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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
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Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

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1 5 9






PHONE: IVlArquette 7171

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1919 - 1939

Realining the importance of better seeds and a long felt need by the commercial grower, who must make his liv¬ ing from the soil, for dependable seeds, Mr. Paul H. Baer- mann on duly 16, 1919 founded the business bearing his name t'^day.

The first principle was contracting with seed growers both in this country and abroad v/ho had the highest rep¬ utations of growing the best and the best quality only, in their special lines. As an added precaution, all seeds on arrival were carefully tested for germination, as they are to this day.

Our mott^ ’’TBSTED SEEDS" is no mere boast, f-^r every year all seeds we sell are tested for germination and the actual grown tests arci the date of the test with the per¬ centage of germination are ready for your inspection at any time. Not just a figure of the germination to show you.

Mr. Paul H- Baermann passed on, March 19, 1936 after devoting forty-one years of his life to the seed business, and leaving a host of friends who knew" and felt the influence of his integrity in supplying the best quality and reliable seeds.obtainable.

These principles are being carried on to the letter today by his wife, Mrs. Alma Baermann, w"ho worked by his side since the opening day and is now President of the firm, together with the s'^n Hr. Donald Baermann, now Sec’y. & Treas. who entered the firm in 19D1.

We w’ish to thank our old customers, many of w"hom are buying from us since the day we opened our door , for their • loyal support, and we know' the new" customers will alsu find that it pays to buy seed (the first and most important step to success in agriculture) that they can have the utmost confidence in.

you will find our prices pleasingly low' considering the high quality of the seed offered.

A discount of 5% for cash with order or on delivery to Wholesale buj'ers only, that is, Market Gardeners, Florists, Nurserymen, Institutions etc, w'ill be allowed on Vegetable and Flov/er seeds only that total $3«00 or more.

All Vegetable and Flower seed, with the exception of Beans, Peas and sweet Corn, will be shipped as you specify, carriage charges prepaid, at absolutely no cost to you for postage, packing, bags, etc.

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Large Green Globe ----------


Mary v/ashington, rust resistant, true

BlUxNS - Dwarf Wax

Baermann's Extra Early v^fax - - - - - Burpee»s Kidney Wax --------- Hodson vVax - -- -- -- -- -- -- Improved Golden Wax --------- Pencil pod Black Wax -------- Prolific Black Wax Improved ----- ROUND POD STRINGLESS KIDL'SY WAX, also

known as "Brittle Yfax" ------ Rust Proof Wax ----------- Stringless Davis Wax -------- Sure Crop Wax ------------ Ul'RIVALLED WixX, most widely used "Market"

Wax Bean by local Market Growers ~

^ANS JL Dwarf Green

BaermanrMs Improved Stringless Round Pod ,£5 Black Valentine (also see stringless

Black Valentine) ---------- Bountiful --------------- Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod ----- Dwarf Horicultural ---------- Full Measure ------------- Giant stringless Green Pod ------ B/IPROVED STRINGLESS REFUGES (NEW) , mosiac

resistant ------------- Longfellow -------------- PLENTIFUL (ITEW 1939 NOtEEL^PY) , an improved

Bountiful ------------- STRINGLESS BIEiCK VALENTINS (Original

Asgrow strain), finest for Market Gardeners -------------

Stringless Refugee, an improved 1000 to 1,25 Tendergreen --------------


Burpee’s Improved Bush Lima ------ Detroit Mammoth Pole Lima ------- FORDHOOK BUSH LIIvIA - - -- Henderson’s Bush Lima (Baby Lima) - - - Improved Broad Windsor (Fava Bean), also

used as dry shelled Beans ----- Jackson Wonder (Calico Bush) ----- Large white Pole Lima ---------

. oz. 1/4 11». 1 lb

.35 1.10 4.00

.10 .25 .75

. lb. 10 lb.(S 100 lb

.25 .19 $ .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 • 1 /

.25 .19 .17

.25 .21 .19 ,25 .19 .17 .25 .19 .17 .25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .18 .16

.25 .19 .17

.25 .18 .16

.25 .19 .17

.25 .18 .16 ,25 .19 .17

.25 .21 .19

.25 .19 .17

.25 .21 .19

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .19 .17

.25 .21 .19

.25 .21 .19

.25 .22 .20 .19 .17

.25 .21 .19

.25 .21 .19

.25 .21 .19

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POLS BE.iNS 1 lb. 10 lb.@ 100 lb.(^

Burger’s Strimgless Green pod - - - .S5 .§ .19 .17 KEKTUCICY WOKDIiR GR3ZN POD ----- — — .25 .19 .17 Kentucky V/onder Wax - “ .25 .19 .17 Lazy V/ife - -- -- -- -- -- -- or; • ^ .19 .17 LONDON KORICULTDRAL OR CR-J®RRRY - - - .25 .19 .17 scarlet Runner ---------- .25 .21 .19 Y_iHD LONG (N0Y3LTY) - -- -- -- - . 75 (Pkt. lOs^) » • •

FIELD BEANS (Dry sLelled Varieties)

Great Northern (Large Navy) - - - - ) Light Red Kidney --------- ) At Mahogany Red Kidney (Dark) - - - - ) : ‘larket price Michigan or Boston Pea Bean (Navy) )

BEET 1 OZ. 1/4 1' b. 1 lb. 10 ' lb .©

^sGROv? c.anJER — - -- -- — 10 y .25 S .75 .65 Boston Crosby --------- 10 .30 .80 . 70 Crosby’s Egyptian ------- .10 . 25 .70 .60 Detroit Dark Red ------- .10 .20 . 60 .50 Detroit Dark Red select - - - - .10 .30 .75 .65 Early v/onder - -- -- -- -- .10 .25 .70 .60 EARLY V/OKDSR SPECIAL (Asgrow) - .10 .30 ,85 .75 Extra Early Egyptian ----- .10 .25 .70 .60 Good for All --------- .10 .30 .80 . 70 D.IPR0VED DETROIT D.iHi: RED (Grig-

inator’s best strain) - - - .10 .30 .90 .80 Perfected Detroit ------- .10 .25 .80 ,70


FORDHOOK GIANT - .10 .25 .75 .65 Large Ribbed Dark Green - - - - .10 .25 . 70 .60 Lucullus ----------- .10 .25 .70 .60 y^hite silver Improved ----- .10 .25 . 70 .60

BROCCOLI 1 oz . 1/4 lb. 1 lb.

