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Dr. Chin’s Diagnostic MyoTherapy Back Pain Cure

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The revolutionary new breakthrough for treating, curing and preventing 90% of all back pain Dr. Chin’s Diagnostic MyoTherapy Back Pain Cure Patient Booklet

The revolutionary new breakthrough for treating, curing and preventing

90% of all back pain

Dr. Chin’s Diagnostic MyoTherapy Back Pain Cure

Patient Booklet

“Back pain is a 20th Century disaster. We can split the atom and send men to the moon … yet we have no answer to simple back ache”

Professor Gordon Waddell Orthopedic Surgeon

Author of “The Back Pain Revolution” 2004

“Curing back pain in the world will require the education, treatment and management of Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points...”

Dr. Waverly Chin

Developer & Founder Diagnostic MyoTherapy

Message from Dr. Chin

Dear back pain sufferer, Welcome to the Diagnostic MyoTherapy Back Pain Cure. Like anything new, you may have questions and concerns you would like to ask me about your back pain or other conditions before beginning care. Please read this introductory booklet first and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to curing your back pain and sharing my unique back pain insights with you. At your service, one muscle at a time.

Dr. Waverly Chin B.App.Sc.(Chiropractic) R.M.I.T. Australia Developer and Founder Diagnostic MyoTherapyTM Registered Chiropractor

Call 2868 9238 to book an appointment, or Contact me on 2868 9328 / [email protected] for more information


1. Who is Dr. Waverly Chin? 2. What is Diagnostic MyoTherapy (DMT)? 3. Why is DMT a revolutionary breakthrough? 4. What are Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrP’s)? 5. How are Myofascial Trigger Points diagnosed and treated? 6. What conditions can DMT cure? 7. Do you have MTrP’s? 8. What daily activities cause the build-up of MTrP’s? 9. What can I expect when consulting Dr. Chin for DMT? 10. Patient Testimonies

Who is Dr. Waverly Chin?

Dr. Chin was born and raised in New Zealand to a Chinese migrant family. He has always been physically active playing various sports and doing different forms of exercise. Being a passionate sportsman he has struggled with his own injuries and back pain over the years. His first choice of career was to be a sports physiotherapist, but once his traditional and conservative parents found out that it was mainly a female occupation back in those days, they insisted he do something else. “Luck” and “Serendipity” would lead him to choose Chiropractic as a profession and he was accepted into the prestigious Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Chiropractic program in Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Chin has been practicing in Central for over 20 years. Over the years he has utilized different systems and methods for treating and managing back pain. These include Medicine, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Exercise, Massage, Yoga and Pilates. After treating thousands of patients and using various treatment systems, Dr. Chin evolved and developed a revolutionary new system in 2005 that he calls Diagnostic MyoTherapy. Utilizing his new system for several years on hundreds of patients, Dr Chin believes that he has discovered the “holy grail” cure for back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Chin is in the process of completing his first book outlining his revolutionary and unique insights into curing back pain so that other therapists and back pain sufferers can benefit from his experience and knowledge. His intention is to help as many people as possible with his industry changing system and insights.


Diagnostic MyoTherapy? (DMT) What is

CAUSE Active & Latent Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrP’s)


Diagnostic MyoTherapy treats the hidden cause of your problems

Dr Chin’s Diagnostic MyoTherapy Back Pain Cure is a revolutionary new approach to treating, curing and preventing the underlying cause of 90% of all back pain and many other musculoskeletal disorders.

Diagnostic MyoTherapy evolved and developed from Dr. Chin’s ongoing research and clinical experience treating back pain. DMT is Dr Chin’s integration and combination of Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology muscle testing technology and classic Myofascial Trigger Point techniques. What is the underlying cause of most musculoskeletal disorders including back pain?

