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Date post: 22-Nov-2014
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Username: SHYyJfWUPassword: P4K20uO

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Procedure: 1. FTP the ECN320 and login with username/password as "sw-loader/kontron".2. Manually FTP the Controller Software.3. Telnet the ECN320 and login as user "root" and change directory to /tmp/sw-loader4. Manually untar the tar file:

Command: tar –xvf <filename.tar>5. Following files should be obtained:a) initrd.gzb) rootfs.cramfsc) vmlinuz6. Move these files to the following location:

mv <filename> /mnt/root.old/mnt/root.disk/boot/normal

7. Reboot the ECN320 node, node should come up in normal mode.8. Login through admin/admin and execute following command.

Command: Config system update software enc

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For ECN in "config" mode and not getting synchronized and giving error “SNMP profile updated in PEM but not in node" or "Request towards one or more element timed out". Kindly follow the below procedure.

1. Check in ECN inventory about how many cards are unreachable. Confirm from "show power inline status" whether cards are connected or not.

2. For those cards not connected but showing in inventory, delete by command "config ecn inventory remove node <say 1.0>".

3. Also, deactivate all those unused lines information in SCM (if present). 4. Open the NCM, search for that ECN, go to "lines" tab and do a reload operation for lines. 5. Now, operation should get completed without any error and check that only those lines will seen here which are present on ECN not all 24 card lines.

6. Now synchronize, force synchronize and dslam upgrade operations will get completed.

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Error: Runtime Exception and discovery process goes on for 40-50 mins. Run the discovery process from NCM and follow below procedure. 1. Navigate to path /opt/Ericsson/PEM/logFiles2. tail -f DomainServiceDebug.log, DomainServiceError.log, DomainServiceActivity.log, DomainServiceOutput.log3. The imp of all is debug logs.4. Note down all the ip's on which snmp get/set operations are getting failed. Search for those ip's in PEM and HPoV. If node is in config mode, then trace the issue why it is not getting synced.5. for nodes that are not present in PEM but present in HPoV, are causing these delays in discovery. Delete them from HPoV. ovstop netmonovtopofix -r <node IP>ovstart netmon 6. Then add new nodes in HPoV one-by-one and discover again.

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Increasing the size of Sybase using Sybase central

On checking the log files, it was found that PEM database size was full due to which it's not allowing to create the lines. 2008-06-21 14:36:25.140 GMT+05:30 [serviceadm (243724102)] Reason: Can't allocate space for object 'SystemLog' in database 'PEM_DB' because 'default' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment. com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Can't allocate space for object 'SystemLog' in database 'PEM_DB' because 'default' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment. So logged into Sybase using command: C:\Documents and Settings\dslnocmum>isql -Usa -P1>sp_helpdb PEM_DB2>go It was showing that PEM_DB Data size Used 900 MB and free 37. This means there was no space. So we increased the PEM_DB data size using sybase central GUI. Log into to sybase central and connect to PEM database using username "sa" Then increased the size in database devices and then finally increased the size of PEM_DB data.

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We are facing a lot of cases in which ECN is not getting synchonized (in config state), when we initiate synchronization, it end with errors "requests with node failed due to timeout".

Observation in most of the cases:-

1. Problem occurs in ECN's in which EDN's are unreachable.2. Node software is upgraded to latest software (R6E05, V2.0.8.47,R6E05and R2B01).

Kindly clear us on below:-

1. On initiating a synchronization process, ECN tries to write data inEDN flash. If ECN is having config files for say 20 EDN cards in/var/tftpboot/MPConfigFiles and only 18 are present, then those twounreachable EDN(not present) will cause a sync failure., which is thecase happening with us.2. If we delete the 2(not present) EDN's from ECN inventory,synchronization should get complete. But in this case it is not gettingcompleted.

