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Domo Speed

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  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed



    S p eedD o me Op t i ma I n d o o r I n st all at i o n Gu i deRASI Series


    Before performing these steps, ensure power is off andread additional information attached for importantdetails and warnings!

    U s i n g t h e t e m p l at e

    s u p p l ie d , c ut a h o l e i n

    t h e c e i l in g .

    Adj u st al l fou r sw i n g

    o u t m o u n t in g c l i p s f o r

    th e cei l i n g th i ckn ess..

    8000-2692-0P ag e 1 o f 1 8

    3 4 Attach cabl e con n eE n s u re p o w e r i s o f f .U s e s c r e w d r iv e r

    s u p p l ie d t o t i g h te n

    con n ector screw s. D

    N OT ov er ti gh ten th e

    con n ectors!

    P l a c e c o v e r

    on h ou si n g.

    S e cu r e c a b l e t o

    h ou si n g u si n g th ec a b l e t i e s u p p l ie d .

    If ru n ni n g cabl es th rou

    con du i t ( n ot sh ow n ) , re

    a p p r o p ri a t e k n o c k ou t

    O r 3 / 4 i n ) , a n d c o n n e c

    c o n d u it t o t h e c o v e r.

    I f r u n n i n g c a b l es d i r e c

    ( sh ow n ) , attach th e cl a

    a n d n u t a s s e mb l y s u p

    o n e o f th e 1 / 2 i n k n o c k

    t h e s i d e o f t h e c o v e r.


    (G reen)Dat a





    Sen so r Net

    M an ch ester

    NC C




    RT+T +














    In p u tOu tp u t BLK



    (G rey)

    Cabl e

    h ooku p





    S e t t h e d o m e a d d re s s a n d

    t e r m i na t e t h e d o m e , i f

    n ecessary.

    T h e c a m e r a /m o t o r a s s e m b ly i s s h i p p ed

    t e r m i na t e d ( s w i t ch t o l e f t ) f o r w h e n i t i s i n s t a ll e d

    a t t he e n d o f a d a ta c a bl e . Sh o ul d t h e c a b l e

    c o nt i nu e t o a n ot h er d o me , m o ve t h e s l i d e

    s w i t c h t o t h e r i g h t to u n t e r mi n a t e .



    T erm i n ate

    Sw i tch

    Address Sw i tch es



    S W3 S W2 S W1

    x1 0 0 x1 0 x1

    T h e a d d r e ss r a ng e i s f r om 0 0 1 t o 2 5 5,

    e x c e p t f o r M an c h e s te r , w hi c h i s 0 1 t o 6 4 .

    S e t s w i t c h e s. E x a m p l e : F o r a d d r e s s 1 0 7 ,

    s et S W3 t o 1 , S W 2 t o , an d S W 1 t o 7 .


  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed


    8000-2692-01, R evP ag e 2 o f 1 8




    6 7S e c u r e t h e h o u s in g t oa s t r o n g s t r u ct u r a lcei l i n g m em ber. S e c u r e t h e h o u s in g t ot h e c e i l in g . Attach th e bu bbl et o t h e h o u s in g .P l ac e t h e l a r g e h o l e i n t he

    e n d o f t h e l a n y ar d o v e r t he

    s c r ew h e a d o n t h e b u b b l e.

    P u ll t h e e n d o f t h e l a ny a rd t o

    t h e i n s i de o f th e b u bb l e t o

    s n a p i t i n p l a c e.

    Al i gn tabs i n th

    b u b b l e w i t h m

    t a b s i n t h e h o u

    T u r n th e b u b b le c l o c k w is e

    u n t i l i t c a t c h e s t h e t a b s a n d


    In sert h ou si n g.

    T u r n e a c h o f t he f o u r

    l o c k i ng s c r e w s c l o c k w i s e

    t o s e a t th e s w i ng o ut

    m ou n ti n g cl i ps ti gh tl y

    a g a i n st t h e c e i l i ng .

    Attach an S-h ook to

    safety ch ai n su ppl i ed,

    t h e n a t t a c h t he S - h o o k

    t o t h e h o u s i ng . Cl o s e

    t h e e n d s o f t h e S - h o o k.

    Attach th e en d of th e

    c h a i n t o i t s e l f u s i ng

    an oth er S-h ook. Cl ose

    t h e e n d s o f t h e S - h o o k.

    R u n th e c h a i n u p i n t o

    t h e c e i l in g a n d w r ap i t

    a r o u n d a s t r u c t ur a l

    m e m b e r a b ov e t h e

    h ou si n g.

