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Umberto ® NXT (v7.1) Tutorial 1 ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50 22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com DocVersion: 2.5 Date: October 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH http://www.umberto.de
Page 1: Download Tutorial

Umberto® NXT


Tutorial 1

ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 2.5 Date: October 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH


Page 2: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT


® is a registered trademark of ifu Hamburg GmbH

Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. No liability for the correctness of the information in this manual. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

Page 3: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Tutorial 1 Page 1

Tutorial 1:Umberto NXT Simple Example

Time: 1 h Pages: 20 Level: New User Requirements: none

What you will learn:

• Umberto NXT work area and window handling

• Create a project, a model and a first process

• Specify a process

• Calculate a small model

• View the calculation results

• Create Sankey diagrams

• Use the Module Gallery

Tutorial 2a: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle Assessment

and general knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Working with activity datasets

• Product life cycle phases

• LCA calculation and results

• Disposal and transport activities

• Function and parameters

• Group-By Box

• Material type

• Calculation log

Tutorial 2b: U NXT EFF/UNIV

Time: 3-4 h Pages 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5

What you will learn:

• User defined process specification

• Create subnets

• Analysis of input/output inventory

• Function and parameters

• Cost accounting for MFA

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Co-products

• Sankey diagrams

• Advanced Features

Tutorial 4: U NXT UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 15 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 for LCA and

Efficiency and 3 or experience with Umberto

5 for Life Cycle Assessment and knowledge

about LCA

What you will learn:

• Integrate costs LCA

• Material Mapping

• Calculate Selection

Tutorial 3: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 48 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 or

experience with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle

Assessment and knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Set multiple virtual reference flows

• Co-products

• Working with functional units

• Sankey diagrams

• Results by products

• Print and export results

• Advanced Features

Page 4: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Page 2 Tutorial 1


Welcome to the tutorial section of Umberto NXT.

It is divided into five independent tutorials of increasing complexity. Each

tutorial has its focus on a different topic. The first tutorial introduces the basic

features of Umberto NXT. The four following tutorials provide more complex

modeling and information about advanced features.

The first tutorial gives an introduction on how to create a basic model as well

as the handling of general settings. This is done by using a simple example.

In the second tutorial for LCA the focus is set on the creation of a model for a

Life Cycle Assessment. It is shown how to work with a database and how to

use different impact assessment methods. In the second tutorial for Efficiency

the focus is set on cost accounting and efficiency analysis. Part of both second

tutorials is also to visualize the results via Sankey diagrams.

The third tutorial for LCA has its main focus on more advanced topics of Life

Cycle Assessment. It provides additional information about useful features of

Umberto NXT LCA and gives further modeling hints.

The fourth tutorial for Universal has the main focus on the integration of costs

into LCA and therefore required material mapping.

For further information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto NXT LCA User Manual. The user

manual can be accessed directly in the software via the Help


Page 5: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 1: Sim

This tutorial covers th

create a first simpl

example which is n

Nevertheless it succe

software Umberto NX


• Umberto NXT wor

• Create, rename or

• Create, rename or

• Building up a grap

• Calculate a netwo

• Analyzing calculat

Getting Started

The first thing that a

page offers some i

commands for creati

example project files

In Umberto NXT the

database where the

be created in one p

calculation. Every ma

within one project.

All change

in the pro

save the w

Before a model can b

There are three ways

File' on the start pag

entry 'New'. The third

the main toolbar at th

A file save dialog will

hard disk. Please find

'Tutorial 1'.

Now that a new proj

Umberto NXT shows

ple Network Model

he basic handling of Umberto NXT. It is

le model. Therefore, the tutorial sta

not exemplary for a typical LCA or

essfully demonstrates the basics of how


rk area and windows

r delete a project, a model, a module a

r delete a net element

phical network model

rk model

tion results

ppears after opening Umberto NXT is t

information about the software and

ing a new Umberto project file as well

of this tutorial.

topmost data structure is a project file

models and materials are stored in. S

project file. A model typically contain

aterial defined in a project can be use

es made while working on a project ar

oject database. Therefore, it is not nec

working progress.

be created a new Umberto project file n

s to do that. Either, follow the link 'Ne

ge, or navigate to 'File' in the menu b

d possibility is to click on the 'New Proje

he top.

ll be shown asking whether to save the

d an adequate name for the Umberto p

ject file has been opened, the graphic

the workspace: There are four windows

Umberto NXT

Page 3

s also shown how to

arts with a simple

r MFA calculation.

w to work with the

nd a material

the start page. This

provides links to

ll as to opening the

e. A project file is a

Several models can

s one network for

ed for every model

re instantly written

cessary to actively

eeds to be opened.

ew Umberto Project

bar and choose the

ject File' button in

e project file on the

project file, such as

al user interface of

s on the screen.

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Umberto NXT ifu Hamburg GmbH

Page 4 Tutorial 1

Figure 1: Graphical User Interface of Umberto NXT LCA

The largest window is called 'Net Editor'. The net editor allows for creating a

graphical model.

The window pane on the top left is the so called 'Project Explorer'. It shows all

models and materials which are contained in the respective Umberto project


At the bottom left there is the 'Property Editor' window pane. The first

information on the top of this window shows the type and name of the

selected element. Further properties of this element are also displayed and

can be edited here.

Below the net editor the 'Specification Editor' is located. It allows for specifying

the elements of the model. This pane is also used to show the calculation

results. Since no network has been created yet, the specification editor is


A model can be renamed by selecting it within the Project

Explorer. Navigate to the property editor, type a new name into

the name field and confirm by pressing the return key or by

simply leaving the field.

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ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

To create

'Models' in

context m



Creating a Netwo

After having created

first network model.

flow in a simple pro

material which will be

Start by clicking on t

cursor changes to a

click in the middle of

To draw

mode, do


icon indic

exit the m

Name the process by

process. Navigate to

field 'Text'. It is also

while it is selected.

elsewhere in the net

Figure 2: A first process

The process will nee

place (symbol with

left of the process b

toolbar (symbol wi

on the right side of


a new model within the current projec

in the Project Explorer and choose 'Ne

menu, which can be opened by the

e press the 'New Model' button in th

rk Model

a new project and a new model, pleas

In this example processes that supply

oduction chain will be developed. Ther

e processed in two production steps.

the process symbol in the toolbar of

cross, indicating that the design mo

f the net editor to draw the first process

several elements in a row without e

ouble-click on the desired element in

licking on an element a small pin is sh

ating that multiple elements can be cr

ulti-draw mode, use the right mouse b

y clicking the process's text label locat

the property editor and enter the nam

o possible to change a text label by

Apply the change by hitting the tab


d an input place and an output place

h a green line and a vertical trace on th

by clicking there. Then, select the out

ith a red line and a vertical trace on the

f the process. Name the elements 'In

Umberto NXT

Page 5

ct, select the folder

ew Model' from the

right mouse click.

he Project Explorer

se start to build the

a system reference

re will be an input

the net editor. The

de is active. Next,


exiting the editing

the toolbar. After

hown in the button

reated → . To


ted right below the

e 'Process 1' in the

clicking on its text

key or by clicking

. Choose the input

he left) and place it

tput place from the

e right) and place it

nput' and 'Output',

Page 8: Download Tutorial

Umberto NXT

Page 6

Another way to c

select the desired

context menu wh

model editor.

The next step is to connect

materials or substances flow

general rule, places always

connect to a place. Never d

place, or a process directly to

To connect the input place to

in the toolbar. Place the

appears, drag the cursor on

button pressed). Watch the

cursor comes close to a con

element automatically as the

now connected with an arrow

In the same way, draw an

first very simple network mo

Figure 3: A process with inputs and

The process shows a small r


The function 'Sna

used to easily ali

which is indicated

this feature, clic

disappear. The gr

enabled and disab

ifu Ha

create elements is to use the 'Draw' m

d element. Alternatively, choose 'Draw

hich pops up by right clicking on the a

t the three elements with arrows, on

w into the process and out of the pro

s connect to a process, and proces

oes an arrow connect a place directly

o another process.

o the process with an arrow, click the a

cursor over the input place. When a

nto the process symbol (keeping the

e arrow emerging from the element.

nnectable target element, the arrow sn

e mouse button is released: the two el

w leading from the input place to the pr

arrow from the process to the output

del should now look like Figure 3 below

d outputs, the start of a process chain

red warning sign. This means, that the

ap to Grid' in the net editor's toolb

lign elements. By default, this feature

d by a blue square around the symbol.

ick on the symbol and the blue s

rid to which the elements are aligned c

bled by using the 'Show Grid' button

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

enu and to

w' from the

area of the

n which the

ocess. As a

sses always

to another

rrow button

grey filling

left mouse

. When the

naps to this

lements are


t place. The


e process is

lbar can be

is enabled

. To disable

square will

can also be


Page 9: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

Defining Materials

To specify a process,

or outputs, and to sp

Depending on the Ve

materials (master m

create LCA models. H

new materials. Mater

are shown as folders

The material group

project. In the Projec

Press the 'New Mater

context menu to crea

Figure 4: Project Explorer

The properties of the

below the Project Ex

stage of the tutorial t

Create a second mate


, it is necessary to add materials to the

ecify their quantitative relationship.

ersion Umberto NXT may come with a

aterial data from ecoinvent v3) whic

However, in this example it is demonstr

rials are categorized into material grou

in the Project Explorer.

'Project Materials' contains all mater

ct Explorer select the folder 'Project Mat

rial' button in the Project Explorer's

ate a new material.


e material are managed in the Propert

xplorer). Rename the material to 'inpu

there is no need to change other mater

erial entry named 'product'.

Umberto NXT

Page 7

e process as inputs

a large database of

ich can be used to

rated how to create

ps. Material groups

rials used within a


s toolbar or use the

ties editor (situated

ut material'. At this

rial properties.

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Umberto NXT

Page 8

Figure 5: Property Editor

Material groups

directory for the

the 'New Materi

toolbar. Another

material group

groups are useful

A material group

editing the name

ifu Ha

and sub groups can be created by s

group within the Project Explorer an

ial Group' symbol on the Project

option is using the context menu to cr

by pressing the right mouse button

l for large projects with a variety of ma

can be named and renamed by selec

field within the Property Editor.

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

selecting a

nd pressing

t Explorer's

reate a new

n. Material


cting it and

Page 11: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

Specifying Proces

To specify the proces

in the net editor. Wh

net editor shows two

and the right section

Materials from the m

side using drag&drop

'input material' in the

of the specification e

the cursor, release th

section of the process

Proceed the same w

section of the process


at the bo

button pr

group, na

As there is still a wa

not fully specified. It

and output materials

in the specification pa

In this first illustrati

quantity of the outpu

there are no addition

not required to spec

quantity is determin

quantity of the prod

nothing more than a

For the sake of sim

material and the prod

is lost, and the proce

Figure 6: Process specifica


ss with input and output material entrie

en a process is selected, the Specificat

o sections: the left section for the inp

for its outputs (see Figure 6).

aterial's list can easily be added to t

p. Click and hold the left mouse butto

e 'Project Materials' group and drag it t

editor. When a little square with a plus

he mouse button. Then, the material is


ay with the material 'product' and ad


can also be added to a process by usin

ottom of the Specification editor belo

rompts a dialog which allows searchin

me, display unit and source.

rning marker on the process element,

It is necessary to determine the ratio

. This can be done by adding coefficien

ane for this process.

ive example the quantity of the inpu

ut material (product) are defined equa

nal inputs or outputs (e.g. losses, reje

cifically enter a coefficient "1", becau

ned in each calculation by the actua

duct being produced. Hence, the proc

"recipe" that is linearly scaled up or do

plicity, enter a coefficient of '1.00' f

duct. The unit is 'kg' for both entries,

ss is mass-balanced.


Umberto NXT

Page 9

es, click the process

tion pane below the

puts of the process

the input or output

ton on the material

to the input section

s sign appears near

s added to the input

dd it to the output

ng the button

ow the table. This

g for materials by

, the process is still

between the input

nts to the materials

t material and the

al. This means that

ect). It is, however,

use the actual flow

al process level or

cess specification is


for both, the input

so that no material

Page 12: Download Tutorial

Umberto NXT

Page 10

After entering the coefficien


Alternatively a co

to obtain a ratio

very helpful in c

process requires

material. Both v

instead of calcula

Note that adding the materi

respective font to bold and

because the product is con

leaves the system. Any pr

reference flow and is assum


For further infor

functional units i

User Manual. Th

software via the

Expanding the Model

In this example the process

input material to the (interm

Enter a new input place ab

Name the new input place 'E

name label of the input plac

above the place.

Figure 7: The expanded model with

A material entry for the inc

Insert a new material entry

choose “Energy” as unit type

ifu Ha

ts the process is specified and the w

oefficient of '100' could be entered on

of 1:1. The possibility to enter any coe

case of unknown values of a proces

70 kg of input material to produce 120

alues can be written in the specifica

ting the ratio.

rial on the output side results in a cha

of the 'Material Type' to 'Reference Fl

nnected to a system output place an

roduct that leaves the system is co

med to be (one of) the functional un

rmation about the topics of reference

in Umberto NXT have a look at the Um

he user manual can be accessed dire

Help menu.

labeled 'Process 1' needs electricity to

ediate) product.

bove the process and connect it to th

Energy'. To avoid the arrow crossing t

ce simply drag the label to another po

h an energy input to Process 1

coming energy has to be added to th

called “electricity, high voltage” and m


amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

arning sign

both sides

efficients is

ss. E.g.: a

0 kg output

ation editor

ange of the

low'. This is

d therefore

onsidered a

it(s) of the

flows and

mberto NXT

ectly in the

process the

the process.

through the

osition, e.g.

the process.

ake sure to

Page 13: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Tutorial 1 Page 11

The field 'Place' in the specification editor now shows three question marks for

the newly added material. The reason for that is that there are now two input

places for the process.

Click the field 'Place' and choose the right input place for the newly inserted


Next, add a coefficient for the entry 'electricity, high voltage'. Let us say the

process requires 0.5 MJ of electricity to produce 1 kg of product.

Change the unit of the electricity in the specification editor to MJ and enter a

coefficient of '0,5'.

A comma (',') is used as the decimal point. Type '0,5' not '0.5' for

the coefficients in the process specification window. Otherwise a

message will be prompted to confirm the right value.

Figure 8: Specification of 'Process 1' with electric energy input

The first process of the exemplary production network is complete by now and

will be the basis for the first network calculation.

Calculating the Flows of the Model

The network is specified and almost ready to be calculated. In order to

calculate the network a starting point for the calculation has to be defined. In

Umberto this is the so-called 'manual flow'.

A manual flow determines the process level, or, in other words, how much of a

product is actually produced. This can be one unit of the product (e.g. with a

weight of 500 grams), but also, for example, the yearly production output of a

process (e.g. 250 tons). Such a manual flow is entered in an arrow. In most

cases it is the output flow at the end of the process chain, but a manual flow

can also be placed as an internal flow anywhere else within the network.

To set the manual flow in the network, select the arrow between Process 1

and the output place: From the list of materials in the Project Explorer drag

Page 14: Download Tutorial

Umberto NXT

Page 12

the entry 'product' to the S


Next, the quantity of the ma

quantity of the manual flow,

Watch the arrow turn purple

triggers the model calculatio

be calculated.

Figure 9: Arrow specification for a m

To calculate the flows of th

'Calculate' button in the ne

from this menu. Alternative

from the 'Calculation' menu i

After a successful calculation

(except for the manual flow

open up in the Specification

the processes of the mode

exchanges leaving the system

Figure 10: Input/Output Inventory

Note that at this stage of

inventory only contains a fe

models that are much more c

Expanding the Model

The model will now be expan

First, change the type of the

activating the output place a


ifu Ha

Specification pane (make sure the ar

anual flow has to be defined. Enter 10

for example.

indicating that this is where the manu

n has been entered. The network is no

manual flow

he model open the dropdown menu n

et editor toolbar and choose 'Calculate

ely, choose the command 'Calculate T

in the main toolbar.

n all arrows change their color from gr

, which stays purple). Additionally a n

pane at the bottom. It lists all materia

el with their quantity on the left sid

m on the right side.

the tutorial and with a very basic

ew entries. But the same procedure is



e output place to connection. This can

and choosing the type 'Connection' in t

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

rrow is still

0 kg as the

ual flow that

ow ready to

next to the

Total Flows'

Total Flows'

rey to black

new tab will

ials entering

de, and the

model, this

applied for

be done by

the Property

Page 15: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

Figure 11: Property Editor

Now add another pro

the label of this proce

Add an output place

Apart from the conn

further input place

delivered. The model

Figure 12: Expanded proc

r for the place

rocess to the right of the new connect

ess and rename it to 'Packaging'.

e to its right and connect the 'Packag

nection to 'Process 1', the packaging

from where the packing material,

l should now look similar to Figure 12.

cess model

Umberto NXT

Page 13

tion place. Activate

ging' process to it.

g process needs a

namely boxes, is

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Umberto NXT ifu Hamburg GmbH

Page 14 Tutorial 1

Note, that the former output place (P2) is not a system boundary any more,

but lies in the middle of the model. If desired, rename the place P4 to 'Box of

12 units' and remove the label 'P2 Output' by unchecking 'Display ID' and

'Display Text Label' from the Properties pane of the connection place (compare

to Figure 11).

The packaging process is still not specified. To do so, some additional flows

(materials) are required: Add two new materials to the 'Project Materials'

group named 'packaged product' and 'corrugated board box'. Both materials

have the unit type Mass (kg), and both do have the material type 'Good'.

Next, add the material 'product' to the input side of the packaging process.

Add the material 'packaged product' to the respective output side. The

'corrugated board box' is another input material.

Imagine that the weight of the carton board box for 12 units of product

amounts to 600 grams. One product has a weight of 250 grams. Hence, the

total weight of 12 units of product adds up to 3 kg. The filled box including the

packaged products has a total weight of 3,6 kg.

There are two ways of specifying the packaging process. The first way is to

work with the total weight of 12 units that are packaged in one box.

Figure 13: Alternative process specification for the packaging: per 12 units…

Alternatively, the weight of the 'corrugated board box' input can be scaled to

one unit (600 grams weight divided by 12 units = 50 grams per unit). The

field 'Function' can be used to type in a formula, and to determine the

coefficient value.

Type 0.25+0.6/12 in the 'Function' field, which will convert to '0,30' kg.

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ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Tutorial 1 Page 15

Figure 14: …or per one unit

Note that it is not important which way the process is specified, as long as the

relation between the flows remains the same. The actual flow quantities are

determined during the calculation of the full model only, and depend on the

quantity of the manual flow entered for the model calculation.

Analyzing the Results

After specifying the packaging process, calculate the model once again.

For the calculation to work usually only one manual flow in the network has to

be defined. This manual flow does not have to be located in an arrow that

leads to an output place, but can also be placed elsewhere within the model.

Only the 'Total Flows' (SHIFT+F9) need to be calculated. At this stage only the

actual physical flows (material and energy flows) related to the process

system are considered.

Figure 15: Inventory of the process model, including a production and a packaging process

Sankey Diagrams

Next to the calculation button in the network editor toolbar there is the button

for the Sankey diagram mode. With this button the Sankey visualization can

be switched on or off. Once a network has been calculated it is possible to

visualize all material flows with Sankey arrows.

Sankey diagrams have been invented by Cpt. Sankey in the late

19th century. He used them to visualize the energy (in-)efficiency

of steam engines. Each arrow width corresponds to the flow

quantity, so that an increase of a quantity by 50% leads to a

Sankey arrow with a 50% wider arrow magnitude.

If the Sankey mode is not enabled use the Sankey button to switch it on. The

model in the Sankey diagram mode should now look similar to the figureFigure

16 below.

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Umberto NXT

Page 16

Figure 16: Sankey diagram of the m

In the Properties pane a t

available. Bring the respectiv

down. Each unit type (here

even switched off so that im

overloading the image.

Figure 17: Scaling of Sankey Diagra

Please notice that the arrow

from the place 'Packaging M

a spike. Hence, it is not expli

To visualize even small arrow

to:' with a value of 5 px. Or

Both options are available in

it to front, click on an emp

'Properties' from the context

ifu Ha

model with arrows displaying the flow quantity

tab called 'Scaling of Sankey Diagram

ive tab to front and scale the Sankey a

: Mass and Energy) can be scaled se

important information can be highligh


representing the flow of 'corrugated

aterials' to the 'Packaging' process doe

licitly clear in which direction the flow ru

w spikes, turn on the option 'Spikes fo

r, activate the option 'Always draw arr

n the Properties pane of the net diagram

pty area of the Net Editor, or use the

t menu of the net editor area.

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

ms' is now

rrows up or

eparately or

ted without

board box'

es not show


r arrows up

row spikes'.

m. To bring

e command

Page 19: Download Tutorial

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

Figure 18: Setting arrow s

Once the arrangemen

can be copied (CTRL

pasted to other appli

quickly be added to a

Using the Module

In the next step a

afterwards be pasted

The Modu

a model a

of any pro

editor dire

Go to the Project Exp

located at the bottom

'Create Module Grou

use the context menu

Rename the module

button from the to


nt of the model and the scaling of the

L+A to select all, CTRL+C to copy) to

lications. This way, actual representatio

a PowerPoint presentation or a report.


a process will be copied to the 'Mo

to the same or another model.

ule Gallery in Umberto allows storing a

as a module. Stored modules can be us

oject by dragging it from the Module G


plorer and bring the tab Module Gallery

m of this pane). Select the Folder 'Mod

p' button in the Module Gallery too


group to 'Tutorial' by using the 'Rena

oolbar or the associated command from

Umberto NXT

Page 17

e arrows is done, it

o the clipboard and

ions of a model can

odule Gallery' and

model or a part of

sed in every model

allery onto the net

y to front (tabs are

ules' and press the

olbar. Alternatively,

ame Module Group'

the context menu.

Page 20: Download Tutorial

Umberto NXT

Page 18

Select the process 'Process 1

the main toolbar. Note that w

selected and copied, too.

