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Double Tree By Hilton Acaya Golf Club

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Doubletree by Hilton Acaya Golf Resort Strada Comunale di Acaya, Km 2 73029 Acaya (LE) - Italy Tel +39 0832 861385 Fax +39 0832 861384 [email protected] acayagolfresortlecce.doubletreeby.it Nord 40° 20’ 59’’ / Est 18° 19’ 14’’
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Doubletreeby Hilton Acaya Golf Resort

Strada Comunale di Acaya, Km 273029 Acaya (LE) - ItalyTel +39 0832 861385Fax +39 0832 861384

[email protected]

Nord 40° 20’ 59’’ / Est 18° 19’ 14’’

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Welcome to Acaya Golf Club

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Il golf come stile divita

Il golf non è un semplicegioco. È una filosofia, unostile di vita, uno stato dellamente. È integrità morale,rispetto delle regole e deglialtri. Il golf è’eleganza estile, passione, lealtà, spor-tività, mai competizionefine a sé stessa. È amoreper la natura e ricerca con-tinua dell’armonia con es-sa, sia pur nella sfida, èamore per la quiete, la di-screzione, la bellezza. Chirispetta questi valori e inessi si riconosce è il benve-nuto all’Acaya Golf Club.

Golf as lifestyle andstate of Mind

Golf is not simply a game.It is a philosophy, a way oflife, a state of mind. It is amoral integrity, a respect forthe rules and for others.It iselegance and style, passion,sportsmanship, always acompetition against yourself.It is the love of nature andthe continual search forharmony with it, eventhough it can be a realchallenge; it is the love ofpeace, quiet and beauty.Those whorespect these values will beewelcome at Acaya GolfClub.

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Il campo

All’interno di un contestonaturale di rara bellezza,immerso nel verde dellamacchia mediterranea, sisnoda il percorso dell’AcayaGolf Club, disegnato dalfamoso studio americanoHurdzan & Fry è perfetta-mente integrato con lastruttura ricettiva Double-Tree by Hilton Acaya GolfResort

Il campo di tipo linkside a 18 buche - Par 71, mi-sura 6.192 metri.

The course

Stretch among an area ofrare natural beauty ,surrounded by the green of“Macchia” mediterraneanvegetation, the course atAcaya Golf Clubi t isdesigned by the famousAme r i c an a r c h i t e c t sHurdzan & Fry and iti sntegrated with theDoubleTree by Hilton AcayaGolf Resort.

The linkside course 18 hole- Par 71 measures 6,192metres.

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Il campoLa varietà del design, nellacostante ricerca della per-fetta armonia tra le caratte-ristiche naturali del terrenoe le modalità dei colpi, sol-lecita i giocatori ad utiliz-zare tutti i quattordici trai ferri e legni della sacca.L’erba dei fairways, unabermuda americana da se-me, forte e compatta, ga-rantisce un ottimo galleg-giamento superficiale dellapalla per un colpo semprepulito e netto.

The course

The variety of the design, theconstant search for perfectharmony between thenatural characteristics of theland and the manner of theshots, urges players to use all14 woods and irons in thebag. The grass of thefairways, a strong andcompact American bermudafrom seed, provides anexcellent surface to ensure aconsistently clean and sharpshot.

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Lu Sule,Lu Mare e LuJentu..

Il vento, in dialetto locale“Jentu”, è spesso presentenel Salento ed è sicura-mente il più importanteed affascinante degli“hazards” che caratterizzail percorso quasi fosse unlinks scozzese esortando ilgiocatore a scegliere dire-zioni e parabole in manie-ra da sfruttarne le derive.Il clima mite della Pugliarende particolarmentegradevole il gioco ed ilsoggiorno in tutti i mesidell’anno.

The Sun, The Seaand the “Jentu”

The wind, in local dialectcalled “Jentu”, often blowsin Salento and representthe most important andfascinating “ hazards” andmark out the course almostas if it were one of theScottish links, and exhortyou to choose a directionand trajectory to takeadvantage of the drift. Themild climate of Apuliar e g i o n m a k e s i tparticularly enjoyable toplay and stay at this resortall year-round.

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Club HouseL’antica masseria SanPietro conserva ancoraintatta la struttura originaledel XVIII sec. e sorge traun bosco di lecci, ulivetis e co l a r i e macch i amediterranea. Questoelegante e raffinato edificiorappresenta oggi la clubHouse dell’Acaya GolfClub che con i suoi ampisaloni interni e terrazzepanoramiche è il luogo diincontro e convivialità peri golfisti e per gli ospiti delResort.

