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Dr. Aurora Corti - pherc.eu · Chair: History of Ancient ... in Philosophy awarded by ‘La...

Date post: 16-Feb-2019
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DR. AURORA CORTI CURRICULUM VITAE A) STUDIES AND ACADEMIC RECORD 1. A.Y. 2001-2002: immatriculation to the Valdese Facolty of Theology, Rome. 2. A.Y. 2004-2005: 20/02/2006 first degree (‘laurea triennale’) in Philosophy awarded by ‘La Sa- pienza’ University of Rome with 110/110 e lode and a written dissertation titled “Agostino dossografo dell’Accademia scettica”. Chair: History of Ancient Philosophy. Tutor: Prof. E. Spinelli; ‘Correlatore’: Prof. G. Lettieri. 3. A.Y. 2007-2008: second degree (‘laurea magistrale’) in Philosophy awarded by ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome with 110/110 e lode and a written dissertation titled “L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco: una testimonianza sull’Accademia scettica”. Chair: History of Ancient Philosophy. Tutor: Prof. A.M. Ioppolo; ‘Correlatore’: Prof. E. Spinelli. 4. A.Y. 2008-2009: admitted with a University scholarship to the PhD in Philosophy of “La Sapi- enza” University of Rome (‘XXIV Ciclo’). 5. A.Y. 2009-2010: attended courses and passed exams of Greek Papyrology (Naples, Prof. G. Messeri); of Codicology and Introduction to Classical Philology (Rome, Dr. D. Bianconi and Prof. M. Passalacqua resp.); and of Greek Paleography (Cassino Prof. E. Crisci). 6. February 2010-currently: external collaborator of the Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Euro- peo e Storia delle Idee of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for the ‘Commessa’ PC.01.008 (Dir. Dr. G. Ranocchia). 7. A.Y. 2010-11. Courses attended and exams passed: Herculanean Papyrology (Naples, Prof. F. Longo Auricchio) and Classical Philology (Naples, Prof. G. Abbamonte). 8. 2008-2011: PhD (first place) at the Sapienza University of Rome, with a written dissertation in Ancient Philosophy: Epistemologia e prassi nello scetticismo greco: analisi dell’Adversus Co- lotem di Plutarco (supervisors: Prof. A.M. Ioppolo, Prof. E. Spinelli; final commission: Prof. L. Cortella, Prof. R. Chiaradonna, Prof. M. Stanzione; rating: excellent]).




1. A.Y. 2001-2002: immatriculation to the Valdese Facolty of Theology, Rome. 2. A.Y. 2004-2005: 20/02/2006 first degree (‘laurea triennale’) in Philosophy awarded by ‘La Sa-

pienza’ University of Rome with 110/110 e lode and a written dissertation titled “Agostino dossografo dell’Accademia scettica”. Chair: History of Ancient Philosophy. Tutor: Prof. E. Spinelli; ‘Correlatore’: Prof. G. Lettieri.

3. A.Y. 2007-2008: second degree (‘laurea magistrale’) in Philosophy awarded by ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome with 110/110 e lode and a written dissertation titled “L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco: una testimonianza sull’Accademia scettica”. Chair: History of Ancient Philosophy. Tutor: Prof. A.M. Ioppolo; ‘Correlatore’: Prof. E. Spinelli.

4. A.Y. 2008-2009: admitted with a University scholarship to the PhD in Philosophy of “La Sapi-enza” University of Rome (‘XXIV Ciclo’).

5. A.Y. 2009-2010: attended courses and passed exams of Greek Papyrology (Naples, Prof. G. Messeri); of Codicology and Introduction to Classical Philology (Rome, Dr. D. Bianconi and Prof. M. Passalacqua resp.); and of Greek Paleography (Cassino Prof. E. Crisci).

6. February 2010-currently: external collaborator of the Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Euro-peo e Storia delle Idee of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for the ‘Commessa’ PC.01.008 (Dir. Dr. G. Ranocchia).

7. A.Y. 2010-11. Courses attended and exams passed: Herculanean Papyrology (Naples, Prof. F. Longo Auricchio) and Classical Philology (Naples, Prof. G. Abbamonte).

8. 2008-2011: PhD (first place) at the Sapienza University of Rome, with a written dissertation in Ancient Philosophy: Epistemologia e prassi nello scetticismo greco: analisi dell’Adversus Co-lotem di Plutarco (supervisors: Prof. A.M. Ioppolo, Prof. E. Spinelli; final commission: Prof. L. Cortella, Prof. R. Chiaradonna, Prof. M. Stanzione; rating: excellent]).


