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Doctor Honoris Causa ROBERT EDWARD SCULLY __ Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona __ ----1
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Doctor Honoris Causa


~ __ Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona __ ----1

Page 2: Doctor Honoris Causa ROBERT - UAB Barcelona › pub › honoris › 157082 › Honorisca... · El doclOr Scully va néixer I'any 192 1 a Pillsfield. a r estat de Massachusells. en

Doctor Honoris Causa


Discurs llcg it a la cerimonia eI 'i nvestidura celebrada a !'uula magna

de la Ca .. a de Convalesccncia

el dia 8 de novembre

de rany 2000

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Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


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Edita! i imprcs pe l Servci de Public<lcions

dela Univers itat Autónoma de Barce lona

08 193 Bel lalcrra (Barcelona)

Imprcs a Catalunya

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Excel·lenlíssim i Magnífic Senyor Rector, Doclors del Claustre de la Universitat AUlonoma de Barcelona, Digníss imes Autoritats, Estimats Amics, Senyores i Senyors,

L'oportunitat de retre homenatge al meSlre constitueix, sense cap mena de dubte, un dei s aetes més gratificants de la vida acadcmiea. Per aquest motiu, desitjo agrair al claustre de doctors I'oeasió que m'ol"e reix de presentar-hi e l professor emerit de patolog ia Robel1 E. Seully, de la Universitat de Harvard, amb motiu del grau de doctor honoris causa que avui li concedeix la Universit8t Autonoma de Barcelona. En aquesta breu di ssertació intcntaré reftec tir e ls mcrits acadcmics i humans que e l fan mere ixedor de tan alta dislinció.

El doclOr Scully va né ixer I'any 192 1 a Pillsfield. a r estat de Massachusells. en e l si d ' una ramíli a eI'origen irlandes que s' havia establert a ls Estats Units cap a mitjan segle X IX. Va quedar arre de pare molt aviat i la SCV:'l infantesa va transcórrer amb e l seu germa George sota 1'estricta vigi lanc ia de la seva mare, una dona de gran enteresa , mestra eI'escola, de qui va rebre una educac ió que cstimu lava I'esperil de sacrificio Els bons resullats no es van fer esperar: primer al College of (he Holy Cross deis jesuHes de Worcester (1941 l. i més tard a la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Harvard ( 1944), el jove bccari Roben E. Scu lly es va graduar amb els maxims honors i distincions acadcmiques. Si a Harvard va tenir com a professors grans fi gures de la medicina de is Estals Units, com Cannon o Minal, durant la seva res idenc ia als hospital s Peter Senl Brigham, C hildrcn's Hospita l, Free Hospital for WOll1 en i Boston Lying- In , va poder aprenelre amb cls grans de la patologia dc I' epoca, com S. Burl \Volbach, Sidney Farber i Arlhur Hertig. Malgrat tol. la scva veritable alma maler acabaria sent l'emblcmatic Hospi tal General de Massachusetts, on fa gairebé ci nquanta anys que hi treballa i que 1l0ll1és va abandonar pe r servir COIll a tinent medie a la guerra de Corea. Al «Mass Genera!», i sOla la tutela deI s professors Trac)' Mallory, Benjamin Castlell1an i l oe Vincent Meigs, comell~a la scva singular aventura amb e ls tUll10rs del trae te genita l femcní i especialment e ls de I' ovari.

Els puc assegurar, sense cap mella de dubte, que , gracies a les contr ibucions c ientífiques del professor Seu ll)', avui és possible en tendre la patogenia i la conduc ta biologica d'una gran varie t,H de d mccrs ginecologies i de les ion s precanceroses. De la seva col·laboraeió amb e l professor Jol1l1 McLean Monis, e n va res ult ar la desc ripció d e dll es noves alterac ion s intersex ual s: e l gonadoblaSIOI11 é.l i la femin ilzaeió testicular. Amb e l professor Anhur Herbst va descriure, el 1970, e l primer model de carc inogcnesi transpl accntaria en hllmans deguda a la in gcstió materna d 'estrogcns sintetics (dietilestilbcstrol). A més a més de ["ealilzar les primeres elescripcions de la literatura d'un gran nombre de neoplasies, com l' adenosarcoma, e l lumor ovaric associal a la síndrome de Peutz-leghers, e l tumor annexal wolffia i Illolts d 'altres. el professor Seully ha


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coordinat, durant més de trenla anys. des de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut i com a autor de les dues edicions de l fascicle sobre tumors ovarics de l' lnstitut de Patologia de les Forces Armades deis ESlats Units. I'elaboració de classificacions i tenninologics tulllorals que permelen aplicar a les pacienls un traclamenl més adequar.

El doctor Scu ll y ha rebut no mbrosos pre mi s i honor s per les sevcs contribucions a la palologia del dmcer, entre els quals cal destacar e ls doctorats honoris causa de la Universi tat de Leiden. a ls PU-ISOS Bai xos. i del College of lhe Hol y Cross de Massachuscus; I'eslablimenl de la Roberl E. Seu ll y Fellowship in Gynecological Patho logy a la Universitat de Harvard. el premi F. W. Stewart del Memorial S loan- Keuerin g Cancer Cen ler, I'Honorary Fell owship de l Royal Collegc 01' Palh o logists, la Mallde Abbotl Lec lllres hip de la United States Academy 01' Pathology. i e l prcmi al Distinguishcd Palho logist. que tumbé li va ser atorgat per aquesta societat.

A més a més d'haver publ icat quasi c inc-cents anicles e ientífics. e l professor Scull y és conegllt pels metges de tot el món com I'ed it or -des de 1974- del «Ca~e Reco rd of lh e Ma ssachuselts General Hos pit a l». que es publi ca setmanalmenl al NelV Eng/cfIld }ouma/ o/ Medicine. una de les rev istes mediques més pres tig ioses deIs Estals Units. L'interes i la varietat d'aquests casos, que s' han anat adaptant progressivament a la medicina deis nastres dies. refl ecteixen I' ampli coneixemenl medic de l doctor Scu ll y. A més a més de selecc ionar cada cas per a la presen tació setmanal , la correcció d'aquest abans de publicar-lo I'ha obligat a haver d 'aprofitar la mínima oportunitat que se Ii presenti per dur a terme la seva incessant tasca editorial. Per exe mple. e nmi g de la co nfu sió habitual que aeostuma a haver-hi mentre s'espere n les maletes a la sa la d' un aeroporL internacional, e ls qui a vegades I'aeompanyem ja no ens sorprenem de veure' l treure tranquil-Iament la seva cartera i continuar la se va fe ina ed itorial ignoranl 10L el que I'cnvol ta_ El seu gran sentit de la responsabilitat doce m I'ha portal a impart ir c lasses, seminari s i confere nc ies a ga irebé tots e ls fó rums medies inte rnacionals: i pe!" a ixo es compten per desenes els pato legs de tol el món que, com en el meu cas, han assistit al «Mass Generah> per rebre els seus ensenyaments.

La vinculac ió del professor Seull y al DeparLi.lment de Cieneies Morfolo­giques de la Universitat Au tonoma de Barcelona i al Serve i de Patol og ia de I' Hos pital de la San ta C re u i de Sant Pau és est reta i duradora. Si bé la metodologia e mprada va canviant amb el te mps, e l nostre proj ec te origina l, in spiral en les contribucions cient ífiques del professor Seu lly, continua sent e l mate ix: l'est udi palogen e ti c, c Jíni c i pa to logie de is prin c ipa ls di ncers ginecologics.

Difercllls mcmbres de l noslre depaJ1amcnt han pogut benefi c iar-se també deis ensenyamenls del professor Seu ll y; entre e ll s, e l doctor Xav ier Matias-Guiu , professor titular de la Un iversitat AUlonoma de Barcelona. i la doctora Esther


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Oliva, qui , després de finalil zar la seva residé neia i ¡ellolVsh;!, a I' Hospital de la

Santa Creu i de Sant Pau. es va incorporar a l Dc partamc nt de PalOl og ia de ¡'Hospital General de Massachusetts, 0 11 treballa en ¡'acwal itat. Tan! la doctora Oliva com e l doctor Matias-Guiu han rcalilZa! estudi s sota la supé rvis ió del pro fessor Scully, alguns de Is quals s' han dut a tcrme en col·laborac ió amb e l !l as tre de part a me nt. El professor Sc ully ta mbé ha parti c ipat ac li va me nt e n

diferents cursos de postgrau organilzats pel nast re servei, als quals han assistit centenars d'especialistes de Calalunya i de la resta de rEstat.

Pero, qui és reahnent el doctor Scully?

Avui día ex isteix un acord gene ral e ntre e ls patolegs (sobrctot e ls deis Estats

Unils) a pensar que Robert E, Seully és, si no e l millor, un deis millors patólegs quirúrgics d'aquesl segle que finalitza i un deis diagnosticadors de l d 1l1cer més

grans de tol5 e ls tcmps. El doctor Scully possecix una memoria fotografica de tal calibre que qualsevol imatge histologica o publicació científica que exa mina es manté arxivada e n la seva I11cn! pe r sempre. Tan! és a ixí que. ra vint a nys, quan no teníem Internet i disposavem de molt poes ordinadors, els quí lreballavcm amb e l! no teníem necess itat d'anar él la biblioteca. En te níc m prou de visitar e ls

arxius de Scully. Allí hi havia tata [a literatura med ica d'il1tcres, c lass iricada.

anotada i come ntada de propia ma. en grans arxivadors meU11·lics que s'acumulaven pels passadissos del departamento El doctor Scull y és com una Internet erran!. Es recarda de tal e l que ha vist i lIegit. Per aixo mai no errava un caso El seus diagnostics e re n com lrels precisos. Tlle bl/I/e/: així I'anome naven

els res ide ms de Pato log ia de l' Hospital General de Massachusetts. «Oid yO l! show iL lO the bullet? \Vhal did he say?», deien a mb respecte i admiració. Pero

ma lgrat aquest.a estranya habilita! innata, ningú no I'ha scnti! dir mai : «You are wro ng». No, a l contrar i, la seva actitud era scmpre molt humil: «Wcll..., you Illay

be right. ... but I would phrase il diffe re ntl y». deia quan opinava justamc nt el contrari que e l seu interlocutor, sense ferir mai la seva dignitat.

El mestratge de l docto r Seu]]y en I' ús oral i escrit de la !lengua anglesa és a nto logic i me re ix una menció especial. Bob no és un orador brill an t perque

sacrifica tota J'ampul·los itat i ev ita e l més mínim e recte escenie en n OI11 de la c1aredat i d ' una millar comprcnsió de les seves idees. Quan parl a, les paraules

sorgeixen en un ordre perfecte per form ar frases gramaticalment impecables que no necessiten correccions ni marrades dialeetiques. Seria, sen s dubte. la ruYna o la fru strac ió d'un assessor d'imatge deis nous le mps. El mateix Ii passa quan

escriu. Els seus dictats no requereixen modiri cacions. Fa vint-i-cinc anys quc utilitza cada dia e l lIapi s ve rme ][ pe r ed itar la confere nc ia c linicopatolog ica sel1nanal. Sumen gairebé un total de 1300 ma nuscrits que, com he dil a bans.

ve rsen sobre les espec ia lil als med iques més dispars. i a ls quals s'afegcixen


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centenars d'artic1es originals, revisions i editorials que ha edital acuradament des

de la primera fins a I' última pagina. Tots e ls qui Ii lIiuravem manu scrits ens

esfo r~avem a escriure' ls tan bé com podíem. Pero e l que per a nosaltres era

perfecte, a punt per enviar a l'editor, cll ens ho tornava guixat de color vermell. Tot vcnncll! I sense espais en blanc per la muhitud d'anotacions Illarginal s. Un

mar de correcc ion s; i no tan so is de I' idioma , sin ó també de l contin gu t.

L'empipament inicial s'atenuava immediatament en cOlllprendre que gracies als

seus oporluns suggeriments i modificacions millorava notablement e l contingut i la presentació de I'arti cle.

No és, dones, cst rany qu e un metge pato leg amb un es qualitals tan

excepcionals com les del doctor Scully, amb aquesta memoria capay de reproduir instantaniament e ls trayos Illorfologics tot just percebuts en una fugay ullada al

microscopi, pogués descriure per primera vegada una infinitat de malalties

neoplastiques que fíns a leshores eren desconegudes. Tot és ben comprensible.

Tampoc no sorpre n la se va enorme i lran sce ndenl producc ió c ie ntífi ca, les desenes de milcrs de consultes (quasi trenta mil casos difícils) rebudes des deis

Ilocs més variats del planeta i meses immediatament de forma desinteressada,

tractant per sobre de tot d' ajudar les pacients, o e l fel que hagi dictat cursos, conferencies i seminari s davant les audiencies més variades deis c inc continents.

A més a més, la se va dedi cació a la patologia i a la med ic ina ha es tal

absolu ta. Durant quasi cinquanta anys, va treballar no Ilomés els dies laborables,

sinó també els diumenges i festius, i gairebé mai no va tenir vacances. Treballar durament?, seria una manera suau de descriure e l seu gran esfor~ continuat.