ITALLU'T GREEN SPROUTING, true- — — ■t? *25 2 .80 ‘1. 3.00 Purple Cape ------------ .35 1.00 3.50


Long Island Half-Dwarf Improved - - — — .20 .60 2.00 PATENT, very fine imported variety - — .30 .90 3*00


YELLOvYS RESISTAI'JT V^IRIETIES (In order cf maturity)


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CA52AGE (CONT’D.) 1 1/4 lb. 1 lb.

'IF^LI^OyiS_R^§l§Tid^T_^ ;/,U^I2TlK'^5 ~(l'n order oT maturity!

VViFConsirx All Head e - ~ - ,■? ,25 IvIARION resistant Copenhagen Harket Improved Globe, resistant Gloi'y of Hnlcbui-

zen - Wisconsin All seasons - - ----- WISCONSIN BALL FEAD “ - BUGNER’S Y/IKTER -- WISCONSIN NO. 8 (FERRY’S)-- Wisconsin No.8 (Best Imported) - - - V/i scons in No. 8 (Racine Grown) - - - - YFILOWS RESISTATfr RED HOLLAITDSR, the only

true yellows resistant Red cabbage

.30 1 • 'U

.90 2,85 3.25

.30 .90 3.25 ,25 .75 ^ < u • V- • t 2.85 o A.* t. ' . 75 2.75 .30 .90 3.25 .20 . 65 2.35

'Z S • t ^ 1.00 3.50

.rC 1.60 6.00


Green Acre (New) ----------- GOLDSI-: ACRE SPECIAL, originator’s '’Elite'*

seed, extra selected for Far!:et Gar¬ deners --------------

Golden Acre, regular strain ----- BaSRLIANN’3 FIRLIEST TARNET, very fine Copenhagen Market Improved (small Early) Copenhagen Market (special Large) - - Charleston or Large ’'akefield - - - -

C.A5BAGE - Llid-Season

All Head - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- All Seasons ------------- GLORY OF SMiHUIZEN---- Succession --------------

cabbage - Late

Danish Ball Head (Medium Stem) - - - - FERRY’S 0\YN STRAIN EOLLFJDER - - - - - Hollander select (Short stem) - - - - PENN ST-^TE BALL HEAD --- Premium Late Flat Dutch -------

C^iBBAGE - Red

I.issenarup - -- -- -- -- -- -- - MaLiiAOth Rock Red - -- -- -- -- -- RED ILICO, originator’s best strain, very

fine --------------- Red Hollander ------------ Round Red Dutch ----------- Stonehead Red ------------ YELL0\/S RESISTJiNT RED H0IL.\NDER “ "

.10 1.25 4.50

,50 1,60 6.00 .20 .65 2.35 .40 1.25 4.50 .20 .65 2.35 .20 .60 2.00 ,20 .50 1.75

.20 .50 1.75

.20 .50 1.75

.20 .50 1.75 ,20 .50 1.75

.20 .65 2.25

.35 1.00 3.75

.20 .65 2.25

.30 .90 3.25

.20 .50 1.75

r-c:; • t 2.75

. 20 . 60 2.00

.30 .85 3.00

.20 .65 2.35

.20 . 65 2.35

.25 . 75 2.85

. 50 1.60 6.00

Page 8: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...


* 4 -

CABBAGS - savoy

American Drumhead Savoy - Baermann^s Early Favorite -------- B^RMANN»S EARLY PERFECTION-- ~ chieftan (new) - -


IMPROVED CHIHILI, true long narrow heading Pe-Tsai ----------------- Wong Bok -

CARROT 1 oz. :

Chantenay - 10 CKaNTENAY select, improved type - - .15 GORELESS, originatorbest strain .15 DARTERS HALF LONG SELECT- ,15 Danvers special (Hutchinson) - - - .15 Early scarlet Horn -------- .lo IIIPERiiTOR (Asgrow) -------- .15 Improved Long Orange ------- LONG STRAII': CH*.NTENAY, originator »s

best strain ---------- ,15 MORSE'S BUI'ICHING- .15 Nantes Half Long --------- .10 Ox Heart ------------- ,10 RED CORED CHAI-ITENAY, Originator »s

best strain ---------- .15 RED CORED DAITVERS (imi)- .15 streamliner (new 1939 NOVELTY), an

improved Morse’s Bunching - - - ,20 SUPREJ/E HALF LONG (NEW) , an improved

Danvers ------------ ,15 TOUCHON (NEW), very fine- .15 White Belgian, for stock food - - - .10


DANISH MARICET OR DRY WEATHER, best imported strain -----------

Danish Perfection ----------- Early Snowball ------------- Extra Early Dwarf Erfurt -------- Extra Early Snowball ---------- HOLHiND GROWERS SPSCIuiL (NEW) , very fine SNOWBALL NO.3, originator^s fine strain Snowball No* 9, (Henderson's) ------ snowball N«. 291 ------------ SNOWDRIFT, originator's best strain, also

known as "White Mountain", etc. - - - Snowdrift, regular ----------- SUPER SNOWBALL, originator's latest improve¬

ment, sure heading --------- super Snowball, regular --------- EARLY PURPLE (NORTHERN GRO^T) -