Instead of using

known shortcuts


Mark the module group 'Tu

Clipboard Data to Module G

(alternatively use the contex

Notice a preview thumbnail a

of the Module Gallery. To cha

'Rename selected Module' bu

Rename the module to 'Simp

Figure 19: Module Gallery

Now, that there is a basic p

Gallery that module can be c

Select the module and copy

button . Or simply add it

the left mouse button on the

ifu Ha

1' in the net editor and click the copy b

when copying a process all adjacent pl

g 'Copy', 'Cut' and 'Paste' commands

'CTRL+C', 'CTRL+X' and 'CTRL+V' ca

torial' in the Module Gallery and use

Group' button in the Module Gall

t menu).

and the name of the module in the bot

ange the name of the module select it a

utton (compare to Figure 19).

ple Process'.

process with adjacent places stored in

copied into the existing model.

y it to the net by using the 'Copy mod

to the model by using drag&drop. Clic

module and drag it to the net editor ar

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1

button on

laces will be

s the well-

an also be

e the 'Paste

llery toolbar

ttom section

and use the

the Module

dule to net'

ick and hold


Page 21: Download Tutorial

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Tutorial 1

The comm


to the Mo

Figure 20: Copying a mod

The newly inserted

structure. The proce

account for the additi

Merge the connection

the existing connectio

Note that the manua

process section befo

maintained. To make

enter a manual flow '

leaves the copied pro

The small tutorial mo

certain product quan


mand copy&paste can also be used w

l purposes the copied net model sectio

dule Gallery at first.

del section to the Module Gallery, and retrieving

model section can now be connecte

ess specification may of course have

tional input of product from the other pr

n place with the connector plug symbol

ion place.

al flow that had been entered on the o

ore it was stored to the Module Gal

e the newly inserted process section

'product' with a quantity (e.g. "100 kg"

ocess and is linked to the connection pla

odel has two production lines now, wh

ntity. The outputs of both are going

Umberto NXT

Page 19

ithin a model. For

n has been copied

it again.

ted to the existing

to be adapted to

rocess chain.

l by dragging it onto

output arrow of the

llery has not been

calculate properly,

") in the arrow that


hich each deliver a

g to the packaging

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Umberto NXT

Page 20

Figure 21: The newly inserted mod

It is possible to return to the

second supply chain) by click

For further inform

have a look at t

can be accessed

Thank you for completing

discover more practical featu

ifu Ha

el section has been connected by merging the p

e previous stage of the model (without t

king the 'Undo' button as often as neces

mation about the functions covered in t

the Umberto NXT User Manual. The us

directly in the software via the Help me

Tutorial 1. Please continue with Tu

ures of Umberto NXT.

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 1


the inserted


this tutorial

ser manual


utorial 2 to

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Umberto® NXT


Tutorial 2a


ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 1.50 Date: October 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH


Page 24: Download Tutorial

Umberto® is a registered trademark of ifu Hamburg GmbH Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. No liability for the correctness of the information in this manual. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany .

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ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Tutorial 2a Page 1

Tutorial 1: Umberto NXT Simple Example

Time: 1 h Pages: 20 Level: New User Requirements: none

What you will learn:

• Umberto NXT work area and window handling

• Create a project, a model and a first process

• Specify a process

• Calculate a small model

• View the calculation results

• Create Sankey diagrams

• Use the Module Gallery

Tutorial 2a: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle Assessment

and general knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Working with activity datasets

• Product life cycle phases

• LCA calculation and results

• Disposal and transport activities

• Function and parameters

• Group-By Box

• Material type

• Calculation log

Tutorial 2b: U NXT EFF/UNIV

Time: 3-4 h Pages 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5

What you will learn:

• User defined process specification

• Create subnets

• Analysis of input/output inventory

• Function and parameters

• Cost accounting for MFA

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Co-products

• Sankey diagrams

• Advanced Features

Tutorial 4: U NXT UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 15 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 for LCA and

Efficiency and 3 or experience with Umberto

5 for Life Cycle Assessment and knowledge

about LCA

What you will learn:

• Integrate costs LCA

• Material Mapping

• Calculate Selection

Tutorial 3: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 48 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 or

experience with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle

Assessment and knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Set multiple virtual reference flows

• Co-products

• Working with functional units

• Sankey diagrams

• Results by products

• Print and export results

• Advanced Features

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Page 2 Tutorial 2a


Welcome to the tutorial section of Umberto NXT.

It is divided into three independent tutorials of increasing complexity. Each

tutorial has its focus on a different topic. The first two tutorials introduce the

basic features of Umberto NXT. The third tutorial provides more complex

modeling and information about advanced features.

The first tutorial gives an introduction on how to create a basic model as well

as the handling of general settings. This is done by using a simple example.

In the second tutorial the focus is set on the creation of a model for a Life

Cycle Assessment. It is shown how to work with a database and how to use

different impact assessment methods. Part of the second tutorial is also to

visualize the results via Sankey diagrams.

The third tutorial has its main focus on more advanced topics of Life Cycle

Assessment. It provides additional information about useful features of

Umberto NXT and gives further modeling hints.

To be able to learn how to use Umberto NXT, the examples

presented in the three tutorials are designed to be independent of

LCI databases that require a license. Hence, the activity datasets

used in the tutorials 2 and 3 are sample datasets with fictitious

values that can be used even without having access to ecoinvent


For more information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto NXT User Manual. The user manual

can be accessed directly in the software via the Help menu.

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ifu Hamburg GmbH Umberto NXT

Tutorial 2a Page 3

Tutorial 2: Whiteboard Marker

This tutorial is based on the experience already gained in accomplishing

tutorial 1 of Umberto NXT. In this second tutorial a more complex network for

a real life product – a whiteboard marker will be created.

Working on this example further functionalities of Umberto NXT will be

introduced that support Life Cycle Assessment studies. In the course of the

example it will be demonstrated how to work with life cycle inventory (LCI)

databases, and how to use them to find life cycle inventory data for upstream

chains of raw materials.

The "whiteboard marker" example is based on trial datasets which contain

fictitious values only. Hence, the results of the LCA conducted in this tutorial

are not applicable. Please note, that the number of available datasets in the

trial version of Umberto NXT is limited to suit the examples of the tutorials.

The complete ecoinvent database is merely part of a full license of Umberto



• Project overview

• Working with activity datasets

• Modeling a life cycle network

• Integrating product life cycle phases

• Calculation options for the LCI

• Using different LCIA factors

• Visualisation of material flows with Sankey diagrams

• Export of results

• Modeling of scenarios


In order to work on this tutorial, tutorial 1 should have been completed.

Users who are working on this tutorial without holding an ecoinvent license

(such as the users of the 30-day trial version) will find all required datasets in

a separate database called "Tutorial Example" with a group "Tutorial

Activities". These datasets have fictitious values only. Please do not use the

trial version datasets for operative, actual LCA studies.

When working with a licensed version of Umberto NXT including the ecoinvent

database, all activity datasets needed, can be found in the master databases

shipped with the software.

The following table lists the free trial datasets and their corresponding actual

datasets from the ecoinvent database. Users holding an ecoinvent database

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Page 4 Tutorial 2a

license may use ecoinvent data instead of trial data. However, please be

aware that the screenshots and results of the whiteboard marker example

always refer to the trial datasets.

Table 1: Trial datasets used in example of tutorial 2 and corresponding ecoinvent 3 activities.


dataset name ecoinvent activity

dataset name starch biopolymer production (ifu tutorial

dataset) [RER]

polyester-complexed starch biopolymer,

production [RER]

ethanol production from maize (ifu

tutorial dataset) [GLO]

ethanol, 95 % solution state, from

fermentation [GLO]

polypropylene production, granulate (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

polypropylene production, granulate [RER]

injection moulding (ifu tutorial dataset)


injection moulding [RER]

extrusion, plastic pipes (ifu tutorial

dataset) [RER]

extrusion production, plastic pipes [RER]

electricity, medium voltage (ifu tutorial

dataset) [NL]

market for electricity, medium voltage [NL]

transport, lorry 16-32 ton, EURO5 (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton,


treatment of waste polypropylene, MSWI

(ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]

treatment of waste polypropylene,

municipal incineration [CH]

treatment of waste plastic mix, sanitary

landfill (ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]

treatment of waste plastic, mixture,

sanitary landfill [CH]

Note: the suffix in square brackets indicates the geography: GLO =

global, RER = Region Europe, CH = Switzerland, NL = Netherlands

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Tutorial 2a Page 5

Project Overview

This tutorial's example focuses on the life cycle of a whiteboard marker. The

example has been simplified for the purpose of this tutorial.

Figure 1: Picture of the whiteboard marker

The whiteboard marker is mainly made of a polypropylene tube with a cap

made of the same plastic (PP). The marker has a felt tip made of a biopolymer

and uses ethanol based ink1. In the manufacturing process the whiteboard

marker is assembled by using preproduced plastic pipes made of

polypropylene. For the sake of simplicity, tube and cap are not distinguished

at first but handled as one component of the whiteboard marker.

One whiteboard marker has a total weight of 20.75 g: it consists of 13.55 g of

plastic, 4.0 g of felt tip made of biopolymer and 3.2 g of ethanol.

After the assembly four whiteboard markers are packaged together in a

polypropylene box and shipped to the retail locations. In the use phase – as

the user writes a certain amount of text – the whiteboard marker is emptied

and the ethanol of the ink is released into the atmosphere. After the use the

whiteboard marker is disposed of, disassembled and incinerated (see Figure


1The example in this tutorial is fictitious and has been simplified for training purposes. It does not resemble

the real production chain of a whiteboard marker. The example is used to illustrate the workflow of a life

cycle assessment and to introduce the features of the software.

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Page 6 Tutorial 2a

Figure 2: Simplified life cycle model

Using the Activity Database

In tutorial 1 the 'Project Explorer' has already been used to create and change

materials and to add them to the process specification. One branch of the

project tree is called 'tutorial example'. In addition to creating new project

materials, in this example, material data from the included database will be

used. Even without holding a valid license for the ecoinvent database, there

are still two branches of the project tree called ecoinvent 2.2 and

ecoinvent 3. In the course of this tutorial free materials from the ecoinvent 3

database will be used. The respective data can be found in the project tree

under ecoinvent3/Exchanges/Intermediate Exchanges. A short introduction to

the structure and content of databases in Umberto NXT will be given at this

point. For more detailed information please have a look at the Umberto NXT

User Manual.

Users holding a licensed version, including the ecoinvent database,

can also obtain further information on the ecoinvent web page2.

Data(sets) of the tutorial example branch are subdivided in two main

categories: 'Activities', which are clustered in groups by their production

processes or processes of origin and 'Exchanges' (flows).

2 ecoinvent is the most comprehensive database for LCI available. All data derive from scientific LCAs reviewed by the ecoinvent centre http://www.ecoinvent.org/database/

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Tutorial 2a Page 7

Figure 3: Grouping of datasets in the Project Explorer and sample of properties for one tutorial

dataset (activity), e.g. 'aluminium primary, cast alloy (ifu tutorial dataset) [GLO]'

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Umberto NXT

Page 8

When choosing an activity

shows the 'Available Activity


'Exchanges' can be eith

Exchanges'. Elementary exch

boundaries. Therefore, they

process model is calculate

unprocessed inputs from natu

Intermediate materials, are

and do not have associated

materials are the outputs of

In Umberto NXT

classifies the mat

expenditures of

materials. The pr

. Direct e

emissions (like w

material type

life cycle inventor

ifu Ha

from the project tree, the 'Propertie

Sets' as well as some general informa

er 'Elementary Exchanges' or 'In

hanges are materials typically crossing

appear in the Input/Output inventorie

ed. Examples for Elementary Excha

ture or emissions to air, water and soil.

generally only used within the system

d impact assessment factors. These in

a technical activity, i.e. reference flow,

all materials have a 'Material Type'. T

terials. Materials with the material type

raw materials, intermediate products

roducts of any process also have the m

emissions as well as wastes caus

waste being transported to the landfill

. Materials which should not contr

ries are marked with the material type

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 2a

es' explorer

ation on the


the system

es, after the

anges are:



, input flow.

his property

e are

or auxiliary

material type

sing indirect

l) obtain the

ribute to the


Page 33: Download Tutorial

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Tutorial 2a Page 9

Getting Started

Start this tutorial with the creation of a new project using the 'New Project'

icon on the menu bar. Give the project an adequate name, for example

'Tutorial 2 – Whiteboard Marker'.

A first model template named 'Model' with a drawing editor is already open.

After selecting the model in the Project Explorer, it can be renamed in the

'Properties' window. Call the first model, for example, 'Whiteboard Marker 1'.

Assembly Process

The processes of the manufacturing phase are usually best known in detail and

most data is available for this life cycle phase from primary sources.

Therefore, the modeling of this example will start with the manufacturing

phase of the whiteboard marker. The whiteboard marker is not sold

individually, but four whiteboard markers are packed together in a plastic box.

On these grounds, the manufacturing process consists of the following main

steps: the assembly of the marker, the production of the plastic box and the

packaging of the markers.

The whiteboard markers are made of plastic tubes; in this example they are

called 'marker shells'. Apart from the marker shell, each whiteboard marker is

protected with a cap which is also made of plastic. The production of the

marker shells takes place in an extrusion process; whereas the marker cap

and the plastic box are shaped in an injection moulding process. For all three

parts, polypropylene (PP) granules are used. The ink of the whiteboard marker

is based on ethanol and its felt tip is made of biopolymer.

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Page 10 Tutorial 2a

Table 2: Materials used for the production of the whiteboard marker

Materials used in the Whiteboard Marker Production

Material name Source of material Use of material Ethanol, without water, in

95% solution state, from


Ecoinvent Intermediates Assembly

Polyester-complexed starch


Ecoinvent Intermediates Assembly

Electricity, medium voltage Ecoinvent Intermediates Assembly

Whiteboard marker Project Material,

defined by user

Assembly / Packaging

Marker shell Project Material,

defined by user

Assembly / Extrusion

marker shell

Marker cap Project Material,

defined by user

Assembly / Cap


Extrusion, plastic pipes Ecoinvent Intermediates Extrusion Marker Shell

Polypropylene, granulate Ecoinvent Intermediates Extrusion Marker Shell

/ Box Production

Injection moulding Ecoinvent Intermediates Box production

Plastic box Project Material,

defined by user

Box production /


Packaged markers Project Material,

defined by user


Begin by dragging a process symbol onto the editor area. Name the process

'Assembly', add a connection place to the left hand side of the process and

another one to its right hand side. Connect the symbols with each other by

drawing arrows. Since the assembly process is not specified yet, a red circle

with a white cross shows up in the process symbol (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: First process of the whiteboard marker model

Start to specify the assembly process: Create the material 'whiteboard marker'

(display unit: 'kg', material type: 'Good'). Once created, add the material to

the output side of the assembly process using drag&drop. This is the main

product being studied in this LCA.

Furthermore, create the materials 'marker shell' and 'marker cap' (display

unit: 'kg', material type: 'Good') and add them to the input side of the


For the additional materials on the input side, we will be using predefined flow

names (exchanges) from the ecoinvent 3 material master data shown in the

Project Explorer.

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Tutorial 2a Page 11

In order to find the material 'polyester-complexed starch biopolymer', type the

string 'polyester-' into the search field, then choose the 'Filter' button and

start the search by clicking the 'Find' button . Both, the activities that have

the search string in their name (here: grey process symbol) as well as the

exchanges (red and green triangle symbol) are shown.

Select the intermediate exchange 'polyester-complexed starch biopolymer'

from the intermediate flows group of the ecoinvent 3 master data and drag it

onto the input side of the assembly process in the 'Specification Editor' area.

Repeat this step for the materials 'ethanol, without water, in 95% solution

state from fermentation' and 'electricity, medium voltage'.

To find a specific material within the material list, use the project

explorer's search functions. There are two ways of finding a

material. One is to use the 'Incremental Find' button . This

feature shows the result of a search while the keyword is typed.

The incremental find feature marks a matching result yellow

without hiding the structure of the directory tree. Another way is

to use the 'Filter' button .The filter feature only shows entries

with an exact match of the search string. All other entries are

hidden. The filter function also works for parts of the material

name, for example the string '95% solution state' for ethanol.

The process 'Assembly' is now complete regarding the input and output flows.

The next step is to specify the process by assigning coefficients to the input

and output materials. One whiteboard marker has a total weight of 20.75 g. It

consists of 11.55 g marker shell, 2 g cap, 4.0 g biopolymer felt tip and 3.2 g

ethanol-based ink.

Please mind the units! Either enter the values in 'kg', or switch to grams 'g'

first to enter the coefficient value in grams.

The assembly process needs on average 0.02 kWh of electricity for one

whiteboard marker.

The specified 'Assembly' process should look like Figure 5. All flow entries

have been selected from the exchanges listed under the ecoinvent v3 master

material data.

Figure 5: Specification of the Assembly process

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Page 12 Tutorial 2a

The number format can be changed by navigating to 'Tools' �

'Options' in the menu bar.

Now, add another process to the model. Name it 'Extrusion Marker Shell' and

connect it to the connection place that serves as input place of the 'Assembly'

process. Add the material ‘marker shell’ on the output side. The plastic tubes

for the marker shell are molded in an extrusion process using polypropylene

granulate. The intermediate exchange providing this service or work is called

'extrusion, plastic pipes' (most likely used for larger pipes than the plastic

tubes of the whiteboard marker, however, for this example it is fine to use this

extrusion process as an approximation). Add the exchanges 'polypropylene,

granulate' and 'extrusion, plastic pipes' to the input side of the process.

Then, add another process to the model again and name it 'Cap Moulding'.

Add the material ‘marker cap’ on the output side and the materials

'polypropylene, granulate' and the service input 'injection moulding' on the

input side. The specification of the 'Extrusion Marker Shell' process and the

'Cap Moulding' process will be done in the next chapter.

Packaging Process

Add a process named 'Packaging' to the right of the assembly process and

connect the process to the connection place that serves as output of the

assembly. Create an output place and connect it to the 'Packaging' process.

The small model should now look like Figure 6:

Figure 6: The first four processes of the whiteboard marker model

The whiteboard markers are shipped in packages of 4 markers of 20.75 g each

in a transparent polypropylene casing (in this example called 'plastic box') of

45 g. The total weight of the package is 128 g.

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Tutorial 2a Page 13

Figure 7: Picture of the set of whiteboard marker

Add the materials 'packaged markers' and 'plastic box' to the project materials

list (both have the display unit: 'kg' and the material type: 'Good'). Goods are

products that have a value and are either purchased from or sold. All expenses

to produce typically have the green material type (Good) while emissions and

wastes (which are undesired "side-effects" of producing typically have the red

material type (Bad).

For more information on the role of the material type, please refer

to the Umberto User Manual.

Specify the 'Packaging' process with the materials 'whiteboard marker' and

'plastic box' on the input side and 'packaged markers' on the output side.

The flow 'packaged markers' on the output side is identified as the product of

the process (reference flow)

Add the corresponding coefficients according to Figure 8.

Figure 8: Specification of the packaging process

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Page 14 Tutorial 2a

It is possible to use the column "Function" to calculate the coefficient value.

Try typing 4*20.75 as a function for the ‘white board marker’ to determine the

coefficient of '83'.

Mind the units: Either set to 'g' before entering the values, or use 'kg' for all

coefficient entries. Remember that it is only the mass relation of the

coefficients on the input and output side that matters, not the absolute


Add another process to the network, connect it to the input side of the

'Packaging' process and name it 'Box Production'.

Please add the material 'plastic box' to the output side of this process. In the

intermediate exchanges of the ecoinvent tree search for the entries 'injection

moulding' and 'polypropylene, granulate' and add them to the input side of the

process 'Box Production'. Note that since 'polypropylene, granulate' has

already been used in this project it also appears in the 'Project Material' group.

The plastic boxes are also produced in an injection moulding process using

polypropylene granulate. The work process for the injection moulding should

have the same coefficient as the amount of polypropylene granulate,

indicating that for moulding 1 kg of PP, we also have to consider the work

process 'injection moulding' with the same amount (1 kg). The work or service

process 'injection moulding' also accounts for losses. Therefore, it should be

used with the coefficient 1 for both inputs (material input and work process

input) but the coefficient 0.997 for the injection moulded material on the

output side (an explanation can also be found in the description of the activity

in the properties dialog).

Figure 9: Specification of the box production process

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Tutorial 2a Page 15

Expanding the Model

In this step, we add all of the activities which deliver the specified flows or

intermediate exchanges to the model.

We can manually choose and place the delivering process in the model, or we

can let Umberto search and add an appropriate process from the list of

activities of the tutorial database.

Let us start with the 'Box production' process. It has two entries on the input

side 'injection moulding' and 'polypropylene, granulate'.

Browse for the activity 'injection moulding (ifu tutorial dataset) [RER]' in the

tutorial master data, either by opening the hierarchical group, or by using the

string search with a filter. Then, drag&drop the respective activity from the

'Project Explorer' onto the editor, to the left hand side of the box production


Figure 10: List of activities for injection moulding, geography 'Europe'

The selection dialog shown in Figure 10 pops up. Please choose the 'Result'

(i.e. 'System Terminated') process and confirm by pressing 'ok'.

Result activities include all upstream activities and therefore also

include the system boundaries. The respective in- and outputs are

elementary flows. Unit activities, however, resemble the direct

production process. The respective inputs are intermediate

products; the outputs are only direct emissions from this process.

For more information on unit and result activities as well as

elementary and intermediate flows, please refer to the user


To replace a Result process by a Unit process (or vice versa) use

the function 'Replace result process with unit process'

(respectively, 'Replace unit process with result process'), which

can be found in the context menu of the process to-be-changed.