«1 am so far behind ... !»), responia quan se li insinuava que es prengués uns dies de descanso

El que sí que res ulta sorprenent és que un ha me amb aqu esles qualitats inte l·l eclual s, qu e han es tat punt de referencia per a pal o legs, g in eco legs,

endocri no legs, onc61egs i molts altres especia li stes de la medi cina del nost re

temps, sigui , a més a més. una gran persona que prefere ix passar desapercebuda; una persona senzilla dotada d'ull ti sentit de I' humor amb qui un s' ho passa bé

petant la xerrada o prenent unes copes. Aix6 sí, és inusual. Segons la me va

opinió i la de tots e ls qui ens sentim cofois de ser-ne de ixebles i amics, aquesta

és la veritab le grandesa de Robert E. Scully «~RES» en e l nostre argot famili ar); un aUlentic gentleman de la patologia i de la medicina del !lostre temps; un home

bo i generó s, dotal d' un enorme sentit de la responsabilitat docenr; un veritable

mestre i un model de professor universitari digne d'emu lació.

Pcr tol aix o, Excel·lentíssim i Magnífic Senyor Rec tor, de mano que e l professor Robert E. Scully sigui investit en el dia d'avui amb el grau de doc tor

honoris callsa per la Universitat Aulonoma de Barcelona. Moltes grac ies.


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Rcflections at the millcnium

I apo logizc fO I" be ing un ab le to spca k Cata lan. bci ng a typi cal un il ing ual

American . My add ress has no! bec ll trall s la ted for yOll beca use, as Cerv:.llllcs has

sa id. reading a lrans latía n is li ke looking al a Dutch tapeSlr)' fro m Ihe reverse

s ide - a ltho ug h the fi g ures rem ain v is ible, they a re dull and full 01" thread s

in stead o f being brig hl ami sharp.

The subjccl 1 have chosc ll is wonhy of a symposiulll featuring expert s in Ihe

many aspccts of palhology. Al! I hope lo achieve in a half hom is lO discuss a few of those aspecls based on my cx perience as un A merican pathologisL who began his acadc mic career in lhe middl c o f lhe twentie th century and is about lo

end it in Ihe carl )' ycars o f the twenly- fi rs t. I sha ll foc lI s on commlllli cmi o n

be1ween Ihe palh o logisl and lhe c linie ia n, w hi ch. I beli eve. is essenli a l fo r

optimal palie nl e are. but is beeoming mo re a nd m o re diffi e ult in Ihi s new

inforlll3tion age of the 2 1" century. Secondly. I sha ll comme nt on Ihe need lO

improve a nd standa rdi ze le rmin o logy so 1hm all phys ici ans can share in the

rapidly acc lImula1ing medical kna wl edgc. And fin ally. I shall proe lai m the j oys

and rewards of pracLici ng pathology and sharing ils exeiting mo me nts with one\

collcagues and o ne's 1r<:linees, lhe palho logists o f the future.

Mlleh o f my career has in volvcd Ihe mi croscopi c di agnosis of speci mens

removed by surgeons, so-call ed surg ical patho logy. It has had an interes ling

history in ril e Unitcd States, whi ch has been mirro red in mally other cOllntries,

but not in a ll a f them.

As the 19'h cenlury was endillg. mosl A merican paLho logisls had a paramollnt

ime res t in infect io ll s di sea se , rhe lendin g c ause 01' death al th at time. For

example, Willi am T. Councilman, o ur first fllll -limc Pro fessor of Patho logy al

Har va rd M edi c al Se hao l, dcvote d mos l o f hi s in ves ti gat ive career to the

pmho logy o f yellow rever, scarle t fever, d iphthcria and othcr in fec tious d iseascs

that we rc prevale nt d uring hi s life timc. A fcw decades afte r lhe parhology 0 1'

these diseases had been tho roughl y studied , a nUll1 ber of academie palhologists

began lo shift their atte ntio n to neoplasti c di sorders . Their focus, however, was

c luc idating the ce llul a r o rig in 0 1' lum o rs a nd ass ig ning names to the m. Fo r

exampl e. al Ihe Massachll sctts Ge ne ral Hospit a l o llr firsr full - t ime C hie f o f

Patho logy. James Ho mcr \Vright, in Ihe first decade of Ihe 20'h celllury idemified

multipl e myeloma as a tumo r of pl as ma ce ll o ri g in and neuroblas lo ma as a

Il copl asm o f primiti ve Il c rve cell s. He, like his conlc mporaries, ho wever, had

ve ry little interest in the c are 01' Ihe patients who had prov ided him with his

specime ll s. During Lhis era o f investigati vc academic palho logy, the real surgical

patho logis ts were surgcons. who usually spellt ayear or (WO in Europe studying


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n01 o nly under professors of surgery, but also in the laboratories 0 1' lhe great pio neers of palhology. O n lhe ir re turn to lhe United States well lrained in pathology they began lo practice surgica l pathology as a subspec ia lty 01' surge l")'. T hcy respected lhe acadcmic pathologi slS for lheir science, bUI were more intereSlcd in microscopic observa Li ons thal were pe rtinenl to the care of the ir pat ients ralhe r than lO Ihe origin of Iheir lumors. An interest ing corollary LO lhe pracli ce of surgica l pathoJogy by surgeons during thal era is Ihat 1110st of the ear ly books wri ttcn on surgical pathology bOlh in Europe and the United States were authored by surgeons and not fully traincd pathologists. Indeed, the only book o n "s urg ica l palhology" ever prod ll ccd by a s taff mcmber o f the Massachusetts General Hospital was pll bl ished in 1897. a lld was wr itten by arguably lhe greatest surgcon in lhe history of Ollr hospita l. Dr. J. C.vVarren. He had trained in palhology under bOlh Rokilansky and Virchow. and Illay have bcen lhe firsL surgeon to perform needle biopsies and use frozen sections LO guidc his surgical therapy, way back in Lhe 1880's.

As palhological kno\ .... ledge in creased rap idl y an d could no lo nge r be assi milated by surgeons "swamped in a mass of c linical detail", as Dr. Warren had described his own predicament. most surgeons gradllally surrendered their patho logy practices to ful l)' trained pathologists. who lhcn began lo playa gradually expanding ro le in lhe eare of lhe pal ienl. The transit ion of surgical patho logy fro m the slIrgeon to the patholog ist remains incomple le in sorne counlries. however. where the term "surgical palhologist" still denotes a surgeon who also practices palhology.

More impol1ant than the technica l dcfin iti on of a surgical patho logist is hi s perceptioll by o the r physicians, whi c h can e ith e r e nh ance o r diminish hi s conlriblltion to pa Li en t careo Sadly. somc surgcons, a lthoug h the ir numbers appear lo be dimini~hing. still regard a surgicaJ patho logist as un e lite laboratory lcchllic iun wilh 11 medical sehool diploma \Vho has little 01' no interesl in patienls but only in identifying diseases and assigning names tú them. In contrast lo Ihis deni grat ing concepl is lhe one tha l my mcntors, particularly DI'. Benjamin Cast leman, my ch ief during Ihe early years of my acadcmic carcer, tallght me by their example, namely, that a surgical patho logist is a phys ician who has olle eye on lhe microscopic slidcs of lhe patient, and lhe other on Lhe palient. S ir vVilliam Os le r had thi s concepl in mind when he labe led lhe pal ho logisl "a c lin ica l microscopi st". and DI'. vVa rre n a ce nlUry ago defined lhe pathologist as an csscntial player in (he provision of palien! careo

Thc surgeon demands alld descrves lO ha ve all lhe information he necds from lhc surgical pathologist so thm he can provide lhe best care 10 his palient , bu! he mus! be continllollsly reminded that cOlTImunicatio ll re levant to palie n! care is a two-Iane hi ghway o n whi ch he, as wel1 as lhe pathologist. mus! trave!. In a number 01' cases, c linical data, and someLimes deta iled c1ínical data. are essentia l for the paLholog isl Lo make a COlTect diagnosis. Occasionally these data are as


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important as th e l11i croscop ic findin gs in making the final di ag nosis. For exal11ple, when my co-authors and I firsl described Ihe postopcralive spindle ce ll nod ulc, a beni gn proces5 si mulating a malignanl tumor, the on ly cri teria by which we cou ld diffe renliate lhe lesion from a malignant 5moolh múscle tumor were the hislory of a prior operalion for a benign disease al the same site, and reg ress ion 01' Ihe les ion despite treatment lhal would be in adequate fo r a malignant tumor. S1. Luke Ihe physician was nOl addressing l11odern-day surgeons v.:hen he wrole in one of his gospels "give and il shal1 be given un to yo u" . bul hi s message is appropriate in lhe context o f J11 0dern cOlTI l11un icat ioll betweell the surgeon and Ihe pathologist.

I began my career in 5urgical palhology at the Massac hu setts Gene ral Hospital in 1950 during what 1 co ns ider to be the go lden age of s urgical patho logy. Dr. Joe V. Meigs, an cl11 inent surgeon. who was Ihen chief of our gynecology div ision and who is best kno\Vn for his description of Ihe so-called Meigs' synd romc (a f ibromalOus ovarian lumor, asc ites and pleural effusion reversible by removal of lhe tumor), had re lativcly recently relinquished hi s role as lhe hospital expcrt 011 the pathology of gynecological tumors. about which he had written a book ; and 1 was selected to becomc the ncw ex pert. Dr. Meigs. however, re tained his deep intercst in pathology after my alTiva!. He and his associaLes and pupils were frequent visi lors lO our pathology laboratory. where lhey would discuss with my colleagues and me the impact of Ollr Illicroscopic find ings on the prognosis and lreatment of their pat ients.

Unfort unately, subsequenl years have wilncssed a gradual erosion of this intimate exchangc of inforlllation between the surgeoll and tlle pathologist. \Vith lhe explosive inc rease in medical knowledge in the latter part 01" the 20'h century and the torrenl of new medical journals. sOllle of lhem excellent. olher abysmal. slIrgeons have found it difficult to keep abreast of advances in their Own fields, und impossible 10 ass imu lare progress in pathology as well . At the same time the progressive burea llcrati zation of medical praclice with its altendant paperwork, has taken a heavy toll on bOlh the surgeon 's and Ihe pathologist' s time. As a result, surgeons vis it our laborarory lo rev iew microscopic slides far less often than in lhe past. So, jusI as Dr. Warren warned lOO years ago, surgeol1s and pathologists are in danger of drifting aparto

In most cases now. surgeons re!y almost enlirely on pathologi sts' printed repol1S lo obtain the in formatioll lhey need lo lreat their palients. UnfOllunately. however, Ihis informati on is often inadequate for patient careo at least party because of the deterioration of intimate cO l11 l11 l1nicat ion between pathologisls and surgeons. Recent!y, the Co llege of America n Patho logists, as well as other palhology organizations, has beg un lO address this problem. The Coll ege has assembled cOllllllitlees of experts in pathology, surger)' and radiology lo develop ca nce r practice protocol s . whi ch in struct s urgeons abo ut w hat important info rmation lhey should furnish palhologi sts, and in lurn educate pathologists


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about what information should appear in their reports. Check sheets have also been devised to guarantee that the pathologist provides al! the information tha1 is essential for pmient care.

Despite these effort s to design oplimal surgical palhology reports, a recent study from Yale Medical School has shown that pathology reports lhm appear 10

pathologi sts to be carefully organized and precise ly worded are, surpri singly, often confusing to surgeons, even when they are asked to read them carefully in a re laxed ambience, away from the hectic atmospheres of their offices or hospital \vards. Solving this growing problem of communication between the surgeon and the pathologist is of utmost importance and a challenge for the ne\v information age of the 21 '1 century. The surgeon and the pathologi s1 mllst constantly remind one another about the !leed to communicate, and efforl s must be maJe to lItilize lhe rapidly improving cornmunication technology lO meel thi s challenge.

One problem in communication that has accompanied lhe recent explosion of medical knowledge is scientific terminology, a subject thal has engaged my interest throughout mo st of my ca reer. In lh e 1950' s, the W'o rld Health Organization (\-VHO) became concerned that there were numerous differences in lhe lenns being used for cancers al various sites from one country to another, causing probl e ms in lh e performance of epidemiologic studie s and in comparisons of various types of cancel' therapy. To remedy the situation it established 17 internationa1 cenlers for the classification and nornenclature of cancers of major sites. Six 10 eight expel1s from variolls countries were selected to meet severa l times and formulme an internationally acceptable classification and terminology for each cancel' site arter exchanging microscopic slides and comparillg diagnoses on large numbers of tumors. The final product \vas lhen publi shed by the WHO with color photomicrographs of lhe lumors .

On the recommendation of Dr. Lamen V. Ackerman 1 was seleclcd as a co­chairman of the committee on c1assification and nomenc1atllre of ovarian tumors, along with Professor Sergei F. Serov of Russia. At our first meeting in Geneva in 1963, we were fartunate to have the guidance of representatives of the Cancer Committec of lhe International Federation of GynecoJogy and Obstetrics (FIGO), \vh ich had already bee n dev is ing c lassifications and staging systems of gynecological lUlllors for over 30 years. Our final \-VHO c1ass ification was publi shed in lhree languages in 1973.