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

.20 $ .50 $ 1.75

.20 .50 1.75

.25 .75 2.85

.40 1.25 4.50

.25 .65 2.25

.15 ,40 1.25

.15 .40 1.25

./4 lb. 1 lb. 10 lb.(

^ .20 $ .60 $ .50 .30 .85 .75 .35 1.15 1.00 .30 .85 .75 .35 1.15 1.00 .25 .75 .65 .30 .75 .25 .70 .60

• 30 .95 .85 .30 .90 .80 .25 .70 .60 .25 .70 .60

.30 .90 .80

.30 .95 .85

♦ 60 2.00 1.85

.30 .95 .85

.30 .95 .85

.20 .60 ,50

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

i 1.75 # 6.00 $ aa^oo 1.50 5.50 20.00 1.50 5.50 20.00 1.50 5.50 20.00 1.50 5.50 20.00 2.50 8.00 30.00 1.75 6.00 22.00 1.50 5.50 20. CO 1.90 6.50 24.00

2.25 7.50 28.00 1,75 6. Of) 22.00

2.50 8.00 30.00 1.90 6.50 24.00

• 90 3.25 12.00

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CELERIAC 1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb,

Alabaster --------------- BiiERmNN’S GIANT PRAGUE SELECT - - - - Eureka ---------------- Large Smooth Prague ----------


CRISPHSART - Easy Blanching ------------ Florida Golden ------------ Giant Pascal ------------- Golden Detroit ------------ Golden No. 14 ------------- GOLDEN PASCAL --- - - GOLDEN PHENOJ/HKxL-- Golden Self Blanching (Dwarf) ----- Golden self Blanching (Tall) ----- MICHIGAN STATE GOLDEN (YELLOWS RESISTiiNT) NON-BOLTING GOLDEN PLUl®- SUPREME GOLDEN (NEW) --------- White riinne - -- -- -- -- -- -- - V/inter Queen - -- -- -- -- -- -- WONDERFUL OR GOLDEN PLUIVIE, improved type


Asparagus or Radichetta Large Rooted - - - - - Witloof --------


Allium Schoenoprasum ------


True Georgia southern or Creole - - - - Cabbage or Heading ----------

SWEET CORN - Early Varieties

baerIvIann»s earliest surprise - -- EARLY GOLDEN S'.VEET (NEW) , very fine - - GOLDEN EARLY MARKET - Golden Gem -------------- GOLDEN SUITSHINE--- Sixty Day Make Good (Early Market) - Spanish Gold -------------

sy^ET CORN ~ Main Crop Varieties

Black Mexican ------------- BURBANK B..:vNrAM--- Charlevoix -------------- DE LUE’S GOLDEN GIAITT- Early Eyergreen ------------

$ .30 $ .85 $ 3.00 .85 3.00 10.00 .30 ,85 3.00 .20 .60 2.00

.40 1.25 4.50

.25 .75 2.50

.40 1.25 4.50

.25 .75 2.50

.40 1.25 4.50

.40 1.25 4.50

.40 1.25 4.50

.40 1.25 4,50

.35 1.00 3.50

.35 1.00 3.50 1.75 6.00 20.00

.75 2.75 10.00 1.25 4.00 15.00

. 15 .50 1. 75

.15 .50 1. 75

.40 1.25 4.50

.30 .85 3.00

.15 .40 1.25

.15 .50 1.75

.40 1.25 4.00

.10 .20 .60

.10 .25 .75

1 lb. 10 Ib.^ 100 lb.@

.25 $ ,17 # ,15

.25 .If .17

.25 ,17 .15

.25 .17 .15

.25 .17 .15

.25 .17 .15

.25 ,18 .16

.25 .19 .17

.25 .17 .15

.25 .18 .16

.25 .18 .16

.25 .17 .15

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SV/SST CORII ~ Ivlain Crop Varieties (OOi^T’D.) 1 lb. 10 lb.© 100 lb.@

GOLDEN BAI'JTxU'.I, regular 8 row type - - - - $ .25 GOLDEN BANTiU^ ILIPROVED, 10 - 14 rowed - ~ .25 GOLDEN GREiil4, true, staggerated rowed - ~ .25 Whipple’s Early White ------ --- ^25 Whipple’s Early yellow ------ --- ,25

^ .17 • 17 •18 .17 .If






SWEET C0R1\^ - Late Varieties

BANTAl'i EVERGREEN- Country Gentleman ----------- GOLDEN COLONEL ------------ Narrow Grained Evergreen ------- STOWELL’S EVERGREEN ------- - -

Sy/EET CORN - Hybjpy^ & l^op Cross Varieties ’Tlil~8r’der'"of InaturTty)

Top-Cross Spanish Gold or spancross P39 - Top-Cross sunshine or iondergold - - - - Top-Cross V/hipple’s Yellow or Whipcross - GOLDEN CROSS BixmMA -- Marcross ---------------- Kingscrost Golden Bantam (Early 8 row) Kingsorost 12 Row Bantam --------


Golden Q,ueen - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Japanese Hulless ------------ WHITE DYNAIv'HTE (new) --- White Rice --------------- YELLOW DYNAI-IITE (South American) - - - -


Large Leaved


Pepper Grass or Curled --------- True Water ---------------

CUCTJI-IBER - Pickling Varieties

Boston Pickling ------------- CHICAGO OR MILWAIJiaiiE EIC^XING ------ Everbearing --------------- Jersey Pickling NATIONAL PICKLING, true association - - - Nichol’s Medium Green ---------- Prolific Pickling ------------ Small Gherkin (West India) ------- Snow’s Perfection Pickling -------

