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DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index

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  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 2 a Email chain Steve


    Chr is Coates * 4 /29 /09 ( b) (5 ) S uper vi sing Ac ting DAAGs r ev iew and ema il r es ponse to the d ra ft f il ings f or the con

    litigation and his request for additional supporting video evidence from the Section Ch

    supporting video evidence relates to specific defendants and the Acting DAAG wants

    candid assessment of the quality of the evidence p rior to making recommendations on

    strategies, and proposed relief.

    1 4 a Email chain Steve


    L or et ta Ki ng * 4 /2 9/ 09 ( b) (5 ) S up er vi si ng Ac ti ng DA AG s d et ai le d e ma il r es po ns e t o h is su pe rv is in g A ct in g A AG w

    analysis of the proposed draft filings for continuing NBPP litigation discussing the me

    strategies, legal issues, and proposed relief. Acting DAAG makes a cand id assessmen

    research and has substantive questions on the case law and breadth o f proposed relief

    anticipation of the May 1 filing date for the motion and memorandum for entry of a de

    jud gme nt. Thi s do cume nt a lso con tain s at torn ey d iscu ssio n, o pin ions , an d an alyse s of

    documents and case law and drafted in anticipation of filing the motion and memoran

    of default judgment due on May 1 .st




    Chris Coates* 4/29/09

    c Chris Coates* Steve



    1 5 a Email Chain Loretta King* Steve


    4/29 /09 ( b) (5 ) S uper vi sing Ac ting AAG em ai ls wi th ques tions to d is cuss wi th the Act ing DAAG af te

    of the proposed draft filings in continuing NBPP litigation discussing the merits, legal

    legal issues, and proposed relief.

    1 6 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Steve






    4 /29 /09 ( b) (5 ) S ec tion Chief em ai ls to the s uper vi sing Act ing DAAG request ing p rompt d is cuss ion to

    the Acting DAAGs detailed questions and analysis of the proposed draft filings for c

    NB PP litig atio n o n th e me rits, lega l str ateg ies and issu es, c ons titu tion al i ssue s, an d p r

    1 7 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Steve


    4/29 /09 ( b) (5 ) S ec tion Chie f ema il s to s uper vi sing Ac ting DAAG tha t VOT S ec tion is work ing on r e

    supervisors detailed analysis and questions regarding the draft filings for pending N Bon the merits, legal strategies, legal issues, constitutional issues, and proposed relief.

    a discussion of First Amendment issues and breadth o f underlying statutory enforcem

    bet wee n th e V otin g Se ctio n ma nag eme nt a nd supe rvis ors in C RT Fron t O ffice.

    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 43 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 12 a Email Chain Steve


    C hr is Co at es * 4 /3 0/ 09 ( b) (5 ) S up er vi si ng Ac ti ng D AA G em ai ls re sp on se to Se ct io n C hi ef wi th hi s fr an k a ss es sm en

    law and opinion that additional research must be conducted to support the proposed l

    and theories. The Section Chief responds with summaries of several different cases re

    different legal points previously raised. This document contains deliberations betwee

    Front Office and Voting Section Management.


    Chris Coates* Steve



    1 13 a Email Steve


    Sam H irsch* 4/30 /09 Email fro m A cting D AAG to DA SG with resp onsibility fo r CR T fo rward ing the A ctin

    detailed response and analysis of the proposed draft filings in continuing NBPP litigat

    the merits, legal strategies, and legal issues including constitutional issues. The docum

    drafted in anticipation of filing the motion and memorandum for entry of default judgm

    May 1 . Acting DAAG makes a candid assessment of legal research and has substantst

    on the case law and breadth of proposed relief.

    1 14 a Email Steve


    Sa m H irsc h* 4 /3 0/0 9 (b )(5 ) E ma il fro m A ctin g D AA G to D AS G w it h re sp on si bil ity fo r C RT fo rw ard in g t he Ac tin

    detailed response and analysis of the proposed draft filings in continuing NBPP litigat

    the merits, legal strategies, and legal issues including constitutional issues. Acting DA

    candid assessment of legal research and has substantive questions on the case law and

    pro pos ed reli ef.


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 44 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 17 c Sam Hirsch* Steve


    4/30 /09 ( b) (5 ) DASG reques ted the Ac ting DAAGs pe rs onal con tact in fo rm at ion to d is cuss the p rop

    documents for NBPP litigation. Emails between Acting DAAG and supervising DAS

    responsibility for CRT discussing draft documents and legal strategy and merits of NB

    and providing his analyses and opinion of the development of different approaches un


    d Sam Hirsch* Steve



    e Steve


    Sam Hirsch* 4/30/09

    f Sam Hirsch* Steve



    1 20 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Loretta King*


    5 /4 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) E ma il s fr om Vo ti ng Se ct io n Ch ie f a nd D ep ut y t o t he ir su pe rv is or s i n C RT F ro nt O ffi c

    Management with candid statements about an earlier meeting d iscussing specific factuand to clarify issues in the draft memorandum of law for the NBPP litigation. The em

    pro vid ed add itio nal info rmati on to c orre ct a lleg ed inac cura cies .