The WHO class ificalions have been widely accepted throughout the world even though they are not perfect, and so me expens, who \vere nol on the WHO Committees, have disagreed \vith individual te rms. Not sllrprisingly, a number of factors contribute to imperfection s in lhe fina l product of internat ional cOlTImittees. Among them are chauvinism, egoism, and riva lry or even ani mosity between individual committee members. An equally important problem is the influence of externa l events on committee decisions. For example, Ollr \-V HO committee chose the term "borderline ovarían tumor" over "tumor of low


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malignant potcnlial " by a vote of 4 lo 3 a rtcr only a brief di scussion 0 11 Friday afte rnoon as Ihe members were looking ne rvo llsly at their watchcs, anxious lo get lo the airport. Al leasl, Ihe term that was sclec ted led lo a humorous comment on tumor nOlllcnc lature when a disapprovi ng gynecologist s lI bseqllcntly stated lhul " there are no borderline LUmors, only borderline pathologislS".

A more re markabl e definin g eve lH occ urred a l a 1985 FI GO Ca ncer Cornmittee meeting in Berlin, which I had attended as a representat ive of lhe International Society 01' Gynecological Pathology. The commitlee was try ing lO reach agreement on lhe maximal dimcnsio ns a llowabl e for the di agnos is 01' mic roinvasive carc in o ma o f the ce rvix. Two o f Ihe ex pe rl s, who had done considerable research on Ihis qllestion. dOl1linated the discuss ion. One favored 10 mm in width a lld 5 mm in dCplh, and lhe other 7 mm in widlh and 7 mm in depth. Afte r an hour's debate nei ther proLagonisl was will ing to compromise. Finally, and 111 iraculously, al 11 :50 a. 111 .. a costumed young lady entered lhe room and announ ced " lunch will be ser ved in 10 minutes" . The re was an alm ost in stan! COllse ll5US thal microinvasive carc inoma of the cervix shoul d Ilo t exceed 7 mm in width and 5 mm in depth . Thus, the medical world had a definiti on deviscd by experts, and lhe ex perts had the ir lunch on time.

Despite lhe 1I1l1lsual and somelimes comical palhways 10 Ihe conc lusions of inte rnationa l cOl1llll ittces, lhe ir terll1s and definiti o ns have proved effecti ve in hlcilitating cOlllll1unicalion among phys ic ians throughout the world, fosteri ng c lin ical a nd sc ie nt i fi c prog ress. For exa m ple. a ltho ug h it now has t\vo subdi vis io ns, lh e 1985 prc pra ndial de filliti o n of mi c ro in vas ive cerv ical carc inom a has pc rs isLed to Ihi s day, a nd inte res tin g ly, th e ph ys ic ian who conside red th e \VH O ovarian commiLlee members " borde rline patho log ists" called me many years later to ask m)' opin ion aboul lreatment 01' a "bordcrline ovarian tumor" in a member ofh is family.

Despite the valianl e ffOI1S of the WHO and othe r intcrnarional organizat ions. somc !lational groll ps have recently been altering cJass ifical ions and diagnostic lerms unil aterall y. A prime example is the committee that dev ised lhe Bethesda system for reponing the results of cyto logical examination 01' the female genital trae r. Th e co mlllittee was sponsored by lhe American Nati ona l Insti tutes oí" Hea lth. Un fo rtun ate ly, it s members igno red the efforts 01' othe r nat ional and inle rnational organizations lo slandardize lcnninology. and the ir fi nal report led 10 the same types of inte rnat ional cOllllllunication proble llls that antcdated the \VHO publications. Termino logy and defin itio lls 01' precancerous les ions of lhe uterine cervix now differ from one cOllntry to anolher, and a major long- term research projec t in Ihe United SlaLes invcstiga ting the efficacy 01' screcning for ce rv ical ca ncer had to be di sc onlinu ed abruptl y becall se 0 1' lh e confu sio n cngendered by rhe Belhesda systern . The tragedy is lhal thcre was no nccessity rol' a change in lerlll ino logy in order lO achieve the othcrwise laudable goals 01' the commiUee. The Icsson to learn rrom the Bethesda syslCm is that great caulion


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should be exerciscd in the future beforc a ltering well established tenninology without international approyal. Attempts lO achieve international concensus may delay decisions o n te rminology for a few years. but it is rarcly esse ntial for opt imal medical cafe to change a term 0 1' a classification wilhin a shorter period o flime.

A nother relrogressive step in terminology is the proliferalion of new ly crcmed terms for bOlh newly discovered tumors und old tumors with already well -establi shed names. h is obyious to anyone with a rcverCIlce for language and a special interest in nomenclature thm many of the new te rms being coined nOl only fail to describe accuJ'alcly the essence 01' lhe cntily lhcy are intended to define. but also bClray their c reators' ignorance of the meaning 01' lhe words included in lheir tcrms. It shou ld not be unreasollable lo require a physician or a group classify ing 01' naming a disease lo consult a general dictionary as wcll as a medical diclionary befa re proposing a new classification or a new lenn.

Journ a l editors and reyiewers bear co nsiderable res po ll s ib ilit y fo r thi s increasi ng problem by accepting papers that contain poorly conceived terms. New terminol ogy as well as other aspec ls 01' submitted anicles s hould be cva lual ed c riti ca ll y in lh e future. a nd I'ailure 01' aUlhors to heed a recommendation to a lter 01' e liminate a proposed lerm should be regarded as juslification for rejection 01' a papel'.

The remarkable advunces in medical knowledge in lhe latter half of [he 20'h century and the problem of communicati ng them lo Ihe medical profession haye bee n mirrored in th e Case Records 0 1' the Massachusetts General Hospital, c lini copath o log ica l co nfere nces that have bee n publi shed weekly in lh e NelV EI1g1alld Journal of Medicine for over 75 years, and that a distinguished medical hi sto ria n ha s regarded as th e twenlieth-century gra nd c hild 01' Morgagni' s: 'íhe Seats and Causes of Disease Inves tigated by Anatomy", which was publ ished in 1761.

These cJinicopathologic confere nces, 01' puzzles, in which a physician is prescnled the detail s 01' a patient' s d isease and is asked lO make a diagnosis, which is thcn confirmcd 0 1' corrected by lhe pathologist, werc conceiyed around Ih e lurn 01' lhe last ce ntury, "vh en medi ca l education was shiftin g from a description of di seases to a discussion 01' lhe patients who had those diseases. The conl'e rences we re fo unded by Dr. Richard C. Cabol, one o f lhe great physicians and diagnoslicians of lhe early parl o f [he twentieth cenlllry. During his tenure as edilor of Ihe published yers ions of [he conferences, he was able to discuss almost a1l lhe cases himself. With Ihe passage of time and lhe evolution of specializalion in medici ne and su rge ry. however. he reali zcd that other phy s ic ian s co uld g ive more erudite discussions and make mo re co nridcnt diagnoses on many cases, and he a nd hi s SlIccessors g raduall y turned to specialists, and even subspec ialists to disc uss the cases. When I becamc ed itor of lhe Case Records over 25 years ago. my prcdecessor had just changed lhe venue


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of lhe conferenee from a general hospilal audilorium lo slllall conferenees roOJ11S where speeialty round s were held , and Ihose in the audicnce as well as lhe discussers were speeialists. One 01' my first decis ions as Ihe new editor was to rcverse that poliey. whieh tended lo divCI1 the teaching value of the conferences away from generalists, now called primary physic ians in Ihe United States, and medical s(udcl1ls.

Since speciali sls and subspeciali sts prefer lO direct theír remark s to the ir peers rather lhan to primary physic ian s 01' medical students, é:lJld since lhe New England .!(){Irnal ol Medicine is a genera] mcdical journal and no! a specialty journa], 1 conlinue lO make evcry effo rt as editor of the Case Records to simplify and c1arify the speciali sts' discussions lO make Ihem more comprehensible to the primary purveyors of patienl care and Ihe physicians of Ihe future, and al the same time leave ¡nlact lhe specialized informalion of the discusser 01' the case.

The surgica l patho logisl is continllously being confronted wilh eval uatíon 01' Ih e potential diagnostic role and cos l ~effec ti ve ncss 01' new loo ls and new techniques that eominuously appear in lhe medical Iiteralure. In Ihe past, some of Ihese innovali ons, such as e lectron microscopy, and later, immunopathology, had becn louted as much more sc icntific and hence, potentiall y more infonnative diag nostica ]]y than pouring colorcd dyes on " lhiek" sec tions 01' human tissue. Unfortllnalely for the advancement or med ic ine, these glowing prediclions have been deftaled by lhe passage of time. As we all know now, e leclro l1 micrascopy helps the surgical pathologist relalively rarely, and helps the c linie ian even less often. Although immunohistochemi st ry has had and eontinues lO have a greater diagnostic impact than e lectro n microscopy, over-reliance 011 il al the expense or eareful cva lu at ion o r rOllline mi crosco pi ca l s lide s has not only du]led lhe pathologi st's mas te ry o r routine microseopy, but has a l so dug deep ho les in paLienls' wallels.

A welcome conscqucnce of the survival of old-fashioned light microscopy as Ihe gold standard or palhological diagnosis is lhal the patho logisl. unlike any o r hi s fe llow ph ysic ians, relaills lhe pleasure or brightening each day by enjoying the brilliantly eolored palterns of human di scase, a mierocosm or lhe splendors of nature. Ramo n y Cajal , Ihe greal Spanish mie roseopisl, referred lo lhe brain as his ftower gardcn. l ean assure you lhal ft owers are still bl oom ing in cvcry area of lhe body. and new speeies eonlilluc lo be discovered as roulinc microscopy has survi ved as the major contributor Lo new informatiol1 of c linical significance. Import a nt sc ic nlifi c knowl edge s lill lurks w ilhín lh e roulinely s tain ed mi e roscopi ca l s lidc. Onc musl reea ll Ihal the Ban body, whieh had been languishing. lonely and neglected on Ihe nuclear membrane long before Virchow had looked at his i'irst ecll, v/as not recogni zed until over a century later, when ilS di seovery ushered in lhe era of geneli e research in lhe ri c ld of normal and abnormal sex ual development. Although conventional light micraseopy may nol be immorlal , no crediblc replaeement has as yet appeared on the hori zon, and


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Ihi s ancient approach may have the same life ex pectancy in pathology that the phys ical examination has in clinical medic ine.

Academic pathology in the tv,:entie th cenlury has been an exc iting career. Each day has provided a11 opportunity lo add a small piece lO lhe enormous puzzle of human disease. Whenever one is successful in so do ing he may, as Ramon y Cajal has so Iyrically described it. ex pe rience the thrill 01" discovering an ullcharted island or a virginal I"oresl that has been waiting from the beginning 0 1" time for someone 10 contemplate ils beuuty.

Finally, as Hcrbert Spencer, the 19'h cenlury philosopher, has said "we are lhe descendents of Ihe pas l and the parents 01" lhe fUlllre, and our lhoughts are as children bOrll to liS, which we may not care less ly let di e" . We must lransmil not only what our mentors and the ir mentors have taught uS. bul al50 what we ha ve learned ourselves, lo yOllngcr generations 01' patho logi5tS. Some teachers achieve lhis goal by de li very exciting and inspiring leclures. As you ha ve no doubt learned in the last half hour, J don ' t belong in that category, I ha ve tried to compensare for thi s deficiency, however, by teaching by example. In my contact with trainees, 1 have stri vcd lO impan 10 lhem my concept of surgical pathology as c linical mi croscopy, my devotion to careful lhollght and clear writing, and the necess ity of rcmaining rcceplive to Ihe opinio ns of others even though lhey d isagree. As Charlie Chan, a fictional c inema de tecti ve of lhe early twemielh cenlury so aptly put il in one of his movies, " Human mind like parachulc; works besl when open'·. Equa lly importanl as these inte llectual approaches lO pathology has been continuall y dramatizing to the younger generation of pathologists one's unabated joy in lhe every-day practice 01' pathology.

Many of those who have stlldicd under me have subsequently pursued highly success ful cureers . Amo ng the m is my pro moter, Dr. Jaim e Pra l, who has organized one 01" the fines! patient-care and research pathology laboratories in all 01' Europe. He will conlinue lo be a leader in palho logy in Lhe 21 <1 cenlury. One of lhe deepest satisfaclio ns of my career as a teacher has been observing trainees. such as Dr. Pral, gro w ¡nto world-reno wned pathologi sts, and assuming or

perhaps only dreaming Ihal I may have had a small role in the ir development.