The ancient “masseria”SanPietro still preserve intact theoriginal structure of XVIIcentuty and is set among aforest of oaks, centuiers oldolive treesand “Macchia”Mediterranean vegetation,this elegant and refinedbuilding rapresent today theAcaya’s Club House. Thespacious indoor area andpanoramic terrace make themasseria the perfectconvivial place for golferand hotel guests.

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Driving-rangeL’Acaya Golf Club dispo-ne di un Driving Rangecompleto e funzionale. Ilcampo pratica con 22 po-stazioni, di cui 6 al coper-to, 2 Putting Green e 2 Pi-tching Green, è l'idealeper i giocatori che inten-dono affinare la loro tecni-ca e per i neofiti che impa-rano a muovere i primipassi.Esperienza dei maestri, cli-nic e tecnologie a l -l’avanguardia si coniuganoper condurre il golfista allaconquista del perfettoswing e per renderel’esperienza unica ed indi-menticabile.

The Acaya Golf Clubfeatures a comprehensiveand functional DrivingRange. The practice coursewith its 22 positions, 6 ofwhich are covered, 2Putting Greens and 2Pitching Greens, is idealboth for players who wish tofine-tune their skills and fornovices learning the basicsof the game.

The experience of theinstructors, tailor-madelessons, clinics and cutting-edge technology combinetogether to lead playerstowards mastering theperfect swing and toproviding them with aunique and unforgettableexperience.


L’Acaya Golf Club propone ai soci eagli ospiti del club un esclusivopunto vendita per l’acquisto diun’ampia gamma di articoli. Nelpro shop, attrezzature per il golf,abbigliamento, calzature e accessoridelle migliori marche rispondono aqualsiasi esigenza in termini tecnici,estetici e qualitativi.

Then Acaya Golf Club provides clubmembers and guests an exclusivepoint of sale for a wide range of goods.The pro-shop is stocked with well-known brands of golfing clothes, shoesand accessories to meet all technical,qualitative and aesthetic needs of thecustomer.

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Buca\ Holes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 out

Par 5 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 5 36

Colpi\Hits 9 7 17 11 5 1 15 3 13

Nero-mt. 466 214 301 185 390 396 468 210 467 3097Black-yd 510 233 329 202 426 433 511 229 510 3383

Bianco-mt. 466 214 289 185 390 396 468 196 467 3071Withe-yd 510 233 316 202 426 433 511 214 510 3355

Giallo-mt. 446 185 268 153 367 370 468 169 435 2861Giallo-yd 488 202 293 167 401 404 511 184 475 3125

Verdi-mt 391 165 248 107 313 279 362 149 380 2394Green-yd 428 180 271 116 342 305 395 162 415 2614

Blu-mt 446 185 268 153 367 370 391 196 435 2811Blue-yd 488 202 293 167 401 404 427 214 475 3071

Rosso-mt 407 165 248 107 313 324 372 162 409 2507Red-yd 445 180 271 116 342 354 406 177 447 2738

Arancio-mt 391 134 220 90 274 279 335 142 380 2245Orange-yd 428 146 240 96 299 205 366 155 415 2452

Buca\Holes 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 out tot

Par 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 35

Colpi\Hits 8 2 10 16 14 12 6 18 4

Nero-mt. 375 430 368 179 342 371 522 126 382 3095 6192Black-yd 410 470 402 195 374 406 570 138 418 3383 6766

Bianco-mt. 375 430 346 179 342 371 494 126 382 3045 6116Withe-yd 410 470 378 195 374 406 540 138 418 3329 6684

Giallo-mt. 343 391 313 154 318 345 494 121 355 2834 5695Giallo-yd 375 427 342 168 348 377 540 132 388 3097 6222

Verdi-mt 310 362 279 142 272 304 443 95 325 2532 4926Green-yd 338 395 305 155 297 332 484 104 355 2765 5379

Blu-mt 343 391 313 154 318 345 475 121 355 2815 5626Blue-yd 375 427 342 168 348 377 519 132 388 3076 6147

Rosso-mt 310 362 279 142 272 311 443 95 325 2539 5046Red-yd 338 395 305 155 297 340 484 104 355 2773 5511

