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Aub ieSat-I Final Review April 23 2008
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Final ReviewApril 23 2008

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S pring 2008 Goals

• Build and te s t a table -top v e rs ion of Aubie S at-I–Build compone nts of all sub-sys te ms and te s t

the m

–Build and te s t indiv idual sub-sys te ms

–Inte g rate and te s t full s ys te m

• Finish building g round s tation and be able to re ce iv e sate llite s ignals

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S ys te m Eng ine e ring

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S ys te m Eng ine e ring





GND Station


5v,3.3v,3.7v, Data lines


CNTRL & Data Lines

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S ys te ms Eng ine e ring

Accomplishme nts

•ICD and othe r inte rface docume nts cre ate d and update d

•Pin-out diag ram comple te d.

•Main board te mplate done .

•Inte rfacing be twe e n s y s te ms s tarte d

•Te s ting proce dure for AS -1 s y s te m done .

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S ys te ms Eng ine e ring• 80 indiv idual line s available .

• 43 indiv idual line s ne e de d.– Extra pins will be use d to double up highe r curre nt line s and re plicate the data line s .

40 Pin Header

40 Pin Header



3.3V5v 3.7v







Control Lines

Control Lines

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40 Pin Headers (ORCAD)

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Standard PCB

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Pay loadEnd of S e me s te r S tatus Re port

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Pay load

• Goals–Came ra Module

–High S pe e d Data Line

–Multiple I2C inte rface

–Exte rnal Me mory

–Magne tome te r

–Fight S ong

–S e lf Powe r Re gulation

–S cie nce Miss ion

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Pay load• A Bayer filter mosaic is a color filter array

• By integrating this array we can create pixels.

•The array Pattern is

•2 Green cells per pixel

•1 Blue cells per pixel

•1 Red cells per pixel

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Pay load

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Pay load

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Pay load• Magne tome te r

–Hone ywe ll HMC1052L

–2 axis Magne tome te r

–S e ns itiv ity :• 160 micro-gauss incre me nts

–Output:• Analog Voltage s ignal

(+Vdd, 0)

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Pay load•Powe r Control

Module s

Payload’s MainMicrocontroller




Power LineControl Line



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Pay load

• Comple te d– Magne tome te r

– High S pe e d Clock Line

– Dual I2C Line s• 1x Mas te r

• 1x S lave

– Exte rnal Me mory

– Fight S ong (for De mo)

– Eme rge ncy S hutdown

– S ubsys te m’s indiv idual powe r control.

• S umme r Goals– Finish Image Proce ss ing

– Inte rface high spe e d Bus

– Me dia Formats

– Colle ct image s on de mand

– Inte g rate into one sy s te m

– S ys te m Le ve l Te s ting

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Jaeho JeonMac ChampionWilliam Fiser

Nathan ShaferHung NguyenAaron ScottGurjot Singh

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C&DH Block Diagram

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Accomplishments this Semester

• Successfully got uC/OSII Real-time Operating System running on the microcontroller with task-based execution

• Successfully implemented the following interfaces: I2C, SPI, and serial interface

• Successfully read and write to flash memory over SPI, read data from ADC’s over I2C, and triggered the antenna switch relay.

• Successfully implemented AX.25 protocol.

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Software Results

Wrote software to:

• Read from multiple ADC’s (Analog to Digital Converters)

over I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Interface

• Switch antenna relays

• Read and write data into flash memory via SPI (Serial

Peripheral Interface)

• Send and receive data packets using AX.25 protocol.

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Future Goals

C & DH needs to continue hardware integration with other


We also need to write a consolidated demonstration

program using all available communication protocols,

demonstrating all individually completed functions

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EPSBrad Dutton

S te phan He nning

Grant Moore

Ge orge S tarr

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•Allows for inte rnal source switching–Automatic trans ition be twe e n S .C. and Batt.

•Batt. not use d unle s s s ys te m load is large r the n what the S .C. can supply .

•Batt. use d whe n ne e de d, othe rwise ke pt fully charge d.

•Ground support charge port–Isolated from rest of system

•Doesn’t need to be a part of the Kill/RBF switch circuit.

•2.5W available to the satellite in this state.

MAX8677c Charger IC

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EPS•Re dundant re gulators prov ide insurance

–Prov ide two bas ic functions•Ove rall re dundancy•Additional powe r trans fe r

–Re gulators are not pushe d as hard as both re gulators supply the same load in normal conditions . Diode s prov ide source isolation and prote ction agains t shorte d failure s .

•LTC3533–Stabilizes SC output

•Provides clean power to the MAX8677c•MAX8677c requires 3.9v<input<6.5v

–Solar Cell output will vary over period of SC rotation.

