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Down The Rabbit Hole Together: A Team Journey

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Down The Rabbit Hole Together: A Team Journey
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Down The Rabbit Hole Together:A Team Journey

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What are theNational QualityStandards

An outline of eachquality area

Quality ImprovementPlans

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National Quality Framework



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As of the January 1, 2012: Establishment of the Australian Children’sEducation and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)www.acecqa.gov.au Ph-1800 181 088

ACECQA provides: National Leadership in promoting quality andcontinuous improvement in early childhoodeducation and care and school age care inAustralia.

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Approved Learning Frameworks

Belonging, Being andBecoming: The EarlyYears LearningFramework for Australia

My time, Our Place:Framework for SchoolAge care in Australia

NQS Area 1Educationalprogram &


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National Quality Standards (NQS)

Quality Area 1 Educational Care and Practice

Quality Area 2 Children’s Health and Safety

Quality Area 3 Physical Environment

Quality Area 4 Staffing Arrangements

Quality Area 5 Relationships with children

Quality Area 6 Collaborative partnerships withfamilies and Communities

Quality Area 7 Leadership and Service Management

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Observe, Discuss and Sight

The assessor will:

Observe what children, families, educators andco-ordinators are doing e.g. caring, friendly,respectful interactions

Discuss issues around why and how particularpractices occur in the service. They will engageeducators in this discussion.

Sight documentation provided as evidence tosupport particular practices

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Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

ACECQA has produced a guide todeveloping a QIP

The QIP will:

Develop a picture of currentpractice to confirm strengths

Prioritise areas of improvement

Identify the outcome

or goal sought

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Reflection timeQA1 Educational program and practice

How do we get to know each child and their strengths,abilities and interest? What EYLF Principles and Practicesunder pin this?

QA2 Children’s health and safety

How do we keep up to date with current information aboutsafe sleeping practices? Is this relevant to any other Standard?

QA3 Physical environment

What are the strengths of the environment? What barriers dowe need to overcome? How can the principles and practicesof the EYLF and the other standards support us?

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Through a different lens

Another way to approach the self assessment


Learning environments

Routine times

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Your QIP must include a copy of your service philosophyand reflect your beliefs and values by:

Outlining the principles under which the service operates

Reflecting the principles of the National Law, and theEarly Years Learning Framework

Underpinning the decisions, policies and daily practicesof the service

Assisting in planning, implementing and evaluatingquality experiences for children

Reflecting a shared understanding of the role of theservice with children, families and the community

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The Journey


Identifystrenghts &






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Identify strategies to involve educators, families,children, the community and management in the

self assessment process

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Area 1Educational Program and Practice

Regulation 73 -Educational program

This quality area of the National Quality Standardfocuses on ensuring that the educational program andpractice is stimulating and engaging and enhanceschildren’s learning and development.

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Anna is exploring letters using themagnets. She is drawing and narratingstories with her friends and finally she isbeginning to write her name. Skills aregrowing and learning capacities areextended. ‘Becoming’ reflects thisprocess of rapid and significant change.

NQS Area 1 Educationalprogram & practice - Howeducators assessment andevaluation leads to futurecurriculum decision makingthat extends children’slearning

Area 1Educational Program and Practice

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Area 2 - Children’s Health & Safety

This quality area of theNational Quality Standardfocuses on safeguardingand promoting children’shealth and safety.

Regulation-79-Serviceproviding food & beverages

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Area 2Children’s health and safety

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Area 3Physical Environment

This quality area of theNational Quality Standardfocuses on the physicalenvironment and ensuringthat it is safe, suitable andprovides a rich and diverserange of experiences thatpromote children’s learningand development.

Regulation 103-110-Physical Environment

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Area 3Physical Environment

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Area 3Physical Environment

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Area 4 - Staffing

This quality area of theNational Quality Standardfocuses on the provision ofqualified and experiencededucators, co-ordinators andnominated supervisors who areable to develop warm,respectful relationships withchildren, create safe andpredictable environments andencourage children’s activeengagement in the learningprogram.

Regulation 118-154 covers educationalleader, ratios, supervision, qualifications.

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Area 4 - Staffing

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Area 5 - Relationships with Children

This quality area of theNational Quality Standardfocuses on relationships withchildren being responsiveand respectful andpromoting children’s sense ofsecurity and belonging.Relationships of this kind freechildren to explore theenvironment and engage inplay and learning.

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Area 5 - Relationships with Children

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Area 6 - Collaborative partnershipswith families and communities

This quality area of the NationalQuality Standard focuses oncollaborative relationships withfamilies that are fundamental toachieving quality outcomes forchildren and communitypartnerships that are based onactive communication,consultation and collaboration.

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Area 6 - Collaborative partnershipswith families and communities

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Strengths 6.3 - We have resourced our local community through theestablishments of relationships. Through excursions weare building partnerships in the local community with theschool, nursing home and shopping centre. We recognisethe connection between children, families andcommunities. We recently entered in the local dragonboat race as a community team to show an activepresence in our local community.6.3.1 - We keep open communication with the agenciesworking within our service, e.g. Care south and Barnardos.We document referrals made to other agencies. We offera referral information service to families.

Strengths - Area 6 QIP

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Area 6 - QIP


The service builds relationships and engagestheir local community


The service does not raiseawareness of Aboriginal andTorres Straight Islandercommunities, includingacknowledging the traditionalowners of the land and localelders or demonstrate a respectfor community protocols.

Key Improvements sought for QA6

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Area 6- QIP



What Outcome or

goal do we seek?



ty How will we get this


Success measure By Progress



The service



and engages

with their



The service raises

awareness of

Aboriginal and

Torres Strait




acknowledging the

traditional owners

of the land and

local elders and

demonstrates a

respect for



M 1.Reserachappropriate protocols

2.Research who is inthe local Aboriginaland Torres straitislander community

3. Inviterepresentatives to theservice to discusswhat we would like toachieve

1. Appropriateprotocols arefollowed

2.Contact with theAboriginal andTorres Strait Islandercommunity

3.Representativesvisit the service

4. Strategies are putin place to maintainand resource therelationship



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Area 7 - Leadership and servicemanagement

This quality area of the National QualityStandard focuses on effective leadership andmanagement of the service that contributes toquality environments for children’s learning anddevelopment.Well-documented policies and procedures, well-maintained records, shared values, cleardirection and reflective practices enable theservice to function as a learning community.Appropriate governance arrangements are inplace to manage the serviceAn ongoing cycle of planning and review,including engagement with families, creates theclimate for continuous improvement.

Regulation-Chapter 2-approvals And CertificatesPart 2.2-service Approvals

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Area 7 - Leadership and servicemanagement

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Looking ahead

What will your next step be?

Who will take responsibility?

What will you need to dodifferently?

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Australian Children’s Education and Care QualityAuthority (ACECQA): Guide to developing a QualityImprovement Plan

Australian Children’s Education and Care QualityAuthority (ACECQA): Guide to the National QualityStandards

Early Childhood Australiawww.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au

