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DOF magazine #6

Date post: 22-Mar-2016
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DOF is an online photography publication based on personal and inspirational references. It is a media format tasked to gather and publish photography artists discovered in the lost hours of internet mind traveling.
photography publication issue #6
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photography publication

issue #6

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issue #6

online photography publication

editor / luis monteiro

contact/ [email protected]

website/ www.dofzine.com

printed version/ www.dofzine.magcloud.com

cover/ Quis custodiet custodes ipsos?, luke roberts

backcover/ hunter, luis monteiro

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5 / black cat luis monteiro27 / final thoughts a friend...

/ contents

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4men in black, claudia stanciu

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5 uno, sónia arrepia

This is the first issue where there are no featured photographers but a featured subject, in this case, the black cat.

I guess no other animal has been the subject of so many myths throughout history as the black cat. Hunted at times when witchcraft ruled the fears of man and when by association to witches they were the symbols of misfortune and represented the devil himself. Loved and even worshipped at other times, from ancient Egyptians to modern sailors, the black cat has also been symbol of luck and good fortune to many people.

black catby luis monteiro

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6in a time of doubt, moira ness

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7 a cat playin‘ the bath, ccouette

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8light passing through, ebrahim mirmalek

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Their mysterious look and enigmatic attitude is to some a door to the unknown, a transcending reality, and people fear what they cannot comprehend. To others, they are a reflection of our own soul, a bond between kindred spirits. They channel our fears and our deepest sentiments in ways that no other animal can.

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10cat sitting, zapfino

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11 back in black, casheefoo

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12behind, inira csapo

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Cat’s are generally very different from each other, a consequence of their strong personality. This feature also distinguishes them from the normal animal that people have in their homes as pets, as they do not answer to callings and are, most of the time, lost in their own thoughts. One has to understand the nature of a cat, in order to comprehend how to interact and get the most of a relation with such a feline.

They say that you don’t own a cat, you share a house with one.

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14darker than mao, hexlord

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15 522 le chat noir, i am not i

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16wrong direction, ineedchamicalsx

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I’m currently living in Amsterdam and for those who know this city know that it’s very cat friendly. You see them all the time and everywhere, on the street jumping on top of a car, in someone’s backyard elegantly crossing a fence or walking on a roof. You see them in restaurants and all the bars, where they are owners and kings. Not only you see them everywhere you can walk up to them without having them running away from you and play with them for as long as you... they want.

It still amazes me how nice it is to gain the trust of a cat, to have him come to you and win him over with some cuddling in the right spots. The fragility of the moment makes it even more special.

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19 the little black spy-cat, bittersweetvenom

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20snow is falling, all around..., black cat photos

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21 black and cat, antonio perrone torkio

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22le chat noir, queen-kitty

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23 23 black cat white cat, marion c. haßold

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24sexy cat, buldrock

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25 graceful like cat, hennahenna

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26a black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere..., roberto urso

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I once had such a bond with a black cat myself. A true manifestation of a friendship and loyalty that went beyond time and space.

I was about 12 years old when my father brought him home, after finding him lost in front of the door of the hotel where he worked. I now realise how much that moment changed my live, how it made me connect with another entity on a totally different level, even if it was just a cat. Only another shy, introverted, stuttering kid would truly understand what it felt like to have grow up with such a friend. One to whom I could talk and genuinely express myself.

a friend...by luis monteiro

black cat, miki3d

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Maybe it was the way he looked at me, or how he would come and sit next to me when I was in my lowest, either way I always thought he could understand me and with him I learned some of my most valuable lessons. Friendship is not given, earned or conquered... It is unconditional.

chilling romeo, clipsers

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issue #6

online photography publication

thanks to all the contributing photographers.

all images published in DOF magazine are sole property of the contributing photographers. no image may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of it‘s owner.


4-5 / claudia stanciu www.human-bean.deviantart.com/6 / moira ness www.moiraness.com/7 / ccouette www.ccouette.deviantart.com/8-9 / ebrahim mirmalek http://16830.portfolio.artlimited.net/10 / zapfino www.zapfino.deviantart.com/11 / casheefoo www.casheefoo.deviantart.com/12-13 / irina csapo www.aneska123.deviantart.com/14 / hexlord www.hexlord.deviantart.com/15 / i am not i www.flickr.com/photos/mladjenovic_n/16-17 / ineedchemicalsx www.ineedchemicalx.deviantart.com/

18-19 / bittersweetvenom www.bittersweetvenom.deviantart.com/20 / black cat photos www.flickr.com/photos/ecbrown145flick/21 / antonio perrone torkio www.flickr.com/photos/torkio/22 / queen-kitty www.queen-kitty.deviantart.com/23 / marion c. haßold www.marionhassold.com/24 / buldrock www.flickr.com/photos/buldro76/25 / hennahenna www.hennahenna.deviantart.com/26 / roberto urso www.flickr.com/photos/robertourso/27 / miki3d www.miki3d.deviantart.com/28-29 / clipsers www.clipsers.deviantart.com/

/ contributors

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Together we moved around quite a bit and traveled across the country while I was studying up north. He was always there, his presence noticed at all times. Either hosting guests in our parties or simply keeping me company on top of my drawing table with the occasional roll for the scheduled cuddle.

When you are studying, long are the working nights, either finishing a presentation or just arguing about theories and other deep thoughts. In all that time he would never leave us alone to go to sleep. Sometimes he was even falling asleep right in front of us, closing his eyes slowly and nudging his head, but he wouldn’t go until we were ready to call it a night. It always amazed me to see how much a cat can be loyal to you by sharing the long hours.

His name was Becas, after that Sesame Street character, as he had that same funny crazy look at times. When I moved to Amsterdam he had already retired to my parents house and although I wanted to bring him with me, my circumstances did not allowed it. I guess I always though I could bring him back one day.

He was around 20 years old when he died a couple months ago. Becas‘ loyalty and his unconditional friendship will truly be missed!


/ final thoughts

a friend... (cont.)by luis monteiro

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photography publication

issue #6