    Robert Popper* Chris Coates* 5/4/09

    1 22 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na Fly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 (b )(5 ) A ctin g D AA G fo rw ar din g d ra ft Me mo ra nd um on Pro po se d In ju nct io n O rd er fo r A pp

    Sections review, legal assessment and recommendations on the merits, legal strategie

    pot enti al c ours e o f act ions pro pos ed b y V OT Sect ion in t he p end ing NB PP litig atio n.

    memorandum discusses the quality of evidence as related to each defendant as well as

    of statutory authority for enforcement and the expansive relief that is sought. This doc

    pred ecis ion al, deli ber ativ e co nta inin g an alys es a nd disc ussi on exc han ged bet wee n th e

    Management and attorneys, to their supervising Acting DAAG in the Office of the Ac


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 45 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 23 a Email Steve


    D ia na F ly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G fo rw ar di ng ad di ti on al d oc um en ts f or C RT Ap pe ll at e S ec ti on s r ev ie w,

    Acting DAAGs analyses and opinion of the development o f different approaches und

    consideration in NBPP litigation. Email contains the Acting DAAGs candid assessm

    research with substantive questions on the case law and breadth of proposed relief. Th

    is predecisional and contains deliberations between the CR T Front Office and the requ

    Appellate Sections internal legal opinions and recommendations on the merits, legal

    constitutional issues, and potential course of actions proposed by VOT Section in the

    NB PP litig atio n fo r do cum ents to b e fin aliz ed f or fi ling on May 15t h.

    1 24 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na F ly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G fo rw ar di ng ad di ti on al d oc um en ts f or C RT Ap pe ll at e S ec ti on s r ev ie w,

    Acting DAAGs analyses and opinion of the development o f different approaches und

    consideration in NBPP litigation and VOT Sections responses. The Acting DAAG m

    assessment of legal research and has substantive questions on the case law and breadth

    relief. This document is predecisional and contains deliberations between the CRT Fr

    VOT Section. The Acting DAAG requests Appellate Sections internal legal opinion

    recommendations on the merits, legal strategies, constitutional issues, potential course

    pro pos ed by V OT Sec tion in t he p end ing NB PP liti gati on, and a su mma ry o f rel eva nt

    b Stev e


    Chris Coates* 4/30/09


    Chris Coates* Steve



    1 25 a Email Steve


    D ia na Fly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 (b )(5 ) T he Ac ti ng DA AG fo rw ard in g a dd itio na l d oc um ent s fo r C RT Ap pe ll ate Se ct io ns re v

    including the Acting DAAGs analyses and opinion of the development of different ap

    under consideration in NBPP litigation and VOT Sections analysis and detailed respo

    Acting DAAGs questions on the merits, including an assessment of the case law and

    strategies and options available. There is also a discussion of relevant First Amendme

    necessary scope of proposed relief.


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 46 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 26 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na Fly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 (b )(5 ) T he Ac ti ng DA AG fo rw ard in g re vi se d d raft ple ad in gs fro m V OT Se cti on fo r C RT Ap

    Sections review, legal opinions, and recommendations on proposed changes to the leg

    merits, constitutional issues, and proposed relief. These changes include a narrowly ta

    of relief against particular defendants and various types of requested relief. Further, t

    include a discussion of legal research regarding a limited injunction and First Amendmb

    Chris Coates* Loretta King* 5/1/09

    1 27 a Email Steve


    D ia na Fly nn * 5 /7 /0 9 (b )(5 ) T he Ac ti ng DA AG fo rw ard in g a dd itio na l le ga l res earc h fro m V OT Se ct io n fo r C RT A

    Sections review and recommendations including the development of d ifferent approa

    pot enti al c ours e o f act ions , an d sc ope of re lief und er c onsi dera tion in N BPP litig atio n

    1 and


    28 a Email Chain Steve


    Diana Flynn* 5/7/09 (b)(5) and

    (b)(7)( C)

    The Acting DAAG forwarding witness statements and information on video evidence

    Appellate Sections review and recommendations as supporting evidence in NBPP liti

    document is predecisional and contains deliberations between the CRT Front Office afor Appellate Sections legal opinions and recommendations on the merits, legal strat

    constitutional issues, and potential course of actions proposed by VOT Section in the

