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DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH MBA –II SEM –IV CONCURRENT EVALUATION FOR DM&CM Faculty: Dr. Manisha Jagtap _____________________________________________________________________________ Note for writing the answer: First page write your name, cell no, mail id and our Institute name, Semester and your subject name & code. All assignments should be written nicely and presented cleanly. All questions are compulsory. Refer the books for answers ______________________________________________________________________________ STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT (403DMCM) Important Instructions: 1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components Components Marks A. Written Home Assignments 50 B. Caselets 50 C. Simulation Exercise 50 2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component. 3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked. 4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the submission sheets.



Faculty: Dr. Manisha Jagtap _____________________________________________________________________________ Note for writing the answer:

First page write your name, cell no, mail id and our Institute name, Semester and your

subject name & code.

All assignments should be written nicely and presented cleanly.

All questions are compulsory.

Refer the books for answers



Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Caselets 50

C. Simulation Exercise 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets.


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory 1. “SLING” is a new alcoholic drink by ABC Breweries Ltd. targeted to the young working women.

Advice the company (ABC BL) on how to create the awareness for their brand in India.

2. Differentiate between revitalization and reinforcement of the brands, with the help of the

relevant examples from your everyday life.

3. A leading hair oil company plans to enter into the antiseptic skin cream business in competition

with the market leader Boroline. Discuss the positioning and Brand building strategies that the

company can use.

4. Discuss what factors contribute to the success or failure of a brand in the market place by

picking up one example each from an FMCG and Consumer Electronics your choice.

5. Explain the challenges and opportunities for branding a mobile phone in current scenario.

6. Brand is built in the minds of people. Do you agree? Explain this in context to ―Asian Paints.

7. Managing a brand involves management of the brands identity; personality, positioning and

other related factors- substantiate this statement by highlighting the influence of a brands

identity, personality, equity etc on overall brand management.

8. “People have more faith in Brands rather than products”. Critically analyze the statement with

role and importance of branding

9. PeMU has diversified to packaging mineral water for commercial purpose. Advise PeMU on

the factors they should consider when developing a brand name for their water brand.



CASE NO 1 - REVLON Colour cosmetics player Modi Revlon plans to take on Garnier, the mass hair colour market

leader, with the launch of its mass brand, Color N Care. While this would be Revlon's first India-

specific brand, it would also mark a detour from Revlon's premium positioning. Priced at Rs 120,

Color N Care would compete with Garnier, which commands about 75% share of the mass hair

colour market, and Godrej. About 60% of the Rs 200 –crores hair colour market is dominated by

mass brands priced around Rs 100. "It is the first India-specific brand from Revlon. If it succeeds,

we would like to have the brand rights to distribute it in other markets," said Umesh K Modi,

chairman, president and CEO, Modi Group. The Rs 150 crore Modi Revlon, a 74:26 joint venture

between Modi Mundipharma and Revlon, has hair colour brands like Colour Silk, Top Speed and

Colour Stay, priced at Rs 250, Rs 375 and Rs 450 respectively. With the launch of

Color n Care, it is targeting a 15% market share in the first year. The new brand would be

promoted through a mix of mass media campaigns and in-store promotions through its beauty

advisors. For Modi Revlon, about 20% of its revenue comes from the hair colour business. It has

a 12% market share of the total hair colour market.

Questions :

1. Explain brand strategy of Revlon .

2. Critically analyze firms brand structure . What challenges you foresee for the firm?


Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables, a company with a billion -dollar (Rs 4,200-crore) turnover, has

been a well established player in NCR. Known for products the firm has been largest seller of milk

in NCR, with 65% of the revenue being contributed by milk. Amul entered Delhi market five years

back and in 2011 with in a span on 4years it defeated mother dairy in terms of market share.

Amul procures fresh milk and packages it. Mother dairy adds powder milk in its products to the

tune of 40%. This spoils the taste of the product. Also Amul is credited with more awareness and

knowledge about its products amongst consumers. Amul is a leader in the ice cream segment of

the country. Their capacity to develop products and gain market leadership helped them gain

substantial share in the NCR region in the milk segment raising question marks on the brand

equity of the company. Mother Dairy has been market leader in NCR for 35 years. Losing ground

to Amul in 2011 in the milk segment is forcing company to rethink its strategy. They plan to

increase their capacity and also expand procurement of the milk. One of the regions why

consumer shifted to Amul has been difference in the taste of the milk. Amul milk is fresh where

as a portion of mother dairy milk is reconstituted. Mother dairy sells through its own outlets and

home delivery is not possible where as Amul used channel and home delivery of the milk is

possible. Mother dairy milk price has been less than the price of Amul milk, still a huge number

of mother dairy loyal’s moved to Amul. Now Mother dairy is restructuring it’s strategy and

systems to combat Amul.


