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Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist

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Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist "If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say this or that even, it never happened—that, surely , was more terrifying than mere torture and death. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all r ecords told the same tale—then the lie  passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Pa rty slogan, 'controls the future who controls the present controls the past.'" George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3 !We control life, Winston, at all its level s. ou are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. #ut we create human nature. $en are infinitely malleable...% George Orwell, “1984
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Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist 

"If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say this or that even, it never

happened—that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death. And if all others

accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie

 passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls

the future who controls the present controls the past.'" 

George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3

!We control life, Winston, at all its levels. ou are imagining that there is something

called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. #ut we

create human nature. $en are infinitely malleable...%

George Orwell, “1984

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!&he American( press, which is mostly controlled by vested interests, has an e)cessive

influence on public opinion.%*

 Albert Einstein

It has becoe !er" #ashionable aong those who lo!e to proclai !er" stri$entl" that the" are

%scientists% an$ as s&ch rel" on har$ #acts an$ e!i$ence to $isiss an"bo$" who $ares to s&ggest

that in$i!i$&als or gro&ps who share coon interests a" #ro tie to tie collaborate to #&rther

those interests as a %Conspirac" 'heorist% or e!en a %'in (oil )at wearer*+

'he 'in (oil )at ins&lt shows the poor -&alit" o# the rationalist thinking* 'he ins&ltoriginates #ro a '. $oc&entar" which #eat&re$ aong other things a an who wears a tin #oil

hat to protect hisel# #ro the icrowa!e ra$io signals being beae$ into o&r hea$s b" co!ert

go!ernent agencies to control o&r tho&ghts an$ actions* /&rel" the writer &st agree that is n&tt",

"o& ight well be thinking* 0ell "es, I wo&l$ b&t n&ttiness, or paranoia to be acc&rate, $oes not

constit&te a conspirac" theor"*

eople, rich, power#&l people, who engage in conspiracies to #&rther certain &t&al interests

a" well be paranoi$ b&t the" are not n&tt"* An$ the" are not likel" to lea!e a trail o# e!i$ence

lea$ing to their cries*

I!e o#ten tho&ght e!i$ence is !er" o!errate$* 'he %har$ #acts% briga$e are o#ten not goo$

co&nicators beca&se altho&gh the" hate being acc&se$ o# tr"ing to t&rn science into a religion

the" share with the ost 2ealo&s #ollowers o# religions a ten$enc" to rea$ e!er"thing absol&tel"

literall"* 'he" are blin$ to n&ance, $ea# to etaphor an$ absol&tel" insensate when aske$ to etract

contet&al eanings #ro lang&age*

)eres an eaple that coes &p #ro tie to tie* A clai o#ten a$e is that $&ring the

E&ropean witch h&nts sponsore$ b" the )ol" In-&isition between the #o&rteenth an$ se!enteenth

cent&ries approiatel" #i!e illion woen were kille$ as witches* ow the har$ #acts brigage will

alwa"s pipe &p, %'hat is an absol&te #allac", there is absol&tel" no e!i$ence that #i!e illion woen

were eec&te$ ha!ing been con!icte$ as witches* 5oc&ente$ e!i$ence s&ggests onl" abo&t twent"

tho&san$ eec&tions o# woen #o&n$ g&ilt" o# witchcra#t were carrie$ o&t* 6#ro 7I 6-&ite

interesting a book o# #allacies an$ #acts*

0hats wrong with that: ;o& ight well ask* 'wo things, #irst there being no $oc&ente$

e!i$ence #ro that chaotic era pro!es nothing* /econ$l" the %har$ #acts% gang are nothing i# not

abi!alent< note how the" p&ll a neat little switch #ro kille$ to eec&te$* 'he point here is tho&gh

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!er" #ew woen were eec&te$ ha!ing been #o&n$ g&ilt" o# being witches ost o# those arreste$ on

s&spicion o# being witches were kille$ #or being innocent*

A witch trial was -&ite a spectacle, the acc&se$ co&l$ not be trie$ b" a =&r" o# her peers beca&se

the 5e!il wo&l$ s&rel" in#l&ence the =&rors to ignore s&ch soking g&ns o# e!i$ence as> shes &gl"<

she has a big nose< she has a wart on her chin< she talks to hersel#< she has a thir$ nipple< she owns a

cat an$ base their =&$geent on eoti!e irrele!ancies like the acc&se$ being innocent beca&se shes

5ickin the Ci$erakers 5ear Ol$ Grann"* 6;o& sho&l$ tr" 5ickin Ci$er, its a reall" goo$ $rink

 o, trial b" =&r" wo&l$ not $o #or a witch trial* 0hat the" ha$ to $o was trick the 5e!il into

re!ealing hisel#* 'he 0itch 'rial in ?onth" "thon an$ the )ol" Grail gets it abo&t right*