    NB PP litig atio n a nd a ntic ipat ed filin g o n M ay 1 5th .b

    R ob er t P op pe r* C hr is Co at es *





    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 47 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 30 a Email Chain Steve


    L or et ta K in g* 5 /7 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA Gs e ma il t o t he s up er vi si ng Ac ti ng A AG s r es po nd in g t o h er q ue st io ns o

    clarification of facts based on his analysis of evidence and time line. He has addition

    about the supporting evidence and possible discrepancies. This document is predecisi

    deliberative containing analyses and discussions between the Acting AAG and the Ac

    CRT Front Office. It also contains analyses and discussions among the Voting Sectio

    also between the Vo ting Section staff and IT staff on access and viewing supporting fa

    evidence. The supporting video evidence relates to specific defendants.


    Loretta King* Steve






    Loretta King* 5/7/09

    d IT Staff Christian





    Popper*IT Staff

    Chris Coates*




    e Spencer Fisher* IT Staff 5/7/09

    f Robert Popper* Christian






    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 48 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    g Steve





    h Robert Popper* Chris Coates*




    1 32 a Email Chain Steve


    L or et ta K in g* 5 /7 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) T he A ct in g D AA G e ma il s t o s up er vi si ng A ct in g A AG fo rw ar di ng h is i nq ui ry t o V O T

    discussing the evidence and time line, requesting clarification of facts, and asking que

    merits and underlying evidence and requesting additional information. This documen

    pred ecis ion al, deli ber ativ e co nta inin g an alys es a nd disc ussi ons bet ween VO T S ecti on

    and the supervising Acting AAG and acting DA AG in CRT Front Office.b



    Chris Coates* 5/7/09

    1 34 a Email Chain SteveRosenbaum*

    C hr is C oa te s* 5 /8 /0 9 ( b) (5 ) S up er vi si ng A ct in g D AA G t o V O T S ec ti on C hi ef r eq ue st in g f ur th er r es ea rc h o n l eg alclarification of facts and timeline and suggesting other avenues of research.

    b Chri s Co ates * Stev e



    1 35 a Email Chris Coates* Steve


    5/8 /09 ( b) (5 ) S ec tion Chie f to S upe rv is ing Act ing DAAG that VOT S ec tion wi ll conduc t addi tional

    legal issues and clarify factual issues regarding NB PP statements, analysis of evidence

    clarification of time line.

    1 36 a Email Steve


    Sa m H irsc h* 5 /8 /0 9 (b )(5 ) A cti ng DA AG fo rw ard in g t o D AS G w ith re sp on sib il ity fo r C RT th e d raft rem ed ia l m

    which discusses the quality of evidence as related to each defendant as well as the bre

    statutory authority for enforcement and the expansive relief that is sought. The DASG


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 49 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    given notice that CRT Appellate Sections analysis and opinion of draft documents an

    strategy was requested.

    1 39 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na Fl yn n* 5 /1 1/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G f or wa rd in g a dd it io na l i nfo rm at io n o n N BP P e vi de nc e, ti me li ne , a nd cl

    factual evidence for CRT Appellate Sections review, under consideration in NBPP lit

    CRT Front Office requested Appellate Sections opinions and recommendations on th

    legal strategies, constitutional issues, and potential course of actions proposed by VOT

    the pending NBPP litigation.

    b Chri s Co ates * Stev e



    c Steve


    Chris Coates* 5/8/09

    d Chris Coates* Steve



    e Steve


    Chris Coates* 5/7/09

    f Chris Coates* Loretta King* 5/6/09

    1 40 a Email Chain







    5 /11 /09 ( b) (5 ) S uper vi sing Ac ting DAAG s r es pons e to CRT Appe ll at e S ec tion at to rney and r es en t c

    pro pos ed draf t do cum ents for App ella te S ect ion s rev iew and lega l ad vice . Thi s is a r

    Appellate Sections internal legal opinions and recommendations on the merits, legal

    constitutional issues, and potential course of actions proposed by VOT Section in the

    NB PP litig atio n.

    b Chri s Co ates * Lor etta Kin g* 5/6 /09


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 50 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    c DraftMemorandum

    Chris Coates*

    Robert Popper*

    Christian Adams*

    Spencer Fisher*

    Loretta King* 5/6/09 Email attachment has the draft memorandum on proposed injunctive relief.

    1 42 a Email Steve


    L or et ta Ki ng * 5 /1 1/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G to su pe rv is in g A ct in g A AG su mm ar iz in g h is an al ys es an d v ar io us di sc

    VOT Section on legal issues and merits and expressing his frank statements about the

    evidence and representations of facts and case law. This document contains predecisi

    deliberations between CRT Front Office senior management.