A model stub will be added in the model editor with an input and an output

place and a connection place, where the reference flow (or product) of the

process is delivered (compare to Figure 11). Connect the connection place as a

delivering input of the box production. Please check, if in the 'Specification

Editor' of the 'Box Production' the delivering place for the inputs is correctly


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Page 16 Tutorial 2a

Figure 11: Model stub of the selected activity, here: injection moulding, geography 'Europe'

In contrast to the processes which have been added to the model so far,

additionally a small lock symbol appears in the blue process box. This lock

indicates that a predefined process from a database is being used here. Such

processes can only be modified after unlocking. This can be done via the

context menu of the process. Before the process can be modified a further

inquiry is displayed (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Further inquiry before unlocking an activity dataset

Manually adding the activities is the one option. If it is already known which

process delivers a certain product or service, then choosing the activity from

the master data will be another possibility. In some cases, however, the user

may want to research the different activities that can possibly deliver an input.

Therefore, please try the automatic 'Expand' feature next.

To add the production of 'polypropylene, granulate' use the 'Expand' button at

the bottom of the specification window. First, highlight the polypropylene,

granulate input and then press the 'Expand' button. Umberto will search for

activities that deliver this intermediate material.

Pick the corresponding 'Result' activity from the list (shown in Figure 13).

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Tutorial 2a Page 17

Figure 13: List of activities which deliver the material polypropylene granulate, geography


After clicking 'OK', the complete activity will automatically be added to the


Arrange the places in the model editor so that there are no overlapping

elements. The model should now look similar to this:

Figure 14: The expanded box production

Next, we will specify the extrusion process of the marker shell: Similar to the

injection moulding process used above, the extrusion production is also a work

process, using polypropylene granulate. Expand the material 'extrusion, plastic

pipes' on the input side of the 'Extrusion Marker Shell' process with the result

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Page 18 Tutorial 2a

process 'extrusion, plastic pipes (ifu tutorial dataset) [RER]' and the material

'polypropylene production, granulate (ifu tutorial dataset) [RER]' with the

result process.

The work process for the extrusion production should have the same

coefficient as the polypropylene granulate. This means that for extruding 1 kg

of PP, we also have to consider the work process 'extrusion, plastic pipes (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]' with the same amount (1 kg). In contrast to the

service process 'injection moulding' no material losses occur. This is why the

extrusion process should be used with the coefficient 1 for both inputs

(material input and work process the input side) as well as for the extruded

material on the output side.

And finally, we will add the delivering activities to the 'Assembly' process.

Please always use the respective result (system terminated) process.

Start with the expansion of the material 'electricity, medium voltage'. Please

use the 'Expand' feature again to see the delivering processes contained in the

database. Select 'electricity, medium voltage (ifu tutorial dataset) [NL]' from

the available activities, or drag the respective activity onto the editor and

connect it to the 'Assembly' process. It is assumed that the assembly process

takes place in the Netherlands. In a full LCI library (e.g. ecoinvent v2.2 or

ecoinvent v3) there would be numerous activities (from all different kinds of

countries) for the production of 'electricity, medium voltage'.

As delivering process for the production of 'ethanol, without water, in 95%

solution state from fermentation' choose the activity 'ethanol production from

maize (ifu tutorial dataset) [GLO]'. Also, expand the polyester-complexed

starch biopolymer with the activity 'starch biopolymer production (ifu tutorial

dataset) [RER]'.

The current network should look similar to Figure 15, now. Regard, whether all

materials from the just added production processes enter the assembly

process at the right place.

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Tutorial 2a Page 19

Figure 15: Model of the whiteboard markers manufacturing processes

Adding Life Cycle Phases

Life cycle assessment deals with all potential environmental impacts along the

life cycle of a product or service. To allow an analysis of the contribution of

each single process to the overall environmental impact, add phase frames for

each life cycle stage.

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Page 20

Choose the command 'Life

cycle phase frames. The dial

types, or a certain number o

with 5 phases from the dropd

Figure 16: Life Cycle Phases selecti

The structuring of the life cyc

also the results later on.

If necessary, rearrange the

production, the assembly

moulding processes as wel

belong to the 'Manufacture p

Materials phase'. The produc

cycle phase in which the elec

To enlarge the life cycle phas

the frame to select the w

dimensions can be changed b

Figure 17: Change phase size and p

ifu Ha

Cycle Phases' from the 'Draw' menu

log allows choosing from a list of prede

of phases. Select the first entry 'Cradl

down list and click 'OK'.

ion dialog

cle model helps to arrange not only the

processes and phase frames as follow

including the extrusion marker she

ll as the packaging of the whiteboa

phase'; all upstream processes belong

ction and the supply of electricity belon

ctricity is used.

se frame in vertical direction click near

whole life cycle phase frame. Now

by using the small squares on the selec

phase frame size

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 2a

to add life

efined study


e model, but

ws: the box

ell and cap

rd markers

to the 'Raw

g to the life

the edge of

its vertical

ction frame.

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Tutorial 2a Page 21

An element belongs to the phase in which most of the elements

structure is located. In case that an element is exactly centered

between two phases, it will be assigned to the phase on its left.

Figure 18: First part of the model for the whiteboard marker with Life Cycle Phase frame

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Page 22 Tutorial 2a

Modeling the Downstream Life Cycle Phases

To get a complete life cycle model for the product the phases

'Distribution/Retail' as well as 'Consumer Use' and 'Disposal/Recycling' still

have to be modeled in detail.

After its packaging the whiteboard marker has to be shipped to the retail

stores. In this example, use a freight lorry for transportation. During its

utilisation the whiteboard marker is emptied and the ethanol of the ink is

released into the atmosphere. Finally, at the end of its life the empty

whiteboard marker is being disposed of.

Start to expand the network by adding one process to each of the life cycle

phases 'Distribution/Retail' and Consumer Use'. Name each process

accordingly e.g. 'Distribution' and 'Use'.

In order to connect the new process of the 'Distribution/Retail' phase to the

output of the packaging process, change the type of this place from 'output' to

'connection'. As a connection place it links two processes while before, as an

output place it was part of the system boundary. Use the 'Type' panel in the

properties editor of the place to change the type.

Figure 19: Properties Editor of a Place

Distribution: Next, the distribution process will be specified. In this example

let us assume the whiteboard markers will be transported to the point of sales

by a freight truck. (The actual logistics might be more complicated including

i.e. long-haul shipping to a distribution center and short-haul regional

distribution. Also, the delivery, or customer shopping trip, from the point of

sales to the office building where the marker is used, is not included in this

first modeling approach.)

Open the specification window of the process 'Distribution' and add the

material 'packaged markers' to both sides of the process.

Furthermore, add the intermediate exchange 'transport, freight, lorry 16-

32 metric ton, EURO5' as service input to the input side of the distribution


Expand this service upstream by using the 'Expand' button on the bottom of

the 'Specification' window or by choosing 'Expand delivering activity' from the

context menu of the service input) with the adequate 'Result' process (system

terminated process 'transport, lorry 16-32 ton, EURO5 (ifu tutorial dataset)


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Tutorial 2a Page 23

Figure 20: The transport service is an input to the distribution process of the whiteboard

marker. It is an immaterial freight service input with the basic unit 'metric ton*km'

The transportation distance for the whiteboard markers from the packaging

location to the consumer is assumed to be 550 km, which is about the average

distance for a transport across Germany. The unit of the intermediate

exchange that represents the freight service input is 'metric ton*km'.

Since the whiteboard markers transported as cargo do not change their

weight, their input and output coefficients are the same. Choose any weight

for the transported markers, but make sure to calculate the value for the

transportation service input in relation to it: When choosing 1000 kg as

coefficient for the whiteboard markers for example, 550 metric ton*km have

to be used as coefficient for the transportation process. Alternatively the

process can be specified using any other representation of the same linear

ratio such as 1 kg for the whiteboard markers and 0.55 metric ton*km for the

transportation service input for example. Umberto will always scale the

specifications according to the reference flow leaving the production system.

Figure 21: Specification of 'Distribution' process

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Page 24 Tutorial 2a

In tutorial 3 the distribution phase will be further improved and

the impact of different distribution routes will be discussed.

Use Phase: In the use phase the whiteboard marker is used to write on a

whiteboard in an office. After some time (or to be more precise: after writing

script of a certain length) the whiteboard marker will by empty (dry). The

ethanol used as a solvent of the ink will be emitted during this process.

Part of the use phase is also the removal of the plastic box. It can be

assumed, that the plastic box is thrown away, since it is no longer needed.

Specify the 'Use' process by adding the material 'packaged markers' (128 g) to

the input side and the materials 'whiteboard marker' (4*20,75 g) and 'plastic

box' (45 g) to the output side. Add two output places to the

'Disposal/Recycling' phase and send one of the two output materials to one of


Further, add the emission 'Ethanol [air/urban air close to ground]' to the

output side of the 'Use process'. Use the predefined elementary exchange

from the ecoinvent 3 master database. Please add an output place for the

emission and lead the ethanol to this place.

Figure 22: Specification of 'Use' process, defined for the box of four markers

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Tutorial 2a Page 25

Observe in the specification of the 'Use' process, that the two output flows are

identified as reference flows of the process. This is due to the fact that they

have the material type "Good" and leave the system to an output place.

Hence, they are considered as "products", which at this stage (after use) is not

fully correct.

In fact, both the 'whiteboard marker' and the 'plastic box' are now a waste

that must be disposed of. The waste treatment is an additional expense that

also contributes to the whiteboard markers life cycle and still has to be

accounted for.

Start by changing the material type of the 'whiteboard marker' and the 'plastic

box' to red (Bad)!

Figure 23: Specification of 'Use' process, with material type of the (waste) whiteboard marker

and the (waste) plastic box changed to red (Bad).

In doing so, a red marker symbol will appear on the 'Use' process, indicating

that the system cannot be calculated as there is no system reference flow

available. That is true: in the whole life cycle model there is no more flow of

the green material type (Good) crossing the system boundary. Which one shall

the system reference flow be assigned to, now?

The whiteboard marker has fulfilled its function, when its material type turned

from 'Good' to 'Bad'. Therefore, it makes sense to assign the system reference

flow to the service that the whiteboard marker has fulfilled. This can be

indicated by adding an additional 'whiteboard marker' to the output side of the

process with its default material type green (Good). Then comes the important

part: choose the command 'Set Virtual Reference Flow Property' from the

context menu of the newly created whiteboard marker (right mouse click on

this entry in the table on the output side).

The coefficient of the whiteboard marker should be identical to the one on the

input side (namely 83.0 g). Please mind that the whiteboard markers on the

input side of the 'Use' process arrive packaged in a plastic box (45 g).

Figure 24: Specification of 'Use' process, with a virtual reference flow (material type green) that

represents the system reference flow.

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Page 26 Tutorial 2a

A hidden output place (labeled "RF") will be added to the model and the virtual

reference flow will be sent there (see the respective arrow leaving the use

process in Figure 26). This will play an important role in the LCIA Sankey

diagrams later on.

In tutorial 3 the topic of the system reference flow will be

addressed once again when the topic of the functional unit is

being discussed.

End of Life: After its use, the whiteboard marker has to be disposed of. The

treatment of different waste fractions takes place at the site of disposal

directly. Since the behavior of the consumer can only be guessed, the end-of-

life treatment routes of the whiteboard marker will be split: We assume that

half of the markers will be sent to a municipal waste incineration; the other

half to a sanitary landfill.

The assumption of the distribution of the whiteboard markers on

the market as well as their disposal at municipal waste

incineration and sanitary landfill may not be realistic. Both life

cycle phases depend on consumer behavior and on the end-of-life

treatment options available in the respective country. To this end,

the splitter process for the two treatment routes will be

parameterized and the parameters used for a sensitivity analysis

in tutorial 3.

Add a new process to the 'Disposal/Recycling' phase, name it 'End-of-Life

Route' and specify as follows: Add the material 'whiteboard marker' on the

input side. On the output side add the material flows, 'waste polypropylene'

and 'waste plastic, mixture' (both intermediate exchanges from the ecoinvent

3 database). 1 kg of 'whiteboard marker' on the input side is transformed to

0.5 kg 'waste polypropylene' and 0.5 kg 'waste plastic, mixture' on the output


Make sure the material type of the 'whiteboard marker' on the input side (to

be more precise: the empty, used whiteboard marker, now considered to be

waste) is set to red (Bad), since this is the material type of the corresponding

flow out of the use phase.

Change the output place of the whiteboard marker leaving the 'Use' process to

a connection place and connect it to the 'End-of-Life Route' process.

Next, add the activity 'treatment of waste plastic mix, sanitary landfill (ifu

tutorial dataset) [CH]' from the tutorial activities group. Choose the result

version of the activity and connect the model stub to the 'End-of-Life Route'

process on the output side. Observe that the treatment process has the

reference flow on the input side: The intermediate exchange 'waste plastic,

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Tutorial 2a Page 27

mixture' with the material type red (Bad) appears on the input side. On the

output side there are only emissions (elementary exchanges) listed.

In addition to the flows that have a green material type (Good)

on the output side, also the exchanges that have a red material

type on the input side are identified as reference flows.

Then, go back to the 'End of Life route' process and expand the material

'waste polypropylene' with the result dataset for 'treatment of waste

polypropylene, MSWI (ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]'.

Finally, please check if all of the flows are properly assigned to their respective

in/ and output places. The 'End-of-Life Route' process should look like Figure


Figure 25: Specification of 'End-of-Life Route'

Figure 26: Specified 'Disposal/Recycling' phase

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Page 28 Tutorial 2a

The 'Disposal/Recycling' phase should now be completely specified and look

similar to Figure 26.

Preparation for Calculation of the Model

Before the model can be calculated, specify a manual flow (compare to

tutorial 1).

First, open the arrow that contains the virtual reference flow. That is the one

leaving the 'Use' process vertically to the top. If it is not visible highlight the

elements around the 'Use' process, an arrow leading 'nowhere' should appear.

In the specification editor for this arrow add the material whiteboard marker

with a quantity of 0.02075 kg. When closing the arrow specification, observe

that the arrow has turned its color from grey to purple, indicating that a

manual flow has been defined here.

At this stage of the tutorial we calculate the model for one unit of

whiteboard marker with a weight of 20.75 g. One might argue

that a weight-based reference flow is not appropriate. In tutorial

3 the topics of the system reference flow and the functional unit

will be discussed further.

The current life cycle model should look similar to the one in Figure 27 below.

Figure 27: Model of the whiteboard marker

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Tutorial 2a Page 29

Life Cycle Model Calculation and Inventory

The life cycle model is now ready to be calculated. In the section above have

the reference flow has already be defined. Calculate the model by clicking on

the button with the calculator icon in the toolbar. If the model is fully specified

and no problems occur all arrows will turn their color from light grey to black.

If errors occur during the calculation a warning will be displayed

asking whether the calculation log shall be opened. This log

allows identifying the causes of errors. The calculation log is

accessible in the main toolbar under 'Calculation' → 'Show

Calculation Log' at any time.

After the calculation has finished two new tabs will appear in the 'Specification'

window at the bottom. These windows display the calculation results and the

inventory results (named 'Results – Whiteboard marker' and 'Inventories –

Whiteboard marker').

Let us start by looking at the inventory results. Open the inventories window,

to display the overall physical flows associated with the product life cycle of

the whiteboard marker: On the left hand side there are the inputs from the

surrounding system (biosphere/nature) into the modeled system, and on the

right hand side there are the respective outputs from the system (into


Figure 28: Inventory of Input/Output Flows

The input/output places serve as the boundary of the life cycle model. The

flows listed in the inventories table are the flows that run on the arrows from

the input places (input flows) and to the output places (output flows).

All flows are based on the quantity of the manual flow for which the life cycle

model has been calculated (in this case one whiteboard marker of 20.75 g).

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Page 30

The manual flow could also

service, or any other proport

The inventory table can be so

header, e.g. to see the large

column header to the area ab

example, try grouping by the

Figure 29: Grouping results in the i

In the grouped view the sect

on the group header.

Figure 30: Grouping by unit

ifu Ha

o be one unit of whiteboard marker,

tionate quantity that was entered as ma

orted and grouped: Sort by clicking on

est flows in the inventory; group by d

bove the input or output side of the tab

e column 'Unit'.


tions can be expanded by clicking on th

amburg GmbH

Tutorial 2a

fulfilling its

anual flow.

the column

ragging the

ble grid. For

he plus sign

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Tutorial 2a Page 31

Life Cycle Impact Assessment

In the previous step, the life cycle model with its associated physical flows

(the inputs into and the outputs from the processes along the product life

cycle) has been calculated. In this section it will be demonstrated how to

assess the environmental impacts of the whiteboard marker by applying one

or more LCIA impact assessment factors.

Umberto supplies some twenty or more LCIA methods to choose from

(compare to Figure 31).

Figure 31: List of available LCIA Factors in Umberto NXT

For the assessment of a life cycle analysis it is necessary to select either an

LCIA Method or individual LCIA Factors. Please choose an impact assessment

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Page 32 Tutorial 2a

method by navigating to the 'Menu' and selecting 'Tools' � 'LCIA factors'. All

available impact assessment methods are listed.

A method can be activated by right-clicking and choosing 'Activate Group'. It is

possible to select or deselect individual impact categories and combine

different impact assessment methods in order to meet the specific demands of

the study.

Note: The impact assessment method ReCiPe Midpoint (H) w/o LT

is activated by default (compare to Figure 32).

When opening the context menu on an elementary exchange in the 'Project

Explorer', e.g. dinitrogen monoxide, choose 'View Impact Assessment Factors'.

Uncheck the box 'Show only activated' to view all available impact assessment

factors of the respective material.

Figure 32: Activated impact categories of a LCIA Method

Since one LCIA Impact assessment factor group (ReCiPe Midpoint (H) w/o LT)

is activated by default, Umberto already calculated the impact assessment

based on the inventory flows.

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Tutorial 2a Page 33

Now, open the window 'Results – Whiteboard marker' to see the aggregated

results for the selected LCIA factors with the respective data and the

contribution of the different life cycle phases.

There are two different views of the LCIA summary – watch the results as

absolute values or scaled to 100% as shown Figure 33. Note that some

categories remain empty here due to data gaps of the fictitious values.

Figure 33: 'Results' tab (results by phases)

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Page 34

Details of the impact assess

page. Select 'LCIA Details' fr

'Results' page. Figure 34 sho

is also possible to sort by

without grouping.

Figure 34: 'LCIA Details'

The LCIA details can be arran

make the group by box visibl

The grouping is done by dra

the dark grey area above the

it back to the result table.

ifu Ha

sment results can be viewed on the 'LC

from the selection list on the left hand

ows the detailed LCIA results sorted by

processes or by materials, or displa

nged custom-made by using the Group

le click the 'Toggle Group-By Box'-butto

agging&dropping one or more column

e column. To remove a grouping criter

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Tutorial 2a

CIA Details'

side of the

y phases. It

y raw data

-By Box. To

on .

headers to

ria just drag

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Tutorial 2a Page 35

Sankey Diagrams

After calculating the network a Sankey diagram will show the physical flows of

the life cycle model. Sankey diagrams are also a very good way of verifying

the consistency of the life cycle model.

Click the button 'Show Sankey Diagram' to turn on the Sankey diagram mode

for a calculated model.

Figure 35: Exemplary Sankey Diagram of mass and energy flows of the LCA model

Since 'Result' activities are likely to have many different unit types (e.g. area,

radioactivity, and freight transport), it is recommended to limit the Sankey

display to 'Mass' and 'Energy' at first. To do so, switch to the 'Scaling of

Sankey Diagram' tab (left hand bottom side of the Umberto window) and

remove the check marks for all unit types except these two.

Figure 36: Scaling of Sankey diagram

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In addition to the view of the physical flows a Sankey diagram of the

environmental impacts chosen for the life cycle assessment can be displayed

also. To see it, open the dropdown menu next to the button 'Show Sankey

Diagram' and select one of the LCIA impact categories shown here.

Figure 37: Sankey Diagram for one chosen LCIA factor, e.g. GWP

It can be observed that the Sankey arrows of the environmental burdens of

the end of life phase are displayed with an inverted flow direction (see Figure

38). The environmental burdens of every impact category are aggregated

along the production chain of the life cycle model. The environmental impacts

of waste disposal are visually "added". The overall LCIA impact is displayed as

the flow from the 'Use' phase to the top (to an invisible place; this resembles

the reference flow "RF")

Figure 38: Sankey Diagram for one chosen LCIA factor, e.g. GWP – inverted Sankey arrows

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Tutorial 2a Page 37

In a network with more than one product, the cascading menu allows choosing

one reference flow (product) for which the associated flows will be shown.

After choosing a product there will be a more detailed view of the available

Sankey diagrams by clicking on the entry 'More…'.

A new window will then open in the properties pane displaying all activated

impact categories of the impact assessment method. When clicking on one

category, e.g. eutrophication, a Sankey diagram will show the contribution of

all flows to the eutrophication potential. Try out different impact categories

and see how the processes differently contribute to the selected impact


This enables to visually understand how environmental burdens are associated

with the production process and that optimization in one impact category may

have offsetting results for another impact category.

Figure 39: Select Source of Sankey Diagram

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Page 38 Tutorial 2a

Exporting Results

All data on the 'LCIA Details' page can be exported to Excel, in order to create

diagrams and graphs for selected topics. The data will be exported according

to the current view of the results.

A window appears, asking for a name of the Excel file. The exported tables will

be shown immediately after saving.

In tutorial 3 the use of a raw data export and Pivot tables for the

creation of virtually any diagram to support material tracing and

contribution of substances to the environmental impacts is being


For further information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto NXT User Manual.

Thank you for completing tutorial 2. Please continue with tutorial 3 to

discover more practical features of Umberto NXT.