'o achie!e their goal o# etracting a con#ession the in-&isitors ha$ se!eral in#allible

techni-&es* In soe areas witch #in$ers wo&l$ bin$ hea!" stones aro&n$ the woans bo$" an$

throw her in a pon$ or ri!er* I# she was a tr&e witch the 5e!il wo&l$ ake the stone weightless an$the woan wo&l$ #loat on the s&r#ace o# the water* Once her g&ilt was th&s pro!e$ she was

 prono&nce$ g&ilt" an$ eec&te$* 0itches were o#ten eec&te$ e!en tho&gh the" were $ea$* ;o&"

can ne!er be too care#&l when $ealing with the $e!il*

Another #a!o&re$ etho$ o# $eterining g&ilt was trial b" #ire* 'he acc&se$ wo&l$ be tie$ to a

stake, a big pile o# kin$ling place$ ro&n$ her, soake$ with pitch an$ lit* I# she was g&ilt" she wo&l$

 be protecte$ #ro the #laes b" $iabolical agic* I# she was not g&ilt" howe!er she wo&l$ be

 b&rne$ to $eath b&t prono&nce$ innocent o# all charges*

'here were an" other wa"s o# tr"ing witches, all e-&all" in#allible in establishing g&ilt or

innocence* ?e$ie!al =&stice a" ha!e been harsh b&t the" were at least #air abo&t it, the sae r&les

applie$ to e!er"bo$"* E!en a gentlewoan or a oble acc&se$ o# witchcra#t wo&l$ be trie$ b"

or$eal* ?" #a!o&rite or$eal is trial b" Ch&rch 'ower* 'he acc&se$ woan wo&l$ be taken to the

top o# the chrch tower an$ thrown o##* I# she #loate$ gentl" to the gro&n$, borne $own in the ars o#

the $e!il, she was g&ilt" an$ co&l$ be eec&te$* I# she sacke$ into the har$ pa!ing stones at the

ch&rch entrance she $ie$ witho&t a stain on her character an$ the one on the pa!ing wo&l$ soon


E!i$ence then is not alwa"s what it sees to be which is wh" we &st alwa"s eaine what it

 presente$ as e!i$ence both ob=ecti!el" an$ #orensicall"* An$ when that is $one !er" little is le#t

stan$ing an$ we are le#t with perceptions, belie#s, pre=&$ices an$ g&t #eelings*

'here are se!eral long r&nning contro!ersies that occasionall" ake hea$line news at present*

One is the 9@11 attack on the 0orl$ 'ra$e Centre* ?an" people ask how co&l$ it ha!e happene$,

were all the sec&rit" ser!ices sleeping on the =ob: Others go #&rther an$ concl&$e the attacks co&l$

not ha!e happene$ witho&t the coll&sion o# people in go!ernent* Others $isiss these allegations

as alicio&s gossip ongering*

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7&estions reain o# co&rse, wh" $i$ the 'owers #all so neatl", what bro&ght $own the thir$

tower an$ wh" $i$ nobo$" act on the allege$ warnings #ro British sec&rit" ser!ices o# an

iinent attack* 'he answers to those -&estions are> we $ont know, we $ont know an$ the

warning gi!en was that an attack was iinent, it was not speci#ic abo&t when or where or e!en

what #or the attack wo&l$ take* O, thats one &nanswere$ -&estion $ealt with at least*

Another long r&nning conspirac" theor" concerns the lack o# $etail in p&blic recor$s abo&t

resi$ent Obaas past, his birth $etails, e$&cational recor$s an$ e!en e!i$ence o# past #rien$ships

with people who atten$e$ the sae colleges at the sae tie as he* (air -&estions, all o# the* In

Britain we knew alost e!er"thing abo&t rie ?inister 5a!i$ Caerons personal histor" an$

those o# his pre$ecessors in the =ob, 'on" Blair an$ Gor$on Brown* 0e know where an$ when the"

were born, what hospital 6or pri!ate a$$ress in ?r* Browns case the naes o# the $octors

atten$ing, in which Ch&rches the" were baptise$, we know o# their =&nior an$ senior school recor$s,how Gor$on Brown lost an e"e pla"ing r&gb", 'on" Blairs not !er" s&ccess#&l rock ban$ career,

5a!i$ Caerons "o&th#&l is$eeano&rs in!ol!ing herbal cigarettes an$ soe $isgrace#&l

 beha!io&r as a eber o# O#or$ ni!ersit"s B&lling$on Cl&b* 0e know that ick Clegg, Diberal

5eocrat lea$er an$ Caerons coalition partner slept aro&n$ be#ore he was arrie$*

'hese $etails are iportant #or establishing tr&st, we want to know o&r politicians are h&an,

not car$boar$ c&to&ts or worse, creations o# the ass e$ia or e!en worse still, creations o# their

own solipsistic, narcissistic iaginations* 0e can #orgi!e o&r politicians #or beha!ing ba$l" be#ore

the" hel$ high o##ice b&t not, it sees #or shro&$ing their past in "ster"*

Obaas s&pporters howe!er, aong the an" 'win 'owers tr&thers $o not see an" wrong

in Obaa ha!ing spent consi$erable ao&nts o# Aerican tapa"ers one" on blocking attepts

to in!estigate his past* 'he ain plank o# their arg&ent is that all criticis o# hi has its roots in

s&ppose$ racis, the onl" reason an"bo$" wo&l$ -&estion the resi$ents cre$ibilit", th" reason, is

 beca&se the" cant stan$ the i$ea o# a black an being resi$ent* 'he arg&ent is then taken #&rther

 b" asking co&l$ a conspirac" so great an$ necessaril" in!ol!ing so an" people as wo&l$ be nee$e$

to propel an ineligible person to the resi$enc" o# the worl$s ost power#&l nation e!er be