MAX1705, MAX1709, LTC3533

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Power Budget Summary

Orbit Period 98.8 minMaximum Eclipse Time 35.3 minAverage Comm window 12 minNumber of Comm windows per day 4 /dayP(total avg) 2.41 WEnergy Gained in One Orbit 9171 JNormalized Average Energy per orbit 92.8 J/minTotal Energy Storage 45288 JStandard Orbit Net Energy 2790 Joules# Standard Orbits to Charge 16.2 orbitsComm Orbit Net Energy -4734 Joules# Comm Orbits to Discharge 9.6 orbits

Assumed 80% power conversion efficiency + 15% contingency

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S C array PS PICE mode l

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24 hr Energy Graph












1 36 7110614








































les S



All Comm Orbits

Distributed Comm Orbits 5

Consecucutive Comm Orbits 5

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EPS• Accomplishme nts

–3.3v re gulators working• Output me asure d unde r load, compare d to no load

–S witching fre que ncie s on par with e xpe cte d re sults

–Charge rs working• S ource switching /load ass is t works as e xpe cte d• The rmal s tuff down works• Paralle l charg ing works

•Problems–5v regulators

•Cannot handle loads over 500mA

•Switching frequency of output measured. –Found to be exceeding the 680kHz rating under no load


•Causal analysis not completed.

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•Trouble shoot 5v re gs

•Prototype S C re gulators

•Inte grate RBF/De ployme nt switche s

•Long te rm te s t to v e rify s y s te m ope ration.

EPSTo Be Done:

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Communications S ubsys te m(Primary Te am)

Je re my EcholsJosh JacobsJosh MartinBe th White

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Block Diagram of Communications

Primary S ubsys te m

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Accomplishme nts

• Establish communication be twe e n the VX-2R and ground s tation

• Build and te s t the ante nna switching matrix

• Build and te s t powe r re lay for the VX-2R• Build and te s t a table top prototype of the

subsys te m • Inte grate with othe r subsys te ms

–Inte g ration proce ss has be gun

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Communication with Ground S tation

• Able to succe ss fully communicate with g round s tation

• Re place d old software to communicate us ing AX-25 format– Now us ing AGW

Packe t Eng ine

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Ante nna S witching Matrix

Primary Transceiver

Secondary Receiver

HF3 93 Relay

HF3 93 Relay

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Ante nna S witching Matrix - De s ign

• Axicom HF3 93 Re lays–3ms pulse of at

le as t 3.75Vdc to switch re lay

–50 ohm impe dance

–Low cos t

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Ante nna S witching Matrix - De s ign

• Micros trip transmiss ion line s–RT/duroid 5870 one -s ide d high fre que ncy laminate

• Thickne ss : 31 mils• Die le ctric cons tant: 2.33

–Must achie v e 50 ohm characte ris tic impe dance• Width of transmiss ion line s : 2.34mm

• Pins of re lays conne cte d to transmiss ion line s with wire s–Will this cause re fle ctions?–No! The wire s are fractional wave le ng th (@ 450MHz ,

wave le ng th=0.667m.)

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Ante nna S witching Matrix - De s ign

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Ante nna S witching Matrix -Te s ting

• Do line s have a 50 ohm characte ris tic impe dance ?

• Doe s the matrix switch be twe e n the two ante nnas?

• Doe s the matrix suffic ie ntly atte nuate the s ignals?

Connection Ant 1 to 2nd Receiver

Ant 1 to Primary Receiver

Ant 2 to 2nd Receiver

Ant 2 to Primary Receiver

S21 (dB) when

Switch Closed -1.78 -3.67 -1.78 -3.47

S21 (dB) when

Switch Open -34.9 -24.4 -23 -40.4

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Powe r Re lay

• Controlle d by both C&DH and se condary COMM

• An inte rface to turn the VX-2R on and off whe n ne ce ssary

• Compone nts – J-K Flip Flop–NAND gate–Inve rte r–HEXFET Powe r MOS FET

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Powe r Re lay S che matic

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Powe r Re lay De tails

• A clock pulse from C&DH or re moval of 5V s ignal from se condary COMM will shut off the VX-2R

• Anothe r c lock pulse or 5V s ignal applie d again will turn it back on

• 5V s ignal applie d to the gate of the MOS FET e ffe ctiv e ly ope ns and c lose s a switch to control the powe r to VX-2R

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Future Work to be Comple te d

•Build ne w v e rs ions of the following compone nts to fly on the sate llite :–Ante nna switching matrix

–Powe r re lay

•Comple te inte g ration with ne ce ssary subsys te ms

•De te rmine the be s t layout for all compone nts to succe ss fully fit in the sate llite

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Communication Te amS e condary Re ce iv e r

Andre w WoodAmanda Bowman

Kris Pe e ble sJame s Curtis

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Ove rv ie w

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Progre ss this S e me s te r•Prototype

–Table -top v e rs ion

•Inte gration–Ground S tation

–Primary Comm.

•PCB board layout.


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Prototype Hardware

•Re ce iv e r–Chip

•Me le xis TH71102

–De ve lopme nt Board•Me le xis EVB71102

–De code r•Holte k HT12D

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438 MHz

418 MHz



RF Switch

Network Analyzer / Frequency Generator

Te s t Re sultsInput (Switches) Output (LEDs)

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Inte g ration Re sults

•Ground S tation–Able to re ce iv e and de code commands

wire le ss ly at short dis tance s

–Able to display re ce iv e d commands us ing (LEDs)

•Primary Comm.–Able to shut down primary re ce iv e r to me e t

FCC re quire me nts

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S oftware Re sults•No software involv e d!