    K e e p t h e c h a i n t a u g h t

    a s p o s s i b le . D o n o t

    s e c u r e t h e h o u s i ng toa f i r e c o n t r ol s ys t e m .








    G r e e n, r e d , a n d y e l l ow L E D s w i l l l ig h t i n

    v ari ou s pattern s to i n di cate statu s.

    T yp i c al l y, t h e s e L E Ds d o n o t n e ed t o b e

    v i ew ed u n l ess a fai l u re occu rs. See

    T rou bl esh ooti n g i n i n form ati on

    a t t a c he d f o r a n e x p l a na t i o n

    O f t h e L E D p a t t e r ns .

    P o w e r t h e d o m e ( h e a t er f a n s t u r n o n) .

    T h e c a m e r a l e n s t h e n f o ll o ws a p a t te r n

    u n t i l it r e a c h e s i t s h o m e p o s i t i o n . T h e

    c o n t r o ll e r c a n t h e n be u s e d t o c a l l up

    a n d c o n t r o l t h e d o m e .

    If OK, con ti n u e. If n ot, see

    T rou bl esh ooti n g i n i n form ati on

    attach ed.

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed



    S p eedD o me Op t i ma Ou t d o o r I n st al l at i on Gu i d eRASO Series


    = St e p P r ev e nt s B e fo r e p e rf o rm i ng th e se st e ps , e n su r e p o we r is off and read additional information attachedfor important details and warnings!

    W a te r I n t r u si o n .

    Green Connector (Power)

    Black Connector (Data)

    Gray Connector (Relay)

    Ma n c h e s te r

    Se n s o rNe t

    RS-4 2 2





    C h e c k o - r i n gi s p r o p e r ly s e t .

    T u rn un ti l n o th reads

    a r e e x p o s e d .

    K e ep c a bl e s f r o m

    tw i sti n g w h i l e tu rn i n g

    h ou si n g.

    IMPORTANT! This housing meets IP66/Nema 4ratings provided it is used with a properly installedROENDC End Cap Assembly and one of the followmounts: RHOTR Over-the Roof Mount, RHOSW SW a ll M o u n t, o r R H O L W L o n g W al l M o u n t.

    T h r e a d c a b l e s t h r o u gh

    e n d c a p a s s em b ly

    a n d a t t a c h h o us i n g t o

    m ou n ti n g stru ctu re.

    Attach cabl e con n ectors

    ( i n ki t 0351-1686-01) .

    P i n 1 - 2 4 Va c

    P i n 2 - C o mm o n

    P i n 3 - 2 4 Va c

    P in 1 - N C

    P i n 2 - C o mm o n

    P i n 3 - N O ( 3 .5 m A s i n k )

    P i n 4 - A l a r m r e t u r n

    P i n 5 - A l a r m i n p u t ( 3 . 5 mA s i n k )

    P i n 1 - 4 - N o t u s e d

    P i n 5 - W h it e

    P i n 6 - B l ac k

    P i n 1 - 4 - N o t u s e d

    P i n 5 - O r an g e

    P i n 6 - Y el l ow

    P i n 1 - O r a ng e

    P i n 2 - G r e en

    P i n 3 - Y el l ow

    P i n 4 - B r o wn

    P i ns 5 - 6 - N o t u s ed

    M a k e c o n n e ct i o n s,

    i n s e r t c a b l es i n t o

    e n d c a p a s s e m b ly ,

    a n d a t t a c h c o v e r.

    E n s u r e b l a c k f o a m p l u g i s a r o u n d

    c a b l e a n d p r e s s - fi t i n t o p i p e .

    At en d of pi pe.

    S e e A , B, C . A B C

    L i ne u p . P u sh t o l i n ea nd m a int a in


    T i gh ten

    E n s u re s e a l a n d s l e e v e

    a r e p r o p e r ly s e t .

    SealSl eev e

    8000-2692-0P ag e 3 o f 1 8

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed


    4 5

    BAttach bu bbl e to h ou si n g.

    S e t t he d o me a d dr e s s a n d

    t e r m in a t e t h e d o m e , i f

    n ecessary.

    L o o s e n t h r e e c a p t i ve s c r e w s

    a n d p u s h i n a l l t hr e e t a b ss i m u lt a n e o us l y t o r e l e a s e t h e

    assem bl y from th e h ou si n g.

    R e m o ve t h e c a m e r a/ m o t o r

    assem bl y from th e h ou si n g.