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Umberto® NXT


Tutorial 3


ifu Hamburg GmbH Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 1.5 Date: October 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH


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® is a registered trademark of ifu Hamburg GmbH

Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. No liability for the correctness of the information in this manual. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

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Tutorial 3 Page 1

Tutorial 1: Umberto NXT Simple Example

Time: 1 h Pages: 20 Level: New User Requirements: none

What you will learn:

• Umberto NXT work area and window handling

• Create a project, a model and a first process

• Specify a process

• Calculate a small model

• View the calculation results

• Create Sankey diagrams

• Use the Module Gallery

Tutorial 2a: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle Assessment

and general knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Working with activity datasets

• Product life cycle phases

• LCA calculation and results

• Disposal and transport activities

• Function and parameters

• Group-By Box

• Material type

• Calculation log

Tutorial 2b: U NXT EFF/UNIV

Time: 3-4 h Pages 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5

What you will learn:

• User defined process specification

• Create subnets

• Analysis of input/output inventory

• Function and parameters

• Cost accounting for MFA

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Co-products

• Sankey diagrams

• Advanced Features

Tutorial 4: U NXT UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 15 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 for LCA and

Efficiency and 3 or experience with Umberto

5 for Life Cycle Assessment and knowledge

about LCA

What you will learn:

• Integrate costs LCA

• Material Mapping

• Calculate Selection

Tutorial 3: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 48 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 or

experience with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle

Assessment and knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

• Allocations

• Generic materials

• Set multiple virtual reference flows

• Co-products

• Working with functional units

• Sankey diagrams

• Results by products

• Print and export results

• Advanced Features

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Page 2 Tutorial 3


Welcome to the tutorial section of Umberto NXT.

It is divided into three independent tutorials of increasing complexity. Each

tutorial has its focus on a different topic. The first two tutorials introduce the

basic features of Umberto NXT. The third tutorial provides more complex

modeling and information about advanced features.

The first tutorial gives an introduction on how to create a basic model as well

as the handling of general settings. This is done by using a simple example.

In the second tutorial the focus is set on the creation of a model for a Life

Cycle Assessment. You will learn how to work with a database and how to use

different impact assessment methods. Part of the second tutorial is also to

visualize your results via Sankey diagrams.

The third tutorial has its main focus on more advanced topics of Life Cycle

Assessment. It provides additional information about useful features of

Umberto NXT and gives further modeling hints.

To be able to learn how to use Umberto NXT, the examples

presented in the three tutorials are designed to be independent of

LCI databases that require a license. Hence, the activity datasets

used in the tutorials 2 and 3 are sample datasets with fictitious

values that can be used even without having access to ecoinvent


For further information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto NXT User Manual. The user manual

can be accessed directly in the software via the Help menu.

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Tutorial 3 Page 3

Tutorial 3: Whiteboard Marker (cont.)

In this third tutorial the whiteboard marker example previously modeled in

tutorial 2 will be continued. The existing model will be amplified and refined;

thereby, more features of Umberto NXT, which support the analysis of life

cycle models, can be explored.


Tutorial 3 can easier be followed after having finished Tutorial 2.

Users, who are working with a licensed version of Umberto NXT with ecoinvent

v3 database, will find all activity datasets needed in the master database

shipped with the software.

Users, who are working on this tutorial without holding an ecoinvent license

(e.g. users of the 14-day trial version) will find a group "Trial Version

Datasets" in the Project Explorer, where datasets with a similar name but

fictitious values can be found. Trial version users can deal with all three

models of tutorial 3 using the trial version datasets.

An overview of the trial datasets used is shown in Table 1 and Table 2 below.

Do not use the trial version datasets for operative, real-world LCA studies,

since they contain fictitious values only.


• Creating subnets

• Using net parameters

• Specifying processes with user defined functions

• Copying models

• Sensitivity analysis

• Advanced exporting options

• Data analysis

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Page 4 Tutorial 3

Table 1: ecoinvent activities and corresponding tutorial datasets used in tutorial 2


dataset name

ecoinvent activity

dataset name

starch biopolymer production (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

polyester-complexed starch biopolymer,

production [RER]

ethanol production from maize (ifu

tutorial dataset) [GLO]

ethanol, 95 % solution state, from

fermentation [GLO]

polypropylene production, granulate (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

polypropylene production, granulate [RER]

injection moulding (ifu tutorial dataset)


injection moulding [RER]

extrusion, plastic pipes (ifu tutorial

dataset) [RER]

extrusion production, plastic pipes [RER]

electricity, medium voltage (ifu tutorial

dataset) [NL]

electricity, medium voltage [NL]

transport, lorry 16-32 ton, EURO5 (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton,


Table 2: ecoinvent activities and corresponding tutorial datasets additionally used in tutorial 3


dataset name

ecoinvent activity

dataset name

aluminium primary, cast alloy (ifu tutorial

dataset) [GLO]

aluminium cast alloy [RER]

treatment of aluminium scrap (ifu tutorial

dataset) [GLO]

treatment of aluminium scrap, post-

consumer, prepared for recycling, at

remelter [RER]

extrusion of aluminium (ifu tutorial

dataset) [RER]

impact extrusion of aluminium, 2 strokes


treatment of waste polypropylene, MSWI

(ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]

treatment of waste polypropylene,

municipal incineration [CH]

treatment of waste paper and board (ifu

tutorial dataset) [RER]

treatment of waste paper and board


treatment of waste plastic mix, sanitary

landfill (ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]

treatment of waste plastic, mixture,

sanitary landfill [CH]

transport, freight, inland waterways,

barge (ifu tutorial data) [RER]

transport, freight, inland waterways,

barge [RER]

transport, freight train (ifu tutorial

dataset) [GLO]

transport, freight train [RoW]

Note: the suffix in square brackets indicates the geography: GLO = Global,

RER = Region Europe, CH = Switzerland, NL = Netherlands, RoW = Rest of


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Tutorial 3 Page 5


When carrying out a life cycle assessment results sometimes need to be

refined in order to ensure the quality of the report. This tutorial covers

different approaches to refine your model as well as to prepare your life cycle

assessment report. In addition, further modeling hints are explained.

Tutorial 3 bases on the example created in tutorial 2. The LCA model for the

whiteboard marker that has been developed is now refined and used as a

basis for variants.

At first, a sub-module of the transportation process is created to examine the

distribution processes more closely.

In the next step (3.1) an alternative use case will be developed as a means to

improve the environmental performance of the product. In this alternative use

case, the whiteboard marker is refilled with ink, rather than throwing it away

at the end of its first use.

Another part of this tutorial (3.2) looks at the choice of raw materials. What if

the body of the whiteboard marker were made of aluminium instead of PP?

This product design decision is compared in regard to the selected impact


Net parameters are explained in 3.3 and an example of a process specification

with user defined functions rather than with coefficients is shown in 3.4.

Finally, it is explained how to create any type of diagram supporting an LCA

analysis and the respective interpretation. In order to do so, the LCIA results

can be exported to an Excel sheet where the PivotChart feature can be used.

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Page 6 Tutorial 3

Subnets (Hierarchical Modeling)

In some cases a refinement of the model is needed while keeping the initial

graphical layout intact. In other cases the analysis of results of one part of the

model shall be separated from the overall results. In either case the use of

subnets is indicated.

Start by opening an existing whiteboard marker model (either the one you

created in Tutorial 2 or the one linked on the Umberto start page).

Copying the Model: The first step is to add a new model within the project.

To do this, press the 'Create a New Model' button in the top right corner of

the 'Project Explorer'. When asked for it, do not add life cycle phases, as the

phase frames from your existing model will be copied as well. Name the model

'Tutorial 3.0', for example.

Create a copy of the existing model by selecting all elements (Ctrl-A) and

saving them to the clipboard (Ctrl-C). Next, paste the selected elements into

the newly created empty model (CTRL-V). This should now be a copy of the

original whiteboard marker model, where modifications can be made.

Creating a Subnet: In this chapter a subnet will be added to refine the

distribution phase of the whiteboard marker model designed in Tutorial 2. In

this subnet three different distribution routes with varying parameters will be

created. They will be analyzed in relation to each other.

Each transportation route makes use of a different combination of means:

Table 3: Overview of transportation routes and means of transportation

Route Share km by lorry km by train km by boat km total

1 30% 550 50 50 650

2 30% 50 400 100 550

3 40% 150 50 400 600

The current transportation process ('transport lorry 16-32 ton, EURO5' of the

'Distribution/Retail' phase) will be replaced by a subnet that has more detail

and transportation variants.

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Tutorial 3

Figure 1: Creating a subne

Use the context men

subnet (see figure a

next to the main tab.

Please notice that the

explorer as a branc

hierarchical tree will

possible to create a s

of depth in the hierar

Figure 2: Display of subne

If you want, you can

side-by-side to the rig

et (via context-menu)

u of the distribution process to convert

bove). The subnet will automatically


e subnet is also displayed in the project

ch of the current model. Using mu

ll display to which of model each sub

subnet within a subnet and there is cur


et in the project explorer

n drag the subnet window from its po

ight of the main net.

Umberto NXT

Page 7

t the process into a

open in a new tab

t tree of the project

ultiple subnets the

bnet belongs. It is

rrently no limitation

sition and attach it

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Page 8 Tutorial 3

Figure 3: The newly created subnet with the neighboring places of the subnet process as

connection places

The synchronization between the nets allows identifying each connection place

– called ports in subnets – in both nets. Activate a port place on the subnet

and observe how the corresponding connection is highlighted in the main net

(see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Synchronization of nets – corresponding places are marked

The subnet will be calculated upstream because the manual flow

of the main net is located further downstream. An upstream

calculation generally means that the product output of a process

is known, whereas its input(s) and the respective emissions are

calculated according to the input/output specification or the user

defined functions of the process. Please remember, we defined

the manual flow as part of the use phase process of the main net

in Tutorial 2. Therefore, the output flows of the subnet are

known; hence, it will be modeled upstream.

Specifying the Subnet: Start to devise the subnet now. The transportation

process will be modified, resulting in three different routes expressed as

shares of the total mass transported.

Add a process to the subnet and connect it to the port place supplying the use

phase in the main net. Name this process 'Splitter' and add the material

'packaged markers' to the output side once and three times to the input side

(compare to Figure 5).

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Tutorial 3 Page 9

Figure 5: Splitter process for calculating the share of each transportation route

Please notice that the font of the packaged markers on the output side

changed to red and bold. This is to show that the packaged markers are a

reference flow with regard to the whole subnet.

For more information on reference flows relating to processes and

nets please refer to the Umberto NXT user manual.

Change to the 'Parameter' tab of the 'Specification' window of the 'Splitter'

process. Add three parameters by clicking on the button 'Add'. Identifiers will

be assigned automatically (here 'C01', 'C02' and 'C03'). Rename the variables

to R01, R02 and R03, respectively. Then, allot to the three parameters the

proportional share according to the data given in Table 3.

Figure 6: Parameter specification of the 'Splitter' process

Next, return to the 'Input/Output' tab and type the variable for the first

parameter ("R01") in the 'Function' field of the first entry. This is to reference

the parameter value.

Repeat this procedure for the remaining two parameters with the variable

identifiers 'R02' and 'R03', respectively. Change the coefficients for the first

and second entry to '0,3 kg' and the one for the third entry to '0,4 kg',

respectively. Then, add a coefficient of '1 kg' on the output side so that the

process specification is balanced.

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The specification of the 'Splitter' process should look like Figure 7, now.

Figure 7: Input/Output tab in specification window of the 'Splitter' process

Next, create a new process to the left of the 'Splitter' process and connect

them with each other. Therefore, simply draw an arrow from an empty place

in the model to the 'Splitter' process. The process and the connection place

will be automatically added to the model. Call the new process 'Route 1' and

connect it to the port place that receives the packaged markers from the main


If the connection from the initial transportation activity to the subnet has not

been deleted there is a third port place in your subnet. As all transports will be

entirely modeled within the subnet, please delete this transport process and/or

its remaining places of the main net. They will also be deleted in the subnet


Figure 8 shows the current subnet with its two port places (connections to the

main net).

Figure 8: Route 1 in the distribution subnet

For the specification of the 'Route 1' process, please add the material

'packaged markers' on the input and on the output side. Moreover, search for

the following intermediate exchanges (in the ecoinvent 3 branch of the Project

Explorer) and also add them to the process specification on the input side:

'transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO 5', 'transport, freight train'

and 'transport, freight, inland waterways, barge'.

The units of all selected means of transportation are defined as

'metric ton * km'. Therefore, both the weight and the distance must form a

part of the material specification. We will allow for this by defining the weight

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Tutorial 3 Page 11

of the packaged markers and the distance of each means of transportation for

the selected route.

First, change to the 'Parameters' tab of the process 'Route 1', and add a

parameter called 'LDIST' for the distance of lorry transportation with the value

of 550 km. Then, return to the 'Input/Output' tab and type the function

'LDIST/1000' in the 'Functions' column behind the material 'transport, freight,

lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO 5'. Enter with return and observe how the

coefficient of the 'Material' 'transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO 5'

is updated.

Please, repeat these steps for the two remaining means of transportation

(barge and train) with a distance of 50 km, respectively (compare to figure


Figure 9: Parameter tab of the first route

For a complete specification of the 'Route 1' process, finally insert a coefficient

of 1 kg of the material 'packaged markers' on the input side as well as on the

output side (see Figure 10). Make sure to assign the same coefficient for the

transported good on both, the input and the output side.

The first transportation route can easily be modified now, by merely changing

the parameters for the distance of each transportation means.

Figure 10: Specification of the first distribution route of the whiteboard markers

Go on, using the expand function to add the three activities that provide the

respective transportation processes. In all three cases, use the respective

'Result' (i.e. 'System Terminated') process.

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Page 12 Tutorial 3

Users of the trial version without access to the ecoinvent database,

please use the activities in the group "Tutorial Activities" of the

database "Tutorial Example" instead. See the tables at the beginning

of this document for a list of corresponding datasets.

Result activities include all upstream activities and therefore also

include system boundaries. The respective in- and outputs are

elementary flows. Unit activities, however, resemble direct

production processes. The respective inputs are intermediate

products; the outputs are only direct emissions from this process.

For more information on unit and result activities as well as

elementary and intermediate flows, please refer to the user manual.

If you wish to replace a Result process by a Unit process (or vice

versa) you can use the function 'Replace result process with unit

process' (respectively, 'Replace unit process with result process'),

which can be found in the context menu of the process to-be-


The subnet should now look similar to this:

Figure 11: Distribution subnet with expanded ecoinvent activities connected to the first route

In the next step, add the other two transportation routes: In order to save

time, simply copy and paste the first route and connect it to the appropriate

places. Therefore, select the 'Route 1' process and choose 'Copy' from the

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Tutorial 3 Page 13

context menu. Observe that not only the process, but also all of the connected

places are selected and copied. Paste the entire process twice below the

'Route 1' process.

Arrange the connection places so, that they use less space than the original

layout (compare to Figure 12). The arrangement of the elements does not

influence the calculation of the model, however, the model will be more clearly

laid out and easier to comprehend as it gets larger.

Rename the new processes to 'Route 2' and 'Route 3', respectively.

Additionally, merge the produced 'Packaging' connection places, which deliver

the packaged markers with the existing port place (supplying 'Route 1'): In

order to do so, simply drag and drop the respective connection places onto the

port place until they are highlighted. The new part of the subnet should now

look similar to Figure 12 below.

Figure 12: Subnet with copied routes

Connect the places on the output side of the newly created routes to the

splitter process.

Another option to keep the model well-arranged is the usage of duplicates. In

this case, duplicates of the connection places of 'Route 2' and 'Route 3' to the

three transport processes, namely transport freight lorry, transport freight

barge and transport freight train, will support clarity. In order to do so, choose

'Duplicate' from the context menu of the connection place between the

transport activity for the lorry transport and the 'Route 1' process. A duplicate

of the respective place appears right next to it in the model. Both counterparts

are highlighted, when the other one is chosen. This holds true also, when

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more than two copies exist. Thus, you can easily control which connection you

are handling at the moment.

Figure 13: Creating a duplicate of a connection place

Move the duplicate onto the connection with the similar ID of Route 2. When

both places are highlighted, they will merge to one place. Please notice that

each copy of the original element receives the same ID with a consecutive


In case of the example the ID of the original connection is P9. Then, the copies

of this place are called P9(2) and P9(3). Additionally, the specifications of the

copied processes are automatically updated to the IDs of the copied places

and are therefore easy to find.

Repeat the duplication and merging steps for the remaining five connection

places to connect each means of transportation with the respective delivering


Please check, if the different inputs are being delivered by the right connection

place and the weight of the transported packaged markers is assigned a

coefficient of 1 kg on all input and output sides of the three route processes

(see Figure 14).

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Tutorial 3 Page 15

Figure 14: Copies of 'Route 1' with duplicate connections

The next step is to specify 'Route 2' and 'Route 3'. As a copy of the fully

specified 'Route 1' was used, the parameter values in the 'Parameters' tab of

the process specification of each means of transportation only need to be

updated. Therefore, please use the values displayed in Table 4.

Table 4: Overview of transportation routes and means of transportation

Route Share km by lorry km by train km by boat km total

1 30% 550 50 50 650

2 30% 50 400 100 550

3 40% 150 50 400 600

Finally, the splitter process needs to be specified. This process still shows a

red warning sign, because the input places for the packaged markers have not

been assigned yet. Once more, select the Input/Output tab of the respective

process specification and assign the correct places to each route on the input


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Figure 15: Final specification of the splitter process dividing the distribution routes

Before the model can be calculated there is still one last alteration left to do:

The input and output places of the transportation processes are not connected

to the main net so far.

Please switch to the main net, add an input and an output place to the

'Distribution' process and connect them accordingly. As already observed,

these two places also appear in the subnet. Go back to the subnet, duplicate

each of the new places twice and merge them with the respective input and

output places of the transportation means (compare to Figure 16).

Figure 16: Input and Output port places with their respective places in the main net

The entire created subnet should look like Figure 17 below.

When copying an entire model, manual flows are not automatically transferred

as well. Therefore, please add the following manual flow to the virtual

reference flow arrow leaving the 'Use' process in the main network:

'whiteboard marker', 0,02075 kg.

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Tutorial 3 Page 17

Figure 17: Final subnet model of the whiteboard marker distribution

The model is now ready to be recalculated. To do so, use the calculate icon

of the main net editor. There should be no calculation warnings. After

calculating the main net, the results of the subnet will be displayed like any

ordinary process.

Analyzing the Results: The new model has a more refined transport section.

What was originally represented by a single process is now represented as a

subnet with three different routes and has been parameterized (e.g. for

studying the impacts or consequences of transport variations).

After calculation the tab 'LCIA Summaries – By Phases, scaled to 100%' has

an overview of impact assessment results with all selected impact categories.

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Figure 18: LCIA results by phases scaled to 100%

Looking at Figure 18 (results may vary from user to user depending on the

respective database used) one can see that the impact category results are

now different from the LCIA results that were calculated with the previous

model created in Tutorial 2. Remember that in Tutorial 2 the distribution of the

whiteboard markers was assumed to be carried out by a lorry over a distance

of 550 km. However, be aware, that the results scaled to 100% do not

represent absolute values. The absolute contribution of the distribution phases

to selected impact categories might be even lower in Tutorial 3 than in Tutorial

2 (compare to the LCIA summaries – by phases, absoltue values, e.g. impact

category 'fossil depletion').

Please also keep in mind, that the whiteboard marker example

uses fictitious values only. For this reason, the calculated results

might not make sense concerning their quantity or the relation of

the quantities among the different impact categories. Some of the

impact categories may not even be considered at all.

In one impact category, the overall contribution of the distribution phases has

risen significantly: metal depletion. The total amount of Fe-equivalents rose

from 4.3 kg in Tutorial 2 to 6.1 kg in Tutorial 3, which accounts for a relative

share of the metal depletion of 41% and 50%, respectively. Hence, this

impact category should be examined closer in the subnet.

Start the examination by selecting the subnet and activating the Sankey

Diagram. Then, select the small black arrow next to the Sankey button to see

the drop down list and choose 'More…'.

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Tutorial 3 Page 19

In the property editor on the left hand bottom side a new tab is shown called

'Source of Sankey diagram'. Select the impact category 'metal depletion'

(compare to Figure 19).

The analysis of the subnet will also work for any other selected

impact category.

Now switch to the tab 'Scaling of Sankey Diagram' (also located on the left

hand bottom side) to adapt the width of the slider to 20 pixels (Figure 19).

When you look back at the model of your subnet, you will see the contribution

to the impact category metal depletion of each transportation mean and for

each route (shown in Figure 20).

In the results tab, switch to the section 'LCIA details – by processes' to check

the results for the distribution more closely. Which means of transportation

contributes the most to the selected impact category of metal depletion?

Please notice that the subnet will be shown just like a process

when the main model is activated. When you switch to the subnet

only the data for the processes of the subnet will be displayed.

Figure 19: Source and scaling of Sankey Diagram in the distribution subnet

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Figure 20: Sankey diagram showing the contribution of the distribution routes to the impact

category metal depletion

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Tutorial 3 Page 21

A Different Use Scenario: Refill (Tutorial 3.1)

Consumer decisions are not solely based on economic effects but also depend

on the environmental performance of certain goods and services. A prime

example of ecological behavior is the reuse of goods. In this part of the

tutorial a reuse model for the whiteboard marker will be created. Therefore, a

refill station for the ink of the whiteboard marker will be added to the model.

The following use case will be assumed: The whiteboard marker will be refilled

in a refill station provided by the same supplier as the whiteboard marker


The refill station holds 16 ml of ink and allows for 5 refills (compare to

Table 5). To model this use case the product chain will be expanded further

downstream, like it was already done in Tutorial 2.

Table 5: Characteristics of one refill station

refill station capacity refills possible

1 16 ml 5

Again, the first step is to add a new model to the project tree. When asked for

it, do not add life cycle phases. Name the model: 'Tutorial 3.1 Use Case'.

Create a copy of 'Tutorial 3.0' in the exact same way as done earlier in this


Expanding the Model: To expand the existing model at the refill station, a

whole process chain has to be added. Keep in mind to consider the necessary

space, when adding processes and places.

Start by adding a process to the raw material phase and call it 'refill station

extrusion'. Next, create the material 'refill station' to your list of project

materials and drag it to the output side of the newly created process.

