNVGL-OS-C401 Fabrication records


— Review that aligchecked againsspecial areas.

— Verify that aligwith fabrication

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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T extent has been carried o NDT plans and that all en tested.fect rates are within t. is documented such that the

ination is properly

ired areas are satisfactorily not more that twice unless lablecks are controlled and roduction and finally H according to approved d fabrication procedures and rkmanship.

ce recordsT has been completed T plans.

general welding and tandard are maintainedtlings and details are carried o approved drawings. surface preparation is kept

andard and that specified eparation for enhanced tisfactorily carried out. GL’ unscheduled records

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

4.4 NDT DNVGL-OS-C401 NDT recordsRepair records


— Review that NDout according trepairs have be

— Review that deacceptable limi

— Verify that NDTperformed examduplicated.

— Verify that repacarried out andprocedure avai

4.5 Final block inspection DNVGL-OS-C401 Fabricationhistory records and statusRecords design changes and statusUnscheduled inspection non-conformity records and statusNDT records and statusQCH final records and status


— Review that blocompleted by pchecked by QCdrawings agreestandard for wo

— Review toleran— Review that ND

according to ND— Verify that the

workmanship s— Verify that scan

out according t— Verify that weld

according to stweld surface prfatigue life is sa

— Verify that DNVare dealt with.

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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cks are controlled and roduction and finally H according to approved d fabrication procedures and rkmanship. T has been completed T plans.

on review that the Customer own inspection.y specified leak testing in hops have been witnessed

htness testing of penetration d out.se testing has been carried omer,oundaries and interfaces subject to tightness testing the inspection ubject boundaries and e in absent of leaksoundaries and connections testing are not leaking.

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

4.6 Block erection welding (Survey Category II and III)


Fabricationhistory records and statusRecords design changes and statusUnscheduled inspection non-conformity records and statusNDT records and statusQCH final records and status


— Review that blocompleted by pchecked by QCdrawings agreestandard for wo

— Review that NDaccording to ND

5.0 Tightness testing, including leak and hose testing, hydro pneumatic testing

DNVGL-OS-C401 Inspection records and test results


— Prior to inspectihas performed

— Review that ansub-assembly sand accepted.

— Review that tighas been carrie

— Review that hoout by the Cust

— Verify that all bbetween blocksare covered by

— Verify that all spenetrations ar

— Verify that all bsubject to hose

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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on review that the Customer own inspection.rrect testing pressures have

ctural test shall be combined esting, review that no ing has been appliedstructural integrity is all boundaries and een blocks subject to g are free from protective ered by the inspection ubject boundaries and e free from leaksating standard has been der by manufacturer and

des are provided with umentation, and that ations as per approved

ressed current system is sted protection systemsn of coating, steel surface h respect to application of rication and installation of es and impressed current tion systems are not GL’ scope of work unless reement.

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

5.1 Structural testing DNVGL-OS-C401 Inspection records and test results


— Prior to inspectihas performed

— Review that cobeen used

— In case the struwith tightness tprotective coat

— Verify that the maintained andinterfaces betwtightness testincoating and cov

— Verify that all spenetrations ar

6.0 Corrosion protection systems (e.g., coatings, cathodic protection, impressed current)Application of antifouling systems


Installation recordsBuilder's and manufacturer's records and manufacturer’s declaration


— Review that coconfirmed in orCustomer.

— Verify that anoappropriate docnumber and locdrawings.

— Verify that impinstalled and te

— B600 Corrosion— B601 Applicatio

preparation witcoating and fabsacrificial anodcathodic protecincluded in DNVupon special ag

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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g with customer and owner.nitoring the implementation erify that applied coatings

d marks in accordance with mentrks in accordance with the es

grity to be verified, including hments etc

y surveyor to verify that the ment has been carried out proved procedure.