.25 .17 .15

.25 .18 .16

.25 .18 .16

.25 .17 .16

.25 .18 .16

.35 .30 .28

.35 .30 .20 ,35 .28 .25 .35 .29 .26 .35 .30 .20 .35 .28 p K

.35 .28 .25

.25 .17 .15

.25 .17 .15

.25 .18 .16

.25 .17 .15

.25 .17 .15

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

.15 ) .40 . J 1.25

.10 .20 .60

.30 .85 3.00

.10 .25 .85

.10 .25 .85

.10 .25 .85

.10 .25 .85

.10 .30 .90

.10 .25 .85

.10 .25 ,85 ,15 .35 1.15 .10 .25 .85

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Var_^e_ti^s 1

A. &, C. (FEY/) , true strain -------- ^ Black Diamond (It Stays Green) ----- CLARK'S SPECIAL (LONG TYPE)-- Davis perfect - KxRLY EORTUUT (SPECIaL STR:.IH) , very fine Early Fortune, regular --------- Early V/hite Spine (Evergreen) ----- Early White spine (perfection) ----- nCPROVSD LONG GREEN (SPECAL STRAIN), fine¬

st for yellow ripe or ”Senf-Gherkirf^ Improved Long Green, regular ------ Longfellow --------------- NEYY LONG SLICSR, our best long thin type STHilGHT "8”--- WOODRUFF'S ACE, improved Woodruff Hybrid D^K GREEN SHIPPING (NEW 1959 NOVELTY) -


Improved Thick Leaved


BLACK BEAUTY - - - - - Florida High Bush - - - - Improved New York Spineless


Broad Leaved Batavian --------- FULL HSLIRT BATAVIAIT -- Giant Curled Green Ribbed ------- GIaNT curled pine RIBBED-- Green Curled Winter (Moss Cur3-ed) - - ~ THE PRESIDENT, an improved larger Giant

Curled, hardy, stands excessive rain¬ fall, summer heat and early frosts

ALL HEART (InTSW) , resistant like above, forms large full-hearted white centers

oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

15 0 .40 $ 1.50 10 .30 .95 10 .30 .95 10 .30 .85 15 .35 1.15 10 .25 .80 10 .25 .80 10 .25 .80

20 .60 1.95 10 .30 .90 15 .35 1.15 20 .50 1.85 15 .35 1.15 15 .35 1.15 30 .85 3.00

40 1.25 4.50

55 1.00 3.50 35 1.00 3.50 30 .90 3.25

10 .30 1.00 15 .40 1.25 10 .30 1.00 10 .30 1.00 10 .30 1.00

20 .60 2.00

25 .70 2.25


Anise ----------------- .10 .30 .90 Basil, bush or dwarf ------ .15 .40 1.25 Basil, sweet -- -- - -- .15 .40 1.25 Borage ---------------- .10 .30 .90 Caraway ---------------- .10 .20 .60 Cardoon, smooth Spanish - ~ .25 . 75 2.50 Coriander - ---- - --- .10 .20 .60 DILL (Ii^AIAIOTH) , true flat seeded - - - .10 .20 .60 Fennel, Carosella - - “ - _ _ - .20 .50 1.50 Fennel,- wild or Mountain ----- .10 .30 1.00 Fennel, long sweet - _ _ _ .15 .40 1.25 Fennel, Florence - - - - - .10 .30 1.00

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HERBS (Cont^d.)

Lavender Poppy or Maw -------------- Rosemary ---------------- Rue ------------------ Sage - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- Summer Savory ------------- Sweet Marjoram ------------- Tarragon --------- (l/4 oz. 50^) Thyme ----------------- Wormwood (Vermuth) -----------


Blue Curled Dwarf scotch -------- DWARF CURLED GREEN SCOTCH, special Market

Gardener’s strain ---------- German Double Curled ---------- Semi-Dwarf Green Moss Curled ------ Siberian ----------------


1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

.50 1.00 5 3.75

.10 .15 .45

.40 1.25 4.00

.25 .75 2.75

.20 .60 2.00

.10 .30 1.00

.25 . 70 2.25 1.75 ft • • » • ft •

.35 1.00 3.50

.20 .60 2.00 o

1—1 .25 .65

.10 *30 .90

.10 .30 .95

.10 .25 .85

.10 .20 .60


DVORSICf’S PRAGUE, original, finest white forcing strain for Market Gardeners -

Earliest Blue Erfurt ---------- EARLIEST miTE ERFURT, short leaved

forcing, very fine --------- Earliest V/hite Vienna Forcing, short leaf Early Purple Vienna ---------- EARLY \miTE VIEl^^JA, medium leaved, a fine

Market Gardener’s strain for main crop Large Late Green or White ------- LARGE PURPLE GERMAN, very fine - - - - -

40 1.25 4.50 30 .85 3.00

30 .85 3.00 20 . 60 2.00 15 .50 1.75

15 .50 1.75 15 .40 1.25 20 .60 2.00


American Flag ------------- • 15 .50 1, ,60 ELEPHANT (NEW), largest and best variety .20 .60 2, .00 Giant Musselburg ------------ .15 .50 1. .60 Monstrous Carentan ----------- .15 .50 1, ,60


Big Boston - -- -- -- -- -- -- CORNELL NO. 43 IMPROVED WHITE BOSTON (NSW)



.30 1.00

a larger strain of White Boston, : fine .15 .45 1.50 Iceberg -------------- .10 .30 1.00 May King -------------- . 15 .40 1.25 New York or Wonderful (Los Angeles) — — E ^ .40 1.25 New York Special No. 12, early type - — .15 .40 1.25 New York Special No. 41 -------- NEW YORK SPECIAL NO. 515, sure heading.