Current Setup:-

1. 2 ECN's connected in redundancy mode. Problematic is the activeECN320 ( and standby is ECN330( working fine.2. Checked spanning-tree status in both ECN's.3. Bios version of upgraded as hardware revision is R3B.4. Deleted the unused software and config files from ECN.]5. EDN software updradation task goes on and on(on stage upgradingsoftware in node) and we have to reboot the ECN to kill the task.

After all troubleshooting, current status is ECN still in configstate (not able to synchronize), all EDN reachable but if we sych again,EDN's become unreachable again.

fix: SOLUTION: ** CONDITIONS: ** ** An EDN312 has been removed from aparticular port X but still remains in the ECN inventory ** In PEM, thelines relating to the EDN312 on port X still exist in the 'EAN

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Properties' -> 'Lines' tab ** Those lines still have active end-users inService Configuration Manager ** PROCEDURE: ** ** De-activate theend-users in Service Configuration Manager ** Remove the EDN312 from theECN inventory via CLI (see note) ** Go to 'EAN Properties' -> 'Lines'and if the lines relating to the EDN312 on port X still exist, 'Reload'the lines ** The ECN should now only show DSLAMS that are actuallypresent on the ECN320. Synchronization and Embedded node softwareupgrade should be possible **note: Command for removing node from ECN inventory in CLI ** # configecn inventory remove node X.0

I have discussed this issue with Amarpal Singh and it has been resolved.The synchronization failure was occurring because some DSLAMS had beenremoved but they had not been deleted from the ECN inventory. TheseDSLAMS also had active lines in Service Configuration Manager and henceits line information also remained in PEM.

This is the cause of the timeouts during synchronization/softwareupgrades. PEM was trying to sync/upgrade a node that was not evenconnected.

After deactivating those lines in SCM, then removing the DSLAMS from theECN inventory and PEM, synchronization and software upgrades nowcomplete successfully.

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To Extract VMAC from PEM Database

root@emsmumbai1:/$su - sybaseSun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002$ bashbash-2.05$ isql -Usa -Psybase11 -Semsmumbai1 -DPEM_DB1> select macaddress from ManagedElement where ElementType=42> go

1> sp_help EndUser2> go

1> select * from ManagedElement2> go

1> use PEM_DB2> go

1> sp_tables (Lists all the tables in the data base)2> gotable_qualifier table_owner table_name table_type remarks ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEM_DB dbo sysalternates SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysattributes SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syscolumns SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syscomments SYSTEM TABLE

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NULL PEM_DB dbo sysconstraints SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysdepends SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysgams SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysindexes SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysjars SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syskeys SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syslogs SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysobjects SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syspartitions SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysprocedures SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysprotects SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysqueryplans SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysreferences SYSTEM TABLE NULL

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PEM_DB dbo sysroles SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo syssegments SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysstatistics SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo systabstats SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo systhresholds SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo systypes SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysusermessages SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysusers SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo sysxtypes SYSTEM TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Address TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdslPSD TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdvancedFilterProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdvancedFilterProfile_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo

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AdvancedFilterRule TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdvancedLayer2FilterEntry TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdvancedNodeConfiguration TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo AdvancedNodeMibData TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Alarm TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo BreakPoints TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo COModem TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ConnectionConfigurationProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo CustomDownstreamTrafficFlow TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo CustomPBitSanction TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo CustomUpstreamTrafficFlow TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Database_Version TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DBFixes TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DHCPServer TABLE

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NULL PEM_DB dbo DslAlarmThresholdsProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslConnectionConfiguration TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslDownstreamTrafficFlow TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslLineConfiguration TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslLineConfiguration_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslService TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslService_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslServiceBandwidth TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslTraficFilter TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslTraficFilterProf_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslTraficFilterProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslTraficFilterValue TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslUpstreamTrafficFlow TABLE NULL

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PEM_DB dbo DslUserService TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslUserServiceMacAddress TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo DslUserServiceStaticIP TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo E1Port TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EanMigratedElement TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EanMigratedLT TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EANPointCodes TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EMP_Sw TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EndUser TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EndUserConnection TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthBandwidthLimitation TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthConnectionConfiguration TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthLineConfiguration TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo

