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SoS 01/27/2016 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited Cleared 16-S-0887 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited DoD Innovation and Reducing Cyber Risk ITEA 2016 System of Systems Engineering Workshop Dr. C. David Brown, PE, CTEP Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DT&E) Director, Defense Test Resource Management Center Wyndham Hotel, El Paso, TX January 27, 2015
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DoD Innovation and Reducing Cyber Risk

ITEA 2016 System of Systems Engineering Workshop

Dr. C. David Brown, PE, CTEP

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DT&E)

Director, Defense Test Resource Management Center

Wyndham Hotel, El Paso, TX

January 27, 2015

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DoD Tech Superiority

• US and Allies have been able to count on a technology

superiority advantage for more than 40 years

– Advantage built on technologies developed by and for the US military

o Precision weapons, long-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance

(ISR), stealth)

• What has changed:

– Increasingly global access to resources, technology and talent

– Competitors investing in capabilities directly designed to counter US

technical advantage: tactics, techniques, technologies, procedures

– Responding to such an environment requires agility and a commitment to

invest to keep pace with technical opportunity

– Drives a focus on cost and cycle time


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DoD Innovation

• In response to this long-term challenge, DoD seeks

competitive advantage through innovation…

– Leveraging all sources of innovation opportunity:

− Academia, Commercial, Defense Industry, Organic (DoD Labs), Global

Sourcing (Allies and Partners)

– Time to market matters – Accelerate the Technology

Adoption Cycle

− Out-innovate competitors with access to the same

commercial technology base

– Speed transition from Laboratory to Fleet

− Prototyping, Demonstrations, Operational Experiments

– Innovation enables Strategy


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Previous Offset Strategies

• “First Offset Strategy”

– Emphasis on nuclear deterrence to avoid the large increase in defense expenditures necessary to

conventionally deter Warsaw Pact forces during the 1950s.

• “Second Offset Strategy”

– Following the Vietnam War, U.S. tolerance for defense expenditures plummeted while Warsaw Pact

forces outnumbered NATO forces by three to one in Europe.

– DoD sought technology to “offset” the numerical advantages held by U.S. adversaries.

− Emphasized: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms; Precision-Guided Weapons;

Stealth; and the expansion of space’s role in military communications and navigation.

− Guided by a long-range research and development plan that enabled U.S. and allied forces to hold

adversary forces at risk long before they could bring superior numbers to bear.

– Shaped, in many ways, the U.S. military of today. Key resulting systems include:

− Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) found on the E-2s and E-3s

− F-117 stealth fighter and its successors

− Modern precision-guided munitions

− Global Positioning System (GPS)

− Significant enhancements in reconnaissance, communications, and battle management

These Offset Strategies’ technologies continue to enable U.S. global precision strike today


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Five Key Building Blocks for a Third Offset Strategy

• Autonomous Learning Systems

– Delegating decisions to machines in applications that require faster-than-human reaction


− Cyber Defense, Electronic Warfare, Missile Defense

• Human-Machine Collaborative Decision Making

– Exploiting the advantages of both humans and machines for better and faster human


− “Human strategic guidance combined with the tactical acuity of a computer”

• Assisted Human Operations

– Helping humans perform better in combat

• Advanced Manned-Unmanned System Operations

– Employing innovative cooperative operations between manned and unmanned platforms

− “Smart swarm” operations and tactics

• Network-enable, autonomous weapons hardened to operate in a future

Cyber/EW Environment

– Allowing for cooperative weapon concepts in communications-denied environments


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Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx)

• Three Year Pilot Project designed to:

• Build new relationships with High-

Tech, Non-Traditional firms.

• Scout for breakthrough and

emerging technologies.

• Impedance match the needs of the DoD with

the fast-moving commercial innovation


• Highly qualified Civilian and Reserve Military

experts with first-hand experience in high-

tech start-ups.

• Initial operating location: Silicon Valley


“…creating tunnels of ideas into the Department that haven’t existed

before...”- Bob Work, Deputy Secretary of Defense, DSD Editorial Board, 15 September, 2015


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Innovation OpportunitiesPrototyping and Experimentation

• Autonomy & Robotics

• Biomedical & Biometrics

• Electronic Warfare & Cyber

• Computing& Micro-electronics

• Hypersonics

• Directed Energy

• Manufacturing

• …?


