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DNX GLOBAL Workshop ★ Rodolphe Dutel - Finding remote work: How to start into your location...

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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Rodolphe Dutel - @remotiveio


You’re in the right place if….

You want to work remotely at a startup

You are committed to finding a remote job


You’re in the right place if….

- You have a relevant, identified skill/expertise

- If you’ve already applied to a remote job...

...OR if it’s the first time!


Here is what you will learn today...

The 3 Key Mistakes to avoid when looking for a remote job

...and what to do instead!


+ Sharing slides! + A Cheat-sheet!


Why am I telling you about remote jobs?

2011 -


Why do we work this way? Is there another way?

Do we really need to commute EVERY DAY?

Do we ALWAYS need to work in OFFICES, from 9-5?

Could we live and work differently?


2013 - Decided to devote years to remote work…Looking to crack the code!


Why is Remote Work awesome?

1. No commuting, flexible hours

2. Living from the place that makes me the happiest

3. Spend more time with the people I love

4. Work my own way - make the rules


Were there mistakes/setbacks?

You bet! 2013: I messed up many times...


How does this “remote job” thing work?

- How do I find the BEST remote jobs?

- I’ve no idea how to APPLY so that they consider me!

- What’s the best way to NETWORK remotely?

- Remote INTERVIEWS? What should I do?


Two pivotal moments

1. This guy, Leo


2014 - I joined Buffer.com

“It’s a truly remarkable story when I think about how Rodolphe first reached out to us at Buffer and how he

eventually became part of the team.”

Leo Widrich, Buffer.com co-founder

2014 - Working at Buffer.com



Two pivotal moments

2. Creating Remotive.io

A zillion experiments :) To figure out everything else


My results after 3 years:

#1 - Reviewed 1,000s of remote workers applications

#2 - Interviewed tons of remote worker as a recruiter

#3 - Helped Buffer grow from 15 to 80 employees

#4 - Created Remotive.io


Today on remotive.io

- Remotive Jobs was voted #1 on ProductHunt

- Email subscribers from 185 countries

- A buzzing community chat of 600+ Remotivers


Myths on Remote Work


Myths on Remote Work

1) “I can’t land a remote job without remote experience”

2) “No one will hire me if I live outside of the US”

3) “I’m not an engineer, so I won’t find a remote job”

4) “Self taught candidates can’t land remote jobs”

5) “There is PERFECT time to apply!”

6) and… “I don’t know where to start at all”


Now let’s get into the mistakes:

These mistakes are based on…

1. Personal experience (as a candidate AND a recruiter)

2. 100s of email conversations/interviews with subscribers


Here is what you will learn today...

The 3 Key Mistakes to avoid when looking for a remote job

...and what to do instead!


Mistake #1: Being a Jack of All Trades

- “Oh, I’m a Jack of all trades...”

- Hiring a generalist is not helpful for remote teams

- Going “way too broad”


Mistake #1: Being a Jack of All Trades


How to avoid it?...


My own example!

- BROAD (= My LinkedIn)

“I do Business Development”

- BETTER (= My “Craft”)

“I enjoy selling SaaS Products”

- SWEET SPOT (= What THEY can gain from me)

“Buffer needs Inbound SaaS B2B Sales, that’s what I do”


EXAMPLE: If you’re an Engineer...- BROAD (= Your LinkedIn)

“I’m a Front-End Engineer with 3 years experience”

- BETTER (= Your “Craft”)

“I enjoy using React to improve websites!”

- SWEET SPOT (= What THEY can gain from you)

“Your FAQ is broken, here is how I would fix & improve it...”


It’s all about “THEM”

- How can you help THEM from day 1?

- How do you market yourself to THEM?

- Remote teams hire for IMPACT

- How can you be Niching down?

- Have Multiple talents, but know which one is #1

- If you’re not sure...


Mistake #2: Spray & Pray approach

Most people I know focus on volume:

Using a “spray and pray” approach

- “I need to subscribe to 20 job boards!”

- “I need to apply to 10 companies per week!”


Mistake #2: Spray & Pray approach REAL example

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm a SF based Full stack developer with 2 years of commercial experience in magento.

I'm open for offshore/on-site developer job.

Please let me know if you have any opportunity for me

Thanks,John DoeDeveloper


#2 - It’s exhausting...

- Applying for tons of jobs almost never works

- When it does, you may get hired for the wrong reasons

- You’ll get tired of applying very quickly


How to avoid it?...

- What are top 10 companies you’d like to work for?


How to avoid it?...

- List 10 remote startups you’d like to work for, no more.

- Are you using their product/service?

- What do they need/struggle with TODAY?

- What’s your best way in?


How to avoid it?...


Mistake #3: No Networking

Looking for a job IS a job:

Your job is to build Trust


How to avoid it?... Need to build trust

Example: Imagine renting your house.


How to avoid it?... Need to build trust


How to avoid it? It takes a village...




But… my friends don’t do this

- Most People only focus on skills / years of experience

- For Remote teams skills are important but not sufficient

Don’t TELL me what you can do, SHOW me!


No running and gunning...

Not having a system to follow may have you waste time and money

Not having a community makes it even tougher!

And I don’t want this to happen to you.


All about the 4 steps:

1) Finding Opportunities

2) Getting Ready to Apply

3) Applying Remotely

4) Acing Remote Interviews