Scientific research and empirical results have proven that the majority of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions including acute & chronic back pain are a result of Myofascial Trigger Points found within the skeletal muscles throughout the body. Myofascial Trigger Points can be caused by injury, repetitive stress or overuse of the skeletal muscles in the body. Modern imaging has shown that everyone has trigger points throughout the body. They are the underlying cause of many pain conditions that medicine collectively diagnose as Myofascial Pain Syndromes. Myofascial Trigger Points(MTrP’s) are commonly referred to as “Trigger Points”, “Muscle knots”, “Tight muscles” or “Muscle tension”.•


3 Why is Diagnostic MyoTherapy (DMT) a revolutionary breakthrough?

a The first system in the world to diagnose and treat both the Active and Latent (Inactive) Myofascial Trigger Points. Prior to DMT, only the Active Myofascial Trigger Points could be treated.

a Diagnosis is made based on the proprietary DMT examination and its objective detection of both Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points

a Examination and diagnosis of the whole body for Myofascial Trigger Points.

a Cure for 90% of all back pain disorders. The other 10% of back pain disorders are caused by structural or neurological damage, genetic abnormalities and extreme degenerative disease.

a Cure for many other musculoskeletal conditions not previously treated with the DMT approach.

a No medication, surgery or exercise is required with DMT.

a A totally new approach for the treatment and management of back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Myo - is greek for muscle, Fascial - is the layer of fibrous tissue covering the muscle

Clinical Definition A Myofascial Trigger Point is a sensitive spot deep within skeletal muscle. The spot is tender and painful on compression and can give rise to referred pain in other areas of the body. The pain perception varies depending on the individual with the most common descriptions being that of numbness, aching, burning, tingling, cramping and sharp pain. These pain patterns may be felt in one or several areas of muscle, joint, skin or as deep organ pain. MTrP’s can cause weakness and tightness in the muscle which leads to restricted movement & flexibility. MTrP’s may be active or latent (inactive). Active MTrP's - cause pain and discomfort without any compression. It is always tender to firm touch, prevents full lengthening of the muscle, weakens the muscle and on compression refers pain to other areas of the body. Latent MTrP's - do not cause any pain or discomfort unless compressed. Active Myofascial Trigger Points can cause referral pain in areas distant from the Myofascial Trigger Points. e.g. MTrP’s in the buttock and back muscles can mimic “Sciatica” pain, MTrP’s in the front neck muscles can cause headaches, migraines and jaw pain, MTrP’s in the chest & arm muscles can cause numbness & tingling down the arms. Latent Myofascial Trigger Points can predispose a person to sudden acute pain attacks, muscle weakness and fatigue, and restricted movement with or without pain. e.g. frozen shoulder, tight hamstring, muscle cramps, wry neck, poor posture.

Myofascial Trigger Points? (MTrP's) What are

Image courtesy of: doylene.wordpress.com

Diagnostic MyoTherapy detects and treats both

the Active and Latent (Inactive)Myofascial Trigger Points


5 How are the Active and Latent Myofascial Points diagnosed and treated?

Diagnostic Myotherapy utilizes Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology muscle testing technology to accurately diagnose both the Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points before your treatment begins.

Dr. Chin uses either thumb pressure or a purpose made massage machine to specifically treat all the Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points diagnosed.

The key to a successful cure and outcome is for Dr. Chin to diagnose and treat all the Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points found throughout your body.

Other therapists can treat only the active myofascial trigger Points:

• Medical: Use of injection of anesthesia or pain medication directly into the active trigger points.

• Chiropractic: Use of physical pressure or massage on the active trigger

points before delivering adjustment or manipulation to a spinal joint. • Physiotherapy: Use of ultrasound, electrotherapy and stretching on the active

trigger points. • Acupuncture : Use of acupuncture needles on the active trigger points. • Massage Therapists: Use of various massage techniques on the active trigger points. • Self-care: Numerous books and courses are available teaching self treatment

of active trigger points.

Diagnostic MyoTherapy is natural, safe and does not require any puncturing of skin, medication or manipulation.