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Focus on AutonomyTRMC Autonomy T&E Study

Key Requirements

1 Evaluate human trust in combination with

mission performance

2 Evaluate perception, reasoning & decision

making in LVC test environment

3 Intelligent scenario generation to evaluate

emergent behavior & autonomy’s intent

4 Quantify system learning ability and experience


5 VV&A autonomy’s understanding of human

intent in human-machine-relationship

6 Evaluate autonomy’s response to adaptive and

intelligent threats

7 Evaluate swarm distributed perception, shared

knowledge & collaborative decisions

Phase 1: Study Methodology Significant Findings



1. Study Autonomy T&E Infrastructure Requirements (Complete)

2. Identify T&E Infrastructure Solutions and Gaps

3. Develop Time-Phased Investment Strategy

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• Strategic Use of Prototyping

– Hedge against technical uncertainty, emerging capabilities, or unanticipated threats

– Enhance interoperability; reduce lifecycle cost; explore the realm of the possible

– Forge an effective operating construct to select the most appropriate


• New approaches

– Evaluate new concepts, guide new technology development

– Sustain unique elements of the defense industrial base

– Stimulate design teams to advance the state of the practice

– Improve development methods and manufacturing

– Promote open standards, and competition throughout the product lifecycle

– Demonstrate new capability, determine maturity using sound DT&E practices (e.g.


• T&E as opposed to experimentation

– Co-developed and tested Tactics, Techniques and Procedures; potential operational


– Assured safe for the warfighter

– Well characterized capabilities & limitations

Focus on Prototyping & Rapid FieldingNDAA ’16, Section 804

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Better Buying Power (BBP)Continuous Improvement Process

• BBP 3.0: Continues and builds upon prior elements –and takes the focus to our Products

– Innovation and Technical Excellence


• BBP 3.0 Highlights:

• Strengthen Cybersecurity throughout the Product Lifecycle

• Improve Speed to Market

• Remove barriers to Commercial Technology Utilization

• Increase the use of Prototyping and Experimentation

• Use Modular Open Systems Architectures to Stimulate Innovation

Focus of BBP 1.0: Best Practices and Business Rules; BBP 2.0: Critical Thinking,

making better business decisions

• Improve DoD outreach to technology and products from Global Markets

• Anticipate and plan for responsive and emerging threats by building stronger partnerships


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No Innocent By-Standers in the Cyber World

• Assertions:

– The most advanced technologies in DoD go thru the T&E infrastructure

(S&T, Development, System’s Acquisition and System Sustainment)

– Defense T&E facilities remain prime intel targets (Exfiltration of Information)

– Cyber attacks on T&E capabilities could alter results (Disruption, False


• Security

– Physical and electronic emission concerns remain

– Cyber security – new stuff (Have we thought about it?)

• How cyber secure are the test capabilities in the DoD and

its contractors facilities?

Poor Cyber Security at Test Locations can Negate the Best

DoD Weapon Technologies


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How Cyber Secure Are Your Test Capabilities?(Assess, Fix, Test)

• Conduct a Top to Bottom Risk Management Assessment

– Necessary, but not Sufficient (DoDI 8500.01)

– Address both data exfiltration and disruption to operations (delay thru destroy)

− Examples: Data Storage, Range Control and Safety, Industrial Control Systems, etc

• Need a OPFOR perspective

– “Table Top” with Blue Team engagement

– If needed, conduct an assessment with “Red Team” targeting your test capabilities

• Unacceptable risk areas to be budgeted for, fixed and verified

• TRMC looking for 3 partners to develop and refine the process

– Open Air Range

– Hardware in the Loop (HWIL)

– Contractor System’s Integration Lab (SIL)


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Assess, Fix, Test…Example

Army wants to do the cyber security analysis of an

open air range like White Sands…

• Army does an RMA per 8500 across the facilities


• TRMC works with them to do a "Table Top"

• if needed, do a "Red Team" engagement while

they are doing a test rehearsal (similar to what

DOT&E does at the COCOMs during exercises)

• TRMC would support WSMR request within the

Army for budget to fix needed cyber

vulnerabilities at WSMR


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Improve the Testing…Improve the Process…Improve the Product





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Back Ups


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DoD R&E Enterprise(UARCs, Service Labs, DoD Labs, MURIs, FFRDCs, MRTFB)




























UARCs (13)

Service Labs (3)

DoD Labs (75)

MURIs (319)

FFRDCs (10)

MRTFBs (24)University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs)

Service Labs (Army, Navy Air Force Research Labs)

DoD Laboratories

Multi-Disciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURIs)

Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs)

Major Range and Test Facility Bases (MRTFBs)