    1 44 a Email Steve


    S am H ir sc h* 5 /1 1/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o D AS G w it h r es po ns ib il it y fo r C RT wi th a dd it io na l i nf or ma ti on an d

    his review including NBPP statements and posting on web sites and timeline evidence

    1 47 a Email Chain MarieMcElderry*


    5/11 /09 ( b) (5 ) CRT Appe ll ate S ec tion at to rney to supe rv is ing Ac ting DAAG with candid s ta tement oabout the proposed relief and scope with detailed discussions on the merits, legal strat

    remedies. This document is predecisional and contains deliberations between CRT Fr

    and Appellate Section.b Stev e





    c Marie





    d Steve





    e Marie






    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 51 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 49 a Email Chain Steve


    S am H ir sc h* 5 /1 1/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G fo rw ar di ng to DA SG wi th re sp on si bi li ty f or C RT wi th s um ma ry o f h is

    various discussions with VOT Section on legal issues and merits and expressing his f

    statements about the quality of evidence and representations of facts and case law. Th

    is predecisional and contains deliberations between CRT Front Office and VOT Secti


    b Stev e


    Loretta K ing* 5/11/09

    c Chris Coates* Steve



    1 50 a Email Chain Steve


    S am H ir sc h* 5 /1 2/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o D AS G w it h r es po ns ib il it y fo r C RT w it h r eq ue st ed fo ll ow -u p i nfo rm

    confirmation that additional actions would be conducted in the investigation and ident

    actions would be taken by another Section Chief as requested.b Sam Hirs ch* Stev e



    c Steve


    Sam Hirsch* 5/11/09

    d Sam Hirsch* Steve



    1 52 a Email Steve


    L or et ta Ki ng * 5 /1 3/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o s up er vi si ng Ac ti ng AA G fo rw ar di ng em ai ls f ro m C RT Ap pe ll at e S e

    and CRT Appellate attorney with their detailed legal analyses including the applicatio

    constitutional provisions and judicial precedent to strategies and relief under consider

    ongoing NBPP litigation, as well as an assessment of the strength of potential legal arg

    pres enti ng d iffere nt p ossi ble scen ario s in the litig atio n.


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 52 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 55 a Email Chain Steve


    L or et ta Ki ng * 5 /1 3/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G a dv is in g h is s up er vi si ng Ac ti ng AA G o f D AS G s r eq ue st fo r a me mo ra

    Acting DAAG reviewing various options, legal strategies, and different proposals of r

    related to each separate defendant. Acting DA AG forwarding emails from Appellate S

    Chiefs and Appellate Attorneys with their detailed legal analyses including the appli

    constitutional provisions and judicial precedent to strategies and relief under consider

    ongoing NBPP litigation, as well as an assessment of the strength of potential legal arg

    pres enti ng d iffere nt p ossi ble scen ario s in the litig atio n.

    b Stev e


    Sam Hirsch* 5/13/09

    c Sam Hirsch* Steve



    d Steve


    Sam Hirsch* 5/13/09

    e Diana Flynn* Steve



    f MarieMcElderry*

    Diana Flynn* 5/12/09

    1 57 a Email Steve


    S am H ir sc h* 5 /1 4/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o D AS G w it h r es po ns ib il it y fo r C RT fo rw ar di ng r ev is ed pr op os ed d ra

    for review and analysis of the draft filings for pending NB PP litigation on the merits, l

    strategies, legal issues, constitutional issues, and proposed relief. The proposed filing

    quality of evidence as related to each defendant, the statutory authority for enforceme

    consideration of First Amendment issues, and proposed scope of relief against the def


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 53 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 59 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na Fl yn n* 5 /1 4/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G f or wa rd in g r ev is ed pr op os ed dr aft do cu me nt s t o C RT Ap pe ll at e S ec ti o

    advice and opinions on the merits, legal strategies, legal issues, constitutional issues, a

    relief for pending NBPP litigation. The proposed filings discuss the quality of eviden

    to each defendant, the statutory authority for enforcement, consideration of First Amen

    issues, and the proposed scope of relief against the defendants.

    b Stev e


    Loretta K ing* 5/14/09

    c Chris Coates* Steve



    1 and


    60 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Steve


    5/15/09 (b)(5) and

    (b)(7)( C)

