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Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad

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  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    Bill Swad, Sr.

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    Scripture taken from theHOLY BIBLE, THE NEW KING JAES !E"SION

    #op$ri%ht & '()*, Thoma+ Ne+on, Inc-.+e/ 0$ permi++ion-

    1ON2T LET SATAN STEAL YO." HA"!EST#op$ri%ht & '((3 0$ Bi S4a/, Sr-

    A ri%ht+ re+er5e/-

    Bi S4a/, Sr-c6o #hri+tian #enter*() South "ock$ 7ork 1ri5e

    Gahanna, Ohio 38*89

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    #hapter '.n/er Attack :

    #hapter *Se5en Wa$+ That Satan Stea+ '8

    #hapter 8;reparin% Your 7ie/ *8

    #hapter 3Go/2+ ;re+cription for Spiritua ;ro+perit$ 8'

    #hapter :Go/2+ ;re+cription for ;h$+ica ;ro+perit$ 3'


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    It i+ amo+t impo++i0e to open a /ai$ ne4+paper4ithout rea/in% account+ of ho+tiit$, confrontation an/0oo/+he/ +ome4here on our %o0e- Yet there i+ a muchar%er 0atte ra%in% that $ou ne5er +ee em0a>one/ in thehea/ine+ or reporte/ in the ne4+-

    Satan i+ makin% an a?out attack on #hri+tian+e5er$4here- He kno4+ that the moment of #hri+t2+ return i+near, an/ he i+ /oin% e5er$thin% in hi+ po4er to +tea ourhar5e+t- Hi+ tar%et i+ much more than our materiapo++e++ion+- The /e5i /e+ire+ to +tea

    Our harvest of joy.

    Our harvest of peace.

    Our harvest of love.

    Our harvest of family.

    Our harvest of friends.

    Our harvest of health.

    When I 4a+ makin% @'-3= an hour toiin% on the

    a++em0$ ine of an aircraft pant, there 4a+n2t much for the/e5i to take- Then, 4hen I 0ecame Ohio2+ ar%e+t u+e/ car/eaer an/ 0uit the 4or/2+ ar%e+t American otor+#ompan$ /eaer+hip, the +take+ 4ere much hi%her-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    1i/ the E5i One attempt to /e+tro$ m$ 0u+ine++ Ofcour+e he /i/- But e5en more, he trie/ e5er$ trick in hi+

    0ook to ro0 m$ +ou an/ m$ +pirit- If I 4ere to /ocumentthe attack+ of Satan in m$ ife, thi+ 0ook 4ou/ reuirethou+an/+ an/ thou+an/+ of pa%e+-

    Wh$ /oe+ Satan +tea Becau+e he i+ a thief- Je+u+ +ai/,CThe thief /oe+ not come eDcept to +tea, an/ to ki, an/ to/e+tro$ - - - C John '9F'9- An/ ;au 4arne/ that 4e+hou/ 0e a4are Ce+t Satan +hou/ take a/5anta%e of u+for 4e are not i%norant of hi+ /e5ice+C * #orinthian+ *F''-

    Defensie A!"i#n

    There are miion+ of peope 4ho /re++ up for churche5er$ Sun/a$ tota$ una4are that Satan i+ urkin% in the+ha/o4+, 4aitin% to attack-

    When home+ in our nei%h0orhoo/ are 0ein% 0ur%ari>e/4e take /efen+i5e action- We /o 4hate5er it take+fromin+tain% foo/i%ht+ on our propert$, a//in% eDtra ock+ onour /oor+, purcha+in% a ferociou+ /o%, e5en to in+tain% aneectronic +ecurit$ +$+tem-

    Satan ha+ 0een cae/ Cthe prince of the po4er of the

    air, the +pirit 4ho no4 4ork+ in the +on+ of /i+o0e/ienceCEphe+ian+ *F*- But there i+ hope-

    T$ere are s"e%s we !an "a&e "# a#ide!#(in) i!"i(s #f "$e w#rld's

    )rea"es" "$ief.

    We ha5e to 0eie5e the Bi0e 4hen it +a$+ CYou are ofGo/, itte chi/ren, an/ ha5e o5ercome them, 0ecau+e He4ho i+ in $ou i+ %reater than he 4ho i+ in the 4or/C 'John 3F3-

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    nder Attac$

    The /e5i ne5er +top+ in hi+ attempt to +o4 +ee/+ of/ou0t an/ un0eief- B$ ao4in% e5i crop+ to 0e pante/,

    the har5e+t i+ area/$ hi+-

    Wh$ i+ it 5ita that 4e operate in tota 0eief Becau+e,C4ithout faith it i+ impo++i0e to pea+e Him, for he 4hocome+ to Go/ mu+t 0eie5e that He i+, an/ that He i+ are4ar/er of tho+e 4ho /ii%ent$ +eek HimC He0re4+''F

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    $ou inha0itant+ of Jeru+aemF Beie5e in the LO"1 $ourGo/, an/ $ou +ha 0e e+ta0i+he/ 0eie5e Hi+ prophet+,

    an/ $ou +ha pro+perC * #hronice+ *9F*9-

    #ertain peope /ra4 Satan to them ike a ma%net0ecau+e of fear an/ 4orr$- The$ are fie/ 4ith anDiet$ o5er+ickne++, pain, an/ turmoi- That i+ 4hat the /e5i o5e+fear

    1o $ou remem0er the +tor$ of Jo0 He 4a+ C0amee++

    an/ upri%ht, an/ one 4ho feare/ Go/ an/ +hunne/ e5iCJo0 'F'- But hi+ 4or/+ cau+e/ Satan to pounce on him-Jo0 +ai/, C7or the thin% I %reat$ feare/ ha+ come upon me,an/ 4hat I /rea/e/ ha+ happene/ to meC Jo0 8F*:-

    Someone eDpaine/ fear thi+ 4a$F CIt i+ ha5in% 4ron%thou%ht+ a0out 4ron% thou%ht+-C

    Se5era $ear+ a%o I hear/ a mini+ter +a$, CWe cou/ha5e 5ictor$ o5er faiure if our e5i incination+ 4ere kie/in the thou%ht +ta%e-C What cau+e+ our action It 0e%in+4ith a thou%ht, then a /e+ire, an/ fina$ i+ acte/ out- What+tart+ in our +u0con+ciou+ often 0ecome+ our 0eha5ior-

    T$e er (#(en" #- "$in& a#-"fear #- are $el%in) Sa"an !#(%le"e

    $is a%%allin) a)enda.

    The /e5i /oe+n2t 4in 0$ ha5in% $ou think a0out$e+ter/a$, or e5en to/a$- He 4ant+ to para$>e $ou 4ithterror an/ fri%ht a0out the future-

    A +incere 4oman came up to me after a +eminar inOkahoma an/ +ai/, CBi, it2+ ea+$ for $ou- You are+tron%er than I am-C

    I +ai/, CNo- It i+ not me that i+ +tron%, it i+ the Go/ I+er5e- An/ /o $ou reai>e that $ou +er5e the +ame Lor/C


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    nder Attac$

    S"#% "$e Brainwas$in)

    A primar$ %oa of the /e5i i+ to infect u+ 4ith fearfuthou%ht+- He 4ant+ our min/+ fie/ 4ith 4eakne++ an//i+tre++-

    Ho4 +hou/ 4e re+pon/ B$ i%norin%, /en$in%, an/minimi>in% hi+ threat+ of /e+truction-

    7or $ear+, I25e ha/ peope te me thin%+ ikeF C$ /a/

    /ie/ of a heart attack 4hen he 4a+ fort$?t4o- I %ue++ I4on2t 0e aroun/ too much on%er-C

    That i+ the tak of the Tempter an/ $ou nee/ to /i+mi++it- Stop 0ein% 0rain4a+he/ 0$ Bee>e0u0- The on$ fear $ounee/ i+ a heath$ re+pect for the a4e+ome po4er of Go/-The ear$ #hri+tian+ 4ere C4akin% in the fear of the Lor/an/ in the comfort of the Ho$ SpiritC Act+ (F8'- A+ a

    re+ut, their mini+tr$ mutipie/-Some peope mi+taken$ 0eie5e that Satan +pen/+ hi+

    time 4ith +inner+- But 4h$ +hou/ he The$ are area/$ inhi+ e5i cutche+- In+tea/, hi+ fu time occupation i+ to aimhi+ mi++ie+ at $ou an/ me-

    Ju+t 0ecau+e $ou come un/er the /e5i2+ 4icke/ attack/oe+ not mean that Go/ ha+ for+aken $ou- In+tea/ of +a$in%,CGo/ i+ an%r$ 4ith me,C reco%ni>e the on+au%ht for 4hat itrea$ i+- Satan ha+ ma/e $ou hi+ tar%et-

    Je+u+ 4ent into the 4i/erne++ an/ 4a+ Ctempte/ forfort$ /a$+ 0$ the /e5iC Luke 3F*- 1i/ He 0ame the7ather for ao4in% +uch an eDperience No- Je+u+ +ai/,CGet 0ehin/ e, Satan 7or it i+ 4ritten, 2You +ha 4or+hip

    the LO"1 $our Go/, an/ Him on$ $ou +ha +er5e2C 5- )-Ho4 +hou/ $ou re+pon/ to Satan2+ in5a+ion Jame+

    +a$+, CTherefore +u0mit to Go/- "e+i+t the /e5i, an/ he4i fee from $ouC Jame+ 3F=-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    nder Attac$

    +ette for nothin% e++ than Go/2+ 0e+t-

    There are tho+e 4ho +a$, CI 4a+ not 0orn on the ri%ht+i/e of the track+-C Or, C$ parent+ came from the o/countr$- I 4a+ rai+e/ 4ithout much an/ that2+ the 4a$ it4i a4a$+ 0e-C

    That 4a+ Gi/eon2+ re+pon+e 4hen Go/ to/ him to/efeat the enem$- Gi/eon +ai/, CO m$ Lor/, ho4 can I +a5eI+rae In/ee/ m$ can i+ the 4eake+t in ana++eh, an/ I

    am the ea+t in m$ father2+ hou+eC Ju/%e+

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    fortre++ $ Go/, in Him I 4i tru+t-2 Sure$ He+ha /ei5er $ou from the +nare of the fo4er An/

    from the periou+ pe+tienceC ;+am+ ('F'?8-

    Athou%h the thief come+ to +tea, ki an/ /e+tro$,Je+u+ +ai/, CI ha5e come that the$ ma$ ha5e ife, an/ thatthe$ ma$ ha5e it more a0un/ant$C John '9F'9-

    7or more than fort$ $ear+ I ha5e re+i+te/ Satan at e5er$turn- Often, the com0at 4a+ han/ to han/, e5en face to face-

    An/ 4ith the authorit$ of #hri+t I ha5e ca+t him out of m$ife- A+ a re+ut he ha+ ne5er 0een a0e to +ei>e m$ +pirit or+tea m$ har5e+t-

    In the mi/+t of $our %reate+t attack, there i+ an an+4er-The Lor/ i+ Ca refu%e for the oppre++e/, a refu%e in time+ oftrou0eC ;+am+ (F(-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    I once a+ke/ a poice captain, CSir, 4h$ /o 4e ha5e +oman$ car theft+ in our cit$C

    CBecau+e 4e make it +o ea+$ for them,C repie/ the

    officer-Thou+an/+ of automo0ie+ are +toen each $ear 0ecau+e

    peope ea5e their ke$+ in the i%nition or ea5e their en%ine+runnin% on a co/ mornin%-