'he people who like to think o# thesel!es as realists, rational, con!ince$ onl" b" har$

e!i$ence sneer at the s&ggestion that a nation co&l$ ha!e #oiste$ on it a lea$er whose legitiac" to

lea$ that -&estion was in $o&bt* oor $el&$e$ #ools, we sho&l$ pit" the #or their irrational belie# in

reason or$er an$ logic* Englan$ has not ha$ a legitiate ing #or o!er #i!e h&n$re$ "ears* I

talking abo&t the Bla"bo&rne conspirac" o# co&rse*

0hile ichar$ 5&ke o# ;ork was engage$ in a $isp&te with the (rench o!er where Englan$s

territories on ainlan$ E&rope sho&l$ en$ his "o&ng wi#e Cecil" e!ille becae bore$ with li#e in

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the ilitar" copo&n$* 6ings an$ Dor$s took their wi!es along with the to battle in those $a"s

'o help pass the tie she a&se$ hersel# with a l&st" "o&ng archer calle$ Bla"bo&rne* 'ho&gh

when the "o&ng rince E$war$ 6later ing E$war$ I. was born he was accepte$ b" the 5&ke,

r&o&rs o# his illegitiac" persiste$ e!en a#ter he ha$ ass&e$ the throne* 0hen E$war$s $ie$ his

s&r!i!ing "o&nger brother becae ing ichar$ III b&t he $ie$ chil$less 6Britains real onarch

an$ the throne was claie$ b" )enr" '&$or 6ing )enr" .II who ha$ a ten&o&s clai !ia Cecil"

 e!ille b&t was o# all the conten$ers, able to &ster the best ar"*

.ario&s people cae #orwar$ claiing to be the right#&l onarch, ost notabl" Dabert

/inel an$ erkin 0arbeck  b&t the" were easil" $ealt with accor$ing to the c&sto o# the $a" an$

their s&pporters eec&te$ #or treason* In ore recent ties when people ha!e trie$ to $isp&te the

legitiac" o# the onarch" the" ha!e been blocke$ b" the co&rts sipl" pre!enting the case beinghear$ b" r&ling that the coplainants $i$ not ha!e stan$ing to bring s&ch a case* 5oes an" o# that

so&n$ #ailiar:

/o co&l$ the sae be $one to$a": 0h" not: In this age o# electronics, o# networke$

cop&ters, it is eas" #or the part" to, as Orwell p&t it, reach into the past an$ alter histor"* In an"

wa"s to carr" o## s&ch a $eception in the e$ie!al era wo&l$ ha!e been &ch ore $i##ic&lt as

news was base$ on e"e witness reports, not on what co&l$ be #o&n$ in easil" e$ite$ cop&ter #iles*

'here ha!e been an" &ch bigger conspiracies thro&gho&t histor"* 'he biggest an$ ost

contro!ersial e!en a#ter F "ears is Christianit"* 0e $o not ha!e a shre$ o# reliable e!i$ence that

Hes&s eiste$ as a real person, all that is presente$ as e"e witness testion" was onl" written a

h&n$re$ "ears or ore a#ter he is s&ppose$ to ha!e $ie$, "et an" illions will not e!en consi$er

the possibilit" he $i$ not*

%Ah b&t "o&re wrong,% s&pporters o# the Hes&s conspirac" will sa", %the archi!es o# the oan

Epire show Hes&s was a real person in histor"*%

5o the": 'he onl" conteporar" re#erence to an"one who ight ha!e been the o$el #or this

real historical character is a short re#erence in the iperial annals to the e##ect that in the pro!ince

o# H&$ea a preacher an$ rabble ro&ser proclaie$ b" his #ollowers as the essiah who it was

 prophesie$ wo&l$ lea$ his people to #or a great epire ha$ been eec&te$ #or the crie o#

se$ition* (or the rest we ha!e to rel" on the testion" o# o# /t* a&l as written b" D&ke an$ o# a

Hewish scribe Hoseph&s* Both were written $eca$es a#ter the e!ents*

At the tie there were an" n&ber o# se$itionists r&nning ro&n$ the i$$le east claiing to be

essiahs an$ &rging people to rise &p against oan r&le, proising the" co&l$ o!erthrow the

epire beca&se Go$ was on their si$e* ;et an" people still belie!e in the !eracit" o# the gospels

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an$ will arg&e that &ch o# the concrete e!i$ence o# the li#e o# Hes&s has been $estro"e$ b" anti

Christian conspirators who were now in a position to create whate!er histor" the" belie!e$ wo&l$

 best ser!e their interests*

E!en i# we accept that Hes&s was real there are still contro!ersies* A lot o# people ha!e been