    VOT Section Chiefs and Deputys response to their supervising Acting DAAG for ad

    information on merit and legal strategies and supporting evidence. This do cument sum

    several different witness statements and analyzes the evidence. This document is pred

    contains deliberations between the VOT Section Chief and his supervising Acting AAb Rob ert P opp er* Chri s Co ates * 5/1 5/0 9

    c Steve


    Chris Coates* 5/15/09

    1 63 a Email Chain Steve


    D ia na F ly nn * 5 /1 5/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o C RT Ap pe ll at e S ec ti on d is cu ss in g t he m os t r ec en t p ro po sa l f or t he d

    ple adin gs, lega l str ateg ies, and sco pe o f the pro pos ed relie f typ e. Thi s do cum ent is p r

    and contains deliberations between CRT Front Office and Appellate Section. Acting

    forwarding emails from Appellate Section Chiefs and Appellate A ttorneys with their

    legal analyses including the application of constitutional provisions and judicial prece

    strategies and relief under consideration in the ongoing NBPP litigation, as well as an

    the strength of potential legal arguments, and different possible scenarios in the litigat

    b Dia na F lynn * Stev e



    c Marie


    Diana Flynn* 5/15/09

    1 64 a Email Steve


    C hr is Co at es * 5 /1 5/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G s r es po ns e t o V O T S ec ti on Ch ie f o n p ar am et er s a nd sc op e o f re li ef i n t

    motion. This document is predecisional and contains deliberations between the VOT

    and his supervising Acting AAG.


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 54 of 64

    C 1 10 00851 RBW D t 11 3 Fil d 11/02/10 P 55 f 64

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    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 65 a Email Chain Steve


    Chris Coates*

    Loretta King*

    5/15 /09 ( b) (5 ) Act ing DAAGs re spons e to VOT S ec tion Chie f d is cuss ing l egal ef fect of pr ocedura l

    scope of relief in the draft motion. This do cument is predecisional and contains delibe

    bet wee n th e V OT Sect ion Chie f and his sup ervi sing Act ing AA G.b Stev e


    Chris Coates*

    Loretta King*


    c Chris Coates* Steve


    Loretta King*


    1 67 a Email Chain Steve


    S am H ir sc h* 5 /1 5/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G fo rw ar de d t o D AS G w it h r es po ns ib il it y f or C RT t he p ro po se d p le ad in g

    anticipation for filing the motion and memorandum for default on May 15 . The propth

    discuss the dismissal of claims against three d efendants, the statutory authority for enf

    First Amendment issues, and proposed scope of relief against the remaining defendanb

    Chris Coates* Lo retta King*




    1 68 a Email Steve


    Loretta King*

    Sam Hirsch*

    5 /15 /09 ( b) (5 ) Act ing DAAGs analys is and revi sions to the pr oposed dr af t o rder fo r ent ry of de faul t

    his supervising Acting AAG and DASG . This document is predecisional and contains

    bet wee n th e A ctin g D AAG and his supe rviso rs in CRT Fron t O ffice and DA SG and d

    anticipation of filing on May 15th.

    1 69 a Email Steve


    Loretta King*

    Sam Hirsch*

    5 /15 /09 ( b) (5 ) Act ing DAAGs analys is and revi sions to the pr oposed not ice o f d is miss al and m otion

    memorandum for entry of default judgment to his supervising Acting AAG and DASG

    document is predecisional and contains deliberations between the Acting DAAG and

    supervisors in CRT Office of the Acting AAG and DASG . This document also conta

    discussion, opinions, and analyses of the draft documents and case law and is exempt

    attorney work product privilege and d rafted in anticipation of filing on May 15 th.


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 55 of 64

    Case 1:10 cv 00851 RBW Document 11 3 Filed 11/02/10 Page 56 of 64

  • 7/29/2019 DOJ's NBPP Vaughn Index


    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    1 70 a Email Steve


    C hr is Co at es * 5 /1 5/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g DA AG s fu rt he r a na ly si s, re vi ew an d re vi si on s t o s ev er al dr aft do cu me nt s a nd

    VOT Section for review on substantive issues, to proof, and finalize in anticipation of

    filing with the court.

    1 74 a Email Chain Steve


    Chris Coates*



    5 /15 /09 ( b) (5 ) Act ing DAAGs re spons e to VOT S ec tion Chie f and VOT Deputy Chie f containing re

    strategy and omitting witness statements in anticipation of the May 15 filing with theth

    b Rob ert P opp er* Stev e


    Chris Coates*


    c Steve


    Chris Coates* 5/15/09

    1 81 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Chris Herren*


    (b)(5) VOT Section Chief to VOT Deputy Chief descr ibing the supervising Acting AAGs a

    DAAGs most recent proposals o n legal strategy and scope of relief regarding particul

    in the NBPP case.