    The +ame ue+tion cou/ 0e a+ke/ of #hri+tian+- CWh$/oe+ Satan +tea our har5e+tC Becau+e 4e allo%him to 0$faiin% to 0e a4are of hi+ /e5ice+-

    There are +e5en +pecific 4a$+ 4e et Satan pun/er ourhar5e+t-

    1. Sa"an s"eals w$en we e!#(e d#-le4(inded.

    When 0oth /ou0t an/ eDpectation are force/ to %ro4 inthe +ame +oi, the re+ut i+ a tan%e/ %ar/en an/

    unpro/ucti5e fruit- The ;rince of 1arkne++ ne5er +top++o4in% +ee/+ of confu+ion-

    We nee/ to eDamine co+e$ 4hat Jame+ +ai/concernin% the /an%er of 0ein% /ou0e?min/e/- He 4roteF


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    CIf an$ of $ou ack+ 4i+/om, et him a+k of Go/, 4ho %i5e+to a i0era$ an/ 4ithout reproach, an/ it 4i 0e %i5en to

    him- But et him a+k in faith, 4ith no /ou0tin%, for he 4ho/ou0t+ i+ ike a 4a5e of the +ea /ri5en an/ to++e/ 0$ the4in/- 7or et not that man +uppo+e that he 4i recei5ean$thin% from the Lor/ he i+ a /ou0e?min/e/ man,un+ta0e in a hi+ 4a$+C Jame+ 'F:?)-

    I meet peope e5er$4here 4ho /o not ha5e faith thatGo/ can rea$ accompi+h 4hat He ha+ promi+e/- A4on/erfu #hri+tian man in 7ori/a recent$ +ai/ to me, CI/on2t a+k Go/ for much- I u+ua$ u+t pra$ for other peope-Go/ i+ u+t too 0u+$ to take care of the thin%+ I nee/-C

    C1on2t +peak that 4a$,C I chi/e/ him- CGo/ i+ ne5er too0u+$ to an+4er $our reue+t- But $ou ha5e to a+k in totafaith-C

    Nothin% can hat $our pro%re++ 4hen $ou ha5e aconfi/ence an/ 0eief that /oe+ not 4a5er- When $ouchaen%e Satan an/ +tan/ on Go/2+ promi+e+, $ou2 0eama>e/ at 4hat the Lor/ 4i /o-

    Wh$ /o I ri+k cim0in% farther an/ farther out on aim0 Becau+e I ha5e pro5en Him o5er an/ o5er a%ain- Ikno4 Go/ i+ m$ +ource, an/ He 4i not ao4 the /e5i to

    cut off the 0ranch 0ehin/ me-

    Are $ou cr$+ta cear a+ to 4hat $ou are eDpectin% fromthe Lor/ I+ it +ette/ in $our +pirit No4 i+ the time tofocu+ $our faith ike a a+er 0eam an/ caim 4hat Go/ ha+promi+e/-

    2. Sa"an s"eals w$en we e!#(e fa-l"4finders.

    One of the %reat trick+ of the /e5i i+ to cau+e u+ to fin/faut 4ith our nei%h0or- He /i5ert+ our attention +o that hecan pun/er e5er$thin% in +i%ht-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    Seven &ays That Satan Steals

    No matter ho4 +ucce++fu $ou 0ecome, there i+ a4a$++omeone 4ho 4i te $ou, CThat2+ not the 4a$ $ou +hou/

    0e /oin% it-C ;eope 4ho ha5e 0een faiure+ 4i +u//en$0ecome +cornfu critic+ an/ fountain+ of /u0iou+ a/5ice-

    The+e are the peope Je+u+ take/ a0out in the Sermonon the ount 4hen He +ai/, CJu/%e not, that $ou 0e notu/%e/- 7or 4ith 4hat u/%ment $ou u/%e, $ou 4i 0eu/%e/ an/ 4ith the +ame mea+ure $ou u+e, it 4i 0emea+ure/ 0ack to $ouC atthe4 =F'-

    Then He a+ke/, CAn/ 4h$ /o $ou ook at the +peck in$our 0rother2+ e$e, 0ut /o not con+i/er the pank in $ouro4n e$e Or ho4 can $ou +a$ to $our 0rother, 2Let meremo5e the +peck out of $our e$e2 an/ ook, a pank i+ in$our o4n e$e H$pocrite 7ir+t remo5e the pank from $ouro4n e$e, an/ then $ou 4i +ee cear$ to remo5e the +peck

    out of $our 0rother2+ e$eC 55- *?:-

    D#n'" fall in"# "$e "ra% #f e!#(in)a 5s%e!& %i!&er.5

    In+tea/, reach up an/ 0e%in to pick the fruit from theorchar/ of the Ami%ht$- Your 0a+ket 4i +oon 0e fie/4ith o5e, o$, peace, an/ +o much more-

    6. Sa"an s"eals w$en we $ae a ne)a"ie a""i"-de.

    There i+ no ue+tion a0out it- ;eope 4ith a per+pecti5eof pe++imi+m are prime can/i/ate+ for Lucifer2+ arcen$-Before the$ reai>e 4hat i+ happenin% their fie/+ 4i0ecome 0are-

    The +tor$ of Jonah i+ an unfor%etta0e eDampe of ho4Go/ /ea+ 4ith +omeone 4ho+e attitu/e i+ not ri%ht- TheLor/ to/ him to %o to Nine5eh, 0ut he 0oar/e/ a +hip inthe oppo+ite /irection- CJonah aro+e to fee to Tar+hi+h from


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    the pre+ence of the LO"1C Jonah 'F8-

    Go/ 0ecame +o an%r$ that He cau+e/ a %reat +torm onthe +ea- Jonah 4a+ to++e/ o5er0oar/, +4ao4e/ 0$ a %reatfi+h, an/ fina$ /ei5ere/ to the 0ank+ of Nine5eh toaccompi+h the Lor/2+ mi++ion-

    1o $ou remem0er 4hat happene/ to the #hi/ren ofI+rae o+e+ ea/ miion+ of men, 4omen an/ chi/renfrom the 0on/a%e an/ t$rann$ of ;haraoh- Go/ protecte/

    them 4ith a cou/ 0$ /a$ an/ a fire 0$ ni%ht- But man$ ofthem 4ere moanin%, COh, if 4e cou/ on$ return toE%$ptC

    Their 0o/ie+ 4ere i0erate/, 0ut their min/+ 4ere +ti in+a5er$- There 4a+ no attitu/e of %ratitu/e for 4hat Go/4a+ /oin%-

    I meet peope ike that e5er$ 4eek- The$ ha5e 0een +etfree, 0ut Satan con5ince+ them the$ are +ti in capti5it$-

    We nee/ to reai>e that 0ecau+e of #a5ar$, 4e ha5ecro++e/ the Jor/an ri5er an/ ha5e reache/ the ;romi+e/Lan/- We are fea+tin% on the har5e+t of %rape+ an/ fruit-Yet there are tho+e 4ho are +ti 0ack in the /e+ert- In+tea/of caimin% 4hat Go/ ha+ pro5i/e/, the$ ao4 Satan to

    affict them 4ith a +a5e mentait$-;au te+ u+ to C0rin% e5er$ thou%ht into capti5it$C *

    #orinthian+ '9F:-

    I /ei0erate$ +urroun/ m$+ef 4ith peope 4ho ha5e apo+iti5e per+pecti5e of ife- To me the$ are an arm$ of0eie5er+ that pro5i/e a +pecia 4a of protection-

    E5er$one 4ant+ to 0e Cheath$, 4eath$, an/ 4i+e,C 0utthe$ fai to comprehen/ that the ke$ to +ucce++ i+ a Go/?%i5en affirmati5e attitu/e- It 4i put foo/ on $our ta0e,fun/+ in $our pocket an/ hope in $our heart-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    Seven &ays That Satan Steals

    You 4i on$ fin/ hep 4hen $ou ook up, not /o4n-

    7. Sa"an s"eals fillin) -s wi"$ )reed.

    I remem0er the ni%ht a frien/ from our church an/ I5i+ite/ the home of a +ucce++fu 0u+ine++man in #oum0u+-We ha/ take/ 4ith him a0out the Lor/ man$ time+- But I5i5i/$ reca 4hen he ooke/ at m$ frien/ an/ +ai/, CYouha5e 0een tein% me a a0out thi+ Je+u+, 0ut are $ou +ti

    the 0i% ti%ht?4a/ $ou u+e/ to 0eCI amo+t fe out of m$ chair- I reai>e/ that %ree/ i+ not

    an attri0ute that i+ 0ecomin% to a #hri+tian- It i+ a /e5icethe /e5i u+e+ to ro0 u+ of our reputation-

    A fe4 $ear+ a%o a reati5e pa++e/ a4a$- She /i/ notha5e an$ chi/ren- Her niece+ an/ nephe4+ 4on/ere/ 4hat4ou/ 0ecome of her e+tate-

    She ha/ reue+te/ that I con/uct her funera at a +marura church in ;enn+$5ania-

    Se5era mem0er+ of the fami$ +ho4e/ up an/ I can +ti+ee the eDpectation 4ritten on man$ of their face+-

    After the +er5ice an/ 0uria 4e ha/ arran%e/ a itte/inner for the fami$ in the 0a+ement of the church-

    Kno4in% their curio+it$, I +too/ up after the mea an/announce/, CLa/ie+ an/ %entemen, I 0eie5e it 4ou/ 0e inor/er that I rea/ the a+t 4i an/ te+tament-C You cou/hear a pin /rop-

    I picke/ up the /ocument an/ rea/ ho4 +he 4ante/ here+tate /i+tri0ute/- She ha/ 4ritten, CAfter a m$ eDpen+e+ha5e 0een pai/, the remain/er of m$ e+tate +ha 0e %i5eneua$ to the foo4in% - - - C An/ +he i+te/ +e5era#hri+tian or%ani>ation+, a nur+in% home an/ the +machurch 4here +he atten/e/-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    A0+oute$ nothin% 4a+ 0eueathe/ to fami$ mem0er+-Not one /ime-

    In retro+pect, perhap+ +he kne4 that an$ /i+tri0ution tofa5orite fami$ mem0er+ 4ou/ ha5e 0een critici>e/ an/cau+e i feein%+-

    3$en )reed !a-ses -s "# see& ri!$esra"$er "$an "$e s#-r!e #f all weal"$,

    Sa"an r-s $is $ands wi"$ )lee.The Bi0e +a$+, CHe 4ho o5e+ +i5er 4i not 0e

    +ati+fie/ 4ith +i5er nor he 4ho o5e+ a0un/ance, 4ithincrea+eC Ecce+ia+te+ :F'9-

    8. Sa"an s"eals w$en we fail "# f#r)ie.

    A 4eath$ a4$er an/ hi+ 4ife ha/ 4atche/ me ontee5i+ion an/ eDten/e/ a /inner in5itation to Sa$ an/ me-1urin% the mea the$ to/ u+ that their marria%e 4a+ on the5er%e of coap+e an/ a+ke/ if I 4ou/ coun+e 4ith them-

    When 4e ater met to tak a0out the pro0em+ the$ 4erefacin%, the 4oman to/ me, CHe2 ne5er chan%e- He e5enpu+he/ me /o4n the +tair+ an/ amo+t kie/ me-C