Furthermore, add the materials 'polypropylene, granulate' and 'extrusion,

plastic pipes' to the input side (both materials are intermediate exchanges of

ecoinvent 3). Assign a coefficient of 1 kg to each material on the input as well

as on the output side of the process. Expand both materials on the input side

with the respective result process and arrange the net elements clearly.

Then, create a new process in the manufacture phase and call it 'Refill station

filling'. Connect this process to the process 'Refill station extrusion' and add

the material 'refill station' on the input side.

Another way of adding materials to a process is to drag it over the

process in the model editor and drop it there. You will be asked

whether to put it on the input or output side of your process

specification. This way you do not have to select a process in

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Page 22 Tutorial 3

order to add materials to it.

Continue the specification of the 'Refill Station Filling' process by adding the

following three materials to the input side: 'ethanol, without water, in 95 %

solution state, from fermentation', 'electricity, medium voltage' and 'carton

board box production, with offset printing' (all materials are intermediate

exchanges of ecoinvent 3).

Next, create the material 'refill station, full' to your material list and add it to

the output side of the last modified process. Please amend the weight of the

refill station (consisting of corpus and lid) according to the table below

The respective table also lists the single parts of the refill station with the

according weights for additional information. Please take care of the units!

Expand the materials 'ethanol…', 'electricity…', and 'carton box board…' with

the respective result processes of the same name. Please use 'electricity,

medium voltage' with the geography 'Netherlands', as we already used

electricity produced in the Netherlands for the production of the whiteboard

marker. Afterwards, move the net elements of the ethanol production to the

'Raw Materials' phase. The net elements belonging to the electricity supply and

the carton box board production should remain in the 'Manufacture' phase. Do

not forget to arrange the net elements nicely to keep a clear and simple


Table 6: Specification data for the refill station

part material quantity unit

corpus polypropylene 15 g

lid polypropylene 6 g

ink ethanol 16 g

Additionally, the process needs 0,01 kWh of electricity for the assembly of the

materials and 3,8 g of carton board box per refill station. The weight of the full

refill station on the output side adds up to 40,8 g.

The complete specification of the 'Refill station filling' should look like Figure

21 below.

Figure 21: Specification of the 'Refill station filling'

Furthermore, an additional distribution process is needed to deliver the refill

station to its point of usage. Add another process, this time to the distribution

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Tutorial 3 Page 23

phase. Call it 'Distribution refill station' and drag the material 'refill station,

full' to the input and to the output side of the distribution process.

Then add the material 'transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5' to

the input side of the process. Create a new parameter called 'DIST' in the

parameter tab of the distribution process and assign to it a coefficient of

'550 km'.

Switch back to the specification tab of the distribution process, type the

function 'DIST/1000' in the function column of the transport and add a

coefficient of 1 kg for the refill station on the input and on the output side

(compare to Figure 22).

Expand the material 'transport, freight lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO 5' with

the respective result process. At last, connect the 'Refill station filling' process

to the 'Distribution refill station' and the latter one to the 'Use' process of the

existing whiteboard marker model.

Figure 22: Process specification of distribution process

Finally check, if all the newly created processes have the right in- and output

places assigned to them. The added model parts of the 'Refill Station' model

should look similar to Figure 23.

Figure 23: Current model of the refill process

The next step is the specification of the 'Consumer Use' phase. In Tutorial 2

the 'Use' process has been specified according to the use of a package of 4

whiteboard markers. For this purpose the coefficients of the existing 'Use'

process also have to be changed to reflect the use of one whiteboard marker

refilled from a refill station.

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Firstly, open the specification of the 'Use' process. Change the mass of the

packaged markers on the input side to 32 g which represents the weight of

one marker including the allocated weight of a quarter plastic packages. Then,

add the material 'refill station full' to the input side of the 'Use' process with a

coefficient of 40,8 g. Add the material 'refill station' to the output side with a

coefficient of 21 g and change its material type to 'Bad'.

Since the refill station it is made of plastic just like the empty whiteboard

marker it could be send to the same output place. However, the life cycle of

the refill station shall be analyzed in detail. Thus, its end of life processes need

to be separately included. Therefore, copy the existing end of life processes

and also connect them to the 'Use' process.

Rename the connection place leading from the 'Use' phase to the newly added

'End-of-Life Route to 'Refill station to disposal'. In the specification of the latter

process, replace the material 'whiteboard marker' on the input side by the

material 'refill station'. Do not forget to change the material type to 'Bad', as it

is considered a waste now.

Switch back to the 'Use' process again: Lead the refill station to the respective

output place and update the material 'ethanol [air/urban or close to ground]'.

It should now only contain the ink of one whiteboard marker (3,2 g) plus the

ink of the refill station (16 g).

Also, amend the coefficient of the plastic box, which weighs only the allocated

quarter of the whole plastic box, now. Finally, change the weight of the

whiteboard marker with the material type bad to 17,55 g and delete the

whiteboard marker entry representing the reference flow. The 'Use' process

should typically look like this.

In the net editor, the 'Use' process shows a red warning sign now, since its

specification does not contain a reference flow anymore. A new reference flow

will be defined in the next steps.

Figure 24: Current specification of the 'Use' process

Go on, by creating a new material: 'writing' with the 'Unit Type' 'Amount

[unit]', the 'Display Unit' 'unit' and the 'Material Type' 'Good'. In the properties

editor for this material, check the box 'Material represents functional unit' and

name the functional unit 'writing 500 meters' with a quantity of 1. This means

that one unit of writing represents the functional unit of writing 500 meters.

Add the material 'writing' to the output side of the 'Use' process. As the

whiteboard marker can be refilled 5 times the coefficient of the material must

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Tutorial 3 Page 25

be 6 units (first use and five refills). Left click on the material 'writing' and

choose 'Set virtual reference flow property'. A new virtual reference flow will

be created, leaving the 'Use' process. The arrow next to it, holding the old

manual flow still has to be deleted.

Lastly, the carton board box of the refill station needs to be disposed of. To do

so, add the material 'waste packaging paper and paperboard' to the output

side of the 'Use' process. Create an output process and lead the 'Use' process

to it. Place this output place in the 'Disposal/Recycling' phase next to the one

for the 'Plastic box to disposal' and name it 'Carton box to disposal'. Make sure

the respective material of the 'Use' process goes to this output place. The

completely specified 'Use' process should now look like Figure 25 below.

Figure 25: Specification of the 'Use' process with five refills

The 'Consumer Use' and 'Disposal/Recycling' phase should now look like Figure

26 below.

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Figure 26: Overview of the currently modified phases of the LCA model

As final step of the specification of the alternative use case please update the

manual flow. Choose the arrow that holds the virtual reference flow, leaving

the 'Use' process. Add the entry 'writing' to the arrow specification. The

chosen quantity will determine the scale of the calculation. Choosing 6 units of

writing would mean a life cycle of one whiteboard marker and one refill station

equal to writing 3000 meters. As we want to compare the results of the refilled

whiteboard marker to the original one, we must choose a quantity of 1 unit,

also reflecting a 'writing of 500 meters'. The results of the two use cases are

than comparable to each other.

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Tutorial 3 Page 27

For more information on the choice of functional units and system

reference flows please refer to the Umberto NXT user manual as

well as literature on LCA in general. A selection of published

sources can be found in chapter three of the Umberto NXT user


It is now time to recalculate the model: Please, press the 'calculate' button.

There should be no calculation warnings.

As you recalculate the model you will notice that the results per functional unit

have, of course, changed. Use the 'LCIA Details' tab to analyze your results

more closely.

Calculate a Selection of Processes: Taking a look at the whiteboard marker

model, it stands out, that there are two production branches leading to the

'Use' process: one for the whiteboard marker and one for the refill station.

However, both parts are produced by the same manufacturer even using some

of the same processes. Take the electricity production, for example. Electricity

is needed for the assembly of the whiteboard marker and for the assembly of

the refill station as well. Both electricity production processes use the same

tutorial activity and are located in the 'Manufacture' phase. To specifically

compare the impact of the two electricity production processes, Umberto NXT

enables to display an aggregation of any selected processes; how to do so, will

be explained now.

To calculate a selection of processes, press the shift key on your keyboard to

select both electricity processes of your model. Then, use the drop down menu

of the calculate button to choose 'Calculate Selection' (compare to Figure 27).

Now, the model will be recalculated but only the inventories and results of the

selected processes will be shown. The 'Inventories' tab and the 'LCIA Details'

show the sums of either electricity processes or respectively the distinct

results depending on the chosen processes.

Figure 27: Calculating a selection of processes

By using the method 'Calculate Selection' you can choose different system

boundaries for your calculation without having to edit your model.

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It will also be interesting, to reopen and recalculate the original model.

Afterwards, the results of the two use cases can be compared with each other

in detail. With the 'Calculate Selection' method you can choose the same

processes in both models.

Therefore, arrange the two models side by side to easily switch between the

models and the respective 'Inventories' and 'Result' tabs. Compare how the

material flows of the whiteboard marker production change when assessing

the two different use cases. In the section 'exporting results' at the end of this

tutorial an even a better way to compare two separate scenarios will be


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Tutorial 3 Page 29

Alternative Material Use (Tutorial 3.2)

One major concern of LCAs is decision support of the phase of production as

well as of consumption behavior. In this context, it is interesting to examine

the differences of whiteboard markers made of plastic to whiteboard markers

made of aluminum. Just like in the previous sections fictitious data will be

used and the example will be kept simple.

A whiteboard marker made of aluminum basically has the same life cycle as

the one made of plastic. The differences concern the extraction of raw

materials and the use of different recycling paths.

As done before, add a new model to the project tree. When asked for it, do

not add life cycle phases. This time, name the new model: 'Tutorial 3.2

Alternative Production' and create a copy of the existing model 'Tutorial 3.1

Use Case'.

The aluminum marker has only one essential part consisting of aluminum,

namely the marker shell. In this fictitious example, it is assumed that the

replacement of aluminum for plastic leads to a decrease in shell weight of


Start by opening the specification of the process 'Extrusion marker shell'.

Then, replace the materials on the input side with the materials 'aluminium,

cast alloy' and 'impact extrusion of aluminium, 2 strokes' (both intermediate

exchanges of ecoinvent 3). To do this, add the two new entries on the input

side, assign the place identifier and enter the coefficients. The coefficients

remain the same (1 kg each, treating 1 kg of aluminium requires a work

process extrusion with the same amount). Finally remove the old entries.

Figure 28: Process 'Extrusion Marker Shell'

Next, delete the old delivering processes (including the connected places and

arrows) to the left of the process 'Extrusion marker shell', so that new

activities can be added. Use the 'Expand' function to add the respective result

activities: 'aluminium primary, cast alloy (ifu tutorial dataset) [GLO]' and

'extrusion of aluminium (ifu tutorial dataset) [RER]'.

Now you have to update the affected coefficients to the new weight of the

marker shell: Open the specification of the 'Assembly' process and change the

coefficient of the marker shell on the input side to 9,471 g and the coefficient

of the whiteboard marker on the output side to 18,671 g (less 18% weight of

the marker shell).

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Afterwards, select the 'Packaging' process. Still, four markers are packaged in

a plastic box that weights 45 g. Change the coefficient of the whiteboard

marker on the input side from 83 g to 74,684 g and the one of the packaged

markers on the output side from 128 g to 119,684 g.

As the 'Distribution' process is simply scaled to the transported weight it does

not need to be updated. Instead, select the 'Use' process and change the

coefficient of the packaged markers on the input side to 29,921 g. This equals

the weight of one fourth of the entire package (119,684/4) or of one marker

plus the allocated package weight (18,671 g + 11,25 g).

On the output side, the coefficient of the whiteboard marker needs to be

adjusted as well. Only the marker shell of aluminum is to remain to enter the

recycling process. Therefore, delete the material 'whiteboard marker' and

replace it with the material 'marker shell' weighting 9,471 g.

Also, add the material 'marker cap' with a coefficient of 2 g to the output side.

Create a new material named 'felt tip' and also add it to the output side of the

'Use' process.

Lastly, add a new output place and lead the marker cap and the biopolymer

felt tip (with a weight of 4,0 g), there. Both materials were formerly included

in the weight of the whiteboard marker. Their end-of-life treatment will be

neglected at this point. All added waste materials on the output side need to

have the material type 'Bad'.

Figure 29: Specification of the 'Use' process in Tutorial 3.2

The table below sums up all of the processes with coefficients that have been

updated or added.

Table 7: Coefficients to be changed for the aluminium marker shell in the production scenario

Process Material Old coefficient New coefficient

Assembly Marker shell 11,55 9,471

Assembly Whiteboard marker 20,75 18,671

Packaging Whiteboard marker 83 74,684

Packaging Packaged markers 128 119,684

Use phase Packaged markers 32 29,921

Use phase Marker shell 11,55 9,471

Use phase Marker cap 2 2

Use phase Felt tip 4 4

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But turn back to the new production case now, since not all phases have been

specified, yet. After its use, the aluminum shell of the whiteboard marker will

be disposed of. In contrast to the plastic shell, all of the aluminum will receive

the same end-of-life treatment.

Therefore, open the 'End-of-life route' process of the whiteboard marker and

delete all materials on the in- and output side (namely, the whiteboard marker

on the input and the two waste materials on the output side). Also, delete the

attached two waste treatment processes, including their connected places and


Next, specify the 'End-of-life route' process for the aluminum shell: Add the

material 'marker shell' (material type: 'Bad') on the input side and the

material 'aluminium scrap, post consumer, prepared for melting' from the

ecoinvent 3 intermediate materials on the output side. Use a coefficient of

'1.00' on each side of the process.

Expand the material 'aluminium scrap, post consumer, prepared for melting'

on the output side (downstream) using the respective 'Expand' button. Choose

the system terminated process 'treatment of aluminium scrap (ifu tutorial

dataset) [GLO]' from the tutorial activities.

The specification of the 'End-of-life route' process is also shown in Figure 30.

Check, if all the materials are connected to the right in- and output places.

Note: The 'End-of-life route' processes for the refill station as well as the

attached treatment processes remain unchanged. The 'Consumer Use' and

'Disposal/Recycling' phases of 'Tutorial 3.2 Alternative Production' should look

similar to Figure 31, now.

Figure 30: Specification of the end-of-life route process of Tutorial 3.2

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Figure 31: Model of the 'Consumer Use' and 'Disposal/Recycling' phases of Tutorial 3.2

Before you can recalculate the model to see if all changes have been made

correctly, please insert the manual flow again. The material 'writing' of the

reference flow, leaving use process, is assigned a coefficient of 1 unit again.

Now, press the 'Calculate' button. There should be no calculation warnings.

Compare the LCIA results of the two different whiteboard markers – one made

of plastic and the other one made of aluminum.

In the following section on net parameters a more simple way to change the

weight of the marker shell throughout the model will be demonstrated.

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Tutorial 3 Page 33

Using Net Parameters (Tutorial 3.3)

As already demonstrated, the use of process parameters supports the analysis

of life cycle models. In addition, process parameters can also be used to

create different scenarios for an existing production chain. When it comes to

improving or changing parts of the production chain affecting the entire model,

however, the use of process parameters is not very helpful. In the last

chapter, the weight of the whiteboard marker had to be modified manually in

all of the affected processes. Depending on the complexity of the model such

changes may be hard to trace and forgetting changes may lead to unexpected

or wrong results.

When you want to create a model alternative that affects more than one

process in the same way, the use of net parameters is indicated. Net

parameters can be used in all processes in one net-level.

In this example a net parameter called 'MatEff' (short for material efficiency)

will be used to change the material weight of the whiteboard marker. Let us

assume that it was possible to reduce the material consumption of the

whiteboard marker by 10%. What will be the effects on the entire model?

To work on this part of Tutorial 3, please reopen the model named 'Tutorial

3.0'. Make a copy of the respective model and call it 'Tutorial 3.3 Net


Defining Net Parameters: Net parameters can be created easily: Use a

blank space of your model (no process, arrow or place is selected) and simply

left-click. The tab 'Net Parameters' opens at the place of the specifications

editor below the main net. Add a net parameter called 'MatEff' and assign a

quantity of 0,9 (or 90 %) to it (compare to Figure 32). The parameter 'MatEff'

can be used in any function of the entire model now, and even in all subnets

of the respective main model.

Figure 32: Net Parameters

There are, however, two limitations concerning the use of net parameters.

Firstly, a net parameter created in a subnet will only be applicable in the

respective subnet and all subnets of this subnet (and not in the respective

main net). In other words net parameters can be handed down to subnets but

not vice versa.

The second limitation concerns the name of the net parameter. If a parameter

with the same name exists in a process specification, the net parameter will

not be applied in the respective process. That means, if you use a process

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parameter with the name 'MatEff' and the value '6,0' in a process of your

model, this process will use the value '6' for the calculation instead the

coefficient of the net parameter. This holds also true for subnet net

parameters of the same name.

All parameters in Umberto NXT are not case-sensitive. That means

capital (upper-case) or lower-case letters may be used likewise.

Updating Process Specifications: In the next step the net parameters will

be included in the process specifications. Start by selecting the 'Assembly'

process and apply the net parameter 'MatEff' to the material marker shell' by

multiplying it with the original value. Type: '11.55*MatEff' in the Function

column. Please note, that within the Function column a decimal point is used

instead of a comma.

In order to balance out the process specification the material 'whiteboard

marker' on the output side has to be adjusted as well. Use the function column

to simply add up the inputs while maintaining intact the formula of the marker


The specification of the 'Assembly' process should now look like Figure 33


Figure 33: Process Specification with net parameter based function to determine coefficient


Go on to the packaging process and update the coefficients according to the

new weight of the marker shell. The easiest way is to copy the formula used

on the output side of the 'Assembly' process.

Copy the respective formula and paste it to the Function column on the input

side of the Packaging process. Do not forget to multiply it times four, since in

this process four markers are put together in a plastic box.

Continue similarly on the output side: Paste the formula to the Function

column again but furthermore, add the weight of the plastic box. For ease of

understanding the formulas, brackets may be used.

The updated specification of the 'Packaging' process should now look like

Figure 34.

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Figure 34: Use of formulas in 'Function' column

As before, the coefficients of the respective process specifications are

automatically calculated according to the functions now including the net

parameters. If a parameter is used before it was assigned, or if it is simply

mistyped, an error message will appear that the formula cannot be updated.

Try changing the value of the model parameter and watch how the coefficients

are automatically updated.

The processes of the 'Distribution' subnet do not need to be updated. All

processes therein are solely based on total mass inputs.

Proceed with the 'Use' process in the same way as before with the 'Assembly'

and the 'Packaging' process. However, the function of the whiteboard marker

used as reference flow must not be changed! In this case the coefficient for

the reference flow would also be changed according to the change of the net

parameter; thus, altering the scaling of the entire model by a small fraction

without given a further warning. For your reference, the process specification

is shown in Figure 35 below.

Figure 35: Updated 'Use' process

Lastly, insert the manual flow on the arrow leaving the use process again. The

quantity of the material 'whiteboard marker' accounts for 19,595 g (equal to

20,75 g*MatEff), like shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Updated manual flow.

The 'End-of-life route' process does not need to be updated at this point as it

only represents a splitter function dividing the share of each treatment activity

of the disposal phase.

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Recalculate the model, now. There should be no calculation warnings.

Afterwards, please compare the LCIA results for the two different whiteboard

markers. Does a reduction of 10% of the marker shell weight have the

respective effect on the LCIA results?

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Tutorial 3 Page 37

Process Specification with User Defined Functions (Tutorial 3.4)

Start this chapter by copying the existing 'Tutorial 3' once again. Name the

new model 'Tutorial 3.4 User Defined Functions'.

Looking at the 'Disposal/Recycling' phase it stands out, that the plastic box of

the whiteboard markers leaves the system without end-of-life treatment.

Since the box consists of the same material as the whiteboard marker shell,

namely plastic, the existing end-of-life treatment for the whiteboard marker

could be copied and applied to it, also. However, yet another way to specify

processes will be introduced in the following.

Therefore, open the specification of the 'Use' process and change the

destination (place) of the plastic box on the output side to the place of the

used whiteboard marker with the material type 'Bad'.

Figure 37: Use phase

Now add the plastic box to the input side of the adjacent 'End-of-life Route'

process, dividing the whiteboard marker in a stream of 'waste polypropylene'

and 'waste plastic, mixture'. Do not forget to change the material type. One

option to specify the process would be to use coefficients describing the ratio

of whiteboard marker and plastic box. To use a constant ratio, however,

means that a modification of weight of any of the respective materials, would

also change the ratio of these materials; thus, probably resulting in a false


But there is a more elegant way of specifying a process, namely the

specification with mathematical formulas, called 'User Defined Functions'.

To change the process type of the 'End-of-life Route' open the context menu

of the process and choose 'Convert To' > 'User Defined'.

The look of the table in the specification editor of the process changes: The

columns for coefficients and functions are replaced but the new column 'Var'

and identifiers are shown for each material entry. These variables identify

each flow on the input side (named X00, X01, …) and on the output side,

respectively (named Y00, Y01, …). These variables are used in the

mathematical formulas to reference the flow entries.

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Figure 38: User defined process specification

Next, use the context menu of the process again and select 'Edit User Defined

Functions'. A new window opens that serves as editor for defining the input-

output relation of the process.

In the process specification of the 'End-of-life Route', open the parameter tab

and add a new variable called 'RATIO' with a default quantity of 0,5. It does

not need a unit. This parameter describes the share in waste plastic of the

underlying process. It might be changed later in order to try out differently

weighted plastic treatment options.

Figure 39: Parameter 'RATIO'

Figure 40: Writing a specification as 'User Defined Functions'

Please type the assignments for Y00 and Y01 in the editor. The amount of

waste plastic mixture (Y00) consists of the sum of both inputs multiplied with

the defined ratio of waste separation (RATIO). The amount of waste

polypropylene (Y01) yields the remaining proportion (1-RATIO).

Y00 = (X00 + X01) * RATIO

Y01 = (X00 + X01) * (1-RATIO)

The amount of a specific material flow can be assigned to its variable identifier

(Y00, Y01) and is defined by a term on the right hand side of the equal sign.