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

6.1 Coating included in the PSPC: application of protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments is applicable to offshore units (semi submersibles, floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs) as defined in Articles 1-12 and 3 of the Convention

SOLAS Reg. II QC records and manufacturer’s data sheets, Approved CTF


— Kick off meetin— Review and mo

of the coating Vare approved

6.2 Dimensional measurement

QC records W U/R

7.0 Freeboard mark inspection Load line and draft mark inspection


QC records


— Verify freeboarload line assign

— Verify draft maagreed toleranc

8.0 In- water survey mark (BIS)

DNV Rules for ships

QC records W W

9.0 Bottom survey before launching

QC records W W— Water tight inte

openings, attac

10.0 Inclining experiment and deadweight measurement

DNVGL-OS-C301 Inclining test reportW W

— DNV GL stabilitinclining experiaccording to ap

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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ertight integrity is

ther tight integrity is

e fabrication is carried out d according to agreed job instructions.ability system and records qualification ng facilities. Verify by that the pipe fabrication nerally in good order that on is carried out to good tandardontrol and traceability of g fabrication. alification of personnel is ocedure and that welding on-destructive testing

librated weld joint types, weld eld processes, including ered by approved welding ording to agreed thod WPS's approved according dard DNVGL-OS-D101 are oject.(ASTM American ting Materials ASME B31.3 Pressure Piping)

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

11.0 Watertight integrity of internal and external openings

DNVGL-OS-C301 Installation and testing and recordsApproved drawings W W

— Verify that watmaintained

11.1 Weather tight integrity

DNVGL-OS-C301 Installation and testing recordsApproved freeboard plan


— Verify that weamaintained

B. Quality survey plan piping systems

1.0 Piping fabrication facilities

DNVGL-OS-D101 Pipe fabrication recordsNDT and testing recordsWelders’ record


— Review that pipand documenteprocedures and

— Review of trace— Review records— Review of testi

qualified surveyfacilities are gepiping fabricatiworkmanship s

— Verify receipt cmaterials durin

1.1 Welding procedure specification (WPS)

DNVGL-OS-D101 Procedural coverage records


— Review that quaccording to prmachines and nfacilities are ca

— Review that allpositions and wrepairs, are covprocedures accqualification me

— Verify that onlyto DNV GL stanused for the prSociety for TesASME Code for

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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cation records include NDTHT if required is carried out d as per procedure. Verify ination that the fabrication eptable.

cation records include NDTHT is carried out per procedure

cation records include NDTHT if required is carried out d as per procedurel examination that the dard is acceptable.ive documentation required e furnished by buildercation records include NDTHT if required is carried out d as per procedurel examination that the dard is acceptable.


ecorder Calibration and rt (Record)

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

2.0 Marine class I piping DNVGL-OS-D101 Fabrication recordsshop pressure testing records

NDT and PWHT records


— Review of fabri— Review that PW

and documenteby visual examstandard is acc

2.1 Marine class piping Class II and III

DNVGL-OS-D101 Fabrication recordsNDT and PWHT records

W U/R— Review of fabri— Review that PW

documented as

2.2 Class I drilling and production piping

DNVGL-OS-E101 and E201

Fabrication recordsshop pressure testing recordsNDT and PWHT records


— Review of fabri— Review that PW

and documente— Verify by visua

fabrication stan— NB More extens

for HP Drill to b

2.3 Class II drilling and production piping

DNVGL-OS-D101 Fabrication recordsShop pressure testing recordsNDT and PWHT records


— Review of fabri— Review that PW

and documente— Verify by visua

fabrication stan

2.4 Installation inspection

Piping installationCheck sheet W U/R

— P & ID walkthro

2.5 Post weld heat treatment (PWHT)

PWHT procedure PWHT Record W R

2.6 Nondestructive examination

NDE procedure NDE Report W R

2.7 Cleaning & flushing (WaterAir Etc.)

Cleaning, flushing & preservation procedure


2.8 Hydro-test (Class I) Hydro test procedure

Piping installationCheck sheetTest record


— Review Chart RHydro Test Cha

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

Quality records generated

Extent of attendance TypiYard DNV

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ecorder Calibration and rt (Record)

le ladders and trays with ices are made of corrosion Hot galvanizing or stainless)ertificate are available.

ices, required to be operable itions shall be of fire omplying with the f IEC 60331-, where they igh fire risk areas.ment, flag require Halogen free quarters.regation on an ongoing

rator cables shall be divided more cable runs.(Both for rol cables)erator cables are not going ams.

er cable inside steering gear ing as wide as possiblem ESBD shall not pass

om local to bridge shall tely.ower cable from ESBD is not

h E or other high fire risk

h fault circuit breaker is

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

2.9 Hydro-test (Class II and III)

Hydro test procedure

Piping installationCheck sheetTest Record

W U/R— Review Chart R

Hydro Test Cha

C. Electrical and instrumentation installations

1.0 Cable tray and installation

DNVGL-OS-D201 MC check sheetV R

— Verify that Cabtheir fixing devresistant steel.(

1.1 Cable type DNVGL-OS-D201 TA certificateCable list


— Verify that TA cCables for servunder fire condresistant type crequirements opass through h