1. September 2008-currently: member of the redactional committee of “Elenchos. Rivista di studi sul pensiero antico”.

2. October 2008: winner of the ‘A. Frajese’ Prize of the Faculty of Philosophy of Sapienza Uni-versity of Rome for an essay titled “L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco: una fonte dello scetti-cismo di Arcesilao”.

3. Ottobre 2009-currently: team member of the ERC Starting Grant 241184-PHerc: Interactive edition and interpretation of various works by Epicurean and Stoic philosophers surviving at Herculaneum in charge of a new critical edition of Epicurus, Fragments from Uncertain Books (PHerc. 454, 908/1390, 989, 1199, 1385, 1639), in collaboration with Dr. G. Ranocchia.

C) PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONALLY ESTABLISHED CONFERENCES 1. April 2010: invited to the “Lecture du Contre Colotès de Plutarque”, École Normale Superieure

de Lyon, Lyon 9-10/04/2010. 2. September 2010, admitted to the VIIIth Seminario Papirologico Fiorentino, Florence, 20-25

September 2010. 3. 29 September-1 October 2011: Plutarco in difesa di Arcesilao e contro Colote: un valore mo-

rale dell’ἐποχή? Alcune considerazioni su adversus Colotem 1124 B, paper presented at the IXth International Meeting of the International Plutarch Society, Ravello (Salerno).

4. 12-14 April 2012: member of the organising committe of the International Workshop Space in Hellenistic Philosophy, Anacapri (Naples), http:// http://www.pherc.eu/documenti/Paginaweb-Anacapri.pdf

5. 17-21 September 2012, admitted to the International Seminar on the Trasmission of Ancient Texts Philologia Philosophica Herbipolensis II, organised by the University of Würzburg, In-stitut für Klassische Philologie, and the Würzburger Zentrum für Epikureismusforschung.

6. 29 July-3 August: PHerc. 454: una ‘scorza’ di Epicuro, Sulla natura XXV (PHerc. 1420/1056), paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Papyrology, Warsaw 28 July-3 August 2013.



1. A. CORTI, È realmente esistita una polemica tra Arcesilao e la scuola epicurea?, «Aitia. Re-gards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle» 3 (2013), mis en ligne le 30 mai 2013, consul-té le 30 mai 2013. URL: http://aitia.revues.org/772; DOI: 10.4000/aitia.772.

2. A. CORTI, Plutarco in difesa di Arcesilao e contro Colote: un valore morale dell'ἐποχή? Alcu-ne considerazioni su adversus Colotem 1124 B, in G. PACE-P. VOLPE CACCIATORE (eds.), Gli scritti di Plutarco: tradizione, traduzione, ricezione, commento, Atti del IX Convengo Interna-zionale dell’International Plutarch Society (Ravello, 29 Settembre-1 Ottobre 2011), Napoli: M. D’Auria Editore, 2013, pp. 127-132.

3. A. CORTI, PHerc. 454: una ‘scorza’ di Epicuro, Sulla natura XXV (PHerc. 1420/1056), in Pro-ceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology (Warsaw, 29 July-3 August 2013), Suppl. «JJP», forthcoming.

4. A. CORTI, PHerc. 454 (Epicuro, Sulla Natura, XXV): edizione, traduzione, commento, «RhM»,



1. A. CORTI, review of R. BETT (ED.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Skepticism (Cam-bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), «Elenchos» 31 (2010), 345-352.

2. A. CORTI, review of G. CAVALLO-H. MAEHLER, Hellenistic Bookhands (Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, 2008), http://www.syzetesis.it/Recensioni2010/HellenisticBookhands.html.

3. A. CORTI, review of P. DONINI, Commentary and Tradition. Aristotelianism, Platonism and Post-Hellenistic Philosophy (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2010)

http://www.syzetesis.it/Recensioni2011/Commentary%20and%20Tradition.htm. 4. A. CORTI, review of L. VAN HOOF, Plutarch's Practical Ethics. The Social Dynamics of Philo-

sophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press), «Philosophical Readings» 1 (2012), pp. 100-104. 5. A. CORTI, review of J. GIOVACCHINI, L’Empirisme d’Épicure (Paris: Classiques Garnier),

«Elenchos» 34 (2013), pp. 238-244.