    CWhen /i/ that happenC I 4ante/ to kno4- CWa+ itrecent$C

    She +ai/, COh, that 4a+ *' $ear+ a%o-C

    CYou ma$ nee/ marria%e coun+ein%,C I to/ her, C0ute5en more, $ou nee/ to un/er+tan/ the po4er offor%i5ene++-C

    One of the mo+t forcefu e++on+ Je+u+ e5er tau%ht 4a+4hen He +ai/, CIf $ou for%i5e men their tre+pa++e+, $ourhea5en$ 7ather 4i a+o for%i5e $ou- But if $ou /o notfor%i5e men their tre+pa++e+, neither 4i $our 7ather


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    Seven &ays That Satan Steals

    for%i5e $our tre+pa++e+C atthe4

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    LO"1C 5- 'e 4hat happene/, Go/ ha+ 5ani+he/from their thou%ht+, their 5oca0uar$, an/ from theiraction+- Satan mo5e+ in to fi the 5oi/, an/ the$ are 5ictim+of hi+ trap-

    One /a$ an eDecuti5e from 1etroit 4ake/ into m$office at m$ automo0ie /eaer+hip an/ +ai/, CBi, $ou +ureha5e 0een uck$-C

    5Sir,5 / "#ld $i(. 5/ d#n'" eliee inl-!&. / eliee in lessin). 3$a" #-

    see is "$e res-l" #f a %ar"ners$i% /$ae wi"$ "$e L#rd.5

    Scripture te+ u+F CTru+t in the LO"1 4ith a $ourheart, an/ ean not on $our o4n un/er+tan/in%C ;ro5er0+8F:- You 4i ne5er, ne5er %o 4ron% 4hen $ou +tart+in%in%, CLeanin% on the E5era+tin% Arm+-C

    :. Sa"an s"eals w$en we d#n'" )ie 0#d w$a"el#n)s "# Hi(.

    When $ou %i5e the Lor/ 4hat He o4n+the titheHepromi+e+ to protect 4hat i+ our+, the remainin% ninet$percent-

    The Lor/ a+ke/ throu%h the prophet aachi, CWi aman ro0 Go/ Yet $ou ha5e ro00e/ e But $ou +a$, 2In4hat 4a$ ha5e 4e ro00e/ You2 In tithe+ an/ offerin%+Caachi 8F)-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    Seven &ays That Satan Steals

    An/ here i+ Go/2+ promi+eF C2Brin% a the tithe+ into the+torehou+e, that there ma$ 0e foo/ in $ hou+e, an/ pro5e

    e no4 in thi+,2 +a$+ the LO"1 of ho+t+, 2If I 4i not openfor $ou the 4in/o4+ of hea5en an/ pour out for $ou +uch0e++in% that there 4i not 0e room enou%h to recei5e it2C5- '9-

    We kno4 that a tithe i+ Ca tenthC, 0ut I am often a+ke/,CA tenth of 4hatC It i+ ten percent of e5er$thin% $ourecei5e-

    A+ a re+ut of o0e$in% Hi+ comman/, Go/ protect+ ourhar5e+t- He +a$+, CAn/ I 4i re0uke the /e5ourer for $our+ake+, +o that he 4i not /e+tro$ the fruit of $our %roun/,nor +ha the 5ine fai to 0ear fruit for $ou in the fie/C 5-''-

    an$ peope a+k, CWh$ +hou/ 4e tithe 4hen aachi

    i+ in the O/ Te+tament2If $ou rea/ Go/2+ Wor/ $ou 4i fin/ that tithin% i+ a

    Ne4 Te+tament principe, too- Je+u+ +ai/, C1o not thinkthat I came to /e+tro$ the La4 or the ;rophet+- I /i/ notcome to /e+tro$ 0ut to fufiC atthe4 :F'=- An/ He+ai/, CWoe to $ou, +cri0e+ an/ ;hari+ee+, h$pocrite+ 7or$ou pa$ tithe of mint an/ ani+e an/ cumin, an/ ha5e

    ne%ecte/ the 4ei%htier matter+ of the a4F u+tice an/merc$ an/ faith- The+e $ou ou%ht to ha5e /one, 4ithoutea5in% the other+ un/oneC atthe4 *8F*8-

    ;au a+o in+tructe/F COn the fir+t /a$ of the 4eek eteach one of $ou a$ +omethin% a+i/e, +torin% up a+ he ma$pro+perC ' #orinthian+ '

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    A%ain an/ a%ain I ha5e +een the Lor/ Cre0uke the/e5ourerC 0ecau+e 4e %i5e Him 4hat i+ ri%htfu$ Hi+-

    1o $ou 4ant to keep 4hat Go/ pro5i/e+ Wake up tothe trick+ of Satan- Hee/ the 4arnin% of ;eter 4hen he +a$+,CBe +o0er, 0e 5i%iant 0ecau+e $our a/5er+ar$ the /e5i4ak+ a0out ike a roarin% ion, +eekin% 4hom he ma$/e5ourC ' ;eter :F)-

    I 4i+h I cou/ te $ou that Satan ha+ on$ +e5en 4a$+ to

    +tea, ki an/ /e+tro$- But he ha+ thou+an/+ of metho/+an/ i+ /e5i+in% ne4 one+ e5er$ /a$-

    Open $our e$e+- Keep aert- Turn on $our +piritua+ecurit$ +$+tem an/ reoice in Go/2+ har5e+t-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    When $ou are rai+e/ on a farm $ou earn +ome 0a+ice++on+ of ife- It /i/n2t take me on% to /i+co5erF

    '- (f you don't plant you %on't reap. It i+ impo++i0e to

    ha5e a har5e+t 4ithout pacin% the +ee/+ in the%roun/-

    *- You reap e)actly %hat you so%. If $ou 4ant to eatcorn $ou ha5e toplant corn-

    8- You reap more than you so%. Ju+t a +ma han/fuof tin$ +ee/+ can pro/uce 0a+ket+ fie/ 4ithpro/uce-

    Go/2+ pre+cription for a +piritua har5e+t incu/e+ the+ame principe+ of +o4in% an/ reapin%- Je+u+ +poke on thattopic 4hen He to/ the +tor$ of the farmer 4ho 4ent out topant hi+ fie/-

    A+ the man 0e%an to +o4, +ai/ the Lor/, C+ome +ee/ fe0$ the 4a$+i/e an/ the 0ir/+ came an/ /e5oure/ themC

    atthe4 '8F3-Some of the +ee/ fe Con +ton$ pace+, 4here the$ /i/

    not ha5e much earth an/ the$ imme/iate$ +pran% up0ecau+e the$ ha/ no /epth of earth- But 4hen the +un 4a+


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    ,reparin Your -ield

    *(t's too dry+*

    *&e're not spendin enouh on advertisin.*

    *,eople are 'just loo$in.'*

    Some peope 4ou/ rather make eDcu+e+ than makethin%+ happen- A+ I ha5e often +ai/,

    5T$ere are n#" en#-)$ !r-"!$es in"$e w#rld "# s-%%#r" #-r la(e


    After pre+entin% a +ucce++ +eminar a man came up tome an/ +ai/, CBi, $ou /on2t un/er+tan/- I 4ork in acontroe/ en5ironment- I can2t rea$ make thin%+ happen-C

    I +ai/, COh, $e+ $ou can- You can /o $our o0 0etterthan an$one e+e an/ peope 4ho count 4i take notice-

    Keep eDcein% an/ $ou 4i 0e re4ar/e/-C

    In We+t ;am Beach, 7ori/a, there are t4in 0rother+4ho are hi%h$ +ucce++fu rea e+tate +ae+men- The$ are0oth /4arf+- In+tea/ of +a$in%, CWe ha5e e5er$ +trikea%ain+t u+,C the$ +a$, CWe ma$ 0e +hort, 0ut 4e2re not +horton confi/ence an/ /etermination-C

    3inners and L#sers

    What i+ the /ifference 0et4een a 4inner an/ a o+erA&(NNE! a4a$+ ha+ a pro%ram- A LOSE! a4a$+ ha+ aneDcu+e- A &(NNE! +a$+, CLet me hep $ou /o it-C ALOSE! +a$+, CThat2+ not m$ o0-C A &(NNE! +ee+ the%reen near e5er$ +an/ trap-A LOSE! +ee+ t4o or three +an/trap+ near e5er$ %reen-

    A &(NNE! +ee+ a +oution for e5er$ pro0em- ALOSE! +ee+ a pro0em for e5er$ +oution-A &(NNE! +a$+,


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    CIt ma$ 0e /ifficut, 0ut it2+ po++i0e-

    A LOSE! +a$+, CIt ma$ 0e po++i0e, 0ut it+ /ifficut-C

    Succe++fu peope are tho+e 4ho ne5er +a$, CThat can2t0e /one-C "emem0er 4hat Je+u+ +ai/F CB$ their fruit+ $ou4i kno4 themC atthe4 =F*9- 7ruit?0earer+ are the one+4ho un/er+tan/ the principe of +o4in% an/ reapin%-

    In preparin% our fie/ for a %reat har5e+t 4e nee/ tofocu+ on opportunitie+ in+tea/ of pro0em+- In m$ rea

    e+tate +eminar+ peope ha5e commente/, CI 0et $ou ha5e aot of fake+ 4ho 4on2t pa$ their rent-C

    $ re+pon+e i+, CWho care+ if $ou ha5e one or t4o 4ho/on2t pa$ their rent if $ou are coectin% /o>en+ of rentcheck+ e5er$ monthC

    Some peope fin/ it ea+ier to 4orr$ than to prepare for

    the future- I ike 4hat Win+ton #hurchi +ai/F CLet oura/5ance/ 4orr$in% 0ecome a/5ance/ thinkin% an/pannin%-C

    I chaen%e peope to eDchan%e one /a$ of anDiet$ an/4orr$ for a /a$ of +pecific %oa?pannin%, preparation an/action- The re+ut+ are ama>in%

    "ecent$ I +a4 a /ocumentar$ of a %roup of +enior

    citi>en+ in their (92+ 4ho 4ere eDcite/ a0out the future-The$ 4ere ph$+ica$ acti5e an/ 4ere e5en /oin% 5ounteer4ork in ho+pita+-

    The +ame pro%ram pre+ente/ another %roup in their =92+4ho +ai/, CWe u+t 4ant to take it ea+$-C A+ a re+ut ofha5in% no +pecific intere+t+ in ife, their menta function+4ere /eterioratin% an/ their 0o/ie+ 4ere fain% apart-

    Y#- !an "-rn a r#!& field in"#fer"ile s#il %ra!"i!in) )##d $ai"s


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    ,reparin Your -ield

    #f s-!!ess.

    A %reat har5e+t i+ not the re+ut of a mi%ht$ inteect,+omethin% $ou inherit, or uck- It i+ the per+on 4hoconsistently ti+ the %roun/ an/ ne5er, ne5er uit+ thatreap+ a recor/ crop- Je+u+ +ai/, CBut he 4ho en/ure+ to theen/ +ha 0e +a5e/C ark '8F'8-

    We come to the Lor/ 4ith 0eief an/ faith for +a5ationnot 0ecau+e 4e eDpect e5er$thin% to 0e perfect from that

    moment on-

    Our fir+t +on, Bi, Jr-, 4a+ u+t +iD 4eek+ o/ 4hen he0ecame /eath$ i 4ith a +e5ere$ infecte/ hernia- 1i/ thatcau+e me to +hun the Lor/ No- It 4a+ actua$ the /ramatice5ent that cau+e/ me to turn m$ ife o5er to the Lor/-

    Scripture /oe+ not promi+e that 0ecomin% a #hri+tian

    4i make ife easier. But 4e can re+t a++ure/ that it 4imake ife etter.