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EthLineConfiguration_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthPort TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthPortLink TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthService TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthService_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthServiceBandwidth TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthUserService TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo EthUserServiceStaticIP TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Hardware TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo HardwareType TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Hw_Tmp TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo InClauseValues TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo IpNetwork TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo IPRange TABLE

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NULL PEM_DB dbo L2CPCustomProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo L2CPProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo L2Filter TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo LineBondingGroup TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo LineTermination TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo LoopDiagTestResult TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ManagedElement TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ManagedElementExtension TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo MultiCastWL TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo MultiCastWLProf_Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo MultiCastWLProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo MultiCastWLValue TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo NetworkLevel TABLE NULL

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PEM_DB dbo NTPServer TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo PBitSanction TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Provider TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo PSDShape TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo RedundantEAN TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ReservedVlanIdRange TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ReservedVlanIds TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo RFINotch TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo SecurityProfile TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo ServerData TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo SNMPCommunityString TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Software TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Subnet TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo

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Sw_Hw TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Sw_Tmp TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo SystemLog TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo SystemSettings TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo TestParam TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo TestResult TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo TFTPServer TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo UpgradeJob TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo UpgradeJob_ManagedElement TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo User_Usergroup TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Usergroup TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo UserGroup_NetworkLevel TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Usergroup_Rights TABLE NULL PEM_DB dbo Users TABLE

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(129 rows affected)(return status = 0)

1> select * from EndUser where PhoneNumber="26434049"2> go Id_EndUser Id_Address Id_Provider Version UserName FirstName LastName PhoneNumber EMail Comment CustomerNumber UseLineTermAddress --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 46 1116 1 12 26434049 26434049 Bandra10.129.6.2/1.0.5 0

1> select * from ManagedElement where macaddress="00:1E:DF:0F:52:F4"2> go

Id_ManagedElement Id_Subnet Id_NetworkLevel Id_UplinkElement ID_VMacDomain Id_Hardware Id_Software Id_SwitchSoftware Version ElementType MACAddress IPAddress ErrorCode Location SwitchType HasStaticIPAddress LoadDistribution

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Name Comment SerialNumber DateOfManufacture HWRevision LedShutDownTime EANPointCode MultilinkMode E1UtilizationTrapEnable E1UtilizationMeasurementTime E1UtilizationTrapThreshold DaisyLinkLevel RedundancyMode Id_EAN ID_AdvancedNodeConfiguration Id_SNMPCommunityString Layer3Flag EnableVlanConfiguration ID_SecurityProfile AccessNodeId

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SunOS 5.9

login: rootPassword:Last login: Thu Jul 26 16:21:10 from Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002# bashroot@emsmumbai1:/$root@emsmumbai1:/$root@emsmumbai1:/$root@emsmumbai1:/$su - sybaseSun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002$ bashbash-2.05$bash-2.05$bash-2.05$ isql -Usa -Psybase11 -Semsmumbai1 -DPEM_DB1> select Id_ManagedElement from ManagedElement where ElementType=4 and name='ECN320'2> go Id_ManagedElement ---------------------

(0 rows affected)1> select Id_ManagedElement from ManagedElement where ElementType=4 and name='ECN320-10-132-0-55-Active1'2> go Id_ManagedElement

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--------------------- 15307

(1 row affected)1> update ManagedElement set macaddress="00:E0:4B:11:19:0E" where Id_UplinkElement=153072> go(12 rows affected)1> select macaddress from ManagedElement where Id_UplinkElement='15307'2> goMsg 257, Level 16, State 1:Server 'emsmumbai1', Line 1:Implicit conversion from datatype 'VARCHAR' to 'NUMERIC' is not allowed. Usethe CONVERT function to run this query.1> select macaddress from ManagedElement where Id_UplinkElement=153072> go macaddress -------------------- 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E 00:E0:4B:11:19:0E