    T h e c a m e r a /m o t o r a s s e m b l y i s s h i p p e d

    t e r m i na t e d ( s w i tc h t o l e f t ) f o r w h e n i t i s

    i n s t a ll e d a t t h e e n d o f a d a t a c a b l e . S h o u ld

    t h e c a b l e c o nt i nu e t o a n ot h er d o me , m o ve

    t h e s l i d e s w i t c h t o t h e r i g h t t o u n t e r mi n a t e .

    6 Attach bu bbl eassem bl y.R e-attach th e cam era/m otora s s e m b ly t o t h e h o u s in g .AA




    R em ov e l i n i n g from

    a d h e s iv e - b a c ke d d e s i c c a nt

    b a g a n d a f f i x b a g , a d he s i v e

    s i de d o wn , to t h e s u r f a ce o f

    t h e c a m e r a /m o t o r a s s e m b ly

    j u st abov e th e h eater

    assem bl y.

    8000-2692-01, R evP ag e 4 o f 1 8

    T erm i n ate

    Sw i tch

    Address Sw i tch es

    Attach l an yard to stu d

    on fl an ge of h ou si n g.

    Secu re w i th th u m bn u t.



    SW3 SW2 SW1

    x1 0 0 x1 0 x1

    T h e a d d r e ss r a ng e i s f r o m 0 0 1 t o 2 5 5,

    e x c e p t f o r Ma n c h e s te r , w hi c h i s 0 1 t o 6 4 .

    S e t s w i tc h e s . E xa m p l e: F o r a d d r e s s 1 0 7 ,

    s e t S W 3 t o 1 , SW 2 t o , an d S W 1 t o 7 .

    Al i gn th e th ree arm s of th e ch assi s ov er th e

    t a b s i n s i de t h e s u n s hi e ld o f t h e h o u s in g .

    H e a t e r a s s e m b l y.

    Arm spaci n g i s n ot sym m etri cal .

    D o m e g o e s i n t o h o u s i ng o n ly o n e

    w ay.

    P u s h t h e a s s e m bl y u p i n t o t h e h o u s in g u nt i l

    i t s n a p s i n p l a c e . S e c ur e u s i n g c a p ti v e

    s c r e w s i n t h e a r m s .



    E n s u re a l l f o u r

    tam perproofs c r ew s a r e


    O n ce t h e b u b b le i s a t t ac h ed t o t h e h o u s in g ,

    s u r f a c e A m u s t m e e t s u r f a c e B o n al l si d e s .

    E n s u r e l a n y a r d i s n o t c a ug h t b et w e e n a ) f l a n ge

    a n d t r i m r i n g g a s ke t , o r b ) t r i m r i n g a n d s u n s h i e l

    C h ec k f o r

    c r a ck s i n

    bu bbl e.

    D i scardb u b b l e i f

    fou n d.

    C h ec k f o r

    ben t

    fl an ge.

    D i scard

    h ou si n g i f

    fou n d.

    Su n sh i el d



    CP o w er th e d o m e ( h e a t er f a n s t u r n o n ) .

    T h e c a m e ra l e ns t h en f o ll o ws a p a tt e r n

    u n t i l it r e a c h e s i t s h o m e p o s i t io n . T h e

    c o n t r o ll e r c a n t h e n b e u s e d t o c a l l u p

    a n d c o n t r o l t h e d o m e.

    If OK, con ti n u e. If n ot, see

    T rou bl esh ooti n g i n i n form ati on

    attach ed.G r e e n , r e d, a n d y e l l o w L E D s w i l l l ig h t i n

    v ari ou s pattern s to i n di cate statu s.

    T y pi c al l y, t h e s e L E D s d o n o t n e e d t o b e

    v i ew ed u n l ess a fai l u re occu rs. See

    T rou bl esh ooti n g i n i n form ati on

    a t t a c h ed f o r a n e x p la n a t io n

    O f t h e L E D p a t t e r ns .

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    SpeedDomeOptimaHousingContinuation of Installation

    InformationRASI Indoor SeriesRASO Outdoor Series


    To the Installer....................................................... 5Special Product Features...................................... 5Tools Required...................................................... 5Warnings and Cautions ......................................... 6

    Preventing Condensation in Outdoor Domes........ 7Connector Pin Assignments.................................. 7Cable Requirements.............................................. 8Synchronizing Domes ........................................... 9Troubleshooting................................................... 10Illustrated Parts List............................................. 11Specifications ...................................................... 15Declarations ........................................................ 18

    2006 Sensormatic Electronics Corp.

    To the InstallerThis guide assumes that the outdoor mountingstructure to which the housing is attached is inplace and that data and power cables have beenpulled to the installation site. To install the outdoor

    mounting structure, see documents shipped withthe structure.