    Enri!$ Y#-r S#il

    An e++entia in%re/ient that enriche+ $our +oi i+ cae/Cattitu/e-C It i+ the ea+t eDpen+i5e po++e++ion $ou o4n0ut it 4i pro/uce the %reate+t 0enefit-

    I remem0er pu+hin% a hu%e cart of merchan/i+e to thecheckout counter of Sam2+ 1i+count Warehou+e- The cerk+tarte/ me 4hen +he +ai/, COh, no- Not another 0i% or/erC

    I uiet$ to/ her, CYoun% a/$, ha5e $ou thou%ht a0outuittin% You ou%ht to %o home- You are hurtin% thecompan$-C But I 4a+ /etermine/ not to et her attitu/e ruin

    m$ /a$-A0out a month ater I returne/ to the +tore an/ ooke/

    for the ca+hier, 0ut +he 4a+n2t there- Thi+ time, 4hen m$frien/ an/ I reache/ the checkout ane 4e 4ere treate/ ike


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    ro$at$- The 4oman +ai/, CThi+ i+ %reat You feo4+ u+ta0out 0ou%ht out the compan$-C

    Then +he +ai/, CI+ there an$thin% e+e $ou nee/C

    $ frien/ repie/, CYe+, there i+-C An/ he ru+he/ a4a$to fin/ another item-

    The /ifference in attitu/e 4a+ remarka0e-

    /"'s "$e 5+B+TL5 %rin!i%le>

    +e#%le B- r#( +e#%le T$e Li&e.

    In marria%e, in 0u+ine++, an/ in the church, $ou recei5e4hat $ou %i5e- If $ou are critica, $ou recei5e critici+m inreturn- If $ou are o5in%, $ou recei5e o5e-

    There are, ho4e5er, +ome action+ that the Lor//e+pi+e+- The 4riter of ;ro5er0+ i+t+ themF CThe+e +iD

    thin%+ the LO"1 hate+, $e+, +e5en are an a0omination toHimC ;ro5er0+

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    ,reparin Your -ield

    What +hou/ $ou /o 4hen ne%ati5e peope 0a/%er $ou4ith their pe++imi+m an/ %oom Ho4 +hou/ $ou han/e

    tho+e 4ho +o4 +ee/+ of +trife Take the opportunit$ to+ho4er them 4ith 0e++in%- Accept the chaen%e of turnin%their fro4n+ into +mie+-

    Y#-r 0randfa"$er;

    Beie5er+ 4ho are /etermine/ to make hea5en their

    home +hou/ not 0e ea+i$ /i+coura%e/ or offen/e/-I ha5e +een peope +torm out of the church for the mo+t

    tri5ia an/ pett$ rea+on- Their o%ic /oe+n2t make +en+e- A+one a/$ to/ another, CI /on2t ike $our %ran/father +o I amne5er comin% 0ack hereC

    I cou/ ne5er fi%ure our 4hat her %ran/father ha/ to /o4ith atten/in% the Hou+e of the Lor/-

    E5en thou%h Go/ +a$+ CI am %oin% to 0e++ $ou,C ahun/re/ time+, 4e can recei5e one phone ca 4ith ane%ati5e me++a%e an/ 4e +tart fain% apart-

    7rien/, thi+ i+ +eriou+ 0u+ine++- We are in a 4arfare an/4e ha5e to 0e ike ;au, 4ho +ai/F C7or I /etermine/ not tokno4 an$thin% amon% $ou eDcept Je+u+ #hri+t an/ Him

    crucifie/C ' #orinthian+ *F*-"eai>e 4ho $ou are in the Lor/ an/ +tan/ firm on Hi+


    There i+ no 5aue in remin/in% peope of their pa+tmi+take+- Take them from 4here the$ are an/ mo5efor4ar/-

    Sa, 5/ d#n'" !are w$a" $a%%enedes"erda, le"'s find #-" w$a" 0#d

    $as in s"#re.5


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    After Je+u+ to/ the 4on/erfu para0e of +o4in% an/reapin%, He %a5e thi+ practica appication- He +ai/, CBut he

    4ho recei5e/ the +ee/ on +ton$ pace+, thi+ i+ he 4ho hear+the 4or/ an/ imme/iate$ recei5e+ it 4ith o$ $et he ha+no root in him+ef, 0ut en/ure+ on$ for a 4hie- 7or 4hentri0uation or per+ecution ari+e+ 0ecau+e of the 4or/,imme/iate$ he +tum0e+C atthe4 '8F*'-

    Then He +ai/, CNo4 he 4ho recei5e/ +ee/ amon% thethorn+ i+ he 4ho hear+ the 4or/, an/ the care+ of thi+ 4or/an/ the /eceitfune++ of riche+ choke the 4or/, an/ he0ecome+ unfruitfuC 5- **-

    But 4hat happen+ 4hen 4e pant in %oo/ +oi CHe 4horecei5e/ +ee/ on the %oo/ %roun/ i+ he 4ho hear+ the 4or/an/ un/er+tan/+ it, 4ho in/ee/ 0ear+ fruit an/ pro/uce+F+ome a hun/re/fo/, +ome +iDt$, +ome thirt$C 5-*8-

    ;antin% i+ an act of hope an/ 0eief- You cuti5ate- You4ater- You 0eie5e $ou 4i reap 4hat $ou +o4an/ e5enmore+ You +a$, C$ har5e+t i+ comin%- I can +ee it throu%hthe e$e+ of faith-C


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    What i+ the +econ/ ke$ to +piritua riche+ Aftere+ta0i+hin% our reation+hip 4ith the Lor/, 4e are

    in+tructe/ to CLo5e $our nei%h0or a+ $our+ef-C It2+ a themethat permeate+ Scripture- We are to/ to Co5e one anotherC"oman+ '8F), Ccomfort one anotherC ' The++aonian+3F'), an/ Cpra$ one for anotherC Jame+ :F'

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for Spiritual ,rosperity

    w#n'" lis"en "# 0#d's %res!ri%"i#n-n"il i" is al(#s" "## la"e.

    "ecent$ I recei5e/ a phone ca from a /i+trau%ht4oman 4ho a+ke/, CI+ thi+ ;a+tor S4a/C

    CHo4 can I hep $ou,C I 4ante/ it kno4-

    She +ai/, CWe, I remem0er 4hen I u+e/ to atten/ $ourchurch- No4 I am in the ho+pita /$in%- Wi $ou come an/

    pra$ for meCI re+pon/e/ to her reue+t, 0ut 4on/ere/, CWh$ /o +o

    man$ peope 4ait unti the$ face imminent /an%er 0eforethe$ ca on Go/C

    E+ta0i+hin% a on%?term, permanent reation+hip 4iththe Lor/ i+ much ike practicin% pre5entati5e me/icine- A/ai$ /o+e of Go/2+ +tren%th an/ po4er can ift u+ a0o5e%oom an/ uncertaint$-

    The eper+ 4ere /eep$ /i+coura%e/- That i+ 4h$ the$4on/ere/, CSha 4e +it here unti 4e /ieC

    +$ase Tw#> DETER/ORAT/ON

    The +ie%e of the S$rian+ ha/ cau+e/ a famine of

    in/e+cri0a0e proportion- The +carcit$ in the cit$ of Samaria4a+ +o %reat that foo/ 0are$ fit for human con+umption4a+ +ein% for outra%eou+ price+- Scripture recor/+ that Ca/onke$2+ hea/ 4a+ +o/ for ei%ht$ +heke+ of +i5er, an/t4o ounce+ of /o5e /roppin%+ for fi5e +heke+ of +i5erC* Kin%+

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Ho4 far ha/ the +ituation /eteriorate/ The Bi0e +a$+that one /i+trau%ht 4oman to/ the Kin% of I+rae, CThi+

    4oman +ai/ to me, 2Gi5e $our +on, that 4e ma$ eat himto/a$, an/ 4e 4i eat m$ +on tomorro4-2 So 4e 0oie/ m$+on, an/ ate himC 5- *(-

    The eper+ at the %ate ha/ t4o choice+, an/ neither ofthem 4a+ promi+in%- The$ take/ amon% them+e5e+ an/+ai/, CIf 4e +a$, 2We 4i enter the cit$,2 the famine i+ in thecit$, an/ 4e +ha /ie there- An/ if 4e +it here, 4e /ie a+oC* Kin%+ =F3-

    The fee0e men 4ere confu+e/, +tar5in%, an/ facin%certain /eath-

    +$ase T$ree> DES+ERAT/ON

    The eper+ 4ere tota$ /e+perate 4hen the$ ma/e a /o?

    or?/ie /eci+ion- The$ +ai/, CNo4 therefore, come, et u++urren/er to the arm$ of the S$rian+- If the$ keep u+ ai5e,4e +ha i5e an/ if the$ ki u+, 4e +ha 0ut /ie2C 5-3-

    In our mini+tr$ 4e ha5e /eat 4ith hun/re/+ of peopea//icte/ to /ru%+ an/ acoho- I ha5e +een them at e5er$e5e on the cri+i+ cur5efrom apath$ to /enia, from

    hopee++ne++ to re+i%nation- But it i+ on$ 4hen a per+on0ecome+ tota$ /e+perate that he or +he ha+ a chance ofe+cape-

    Unless an addi!" rea!$es #""#(, $e#r s$e will neer rea!$ "$e "#%.

    Their cr$ for hep cannot come from the +$mpath$ of

    the heper, 0ut from the +ou of the hepe++-

    The pre+cription i+ the +ame for +omeone 4ho ha+turne/ hi+ 0ack on Go/- The 0ack+i/er mu+t reco%ni>e hi+


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for Spiritual ,rosperity

    /ire con/ition 0efore he can repent an/ +tart the ourne$0ack- The pra$er mu+t 0e a+ the ;+ami+tF C"eturn, O

    LO"1, /ei5er me Oh, +a5e me for Your mercie+2 +ake7or in /eath there i+ no remem0rance of You In the %ra5e4ho 4i %i5e You thank+C ;+am+ DE

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    the$ 4ou/ ha5e +tar5e/ out+i/e the %ate-

    +$ase ie> DEV/AT/ON

    What happene/ neDt i+ a /an%er that miion+ of peopeha5e face/- A+ the eper+ cee0rate/ their i0eration, the$4ere ure/ 0$ Satan into a near$ fata mi+take-

    When the$ came to the out+kirt+ of the camp, Cthe$4ent into one tent an/ ate an/ /rank, an/ carrie/ from it

    +i5er an/ %o/ an/ cothin%, an/ 4ent an/ hi/ them thenthe$ came 0ack an/ entere/ another tent, an/ carrie/ +omefrom there a+o, an/ 4ent an/ hi/ itC 5-)-

    The eper+ 4ere /etoure/ 0$ /e5iation- The$ +u//en$for%ot 4hat it 4a+ ike to 0e +ittin% out+i/e the cit$,/e+perate for e5en one mea- No4 the$ 4ere coectin% the0ount$ an/ not thinkin% a0out +harin%-

    It remin/+ me of peope 4ho come to #hri+t, fee/ onHi+ Wor/, /rink from Hi+ fountain an/ +a$, CI25e ha/enou%h to a+t me for a fe4 $ear+-C Then $ou rare$ +eethem a%ain-