(12 rows affected)1> exitbash-2.05$

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bash-2.05# df -kFilesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on/dev/md/dsk/d0 9079661 4771782 4217083 54% //proc 0 0 0 0% /procmnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttabfd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd/dev/md/dsk/d3 970655 853729 58687 94% /varswap 2220512 168 2220344 1% /var/runswap 2220576 232 2220344 1% /tmp/dev/md/dsk/d5 35298404 22903555 12041865 66% /opt/dev/md/dsk/d7 1988887 12134 1917087 1% /export/homebash-2.05# bash-2.05# bash-2.05# ovstop ovdbcheckbash-2.05# ovdbcheckConnecting as user "ovdb" with passwordValidate accessibility to "tcpip 2690" database

bash-2.05# ovstop -c Name PID State Last Message(s) ovas - NOT_RUNNING - Exit(143) ovdbcheck - NOT_RUNNING Exited due to user request. Exit(0) ovsessionmgr 6803 DONE Exited due to user request. snmpCollect 6822 DONE Exiting due to user request. netmon 6823 DONE Exited due to user request ovrepld 6824 DONE Ovrepld exiting by command from ovspmd. ovuispmd 6821 DONE Exiting. 0 ovw clients registered.

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ovtrapd 6816 DONE Exited at the request of OVsPMD (via ovstop) ovactiond 6817 DONE Closing at the request of OVsPMD (via ovstop). genannosrvr - NOT_RUNNING - Exit(0) ovalarmsrv 6818 DONE Server exiting ovrequestd 6808 DONE Exiting due to user request. ovtopmd 6820 DONE Exited due to user request. ovwdb 6804 DONE Exited due to user request. pmd 6805 DONE PMD Select Loop has exited, terminating httpd - unknown The LRF-specified stop command completed. alarmServer - unknown - OVsPMD 6800 DONE - ovspmd: No HP OpenView services are running.bash-2.05# cd var/opt/OV/share/databases/analysis/default/bash-2.05# ls -ltotal 558722lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 23 Jul 4 2005 backup -> /opt/OV/database/backupdr-xr-xr-x 2 bin bin 4096 Oct 16 00:32 log-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid2.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid3.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid4.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid5.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid6.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid7.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid8.db-rw------- 1 root other 0 Oct 11 10:24 solid9.db-rw------- 1 root other 284704768 Oct 16 11:03 solid.db-rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 2003 Aug 9 2005 solid.ini-rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1284 Aug 9 2005 solid.lic-rw-rw-rw- 1 root other 1049053 Sep 26 18:36 solmsg.bak-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 206493 Oct 16 11:03 solmsg.outbash-2.05# bash-2.05# bash-2.05# rm *.log*.log: No such file or directorybash-2.05# rm *.out

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bash-2.05# rm *.dbbash-2.05# ovdbrun -x exitDatabase does not exist. Do you want to create a new database (y/n)? yGive system catalog, administrator's username and passwordSystem catalog: ovdbUsername: ovdbPassword: Retype password: Creating a new database, please wait ...bash-2.05# ovstart ovdbcheckbash-2.05# ovdwconfig.ovpl -type embedded -load

Checking the status of NNM...

Name PID State Last Message(s) OVsPMD 1204 RUNNING - ovsessionmgr - NOT_RUNNING - ovwdb - NOT_RUNNING - ovuispmd - NOT_RUNNING - ovtrapd - NOT_RUNNING - ovactiond - NOT_RUNNING - ovalarmsrv - NOT_RUNNING - pmd - NOT_RUNNING - genannosrvr - NOT_RUNNING - httpd - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) ovtopmd - NOT_RUNNING - snmpCollect - NOT_RUNNING - ovas - NOT_RUNNING - ovrequestd - NOT_RUNNING - ovdbcheck 1205 RUNNING Connected to embedded database. alarmServer - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) netmon - NOT_RUNNING - ovrepld - NOT_RUNNING -

Stopping NNM, so configuration changes can be made...