$isisse$ as conspirac" theorists beca&se the" think no!els like 'he 5a .inci co$e are onto

soething when the" s&ggest Hes&s $i$ not $ie on the cross* It is $o&bt#&l that Gil$as Britannic&s,

an English onk ha$ rea$ 'he 5a .inci Co$e when in the #i#th cent&r" A5 he wrote, %0e know

 be"on$ $o&bt that Hes&s !isite$ Englan$ in 38A5*%

 ow Gil$as was a Christian an$ an e$&cate$ an, a onk, so wh" is he writing s&ch heresies:

An$ how can we eplain the eistence in Britain o# the ?inster Ch&rches, 0estinster, Canterb&r"

?inster ;ork ?inster an$ an" others* A ?inster Ch&ch has a !er" speci#ic $istinction, the" were

ch&rches 6the sites not the c&rrent b&il$ings which are a ere 9 to 1 "ears ol$ that ha$ been!isite$ b" one o# the apostles* 'his is a legen$ a"be, b&t wh" wo&l$ soebo$" in!ent s&ch a


'he great ?inster Ch&rches, Cathe$rals an$ Abbe"s were s"bols o# wealth, power an$

control so perhaps the stories ser!e$ a siilar p&rpose, a$$ing awe an$ won$er to the sec&lar

weight o# the great b&il$ings, wealth an$ power* 0hat we $o know is the Ch&rch o# oe

rein!ente$ a lot o# histor" in wa"s that helpe$ shape nations* 'here is no wa" o# knowing whether

things wo&l$ ha!e been better or worse ha$ that not happene$*

"+ay by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way

every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been

correct nor was any item of news, or any e)pression of opinion, which conflicted with the

needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record. All history was a palimpsest,

 scraped clean and reinscribed e)actly as often as was necessary." 

George Orwell, 1984,

'he iportant thing to reeber abo&t Hes&s, I &st point o&t beca&se I a not tr"ing here to

reignite that insol&ble arg&ent, is that F "ears ago the" ha$ a !er" $i##erent wa" o# transitting

histor" to o&rs in the o$ern worl$* ?ost $oc&ente$ e!i$ence that $oes not $eal with the li!es o#

ings, generals, nobleen an$ traitors is siple recor$s o# crie an$ p&nishent an$ ta recor$s*

/tories were ol$ in a st"li2e$ wa" to ipart the essential eanings rather than the $r", $&st" #acts*

A goo$ eaple o# rewritten histor" is the belie# that the 5r&i$s, the orth E&ropean priestl"

sect practise$ h&an sacri#ice* Alost e!er"bo$" knows this is #act an$ "et there is !irt&all" no

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e!i$ence to s&pport it* 0e e!en ha!e #act&al acco&nts o# how the 5r&i$s wo&l$ take their inten$e$

!ictis to %sacre$ gro!es% to be sacri#ice$ to their nat&re Go$s* 0e cannot know the 5r&i$s si$e o#

the stor" beca&se these ignorant, s&perstitio&s heathens ha$ not $e!elope$ an" written lang&age

accor$ing to the earl" Christian scribes who chronicle$ the con-&ests o# Britain an$ the Geranic

tribes se!eral h&n$re$ "ears a#ter the act&al e!ents*

'he 5r&i$s $i$ act&all" ha!e a written lang&age, 'he Oghas 6this is the nae o# the

characters the" &se$ which consiste$ o# sets o# lines soething like this> JJJ KKK @@@* It is s&rprising

how an" characters can be a$e with cobinations o# those strokes arrange$ abo!e an$ below a

central line 6learn ore abo&t Oghas*

'here was another 5r&i$ic alphabet too, think back to the sacre$ gro!es #or a oent* 'rees,

 beth, l&is, nion  6birch, rowan an$ ash, the tree alphabet* nown onl" to initiates tho&gh now "o&

can #ollow the link an$ $isco!er the #&ll FF letter alphabet, it was &se$ to con!e" in#oration between learne$ ebers o# the three ranks o# 5r&i$r"* eople ha!e been conspiring since pre

oan ties to keep 5r&i$ic learning -&iet* 0h": 0ell, the ch&rch was the onl" repositor" o# tr&e

wis$o accor$ing to L er L the ch&rch* It is an" won$er the" $i$ not want people to know the

5r&i$s were sarter:

0e lost the 5r&i$ic Oghas script beca&se %the part"% wante$ people to think that be#ore

Christianit" people ha$ been ignorant sa!ages* 'here was no e!i$ence o# h&an sacri#ice b" British

5r&i$s &ntil in the 198s a well preser!e$ bo$" was $isco!ere$ in a D"n$ow ?oss =&st to the so&th

o# ?anchester an$ Di!erpool* 'he corpse ha$ been &i#ie$ b" the highl" aci$ic peat soil in

which it was entobe$* ete ?arsh  6b&rie$ in peat in a oss, aka arsh, swap, ge$$it: as the