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Born: August 3 1, 192 1, Pittsfield , Massaehusetts

1941 AB maglla el/m lal/de, College 01 Ihe Holy Cross

1944 MD, Harvard Medieal Sehool

1944- 1947 Intern and Resident in Pmhology. Peter Benl Brigham Hospital alld Children's Hospital

1947- 1948 Res idenl in Palhology, Free Hospilal lor Women and BOSlon Lying-In Hospital

1948- 1949 Resident in Pathology, Pondville Cancer Hospilal, Norfolk, Massachusetts

1950 Diplomate. Amcric,lI1 Board of Pathology (Analomic Pathology)

1950-1956 Assistant Palhologist, Massachusetls General Hospital

1952-1954 Captain , MC USAR, 406 Medieal General Laboralory, Toyko, Japan

1957- 1959 Associale Palhologist, Massachu setls General Hospilal

1959- Palhologisl, Massaehusells General Hospila l

1946- 1947 Assislanl in Pathology, Harvard Medieal Sehool

1947- 1954 Instructor in Patho logy, Harvard Medieal Sehool

1950- 1952 Instructor in Palhology, Tufts Med ieal Sehool

1955- 1958 Cl inieal Assoeiate in Pathology, Harvard Medical Sehool

1958-1964 Assistanl Cl inieal Professor of Palhology, Harvard Medieal Sehool

1964-1969 Assoeiale C linieal Professor 01 Palhology, Han 'ard Medieal Sehool

1969- 197 1 Associate Professor 01 Palhology al Ihe Massaehusetts General Hospital , Harvard Medieal Sehool

1972- 1992 Prolessor of Pathology al the MassaehusellS General Hospilal, Harvard Medieal Sehool

1992- Professor of Pathology al lhe Massachllsctls General Hospital, Harvard Medical Sehool , EmerilUs


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1963- 1964 President, New England Society of Pathologists

1963- 1975 Co-chairman, WHO Scientific Group on Histological Nomenclature and Classification of Ovarian Tumours

1967- 1970 Editorial Advisory Committoc, Atlas ofTwnor PGlhology

1983 Armed Forces Institute 01' Pathology

1970- 1980 Associate Editor, HI/man Pathology

1980- Editorial Board, HI/man Palhology

1972- 1974 Associate Editor, Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital , New England Journal of Medicine

1974- Editor, Case Records 01' the Massaehusetts General Hospita l, Ne~v England Journal of Medicine

1972-1998 Head, Collaborating Center, WHO Scientific Group on Hi stopathologica l Nomenclature and Classification of Testicular TUITIours

197 1- Pathologist, Registry of Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Genital Traet of Young Females

197 1- 1982 Member, Task Force 01' the American Joim Committee for Cancer

1985- Staging and End Results Reporting (Gynecologic Sites)

1972- Consulting Pathologist, Gynecologic Oncology Group

1977- 1997 Editorial Board, GYl/ecologic Oncology

1977- 1982 President, Intemational Soeiely of Gynecological Pathologists

1978- 1982 Chairman, Nomenclature and Staging Committee, Society of Gynecologic Oncologists

1979- 1999 Member, Caneer Commillee (Council on Pathology Practice) College or American Pathologists


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1980- 1984 Editorial Board, JOII/'llal 01 Soviet 01/co(08),

198 1- Editori al Board. /lIlemational .Io/lmal of GYllecological Patl/Ology

1982- Chairman. Nomcnclature alle! Slaging COllllllittcc. Intcrnati ona l Soc icty of Gynecological Pathologists

1982- 1984 Execllt i"e Committee, Intcrnational Society 01' Gynecolog ical

1986- 1990 Pathologi, ts

1986- 1993 M cmber, Clínica] Awards Commillee. American Cance l" Sacie!y

1986- 1990 rvl ember. Rcsearch, Developmclll and Slrategic Planning COllllllittec. A merican Saciely 01' Clínica l Pathologists

1987- 1993 Coullcil on A natolllic Pathology, Ameri can Saciely ofClin ical Palhologists

1987- 1989 Quality Assurance C01l1lllitlce. American Saciety af Cl ínical Pathol ogisl~

1988- 1993 Educational Materials Adv isory Cotnmi ltee, A merican Sacie!)' af Clínical Pathologists

1988- 1995 Mem ber. American Joint Committee on Cancer

1992- 1998 Chairman, QlIalily Managcmenl Anéltomic Palhology Expert Re"iew Panel, ASCP

1993-1996 ExeclI l i ve COl11l1liltee, American Joint COllllllittcc 0 11 Canccr

1994 - Editorial Adv isory Board, Internatiollal Correspolldencc Saciely 01' Obstctricians and GYllccologists

1997 - COllsuhalll Editor. Allllols of Diaglloxúc PatllOlogy


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1972 Award o f Nassau and Suffolk County Societies of Pathologists, New York

1973 Honorary Fellowsh ip, Thc Ch icago Gynecological Society

1974 Foundation Prize, American Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (w ith Arthur L Herbst, M,O, and Stanley J, Robboy, M,O,)

1975 Honorary M embersh ip, Central A merican A ssociation of Pathology

1980 Fred Waldorf Stcwart Award, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centcr "for advancing knowledge of human cancer"

1981 Joanne Vandenbcrge Hill Award and William O, Russell Lectureship, M.O. Andcrson Hospita l and Tumor ln stitute, The Univcrs ity of Texas System Cancer Center, HOllston. Texas " ror outstanding achievement in pathology"

1982 Honorar)' doctorate of Medicine (Doclorem Honoris Causa), University of Leiden, The Nelhcrlands

1983 Sir Thomas and Lady Edith Oixon Lectureship and Medal of Ulster Medical Society, Belfast, lreland

1983 Arthur Purdy Stout Award and Lectureship, American Society of Cl inical Pathologists

1985 Honorary Fellowship, The Philippine Society of Pathologists

1987 Joscph Bolivar DeLee HumaniLarian Award, Chicago Lying-In Hospita l, Pritzker School of Medicine, The University ofChicago

1987 Honorary Fellowship, European Society of Gynaecological Oncology

1989 Shields Warrcn Memorial Lectureship and Medal , New England Deaconess Hosp ital , Boston

1990 Honorary Fellowship, American Gynecological and Obstclrical Society


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199 1 H. P. Smith Di stingui shed Pathology Educator Award of the American Society 01" C linical Pathologists

1992 Maude Abbott Lectureship of United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology

1992 Honorary Doctorate of Science (Doctorem Honoris Causa), College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusens

1992 Honorary Fellowship, the Royal College o f Pathologists of Auslralasia

1992 Distillguished Service Award of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists

1993 Estab li shment of Robert E. Scull y Fellowship in Gyneco logical Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital

1994 Honorary Mcmbership, Palhology Assoc iation of Rosario, Argentina

1995 Founding Member, Japan Academy of Surgical Pathology

1996 Honorar)' Membership. Mcxican Saciety of Pathology

1996 Honorary Fellowship, Royal College of Patholog ists

1998 Distinguished PalhologisL Award, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology

1998 President d ' Honneur, European Congress of the French Society of Gynecology


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BlBLlOGRAPHY (selected from 476 publications)

1. SCULLY, R. E.; PARHAM, A. R. «Testicular lumors. 1. Seminoma and teratoma». Are". Pa/ha!. Lab. Med. 45: 581-607, J948.

2. SCULLY, R. E.; PARHAM, A. R. «Testicular lumors. 2. Interstilial cell and

mi scellaneous neoplasms». Areh. Pa/hu!. Lab. Med. 46: 229-242, 1948.

3. SCULLY, R. E.; COFFIN, D. L. «Canine testicular tumors with special

reference lo their histoge nesis, comparative J11orphology and endocrinology». Caneer 5: 592-605, 1952.

4. SCULLY, R. E. «Golladoblastoma. A ganadal tumor reJated to the dysgerminoma (seminoma) and capable of sex-hormone productioll»,

Caneer 6: 455-463, 1953.

5. SCULLY, R. E. «Fal embolism in Korean battle casualties. Its incidence,

clinical significance and pathologic aspccts». Am. J. Pathol. 32: 379-403.


6. SCULLY, R. -E.; HUGHES, C. W. "The pathology of ischernia of skeletal muscle in mano A descriplion of earl)' changes in muscles of the extremities following damage to major peripheral arteries on the battlefield». Am. J. Pa/hal. 32: 805-829, J 956.

7. SCULLY, R. E.; ARTZ , C. P.; SAKO, y. «An evalllation ofthe surgeon 's criteria for delermining the viability of muscle dllring debridement». Areh. Surg. 73: 1031-1035, J 956.

8. MORRIS, J. McL.; SCULLY, R. E. Endoeril/e Pa/hology of/he Ovary. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1958.

9. TH URLBECK, W. M.; SCULLY, R. E. «Solid teratoma of the ovary». Caneer 13: 804-811, 1960.

10. HARPER, R. S.; SCULLY, R. E. «rntravenous leiomyomatosis of the uterus».· Obste/o Gyneeol. 18: 519-529, 1961.

11. KELLEY, R. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «Cancer developing in dermoid cysts of the ovary». Caneer 14: 987-1000, 1961.


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12. SCULLY, R. E. <~Sperlllatoc)'t i c semi noma of lhe lCSlis». Cancel" 14: 788-794, 1961.

13. SCULLY, R. E. ; RICHARDSON, G. S. «Luteini zat ion of the stromü of I11Clastalic cancer involving lhe ovar)' and its endocrine significance». Callcer 14: 827-840, 1961.

14. SCULLY, R. E. "Stromal luteoma of the ovary. A di stinctive type of Iipoid cell tumor». Callcer 17: 769-778 , 1964.

15. SCULLY, R. E.; CO I·I E~, R. B. «Oxidative enzyme activily in normal and palhologic human ovaries». Obstet. Gynecol. 24: 667-681, 1964.

16. Boss, J. H.; SCULLY, R. E.; W EGNER, K. H. ; eOHEN, R. B. "Structural variations in Ihe aduit ovary-c linical significance». Obstet. Gynecol. 25: 747-763, 1965.

17. SELL, S.; SCULLY, R. E. «Aging changes in lhe aort ic and mitral valvcs». AII/. J. Pa//IO/. 46: 345-365, 1965.

18. SCULLY, R. E.; RICHARDSON, G. S.; BARLOW, J. F. " The developmenl of malignancy in endometriosis». Clill. Obste/o GYllecol. 9: 384-411. 1966.

19. SCULLY, R. E.; BARLOW, J. F «Mesonephroma of ovar)'. Tumor of l11ullerian nature related to the endomclrioid carcinoma». C(II/cer 29: 1405-1417, 1967.

20. WANG, C. c.; SCULLY, R. E.; LE,'OBETTER. W. F. " Primary malignant Iymphoma of the urinary bladder». CallceI' 24: 772-776, 1969.

2 1. H ERBST, A. L.; SCULLY. R. E. ( Adenocarcinoma of lhe vagina in young women. A repon of 7 cases including 6 clear cel! carcinomas (so-called mesonephromas)>>. Callce/' 25: 745-757, 1970.

22. ROBBOY, S. l ; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarían teratol11a with glial implants on peritoncum. An analysis of 12 cases». Hum. PaIIIDI. 1: 643-653, 1970.

23. SCULLY, R. E. «Gonadobl aslOma. A review of 74 cases». Cancer 25: 1340-1356, 1970.

24. SCULLY, R. E. «Recent progress in ovarian caneen>. Hum. PalllOl. 1: 73-98, 1970.


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25. SCULLY, R. E. «Sex cord tumor with annular tubules. A distinctive

ovarian tumor of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome). Cancer 25: 1107-1121, 1970.

26. eUTLER. B.; FORBES, A.; INGERSOLL, F; SCULLY, R. E. «Endometrial

carcinoma after stilbestrol therapy in gonadal dysgenesis». N. El/g/. J. Med. 287; 628-631,1972.

27. HALLGRIMSSON, J.; SCULLY, R. E. «Borderline and malignant Brenner

tUll10urs of the ovary. A report of 15 cases». Acta Pathol. Microbio/. Scand., 233 (Section A, suppl.); 56-66, 1972.

28. HERBST, A. L.; KURM.'N, R. J.; SCULLY, R. E.; POSKANZER, D. e. "elear

cell adenocarcinoma of the genital tract in young females: Reg istry

report". N. Eng/. J. Mee/. 287; 1259-1264, 1972.

29. CHALVARDJIAN, A.; SCULLY, R. E. «Sc lerosi ng stromal tumors of the

ovary». Cancel' 31; 664-670, 1973.

30. KARIMINEJAD, M. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Female adnexal tumor of probable

wolffian origino A distinctive pathological entity). Cancel' 31: 671-677,


3 1. SCULLY, R. E. «The need for uniform terminology» [Editorial]. Hum.

Palho/. 4; 602-603, 1973.

32. SEROV, S. F.; SCULLY, R. E.; SOBIN, L. H. Histological typillg o.f ovarian t/lfllours. International Histological Class¡Jicalion ofTumollrs, No. 9.

\Vorld Health Organization; Geneva, 1973.56 pages, 134 illustration s.

33. CLEMEI\T, P. B.; SCULLY, R. E. «Mullerian adenosarcoma of the uterus.

A c1inicopathologic analysis of 10 cases of a distinctive type of mullerian

mixed tumor". Cancer 34; 11 38-1149, 1974.

34. KURMAN, R. 1.; SCULLY, R. E. «The incidence and histogenesis of

vaginal adenosis. An autopsy study". Hnlll. Palhol. 5; 265-276, 1974.