.15 .40 1.25

resists tip burn in hot weather ~ - - .20 .50 1.85 NSrYOBK SPECIAL NO. 847 (NEW), very fine .30 .85 3.00 Salamander ------------- .10 .30 1.00 SUPERB WHITE BIG BOSTON - - .15 .40 1.35

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L3TTUCE - Head (Cont'd.) 1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 Ih.

Wayahead - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ;J.io White Paris seli‘~Folding Cos (Romaine) .15

.30 J 1.00

.40 1.35


Black Seeded Simpson --------- Chicken Lettuce ----------- Grand Rapids ------------- GRAND RiiPIDS SELECT FORCING, finest

strain -------------- GRAND RAPIDS TJ.S. NO. 1 (MILDEW RESIS¬

TANT) -- GRAND IL'xPIDS (TIP BURN RESISTANT) - “ Prizehead Red Tipped ---------


Danish Sludstrup ----------- Giant Half sugar (Green Top) - - - - - Giant Half sugar (Rose Top) - - - - - Giant Red Eckendcrf --------- Giant Yellow Eckendorf -------- Golden Tankard ------------ Mammoth Long Rad Improved ------ Klein Wanzeleben (sugar Beet) - - - -


Banana ---------------- BENDER’S SURPRISE SELECT - - - - Delicious or Early Bender’s ----- Emerald Gem ------------- Extra Early Osage ---------- Golden Champlain (Lake Champlain) ~ - GOLDEN HONEYMOON (NSW) - --- Hackensack -------------- Hale’s Best, original strain ----- HALE’S BEST NO. 36 IMPROVED ----- HALE’S BEST NO. 936 ILIPROVED-- Hearts of Gold ------------ Honey Dev^ No. 60 (Mildew Resistant) HONEY ROCK OR SUGAR ROCK - *-- - UvIPROVED MILVVAUISS MARKET- NEW ORANGE FLESH - - PRIDE OF WISCONSIN (iJEW) “ --- Rocky Ford or Netted Gem ------- THOMAS HYBRID ORIGINAL, carefully select

ed hand cut seed ---------- Tip Top --------------- MASS’S GOLD BRICK (NEW) 1939 Novelty -


Cole’s Early or Harris Earliest - - - Dixie Queen ------------- Georgia Rattlesnake or Gypsy -----








1/4 lb.

$ .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15

1 nz.

I .15 .15 .15 .10 .15 .10 .30 .10 .10 .15 .15 .10 .15 .10 .16 .15 .15 .10














1 lb.

$ .40 .40 .40 .4# .40 .45 .40 .45

1/4 lb.

$ .40 .40 .40 .30 .40 .30 .65 .30 .30 .40 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .45 .40 .30


.30 1.10




1.00 1.00 1.00


1.50 1.50 1.00

10 lb.©

$ .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .40 .35 .40

1 m. $ 1.25

1.25 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00 3.25 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.35 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.35 1.00

3.00 1.00 4.00




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1 WATEmiSLON (Cont^d. ) 1 oz. 1/4 lb.

Green Klondike V/ilt Resistant No. R 7 - - $ .15 Kleckley^s Sweets or Monte Cristo - - - - .10 Kleckley^s Sweets (V/ILT RESISTAilT) - - - .15 Leesburg (WILT RESISTANT) -------- .15 NORTHERN SWEET-^10 Peerless, early ------------- .10 Red seeded Citron ------------ ,10 Stone Mountain ------------- .10

Striped Klondike (WILT RESISTANT) - - - - .15 Tom Watson --------------- ,10 Winter ----------------- .10 V/inter Q,ueen (King and Queen) ------ .10 Wonder ----------------- .10




.25 ,25 .25 .25 .40 .20 .30 .30 .25

1.25 .66

1.25 1.25



. 75

.75 1.25 .ei

1.00 ,90 . 75


Chinese Smooth Leaved ------ .10 .15 .50 FORDHOOK I’AMCY-- .10 .15 .50 Giant southern Curled (Long standing) - .10 .15 .50 Mustard Spinach or Tendergreen .10 .15 .50


DWARF LONG POD GRESIx’- .10 .15 .50 Perkin’S Mammoth Long Pod - - - - .10 .15 .50

ONION 1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb; 10 lb.@

Ailsa Craig ---------- $ .15 S .50 & l;75 $ 1.60 Australian Brown ------- .15 .45 1.60 1.45 EARLY YELLOW GLOBE ------ .20 .65 2*00 1.85 Ebenezer or Japanese ----- Japanese White Bunching (He-

.15 .50 1,65 1.50

Shi-Ko) ---------- .20 .60 i.aD 1.75 MICHIGAN YELLOW GLOBE - .15 .50 1.75 1.60 Mountain Danvers (Western Grown) .15 .45 1,60 1.45 MOUI-JTAIN SWEET SPANISH - - - - .20 .55 1.85 1. 70 NORTHERN YELLOW GLOBE ----- .20 .60 1.95 1.80 Prizetaker ---------- ,15 .50 1.75 1.60 Southport Red Globe ------ SOUTHPORT VffilTE GLOBS {Calif.

.15 .50 1.75 1.60

Grown) ----------- ,15 .60 1.90 1.75 SOUTHPORT raiTE GLOBE (CONN.