F "ear ol$ an was nae$ "iel$e$ an" cl&es abo&t li#e in Britain in the oan era* An$ he

was cite$ as proo# or 5r&i$ic barbaris, a sacri#icial !icti* 'he basis #or this, the scienti#ic

e!i$ence was that he ha$ $ie$ as a res&lt o# a blow on the hea$ an$ strang&lation a#ter ha!ing

en=o"e$ a goo$ eal which containe$ sacre$ 6e$icinal herbs* 'hink abo&t that e!i$ence* )e was

hit on the hea$ an$ si&ltaneo&sl" garrotte$* 'hat co&l$ in$icate rit&al &r$er b&t we ha!e alwa"s

 been tol$ 5r&i$s sacri#ice$ their !ictis b" slicing the open with a gol$en sickle an$

$isebowelling the* Ol$ ete was in possession o# his bowels two illennia later in #act the"

were s&##icientl" well preser!e$ to re!eal what he ha$ eaten in his last eal* )is $eath co&l$

e-&all" be eec&tion #or a crie or a"be he was a prospero&s an who ha$ been set on b"


'he e$icinal herbs: Co&l$ be the" were to p&rge his so&l so he co&l$ enter Caer /i$he

tho&gh that wo&l$ not be consistent with 5r&i$ belie#* Or a"be he ha$ sipl" not been !er" well*

E!i$ence sho&l$ alwa"s be treate$ with scepticis &nless there are e"e witness acco&nts

 beca&se an" e!i$ence we ha!e that is not conteporar" an$ corroborate$ &st be interprete$,

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intro$&cing a $egree o# s&b=ecti!it"*

Another great conspirac" in!ol!ing go!ernents, the Ch&rch an$ the aca$eic co&niti" is

the one that insists the oans were the great earl" ci!ilising in#l&ence in E&rope* 'he oans in

#act were so ci!ilise$ the" re#erre$ to non oans as barbarians*

5oes that ake the ci!ilise$: Er, no *** Oh s&re, the" ha$ agini#ent b&il$ings b&t that was

 beca&se the" hire$ Greek an$ Eg"ptian architects an$ engineers* 'he &n$er#loor heating s"stes

the" iporte$ #ro the i$$le east, the great ci!il engineering techni-&es that $eli!ere$ clean water

to the cities again owe$ &ch to Greek, ersian, In$ian an$ Eg"ptian societies an$ also to

Bab"lonian an$ Ass"rian* oan baths owe$ a lot to the i$$le eastern ci!ilisations too*

In soe technologies the oans were no atch #or the north E&ropean sa!ages the" lo!e$ to

$eri$e* /iths aong the Celtic tribes o# /pain, (rance an$ Britain ha$, like the Assr"ians an$

In$ians learne$ that iron was a$e stronger i# it was heate$ to alost white hot an$ then coole$s&$$enl" b" being pl&nge$ into col$ water* 'h&s Celtic warriors ha$ long bla$e$, well balance$

swor$s while the oan legionaires ha$ the short, hea!" Gla$i&s*

'he barbarian siths also knew that the -&alit" o# wro&ght iron co&l$ be greatl" ipro!e$ b"

a$$ing to the olten ore sall -&antities o# other aterials* Another archaeologial #in$ in Britain in

the 198s was a 1M "ear ol$ swor$ that a#ter se!enteen cent&rie$ b&rie$ in peat 6won$er#&l st&##

 peat was r&st" b&t still soli$ an$ so well preser!e$ that a#ter cleaning the ornaental arkings on

the bla$e were clearl" !isible*

In Chariot technolog" too the Celts ha$ the a$!antage* 0hile the oans co&l$ onl" b&il$

wheels with an easil" $aage$ woo$en ri the Celtic siths ha$ learne$ how to p&t a etal ri

onto a woo$en wheel an$ shrink it into place* I $ont know how the" $i$ that F "ears ago b&t

well preser!e$ war chariots $isco!ere$ at b&rial sites pro!e the" $i$*

'he other thing that ele!ate$ the pagans abo!e oe was the political sophistication, pagans

li!e$ in $eocratic co&nities rather than oligsrchies* obo$" star!e$, e!er"bo$" was #e$ #ro

the coon store, a chil$ was prinicpall" the responsibilit" o# the parents b&t sho&l$ an"thing

happen to the the whole co&nit" becae &ncles, a&nts, gran$parents, co&sins, g&ar$ians* 'he

ol$ an$ the sick were care$ #or too* it was a h&anitarian societ"*

/ince the renaissance there has been a conspirac" o# silence aie$ at preser!ing the ill&sion tha

t the oans an$ Christianit" were the great ci!ili2ing in#l&ences* 'his has onl" beg&n to change

recentl" an$ e!en now an" scientists an$ archaeologists contin&e to $en" that $isco!eries like the

Bagh$a$ Batteries  6$ate$ circa 1 BCE were priiti!e electricit" generators*

'he i$$le east was #ar ore a$!ance$* At aro&n$ the tie oe was =&st starting to b&il$ its

 power base the ersians ha$ electricit"* It is well know that the technical speci#ication #or the

Biblical Ark o# the Co!enant $escribes how to b&il$ a h&ge an$ !er" e##ecti!e capacitor that wo&l$