35. ROBBOY, S. J.; SCULLY, R. E.; NORRls, H. J. "Carcinoid metastatic to the

ovary: A c1inicopathoJogical analysis of 35 cases». Cancel' 33: 798-811, 1974.


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36. DA~O". M.; ROBBOY, S. J.; KIM. S.; SCULLY, R. E.: CRAWFORD, J. D.

«Cushing's syndrome, sexual precocity and POIYOSlotic fi brous dysplasia (A lbrighl syndrome) in in fancy». J. Pediall: 87: 917-921, 1975.

37. HERBST. A. L: POSKANZER, D. C; ROBBOY. S. 1 ; FRIEDLANDER, L.; SCULLY. R. E. «Prenatal exposure lO stilbestrol: a prospective comparison 0 1' exposed female offspring wilh unexposed control s», N Engl. J. Med. 292: 334-339, 1975.

38. ROBBOY, S. J.; NORR IS, H. J.; SCULLY, R. E. <<Insular carcinoid primary in the ovary. A cl inicopathologic analysis of 48 cases». Cancel" 36: 404-418, 1975.

39. SCULLY, R. E. «WHO Classification and nomenclature of ovarian caneer». J. Nall. Cancel: Inst. MOl/ograph. 42: 5-7, 1975.

40. CLEt\'IENT, P. B.; SCULLY, R. E. «Uteri ne tumors rescmbling ovarían sex

corel tumors. A c1i ni copathologic analysis of 14 cases». Am. J. CIiI1. Palhol. 66: 512-525, 1976.

4 1. KURMAN, R. J.; SCULLY, R. E. «Clear cell carcinoma of the endomelrium». Calleer 37: 872-882. 1976.


J.; TAFT, P. D .; ULFELDER, H .; SCULLY, R. E. «G lassy cell carcinoma of

Ihe cervix». Calleer 37: 2238-2246, 1976.

43 . SCULLY, R. E. «M itosis Counting-I» lEditorial]. Hum. Pa lllo/. 7: 481, 1976.

44. SCULLY, R. E. «Neoplasia» . In : Lapedes, D . N. ed. Yearbook of Sciel7ce alld Tecllll%gy. New York: M cGraw-Hill . 1976.

45. SCULLY, R. E. «Sex cord-s tromal tumors». In: Blaustein, A. ed. Patl/Ology oJtlle Female Genital Trael. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1977, p. 505-526; 1982, p. 581-601.

46. M ARSHALL, E E ; KERR, W. S. JR.; KLIMAN, B.; SCULLY, R. E. «Sex cord­

stromal (ganadal stromal) tUlllors of the testi s: A repart of 5 cases». J . Ur%~~ 11 7: 180-184, 1977.

3 1

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47. ROBBOY, S. J.; HERBST, A. L.; SCULLY, R. E. " Yaginal and cervical abnonnalities related to prenatal exposure lO diethylstilbestrol (DES)>>, In: Blaustein, A. ed. Patho!ogy ofthe Female Genital Traet. New York:

Springer-Yerlag, 1977, p. 87-10\.

48. ROBIlOY, S. J. ; SCULLY, R. E.; NORRIS, H. J. " Primary rrabeelllar carcinoid of the ovary». Obstet. GYllecol. 49: 202-207, 1977.

49. ROBBOY, S. J. ; SCULLY, R. E.; WELC H, W. R. ; HERBST, A. L. <<Intrauterine diethyl stilbestrol exposure and its consequences: Pathologic characte ristics of vaginal adenosis, clear cell adenocarcinoma and related lesions» . Areh. Potha!. 101: 1-5, 1977.

50. SCULLY, R. E. «Current Tapie. Estrogens and endometrial carcinoma», Hum. Potha!. 8: 481-483,1977.

5 1. SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian tumors. A review». Am. J. Patlto/. 87: 686-720,


52. SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarían tumors \vith estrogenic manifestalÍons» .

COnlemp. Obstet. Gyneeal. 10: 83-88,1977.

53. SCULLY, R. E. «The role of the pathologist in the management of ovarian

cancer». Voprosy Oncalagii 23: 115-116, 1977.

54. W ELCH, W. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «Precancerous lesions of the endometrium».

Hum. Potha!' 8: 503-512,1977.

55. CLEMENT, P. B. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Extrauterine mesodermal (mullerian)

adenosarcoma: A c1inicopathological analysis of five cases». Am. J. Clin. Patha!' 69: 276-283 , 1978.

56. DOWD, J. B. ; SCULLY, R. E.; WEBER , E. T.; CAN ELLOS, G. P. «Testicular tumors». In: Cancel: A ManuaLfor Practirioners. Bastan: American

Cancer Society, M assachusetts Di vision, 1978.

57. SCULLY, R. E.; ROB BOY, S. J.; WELCH, W. R. " Pathology and pathogenesis of diclhylslilbeslrol-related disorders of the female genital trae!». In: Herbst, A. L. ed. Intrauterine Exposure fo Diethylstilbestrol in the Human. Am. Col\. Obstet. Gyneco\.: 1978, p. 8-22.


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58. H ERIlST. A. L.: COLE, P.: N OR GSIS. M . J. ; W ELC" . W. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «Epidemiologic aspecIs and faclOrs rclatcd lO survival in 38-l Rcgistry cases oC clear cell adcllocarcinoma of lhe vag ina and ccrvix». AIII. J. Obstet. GYlleco/. 135: 876-883. 1979.

59. H ERBST, A. L.: NORUSIS. M .: ROSENO\\. P.: \VELCH. \V. R.: SCGLLY. R. E.

«A n analysis of 346 cases of clear cell adcnocarcinoma of the vagina ancl cervix and cm phasis on recurrence and survivah>. Gyneco/. Oncol.

7: 111 - 122, 1979.

60. PRAT. J.: SCLLLY. R. E. «Ovarian IllUCinOLls tUlllors wi th !)arcom3-like mural nodulcs. A reporl 01' sevcn cases». Callcer 44: 1332-1344. 1979.

61. H ERBST. A. L.: SCULI.Y. R. E.; ROBBOY. S. J.: COLEo P.: W ELC" . W. R.

«DiethylMilbcstrol in prcgnancy», Eppley I flslitllre M O/lograpiJ.

Universiry (?f Nebraska Proc. Eppl y lnslitu le 5- 14. 1979.

62. PRAT. J.: Sn;lLY. R. E. «Sarcoma":. in ovarian Ill UC inO ll s tUlllors. A repon 01' I\VO ca,es». Cal/cer 44: 1327-133 1. 1979.

63. ROBIlOY. S. J.; K AUFMAN, R. H .; PRAT. J.: \VELCII . W. R.: GAFFEY, T. : SCCLLY, R. E.; el l/l. «Patholog ic fillding~ in young womcn enrolled in nat ional cooperati vc dielhylstilbcstrol adcnosis (DESA D) proj ccb>. Obslet. GYI/eco/. 53: 309-317.1979.

64. SCULLY. R. E. «Ovarian tu mors with cndocrine manife~tati on s. In :

DeGrool. L. J. el l//., eds. Merabolic BasiJ oI Elldocrill%gy. cw York : Grunc and S"allon. 1979. p. 1473-1488.

65. SCULLY, R. E. «Sound ing Board. In derense of Ihe CPC». N. El/g/. 1. Med.

301: 1114-1116. 1979.

66. SCULLY. R. E. «Tu mors of Ihe Ovar)' and Maldeveloped Gonads». At/as

of TltI llo r Pathology. Second Serie:;;. Fascicle 16. \Vashington. D.C.: Arll1cd Forces lnSliwte of Palhology. 1979.

67. CLE:-" IENT, P. B.: SCULLY, R. E. «Large solitary luteini zed folliclc cyst of pregnancy and puerperium . A clinicopathological analysis of eight cases». Am. J. SlI rg. I'm/IO/. 4: 431-438. 1980.


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68. MCGOWAN, L. ; YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. "Peutz-Jeghcrs syndrome \.vith "adenoma malignum" of the cervix . A report of \wo cases»,

Gynecol. Oncol. 10; 125-133, 1980.

69. M OSTOUFIZADEH. M.: SCULLY, R. E. «M alignam tumors arising in

endomelriosis». Clill. Obste/o Gyllecol. 23: 951-963, 1980.

70. PROPPE. K. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Largc-ccll calcifying Sertali celllumor of

lhe tes ti s. A report of ten cases and review of two cases from lhe 1ileralure». A 111. 1. Clill. Pa/hol. 74: 607-6 19, 1980.

7 1. ROBBOY, S. J.; SCL"LLY, R. E. «Slrumal carcinoid of lhe ovary: An

analys is 01' 50 cases af a distinctive tumor composed o f thyroid li ssue and carcinoid». Callcer 46: 20 19-2034. 1980.

72. SAFFOS, R. O.; RIIATI GAN, R. M.; SCULLY, R. E. dvletap1aslic papill ary tumor ol" Ihe fa llapian tube - a distinctive lesion of pregnancy». Am. J. Clill. Pathol. 74: 232-236, 1980.

73. SCULLY. R. E. «Cancer of uterine corpus - pathologic typcs. Current concepts in cancer: Uterine fundal caneen>. fllt. J. Radicu. Oncol. Bíol. Phys. 6: 361-364, 1980.

74. SCULLY, R. E. «Premalignant lesions 0 1" the female genita l tract». Procee<lil/gs. IX IVorld COl/gress oJGyllecology al/d Obs/e/rics 512: 274-276,1980. (Excerpta Medica, Inlernalional Congress Series).

75. SCULLY. R. E. «Sex cord-stromal, lipid cell and germ cell tUlllors of the oYary». In : Buschbaum, H. J. ed. GYI/ecology ol/d Obs/e/rics. Harper and Row, 1980. (Gynecologic Onco10gy; vol. 4).

76. YO UNG, R. H.; PRAT, J.; SCULLY, R. E. «Epidermoid cysl of Ihe ovary. A repon of three cases with COll1ll1cnts on hi stogenesis». Am. 1. Clill. Pa/hal. 73: 272-276, 1980.

77. BULLON. A. JR.; ARSENEAU, J.: PRAT. J.: YOU,"G. R. H.: SCULLY. R. E. «Tubular Krukenberg tumor: A problem in histopathologic diagnosis». Am. J. S/lrg. Po/hol. 5: 225-232, 1981.

78. CLE~11ENT, P. B.; SCULLY, R. E. «The pathology of uterine sarcomas».


In : Coppleson, M . ed. Gynecologic 01lcology. Fundal1lewal Principies and Clinical Praclice. New York : Churchill Livingstone. 1981.

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79 . DONAHOE. P. K.; FULLER, A. F. JR.; SCULI.Y, R. E.; et al. «Mullerian

inhibiting substance inhibits growth of a human ovarian cancer in Ilude mice». Ann. SUJ/? 194: 472-480, 198 1.

80. PRAT, J.: SCULLY. R. E. «Cellular fibromas and fibrosarcomas of the ovary. A comparative cli nicopathological analysis of seventeen cases». Cancel' 47: 2663-2670, 1981.

8 1. S CULLY, R. E. «Def1nition of precursors in gynecologic caneen>. Ccmcer 48: 531-537, 198 1.

82. SCL'LLY, R. E.; VVELCH, W. R. «Neoplasia associalcd with anomalous sexual developmcnt and abnormal sex chroll1osomes»), Pediat. Ado/ese. EndoCl: 8: 203-217, 198 1.

83. SCULLY. R. E.: W ELCH, "V. R. «Pathology of lhe female genital traet after prenatal cx posurc to dielhylsti lbestrob>. In: Hcrbst. A. L.; Bern, H . A. eds.

Develaplllenl t"ffecls aJ Dielhy /slilbesllv/ (DES) in Pregnc/Ilcy. New York:

T hieme-Slratton, 198 1.

84. SCULLY, R. E. «Smoolh muscle differentiation in genital tract disorders>; ['Editoriall. Arc/¡. Palha/. 105: 505-507. 1981.

85. SCULLY. R. E.; YOUNG, R. H. «Trophoblastic pseudotumol'» [Editoria l].

A reappraisa!. AIIl. J. Su //? Pa/hal. 5: 75-76. 198 1.

86. SIROTA, R. L. ; DICKERSIN, O. R. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Mixed tumors of the

vag ina: a c1 inicopathological analysis of eight cases». Am. J. Surg. Pal/¡o/. 5: 413-422. 198 1.

87. YOCNG, R. H. ; KLEtNMAN, O. M.; SCLLLY, R. E. «Oliol11a of the uterus.

Report of a case with comments on hislogenesis). Am. J. Surg. Par/lOt. 5: 695-699, 1981.

88. AGUIRRE, P.; SCULLY, R. E. «Malignanl nellroeclOdermal tumor of Ihe ovar)', a dist inctive form of monoderma[ teratoma. A report of fi ve cases» . AIIl. 1. Surg. Pa//¡o/. 6: 283-292. 1982.