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As shown in the screenshot of the editor above, characters written after a

semicolon appear in a different shade of green. They are considered as

comments and are not included in the calculation.

In the given example, it is assumed that the flows X00 and X01 are known

flows because they are calculated in the use phase and handed further

downstream to the 'End-of-life Route' process. Y00 and Y01 are then

determined by the calculation of the 'User Defined Functions' based on the

given values for X00 and X01 and the use of a parameter.

Variables can also be used to define other variables, provided that the former

ones are calculated beforehand. To give an example of an alternative to

calculating 'Y01'.

Y01 = X00 + X01 – Y00

Here, "Y00" can be used in the expression on the right hand side of the equal

sign, because it has another expression that allows calculating its value.

It is important to understand that each variable must have an expression that

can be evaluated and calculated, in order to successfully complete the

calculation of a process specified with user defined function. Of course, at least

one flow must be known in order to start the calculation of the process.

Although the syntax of the user defined functions can be very simple, their use

is very effective. Many real processes are subject to restrictions, which can

best be expressed using individually tailored user defined functions.

For more information on user defined functions in general and the

application of mathematical terms and functions please refer to

the Umberto NXT User Manual.

Next, close the Functions editor of the End-of-life Route process, using the

close symbol located at the top of the Functions editor window. The process

symbol for the End-of-life Route appears in a lighter blue, now, indicating the

user defined functions (compare to Figure 41). Also, delete the redundant

output place for the plastic box disposal.

Before the model can be recalculated, please insert the manual flow again.

Therefore, open the flow without output place leaving the 'Use' process and

add the material 'whiteboard marker' with a quantity of 20,75 g.

Afterwards, click the 'Calculate' button. There should be no calculation


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Figure 41: End-of-life Route as 'User Defined Functions' process

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Tutorial 3 Page 41

Exporting Results

With the possibility to use Sankey Diagrams Umberto NXT offers one of the

best visualization techniques in terms of material flows and contribution

analysis. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to export data and create

other result diagrams commonly used. In addition, further special (statistical)

analysis might best be performed with other software such as Microsoft Excel.

Umberto NXT supports the export of data into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for

further data handling. Two exports are described in this section of the tutorial.

Excel Export of the Current Table View: All data will be exported to Excel

according to the specific current view of the 'Results' tab, when clicking the

'Export Results' button. The content of the Excel output will have the same

sorting, grouping and column arrangement that have been set for the table on

the 'Results' tab.

A 'Save File' dialog will be opened where the name of the Excel file and the

location where to save the file to have to be entered. The exported Excel file

can be shown immediately after saving.

First, select the whiteboard marker model named 'Tutorial 3.1 Use Case' and

make sure it is calculated. Then, open the 'Results' tab and switch to the 'LCIA

Details – Raw Data' entry. Now click the icon in the top left corner of the

results table to display the column 'Field Chooser':

Figure 42: Field Chooser

In this example the columns 'LCIA Method', 'Material', 'Material Type', 'Phase',

'Process', 'Product', 'Quantity' and 'Unit' are active and will be exported.

Choose the desired columns, if they are not activated by default.

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Figure 43: Preparation for Excel export

An Excel diagram with the selected content and layout will be created. It can

be used to further work on the data, e.g. run detailed analysis, sort the items,

and copy them to reports.

The following section exemplary shows how a comparison of the LCIA results

for two use cases can be performed using Pivot Charts of Excel.

Please note that you need to have Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher

installed to use the raw data export. This is due to the restriction

of lines in older versions of Excel.

Raw Data Export for Pivot Graphs: In contrast to the simple Export to

Excel described above, the export of raw data and creation of Pivot graphs

provides additional possibilities. Use 'Export LCIA Raw Data' to export all data,

and create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel. This will allow creating

virtually any type of diagram for life cycle impact assessment results.

After having calculated a LCA model, click the 'Export LCIA Raw Data' button

in the 'Results' tab. This is independent of the current column layout.

Choose a file name and select a folder where to save the Excel file to. After a

successful export a dialog is shown asking whether the Excel file shall be


The export uses a template file that has the required settings and options for

Pivot Tables and Pivot Graphs. The Excel file opens with the 'Charts' tab in

front and four different (sample) diagrams based on the exported LCIA results

raw data.

A help text is shown on the first tab ('Description'). The raw data itself can be

checked on the second tab ('LCIA RawData'). The Pivot Tables that are used to

create the diagrams are taken from the fourth tab ('PivotTable 1', 'PivotTable

2', 'PivotTable 3', …).

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Figure 44: Raw Data exported to Excel

For an analysis of the results the model can also be calculated with fewer

impact categories, if necessary or desired.

To adapt the diagrams or create own diagrams use the tabs 'Pivot Table':

Figure 45: Pivot in Excel with Field List for selection of elements

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Remember: Impact categories (or groups) can be activated and

deactivated under Tools � LCIA factors.

The data series and data fields can be chosen individually to create virtually

any type of diagram. To this end drag the entry 'Quantity' of the field list into

the 'Values' section at the bottom right of the field list (compare to Figure 45)

In some cases the field shows 'Amount'. Click on the field and change the view

to 'Sum'. Next, drag&drop the entry 'LCIA Methods' to the 'Report Filter' field

at the upper left field and filter the methods to display just one single impact

category. Choose, for example, the impact category 'metal depletion' (or

another LCIA category that was activated when you performed the export of

raw data. Then, drag&drop the entry 'Model' to the 'Column Labels' field and

the entry 'Phase' to the 'Row Labels' field.

Please experiment freely by creating other diagrams.

Comparison of LCIA Results using Raw Data Export: For a comparison of

LCIA results with other LCIA results we need to gather them in one file and

then use this as basis for a Pivot Graph.

To this end the Excel export of raw data also contains the name of the project,

the model, the net and a timestamp for the export. If the LCIA results are for

two different model calculations within the same model, use the 'Timestamp'

column to differentiate the two exports. Should you have different names for

the system reference flow (the product), this is also a possibility to

differentiate the two exports in the column 'Product'.

Figure 46: Raw Data exported to Excel

Combine both Excel files into one by copying and pasting one table below the


Now click inside the data and choose the tab 'Insert' and 'PivotChart'. You are

asked to choose the data while Excel will select the entire table by default.

Choose the option 'New Worksheet' to copy the chart into a new sheet.

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Figure 47: Selecting the area for Pivot data

In the Pivot Table Field List (see Figure 45) select the columns 'LCIA Method',

'Quantity', 'Phase' and 'Model' (or 'Timestamp'). Drag the entry 'LCIA Method'

to the Report Filter field. Drag the entry 'Model' to the Legend Filter field. Drag

the entries 'Phase' to the Axis Filter field. Make sure that for 'Values' the entry

is 'Quantity' and the setting is 'Sum'. Then, choose the tab 'Insert' and

'Column'. Finally, select a diagram from the dropdown list.

The PivotTable field list and the diagram will look similar to Figure 48 below.

The contribution of each life cycle phase is shown for both use scenarios.

Figure 48: Comparison diagram for one impact category based Pivot in Excel

A more detailed diagram showing a comparison of the two models for the

selected impact category can be created this way:











One Marker

Refill Station

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In the Pivot Table Field List (compare to Figure 45) select the columns 'LCIA

Method', 'Process', 'Quantity', 'Phase' and 'Model' (or 'Timestamp'). Drag the

entry 'LCIA Method' to the Report Filter field. Drag the entry 'Process' to the

Legend Filter field. Drag the entries 'Phase' and 'Model' to the Axis Filter field.

Make sure that for 'Values' the entry is 'Quantity' and the setting is 'Sum'.

Finally filter to one impact category only (e.g. metal depletion). Therefore,

select 'LCIA Method' in the Pivot Chart and open the dropdown menu and

choose a category from the list.

Another possibility to display both of the scenarios more detailed has a similar

field order. This time, use stacked columns for the layout of the diagram.

Figure 49: Comparison with contribution from individual processes for one impact category

You can see the results for the selected impact category, broken down to

contributions from each life cycle phase. In order to change the impact

category simply change the filter value of the LCIA Method.

The last option presented in this tutorial is making use of a filter function

within the column field.

Change the Report Filter to the impact category 'Climate Change' and replace

the field 'Process' with the field 'Exchange' (representing all materials used in

the model and shown in the inventory). As these are typically many different

elementary exchanges (which don't make much sense to display them all in

one diagram) it is recommended to use the filter function and display certain

specific exchanges only (e.g. display 'Methane, …" only).

Alternatively, click the small black arrow next to the legend title and choose

the option 'Value Filters' and 'Top 10…'.

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Figure 50: Choosing only the top 10 substances

The dialog box allows for making additional choices. After clicking 'OK' the

pivot chart should look like the one in the diagram below. The top ten

materials contributing to the impact category climate change are shown in

alphabetical order.

Figure 51: Choosing only the top 10 substances

Using pivot charts gives you the opportunity to create virtually any desired

diagram without having to copy and paste within the Excel data. It is therefore

a powerful tool for the visualization of LCA results.

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Thank you for completing tutorial 3. If there are still pending

questions you should consult the Umberto NXT User Manual or have a

look at the Umberto User Forum (my.umberto.de).

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Tutorial 2b Efficiency

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 1.5 Date: October 2014

Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH http://www.umberto.de

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® is a registered trademark of ifu Hamburg GmbH

Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this tutorial, no responsibility for errors or omissions can be assumed. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany .

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Tutorial 2b Efficiency Page 3

Tutorial 1:Umberto NXT Simple Example

Time: 1 h Pages: 20 Level: New User Requirements: none

What you will learn:

Umberto NXT work area and window handling

Create a project, a model and a first process

Specify a process

Calculate a small model

View the calculation results

Create Sankey diagrams

Use the Module Gallery

Tutorial 2a: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle Assessment

and general knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

Working with activity datasets

Product life cycle phases

LCA calculation and results

Disposal and transport activities

Function and parameters

Group-By Box

Material type

Calculation log

Tutorial 2b: U NXT EFF/UNIV

Time: 3-4 h Pages 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5

What you will learn:

User defined process specification

Create subnets

Analysis of input/output inventory

Function and parameters

Cost accounting for MFA


Generic materials


Sankey diagrams

Advanced Features

Tutorial 4: U NXT UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 15 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 for LCA and

Efficiency and 3 or experience with Umberto

5 for Life Cycle Assessment and knowledge

about LCA

What you will learn:

Integrate costs LCA

Material Mapping

Calculate Selection

Tutorial 3: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 48 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 or

experience with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle

Assessment and knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:


Generic materials

Set multiple virtual reference flows


Working with functional units

Sankey diagrams

Results by products

Print and export results

Advanced Features

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Welcome to the tutorial section of Umberto NXT.

It is divided into five independent tutorials of increasing complexity. Each

tutorial focuses on a different topic. The first tutorial introduces the basic

features of Umberto NXT. The four following tutorials describe more complex

modelling tasks and inform about advanced features.

The first tutorial shows how to create a basic model and how to handle general

settings. This is done by using a simple example.

The second tutorial for LCA focuses on the creation of a model for a Life Cycle

Assessment. The aim is to show how to work with a database and how to use

different impact assessment methods. The second tutorial for Efficiency

focuses on cost accounting and efficiency analysis. A section in each of the two

second tutorials also demonstrates how to visualize the results via Sankey


The third tutorial for LCA focuses on more advanced topics of Life Cycle

Assessment. It provides more information about useful features of Umberto

NXT LCA and gives further modelling hints.

The fourth tutorial for Universal focuses on the integration of costs into LCA

and on the prerequisite material mapping.

For more information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto NXT User Manual. The user manual

can be accessed directly in the software via the Help menu.

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Tutorial 2: Whiteboard Marker Production

This tutorial is based on the experience gained while working through Tutorial

1 of Umberto NXT. In this second tutorial a more complex network for a real

life product – a whiteboard marker – will be created.

While working on this example, special functions of Umberto NXT will be

introduced that support an economic analysis. A cost accounting component

has been implemented in Umberto. It is based on the mass and energy flows

level and allows the handling of material direct costs as well as variable and

fixed process costs.


Modeling a more complex network

User defined functions

Analysis of input/output inventory

Creation of subnets

Using generic materials

Setting of Allocations

Cost accounting for material flow analysis

Scenario comparison


In order to work on this tutorial, Tutorial 1 should have been completed.

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Project Overview

This example for this tutorial focuses on the production line of a whiteboard

marker. The example has been simplified for the purpose of this tutorial.

Figure 1: A whiteboard marker

A marker shell with a cap made of plastic are the main components of a

whiteboard marker. The marker has a felt tip made of a biopolymer and uses

ethanol-based ink1. In the manufacturing process the whiteboard marker is

assembled by using pre-produced marker shells and caps. This example

focuses on the production of the colour ink for the markers in four different

colours (black, blue, green and red).

In the assembly process, the plastic shell and cap are combined with the ink

cartridges. Each whiteboard marker weighs a total of 20.75 g.

Getting Started

Start this tutorial by creating a new project using the 'New Project' icon on

the menu bar. Give the project an appropriate name, for example 'Tutorial 2 –

Production Whiteboard Marker'.

A first model template, named 'Model', is already open. After selecting the

model in the Project Explorer, it can be renamed in the 'Properties' window.

Call the first model, for example, 'Whiteboard Marker Production'.

Production Line

The "net editor" will be used to build a graphical model for the production line

of the whiteboard marker. The first process is the "Pressing", which receives

materials and energy from two sources as input and delivers pressed

biopolymer as output to a connection place. Draw two input places and one

transition and connect all the places and the transition with arrows. Change

the label in order to name the two sources "electricity" and "Starch,

1The example in this tutorial is fictitious and has been simplified for training purposes. It does not resemble

the real production chain of a whiteboard marker. The example is used to illustrate the workflow of a life cycle assessment and to introduce the features of the software.

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biopolymer". Click onto the label and edit the name in the "properties window"

in the text field.

The next process is called "Cutting" and receives electricity from the same

source as the "Pressing". This time, there is "rejection" going to an output

place and the cut biopolymer is sent to a subsequent process. Create the

necessary transition and places, connect and name them according to their

description. Remember, in order to connect two transitions there has to be a

connection place between them. Create a connection place or draw an arrow

directly from one transition to another and the connection appears


The last process, called "Rolling", uses the cut biopolymer to produce the final

"ink shape biopolymer". Again, connect the new process with the previous

process, the electricity source and a new output for the "Production line


In order to keep the network clean and structured it might make

sense to use one source for several processes (e.g., electricity,

operating materials, etc.).

The network should look something like this:

Figure 2: Unspecified production line colours

So far, the processes have not yet been specified (see the red marker in the

process symbol).To specify a process, it is necessary to add materials to the

process as inputs or outputs, and to specify their quantitative relationships.

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To specify the processes, new materials need to be created. For this model

create the following materials: biopolymer (yard good, pressed); biopolymer

(yard good, unpressed); biopolymer, cut; biopolymer, ink-shape; electricity;

rejection biopolymer.

Figure 3: Process materials

The display unit will automatically be set to "kg" and material type "good".

Remember to set the material type for the rejected biopolymer to "bad". Set

the unit type for "electricity" to "Energy [MJ]" and the display unit to "kWh".

Materials are categorized into material groups. Material groups are shown as

folders in the Project Explorer. Using material groups is essential for keeping

big projects clearly structured and to allow one to find materials easily.

Create the following five material groups in your project explorer: Energy &

Auxiliaries; Incoming goods; Intermediates; Products and Residues.

The project explorer lists the different material groups and materials. The

materials can be assigned to its corresponding material group. Select a

material and drag and drop it into the right material group.

Figure 4: Assignment of materials and material groups

Linear Specification

The definition of the processes plays an important role when building a

material flow network. The first process will be specified by stating

coefficients, which describe the linear relation between the input and output

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flows of the process. With such a coefficient as the process definition, only one

input or output flow (e.g., the production amount of pressed biopolymer) has

to be known to be able to determine all other mass and energy flows.

For the process "Pressing" 1 kg of unpressed biopolymer and 1.5 kWh of

electricity are necessary to produce 1 kg of pressed biopolymer. Double click

to open the process specification and insert the materials either per drag&drop

from the project explorer or per "Add" button. Also remember to specify where

the material is coming from. The process 'Pressing' is now complete in respect

to the input and output.

Figure 5: Process specification "pressing"

Parameterized Specification

Processes cannot always be defined by describing the linear interrelation of

input and output flows simply with coefficients. In many cases the activity of

the process depends on parameters (e.g., throughput, waste ratio, etc.).

Parameters can be used in functions for the calculation of coefficients on the

'Input/ Output' tab.

The process "Cutting" will be specified with a parameter that allows adjusting

the amount of "cutting waste per input material". The value is "10", the unit

can be set to "%".

Figure 6: Parameterization "cutting"

To define the parameter in the process specification, click on the "Parameters"

tab and then the button 'Add'. A default entry will be created in the table on

the 'Parameters' tab, which can subsequently be edited: enter the name, in

this case "Cutting Waste as % of Input material" and set the unit to per cent.

The value should be set to 10 % for the beginning. The default variable name

(C00, C01, etc.) can be edited as well to allow a better identification of a

parameter. The parameters are referenced in the functions with the variable

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name given for an entry in the column 'Var'. In the above example, the default

parameter names should be replaced with "CW" for better understanding.

These parameter names can be used in the functions for

coefficients and in the user defined functions for the process


In contrast to the first process specification, where coefficients for input and

output flows were used, functions will now be entered. Umberto NXT makes it

possible to define processes using mathematical functions and operators. This

is a a very helpful feature when the relationship between the input and output

of a process is best described in terms of a mathematical function.

To turn the process specification from a simple linear specification to the 'User

Defined Function' mode, choose 'Convert' from the context menu right clicking

on the process "Cutting" and then on "User defined".

Converting a process defined with mathematical operators and

functions back to a simple linear process specification and

maintaining the functional relationship is, in most cases, not

possible. However, should you wish to abandon the user defined

function mode and prefer to specify a process with a coefficient

once again, you can do so by using the command 'Convert' from

the context menu of the process, and 'Linear'.

A process that has been converted to the 'User Defined Functions'

type, will not show the coefficient column any more. Instead, an

additional column 'Var' on the input and output side now sports

the variable identifier with which the flow entries can be

referenced in the mathematical formulas and function terms.

Open the specification of the "Cutting" process and insert "electricity" and

"biopolymer, pressed" on the input side. On the output side specify the process

with "biopolymer, cut".

Figure 7: Process specification "cutting"

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To be able to specify the relations between the input and output side, the

functions have to be entered in the "Functions" window. Open the context

menu again and choose "Edit User Defined Functions".

In the main area (where the editor is located) a tab 'Functions' will be opened,

which provides a text editor. In each line of the editing field a definition for one

of the flows can be entered. The name of the variable ("Var") is on the left of

the equals sign and makes reference to the flow entries on the "Input/ Output"


The term of the function is to the right of the equal sign. In this

term other variables, transition parameter and net parameter

identifiers, and all valid expressions for functions can be used. The

valid expressions for mathematical formulae are listed in the user


This rather simple process definition consists of only three lines. Lines with a

leading semicolon are comment lines, which explain the calculation steps (and

might be important, if the process module has to be understood by others).

Figure 8: User defined functions "cutting"

Enter the functions shown above in the "Functions" window. Try to understand

the functions and how the material flows are calculated from the known flows.

In any case make sure to use the actual variable identifiers (X00, Y00, etc.)

from your example. They might differ from the ones shown above if the

materials were inserted into the specification in a different order.

Set the specification for the last process "Rolling" according to this process


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Figure 9: Process specification "rolling"

Calculation and Visualization

The network is specified and almost ready to be calculated. In order to

calculate the network a starting point for the calculation, the so-called 'manual

flow', has to be defined.

To set the manual flow in the network, select the arrow between "Rolling" and

the output place: From the list of materials in the Project Explorer, drag the

entry 'biopolymer, ink-shape' to the Specification pane (make sure the arrow is

still selected!).

Next, the quantity of the manual flow has to be defined. Enter 100 kg as the

quantity of the manual flow, for example. Choose the command 'Calculate

Total Flows' from the 'Calculation' menu in the main toolbar.

After a successful calculation the "Inventory" tab will open up in the

Specification pane at the bottom.

Figure 10: Inventory - whiteboard marker production

To have a closer look at the overall flows within the model use the Sankey

button to switch on the Sankey mode. The model in Sankey diagram mode

should now look similar to the figure below.

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Figure 11: Sankey of production line colours

Using the Module Gallery

In the next step a process will be copied to the 'Module Gallery'. However, the

manual flow between the "Rolling" and the output place has to be deleted first.

Then go to the Project Explorer and bring the tab 'Module Gallery' to the front.

Select the Folder 'Modules' and press the 'Create Module Group' button in the

Module Gallery toolbar.

Rename the module group to 'Tutorial'. Select the whole model in the net

editor and click the copy button on the main toolbar. Mark the module

group 'Tutorial' in the Module Gallery and use the 'Paste Clipboard Data to

Module Group' button in the Module Gallery toolbar.

Figure 12: Module Gallery

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Rename the module to 'whiteboard marker production'. The module should

now be available in the module gallery.

Upload Physical Company Layout

The company not only produces the ink but, for example, it also fills the

whiteboard markers, assembles them and implements quality assurance

measures. Please create a new project and model and call it "whiteboard

marker production". The exact production steps are shown on the physical


To upload the layout open the module gallery next to the project explorer tab

and select 'Tutorial Examples' > 'Tutorial Efficiency' and use the drag&drop

function to pull the "image ground plan" onto the editor window.

The next step is to create new places and processes as depicted in the model


Figure 13: Physical layout of the main model

Most of the processes consume electricity. In order to avoid a lot of arrows and

different places that all deliver electricity, it makes sense to use duplicates of

one source. In the figure above there are two places "P6: electricity". Use the

context menu of a place to generate a duplicate.