— Special require— i.e. Norwegian

cables in living

1.2 Cable segregation DNV Rules for ships Pt.6

Layout drawing V U— Verify cable seg


1.2 Cable installation

1.2.1 Generator cables DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawingW U

— Verify that genebetween two orpower and cont

1.2.2 Emergency generator cables

DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawing W U— Verify that gen

through cofferd

1.2.3 Steering gear cables DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawing


— Verify that Powroom shall runn

— Power cable frothrough ER

— Control cable frrunning separa

1.2.4 Emergency fire pp cables

SOLAS CH II-2 Layout drawingW U

— Verify that the ppassing througarea.

1.2.5 Heating cable installation

DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawingMaker’s instruction W U

— Verify that eartprovided.

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ast 300 mm from each other ically separated by earthed s or pipes.

are not running in the same

phases preferably in a ation.hases belonging to the same ing together in a common ration (MCT)ll be witnessed under tion.

the floor in engine and cargo

e bending is properly ing cable ladder installation.

xpansion shall be agreed rly stage.s approved or recommended manufacturer and made by .ded that Hi-pot test will be st cable after termination, if do others.size of glands shall match integrity of the enclosure is

oops, i.e. lighting loops in

d by powerful frequency

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

1.2.6 Segregation of low and high voltage cables

DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawingW U

— Verify that at leunless mechanmetal partition

1.2.7 Segregation of power cables and cables for control circuits

DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawingW U

— Verify that theybunch or pipe.

1.2.8 Single core cables DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawing


— Verify that the triangular form

— Verify that all pcircuit are runnbulkhead penet

1.2.9 Cable penetrations DNVGL-OS-D201 Maker’s instructionTA certificate W U

— A sampling shamaker’s instruc

1.2.10 Mechanical protection of cables

DNVGL-OS-D201 W U— Focus on below

hold area.

1.2.11 Cable bends and fixing

DNVGL-OS-D201 Maker’s instruction W U— Verify that cabl

considered dur

1.2.12 Cable expansion DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawing W U — Installation of ewith yard at ea

1.2.13 Termination of cables

(High voltage cable)

DNVGL-OS-D201 Maker’s instruction


— Termination kitfrom the cable qualified people

— It is recommendown for the firsuccessful then

1.2.14 Cable entrance DNVGL-OS-D201


— Verify that the with cable size.

— Verify that the not impaired.

2.0 Main Power supply

2.1 System voltages and frequency

DNVGL-OS-D201 Test procedure V R

2.2 Voltage drop DNVGL-OS-D201 Approved calculation V R — Focus on long loffshore unit.

2.3 Harmonic distortion DNVGL-OS-D201 Approved calculation V R — Normally causeconverter

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No pipes installed above, no ors if more than 7m.or switchboards, and in front of and behind of

otection (Trip ACB)otection, only alarm, NOT


n is required in all locations ction is required, except in and cold rooms with low 5 °C, where heat uired. Pay special attention in hazardous areasors of all types used in the

power supply. Observe ble fault signals and ge-over to emergency

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

2.5 Switchboard arrangement

DNVGL-OS-D201 Layout drawing


— Make sure that dead end corrid

— Passage ways finsulation mat switch boards.

3.0 Emergency power supply

3.1 Emergency Generator protection W W

— Short circuit pr— Over current pr

trip ACB.

3.2 Emergency generator used as harbour generator

W W— Same as main

3.3 Starting arrangements for emergency generating sets


D. Fire detection systems

1.1 Smoke detection SOLAS/ FSS Code 2001

Test records


— Smoke detectiowhere fire detegalleys, saunastemperature bedetection is reqto installations

1.2 Spare components onboard

FSS Code 2001 Inventory list W W— E.g. fire detect


1.3 Address identification FSS Code 2001 Test records W W1.4 Main and emergency

power supplies and battery charging failure fault signal

Test records


— Switch off mainvisual and audiautomatic chansource

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tion of disconnected look by disconnection of inputs ps. Simulate earth fault and input circuits for selected

re ceilings and suspension tible materials, which is

SOLAS 1974 vessels.st function of smoke

e ceilings in corridors and

e per loop. Verify visual and al in the fire central

ible alarm can be heard crew accommodation and control stations and es of category Al at the fire central has not ion within two minutes, the be activated

or in each loop or area. Use erify alarm at a defined he lower explosion level rs with keel laid on or after %, oil carriers with keel laid -01 30%, gas carriers 30%, 5% - 60%, other vessels

ll fixed systems on board. d visual alarm at a anned position.

