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Dr Brenton Chatfield - ConocoPhillips - Engagement through collaboration

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Dr Brenton Chatfield delivered the presentation at the 2014 South East Asia Australia Offshore and Onshore Conference (SEAAOC). SEAAOC is Northern Australia's largest and longest established petroleum conference and brings together major players involved within Australasia's oil, gas and petroleum industries. The event is run as a partnership between Informa Australia and the Department of the Chief Minister - Northern Territory Government of Australia. For more information about the event, please visit: http://bit.ly/SEAAOC2014
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21 August 2014 Dr Brenton Chatfield, Environmental Manager Engagement Through Collaboration
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21 August 2014

Dr Brenton Chatfield, Environmental Manager

Engagement Through


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Opportunity: Leveraging collaboration and meaningful consultation to shape project success

Case Studies: Collaborating to build knowledge and establish shared aims between the stakeholders and petroleum operators

Environment Group for the Browse Basin (EGBB)

Bonaparte Fisheries Group (BFG)


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Offshore Environmental Approvals






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Offshore Environmental Approvals an Overview

Key Legislation: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act) and supporting environment regulations

Now includes assessment of Matters of National Environmental Significance (Part 3 of EPBC Act 1999)

Offshore Project Proposal (OPP)

Regulator: National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)


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Offshore Environmental Approvals - Requirements

Project Description

• Identify and describe nature and scale of activities/aspects

• ‘Whole of lifecycle’ basis

Existing Environment

• Baseline studies program

• Targeted stakeholder engagement

Risk/Impact Assessment

• Identify and evaluate impacts and risks – real & perceived

• Informed by project description and understanding of existing environment

Management Framework

• Appropriate measures and controls

• Required to demonstrate environmental impacts and risks managed to an acceptable level


Underpinned by active consultation

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Consultation – NOPSEMA Requirements

5 key principles

1. Communication: Open and effective

2. Transparency: Information/ feedback provided openly

3. Collaboration: Mutually beneficial outcomes

4. Inclusiveness: Early and ongoing consultation

5. Integrity: Foster trust and respect


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Consultation – ‘Relevant persons’

OPGGS (Environment) Regulation 11A requires consultation with government organisations, persons and organisations whose functions, interests or activities may be affected by the project/activity

NOPSEMA information paper (June 2014) provides further guidance:

The concept of a ‘relevant person’

Interpreted broadly

Not limited to a certain category or group

The relevancy or otherwise

Determined on a case-by-case basis

Requires consideration of nature and extent of possible impacts

Those seeking consultation must demonstrate how they may be affected


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Consultation – NOPSEMA Requirements

Broad groups that may be considered ‘relevant persons’

Relevant persons must be provided with

Sufficient information

Reasonable consultation period Influenced by ‘functions, interests and activities’; nature, scale, extent and complexity

of the project/activity


Fishing Industry Representatives

Research Organisations

Government Agencies/ Regulators

Public Groups

Industry Non-government


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Existing Environment – Desktop and Baseline Studies

Gap analysis and literature review

Metocean conditions

Underwater noise

Water and sediment quality

Preliminary modelling: routine discharges and spills


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Existing Environment – Baseline Studies

Reef communities and coral spawning

Benthic habitat and communities


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Consultation – A Collaborative Process

Recent shifts in regulatory drivers and approach

Encourages consultative process

Mutually beneficial

Inform relevant stakeholders – bring them on the journey

Stakeholders provide input to the process – give them a voice

Targeted engagement can inform/frame issues and gaps


Technical expert assist to identify/evaluate impacts/risks


Pygmy blue whales

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Case Study: Environment Group for the Browse Basin

Industry collaboration led by Shell in joint partnership with ConocoPhillips, INPEX and Woodside

Objective: Operational & Scientific Monitoring Program (OSMP) for Browse Basin

Collaborative consultation

Expert panel engaged to assist in defining/characterising existing environment and validating OSMP framework

Fit for purpose – scientifically rigorous but practical and realistic

Sensitive receptors workshops to identify/map key areas of importance and identify gaps


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Case Study: Environment Group of the Browse Basin


Comprehensive understanding beyond published literature

Scientifically informed, regionally relevant, practical/robust OSMP

Provide confidence to regulators


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Case Study: Bonaparte Fish Group

Opportunity for collaborative fisheries research

Oil & gas operators, government, fishing industry and researchers

Objective: Contribute to scientific understanding of fish distributions and stock structure in the Bonaparte Basin & Timor Sea

Collaborative approach

ConocoPhillips facilitating a stakeholder working group

Identify mutually beneficial research priority areas

Identify areas for financial and in-kind support for greatest long term contribution


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Case Study: Bonaparte Fish Group

Anticipated outcomes Collaborative investment Improved science for future oil and gas operator approvals Improved science for fisheries management Basis of further research activities


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Case Study: Bonaparte Fish Group

Current Status

In principle agreement reached with stakeholders to commence studies

Working with stakeholders to further define scope, timeframes and contractual arrangements – staged approach

Working with other operators to confirm their participation


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Summary: Benefits of a Collaborative Approach

Genuine stakeholder engagement

Develop relationships that foster mutually beneficial outcomes

Diversified base of information and understanding

Minimise potential surprises

Earlier identification of potential stakeholder issues

Manage risks that may delay project development

Regulatory confidence

Consultation beyond minimum required standards

Thorough environmental impact assessment addressing all key issues

Collaboration to shape project success


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Collaborative Approach – Practical Steps

The BFG conceived following consultation with NT DPIF

Identified relevant stakeholders and potential interested parties

Identified potential industry participants

Invitation to participate in the BFG

Outlining purpose and objectives

Outline current research and gaps in knowledge

Convened a workshop in Darwin to:

Develop understanding of areas of common interest

Identify potential projects and research opportunities

Project governance, roles and responsibilities – Steering Committee

Subsequent workshops

Collaborate with stakeholders to define priorities

Assign ownership of different scopes to collaborators

Evaluate level of contribution collaborators can provide