1. What would you suggest to Mother Dairy for its revitalization plan .

2. Develop brand identity model for Mother Dairy after collecting additional information for the



Perhaps the time comes when maturity is inevitable whatever new augmentations are


The brand managers still want to extract the most value from their assets but cannot see much

more to be had in the existing market. Here their minds may turn to brand extension. As many


two out of three new product launches are examples of brand extension. This is where the

existing brand is used to support the launch of a new product. The reasons are clear-new product

launches are very risky, most fail, and using the ‟halo‟ of an existing brand can help to reduce

that risk. If the market is also new, then the risk is even greater and the halo effect yet more

important. The problem is that if a brand extension fails, the backlash will be felt by the original

brand. Brand extension comes indifferent forms, The simplest is the launch of the existing

product in a new format. Soap powder takes on a liquid form under the same brand name, or

Mars Bars are shrunk into bite-size pieces and launched as Mars Little Ones. Some would argue

that this was really still brand augmentation, with the brand chasing much the same market with

much the same product – or does the Mars Little Ones proposition target a new buyer in a new

circumstance? This is more than playing with words- augmentation is relatively safe territory,

dealing with what you know already; genuine extension enters the higher risk zone.

Next up the ladder of extension is the launch of what we might call companion products under

the same name. Gillette razor blades will add Gillette razors, and the Gillete shaving foam. Once

each brand extension is successfully established, the process for brand augmentation will

recommence, adding Gillette shaving gel to the shaving foam range, and so on. The highest-risk

brand extension is when the brand leaves its own territory. Virgin, as we have seen, is at this,

reducing the risk through use of the brand halo effect, and ensuring that it translates the existing

brand values to the new market


1. With reference to the above case, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using brand

extension as a strategy

2. Discuss the factors you need to consider before extending a brand.

3. What possible mistakes can a company make when pursuing a brand extension?


Submission to be done in Power point presentation (soft & hard copy)

You are a MBA student of DIMR, and you are hired to work on Branding exercises of DIMR.

a. Select any five best events of DIMR and Re-Design a Branding Campaign for those events.

b. Use Minimum two Digital media platforms

c. Duration of branding is 15 days

d. Do analyze the results of the branding campaign run by you for 15 days.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of PPT (12 slides maximum) is


You are expected to attach the proofs of the branding campaign done.


Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Simulation Exercise 50

C. Project Proposal 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets.


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory

1. Explain how emerging new media offers opportunity to build a Customer Relationship. How

would a consumer durables company build relationship using Internet?

2. Describe the opportunities created by internet marketing for unemployed people.

3. Explain Approaches to implementing e-CRM in an organisation.

4. Marketers take advantage of the Internet in various ways to perform the three basic marketing

activities - customer acquisition, conversion and retention. List and briefly explain the inputs and

actions of Internet marketing.

5. Many experts agree that mobile marketing will become the dominant type of Internet

marketing. List and briefly explain five strategic drivers of mobile marketing.

6. Targeting and personalization are different but related CRM concepts. Define using an example

for each and explain why they are different from one another.

7. Web 3.0 is the next step in the evolution of the Internet and Web applications. What are the

four characteristics of Web 3.0? Briefly explain each.

8. Video marketing has become an important part of Internet marketing strategy. List and briefly

discuss each of the four steps for developing video marketing programs


Submission to be done in MS WORD and Power point presentation (soft & hard copy)

Study the site plan of your College‟s (www.dimr.edu.in)website, either by examining the site map or by dissecting its navigational structure. a. Propose an interactive or experiential element that you believe could be usefully added to the site. Be specific about the target audience that you wish to engage in the interactivity or visitors experience. b. Conduct a usability analysis of the website. Describe 2 tasks you believe the target audience wants to perform on the site. Go to the site & perform each task. Record your experience for each task, noting the time it took to perform each task. What recommendation would you make to the webmaster of the site based on your test.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of Ms Word and PPT (12 slides

maximum) is expected.

You are expected to attach the proofs of the work done.


Choose well-known branded educational institute DIMR with whom you are familiar:

a. Identify ten keywords that a person might use to search engine for the product or the brand.

b. Search for the product on at least two different search engines.

i. What is the product‟s position in natural search?

ii. What is its position in paid search?

c. Use a yahoo keyword finder to learn how good your keyword choices were. Were there others

that should have been in your top ten?

d. What recommendations would you have for the managers of the product to help them

improve their rankings on the search engines you studied?

Submit in MS Word with maximum 3000 words and also have a power point presentation


Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of report & PPT (15 slides maximum)

is expected.


Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Thematic Presentation 50

C. Scrap Book 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory 1. How are portable media devices such as smart phones, iPods, and handheld video games

altering the media environment? How are these devices shaping sensibilities?

2. In print media use of use of photographs has increased remarkably. What are the reasons?

Explain with arguments.

3. Mass media can help shape the culture of an urban society. Do you subscribe to this view?

Give examples from your surroundings.

4. “It is not important what you show on TV. It is important how you show it” Do you think that

the motive behind this statement is to create a common TV culture throughout the world.

5. Why FM Channel is so popular? Do you think that this channel has brought remarkable changes

in the radio broadcasting system of India? Discuss.

6. Do you think technology largely influences media content? Establish your view with special

reference to Reality Show.

7. The role of mass media in facilitating community education and child abuse prevention


8. Do films contribute to create a global village in which people can share common cultural

aspirations? Discuss with special reference to Bollywood’s participation in Hollywood’s



Identify a five famous product which were launched through mass media. Discuss the strategy with reference to mass media strategy.