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attract static electricit" #ro the atosphere, store it &ntil a certain le!el o# charge was reache$ an$

then $ischarge* 0hat is less well know is re#erences to electrical ga$gets are not con#ine$ to 'he


'he ancients certainl" $i$ not ha!e electric light or power an$ when #ille$ with grap#r&it or

lie =&ice 6aci$ the batteries wo&l$ not ha!e pro$&ce$ eno&gh electricit" to kill an"one as 'he Ark

is rep&te$ to ha!e $one, b&t the" co&l$ ha!e been &se$ in a process siilar to electroplating* Or

 perhaps the" were part o# a technolog" copletel" lost to &s* 'he oans were s&perstitio&s an$

$e#ensi!e* 'he" $i$ not like con-&ere$ peoples to ha!e aster" o# things the Epires b&rea&crac"

$i$ not &n$erstan$*

 In -/0, while e)cavating ruins of a 12223year3old village near

 #aghdad, wor4ers discovered mysterious small vase. A 03inch3

high pot of bright yellow clay dating bac4 two millennia

contained a cylinder of sheet3copper 5 inches by -.5 inches.

&he edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 02362

lead3tin alloy comparable to today's solder. &he bottom of the

cylinder was capped with a crimped3in copper dis4 and sealed

with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt

 sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended

into the center of the copper cylinder. &he rod showed evidence

of having been corroded with an acidic agent

I# these other societies, the Greeks, Eg"ptians, ersians, Celts, 5acians 6)ear$ o# the: o:

'ho&ght not, the eras&re o# the 5acian ci!ilisation #ro histor" is another oan conspirac"

s&bscribe$ to b" the Epires s&ccessors, were so #ar ahea$ o# oe how $i$ the oans $e#eat

the: Eas", the ri!als o# oe were technological, scholastic, sea#aring an$ agrarian societies,

oe was ilitaristic the #irst (ascist t"rann" ecept #or /parta a"be* In #act the #asces, #ro

which the wor$ #ascist $eri!es, was the s"bol o# oan a&thorit"* It an ae with a b&n$le o# sticks

 bo&n$ aro&n$ it $epicting the &nbreakable power o# the central state*

0hen H&li&s Caesar set o&t to con-&er Ga&l he was act&all" str&ggling against the Ga&ls le$ b"

their o!erking .ercingetori* 'he legions were slow an$ cl&s", h&ge gro&ps o# #oot sol$iers that

ha$ to be o!e$ aro&n$ as a &nit* .ercingetori 6i# "o& are won$ering where that nae is #ailiar

#ro he was #irst co&sing to Asteri the Ga&l co&l$ coan$ his s&pporters #ro !ario&s tribes to

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ren$e2!o&s at a certain place o# his choosing where the Ga&ls co&l$ o&nt a s&rprise attack be#ore

elting awa" into the co&ntr"si$e*

0hat sa!e$ Caesars capaign an$ enable$ hi to #inall" N/'OG$e#eat the Ga&ls at the

 battle o# Alesia was that the Celts were part tie warriors, the" a$e their li!ing as #arers an$

her$sen or cra#tsen* 0hen .ercingetori an$ his troops took re#&ge in the #orti#ie$ town the"

ass&e$ the oans wo&l$ gi!e &p an$ go awa"* 'he Celts ha$ no concept o# what it eant to

ha!e a stan$ing ar", pro#essional sol$iers who $i$ not ha!e to think abo&t ten$ing the li!estock,

getting the har!est in or taking care o# the #ail"* .ercingetori ha$ ass&e$ Caesar wo&l$ la&nch a

series o# s&ici$al attacks to tr" to penetrate the #orti#ication b&t Caesar knew he ha$ onl" to sta" in

the #iel$* )is en were being pai$ an$ with .ercingeori trappe$ in the #ortress oan s&ppl" lines

were reasonabl" sec&re*

An$ when the Ga&ls let the woen an$ chil$ren o&t o# the beseige$ cita$el thinking theoans wo&l$ $o the hono&rable thing an$ allw the to lea!e, the Degions sipl" sla&ghtere$ the

non cobatants*

Its a goo$ stor" so wh" $ont we hear &ch abo&t it in school* 0ell to tell the tr&th wo&l$

&n$erine the i$ea that oe was the great ci!ilising epire o# the ancient worl$ an$ show the

to be the br&tish sa!ages the" likes to $epict their ri!als as* An$ the conspirators, the aca$eic

historians who ha!e b&ilt careers on isrepresenting the oans as a $elight#&l b&nch o#

enlightene$ h&anists an$ the politicians who ha!e o$elle$ so &ch o# o&r o$ern worl$ on

what the" s&ppose is oan legal an$ a$inistrati!e principles wo&l$ not want that* (or the

e!i$ence #ans then there is aple e!i$ence that the whole o# western histor" is a !ast conspirac"

theor" the ob=ecti!e o# which is to ens&re power an$ control in societ" alwa"s resi$e with a

patrician elite*

!If you tell a lie big enough and 4eep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