    I reca a man 4ho 4orke/ for me 4ho, 4e aterearne/, ha/ 0een in5o5e/ three $ear+ earier in +ein%

    /ru%+- One /a$ the poice came to our automo0ie/eaer+hip an/ arre+te/ him-

    I 4a+ +hocke/ 0ecau+e he +eeme/ ike +uch a 4on/erfuper+on- The$ to/ him, CYour tria 4i 0e he/ in a fe44eek+-C

    The $oun% man, 4ho 4a+ reea+e/ on 0on/, 0e%anatten/in% our church- 7or the neDt fe4 4eek+ he 4a+ themo+t eDcite/ mem0er $ou can ima%ine- The con%re%ationpoure/ out their heart+ to him an/ hi+ 4ife- The$ 4ere+ho4ere/ 4ith feo4+hip, foo/ an/ finance+-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    There 4i a4a$+ 0e peope aroun/ to te $ou that Go//oe+ not 4ork in the affair+ of menon$ chance or

    coinci/ence- But there i+ no +u0+titute to /ecarin% Go/2+truth-

    +$ase Seen> DETER

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for Spiritual ,rosperity

    the Apo+te ;au 4rote, C7or I /etermine/ not to kno4an$thin% amon% $ou eDcept Je+u+ #hri+t an/ Him crucifie/C

    ' #orinthian+ *F*-

    If $ou 4ant $our +ou to pro+perreatly60ecome tota$committe/- Go/ +a$+, CI kno4 $our 4ork+, that $ou areneither co/ nor hot- I cou/ 4i+h $ou 4ere co/ or hot- Sothen, 0ecau+e $ou are uke4arm, an/ neither co/ nor hot, I4i +pe4 $ou out of $ mouthC "e5eation 8F':,'

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad





    In the +eminar+ I con/uct acro++ the countr$ I ha5e 0eena+ke/ hun/re/+ of ue+tion+- an$ of them reate to 4hatthe Bi0e teache+ a0out ph$+ica heath- ;eope 4ant tokno4F

    CIf it i+ Go/2+ 4i for u+ to 0e heath$, 4h$ are there+o man$ peope in the ho+pitaC

    CSince the Lor/ can hea u+, /oe+ it make an$/ifference 4hat 4e eatC

    CWhat i+ the ink 0et4een +a5ation an/ heain%C

    CAre there an$ +pecific foo/+ the Bi0e for0i/+C

    I 0eie5e the Wor/ contain+ a cear pre+cription forph$+ica pro+perit$ that 4i a// $ear+ to $our ife-

    7or $ear+ I ha5e hear/ peope +a$ appain% thin%+ a0outine++- One 4oman +hru%%e/ her +hou/er+ an/ +ai/, CIt

    mu+t 0e Go/2+ 4i for me to 0e +ick-C Another +ai/, C$%ran/mother ha/ arthriti+- I %ue++ I am %oin% to ha5e it,too-C An/ a man to/ me, C$ father ha/ cancer- I2pro0a0$ 0e neDt-C


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Tho+e are ne%ati5e confe++ion+ that mu+t 0e /e+tro$e/-We nee/ to con+i/er the Wor/ of Go/, not the con/ition of

    our %ran/mother- If 4e +pen/ our time %orif$in% Satanthrou%h fear, anDiet$ an/ 4orr$, 4e are %oin% to i5e in4eakne++-

    I remem0er 5i+itin% a funera home after a mi//e?a%e/4oman ha/ pa++e/ a4a$- One of her frien/+ +ai/, CWe,Go/ et her %et +ick an/ /ie- She 4a+ +uch a 4on/erfuper+on that Go/ took her ear$-C

    I cou/n2t 0eie5e 4hat I 4a+ hearin%- It +imp$ 4a+n2t+criptura- $ Bi0e +a$+, CI+ an$one amon% $ou +ick Lethim ca for the e/er+ of the church, an/ et them pra$ o5erhim, anointin% him 4ith oi in the name of the Lor/- An/the pra$er of faith 4i +a5e the +ick, an/ the Lor/ 4i rai+ehim upC Jame+ :F'3,':-

    A D#-le Blessin)

    One ni%ht a+ I 4a+ pra$in%, the Lor/ +poke to me an/+ai/, C1o $ou /epen/ on me for $our +a5ationC

    CYe+, Lor/- I ne5er ue+tion it-C

    He +ai/, CThen /epen/ on me for $our heain%-C

    I+aiah 4rote, CHe 4a+ 4oun/e/ for our tran+%re++ion+,He 4a+ 0rui+e/ for our iniuitie+ the cha+ti+ement for ourpeace 4a+ upon Him, an/ 0$ Hi+ +tripe+ 4e are heae/CI+aiah :8F:-

    After rea/in% that +cripture, ho4 can a per+on +a$, CIkno4 it i+ Go/2+ 4i to +a5e me, 0ut I2m not +ure if He 4ihea meC Both are containe/ in the +ame 5er+ean/ 0oth4ere fufie/ at the #ro++-

    When Je+u+ 4a+ mini+terin% in #apernaum, Cthe$0rou%ht to Him man$ 4ho 4ere /emon?po++e++e/- An/ He


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for ,hysical ,rosperity

    ca+t out the +pirit+ 4ith a 4or/, an/ heae/ a 4ho 4ere+ick, that it mi%ht 0e fufie/ 4hich 4a+ +poken 0$ I+aiah

    the prophet, +a$in%F 2He Him+ef took our infirmitie+ an/0ore our +ickne++e+2C atthe4 )F'

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for ,hysical ,rosperity

    re+taurant+ an/ the 4a+te from chee+e factorie+- That 4a+their /iet-

    A Hai" #f Heal"$

    If the Bi0e i+ concerne/ 4ith our ph$+ica heath, 4e+hou/ 0e too- Here are +ome +pecific thin%+ $ou can /o tomake heath$ i5in% a ife+t$e-

    Kick the unk foo/ ha0it-

    Eiminate a+ much fat from $our /iet a+ po++i0e-

    Ne5er ao4 a /a$ to pa++ 4ithout ph$+ica eDerci+e-

    "ea/ e5er$thin% $ou can on nutrition, 5itamin+,minera+ an/ /ietar$ +uppement+-

    "eco%ni>e the cau+e+ of unheath$ +tre++ an/eiminate them-

    ;ra$ for /ei5erance from cra5in%+ or a//iction+-

    EDerci+e $our min/ e5er$ /a$-

    Ha5e a thorou%h ph$+ica checkup e5er$ $ear-

    A5oi/ Ccra+hC /iet+- In+tea/ chan%e $our /ai$ eatin%ha0it+-

    A+k the Lor/ to repace ne%ati5e thou%ht+ 4ithpo+iti5e one+-

    I ike to think of m$ 0o/$ a+ 0ein% ma/e up of +o/ier+-When the %oo/ troop+ outnum0er the 0a/ troop+, I 4i +ta$heath$- But 4hen the 0a/ +o/ier+ outnum0er the %oo/one+, I 4i 0ecome +ick- Our o0 i+ to take %oo/ care of the+o/ier+ an/ fee/ them the ri%ht C+tuff-C

    We nee/ to 0e concerne/ 4ith e5er$thin% that enter+our 0o/ie+- 7or eDampe, 0ecau+e of the chorine an/fuori/e+ in 4ater, 4e ha5e cho+en to /rink 0otte/ 4aterfor the pa+t *: $ear+-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Some peope a+kF

    5/f i" is 0#d's will "$a" we e in$eal"$, "$en w$ are "$e $#s%i"als s#


    I 0eie5e it i+ 0ecau+e 4e are not u+in% 4i+/om in our/ietar$ rue+- We fi our 0o/ie+ 4ith unk foo/, choe+tero,+u%ar an/ +o/ium an/ then 4on/er 4h$ our arterie+ are

    co%%e/ an/ our 0oo/ pre++ure +o /an%erou+$ hi%h-I fee +orr$ for peope 4ho +a$, CIf it i+ Go/2+ 4i for

    me to %et cancer, I 4i ha5e it-C It i+ not true- In+tea/,peope 4ho fee/ their 0o/ie+ cancer?cau+in% foo/+ 4i 0eafficte/ a+ certain$ a+ the +k$ i+ 0ue-

    It /oe+n2t 0other m$ faith to 5i+it the /octor for an

    annua ph$+ica checkup- After a, 4e %o to church to %et acheckup on our faith-

    Sickne++ i+ an attack of Satan, an/ 4e can fi%ht off hi+on+au%ht 0$ proper eatin% an/ 0$ takin% care of our 0o/ie+-The reme/$ for 4eakne++ can u+ua$ 0e foun/ in %oo/nutrition- That2+ ho4 4e can 0eat the /e5i at hi+ o4n %ame-

    EDerci+e +hou/ a+o 0e part of our /ai$ pro%ram, 0ut

    $ou /o not nee/ a +trenuou+ 4orkout to achie5e %reatre+ut+- It ha+ 0een pro5en a%ain an/ a%ain that e5en a+impe, re%uar pro%ram of 4akin% 4i tran+form $our0o/$- One +tu/$ concu/e/ that for e5er$ mie 4e 4ak, 4ea// a minute an/ a haf to our i5e+-

    A ?-es"i#n #f @#

    ;h$+ica heath i+ not a 4e nee/ to 0e concerne/ 4ith-Stati+tic+ +ho4 that in the .nite/ State+ there are a+ man$peope menta$ +ick a+ there are 4ith 0o/i$ aiment+-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for ,hysical ,rosperity

    iion+ of peope 4i eDperience a ner5ou+ 0reak/o4n intheir ifetime-

    The ;+ami+t offer+ the +oution for /epre++ion- He4roteF CWh$ are $ou ca+t /o4n, O m$ +ou An/ 4h$ are$ou /i+uiete/ 4ithin me Hope in Go/ 7or I +ha $etprai+e Him, The hep of m$ countenance an/ m$ Go/C;+am+ 3*F''-

    An$ me/ica /octor 4i te $ou that /i+coura%ement

    an/ +orro4 ha5e a ne%ati5e impact on our 0o/ie+- There i+ a4e?/ocumente/ ink 0et4een ph$+ica an/ emotionapro0em+-

    I am con5ince/ that 4hen peope o+e their o$, the$ arehea/e/ for a 0e/ of affiction- It i+ part of Satan2+ 0attepan- He 4i 4hi+per, CWh$ are $ou +o happ$

    1on2t $ou kno4 that #hri+tian+ are +uppo+e/ to 0e+eriou+C

    Scripture te+ u+, C1o not +orro4, for the o$ of theLO"1 i+ $our +tren%thC Nehemiah )F'9- An/ CA merr$heart /oe+ %oo/, ike me/icine, 0ut a 0roken +pirit /rie+ the0one+C ;ro5er0+ '=F**-

    If $ou 4ant to 0e at peace 4ith $our+ef an/ the 4or/,

    hee/ the a/5ice of ;au- CBeo5e/, /o not a5en%e$our+e5e+, 0ut rather %i5e pace to 4rath for it i+ 4ritten,2!en%eance i+ ine, I 4i repa$,2 +a$+ the Lor/C "oman+'*F'(- Let the Lor/ fi%ht $our 0atte+-

    Here i+ a pre+cription that i+ %uarantee/ to eiminatepre++ureF

    Ta&e fie +sal(s in "$e (#rnin)and fie +r#ers a" ni)$".