To use process symbols that better fit into the physical layout, use pictures

from the clipart gallery and adjust the size of the processes to the physical


Use the "Load Image" button in the "Properties" window to load the predefined

picture "simple process" out of the "tutorials" folder in your clipart directory for

the processes "Incoming Goods", "Quality Assurance" and "Assembly". For the

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Processes "Production Line Biopolymer, ink-shape" and the "Production Line

Colour Filling" load the picture "simple subnet".

Figure 14: Adjusted physical layout of main model

To obtain a working model, the processes have to be specified and some new

materials need to be created in the "Project Explorer".

Generic Materials

The first process "Incoming good" simply serves to distribute the incoming

goods to the different working areas. The materials will not be treated in any

way. Thus, generic materials can be used. They allow the transferrals of

materials in specified quantities no matter what the material it represents.

Create the necessary materials and specify "Incoming goods" according to the

figure below. For the "Cargo" materials select the "Generic Materials" Tab in

the "Specification" Window. Click the Add button to generate "Generic

Materials". Make certain that the place definition is suitable for your model. Per

default, a newly created generic material will be called " Cargo, Cargo(1)...".

Change the names as indicated below.

Figure 15: Process specification "incoming goods"

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You can imagine a generic material as a "place holder" for one or

more specific materials. When the calculation is started, the

generic material entry is substituted by the specific material.

However, the calculation does not depend on the actual type of

goods transported. This process can be used flexibly and remains

adaptable to various modelling situations.


When modelling process systems with a higher complexity, or when the

networks exceed a certain size, comprehensibility diminishes. The possibility of

modelling hierarchies in networks allows the "hiding" of parts of a network

mode as a subnet on a subordinate level. Refining a network and describing

one process as a subnet model is a "natural" way to proceed in a material flow

study. On the other hand, subnets permit the modelling, for example, of the

various sites of a company and make it possible to consolidate them on one

level higher. The overall material and energy flows of a group or holding can

thus be assessed. Network sections containing typical process systems can be

stored to the module gallery.

In the course of the tutorial example, the "Filling production hall" process will

be modelled with a subnet.

To create a subnet, select the process. Then select 'Convert To' from the

context menu and 'Subnet' from the cascading menu. The Subnet window will

immediately be opened in the editor tab. Insert the physical layout for this

process from the module gallery. The model for the Filling Production Hall was

already created at the beginning of this tutorial and then stored in the module

gallery. Use the drag&drop function to put the "whiteboard marker production"

module into the existing subnet.

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Take the transition templates for the processes again, fit the processes to the

physical layout and match the module places with the correct subnet places.

The model should look like the following model. It might happen that the

layout image covers the rest of the editor tab. In that case use the context

menu to bring the image to the back of the editor layer.

Figure 16: Physical layout "production line biopolymer"

The next process to specify will be the "Production line colour". Convert the

process to a subnet and load the corresponding physical layout "layout

production line colour" from the module gallery. Insert two processes "Mixer

(black)" and "Filler (black) and arrange the layout, the labelling and the

connections as shown below.

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Figure 17: Physical layout "production line filling"

The linear specification of the "Mixing" and the "Filling" process can be

gathered from the two following graphics. The specification coefficients are

based on measurements. Remember to create the new materials in the

"Project Explorer" first.

Figure 18: Process specification "mixer"

Figure 19: Process specification "filler"

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As can be seen in the layout of the subnet, the whole process takes place four

times. Each pair of processes will produce another colour. Select the two

processes and copy them. The copy process automatically selects all

connected arrows and places as well. Paste it again in the editor field and

connect places that belong together.

Repeat this another two times. Bring the arrows into their correct order until

your model resembles the diagram below. The newly generated open

connection places can all be merged with the corresponding existing subnet

connections on the right, left and top of the layout. The subnet source for

electricity has to be duplicated three times and each duplicate has to be

merged with the copied electricity sources.

The specifications of the copied processes also need to be adjusted. Change

the names of the three new process pairs to Mixer (blue) and Filler (blue),

Mixer (green) and Filler (green) and Mixer (red) and Filler (red). The Material

"colour solution...", "ink,..." and "ink cartridge..." have to be defined for all

three colours. Select the corresponding processes for each colour and add the

new materials. Take the same coefficients and delete the "black" materials out

of the specification for the blue, green and red processes.

The purpose of this is to create new materials for the new colours and replace

the old "black" related materials with the appropriate colour.

Figure 20: Subnet for "production line colour filling"

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Advanced Specification

The process "Quality Assessment" will be specified by a user defined function.

Select the process and convert to "user defined". Add the same materials as in

following figure into the process input and output specifications. Remember

that this process uses "g". Furthermore, create a new material called

"rejection cartridge" in the project explorer.

Change the display unit to "g" before you create the process in

order to get the same unit in the process specification. If you

have already created the process and the specification, then

convert it back to "Linear", change the units and convert it to

"User Defined" again.

Figure 21: Process specification "quality assessment"

Next, create a parameter to describe the rejection rate of cartridges during the

quality check. The parameter should be called RR for rejection rate to facilitate

referencing the parameter in the function. Set the value to 10 %.

Enter the assignments (mathematical formulas) shown in the next figure in

the "Functions" window. Try to understand the functions and how the material

flows are calculated from the known flows. In any case, make sure to use the

actual variable identifiers (X00, Y00, etc.) from your example. They might

differ from the ones shown above if the materials were inserted into the

specification in another order.

Depending on the location of the manual flow it is important to enable the

calculation from both sides, input and output side. In this example, the output

material "Y00" can be determined by the parameter and the input material

"X00". This function enables the calculation in case the manual flow was set

somewhere before the process. The function in line 4, however, determines

the input material "X00" by using the parameter and the output material "Y00"

in case the manual flow is located somewhere after the process.

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Figure 22: User defined function for "quality assessment"

In nearly the same way, create the specification for the process "Assembly".

Take the necessary data from the following figures.

Figure 23: Process specification "assembly"

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Figure 24: User defined functions "assembly"

The last step before the model can be calculated is to set the manual flows. In

this case the markers are always sold in a package containing four whiteboard

markers, one of each colour.

Select the arrow after the "Assembly" and set a manual flow for each colour of

2075 kg per. That represents 1,000,000 markers.

Figure 25: Setting of manual flows

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Run the calculation and have a closer look at the result tab. Results can be

listed in a disaggregated or aggregated view.

In the view 'Materials A-Z, disaggregated' every input/output flow is shown as

a separate entry with the processes that take an input and the processes that

output the flow listed in the column 'Process'.

If you switch to the view 'Materials A-Z, disaggregated' in the selection list on

the left of the table, only one flow entry will be shown, aggregating them

without showing the individual processes. The hint 'Multiple Processes' is

displayed in the column field instead.

Sankey Diagram

The material and energy flows in the network can be visualized using the so-

called Sankey diagrams2. Sankey diagrams are flow charts, where the flow

quantities are represented proportional to their mass by the width of the


To switch to the Sankey diagram mode, click on the button 'Show Sankey

Diagram' in the model editor toolbar. The diagram can still be edited, even

when in the Sankey diagram mode: elements can be moved, or can be double-

clicked to see the properties and values. The Sankey diagram mode can be

switched off by clicking on the button 'Show Sankey Diagram' again.

The Sankey visualization of the network after the calculations of the total flows

is shown in the figure below:

Figure 26: Sankey diagram of the main model

2 named after the Irish engineer Captain Henry P. R. Sankey (1853-1925)

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The material flows are displayed as a Sankey diagram in the "editor" window.

However, the image does not yet satisfy all expectations, and can be


As a first step, the colours of the different materials will be changed. Select a

material the colour settings of which have to be changed. The colour for each

flow is defined in the properties of a material and can be adjusted by clicking

on the "set colour" button. A new window appears to select colours from either

existing "named colours", colour circle" or a "colour set".

Click on the tab "colour set" and load a predefined colour set. The colour set

can be found in: "c:\...\documents\Umberto NXT Efficiency\Colour sets"

Change the electricity to yellow, the whiteboard marker and the ink to its

actual ink colour, the biopolymer to grey and the rejection materials to red.

Figure 27: Usage of colour set for Sankey of main model

In a second step, the diagram options will be changed. Check the 'Sankey

Options and Style' panel in the Arrow properties window. For this example

uncheck "Border" and tick "Rounded", "Arrow Head" and "Arrow Tail". Apply

these settings for all arrows.

Apply changes to the Sankey arrow for individual selected arrow,

or for several arrows. The keyboard shortcut CTRL+A marks the

whole carbon footprint model, and when 'Arrows' is selected from

the dropdown list in the Properties window, the changed will be

applied to all arrows.

The new appearance of the Sankey diagram can be viewed below.

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Figure 28: Optimized Sankey of main model

Sankey Diagram Scaling

By default, the flows in the Sankey diagram are created with a standard width

calculated from the largest flow in the diagram.

The scale of the Sankey arrow width can be adapted on the tab 'Scaling of

Sankey Diagram' in the Properties window area. Should this tab be invisible,

open it using the command 'Scaling of Sankey Diagram' from the Tools menu.

One slider is shown for every unit type that exists in the model. In this case

these are mass (kg) and energy (MJ). Change the setting for both units to 20

px. Be aware that showing different unit types in one diagram can be

confusing and misleading as it is generally not possible to compare quantities

with different units.

Figure 29: Scaling of Sankey diagram

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The scaling ratio is shown as px per basic unit. It can be adapted

by dragging the slider. Removing the check mark in front of the

unit type name will hide flows of that type.

The settings will not directly apply to the subnets to allow an individual design

for each model and subnet. The following three figures show the Sankey

diagram visualization for the main net and the two subnets. After all the

settings have been adjusted as explained above, the different models should

resemble the following Sankey diagrams:

Figure 30: Sankey diagram of main model scaled

Figure 31: Sankey diagram of subnet "production line biopolymer" scaled

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Figure 32: Sankey diagram of subnet "production line colour filling" scaled

Sankey Diagram Options

Further options for Sankey diagrams relate to the way arrows connect to the

process. These options (e.g., connectivity) can be set individually for each

process in the 'Sankey Arrow' panel of the Process Properties dialog when the

process is marked.

The connectivity setting for a process describes how arrows can attach to the

process. As a default setting, the arrows are "free", and connect to the top,

left, right or bottom of the process symbol. To force the connecting arrows to

leave a process in a certain way, use the "Connectivity" dropdown list to

restrict the general directions of the arrows.

Another way to adapt the routing of arrows in the best possible manner to the

given requirements is to change the position of the bending points and the lug


Any number of grey bending points can be added onto the arrow segment

between the yellow lug points. These grey points can be moved in the X- and


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Select the arrow segment on which you wish to add a bending point. Then

choose 'Add Point' from the context menu. Drag the grey point to the desired


The yellow lug points are created by default at the end of the first segment

after a horizontal or vertical offset from the process, and at the beginning of

the last segment of an arrow that is linked to the process. These yellow points

can only be moved horizontally or vertically, depending on the orientation of

the base segment or head segment of the arrow to the process. They cannot

be removed.

Play with the different sankey options and settings until the Sankey

visualization satisfies your expectations.


This section describes how allocation on the process level can be done in

Umberto. Allocation factors need to be set, when a process specification has

more than one reference flow. For example, there are four whiteboard markers

of different colour in this example.

A precondition for the successful establishment of product-related inventories

is that the network has been calculated on the material and energy flow level.

Furthermore, it is required that the material types have been set. This enables

the algorithm to determine which material or energy flow is an expense for a

process and which flow is revenue of the process.

In Umberto NXT all materials have a 'Material Type'. This property classifies

the materials. Materials with the material type are expenditures of raw

materials, intermediate products or auxiliary materials. The products of any

process also have the material type . Wastes and emissions obtain the

material type . Materials which should not have any effect are marked

with the material type .

Calculate the product related material and energy flows using the "Calculate

Product Flows and Cost" from the calculation menu. The "Inventory" window

opens again. Select "By Compartments" in the "Input/Output per Product"

section and then "Select product".

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Figure 33: Selection product related inventory

The algorithm determines four "products" of the overall system because they

are of the material type "Good" and appear on the output side of the system.

From the dropdown list of the field "Selected product" select one of the

products for display. For example, whiteboard marker black. The inventory

data for only this product are shown: The input materials (marker cap, energy,

etc.) and the rejection related to the manufacture of this product.

Have a look at the input flows. Something is not correct in this inventory for

this product. There are colour solutions of all the different colours in the list.

However, this is the product related inventory for a black whiteboard marker.

This leads to the problem of allocations in coupled processes.

Figure 34: Allocation problem in inventory

The question as to how to handle allocations in co-product processes, i.e., how

to assign the expenses of a process to the various products, is a general one

and has been discussed widely. In Umberto there are ways to make allocations

by stating allocation rules.

The allocation parameter can be defined using the "Allocation" tab in the

process specifications. This has to be done for all the processes which require

allocation modifications, which is to say all the processes that work with

product specific materials used for different products.

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In this example, these are the generic materials in "Incoming Goods", the ink

cartridges in the "Quality Assurance" and the ink cartridges in the "Assembly".

Switch to the allocation tab in the specification for "Incoming Goods". Three

reference flows are listed there. They are the products of this process. For

each reference flow the expenses (here: input flows) are shown. For all three

different expenses, their contribution to the creation of the product

(=revenue) must be defined by coefficients. The coefficients represent the

relation of the different expenses to each other. Some values are already

contained in the column "Coefficient".

The default setting for allocation when creating a process

specification will be "User Defined" and the coefficient "1" will be

entered. As a consequence, the expenses are allocated equally to

the products that stem from the process (two reference flows: 1:1

or 50% each, three reference flows: 1:1:1 or 33.33% of the

expenses are allocated to each reference flow).

Figure 35: Default allocation setting "incoming goods"

In the "Transition Specifications" window on the "Allocation" tab enter the

following values in the "Coefficient" column for each reference flow" of the

cargo expense

Figure 36: Adjusted allocation settings "incoming goods"

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In other words: The whole input flow (100%) of the generic material

"bipolymer" is used for the distribution of "biopolymer", but not for the

production of the other two other generic materials "ethanol & colour" and

"marker caps & shell" in this process (0%).

The coefficients for the two other groups of expenses have to be set in the

same manner.

Figure 37: Finished allocation settings "incoming goods"

Open the Allocation tab for the Quality Assurance and proceed in the same

way. The rejection material can stay as it is. After all, the rejection consists of

the four different ink cartridges.

Figure 38: Adjusted allocation setting "quality assurance"

Finally open the Allocation tab for the Assembly and proceed in the same way

once again. The rejection material can stay as it is as the rejection consists of

the four different ink cartridges.

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Figure 39: Adjusted allocation setting "assembly"

Again, as the manual flows for the four different whiteboard markers are

equal, it is correct that 25 % of the expenses for electricity, marker caps and

marker shells can be assigned to each colour.

The Sankey option can now be used to show the product flows within the

model. Turn on the Sankey mode, select "product flow" and then the black

whiteboard marker.

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Figure 40: Selection steps for product flow Sankey

The Sankey visualization of the main model should show the product flow of

the black whiteboard marker in black colour.

Figure 41: Sankey of product flow whiteboard marker black

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Material Flow Based Cost Accounting

So far in this training example, we have only worked on the mass and energy

flow level. Of course, it would be very helpful to be able to integrate cost data

into such an assessment. A cost accounting component has been implemented

in Umberto. It is based on the mass and energy flows level and allows direct

material costs as well as variable and fixed process costs to be processed.

Decisions can now be made taking economic and technical aspects into


Open the input/output inventory that was calculated last. One might consider

using the material flow quantities listed here as the basis for cost accounting,

e.g., multiplying them with the material prices. Why does this approach not go

far enough? Give some thought to the unit of cost, the product! Close the

"Balance Sheet" window again.

Calculate the product-related flow values of the system by performing the

"Calculate Product Flows and Costs"

Mark an entry from the Input/Output per Product section and select an entry

from the "Reference Flows" dropdown list. This inventory is much more useful

because it lists the material and energy flow contributions for the creation of

one product, along with the rejections caused in its production process.

In the following, the steps involved in cost accounting will be explained.

The material and energy flow quantities shown in the LCI can be used to

calculate the material direct costs. So far no prices have been assigned.

Highlight the material electricity in the material group "Energy & Auxiliaries".

Change to the "Material properties" window. Click in the field Market Price,

enter the value 0.073 (the price for one unit in the basic unit 'kWh', i.e. 0.073

€ / kWh). These costs will be considered expenses for the cost accounting.

In the same way define prices for the following materials:

Biopolymer (yard good, unpressed) 0.8 €/kg

Colour solution, black 10 €/kg

Colour solution, blue 9 €/kg

Colour solution, green 12 €/kg

Colour solution, red 7 €/kg

Ethanol 1 €/kg

Marker cap 0.5 €/kg

Marker shell 1 €/kg

Whiteboard marker, black 3 €/kg

Whiteboard marker, blue 3 €/kg

Whiteboard marker, green 3 €/kg

Whiteboard marker, red 3 €/kg

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Rejection biopolymer 0.02 €/kg

Rejection cartridges 0.05 €/kg

Please note: The rejection is disposed of as waste. The amount entered would

be the cost for its disposal.

Perform the calculation again and a new result window for costs will open.

Remember that you need to "calculate the total flows" for the input/output

inventory and then to "calculate product flows and costs". The result window

should show the same results as in the figure below.

Figure 42: Result for cost calculation

The result window shows the revenue, the expenses and thereafter the

marginal income. As there were no variable costs so far, the corresponding

field is empty.

The revenue obtained for the sales of the whiteboard markers is shown on the

line to the right. It is calculated from the quantity of products (reference

flows) and the market price entered for each product. The costs for the

materials listed in the table are summed up and deducted from the revenues.

The difference is the marginal income.

Please note that a market price has not been assigned for all materials. For

example, there is no entry for "biopolymer, cut". The reason for this is that at

the moment we are looking at the inventory for the whole system. The

biopolymer is only produced within the system (in the "cutting" process). It is

an internal flow and therefore does not affect the accounting here.

Select the costs per product in the left window and compare the different


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Figure 43: Cost per whiteboard marker

Due to the different material costs for the colour solutions, the different

whiteboard markers have different material direct costs.

The next figure shows the Sankey for material direct costs of all reference

flows. This mode can be activated by selecting "Only Material Direct Costs" out

of the Sankey diagram button menu.

Figure 44: Sankey for the material direct costs of all flows

Cost Types

Cost types are administered in the Project Explorer. A root folder 'Cost Types'

is shown below the folder 'Project Materials'. The cost type groups can be

organized in a hierarchical structure exactly like the material groups.

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To create a new cost type group, mark one folder under which the cost type

group is to be inserted, then click on the button 'New Cost Type Group'.

Alternatively right mouse-click on the cost type group, and choose the

command 'New Cost Type Group' from the context menu.

Properties of a cost type group, such as its name or a description can be

edited in the Properties Editor when the group is selected.

Create a new cost type group for the fixed costs and call it 'Fixed Costs'

Figure 45: Cost type groups

Fixed Costs

Fixed process costs describe costs for wages, tax write-offs, rents, etc.. These

are costs that will always apply no matter what the production rate or


To prepare for the calculation of the fixed costs, create two fixed cost types.

Call them "Depreciation" and "Fixed Wages" Make sure that the box for "Fixed

Costs" in the properties window is ticked.

To keep this example simple, we will consider just these two types of fixed


"Quality Assurance" is the only process with "Fixed Wages". Open its

specifications and add the material "Fixed wages". Use the drag&drop function

to get the cost type from the project explorer into the specification. By

analogy to the other materials, the variable name for cost will be (A00, A01,

etc.). Once the cost type is in the specification, a cost input place outside the

process will automatically be created.

The process specification for the "Quality Assurance" still needs to be

completed. In order to calculate the "Fixed Wages", assign this material to the

new cost place and switch to the "Parameter" tab and create a new parameter

"FW" for the "Fixed Monthly Salary". This is used to avoid a stressed working

environment. Set the value to 5,000 €. Open the "user defined functions" and

add the following code line to enable the calculations.

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Figure 46: Implementation of fixed wages in user defined Functions

Variable Costs

The next step is to define cost drivers that allow one to calculate the variable

portion of the process cost. They are used to set the material flow of a process

in relation to the process cost. Typical real cost drivers are working hours,

machine hours, driving time, setup time, area,...

Again, to prepare the calculation of the variable costs, create two variable cost

types and call them "Maintenance" and "Wages"

The process costs themselves must be calculated in each process specification.

Thus, we have to specify how the wages are calculated in every process.

Go to the process "Incoming Goods" and open the parameter tab. Add a new

input "Wages". Once again, the cost place appears automatically.

The calculation for the wages consists of a function that considers the "Salary

per Hour" (SPH) and the "Time per Parcel" (TPP). Define these two parameters

in the parameter tab of the process. The SPH is supposed to be 7.50 per unit

and the TPP 2 per unit.

Convert the process "Incoming Goods" to "user Defined", open the function

window. And type in the function according as shown in the figure below.

Figure 47: Cost functions "incoming goods"

The next process to implement variable costs is the "Cutting" in the subnet for

the "Production Line Biopolymer, Ink-Shape". Insert the cost type

"Maintenance" and also create a new parameter "Cost for Sharpening Cutters"

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(SC) and set the cost for this parameter to 80 €. Open the "Function" window

and enter the following code lines.

Figure 48: Cost functions "Cutting"

The last process to implement the cost calculation is the "Assembly". Open the

specification, add the cost type "Wages" and enter the following code into the

"Function" window.

Figure 49: Cost functions "Assembly"

Furthermore, we have to consider the fact that some of the processes are

multi-product processes. For material flows we had set allocation rules. In the

same way process costs have to be allocated to the reference flows of the

processes. This is done on the allocation tab in the specification window. In the

figure below the allocation tab is shown with the wages that would have to be

allocated. For the sake of simplicity, the cost allocations are not considered for

any process in this example.

