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Dq Combat Variants

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  • 8/3/2019 Dq Combat Variants


    DungeonQuest CombatVariants

    Tis document contains three dierent variants that players canoptionally use instead o the combat rules ound in the DungeonQuestrulebook. Beore playing the game, all players must agree on whichcombat variant they wish to use (i any). Playing with these variantsleads to aster combat resolution that relies more heavily on luckthan the normal combat rules. While these variants simpliy rulesor resolving combat, they also reduce the number o tactical optionsavailable or Hero and monster players.

    Combat Dice Variant

    With this variant, a player will roll dice to resolve combat insteado playing combat cards. Te combat dice variant can be used by aplayer playing a solo game as well as games with multiple players.

    Each Monsterhas a specic attribute that Heroes must use to resolvea combattest. Combat tests are similar to attribute tests, but Heroesdo notreceive determination tokens and any ability that aects attri-bute tests do notaect combat tests. Te attribute assigned to eachMonster is listed below:

    Encountering Monsters

    Encountering Monstersollows the normal rules: Te player tothe Heros let takes on the role o the monster player and draws amonster token at random rom the pool. Hero and monster play-ers use Power cards to escape ollowing the normal rules. However,Power cards and Combat cards are notused during combat.

    Resolving Combat

    Each combat is played over a series o rounds until either the Hero the Monster is killed. At the start o each round, the Hero player rotwo dice and compares the total on the dice to his Heros attribute.

    I the total on the dice isgreaterthan the Heros attribute, the Herofailsat the combat test and a wound is inficted on the Hero. Ithe total on the dice is equal to or less than the Heros attribute, theHero succeedsat the combat test and one wound is inficted on theMonster.

    I neither the Hero nor Monsterhas been killed ater infictingwounds, the Hero must resolve another round o combat by makinganother combat test.

    Rolling Doubles

    Whenever a Hero rolls doubles, two wounds are inficted insteado one wound. In other words, i a Hero rolls doubles and ails at acombat test, two wounds are inficted on the Hero; i a Hero rollsdoubles and succeeds at a combat test, two wounds are inficted onthe Monster.

    Character Abilities

    Hero special abilities apply to the combat dice variant as ollows:

    Hugo the Glorious Ater rolling dice or a combat test, you may choose to reroll any5 and 6 results once; you must accept the second result.

    Krutzbeck Whenever at least one wound is inficted on the Monster, you

    may infict one additional wound on the Monster.

    Tatianna atiannas ability is unchanged. Note that the Combat deck isonly used or atiannas ability; it is notused to resolve the rest othe combat.

    Challara and Brightblaze I you have eight or more wounds and succeed at a combat testby rolling doubles, only one wound instead o two wounds isinficted on the Monster.

    Skeleton: Agility

    Sorcerer: Luck

    Troll: Armor

    Golem: Strength

    Demon: Strength


    DungeonQuest Variants Version 1.0 Updated September 29, 2010


  • 8/3/2019 Dq Combat Variants


    Classic Solo Combat Variant

    Tis variant allows players to use the solo combat system publishedin previous editions oDungeonQuest. Te classic solo combat variantcan be used by a player playing a solo game as well as games withmultiple players.

    Encountering Monsters

    Encountering Monstersollows the normal rules: Te player tothe Heros let takes on the role o the monster player and draws amonster token at random rom the pool. Hero and monster play-

    ers use Power cards to escape ollowing the normal rules. However,Power cards and Combat cards are notused during combat.

    Resolving Combat

    Each combat is played over a series o rounds until either the Hero orthe Monster is killed. At the start o each round, the Hero player rollsone die and resolves the appropriate result listed below.

    12) Infict one wound on the Hero

    34) Infict one wound on the Hero and one woundon the Monster

    5) Infict one wound on the Monster

    6) Infict two wounds on the Monster

    I neither the Hero nor Monsterhas been killed ater infictingwounds, the Hero must resolve another round o combat by rollingthe die again.

    Character Abilities

    Hero special abilities apply to the classic solo combat variant asollows:

    Hugo the Glorious Ater rolling the die, you may reroll a 1 result once; you mustaccept the second result.

    Krutzbeck Whenever at least one wound is inficted on the Monster, youmay infict one additional wound on the Monster.