    Before thi+ /a$ i+ o5er, open $our Bi0e an/ /i%e+t


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    '- ,salms 373*- ,salms 8070

    8- ,salms 81783

    3- ,salms 1079:

    :- ,salms 0;

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for ,hysical ,rosperity

    4oun/+,2 +a$+ the LO"1C Jeremiah 89F'=-

    Ao4 the Lor/ to %i5e $ou ener%$ an/ 5itait$- CIt i+Go/ 4ho arm+ me 4ith +tren%th, An/ make+ m$ 4a$perfectC ;+am+ ')F8*-

    The +ame Lor/ that pro5i/e+ +a5ation 4ant+ $ou topro+per an/ 0e in heath- The /oor+ of Go/2+ ;harmac$ area4a$+ open- Let Him fi $our pre+cription to/a$-


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  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad






    ;eope 4ho kno4 m$ 0ack%roun/ often a+k, CHo4 /i/

    the chi/ of an immi%rant father e+cape the po5ert$ ofartin+ 7err$, Ohio, to 0ui/ a muti?miion /oarautomoti5e empireC

    $ ife to/a$ i+ i%ht?$ear+ a4a$ from hoein% corn for a/oar a /a$ an/ +ettin% pin+ in a 0o4in% ae$ for a fe4pennie+ a ine-

    On Apri ), '(:=, m$ CempireC 4a+ a mu//$ ot on theea+t +i/e of #oum0u+, Ohio- I 0orro4e/ @',999 from theEconom$ Loan #ompan$, foun/ three u+e/ car+, +prea/ aitte %ra5e, hun% a fe4 i%ht 0u0+ on a 4ire an/ opene/for 0u+ine++-

    The /ramatic %ro4th of Bi S4a/ otor+ 4a+ not there+ut of a +ecret formua or a ti%ht$?%uar/e/ recipe-

    In+tea/, the pre+cription i+ 0a+e/ on +pecific principe+ thatha5e 4orke/ for me- An/ $ou can put them into practice+tartin% to/a$-

    Here are the Eiht La%s of -inancial ,rosperity that


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    can tran+form $our economic future-

    Law N-(er One> Beliee T$a" i" is 0#d's 3illf#r Y#- "# +r#s%er

    In the automo0ie 0u+ine++ I am con+tant$ ama>e/ atthe 4i/e /ifference+ in the pro/ucti5it$ of +ae+ peope-You ma$ tr$ to moti5ate fifteen eua$ uaifie/in/i5i/ua+, 0ut $ou 4i ne5er %et fifteen i/entica re+ut+-

    I25e +een it o5er an/ o5er a%ain- One per+on 4i makea+ much a+ @'),999 in a +in%e month an/ another+pen/in% the +ame amount of time4i +tru%%e to make@',999- What i+ the /ifference

    Without ue+tion, the contra+t i+ in attitu/e an/ 0eief-The 4inner+ +a$, CI u+t kne4 that I cou/ /o it-C

    The %reate+t +ource of 0eief i+ a /eep?roote/ faith thatit i+ Go/2+ Wi for $ou to pro+per- A+ John 4rote,CBeo5e/, I pra$ that $ou ma$ pro+per in a thin%+ an/ 0ein heath, u+t a+ $our +ou pro+per+C 8 John 'F*-

    an$ peope /on2t 0eie5e that Go/ ha+ an$thin% to /o4ith their mone$, 0ut He ha+ everythin to /o 4ith it- TheBi0e te+ u+F CBut $ou +ha remem0er the Lor/ th$ Go/F

    for it i+ he that %i5e+ $ou the po4er to %et 4eathC1euteronom$ )F')-

    Je+u+ +ai/ the+e oft?uote/ 4or/+F CBut +eek fir+t thekin%/om of Go/ an/ Hi+ ri%hteou+ne++, an/ a the+e thin%++ha 0e a//e/ to $ouC atthe4

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for -inancial ,rosperity

    Ha5e $ou trie/ pa$in% $our utiit$ 0i+ 4ith a note that+a$+, CI2m enco+in% faith, hope, an/ o5eC

    I +ti meet peope 4ho +omeho4 0eie5e that tho+e 4hoi5e in po5ert$ are more C+piritua-C But if $ou ha5e rea/ theBi0e $ou kno4 that it i+ not mone$, 0ut the love of it thati+ at the heart of the pro0em-

    I 0eie5e that it i+ more than Go/2+ /e+ire for $ou topro+per-(t is "is %ill.

    Law N-(er Tw#>

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for -inancial ,rosperity

    fith$ four etter 4or/ I ha5e- The Bi0e +a$+, CA foo i+ +oup+et 0$ a itte 4ork that he ha+ no +tren%th for the

    +impe+t matterC Ecce+ia+te+ '9F':-

    The moment I entere/ the automoti5e 0u+ine++ I kne4 Iha/ foun/ eDact$ 4hat I +hou/ 0e /oin%- It ha+ ne5er+eeme/ ike 4ork- I ha5e often thou%ht, CAm I rea$%ettin% pai/ for thi+C

    /f #-r %resen" e(%l#(en" is n#"#-r drea( f#r life, s"ar" w$ere #-

    are and (#e f#rward.

    No matter 4hat Go/ pace+ 0efore $ou, C/o it 4ith a$our mi%htC Ecce+ia+te+ (F'9-

    E5er$ mornin% 4e nee/ to thank the Lor/ that He ha+

    %i5en u+ the ph$+ica +tren%th, the menta capacit$, an/ the+ki+ to 0e pro/ucti5e- When 4e app$ tho+e in%re/ient+ toa a0or of o5e, there i+ no imit to 4hat 4e can accompi+h-

    Law N-(er #-r> Hae ai"$ T$a" 0#d 3illD# 3$a" He Said He 3ill D#

    A+ a piot, I kno4 4hat it i+ ike to 0e in cou/+ +o thick

    that $ou can2t +ee the en/ of the aircraft2+ 4in%+- When thathappen+ $ou ha5e on$ one choice- You ha5e to put totaconfi/ence in the accurac$ of $our in+trument+ an/ thein+truction+ from an air traffic controer-

    We nee/ thi+ +ame reation+hip 4ith the Lor/- In 0oththe O/ an/ Ne4 Te+tament+ Go/ +a$+, CI am %oin% to 0e++

    m$ peope-C I firm$ 0eie5e Hi+ 0e++in% incu/e+ that He4ant+ $ou to ha5e enou%h mone$ to pa$ for $our %rocerie+,$our utiitie+ an/ $our rent- Without pro5i/in% for the0a+ic+ of ife, there certain$ 4ou/ not 0e much of a0e++in%-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Scripture /ecare+ that CThe LO"1 Go/ i+ a +un an/+hie/ The LO"1 4i %i5e %race an/ %or$ No %oo/ thin%

    4i He 4ithho/ 7rom tho+e 4ho 4ak upri%ht$C ;+am+)3F''-

    /f we d#n'" de(#ns"ra"e a wal& "$a"is 5-%ri)$"5, $#w !an we e=%e!" #-r

    %a"$ "# e s(##"$;

    We nee/ to eDerci+e the +ame faith foun/ in Scripture-We +er5e a Go/ C4ho %i5e+ ife to the /ea/ an/ ca+ tho+ethin%+ 4hich /o not eDi+t a+ thou%h the$ /i/C "oman+3F'=- That i+ rea faith-

    Wi the Lor/ keep Hi+ promi+e A0+oute$- C#ommit$our 4a$ to the LO"1, Tru+t a+o in Him, An/ He +ha0rin% it to pa++C ;+am+ 8=F:-

    The ;+ami+t a//e/F

    CI ha5e 0een $oun%, an/ no4 am o/ Yet I ha5enot +een the ri%hteou+ for+aken, Nor hi+ /e+cen/ant+0e%%in% 0rea/C 5- *:-

    Law N-(er ie> Neer Be Afraid #f

    La-n!$in) New Ven"-resA frien/ once cae/ an/ +ai/, CBi, I2m rea$ %oo/ at

    makin% pi>>a an/ m$ hu+0an/ an/ I are thinkin% a0out%oin% into 0u+ine++ for our+e5e+-C She 4a+ eDcite/ a0out afranchi+e +omeone 4ante/ to +e them that reuire/@':,999 pu+ four percent of the %ro++ +ae+-

    I +ai/, CThere i+ on$ one pro0em- The +eer of thefranchi+e nee/+ $ou- You /on2t nee/ him- If $ou kno4 ho4to make pi>>a, /o it $our+ef-C I e5en to/ the coupe that afrien/ of mine 4ho ha/ a +ucce++fu pi>>a 0u+ine++ 4ou/


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    5od's ,rescription for -inancial ,rosperity

    train them at no co+t-

    The$ cho+e not to foo4 m$ a/5ice-

    7our month+ ater, I recei5e/ a frantic ca from thecoupe- CBi, 4e25e %ot a pro0em- The man 4e 0ou%ht thefranchi+e from i+ cheatin% u+- He i+ not ho/in% up hi+ en/of the 0ar%ain, an/ 4e ha5e +toppe/ pa$in% him-C

    Their /i+pute re+ute/ in a a4+uit an/ the coupe o+t-

    We +hou/ ne5er 0e timi/ a0out aunchin% ne45enture+e+pecia$ if 4e ha5e /one our home4ork an/i+tene/ to the 0e+t a/5ice-

    On the +hore of Lake Genne+aret, Je+u+ +ai/ to Simon,CLaunch out into the /eep, an/ et /o4n $our net+ an/ $ou4i catch a ot of fi+hC Luke :F3-

    Simon re+pon/e/, Ca+ter, 4e ha5e toie/ a ni%ht an/

    ha5e cau%ht nothin%C 5-:- But the$ i+tene/ to the Lor/2+a/5ice an/ cau%ht +o man$ fi+h it amo+t 0roke the net+ an/+ank the 0oat+- 55-

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    the e++entia reuirement+ $ou nee/ for a fruitfu an/pro/ucti5e ife-

    There are hun/re/+ of 5er+e+ in Scripture that %i5e u+the ke$+ to per+ona achie5ement- 7or eDampe, ;au +ai/that $ou +hou/ Ca+pire to ea/ a uiet ife, to min/ $ouro4n 0u+ine++, an/ to 4ork 4ith $our o4n han/+, a+ 4ecomman/e/ $ou, that $ou ma$ 4ak proper$ to4ar/ tho+e4ho are out+i/e, an/ that $ou ma$ ack nothin%C 'The++aonian+ 3F'','*-

    7or $ear+ I ha5e to/ peope, CThe har/er I 4ork, themore 0e++e/ I %et-C But on% a%o Soomon +ai/, C1o $ou+ee a man 4ho eDce+ in hi+ 4ork He 4i +tan/ 0eforekin%+ he 4i not +tan/ 0efore unkno4n menC ;ro5er0+**F*(-

    In+tea/ of ru+hin% to the 0ook+tore for the ate+t +ef?

    hep 0e+t+eer, +tart rea/in% Go/2+ Wor/- In u+t +iD 5er+e+"oman+ '*F(?'3, ;au %i5e+ thi+ +a%e a/5iceF

    A0hor 4hat i+ e5i-

    #in% to 4hat i+ %oo/-

    Be kin/$ affectionate to one another-

    Gi5e preference to one another-

    Be not a%%in% in /ii%ence-

    Be fer5ent in +pirit-

    "eoice in hope-

    Be patient in tri0uation-

    Be %i5en to ho+pitait$-

    Be++ tho+e 4ho per+ecute $ou-Go/2+ principe+ 4ork- We nee/ to put them into



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  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad




