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Do Now: In your notebooks…

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Do Now: In your notebooks…. 1). What do you think of when you hear the term “Great Depression?” 2). “The Great Depression of the 1930s was a worldwide phenomenon composed of an infinite number of separate but related events.”-What does this quote mean? . Chapter 29. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Do Now: In your notebooks… 1). What do you think of when you hear the term “Great Depression?” 2). “The Great Depression of the 1930s was a worldwide phenomenon composed of an infinite number of separate but related events.”-What does this quote mean?
Page 1: Do Now: In your notebooks…

Do Now: In your notebooks…1). What do you think of when you hear the term “Great Depression?”

2). “The Great Depression of the 1930s was a worldwide phenomenon composed of an infinite number of separate but related events.”-What does this quote mean?

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Chapter 29The World Between the Wars: Depression & Authoritarian Response

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A Revolution in Science & Arts Einstein

-Albert Einstein radically changed the field of physics-Theory of relativity: Idea that space

and time are not constant-Questioning of accepted ideas

-Resulted in more uncertainty

Existentialism-No universal meaning to life; each person creates own meaning

Surrealism & Jazz-Challenge established conventions

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Society Challenges ConventionWomen’s Roles Change

-Work during war-Decisive in gaining right to vote-1920s: Women adopt

freer clothing, hairstyles (“Flappers”)

-Represents independent spirit of the time-Some women seek new careers (Medicine,

education, journalism)

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A Worldwide DepressionPostwar Europe-Rise of new, unstable democracies (Little experience with democracy)-Coalition Governments: Temporary alliances between parties to form parliamentary majority-Failures pushed people to authoritarian regimesWeimar Republic-1919: Germans blamed Weimar government for problems-Suffered hyperinflation (Never raised taxes, simply printed more money)

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The DebacleA Flawed U.S. Economy

-Uneven distribution of wealth, overproduction, less buying

-Most families too poor to buy goods Factories lay off workers

-Failure to repay loans (Farmers)The Stock Market Crash

-1929: Stocks purchased on margin

-Investors began selling stocks due to high prices

-Panic resulted and the market crashed on October 29th

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The Great DepressionGreat Depression

-Severe economic slumpGlobal Impact

-Stock market crash had global repercussions-American bankers called in loans and withdrew

financing-Placed high tariffs on imported goods-World trade dropped 65% and led to economic


-Banks collapse in Europe, Asian farmers and urban workers suffer as value of exports dropped, demand for Latin American products fell sharply

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Responses to the DepressionEurope

-Britain elects multiparty coalition (National Government)

-Passed high protective tariffs, increased taxes, regulated currency, lowered interest rates

-Scandinavia-Socialist governments built on existing

programs of public works, pensions for elderly, and welfare benefits

-Democracy remained in tact

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-Popular Front: Multiparty coalition designed to win majority in parliament

-Unable to take strong measures due to power of conservatives and authoritarian right

-Fell in 1938United States

-FDR and the New Deal-Public works projects,

welfare and relief programs, government regulation of banks, and expansion of federal agencies.

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Do Now: Multiple Choice1). What event historically triggered the Great Depression?

A. Collapse of the American stock marketB. World War IC. World War IID. The Long March

2). In the aftermath of World War I, parliamentary governments wereA. Nowhere visible in western EuropeB. Rapidly replaced by increasingly liberal governmentsC. Strengthened by the success of the alliesD. Weakened by the existences of radical groups of the left and


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The Authoritarian ResponseFascism

-Militant political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism and loyalty to an authoritarian leader

-Differs from Communism because of belief in a stratified class system and focus on nationalism

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Fascism in Italy Italy

-Fascism fueled by the bitter disappointment of Versailles negotiations

-Rising inflation and unemployment led to growing social unrestBenito Mussolini

-Vowed to revive Italian economy and rebuild military

-Founds Fascist Party in 1919-1922: 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome

and demanded power handed over to Mussolini-Il Duce (Leader): Abolish democracy,

outlaw all political parties, jailed opponents, censored media, outlawed strikes

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Hitler Rises to PowerAdolf Hitler

-1919: National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party)

-German form of Fascism was Nazism-Private militia of storm troopers

(Brown shirts)-Hitler chosen as der Führer (Leader)

Nazi Ideology-Racial ideology (supremacy of Aryan

race) outlined in Mein Kampf-Lebensraum: Germany was overcrowded

and needed living space

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ContinuedElection of 1932

-Nazis largest political party by 1932-Hitler failed to win the presidency, but won

37% of votes in parliamentJanuary 1933

-Hitler made Chancellor of Germany-Calls for new elections

-Prior to elections, fire destroyed the Reichstag

-Hitler blamed the Communists which resulted in more support for the Nazis

-Uses power to turn Germany into totalitarian state

-Creates SS and Gestapo in 1934

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Fascism and the Spanish Civil War Civil War in Spain

-1931: Monarchy replaced with republic-1936: General Francisco Franco led a Fascist

revolt against the republic-Three year civil war

Hitler and Mussolini-Sent troops, tanks, and planes to assist Franco’s

Nationalists-Support for Republicans was minimal (Only from

Soviet Union and United States-1939: Republican resistance collapsed and

Franco became dictator

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Brazil and ArgentinaBrazil-Getulio Vargas became president in 1929-Centralized political power-Created constitution in 1937 based on fascist Italy-Economy strictly monitored by government and little opposition allowedArgentina-1943: Populist government headed by Juan Peron-Improved status of workers-Nationalized foreign owned companies-Pay back foreign debts until economic problems in 1949