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Future Work

•Print board layout

•Cre ate Ge rbe r and drill file

•S olde r parts onto board

•Ve rify corre ct routing and place me nt

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Me chanical S ys te ms

Ke v in Carpe nte r

Kris Pe e ble s

Andre w Long

S cott Jame s

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Progre ss

• Change s in e xte rnal s tructure–S olar ce ll orie ntation

–S olar ce ll de pre ss ion

–RBF pin / comm. port

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Progre ss• Changes in internal

structure–Custom board

spacing / pin headers–Battery / magnet

mounting–Top plate mass


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Hardware• S tructure

– Aluminum 7076• 6 e xte rnal pie ce s• 24 space rs• 2 batte ry / 2

magne t mounts

– Fas te ne rs• 4 – 10-24 100mm

long bolts• 16 - 6-32 machine

scre ws

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• Ante nna De ployme nt–Ante nna

• Nitinol Wire


–He ating Ele me nt• Nichrome Wire

–Fishing line

–Guide s

–S pring

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•Misce llane ous Parts–De ployme nt S witche s

–De ployme nt S prings

–Pin He ade rs

–Isolation S pring

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Re sults• S pace re quire me nts (z -axis )

6 mmSpacer 3


1.5 mmBottom Plate

8 mmBottom Bolt Stub

16 mmSpacer 6

18 mmSpacer 5

10 mmSpacer 4

8 mmSpacer 2

8 mmSpacer 1

10.5 mm7 PCB x 1.5mm

6 mm2 Chassis Spring x 3mm

5 mmTop Bolt Stub

1.5 mmTop Plate

Height (mm)Component Name

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Re sults

•The rmal Mode ling–Inte rnal



–Exte rnal•Radiation

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Re sults• Improve me nts

–Contact Re s is tance

–S hape Factor

• Proble m Are as–Transce iv e r

• 5W

• Low e ffic ie ncy

–TNC-X• 2.5W

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Re sults• Exte rnal

–Highly de pe nde nt on rotation

–Radiation S ource s• S un

• Albe do

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Future Work

• Change s to s tructure–De ployme nt switche s

–Bolt / space r se le ction

–Add hys te rs is mate rial

–Te s t pin he ade rs

–Change PCB dime ns ions

–Add isolation spring

• Improve the rmal analy s is

• Be g in v ibration analy s is

• Build 2nd s tructural prototype

• The rmal / Vibration Te s ting

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Ground S tation

Byron Caudle

Eric Grime s

Dav id S pe ck

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Ground S tation

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Computer (connected viaseria ports)

Tranceiver,ICOM 910

Audio outPTT

Audio in

Levelconverter for

frequencycontrol link

Roof Equipment


DC powersupply(MFJ 25amp) 70cm beam antenna

Ground Station Equipment

Rotator -twin axis,Yaesu G-5500Rotator


Rotator ControlInterface(YaesuGS-232A)

Secondarycomm. sys.FSK RFgenerator


FSK - RF output@ low power F


- RF


@ high po




12VDCFrequencyControl In

Serial data stream

Rotator Power

supply and

Rotator signal





A s



2m beam antenna



Serial Data




Serial data stream

Secondarycomm syscommand boxand HoltekHT112Eencoder

Secondarycomm.sys. RFamplifier



IP protocol system


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S e condary Command Control

• The ory of ope ration– Four paralle l data bits re pre se nting a g iv e n command

are se rializ e d and output v ia a PWM s ignal.– The PWM s ignal fe e ds the FM modulation port on an

FM ge ne rator, re sulting in an FS K s ignal.– The FS K s ignal is amplifie d and transmitte d to AS -1.

• Compone nts– Encode r – ope rational– Ve rification of e ncode r through de code r – ope rational– Control Box – asse mble d and ope rational– FS K-RF ge ne rator – asse mble d and ope rational– High-powe r RF amplifie r – to be de te rmine at a late r date .

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S e condary Comm FS K sys te m

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Othe r Ground S tation Ite ms

•Re ce iv e r pre -amplifie r – purchase d and ins talle d.

•Ne w GS compute r – asse mble d and ope rational.

•GS room arrange me nt – c le anup and organization large ly comple te d.

•Te le v is ion – mounte d and ope rational.

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Ground S tation S oftware• Goals to April 23:

–De ve lop software to de mons trate data-display ing and command-se nding capabilitie s .

–Adapt programs to actual data formats–Docume nt all accomplishme nts and comme nt all

programs .

• Accomplishme nts–Graphical Use r Inte rface cons tructe d that allows

use r to se nd commands and display data for de mons tration purpose s .

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Read Datafrom Text File

DetermineProper Value

Write Valueto NextColumn

Write Valueto “Latest”Column

Write Codeto Text File









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Any Que s tions?