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

1.5 Test indication of disconnected loop and fault signal for earth fault, short circuit and wire break in detection loops. Perform lamp test if applicable

FSS Code 2001 Test records


— Simulate indicaand wire breakfor selected looshort circuit onloops.

1.6 Fire and smoke detection above ceilings in corridors and stairways

FSS Code 2001


— Applicable whecontain combusallowed for pre

— Fire detector Tedetectors abovstairways

1.7 Manual call point test function

FSS Code 2001 Test records W W— Test at least on

audible fire sign

1.8 Audible alarms FSS Code 2001 Test recordsW W

— Verify that audthroughout theservice spaces,machinery spac

1.9 Test activation of alarm

FSS Code 2001 Test recordsW W

— If the fire signareceived attentfire alarm shall

2.0 Hydrocarbon gas detection system, fixed

2.1 Gas detector test function

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 DNVGL-OS-D301

Test records


— Test one detectspan gas and vpercentage of t(LEL). Oil carrie2002-07-01 10before 2002-07offshore units 230%.

2.2 Examine and test function

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-MODU-code

Test recordsW W

— Applicable for aTest audible ancontinuously m

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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nufacturer's instructions

ration and maintenance has t in accordance with the recommendations.um two units

on board. Normally nits

oam concentrate has a valid st report

es, nozzles and applicators s contain correct coupling drants and nozzles. Hoses n-perishable type. Nozzles proved dual-purpose (spray orating a shut off

ation while in running

n Test

of the fire pumps is supplied ency source of electric

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

3.0 Hydrocarbon gas detection system, fixed

3.1 Test function as far as practicable

Test records W W— Refer to the ma

3.2 CalibrationW W

— Verify that calibbeen carried oumanufacturer's

3.3 Quantity SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 2 and Ch.VI MODU Code-


— Normally minim

4.0 Oxygen detection, portable unit

4.1 Quantity SOLAS 2000 Ch.II- W W

— Verify quantityminimum two u

5.0 Fire fighting – on board documentation

5.1 Fixed firefighting system service report

Fixed firefighting system service report W W

— Verify that the fcertificate or te

6.0 Fire water system

6.1 Fire hoses & Fire hose stations including equipment

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-


— Examine all hosthat hose boxespanners for hyshall be of a noshall be of an apjet) type incorp

7.0 Fire water supply system, main

7.1 Fire water pumping units, W W

— Perform examincondition

7.2 Fire water pumping units, main

SOLAS Ch.II-2 Test records W W— Verify Operatio

7.3 One of the fire pumps is supplied from the emergency source of electric power

SOLAS Ch.II-1 Test records


— Verify that one from the emergpower

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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of valves, check valve ors and check for water on

peration of sea suction valve

d secondary starting Verify that pumps installed est water line are of self

lectrically driven pumps. emergency generator is able e emergency fire pumps with other consumers

ernational shore connection d, enabling use on both sel. Gasket, 4 bolts, 4 nuts shall be available

opening and closing of

for vessels with pressurized that all hydrants outlets are all isolation valves are open. e main whilst under pressure s running simultaneously akage. Test function of f fitted.essure at the highest wo hoses connected to the ts and two pumps running. ures for vessels with gross 00 GT 0.27 Nmm2, other m2.