    One of m$ %reat hero+ in the Bi0e i+ Nehemiah-

    7or more than '

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    One> /N?U/RE #f 0#d's 3as

    Before takin% an$ +tep+ to re0ui/ the 4a, Nehemiahfa+te/ an/ pra$e/ for Go/2+ %ui/ance- He +ai/, CI pra$,LO"1 Go/ of hea5en, O %reat an/ a4e+ome Go/, You4ho keep Your co5enant an/ merc$ 4ith tho+e 4ho o5eYou an/ o0+er5e Your comman/ment+, pea+e et Your ear0e attenti5e an/ Your e$e+ open, that You ma$ hear thepra$er of Your +er5antC Nehemiah 'F

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    You >an !eceive 5od's ?est

    thi+ /a$C Nehemiah 'F''-

    Nehemiah ha/ a %reat a+piration to +ee Go/ re+tore Hi+0e++in% on Jeru+aem0ut he 4a+ tota$ /epen/ent on theLor/- He a+o ha/ faith to 5i+uai>e the compete/ proect-

    #an $ou +ee Go/2+ 0e++in% throu%h the e$e+ of faith If$ou are %oin% to 4in $our nei%h0or to #hri+t, picture$our+ef /oin% it- Tr$ 5i+uai>in%, CWhat 4i I +a$ to himCCHo4 4i he re+pon/C

    The Lor/ kno4+ $our thou%ht+- A+ He to/ Soomon,CKno4 the Go/ of $our father, an/ +er5e Him 4ith a o$aheart an/ 4ith a 4iin% min/ for the LO"1 +earche+ aheart+ an/ un/er+tan/+ a the intent of the thou%ht+- If $ou+eek Him, He 4i 0e foun/ 0$ $ou 0ut if $ou for+ake Him,He 4i ca+t $ou off fore5erC ' #hronice+ *)F(-

    On a recent mornin% a man to/ me, CThi+ i+ +ure aou+$ /a$-C

    I re+pon/e/, CNo- Thi+ i+ the /a$ Go/ ha+ %i5en u+- Aof Hi+ re+ource+ are our+-C An/ I a//e/,

    5T$e L#rd $as )ien -s air "#rea"$e, and if He "a&es i" awa, we

    are dead.5It2+ true We can i5e 4ithout foo/ for 39 /a$+- We can

    i5e 4ithout 4ater '3 /a$+- We can on$ i5e 4ithout air fore++ than three minute+- But 4e cannot i5e 4ithout hope-

    I+ the Lor/ $our +ource 1o $ou a+pire to recei5e Hi+fa5or CHe +ha recei5e 0e++in% from the LO"1, An/

    ri%hteou+ne++ from the Go/ of hi+ +a5ationC ;+am+ *3F:-

    T$ree> AD

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    re0ui/in% proect, CThe$ au%he/ u+ to +corn an/ /e+pi+e/u+C Nehemiah *F'(- But the$ an+4ere/F CThe Go/ of

    hea5en Him+ef 4i pro+per u+ therefore 4e Hi+ +er5ant+4i ari+e an/ 0ui/C 5-*9-

    Nehemiah cou/ ne5er ha5e accompi+he/ the %iant ta+kaone- The Lor/ 4a+ the tota +ource of hi+ +upp$-

    We +er5e the +ame Go/ 4ho fe/ the #hi/ren of I+rae4ith manna from hea5en an/ 4ith 4ater from a rock, 4ho

    +ent ra5en+ to fee/ Eiah, 4ho fe/ fi5e thou+an/ 4ith a fe4oa5e+ an/ fi+he+-

    I can2t 0e%in to recount the time+ that I ha5e face/ animpo++i0e +ituation- There 4ere /a$+ the pantr$ 4a+ 0arean/ 4e 4on/ere/ 4here our neDt mea 4ou/ come from-There 4ere tho+e Thur+/a$ ni%ht+ 4hen I fe to m$ knee+an/ pra$e/, CLor/, $ou kno4 I ha5e a pa$ro to meet

    tomorro4 an/ there i+n2t enou%h mone$ in the account-C

    /f / l##&ed "# Bill Swad f#r "$eanswer, / w#-ld $ae failed


    But I caime/ the Wor/ that +ai/, CAn/ m$ Go/ +ha

    +upp$ a $our nee/ accor/in% to Hi+ riche+ in %or$ 0$#hri+t Je+u+C ;hiippian+ 3F'(-

    The Lor/ ha+ ne5er faie/ me- Ne5er-

    #-r> DES/RE 0#d's Bes"

    Nehemiah2+ heart 4a+ hea5$ 0ecau+e Go/2+ anointe/

    cit$ 4a+ in /i+repair- He earne/ that the inha0itant+ ofJeru+aem 4ere Cin %reat /i+tre++ an/ reproach- The 4a ofJeru+aem i+ a+o 0roken /o4n, an/ it+ %ate+ are 0urne/4ith fireC Nehemiah 'F8-

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    You >an !eceive 5od's ?est

    It 4a+ certain$ not the perfection the Lor/ 4ante/ forHi+ chi/ren-

    Before I 0ecame a #hri+tian m$ ife 4a+ hea/e/ fortota /i+a+ter- 1a$ after /a$ I 4ou/ /rink more than a fifthof 4hi+ke$ an/ I 4a+ runnin% fa+t an/ oo+e 4ith the 4ron%cro4/-

    Then I eDperience/ a /ramatic turn?aroun/- 7rom themoment Je+u+ 0ecame the Lor/ of m$ ife, I 0e%an to /e+ire

    Hi+ 0e+t- I 4i+h I cou/ te $ou that I ha5e achie5e/perfection, 0ut that i+ not the ca+e- One thin%, ho4e5er, i+certain- The co+er I %et to the Lor/, the more I 0ecome ikeHim-

    Some/a$ I 4i +tan/ 0efore Him an/ un/er+tan/ 4hatHe meant 4hen He +ai/, CTherefore $ou +ha 0e perfect,u+t a+ $our 7ather in hea5en i+ perfectC atthe4 :F3)-

    What i+ the +ource of eDceence We kno4 that CE5er$%oo/ %ift an/ e5er$ perfect %ift i+ from a0o5e, an/ come+/o4n from the 7ather of i%ht+, 4ith 4hom there i+ no5ariation or +ha/o4 of turnin%C Jame+ 'F'=-

    ;au2+ pra$er 4a+ that the Lor/ 4ou/ Cmake $oucompete in e5er$ %oo/ 4ork to /o Hi+ 4i, 4orkin% in $ou

    4hat i+ 4e pea+in% in Hi+ +i%ht, throu%h Je+u+ #hri+tCHe0re4+ '8F*'-

    7rom the moment of +a5ation, Hi+ 0e+t +hou/ 0e ourife+t$e- We ha5e 0een re0orn into ro$at$ an/ ha5eacuire/ Hi+ nature- The Wor/ te+ u+, CBut a+ man$ a+recei5e/ Him, to them He %a5e the ri%ht to 0ecome chi/renof Go/, e5en to tho+e 4ho 0eie5e in Hi+ nameC John


    ie> RE?U/RE 0#d's Assis"an!e

    When $ou foo4 Go/2+ pan, $ou can eDpect the

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    enemie+ to arri5e- The$ certain$ came to Nehemiah-

    E5er$ /a$ that the 4a 4a+ 0ein% re0uit, the critic+4ere there- CWhen San0aat Nehemiah2+ chief poiticaopponent hear/ that 4e 4ere re0ui/in% the 4a, he 4a+furiou+ an/ 5er$ in/i%nant, an/ mocke/ the Je4+CNehemiah 3F'-

    But the 0ui/er pra$e/ for the Lor/2+ a++i+tance- CHear,O our Go/, for 4e are /e+pi+e/ turn their reproach on their

    o4n hea/+, an/ %i5e them a+ pun/er to a an/ of capti5it$C5-3-

    The Ami%ht$ /i/ not create u+ an/ re/eem u+ +o that4e cou/ +um0er an/ +eep- We are here to hep 0ui/ thekin%/oman/ He i+ rea/$ to a++i+t- ;au 4rote, CAn/ Go/i+ a0e to make a %race a0oun/ to4ar/ $ou, that $ou,a4a$+ ha5in% a +ufficienc$ in a thin%+, ha5e an

    a0un/ance for e5er$ %oo/ 4orkC * #orinthian+ (F)-We +er5e a Go/ 4ho i+ a0e to /o CeDcee/in%

    a0un/ant$ a0o5e a that 4e a+k or think, accor/in% to thepo4er that 4ork+ in u+C Ephe+ian+ 8F*9-

    It i+ Cnot 0$ 4ork+ of ri%hteou+ne++ 4hich 4e ha5e/one, 0ut accor/in% to Hi+ merc$ He +a5e/ u+, throu%h the

    4a+hin% of re%eneration an/ rene4in% of the Ho$ Spirit,4hom He poure/ out on u+ a0un/ant$ throu%h Je+u+ #hri+tour Sa5iorC Titu+ 8F:, +ERS+/RE "# A""ain 0#d's Res#-r!es

    What 4a+ the +ecret in%re/ient that ao4e/ the 4a to0e re0uit The peope 4ere not afrai/ to %i5e e5er$ ounceof ener%$ to the ta+k- CSo 4e 0uit the 4a, an/ the entire4a 4a+ oine/ to%ether up to haf it+ hei%ht, for the peopeha/ a min/ to 4orkC Nehemiah 3F

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    You >an !eceive 5od's ?est

    Een w$en "$e were -nder a""a!&,"$e neer s"#%%ed "$eir la#r.

    CTho+e 4ho 0uit on the 4a, an/ tho+e 4ho carrie/0ur/en+, oa/e/ them+e5e+ +o that 4ith one han/ the$4orke/ at con+truction, an/ 4ith the other he/ a 4eaponC5- '=-

    To fufi the Great #ommi++ion, Je+u+ +ai/, CGoCan/ that mean+ action- In5ite +omeone o5er to $our hou+eto ea/ them to Je+u+- Go out of $our 4a$ to 0rin% +omeoneto the hou+e of the Lor/- Go/2+ kin%/om, incu/in% $ouroca church, i+ 0uit throu%h peope 4ho are committe/ to4ork-

    It i+ a+o true in 0u+ine++- I /i/ not 0ui/ an automoti5eempire 0$ treatin% the enterpri+e a+ a nine?to?fi5e o0- In the

    4or/ of Win+ton #hurchi, CI ha5e nothin% to offer 0ut0oo/, toi, tear+ an/ +4eat-C

    When $ou face a C4aC in $our ife, /on2t +ette foran$thin% e++ than 5ictor$-

    3$en "$e ene( a""a!&s, res%#ndli&e Ne$e(ia$'s w#r&ers"$e

    f#-)$" #ff "r#-le, -" neer s"#%%ed-ildin).