Name PID State Last Message(s)

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ovsessionmgr - NOT_RUNNING - ovuispmd - NOT_RUNNING - snmpCollect - NOT_RUNNING - ovas - NOT_RUNNING - netmon - NOT_RUNNING - ovrepld - NOT_RUNNING - ovtopmd - NOT_RUNNING - ovwdb - NOT_RUNNING - ovtrapd - NOT_RUNNING - ovactiond - NOT_RUNNING - ovalarmsrv - NOT_RUNNING - genannosrvr - NOT_RUNNING - pmd - NOT_RUNNING - httpd - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) ovrequestd - NOT_RUNNING - alarmServer - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) ovdbcheck 1205 DONE Exited due to user request. OVsPMD 1204 DONE - ovspmd: No HP OpenView services are running.

Successfully stopped NNM. Continuing.

Attempting to start the embedded database...Setting default ODBC datasource to "tcpip 2690"

Attempting to connect to the ODBC data source...Connected to the "solid" databaseLoad of tables requested

Creating tables in solid database (ODBC Datasource=tcpip 2690)(Continuing due to '-force' option)

Created SQL tables using tables_topo.solid(Continuing due to '-force' option)

Created SQL tables using tables_trend.solid(Continuing due to '-force' option)

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Created SQL tables using tables_event.solid(Continuing due to '-force' option)

Created SQL tables using tables_common.solidovstop: ovspmd is not runningConfiguring ovdbcheck to start embedded database

Starting NNM...

Name PID State Last Message(s) OVsPMD 1241 RUNNING - ovdbcheck 1242 RUNNING Connected to embedded database. ovsessionmgr 1244 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovrequestd 1249 RUNNING Initialization complete. pmd 1246 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovtrapd 1257 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovactiond 1258 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovalarmsrv 1259 RUNNING Loading alarms from database ovalarmsrv 1259 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovwdb 1245 RUNNING Initialization complete. ovtopmd 1261 RUNNING Connected to native database "openview". ovuispmd 1262 RUNNING Initialized. 0 ovw clients registered. snmpCollect 1263 RUNNING Initialization complete. netmon 1264 RUNNING Loading databases... ovrepld 1265 RUNNING Initialization complete. alarmServer - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) httpd - unknown (Does not communicate with ovspmd.) genannosrvr 1260 RUNNING - ovas 1266 RUNNING - ovspmd: Attempt to start HP OpenView services is complete.

ovdwconfig.ovpl has completed.bash-2.05# df -kFilesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on/dev/md/dsk/d0 9079661 4771782 4217083 54% /

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/proc 0 0 0 0% /procmnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttabfd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd/dev/md/dsk/d3 970655 583526 328890 64% /varswap 2308064 168 2307896 1% /var/runswap 2308128 232 2307896 1% /tmp/dev/md/dsk/d5 35298404 22903579 12041841 66% /opt/dev/md/dsk/d7 1988887 12134 1917087 1% /export/homebash-2.05# bash-2.05# bash-2.05# lsbackup solid2.db solid4.db solid6.db solid8.db solid.db solid.lic solmsg.outlog solid3.db solid5.db solid7.db solid9.db solid.ini solmsg.bakbash-2.05# bash-2.05# pwd/var/opt/OV/share/databases/analysis/defaultbash-2.05# bash-2.05# export DISPLAY= ovw &[1] 1269bash-2.05# ovw: Allocated 256 colors.