    1 82 a Email Chain Steve


    L or et ta K in g* 5 /2 2/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA G t o s up er vi si ng A ct in g A AG fo rw ar di ng c op ie s o f A ct in g D AA Gs c om

    candid concerns on merit, legal strategies, and scope of relief in VOT Sections propo

    in April.


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    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    2 37 a Email Chain Robert Popper* Kathy


    5 /11 /09 ( b) (5 ) T his docum ent i s f rom CRT Off ice o f the Ac ting AAG staf f to the Voting Sect ion r eq

    language about filing the proposed motion for default judgment in NBPP litigation for

    report.b Joh n R uss Kat hy





    c Kathy Anderson John Russ* 5/11/09




    28 a Email Chain Steve


    Diana Flynn* 5/7/09 (b)(5) and

    (b)(7)( C)

    Acting DAAG forwarding witness statements and information on video evidence for C

    Appellate Sections review for consideration as supporting evidence in N BPP litigatio

    document is predecisional and contains deliberations between the CRT Front Office a

    for Appellate Sections internal legal opinions and recommendations on the merits, le

    constitutional issues, and potential course of actions proposed by VOT Section in the

    NB PP litig atio n.

    b Rob ert P opp er* Chri s Co ates *






    60 a Email Chain Chris Coates* Steve


    5/15/09 (b)(5) and

    (b)(7)( C)

    Section Chiefs response to his supervising Acting DAAG for additional information

    supporting evidence and summarizing several different witness statements in which w

    identified by name.b Rob ert P opp er* Chri s Co ates * 5/1 5/0 9

    c Steve


    Chris Coates* 5/15/09


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    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    4 80 a Email Steve






    5 /18 /09 ( b) (5 ) Act ing DAAG adv is ed hi s s uper vi so r tha t f inal ve rs ions of pleadings wer e f il ed wi th c

    pro vid ed cop ies o f do cum ents . The doc ume nt a dvi ses of a fina l or der in th e N BPP lit

    discusses nature of the relief. This document is deliberative since it shows details an

    to the Department process and also contains attorney discussion, opinions, and comme

    related to distribution. The email provides additional comment and characterization of

    the case and the relief sought. The email also shows details and facts related to the no

    pro cess in t he D epa rtme nt.

    5 83 a Email Chain Steve


    Sam Hirsch*



    5 /2 8/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA Gs co mm en ts to D AS G wi th re sp on si bi li ty fo r C RT a nd co mm en ts to O

    pub lici ty a bou t N BPP liti gati on and lega l an alys is o f de faul t ju dgm ent s an d in accu raci

    stated facts in the NBPP case. The email provides additional comments and characte

    case.b Stev e


    Sam Hirsch*




    c Sam Hirsch* Alejandro





    d Alejandro Miyar Steve


    Sam Hirsch*



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    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    5 84 a Email Chain Steve




    Sam Hirsch*

    5 /2 8/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g DA AG s c om me nt s t o DA SG w it h r es po ns ib il it y f or C RT a nd to O PA th at in te

    deliberative discussions are protected and legal analysis of facts and law in the NBPP

    email provides additional comments and characterization of the case.

    b Ale jand ro M iyar Sam Hir sch*




    c Sam Hirsch* Steve





    5 85 a Email Chain Steve




    Sam Hirsch*



    5 /2 8/ 09 ( b) (5 ) A ct in g D AA Gs co mm en ts to D AS G wi th re sp on si bi li ty fo r C RT a nd to O PA o n r ea s

    dismissal of defendants in NBPP litigation and legal analysis of dismissals and legal o

    DOJ. The email provides additional comments and characterization of the case.

    b Trac y Sc hmal er Ale jan dro


    Sam Hirsch*





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    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information

    c Alejandro Miyar Tracy


    Sam Hirsch*




    d Tracy Schmaler Alejandro






    86 Memorandum C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    9/25/09 (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    87 Memorandum C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    10/7/09 (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    88 Memorandum C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    10/2/09 (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    89 Memorandum C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    10/8/09 (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.


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    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information




    94 Memorandum C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    undated (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    95 DraftMemorandum

    C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    Undated (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    96 DraftMemorandum

    C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e

    Brown* Undated



    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    97 DraftMemorandum

    C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    Undated (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.


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    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch







    Author/From To Date Exemption Description of Withheld Information




    98 DraftMemorandum

    C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    Undated (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.




    99 DraftMemorandum

    C RT Emp lo ye e M ary Pat ric e


    Undated (b)(5),


    and (b)(7)

    ( C)

    Individuals Response to pending OPR investigation which includes authors thoughts

    developments and characterizations of actions and discussions with colleagues in the N

    litigation. Author describes discussions among o fficials on litigation strategy and vari

    options and assessments of outcomes.