    Special Product Features

    Indoor/Outdoor Housing

    The dome camera has one alarm input and oneSPDT relay. Surge protection is provided on allexternal lines, including video.

    Outdoor Housing Only

    The outdoor housing has a sunshield cover andbubble that protect the dome camera. Tamperproofscrews affix the bubble to the housing.

    The housing is temperature controlled andweatherproof. A built-in thermostat and heaterprevent ice from forming on the outside of thebubble.

    Tools Required

    6.6mm (1/4in) fixed-handle

    nut driver for Torx bit Wire cutters and strippers

    2.5mm (0.1in) slotted screwdriver

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Warnings and CautionsPlease review the following warnings and cautionsbefore you begin installation or service.

    WarningsWARNING!Always use proper lift andsafety equipment for the location andtype of installation. Use the safetyfeatures of the lift equipment.

    WARNING! When connecting wires,ensure electrical power is not connectedto the camera dome. The dome willmove when power is applied. Also,ensure electrical power is not connectedto nearby fixtures you might touch duringinstallation.

    WARNING! The camera dome runs on24Vac. DO NOT connect line voltage tothe dome.

    North America power requirements: InNorth America, this device is intended tobe supplied from a Class 2 powersupply. For outdoor installations, useClass 3 wiring techniques, liquid-tightconduit, or liquid-tight pipe.

    This installation should be made by aqualified service person and shouldconform to all local codes.

    WARNING! DO NOT install this housingwhere combustible or explosive productsare stored or used.

    WARNING! EU power requirements:This product runs on 24Vac. In the EU, itis intended to be powered from a LimitedPower Source. A limited power source isa certified source of SELV, and ifinherently limited, with 8 amps maximumoutput current, and a maximum of 100VAavailable; or if not inherently limited,fused with a maximum value of 3.3

    Amps, meeting section 2.11 of IEC950,and a maximum of 250VA available. Thepower supply can be obtained throughSensormatic or through another sourcewhere the provider can furnish theverification. This is required to assureelectrical safety in the product.


    To protect the bubble assembly, leave it in itsbox until you are ready to install it.

    Do not run data/power cables adjacent to or inthe same conduit as line voltage mains power.

    Network cable/device requirements (additionalrequirements are listed on page 8):



    MaximumDevices perCable Run

    SensorNet 22AWG 32

    RS-422 22AWG 10

    Manchester 18AWG 3

    If required, set data cable termination inside thehousing.

    If using a VM96 controller with a softwareversion before 5.2, it is recommended that beupgraded to the current version. Otherwise, firstmust load a file that enables the VM96 torecognize this camera dome. An Update Kitcontaining a floppy disk and instructions (8000-2717-01) for downloading the file is supplied.

    CAUTION: The VM96 will notrecognize this dome if the file is notloaded.

    Outdoor Version Only

    Water leaks, even small ones, canincrease humidity inside the outdoorhousing. To help eliminate humidity,follow all instructions explicitly andalso the following cautions:

    DO NOT use over seals such asRTV and silicone caulks.

    Ensure fans spin when power ison.

    Also see Preventing Condensationon page 7.

    Keep cables within the housing away from theheater assembly.

    If possible, mount the housing so the leastneeded view (such as a wall, building corner, orpole) is opposite the fan/heater assembly.

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Preventing Condensation inOutdoor Domes

    Damage, missing parts, or proceduresthat most often allow water to enter

    the housing are as follows (refer tofigures opposite):

    Mounts that allow water to enter the air path. Ifan older horizontal mount is used, replace itwith a new model or ensure there is ampleslope away from the camera dome and a foamplug is present

    Missing foam plug from entry into the pipe of themounting structure

    Missing O-ring on cover, or missing sleeve orseal on end cap assembly

    Missing Teflon tape around any housing pipe


    RTV or similar sealant covering an air path

    Loose nuts (4) at the top of the housing

    Heater fans not turning

    Bent flange on metal housing that compromisesthe gasket seal between the bubble and thehousing

    Plugged drain holes in the bubble trim ring

    Cracked bubble

    Tamperproof screws that are missing orimproperly tightened compromise the gasket

    seal between the bubble and the housing

    Ensure lanyard is not caught between: a) flangeand trim ring gasket, and b) trim ring andsunshield.

    Connector Pin Assignments


    Pin Color Description

    1 Black 24Vac

    2 Red Common

    3 White 24Vac



    Pin Color Designation

    1-4 Not used.