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Figure 50: Allocation tab for cost allocation

Calculate the total flows and the product flows and cost in order obtain the

overall results. Try out the different possibilities for viewing the results

aggregated, disaggregated or assigned to processes, places and so on. For

instance, the different cost types for each process can be viewed by selecting

the Inventory tab > Cost per product by processes.

Figure 51: Costs per product by processes

The figure below shows the product related costs in Sankey diagram mode.

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Figure 52: Sankey for product related costs

Scenario Comparison

The results of the material and energy flow analysis can be stored and then

used for scenario comparisons. This enables one to use the modelling tool for

possible improvements in the network and also helps to detect possibilities for

further improvements.

The export of raw data and creation of Pivot graphs provide additional

possibilities. Use 'Export Raw Data' to export all data, and create Pivot Tables

and Pivot Charts in Excel. This will allow creating virtually any type of diagram

for the result analysis.

First store the results from the previous calculation by using the "Export Cost

Raw Data". Select the file place and give the file a name like "Scenario 1

whiteboard marker".

After having calculated the whiteboard marker model, click the 'Export Cost

Raw Data' button in the 'Results' tab. This is independent of the current

column layout. Choose a file name and select a folder to save the Excel file to.

After a successful export transaction a dialog is shown asking whether the

Excel file should be opened.

Figure 53: Export cost raw data

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The export uses a template file that has the required settings and options for

Pivot Tables and Pivot Graphs. The Excel file opens with the 'Charts' tab in

front and different (sample) diagrams based on the raw data exported for


Then create a new model called "Assembly Zero Waste". Copy the current

white board marker model (CTRL+A to select all, CTRL+C to copy) and paste it

(CTR+V) into the new "Assembly Zero Waste" model.

Insert the manual flows for the whiteboard marker again and use the same

quantity values as in the previous model. Set the parameter for rejection rate

'RR' in the process "Assembly" and the parameter 'CW' in the "Cutting"

process to zero (0.00).

Run the calculation and store the "Cost Raw Data" into a second file.

For a comparison of both models we need to join them in one file and then use

this as the basis for a Pivot Graph.

To this end the Excel export of raw data also contains the name of the project,

the model, the net and a timestamp for the export. If the results are for two

different model calculations within the same model, use the 'Timestamp'

column to differentiate the two exports. Should you have different names for

the system reference flow (the product), this can be used to differentiate the

two exports in the column 'Product'.

Combine both Excel files into one by copying and pasting one table below the


Now click inside the data and choose the tab 'Insert' and 'PivotChart'. You are

asked to choose the data while Excel will select the entire table by default.

Choose the option 'New Worksheet' to copy the chart into a new sheet.

Compare these results with the results that had been calculated previously in

the scenario with waste rejection. What significant changes would the

suggested changes produce?

Model Export and Safety Copy

For reports and presentations the model can be exported into a graphic file

format as ‘.png’-file. Select the "File" menu and then choose "Export model."

To save different states of your model, just open the file in the windows

explorer where the Umberto project was stored in the beginning. Copy and

paste the Umberto file and give the copy a new name.

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For further information about the functions covered in this tutorial

have a look at the Umberto User Manual.

Thank you for completing tutorial 2b.

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Umberto® NXT Universal (v7.1)

Tutorial 4

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Max-Brauer-Allee 50

22765 Hamburg / Germany www.ifu.com

DocVersion: 1.5

Date: October 2014 Publisher: ifu Hamburg GmbH


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Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this tutorial, no responsibility for errors or omissions can be assumed. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. All figures are for demonstration purposes only and contain fictitious data. Reproduction or translation of any part of this manual in any form (electronic or mechanic) without prior written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission should be addressed to ifu Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.

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Tutorial 4 Page 1

Tutorial 1:Umberto NXT Simple Example

Time: 1 h Pages: 20 Level: New User Requirements: none

What you will learn:

Umberto NXT work area and window handling

Create a project, a model and a first process Specify a process

Calculate a small model View the calculation results Create Sankey diagrams

Use the Module Gallery

Tutorial 2a: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 40 Level: Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle Assessment

and general knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:

Working with activity datasets Product life cycle phases LCA calculation and results

Disposal and transport activities Function and parameters

Group-By Box Material type Calculation log

Tutorial 2b: U NXT EFF/UNIV

Time: 3-4 h Pages 40 Level:Beginner

Requirements: Tutorial 1 or experience

with Umberto 5

What you will learn:

User defined process specification

Create subnets Analysis of input/output inventory

Function and parameters Cost accounting for MFA

Allocations Generic materials Co-products

Sankey diagrams

Tutorial 4: U NXT UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 15 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 for LCA and

Efficiency and 3 or experience with Umberto

5 for Life Cycle Assessment and knowledge

about LCA

What you will learn:

Integrate costs LCA Material Mapping

Calculate Selection

Tutorial 3: U NXT LCA/UNIV

Time: 1-2 h Pages: 48 Level: Advanced

Requirements: Tutorial 1 and 2 or

experience with Umberto 5 for Life Cycle

Assessment and knowledge about LCA

What you will learn:


Generic materials Set multiple virtual reference flows

Co-products Working with functional units

Sankey diagrams Results by products Print and export results

Advanced Features

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Page 2 Tutorial 4


Umberto can be used for Material Flow Analyses (MFA) in the Efficiency

context and for Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). For this fourth tutorial a model

for MFA has been extended for LCA studies, thus combining both use cases.

In reality these models are often created separately, as the emphasis of

customer projects is either more on LCA or more on Efficiency/MFA/Cost. In

this case Umberto NXT Universal is used accordingly either for building and

calculating the Life Cycle Assessment model, or, for building and calculating

the material and energy flow model with integrated costs.

Nevetheless, a real use case might require that an efficiency model has been

developed and later needs to be extended for doing and environmental

assessment with a product perspective. This is the use case shown in this

tutorial. The LCA study was covered in Tutorial 2a and the material and energy

flow (MFA) model was featured in Tutorial 2b. This fourth tutorial merges the

two, making it possible to assess the environmental impact of the products

produced and the efficiency and cost of the production process.

To be able to learn how to use Umberto NXT LCA, the examples

used in the tutorials are designed to be independent of LCI

databases that require a license. Hence, the activity data sets

used in the tutorials contain fictitious values that can be used

without having to access ecoinvent data.

For further information about the functions covered in this tutorial

please consult the Umberto NXT Universal User Manual, which can

be accessed in the software via the Help menu.

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Tutorial 4 Page 3

Tutorial 4: Combination of LCA and Efficiency Models


An existing LCA model will be supplemented with a submodel that contains

detailed production data and cost. The assembly stage of the LCA model will be supplemented with a subnet. The subnet will be copied from the Module Gallery

The model will be adapted by translating/mapping flows

Getting Started

All changes made while working on a project are written into the

project database as soon as they are made. There is no need to

actively save the work in progress.

A dialog window will be shown asking whether to save the project file onto the

hard disk. Please find an appropriate name for the Umberto project file, such

as "Tutorial 4".

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Page 4 Tutorial 4

Preparation Steps

The idea is to integrate an Umberto NXT Efficiency Model into an existing

Umberto NXT Universal model to obtain an assessment of the environmental

impact and the cost for the life cycle of a product.

We will integrate the whiteboard marker production line created in the

Umberto NXT Efficiency tutorial (2b) into the whiteboard marker life cycle

example we have created in tutorial 2a for Umberto NXT LCA / Universal.

To this end, you can either reuse models previously when working on tutorial

2a and 2b, or, use the prepared sample models provided in Umberto NXT


Fig. 1: Integration of an submodel with efficiency/cost perspective into a LCA model in Umberto

NXT Universal

First, create a new project and a new model. You may call it "Tutorial 4

Combination LCA & Efficiency", for example. Alternatively, you can continue to

use an existing project where you you have created other models before.

Next, it is required to copy the latest version of the model you have created in

tutorial 2a on Life Cycle Assessment. This should be a model that calculates

and yields calculation results (see figure 27 on page 29 of tutorial 2a). Should

you not have access to the LCA model any more you can open the sample

model "whiteboard marker, LCA" linked on the start page in Umberto NXT

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Universal and copy the last version called "Tutorial 3.4 User Defined


Copy by marking all elements of the model (CTRL+A) and copying them

(CTRL+C) to the clipboard. Close this project (Menu File > Close). Switch to

the freshly created model and paste the content of the clipboard there. Note

that copying large models with many activity datasets included via the

clipboard to another model may take some seconds. You may want to give a

name to the newly created model.

Manual flows are not taken over when models are copied. Therefore, add the

manual flow 'whiteboard marker' with a flow quantity of 20,75 g in the arrow

that leaves the 'Use' process (see section 'Preparation for Calculation of the

Model' on page 29 of tutorial 2a).

The next step is to copy a model from tutorial 2b (on Efficiency) to the Module

Gallery to be able to integrate it as a submodel for the assembly into the LCA

model. This model was called "Assembly Zero Waste" should calculate and

produce calculation results including costs (see page 41 of tutorial 2b). Should

you not have access to this model any more, you can find the prepared the

sample model "whiteboard marker production, costs" linked on the start page

in Umberto NXT Universal.

Copy the entire model called "Assembly Zero Waste" (CTRL+A to mark all

elements, CTRL+C to copy). Open the Module Gallery and paste the model

(via context menu on on folder of the module gallery, or using the button

'Paste clipboard data to Module Gallery').

Fig. 2: The whole model is copied to the Module Gallery

Modules in the module gallery are stored as files on the hard disk and can be

accessed from any other Umberto NXT application. The path can be seen in

the properties panel under "Location". If you want, you can also give a name

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to the stored module by overwriting the default name. E.g. name the module

"Subnet Assembly Zero Waste".

Copying Subnet into existing Model

The next step is optional, but is helpful for later: The connection places do not

have names assigned. These were previously removed or hidden in order not

to overload the graphical model with labels. However, these labels would be

helpful to understand, which places delivers a flow into the subnet and to

assign the correct place/arrow to it. Therefore, assign names to the connection

places. E.g. label the connection places based on the name flow delivered from

the neighboring process (marker shell, ethanol, marker cap, electricity,

biopolymer / whiteboard marker on the output side).

Finally, in the copied model convert the process "T1: Assembly" into a subnet.

Do this choosing the command 'Convert To' / 'Subnet' from the context menu

of the process.

Fig. 3: Named connection places facilitate assignments

The subnet opens in a new editor tab. It only shows the connection places as

port places (indicated by a dot inside the circle).

Next, bring the Module Gallery to front and select the previously stored

module "Assembly Zero_Waste". Insert it via drag&drop into the newly

created subnet of "T1: Assembly".

Typically, the places would just have to be merged, to complete the

integration of this subnet model section into the model. However, since we

have worked with different names for flows in tutorial 2a (focused on Life

Cycle Assessment, with flow names from an external tutorial LCI database)

and tutorial 2b (focused on efficiency and costs, with flow names defined by

ourselves), these names somehow need to be matched.

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To this end, the fastet solution is to create processes that translate and/or

map the material names of the imported subnet model of the assembly to the

naming taxonomy used in the current model.

The following list shows the name mappings that need to be done:

Name used in LCA model

(tutorial 2a) from tutorial LCI database

Name used in efficiency model

(tutorial 2b)

polyester-complexed starch biopolymer biopolymer (yard good, unpressed)

ethanol, without water, in 95% … ethanol

colour solution, black

colour solution, blue

colour solution, green

colour solution, red

marker cap

marker shell

marker cap

marker shell

electricity, medium voltage electricity

waste, plastic mixture rejected ink cartridges and cuttings

scrap, biopolymer

Mapping Names using Translators

In the subnet the copied model needs to be linked to the port places to

connect the flows to the upper level. Translator processes will be used. On the

input side there will be three material inputs linked to the process 'Incoiming

Goods' as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 4: Incoming goods mapped to flow names of the model using translator processes.

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Create a process "Mapping biopolymer". Connect it to the port-place for the

material "polyester-complexed starch biopolymer" and add this material with 1

kg on the input side of the process. Then, convert the input place

"biopolymer"of the copied assembly subnet to a connection place (switch the

type in the place properties window). Connect it to the translator process. Add

the material "biopolymer (yard good, unpressed)" – which can be found in the

folder "Imported Materials" with a quantity of 1 kg to the output side of this

translator process.

Fig. 5: Translator "Mapping biopolymer" – input side

Fig. 6: Translator "Mapping biopolymer" – output side

Ethanol & Colour The four colour solutions (each 0.005g) together account for total mass

proportion of about 0.025% of the total whiteboard marker mass (20.075g). It

is assumed, that the colour solutions do not contain toxic substances and that

their production required no energy intensive processes. The cut off rule from

the LCA study can therefore be applied thus excluding the colour solutions.

The total amount of ethanol is augemented by 0.005g in order to have a

balanced mass equation .

Create a process "Mapping ethanol". Link it to the port place for the material

"ethanol, without water, in 95% …" and add this material onto the input side

of the translator process. Now, convert the input place "ethanol & colour" of

the copied assembly subnet to a connection place and link it to the translator.

Add the materials "ethanol", "colour solution, black", "colour solution, blue",

"colour solution, green", "colour solution, red" (all to be found in the folder

"Imported Materials") to the output side of this translator process.

This is a 5:1 mapping: five streams differentiated in the assembly are all

subsumed under one material flow name.

Fig. 7: Translator "Mapping ethanol" – input side

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Fig. 8: Translator "Mapping ethanol" – output side

Convert the process to specification type 'User Defined Function' (use 'Convert

To' / 'User Defined' from the context menu or the button 'Edit User Defined

Functions' in the process specification) and insert a formula which defines the

input material as sum of the five outputs. Note that the calculation direction

will be limited to run from known outputs to the input when using the

assignment X00 = Y00+Y01+Y02+Y03+Y04.

Fig. 9: Translator "Mapping ethanol" – user defined functions

Attention: Make sure to set the 'Default Allocation Method' to 'Physical'.

Fig. 10: Translator "Mapping ethanol" – allocations

Marker Cap & Shell Create a translator process "Mapping marker shell & cap". Link it input sided

to the port places for the materials "marker shell" and "marker cap". Add

these two materials onto the input side of the translator. Next, convert the

input place "marker cap & shell" of the copied module to a connection place

and link it to the process. Add the materials "marker cap" and "marker shell"

also to the output side of this translator process.

Fig. 11: Translator "Mapping marker shell & cap" – input side

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Fig. 12: Translator "Mapping marker shell & cap" – output side

Note: This is actually a dummy translator. However, since it is not possible to

merge two port places in the subnet, it would require changing the arrows on

the main level to only have one connection place that serves as port place. For

sake of simplicity this example used two separate port places that deliver

"marker shell" and "marker cap".

Convert the process specification into a process of the type 'User Defined

Function'. Insert the two assignments X00=Y00 and X01=Y01.

Fig. 13: Translator "Mapping marker shell & cap" – user defined functions

Again, check to set the allocations to the correct factors! The 'marker cap'

expenses are 100% assigned to the production of 'marker cap' (marker shell

factor '0', marker cap factor '1'), the 'marker shell' expenses are 100%

assigned to the production of 'marker shell' (marker shell factor '1', marker

cap factor '0')

Fig. 14: Translator "Mapping marker shell & cap" – allocations

Electricity Create a translator process "Mapping electricity" and link it to the port-place

for the material "electricity, medium voltage". Add this material with 1 kWh on

the input side of the process. Convert the input place "electricity" to a

connection place (switch the type in the place properties window). Link it to

the process. Add 1 kWh of the material "electricity" (from the material group

folder "Imported Materials") to the output side of this translator.

Fig. 15: Translator "Mapping electricity" – input side

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Fig. 16: Translator "Mapping electricity" – output side

This is a simple name translation, the quantitie don't change (1:1 mapping).

Waste Treatment The original whiteboard marker LCA example in tutorial 2a did not consider

waste in the manufacturing process. The assembly of the whiteboard marker

was loss free in the Life Cycle Assessment model (see section 'Assembly

Process' and figure 5 of tutorial 2a).

The fact that we are no building a hybrid model with a more detailed

representation of the assembly requires that we do have waste flows emerging

from the assembly process. These waste flows must be considered.

A waste treatment process has to be added to the production phase of the LCA

study. During manufacturing two types of waste are produced: 'rejected ink

cartridges' and 'cuttings' from the biopolymer. For the sake of simplicity both

materials will be dealt with using the dataset predefined LCI dataset

"treatment of waste plastic mix, sanitary landfill [ifu tutorial dataset]".

Fig. 17: Treatment of waste plastic mix, connected to T1: Assembly subnet

A process for waste treatment has to be added to account for the rejected

cartridges and the biopolymer scrap. This is done on the top level of the model

(Main Net). Search for the tutorial dataset activity "treatment of waste plastic

mix, sanitary landfill (ifu tutorial dataset) [CH]" and add it to right of the

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assembly subnet process in the manufacture phase. Then link it to to the

process T1 'Assembly'.

Switch to the subnet of the assembly again. Create a translator process

"Mapping waste treatment" and link it to the new port-place which leads to

waste treatment. Convert the output places "scrap" and "rejected cartridges"

to a connection type and link it to the translator. On the input side add the

materials "rejected cartridges" and "scrap, biopolymer". On the output side

add "waste, plastic mixture".

Fig. 18: Translator "Mapping waste treatment" – input side

Fig. 19: Translator "Mapping waste treatment" – output side

Convert the process specification into a specification of the type 'User Defined

Functions". Define the output flow as the sum of the input flows.

Fig. 20: Translator "Mapping waste treatment" – user defined functions

Attention: Make sure to set the 'Default Allocation Method' to 'Physical'.


In the LCA model in tutorial 2a the manufacture of an average set of

whiteboard markers was considered. In this case 'average' means a mix of

four colours. Therefore use a mix of the current four markers in what follows.

Create a translator process "Mapping whiteboard marker" and link it to the

port place that delivers the material "whiteboard marker".

Fig. 21: Mapping for whiteboard marker

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Add 1 kg of this material on the output side of the process. Next, convert the

output place "products" to a connection place and link it to the translator

process. Add the materials "whiteboard marker, blue", "whiteboard marker,

black", "whiteboard marker, green", "whiteboard marker, red" from the folder

"Imported Materials" to the input side of this translator process.

Fig. 22: Translator "Mapping whiteboard marker" – input side

Fig. 23: Translator "Mapping whiteboard marker" – output side

Convert the process specification into a specification of the 'User Defined

Functions' type. Insert a formula that describes an average production mix. A

whiteboard marker on the output side corresponds to a marker on the input

side for each and every colour.

This is a 4:1 mapping that assigns the values to four input streams from one

given output flow. Note that this process can only calculate upstream

(=determine iinputs from a known output quantity).

Fig. 24: Translator "Mapping whiteboard marker" – user defined functions

The translations and mapping should be complete now. The subnet model

should look more or less as in the figure below. You can try to see if the model

calculates, if you like.

Hint: If you calculate the model a warning for not connected port-

places will pop up. This warning addresses virtual places for costs

and can be ignored by clicking on 'Yes'.

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Fig. 25: Model of the assembly from tutorial 2b with translator processes to integrate it as subnet into the LCA model from tutorial 2a (Subnet T1:


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Calculating Costs

Once you have finally integrated the assembly sub-model from tutorial 2b into

the LCA model created in tutorial 2a you can calculate the environmental

impacts (LCIA) and the costs of your integrated model.

LCIA results will show immediately in the Results pane. The results should be

slightly different to the ones calculated for the model in tutorial 2a, given that

the waste treatment process was added to the LCA model.

For calculating the costs it is necessary to open the subnet. Then, mark all

processes in the assembly subnet except the mapping processes (all processes

within the floor plan of the production, see figure below).

Fig. 26: Process selection for calculating costs in the subnet model

Choose "Calculate Selection" (Alt+F9) from Menu Calculation. When the

calculation is finished, navigate to the results area and choose "Costs per

Product" to see the calculated costs.

Costs have only been specified for the materials and processes in the

assembly model. Flows from the background processes do not have market

prices assigned to them. Hence, calculating the costs for the whole model

would not yield any cost information, since the flows in the inventory (the

flows that cross the system boundary) do not have market price tags. Also,

the processes along the life cycle do not have activity costs assigned to them.

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Fig. 27: Calculated costs of the model section assembly that yields four whiteboard markers

Scenario Comparison

The environmental impact of two different production scenarios will now be

compared. The first scenario is based on the assumption of zero waste

whereas the second scenario assumes that waste will be produced in the

manufacture of whiteboard marker production processes.

Please prepare two copies of the model used: Name them 'Tutorial 4

Combination LCA & Eff' and 'Tutorial 4 Cobination_Zero Waste'

Please adjust the parameter "Cutting Waste as % of input material" in the

process "Cutting" of the subnet "Production Line Biopolyymer, ink-shape" of

the subnet "Assembly" to 10% in the first model and 0% in the model 'Tutorial

4 Combination_Zero Waste'.

Also adjust the parameter "Rejection Rate" in the process "Quality Assurance"

of the subnet "Assembly" to 10% in the model 'Tutorial 4 Combination LCA &

Eff' and to 0% in the model 'Tutorial 4 Combination_Zero Waste'.

Make sure, that both models use the same manual flow.

Perform the calculation and "Export LCIA Raw Data" for both models. Combine

both pivot raw data table and create the following graph for:

Axis Field (Categories): Model

Legends Fields (Series): LCIA Model (Climate Change); Phase (Manufacture; Raw Materials)

Values: Sum of Quantity

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Fig. 28: Calculated costs of the integrated Efficiency model

The zero waste scenario affects the raw materials and manufacturing phase

only. The carbon footprint of the whiteboard maker ('Climate Change' impact

category) is reduced by 1.65% through the zero waste scenario.

Other parameter variations and conclusions are possible using the LCIA impact

assessment factors.














Tutorial 4 Combination LCA & EFF Tutorial 4 Combination_Zero Waste

ReCiPe Midpoint (H) w/o LT - climate change w/o LT, GWP100 w/o LT - Raw Materials

ReCiPe Midpoint (H) w/o LT - climate change w/o LT, GWP100 w/o LT - Manufacture

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