    Booker T- Wa+hin%ton +ai/, CI ha5e earne/ that +ucce++i+ not to 0e mea+ure/ +o much 0$ the po+ition that one ha+reache/ in ife, a+ 0$ the o0+tace+ one ha+ reache/ 4hietr$in% to +uccee/-C

    You 4i eDperience a %reat turnin% point in ife 4hen$ou +ee $our+ef a+ 0ein% pro/ucti5e- But pannin% $our+trate%$ i+ on$ haf the 0atte- It a+o take+ ener%$ to reapthe re4ar/- CHe 4ho %ather+ in +ummer i+ a 4i+e +on, 0ut

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    he 4ho +eep+ in har5e+t i+ a +on 4ho cau+e+ +hameC;ro5er0+ '9F:-

    Han% in there Ju+t 4hen 4e fee rea/$ to uit, Go/ma$ fee rea/$ to 0e++- He 4ant+ u+ to fini+h the 4a-

    Seen> AC?U/RE 0#d's +r#isi#n

    What a cee0ration 4hen the Lor/2+ 4ork 4a+compete/ E5er$ +tone ha/ 0een recaime/- The

    ma%nificent 0oun/ar$ 4a+ a te+timon$ of 5i+ion, +acrifice,a0or, an/ per+e5erance-

    I 4i+h I cou/ ha5e 0een 4ith Nehemiah an/ hi+ama>in% 0an/ of 4orker+ 4hen the 4a of Jeru+aem 4a+fini+he/- At the /e/ication the$ reoice/ C4ith %a/ne++,0oth 4ith thank+%i5in%+ an/ +in%in%, 4ith c$m0a+ an/+trin%e/ in+trument+ an/ harp+C Nehemiah '*F*=-

    C#ome on, e5er$0o/$- Get up on the 4aC +houte/Nehemiah- He C0rou%ht the ea/er+ of Ju/ah up on the 4a,an/ appointe/ t4o ar%e thank+%i5in% choir+C 5- 8'- TheBi0e recor/+ that the$ +an% Cou/$C 5- 3*- Their eation4a+ +o %reat that Cthe o$ of Jeru+aem 4a+ hear/ afar off5-38-

    Think of it The 4a 4a+ re0uit in on$ fift$?t4o /a$+-E5en the enemie+ of the proect reco%ni>e/ that Cthi+ 4ork4a+ /one 0$ our Go/C Nehemiah

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    You >an !eceive 5od's ?est

    +horter time than $ou can ima%ine-

    Start 0ui/in%


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Accor/in% to the .- S- 1epartment of A%ricuture, a+t$ear America pro/uce/ o5er t4o 0iion 0u+he+ of 4heat,more than +e5en 0iion 0u+he+ of corn, an/ o5er three0iion poun/+ of peanut+- But the recor/?+ettin% $ie/+pro/uce/ on our 899 miion acre+ of crop+ are in+i%nificantcompare/ 4ith the har5e+t that i+ on the hori>on-

    The +oun/ of a trumpet 4i +i%na the %reate+t%atherin% the 4or/ ha+ e5er kno4n- Our natura e$e ma$+ee #hri+tian+ 0ein% 0u/o>e/ an/ pu+he/ a+i/e 0$ theenemie+ of the #ro++- But throu%h the e$e of faith 4e can

    +ee #hri+t comin% in the cou/+ for the fina har5e+t-The %reat preacher 14i%ht L- oo/$ +ai/, CI ne5er

    preach a +ermon 4ithout thinkin% that po++i0$ the Lor/ma$ come 0efore I preach another-C An/ 1r- G- #amp0eor%an, the fame/ Briti+h cer%$man +ai/, CI ne5er 0e%inm$ 4ork in the mornin% 4ithout thinkin% that perhap+ Hema$ interrupt m$ 4ork an/ 0e%in Hi+ o4n- I am not

    ookin% for /eath, I am ookin% for Him-C

    Denin) "$e +#wer

    Ho4 /o 4e kno4 that the return of #hri+t i+ imminent


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    Ho4 can 4e eDpect to pro+per +piritua$ if 4e refu+e toha5e feo4+hip 4ith the chi/ren of the Lor/

    I remem0er the /a$ I take/ 4ith a fami$ 4ho ha/+toppe/ atten/in% church- I 4a+ +hocke/ 4hen the$ to/me, CGo/ ha+ 0e++e/ our 0u+ine++ +o much that 4e ha5e to4ork on Sun/a$-C

    Tho+e peope ha/ a pro0em the$ /i/ not reco%ni>e-

    Some peope +a$, CI am a %oo/ per+on- I +ee no nee/ to

    %o to church-C The$ /eu/e them+e5e+ into 0eie5in% thatthe$ can +er5e the Lor/ 4ithout atten/in% the Hou+e ofGo/-

    Another coupe to/ meF CWe i5e too far a4a$ fromour church-C

    I +ai/, CThat2+ no pro0em- 7in/ a feo4+hip co+er to

    $our home an/ +tart atten/in% there-C

    3e were n#" #rn "# lie al#ne. 0#dins"i"-"ed "$e !$-r!$ "# rin) His

    fa(il "#)e"$er.

    When 4e fai to atten/ the Hou+e of the Lor/, Go/2+0e++in%+ ma$ pa++ o5er u+-

    One of m$ a++ociate+ +ai/, C;eope pra$ for a re+pon+efrom their Hea5en$ 7ather- But the Lor/ +a$+, 2Where are$ou You are not in the pace I in+tructe/ $ou to 0e-2C

    Ho4 tra%ic it i+ 4hen Go/ +en/+ a me++en%er 4ith anan+4er an/ can2t fin/ the per+on 4ith the ue+tion- NeDtSun/a$ I ma$ ha5e a +pecia 4or/ from the Lor/ for a

    particuar per+on- But 4hat happen+ if the$ are on the %ofcour+e or at the 0each The$ 4on2t recei5e the an+4er-

    The church i+ 4here 4e 0ui/ eterna reation+hip+4ith the Lor/ an/ 4ith Hi+ peope- In+tea/ of u+t pantin%


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    The &orld's 5reatest "arvest

    corn or potatoe+, pant $our ife into the ife of +omeonee+e-

    A 5er$ +ucce++fu 0u+ine++man recent$ came to me an/+ai/, CBi, $ou ha5e a $oun% man 4orkin% for $ou 4ho+erent i+ /ue on on/a$-C Then he +ai/ 4ith %reat +incerit$,CGi5e him thi+ mone$Cit 4a+ +e5era hun/re/ /oar+-CHe ha+ a 4ife an/ t4o ki/+ an/ I kno4 he i+ eDtreme$4orrie/ a0out hi+ finance+-C

    The mone$ 4a+ not a oan, an/ the 0u+ine++man 4ante/to remain anon$mou+- I to/ him, CSir, %et rea/$ to recei5ea %reat 0e++in%-C

    It i+ impo++i0e to fathom the +i>e of the har5e+t 4hen4e +ee/ into the i5e+ of other+-

    Hi)$ 3eeds

    CBi, Wh$ ha5e $ou continue/ to mini+ter to peope inOhio for +o man$ $ear+C I ha5e often 0een a+ke/-

    CThe an+4er i+ +impe,C I te them- CIt i+ m$ call+*

    There i+ nothin% that can compare 4ith 0ein% in theC0u2+ e$eC of Go/2+ 4i-

    I reca the time in '(

  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    EDceence i+ /oin% +omethin% ri%ht, 4hether it i+pro%rammin% a computer, teachin% a piano e++on, or

    %ettin% to a Bi0e +tu/$ on time-

    #hri+t in+tructe/ u+ to C4ork 4hie it i+ /a$ the ni%htcometh, 4hen no man can 4orkC John (F3- artin Luther+ai/, CIf #hri+t 4ere comin% a%ain tomorro4, I 4ou/ panta tree to/a$-C

    E5er$4here I turn I meet peope 4ho /e+tro$ 4hat the

    Lor/ i+ tr$in% to pro/uce- 7or eDampe, +ome peope are +o0u+$ 0ein% eaou+ of peope 4ith taent that the$ ha5ene5er /e5eope/ their o4n %ift+ an/ a0iitie+-

    T$e -es"i#n we need "# as&!#ns"an"l is, 53$a" a( / d#in) wi"$"$e )if"s and aili"ies 0#d $as )ien


    Je+u+ +ai/, CThe kin%/om of hea5en i+ ike a mu+tar/+ee/, 4hich a man took an/ +o4e/ in hi+ fie/, 4hichin/ee/ i+ the ea+t of a the +ee/+ 0ut 4hen it i+ %ro4n it i+%reater than the her0+ an/ 0ecome+ a tree, +o that the 0ir/+of the air come an/ ne+t in it+ 0ranche+C atthe4 '8F8*-

    5/" /s inis$ed5

    7rom the moment $ou 4ere 0orn, the +ee/+ of %reatne++4ere pante/ 4ithin $ou- But if $ou fai to cuti5ate the +oi,4ater $our crop+ an/ pu out the 4ee/+, there 4i ne5er 0ea har5e+t-

    T$ere is n# need "# fear "$e a""e(%"s#f "$e deil "# raa)e #-r !r#%s.

    @es-s defea"ed $i( a" "$e Cr#ss andsaid, 5/" is finis$ed5


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


    The &orld's 5reatest "arvest

    At that moment, #hri+t Cneutrai>e/C the po4er of Satanthrou%h the po4er of Hi+ 0oo/- A+ a chi/ of the Kin%, the

    /e5i ma$ torment $ou, 0ut he cannot conuer $ou-

    On the authorit$ of Go/2+ Wor/ I can /ecare that Satani+ un/er the /ominion of e5er$ 0orn a%ain 0eie5er- We areoint?heir+ 4ith #hri+t, 4ho ha+ Cput a thin%+ un/er hi+feetC Ephe+ian+ 'F**- CWe are more than conueror+throu%h Him 4ho o5e/ u+C "oman+ )F8=-

    I o5e 4hat the ;+ami+t 4roteFCNo e5i +ha 0efa $ou,

    Nor +ha an$ pa%ue come near $our /4ein%C;+am+ ('F'9-

    The E5i One ma$ attempt to +tea $our har5e+t, 0ut he4i fai- CSo the %reat /ra%on 4a+ ca+t out, that +erpent of

    o/, cae/ the 1e5i an/ Satan, 4ho /ecei5e+ the 4hoe4or/ he 4a+ ca+t to the earth, an/ hi+ an%e+ 4ere ca+t out4ith himC "e5eation '*F(- Satan 4i 0e /e+tro$e/, C0$the 0oo/ of the Lam0C 5- ''-

    The neDt time Satan attempt+ to in5a/e $our territor$,+tan/ firm$ on the promi+e+ of Go/- He i+ rea/$ to pourout for%i5ene++, heain%, re/emption an/ rene4a-

    CBe++ the LO"1, O m$ +ou,

    An/ for%et not a Hi+ 0enefit+F

    Who for%i5e+ a $our iniuitie+,

    Who hea+ a $our /i+ea+e+,

    Who re/eem+ $our ife from /e+truction,

    Who cro4n+ $ou 4ith o5in%kin/ne++ an/ten/er mercie+,

    Who +ati+fie+ $our mouth 4ith %oo/ thin%+,

    So that $our $outh i+ rene4e/ ike the ea%e2+C


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad



    ;+am+ '98F*?:-

    What the Lor/ i+ pannin% i+ %reater than an$thin% 4ecan ima%ine- CE$e ha+ not +een, nor ear hear/, neither ha5eentere/ into the heart of man the thin%+ 4hich Go/ ha+prepare/ for them that o5e HimC ' #orinthian+ *F(-

    Are $ou rea/$ for the 4or/2+ %reate+t har5e+t A+ achi/ of the Kin% $ou 4i +hare in e5er$thin% He ha+panne/no4 an/ for Eternit$-


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad


  • 8/12/2019 Don't Let Satan Steal Your Harvest - Swad