&he lie can be maintained only for such time as the 7tate can shield the people from the

 political, economic and8or military conse9uences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally

important for the 7tate to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal

enemy of the lie, and thus by e)tension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the 7tate.%

5r* Hose# Goebbels, )ea$ o# ropagan$a in )itlers a2i o!eent*

'here are conspiracies going on all aro&n$ &s now* 'he" are har$er to see than the conspiracies

o# histor" beca&se o# co&rse we $o not ha!e the broa$ !iew o# the present that tie gi!es &s o#

histor"* Consi$er the c&rrent #inancial ess an$ how it was create$* 'hro&gh coll&sion between

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go!ernents an$ the global #inancial co&nit" !er" necessar" banking reg&lations an$

acco&nting were gra$&all" ero$e$* Arbitrage 6short selling becae an acceptable wa" o# tra$ing,

creati!e acco&nting enable$ liabilities to be presente$ as assets an$ asset !al&es to be in#late$ to

ri$ic&lo&s le!els to ask poor tra$ing per#orance*

Bankers ebarke$ on irrational len$ing sprees, the newl" create$ arkets in $ebt enable$ high

risk loans to be b&n$le$ with other $ebts an$ sol$ on* eople with no one" an$ no =obs, people

li!ing on state han$o&ts, were gi!en h&ge ortgages that the" co&l$ ne!er hope to ser!ice beca&se

the banks reasone$ that propert" !al&es wo&l$ rise in#init& an$ e!en i# the borrower $e#a&lte$ the

 bank wo&l$ pro#it*

'ake a look at this etract #ro an article in olling /tone i# "o& still #eel incline$ towar$s the

!iew o# 5r* angloss, the philosopher in .oltaires no!el Can$i$e< %Alls #or the best in this the best

o# all possible worl$s*%

!... the great American mortgage bubble of the 1222s, perhaps the most comple) Pon:i

 scheme in human history — an epic mountain range of corporate fraud in which Wall 7treet

megaban4s conspired first to collect huge numbers of subprime mortgages, then to unload

them on unsuspecting third parties li4e pensions, trade unions and *" 

 rea$ #&ll article ;olling 7tone maga:ine.


A #ew !oices coplaine$ o# the insanit" in the worl$, a #ew people in #inance an$ politics

warne$ that the b&bble wo&l$ b&rst, the boo was &ns&stainable, there was too little s&bstance in

the global econo" b&t the bankers an$ go!ernents kept p&ping the bellows an$ in#lating the

 b&bble an$ the e$ia kept chanting the antra that the goo$ ties co&l$ last #ore!er, the new

econoics co&l$ create perpet&al growth o&t o# thin air* It was the econoics o# the eperors new

clothes* ?ost people belie!e$ what the" were tol$ to belie!e beca&se the" $i$ not want to be the

one who was $i##erent, the o&tsi$er who sai$, %B&t the eperor is not wearing an" clothes an$ so

the" =oine$ in the general h&bb&b in praise o# the Eperors won$er#&l clothes* Others s&specte$ it

wo&l$ en$ with &ch wailing an$ gnashing o# teeth b&t $i$nt see wh" the" sho&l$ iss their t&rn

on the err" go ro&n$*

)istor" will look back in aa2eent an$ won$er how we co&l$# ha!e been so st&pi$, how

alost the whole pop&lations o# great nations co&l$ ha!e been taken in b" what was ob!&io&sl" an

act o# coll&sion be"een !ario&s interest gro&ps, soe wanting to control the wealth, others ore

intereste$ in controlling in$s*

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Winston pic4ed up a children's history boo4 and loo4ed at the portrait of #ig #rother which

 formed its frontispiece. &he hypnotic eyes ga:ed into his own. It was as though some huge

 force were pressing down on you 3 something that penetrated inside your s4ull, battering

against your brain, frightening you out of your beliefs, persuading you, almost, to deny the

evidence of your senses. In the end the party would announce that two and two made five

and you would have to believe it.

George Orwell, 1984

Dook at how the s&pporters o# cliate science who post their propagan$a online chant

ipressi!e sets o# statistics, ostl" obtaine$ #ro satellite s&re!e"s or atheatical o$els in a

wa" !er" siilar to )in$& onks chanting antras* 'he" repeat o!er an$ o!er again the sae

staististics &ntl it is har$ to $isting&ish what is #act an$ what is spec&lation, ere atheaticalo$elling, linear o$els o# a non linerar s"ste* .er" o#ten the people on the gro&n$ obser!ing,

taking rea$ings an$ anal"sing saples report that $i##erent things are happening to what the

statistics s&ggest* B&t the statistics are s&pree we are tol$, the cop&ters are in#allible, two an$

two akes #i!e*

)are rishna, )are rishna, global waring, global waring

)ocke" stick graph, )are rishna, )ocke" /tick graph, )are rishna

Carbon 'ra$ing, Doa$sa ?oolah, Doa$sa oolah, Carbon tra$ing,

Global waring, global waring, )are rishna, )are rishna

/ho&l$ we belie!e these statistics: Dook at the &se that is a$e o# percentages* 0hene!er "o&

see a percentage -&ote$ alwa"s ask %percent o# what:% Dets look to Orwell again #or a$!ice on how

we sho&l$ treat statistics an$ bear in in$ 1984 was written in 1948*

5a" an$ night the telescreens br&ise$ "o&r ears with statistics pro!ing that people to$a"

ha$ ore #oo$, ore clothes, better ho&ses, better recreations that the" li!e$ longer,

worke$ shorter ho&rs, were bigger, healthier, stronger, happier, ore intelligent, better

e$&cate$, than the people o# #i#t" "ears ago* ot a wor$ o# it co&l$ e!er be pro!e$ or