    Tatianna atiannas ability is unchanged. Note that the Combat deck isonly used or atiannas ability; it is notused to resolve the rest othe combat.

    Challara and Brightblaze I you have eight or more wounds and roll a 6 result, only one

    wound instead o two wounds is inficted on the Monster.

    Combat Dice VariantExample

    Lindel encounters a skeleton, which requires Lindel touse his Agility to resolve combat tests. Lindel rolls a 5

    and a 4 result or a total o 9. Tis total is greater thanLindels Agility o 6, so Lindel ails at the combat testand suers one wound. Tis is not enough wounds tokill Lindel, so combat continues with another round.

    During the next round o combat, Lindel rolls two 3results or a total o 6. Tis total is equal to or less thanLindels Agility, so Lindel succeeds at the combat test.Since Lindel rolled doubles, two wounds are infictedon the skeleton. Tis is enough wounds to kill the skel-eton, so the combat ends.

    Classic Solo CombatVariant Example

    Lindel encounters a skeleton and rolls a 3 result,which inficts one wound on Lindel and one wound onthe skeleton. Tis is not enough wounds to kill Lindelor the skeleton, so combat continues with anotherround.

    During the next round o combat, Lindel rolls a 6result, which inficts two wounds on the skeleton. Tisis enough wounds to kill the skeleton, so the combat



  • 8/3/2019 Dq Combat Variants


    Character Abilities

    Hero special abilities apply to the classic combat variant as ollows:

    Hugo the Glorious I you and your opponent choose the same combat card, one

    wound is inficted on the Monsterand no wounds are inficted your Hero.

    Krutzbeck Whenever at least one wound is inficted on the Monster, youmay infict one additional wound on the Monster.

    Tatianna atiannas ability is unchanged. Note that the Combat deck isonly used or atiannas ability; it is notused to resolve the rest othe combat.

    Challara and Brightblaze I you have eight or more wounds, only one wound instead o tw

    wounds is inficted on the Monsterwhen you play a Quick Shoand the Monsterplays a Slash.

    Classic Combat Variant

    Tis variant allows players to use the card based combat systempublished in previous editions oDungeonQuest. Te classic combatvariant can only be used or games with multiple players.


    During the game setup, each player takes the ollowing three cards

    rom the Combat deck to orm a hand o Combat cards:

    1 Quick Shot

    1 Slash

    1 Bolt o Agony

    All o the remaining Combat cards are returned to the box and arenot used during the game.

    Encountering Monsters

    Encountering Monstersollows the normal rules: Te player tothe Heros let takes on the role o the monster player and draws amonster token at random rom the pool. Hero and monster play-

    ers use Power cards to escape ollowing the normal rules. However,Power cards are notused during combat.

    Resolving Combat

    Each combat is played over a series o rounds until either the Heroor the Monster is killed. At the start o each round, the Hero andmonster players select one card rom their hands (Quick Shot, Slash,or Bolt o Agony) and place it acedown in ront o themselves (seethe Combat Display diagram on page 4). Ater both players havechosen a card, the players simultaneously turn the cards aceup andthe result is read o rom the combat display by cross-reerencing thetwo players cards.

    I neither the Hero nor Monsterhas been killed ater infictingwounds, the Hero and monster players must return their cards totheir hands and ght another round o combat.

    Combat Results

    Te number in white boxesindicates how many wounds areinficted on the Hero.

    Te number in grey boxes indicateshow many wounds are inficted onthe Monster.

    Boxes that are split in hal with awhite side and a grey side indicatethat one wound is inficted on both

    the Hero andthe Monster.


  • 8/3/2019 Dq Combat Variants








    Classic Combat Example

    Lindel encounters a skeleton,and they both reveal a Slash. Tecombat display is cross-reerencedand results in one wound infictedon both Lindel and the skeleton.

    Tis is not enough wounds to kill eithercombatant, so combat continues withanother round. Both players returntheir Slash cards to their hands and thenselect one card rom their hands to playor the next round o combat.

    During the next round ocombat, Lindel reveals aQuick Shot and the skeletonreveals a Slash. Tis resultsin two wounds inficted onthe skeleton. Tis is enough

    wounds to kill the skeleton, sothe combat ends.