    5 White Manchester (+)

    6 Black Manchester ()

    RS-422 / SensorNet

    Pin Color Designation1 Orange RS-422 Data In High (+)

    2 Green RS-422 Data In Low ()

    3 Yellow RS-422 Data Out High (+)

    4 Brown RS-422 Data Out Low ()

    5 Orange SensorNet (unshielded)

    6 Yellow SensorNet (unshielded)

    *Color based on composite cable.


    Pin Color Description

    1 N/A Normally Closed

    2 N/A Common

    3 N/A Normally Open (3.5mA sink)

    4 N/A Alarm Return

    5 N/A Alarm input (3.5mA sink)

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Cable Requirements

    Data Cable

    The table below shows requirements forSensorNet, RS-422, and Manchester networks. For

    more information about communication protocolsand cable networks, see Communication Protocolsand Cable Networks, 8000-2573-19.

    Data cable requirements

    SensorNet RS-422 Manchester

    Cable type 1unshielded,twistedpair*



    Wire gauge 22 AWG 22 AWG 18 AWG

    Connection Non-polarized Polarized Polarized

    Max.devices online

    32 10 3

    * Power, data, and video cables can be orderedseparately or within a composite cable that can beordered in various lengths. Plenum-rated cables mustbe used in indoor ceilings used for environmental airreturn (called "other air space" in the NationalElectrical Code). Order parts through your distributionnetwork.

    Note: If you order cable from an outside source, wire

    colors may be different.

    ** Belden 88760 (plenum), or Belden 8760 cable (non-plenum) cable is recommended. Plenum-rated cablesmust be used in indoor ceilings used forenvironmental air return (called "other air space" inthe National Electrical Code). Ordercable directlyfrom Belden by calling 1-800-235-3361.

    Power Cable

    Plenum ceilings. Cable must be rated for plenumand routed through electrical conduit. Use thecable connection cover for conduit termination andcable connections to the dome. Knockouts in thecover accept " and " conduit.

    WARNING: Do not run data and powercables adjacent to or in the same conduitas line voltage mains power.

    Power cables. Make power cable lengths as shortas possible to minimize the affects of low linevoltages and outdoor cold temperatureperformance.Maximum cable length between aClass 2 LPS (low voltage) ac source, such as aJ-box, and the dome depends on the ac linevoltage. See the tables below for maximum cablelengths based on the worst-case low line voltages.

    The line voltage must not go below the voltageshown for the dome to be able to power up andoperate at the corresponding distances shown.Typically cable distances are used that provide a15% margin between nominal and low lineconditions. For example, if the nominal voltagemeasures 120Vac, restrict the cable length to thedistance for .85 x 120 or approximately 100Vac.

    Power Cable Requirements: Indoor Dome

    The following table shows the maximum cabledistance between various indoor power sources

    and the indoor SpeedDome Optima, for severalworst-case low line voltages.

    These distances are for Sensormatic compositecables, which use 18AWG ac power wires.

    This table applies to domes produced after Octoberof 2001; distances are much less for earlier domes.

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Worst-Case Meters

    Low Line V (Feet)

    117 130 (425)

    100 80 (250)

    90 60 (200)

    117 160 (525)

    100 100 (325)90 60 (200)

    117 160 (525)

    100 100 (325)

    90 80 (250)

    240 160 (525)

    200 100 (325)

    180 80 (250)

    117 210 (675)

    100 130 (425)

    90 80 (250)

    240 210 (675)

    200 130 (425)

    180 80 (250)

    117 200 (625)

    100 130 (425)

    90 100 (325)

    240 225 (750)

    200 160 (525)

    180 125 (375)

    117 130 (425)

    100 100 (325)

    90 60 (200)

    240 160 (525)

    200 100 (325)

    180 80 (250)


    Universal Transformer

    Indoor Dome

    AC Power Source


    10-position RS 422

    RJ1SNUD, RS856UD

    1-position SensorNet

    or RS 422 J-Box

    28 VA


    Indoor 240V/50Hz J-Box


    RJ1SNUD-1, RS856UD-1

    10-position RS 422

    Indoor 120V/60Hz J-Box


    6-position SensorNet


    50 VA


    1-position SensorNet

    or RS 422 J-Box

    Indoor J-Box

    Power Cable Requirements: Outdoor Dome

    The following table shows the maximum cabledistance between the outdoor SpeedDome Optimaand the 1-position and 6-position (see Note below)

    junction boxes, for several worst-case low linevoltages. The distances are shown for 18, 16 and

    14AWG ac power cabling. 14AWG is larger than18AWG and has lower resistance; thus the 14AWGhas a larger current capacity and supports a longercable distance.