$ispro!e$* 'he art" claie$, #or eaple, that to$a" 4 per cent o# a$&lt proles were

literate> be#ore the e!ol&tion, it was sai$, the n&ber ha$ onl" been 1P per cent* 'he art"

claie$ that the in#ant ortalit" rate was now onl" 1Q per tho&san$, whereas be#ore the

e!ol&tion it ha$ been 3 an$ so it went on* It was like a single e-&ation with two

&nknowns* It ight !er" well be that literall" e!er" wor$ in the histor" books, e!en the

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things that one accepte$ witho&t -&estion, was p&re #antas"* (or all he knew there ight

ne!er ha!e been an" s&ch law as the =&s priae noctis, or an" s&ch creat&re as a capitalist, or

an" s&ch garent as a top hat*

E!er"thing #a$e$ into ist* 'he past was erase$, the eras&re was #orgotten, the lie

 becae tr&th* H&st once in his li#e he ha$ possesse$ a#ter the e!ent> that was what co&nte$

concrete, &nistakable e!i$ence o# an act o# #alsi#ication* )e ha$ hel$ it between his #ingers

#or as long as thirt" secon$s* In 19M3, it &st ha!e been at an" rate, it was at abo&t the tie

when he an$ atharine ha$ parte$* B&t the reall" rele!ant $ate was se!en or eight "ears

earlier* 6#&ll tet o# ineteen Eight" (o&r Chapter M

/ee how conspiracies work now: 5o "o& see how the cliate science sca co&l$ be carrie$

o## as easil" as the s&b prie sca was carrie$ o##* In realit" we are no better able to $eterine thetr&th o# what we are tol$ than were e$ie!al peasants whose li#e eperience eten$e$ onl" to

e!ents that occ&rre$ within a #ew iles o# their hoe o# a##ecte$ the $irectl"* 'he cliate change

research co&nit" is a sall, incest&o&s gro&p* I# a cli-&e o# $ata anal"sts 6lets not $igni#" these

glori#ie$ clerks with the appellation scientists $eci$e it is in their interests to appl" certain #ilters to

their $ata anal"sis, beca&se a"be the" ha!e been proise$ the s&pport o# large, #inanciall" an$

 politicall" power#&l organisations i# the" will proote a case that wo&l$ increase the in#l&ence or

the pro#its o# those organisations, an$ i# b" &sing the well establishe$ techni-&es o# pop&list

a&thoritarianis 65r* Goebbels $i$ not &se that phrase b&t he was #ailiar with the i$ea an$

s&ppresse$ their critics b" sa"ing %think o# the s&##ering in poor co&ntries, think o# the h&ngr"

chil$ren,% knowing that the e$ia lo!es sensation an$ sob stories in e-&al eas&re, how eas" it

wo&l$ be to sprea$ #ear an$ panic an$ thro&gh that trick people into gi!ing &p certain rather

incon!enient liberties or accepting $raconian taes as the penalt" #or b&"ing into the s"ste an$

$oing what the" were tol$ to $o b" the !er" people now p&nishing the #or $oing it*

;es, "o&r hea$ is probabl" spinning now* An$ so the eas" option wo&l$ be to go along with the

conspirators an$ $isiss e as =&st another conspirac" theorist* 'hat o# co&rse is what the !este$

interests behin$ the conspirac" want "o& to $o* 0ant to hear #ro the other si$e:

Alwa"s think #or "o&rsel#* It is better to think R#or "o&rsel# an$ be wrong than not to

think >

 )"patia o# Alean$ria*

%Belie!e nothing* o atter where "o& rea$ it, or who sai$ it, e!en i# I ha!e sai$ it, &nless it

agrees with "o&r own reason an$ "o&r own coon sense*% L Ga&taa /i$$artha, 'he

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Orwells big Brother societ":

EDA'E5 O/'/>

'he Eten$e$ E&rope pro=ect>

'he conspirac" to create a E&ropean nion with A#rica an$ Arabia in it

Electricit" bills set to rise to pa" #or win$ #ar s&bsi$ies

Conspirac" 'heorist: BBC 'ho&ght olice Attack (ree /peech 

Diberal Bigots

Cliate Change /cience /ca

Copenhagen Cliate Change Corr&ption

'he (light (ro (ree$o

A Chronicle O# 5eca"

(&tilit" O# 0in$ (ars

/t&ble pon ore o# " st&## 

?eet the a&thor 