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How to update IPDSLAM software manually in ECN320

Symptom    ECN320 is unreachable from PEM

Symptom    Cannot update IPDSLAM software using direct to EAN method


1.Procedure for IPDSLAM Application software:

Open command prompt and move to directory c:\..\EDA node software\IPDSLAM(EDN312x)\ApplicationSoftware\IpDslamSoftware\

ftp <Ip of ECN>ftp> mkdir IPDSLAMXSoftwareftp> cd IPDSLAMXSoftwareftp> mput   *.*Note: This will upload .tftp software and HWSWrealtion file to ECN320.ftp> bye

2. Login ECN320 using admin username and issue following commands:

ecn320# config system install software

ecn320# exit

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How to upgrade IPDSLAM boot software:

Open command prompt and move to directory c:\..\EDA node software\IPDSLAM(EDN312x)\BootSoftware\IpDslamBootSoftware\

ftp <Ip of ECN>

ftp> mkdir IPDSLAMXbootSoftware

ftp> cd IPDSLAMXbootSoftware

ftp> mput   *.*

Note: This will upload .tftp software and HWSWrealtion  file to ECN320.

ftp> bye

4. Login ECN320 using admin username and issue following commands:

ecn320# config system install software

ecn320# exit

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Forgot or lost the password

1. Reinstall the switch defaults. 2. Make a direct connection to the switch’s console port and

power cycle the switch. 3. Immediately after powering on, press <Ctrl+u> and type the

password ‘mercury’ to access the system file menu. 4. Select <D> to delete all user-defined configuration files. 5. Press <Q> to boot the switch.

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Procedure of running script

1. Make an ip text file in your system which contains all the ip address of mtnl Mumbai.

2. Open SECURECRT through telnet option.

3. Put ip of PEM.

4. Go to properties.

5. Click option logon scripts.

6. Give the username and password of PEM (click on automated logon).

7. By logon script option browses the script.

8. Click ok tab then script will run automatically.

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1. snmpget -c public

We can verify the embedded IPDSLAM serial no. in the following manner:

(i). Login to ECN320 with "root" user (ii). Execute the following command:

---> snmpget <IPDSLAM IP Address> -c public

Where IPDSLAM IP Address will be: 10.0.0.X

X = port number of ECN320 where IPDSLAM is connected…


sh dsl 1.0.1 performance-data line 24-hours

3. HOW TO SEE THE OCTETS ON ecn PORT Login with switch sh interface counters 4. HOW TO SEE THE PRAMETER OF LINE sh dsl 1.0.1 psd line

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How to access internet over uplink

1.configure the uplink port 25 or 26for this add service vlan untagged and make it nativeConsole(config-if)#switchport allowed vlan add 102 untaggedConsole(config-if)#switchport native vlan 102

2. Then install ppoe dialeropen lan propertiesclick on install den choose RASPPPOE file and install it by doing yes.den type rasppoe in run.and query available service

Sample configuration:

!interface ethernet 1/25 power inline maximum allocation 23100 switchport allowed vlan add 1,102 untagged switchport ingress-filtering switchport native vlan 102 switchport allowed vlan add 238,400,500,601 tagged

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Synchronization fails with error- “database is updated with the configuration but the configuration towards the network element failed”.


Check that ECN should be uploaded with the latest software and any vlan should not be untagged on any port using following command:

Console# show run Command to tag VLAN on any interface:Console#configConsole (config) #int eth 1/xConsole (config-if) #switchport allowed vlan add <vlan-id> taggedConsole (config-if) #exitConsole (config) #copy run start

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Synchronization fails with error- “an internal exception occurred”.

Solution:Check if ECN Mac address conflict with another ECN in Sybase. If conflict exists, update ECN Mac address in Sybase as per given procedure:

Login into PEM server with root userbash-2.05# su – Sybase$ bashbash-2.05$ isql -Usa -Semsdelhi1 -DPEM_DBPassword:

To check Mac-address following query is used:

1> select macaddress from managedelement where ipaddress = 'x.x.x.x'

2> go

and press enter

To update Mac-address following query is used:

1> update managedelement set macaddress = ‘xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx‘ where ipaddress = ‘x.x.x.x’ 2>go

and press enter

Logs to be taken before escalation to Ericsson Support:

1. Snapshot of Error message.

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2. Output of all commands given in above steps.

Problem: EDN cards Unreachable.


EDN card is not coming into ECN inventory.