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    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851

    Index of CRT Withholdings Challenged by Judicial Watch

    List of Acro nym s:

    DASG - Deputy Associate Attorney General AAAG - Acting Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights DivisionOP A - Office of Public Affairs ADAAG - Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General of Civil R ights Division

    OPR - Office of Professional Responsibility Appellate - Appellate Section of Civil Rights Division

    CR T - Civil Rights Division NBPP - New Black Panther party

    VO T - Voting Section of C ivil Rights Division

    AW P- Attorney Work Product Privilege

    DPP - Deliberative Process Privilege

    CRT AAG/Front Office

    Lo retta K ing, Acting A ssistant A ttorney G eneral (former) A ppellate Section

    Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assis tant Attorney General ( former) Diana Flynn, Chief of Appellate Section

    Kathy Anderson, Special Assistant to Acting Assistant Attorney General Marie McElderry, Senior Appellate Attorney (now retired)

    Voting Section

    Chris Coates, Chief (former) Criminal Section

    Rebecca Wertz, Principal Deputy Andrew Kline, Special Litigation Counsel

    Robert Popper, Deputy Chief

    Chris Herren, Deputy Chief

    J. Christian Adams, Trial Attorney (now resigned) Office of Public Affairs

    Spencer Fisher, Trial Attorney Tracy Schmaler

    John Russ, Trial Attorney Alejandro Mijar

    Office of Professional Responsibility Office of Associate Attorney General

    Mary Patrice Brown, Counsel Helaine Greenfeld, Deputy Associate Attorney General

    Sam Hirsch, Deputy Associate Attorney G eneral

    Not e: A ttor ney s lis ted in t he i nde x ar e de sign ated with an a steri sk a t th e en d o f the ir n ames .


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    Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice

    Civ. Action No. 10-851U.S. District Court

    District of Columbia

    Index of OIP Withholdings


    OAG Office of the Attorney General ODAG Office of the Deputy Attorney General OASG Office of the Associate Attorney General

    CRT Civil Rights Division OLA Office of Legislative Affairs AG Attorney General

    DAG Deputy Attorney General ASG Associate Attorney General NBPP New Black Panther Party

    Description of the forty-eight pages of records withheld by OIP on behalf of the OAG, ODAG, and OASG, which are being challenged by plaintiff.

    Group Document # Document Type Author/From To Subject/Title Date Exemption Pages Description of With

    Grp. 1 101 b Email Steven Rosenbaum Sam Hirsch New Black Panther Party


    4/30/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mailfrom attorney at CRT

    current status of litigation and

    the development of different


    102 E-mail Tom Perrelli Sam Hirsch Where are we on the Black

    Panther Party Case?

    5/14/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mail asking for update on t

    betw een offic ials in O ASG , a

    thoughts on logistics in the ca

    103 b E-mail chain Steven Rosenbaum Sam Hirsch FW: New Black Panther

    Party -- your questions

    5/15/09 (b)(5) 3 E-mails forwarding and prese

    CRT Appellate Section attorn

    from the CRT Front Office; s

    pro vide the ir le gal asse ssmen

    a potential course of action in

    Appellate Sections analysis

    c Diana Flynn Steven Rosenbaum

    cc: Marie McElderry

    New Bla ck P anth er p arty -

    - your questions


    d Marie McElderry Diana Flynn Questions from the Front



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    Group Document # Document Type Author/From To Subject/Title Date Exemption Pages Description of With

    104 a E-mail chain Sam Hirsch Tom Perrelli RE: Black Panthers? 5/14/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mails between attorneys in

    current status of the NBPP lit

    the status of deliberations in C

    strategies under considerationb Tom Perr elli Sam Hirs ch Bla ck P ant hers ? 5/1 4/0 9

    105 a E-mail chain Sam Hirsch Tom Perrelli NBPP 5/15/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mail discussion between at

    then within OASG, regardinglitigation and, specifically, CR

    pos itio n wi th re spe ct to pot en

    consideration in the case.

    b Sam Hirs ch To m Pe rrell i FW : T imin g 5/1 5/0 9

    c Sam Hirsch Loretta King, Steven


    Timing 5/15/09

    106 c E-mail Sam Hirsch Tom Perrelli NBPP 5/15/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mail between OASG attorn

    pap ers i n th e N BPP liti gati on

    status of the case.