GORWN) ----------- .20 .65 2.25 2.10 Southport Yellow Globe (Calif,

Grov/n) - -- -- -- -- -- .15 .45 1.60 1.45 SOUTHPORT YELLOW GLOBE (CONN.

grow:'") - -- -- -- -- -- .20 .55 1.85 1.70 BRIGPIAI'^ TELLOW GLOBE- VALENCIA OR RIVERSIDE SWEET

.20 .60 1.90 1.75

SPANISH, our strain is a heavy yielder, dark skinned and a good keeper ----- .20 .55 1.85 1.70

WHITE SWEET SPAl^SH-- .20 • 60 2.25 2.10

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ONION (ContM. ) 1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb. 10 lb.@

White Bermuda - -- -- -- -*-“-$.20 White Bunching - ---------- ,15

A. & M. WHITE BITCHING- .20 White Lisbon ----------- ,15

White Barletta, early flat pickling .15 White Queen Pickling ------- ,15 WHITE PORTUGAL PICKLING, best pick¬

ling onion ----------- ,15 Silver Skin pickling ------- .15 White Welsh (Hardy) -------- ,15



Champion Moss Curled --------- Extra Triple Curled XXX -------- PARiiMOUNT (NEW) , fine heavy curled, dark

green --------------- Plain or ^In^Xe Curled -------- H/xMBURG lUlLE-LONG ROOTED, special market

gardener^s strain --------- Hamburg Long Root -----------

,65 $ 2.55 $ 2.20 .50 1. 75 1.60 .65 2.35 2.20 .50 1. 75 1.60 . 50 1.75 1.60 .50 1.75 1.60

1.75 1.60 1.75 1.60 1.75 1.60

.45 1.65 1,50

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

.10 $ .15 $ .50

.10 ,20 .60

.10 .25 .75

.10 .15 .50

.10 .25 .85

.10 .20 . 60



all AMERICAN (NEW), pure white, fine for Market Gardeners ----------

Hollow Crown ------------- Ideal, fine pure white -------- Short Thick Shoulder ---------


Dwarf Telephone ------------- Improved strategem ----------- Large Black Eyed Marrowfat ------- Laxtonian ---------------- LA^ITON’S PROGRESS ----- Laxton’s Superb (Early Bird) ------ LITTLE MARVEL-- Mammoth Podded Extra Early ------- Market Surprise, early --------- MORSE’S IvIARICET - NO. 40 LONG POD - ONWVARD, very fine quality - -- -- -- - PRESIDENT WILSON, very large podded, fine for Market Gardeners ---------- prince Edv;ard (Improved Telephone) - - - Sutton’s Hundredfold ---------- THOhlAS LAXTON- WORLD’S RECORD (NEW) ----

.10 .30 .90

.10 .20 .60

.10 .25 .75

.10 .25 .75

1 lb. 10 lb.© 100

.25 H


$.16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 ,18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 -.18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 ,16

,25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16 .25 .18 .16

Page 16: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...


E_difc_l_e__Pod_ded Varie_tjLes_ 1 lb. 10 lb.@ 100 lb,@

Dwarf Grey sugar - - _ _ - _ _ _ .25 •? • 19 I? • 17 MAMtiOTH MELTING SUGAR - -- -- -- -- .25 • 21 • 19

PEPPER 1 oz. 1/4 •

1—1 1 lb.

Bull Nose (Hot) ^ .30 f • 85 5 3. 00 Bull Nose (Mild) - -- .25 • 75 2. 50 CxiLIFORNIA WONDER (SPSCIaL STHilN) - - - .40 1. 25 4. 00 California Wonder, regular ------ .30 • 85 3. 00 California WOFDFR (certified), sealed and

certified by the Pennsylvania Dep’t, of Agriculture ------------- . 75 2. 50 9. 00

EARLY CALIFORNIA WONDER (I;E'7) ----- .50 1. 65 6 • 00 Cayenne (Long Thin Type) ----- .30 90 3 • 25 Cayenne (Giant Thick Type) - ----- - - .30 • 85 3. 00 Chinese Giant - -- -- -- -- -- --- . 35 1. 00 3. 50 Giant Crimson - -- --- G R • e. o 1. 00 3. 50 Golden ^ueen, large mild orange-yellow.

green first - -- - . 10 1. 25 4. 00 HARRN^S EARLIEST GIANT - -- -- -- -- .30 # 90 3 • 25 HUNGARIAN Li..RGE YELLOW MILD (NW;W) - - - . 75 2. 50 9. 00 majGjiRIAN LONG YELLOW HOT OR BANANA * - .50 1. 65 6 • 00 Hungarian Yellow Wax (Hot) - _ - - - .40 1. 25 4. 00 King of the North ----------- .45 1. 35 4. 50 Neapolitan, for extra early mild red - - .25 • 75 2. 50 Oshkosh, large mild orange-yellow,■green

first ---------------- .45 1. 35 4. 75 Pimiento or Perfection --------- .20 • 65 2. 25 RUBY KING II'IPROVED, fine for ripe red - .30 0 85 3. 00 Red Chili (Hot) ------------ .35 1. 00 3. 50 SUNl'TYBROOK, flat squash shaped, thick flesh

Used here in place of Pimiento - - - • 85 3. 00 WORLD BEATER (SPSCIiiX STRAIN) , ver^ fine .30 • 90 3. 25

REINING’S I.WRO^/SD STRAINS - (Stock very limited KI]1:G;.RIAR y:jllon peppers this year.)

Stock seed quality from the originator, Mr. John Reining. From isolated and rogued plants, seed hand cleaned:


•f'ViiSi «n’Kr\TriCi» 'OV'-f- OC^/V» ~\ / A "l^Y* 1 r\ry ^ A Each of the above: Pkt. 25^^; 1/4 OZ. ."Jl.lO; 1 OZ. $4.00.