89. CHARPtN, c.; BHAN, A. K. ; ZURAWSKt, V. R. ; SCULLY, R. E.

«Carcinoembr)'on ic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrale delerminale 19-9 (CA 19-9). Localizalion in 121 primary and melaslalic ovarian 11l1l10rs».

¡ III. J. GYlleca/. Po/ha/. 1: 231-245. 1982.


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90. CRAMER, D.; WELCH, W R.; SCULLY, R. E.; WOJCIECKOWSK1, C. A, «Ovarian c¡mcer and tale: A case-control study». Caneer 50: 372-376, 1982.

91. DICKERSIN, G. R.; KUNE, 1. w.; SeULLY, R. E. <<Small cell carcinoma uf

lhe ovary wilh hyperealcemia. A report 01' 11 cases». CANCER 49: 188-197, 1982.

92. HARGREAVES , H. K.; SCULLY, R. E.; RICHI E, J. P. «Bcnign hemangioendotheliorna af the testi s: Case report \vith electron microscopic documentatíon and review of the litcrmurc». Am. 1. Clill. Pa1/¡a/. 77: 637-642, 1982.

93. KING, M. E.; D¡c KERSIN, G. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «Myxoid leiom)'osarcoma 01'

lhe lIlerus. A report of six cases». Am . ./. SlIrg. Po/ha!. 6: 589-598, 1982.


«Hepatoid yolk sac tumor aY the ovary (endodermal sinus Lumor \vith hepatoid differentiation). A light microscopical, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study of seven cases». Cancer 50: 2344-2368. 1982.

95. PRAT, J.; YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian mucinolls tumors with

foci 01' anaplaslic carcinoma». Cal/cer 50: 300-304, 1982.

96. PRAT, J.; YOUKG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian Sel10li-Leydig ecll

tumors with heterologous elements. (IJ) Cartilage and skeletal muscle -

a clinicopathologic analysis of twelve cases». Cancer 50: 2465-2475.


97. SCULLY, R. E. «Ben Castleman - Champion of lhe CPC" [Ediloriall.

N. El/g/ . ./. Med. 307: 370-371, 1982.

98. SCULLY, R. E. «Common epithelial tumors of borderline malignancy

(Carcinomas of low malignant potential)>>. Bull. du Caneer 69 (3):

228-238. 1982.

99. SCULLY, R. E. «Definition of endometrial carcinoma precursors» . Clin. Obs1e1. Gyneco/. 25: 39-48, 1982.

100. SCULLY, R. E. «Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in si tu).


Vv'hat it is and what should be done about it». In: Fraley, E. E. cd. Worfd Urology Updafe Series. New Jersey: Continuing Professional Education

Center, lnc. (CPEC), 1982, vol. 1, p. 1-8.

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10 1. SCLLLY. R. E. «Mini mal cancer of lhe ovary». In: Burghardt, E.: Holzer. E.

cds. M illilllal l llvasive Callca (M ícrocarc:illoma). London: vV. B. Saunders Co .. Ud .. 1982. p. 379-387. (Clinies in Oneology: vol. 1).

102. SCULLY. R. E. «Pathology of ovarían Illalignancies. The clínica! care of

adul ts and adolescents». In Pi ver, M . S. cd . ClI r rent RevielVs /n Obslerrics

and GYI/aecology. New York: Churchi ll L i vingstone. 1982. p. 19-67.

103. SCULLY. R. E. «Probl ems in the differen l ial diagnosis of common

epithel ial carcinomas 0 1' Ihe ovary«. In : Dallenbach-Helhveg. G . ed.

Ovaría/-T/lmoren. Berl in: Spri nger-Verlag. 1982. p. 137-144.

104. SClJLLY. R. E.; BINDER, S. c.: L EGG. M. " Pathological evaluat ion,

c1ass ífi ca ti on. staging and pri ncipIes of biopsy» . In: Cancel: A M al/l/a!

¡Ol' Prac /ir /ollers . Boston: American Cancer SocielY, M assachusctt s

D ivi sion. Ine .. 1982 . p. 29-36.

105. YOUNG. R. H.: PRAT, 1.: SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarían cndometrio id

carcinomas resembling sex-cord sl romal tumors. A c1 inicopalhological

analys is of thirteen cases». Am. J. Surg. Palllo/. 6: 513-522. 1982.

106. YOU:'-IG. R. H.: PIV\T.1.: SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian Scrtoli -Leydig ce ll tUlllors

wi lh heterologolls elemcl1ls. (1) Gastroi n tc~li n a l epi thel iuJl1 and ci.U'c inoid -

a c1 inicopathologic analys is of Ihiny-six cases» . Cal/cer 50: 2448-2456, 1982 .

107. YOUNG. R. H.: SCULLY. R. E. «Ovarian sex cord-stro lllallUmors. Recenl

progress». 1111. 1. Cylleeol. Pal /¡o/. 1: 101-123. 1982.

108. YOUNG, R. H.: W ELCH. W. R. ; DICKERS¡~, G. R.: SCCLLY. R. E. «O varian

sex cord lllmor with annular tubules). Cancer 50: 1384-1402, 1982.

109. ZHANG, J.; YOU:'-IG, R. 1-1 .: ARSENEAL', 1. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian strolll aJ

tumors containi ng lutein or Leyd ig cell s (l uteinized thecolllas and

slromal Leydig ce ll tumors) . A cl inicopathologica l analysis of fift y

cases». 1111. J. Cyllecol. Pal/¡ol. 1: 270-285, 1982.

110. AGUIRR E, P.; SCULLY, R. E. «Primil ive neuroectodermal tu mor of lhe

¡est is. Repon 01' a case». Are/¡. Par/¡ol. Lab. M ed. 107 : 643-645. 1983 .


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111. AGUIRRE, P.; SCULLY, R. E. «Testosterone-secreting adren al ganglio neuroma containing Leydig cells»). Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 7: 699-

705, 1983.

112. CARDOSO DE ALMEIDA, P. C.; SCULLY, R. E. «Diffuse embryoma of the

testis, a di st inctive form of mixed gefln cell tumor. Report of two cases with immunohistochemical characterization)) . Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 7:

633-642, 1983.

11 3. DUDLEY, A. G.; YOUNG, R. H.; LAWRENCE, W. D.; SCULI.Y. R. E. «Endodermal si nus tumor of the vulva in an infant. Repon of a case

and review of the literature». Ohsrer. Gynecol. 61: 76S-79S , 1983.

114. HERRINGTON, J. B.; SCULLY, R. E. «Endocrine aspeets of germ cell

tumors. In: Damjanov, l.; Solter, D.; Knowles, B. eds. Tlle Human Terawl1las. New Jersey: The Humana Press, 1983, p. 215-229.

L 15. SCULLY, R. E.; SALAZAR, H. «Problems in the histological typing

of ovarian cancel'. Validity of comparison uf ovarian type-specific

cancer incidence rates in several countries). In: Stalsberg, H. ed.

An lntemationaf Survey of Distributions of Histologic Types ofTumours of the Testis and Ovar)'. Geneva: International Union Against Cancer,

1983, p. 122-135. (UICC Technical Report Series; vol. 74).

116. YOUNG, R. H.; DICKERSIN, G. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «A distinctive ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor causing sexual precocity in the Peutz-Jeghers

syndrome». Am. J. Surg. Pa/hol. 7: 233-243, 1983.

117. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors with

a retifonn pattern: A problem in histopmhologic diagnosis. A repart

of twenty-nve cases». Am. J. SI/rg. PI//ho/. 7: 755 -771, 1983.

11 8. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors with

bizarre nuclei. A clinicopathologic analysis of seventeen cases».

InI. J. Gynecol. Pa/hol. 1: 325-335. 1983.

119. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian slromal tumors with minor

sex card elements. A report of seven cases»). 1m . ./. Gyneco l. Pathol. 2: 227-234, 1983.

120. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian tumors ofprobable wolffian origino

A report of eleven cases». Am. J. Surg. Po/ha/. 7: 125-135, 1983.


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121. BELL. D. A.: WOODRUFF. J. M.: SeLLLY. R. E. «Ependymoma ol"lhe

broad ligamcnl. A report of two cases». Am. J. Surg. Putilo!. 8: 203-209, 1984.

122. CRAMER. D. W; WI, I.c/1. W R.; HUTCIl150', G. B.; WILLE"lT. W;

SCt:LLY. R. E. «Dielary animal fal in rclation lo ovarian cancel' ri sb> , ObsleI. Gyllecol. 63: 833-838. 1984.

123. '-IAIWIS. N. L.; SCULLY, R. E. «Malignant lyll1phol11 <l and Icukcmia 01' lhe utcrus and vagina. A repon 01' twcnty-s ix case..;». COIlCeI" 53: 2530-2545. 1984.

124. K LEINMAN. G. M.: YOU"G. R. H .: SeuLLv. R. E. «Epcndymoma of lhe

ovary. Repon 01" lhree cases». H UIIl. Pal!IO!. 15: 632-638, 1984.

125. NAKASIII~1A. N.: Y OUNG. R. H. : SCL,;LLY. R. E. «Androgcnic granulosa ce ll tumors 01' Lhe ovary. A clinicopathologica l analysis of sevellleen case ... and rcvicw of Ihe literaturc». Are/¡. PmJ/OI. Loh. Med. 108:

786-791. 198~.

126. PROPPE. K . H .: SeULLY, R. E.: Ros'\! , J. «Postoperalive spindle cell

nodLllc~ 0 1' genitourinary trael re~ell1b l i n g sarC01113S. A report of cighl c,,,es». AII1. J. 5urg. Paf"o!. 8: 101-108, 1984.

127. SCULl_Y, R. E.: AGUIRRE, P.; DELELLl5, R. A. «Argyrophilia, se rolonin

and pcptide hormones in (he female genital traet and ils tumors». !I/f. J. GYlleco!. Pal"o!. 3: 51-70, 1984.

128. Y0511"'ICRA. S.; SeULLY. R. E.: BELL D. A.; TAFT, P. D. «Correlation

01" ascitic nuid cylology with histologic findings bel"ore and after Ircatmenl 01' ovarian cancern. Am. J. Ob.\rer. GYllecol. 148: 716· 72 1. 1984.

129. YOUI'\'G. R. H. : D1CKERSIN. G. R.: SCULLY. R. E. <duvenilc granulosa ceH tumor of (he ovary. A cl inicopathologica l Jna lysis of 125 cases». Am. J. 5111g Par"{)!. 8: 575-596, 1984.

130. YOUNG, R. H.: D UDLEY. A. G.: SeULLY, R. E. «Granul osa cell. Serlol i­

Lcydig cel! ane! unclassifted sex cord-stromal tumors associmed wirh pregnancy. A clinicopmhological analysis 01' lhirty·six cases». Gynecol. Ol/col. 18: 181-205. 1984.


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131. YOUNG. R. H.: PÉREZ-ATAYDE, A. R.; SeULLY. R. E. "Ovarian Se1101i­Leydig cell tumor with retiform and heterologous componcnts. Report 01' a case with hepatocytic differcntiation and elevaled scrum alpha­fcLOprotein». AIIl. J. Su rg. Patho/' 8: 709-7 18. 1984.

132. Y OCNG, R. H.; PRAT, J.; SCCLLY. R. E. (EndomClrioid stromal sarcomas of the ovary. A clinicopathologica l analysis oC twcnty-three cases»,

Cance!' 53 : 1143-1155. 1984.

133. YOUNG, R. H. ; S CULLY , R. E. «Fibromatos is and mass ive edema of lhe ovary, possibly related entities. A repon 01" 14 cases af fibromatasis and 11 cases of mJssivc edema», 1m. J. Gynecol. Pall/O!. 3: 153-178, 1984.

134. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarían Sertoli cel! tU1l10 rs. A repon orten cases». !lIt. J. ·GYll ecol. Pathol. 2: 349-363. 1984.

135. YOUNG, R. H.: SeLLLY. R. E. " Placental-s ile Irophoblaslic tumor.

Current Slatus». Clill. Obstet. GYllecol. 27: 248-258, 1984.

136. YOU~G, R. H.; SeULLY, R. E. «Wcll-diITerenliated ovarian Sertoli -Leydig

cell tumor. A c1inicopathological analysis of 23 cases». I fIl, J. Gynecol.

P"rhol. 3: 277-290, 1984.

137. KI M, l. ; YOUNG, R. H. ; SeULLY, R. E. «Leydig celllulIlors ofthe testi s. A clinicopathologica l 3n alysis of 40 cases and reviev,: of lhe lileraturc».

AIIf . J. SlIrg. Parhol. 9: 177- 192, 1985.

138. LAW R8NCE. W. D. ; YOU~G, R . H .; SCULLY. R. E. <duvenile granulosa cel!

tumor of lhe infantile testis. A repon of fourleen cases». Am. J, Surg. Pothol. 9: 87-94. 1985.

139. R ICI-IARDSO~. G. S.; SeULLY, R. E.: NIKRul. N.: NELSO". J . H. «Medical progress: cotnmOIl epi thelial cancer 01' Ihe ovary». N. Ellgl. J. Med. 3 12: 4 15-424,474-483. 1985.