    Worst-Case LineVoltages 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG

    90 Vac 30m (100ft) 50m (160ft) 80m (260ft)

    102 Vac 60m (200ft) 100m (320ft) 160m (520ft)

    180 Vac 30m (100ft) 50m (160ft) 80m (260ft)

    204 Vac 60m (200ft) 100m (320ft) 160m (520ft)

    Note: The 6-position SensorNet junction boxRJ6SN can power two Outdoor SpeedDomeOptimas or SpeedDome Ultras. However, this6-position junction box has two banks, one fordome positions 1, 2, and 3, and a second bank forpositions 4, 5, and 6. If the junction box is used topower an outdoor dome, no other dome can bepowered from the same bank.

    Synchronizing DomesTo prevent picture rolling when switching fromcamera to camera, all domes can be synchronizedto a 50Hz or 60Hz ac source. A V-phaseadjustment at the control console enables thedome to sync to any line phase.

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    TroubleshootingIf a failure cannot be easily fixed external to thedome, send the dome to a repair center.

    No power (no LEDs light).

    Check for power coming in from J-box or controller.

    Homing routine does not complete.

    Green, red, and yellow LEDs are visible throughsmall holes in the dome housing that surround thecamera yoke. After power up, the LEDs light asfollows.




    PLD Loading (20 sec) On Off Off

    Homing Process Off Blink On

    Looking for Network* On Off On

    Online Waiting for 1st

    Command**Blink Blink On

    * If the dome remains in this state, it cannot locate theSensorNet, RS-422, or Manchester network.

    ** The yellow LED remains on until it receives a PTZ movementcommand, then goes off. Further PTZ commands will causethe LED to blink; otherwise, the LED is off.

    Connected to RS-422 but no communication.

    Check RS-422 wiring by doing the following.

    1. Set the dome address to 901; observe thegreen, red, and yellow LEDs through thehousing.

    LED Indication Cause

    Yellow blinks Wiring OK.

    Red flickers,Green blinks*

    RS-422 wiredbackwards.

    Red blinks.Green flickers*

    A wire is notconnected.

    *Fix wiring.

    2. Reset the dome to the desired address.

    No video.

    1. Check the video cable and its connection to thedome. If not OK, fix or replace cable.

    2. Check the iris setting. Open iris or set to autoiris.

    3. If the problem is not corrected, send the dometo a repair center.

    Video rolls when switching cameras.

    Perform V-phase adjustment at the controller.

    Contrast or color off

    1. Check the iris setting. Open iris or set to autoiris.

    2. If the problem is not corrected, send the dome

    to a repair center.

    Pan control absent or improper, but othercontrol OK.

    Send the dome to a repair center.

    Tilt control absent or improper, but othercontrol OK.

    1. Check tilt belt operation. Fix the belt ifnecessary.

    2. If the problem is not corrected, send the dome

    to a repair center.

    Zoom, focus, and iris control is absent.

    Check the flex cable connecting the camera thehousing. If you see any damage, send the dome toa repair center.

    Only some camera control works (for example,zoom and focus work, iris does not).

    Send the dome to a repair center.

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Illustrated Parts ListNot all of the parts, which are shown for clarity, areorderable. Parts are subject to change based ondesign improvements and availability.

    Indoor Housing

    Hard Ceiling Housing Assy. 0400-1246-01

    1 Housing, Assembly 0400-1246-01

    2 Cable Assy., Pigtail 0650-2206-01



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    Outdoor Housing

    Indoor/Outdoor Housing Assy. 0400-1208-01

    3 Housing, Aluminum 0500-9175-01

    4 Sun Shield 0500-7954-01

    5 Top Cover 0500-8001-01

    6 Mounting Support 0500-9288-01

    7 Nut, Locking, M6, SS (4) 5826-0500-020

    8 Washer, FL, STD, M6 (4) 5840-0500-020

    9 Gasket 0500-9375-01

    10 Lock Nut, 1-1/2 6010-0100-01

    11 Screw, M6x40 HHD 5801-4134-520

    Indoor/Outdoor, Pigtail Only 0400-1221-01

    12 Bracket, Mounting 0500-9185-01

    13 Cable Assy., Pigtail 0650-2206-01












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    Camera/Motor Assembly18









    Tilt Assy. 0400-1207-01/-02

    Base Assy. 0400-1203-01

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    Base Assy. 0400-1203-01

    14 Bearing, Pan 2510-0040-01

    15 Pan Motor Assy. 0400-1240-01

    16 PCB, Dome System 0301-1516-01

    Tilt Assy. 0400-1207-01 (NTSC), -02 (PAL)

    17 Base, Tilt 0500-9110-01

    18 Spacer, Tilt (2) 0505-0085-01

    19 Tilt Upright (2) 0500-9168-01

    20 Timing Belt 2500-0041-01

    21 Tilt Motor with Pulley 3501-0028-01

    22 PCB, Tilt Sensor 0312-1524-01

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed






    Manual pan speed....................... 150 per second

    Target pan speed ................. 100 per second max.Pan travel ..................360 continuous, no end stop

    Manual tilt speed ........................ 150 per second.