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

8.0 Fire water supply system, emergency

8.1 Fire water supply piping, emergency

ICLL and MODU Code- 2001

Test records


— Test operationsposition indicatdeck

— Verify remote o

9.0 Fire pumping units, emergency

9.1 Operation test SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2

Test recordsW W

— Test primary anarrangements. above the lightpriming type

9.2 Operation with supply from the emergency source of electric power

SOLAS 1996 Ch.II-1

Test records


— Applicable for eVerify that the to deliver to thsimultaneously

9.3 International shore connection

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2, MODU Code

W W— At least one int

shall be providesides of the vesand 8 washers

10.0 Fire water distribution system

10.1 Fire hydrants operation test

Test records W W— Spot check by


10.2 Fire main pressure test

Test records


— Not applicable systems. Verifyclosed and thatExamine the firfrom two pumpand verify no lesafety valves, i

10.3 Fire main - main nozzle pressure under main pump operation

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-and MODU Code-

Test records


— Verify nozzle prhydrant, with thighest hydranMinimum presstonnage >= 60vessels 0.25 Nm

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rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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th two hoses connected to rants. Verify that both hoses ultaneously.

th two hoses connected to rants. Verify that both hoses ultaneously.

se of periodically unattended e, when only one person is

tch, or if dangerous goods is a system permanently one of the main fire pumps is

cally and verify function and

bottles, piping, pull pistons,

ction to the manifold. Bottle tain no storage

tems, use outlet to deck

e in accordance with . Examine for dirt, clogging l damage

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

10.4 Fire main - hose throw under emergency pump operation


— Perform test withe highest hydthrow 12 m sim

10.5 Fire main verify no connections other than those necessary for fire-fighting purposes



— Perform test withe highest hydthrow 12 m sim

11.0 Fire water supply control and monitoring system

11.1 Test remote start of main fire pump

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-MODU Code

Test records


— Applicable in camachinery spacrequired on wacarried, unless pressurized by installed.

11.2 Verify local start of main fire pump

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 and MODU Code-

Test recordsW W

— Start pumps lopressure

12.0 Machinery space fixed gas fire fighting system

12.1 Examination of release mechanism

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 MODU Code

W W— Including pilot

wire pull etc.

12.2 Examination of gas reservoir condition

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 and MODU Code-

W W— Examine conne

rooms shall con

12.3 Function test of release alarm

FSS Code 2001 Test records W W

12.4 Function test SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 and MODU Code-

Test recordsW W

— For internal sys

13.0 Machinery space fixed local application water spraying fire extinguishing system

13.1 Examination of type of nozzles W W

— The bulb shall bapproved plansand mechanica

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

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lease, from local and remote ation controls

, 6 spares. Total no. 300 - s. Total no. > 1000, 24

start of pump at pressure

ble alarm shall be activated sprinkler comes into flow alarm in each section larm condition. Alarm panel e fault alarm

stop-valve and at a central auges are not required on

for water mist systemof valves. A test valve shall each section valve. Test s for each section of

, 6 spares. Total no. 300 - s. Total no. > 1000, 24

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

13.2 Pumping unit – operation under main power supply


13.3 Test system according to requirements in type approval certificate

Test records


13.4 Function test – as far as possible

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 MODU Code-

Test recordsW W

— Test manual relocation of oper

13.5 Sufficient number of spare sprinkler heads

FSS Code 2001 W W

— Total no. < 3001000, 12 sparespares

14.0 Accommodation fixed water spraying fire extinguishing system

14.1 Testing automatic start of pump

FSS Code 2001 Test records W W— Test automatic

drop in system

14.2 Testing flow alarm at control station or bridge

FSS Code 2001 Test records


— Visual and audiwhenever any operation. Testby simulating ashall also includ

14.3 Operation under main and emergency power supply

FSS Code 2001 W W

14.4 Piping - pressure gauges are fitted

FSS Code 2001 W W

— At each sectionstation. Glass gpressure tanks

14.5 System test in accordance with TA/manufacturer’s test procedure

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 MODU Code

Test records


— Test operation be provided forautomatic alarmsprinklers.

14.6 Sufficient number of spare sprinkler heads

FSS Code 2001 W W

— Total no. < 3001000, 12 sparespares

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rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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ssible; if not blow through that all nozzles are open

el pumps shall be provided ich permit shutdown from a ation in the event of a fire. y-fed fuelling system is alent closing arrangements d.

el pumps shall be provided ich permit shutdown from a ation in the event of a fire. y-fed fuelling system is alent closing arrangements d.

e 'Fire control plan'

e fire control plan, including re extinguishers; 135 l foam oom, and 45 l foam in each e containing combustion

100% for the first 10 uishers and 50% for the more than 60 spare charges or extinguishers that cannot n board, spare extinguishers d. Extinguishers installed in quirements can be counted