140. SCULLY, R. E. <<lmmunohistochemi stry of ovarian tUl11ürs». In : Russo, J.; Russo, 1. eds. Im muf1ocytochemisll)' in Tumor Diagnosis. Martinus Nijhoff, 1985 . p. 293-320.

14 1. YOUNG, R. H. : HARRI S, N. L. ; SeULLY, R. E. «Lymphoma- like lesions of Ihe lower female genital traet. A repon of 16 cases», Jn l. J. GYll ecol. Parhol. 4: 289-299, 1985.


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142. YOUl\·G . R. 1-1.: SCULLY. R. E. «Ovarian Seno1i -Lcyel ig ccll turnors. A clini copathological analysis of 207 cases» . AIIl. J. Surg. Patho l. 9: 543-569. 1985.

143. YOUNG. R. H.: SCCLLY. R. E. ; MCCLUSKEY, R. T. «A dislineti ve glolllcrular lesion complicating placental site trophobl astic rumor. A repor! o f Iwo cases». HU/1/. POIhol. 16: 35-42 . 1985.

144. AGU IRRE. P: SCULLY. R. E.: DELELLIS, R. A. «Ovarian helerologous Serloli-Leydig cell tlImors with gastrointestinal-Iype epithelium. An il11munohistochcmical analysis». Arch. Patltol. Lab. Med. 11 0:528-533. 1986.

145 . BELL, D. A .: MONDSCHEIN, M .: SCULLY, R. E. «Gial1l ce ll anerili s of lhe femal e genital trael. A repon of ¡hree cases». AIII. J. Surg. P(l/ /IOI. 10: 696-70 1, 1986.

146. RUTGERS. J . L.; SCULLY, R. E. «(FunClioni ng ovarian 11IIllors with periphcral stero id cell proli ferarion: a rcpor! 01' Iwe l11 y-follr cases». IlI t . ./. Gyllecol. Pathal. 5: 3 19-337, 1986.

147. SCULLY, R. E. «Ovary». In : Hcnson. D. E. : Albores-Saavedra. J. eds. Tite P(I//¡% gy of lJ/cipielll Neoplasia . Philadelphia: Vv. B. Sall nders Co., 1986. p. 279-293 (2nd ed., 1993).

148. SCULLY. R. E. «Tesl is» . In: Henson, D. E.; A lbores-Saavedra. J. eds. The PalllOlogy oI lncipiell1 Neoplasia. Philadelphia: \V. B. Saunders Co., 1986. p. 329-343 (2nd cd. , 1993).

149. YO UNG . R. H.: SO";LLY. R. E. ( Miscellancous neoplasms and non-ncoplastic lesiolls». In : Talerman . A. : Roth. L. M. eds. PalholoMY of lhe Tesris alld its Adllexa. Ncw York: Churchill Livingstone. 1986, p. 93- 129. (Conlelllporary 1ssues in Surgica l Pathology; vol. 8).

150. YOUNG . R. 1-1. : SCULLY. R. E. «Nephrogenic adenoma. A repon of 15 cases, rcview of Ihe literature and comparison with clear cell adenocarcinoma of the geni tou ri nary tracl». AIII. J. Surg. PO/ho/. 10: 268-275. 1986.

15 1. YOU~G , R. H.; TREGER. T; SCULLY, R. E. «Alypieal polypoid adenomyoma of Ihe 1IlerllS. A repon of 27 cases}} . A/1/. 1. e /in. Palhol. 86: 139- 145 . 1986.


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152. CLEME~'T. P. B.; YOUNG, R. H.; Se~LLY. R. E. " Endomet rioid-Iike variant of ovarian yolk-sac tUlllor: a c1inicopathological analysis 01" eight cases». Am.1. SlIrg. Palho/. 11: 767-778,1987.

153. HAYES, M. C.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian steroid cell tUlllors, nOl otherwise

speeified (Iipid eelltumors): a clinieopatho logieal analysis of 63 cases». Am. 1. SlIrg. Pallto/. 11: 835-845. 1987.

154. HAYI!S, M. C.: SCULl:-Y, R. E. «Stromalluteoma ofthe ovary: a clinicopathologicHI analysis 01' 25 cases», /11/. J. Gynecol. Palhol. 6: 313-32 1, 1987.

155. ISI-!IKURA, H.; SCULLY, R. E. «HCpalOid carcinoma ofthe ovary. A newly deseribed tumOr». Cancel' 60: 2775-2784, 1987.

156. RUTGERS,1. L; SCULLY, R. E. «Palhology of lhe testis in intersex

syndromes», In: Talerman, A.; Rúth, L. M. eds. Semill. Diagll. Pmhol. 4:


157. SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian tumours w ilh fUllctioni ng stroma. In : Fax, H. ed.

Haines Gnd Taylor Obs/e/rical wul GYllaec%gica/ Path% gy. Edi nburgh: Churchill-Livingstone. 1987. 3rd ed .. vol. 2, p. 724-736 (4 th ed. , 1996).

158. SCULLY, R. E.; SOBIN. L. H. «Histologic typing of ovarian tumors» IEditorial] . Areh. Pa/ho/. LlI/). Med. 11 1: 794-795,1987.

159. YOU"G, R. H.: SeULLY, R. E. «Oxyphilic clear ee ll carcinoma of the ovary: a rep0l1 01' nine cases». Am. J. S/lrg. Pa/ho/. 11: 66 1-667, 1987.

160. ASLA"t, M.: AHN. G.-H.; SeULLY. R. E. «Serous papillary cystadenoma of borderline mHlignancy of broad ligament : a repol1 of 25 cases». /1/1. J. GYI/eco/. Palho/. 7: 13 1- 138, 1988.

161. BELL. D. A.; WElNSTOCK, M. A.; SeULLY. R. E. «Peritoneal implants of ovarian serous borderline tumors: histologic features and prognosis». Cal/cer 62: 2212-2222, 1988.

162. BELL, D. A.; YOUNG, R. H.; SeULLY, R. E. «Gynecological and genitourinary tumors». In : Colvin, R. B. ; Bhan. A. K.: MeCl uskey, R. T. eds. Diagnostic Il1IlIlunopalhology. New York: Raven Press, 1988 (2nd ed., in press).


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163. CLEME~T, P. B.: YOU"G. R. H .: SeULLY. R. E. «Inlravenous

Iciomyomatosis of [he utcru s: A c1inicopathological unalysis of 16 cases

with unusual histologic featu res». Am . ./. S"rg. ParllOl. 12: 932-9-l5, 1988.

164. CLb"ENT. P. B.: YOU~G , R. H .: SeuLI.Y. R. E. «Necrolic pseudo­

xanthomatous Ilodulcs o[ ovar)' and peri lOllclI lll in cndolllcLriosis».

A 111. J . SI/rg. POlhol. 12: 390-397. 1988.

165. Dt\Yt\. D. A.; SCULLY, R. E. «Sarcoma botryoidcs of Ihe ulcrine ccrvix in young women. A clinicopatholog ica l study of 13 cases». Gynecol. Ol/col. 29: 290-30~. 1988.

166. FERRY. J. A.: SCULLY, R. E. «"Adclloid cystic" and adenoid basal carcinoma

01' lhe lltcrinc cervix: a study of 28 cases». Am. J. Slfrg. Pathol. 12: 13'+- 144, 1988.

167. L " I-T.·\N. S. K .: CAJIGAS. H . E.: SeULLY. R. E. «Ovarian cyslectomy

for scrous bordcrli ne tUlllors: a follow-up study 0 1' 35 cases». Ob.\'lel. Gl'llecol. 72: 775-78 1. 1988.

168. RU·IGERS. J. L.; SeuLL\'. R. E. «Mullerian muei nous papillary

cy"' l ~denomas 01" borderline mal ignancy: a cl inicopathological anal)'s is of 30 cases». Callce/' 61: 340-348, 1988.

169. RcTGERS. J. L.: YOU"G. R. H .: SCULI_Y. R. E. «The lesli cular "tumor" of

the ad renogcnital syndromc: a repon of six cases und rcv ic\V of lhe

litcraturc 011 tes ticu lar mas ses in patients with adrenocortical disorders»,

A 111. J . SlIrg. Pall/Ol. 12: 503-513. 1988.

170. SCULLY, R. E. «Thc palhology of cndomctriosis»). Alli, Soco Gil/ecole. Ob.5leI. 65: 7-9. 1988.

171. TRUE. L. D .; OTIS. C. .: DELPRADO. \V. ; SCULI.Y, R. E.: ROSAl. J.

«Spcnnatocytic semi noma of testis \Vilh sarCO lllatOllS transformatian. A repon 0 1' (ive cases». AII/. J . S,ag " alhol. 12: 75-82. 1988.

172. YOCNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarían scx cord-slfO l11al tUlllors:

problems in differential diagnosis». P(/fhol. 1\11111/. 23 ( 1): 237-296.


173. AGu ll~ I~ E . P.; TI-IOR . A. D. ; SCULLY. R. E. «O varian slllall cell carcinoma:

hi ~ l ogcncli c considcrations bascd on imll1unohisLOchcmica l and other findings». 1\111 . ./. Clil/. Palhol. 92: 140- 149. 1989.


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174. elEMENT, P. B.; Y OUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Liesegang rings in the female genilall rac t. A repon of three cases». 1",. J. GynecoJ. Pat/¡ol. 8: 27 1-276, 1989.

175. GILKS, C. B.; YOCNG, R. H.; AGCIRRE, P.; DELELLlS. R. ·A.; SCULLY, R. E. «Adenoma mulignlllTI (minimal deviation adenocarci nomu) of the uteri ne cervix. A cl inicopaLholog ical and immunopathological analysis of 26 cases». Am. 1. Sl/rg. Pal/IO/. 13: 7 17-729, 1989.

176. LEE, K. R.; SCULLY, R. E. «Atypieal endometrial hyperplas ia and carci noma in adolescents and young women 15 to 20 years of age. A repon of 10 cases». I nl. J. C)'neco/. Pal/JO/. 8: 20 1-213. 1989.

177. PARASKEVAS. M.: SCULLY. R. E. «Hilus eell tumor of the ovary: a clill icopatholog ical analysis of 14 Reinke-crystal-posit ive and 9 crystal-negative cases». 11lI. J. Cyneco/. Pal/lO/. 8: 299-3 10, 1989.

178. Ross, M. J.: WELCH, W. R.; SCULLY. R. E. «M ulti loeular peritoneal incJusion cysls (so-called Cyst ic Mesothclioma). A reporl of twenty-five cases and review of lhe literature». Cancel' 64: 1336- 1346. 1989.

179. YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY. R. E. «Atypical forms of microglandular hyperplasia 01' lhe cervix simll lating carcinoma: a repon of five cases and rev iew 01' the literature». AI/I. J . Sl/rg. Pal/¡o/. 13: 50-56, 1989.

180. YOUI\'G. R. H.: SCULLY. R. E. «Vi lloglandular papi ll ary adenoearei noma of the lI lerine cervix. A cJ inicopalhological analysis of 13 cases». Cancel' 63: 1773- 1779. 1989.

181. BELL, D. A.; SCl.:LLY, R. E. «Ovarian serous borderl ine lumors wilh microin vas ion. A reportof2 1 cases». H l/IIl. Pal/IO/. 2 1: 397-403, 1990.

182. CLEMENT, P. B.: SCCLLY, R. E. «M ullerian adenosarcomi.l of the uterus. A c1 inicopalhological analysis 01' 100 cases with a review 01' Ihe li terature». HUIII. Pa//¡o/. 21: 363-38 1, 1990.

183. FERRY,1. A.; SCULLY, R. E. «Mesonephrie remnanis, hyperplasia and neoplasia in lhe uterine ccrv ix. A study of 49 cases». Am. J. Surg. Pal/¡o/. 14: 1100- 1111 , 1990.

184. SCULLY, R. E.: YOUNG. R. H. «Small eell carcinoma 01' lhe ovary: A Iherapeutic challenge». (Editorial(. NY Stale 1. Med. 90: 172-173. 1990.


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185. YOU"G. R. 1-1 .: KUR""" . R. J.: SCULLY. R. E. «Placen tal site nodules and plaques . A c1 in icopathologic analysis 01" 20 cases». Am. J. SlIrg. Pm/¡of.

14: 1001 - 1009. 1990.

186. YOU:-.lG. R. 1-1 .: SCULLY. R. E. Testicular TUl1Iors. Chicago: American

Soeiety orClinic,,1 Pathology Press. 1990.230 p.

187. CLE,·tENT. P. B.: YOLNG, R. 1-1 .: SCLLLY. R. E. «Cl inical synd romes associalecl with lumors 01' lhe fc male gcnitall ract». Sem. Diag. Pathol.

8: 20-1-233. 199 1.

188. JONES. M. A.: YOUNG. R. 1-1 .: SCLLLY. R. E. «Dirfuse lami nar cndocervical glandular hyperpla~ i a. A bcnign lesion afien confused with

adenoma malignul11 (mín imal deviatiol1 adenocarcinoll1u)>>, Am. 1. Surg.