PUMPKIN i oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb

Connecticut Field -------- — — - ) -10 J .20 J .60 Early sugar or Pie -------- .10 .20 .65 Golden Oblong ---------- .10 .25 . 75 King of the Mammoths or Jumbo - - — - .15 .35 1.00 Mammoth Tours ---------- .15 .35 1.00

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radish 1/4 11:^. 1 lb. 10 lb.© 100 lb,©

BRIGHT RED GLOBE FORCING - EXTRA SHORT TOP “ mCE SOIL STRAIN, exceedingly bright scarlet red color, remains solid with extra short leaves of heavy substance. Ideal for summer use by growers having low peat or muck soil, ^t;he tops staying very short and

A. color bright in the hottest weather. Also the best extra short top strain for Green¬ house forcing -------- $ .S5 f . 75 ^ •'70 5 .60

IIvIPROVED SCARLET GLOBE (IHTW) , an improvement on the old Vickis Scarlet Globe select Forcing strain by the same grower. Very solid, pure wtiite fleshed bulbs, skins bright rei, fine olive- globe shape. Used in fall or spring on low soils or the best for all season use on sandy or upland soils and for Greenhouse use where a little longer top than the above is required - - .20 .65 .60


CAVALIER (EEW), a fine new re- selected short top strain, very bright color for general outdoor or greenhouse use - - - - ,20 .65 ,60 .4^

(SIFTED SEED of the above three f Greenhouse use available at 15^

orcing strains for per pound additional.)

SCaRLET globe select, a good medium top strain of Scarlet Globe for general use ---------- .20 .50 .45 .40

SCARLET GLOBE, regular strain - - .15 .4# .35 .30

BI“COLOR (NSW) half white, half red .25 .75 .70 .60 Brightest Long Scarlet or Cardinal .20 .60 .55 • • • Cincinnati Markbt - ------ .20 ,60 .55 • • • COl'IET (NEW) - - - - _ - ,25 .80 . 75 » • 4 Crimson Giant -- ---- .20 .60 .55 Earliest White Turnip Forcing - - .25 .75 . 70 * « * French Breakfast - ~ - ----- .20 .60 RR • • • Giant White Stuttgart ------ .20 .60 .55 tf A • GLOWING BALL --- -- --- .25 . 70 .65 . 58

Page 18: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...


RADISH (ContM) 1/4 11. 1 lb. 10 lb.@ 100 lb.©

Golden Globe ---------- *20 Icicle Improved, medium top - .20 ICICLE SHORT TOP FORCING, muck soil

strain, fine for Market Gardeners .25 Lady Finger (Long White Vienna) .20 MUSNCHENSR BIER, the original white

”Beer Radish'’, very fine - - .30 Philadelphia White Box ----- ,20 Saxa -------------- .20 SPARKLER WHITE TIPPED- .20 V/HITE STRASSBURG- .20

Winter Varieties

BLACK KNIGHT (1H5W) , coal black, cylindiroal half long, very fine .30

California Mammoth White - - - - .20 Half Long Black -------- ,20 Long Black Spanish ------- ,2C Round Black Spanish ------ ,20 Rose China Winter ------- ,20 White Chinese or Celestial - - - ,20


Delicacy - - - CRIMSON WINTER Linneus Giant Victoria - - -


Improved .American purple Top (Long Island) EARLY NECiaESS, true - -- -- -- -- -


Mamaoth Sandwich Island -------- Scorzonera (Black Salsify) -------


Broad Leaved French - -


tlLOOMSDiiLE LONG STANDING OR SPECIAL SAVC'^ LEAF, originator »s finest strain, dariv green and heavily crumpled - - - - -

RE-SELECTED BLOOMSDALE SAVOY LEAF, for first early and winter seeding - - -

Bloomsdale savoy Leaf, regular strain - SUIMER SaVOY, very long standing - - - - Dark Green Bloomsdale --------- BAERMAIW»S ALL WEATHER DARK GREEN BLOOMS-

DALE, prickly seeded --------

.60 . 55 $ ...

.60 .55 .45

.75 .70 .60

.60 .55 • « »

.95 .90 « • *

.60 .55

.60 .55 • • •

.60 .55 .45

.60 .55 • • •

.95 .90 • ♦ •

.60 *55 • • •

.60 .55 » • •

. 60 .55 t • •

.60 .55 • • •

.60 .55 • • •

.60 . 55 • • •

1 ^z. 1/4 lb. 1 lb.

$ .25 $ .75 2.50 .40 1.25 4.50 .20 .50 1.75 .15 .40 1.25

1/4 lb. 1 lb. 10 lb.©

•J .20 $ .55 $ .50 .25 .65 .60

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb.

$ .15 J .45 •1 1.50 .20 .50 1.75

.15 .50 1. ,50

1 lb. 1# lb.© 100 lb*@

.30 $ .24 $ .22

.30 .22 .20

.25 .20 .18

.30 .24 .22

.30 .23 ,20

.30 .26 .23

Page 19: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...



BAERMA.HN*S ALL V/EATHBR BLIGHT RESISTANT JULIANA, originator*s finest strain - ~ Juliana, regular strain -------- King of Denmark ------------ Long Seasons Triumph --------- Nev^ Zealand - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Nobel Giant -------------- OLD DOIvIClLrON, long standing blight resi;

ant -- -------------- Round or Giant Thick Leaf ------- Victoria, re-selected strain - - - - - VIRGINIA BLIGHT RESISTANT SAVOY, origin?

highly selected, excellent quality -


Banana - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - BLUE HUBBARD - ---- BUTTERCUP (NEW) ------- - -- CHICAGO WARTED HH3.BA-\D, true selected