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

15.0 Drilling area water spraying fire fighting system

15.1 Piping system – blow through test

FSS Code 2001. Test records W W— Use water if po

with air. Verify

16.0 Helicopter deck foam fire extinguishing system

16.1 Helicopter fuel remote control stop valve test function

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II- MODU Code

Test records


— Storage tank fuwith means whsafe remote locWhere a gravitinstalled, equivshall be provide

17.0 Helicopter fuel storage and distribution arrangement

17.1 Helicopter fuel remote control stop valve test function

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 MODU code

Test records


— Storage tank fuwith means whsafe remote locWhere a gravitinstalled, equivshall be provide

18.0 Fire extinguishing equipment, mobile

18.1 Fire extinguisher, non-portable wheeled verify number and location,

SOLAS 2004 Ch.II- W W

— As shown on th

18.2 Fire extinguisher, portable verify type, number and location

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-MODU Code W W

— According to thsemi portable fiin each boiler rmachinery spacengines.

18.3 Fire extinguisher, portable verify quantity of spare charges

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2


— Spare capacity required extingremaining. Notare required. Fbe recharged oshall be provideexcess of the reas spares

Sl. No. ActivityReference to

rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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powder extinguishers apacity of not less than 45 ide extinguishers of a total

less than 18 kg or

vices plus one spare

e control plan'. If not shown plan shall be amended and survey

iness of filters and quality of t and verify operation.

ll be provided for each ing apparatus. The lifelines of.ll be stored in widely ions.

shall be fitted to permit the e in the event of fire. Inlets ll be located at least 4.5 m d deck

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

18.4 Fire extinguisher, portable verify type, number and location at helicopter deck

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2


— At least two dryhaving a total ckg. Carbon dioxcapacity of notequivalent.

19.0 Emergency escape breathing arrangements

19.1 Emergency escape breathing device (EEBD), verify number of devices installed in the accommodation spaces

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2


— At least two de

19.2 Emergency escape breathing device (EEBD), verify number of devices installed in the machinery spaces

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2


— Refer to the 'Firon the plan, theverified at next

20.0 Breathing air supply

20.1 Breathing air compressor unit examine condition and test function

SOLAS 2000 Ch.II

Test records


— Examine cleanlair supply. Star

21.0 Fire-fighter's outfit

21.1 Verification of lifeline SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 W W

— One lifeline sharequired breathshall be firepro

21.2 Examine stowage SOLAS 2000 Ch.II-2 W W

— The outfits shaseparated posit

22.0 Ventilation systems for machinery spaces

22.1 Verify arrangement SOLAS 2000 Ch.II- W W

— Arrangements release of smokand outlets shaabove freeboar

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lon and CO2 systems. May d for other gas fire ystems.

ut down may be initiated by ction.

f certified safe type.

all be of certified safe type. t.4 Ch.8 Sec.2 I400

ecks. Test local operation ration if arranged. Test

ation if arranged. Verify d position indication locally remotely if arranged

on shall be capable of being n easily accessible position ce being served.


Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

23.0 Ventilation control and monitoring system

23.1 Test automatic shutdown of ventilation in spaces protected by gas fire extinguishing systems

SOLAS 1981 Ch.II-2

Test records


— Required for Haalso be arrangeextinguishing s

24.0 Ventilation systems for accommodation spaces

24.1 Ventilation systems for accommodation spaces, fan units test automatic shutdown

MODU code Test records


— If arranged. Shfire or gas dete

25.0 Ventilation systems for hazardous stores

25.1 Condition examination

MODU Code W W— Fans shall be o

26.0 Ventilation systems for battery rooms

26.1 Condition examination

MODU Code W W— Exhaust fans sh

SS Jan. 2004 P

27.0 Ventilation systems for drilling areas

27.1 Ventilation systems for drilling areas, ducting test function of fire dampers

MODU code Test records


— Perform spot chand remote opeautomatic operopen and closeat dampers and

27.2 Ventilation systems for drilling areas, fan units test remote stop

MODU Code-


— Power ventilatistopped from aoutside the spa

27.3 Test function MODU Code Test records W W — Test start and s

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ll be possible from at least cations outside hazardous ty shall at least cover: 1. ept combustion air. 2. Main 3. Emergency electric

ted outside enclosed spaces e for zone 2

ncy lighting required for embarkation, blow-out ol system, general alarm address system and battery-ommunication installations

amples above

lass and statutory related missioning is carried out

lass and statutory related missioning is carried out

lass and statutory related missioning is carried out

Table 4-1 QSP - survey activity items (Continued)

cal activities Comments

28.0 Emergency shut down safety system

28.1 Test selective shut down of ventilation and ignition sources


Test records


— Shut down shatwo strategic loareas. SelectiviVentilation, excelectric power. power.