(i) Check the SW level in ECN320 by using the following command:

Ecn320#show system software-version

If embedded software is absent ftp software into ECN320. Also run ECN redundancy script given in ECN320 config guide.

(ii) Login into ECN through “switch/switch” and give command:

Console# show power inline status

If operational power is off in active ECN give following command:

Console#config Console(config)#int eth 1/1-24 Console(config-if)#power inline auto

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(iii) Power cycle EDN cards and boot with active ECN, i.e. shutdown standby ECN.

(iv) If aforesaid do not resolve the issue, check LED status of EDN card. If no LED is glowing, check Ethernet cable connecting EDN to ECN downlink port. Ethernet cable should properly connected to ECN port. Replace the cable if faulty.

(v) If LED on card is solid RED, then the EDN card might be faulty.

(vi) For further troubleshooting, contact Ericsson Local Support Team.

Logs to be taken before escalation to Ericsson Support

Login into ECN through switch/switch and give command:

Console show interfaces status Ethernet 1/x

Alarms from HPOV before the time when node became unreachable.

Login into ECN through root/secret and ftp the file under the MPConfig of that particular EDN312xp, directory /var/tftpboot.

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To Get HPOV logs

Go to the /opt/OV/bin

And run the command ./ovdumpevents -f hpovlogs.txt

Then see the file hpovlogs.txt

ECN forced synchronization fails



An EDN312 has been removed from a particular port X but still remains in the ECN inventory

In PEM, the lines relating to the EDN312 on port X still exist in the 'EAN Properties' -> 'Lines' tab

Those lines still have active end-users in Service Configuration Manager


1. De-activate the end-users in Service Configuration Manager 2. Remove the EDN312 from the ECN inventory via CLI (see note) 3. Go to 'EAN Properties' -> 'Lines' and if the lines relating to the

EDN312 on port X still exist, 'Reload' the lines

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4. The ECN should now only show DSLAMS that are actually present on the ECN320. Synchronization and Embedded node software upgrade should be possible


Command for removing node from ECN inventory in CLI

# config ecn inventory remove node X.0

Note       BIOS of ECN320(hardware revision R3B) was upgraded but the problem still persists

To open Sybase central GUI

/opt/sybase/SYBASE.sh &

/opt/Sybase/sybcent41/bin/scjview &

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In case the PEM servers are not working properly you can issue the command below. It is better then hard reboot.

/opt/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_emsmumbai1 stop/opt/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_emsmumbai1 start

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Procedure to convert ECN320/330 to ESN310

1. For ECN320

Login: esn310Password: esn310

ECN320 will get converted to ESN310

2. For ECN330

The ECN330 can run in switch mode. The EMP function must be disabled,Use this command to disable the Single Board Computer (SBC) connected to port 28. Only valid on the ECN330. The command is used to turn off the EMP functionality on the ECN330 and run the ECN330 as a switch.

turn off sbc management-ip-address <ip_address>

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Connect the Laptop (ECN LCT) through the serial port to the ECN330 or start a telnet session.Type the following command.

1. Login: admin2. Passward: admin3. ECN330# config system turn off sbc management-ipaddress


The ECN330 switch must be configured with a management VLAN ID, an IP address, a default gateway and a subnet mask as described in the following example. The configuration can be shown using the command:

console# show running-config

In the example below it is assumed that VLAN 246 is used as management VLAN, and is the IP address of PEM or a router connecting the ECN to PEM.


console# configconsole(config)# interface vlan 246console(config-if)# ip address exitconsole(config)# ip default-gateway

The following commands are used to copy the configuration to the start up file to be used at restart of the switch. This will end the configuration of the ECN330 switch.

Console#copy running-config startup-config

The ECN330 switch can then be discovered in PEM.

Use this command to disable or enable EMP from a port.

Command level: ecn330(config)#


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ecn port <port> emp {enable|disable}

Arguments:• port <port> - ECN port number 1-27.• emp enable/disable – Enable or disable EMP on the port.Default Setting Enabled

Example ecn330(config)# ecn port 1 emp disable