Pm¡'ul. 15: 1123- 11 29 . 199 1.

189. R UTG I.:.RS. J. L. : SCL'LLY, R. E. ~(The androgcn insensitivity sy ndrolllc (tes ticul ar fcm iniL:l tion): A clinicopathologic study 01' 43 ca')cs». /111. 1.

Grllecol. P""/O'. 10: 126- 144. 1991.

190. SCULLY. R. E. «Gonadal pal hology of genetically dete rmincd disen"cs».

In : Kralls, F. T.: Damjanov. 1. eds. The ParllO/O);y oJ Reprod/lctive

Faill/re. Baltilllorc: Williallls anel Wilkins Co .. 199 1, p. 257-285. (Inlcrnalional Acadcmy of Palhology Monograph No. 33).

191. YOlJNG. R. H.: GILKS. C. B.: SCULLY. R. E. «MllCinOll 'i lumors oflhe

appendix as..,oc ialed wilh ll1ucinous 1lI1llors of lhe ovary and

pselldomyxoma pcrilonci. A c lini copalhological a na lysis of22 cases

slIpponing an o rig in in lhe appendix». Am. 1. SlIrg. Parhol. 15: 415-429.


192. YOU~G. R. 1-1 .; SCULLY, R. E. «MClaSlali c rumors in lhe ovary:

A problem-orienled approach and review of lhe recenl lileraturc». Sem.

Diag. POI"ol. 8: 250-276. 1991.

193. CLEMENT, P. B.: SCt.:LLY, R. E. «Thc pathology of lIlcri nc sarcomas).

In : Copplcson, M. : Monaghan. J.: Morrow, C . P.: Tattcrsall. M. H. N.

eds. GYllecologic Ollcolog)'. London: Churchill Li vingstonc. 1992,

p. 803-826.


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194. DAYA, D.; YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «EndomeLrioid carcinoma of the

fallopian tube resembling an adnexal tumor of probable wolffian origino

A repon of six cases» . /1/1. 1. GYllecol. Palho/. 11 : 122- 130. 1992.

195. ErcHHoRN, J. H.; YOUNG, R. H.; SCULLY, R. E. «Primary ovarian small cell carcinoma of pulmonary type: a clinicopathologic, immunohistologic and flow cytometric analysis of 1 I cases». Am. 1. Surg. Pa/hol. 16: 926-


196. LAcK , E. E.; YOUNG, R. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. " Palhology of ovarian neoplasms in ch ildhood and adolescence». Pa/hol. Annu. 27 (1): 28 1-356. 1992.

197. SCULI_Y, R. E. «Early ovarian canceD>. In: Sharp, F; Masan , W. P; Creasman, W. eds. Ovarian Cancer 2. Biology, Diagnosis and Mallagemen!. Londan: Chapman and Hall , 1992, p. 199-204.

198. WILLl AMS, S.; GERSHENSON, D. M.; HORowlTz, C. J. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Ovarian germ cell and stromal tumors». In: Hoskins, \V. J. ; Perez, C. A.; Young, R. C. eds. PrincipIes and Prac/ice of Gynecologic Oncology. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Ca., 1992, p. 7 15-730.

199. YOUNG, R. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Endocrine tumors of the ovary». In: Sasano, N. ed. Recen! Progre.\·s in Diagnostic Pa!hotogy of GynecologicaJ TU/non. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1992, p. 1 13- 164. (Current Topics in Pathalogy; vol. 85).

200. KLErr\MAN, G. M.; You;.JG, R. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Primary neuroectodennal Lumors of the ovar)'. A repon of 25 cases». Am. J. Surg. Palhol. 17: 764-778, 1993.

20 1. YOUNG, R. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Minimal deviation endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine ccrv ix .. A report of five cases of a distincti ve neoplasm that may be misinterpreted as benign ». AfIl. J. Sllrg. Pa/ha/. 17: 660-665, 1993.

202. YOUNG, R. H. ; SCULLY, R. E. «Unusual patterns, subtypes, and differential diagnosis of gonadal yolk sac tumors». In: Nogales, F. ed. The Human YoJk Sac and Yolk SaL" Tumors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993, p. 309-342.

203. BELL, D. A.; SCULLY, R. E. «Earl)' de novo ovarian carcinoma: a study of fOllrteen cases». Caneer 73: 1859-1864, 1994.


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204 . CLEfI,'IENT. P. B.: Y OUNG, R. 1-1 .: HANNA, Vv.: SCULLY. R. E. «Sclerosing pcriLOni tis associaled wilh lulein ized theeomas of the ovary. A clini copalhological analys is of five cases». Am. J. SlI rg. PatllOl. 18: 1-13.1994.

205. FERRY. J . A.: H ARR IS. N. L.: Y ou:-<G. R. H . : COEK. J.; Z IED1AN, A.; SCCLLY. R. E. ( Malignant Iymphoma of Ihe lesti s. epididymis and spennat ic cor(!. A clinicopalhologic stlldy 01' 69 cases wi lh immunophenoly pie analys is». AI/I . 1. Sl/rR. Pat/¡ol. 18: 376-390. 1994 .

206. H eNTSMAK. D. G.: ClEMENT. P. B.; G llKS, C. B.: SCUl lY. R. E. «S mall

ce ll carcinoma 01' Ihe endometrium : A clin icopathological study of sixlCen case,». AI/I. 1. SI/rg. 1'011101. 18: 364-375. 1994.

207. M ATIAS-GUIl'. X.: PRAl'. J.: YOUNG, R. H .; CA PE". C. c.: ROSOl . T. J.; DELELLls . R. A.: SCL'LLY, R. E. «(Human parathyroid hOJ"monc-related protein (PTI-Irp) in ovarian sllla ll ceH carcin omas. An illl ll1unohisto­chemieal sludy». Callcer 73: 1878- 188 1, 1994.

208. YOUKG. R. H.: OLIVA, E.; SCULlY, R. E. «Small ce ll carc inoma of Ihe

ovary. hypercalcemic Iype: A cli nicopathological analysis of I SO cases ~) .

AI/I. J. SI/ rg. POli/al . 18: 11 02- 11 16. 1994.

209. OLI VA. E.: YOUNG. R. H .: CLEME~T. P. 13 .: BI/AN . A. K .: SCUlLY. R. E. «Ccllular benign I11 cscnchymal tlIlnors al" lhe utenlS: A comparali ve morpholog ic and imlllunohislochcmical i.l llalysis of 33 highly cel lular leiomyomas und six endomelrial slrolllal nodllles. 1\\'0 frcquentl y confuscd IUl11ors». AIII. J. Surg. P"I/¡ol. 19: 757-768, 1995.

2 10. SCUllY, R. E.: HENSON. D. E.: N IELSE~. M . 1...: RUBY. S. G. «Pracl ice

prolocol fOI" Ihe eXilminalion 01' specimens removed frolll pat ienls with ovarían tulllors: A basis for chcckl isIS». Areh. PCO/IO!' Lab. Med. 119: 10 12-1 022. 1995.

21 1. GOODMAN. A.: ZUKERBERG. l. R.: R/CE. l. W : Ft:LLER. A. F.: You:<G. R. H .:

SCULLY. R. E. (Squalllous ceH carcinoma 01' the endomelrilllll : a report of eighl cases». Grl/ecol. DI/col. 6 1: 54-60, 1996.

2 12. K UPRYJ ANCZY K. J. ; T II OR, A. D.; BEAUCI/AMI', R. ; POREM IlA, c.; SCCLLY. R. E.; YANDELL D. \V «Ovarían . periloneal and cndomelrial serous carcinoma: p53 analysis supporls a clonal origin 01" mullifocal disease». M od. POI/¡ol. 9: 166- 173. 1996.


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213. NAVANI, S. S.; ALVARADO-CABRERO, l. ; YOU NG, R. H .; SCULLY, R. E. «Endomelrioid carcinoma of the fallapian tube. A clinicopathologic analysis or 26 cases». GYl/eco/. Ol/col. 63: 371-378, 1996.


R. E. «S mooth musc le tumors of the vul va. A c1inicopathological study

oC 25 cases and revie\v of the literature». Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 20: 779-793, 1996.

215. SILVA, E. G.; KURMAK, R. J.; RUSSELL, P.; SCULLY, R. E. "Symposium:

ovarían tUITIors ofborderline rnalignancy». /nt. J. Gynecof. Palhol. 15: 28 1-302, 1996.

2 16. SCULLY, R. E.; H ENSON, D. E.; NIELSEK, M. L.; RUBY, S. G. and the

Members of the Cancer Committee, College of American PathologisLS. «Task Force on the Examinatían of Specimens Removed from Patients

with Ovarian Tumors». Callcer 78: 927-940, 1996.

217. SCULLY, R. E.; V1CKERY, A. L. Jr. «The Harvard hospitals». In: Rosai, J. ed. Guiding lhe Surgeoll \ hand. The HistOl)' of American Surgical

Palh%gy. Armed Forees lnstitute or Pathology, Washington, D.e. , 1998.

218. SCULLY, R. E.; YOU"'G, R. H.; eLEMENT, P. B. «Tumors of the ovary,

maldeveloped gonads, fallopian tube, and broad ligament». Atlas of

tumor parhoJogy. Third series. Fase iele 23 . Armed Porees Institute or Pathology, Washington, D.e. 1998.

219. SCULLY, R. E.; SILVA, E. G. «The pathology of ovarian canee!"» . In: Gerhsenson, D. M. ; M cGuire, 'vv. P. eds. Controversies in Ovariall

Cance,: Nev.' York: Churehill Livingstone, 1997.

220. K OM MOSS, F.; OLIVA, E. BHAN, A. K. ; YOUNG, R. H.; SCLLLY, R. E. «Inhibin ex pression in ovarian tumors and tumor-like lesions: <:in immunohistoehemieal study». Mod. Pal/IO/. 1998; 11: 656-664.

221. NIELSEK, G. P.; OLIVA, E.; YOUNG, R. H.; ROSENBERG, R. E.; PR AT, J.; SCULLY, R. E. «Primary ovarian rhabdomyosareoma. A repon of 13 cases». 11/1. J. Gyneco/. Palho/. 17: 113- 119, 1998.


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222. OLIVA, E.: ClE"IENT, P. 8. ; YOU~G, R. H.; SCt;llY, R. E. «Mixed endomeuial

strom:J.1 and s01001h llluscle tumQI"S al' Ihe Ulcrus: A clinicopathologic

study 01' 15 citses». AIIl. 1. Sl/rg. Palho/. 22: 997- 1005, 1998.

223. YOUI\'G. R. 1-1 .: KOlLlKER. D. D.: Scuu.Y. R. E. ,,$eI101i celllumors of test is. n01 olhcrwise specified. A clinicopathological analysis of 60 cases». AIIl . ./. Sl/rg. Pmho/. 22: 709-72 1. 1998.

224. EICII IIORN. J. 1-1 .: BElL. D. A.: YOUI\'G. R. 1-1 .: SCULI.Y. R. E. " Ovarian serou ~ borderline IU1l1Qrs w¡lh Illicropapillary and cribrifonn palterns. A sludy 01' 40 ca~cs and cO l1lpa ri ~OIl w ilh 44 cases wi lhollt Ihese pallCrnS»,

AIIl. J. Sl/rg. Pm//O/. 23: 397·~09. 1999.

225. Scuu Y. R. E. «I-lislological typing 0 1' ovarian tUIllOurS» . World Heal,I! Orgalli:atioll illtemational hi,H%gical classificatioll of 1I//1/01lI"S. Berl in: Springcr Verlag. 1999.

226. ALVARADO-CAIlRERO. 1.: YOUI\'G. R. H.: VA"VAKAS, E. c.; SCt;LlY, R. E. ( Carcinoma 01" Ihe fa llopian tllbe: a c1in icopathological sludy of 105 cases wilh observaliolls on staging and prognoslic faclors>) . Gynecol. OIlCO/. 72: 367-379. 1999.

227. OLI VA. E.: YOU~G , R. 1-1 .; ClEMENT. P. B.: SCuLlY. R. E. «M yxoid and fibrous endomctrial slromal tumors of the uleru s: A repon of 10 cases») . /111. 1. GYlleco/. Pal/¡O/. 18: 3 10-3 19, 1999.

228. SCL:LLY. R. E. «Colllll1elllary. Innucncc 01" origin of ovarian cancer on el'ficacy 01' scrcening». Lallcel 355: 1028- 1029. 2000.

229. WILSOS. J. K . v.: Allllol<T. D. M ,: DIE"ER-WEST, M .; M CC'FFREY, L.: Moy. C. S.: SCULLY, R. E. «Assc ss mcnt 01" Illctastatic discé.lsc status at death in ..t 35 paticnls with largc choroidal melanoma in the Collaborative Ocular M elanoma Study». COM S repon No. 15. JA M A. Submitted. Apri 12000.

230. SCL:LLY. R. E. «Thc prolonged geslalion. binh. and carly li fe of Ihe sex cord tumor \Vi th an nular tllbll les and how il joined a syndromc». IJlt. J. Surg. Pat/IO/. 8: 233·238, 2000.


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