Arancio-mt 284 333 271 112 240 272 405 95 293 2310 4555Orange-yd 310 364 296 122 362 297 142 104 326 2523 4975

Dati tecnici percorso:

L’erba dei fairways, una bermuda americana daseme, forte e compatta, garantisce un ottimogalleggiamento superficiale della palla per un colposempre pulito e netto. Ai lati, un misto di quattrotipi di festuca ondeggia ad altezza naturale. Per igreen sono state utilizzate le due varietà_ A4 e A1 diagrostis stolonifera palustris: una composizione chevanta circa il doppio di steli nella spazzola erbosarispetto ai comuni penncross. La distribuzioneidrica, capillare e diversificata, garantisce all’ erba unapprovvigionamento calibrato, frazionato in mododa ridurre ogni ipotesi di sovradosaggio e spreco.Un complesso sistema di laghetti e ruscelli consentedi gestire e conservare le acque, ossigenatenaturalmente da un sistema di cascatelle; unaimponente opera di ingegneria idraulica chefornisce una delicatissima colonna sonora e unaserie di ostacoli laterali lungo nove delle diciottobuche.

Golf course technical details

The grass of the fairways, a strong and compactAmerican bermuda from seed, provides an excellentsurface to ensure a consistently clean and sharp shot.Four types of fescue grass allowed to grow to theirnatural height border the fairways.Two types of agrostis stolonifera palustris - A4 and A1- were used for the greens:a composition which hasabout twice the stem density as common Penncross.The widespread and diverse distribution of waterallows the watering of the grass to be controlled, so asto reduce any possibility of over-watering or wastage. Acomplex system of lakes and streams, which allows themanagement and conservation of oxygenated water,results naturally in a system of waterfalls; an impressivework of hydraulic engineering which provides adelicate soundtrack and a series of obstacles along 9 ofthe 18 holes

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SPA Acaya

- 1200 sq. meter state-of-art SPA- Wet path including large heated pool- Sauna and steam room- Frigidarium & Calidarium- Chrometeraphy and swedish shower- Massage and beauty treatments- Sunbeds- Private Thermal suite- Shirodhara room- Private Night SPA


- 97 well-appointed guestrooms, including 8suites

- Sweet Dreamsô by DoubleTree by Hiltonsleep experience

- Wireless high-speed internet access andremote printing from any guestroom

- Premium international television channels- 32-Inch LCD TV- Coffee and tea making facilities- Sweet Dreams alarm clock radio with MP3

connectivity- Two telephones, voicemail and data port- CITRON Honey & Coriander by Crabtree

& EvelynÆ Bath Products at your service- Minibar- In room electronic safe- Jacuzzi in room bath tab (specific room

types)- Terrace, Patio, Garden (Specific room types)


Breakfast:From 7:00 am to 10:00 am weekdaysFrom 7:00 am to 11:00 am on week ends- Lunch:

From 11:30 pm to 3:00 pm- Dinner:

From 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm- Rock Bar and Rock Bar Terrace:

From 8:00 am to 11:00 pm- In Room Service:

From 6:00 am to 11:00 pm- Sunrise Pool Bar:

From 10:00 am to 6:30 pm (seasonalopening)

- Night SPA Acaya:From 9:00 pm to 1:00 am (upon request) Masseria San Pietro - located by the golfcourse - serving local disse

Meeting facilities

- 650 sqm of conference and event centerfully modulable ballroom and break uproom

- 9 different set up with maximum 5 meetingroom at same time

- Fully A/V equipped wi-fi- Dedicated entrance and registration area- Dedicated Cloackroom

At your service

- Cloister Pool, our relaxing outdoor pool(seasonal opening)

- Sunrise Pool, our outdoor pool with Jacuzzi,baby pool and Bar service (seasonalopening)

- Fitness Center by PrecorÆ- Complimentary outdoor Parking- Same-day laundry- Multilingual Concierge & tour desk- Soccer field & Kinder Garden- Complimentary shuttle service from/to

Lecce city center and from / to the beachresort (seasonal service)

- Bikes rental- Airport limousine service

Surrounding attractions

• Lecce City with its famous baroque art andbuilding at 6 miles

• Acaya Castle and its fortress medieval townat 1 mile

• Natural WWF Reserve “Le Cesine” at 1mile

• Gallipoli, also known as “the pearl of theIonian” at 30 miles

• Otranto, also known as “the gate to theeast” at 18 miles

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