6 What conditions can Diagnostic MyoTherapy cure? Medical research has proven that many common neuro-musculo-skeletal disorders and pain syndromes are actually caused by Myofascial Trigger Points. Dr. Chin has used Diagnostic MyoTherapy to successfully treat and cure the following conditions: • Neck and shoulder pain including migraine headaches, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome. • Lower back pain including disc protrusion, sciatica, piriformis syndrome,

sacro-iliac joint sprain, pelvic and hip pain. • Knee and foot pain including patella tracking dysfunction, osteo-arthritis, patella-femoral pain, pronation syndrome & plantar fasciitis. • Trauma dysfunction and pain including those arising from sport injuries, motor vehicle accidents, fracture, dislocation. • Non-specific diagnosis including tendonitis, inflammation, sprain, strain, neuritis, paresthesia. • Other conditions that have no definitive diagnosis including repetitive stress, poor posture, growing pains, chronic fatigue, restless legs syndrome.


If you checked three or more of the warning signs and symptoms, it means that MTrP’s are affecting the normal functioning of your body. Myofascial Trigger Points are inevitable – EVERYONE has them, but the signs, symptoms and pain caused by them are readily treatable and preventable with Diagnostic MyoTherapy.

What are the warning signs of Myofascial Trigger Points? (Check the boxes below)

Pain that comes and goes Muscles are sensitive to pressure Stiff, tight, spasmodic feeling Poor posture, uneven pelvis and shoulder level Walking imbalance and tripping Joint aches and pain Dull, aching or burning pain in muscles Pain going down the arm or leg

Good posture from Back/Front:

your head, shoulders and pelvis should

be level.

Good posture from the side: a plumb-bob line beginning at the mid-ear should pass through the middle of the shoulder, middle of the hip, back of the knee & end slightly behind the ankle.

Leg length differences due to muscle imbalance Numbness and tingling Muscle imbalances and asymmetry Uneven heel wear on shoes Fluid retention and inflammation Decrease flexibility and ‘popping’ of joints Unpredictable, erratic symptoms of unknown cause Chronic fatigue and tiredness Heat and movement eases the pain

SelfSelfSelfSelf----assessment assessment assessment assessment Imbalance is a common finding when MTrP’s are present. Do these 3 simple tests:


Have yourself walk in a straight line for 30 feet and notice for any imbalance in your walking style. Do you feel uncoordinated or often trip over for no reason?


Lie on your back & have someone gently pull your feet down and match them together. Is one leg shorter than the other?


Check your shoes for signs of uneven wear. Is the heel of one shoe more worn than the other?

• Office and computer work including ‘Blackberry’, ’I-Phone’ & ‘I-Pad’ • Exercise and sports including Yoga, Pilates and Tai-Chi • Inappropriate exercise and rehabilitation programs • Manual Labor, gardening, housework • Heavy school bags, book and computers • Bad footwear including orthotics and “exercise” shoes • Incorrect beds, pillows and furniture • Electro-magnetic supports, necklaces and bracelets • Repetitive activities such as walking, driving • Minor or major accidents and falls • Mental stress and worry • Dietary imbalance and dehydration

Daily activities that cause the build-up of Myofascial Trigger Points Myofascial Trigger Points are a silent epidemic which accumulate and eventually cause imbalance and pain.


What to expect when seeing Dr. Chin for Diagnostic MyoTherapy?

3 Simple Steps:- Diagnostic MyoTherapy is a tried, tested and proven system for effectively and quickly curing the cause of 90% of all back pain conditions. All you need to do is visit Dr. Chin and he will guide you through: Step 1. New patient consultation and examination Step 2. Report of findings and treatment plan with first treatment Step 3. Diagnose and treat all remaining Myofascial Trigger Points Step 1. New patient consultation and examination On your first visit Dr. Chin will review your history and give you a comprehensive physical examination which includes postural analysis, muscle testing and his proprietary Diagnostic MyoTherapy examination to determine where the Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrP’s) are in your body. He will explain the results of his findings and his recommendations. X-ray views of your spine may be taken (X-rays are not usually taken for pregnant woman /children under 18 years old).