    Target tilt speed...................... 50 per second max.

    Tilt travel...........................................................>90

    Optical zoom ..................................................... 22X

    Digital zoom....................................................... 11X

    Bubble density............................................Clear, f0

    Tilt/Pan accuracy.............................................0.5Zoom/Focus accuracy ..........0.5%

    Quick View access: < 2 seconds to pan and tilt position

    < 3 seconds to full zoom position

    < 1 second focus on VM16 and Video Managercontrollers

    < 7 seconds focus on VM96 and RV2715controllers.

    Synchronization....................Automatically selected

    Line locked ............Remote V-phase adjustment

    Internal.............................Built-in sync generator

    Program storage......................256KB of electricallyprogrammable Flash Memory

    Data storage.................................. 128KB of SRAM

    Video output connector .......................Female BNC

    Product life ...................................5 years operation500,000 position changes

    Relays are rated at 2X 105 operations

    Color Camera

    Type ...................... Interline Transfer " CCD array

    Scanning system.................................. 2:1 interlace

    Horizontal resolution............... > 470 lines at center

    Video out..................1.0 Vp-p / 75 ohms composite

    Signal/Noise.......................................50dB (typical)

    Minimum illumination ......................1.0 lux (20 IRE)

    Gain control...................................Automatic (AGC)

    White balance ....................Through the Lens (TTL)Automatic Tracing White Balance (ATW)

    NTSC version:

    Pickup device................768 (H) x 494 (V) pixels

    Scanning..............................525 lines, 60 fields,

    ............................................................30 frames


    Vertical .....................................................59.9Hz

    PAL version:

    Pickup device................752 (H) x 582 (V) pixels

    Scanning..............................625 lines, 50 fields,

    ............................................................25 frames


    Vertical ........................................................50Hz



    Focal length ............................................4 to 88mm

    Aperture .................................f1.6 (wide), f3.8 (tele)

    Scanning area..................... 3.2mm (H) x 2.4mm(V)

    Viewing angle:

    4 mm ......................................... 47.0H x 35.2V

    88 mm ......................................... 2.2H x 1.65V

    Field-of-View Formulas:

    3.2 mm* x distance from camera (m)

    Focal length (mm)

    = Horizontal view (m)

    2.4 mm** x distance from camera (m)

    Focal length (mm)

    = Vertical view (m)

    * Horizontal scanning area of pickup device (mm) in camera.** Vertical scanning area of pickup device (mm) in camera.

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    Power Line

    Input voltage...................... 2430Vac, Class 2 LPS

    Design tolerance ..................................... 1636Vac

    Line frequency............................................50/60Hz

    Power consumption................................. 15W max.

    Power on inrush current ...................................... 3A

    Allowable drop out:..........................................33ms

    Connector:...................................Plug-in Euro-styleterminal block 5.08mm

    Max. cable distance...........250m from Junction Boxusing composite cable

    Surge Protection

    Video outputgas discharge tube rated at:

    8/20s impulse discharge current: 10kA

    Ten 8/20s impulses discharge current: 5kA

    3.9ohm series resistors

    Low capacitance Zener suppressor 6.5V1500W

    Power line gas discharge tube impulse rated at:

    8/20s impulse discharge current: 10kA

    Ten 8/20s impulses discharge current: 5kA

    TVS rated at 60V, 250A, 1.5 Joules, 8/20simpulse

    SensorNet/Manchestergas discharge tube impulse

    rated at: 8/20s impulse discharge current: 10kA

    Ten 8/20s impulses discharge current: 5kA

    Isolation transformer coupled, 2000Vrms

    PTC resettable fuse protects transformer

    TVS rated at 5.6V, 40A, 0.1 Joules, 8/20simpulse

    EIA-422 comm. gas discharge tube impulse ratedat:

    8/20s Impulse Discharge Current: 10kA

    Ten 8/20s Impulses Discharge Current: 5kA 33 ohm series resistors

    TVS rated at 5.6V, 40A, 0.1 Joules, 8/20simpulse

    Alarm inputgas discharge tube impulse rated at:

    8/20s Impulse Discharge Current: 10kA

    Ten 8/20s Impulses Discharge Current: 5kA

    33 ohm series resistors

    TVS rated at 5.6V, 40A, 0.1 Joules, 8/20s


    Relay output.........................................1kV isolation

    SensorNet Communications

    Network distance .............................................. 1km

    Maximum loads...........................................32/node

    Cable topologies ................................... Daisy chainBackbone


    Wire configuration.... Single unshielded twisted pairUTP 22AWG non-polarized

    Connector: .................................. Plug-in Euro-styleterminal block 3.81mm

    Terminating resistor ...120 ohms, switch selectable

    EIA-422 Communications

    Network Distance.............................................. 1km

    Maximum Loads..........................................10/node

    Cable topologies ................................... Daisy chainStar

    Wire configuration......... Two twisted pairs 22AWG,polarized, shielded

    Connector ................................... Plug-in Euro-style

    terminal block 3.81mmManchester Communications

    Cable topology...................................... Daisy chain

    Wire configuration........ Single twisted pair 18AWG(Belden 8760), polarized, shielded

    Connector ................................... Plug-in Euro-styleterminal block 3.81mm

    Terminating resistor ...120 ohms, switch selectable

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    Alarm Input

    Provides signal input to dome alarm.

    Connector....................................Plug-in Euro-styleterminal block 3.81mm

    Relay Output

    Provides contact closure output from dome output.

    Contact type ..............................Form 1-C, NO, NC,and common connections

    Isolation............................................................. 1kV

    Contact material .....................Gold-clad silver alloy

    Contact rating.............................. 30Vac or Vdc, 1A

    Connector....................................Plug-in Euro-styleterminal block 3.81mm


    Housing diameter ............................. 190mm (7.5in)

    Bubble diameter ............................... 178mm (7.0in)

    Housing height (above ceiling)....... 210mm (8.26in)

    Bubble depth (below ceiling) .............. 94mm (3.7in)

    Pipe connection...............................1.5in NPT Male

    Environmental Specifications

    Operating temperature:

    Indoor .......................................... 10C to 50C(14F to 122F)

    Outdoor........................................ 40C to 50C(40F to 122F)

    Humidity..............................095% non-condensing

    Storage temperature ........................ 20C to 65C(4F to 149F)

  • 7/30/2019 Domo Speed




    Regulatory Compliance

    Emissions...................................... 47 CFR, Part 15


    Immunity........................................EN50130-4 (CE)

    Safety ..........................................................UL1950CSA C22.2 No 950

    EN60950Outdoor model meets NEMA 4 and IP-66

    FCC COMPLIANCE: This equipment complies with Part 15of the FCC rules for intentional radiators and Class A digitaldevices when installed and used in accordance with the

    instruction manual. Following these rules provides reasonableprotection against harmful interference from equipmentoperated in a commercial area. This equipment should not beinstalled in a residential area as it can radiate radio frequency

    energy that could interfere with radio communications, asituation the user would have to fix at their own expense.

    EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION CAUTION: Equipmentchanges or modifications not expressly approved bySensormatic Electronics Corporation, the party responsible for

    FCC compliance, could void the user's authority to operate theequipment and could create a hazardous condition.

    Other Declarations

    Thank you for using American Dynamics products. Wesupport our products through an extensive and worldwidenetwork of dealers. The dealer, through whom you originally

    purchased this product, is your point of contact if you have a

    need for service or support. Our dealers are fully empoweredto provide the very best in customer service and support.Dealers should contact American Dynamics at(800) 507-6268 or (561) 912-6259 or on the web at


    WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: Sensormatic Electronics

    Corporation makes no representation or warranty with respectto the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any impliedwarranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular


    NOTICE: The information in this manual was current whenpublished. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise and

    improve its products. All specifications are therefore subject tochange without notice.

    LIMITED RIGHTS NOTICE: For units of the Department

    of Defense, all documentation and manuals were developed atprivate expense and no part of it was developed using

    Government Funds. The restrictions governing the use anddisclosure of technical data marked with this legend are setforth in the definition of limited rights in paragraph (a) (15)of the clause of DFARS 252.227.7013. Unpublished - rights

    reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.

    TRADEMARK NOTICE:American Dynamics andSensormatic are trademarks or registered trademarks ofSensormatic Electronics Corporation. Other product namesmentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarksof Sensormatic or other companies.

    COPYRIGHT: Under copyright laws, the contents of this

    manual may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced,

    translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior writtenconsent of Sensormatic Electronics.

    MDR (shf) 08/2006