Submit a Power Point Presentation for the same.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of & PPT (25 slides maximum) is



Prepare two scrap books on following topics:

1. Rubin’s typology of eight motivations

2. Semiotics


Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Project Proposal 50

C. Thematic Presentation 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets.


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory

1. Eliminate the role of environmental PR for image building of an organization.

2. Public sector PR is an easy exercise compared to private sector PR‟. Do you agree? Explain

your stand.

3. "Feedback is totally neglected in Public Relations activity". Do you agree with this comment

and write your answer with education industry.

4. You have been asked to Plan and organize an innovative press conference to announce your organization‟s tie –up with a major multinational company. Describe the steps to be undertaken to make it a success. 5. Discuss the role of Public Relation in the image management of India‟s PM Mr. Narendra Modi.

6. What is „publics‟ in PR? Identify the „publics‟ of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Do you think the reputed institutions like Savitribai Phule Pune University also do need deliberate PR? Elucidate.


To better position itself in the competitive college admissions field, Your college DIMR is planning

to launch a public relations campaign to encourage more good students to apply for admission.

a. Identify what steps you would take to create a proactive public relations strategy for the

DIMR‟s admission office.

b. Your proposal should clearly identify the plan’s objectives & rationale, What steps should be

taken prior to the campaign’s launch and what communication methods and content would be

most effective.

Submit in MS Word with maximum 3000 words and also have a power point presentation ready.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of report & PPT (15 slides minimum)

is expected.

C. Thematic Presentation

Submission to be done in Power point presentation (soft & hard copy)

Design a PR campaign for the Golden Jubilee or any celebration of DIMR and run it on social

media and make a comparative analysis.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of Ms Word and PPT (12 slides

maximum) is expected.

You are expected to attach the proofs of the work done.

MEDIA AND THE LAWS (409DMCM) Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Thematic Presentation 50

C. Scrap Book 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets.


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory

1. What is press freedom? Can this press freedom be absolute? Do the press laws restrict this freedom? Answer with arguments. 2. Do you think that the recently passed Act in Parliament on freedom of information has widened the scope of freedom of information in India? Discuss. 3. ‟24 hours News Channels should observe self-regulation in presenting news, especially during live telecast of a sensitive incident‟ –Write your views in favor and against with examples. 4. Conduct your own privacy survey, using the web sites you are tracking and others that you visit frequently. Do they all have a privacy policy? Do the policies you find seem to meet the requirements of the Fair Information practices Principles? Why or Why not? 5. Explain the ways and means of protecting the Data and systems of client in an E-Business Environment.

C. Thematic Presentation


Submission of handouts & a soft copy on [email protected]

Student Name, Specialization, Presentation Topic must be clearly mentioned.


1. Cinematograph Act, 1953

2. Right to Information Act 2005 and its implication

3. Contempt of Courts Act 1971

4. Guidelines for news TV in the wake of 26/11 attacks

5. Media Credibility

Mention your Learning’s in each topic. All topics are compulsory.

Hard copy and soft copy on [email protected] of Ms Word and PPT (12 slides

maximum) is expected for each topic.


Prepare two scrap books on following topics:

1. Freedom and Fraud of the Press 2. Media and Ethics


Important Instructions:

1. The subject is evaluated on the basis of three components

Components Marks

A. Written Home Assignments 50

B. Simulation Exercise 50

C. Research Article 50

2. The submission has to be in the format prescribed for each component.

3. Answers should be in own words, copied answers will be not be marked.

4. Student Name, Contact number & Specialization must be clearly mentioned on the

submission sheets.


Assignments are to be written in Assignment sheets Each question carries equal marks and all questions are compulsory

1. Explain the process of Affiliate Marketing with the help of diagram below. Also comment on

the statement “Modern e-business brought new marketing techniques required in today's

competitive market” .

2. “Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions And Ordinary People Millionaires.”

Explain in the light of today‟s scenario.

3. Miscellaneous customer acquisition techniques include event-driven marketing, affiliate

programs, portal relationships and viral marketing. Briefly explain each of these, using examples

to support your answer.

4. Explain in detail the Affiliate marketing strategy of Amazon.


Submission to be done in MS WORD and Power point presentation (soft & hard copy)

Exercise One: Assume that for your business (any of your choice) you have adopted an E-commerce websites. All you need to identify is what kind of affiliate model your ecommerce venture needs and how extensive should be the network. (MS WORD) Exercise Two Assume yourself as a product and market yourself online with different promotional online tools

available. You have to design your product profile with the following details:

Run this campaign for 15 days & present the results with analysis. Attach the relevant snap shots.


Conduct a literature review, and write a research article on the topic “POTENTIAL OF AFFILIATE MARKETING IN INDIA. Prepare a report based on secondary data analysis and mention the bibliography also (Minimum of 2500 words) (MSWORD)


(paste your photo in institute formal uniform )MBA Marketing pursuing

Institute: Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research, Balewadi , PUNE

University: Savitribai Phule Pune University

Skills developed through MBA : ______________________________________________