Step 2. Report of findings and treatment plan with first treatment Dr. Chin will clearly and concisely explain your examination and x-ray findings and specifically outline your treatment plan. You will now receive your first treatment, focusing on your major complaint first. Step 3. Diagnose and treat all remaining Myofascial Trigger Points. It requires approximately 6 to 12 treatments to diagnose and treat all the remaining Active and Latent Myofascial Trigger Points throughout your body. You may feel significantly better after the first few sessions; however for the best results and a total cure, Dr. Chin recommends you schedule two/three treatments per week for the first two/three weeks. Preventive Care Dr. Chin will explain to you in detail about important factors that will help minimize and slow down the buildup of trigger points such as the correct bed and pillow, wise exercise choices, office and home ergonomics, self-care and monthly preventive care. Every patient has unique needs and expectations, we invite you to work together with Dr. Chin by asking questions and giving feedback so we can best serve and support you with your personal health goals. Call 2868 9328 Now for an appointment, or Contact Dr. Chin on 2868 9328 or [email protected] for more information.


‘I have had low back pain since I was a teenager and it wasn’t until visiting Dr. Chin at 58 years old that I finally found out the root cause of my pain. In 2007 I had disc surgery and the pain got worse. I saw Dr. Chin in early 2008 and after 5 sessions the back pain I had suffered from for over 40 years had gone. I wish Dr. Chin had been around when I was 15 years old...’ Jeremy Chow, Pilot I’ve had acute low back pain for over 5 years and I’ve seen the best doctors in Hong Kong. I’ve also tried pilates, yoga, chiropractic and physiotherapy and traction. I’ve tried everything. Then I went to see Dr. Chin on the recom-mendation of my cousin. After the first session, I felt an immediate easing in my back pain. After a total of 6 treatments, my back pain is totally gone…it’s a miracle. Betsy Wong, Consultant and Mother I live in China and have had a nagging hip pain for years. It is much worse after a round of golf. After receiving treatment from Dr Chin my hip pain is gone. It helped a lot that Dr. Chin told me to stop sleeping on my saggy soft sofa. Dave Chan, Manufacturer

‘...Ever since using the ‘I-Pad’, there are definitely more pain and tense in my neck and shoulders. Dr. Chin has helped me decrease muscle tension and eliminate my pain and has also been invaluable in showing me the best way to use my ‘I-Pad’ Jess Tse, Journalist ‘...I play football at lunchtime & every day after school. I started getting pain in my feet two years ago and a doctor gave me these shoe inserts to be worn in my shoes. They didn’t help & I hated wearing them every day. My Mum took me to Dr. Chin and after he treated all my leg muscles, my feet pain went away! Best of all he told me to never wear the shoe inserts again…’ Adam Brian, Footballer and student Thanks Dr. Chin for curing my migraine headaches in one treatment. Mike Rees, University Student



References: References: References: References: ---- Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manuals by David G., Simons M.D., Janet G., Travell M.D., Lois S., Simons P.T.. The Back Pain Revolution: Gordon Waddell Orthopedic Surgeon International Myopain Society, publisher of Journal of Musculoskeletal pain. Dorlands Medical Dictionary 29th edition, Management of Common Muscu-loskeletal Disorders 2nd edition Hertling, Kessler. All rights reserved. New Health Int’l Ltd. 1991-2012©

Dr. Waverly Chin B. App. Sc. (Chiro) R.M.I.T. Australia

Developer & Founder Diagnostic MyoTherapy H.K. registered Chiropractor

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�2203 Crawford House, 70 Queen’s Road Central, H.K.

Tel: (+852) 2868 9328 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.drchin.com

Diagnosing & Treating Back pain since 1991

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