28.2 Verify ex-protection of live equipment after shut down

MODU Code and DNVGL-OS-A101 W W

— Equipment locashall be suitabl

28.3 Verify operability of emergency systems after emergency shut down

Vessel operation manual, MODU Ch.6.5 and DNVGL-OS-A101

Test records


— At least emergeescape and dispreventer contrsystem, public supplied radio c

E. HVAC and other similar systems should be added using the ex

1.0 Testing and commissioning

1.0 Survey Category I Systems

DNVGL-OS-D101 & DS-OS-E101

Testing and commissioning records

W W— Verify that all c

testing and comsatisfactorily

1.2 Survey Category II Systems

DNVGL-OS-D101 & DS-OS-E101

Testing and commissioning records

W U/R— Verify that all c

testing and comsatisfactorily

1.3 Survey Category III Systems

DNVGL-OS-D101 & DS-OS-E101

Testing and commissioning records

W U/R— Verify that all c

testing and comsatisfactorily

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rules procedures(Yard/DNV GL)

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Page 31: DNVGL-CG-0169 Quality survey plan for offshore class newbuilding ...


Table A-1 Category 1 systems for commissioning (for integration)

No. Name of the system Integrated with1 Fire Main System F&G/Deluge/control2 Inergen System F&G/HVAC/PA3 Fire Water Deluge System F&G4 Main Diesel Generator PMS&S/T&DP5 Sea Water Cooling System Consumer Capacity Test6 Thruster S.W. Cooling System S/T7 Thruster S/T8 11Kv Switchboard PMS9 690V HPU MCC SIT10 690V Drilling VFD Switchboard SIT11 690V Thruster VFD Switchboard DP/PMS12 230V AC UPS ESD13 230V AC UPS Battery ESD14 230V AC UPS Main Distribution Board ESD15 230 AC UPS DB ESD16 ICMS, Fire And Gas, ESD & DP

With Sensor And Reference System ESD/HVAC

17 Telecom System ESD18 Column And Pontoon Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems ESD19 Electrical And Auxiliary Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems ESD20 Engine Rooms Ventilation Systems ESD21 Port/Stbd/Aft Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems ESD22 LQ HVAC ESD23 Power Management System DRILL/DP24 Dynamic Positioning System Test (DPS) CONTROL25 Machinery Unmanned Test E0

Table A-2 Category II systems for commissioning (for integration)

No. Name of the system Integrated with1 Ballast System Semi Recovery Test2 Aux. Cooling F.W. System S/T & SIT3 460V LV Switchboard S/T4 230V LV Switchboard S/T

Table A-3 Category I systems for commissioning (as independent systems)

No. Name of the system1 Lifeboat & Launch System2 Mob Boat Launch Device System3 Column Room Lift4 emergency bilge system5 Emergency Shut Off System (Quick closing valves)6 Drill Floor Elevator7 Escape Chute8 230V AC UPS 9 230V AC UPS Battery

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10 230V AC UPS Main Distribution Board11 230 AC UPS DB12 Water Tight Door13 Helideck Fire-Fighting System14 Inclining Experiment & Light Weight Measurement Procedure15 Dynamic Positioning System Test (DPS)

Table A-4 Category II systems for commissioning (as independent systems)

No. Name of the system1 Misc.Lifesaving Equipment2 Helicopter Refueling System3 Ballast System4 Dirty Drain System5 Fire Main System6 Inergen System7 Fire Water Deluge System8 Main Diesel Generator9 Steam Generating System10 Sea Water Cooling System11 Starting Air System For Main Engine12 Thruster S.W. Cooling System13 Sewage & Gray Water Discharge System14 Anchor Winches15 Thruster 16 Bilge System17 Diesel Gen. F.W Cooling System18 11Kv Switchboard19 690V HPU MCC20 690V Drilling VFD Switchboard21 690V Thruster VFD Switchboard22 Nav. And Signal Light23 U-Light And Foghorn24 Obstruction Light25 Remote Sounding System26 ICMS, Fire And Gas, ESD & DP With Sensor And Reference System27 Telecom System 28 HPU For V/V Operation29 Ram Rig Travelling Yokes Main/Aux.30 Tong Lift System31 LIR / HVAC Room, HVAC 32 DDM-1000-HY-RR/DDM-650-HY-RR33 Rotary Table Main/Aux.(Including Power Slips) 34 DAT System35 Guideline Winch & Tensioner System36 LP/HP Nitrogen System37 Mud Bucket38 Bulk Powder Handling System39 Mud Storage And Transfer System40 Mud Mixing And Additive System