Market Gardeners strain ------ Cocozelle (short Type) -------- Cocozelle (Long Type) -------- Cocozelle (Dark Green Type) ----- Delicious -------------- EARLY PROLIFIC STRAIGHTHSCK (NEW) ~ - Early V/hite Bush Scalloped ------ Early Yellow Bush Scalloped - - - - - English Vegetable Giant Bush summer Giant Bush summer Golden Delicious ---------- Golden Hubbard ----------- Italian Pergola (Longissima Improved) Italian Vegetable Marrow ------ Kitchenette Hubbard -------- Sweet potato ------------ TiiBLE QUEEN OR DES MOINES- Mammoth Table Queen (New) ----- Vegetable spaghetti (Novelty) - - - Zucchini -------------- Black Zucchini -----------


Connecticut seed Leaf ------- Havana White Burley ------------

Marrow ------ Crookneck - - - - Straightneck - - -

1 lb. 10 lb.© 100 :

$ .50 $ .26 & .23 .30 .24 .22 .25 .20 .18 .30 .23 .20 .25 .20 .18 .40 .35 • • •

.30 .22 .20

.30 .23 .20

.25 .20 .18 .30 .22 .20

.30 .23 .20

1 oz. 1/4 lb. 1 lb.


1—1 • $ .30 ^ ̂ .95 • 10 .30 .95 .15 .35 1.10

.10 . .30 .95

.10 .30 .95

.10 .30 .95

.li .35 1.15

.10 .30 .95

.15 .40 1.25

.10 .30 .90

.10 .30 .90

.10 .30 .95

.10 .30 .95

.10 .30 .95

.10 .30 .95 • 10 .30 .95 .15 .40 1.25 .10 .30 .95 .10 .30 .95 .15 .40 1.25 .10 .30 .95 .10 .30 .95 .15 .40 1.25 .10 .30 .95 .10 .30 .95

.35 1.00 3.50 • .35 1.00 3.50

.35 1.00 3.50


JL Certified varieties are packed in o#e pound bags, sealed and certified by the New Jersey Dept, of agriculture.

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TOmTO (Cont^d.)

scarlet or Red Fruited Varieties

1 lb. 1 oz. 1/4 lb.

ASGROW SCARLET DAm - - --- $ .45 # 1.35 $ 4.50 Avon Extra Early ------------ .30 .90 3.00 Break O^Day -------------- .35 1.00 3.50 BONNY BEST (CERTIFIED) ---- - --- .45 1.35 4.50 Bonny Best, regular ---------- .25 .75 2.50 Beefsteak or Crimson Cushion ----- .35 1.00 3.50 C.^DINiiL (NEV/ “ ASGROW) - - - -- .60 1.75 6.00 Chalk♦s Early Jewel ---------- .30 .90 3.00 CLARK'S SPECIAL EiJ^LY-- .40 1.15 4.00 Dwarf Stone -------------- .40 1.10 3.75 Earliana special ------------ .35 1.00 3.50 Early Baltimore — — .45 1.35 4.50 Grand Rapids Forcing ---------- .75 2.25 9.00 Greater Baltimore ----------- .20 .65 2.25 JOHN BiiER SPECIiiX - - --- .35 1.00 3.50 MICHIGAN STATE FORCING - - Pkt. 25/ .90 3.00 « • • • Marglobe, regular ----------- .25 .75 2.75 MARGLOBE (CERTIFIED) - .35 1.00 3.50 SUPREME M.xRGL03E----- .60 1. 75 6.00 PRITCHARD OR SCARLET TOPPER (CERTIFIED) .35 1.00 3.50 RUTGERS (CERTIFIED)---- STOKESDaLE (certified) - - -

.35 1.00 3.50

.50 1.50 5.00

Pink Fruited Varieties

Beauty - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .30 .90 3.00 UNPROVED BEAUTY- .45 1.35 4.50 cooper»s Special ------------ .40 1.15 4.00 Dwarf Champion ------------- .40 1.10 3.75 June Pink --------------- .30 .90 3.00 Early Detroit ------------- .40 1.10 3.75 LIVINGSTON»S GLOBE - -- - .40 1.15 4.00 MARHIO (Pink Marglobe) --------- .45 1.35 4.50 Oxheart ---------------- .50 1.60 5.50 Ponderosa --------------- .45 1.35 4.50 SUPREl€i: GULF STATE M^IRKET- .60 1. 75 6.00

Yellow - Small & Odd Varieties

Gold Ball .45 1.35 4.50 Golden or Yellow Ponderosa ------- .45 1.35 4.50 Golden Queen .40 1.15 4.00 Golden Husk (Strawberry or Ground Cherr30 .40 1.15 4.00 Red Cherry - .40 1.15 4.00 Red pear - - .40 1.15 4.00 Red Plum - - .35 1.00 3.50 Yellow peach .45 1.35 4.50 Yellow Pear .40 1.15 4.00 Yellow Plum .35 1.00 3.50 WHITE WOI^SR (Novelty), non-acid white - .40 1.15 4.00

Page 21: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...


Amber Glob^ -.--.--~-_-._-.-_-_ Earliest Flat Japan ----------- Extra Early purple Top Milan Extra Early V/hite Milan - -- -- -- -- Golden Ball or Orange .'eily ------- Japanese shogoin ------------- Purple Top strap Leaved --------- PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE, Special Market

Gardener’s strain ----------- Seven T??P - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - White Egg ----------------

: 17 ~

1/4 lb. 1 lb. 10 lb*©

$ .50 $ .40 .15 .50 .40 .20 . 60 .50 .15 .50 .40 .15 .50 .40 .20 .60 .50 .15 .50 .40

.20 .60 .50

.15 .50 .40

.15 .50 .40



Inseeticide - sprayers & Dusters

Bunching Twine - Rubber Bands

VIGORO k Other Fertilizers

PLAI'TET JR. IMPLEI^CENTS (Ask for Catalogue.)

Pot & Gard^^n Labels


Genf=^ral Gardeners Supplies

(PJea^e write for priced)







Page 22: Do not assume content reflects current scientific ...


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