    107 a E-mail Sam Hirsch Donald Verrilli,

    Aaron Lewis, Tom


    Fw: New Black Panther 5/16/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mail from OASG to OAG,

    officials forwarding court pap

    litigation, as well as e-mails b

    nature of the relief sought the

    additional comment and char


    121 E-mail Sam Hirsch Steven Rosenbaum NBPP 5/15/09 (b)(5) 1 E-mail from an OASGattorn

    pres enti ng O ASG s vi ew o n a

    consideration in the case, and

    litigation as well as p ossible o


    Grp. 2 112 Handwritten


    Meeting Notes

    Daphna Renan N/A CRT Weekly mtg 4/30/09 (b)(5) 1 Handwritten notes taken at a

    which a variety of pending C

    Authors notes reflect a discu

    raises a question about the na

    *Only a limited portion of the

    subject of plaintiffs FOIA re


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    Group Document # Document Type Author/From To Subject/Title Date Exemption Pages Description of With

    113 Handwritten


    Meeting Notes

    Daphna Renan N/A CRT weekly mtg 5/09 (b)(5) 1 Handwritten notes taken at a

    which a variety of pending C

    Authors notes reflect a discu

    the NBPP litigation.

    *Only a limited portion of the

    subject of plaintiffs FOIA re

    114 Handwritten


    Meeting Notes

    Daphna Renan N/A CRT Weekly Mtg. 5/14/09 (b)(5) 2 Handwritten notes taken at a

    which a variety of pending C

    Authors notes reflect a discu

    filing in the NBPP litigation a

    that filing.

    *Although 2 pages in length,

    these notes relate to the subje


    116 Chronology Sam Hirsch Uncertain, but was

    forwarded to OAG,

    ODAG and PAO

    Chronology re New Black

    Panther Party case:

    5/09 (b)(5) 27 Detailed chronology of the

    in the NBPP litigation as pres

    pers pec tive . Incl ude s th e au t

    actions and discussions with acolleagues since the inception

    focusing primarily on the tim

    5/21/09. This document cont

    pres enta tio n of auth ors tho ug

    actions, strategies, and recom

    developed, as well as ruminat

    analyses on the variety of dec

    CRT, OASG, OD AG and OA

    NB PP litig atio n. Aut hor desc

    discussion among officials re

    pot enti al c our ses o f act ion an

    ligation options as well as ass

    outcomes, in addition to p rov

    all aspects of his involvement


    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-4 Filed 11/02/10 Page 55 of 56

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    Group Document # Document Type Author/From To Subject/Title Date Exemption Pages Description of With

    Grp. 3 110 Briefing Paper Karen Stevens, CRT N/A New Black Panther Party:

    VRA Litigation

    Undated (b)(5) 2 Briefing paper, including talk

    regarding the Departments h

    litigation and the decision to d

    defendants. This briefing pap

    aspects of the Departments h

    litigation, and serves to brief

    prep are f or p ote ntia l in qui riestestimony.

    111 Briefing Paper N/A Black Panthers Undated (b)(5) 2 Briefing paper, including talk

    regarding the Departments h

    litigation and the decision to d

    defendants. This briefing pap

    issues and various aspects of

    of the NBPP litigation, and se

    how he may prepare for inqui

    117 a E-mail chain Charlotte Burrows Gary Grindler RE: Letter to House Judic-

    - New Black Panther party

    1/20/10 (b)(5) 3 Forward of an e-mail with the

    Panther Party: Response to L

    attorney, who then presents a

    DAG on certain points of CR

    pro cess in th e N BPP litig atiopro vide s CR Ts exp lan atio ns

    litigation and opines on how m

    pres ent certa in a spe cts o f the


    b Gar y G rind ler Cha rlot te B urro ws RE: Lett er to Ho use Jud ic-

    - New Black Panther party


    c Charlotte Burrows Gary Grindler RE: Letter to House Judic-

    - New Black Panther party


    d Steven Rosenbaum Judy Appelbaum,

    Nan cy S cot t-Fin an,

    Sam Hirsch,

    Charlotte Burrows,

    Daphna Renan.

    cc: Loretta King

    New Bla ck P anth er P arty :

    Response to Lamar Smith



    Case 1:10-cv-00851-RBW Document 11-4 Filed 11/02/10 Page 56 of 56

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    Identification of Key Department of Justice Officials


    Aaron Lewis


    Gary Grindler, Acting Deputy Attorney GeneralCharlotte Burrows, Associate Deputy Attorney General

    Daphna Renan, Counsel

    Kathryn Ruemmler, Donald Verrilli, David Margolis


    Tom Perrelli, Associate Attorney General

    Sam Hirsch, Deputy Associate Attorney General


    Judy Appelbaum, Nancy Scott-Finan


    Loretta King, Acting Assistant Attorney General (former)

    Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General (former)

    Diana Flynn, Chief of Appellate Section

    Marie McElderry, Senior Appellate Attorney (now retired)

    Karen Stevens, Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General (former)