Table A-3 Category I systems for commissioning (as independent systems) (Continued)

No. Name of the system

Class guideline, DNVGL-CG-0169 – Edition July 2015 Page 32


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41 Mud Supply System42 Mud Return And Treatment System43 Pontoon Mud, Brine, Oil Storage & Transfer System System44 BOP Package45 Diverter Package46 Tubular and Riser Feeding Machine/Shuttle, Main Rig47 Lower Guiding Arm including Heads and Rail, Main/Aux48 Trolley For Riser Guiding49 Riser Chute50 DP/DC, Casing & Riser Fingerboard51 Direct Lift Bridge Crane DP/DC/CSG, Main Rig/Aux. Rig52 Hydraulic Roughneck MH 189953 Multi Scope Arm (Casing Modem)54 Hydraulic Cathead, Brake Out, including Wire55 Tail in Arm56 Multi Manipulator Arm (DFMA)57 Piperack Gantry Crane58 Riser Handling Crane (w/ Rail)59 BOP Skid/X-Mas/ LMRP Transportation/Handling60 Miscellaneous Guides61 Access Basket62 BOP Overhead Crane/X-mas Tree Overhead Crane 63 Underhull Guiding Main/Aux.64 Overhull Guiding65 Utility Winch & Manrider Winch66 Burner Boom67 Ringline HPU And Distribution System68 Ramrig HPU And Distribution System69 Dual Derrick Simultaneous Operation70 Integrated BOP & Riser Handling System71 Integrated Drill String Test (Simulated Spud-in Mode)72 LQ HVAC73 Power Management System74 Navigation Equipment75 Machinery Unmanned Test76 Anchor Test77 PA Coverage Measurement

Table A-5 Category III systems for commissioning (as independent system)

No. Name of the system1 Monorail System2 Air Winches & Towing Equipment3 Drill Water System4 Deck Bilge System5 Service Air System6 Steam & Drain System7 Seawater Service System8 Aux. Cooling F.W. System

Table A-4 Category II systems for commissioning (as independent systems) (Continued)

No. Name of the system

Class guideline, DNVGL-CG-0169 – Edition July 2015 Page 33


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1) New Technology and Applications including Changes to Approved Design: Applications of new technology and non-traditionalapplications of existing technology shall be approved by DNV GL. Any changes to design that is already approved by DNV GLshall be submitted to DNV GL for re-approval e.g., scaling up equipment/design, etc. In most cases, such changes will be treatedas Survey Category 1 for follow up during construction, mechanical completion, testing and commissioning.

2) Additional systems based on the choice of additional class notations should be added in addition to the above.


9 Diesel Oil Transfer & Drain System10 Lub. Oil Storage, Transfer & Drain System11 Distilled & Make-Up Water System12 Potable & Sanitary Supply System13 Cold Starter Generator14 MGPS (Marine Growth)15 Heat Trace System16 460V LV Switchboard17 230V LV Switchboard18 Small Power DB19 Lighting And Small Power20 Shore Connection Box21 Column And Pontoon Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems22 Electrical And Auxiliary Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems23 Engine Rooms Ventilation Systems24 Port/Stbd/Aft Machinery Rooms Ventilation Systems25 HVAC Duck Air Leak Test Procedure for Hull & Topside26 ICCP27 Pneumatically Operated Door28 Provision Cold Store & Freezer System29 Noise Level Measurement30 Vibration Level Measurement31 Helideck Drains

Table A-6 Category I Systems for commissioning (CRANE)

No. Name of the system1 Deck Crane

Table A-5 Category III systems for commissioning (as independent system) (Continued)

No. Name of the system

Class guideline, DNVGL-CG-0169 – Edition July 2015 Page 34


Page 35: DNVGL-CG-0169 Quality survey plan for offshore class newbuilding ...


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